info.append("h2", "Create a view with 2 panels (XY) and (YZ) with a border.");
if (view == View.MIP) {
info.append("h1", "mip");
info.append("h2", "Create a view 3 orthogonal projections.");
if (view == View.ORTHO) {
info.append("h1", "ortho");
info.append("h2", "Create a view 3 orthogonal section centered on the keypoint.");
if (view == View.PLANAR) {
info.append("h1", "ortho");
info.append("h2", "Create a montage of all Z-slice in one large flatten plane.");
if (view == View.STACK) {
info.append("h1", "stack");
info.append("h2", "Create a z-stack of image.");
if (view == View.SERIES) {
info.append("h1", "series");
info.append("h2", "Create a series of z-slices.");
info.append("p", "<b>Name:</b> This string will be used as title of the window in <i>show</i> mode or a filename in <i>save</i> mode.");
info.append("p", "<b>Dynamic:</b> Select the dynamic range used for the display. The default value is <i>intact</i> which preserves the true values.");
info.append("p", "<b>Type:</b> Select the data type. The default value is <i>float</i> which preserves the true values without loosing precision.");
info.append("p", "<b>Snapshot:</b> The output is usually shown (or saved) at the end of the processing, optionally it is possible to specify to show (or save) every N iterations.");
info.append("h2", "Create a view with 2 panels (XY) and (YZ) with a border.");
if (view == View.MIP) {
info.append("h1", "mip");
info.append("h2", "Create a view 3 orthogonal projections.");
if (view == View.ORTHO) {
info.append("h1", "ortho");
info.append("h2", "Create a view 3 orthogonal section centered on the keypoint.");
if (view == View.PLANAR) {
info.append("h1", "ortho");
info.append("h2", "Create a montage of all Z-slice in one large flatten plane.");
if (view == View.STACK) {
info.append("h1", "stack");
info.append("h2", "Create a z-stack of image.");
if (view == View.SERIES) {
info.append("h1", "series");
info.append("h2", "Create a series of z-slices.");
info.append("p", "<b>Name:</b> This string will be used as title of the window in <i>show</i> mode or a filename in <i>save</i> mode.");
info.append("p", "<b>Dynamic:</b> Select the dynamic range used for the display. The default value is <i>intact</i> which preserves the true values.");
info.append("p", "<b>Type:</b> Select the data type. The default value is <i>float</i> which preserves the true values without loosing precision.");
info.append("p", "<b>Snapshot:</b> The output is usually shown (or saved) at the end of the processing, optionally it is possible to specify to show (or save) every N iterations.");