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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61375f4
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+.. role:: hidden
+    :class: hidden-section
+.. currentmodule:: {{ module }}
+{{ name | underline}}
+.. autoclass:: {{ name }}
+    :members:
+    :special-members:
+    :exclude-members: __weakref__, __init__
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index 8651e78..53a2148 100644
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 # Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder.
 # This file only contains a selection of the most common options. For a full
 # list see the documentation:
 # https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html
 # -- Path setup --------------------------------------------------------------
 # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
 # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
 # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
 import os
 import sys
 sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../'))
 # -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
 project = 'HDTorch'
 copyright = '2022, William Simon, Una Pale'
 author = 'William Simon, Una Pale'
 # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags
 release = '1.0.0'
 # -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
 # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
 # extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
 # ones.
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 # directories to ignore when looking for source files.
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 # a list of builtin themes.
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index 3d3964b..7a15873 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Welcome to the Torchhd documentation!
+Welcome to the HDTorch documentation!
-Torchhd is a Python library dedicated to *Hyperdimensional Computing* (also knwon as *Vector Symbolic Architectures*).
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1
    :caption: Tutorials
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diff --git a/docs/model.rst b/docs/model.rst
index fd10da6..4d4a4a7 100644
--- a/docs/model.rst
+++ b/docs/model.rst
@@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
 .. _model:
-HDTorch model class
+HDTorch Base Classifier
 .. currentmodule:: hdtorch.model
-This module consists of the basic hypervector generation functions and operations used on hypervectors.
+The HD_classifier class is the basis on which other HD classifiers can be built, and serves as a vehicle for demonstrating HDTorch's functionality.
-Basis-hypervector sets
 .. autosummary::
     :toctree: generated/
     :template: class.rst
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hdtorch/model.py b/hdtorch/model.py
index f10b7a3..4f98a7d 100644
--- a/hdtorch/model.py
+++ b/hdtorch/model.py
@@ -1,126 +1,182 @@
 import torch
 import math
 from . import _hdtorchcuda
 from .hyperdimGenerators import generateHDVector
 from .util import rotateVec, xor_bipolar
+__all__ = [
+    "HD_classifier",
 class HD_classifier:
     """Base HD classifier with generic parameters and learning and prediction funtions
+    Creates a simple HD classifier model with learning and prediction functions
+    Args:
+        HDParams: an HDParams object that initializes the classifier
     def __init__(self, HDParams):
         self.numFeat      = HDParams.numFeat
         self.D            = HDParams.D
         self.packed       = HDParams.packed
         self.device       = HDParams.device
         self.bindingStrat = HDParams.bindingStrat
         self.HDFlavor     = HDParams.HDFlavor
         if self.HDFlavor == 'bipol' and self.packed:
             raise TypeError('Model cannot be bipol and packed simultanously')
         if self.bindingStrat == 'FeatAppend':
             self.bindingFunction = lambda d : self.featureLevelValues[d].view(d.shape[0],1,-1)
         elif self.bindingStrat == 'FeatPermute':
             self.bindingFunction = lambda d : rotateVec(self.featureIDs, d)
         elif self.bindingStrat == 'IDLevelEncoding' and self.HDFlavor == 'binary':
             self.bindingFunction = lambda d : torch.bitwise_xor(self.featureIDs.unsqueeze(0), self.featureLevelValues[d])            
         elif self.bindingStrat == 'IDLevelEncoding' and self.HDFlavor == 'bipol' and not self.packed:
             self.bindingFunction = lambda d : xor_bipolar(self.featureIDs.unsqueeze(0), self.featureLevelValues[d])
             raise TypeError(f'Unrecognized combination of bindingStrat: {self.bindingStrat}, HDFlavor: {self.HDFlavor}, packed: {self.packed}')
         self.modelVectors = torch.zeros((HDParams.numClasses, self.D), device=self.device)
         if self.packed:
             self.modelVectorsNorm= torch.zeros((HDParams.numClasses, math.ceil(self.D/32)), device = self.device, dtype=torch.int32)
             self.modelVectorsNorm= torch.zeros((HDParams.numClasses, self.D), device = self.device, dtype=torch.int8)
         self.numAddedVecPerClass = torch.zeros(HDParams.numClasses, device=self.device, dtype=torch.int32)
         self.distanceFunction = self.ham_dist_arr if HDParams.similarityType=='hamming' else self.cos_dist_arr 
         self.featureIDs = generateHDVector(HDParams.IDVecType,self.numFeat,HDParams.D,self.packed,self.device)
         self.featureIDs[self.featureIDs==0] = -1 if self.HDFlavor=='bipol' else 0
         self.featureLevelValues = generateHDVector(HDParams.levelVecType,HDParams.numSegmentationLevels,HDParams.D,self.packed,self.device)
         self.featureLevelValues[self.featureLevelValues==0] = -1 if self.HDFlavor=='bipol' else 0
     def learn_HD_projections(self, data):
-        ''' From features of one window to HDvector representing that data window
-        '''
+        """ Project training data into HD space via selected binding function
+        learn_HD_projections is expecting data to be discretized into a range of values equal to the number of values present in
+        in the featureLevelValues array. The input data will be used to index featureLevelValues, with the return value being
+        bound to the featureID corresponding to the feature.
+        Args:
+            data: 2D array of discretized training
+        Returns:
+            The projected and bound features in uncompressed binary form, with each bit having type int8, and, if the user specified 
+            packed mode when initializing the HD_classifier, the packed projections.
+        """
         outputVector = torch.empty((data.shape[0],self.D),dtype = torch.int8, device = data.device)
         if self.packed:
             b = self.bindingFunction(data)
             a = _hdtorchcuda.vcount(self.bindingFunction(data),self.D)
             a = self.bindingFunction(data).sum(1,dtype=torch.int16)
         if self.bindingStrat != 'FeatAppend':
             f =  self.numFeat>>1 if self.HDFlavor=='binary' else 0
             outputVector = a.to(torch.int8)
         if self.HDFlavor == 'bipol':
             outputVector[outputVector==0] = -1
         if self.packed:
             packedOutput = torch.full((data.shape[0],math.ceil(self.D/32)),-1,dtype = torch.int32, device = data.device)
             packedOutput = -1
         return outputVector, packedOutput
     def ham_dist_arr(self, vec_a, vec_b):
-        ''' calculate relative hamming distance for for np array'''
+        """Calculate relative hamming distance between two hypervectors
+        ham_dist_arr will perform a bitwise xor if the two hypervectors are in binary form, else it will compare their values and
+        return 1 if the values are different.
+        Args:
+            vec_a: First hypervectors to be compared.
+            vec_b: Second hypervectors to be compared.
+        Returns:
+            The count of bits in the hypervectors that are different divided by the hypervectors size.
+        """
         vec_c = torch.bitwise_xor(vec_a,vec_b) if self.HDFlavor == 'binary' else vec_a != vec_b
         return _hdtorchcuda.hcount(vec_c)/float(self.D) if self.packed else vec_c.sum(2,dtype=torch.int16)/float(self.D)
     def cos_dist_arr(self, vA, vB):
-        ''' calculate cosine distance of two vectors'''
+        """Calculate cosine distance distance between two hypervectors
+        cos_dist_arr currently only works with unpacked hypervectors.
+        Args:
+            vec_a: First hypervectors to be compared.
+            vec_b: Second hypervectors to be compared.
+        Returns:
+            The cosine distance between the input hypervectors.
+        """
         output = np.dot(vA, vB) / (np.sqrt(np.dot(vA,vA)) * np.sqrt(np.dot(vB,vB)))
         outTensor = torch.tensor(1.0-output) #because we use later that if value is 0 then vectors are the same
         return outTensor
-    def givePrediction(self,data, encoded=False):
-        if not encoded:
+    def givePrediction(self, data, projected=False):
+        """Predict class to which input data belongs
+        If the input data has not been projected into HD space, project data. Then, compare data with class vectors 
+        via the selected distance function and return the closest class.
+        Args:
+            data: Array of data for which to predict class. My be already projected into HD space or not.
+            projected: Boolean value indicating if data has been already projected into HD space.
+        Returns:
+            A vector of predicted classes, and the distance from each classes for each projected data point.
+        """
+        if not projected:
             (temp, tempPacked) = self.learn_HD_projections(data)
             temp = temp if not self.packed else tempPacked
             data = temp.view(-1,1,temp.shape[-1])
             data = data.view(-1,1,data.shape[-1])
         distances = self.distanceFunction(data, self.modelVectorsNorm.unsqueeze(0))
         #find minimum
         minVal = torch.argmin(distances,-1)
         return (minVal.squeeze(), distances.squeeze())
     def trainModelVecOnData(self, data, labels):
-        '''learn model vectors for single pass 2 class HD learning '''
+        """Learn HD class vectors for from training data and labels.
+        trainModelVecOnData will project each data point into HD space, bind it with the feature hypervector,
+        then bundle all bound hypervectors of the same class into a class vector.
+        Args:
+            data: Array of data from which to learn class vectors
+            labels: Array of labels from which to learn class vectors
+        """
         # number of clases
         numLabels = self.modelVectors.shape[0]
         # Encode data
         (temp, packedTemp) = self.learn_HD_projections(data)
         temp = temp if not self.packed else packedTemp
         #go through all data windows and add them to model vectors
         for l in range(numLabels):
             t = temp[labels==l,:]
             if(t.numel() != 0 and self.packed):
                 self.modelVectors[l, :] += _hdtorchcuda.vcount(temp[labels==l],self.D) #temp[labels==l].sum(0)
             elif not self.packed:
                 self.modelVectors[l] += temp[labels==l].sum(0)
             self.numAddedVecPerClass[l] +=  (labels==l).sum().cpu() #count number of vectors added to each subclass
         # normalize model vectors to be binary (or bipolar) again
         if self.HDFlavor == 'binary' and self.packed:
                 _hdtorchcuda.pack(self.modelVectors > (self.numAddedVecPerClass.unsqueeze(1)>>1),self.modelVectorsNorm)
         elif self.HDFlavor == 'binary' and not self.packed:
                 self.modelVectorsNorm = self.modelVectors > (self.numAddedVecPerClass.unsqueeze(1)>>1)
         elif self.HDFlavor == 'bipol':
             self.modelVectorsNorm = torch.where(self.modelVectors>0,1,-1)