diff --git a/BlackDynamite/coating/slurmCoat.py b/BlackDynamite/coating/slurmCoat.py index a1c04d1..ea95a95 100755 --- a/BlackDynamite/coating/slurmCoat.py +++ b/BlackDynamite/coating/slurmCoat.py @@ -1,122 +1,127 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function from BlackDynamite import * import os import stat import subprocess import re import socket admissible_params = {"walltime": str, "email": str, "nodes": int, "module": [str], "cpus-per-task": int, "cpus-per-node": int, "cwd": bool, "slurm_option": [str]} default_params = {"walltime": "48:00:00", "cwd": True, "nodes": 1, "cpus-per-task": 1} help = {"walltime": "Specify the wall time for the runs", "email": "Specify the email to notify", "nodes": "Number of nodes for the job", "slurm_option": "Allow to provide additional SLURM options", "module": "List of modules to load", "cpus-per-node": "Number of CPU per nodes", "cpus-per-task": "Number of thread per MPI process", "cwd": "Run by default in the run folder"} mandatory = {"cpus-per-node": True} def launch(run, params): _exec = run.getExecFile() head = "#!/bin/bash\n\n" head += "#SBATCH --time={0}\n".format(params["walltime"]) if ("email" in params): head += "#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL\n" head += "#SBATCH --mail-user={0}\n".format(params["email"]) slurm_head_name = "#SBATCH --job-name={0}_{1}\n".format( run["run_name"], run.id) head += slurm_head_name run["state"] = "SLURM submit" if ("nproc" in params): run["nproc"] = params["nproc"] nproc = run["nproc"] try: nodes = max(nproc * params["cpus-per-task"] // params["cpus-per-node"], 1) except Exception as e: print(params.keys()) print(e) raise e head += "#SBATCH --nodes={0}\n".format(nodes) head += "#SBATCH --ntasks={0}\n".format(nproc) head += "#SBATCH --cpus-per-task={0}\n".format(params["cpus-per-task"]) if ("slurm_option" in params): - for i in params["slurm_option"]: - head += "#SBATCH {0}\n".format(i) + for option in params["slurm_option"]: + # To get consistent behavior between --slurm_option="" + # and --slurm_option "" + m = re.match('^--(\S+)$', option) + if m: + option = m.group(1) + head += "#SBATCH --{}\n".format(m.group(1)) if (params["cwd"]): head += "#SBATCH --workdir=__BLACKDYNAMITE__run_path__\n" if ("module" in params): head += "\nmodule purge\n" for i in params["module"]: head += "module load {0}\n".format(i) run.update() head += """ export BLACKDYNAMITE_HOST=__BLACKDYNAMITE__dbhost__ export BLACKDYNAMITE_SCHEMA=__BLACKDYNAMITE__study__ export BLACKDYNAMITE_STUDY=__BLACKDYNAMITE__study__ export BLACKDYNAMITE_RUN_ID=__BLACKDYNAMITE__run_id__ export BLACKDYNAMITE_USER=""" + params["user"] + """ on_kill() { updateRuns.py --updates \"state = SLURM killed\" --truerun exit 0 } on_stop() { updateRuns.py --updates \"state = SLURM stopped\" --truerun exit 0 } # Execute function on_die() receiving TERM signal # trap on_stop SIGUSR1 trap on_stop SIGTERM trap on_kill SIGUSR2 trap on_kill SIGKILL """ _exec["file"] = run.replaceBlackDynamiteVariables(head) + _exec["file"] f = open(_exec["filename"], 'w') f.write(_exec["file"]) f.close() # os.chmod(_exec["filename"], stat.S_IRWXU) print("execute sbatch ./" + _exec["filename"]) print("in dir ") subprocess.call("pwd") if params["truerun"] is True: ret = subprocess.call("sbatch " + _exec["filename"], shell=True)