diff --git a/apps/dashboard-app/src/main/resources/reference.conf b/apps/dashboard-app/src/main/resources/reference.conf index d70049d56..b1dd0f233 100644 --- a/apps/dashboard-app/src/main/resources/reference.conf +++ b/apps/dashboard-app/src/main/resources/reference.conf @@ -1,82 +1,82 @@ shrine { dashboard { gruntWatch = false //false for production, true for mvn tomcat7:run . Allows the client javascript and html files to be loaded via gruntWatch . happyBaseUrl = "https://localhost:6443/shrine/rest/happy" statusBaseUrl = "https://localhost:6443/shrine/rest/internalstatus" remoteDashboard { protocol = "https://" port = ":6443" pathPrefix = "shrine-dashboard/fromDashboard" } database { dataSourceFrom = "JNDI" //Can be JNDI or testDataSource . Use testDataSource for tests, JNDI everywhere else - jndiDataSourceName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/stewardDB" //or leave out for tests + jndiDataSourceName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/adapterAuditDB" //or leave out for tests slickProfileClassName = "slick.driver.MySQLDriver$" // Can be // slick.driver.H2Driver$ // slick.driver.MySQLDriver$ // slick.driver.PostgresDriver$ // slick.driver.SQLServerDriver$ // slick.driver.JdbcDriver$ // freeslick.OracleProfile$ // freeslick.MSSQLServerProfile$ // // (Yes, with the $ on the end) // For testing without JNDI // testDataSource { //typical test settings for unit tests //driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver" //url = "jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" //H2 embedded in-memory for unit tests //url = "jdbc:h2:~/stewardTest.h2" //H2 embedded on disk at ~/test // } createTablesOnStart = false //for testing with H2 in memory, when not running unit tests. Set to false normally } } pmEndpoint { url = "http://changeme.com/i2b2/services/PMService/getServices" //"http://services.i2b2.org/i2b2/services/PMService/getServices" acceptAllCerts = true timeout { seconds = 10 } } authenticate { realm = "SHRINE Steward API" usersource { type = "PmUserSource" //Must be ConfigUserSource (for isolated testing) or PmUserSource (for everything else) domain = "set shrine.authenticate.usersource.domain to the PM authentication domain in dashboard.conf" //"i2b2demo" } } // If the pmEndpoint acceptAllCerts = false then you need to supply a keystore // Or if you would like dashboard-to-dashboard comms to work. // keystore { // file = "shrine.keystore" // password = "chiptesting" // privateKeyAlias = "test-cert" // keyStoreType = "JKS" // caCertAliases = [carra ca] // } } //todo typesafe config precedence seems to do the right thing, but I haven't found the rules that say this reference.conf should override others akka { loglevel = INFO // log-config-on-start = on loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"] // logging-filter = "akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLoggingFilter" // Toggles whether the threads created by this ActorSystem should be daemons or not daemonic = on } spray.servlet { boot-class = "net.shrine.dashboard.Boot" request-timeout = 30s } diff --git a/apps/dashboard-app/src/test/resources/dashboard.conf b/apps/dashboard-app/src/test/resources/dashboard.conf index 189eea6f5..f5330b8b2 100644 --- a/apps/dashboard-app/src/test/resources/dashboard.conf +++ b/apps/dashboard-app/src/test/resources/dashboard.conf @@ -1,65 +1,66 @@ shrine { dashboard { database { dataSourceFrom = "testDataSource" slickProfileClassName = "slick.driver.H2Driver$" createTablesOnStart = true + insertTestValuesOnStart = true // For testing without JNDI testDataSource { //typical test settings for unit tests driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver" url = "jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" } } } authenticate { usersource { //Bogus security for testing type = "ConfigUserSource" //Must be ConfigUserSource (for isolated testing) or PmUserSource (for everything else) researcher { username = "ben" password = "kapow" } steward { username = "dave" password = "kablam" } qep{ username = "qep" password = "trustme" } admin{ username = "keith" password = "shh!" } } } dashboard { happyBaseUrl = "classpath://resources/testhappy" statusBaseUrl = "classpath://resources/teststatus" database { dataSourceFrom = "testDataSource" slickProfileClassName = "slick.driver.H2Driver$" createTablesOnStart = true // For testing without JNDI testDataSource { //typical test settings for unit tests driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver" url = "jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" } } } keystore { file = "shrine.keystore" password = "chiptesting" privateKeyAlias = "test-cert" keyStoreType = "JKS" caCertAliases = [carra ca] } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apps/dashboard-app/src/test/scala/net/shrine/dashboard/DashboardServiceTest.scala b/apps/dashboard-app/src/test/scala/net/shrine/dashboard/DashboardServiceTest.scala index 4edc8906b..b671ac3ea 100644 --- a/apps/dashboard-app/src/test/scala/net/shrine/dashboard/DashboardServiceTest.scala +++ b/apps/dashboard-app/src/test/scala/net/shrine/dashboard/DashboardServiceTest.scala @@ -1,314 +1,315 @@ package net.shrine.dashboard import java.security.PrivateKey import java.util.Date import io.jsonwebtoken.impl.TextCodec import io.jsonwebtoken.{Jwts, SignatureAlgorithm} import net.shrine.authorization.steward.OutboundUser import net.shrine.crypto.{KeyStoreCertCollection, KeyStoreDescriptorParser} import net.shrine.dashboard.jwtauth.ShrineJwtAuthenticator import net.shrine.i2b2.protocol.pm.User import net.shrine.protocol.Credential import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods.parse import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.scalatest.FlatSpec import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner import spray.http.StatusCodes.{OK, PermanentRedirect, Unauthorized} import spray.http.{BasicHttpCredentials, OAuth2BearerToken} import spray.testkit.ScalatestRouteTest import scala.language.postfixOps @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) class DashboardServiceTest extends FlatSpec with ScalatestRouteTest with DashboardService { def actorRefFactory = system import scala.concurrent.duration._ implicit val routeTestTimeout = RouteTestTimeout(10 seconds) val adminUserName = "keith" val adminFullName = adminUserName /** * to run these tests with I2B2 * add a user named keith, to be the admin * add a Boolean parameter for keith, Admin, true * add all this user to the i2b2 project */ val adminCredentials = BasicHttpCredentials(adminUserName,"shh!") val brokenCredentials = BasicHttpCredentials(adminUserName,"wrong password") val adminUser = User( fullName = adminUserName, username = adminFullName, domain = "domain", credential = new Credential("admin's password",false), params = Map(), rolesByProject = Map() ) val adminOutboundUser = OutboundUser.createFromUser(adminUser) "DashboardService" should "return an OK and a valid outbound user for a user/whoami request" in { Get(s"/user/whoami") ~> addCredentials(adminCredentials) ~> route ~> check { assertResult(OK)(status) val userJson = new String(body.data.toByteArray) val outboundUser = parse(userJson).extract[OutboundUser] assertResult(adminOutboundUser)(outboundUser) } } "DashboardService" should "return an OK and a valid outbound user for a user/whoami request and an '' " in { Get(s"/user/whoami") ~> addCredentials(brokenCredentials) ~> route ~> check { assertResult(OK)(status) val response = new String(body.data.toByteArray) assertResult(""""AuthenticationFailed"""")(response) } } "DashboardService" should "redirect several urls to client/index.html" in { Get() ~> route ~> check { status === PermanentRedirect header("Location") === "client/index.html" } Get("/") ~> route ~> check { status === PermanentRedirect header("Location") === "client/index.html" } Get("/index.html") ~> route ~> check { status === PermanentRedirect header("Location") === "client/index.html" } Get("/client") ~> route ~> check { status === PermanentRedirect header("Location") === "client/index.html" } Get("/client/") ~> route ~> check { status === PermanentRedirect header("Location") === "client/index.html" } } "DashboardService" should "return an OK and the right version string for an admin/happy/all test" in { Get(s"/admin/happy/all") ~> addCredentials(adminCredentials) ~> route ~> check { assertResult(OK)(status) val allString = new String(body.data.toByteArray) //println(allString) //todo test it to see if it's right } } "DashboardService" should "return an OK and mess with the right version string for an admin/messWithHappyVersion test" in { Get(s"/admin/messWithHappyVersion") ~> addCredentials(adminCredentials) ~> route ~> check { assertResult(OK)(status) val versionString = new String(body.data.toByteArray) //todo test it to see if it's right } } "DashboardService" should "return an OK for admin/status/config" in { Get(s"/admin/status/config") ~> addCredentials(adminCredentials) ~> route ~> check { assertResult(OK)(status) val configString = new String(body.data.toByteArray) //println(configString) } } "DashboardService" should "return an OK for admin/status/classpath" in { Get(s"/admin/status/classpath") ~> addCredentials(adminCredentials) ~> route ~> check { assertResult(OK)(status) val classpathString = new String(body.data.toByteArray) } } "DashboardService" should "return an OK for admin/status/options" in { Get(s"/admin/status/options") ~> addCredentials(adminCredentials) ~> route ~> check { assertResult(OK)(status) val options = new String(body.data.toByteArray) } } "DashboardService" should "return an OK for admin/status/summary" in { Get(s"/admin/status/summary") ~> addCredentials(adminCredentials) ~> route ~> check { assertResult(OK)(status) val summary = new String(body.data.toByteArray) } } "DashboardService" should "return an OK for admin/status/problems" in { Get("/admin/status/problems") ~> addCredentials(adminCredentials) ~> route ~> check { assertResult(OK)(status) val problems = new String(body.data.toByteArray) + println(problems) } } "DashboardService" should "return an OK for admin/status/problems with queries" in { Get("/admin/status/problems?offset=2") ~> addCredentials(adminCredentials) ~> route ~> check { assertResult(OK)(status) val problems = new String(body.data.toByteArray) } } val dashboardCredentials = BasicHttpCredentials(adminUserName,"shh!") "DashboardService" should "return an OK and pong for fromDashboard/ping" in { Get(s"/fromDashboard/ping") ~> addCredentials(ShrineJwtAuthenticator.createOAuthCredentials(adminUser)) ~> route ~> check { assertResult(OK)(status) val string = new String(body.data.toByteArray) assertResult(""""pong"""")(string) } } "DashboardService" should "reject a fromDashboard/ping with an expired jwts header" in { val config = DashboardConfigSource.config val shrineCertCollection: KeyStoreCertCollection = KeyStoreCertCollection.fromFileRecoverWithClassPath(KeyStoreDescriptorParser(config.getConfig("shrine.keystore"))) val base64Cert = new String(TextCodec.BASE64URL.encode(shrineCertCollection.myCert.get.getEncoded)) val key: PrivateKey = shrineCertCollection.myKeyPair.privateKey val expiration: Date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - 300 * 1000) //bad for 5 minutes val jwtsString = Jwts.builder(). setHeaderParam("kid", base64Cert). setSubject(java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostName). setExpiration(expiration). signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.RS512, key). compact() Get(s"/fromDashboard/ping") ~> addCredentials(OAuth2BearerToken(jwtsString)) ~> sealRoute(route) ~> check { assertResult(Unauthorized)(status) } } "DashboardService" should "reject a fromDashboard/ping with no subject" in { val config = DashboardConfigSource.config val shrineCertCollection: KeyStoreCertCollection = KeyStoreCertCollection.fromClassPathResource(KeyStoreDescriptorParser(config.getConfig("shrine.keystore"))) val base64Cert = new String(TextCodec.BASE64URL.encode(shrineCertCollection.myCert.get.getEncoded)) val key: PrivateKey = shrineCertCollection.myKeyPair.privateKey val expiration: Date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 30 * 1000) val jwtsString = Jwts.builder(). setHeaderParam("kid", base64Cert). setExpiration(expiration). signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.RS512, key). compact() Get(s"/fromDashboard/ping") ~> addCredentials(OAuth2BearerToken(jwtsString)) ~> sealRoute(route) ~> check { assertResult(Unauthorized)(status) } } "DashboardService" should "reject a fromDashboard/ping with no Authorization header" in { Get(s"/fromDashboard/ping") ~> sealRoute(route) ~> check { assertResult(Unauthorized)(status) } } "DashboardService" should "reject a fromDashboard/ping with an Authorization header for the wrong authorization spec" in { Get(s"/fromDashboard/ping") ~> addCredentials(adminCredentials) ~> sealRoute(route) ~> check { assertResult(Unauthorized)(status) } } /* "DashboardService" should "not find a bogus web service to talk to" in { Get(s"/toDashboard/bogus.harvard.edu/ping") ~> addCredentials(adminCredentials) ~> sealRoute(route) ~> check { val string = new String(body.data.toByteArray) assertResult(NotFound)(status) } } */ } diff --git a/commons/data-commons/src/main/resources/reference.conf b/commons/data-commons/src/main/resources/reference.conf index ea14ea6b8..58a121737 100644 --- a/commons/data-commons/src/main/resources/reference.conf +++ b/commons/data-commons/src/main/resources/reference.conf @@ -1,30 +1,30 @@ shrine { dashboard { database { dataSourceFrom = "JNDI" //Can be JNDI or testDataSource . Use testDataSource for tests, JNDI everywhere else - jndiDataSourceName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/shrineDB" //or leave out for tests + jndiDataSourceName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/adapterAuditDB" //or leave out for tests slickProfileClassName = "slick.driver.MySQLDriver$" // Can be // slick.driver.H2Driver$ // slick.driver.MySQLDriver$ // slick.driver.PostgresDriver$ // slick.driver.SQLServerDriver$ // slick.driver.JdbcDriver$ // freeslick.OracleProfile$ // freeslick.MSSQLServerProfile$ // // (Yes, with the $ on the end) // For testing without JNDI // testDataSource { //typical test settings for unit tests //driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver" //url = "jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" //H2 embedded in-memory for unit tests //url = "jdbc:h2:~/stewardTest.h2" //H2 embedded on disk at ~/test // } createTablesOnStart = false //for testing with H2 in memory, when not running unit tests. Set to false normally } } } diff --git a/commons/data-commons/src/main/scala/net/shrine/problem/DashboardProblemsDatabase.scala b/commons/data-commons/src/main/scala/net/shrine/problem/DashboardProblemsDatabase.scala index 0b90afe2c..80d72f772 100644 --- a/commons/data-commons/src/main/scala/net/shrine/problem/DashboardProblemsDatabase.scala +++ b/commons/data-commons/src/main/scala/net/shrine/problem/DashboardProblemsDatabase.scala @@ -1,182 +1,192 @@ package net.shrine.problem import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException import javax.sql.DataSource import com.typesafe.config.Config import net.shrine.slick.{CouldNotRunDbIoActionException, TestableDataSourceCreator} import slick.dbio.SuccessAction import slick.driver.JdbcProfile import slick.jdbc.meta.MTable import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} import scala.util.control.NonFatal import scala.xml.XML /** * Problems database object, defines the PROBLEMS table schema and related queries, * as well as all interactions with the database. * @author ty * @since 07/16 */ object Problems { val config:Config = ProblemConfigSource.config.getConfig("shrine.dashboard.database") val slickProfileClassName = config.getString("slickProfileClassName") // TODO: Can we not pay this 2 second cost here? val slickProfile:JdbcProfile = ProblemConfigSource.objectForName(slickProfileClassName) import slickProfile.api._ val dataSource: DataSource = TestableDataSourceCreator.dataSource(config) + lazy val db = { val db = Database.forDataSource(dataSource) - if (config.hasPath("createTablesOnStart") && config.getBoolean("createTablesOnStart")) - Await.ready(db.run(IOActions.createIfNotExists), FiniteDuration(3, SECONDS)) + val createTables: String = "createTablesOnStart" + if (config.hasPath(createTables) && config.getBoolean(createTables)) { + val duration = FiniteDuration(3, SECONDS) + Await.ready(db.run(IOActions.createIfNotExists), duration) + val testValues: String = "insertTestValuesOnStart" + if (config.hasPath(testValues) && config.getBoolean(testValues)) { + def dumb(id: Int) = ProblemDigest(s"codec($id)", s"stamp($id)", s"sum($id)", s"desc($id)",
, id) + val dummyValues: Seq[ProblemDigest] = Seq(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).map(dumb) + Await.ready(db.run(Queries ++= dummyValues), duration) + } + } db } /** * The Problems Table. This is the table schema. */ class ProblemsT(tag: Tag) extends Table[ProblemDigest](tag, Queries.tableName) { def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc) def codec = column[String]("codec") def stampText = column[String]("stampText") def summary = column[String]("summary") def description = column[String]("description") def xml = column[String]("detailsXml") def epoch= column[Long]("epoch") // projection between table row and problem digest def * = (id, codec, stampText, summary, description, xml, epoch) <> (rowToProblem, problemToRow) def idx = index("idx_epoch", epoch, unique=false) /** * Converts a table row into a ProblemDigest. * @param args the table row, represented as a five-tuple string * @return the corresponding ProblemDigest */ def rowToProblem(args: (Int, String, String, String, String, String, Long)): ProblemDigest = args match { case (id, codec, stampText, summary, description, detailsXml, epoch) => ProblemDigest(codec, stampText, summary, description, XML.loadString(detailsXml), epoch) } /** * Converts a ProblemDigest into an Option of a table row. For now there is no failure * condition, ie a ProblemDigest can always be a table row, but this is a place for * possible future error handling * @param problem the ProblemDigest to convert * @return an Option of a table row. */ def problemToRow(problem: ProblemDigest): Option[(Int, String, String, String, String, String, Long)] = problem match { case ProblemDigest(codec, stampText, summary, description, detailsXml, epoch) => // 0 is ignored on insert and replaced with an auto incremented id Some((0, codec, stampText, summary, description, detailsXml.toString, epoch)) } } /** * Queries related to the Problems table. */ object Queries extends TableQuery(new ProblemsT(_)) { /** * The table name */ val tableName = "problems" /** * Equivalent to Select * from Problems; */ val selectAll = this /** * Selects all the details xml sorted by the problem's time stamp. */ val selectDetails = this.map(_.xml) /** * Selects the last N problems, after the offset */ def lastNProblems(n: Int, offset: Int = 0) = this.sortBy(_.epoch.desc).drop(offset).take(n) } /** * DBIO Actions. These are pre-defined IO actions that may be useful. * Using it to centralize the location of DBIOs. */ object IOActions { val problems = Queries val tableExists = MTable.getTables(problems.tableName).map(_.nonEmpty) val createIfNotExists = tableExists.flatMap( if (_) SuccessAction(NoOperation) else problems.schema.create) val dropIfExists = tableExists.flatMap( if (_) problems.schema.drop else SuccessAction(NoOperation)) val resetTable = createIfNotExists >> problems.selectAll.delete val selectAll = problems.result def sizeAndProblemDigest(n: Int, offset: Int = 0) = for { length <- problems.length.result allProblems <- problems.lastNProblems(n, offset).result } yield (allProblems, length) } /** * Entry point for interacting with the database. Runs IO actions. */ object DatabaseConnector { val IO = IOActions /** * Executes a series of IO actions as a single transactions */ def executeTransaction(actions: DBIOAction[_, NoStream, _]*): Future[Unit] = { db.run(DBIO.seq(actions:_*).transactionally) } /** * Executes a series of IO actions as a single transaction, synchronous */ def executeTransactionBlocking(actions: DBIOAction[_, NoStream, _]*)(implicit timeout: Duration): Unit = { try { Await.ready(this.executeTransaction(actions: _*), timeout) } catch { // TODO: Handle this better case tx:TimeoutException => throw CouldNotRunDbIoActionException(Problems.dataSource, tx) case NonFatal(x) => throw CouldNotRunDbIoActionException(Problems.dataSource, x) } } /** * Straight copy of db.run */ def run[R](dbio: DBIOAction[R, NoStream, _]): Future[R] = { db.run(dbio) } /** * Synchronized copy of db.run */ def runBlocking[R](dbio: DBIOAction[R, NoStream, _])(implicit timeout: Duration = new FiniteDuration(15, SECONDS)): R = { try { Await.result(this.run(dbio), timeout) } catch { case tx:TimeoutException => throw CouldNotRunDbIoActionException(Problems.dataSource, tx) case NonFatal(x) => throw CouldNotRunDbIoActionException(Problems.dataSource, x) } } /** * Inserts a problem into the database * @param problem the ProblemDigest */ def insertProblem(problem: ProblemDigest) = { println(s"Inserting problem ${problem.codec} with stamp: ${problem.stampText}") run(Queries += problem) } } } // For SuccessAction, just a no_op. case object NoOperation \ No newline at end of file