diff --git a/shrine-webclient/src/main/html/js-i2b2/cells/CRC/CRC_view_DownloadData.js b/shrine-webclient/src/main/html/js-i2b2/cells/CRC/CRC_view_DownloadData.js index 07040a1c8..d2cd89f97 100644 --- a/shrine-webclient/src/main/html/js-i2b2/cells/CRC/CRC_view_DownloadData.js +++ b/shrine-webclient/src/main/html/js-i2b2/cells/CRC/CRC_view_DownloadData.js @@ -1,416 +1,418 @@ /** * @projectDescription View controller for the download data window (which is a GUI-only component of the CRC module). * @inherits i2b2.CRC.view * @namespace i2b2.CRC.view.DownloadData * @author Bhaswati Ghosh * @version 1.3 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ console.group('Load & Execute component file: CRC > view > DownloadData'); console.time('execute time'); // create and save the screen objects i2b2.CRC.view.downloadData = new i2b2Base_cellViewController(i2b2.CRC, 'downloadData'); i2b2.CRC.view.downloadData.visible = false; i2b2.CRC.view.downloadData.show = function() { i2b2.CRC.view.downloadData.visible = true; $('crcDownloadDataBox').show(); } i2b2.CRC.view.downloadData.hide = function() { i2b2.CRC.view.downloadData.visible = false; $('crcDownloadDataBox').hide(); } i2b2.CRC.view.downloadData.hideDisplay = function() { $('infoDownloadStatusData').hide(); } i2b2.CRC.view.downloadData.showDisplay = function() { var targs = $('infoDownloadStatusData').parentNode.parentNode.select('DIV.tabBox.active'); // remove all active tabs targs.each(function(el) { el.removeClassName('active'); }); // set us as active $('infoDownloadStatusData').parentNode.parentNode.select('DIV.tabBox.tabDownloadData')[0].addClassName('active'); $('infoQueryStatusText').hide(); $('infoQueryStatusChart').hide(); $('infoQueryStatusReport').hide(); $('infoDownloadStatusData').show(); var output = ""; if(typeof i2b2.CRC.view.downloadData.active_qm_id === 'undefined'){ } else { output = "
You can download the de-identified data for this query as an Excel/CSV file. "; output += ""; output += "
"; } $('infoDownloadStatusData').innerHTML = output; } i2b2.CRC.view.downloadData.createCSV = function() { var formattedResObj = i2b2.CRC.ctrlr.currentQueryResults; var resString = formattedResObj.resultString; if(resString && resString.length>0) { var asInputFragments = i2b2.CRC.view.graphs.parseInputIntoArray(resString,true); i2b2.CRC.view.downloadData.getFormattedResults(asInputFragments); i2b2.CRC.view.downloadData.getCSVFromResultsHash(); } } allSiteNamesHash = $H(); //This hash keeps all the facility names. finalOrderdSiteNamesHash = $H(); //In this hash we order the names of all facilities and assign them an index number resultsHash = $H(); //This hashtable keeps {'breakdown|category',{{'facility Name',{integer value,obfuscated value}}} pairs errorsHash = $H(); //This hastable keeps {facility name, error message} pairs for all sites that returns error finalResultsArray = new Array([]); // This is a 2-D array. Keeps data in tabular format where the columns are the sites and rows are the category of results.This array wiil be used to create the CSV table easily. breakdownHash = $H(); //This hashtable will keep al breakdown categories in lowercase letters. This will help resolve case sensitivity issues for same categories i2b2.CRC.view.downloadData.getFormattedResults = function(inpArray) { try{ //Clear all the hashtables allSiteNamesHash = $H(); resultsHash = $H(); errorsHash = $H(); breakdownHash = $H(); //Populate the facility names hash and results hash tables inpArray.each(function(item){ var qryName = item[0]; var brkDownCategoryOrError = item[1]; var facilityName = item[2]; var brkDownLabelorErrorMsg = item[3]; var brkDownValue = item[4]; var obfuscatedEntry = item[5]; var obfuscatedVal = item[5]; if(obfuscatedVal) { var tempObfuscated = obfuscatedEntry.split(" - "); if(tempObfuscated && tempObfuscated.length>1) obfuscatedVal = tempObfuscated[1]; } var errorEntry = false; if(brkDownCategoryOrError && brkDownCategoryOrError.indexOf("ERROR") > -1) errorEntry = true; if(brkDownCategoryOrError && brkDownCategoryOrError.indexOf("Still Processing Request") > -1) errorEntry = true; if(brkDownCategoryOrError && brkDownCategoryOrError.indexOf("Results not available") > -1) errorEntry = true; if(facilityName && qryName) allSiteNamesHash.set(facilityName.trim(),qryName.trim()); //Is this a result entry or error entry if(errorEntry) { if(facilityName && qryName) errorsHash.set(facilityName.trim(),brkDownLabelorErrorMsg.trim()); } else //this is a result entry { if(brkDownCategoryOrError && brkDownLabelorErrorMsg && obfuscatedVal) { var brkDownCategory = brkDownCategoryOrError.trim(); var brkDownLabel = brkDownLabelorErrorMsg.trim(); var keyId = brkDownCategory + "|" + brkDownLabel; if(resultsHash.get(keyId)) { var thisKeyDict = resultsHash.get(keyId); //Save this site entry in proper breakdown hash thisKeyDict.set(facilityName,{'integerValue' : brkDownValue, 'obfuscated':obfuscatedVal}); } else { //Create a dictionary for the site in the very first entry var thisKeyDict = $H(); //Create a dictionary for break down category for the very first site in input array var thisSiteDict = $H(); thisSiteDict.set(facilityName,{'integerValue' : brkDownValue, 'obfuscated':obfuscatedVal}); resultsHash.set(keyId,thisSiteDict); } } } }); //We have all our required data hashed. Now lets make a tabular format from it. var maxRowsNum = resultsHash.size(); var maxColsNum = allSiteNamesHash.size(); finalResultsArray = new Array(maxRowsNum+1); for (var i = 0; i <= maxRowsNum; i++) { finalResultsArray[i] = new Array(maxColsNum+1); } for(var i = 0 ; i<=maxRowsNum ; i++) { for(var j = 0 ;j<=maxColsNum; j++) { finalResultsArray[i][j]=' '; } } finalOrderdSiteNamesHash = $H(); var count = 1; allSiteNamesHash.keys().sort().each(function(orderedEntry) { finalOrderdSiteNamesHash.set(orderedEntry,count); count++; }); //Fill in the first row of the 2-D array with all site names in alphabetic order finalResultsArray[0][0]='Site names'; finalOrderdSiteNamesHash.each(function(entry) { var col = entry.value; var colEntry = entry.key; finalResultsArray[0][col]=colEntry; }); //Fill in the first column of the 2-D array with all the break down categories var i=0; var rowIndex = 0; var temporaryCatgryArr = new Array(maxRowsNum); resultsHash.keys().sort().each(function(breakdown){ try{ var patCountRow = false; var lowerCaseBrkDown = breakdown.toLowerCase(); //Resolving case issue for same breakdown fact if(breakdown.indexOf("Patient Count") > -1) patCountRow = true; if(!patCountRow) { if(!(breakdownHash.get(lowerCaseBrkDown))){ breakdownHash.set(lowerCaseBrkDown,rowIndex+2); rowIndex++; } } else { //Reserve the 2nd row for patient count data finalResultsArray[1][0] = breakdown; breakdownHash.set(lowerCaseBrkDown,1); } temporaryCatgryArr[i++] = breakdown; } catch(err1) { console.error("Error while sorting the breakdown categories : " + err1); } }); //Fill in the rest of data in the array for(var i = 0 ; i < temporaryCatgryArr.length ; i++) { try{ var breakdownCat = temporaryCatgryArr[i]; var lowerCaseBrkDown = breakdownCat.toLowerCase(); var rowIndex = breakdownHash.get(lowerCaseBrkDown); if(rowIndex){ var patCountRow = false; if(breakdownCat.indexOf("Patient Count") > -1) patCountRow = true; if(resultsHash.get(breakdownCat)) { var thisBrkDnHash = resultsHash.get(breakdownCat); if(patCountRow) //Fill in the 2nd row with patient count data finalResultsArray[1][0] = 'All Patients'; else finalResultsArray[rowIndex][0] = breakdownCat; thisBrkDnHash.each(function(item){ var siteName = item.key; var siteIndex = finalOrderdSiteNamesHash.get(siteName); var integerVal = item.value.integerValue; finalResultsArray[rowIndex][siteIndex] = integerVal; }); } else { var err = "Caltegory " + breakdown + " was not found in resullt hashtable"; console.error(err); } } } catch(err1) { console.error("Error while putting together the results table : " + err1); continue; } } return finalResultsArray; } catch(err) { console.error(err); return null; } }; i2b2.CRC.view.downloadData.getCSVFromResultsHash = function() { var numberOfSites = finalOrderdSiteNamesHash.size(); if(numberOfSites>0) { var maxRowsNum = breakdownHash.size()+1; var maxColNumber = numberOfSites+1; var content = " Download CSV File

"; content += ""; content += ""+ //Beginning of Site names row ""+ ""; for(var i = 0 ; i < maxRowsNum ; i++) { content += ""; for(var j = 0 ; j < maxColNumber ; j++) { var thisRowColItem = finalResultsArray[i][j]; if(thisRowColItem) { if(i2b2.h.isMinObfuscation(thisRowColItem.trim())) { thisRowColItem = 0; } if(i==0 && j==0) content += ""; else{ if(thisRowColItem==' ') content += ""; else content += ""; } } else content += ""; } content += ""; } content += "
  " + thisRowColItem + " 
"; jQuery('#infoDownloadStatusData').append(content); } else {} } i2b2.CRC.view.downloadData.exportTableToCSV = function () { var table = jQuery('#resultsTable'); var filename = 'export.csv'; var rows = table.find('tr:has(td)'); // Temporary delimiter characters unlikely to be typed by keyboard // This is to avoid accidentally splitting the actual contents var tmpColDelim = String.fromCharCode(11); // vertical tab character var tmpRowDelim = String.fromCharCode(0); // null character // actual delimiter characters for CSV format var colDelim = '","'; var rowDelim = '"\r\n"'; // Grab text from table into CSV formatted string var csv = '"' + jQuery(rows).map(function (i, row) { var row = jQuery(row), cols = row.find('td'); return jQuery(cols).map(function (j, col) { var col = jQuery(col), text = col.text(); if(i==0 && j==0) text = "SHRINE QUERY RESULTS (OBFUSCATED PATIENT COUNTS)"; else { if(elementIsEmpty(col)) text = ""; } text = text.replace(/"/g, '""'); // escape double quotes return text.replace(/,/g, '",'); // escape comma inside a field }).get().join(tmpColDelim); }).get().join(tmpRowDelim) .split(tmpRowDelim).join(rowDelim) .split(tmpColDelim).join(colDelim) + '"'; // Check Browser var ua = window.navigator.userAgent; var msie = ua.indexOf("MSIE "); var trident = ua.indexOf('Trident/'); var edge = ua.indexOf('Edge/'); var browserIsIE = false; if (msie > 0) { // IE 10 or older browserIsIE = true; } else if (trident > 0) { // IE 11 browserIsIE = true; } else if (edge > 0) { // Edge browserIsIE = true; } else browserIsIE = false; if(browserIsIE) { if (window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) { // IE 10+ // var fileData = ['\ufeff'+csv]; // blobObject = new Blob(fileData); var blobObject = new Blob([decodeURIComponent(encodeURI(csv))], { type: "text/csv;charset=utf-8;" }); navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blobObject, filename); return false; } else { var IEwindow = window.open(); IEwindow.document.write('sep=,\r\n' + csv); IEwindow.document.close(); var success = IEwindow.document.execCommand('SaveAs', true, filename); IEwindow.close(); if (!success) alert("Sorry, your browser does not support this feature"); } } else { var mylink = document.createElement('a'); var csvData = 'data:application/csv;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(csv); + var evObj = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); mylink.download = filename; mylink.href = csvData; document.body.appendChild(mylink); - mylink.click(); + evObj.initEvent( 'click', true, true ); + mylink.dispatchEvent(evObj); } } function elementIsEmpty(td) { if (td.text == '' || td.text() == ' ' || td.html() == ' ' || td.is(":not(:visible)")) { return true; } return false; } // ================================================================================================== // console.timeEnd('execute time'); console.groupEnd(); \ No newline at end of file