diff --git a/apps/steward-app/src/main/scala/net/shrine/steward/db/StewardDatabase.scala b/apps/steward-app/src/main/scala/net/shrine/steward/db/StewardDatabase.scala index 727306998..90ad3ec10 100644 --- a/apps/steward-app/src/main/scala/net/shrine/steward/db/StewardDatabase.scala +++ b/apps/steward-app/src/main/scala/net/shrine/steward/db/StewardDatabase.scala @@ -1,766 +1,767 @@ package net.shrine.steward.db import java.sql.SQLException import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import javax.sql.DataSource import com.typesafe.config.Config import net.shrine.authorization.steward.{Date, ExternalQueryId, InboundShrineQuery, InboundTopicRequest, OutboundShrineQuery, OutboundTopic, OutboundUser, QueriesPerUser, QueryContents, QueryHistory, ResearcherToAudit, ResearchersTopics, StewardQueryId, StewardsTopics, TopicId, TopicIdAndName, TopicState, TopicStateName, TopicsPerState, UserName, researcherRole, stewardRole} import net.shrine.i2b2.protocol.pm.User import net.shrine.log.Loggable import net.shrine.problem.{AbstractProblem, ProblemSources} -import net.shrine.slick.{CouldNotRunDbIoActionException, NeedsWarmUp, TestableDataSourceCreator} +import net.shrine.slick.{CouldNotRunDbIoActionException, DbIoActionException, NeedsWarmUp, TestableDataSourceCreator, TimeoutInDbIoActionException} import net.shrine.source.ConfigSource import net.shrine.steward.CreateTopicsMode import slick.dbio.Effect.Read import slick.driver.JdbcProfile import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, DurationInt} import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future, blocking} import scala.language.postfixOps import scala.util.Try import scala.util.control.NonFatal /** * Database access code for the data steward service. * * I'm not letting Slick handle foreign key resolution for now. I want to keep that logic separate to handle dirty data with some grace. * * @author dwalend * @since 1.19 */ case class StewardDatabase(schemaDef:StewardSchema,dataSource: DataSource) extends Loggable { import schemaDef._ import jdbcProfile.api._ val database = Database.forDataSource(dataSource) def createTables() = schemaDef.createTables(database) def dropTables() = schemaDef.dropTables(database) //todo share code from DashboardProblemDatabase.scala . It's a lot richer. See SHRINE-1835 def dbRun[R](action: DBIOAction[R, NoStream, Nothing]):R = { + val timeout = 10 seconds ; try { val future: Future[R] = database.run(action) blocking { - Await.result(future, 10 seconds) + Await.result(future, timeout) } } catch { case tax:TopicAcessException => throw tax case tx:TimeoutException => - val x = CouldNotRunDbIoActionException(dataSource, tx) + val x = TimeoutInDbIoActionException(dataSource, timeout, tx) StewardDatabaseProblem(x) throw x case NonFatal(nfx) => val x = CouldNotRunDbIoActionException(dataSource, nfx) StewardDatabaseProblem(x) throw x } } def warmUp = { dbRun(allUserQuery.size.result) } def selectUsers:Seq[UserRecord] = { dbRun(allUserQuery.result) } // todo use whenever a shrine query is logged def upsertUser(user:User):Unit = { val userRecord = UserRecord(user) dbRun(allUserQuery.insertOrUpdate(userRecord)) } def createRequestForTopicAccess(user:User,topicRequest:InboundTopicRequest):TopicRecord = { val createInState = CreateTopicsMode.createTopicsInState val now = System.currentTimeMillis() val topicRecord = TopicRecord(Some(nextTopicId.getAndIncrement),topicRequest.name,topicRequest.description,user.username,now,createInState.topicState) val userTopicRecord = UserTopicRecord(user.username,topicRecord.id.get,TopicState.approved,user.username,now) dbRun(for{ _ <- allTopicQuery += topicRecord _ <- allUserTopicQuery += userTopicRecord } yield topicRecord) } def updateRequestForTopicAccess(user:User,topicId:TopicId,topicRequest:InboundTopicRequest):Try[OutboundTopic] = Try { dbRun(mostRecentTopicQuery.filter(_.id === topicId).result.headOption.flatMap{ option => val oldTopicRecord = option.getOrElse(throw TopicDoesNotExist(topicId = topicId)) if(user.username != oldTopicRecord.createdBy) throw DetectedAttemptByWrongUserToChangeTopic(topicId,user.username,oldTopicRecord.createdBy) if(oldTopicRecord.state == TopicState.approved) throw ApprovedTopicCanNotBeChanged(topicId) val updatedTopic = oldTopicRecord.copy(name = topicRequest.name, description = topicRequest.description, changedBy = user.username, changeDate = System.currentTimeMillis()) (allTopicQuery += updatedTopic).flatMap{_ => outboundUsersForNamesAction(Set(updatedTopic.createdBy,updatedTopic.changedBy)).map(updatedTopic.toOutboundTopic) } } ) } def selectTopicsForResearcher(parameters:QueryParameters):ResearchersTopics = { require(parameters.researcherIdOption.isDefined,"A researcher's parameters must supply a user id") val (count,topics,userNamesToOutboundUsers) = dbRun( for{ count <- topicCountQuery(parameters).length.result topics <- topicSelectQuery(parameters).result userNamesToOutboundUsers <- outboundUsersForNamesAction((topics.map(_.createdBy) ++ topics.map(_.changedBy)).to[Set]) } yield (count, topics,userNamesToOutboundUsers)) ResearchersTopics(parameters.researcherIdOption.get, count, parameters.skipOption.getOrElse(0), topics.map(_.toOutboundTopic(userNamesToOutboundUsers))) } //treat as private (currently used in test) def selectTopics(queryParameters: QueryParameters):Seq[TopicRecord] = { dbRun(topicSelectQuery(queryParameters).result) } def selectTopicsForSteward(queryParameters: QueryParameters):StewardsTopics = { val (count,topics,userNamesToOutboundUsers) = dbRun{ for{ count <- topicCountQuery(queryParameters).length.result topics <- topicSelectQuery(queryParameters).result userNamesToOutboundUsers <- outboundUsersForNamesAction((topics.map(_.createdBy) ++ topics.map(_.changedBy)).to[Set]) } yield (count,topics,userNamesToOutboundUsers) } StewardsTopics(count, queryParameters.skipOption.getOrElse(0), topics.map(_.toOutboundTopic(userNamesToOutboundUsers))) } private def topicSelectQuery(queryParameters: QueryParameters):Query[TopicTable, TopicTable#TableElementType, Seq] = { val countFilter = topicCountQuery(queryParameters) //todo is there some way to do something with a map from column names to columns that I don't have to update? I couldn't find one. // val orderByQuery = queryParameters.sortByOption.fold(countFilter)( // columnName => limitFilter.sortBy(x => queryParameters.sortOrder.orderForColumn(countFilter.columnForName(columnName)))) val orderByQuery = queryParameters.sortByOption.fold(countFilter)( columnName => countFilter.sortBy(x => queryParameters.sortOrder.orderForColumn(columnName match { case "id" => x.id case "name" => x.name case "description" => x.description case "createdBy" => x.createdBy case "createDate" => x.createDate case "state" => x.state case "changedBy" => x.changedBy case "changeDate" => x.changeDate }))) val skipFilter = queryParameters.skipOption.fold(orderByQuery)(skip => orderByQuery.drop(skip)) val limitFilter = queryParameters.limitOption.fold(skipFilter)(limit => skipFilter.take(limit)) limitFilter } private def topicCountQuery(queryParameters: QueryParameters):Query[TopicTable, TopicTable#TableElementType, Seq] = { val allTopics:Query[TopicTable, TopicTable#TableElementType, Seq] = mostRecentTopicQuery val researcherFilter = queryParameters.researcherIdOption.fold(allTopics)(userId => allTopics.filter(_.createdBy === userId)) val stateFilter = queryParameters.stateOption.fold(researcherFilter)(state => researcherFilter.filter(_.state === state.name)) val minDateFilter = queryParameters.minDate.fold(stateFilter)(minDate => stateFilter.filter(_.changeDate >= minDate)) val maxDateFilter = queryParameters.maxDate.fold(minDateFilter)(maxDate => minDateFilter.filter(_.changeDate <= maxDate)) maxDateFilter } def changeTopicState(topicId:TopicId,state:TopicState,userId:UserName):Option[TopicRecord] = { val noTopicRecord:Option[TopicRecord] = None val noOpDBIO:DBIOAction[Option[TopicRecord], NoStream, Effect.Write] = DBIO.successful(noTopicRecord) dbRun(mostRecentTopicQuery.filter(_.id === topicId).result.headOption.flatMap( _.fold(noOpDBIO){ originalTopic => val updatedTopic = originalTopic.copy(state = state, changedBy = userId, changeDate = System.currentTimeMillis()) (allTopicQuery += updatedTopic).map(_ => Option(updatedTopic)) } )) } def selectTopicCountsPerState(queryParameters: QueryParameters):TopicsPerState = { dbRun(for{ totalTopics <- topicCountQuery(queryParameters).length.result topicsPerStateName <- topicCountsPerState(queryParameters).result } yield TopicsPerState(totalTopics,topicsPerStateName)) } private def topicCountsPerState(queryParameters: QueryParameters): Query[(Rep[TopicStateName], Rep[Int]), (TopicStateName, Int), Seq] = { val groupedByState = topicCountQuery(queryParameters).groupBy(topicRecord => topicRecord.state) groupedByState.map{case (state,result) => (state,result.length)} } def logAndCheckQuery(userId:UserName,topicId:Option[TopicId],shrineQuery:InboundShrineQuery):(TopicState,Option[TopicIdAndName]) = { //todo upsertUser(user) when the info is available from the PM val noOpDBIOForState: DBIOAction[TopicState, NoStream, Effect.Read] = DBIO.successful { if (CreateTopicsMode.createTopicsInState == CreateTopicsMode.TopicsIgnoredJustLog) TopicState.approved else TopicState.createTopicsModeRequiresTopic } val noOpDBIOForTopicName: DBIOAction[Option[String], NoStream, Read] = DBIO.successful{None} val (state,topicName) = dbRun(for{ state <- topicId.fold(noOpDBIOForState)( someTopicId => mostRecentTopicQuery.filter(_.id === someTopicId).filter(_.createdBy === userId).map(_.state).result.headOption.map( _.fold(TopicState.unknownForUser)(state => TopicState.namesToStates(state))) ) topicName <- topicId.fold(noOpDBIOForTopicName)( someTopicId => mostRecentTopicQuery.filter(_.id === someTopicId).filter(_.createdBy === userId).map(_.name).result.headOption ) _ <- allQueryTable += ShrineQueryRecord(userId,topicId,shrineQuery,state) } yield (state,topicName)) val topicIdAndName:Option[TopicIdAndName] = (topicId,topicName) match { case (Some(id),Some(name)) => Option(TopicIdAndName(id.toString,name)) case (None,None) => None case (Some(id),None) => if(state == TopicState.unknownForUser) None else throw new IllegalStateException(s"How did you get here for $userId with $id and $state for $shrineQuery") case (None,Some(name)) => if(state == TopicState.unknownForUser) None else throw new IllegalStateException(s"How did you get here for $userId with no topic id but a topic name of $name and $state for $shrineQuery") } (state,topicIdAndName) } def selectQueryHistory(queryParameters: QueryParameters, topicParameter:Option[TopicId]): QueryHistory = { val topicQuery = for { count <- shrineQueryCountQuery(queryParameters, topicParameter).length.result shrineQueries <- shrineQuerySelectQuery(queryParameters, topicParameter).result topics <- mostRecentTopicQuery.filter(_.id.inSet(shrineQueries.map(_.topicId).to[Set].flatten)).result userNamesToOutboundUsers <- outboundUsersForNamesAction(shrineQueries.map(_.userId).to[Set] ++ (topics.map(_.createdBy) ++ topics.map(_.changedBy)).to[Set]) } yield (count, shrineQueries, topics, userNamesToOutboundUsers) val (count, shrineQueries, topics, userNamesToOutboundUsers) = dbRun(topicQuery) val topicIdsToTopics: Map[Option[TopicId], TopicRecord] = topics.map(x => (x.id, x)).toMap def toOutboundShrineQuery(queryRecord: ShrineQueryRecord): OutboundShrineQuery = { val topic = topicIdsToTopics.get(queryRecord.topicId) val outboundTopic: Option[OutboundTopic] = topic.map(_.toOutboundTopic(userNamesToOutboundUsers)) val outboundUserOption = userNamesToOutboundUsers.get(queryRecord.userId) //todo if a user is unknown and the system is in a mode that requires everyone to log into the data steward notify the data steward val outboundUser: OutboundUser = outboundUserOption.getOrElse(OutboundUser.createUnknownUser(queryRecord.userId)) queryRecord.createOutboundShrineQuery(outboundTopic, outboundUser) } QueryHistory(count, queryParameters.skipOption.getOrElse(0), shrineQueries.map(toOutboundShrineQuery)) } private def outboundUsersForNamesAction(userNames:Set[UserName]):DBIOAction[Map[UserName, OutboundUser], NoStream, Read] = { allUserQuery.filter(_.userName.inSet(userNames)).result.map(_.map(x => (x.userName,x.asOutboundUser)).toMap) } private def shrineQuerySelectQuery(queryParameters: QueryParameters,topicParameter:Option[TopicId]):Query[QueryTable, QueryTable#TableElementType, Seq] = { val countQuery = shrineQueryCountQuery(queryParameters,topicParameter) //todo is there some way to do something with a map from column names to columns that I don't have to update? I couldn't find one. // val orderByQuery = queryParameters.sortByOption.fold(limitFilter)( // columnName => limitFilter.sortBy(x => queryParameters.sortOrder.orderForColumn(allQueryTable.columnForName(columnName)))) val orderByQuery = queryParameters.sortByOption.fold(countQuery) { case "topicName" => val joined = countQuery.join(mostRecentTopicQuery).on(_.topicId === _.id) joined.sortBy(x => queryParameters.sortOrder.orderForColumn(x._2.name)).map(x => x._1) case columnName => countQuery.sortBy(x => queryParameters.sortOrder.orderForColumn(columnName match { case "stewardId" => x.stewardId case "externalId" => x.externalId case "researcherId" => x.researcherId case "name" => x.name case "topic" => x.topicId case "queryContents" => x.queryContents case "stewardResponse" => x.stewardResponse case "date" => x.date })) } val skipFilter = queryParameters.skipOption.fold(orderByQuery)(skip => orderByQuery.drop(skip)) val limitFilter = queryParameters.limitOption.fold(skipFilter)(limit => skipFilter.take(limit)) limitFilter } private def shrineQueryCountQuery(queryParameters: QueryParameters,topicParameter:Option[TopicId]):Query[QueryTable, QueryTable#TableElementType, Seq] = { val allShrineQueries:Query[QueryTable, QueryTable#TableElementType, Seq] = allQueryTable val topicFilter:Query[QueryTable, QueryTable#TableElementType, Seq] = topicParameter.fold(allShrineQueries)(topicId => allShrineQueries.filter(_.topicId === topicId)) val researcherFilter:Query[QueryTable, QueryTable#TableElementType, Seq] = queryParameters.researcherIdOption.fold(topicFilter)(researcherId => topicFilter.filter(_.researcherId === researcherId)) //todo this is probably a binary Approved/Not approved val stateFilter:Query[QueryTable, QueryTable#TableElementType, Seq] = queryParameters.stateOption.fold(researcherFilter)(stewardResponse => researcherFilter.filter(_.stewardResponse === stewardResponse.name)) val minDateFilter = queryParameters.minDate.fold(stateFilter)(minDate => stateFilter.filter(_.date >= minDate)) val maxDateFilter = queryParameters.maxDate.fold(minDateFilter)(maxDate => minDateFilter.filter(_.date <= maxDate)) maxDateFilter } def selectShrineQueryCountsPerUser(queryParameters: QueryParameters):QueriesPerUser = { val (totalQueries,queriesPerUser,userNamesToOutboundUsers) = dbRun(for { totalQueries <- shrineQueryCountQuery(queryParameters,None).length.result queriesPerUser <- shrineQueryCountsPerResearcher(queryParameters).result userNamesToOutboundUsers <- outboundUsersForNamesAction(queriesPerUser.map(x => x._1).to[Set]) } yield (totalQueries,queriesPerUser,userNamesToOutboundUsers)) val queriesPerOutboundUser:Seq[(OutboundUser,Int)] = queriesPerUser.map(x => (userNamesToOutboundUsers(x._1),x._2)) QueriesPerUser(totalQueries,queriesPerOutboundUser) } private def shrineQueryCountsPerResearcher(queryParameters: QueryParameters): Query[(Rep[UserName],Rep[Int]),(UserName,Int),Seq] = { val filteredShrineQueries:Query[QueryTable, QueryTable#TableElementType, Seq] = shrineQueryCountQuery(queryParameters,None) val groupedByResearcher = filteredShrineQueries.groupBy(shrineQuery => shrineQuery.researcherId) groupedByResearcher.map{case (researcher,result) => (researcher,result.length)} } lazy val nextTopicId:AtomicInteger = new AtomicInteger({ dbRun(allTopicQuery.map(_.id).max.result).getOrElse(0) + 1 }) def selectAllAuditRequests: Seq[UserAuditRecord] = { dbRun(allUserAudits.result) } def selectMostRecentAuditRequests: Seq[UserAuditRecord] = { dbRun(mostRecentUserAudits.result) } def selectResearchersToAudit(maxQueryCountBetweenAudits:Int,minTimeBetweenAudits:Duration,now:Date):Seq[ResearcherToAudit] = { //todo one round with the db instead of O(researchers) //for each researcher //horizon = if the researcher has had an audit // date of last audit // else if no audit yet // date of first query val researchersToHorizons: Map[UserName, Date] = dbRun(for{ dateOfFirstQuery: Seq[(UserName, Date)] <- leastRecentUserQuery.map(record => record.researcherId -> record.date).result mostRecentAudit: Seq[(UserName, Date)] <- mostRecentUserAudits.map(record => record.researcher -> record.changeDate).result } yield { dateOfFirstQuery.toMap ++ mostRecentAudit.toMap }) val researchersToHorizonsAndCounts = researchersToHorizons.map{ researcherDate => val queryParameters = QueryParameters(researcherIdOption = Some(researcherDate._1), minDate = Some(researcherDate._2)) val count:Int = dbRun(shrineQueryCountQuery(queryParameters,None).length.result) (researcherDate._1,(researcherDate._2,count)) } //audit if oldest query within the horizon is >= minTimeBetweenAudits in the past and the researcher has run at least one query since. val oldestAllowed = System.currentTimeMillis() - minTimeBetweenAudits.toMillis val timeBasedAudit = researchersToHorizonsAndCounts.filter(x => x._2._2 > 0 && x._2._1 <= oldestAllowed) //audit if the researcher has run >= maxQueryCountBetweenAudits queries since horizon? val queryBasedAudit = researchersToHorizonsAndCounts.filter(x => x._2._2 >= maxQueryCountBetweenAudits) val toAudit = timeBasedAudit ++ queryBasedAudit val namesToOutboundUsers: Map[UserName, OutboundUser] = dbRun(outboundUsersForNamesAction(toAudit.keySet)) toAudit.map(x => ResearcherToAudit(namesToOutboundUsers(x._1),x._2._2,x._2._1,now)).to[Seq] } def logAuditRequests(auditRequests:Seq[ResearcherToAudit],now:Date) { dbRun{ allUserAudits ++= auditRequests.map(x => UserAuditRecord(researcher = x.researcher.userName, queryCount = x.count, changeDate = now )) } } } /** * Separate class to support schema generation without actually connecting to the database. * * @param jdbcProfile Database profile to use for the schema */ case class StewardSchema(jdbcProfile: JdbcProfile) extends Loggable { import jdbcProfile.api._ def ddlForAllTables = { allUserQuery.schema ++ allTopicQuery.schema ++ allQueryTable.schema ++ allUserTopicQuery.schema ++ allUserAudits.schema } //to get the schema, use the REPL //println(StewardSchema.schema.ddlForAllTables.createStatements.mkString(";\n")) def createTables(database:Database) = { try { val future = database.run(ddlForAllTables.create) Await.result(future,10 seconds) } catch { //I'd prefer to check and create schema only if absent. No way to do that with Oracle. case x:SQLException => info("Caught exception while creating tables. Recover by assuming the tables already exist.",x) } } def dropTables(database:Database) = { val future = database.run(ddlForAllTables.drop) //Really wait forever for the cleanup Await.result(future,Duration.Inf) } class UserTable(tag:Tag) extends Table[UserRecord](tag,"users") { def userName = column[UserName]("userName",O.PrimaryKey) def fullName = column[String]("fullName") def isSteward = column[Boolean]("isSteward") def * = (userName,fullName,isSteward) <> (UserRecord.tupled,UserRecord.unapply) } class TopicTable(tag:Tag) extends Table[TopicRecord](tag,"topics") { def id = column[TopicId]("id") def name = column[String]("name") def description = column[String]("description") def createdBy = column[UserName]("createdBy") def createDate = column[Date]("createDate") def state = column[TopicStateName]("state") def changedBy = column[UserName]("changedBy") def changeDate = column[Date]("changeDate") def idIndex = index("idIndex",id,unique = false) def topicNameIndex = index("topicNameIndex",name,unique = false) def createdByIndex = index("createdByIndex",createdBy,unique = false) def createDateIndex = index("createDateIndex",createDate,unique = false) def stateIndex = index("stateIndex",state,unique = false) def changedByIndex = index("changedByIndex",changedBy,unique = false) def changeDateIndex = index("changeDateIndex",changeDate,unique = false) def * = (id.?, name, description, createdBy, createDate, state, changedBy, changeDate) <> (fromRow, toRow) //(TopicRecord.tupled,TopicRecord.unapply) def fromRow = (fromParams _).tupled def fromParams(id:Option[TopicId] = None, name:String, description:String, createdBy:UserName, createDate:Date, stateName:String, changedBy:UserName, changeDate:Date): TopicRecord = { TopicRecord(id, name, description, createdBy, createDate, TopicState.namesToStates(stateName), changedBy, changeDate) } def toRow(topicRecord: TopicRecord) = Some((topicRecord.id, topicRecord.name, topicRecord.description, topicRecord.createdBy, topicRecord.createDate, topicRecord.state.name, topicRecord.changedBy, topicRecord.changeDate )) } class UserTopicTable(tag:Tag) extends Table[UserTopicRecord](tag,"userTopic") { def researcher = column[UserName]("researcher") def topicId = column[TopicId]("topicId") def state = column[TopicStateName]("state") def changedBy = column[UserName]("changedBy") def changeDate = column[Date]("changeDate") def researcherTopicIdIndex = index("researcherTopicIdIndex",(researcher,topicId),unique = true) def * = (researcher, topicId, state, changedBy, changeDate) <> (fromRow, toRow) def fromRow = (fromParams _).tupled def fromParams(researcher:UserName, topicId:TopicId, stateName:String, changedBy:UserName, changeDate:Date): UserTopicRecord = { UserTopicRecord(researcher,topicId,TopicState.namesToStates(stateName), changedBy, changeDate) } def toRow(userTopicRecord: UserTopicRecord):Option[(UserName,TopicId,String,UserName,Date)] = Some((userTopicRecord.researcher, userTopicRecord.topicId, userTopicRecord.state.name, userTopicRecord.changedBy, userTopicRecord.changeDate )) } class UserAuditTable(tag:Tag) extends Table[UserAuditRecord](tag,"userAudit") { def researcher = column[UserName]("researcher") def queryCount = column[Int]("queryCount") def changeDate = column[Date]("changeDate") def * = (researcher, queryCount, changeDate) <> (fromRow, toRow) def fromRow = (fromParams _).tupled def fromParams(researcher:UserName, queryCount:Int, changeDate:Date): UserAuditRecord = { UserAuditRecord(researcher,queryCount, changeDate) } def toRow(record: UserAuditRecord):Option[(UserName,Int,Date)] = Some((record.researcher, record.queryCount, record.changeDate )) } class QueryTable(tag:Tag) extends Table[ShrineQueryRecord](tag,"queries") { def stewardId = column[StewardQueryId]("stewardId",O.PrimaryKey,O.AutoInc) def externalId = column[ExternalQueryId]("id") def name = column[String]("name") def researcherId = column[UserName]("researcher") def topicId = column[Option[TopicId]]("topic") def queryContents = column[QueryContents]("queryContents") def stewardResponse = column[String]("stewardResponse") def date = column[Date]("date") def externalIdIndex = index("externalIdIndex",externalId,unique = false) def queryNameIndex = index("queryNameIndex",name,unique = false) def researcherIdIndex = index("researcherIdIndex",stewardId,unique = false) def topicIdIndex = index("topicIdIndex",topicId,unique = false) def stewardResponseIndex = index("stewardResponseIndex",stewardResponse,unique = false) def dateIndex = index("dateIndex",date,unique = false) def * = (stewardId.?,externalId,name,researcherId,topicId,queryContents,stewardResponse,date) <> (fromRow,toRow) def fromRow = (fromParams _).tupled def fromParams(stewardId:Option[StewardQueryId], externalId:ExternalQueryId, name:String, userId:UserName, topicId:Option[TopicId], queryContents: QueryContents, stewardResponse:String, date:Date): ShrineQueryRecord = { ShrineQueryRecord(stewardId,externalId, name, userId, topicId, queryContents,TopicState.namesToStates(stewardResponse),date) } def toRow(queryRecord: ShrineQueryRecord):Option[( Option[StewardQueryId], ExternalQueryId, String, UserName, Option[TopicId], QueryContents, String, Date )] = Some((queryRecord.stewardId, queryRecord.externalId, queryRecord.name, queryRecord.userId, queryRecord.topicId, queryRecord.queryContents, queryRecord.stewardResponse.name, queryRecord.date) ) } val allUserQuery = TableQuery[UserTable] val allTopicQuery = TableQuery[TopicTable] val allQueryTable = TableQuery[QueryTable] val allUserTopicQuery = TableQuery[UserTopicTable] val allUserAudits = TableQuery[UserAuditTable] val mostRecentTopicQuery: Query[TopicTable, TopicRecord, Seq] = for( topic <- allTopicQuery if !allTopicQuery.filter(_.id === topic.id).filter(_.changeDate > topic.changeDate).exists ) yield topic val mostRecentUserAudits: Query[UserAuditTable, UserAuditRecord, Seq] = for( record <- allUserAudits if !allUserAudits.filter(_.researcher === record.researcher).filter(_.changeDate > record.changeDate).exists ) yield record val leastRecentUserQuery: Query[QueryTable, ShrineQueryRecord, Seq] = for( record <- allQueryTable if !allQueryTable.filter(_.researcherId === record.researcherId).filter(_.date < record.date).exists ) yield record } object StewardSchema { val allConfig:Config = ConfigSource.config val config:Config = allConfig.getConfig("shrine.steward.database") val slickProfile:JdbcProfile = ConfigSource.getObject("slickProfileClassName", config) val schema = StewardSchema(slickProfile) } object StewardDatabase extends NeedsWarmUp { val dataSource:DataSource = TestableDataSourceCreator.dataSource(StewardSchema.config) val db = StewardDatabase(StewardSchema.schema,dataSource) val createTablesOnStart = StewardSchema.config.getBoolean("createTablesOnStart") if(createTablesOnStart) StewardDatabase.db.createTables() override def warmUp() = StewardDatabase.db.warmUp } //API help sealed case class SortOrder(name:String){ import slick.lifted.ColumnOrdered def orderForColumn[T](column:ColumnOrdered[T]):ColumnOrdered[T] = { if(this == SortOrder.ascending) column.asc else column.desc } } object SortOrder { val ascending = SortOrder("ascending") val descending = SortOrder("descending") val sortOrders = Seq(ascending,descending) val namesToSortOrders = sortOrders.map(x => (x.name,x)).toMap def sortOrderForStringOption(option:Option[String]) = option.fold(ascending)(namesToSortOrders(_)) } case class QueryParameters(researcherIdOption:Option[UserName] = None, stateOption:Option[TopicState] = None, skipOption:Option[Int] = None, limitOption:Option[Int] = None, sortByOption:Option[String] = None, sortOrder:SortOrder = SortOrder.ascending, minDate:Option[Date] = None, maxDate:Option[Date] = None ) //DAO case classes, exposed for testing only case class ShrineQueryRecord(stewardId: Option[StewardQueryId], externalId:ExternalQueryId, name:String, userId:UserName, topicId:Option[TopicId], queryContents: QueryContents, stewardResponse:TopicState, date:Date) { def createOutboundShrineQuery(outboundTopic:Option[OutboundTopic],outboundUser:OutboundUser): OutboundShrineQuery = { OutboundShrineQuery(stewardId.get,externalId,name,outboundUser,outboundTopic,queryContents,stewardResponse.name,date) } } object ShrineQueryRecord extends ((Option[StewardQueryId],ExternalQueryId,String,UserName,Option[TopicId],QueryContents,TopicState,Date) => ShrineQueryRecord) { def apply(userId:UserName,topicId:Option[TopicId],shrineQuery: InboundShrineQuery,stewardResponse:TopicState): ShrineQueryRecord = { ShrineQueryRecord( None, shrineQuery.externalId, shrineQuery.name, userId, topicId, shrineQuery.queryContents, stewardResponse, System.currentTimeMillis()) } } case class UserRecord(userName:UserName,fullName:String,isSteward:Boolean) { lazy val asOutboundUser:OutboundUser = OutboundUser(userName,fullName,if(isSteward) Set(stewardRole,researcherRole) else Set(researcherRole)) } object UserRecord extends ((UserName,String,Boolean) => UserRecord) { def apply(user:User):UserRecord = UserRecord(user.username,user.fullName,user.params.toList.contains((stewardRole,"true"))) } case class TopicRecord(id:Option[TopicId] = None, name:String, description:String, createdBy:UserName, createDate:Date, state:TopicState, changedBy:UserName, changeDate:Date) { def toOutboundTopic(userNamesToOutboundUsers: Map[UserName, OutboundUser]): OutboundTopic = { OutboundTopic(id.get, name, description, userNamesToOutboundUsers(createdBy), createDate, state.name, userNamesToOutboundUsers(changedBy), changeDate) } } object TopicRecord { def apply(id:Option[TopicId], name:String, description:String, createdBy:UserName, createDate:Date, state:TopicState ):TopicRecord = TopicRecord(id, name, description, createdBy, createDate, state, createdBy, createDate) } case class UserTopicRecord(researcher:UserName, topicId:TopicId, state:TopicState, changedBy:UserName, changeDate:Date) case class UserAuditRecord(researcher:UserName, queryCount:Int, changeDate:Date) { def sameExceptForTimes(userAuditRecord: UserAuditRecord):Boolean = { (researcher == userAuditRecord.researcher) && (queryCount == userAuditRecord.queryCount) } } abstract class TopicAcessException(topicId: TopicId,message:String) extends IllegalArgumentException(message) case class TopicDoesNotExist(topicId:TopicId) extends TopicAcessException(topicId,s"No topic for id $topicId") case class ApprovedTopicCanNotBeChanged(topicId:TopicId) extends TopicAcessException(topicId,s"Topic $topicId has been ${TopicState.approved}") case class DetectedAttemptByWrongUserToChangeTopic(topicId:TopicId,userId:UserName,ownerId:UserName) extends TopicAcessException(topicId,s"$userId does not own $topicId; $ownerId owns it.") -case class StewardDatabaseProblem(cnrdiax:CouldNotRunDbIoActionException) extends AbstractProblem(ProblemSources.Dsa) { +case class StewardDatabaseProblem(dbioax:DbIoActionException) extends AbstractProblem(ProblemSources.Dsa) { override def summary: String = "The DSA's database failed due to an exception." - override def description: String = s"TThe DSAs database failed due to $cnrdiax" + override def description: String = s"TThe DSAs database failed due to $dbioax" - override def throwable = Some(cnrdiax) + override def throwable = Some(dbioax) } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/commons/json-store/src/main/scala/net/shrine/json/store/db/JsonStoreDatabase.scala b/commons/json-store/src/main/scala/net/shrine/json/store/db/JsonStoreDatabase.scala index b5bdfb268..4f4f3b4b6 100644 --- a/commons/json-store/src/main/scala/net/shrine/json/store/db/JsonStoreDatabase.scala +++ b/commons/json-store/src/main/scala/net/shrine/json/store/db/JsonStoreDatabase.scala @@ -1,221 +1,221 @@ package net.shrine.json.store.db import java.util.UUID import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException import javax.sql.DataSource import com.typesafe.config.Config -import net.shrine.slick.{CouldNotRunDbIoActionException, NeedsWarmUp, TestableDataSourceCreator} +import net.shrine.slick.{CouldNotRunDbIoActionException, NeedsWarmUp, TestableDataSourceCreator, TimeoutInDbIoActionException} import net.shrine.source.ConfigSource import net.shrine.util.Versions import slick.dbio.SuccessAction import slick.driver.JdbcProfile import slick.jdbc.meta.MTable import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, _} import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} import scala.util.control.NonFatal /** * Database access to a json store via slick * * @author david * @since 5/16/17 */ object JsonStoreDatabase extends NeedsWarmUp { val config:Config = ConfigSource.config.getConfig("shrine.jsonStore.database") val slickProfile:JdbcProfile = ConfigSource.getObject("slickProfileClassName", config) val timeout: Duration = ConfigSource.config.getInt("shrine.problem.timeout").seconds import slickProfile.api._ val dataSource: DataSource = TestableDataSourceCreator.dataSource(config) lazy val db = { val db = Database.forDataSource(dataSource) val createTables: String = "createTablesOnStart" if (config.hasPath(createTables) && config.getBoolean(createTables)) { Await.ready(db.run(IOActions.createIfNotExists), timeout) } db } def warmUp() = DatabaseConnector.runBlocking(ShrineResultsQ.selectAll.take(10).result) case class ShrineResultDbEnvelope( id:UUID, version:Int, tableVersion:Int, shrineVersion:String = Versions.version, queryId:UUID, //todo probably need the adapter and the state (running vs end-state), state:String, adapterId:UUID, json:String ) /** * The Results Table. */ class ShrineResultsT(tag: Tag) extends Table[ShrineResultDbEnvelope](tag, ShrineResultsQ.tableName) { def id = column[UUID]("id", O.PrimaryKey) //def shrineVersion = column[String]("shrineVersion") def version = column[Int]("version") //for optimistic locking def tableVersion = column[Int]("tableVersion") //for change detection on a table def shrineVersion = column[String]("shrineVersion") //Version of shrine that created the data def queryId = column[UUID]("queryId") //for the first pass we're asking strictly for query ids def json = column[String]("json") def * = (id, version, tableVersion, shrineVersion, queryId, json) <> (ShrineResultDbEnvelope.tupled, ShrineResultDbEnvelope.unapply) def versionIndex = index(name = "versionIndex",on = version) def tableVersionIndex = index(name = "tableVersionIndex",on = tableVersion) def queryIdIndex = index(name = "queryIdIndex",on = queryId) } /** * Queries related to the Problems table. */ object ShrineResultsQ extends TableQuery(new ShrineResultsT(_)) { /** * The table name */ val tableName = "shrineResults" /** * Equivalent to Select * from Problems; */ val selectAll = this def selectLastTableChange = Query(this.map(_.tableVersion).max) def selectById(id:UUID) = selectAll.filter{ _.id === id } //useful queries like "All the changes to results for a subset of queries since table version ..." def withParameters(parameters:ShrineResultQueryParameters) = { val everything: Query[ShrineResultsT, ShrineResultDbEnvelope, Seq] = selectAll val afterTableChange = parameters.afterTableChange.fold(everything){change => everything.filter(_.tableVersion > change)} val justTheseQueries = parameters.forQueryIds.fold(afterTableChange){queryIds => afterTableChange.filter(_.queryId.inSet(queryIds))} justTheseQueries } } case class ShrineResultQueryParameters( afterTableChange:Option[Int] = None, forQueryIds:Option[Set[UUID]] = None, //None interpreted as "all" . skip:Option[Int] = None, limit:Option[Int] = None ) { //todo check forQueryIds set size < 1000 for Oracle safety if oracle is to be supported. } /** * DBIO Actions. These are pre-defined IO actions that may be useful. * Using it to centralize the location of DBIOs. */ object IOActions { // For SuccessAction, just a no_op. case object NoOperation val tableExists = MTable.getTables(ShrineResultsQ.tableName).map(_.nonEmpty) val createIfNotExists = tableExists.flatMap( if (_) SuccessAction(NoOperation) else ShrineResultsQ.schema.create) val dropIfExists = tableExists.flatMap( if (_) ShrineResultsQ.schema.drop else SuccessAction(NoOperation)) val clearTable = createIfNotExists andThen ShrineResultsQ.selectAll.delete val selectAll = ShrineResultsQ.result def selectById(id:UUID) = ShrineResultsQ.selectById(id).result.headOption def countWithParameters(parameters: ShrineResultQueryParameters) = ShrineResultsQ.withParameters(parameters).size.result def selectResultsWithParameters(parameters: ShrineResultQueryParameters) = { val select = ShrineResultsQ.withParameters(parameters).sortBy(_.tableVersion.desc) //newest changes first val skipSelect = parameters.skip.fold(select){ skip => select.drop(skip) } val limitSelect = parameters.limit.fold(skipSelect){ limit => skipSelect.take(limit)} limitSelect.result } def selectLastTableChange = ShrineResultsQ.selectLastTableChange.result def upsertShrineResult(shrineResult:ShrineResultDbEnvelope) = ShrineResultsQ.insertOrUpdate(shrineResult) def insertShrineResults(shrineResults:Seq[ShrineResultDbEnvelope]) = ShrineResultsQ ++= shrineResults //todo take a ShrineResult json wrapper trait instead and build up the envelope def putShrineResult(shrineResultDbEnvelope: ShrineResultDbEnvelope) = { // get the record from the table if it is there selectById(shrineResultDbEnvelope.id).flatMap { (storedRecordOption: Option[ShrineResultDbEnvelope]) => //check the version number vs the one you have storedRecordOption.fold(){row => if (row.version != shrineResultDbEnvelope.version) throw new IllegalStateException("Stale data in optimistic transaction")} //todo better exception // get the last table change number selectLastTableChange.head.flatMap { (lastTableChangeOption: Option[Int]) => val nextTableChange = lastTableChangeOption.getOrElse(0) + 1 val newRecord = shrineResultDbEnvelope.copy( tableVersion = nextTableChange, version = storedRecordOption.fold(1)(row => row.version + 1) ) // upsert the query result upsertShrineResult(newRecord) } } } } /** * Entry point for interacting with the database. Runs IO actions. */ object DatabaseConnector { /** * Straight copy of db.run */ def run[R](dbio: DBIOAction[R, NoStream, _]): Future[R] = { db.run(dbio) } /** * Synchronized copy of db.run */ def runBlocking[R](dbio: DBIOAction[R, NoStream, _], timeout: Duration = timeout): R = { try { Await.result(this.run(dbio), timeout) } catch { - case tx:TimeoutException => throw CouldNotRunDbIoActionException(JsonStoreDatabase.dataSource, tx) - //todo catch better exception here, and rethrow + case tx:TimeoutException => throw TimeoutInDbIoActionException(JsonStoreDatabase.dataSource, timeout, tx) case NonFatal(x) => throw CouldNotRunDbIoActionException(JsonStoreDatabase.dataSource, x) } } /** * Straight copy of db.run */ def runTransaction[R](dbio: DBIOAction[R, NoStream, _]): Future[R] = { db.run(dbio.transactionally) } /** * Synchronized copy of db.run */ def runTransactionBlocking[R](dbio: DBIOAction[R, NoStream, _], timeout: Duration = timeout): R = { try { Await.result(this.run(dbio.transactionally), timeout) } catch { - case tx:TimeoutException => throw CouldNotRunDbIoActionException(JsonStoreDatabase.dataSource, tx) - //todo catch better exception here, and rethrow + case tx:TimeoutException => throw TimeoutInDbIoActionException(JsonStoreDatabase.dataSource, timeout, tx) case NonFatal(x) => throw CouldNotRunDbIoActionException(JsonStoreDatabase.dataSource, x) } } } -} \ No newline at end of file +} + +//case class StaleDataNotWrittenException(expectedVersion:Int,foundVersion,dataSource: DataSource) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/commons/util/src/main/scala/net/shrine/problem/DashboardProblemDatabase.scala b/commons/util/src/main/scala/net/shrine/problem/DashboardProblemDatabase.scala index 73ac81f87..6b7edcf3f 100644 --- a/commons/util/src/main/scala/net/shrine/problem/DashboardProblemDatabase.scala +++ b/commons/util/src/main/scala/net/shrine/problem/DashboardProblemDatabase.scala @@ -1,196 +1,195 @@ package net.shrine.problem import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException import javax.sql.DataSource import com.typesafe.config.Config -import net.shrine.slick.{CouldNotRunDbIoActionException, NeedsWarmUp, TestableDataSourceCreator} +import net.shrine.slick.{CouldNotRunDbIoActionException, NeedsWarmUp, TestableDataSourceCreator, TimeoutInDbIoActionException} import net.shrine.source.ConfigSource import slick.dbio.SuccessAction import slick.driver.JdbcProfile import slick.jdbc.meta.MTable import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} import scala.util.control.NonFatal import scala.xml.XML /** * Problems database object, defines the PROBLEMS table schema and related queries, * as well as all interactions with the database. * @author ty * @since 07/16 */ object Problems extends NeedsWarmUp { val config:Config = ConfigSource.config.getConfig("shrine.problem.database") val slickProfile:JdbcProfile = ConfigSource.getObject("slickProfileClassName", config) val timeout: Duration = ConfigSource.config.getInt("shrine.problem.timeout").seconds import slickProfile.api._ val dataSource: DataSource = TestableDataSourceCreator.dataSource(config) lazy val db = { val db = Database.forDataSource(dataSource) val createTables: String = "createTablesOnStart" if (config.hasPath(createTables) && config.getBoolean(createTables)) { val duration = FiniteDuration(3, SECONDS) Await.ready(db.run(IOActions.createIfNotExists), duration) val testValues: String = "createTestValuesOnStart" if (config.hasPath(testValues) && config.getBoolean(testValues)) { def dumb(id: Int) = ProblemDigest(s"codec($id)", s"stamp($id)", s"sum($id)", s"desc($id)",
, id) val dummyValues: Seq[ProblemDigest] = Seq(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).map(dumb) Await.ready(db.run(Queries ++= dummyValues), duration) } } db } def warmUp = DatabaseConnector.runBlocking(Queries.map(_.xml).result) /** * The Problems Table. This is the table schema. */ class ProblemsT(tag: Tag) extends Table[ProblemDigest](tag, Queries.tableName) { def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc) def codec = column[String]("codec") def stampText = column[String]("stampText") def summary = column[String]("summary") def description = column[String]("description") def xml = column[String]("detailsXml") def epoch= column[Long]("epoch") // projection between table row and problem digest def * = (id, codec, stampText, summary, description, xml, epoch) <> (rowToProblem, problemToRow) def idx = index("idx_epoch", epoch, unique=false) /** * Converts a table row into a ProblemDigest. * @param args the table row, represented as a five-tuple string * @return the corresponding ProblemDigest */ def rowToProblem(args: (Int, String, String, String, String, String, Long)): ProblemDigest = args match { case (id, codec, stampText, summary, description, detailsXml, epoch) => ProblemDigest(codec, stampText, summary, description, XML.loadString(detailsXml), epoch) } /** * Converts a ProblemDigest into an Option of a table row. For now there is no failure * condition, ie a ProblemDigest can always be a table row, but this is a place for * possible future error handling * @param problem the ProblemDigest to convert * @return an Option of a table row. */ def problemToRow(problem: ProblemDigest): Option[(Int, String, String, String, String, String, Long)] = problem match { case ProblemDigest(codec, stampText, summary, description, detailsXml, epoch) => // 7 is ignored on insert and replaced with an auto incremented id Some((7, codec, stampText, summary, description, detailsXml.toString, epoch)) } } /** * Queries related to the Problems table. */ object Queries extends TableQuery(new ProblemsT(_)) { /** * The table name */ val tableName = "problems" /** * Equivalent to Select * from Problems; */ val selectAll = this /** * Selects all the details xml sorted by the problem's time stamp. */ val selectDetails = this.map(_.xml) /** * Sorts the problems in descending order */ val descending = this.sortBy(_.epoch.desc) /** * Selects the last N problems, after the offset */ def lastNProblems(n: Int, offset: Int = 0) = this.descending.drop(offset).take(n) } /** * DBIO Actions. These are pre-defined IO actions that may be useful. * Using it to centralize the location of DBIOs. */ object IOActions { val problems = Queries val tableExists = MTable.getTables(problems.tableName).map(_.nonEmpty) val createIfNotExists = tableExists.flatMap( if (_) SuccessAction(NoOperation) else problems.schema.create) val dropIfExists = tableExists.flatMap( if (_) problems.schema.drop else SuccessAction(NoOperation)) val resetTable = createIfNotExists >> problems.selectAll.delete val selectAll = problems.result def sizeAndProblemDigest(n: Int, offset: Int = 0) = problems.lastNProblems(n, offset).result.zip(problems.size.result) def findIndexOfDate(date: Long) = (problems.size - problems.filter(_.epoch <= date).size).result } /** * Entry point for interacting with the database. Runs IO actions. */ object DatabaseConnector { val IO = IOActions /** * Executes a series of IO actions as a single transactions */ def executeTransaction(actions: DBIOAction[_, NoStream, _]*): Future[Unit] = { db.run(DBIO.seq(actions:_*).transactionally) } /** * Executes a series of IO actions as a single transaction, synchronous */ def executeTransactionBlocking(actions: DBIOAction[_, NoStream, _]*)(implicit timeout: Duration): Unit = { try { Await.ready(this.executeTransaction(actions: _*), timeout) } catch { - // TODO: Handle this better - case tx:TimeoutException => throw CouldNotRunDbIoActionException(Problems.dataSource, tx) + case tx:TimeoutException => throw TimeoutInDbIoActionException(Problems.dataSource, timeout, tx) case NonFatal(x) => throw CouldNotRunDbIoActionException(Problems.dataSource, x) } } /** * Straight copy of db.run */ def run[R](dbio: DBIOAction[R, NoStream, _]): Future[R] = { db.run(dbio) } /** * Synchronized copy of db.run */ def runBlocking[R](dbio: DBIOAction[R, NoStream, _], timeout: Duration = timeout): R = { try { Await.result(this.run(dbio), timeout) } catch { - case tx:TimeoutException => throw CouldNotRunDbIoActionException(Problems.dataSource, tx) + case tx:TimeoutException => throw TimeoutInDbIoActionException(Problems.dataSource, timeout, tx) case NonFatal(x) => throw CouldNotRunDbIoActionException(Problems.dataSource, x) } } def insertProblem(problem: ProblemDigest, timeout: Duration = timeout) = { runBlocking(Queries += problem, timeout) } } } // For SuccessAction, just a no_op. case object NoOperation \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/commons/util/src/main/scala/net/shrine/slick/CouldNotRunDbIoActionException.scala b/commons/util/src/main/scala/net/shrine/slick/CouldNotRunDbIoActionException.scala index 5994d0c9d..bfac9c6de 100644 --- a/commons/util/src/main/scala/net/shrine/slick/CouldNotRunDbIoActionException.scala +++ b/commons/util/src/main/scala/net/shrine/slick/CouldNotRunDbIoActionException.scala @@ -1,10 +1,15 @@ package net.shrine.slick +import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException import javax.sql.DataSource +import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration + /** * Created by ty on 7/22/16. */ -case class CouldNotRunDbIoActionException(dataSource: DataSource, exception: Throwable) extends RuntimeException(exception) { - override def getMessage:String = s"Could not use the database defined by $dataSource due to ${exception.getLocalizedMessage}" -} +abstract class DbIoActionException(dataSource: DataSource, message:String, throwable: Throwable) extends RuntimeException(message,throwable) + +case class CouldNotRunDbIoActionException(dataSource: DataSource, throwable: Throwable) extends DbIoActionException(dataSource,s"Could not use the database defined by $dataSource due to ${throwable.getLocalizedMessage}",throwable) + +case class TimeoutInDbIoActionException(dataSource: DataSource, timeout: Duration, tx: TimeoutException) extends DbIoActionException(dataSource,s"Timed out after $timeout while using $dataSource : ${tx.getLocalizedMessage}",tx) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/qep/service/src/main/scala/net/shrine/qep/I2b2BroadcastResource.scala b/qep/service/src/main/scala/net/shrine/qep/I2b2BroadcastResource.scala index a9c2986c9..525852edb 100644 --- a/qep/service/src/main/scala/net/shrine/qep/I2b2BroadcastResource.scala +++ b/qep/service/src/main/scala/net/shrine/qep/I2b2BroadcastResource.scala @@ -1,116 +1,116 @@ package net.shrine.qep import java.sql.SQLException import javax.ws.rs.{POST, Path, Produces} import javax.ws.rs.core.{MediaType, Response} import javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder import net.shrine.authentication.NotAuthenticatedException import net.shrine.log.Loggable import net.shrine.problem.{AbstractProblem, ProblemNotYetEncoded, ProblemSources} import net.shrine.protocol.{ErrorResponse, HandleableI2b2Request, I2B2MessageFormatException, I2b2RequestHandler, ResultOutputType, ShrineRequest} import net.shrine.qep.querydb.QepDatabaseProblem import net.shrine.serialization.I2b2Marshaller -import net.shrine.slick.CouldNotRunDbIoActionException +import net.shrine.slick.{CouldNotRunDbIoActionException, DbIoActionException} import net.shrine.util.XmlUtil import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException import scala.util.Try import scala.util.control.NonFatal import scala.xml.NodeSeq /** * @author Bill Simons * @since 3/10/11 * @see http://cbmi.med.harvard.edu * @see http://chip.org *

* NOTICE: This software comes with NO guarantees whatsoever and is * licensed as Lgpl Open Source * @see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html */ @Path("/i2b2") @Produces(Array(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML)) final case class I2b2BroadcastResource(i2b2RequestHandler: I2b2RequestHandler, breakdownTypes: Set[ResultOutputType]) extends Loggable { //NB: Always broadcast when receiving requests from the legacy i2b2/Shrine webclient, since we can't retrofit it to //Say whether broadcasting is desired for a praticular query/operation val shouldBroadcast = true @POST @Path("request") def doRequest(i2b2Request: String): Response = processI2b2Message(i2b2Request) @POST @Path("pdorequest") def doPDORequest(i2b2Request: String): Response = processI2b2Message(i2b2Request) def processI2b2Message(i2b2Request: String): Response = { // todo would be good to log $i2b2Request)") def errorResponse(e: Throwable): ErrorResponse = e match { case nax:NotAuthenticatedException => ErrorResponse(nax.problem) - case cnrdax:CouldNotRunDbIoActionException => ErrorResponse(QepDatabaseProblem(cnrdax)) + case dbioax:DbIoActionException => ErrorResponse(QepDatabaseProblem(dbioax)) case sqlx:SQLException => ErrorResponse(QepDatabaseProblem(sqlx)) case imfx:I2B2MessageFormatException => ErrorResponse(QepCouldNotInterpretRequest(i2b2Request,imfx)) case saxx:SAXParseException => ErrorResponse(QepCouldNotInterpretRequest(i2b2Request,saxx)) case _ => ErrorResponse(ProblemNotYetEncoded("The QEP encountered an unforeseen problem while processing an i2b2 request",e)) } def prettyPrint(xml: NodeSeq): String = XmlUtil.prettyPrint(xml.head).trim //NB: The legacy webclient can't deal with non-200 status codes. //It also can't deal with ErrorResponses in several cases, but we have nothing better to return for now. //TODO: Return a 500 status here, once we're using the new web client def i2b2HttpErrorResponse(e: Throwable): ResponseBuilder = Response.ok.entity(prettyPrint(errorResponse(e).toI2b2)) def handleRequest(shrineRequest: ShrineRequest with HandleableI2b2Request): Try[ResponseBuilder] = Try { info(s"Running request from user: ${shrineRequest.authn.username} of type ${shrineRequest.requestType.toString}") val shrineResponse = shrineRequest.handleI2b2(i2b2RequestHandler, shouldBroadcast) //TODO: Revisit this. For now, we bail if we get something that isn't i2b2able val responseString: String = shrineResponse match { case i2b2able: I2b2Marshaller => prettyPrint(i2b2able.toI2b2) case _ => throw new Exception(s"Shrine response $shrineResponse has no i2b2 representation") } Response.ok.entity(responseString) }.recover { case NonFatal(e) => error("Error processing request: ", e) i2b2HttpErrorResponse(e) } def handleParseError(e: Throwable): Try[ResponseBuilder] = Try { debug(s"Failed to unmarshal i2b2 request $i2b2Request") error("Couldn't understand request: ", e) //NB: The legacy webclient can't deal with non-200 status codes. //It also can't deal with ErrorResponses in several cases, but we have nothing better to return for now. //TODO: Return a 400 status here, once we're using the new web client i2b2HttpErrorResponse(e) } val builder = HandleableI2b2Request.fromI2b2String(breakdownTypes)(i2b2Request).transform(handleRequest, handleParseError).get builder.build() } } case class QepCouldNotInterpretRequest(i2b2Request:String,x:Exception) extends AbstractProblem(ProblemSources.Qep){ override val summary = "The QEP could not interpret a request." override val throwable = Some(x) override val description = x.getMessage override val detailsXml: NodeSeq = NodeSeq.fromSeq(

Request contents:'{i2b2Request}' {throwableDetail.getOrElse("")}
) } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/qep/service/src/main/scala/net/shrine/qep/querydb/QepQueryDb.scala b/qep/service/src/main/scala/net/shrine/qep/querydb/QepQueryDb.scala index 6d3481937..c93fbbaf7 100644 --- a/qep/service/src/main/scala/net/shrine/qep/querydb/QepQueryDb.scala +++ b/qep/service/src/main/scala/net/shrine/qep/querydb/QepQueryDb.scala @@ -1,602 +1,602 @@ package net.shrine.qep.querydb import java.sql.SQLException import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException import javax.sql.DataSource import com.typesafe.config.Config import net.shrine.audit.{NetworkQueryId, QueryName, Time, UserName} import net.shrine.log.Loggable import net.shrine.problem.{AbstractProblem, ProblemDigest, ProblemSources} import net.shrine.protocol.{DefaultBreakdownResultOutputTypes, DeleteQueryRequest, FlagQueryRequest, I2b2ResultEnvelope, QueryMaster, QueryResult, ReadPreviousQueriesRequest, ReadPreviousQueriesResponse, RenameQueryRequest, ResultOutputType, ResultOutputTypes, RunQueryRequest, UnFlagQueryRequest} -import net.shrine.slick.{CouldNotRunDbIoActionException, TestableDataSourceCreator} +import net.shrine.slick.{CouldNotRunDbIoActionException, TestableDataSourceCreator, TimeoutInDbIoActionException} import net.shrine.source.ConfigSource import net.shrine.util.XmlDateHelper import slick.driver.JdbcProfile import scala.collection.immutable.Iterable import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, DurationInt} import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future, blocking} import scala.language.postfixOps import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global import scala.util.control.NonFatal import scala.xml.XML /** * DB code for the QEP's query instances and query results. * * @author david * @since 1/19/16 */ case class QepQueryDb(schemaDef:QepQuerySchema,dataSource: DataSource,timeout:Duration) extends Loggable { import schemaDef._ import jdbcProfile.api._ val database = Database.forDataSource(dataSource) def createTables() = schemaDef.createTables(database) def dropTables() = schemaDef.dropTables(database) def dbRun[R](action: DBIOAction[R, NoStream, Nothing]):R = { val future: Future[R] = database.run(action) try { blocking { Await.result(future, timeout) } } catch { - case tx:TimeoutException => throw CouldNotRunDbIoActionException(dataSource,tx) + case tx:TimeoutException => throw TimeoutInDbIoActionException(dataSource, timeout, tx) case NonFatal(x) => throw CouldNotRunDbIoActionException(dataSource,x) } } def insertQepQuery(runQueryRequest: RunQueryRequest):Unit = { debug(s"insertQepQuery $runQueryRequest") insertQepQuery(QepQuery(runQueryRequest)) } def insertQepQuery(qepQuery: QepQuery):Unit = { dbRun(allQepQueryQuery += qepQuery) } def selectAllQepQueries:Seq[QepQuery] = { dbRun(mostRecentVisibleQepQueries.result) } def selectPreviousQueries(request: ReadPreviousQueriesRequest):ReadPreviousQueriesResponse = { val previousQueries: Seq[QepQuery] = selectPreviousQueriesByUserAndDomain( request.authn.username, request.authn.domain, None, Some(request.fetchSize)) val flags:Map[NetworkQueryId,QepQueryFlag] = selectMostRecentQepQueryFlagsFor(previousQueries.map(_.networkId).to[Set]) val queriesAndFlags = previousQueries.map(x => (x,flags.get(x.networkId))) ReadPreviousQueriesResponse(queriesAndFlags.map(x => x._1.toQueryMaster(x._2))) } def countPreviousQueriesByUserAndDomain(userName: UserName, domain: String):Int = { val q = mostRecentVisibleQepQueries.filter(r => r.userName === userName && r.userDomain === domain) dbRun(q.size.result) } def selectPreviousQueriesByUserAndDomain(userName: UserName, domain: String, skip:Option[Int] = None, limit:Option[Int] = None):Seq[QepQuery] = { debug(s"start selectPreviousQueriesByUserAndDomain $userName $domain") val q = mostRecentVisibleQepQueries.filter(r => r.userName === userName && r.userDomain === domain).sortBy(x => x.changeDate.desc) val qWithSkip = skip.fold(q)(q.drop) val qWithLimit = limit.fold(qWithSkip)(qWithSkip.take) val result = dbRun(qWithLimit.result) debug(s"finished selectPreviousQueriesByUserAndDomain with $result") result } def renamePreviousQuery(request:RenameQueryRequest):Unit = { val networkQueryId = request.networkQueryId dbRun( for { queryResults <- mostRecentVisibleQepQueries.filter(_.networkId === networkQueryId).result _ <- allQepQueryQuery ++= queryResults.map(_.copy(queryName = request.queryName,changeDate = System.currentTimeMillis())) } yield queryResults ) } def markDeleted(request:DeleteQueryRequest):Unit = { val networkQueryId = request.networkQueryId dbRun( for { queryResults <- mostRecentVisibleQepQueries.filter(_.networkId === networkQueryId).result _ <- allQepQueryQuery ++= queryResults.map(_.copy(deleted = true,changeDate = System.currentTimeMillis())) } yield queryResults ) } def insertQepQueryFlag(flagQueryRequest: FlagQueryRequest):Unit = { insertQepQueryFlag(QepQueryFlag(flagQueryRequest)) } def insertQepQueryFlag(unflagQueryRequest: UnFlagQueryRequest):Unit = { insertQepQueryFlag(QepQueryFlag(unflagQueryRequest)) } def insertQepQueryFlag(qepQueryFlag: QepQueryFlag):Unit = { dbRun(allQepQueryFlags += qepQueryFlag) } def selectMostRecentQepQueryFlagsFor(networkIds:Set[NetworkQueryId]):Map[NetworkQueryId,QepQueryFlag] = { val flags:Seq[QepQueryFlag] = dbRun(mostRecentQueryFlags.filter(_.networkId inSet networkIds).result) flags.map(x => x.networkQueryId -> x).toMap } def insertQepResultRow(qepQueryRow:QueryResultRow) = { dbRun(allQueryResultRows += qepQueryRow) } def insertQueryResult(networkQueryId:NetworkQueryId,result:QueryResult) = { val adapterNode = result.description.getOrElse(throw new IllegalStateException("description is empty, does not have an adapter node")) val queryResultRow = QueryResultRow(networkQueryId,result) val breakdowns: Iterable[QepQueryBreakdownResultsRow] = result.breakdowns.flatMap(QepQueryBreakdownResultsRow.breakdownRowsFor(networkQueryId,adapterNode,result.resultId,_)) val problem: Seq[QepProblemDigestRow] = result.problemDigest.map(p => QepProblemDigestRow(networkQueryId,adapterNode,p.codec,p.stampText,p.summary,p.description,p.detailsXml.toString,System.currentTimeMillis())).to[Seq] dbRun( for { _ <- allQueryResultRows += queryResultRow _ <- allBreakdownResultsRows ++= breakdowns _ <- allProblemDigestRows ++= problem } yield () ) } //todo only used in tests. Is that OK? def selectMostRecentQepResultRowsFor(networkId:NetworkQueryId): Seq[QueryResultRow] = { dbRun(mostRecentQueryResultRows.filter(_.networkQueryId === networkId).result) } def selectMostRecentFullQueryResultsFor(networkId:NetworkQueryId): Seq[FullQueryResult] = { val (queryResults, breakdowns,problems) = dbRun( for { queryResults <- mostRecentQueryResultRows.filter(_.networkQueryId === networkId).result breakdowns <- mostRecentBreakdownResultsRows.filter(_.networkQueryId === networkId).result problems <- mostRecentProblemDigestRows.filter(_.networkQueryId === networkId).result } yield (queryResults, breakdowns, problems) ) val resultIdsToI2b2ResultEnvelopes: Map[Long, Map[ResultOutputType, I2b2ResultEnvelope]] = breakdowns.groupBy(_.resultId).map(rIdToB => rIdToB._1 -> QepQueryBreakdownResultsRow.resultEnvelopesFrom(rIdToB._2)) def seqOfOneProblemRowToProblemDigest(problemSeq:Seq[QepProblemDigestRow]):ProblemDigest = { if(problemSeq.size == 1) problemSeq.head.toProblemDigest else throw new IllegalStateException(s"problemSeq size was not 1. $problemSeq") } val adapterNodesToProblemDigests: Map[String, ProblemDigest] = problems.groupBy(_.adapterNode).map(nodeToProblem => nodeToProblem._1 -> seqOfOneProblemRowToProblemDigest(nodeToProblem._2) ) queryResults.map(r => FullQueryResult(r, resultIdsToI2b2ResultEnvelopes.get(r.resultId), adapterNodesToProblemDigests.get(r.adapterNode) )) } def selectMostRecentQepResultsFor(networkId:NetworkQueryId): Seq[QueryResult] = { val fullQueryResults = selectMostRecentFullQueryResultsFor(networkId) fullQueryResults.map(_.toQueryResult) } def insertQueryBreakdown(breakdownResultsRow:QepQueryBreakdownResultsRow) = { dbRun(allBreakdownResultsRows += breakdownResultsRow) } def selectAllBreakdownResultsRows: Seq[QepQueryBreakdownResultsRow] = { dbRun(allBreakdownResultsRows.result) } def selectDistinctAdaptersWithResults:Seq[String] = { dbRun(allQueryResultRows.map(_.adapterNode).distinct.result).sorted } } object QepQueryDb extends Loggable { val dataSource:DataSource = TestableDataSourceCreator.dataSource(QepQuerySchema.config) val timeout = QepQuerySchema.config.getInt("timeout") seconds val db = QepQueryDb(QepQuerySchema.schema,dataSource,timeout) val createTablesOnStart = QepQuerySchema.config.getBoolean("createTablesOnStart") if(createTablesOnStart) QepQueryDb.db.createTables() } /** * Separate class to support schema generation without actually connecting to the database. * * @param jdbcProfile Database profile to use for the schema */ case class QepQuerySchema(jdbcProfile: JdbcProfile,moreBreakdowns: Set[ResultOutputType]) extends Loggable { import jdbcProfile.api._ def ddlForAllTables: jdbcProfile.DDL = { allQepQueryQuery.schema ++ allQepQueryFlags.schema ++ allQueryResultRows.schema ++ allBreakdownResultsRows.schema ++ allProblemDigestRows.schema } //to get the schema, use the REPL //println(QepQuerySchema.schema.ddlForAllTables.createStatements.mkString(";\n")) def createTables(database:Database) = { try { val future = database.run(ddlForAllTables.create) Await.result(future,10 seconds) } catch { //I'd prefer to check and create schema only if absent. No way to do that with Oracle. case x:SQLException => info("Caught exception while creating tables. Recover by assuming the tables already exist.",x) } } def dropTables(database:Database) = { val future = database.run(ddlForAllTables.drop) //Really wait forever for the cleanup Await.result(future,Duration.Inf) } class QepQueries(tag:Tag) extends Table[QepQuery](tag,"previousQueries") { def networkId = column[NetworkQueryId]("networkId") def userName = column[UserName]("userName") def userDomain = column[String]("domain") def queryName = column[QueryName]("queryName") def expression = column[Option[String]]("expression") def dateCreated = column[Time]("dateCreated") def deleted = column[Boolean]("deleted") def queryXml = column[String]("queryXml") def changeDate = column[Long]("changeDate") def * = (networkId,userName,userDomain,queryName,expression,dateCreated,deleted,queryXml,changeDate) <> (QepQuery.tupled,QepQuery.unapply) } val allQepQueryQuery = TableQuery[QepQueries] val mostRecentQepQueryQuery: Query[QepQueries, QepQuery, Seq] = for( queries <- allQepQueryQuery if !allQepQueryQuery.filter(_.networkId === queries.networkId).filter(_.changeDate > queries.changeDate).exists ) yield queries val mostRecentVisibleQepQueries = mostRecentQepQueryQuery.filter(_.deleted === false) class QepQueryFlags(tag:Tag) extends Table[QepQueryFlag](tag,"queryFlags") { def networkId = column[NetworkQueryId]("networkId") def flagged = column[Boolean]("flagged") def flagMessage = column[String]("flagMessage") def changeDate = column[Long]("changeDate") def * = (networkId,flagged,flagMessage,changeDate) <> (QepQueryFlag.tupled,QepQueryFlag.unapply) } val allQepQueryFlags = TableQuery[QepQueryFlags] val mostRecentQueryFlags: Query[QepQueryFlags, QepQueryFlag, Seq] = for( queryFlags <- allQepQueryFlags if !allQepQueryFlags.filter(_.networkId === queryFlags.networkId).filter(_.changeDate > queryFlags.changeDate).exists ) yield queryFlags val qepQueryResultTypes = DefaultBreakdownResultOutputTypes.toSet ++ ResultOutputType.values ++ moreBreakdowns val stringsToQueryResultTypes: Map[String, ResultOutputType] = qepQueryResultTypes.map(x => (x.name,x)).toMap val queryResultTypesToString: Map[ResultOutputType, String] = stringsToQueryResultTypes.map(_.swap) implicit val qepQueryResultTypesColumnType = MappedColumnType.base[ResultOutputType,String] ({ (resultType: ResultOutputType) => queryResultTypesToString(resultType) },{ (string: String) => stringsToQueryResultTypes(string) }) implicit val queryStatusColumnType = MappedColumnType.base[QueryResult.StatusType,String] ({ statusType => statusType.name },{ name => QueryResult.StatusType.valueOf(name).getOrElse(throw new IllegalStateException(s"$name is not one of ${QueryResult.StatusType.values.map(_.name).mkString(", ")}")) }) class QepQueryResults(tag:Tag) extends Table[QueryResultRow](tag,"queryResults") { def resultId = column[Long]("resultId") def networkQueryId = column[NetworkQueryId]("networkQueryId") def instanceId = column[Long]("instanceId") def adapterNode = column[String]("adapterNode") def resultType = column[Option[ResultOutputType]]("resultType") def size = column[Long]("size") def startDate = column[Option[Long]]("startDate") def endDate = column[Option[Long]]("endDate") def status = column[QueryResult.StatusType]("status") def statusMessage = column[Option[String]]("statusMessage") def changeDate = column[Long]("changeDate") def * = (resultId,networkQueryId,instanceId,adapterNode,resultType,size,startDate,endDate,status,statusMessage,changeDate) <> (QueryResultRow.tupled,QueryResultRow.unapply) } val allQueryResultRows = TableQuery[QepQueryResults] //Most recent query result rows for each queryId from each adapter val mostRecentQueryResultRows: Query[QepQueryResults, QueryResultRow, Seq] = for( queryResultRows <- allQueryResultRows if !allQueryResultRows.filter(_.networkQueryId === queryResultRows.networkQueryId).filter(_.adapterNode === queryResultRows.adapterNode).filter(_.changeDate > queryResultRows.changeDate).exists ) yield queryResultRows class QepQueryBreakdownResults(tag:Tag) extends Table[QepQueryBreakdownResultsRow](tag,"queryBreakdownResults") { def networkQueryId = column[NetworkQueryId]("networkQueryId") def adapterNode = column[String]("adapterNode") def resultId = column[Long]("resultId") def resultType = column[ResultOutputType]("resultType") def dataKey = column[String]("dataKey") def value = column[Long]("value") def changeDate = column[Long]("changeDate") def * = (networkQueryId,adapterNode,resultId,resultType,dataKey,value,changeDate) <> (QepQueryBreakdownResultsRow.tupled,QepQueryBreakdownResultsRow.unapply) } val allBreakdownResultsRows = TableQuery[QepQueryBreakdownResults] //Most recent query result rows for each queryId from each adapter val mostRecentBreakdownResultsRows: Query[QepQueryBreakdownResults, QepQueryBreakdownResultsRow, Seq] = for( breakdownResultsRows <- allBreakdownResultsRows if !allBreakdownResultsRows.filter(_.networkQueryId === breakdownResultsRows.networkQueryId).filter(_.adapterNode === breakdownResultsRows.adapterNode).filter(_.resultId === breakdownResultsRows.resultId).filter(_.changeDate > breakdownResultsRows.changeDate).exists ) yield breakdownResultsRows /* case class ProblemDigest(codec: String, stampText: String, summary: String, description: String, detailsXml: NodeSeq) extends XmlMarshaller { */ class QepResultProblemDigests(tag:Tag) extends Table [QepProblemDigestRow](tag,"queryResultProblemDigests") { def networkQueryId = column[NetworkQueryId]("networkQueryId") def adapterNode = column[String]("adapterNode") def codec = column[String]("codec") def stamp = column[String]("stamp") def summary = column[String]("summary") def description = column[String]("description") def details = column[String]("details") def changeDate = column[Long]("changeDate") def * = (networkQueryId,adapterNode,codec,stamp,summary,description,details,changeDate) <> (QepProblemDigestRow.tupled,QepProblemDigestRow.unapply) } val allProblemDigestRows = TableQuery[QepResultProblemDigests] val mostRecentProblemDigestRows: Query[QepResultProblemDigests, QepProblemDigestRow, Seq] = for( problemDigests <- allProblemDigestRows if !allProblemDigestRows.filter(_.networkQueryId === problemDigests.networkQueryId).filter(_.adapterNode === problemDigests.adapterNode).filter(_.changeDate > problemDigests.changeDate).exists ) yield problemDigests } object QepQuerySchema { val allConfig:Config = ConfigSource.config val config:Config = allConfig.getConfig("shrine.queryEntryPoint.audit.database") val slickProfile:JdbcProfile = ConfigSource.getObject("slickProfileClassName", config) import net.shrine.config.ConfigExtensions val moreBreakdowns: Set[ResultOutputType] = config.getOptionConfigured("breakdownResultOutputTypes",ResultOutputTypes.fromConfig).getOrElse(Set.empty) val schema = QepQuerySchema(slickProfile,moreBreakdowns) } case class QepQuery( networkId:NetworkQueryId, userName: UserName, userDomain: String, queryName: QueryName, expression: Option[String], dateCreated: Time, deleted: Boolean, queryXml: String, changeDate: Time ){ def toQueryMaster(qepQueryFlag:Option[QepQueryFlag]):QueryMaster = { QueryMaster( queryMasterId = networkId.toString, networkQueryId = networkId, name = queryName, userId = userName, groupId = userDomain, createDate = XmlDateHelper.toXmlGregorianCalendar(dateCreated), flagged = qepQueryFlag.map(_.flagged), flagMessage = qepQueryFlag.map(_.flagMessage) ) } } object QepQuery extends ((NetworkQueryId,UserName,String,QueryName,Option[String],Time,Boolean,String,Time) => QepQuery) { def apply(runQueryRequest: RunQueryRequest):QepQuery = { new QepQuery( networkId = runQueryRequest.networkQueryId, userName = runQueryRequest.authn.username, userDomain = runQueryRequest.authn.domain, queryName = runQueryRequest.queryDefinition.name, expression = runQueryRequest.queryDefinition.expr.map(_.toString), dateCreated = System.currentTimeMillis(), deleted = false, queryXml = runQueryRequest.toXmlString, changeDate = System.currentTimeMillis() ) } } case class QepQueryFlag( networkQueryId: NetworkQueryId, flagged:Boolean, flagMessage:String, changeDate:Long ) object QepQueryFlag extends ((NetworkQueryId,Boolean,String,Long) => QepQueryFlag) { def apply(flagQueryRequest: FlagQueryRequest):QepQueryFlag = { QepQueryFlag( networkQueryId = flagQueryRequest.networkQueryId, flagged = true, flagMessage = flagQueryRequest.message.getOrElse(""), changeDate = System.currentTimeMillis() ) } def apply(unflagQueryRequest: UnFlagQueryRequest):QepQueryFlag = { QepQueryFlag( networkQueryId = unflagQueryRequest.networkQueryId, flagged = false, flagMessage = "", changeDate = System.currentTimeMillis() ) } } //todo replace with a class per state case class FullQueryResult( resultId:Long, networkQueryId:NetworkQueryId, instanceId:Long, adapterNode:String, resultType:Option[ResultOutputType], count:Long, startDate:Option[Long], endDate:Option[Long], status:QueryResult.StatusType, statusMessage:Option[String], changeDate:Long, breakdowns:Option[Map[ResultOutputType,I2b2ResultEnvelope]], problemDigest:Option[ProblemDigest] ) { def toQueryResult = QueryResult( resultId = resultId, instanceId = instanceId, resultType = resultType, setSize = count, startDate = startDate.map(XmlDateHelper.toXmlGregorianCalendar), endDate = endDate.map(XmlDateHelper.toXmlGregorianCalendar), description = Some(adapterNode), statusType = status, statusMessage = statusMessage, breakdowns = breakdowns.getOrElse(Map.empty), problemDigest = problemDigest ) } object FullQueryResult { def apply(row:QueryResultRow, breakdowns:Option[Map[ResultOutputType,I2b2ResultEnvelope]], problemDigest:Option[ProblemDigest]):FullQueryResult = { FullQueryResult(resultId = row.resultId, networkQueryId = row.networkQueryId, instanceId = row.instanceId, adapterNode = row.adapterNode, resultType = row.resultType, count = row.size, startDate = row.startDate, endDate = row.endDate, status = row.status, statusMessage = row.statusMessage, changeDate = row.changeDate, breakdowns = breakdowns, problemDigest = problemDigest ) } } case class QueryResultRow( resultId:Long, networkQueryId:NetworkQueryId, instanceId:Long, adapterNode:String, resultType:Option[ResultOutputType], size:Long, startDate:Option[Long], endDate:Option[Long], status:QueryResult.StatusType, statusMessage:Option[String], changeDate:Long ) { } object QueryResultRow extends ((Long,NetworkQueryId,Long,String,Option[ResultOutputType],Long,Option[Long],Option[Long],QueryResult.StatusType,Option[String],Long) => QueryResultRow) { def apply(networkQueryId:NetworkQueryId,result:QueryResult):QueryResultRow = { new QueryResultRow( resultId = result.resultId, networkQueryId = networkQueryId, instanceId = result.instanceId, adapterNode = result.description.getOrElse(s"$result has None in its description field, not a name of an adapter node."), resultType = result.resultType, size = result.setSize, startDate = result.startDate.map(_.toGregorianCalendar.getTimeInMillis), endDate = result.endDate.map(_.toGregorianCalendar.getTimeInMillis), status = result.statusType, statusMessage = result.statusMessage, changeDate = System.currentTimeMillis() ) } } case class QepQueryBreakdownResultsRow( networkQueryId: NetworkQueryId, adapterNode:String, resultId:Long, resultType: ResultOutputType, dataKey:String, value:Long, changeDate:Long ) object QepQueryBreakdownResultsRow extends ((NetworkQueryId,String,Long,ResultOutputType,String,Long,Long) => QepQueryBreakdownResultsRow){ def breakdownRowsFor(networkQueryId:NetworkQueryId, adapterNode:String, resultId:Long, breakdown:(ResultOutputType,I2b2ResultEnvelope)): Iterable[QepQueryBreakdownResultsRow] = { breakdown._2.data.map(b => QepQueryBreakdownResultsRow(networkQueryId,adapterNode,resultId,breakdown._1,b._1,b._2,System.currentTimeMillis())) } def resultEnvelopesFrom(breakdowns:Seq[QepQueryBreakdownResultsRow]): Map[ResultOutputType, I2b2ResultEnvelope] = { def resultEnvelopeFrom(resultType:ResultOutputType,breakdowns:Seq[QepQueryBreakdownResultsRow]):I2b2ResultEnvelope = { val data = breakdowns.map(b => b.dataKey -> b.value).toMap I2b2ResultEnvelope(resultType,data) } breakdowns.groupBy(_.resultType).map(r => r._1 -> resultEnvelopeFrom(r._1,r._2)) } } case class QepProblemDigestRow( networkQueryId: NetworkQueryId, adapterNode: String, codec: String, stampText: String, summary: String, description: String, details: String, changeDate:Long ){ def toProblemDigest = { ProblemDigest( codec, stampText, summary, description, if(!details.isEmpty) XML.loadString(details) else
, //TODO: FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET AN ACUTAL EPOCH INTO HERE 0 ) } } case class QepDatabaseProblem(x:Exception) extends AbstractProblem(ProblemSources.Qep){ override val summary = "A problem encountered while using a database." override val throwable = Some(x) override val description = x.getMessage } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/shrine-setup/src/main/resources/shrine.conf b/shrine-setup/src/main/resources/shrine.conf index 953e8c6cd..d84c060e6 100644 --- a/shrine-setup/src/main/resources/shrine.conf +++ b/shrine-setup/src/main/resources/shrine.conf @@ -1,345 +1,345 @@ shrine { metaData { ping = "pong" } pmEndpoint { // url = "http://shrine-dev1.catalyst/i2b2/services/PMService/getServices" //use your i2b2 pm url } ontEndpoint { // url = "http://shrine-dev1.catalyst/i2b2/rest/OntologyService/" //use your i2b2 ontology url } hiveCredentials { //use your i2b2 hive credentials // domain = "i2b2demo" // username = "demo" // password = "examplePassword" // crcProjectId = "Demo" // ontProjectId = "SHRINE" } breakdownResultOutputTypes { //use breakdown values appropriate for your shrine network // PATIENT_AGE_COUNT_XML { // description = "Age patient breakdown" // } // PATIENT_RACE_COUNT_XML { // description = "Race patient breakdown" // } // PATIENT_VITALSTATUS_COUNT_XML { // description = "Vital Status patient breakdown" // } // PATIENT_GENDER_COUNT_XML { // description = "Gender patient breakdown" // } } queryEntryPoint { // create = true //false for no qep // audit { // collectQepAudit = true //false to not use the 1.20 audit db tables // database { // dataSourceFrom = "JNDI" //Can be JNDI or testDataSource . Use testDataSource for tests, JNDI everywhere else // jndiDataSourceName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/qepAuditDB" //or leave out for tests // slickProfileClassName = "slick.driver.MySQLDriver$" // Can be // slick.driver.H2Driver$ // slick.driver.MySQLDriver$ // slick.driver.PostgresDriver$ // slick.driver.SQLServerDriver$ // slick.driver.JdbcDriver$ // freeslick.OracleProfile$ // freeslick.MSSQLServerProfile$ // // (Yes, with the $ on the end) // For testing without JNDI // testDataSource { //typical test settings for unit tests //driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver" //url = "jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" //H2 embedded in-memory for unit tests //url = "jdbc:h2:~/stewardTest.h2" //H2 embedded on disk at ~/test // } // timeout = 30 //time to wait before db gives up, in seconds. // createTablesOnStart = false //for testing with H2 in memory, when not running unit tests. Set to false normally // } // } -// trustModelIsHub = true // False for P2P networks. +// trustModelIsHub = true // true by default, false for P2P networks. // authenticationType = "pm" //can be none, pm, or ecommons // authorizationType = "shrine-steward" //can be none, shrine-steward, or hms-steward //hms-steward config // sheriffEndpoint { // url = "http://localhost:8080/shrine-hms-authorization/queryAuthorization" // timeout { // seconds = 1 // } // } // sheriffCredentials { // username = "sheriffUsername" // password = "sheriffPassword" // } //shrine-steward config // shrineSteward { // qepUserName = "qep" // qepPassword = "trustme" // stewardBaseUrl = "https://localhost:6443" // } // includeAggregateResults = false // // maxQueryWaitTime { // minutes = 5 //must be longer than the hub's maxQueryWaitTime // } // broadcasterServiceEndpoint { // url = "http://example.com/shrine/rest/broadcaster/broadcast" //url for the hub // acceptAllCerts = true // timeout { // seconds = 1 // } // } } hub { // create = false //change to true to start a hub maxQueryWaitTime { // minutes = 4.5 //Needs to be longer than the adapter's maxQueryWaitTime, but shorter than the qep's } downstreamNodes { //Add your downstream nodes here // shrine-dev2 = "https://shrine-dev2.catalyst:6443/shrine/rest/adapter/requests" } shouldQuerySelf = false //true if there is an adapter at the hub , or just add a loopback address to downstreamNodes } adapter { // create = true by default. False to not create an adapter. // audit { // collectAdapterAudit = true by default. False to not fill in the audit database // database { // dataSourceFrom = "JNDI" //Can be JNDI or testDataSource . Use testDataSource for tests, JNDI everywhere else // jndiDataSourceName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/adapterAuditDB" //or leave out for tests // slickProfileClassName = "slick.driver.MySQLDriver$" // Can be // slick.driver.H2Driver$ // slick.driver.MySQLDriver$ // slick.driver.PostgresDriver$ // slick.driver.SQLServerDriver$ // slick.driver.JdbcDriver$ // freeslick.OracleProfile$ // freeslick.MSSQLServerProfile$ // // (Yes, with the $ on the end) // For testing without JNDI // testDataSource { //typical test settings for unit tests //driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver" //url = "jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" //H2 embedded in-memory for unit tests //url = "jdbc:h2:~/stewardTest.h2" //H2 embedded on disk at ~/test // } // createTablesOnStart = false //for testing with H2 in memory, when not running unit tests. Set to false normally // } // obfuscation { // binSize = 5 by default //Round to the nearest binSize. Use 1 for no effect (to match SHRINE 1.21 and earlier). // sigma = 6.5 by default //Noise to inject. Use 0 for no effect. (Use 1.33 to match SHRINE 1.21 and earlier). // clamp = 10 by default //Maximum ammount of noise to inject. (Use 3 to match SHRINE 1.21 and earlier). // } // adapterLockoutAttemptsThreshold = 0 by default // Number of allowed queries with the same actual result that can exist before a researcher is locked out of the adapter. In 1.24 the lockout code and this config value will be removed // botDefense { // countsAndMilliseconds = [ //to turn off, use an empty json list // {count = 10, milliseconds = 60000}, //allow up to 10 queries in one minute by default // {count = 200, milliseconds = 36000000} //allow up to 4 queries in 10 hours by default // ] // } crcEndpoint { //must be filled in url = "http://shrine-dev1.catalyst/i2b2/services/QueryToolService/" } setSizeObfuscation = true //must be set. false turns off obfuscation adapterMappingsFileName = "AdapterMappings.xml" maxSignatureAge { minutes = 5 //must be longer than the hub's maxQueryWaitTime } immediatelyRunIncomingQueries = true } networkStatusQuery = "\\\\SHRINE\\SHRINE\\Demographics\\Gender\\Male\\" humanReadableNodeName = "shrine-dev1" shrineDatabaseType = "mysql" keystore { file = "/opt/shrine/shrine.keystore" password = "changeit" privateKeyAlias = "shrine-dev1.catalyst" keyStoreType = "JKS" caCertAliases = [ "shrine-dev-ca" ] } problem { // problemHandler = "net.shrine.problem.LogAndDatabaseProblemHandler$" Can be other specialized problemHandler implementations // database { // dataSourceFrom = "JNDI" //Can be JNDI or testDataSource . Use testDataSource for tests, JNDI everywhere else // jndiDataSourceName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/problemDB" // slickProfileClassName = "slick.driver.MySQLDriver$" // Can be // slick.driver.H2Driver$ // slick.driver.MySQLDriver$ // slick.driver.PostgresDriver$ // slick.driver.SQLServerDriver$ // slick.driver.JdbcDriver$ // freeslick.OracleProfile$ // freeslick.MSSQLServerProfile$ // // (Yes, with the $ on the end) // For testing without JNDI // testDataSource { //typical test settings for unit tests //driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver" //url = "jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" //H2 embedded in-memory for unit tests //url = "jdbc:h2:~/stewardTest.h2" //H2 embedded on disk at ~/test // } // createTablesOnStart = false //for testing with H2 in memory, when not running unit tests. Set to false normally // } } dashboard { // gruntWatch = false //false for production, true for mvn tomcat7:run . Allows the client javascript and html files to be loaded via gruntWatch . // happyBaseUrl = "https://localhost:6443/shrine/rest/happy" If the shine servlet is running on a different machime from the dashboard, change this URL to match // statusBaseUrl = "https://localhost:6443/shrine/rest/internalstatus" If the shine servlet is running on a different machime from the dashboard, change this URL to match // } // status { //permittedHostOfOrigin = "localhost" //If absent then get the host name via java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostName . Override to control } //Get the older squerl-basd databases through JNDI (inside of tomcant, using tomcat's db connection pool) or directly via a db config here (for testing squerylDataSource { // database { // dataSourceFrom = "JNDI" //Can be JNDI or testDataSource . Use testDataSource for tests, JNDI everywhere else // jndiDataSourceName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/shrineDB" //or leave out for tests // } } authenticate { // realm = "SHRINE Researcher API" //todo figure out what this means. SHRINE-1978 usersource { // domain = "i2b2demo" //you must provide your own domain } } steward { // createTopicsMode = Pending //Can be Pending, Approved, or TopcisIgnoredJustLog. Pending by default //Pending - new topics start in the Pending state; researchers must wait for the Steward to approve them //Approved - new topics start in the Approved state; researchers can use them immediately //TopicsIgnoredJustLog - all queries are logged and approved; researchers don't need to create topics emailDataSteward { // sendAuditEmails = true //false to turn off the whole works of emailing the data steward // interval = "1 day" //Audit researchers daily // timeAfterMidnight = "6 hours" //Audit researchers at 6 am. If the interval is less than 1 day then this delay is ignored. // maxQueryCountBetweenAudits = 30 //If a researcher runs more than this many queries since the last audit audit her // minTimeBetweenAudits = "30 days" //If a researcher runs at least one query, audit those queries if this much time has passed //You must provide the email address of the shrine node system admin, to handle bounces and invalid addresses //from = "shrine-admin@example.com" //You must provide the email address of the data steward //to = "shrine-steward@example.com" // subject = "Audit SHRINE researchers" //The baseUrl for the data steward to be substituted in to email text. Must be supplied if it is used in the email text. //stewardBaseUrl = "https://example.com:8443/steward/" //Text to use for the email audit. // AUDIT_LINES will be replaced by a researcherLine for each researcher to audit. // STEWARD_BASE_URL will be replaced by the value in stewardBaseUrl if available. // emailBody = """Please audit the following users at STEWARD_BASE_URL at your earliest convinience: // //AUDIT_LINES""" //note that this can be a multiline message //Text to use per researcher to audit. //FULLNAME, USERNAME, COUNT and LAST_AUDIT_DATE will be replaced with appropriate text. // researcherLine = "FULLNAME (USERNAME) has run COUNT queries since LAST_AUDIT_DATE." } // database { // dataSourceFrom = "JNDI" //Can be JNDI or testDataSource . Use testDataSource for tests, JNDI everywhere else // jndiDataSourceName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/stewardDB" //or leave out for tests // slickProfileClassName = "slick.driver.MySQLDriver$" // Can be // slick.driver.H2Driver$ // slick.driver.MySQLDriver$ // slick.driver.PostgresDriver$ // slick.driver.SQLServerDriver$ // slick.driver.JdbcDriver$ // freeslick.OracleProfile$ // freeslick.MSSQLServerProfile$ // // (Yes, with the $ on the end) // For testing without JNDI // testDataSource { //typical test settings for unit tests //driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver" //url = "jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" //H2 embedded in-memory for unit tests //url = "jdbc:h2:~/stewardTest.h2" //H2 embedded on disk at ~/test // } // createTablesOnStart = false // true for testing with H2 in memory, when not running unit tests. Set to false normally // } // gruntWatch = false //false for production, true for mvn tomcat7:run . Allows the client javascript and html files to be loaded via gruntWatch . } email { //add javax mail properties from https://www.tutorialspoint.com/javamail_api/javamail_api_smtp_servers.htm here // javaxmail { // mail { // smtp { //for postfix on localhost // host = localhost // port = 25 //for AWS SES - See http://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/send-using-smtp-java.html // host = email-smtp.us-east-1.amazonaws.com // port = 25 // transport.protocol = smtps // auth = true // starttls.enable = true // starttls.required = true // } // } // } //Must be set for AWS SES. See http://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/send-using-smtp-java.html // authenticator { // username = yourUsername // password = yourPassword // } } } //Default settings for akka //akka { // loglevel = INFO // log-config-on-start = on // loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"] // Toggles whether the threads created by this ActorSystem should be daemons or not. Use daemonic inside of tomcat to support shutdown // daemonic = on //} //You'll see these settings for spray, baked into the .war files. //spray.servlet { // boot-class = "net.shrine.dashboard.net.shrine.metadata.Boot" //Don't change this one. It'll start the wrong (or no) application if you change it. // request-timeout = 30s //}