<LI>style = <I>delete</I> or <I>region</I> or <I>type</I> or <I>id</I> or <I>molecule</I> or <I>variable</I> or <I>subtract</I> or <I>union</I> or <I>intersect</I> or <I>dynamic</I> or <I>static</I>
<PRE> <I>delete</I> = no args
<I>clear</I> = no args
<I>region</I> args = region-ID
<I>type</I> or <I>id</I> or <I>molecule</I>
args = list of one or more atom types, atom IDs, or molecule IDs
any entry in list can be a sequence formatted as A:B or A:B:C where
A = starting index, B = ending index,
C = increment between indices, 1 if not specified
args = logical value
logical = "<" or "<=" or ">" or ">=" or "==" or "!="
value = an atom type or atom ID or molecule ID (depending on <I>style</I>)
args = logical value1 value2
logical = "<>"
value1,value2 = atom types or atom IDs or molecule IDs (depending on <I>style</I>)
<I>variable</I> args = variable-name
<I>include</I> args = molecule
molecule = add atoms to group with same molecule ID as atoms already in group
<I>subtract</I> args = two or more group IDs
<I>union</I> args = one or more group IDs
<I>intersect</I> args = two or more group IDs
<I>dynamic</I> args = parent-ID keyword value ...
one or more keyword/value pairs may be appended
keyword = <I>region</I> or <I>var</I> or <I>every</I>
<I>region</I> value = region-ID
<I>var</I> value = name of variable
<I>every</I> value = N = update group every this many timesteps
<I>static</I> = no args
<PRE>group edge region regstrip
group water type 3 4
group sub id 10 25 50
group sub id 10 25 50 500:1000
group sub id 100:10000:10
group sub id <= 150
group polyA molecule <> 50 250
group hienergy variable eng
group hienergy include molecule
group boundary subtract all a2 a3
group boundary union lower upper
group boundary intersect upper flow
group boundary delete
group mine dynamic all region myRegion every 100
<P>Identify a collection of atoms as belonging to a group. The group ID
can then be used in other commands such as <A HREF = "fix.html">fix</A>,