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Richart, E. Lanti]{Nicolas Richart \\ Emmanuel Lanti} \date{\nth{15} - \nth{19} of November 2021} \begin{document} \begin{frame}[plain] \titlepage \end{frame} \section{Table of Contents} -\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks=0.8] +\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks=1.0] \frametitle{Table of Contents} - \tableofcontents[hideallsubsections] + \tableofcontents%[hideallsubsections] \end{frame} % Administration \input{src/admin/admin} % Single-core optimization \input{src/basic_concepts/basic_concepts} \input{src/cluster_architecture/cluster_architecture} \input{src/optimization/optimization} \input{src/performance_measurement/performance_measurement} % OpenMP \input{src/openmp/openmp} % MPI \input{src/mpi/mpi} % Hybrid programming \input{src/hybrid/hybrid} % Recapitulation of the course \input{src/recap/recap} % Project description \input{src/projects/projects} \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: diff --git a/src/admin/admin.tex b/src/admin/admin.tex index 1aced7f..7c07418 100644 --- a/src/admin/admin.tex +++ b/src/admin/admin.tex @@ -1,11 +1,148 @@ \section{Administration} +\label{sec:administration} + \begin{frame} \frametitle{Administration} \framesubtitle{} + \textbf{Course organization} + \begin{itemize} + \item This parallel programming course amounts to two full weeks of work (70 + hours) + \item It is organized in two parts: + \begin{itemize} + \item A week of ``theoretical'' lectures completed by practical exercises + \item A personal project realized within the two following weeks + \end{itemize} + \item An oral evaluation of your project (15' + 5') will conclude the course + \item If passed, you'll get 3 ECTS + \end{itemize} + \vfill + \textbf{A few remarks} + \begin{itemize} + \item During the course, we'll primarily use C++ for the examples, but you + can use C++, C or Fortran + \item Do not hesitate to interupt if you have questions + \item Exercises are important! Do not hesitate to play with them, change the + parameters, see what happens, try to understand why, etc. + \end{itemize} +\end{frame} + +\subsection{Tentative program} +\label{sec:tentative-program} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Tentative program} + \framesubtitle{Monday} + + \begin{table} + \centering + \begin{tabular}{ccc} + \toprule \\ + Time & Subject & Details \\ + \midrule \\ + 8:15 -- 10:00 & Basic concepts & Compilation, debugging and data transfer \\ + 10:00 -- 10:30 & Break & \\ + 10:30 -- 12:00 & Cluster architecture & Cluster, node and CPU architecture\\ + 12:00 -- 13:00 & Lunch on your own & \\ + 13:15 -- 15:00 & Single-core optimization & Data access and vectorization\\ + 15:00 -- 15:30 & Break & \\ + 15:30 -- 17:00 & Performance measurement & Key concepts, profiling and + roofline model \\ + \bottomrule \\ + \end{tabular} + \end{table} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Tentative program} + \framesubtitle{Tuesday} + + \begin{table} + \centering + \begin{tabular}{ccc} + \toprule \\ + Time & Subject & Details \\ + \midrule \\ + 8:15 -- 10:00 & & \\ + 10:00 -- 10:30 & Break & \\ + 10:30 -- 12:00 & & \\ + 12:00 -- 13:00 & Lunch on your own & \\ + 13:15 -- 15:00 & & \\ + 15:00 -- 15:30 & Break & \\ + 15:30 -- 17:00 & & \\ + \bottomrule \\ + \end{tabular} + \end{table} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Tentative program} + \framesubtitle{Wednesday} + + \begin{table} + \centering + \begin{tabular}{ccc} + \toprule \\ + Time & Subject & Details \\ + \midrule \\ + 8:15 -- 10:00 & & \\ + 10:00 -- 10:30 & Break & \\ + 10:30 -- 12:00 & & \\ + 12:00 -- 13:00 & Lunch on your own & \\ + 13:15 -- 15:00 & & \\ + 15:00 -- 15:30 & Break & \\ + 15:30 -- 17:00 & & \\ + \bottomrule \\ + \end{tabular} + \end{table} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Tentative program} + \framesubtitle{Thursday} + + \begin{table} + \centering + \begin{tabular}{ccc} + \toprule \\ + Time & Subject & Details \\ + \midrule \\ + 8:15 -- 10:00 & & \\ + 10:00 -- 10:30 & Break & \\ + 10:30 -- 12:00 & & \\ + 12:00 -- 13:00 & Lunch on your own & \\ + 13:15 -- 15:00 & & \\ + 15:00 -- 15:30 & Break & \\ + 15:30 -- 17:00 & & \\ + \bottomrule \\ + \end{tabular} + \end{table} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} + \frametitle{Tentative program} + \framesubtitle{Friday} + + \begin{table} + \centering + \begin{tabular}{ccc} + \toprule \\ + Time & Subject & Details \\ + \midrule \\ + 8:15 -- 10:00 & & \\ + 10:00 -- 10:30 & Break & \\ + 10:30 -- 12:00 & & \\ + 12:00 -- 13:00 & Lunch on your own & \\ + 13:15 -- 15:00 & & \\ + 15:00 -- 15:30 & Break & \\ + 15:30 -- 17:00 & & \\ + \bottomrule \\ + \end{tabular} + \end{table} \end{frame} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "../../phys_743_parallel_programming" %%% End: