diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 6a421f0..c2a5207 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,32 +1,33 @@ ## Code description Code necassary for testing different feature approaches used with HD computing for epileptioc seizure detection. It compares approaches in three aspects: 1) Prediction performance 2) Memory needed to store all the HD vectors 3) Computational complexity (time needed for execution) -# PYTHON files description +---------------------------------- +Python files description Script_runAllApproaches.py Script that based on parameters set runs training and testing of specific HD features model - it is possible to choose between two different databases and which patients to use - it can perform personalized or generalized training - personalized is for each subject performing leave one seizure out and training on the rest of seizures - generalized requires to define CViterations_testSubj variable - which determines CV iterations and which subjects are in test set (all others are in training) - outputs prediction labels for each input file with saved original predictions, and predictions after two sets of labels postprocessing (smoothing) and also true labels - by analysing and plotting this labes many things can be analized - plots performances in dependence of performance measures and amount of postprocessing Script_compareApproaches.py Script that: - meausres number of seizure per subjects for databases - compares different approaches in terms of performance and plots comparison - meausures time for calculation for different approaches - plots time and memory requirements for different approaches HdfunctionsLib.py - library with different functions on HD vectors, uses torch library VariousFunctionsLib.py - library including various functions for HD project but not necessarily related to HD vectors