diff --git a/messagequeue/hornetqmom/src/main/scala/net/shrine/hornetqmom/HornetQMomWebApi.scala b/messagequeue/hornetqmom/src/main/scala/net/shrine/hornetqmom/HornetQMomWebApi.scala index f6987a9ce..b5cc9be7e 100644 --- a/messagequeue/hornetqmom/src/main/scala/net/shrine/hornetqmom/HornetQMomWebApi.scala +++ b/messagequeue/hornetqmom/src/main/scala/net/shrine/hornetqmom/HornetQMomWebApi.scala @@ -1,174 +1,174 @@ package net.shrine.hornetqmom import akka.event.Logging import net.shrine.log.Loggable import net.shrine.messagequeueservice.{Message, MessageSerializer, Queue, QueueSerializer} import net.shrine.problem.{AbstractProblem, ProblemSources} import org.json4s.native.Serialization import org.json4s.native.Serialization.{read, write} import org.json4s.{Formats, NoTypeHints} import spray.http.StatusCodes import spray.routing.directives.LogEntry import spray.routing.{HttpService, Route} import scala.collection.immutable.Seq import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} /** * A web API that provides access to the internal HornetQMom library. * Allows client to createQueue, deleteQueue, sendMessage, receiveMessage, getQueues, and sendReceipt * * Created by yifan on 7/24/17. */ trait HornetQMomWebApi extends HttpService with Loggable { // todo have something here that wraps around momRoute, complete 404 with a message if config is false - + def momRoute: Route = pathPrefix("mom") { put { createQueue ~ sendMessage ~ acknowledge } ~ receiveMessage ~ getQueues ~ deleteQueue } // SQS returns CreateQueueResult, which contains queueUrl: String def createQueue: Route = path("createQueue" / Segment) { queueName => detach() { val createdQueueTry: Try[Queue] = LocalHornetQMom.createQueueIfAbsent(queueName) createdQueueTry match { case Success(queue) => { implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + new QueueSerializer val response: String = write[Queue](queue)(formats) respondWithStatus(StatusCodes.Created) { complete(response) } } case Failure(x) => { internalServerErrorOccured(x, "createQueue") } } } } // SQS takes in DeleteMessageRequest, which contains a queueUrl: String and a ReceiptHandle: String // returns a DeleteMessageResult, toString for debugging def deleteQueue: Route = path("deleteQueue" / Segment) { queueName => put { detach() { val deleteQueueTry: Try[Unit] = LocalHornetQMom.deleteQueue(queueName) deleteQueueTry match { case Success(v) => { complete(StatusCodes.OK) } case Failure(x) => { internalServerErrorOccured(x, "deleteQueue") } } } } } // SQS sendMessage(String queueUrl, String messageBody) => SendMessageResult def sendMessage: Route = path("sendMessage" / Segment) { toQueue => requestInstance { request => val messageContent = request.entity.asString detach() { val sendTry: Try[Unit] = LocalHornetQMom.send(messageContent, Queue(toQueue)) sendTry match { case Success(v) => { complete(StatusCodes.Accepted) } case Failure(x) => { internalServerErrorOccured(x, "sendMessage") } } } } } // SQS ReceiveMessageResult receiveMessage(String queueUrl) def receiveMessage: Route = get { path("receiveMessage" / Segment) { fromQueue => parameter('timeOutSeconds ? 20) { timeOutSeconds => val timeout: Duration = Duration.create(timeOutSeconds, "seconds") detach() { val receiveTry: Try[Option[Message]] = LocalHornetQMom.receive(Queue(fromQueue), timeout) receiveTry match { case Success(optMessage) => { implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + new MessageSerializer optMessage.fold(complete(StatusCodes.NotFound))(msg => complete(write(optMessage)(formats))) } case Failure(x) => { internalServerErrorOccured(x, "receiveMessage") } } } } } } // SQS has DeleteMessageResult deleteMessage(String queueUrl, String receiptHandle) def acknowledge: Route = path("acknowledge") { entity(as[String]) { messageJSON => implicit val formats: Formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + new MessageSerializer detach() { val msg: Message = read[Message](messageJSON)(formats, manifest[Message]) val acknowledgeTry: Try[Unit] = LocalHornetQMom.completeMessage(msg) acknowledgeTry match { case Success(v) => { complete(StatusCodes.ResetContent) } case Failure(x) => { internalServerErrorOccured(x, "acknowledge") } } } } } // Returns the names of the queues created on this server. Seq[Any] def getQueues: Route = path("getQueues") { get { detach() { implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + new QueueSerializer respondWithStatus(StatusCodes.OK) { val getQueuesTry: Try[Seq[Queue]] = LocalHornetQMom.queues getQueuesTry match { case Success(seqQueue) => { complete(write[Seq[Queue]](LocalHornetQMom.queues.get)(formats)) } case Failure(x) => { internalServerErrorOccured(x, "getQueues") } } } } } } def internalServerErrorOccured(x: Throwable, function: String): Route = { respondWithStatus(StatusCodes.InternalServerError) { val serverErrorProblem: HornetQMomServerErrorProblem = HornetQMomServerErrorProblem(x, function) debug(s"HornetQ encountered a Problem during $function, Problem Details: $serverErrorProblem") complete(s"HornetQ throws an exception while trying to $function. HornetQ Server response: ${x.getMessage} from ${x.getClass}") } } } case class HornetQMomServerErrorProblem(x:Throwable, function:String) extends AbstractProblem(ProblemSources.Adapter) { override val throwable = Some(x) override val summary: String = "SHRINE cannot use HornetQMomWebApi due to a server error occurred in hornetQ." override val description: String = s"HornetQ throws an exception while trying to $function," + s" the server's response is: ${x.getMessage} from ${x.getClass}." }