diff --git a/Benchmarks/ChiBenchmark/setup.cpp b/Benchmarks/ChiBenchmark/setup.cpp index 3fcb0f9..bb22cd0 100644 --- a/Benchmarks/ChiBenchmark/setup.cpp +++ b/Benchmarks/ChiBenchmark/setup.cpp @@ -1,84 +1,82 @@ #include - +#ifdef __WITH_LENSTOOL void setup_lenstool(){ /* extern struct g_mode M; extern struct g_grille G; extern struct g_frame F; extern struct g_image I; const extern struct pot lens[NLMAX]; ////////Initialisation///////// M.iclean = 0; //nbgridcells G.ngrid = 1000; //Frame F.xmin = -50.; F.xmax = 50.; F.ymin = -50.; F.ymax = 50.; //Image Control Structure I.shmap = 0; I.stat = 0; I.n_mult=1; I.srcfit = 0; I.npcl = 0; I.forme = -1; char *multfile = "../ConfigFiles/theoretical_images_time.txt"; strcpy(I.multfile, multfile); */ char infile[80]; strcpy (infile, "../ConfigFiles/90Pot_Lenstool.par"); extern struct g_mode M; extern struct g_grille G; extern struct galaxie source[NFMAX]; extern struct galaxie image[NFMAX][NIMAX]; extern struct g_cosmo C; extern struct pot lens[NLMAX]; int noedit = 1, init; //double chi2, lhood0; //char infile[80]; long int ni, ncistart; #ifdef _OPENMP fprintf(stderr, "You are running openMP version of lenstool with %d threads\n", omp_get_max_threads()); fprintf(stderr, "You can change number of threads by set environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS\n"); // fprintf(stderr, "ATTENTION!!! Make sure that you have at least %d FREE cores, otherwise you will have huge slow down\n", omp_get_max_threads()); #endif /************** Read the .par file and initialise potentials ***********/ init = init_grille(infile, noedit); if ( noedit == 0 && M.verbose > 0 ) copyright(); /************** Print common information *******************************/ if ( M.iref != 0 ) NPRINTF(stderr, "Reference coordinates WCS : %lf, %lf\n", M.ref_ra, M.ref_dec); NPRINTF(stderr, "Conversion Factor @ z = %.3lf, 1 arcsec == %.3lf kpc\n", lens[0].z, d0 / C.h*distcosmo1(lens[0].z)); /*************** Creation d'un grille polaire ou cartesienne ***********/ if ( G.pol != 0 ) gridp(); else grid(); /*************** Optimisation globale **********************************/ if ( M.inverse != 0 ) o_global(); tracepot(); - - - } +#endif