diff --git a/apps/meta-app/src/main/scala/net/shrine/metadata/QepReceiver.scala b/apps/meta-app/src/main/scala/net/shrine/metadata/QepReceiver.scala
index 9bb003173..cc806c7e0 100644
--- a/apps/meta-app/src/main/scala/net/shrine/metadata/QepReceiver.scala
+++ b/apps/meta-app/src/main/scala/net/shrine/metadata/QepReceiver.scala
@@ -1,241 +1,243 @@
 package net.shrine.metadata
 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
 import javax.servlet.{ServletContextEvent, ServletContextListener}
 import com.typesafe.config.Config
 import net.shrine.broadcaster.{IdAndUrl, NodeListParser}
 import net.shrine.config.ConfigExtensions
 import net.shrine.log.Log
 import net.shrine.messagequeueservice.protocol.Envelope
 import net.shrine.messagequeueservice.{CouldNotCompleteMomTaskButOKToRetryException, Message, MessageQueueService, Queue}
 import net.shrine.problem.{AbstractProblem, ProblemSources}
 import net.shrine.protocol.{AggregatedRunQueryResponse, QueryResult, ResultOutputType, ResultOutputTypes}
 import net.shrine.qep.querydb.{QepQueryDb, QepQueryDbChangeNotifier, QueryResultRow}
 import net.shrine.source.ConfigSource
 import net.shrine.status.protocol.IncrementalQueryResult
 import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
 import scala.util.control.NonFatal
 import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
   * Receives messages and writes the result to the QEP's cache
   * @author david
   * @since 8/18/17
 object QepReceiver {
   val config: Config = ConfigSource.config
   val nodeName = config.getString("shrine.humanReadableNodeName")
   val pollDuration = config.get("shrine.messagequeue.receiveWaitTime",Duration(_))
   //create a daemon thread that long-polls for messages forever
   val runner = QepReceiverRunner(nodeName,pollDuration)
   val pollingThread = new Thread(runner,s"${getClass.getSimpleName} poller")
   def start(): Unit = {
     Log.debug(s"Started the QepReceiver thread for $nodeName")
   def stop(): Unit = {
   case class QepReceiverRunner(nodeName:String,pollDuration:Duration) extends Runnable {
     val keepGoing = new AtomicBoolean(true)
     def stop(): Unit = {
       Log.debug(s"${this.getClass.getSimpleName} keepGoing set to ${keepGoing.get()}. Will stop asking for messages after the current request.")
     val breakdownTypes: Set[ResultOutputType] = ConfigSource.config.getOptionConfigured("shrine.breakdownResultOutputTypes", ResultOutputTypes.fromConfig).getOrElse(Set.empty)
     override def run(): Unit = {
       //if hub, create all the queues
       if(config.getBoolean("shrine.hub.create")) {
         val otherNodes: List[IdAndUrl] = config.getOptionConfigured("shrine.hub.downstreamNodes", NodeListParser(_)).getOrElse(Nil).to[List]
         val thisNode:Option[String] = if (config.getBoolean("shrine.hub.shouldQuerySelf")) Some(nodeName)
         else None
         val nodeNames = ( thisNode :: otherNodes.map(n => Some(n.nodeId.name)) ).flatten
       val queue = createQueue(nodeName)
       while (keepGoing.get()) {
         try {
           Log.debug("About to call receive.")
           Log.debug("Called receive.")
         } catch {
           case NonFatal(x) => ExceptionWhileReceivingMessage(queue,x)
           //pass-through to blow up the thread, receive no more results, do something dramatic in UncaughtExceptionHandler.
           case x => Log.error("Fatal exception while receiving a message", x)
             throw x
       Log.debug(s"QepReceiverRunner will stop. keepGoing is ${keepGoing.get()}")
     def receiveAMessage(queue:Queue): Unit = {
       val maybeMessage: Try[Option[Message]] = MessageQueueService.service.receive(queue, pollDuration)
+      Log.debug(s"$maybeMessage")
       maybeMessage.transform({m =>
       },{x =>
         x match {
           case cncmtbotrx:CouldNotCompleteMomTaskButOKToRetryException => {
             Log.debug(s"Last attempt to receive resulted in ${cncmtbotrx.getMessage}. Sleeping $pollDuration before next attempt")
           case NonFatal(nfx) => ExceptionWhileReceivingMessage(queue,x) //todo start here. Look in at the logs to see what's what
-          case _ => //pass through
+          case fatal => throw fatal
     def interpretAMessage(message: Message,queue: Queue): Try[Unit] = {
       val unit = ()
       Log.debug(s"Received a message from $queue of $message")
       val envelopeJson = message.contents
         case e:Envelope => e.checkVersionExactMatch
         case notE => Failure(new IllegalArgumentException(s"Not an expected message Envelope but a ${notE.getClass}"))
         flatMap {
         case Envelope(contentsType, contents, shrineVersion) if contentsType == AggregatedRunQueryResponse.getClass.getSimpleName =>
           AggregatedRunQueryResponse.fromXmlString(breakdownTypes)(contents).flatMap{ rqr =>
             QepQueryDb.db.insertQueryResult(rqr.queryId, rqr.results.head)
             Log.debug(s"Inserted result from ${rqr.results.head.description} for query ${rqr.queryId}")
         case Envelope(contentsType, contents, shrineVersion) if contentsType == IncrementalQueryResult.incrementalQueryResultsEnvelopeContentsType =>
           val changeDate = System.currentTimeMillis()
           IncrementalQueryResult.seqFromJson(contents).flatMap { iqrs: Seq[IncrementalQueryResult] =>
             val rows = iqrs.map(iqr => QueryResultRow(
               resultId = -1L,
               networkQueryId = iqr.networkQueryId,
               instanceId = -1L,
               adapterNode = iqr.adapterNodeName,
               resultType = None,
               size = 0L,
               startDate = None,
               endDate = None,
               status = QueryResult.StatusType.valueOf(iqr.statusTypeName).get,
               statusMessage = Some(iqr.statusMessage),
               changeDate = changeDate
             Log.debug(s"Inserted incremental results $iqrs")
             rows.headOption.foreach(row => QepQueryDbChangeNotifier.triggerDataChangeFor(row.networkQueryId))
         case e:Envelope => Failure(UnexpectedMessageContentsTypeException(e,queue))
         case _ => Failure(new IllegalArgumentException(s"Received something other than an envelope from this queue: $envelopeJson"))
         }.transform({ s =>
       },{ x =>
         x match {
           case NonFatal(nfx) => QepReceiverCouldNotDecodeMessage(envelopeJson,queue,x)
           case throwable =>  throw throwable//blow something up
         message.complete() //complete anyway. Can't be interpreted, so we don't want to see it again
     def createQueue(nodeName:String):Queue = {
       //Either come back with the right exception to try again, or a Queue
       def tryToCreateQueue():Try[Queue] =
       def keepGoing(attempt:Try[Queue]):Try[Boolean] = attempt.transform({queue => Success(false)}, {
         case okIsh: CouldNotCompleteMomTaskButOKToRetryException => Success(true)
         case x => Failure(x)
       //todo for fun figure out how to do this without the var. maybe a Stream ? SHRINE-2211
       var lastAttempt:Try[Queue] = tryToCreateQueue()
       while(keepGoing(lastAttempt).get) {
         Log.debug(s"Last attempt to create a queue resulted in $lastAttempt. Sleeping $pollDuration before next attempt")
         lastAttempt = tryToCreateQueue()
       Log.info(s"Finishing createQueue with $lastAttempt")
 object QepReceiverUncaughtExceptionHandler extends Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler {
   override def uncaughtException(thread: Thread, throwable: Throwable): Unit = QepReceiverThreadEndedByThrowable(thread,throwable)
 class QueueReceiverContextListener extends ServletContextListener {
   override def contextInitialized(servletContextEvent: ServletContextEvent): Unit = {
   override def contextDestroyed(servletContextEvent: ServletContextEvent): Unit = {
 case class UnexpectedMessageContentsTypeException(envelope: Envelope, queue: Queue) extends Exception(s"Could not interpret message with contents type of ${envelope.contentsType} from queue ${queue.name} from shrine version ${envelope.shrineVersion}")
 case class ExceptionWhileReceivingMessage(queue:Queue, x:Throwable) extends AbstractProblem(ProblemSources.Qep) {
   override val throwable = Some(x)
   override def summary: String = s"The QEP encountered an exception while trying to receive a message from $queue"
   override def description: String = s"The QEP encountered an exception while trying to receive a message from $queue on ${Thread.currentThread().getName}: ${x.getMessage}"
 case class QepReceiverCouldNotDecodeMessage(messageString:String,queue:Queue, x:Throwable) extends AbstractProblem(ProblemSources.Qep) {
   override val throwable = Some(x)
   override def summary: String = s"The QEP could not decode a message from $queue"
   override def description: String =
     s"""The QEP encountered an exception while trying to decode a message from $queue on ${Thread.currentThread().getName}:
 case class QepReceiverThreadEndedByThrowable(thread:Thread, x:Throwable) extends AbstractProblem(ProblemSources.Qep) {
   override val throwable = Some(x)
   override def summary: String = s"The Qep Receiver's thread stopped because of an uncaught exception."
   override def description: String =
     s"""The Qep Receiver's thread ${thread.getName} stopped because of an uncaught exception"""
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diff --git a/messagequeue/hornetqclient/src/main/scala/net/shrine/hornetqclient/HornetQMomWebClient.scala b/messagequeue/hornetqclient/src/main/scala/net/shrine/hornetqclient/HornetQMomWebClient.scala
index 8e39fa0ed..8ec3292b7 100644
--- a/messagequeue/hornetqclient/src/main/scala/net/shrine/hornetqclient/HornetQMomWebClient.scala
+++ b/messagequeue/hornetqclient/src/main/scala/net/shrine/hornetqclient/HornetQMomWebClient.scala
@@ -1,218 +1,216 @@
 package net.shrine.hornetqclient
 import java.util.UUID
 import akka.actor.ActorSystem
 import net.shrine.config.ConfigExtensions
 import net.shrine.hornetqmom.MessageContainer
 import net.shrine.log.Loggable
 import net.shrine.messagequeueservice.{CouldNotCompleteMomTaskButOKToRetryException, Message, MessageQueueService, Queue}
 import net.shrine.source.ConfigSource
 import org.json4s.NoTypeHints
 import org.json4s.native.Serialization
 import org.json4s.native.Serialization.read
 import spray.http.{HttpEntity, HttpMethods, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, StatusCodes}
 import scala.collection.immutable.Seq
 import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
 import scala.language.postfixOps
 import scala.util.control.NonFatal
 import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
   * A simple HornetQMomWebClient that uses HornetQMomWebApi to createQueue,
   * deleteQueue, sendMessage, receiveMessage, getQueues, and sendReceipt
   * @author yifan
   * @since 8/10/17
 object HornetQMomWebClient extends MessageQueueService with Loggable {
   // we need an ActorSystem to host our application in
   implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("momServer", ConfigSource.config)
   val configPath = "shrine.messagequeue.blockingq"
   def webClientConfig = ConfigSource.config.getConfig("shrine.messagequeue.blockingq")
   //todo Yifan's work changes the name to webClientTimeOut
   val webClientTimeOut: Duration = webClientConfig.get("webClientTimeOutSecond", Duration(_))
   // TODO in SHRINE-2167: Extract and share a SHRINE actor system
   // the service actor replies to incoming HttpRequests
 //  implicit val serviceActor: ActorRef = startServiceActor()
 //  def startActorSystem(): ActorSystem = try {
 //    val actorSystem: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("momServer", ConfigSource.config)
 //    info(s"Starting ActorSystem: ${actorSystem.name} for HornetQMomWebClient at time: ${actorSystem.startTime}")
 //    actorSystem
 //  } catch {
 //    case NonFatal(x) => {
 //      debug(s"NonFatalException thrown while starting ActorSystem for HornetQMomWebClient: ${x.getMessage}")
 //      throw x
 //    }
 //    case x: ExceptionInInitializerError => {
 //      debug(s"ExceptionInInitializerError thrown while starting ActorSystem for HornetQMomWebClient: ${x.getMessage}")
 //      throw x
 //    }
 //  }
 //  def startServiceActor(): ActorRef = try {
 //    // the service actor replies to incoming HttpRequests
 //    val actor: ActorRef = system.actorOf(Props[HornetQMomWebClientServiceActor])
 //    info(s"Starting ServiceActor: ${actor.toString()} for HornetQMomWebClient")
 //    actor
 //  }
 //  catch {
 //    case NonFatal(x) => {
 //      debug(s"NonFatalException thrown while starting ServiceActor for HornetQMomWebClient: ${x.getMessage}")
 //      throw x
 //    }
 //    case x: ExceptionInInitializerError => {
 //      debug(s"ExceptionInInitializerError thrown while starting ServiceActor for HornetQMomWebClient: ${x.getMessage}")
 //      throw x
 //    }
 //  }
   val momUrl: String = webClientConfig.getString("serverUrl")
   override def createQueueIfAbsent(queueName: String): Try[Queue] = {
     val proposedQueue: Queue = Queue(queueName)
     val createQueueUrl = momUrl + s"/createQueue/${proposedQueue.name}"
     val request: HttpRequest = HttpRequest(HttpMethods.PUT, createQueueUrl)
     for {
       response: HttpResponse <- Try(HttpClient.webApiCall(request, webClientTimeOut))
       queue: Queue <- queueFromResponse(response,queueName)
     } yield queue
   def queueFromResponse(response: HttpResponse,queueName:String):Try[Queue] = Try {
     if(response.status == StatusCodes.Created) {
       val queueString = response.entity.asString
       implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints)
       read[Queue](queueString)(formats, manifest[Queue])
     } else {
       if((response.status == StatusCodes.NotFound) ||
         (response.status == StatusCodes.RequestTimeout)) throw new CouldNotCompleteMomTaskButOKToRetryException(s"create a queue named $queueName",Some(response.status),Some(response.entity.asString))
       else throw new IllegalStateException(s"Response status is ${response.status}, not Created. Cannot make a queue from this response: ${response.entity.asString}") //todo more specific custom exception SHRINE-2213
   }.transform({ s =>
   },{throwable =>
     throwable match {
       case NonFatal(x) => error(s"Unable to create a Queue from '${response.entity.asString}' due to exception",throwable)  //todo probably want to wrap more information into a new Throwable here SHRINE-2213
       case _ =>
   override def deleteQueue(queueName: String): Try[Unit] = {
     val proposedQueue: Queue = Queue(queueName)
     val deleteQueueUrl = momUrl + s"/deleteQueue/${proposedQueue.name}"
     val request: HttpRequest = HttpRequest(HttpMethods.PUT, deleteQueueUrl)
     Try(HttpClient.webApiCall(request, webClientTimeOut)) // StatusCodes.OK
   override def queues: Try[Seq[Queue]] = {
     val getQueuesUrl = momUrl + s"/getQueues"
     val request: HttpRequest = HttpRequest(HttpMethods.GET, getQueuesUrl)
     for {
       response: HttpResponse <- Try(HttpClient.webApiCall(request, webClientTimeOut))
       allQueues: Seq[Queue] <- Try {
         val allQueues: String = response.entity.asString
         implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints)
         read[Seq[Queue]](allQueues)(formats, manifest[Seq[Queue]])
     } yield allQueues
   override def send(contents: String, to: Queue): Try[Unit] = {
     debug(s"send to $to '$contents'")
     val sendMessageUrl = momUrl + s"/sendMessage/${to.name}"
     val request: HttpRequest = HttpRequest(
       method = HttpMethods.PUT,
       uri = sendMessageUrl,
       entity = HttpEntity(contents)  //todo set contents as XML or json SHRINE-2215
     for {
       response: HttpResponse <- Try(HttpClient.webApiCall(request, webClientTimeOut))
     } yield response
   //todo test receiving no message SHRINE-2213
   override def receive(from: Queue, timeout: Duration): Try[Option[Message]] = {
     val seconds = timeout.toSeconds
     val receiveMessageUrl = momUrl + s"/receiveMessage/${from.name}?timeOutSeconds=$seconds"
     val request: HttpRequest = HttpRequest(HttpMethods.GET, receiveMessageUrl)
     for {
     //use the time to make the API call plus the timeout for the long poll
       response: HttpResponse <- Try(HttpClient.webApiCall(request, webClientTimeOut + timeout)) 
       messageResponse: Option[Message] <- messageOptionFromResponse(response,from)
     } yield messageResponse
   def messageOptionFromResponse(response: HttpResponse,from:Queue):Try[Option[Message]] = Try {
     if(response.status == StatusCodes.NotFound) None
     else if (response.status == StatusCodes.RequestTimeout) {
-      //todo wait a bit before trying again
-      None
-    }
-    else if (response.status == StatusCodes.OK) Some {
+      throw new CouldNotCompleteMomTaskButOKToRetryException(s"receive a message from ${from.name}",Some(response.status),Some(response.entity.asString))
+    } else if (response.status == StatusCodes.OK) Some { //todo move to top SHRINE-2216
       val responseString = response.entity.asString
     } else if(response.status == StatusCodes.InternalServerError) {
       throw new CouldNotCompleteMomTaskButOKToRetryException(s"receive a message from ${from.name}",Some(response.status),Some(response.entity.asString))
     } else {
       throw new IllegalStateException(s"Response status is ${response.status}, not OK or NotFound. Cannot make a Message from this response: ${response.entity.asString}")
   }.transform({ s =>
     val hornetQMessage = s.map(msg => HornetQClientMessage(UUID.fromString(msg.id), msg.contents))
   },{throwable =>
     throwable match {
       case NonFatal(x) => error(s"Unable to create a Message from '${response.entity.asString}' due to exception",throwable) //todo probably want to report a Problem here SHRINE-2216
       case _ =>
   case class HornetQClientMessage private(messageID: UUID, messageContent: String) extends Message {
     override def contents: String = messageContent
     override def complete(): Try[Unit] = {
       val entity: HttpEntity = HttpEntity(messageID.toString)
       val completeMessageUrl: String = s"$momUrl/acknowledge"
       val request: HttpRequest = HttpRequest(HttpMethods.PUT, completeMessageUrl).withEntity(entity)
       for {
         response: HttpResponse <- Try(HttpClient.webApiCall(request)).transform({r =>
           info(s"Message ${this.messageID} completed with ${r.status}")
         }, { throwable =>
           debug(s"Message ${this.messageID} failed in its complete process due to ${throwable.getMessage}")
       } yield response
 // TODO in SHRINE-2167: Extract and share a SHRINE actor system
 //class HornetQMomWebClientServiceActor extends Actor with MetaDataService {
 //  // the HttpService trait defines only one abstract member, which
 //  // connects the services environment to the enclosing actor or test
 //  def actorRefFactory: ActorRefFactory = context
 //  // this actor only runs our route, but you could add
 //  // other things here, like request stream processing
 //  // or timeout handling
 //  def receive: Receive = runRoute(route)
 //  override implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
 //  override def system: ActorSystem = context.system
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