diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL index 60030e6b5..d1a8870a8 100644 --- a/INSTALL +++ b/INSTALL @@ -1,656 +1,663 @@ CDS Invenio v0.99.1 INSTALL =========================== About ===== This document specifies how to build, customize, and install CDS Invenio v0.99.1 for the first time. See RELEASE-NOTES if you are upgrading from a previous CDS Invenio release. Contents ======== 0. Prerequisites 1. Quick instructions for the impatient CDS Invenio admin 2. Detailed instructions for the patient CDS Invenio admin 0. Prerequisites ================ Here is the software you need to have around before you start installing CDS Invenio: a) Unix-like operating system. The main development and production platforms for CDS Invenio at CERN are GNU/Linux distributions Debian, Gentoo, Scientific Linux (aka RHEL), Ubuntu, but we also develop on Mac OS X. Basically any Unix system supporting the software listed below should do. If you are using Debian GNU/Linux ``Lenny'' or later, then you can install most of the below-mentioned prerequisites and recommendations by running: $ sudo aptitude install python-dev apache2-mpm-prefork \ mysql-server mysql-client python-mysqldb \ python-4suite-xml python-simplejson python-xml \ python-libxml2 python-libxslt1 gnuplot poppler-utils \ gs-common clisp gettext libapache2-mod-wsgi unzip python-rdflib \ python-gnuplot python-magic pdftk html2text giflib-tools \ pstotext netpbm You may also want to install some of the following packages, if you have them available on your concrete architecture: $ sudo aptitude install rxp python-psyco sbcl cmucl \ pylint pychecker pyflakes python-profiler python-epydoc \ libapache2-mod-xsendfile openoffice.org Moreover, you should install some Message Transfer Agent (MTA) such as Postfix so that CDS Invenio can email notification alerts or registration information to the end users, contact moderators and reviewers of submitted documents, inform administrators about various runtime system information, etc: $ sudo aptitude install postfix After running the above-quoted aptitude command(s), you can proceed to configuring your MySQL server instance (max_allowed_packet in my.cnf, see item 0b below) and then to installing the CDS Invenio software package in the section 1 below. If you are using another operating system, then please continue reading the rest of this prerequisites section, and please consult our wiki pages for any concrete hints for your specific operating system. b) MySQL server (may be on a remote machine), and MySQL client (must be available locally too). MySQL versions 4.1 or 5.0 are supported. Please set the variable "max_allowed_packet" in your "my.cnf" init file to at least 4M. You may perhaps also want to run your MySQL server natively in UTF-8 mode by setting "default-character-set=utf8" in various parts of your "my.cnf" file, such as in the "[mysql]" part and elsewhere; but this is not really required. c) Apache 2 server, with support for loading DSO modules, and optionally with SSL support for HTTPS-secure user authentication, and mod_xsendfile for off-loading file downloads away from Invenio processes to Apache. d) Python v2.4 or above: as well as the following Python modules: - (mandatory) MySQLdb (version >= 1.2.1_p2; see below) - (recommended) PyXML, for XML processing: - (recommended) PyRXP, for very fast XML MARC processing: - (recommended) libxml2-python, for XML/XLST processing: - (recommended) simplejson, for AJAX apps: Note that if you are using Python-2.6, you don't need to install simplejson, because the module is already included in the main Python distribution. - (recommended) Gnuplot.Py, for producing graphs: - (recommended) Snowball Stemmer, for stemming: - (recommended) py-editdist, for record merging: - (recommended) numpy, for citerank methods: - (recommended) magic, for full-text file handling: - (optional) 4suite, slower alternative to PyRXP and libxml2-python: - (optional) feedparser, for web journal creation: - (optional) Psyco, if you are running on a 32-bit OS: - (optional) RDFLib, to use RDF ontologies and thesauri: - (optional) mechanize, to run regression web test suite: Note: MySQLdb version 1.2.1_p2 or higher is recommended. If you are using an older version of MySQLdb, you may get into problems with character encoding. e) mod_wsgi Apache module. Note: for the time being, the WSGI daemon must be run with threads=1, because Invenio is not fully thread safe yet. This will come later. The Apache configuration example snippets (created below) will use threads=1. Note: if you are using Python 2.4 or earlier, then you should also install the wsgiref Python module, available from: (As of Python 2.5 this module is included in standard Python distribution.) f) If you want to be able to extract references from PDF fulltext files, then you need to install pdftotext version 3 at least. g) If you want to be able to search for words in the fulltext files (i.e. to have fulltext indexing) or to stamp submitted files, then you need as well to install some of the following tools: - for Microsoft Office/OpenOffice.org document conversion: OpenOffice.org - for PDF file stamping: pdftk, pdf2ps - for PDF files: pdftotext or pstotext - for PostScript files: pstotext or ps2ascii - for DjVu creation, elaboration: DjVuLibre - to perform OCR: OCRopus (tested only with release 0.3.1) - to perform different image elaborations: ImageMagick - to generate PDF after OCR: ReportLab - to analyze images to generate PDF after OCR: netpbm h) If you have chosen to install fast XML MARC Python processors in the step d) above, then you have to install the parsers themselves: - (optional) 4suite: i) (recommended) Gnuplot, the command-line driven interactive plotting program. It is used to display download and citation history graphs on the Detailed record pages on the web interface. Note that Gnuplot must be compiled with PNG output support, that is, with the GD library. Note also that Gnuplot is not required, only recommended. j) (recommended) A Common Lisp implementation, such as CLISP, SBCL or CMUCL. It is used for the web server log analysing tool and the metadata checking program. Note that any of the three implementations CLISP, SBCL, or CMUCL will do. CMUCL produces fastest machine code, but it does not support UTF-8 yet. Pick up CLISP if you don't know what to do. Note that a Common Lisp implementation is not required, only recommended. k) GNU gettext, a set of tools that makes it possible to translate the application in multiple languages. This is available by default on many systems. Note that the configure script checks whether you have all the prerequisite software installed and that it won't let you continue unless everything is in order. It also warns you if it cannot find some optional but recommended software. 1. Quick instructions for the impatient CDS Invenio admin ========================================================= 1a. Installation ---------------- $ cd $HOME/src/ $ wget http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/cds-invenio-0.99.1.tar.gz $ wget http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/cds-invenio-0.99.1.tar.gz.md5 $ wget http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/cds-invenio-0.99.1.tar.gz.sig $ md5sum -v -c cds-invenio-0.99.1.tar.gz.md5 $ gpg --verify cds-invenio-0.99.1.tar.gz.sig cds-invenio-0.99.1.tar.gz $ tar xvfz cds-invenio-0.99.1.tar.gz $ cd cds-invenio-0.99.1 $ ./configure $ make $ make install $ make install-jsmath-plugin ## optional $ make install-jquery-plugins ## optional $ make install-fckeditor-plugin ## optional + $ make install-pdfa-helper-files ## optional 1b. Configuration ----------------- $ sudo chown -R www-data.www-data /opt/cds-invenio $ sudo -u www-data emacs /opt/cds-invenio/etc/invenio-local.conf $ sudo -u www-data /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --update-all $ sudo -u www-data /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --create-tables $ sudo -u www-data /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --load-webstat-conf $ sudo -u www-data /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --create-apache-conf $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart $ sudo -u www-data /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --create-demo-site $ sudo -u www-data /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --load-demo-records $ sudo -u www-data /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --run-unit-tests $ sudo -u www-data /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --run-regression-tests $ sudo -u www-data /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --run-web-tests $ sudo -u www-data /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --remove-demo-records $ sudo -u www-data /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --drop-demo-site $ firefox http://your.site.com/help/admin/howto-run 2. Detailed instructions for the patient CDS Invenio admin ========================================================== 2a. Installation ---------------- The CDS Invenio uses standard GNU autoconf method to build and install its files. This means that you proceed as follows: $ cd $HOME/src/ Change to a directory where we will build the CDS Invenio sources. (The built files will be installed into different "target" directories later.) $ wget http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/cds-invenio-0.99.1.tar.gz $ wget http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/cds-invenio-0.99.1.tar.gz.md5 $ wget http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/cds-invenio-0.99.1.tar.gz.sig Fetch CDS Invenio source tarball from the CDS Software Consortium distribution server, together with MD5 checksum and GnuPG cryptographic signature files useful for verifying the integrity of the tarball. $ md5sum -v -c cds-invenio-0.99.1.tar.gz.md5 Verify MD5 checksum. $ gpg --verify cds-invenio-0.99.1.tar.gz.sig cds-invenio-0.99.1.tar.gz Verify GnuPG cryptographic signature. Note that you may first have to import my public key into your keyring, if you haven't done that already: $ gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net --recv-keys 0xBA5A2B67 The output of the gpg --verify command should then read: Good signature from "Tibor Simko " You can safely ignore any trusted signature certification warning that may follow after the signature has been successfully verified. $ tar xvfz cds-invenio-0.99.1.tar.gz Untar the distribution tarball. $ cd cds-invenio-0.99.1 Go to the source directory. $ ./configure Configure CDS Invenio software for building on this specific platform. You can use the following optional parameters: --prefix=/opt/cds-invenio Optionally, specify the CDS Invenio general installation directory (default is /opt/cds-invenio). It will contain command-line binaries and program libraries containing the core CDS Invenio functionality, but also store web pages, runtime log and cache information, document data files, etc. Several subdirs like `bin', `etc', `lib', or `var' will be created inside the prefix directory to this effect. Note that the prefix directory should be chosen outside of the Apache htdocs tree, since only one its subdirectory (prefix/var/www) is to be accessible directly via the Web (see below). Note that CDS Invenio won't install to any other directory but to the prefix mentioned in this configuration line. --with-python=/opt/python/bin/python2.4 Optionally, specify a path to some specific Python binary. This is useful if you have more than one Python installation on your system. If you don't set this option, then the first Python that will be found in your PATH will be chosen for running CDS Invenio. --with-mysql=/opt/mysql/bin/mysql Optionally, specify a path to some specific MySQL client binary. This is useful if you have more than one MySQL installation on your system. If you don't set this option, then the first MySQL client executable that will be found in your PATH will be chosen for running CDS Invenio. --with-clisp=/opt/clisp/bin/clisp Optionally, specify a path to CLISP executable. This is useful if you have more than one CLISP installation on your system. If you don't set this option, then the first executable that will be found in your PATH will be chosen for running CDS Invenio. --with-cmucl=/opt/cmucl/bin/lisp Optionally, specify a path to CMUCL executable. This is useful if you have more than one CMUCL installation on your system. If you don't set this option, then the first executable that will be found in your PATH will be chosen for running CDS Invenio. --with-sbcl=/opt/sbcl/bin/sbcl Optionally, specify a path to SBCL executable. This is useful if you have more than one SBCL installation on your system. If you don't set this option, then the first executable that will be found in your PATH will be chosen for running CDS Invenio. --with-openoffice-python Optionally, specify the path to the Python interpreter embedded with OpenOffice.org. This is normally not contained in the normal path. If you don't specify this it won't be possible to use OpenOffice.org to convert from and to Microsoft Office and OpenOffice.org documents. This configuration step is mandatory. Usually, you do this step only once. (Note that if you are building CDS Invenio not from a released tarball, but from the Git sources, then you have to generate the configure file via autotools: $ sudo aptitude install automake1.9 autoconf $ aclocal-1.9 $ automake-1.9 -a $ autoconf after which you proceed with the usual configure command.) $ make Launch the CDS Invenio build. Since many messages are printed during the build process, you may want to run it in a fast-scrolling terminal such as rxvt or in a detached screen session. During this step all the pages and scripts will be pre-created and customized based on the config you have edited in the previous step. Note that on systems such as FreeBSD or Mac OS X you have to use GNU make ("gmake") instead of "make". $ make install Install the web pages, scripts, utilities and everything needed for CDS Invenio runtime into respective installation directories, as specified earlier by the configure command. Note that if you are installing CDS Invenio for the first time, you will be asked to create symbolic link(s) from Python's site-packages system-wide directory(ies) to the installation location. This is in order to instruct Python where to find CDS Invenio's Python files. You will be hinted as to the exact command to use based on the parameters you have used in the configure command. $ make install-jsmath-plugin ## optional This will automatically download and install in the proper place jsMath, a Javascript library to render LaTeX formulas in the client browser. Note that in order to enable the rendering you will have to set the variable CFG_WEBSEARCH_USE_JSMATH_FOR_FORMATS in invenio-local.conf to a suitable list of output format codes. For example: CFG_WEBSEARCH_USE_JSMATH_FOR_FORMATS = hd,hb $ make install-jquery-plugins ## optional This will automatically download and install in the proper place jQuery and related plugins. They are used for AJAX applications such as the record editor. Note that `unzip' is needed when installing jquery plugins. $ make install-fckeditor-plugin ## optional This will automatically download and install in the proper place FCKeditor, a WYSIWYG Javascript-based editor (e.g. for the WebComment module). Note that in order to enable the editor you have to set the CFG_WEBCOMMENT_USE_FCKEDITOR to True. + $ make install-pdfa-helper-files ## optional + + This will automatically download and install in the proper + place the helper files needed to create PDF/A files out of + existing PDF files. + 2b. Configuration ----------------- Once the basic software installation is done, we proceed to configuring your Invenio system. $ sudo chown -R www-data.www-data /opt/cds-invenio For the sake of simplicity, let us assume that your CDS Invenio installation will run under the `www-data' user process identity. The above command changes ownership of installed files to www-data, so that we shall run everything under this user identity from now on. For production purposes, you would typically enable Apache server to read all files from the installation place but to write only to the `var' subdirectory of your installation place. You could achieve this by configuring Unix directory group permissions, for example. $ sudo -u www-data emacs /opt/cds-invenio/etc/invenio-local.conf Customize your CDS Invenio installation. Please read the 'invenio.conf' file located in the same directory that contains the vanilla default configuration parameters of your CDS Invenio installation. If you want to customize some of these parameters, you should create a file named 'invenio-local.conf' in the same directory where 'invenio.conf' lives and write there only the customizations that you want to be different from the vanilla defaults. Here is a minimalist example what you would put there: $ cat /opt/cds-invenio/etc/invenio-local.conf [Invenio] CFG_SITE_URL = http://your.site.com CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL = https://your.site.com CFG_SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL = john.doe@your.site.com CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL = john.doe@your.site.com You should override at least the parameters from the top of invenio.conf file in order to define some very essential runtime parameters such as the visible URL of your document server (look for CFG_SITE_URL and CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL), the database credentials (look for CFG_DATABASE_*), the name of your document server (look for CFG_SITE_NAME and CFG_SITE_NAME_INTL_*), or the email address of the local CDS Invenio administrator (look for CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL and CFG_SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL). The CDS Invenio system will then read both the default invenio.conf file and your customized invenio-local.conf file and it will override any default options with the ones you have specifield in your local file. This cascading of configuration parameters will ease your future upgrades. $ sudo -u www-data /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --update-all Make the rest of the Invenio system aware of your invenio-local.conf changes. This step is mandatory each time you edit your conf files. $ sudo -u www-data /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --create-tables If you are installing CDS Invenio for the first time, you have to create database tables. Note that this step checks for potential problems such as the database connection rights and may ask you to perform some more administrative steps in case it detects a problem. Notably, it may ask you to set up database access permissions, based on your configure values. If you are installing CDS Invenio for the first time, you have to create a dedicated database on your MySQL server that the CDS Invenio can use for its purposes. Please contact your MySQL administrator and ask him to execute the commands this step proposes you. At this point you should now have successfully completed the "make install" process. We continue by setting up the Apache web server. $ sudo -u www-data /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --load-webstat-conf Load the configuration file of webstat module. It will create the tables in the database for register customevents, such as basket hits. $ sudo -u www-data /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --create-apache-conf Running this command will generate Apache virtual host configurations matching your installation. You will be instructed to check created files (usually they are located under /opt/cds-invenio/etc/apache/) and edit your httpd.conf to activate Invenio virtual hosts. If you are using Debian GNU/Linux ``Lenny'' or later, then you can do the following to create your SSL certificate and to activate your Invenio vhosts: ## make SSL certificate: $ sudo aptitude install ssl-cert $ sudo mkdir /etc/apache2/ssl $ sudo /usr/sbin/make-ssl-cert /usr/share/ssl-cert/ssleay.cnf \ /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem ## add Invenio web sites: $ sudo ln -s /opt/cds-invenio/etc/apache/invenio-apache-vhost.conf \ /etc/apache2/sites-available/invenio $ sudo ln -s /opt/cds-invenio/etc/apache/invenio-apache-vhost-ssl.conf \ /etc/apache2/sites-available/invenio-ssl ## disable Debian's default web site: $ sudo /usr/sbin/a2dissite default ## enable Invenio web sites: $ sudo /usr/sbin/a2ensite invenio $ sudo /usr/sbin/a2ensite invenio-ssl ## enable SSL module: $ sudo /usr/sbin/a2enmod ssl ## if you are using xsendfile module, enable it too: $ sudo /usr/sbin/a2enmod xsendfile If you are using another operating system, you should do the equivalent, for example edit your system-wide httpd.conf and put the following include statements: Include /opt/cds-invenio/etc/apache/invenio-apache-vhost.conf Include /opt/cds-invenio/etc/apache/invenio-apache-vhost-ssl.conf Note that you may need to adapt generated vhost file snippets to match your concrete operating system specifics. Note also that you may want to tweak the generated example configurations, especially with respect to the WSGIDaemonProcess parameters. E.g. increase the `processes' parameter if you have lots of RAM and many concurrent users accessing your site in parallel. $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart Please ask your webserver administrator to restart the Apache server after the above "httpd.conf" changes. $ sudo -u www-data /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --create-demo-site This step is recommended to test your local CDS Invenio installation. It should give you our "Atlantis Institute of Science" demo installation, exactly as you see it at . $ sudo -u www-data /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --load-demo-records Optionally, load some demo records to be able to test indexing and searching of your local CDS Invenio demo installation. $ sudo -u www-data /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --run-unit-tests Optionally, you can run the unit test suite to verify the unit behaviour of your local CDS Invenio installation. Note that this command should be run only after you have installed the whole system via `make install'. $ sudo -u www-data /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --run-regression-tests Optionally, you can run the full regression test suite to verify the functional behaviour of your local CDS Invenio installation. Note that this command requires to have created the demo site and loaded the demo records. Note also that running the regression test suite may alter the database content with junk data, so that rebuilding the demo site is strongly recommended afterwards. $ sudo -u www-data /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --run-web-tests Optionally, you can run additional automated web tests running in a real browser. This requires to have Firefox with the Selenium IDE extension installed. $ sudo -u www-data /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --remove-demo-records Optionally, remove the demo records loaded in the previous step, but keeping otherwise the demo collection, submission, format, and other configurations that you may reuse and modify for your own production purposes. $ sudo -u www-data /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --drop-demo-site Optionally, drop also all the demo configuration so that you'll end up with a completely blank CDS Invenio system. However, you may want to find it more practical not to drop the demo site configuration but to start customizing from there. $ firefox http://your.site.com/help/admin/howto-run In order to start using your CDS Invenio installation, you can start indexing, formatting and other daemons as indicated in the "HOWTO Run" guide on the above URL. You can also use the Admin Area web interfaces to perform further runtime configurations such as the definition of data collections, document types, document formats, word indexes, etc. Good luck, and thanks for choosing CDS Invenio. - CDS Development Group diff --git a/modules/bibedit/lib/bibrecord_tests.py b/modules/bibedit/lib/bibrecord_tests.py index 4edbcef1d..54ca9eff3 100644 --- a/modules/bibedit/lib/bibrecord_tests.py +++ b/modules/bibedit/lib/bibrecord_tests.py @@ -1,1539 +1,1540 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## ## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ The BibRecord test suite. """ import unittest from invenio.config import CFG_TMPDIR from invenio import bibrecord, bibrecord_config from invenio.testutils import make_test_suite, run_test_suite try: import pyRXP parser_pyrxp_available = True except ImportError: parser_pyrxp_available = False try: import Ft.Xml.Domlette parser_4suite_available = True except ImportError: parser_4suite_available = False try: import xml.dom.minidom import xml.parsers.expat parser_minidom_available = True except ImportError: parser_minidom_available = False class BibRecordSuccessTest(unittest.TestCase): """ bibrecord - demo file parsing test """ def setUp(self): """Initialize stuff""" f = open(CFG_TMPDIR + '/demobibdata.xml', 'r') xmltext = f.read() f.close() self.recs = [rec[0] for rec in bibrecord.create_records(xmltext)] def test_records_created(self): """ bibrecord - demo file how many records are created """ self.assertEqual(104, len(self.recs)) def test_tags_created(self): """ bibrecord - demo file which tags are created """ ## check if the tags are correct tags = ['003', '005', '020', '024', '035', '037', '041', '080', '088', '100', '242', '245', '246', '250', '260', '269', '270', '300', '340', '490', '500', '502', '520', '590', '595', '650', '653', '690', '694', '695', '700', '710', '720', '773', '856', '859', '901', '909', '916', '960', '961', '962', '963', '964', '970', '980', '999', 'FFT'] t = [] for rec in self.recs: t.extend(rec.keys()) t.sort() #eliminate the elements repeated tt = [] for x in t: if not x in tt: tt.append(x) self.assertEqual(tags, tt) def test_fields_created(self): """bibrecord - demo file how many fields are created""" ## check if the number of fields for each record is correct fields = [14, 14, 8, 11, 11, 12, 11, 15, 10, 18, 14, 16, 10, 9, 15, 10, - 11, 11, 11, 9, 11, 11, 10, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 10, 10, 8, 9, 8, 9, 14, - 13, 14, 14, 15, 12, 12, 12, 15, 14, 12, 16, 16, 15, 15, 14, 16, 15, - 15, 15, 16, 15, 16, 15, 15, 16, 15, 14, 14, 15, 12, 13, 11, 15, 8, - 11, 14, 13, 12, 13, 6, 6, 25, 24, 27, 26, 26, 24, 26, 27, 25, 28, - 24, 23, 27, 25, 25, 26, 26, 24, 19, 26, 25, 22, 9, 8, 9, 9, 8] + 11, 11, 11, 9, 11, 11, 10, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 10, 10, 8, 9, 8, + 9, 14, 13, 14, 14, 15, 12, 12, 12, 15, 14, 12, 16, 16, 15, + 15, 14, 16, 15, 15, 15, 16, 15, 16, 15, 15, 16, 15, 14, 14, + 15, 12, 13, 11, 15, 8, 11, 14, 13, 12, 13, 6, 6, 25, 24, 27, + 26, 26, 24, 26, 27, 25, 28, 24, 23, 27, 25, 25, 26, 26, 24, + 19, 26, 25, 22, 9, 8, 9, 9, 8, 7] cr = [] ret = [] for rec in self.recs: cr.append(len(rec.values())) ret.append(rec) self.assertEqual(fields, cr) def test_create_record_with_collection_tag(self): """ bibrecord - create_record() for single record in collection""" xmltext = """ 33 eng """ record = bibrecord.create_record(xmltext) record1 = bibrecord.create_records(xmltext)[0] self.assertEqual(record1, record) class BibRecordParsersTest(unittest.TestCase): """ bibrecord - testing the creation of records with different parsers""" def setUp(self): """Initialize stuff""" self.xmltext = """ 33 eng """ self.expected_record = { '001': [([], ' ', ' ', '33', 1)], '041': [([('a', 'eng')], ' ', ' ', '', 2)] } if parser_pyrxp_available: def test_pyRXP(self): """ bibrecord - create_record() with pyRXP """ record = bibrecord._create_record_rxp(self.xmltext) self.assertEqual(record, self.expected_record) if parser_4suite_available: def test_4suite(self): """ bibrecord - create_record() with 4suite """ record = bibrecord._create_record_4suite(self.xmltext) self.assertEqual(record, self.expected_record) if parser_minidom_available: def test_minidom(self): """ bibrecord - create_record() with minidom """ record = bibrecord._create_record_minidom(self.xmltext) self.assertEqual(record, self.expected_record) class BibRecordBadInputTreatmentTest(unittest.TestCase): """ bibrecord - testing for bad input treatment """ def test_empty_collection(self): """bibrecord - empty collection""" xml_error0 = """""" rec = bibrecord.create_record(xml_error0)[0] self.assertEqual(rec, {}) records = bibrecord.create_records(xml_error0) self.assertEqual(len(records), 0) def test_wrong_attribute(self): """bibrecord - bad input subfield \'cde\' instead of \'code\'""" ws = bibrecord.CFG_BIBRECORD_WARNING_MSGS xml_error1 = """ 33 eng Doe, John On the foo and bar """ e = bibrecord.create_record(xml_error1, 1, 1)[2] ee ='' for i in e: if type(i).__name__ == 'str': if i.count(ws[3])>0: ee = i self.assertEqual(bibrecord._warning((3, '(field number: 4)')), ee) def test_missing_attribute(self): """ bibrecord - bad input missing \"tag\" """ ws = bibrecord.CFG_BIBRECORD_WARNING_MSGS xml_error2 = """ 33 eng Doe, John On the foo and bar """ e = bibrecord.create_record(xml_error2, 1, 1)[2] ee = '' for i in e: if type(i).__name__ == 'str': if i.count(ws[1])>0: ee = i self.assertEqual(bibrecord._warning((1, '(field number(s): [2])')), ee) def test_empty_datafield(self): """ bibrecord - bad input no subfield """ ws = bibrecord.CFG_BIBRECORD_WARNING_MSGS xml_error3 = """ 33 Doe, John On the foo and bar """ e = bibrecord.create_record(xml_error3, 1, 1)[2] ee = '' for i in e: if type(i).__name__ == 'str': if i.count(ws[8])>0: ee = i self.assertEqual(bibrecord._warning((8, '(field number: 2)')), ee) def test_missing_tag(self): """bibrecord - bad input missing end \"tag\" """ ws = bibrecord.CFG_BIBRECORD_WARNING_MSGS xml_error4 = """ 33 eng Doe, John On the foo and bar """ e = bibrecord.create_record(xml_error4, 1, 1)[2] ee = '' for i in e: if type(i).__name__ == 'str': if i.count(ws[99])>0: ee = i self.assertEqual(bibrecord._warning((99, '(Tagname : datafield)')), ee) class BibRecordAccentedUnicodeLettersTest(unittest.TestCase): """ bibrecord - testing accented UTF-8 letters """ def setUp(self): """Initialize stuff""" self.xml_example_record = """ 33 eng Döè1, John Doe2, J>ohn editor Пушкин On the foo and bar2 """ self.rec = bibrecord.create_record(self.xml_example_record, 1, 1)[0] def test_accented_unicode_characters(self): """bibrecord - accented Unicode letters""" self.assertEqual(self.xml_example_record, bibrecord.record_xml_output(self.rec)) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(self.rec, "100", " ", " "), [([('a', 'Döè1, John')], " ", " ", "", 3), ([('a', 'Doe2, J>ohn'), ('b', 'editor')], " ", " ", "", 4)]) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(self.rec, "245", " ", "1"), [([('a', 'Пушкин')], " ", '1', "", 5)]) class BibRecordGettingFieldValuesTest(unittest.TestCase): """ bibrecord - testing for getting field/subfield values """ def setUp(self): """Initialize stuff""" xml_example_record = """ 33 eng Doe1, John Doe2, John editor On the foo and bar1 On the foo and bar2 """ self.rec = bibrecord.create_record(xml_example_record, 1, 1)[0] def test_get_field_instances(self): """bibrecord - getting field instances""" self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(self.rec, "100", " ", " "), [([('a', 'Doe1, John')], " ", " ", "", 3), ([('a', 'Doe2, John'), ('b', 'editor')], " ", " ", "", 4)]) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(self.rec, "", " ", " "), [('245', [([('a', 'On the foo and bar1')], " ", '1', "", 5), ([('a', 'On the foo and bar2')], " ", '2', "", 6)]), ('001', [([], " ", " ", '33', 1)]), ('100', [([('a', 'Doe1, John')], " ", " ", "", 3), ([('a', 'Doe2, John'), ('b', 'editor')], " ", " ", "", 4)]), ('041', [([('a', 'eng')], " ", " ", "", 2)])]) def test_get_field_values(self): """bibrecord - getting field values""" self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "100", " ", " ", "a"), ['Doe1, John', 'Doe2, John']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "100", " ", " ", "b"), ['editor']) def test_get_field_value(self): """bibrecord - getting first field value""" self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "100", " ", " ", "a"), 'Doe1, John') self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "100", " ", " ", "b"), 'editor') def test_get_subfield_values(self): """bibrecord - getting subfield values""" fi1, fi2 = bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(self.rec, "100", " ", " ") self.assertEqual(bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(fi1, "b"), []) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.field_get_subfield_values(fi2, "b"), ["editor"]) class BibRecordGettingFieldValuesViaWildcardsTest(unittest.TestCase): """ bibrecord - testing for getting field/subfield values via wildcards """ def setUp(self): """Initialize stuff""" xml_example_record = """ 1 val1 val2 val3 val4a val4b val5 val6 val7a val7b """ self.rec = bibrecord.create_record(xml_example_record, 1, 1)[0] def test_get_field_instances_via_wildcard(self): """bibrecord - getting field instances via wildcards""" self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(self.rec, "100", " ", " "), []) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(self.rec, "100", "%", " "), []) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(self.rec, "100", "%", "%"), [([('a', 'val1')], 'C', '5', "", 2)]) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(self.rec, "55%", "A", "%"), [([('a', 'val2')], 'A', 'B', "", 3), ([('a', 'val3')], 'A', " ", "", 4), ([('a', 'val6')], 'A', 'C', "", 7), ([('a', 'val7a'), ('b', 'val7b')], 'A', " ", "", 8)]) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(self.rec, "55%", "A", " "), [([('a', 'val3')], 'A', " ", "", 4), ([('a', 'val7a'), ('b', 'val7b')], 'A', " ", "", 8)]) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(self.rec, "556", "A", " "), [([('a', 'val7a'), ('b', 'val7b')], 'A', " ", "", 8)]) def test_get_field_values_via_wildcard(self): """bibrecord - getting field values via wildcards""" self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "100", " ", " ", " "), []) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "100", "%", " ", " "), []) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "100", " ", "%", " "), []) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "100", "%", "%", " "), []) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "100", "%", "%", "z"), []) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "100", " ", " ", "%"), []) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "100", " ", " ", "a"), []) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "100", "%", " ", "a"), []) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "100", "%", "%", "a"), ['val1']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "100", "%", "%", "%"), ['val1']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "55%", "A", "%", "a"), ['val2', 'val3', 'val6', 'val7a']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "55%", "A", " ", "a"), ['val3', 'val7a']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "556", "A", " ", "a"), ['val7a']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "555", " ", " ", " "), []) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "555", " ", " ", "z"), []) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "555", " ", " ", "%"), ['val4a', 'val4b']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "55%", " ", " ", "b"), ['val4b']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "55%", "%", "%", "b"), ['val4b', 'val7b']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "55%", "A", " ", "b"), ['val7b']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "55%", "A", "%", "b"), ['val7b']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "55%", "A", " ", "a"), ['val3', 'val7a']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "55%", "A", "%", "a"), ['val2', 'val3', 'val6', 'val7a']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "55%", "%", "%", "a"), ['val2', 'val3', 'val4a', 'val5', 'val6', 'val7a']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "55%", " ", " ", "a"), ['val4a']) def test_get_field_value_via_wildcard(self): """bibrecord - getting first field value via wildcards""" self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "100", " ", " ", " "), '') self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "100", "%", " ", " "), '') self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "100", " ", "%", " "), '') self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "100", "%", "%", " "), '') self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "100", " ", " ", "%"), '') self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "100", " ", " ", "a"), '') self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "100", "%", " ", "a"), '') self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "100", "%", "%", "a"), 'val1') self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "100", "%", "%", "%"), 'val1') self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "55%", "A", "%", "a"), 'val2') self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "55%", "A", " ", "a"), 'val3') self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "556", "A", " ", "a"), 'val7a') self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "555", " ", " ", " "), '') self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "555", " ", " ", "%"), 'val4a') self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "55%", " ", " ", "b"), 'val4b') self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "55%", "%", "%", "b"), 'val4b') self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "55%", "A", " ", "b"), 'val7b') self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "55%", "A", "%", "b"), 'val7b') self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "55%", "A", " ", "a"), 'val3') self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "55%", "A", "%", "a"), 'val2') self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "55%", "%", "%", "a"), 'val2') self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_value(self.rec, "55%", " ", " ", "a"), 'val4a') class BibRecordAddFieldTest(unittest.TestCase): """ bibrecord - testing adding field """ def setUp(self): """Initialize stuff""" xml_example_record = """ 33 eng Doe1, John Doe2, John editor On the foo and bar1 On the foo and bar2 """ self.rec = bibrecord.create_record(xml_example_record, 1, 1)[0] def test_add_controlfield(self): """bibrecord - adding controlfield""" field_position_global_1 = bibrecord.record_add_field(self.rec, "003", controlfield_value="SzGeCERN") field_position_global_2 = bibrecord.record_add_field(self.rec, "004", controlfield_value="Test") self.assertEqual(field_position_global_1, 2) self.assertEqual(field_position_global_2, 3) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "003", " ", " ", ""), ['SzGeCERN']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "004", " ", " ", ""), ['Test']) def test_add_datafield(self): """bibrecord - adding datafield""" field_position_global_1 = bibrecord.record_add_field(self.rec, "100", subfields=[('a', 'Doe3, John')]) field_position_global_2 = bibrecord.record_add_field(self.rec, "100", subfields= [('a', 'Doe4, John'), ('b', 'editor')]) self.assertEqual(field_position_global_1, 5) self.assertEqual(field_position_global_2, 6) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "100", " ", " ", "a"), ['Doe1, John', 'Doe2, John', 'Doe3, John', 'Doe4, John']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "100", " ", " ", "b"), ['editor', 'editor']) def test_add_controlfield_on_desired_position(self): """bibrecord - adding controlfield on desired position""" field_position_global_1 = bibrecord.record_add_field(self.rec, "005", controlfield_value="Foo", field_position_global=0) field_position_global_2 = bibrecord.record_add_field(self.rec, "006", controlfield_value="Bar", field_position_global=0) self.assertEqual(field_position_global_1, 7) self.assertEqual(field_position_global_2, 8) def test_add_datafield_on_desired_position_field_position_global(self): """bibrecord - adding datafield on desired global field position""" field_position_global_1 = bibrecord.record_add_field(self.rec, "100", subfields=[('a', 'Doe3, John')], field_position_global=0) field_position_global_2 = bibrecord.record_add_field(self.rec, "100", subfields=[('a', 'Doe4, John'), ('b', 'editor')], field_position_global=0) self.assertEqual(field_position_global_1, 3) self.assertEqual(field_position_global_2, 3) def test_add_datafield_on_desired_position_field_position_local(self): """bibrecord - adding datafield on desired local field position""" field_position_global_1 = bibrecord.record_add_field(self.rec, "100", subfields=[('a', 'Doe3, John')], field_position_local=0) field_position_global_2 = bibrecord.record_add_field(self.rec, "100", subfields=[('a', 'Doe4, John'), ('b', 'editor')], field_position_local=2) self.assertEqual(field_position_global_1, 3) self.assertEqual(field_position_global_2, 5) class BibRecordManageMultipleFieldsTest(unittest.TestCase): """ bibrecord - testing the management of multiple fields """ def setUp(self): """Initialize stuff""" xml_example_record = """ 33 subfield1 subfield2 subfield3 subfield4 """ self.rec = bibrecord.create_record(xml_example_record, 1, 1)[0] def test_delete_multiple_datafields(self): """bibrecord - deleting multiple datafields""" self.fields = bibrecord.record_delete_fields(self.rec, '245', [1, 2]) self.assertEqual(self.fields[0], ([('a', 'subfield2')], ' ', ' ', '', 3)) self.assertEqual(self.fields[1], ([('a', 'subfield3')], ' ', ' ', '', 4)) def test_add_multiple_datafields_default_index(self): """bibrecord - adding multiple fields with the default index""" fields = [([('a', 'subfield5')], ' ', ' ', '', 4), ([('a', 'subfield6')], ' ', ' ', '', 19)] index = bibrecord.record_add_fields(self.rec, '245', fields) self.assertEqual(index, None) self.assertEqual(self.rec['245'][-2], ([('a', 'subfield5')], ' ', ' ', '', 6)) self.assertEqual(self.rec['245'][-1], ([('a', 'subfield6')], ' ', ' ', '', 7)) def test_add_multiple_datafields_with_index(self): """bibrecord - adding multiple fields with an index""" fields = [([('a', 'subfield5')], ' ', ' ', '', 4), ([('a', 'subfield6')], ' ', ' ', '', 19)] index = bibrecord.record_add_fields(self.rec, '245', fields, field_position_local=0) self.assertEqual(index, 0) self.assertEqual(self.rec['245'][0], ([('a', 'subfield5')], ' ', ' ', '', 2)) self.assertEqual(self.rec['245'][1], ([('a', 'subfield6')], ' ', ' ', '', 3)) self.assertEqual(self.rec['245'][2], ([('a', 'subfield1')], ' ', ' ', '', 4)) def test_move_multiple_fields(self): """bibrecord - move multiple fields""" bibrecord.record_move_fields(self.rec, '245', [1, 3]) self.assertEqual(self.rec['245'][0], ([('a', 'subfield1')], ' ', ' ', '', 2)) self.assertEqual(self.rec['245'][1], ([('a', 'subfield3')], ' ', ' ', '', 4)) self.assertEqual(self.rec['245'][2], ([('a', 'subfield2')], ' ', ' ', '', 5)) self.assertEqual(self.rec['245'][3], ([('a', 'subfield4')], ' ', ' ', '', 6)) class BibRecordDeleteFieldTest(unittest.TestCase): """ bibrecord - testing field deletion """ def setUp(self): """Initialize stuff""" xml_example_record = """ 33 eng Doe1, John Doe2, John editor On the foo and bar1 On the foo and bar2 """ self.rec = bibrecord.create_record(xml_example_record, 1, 1)[0] xml_example_record_empty = """ """ self.rec_empty = bibrecord.create_record(xml_example_record_empty, 1, 1)[0] def test_delete_controlfield(self): """bibrecord - deleting controlfield""" bibrecord.record_delete_field(self.rec, "001", " ", " ") self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "001", " ", " ", " "), []) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "100", " ", " ", "b"), ['editor']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "245", " ", "2", "a"), ['On the foo and bar2']) def test_delete_datafield(self): """bibrecord - deleting datafield""" bibrecord.record_delete_field(self.rec, "100", " ", " ") self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "001", " ", " ", ""), ['33']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "100", " ", " ", "b"), []) bibrecord.record_delete_field(self.rec, "245", " ", " ") self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "245", " ", "1", "a"), ['On the foo and bar1']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "245", " ", "2", "a"), ['On the foo and bar2']) bibrecord.record_delete_field(self.rec, "245", " ", "2") self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "245", " ", "1", "a"), ['On the foo and bar1']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "245", " ", "2", "a"), []) def test_add_delete_add_field_to_empty_record(self): """bibrecord - adding, deleting, and adding back a field to an empty record""" field_position_global_1 = bibrecord.record_add_field(self.rec_empty, "003", controlfield_value="SzGeCERN") self.assertEqual(field_position_global_1, 1) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec_empty, "003", " ", " ", ""), ['SzGeCERN']) bibrecord.record_delete_field(self.rec_empty, "003", " ", " ") self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec_empty, "003", " ", " ", ""), []) field_position_global_1 = bibrecord.record_add_field(self.rec_empty, "003", controlfield_value="SzGeCERN2") self.assertEqual(field_position_global_1, 1) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec_empty, "003", " ", " ", ""), ['SzGeCERN2']) class BibRecordDeleteFieldFromTest(unittest.TestCase): """ bibrecord - testing field deletion from position""" def setUp(self): """Initialize stuff""" xml_example_record = """ 33 eng Doe1, John Doe2, John editor On the foo and bar1 On the foo and bar2 """ self.rec = bibrecord.create_record(xml_example_record, 1, 1)[0] def test_delete_field_from(self): """bibrecord - deleting field from position""" bibrecord.record_delete_field(self.rec, "100", field_position_global=4) self.assertEqual(self.rec['100'], [([('a', 'Doe1, John')], ' ', ' ', '', 3)]) bibrecord.record_delete_field(self.rec, "100", field_position_global=3) self.failIf(self.rec.has_key('100')) bibrecord.record_delete_field(self.rec, "001", field_position_global=1) bibrecord.record_delete_field(self.rec, "245", field_position_global=6) self.failIf(self.rec.has_key('001')) self.assertEqual(self.rec['245'], [([('a', 'On the foo and bar1')], ' ', '1', '', 5)]) # Some crash tests bibrecord.record_delete_field(self.rec, '999', field_position_global=1) bibrecord.record_delete_field(self.rec, '245', field_position_global=999) class BibRecordAddSubfieldIntoTest(unittest.TestCase): """ bibrecord - testing subfield addition """ def setUp(self): """Initialize stuff""" xml_example_record = """ 33 eng Doe2, John editor On the foo and bar1 On the foo and bar2 """ self.rec = bibrecord.create_record(xml_example_record, 1, 1)[0] def test_add_subfield_into(self): """bibrecord - adding subfield into position""" bibrecord.record_add_subfield_into(self.rec, "100", "b", "Samekniv", field_position_global=3) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "100", " ", " ", "b"), ['editor', 'Samekniv']) bibrecord.record_add_subfield_into(self.rec, "245", "x", "Elgokse", field_position_global=4) bibrecord.record_add_subfield_into(self.rec, "245", "x", "Fiskeflue", subfield_position=0, field_position_global=4) bibrecord.record_add_subfield_into(self.rec, "245", "z", "Ulriken", subfield_position=2, field_position_global=4) bibrecord.record_add_subfield_into(self.rec, "245", "z", "Stortinget", subfield_position=999, field_position_global=4) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "245", " ", "1", "%"), ['Fiskeflue', 'On the foo and bar1', 'Ulriken', 'Elgokse', 'Stortinget']) # Some crash tests self.assertRaises(bibrecord.InvenioBibRecordFieldError, bibrecord.record_add_subfield_into, self.rec, "187", "x", "Crash", field_position_global=1) self.assertRaises(bibrecord.InvenioBibRecordFieldError, bibrecord.record_add_subfield_into, self.rec, "245", "x", "Crash", field_position_global=999) class BibRecordModifyControlfieldTest(unittest.TestCase): """ bibrecord - testing controlfield modification """ def setUp(self): """Initialize stuff""" xml_example_record = """ 33 A Foo's Tale Skeech Skeech Whoop Whoop eng On the foo and bar2 """ self.rec = bibrecord.create_record(xml_example_record, 1, 1)[0] def test_modify_controlfield(self): """bibrecord - modify controlfield""" bibrecord.record_modify_controlfield(self.rec, "001", "34", field_position_global=1) bibrecord.record_modify_controlfield(self.rec, "008", "Foo Foo", field_position_global=3) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "001"), ["34"]) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "005"), ["A Foo's Tale"]) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "008"), ["Foo Foo", "Whoop Whoop"]) # Some crash tests self.assertRaises(bibrecord.InvenioBibRecordFieldError, bibrecord.record_modify_controlfield, self.rec, "187", "Crash", field_position_global=1) self.assertRaises(bibrecord.InvenioBibRecordFieldError, bibrecord.record_modify_controlfield, self.rec, "008", "Test", field_position_global=10) self.assertRaises(bibrecord.InvenioBibRecordFieldError, bibrecord.record_modify_controlfield, self.rec, "245", "Burn", field_position_global=5) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "245", " ", "2", "%"), ["On the foo and bar2"]) class BibRecordModifySubfieldTest(unittest.TestCase): """ bibrecord - testing subfield modification """ def setUp(self): """Initialize stuff""" xml_example_record = """ 33 eng Doe2, John editor On the foo and bar1 On writing unit tests On the foo and bar2 """ self.rec = bibrecord.create_record(xml_example_record, 1, 1)[0] def test_modify_subfield(self): """bibrecord - modify subfield""" bibrecord.record_modify_subfield(self.rec, "245", "a", "Holmenkollen", 0, field_position_global=4) bibrecord.record_modify_subfield(self.rec, "245", "x", "Brann", 1, field_position_global=4) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "245", " ", "1", "%"), ['Holmenkollen', 'Brann']) # Some crash tests self.assertRaises(bibrecord.InvenioBibRecordFieldError, bibrecord.record_modify_subfield, self.rec, "187", "x", "Crash", 0, field_position_global=1) self.assertRaises(bibrecord.InvenioBibRecordFieldError, bibrecord.record_modify_subfield, self.rec, "245", "x", "Burn", 1, field_position_global=999) self.assertRaises(bibrecord.InvenioBibRecordFieldError, bibrecord.record_modify_subfield, self.rec, "245", "a", "Burn", 999, field_position_global=4) class BibRecordDeleteSubfieldFromTest(unittest.TestCase): """ bibrecord - testing subfield deletion """ def setUp(self): """Initialize stuff""" xml_example_record = """ 33 eng Doe2, John editor Skal vi danse? On the foo and bar1 On the foo and bar2 """ self.rec = bibrecord.create_record(xml_example_record, 1, 1)[0] def test_delete_subfield_from(self): """bibrecord - delete subfield from position""" bibrecord.record_delete_subfield_from(self.rec, "100", 2, field_position_global=3) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "100", " ", " ", "z"), []) bibrecord.record_delete_subfield_from(self.rec, "100", 0, field_position_global=3) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "100", " ", " ", "%"), ['editor']) bibrecord.record_delete_subfield_from(self.rec, "100", 0, field_position_global=3) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "100", " ", " ", "%"), []) # Some crash tests self.assertRaises(bibrecord.InvenioBibRecordFieldError, bibrecord.record_delete_subfield_from, self.rec, "187", 0, field_position_global=1) self.assertRaises(bibrecord.InvenioBibRecordFieldError, bibrecord.record_delete_subfield_from, self.rec, "245", 0, field_position_global=999) self.assertRaises(bibrecord.InvenioBibRecordFieldError, bibrecord.record_delete_subfield_from, self.rec, "245", 999, field_position_global=4) class BibRecordDeleteSubfieldTest(unittest.TestCase): """ bibrecord - testing subfield deletion """ def setUp(self): """Initialize stuff""" self.xml_example_record = """ 33 eng Doe2, John editor Skal vi danse? Doe3, Zbigniew Doe4, Joachim On the foo and bar1 On the foo and bar2 On the foo and bar1 On the foo and bar2 """ def test_simple_removals(self): """ bibrecord - delete subfield by its code""" # testing a simple removals where all the fields are removed rec = bibrecord.create_record(self.xml_example_record, 1, 1)[0] bibrecord.record_delete_subfield(rec, "041", "b") # nothing should change self.assertEqual(rec["041"][0][0], [("a", "eng")]) bibrecord.record_delete_subfield(rec, "041", "a") self.assertEqual(rec["041"][0][0], []) def test_indices_important(self): """ bibrecord - delete subfield where indices are important""" rec = bibrecord.create_record(self.xml_example_record, 1, 1)[0] bibrecord.record_delete_subfield(rec, "245", "a", " ", "1") self.assertEqual(rec["245"][0][0], []) self.assertEqual(rec["245"][1][0], [("a", "On the foo and bar2")]) bibrecord.record_delete_subfield(rec, "245", "a", " ", "2") self.assertEqual(rec["245"][1][0], []) def test_remove_some(self): """ bibrecord - delete subfield when some should be preserved and some removed""" rec = bibrecord.create_record(self.xml_example_record, 1, 1)[0] bibrecord.record_delete_subfield(rec, "100", "a", " ", " ") self.assertEqual(rec["100"][0][0], [("b", "editor"), ("z", "Skal vi danse?"), ("d", "Doe4, Joachim")]) def test_more_fields(self): """ bibrecord - delete subfield where more fits criteria""" rec = bibrecord.create_record(self.xml_example_record, 1, 1)[0] bibrecord.record_delete_subfield(rec, "246", "c", "1", "2") self.assertEqual(rec["246"][1][0], []) self.assertEqual(rec["246"][0][0], []) def test_nonexisting_removals(self): """ bibrecord - delete subfield that does not exist """ rec = bibrecord.create_record(self.xml_example_record, 1, 1)[0] # further preparation bibrecord.record_delete_subfield(rec, "100", "a", " ", " ") self.assertEqual(rec["100"][0][0], [("b", "editor"), ("z", "Skal vi danse?"), ("d", "Doe4, Joachim")]) #the real tests begin # 1) removing the subfield from an empty list of subfields bibrecord.record_delete_subfield(rec, "246", "c", "1", "2") self.assertEqual(rec["246"][1][0], []) self.assertEqual(rec["246"][0][0], []) bibrecord.record_delete_subfield(rec, "246", "8", "1", "2") self.assertEqual(rec["246"][1][0], []) self.assertEqual(rec["246"][0][0], []) # 2) removing a subfield from a field that has some subfields but none has an appropriate code bibrecord.record_delete_subfield(rec, "100", "a", " ", " ") self.assertEqual(rec["100"][0][0], [("b", "editor"), ("z", "Skal vi danse?"), ("d", "Doe4, Joachim")]) bibrecord.record_delete_subfield(rec, "100", "e", " ", " ") self.assertEqual(rec["100"][0][0], [("b", "editor"), ("z", "Skal vi danse?"), ("d", "Doe4, Joachim")]) class BibRecordMoveSubfieldTest(unittest.TestCase): """ bibrecord - testing subfield moving """ def setUp(self): """Initialize stuff""" xml_example_record = """ 33 eng Doe2, John editor fisk eple hammer On the foo and bar1 """ self.rec = bibrecord.create_record(xml_example_record, 1, 1)[0] def test_move_subfield(self): """bibrecord - move subfields""" bibrecord.record_move_subfield(self.rec, "100", 2, 4, field_position_global=3) bibrecord.record_move_subfield(self.rec, "100", 1, 0, field_position_global=3) bibrecord.record_move_subfield(self.rec, "100", 2, 999, field_position_global=3) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(self.rec, "100", " ", " ", "%"), ['editor', 'Doe2, John', 'hammer', 'fisk', 'eple']) # Some crash tests self.assertRaises(bibrecord.InvenioBibRecordFieldError, bibrecord.record_move_subfield, self.rec, "187", 0, 1, field_position_global=3) self.assertRaises(bibrecord.InvenioBibRecordFieldError, bibrecord.record_move_subfield, self.rec, "100", 1, 0, field_position_global=999) self.assertRaises(bibrecord.InvenioBibRecordFieldError, bibrecord.record_move_subfield, self.rec, "100", 999, 0, field_position_global=3) class BibRecordSpecialTagParsingTest(unittest.TestCase): """ bibrecord - parsing special tags (FMT, FFT)""" def setUp(self): """setting up example records""" self.xml_example_record_with_fmt = """ 33 eng HB Let us see if this gets inserted well. """ self.xml_example_record_with_fft = """ 33 eng file:///foo.pdf http://bar.com/baz.ps.gz """ self.xml_example_record_with_xyz = """ 33 eng HB Let us see if this gets inserted well. """ def test_parsing_file_containing_fmt_special_tag_with_correcting(self): """bibrecord - parsing special FMT tag, correcting on""" rec = bibrecord.create_record(self.xml_example_record_with_fmt, 1, 1)[0] self.assertEqual(rec, {u'001': [([], " ", " ", '33', 1)], 'FMT': [([('f', 'HB'), ('g', 'Let us see if this gets inserted well.')], " ", " ", "", 3)], '041': [([('a', 'eng')], " ", " ", "", 2)]}) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(rec, "041", " ", " ", "a"), ['eng']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(rec, "FMT", " ", " ", "f"), ['HB']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(rec, "FMT", " ", " ", "g"), ['Let us see if this gets inserted well.']) def test_parsing_file_containing_fmt_special_tag_without_correcting(self): """bibrecord - parsing special FMT tag, correcting off""" rec = bibrecord.create_record(self.xml_example_record_with_fmt, 1, 0)[0] self.assertEqual(rec, {u'001': [([], " ", " ", '33', 1)], 'FMT': [([('f', 'HB'), ('g', 'Let us see if this gets inserted well.')], " ", " ", "", 3)], '041': [([('a', 'eng')], " ", " ", "", 2)]}) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(rec, "041", " ", " ", "a"), ['eng']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(rec, "FMT", " ", " ", "f"), ['HB']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(rec, "FMT", " ", " ", "g"), ['Let us see if this gets inserted well.']) def test_parsing_file_containing_fft_special_tag_with_correcting(self): """bibrecord - parsing special FFT tag, correcting on""" rec = bibrecord.create_record(self.xml_example_record_with_fft, 1, 1)[0] self.assertEqual(rec, {u'001': [([], " ", " ", '33', 1)], 'FFT': [([('a', 'file:///foo.pdf'), ('a', 'http://bar.com/baz.ps.gz')], " ", " ", "", 3)], '041': [([('a', 'eng')], " ", " ", "", 2)]}) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(rec, "041", " ", " ", "a"), ['eng']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(rec, "FFT", " ", " ", "a"), ['file:///foo.pdf', 'http://bar.com/baz.ps.gz']) def test_parsing_file_containing_fft_special_tag_without_correcting(self): """bibrecord - parsing special FFT tag, correcting off""" rec = bibrecord.create_record(self.xml_example_record_with_fft, 1, 0)[0] self.assertEqual(rec, {u'001': [([], " ", " ", '33', 1)], 'FFT': [([('a', 'file:///foo.pdf'), ('a', 'http://bar.com/baz.ps.gz')], " ", " ", "", 3)], '041': [([('a', 'eng')], " ", " ", "", 2)]}) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(rec, "041", " ", " ", "a"), ['eng']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(rec, "FFT", " ", " ", "a"), ['file:///foo.pdf', 'http://bar.com/baz.ps.gz']) def test_parsing_file_containing_xyz_special_tag_with_correcting(self): """bibrecord - parsing unrecognized special XYZ tag, correcting on""" # XYZ should not get accepted when correcting is on; should get changed to 000 rec = bibrecord.create_record(self.xml_example_record_with_xyz, 1, 1)[0] self.assertEqual(rec, {u'001': [([], " ", " ", '33', 1)], '000': [([('f', 'HB'), ('g', 'Let us see if this gets inserted well.')], " ", " ", "", 3)], '041': [([('a', 'eng')], " ", " ", "", 2)]}) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(rec, "041", " ", " ", "a"), ['eng']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(rec, "XYZ", " ", " ", "f"), []) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(rec, "XYZ", " ", " ", "g"), []) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(rec, "000", " ", " ", "f"), ['HB']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(rec, "000", " ", " ", "g"), ['Let us see if this gets inserted well.']) def test_parsing_file_containing_xyz_special_tag_without_correcting(self): """bibrecord - parsing unrecognized special XYZ tag, correcting off""" # XYZ should get accepted without correcting rec = bibrecord.create_record(self.xml_example_record_with_xyz, 1, 0)[0] self.assertEqual(rec, {u'001': [([], " ", " ", '33', 1)], 'XYZ': [([('f', 'HB'), ('g', 'Let us see if this gets inserted well.')], " ", " ", "", 3)], '041': [([('a', 'eng')], " ", " ", "", 2)]}) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(rec, "041", " ", " ", "a"), ['eng']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(rec, "XYZ", " ", " ", "f"), ['HB']) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.record_get_field_values(rec, "XYZ", " ", " ", "g"), ['Let us see if this gets inserted well.']) class BibRecordPrintingTest(unittest.TestCase): """ bibrecord - testing for printing record """ def setUp(self): """Initialize stuff""" self.xml_example_record = """ 81 TEST-ARTICLE-2006-001 ARTICLE-2006-001 Test ti """ self.xml_example_record_short = """ 81 TEST-ARTICLE-2006-001 ARTICLE-2006-001 """ self.xml_example_multi_records = """ 81 TEST-ARTICLE-2006-001 ARTICLE-2006-001 Test ti 82 Author, t """ self.xml_example_multi_records_short = """ 81 TEST-ARTICLE-2006-001 ARTICLE-2006-001 82 """ def test_record_xml_output(self): """bibrecord - xml output""" rec = bibrecord.create_record(self.xml_example_record, 1, 1)[0] rec_short = bibrecord.create_record(self.xml_example_record_short, 1, 1)[0] self.assertEqual(bibrecord.create_record(bibrecord.record_xml_output(rec, tags=[]), 1, 1)[0], rec) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.create_record(bibrecord.record_xml_output(rec, tags=["001", "037"]), 1, 1)[0], rec_short) self.assertEqual(bibrecord.create_record(bibrecord.record_xml_output(rec, tags=["037"]), 1, 1)[0], rec_short) class BibRecordCreateFieldTest(unittest.TestCase): """ bibrecord - testing for creating field """ def test_create_valid_field(self): """bibrecord - create and check a valid field""" bibrecord.create_field() bibrecord.create_field([('a', 'testa'), ('b', 'testb')], '2', 'n', 'controlfield', 15) def test_invalid_field_raises_exception(self): """bibrecord - exception raised when creating an invalid field""" # Invalid subfields. self.assertRaises(bibrecord_config.InvenioBibRecordFieldError, bibrecord.create_field, 'subfields', '1', '2', 'controlfield', 10) self.assertRaises(bibrecord_config.InvenioBibRecordFieldError, bibrecord.create_field, ('1', 'value'), '1', '2', 'controlfield', 10) self.assertRaises(bibrecord_config.InvenioBibRecordFieldError, bibrecord.create_field, [('value')], '1', '2', 'controlfield', 10) self.assertRaises(bibrecord_config.InvenioBibRecordFieldError, bibrecord.create_field, [('1', 'value', '2')], '1', '2', 'controlfield', 10) # Invalid indicators. self.assertRaises(bibrecord_config.InvenioBibRecordFieldError, bibrecord.create_field, [], 1, '2', 'controlfield', 10) self.assertRaises(bibrecord_config.InvenioBibRecordFieldError, bibrecord.create_field, [], '1', 2, 'controlfield', 10) # Invalid controlfield value self.assertRaises(bibrecord_config.InvenioBibRecordFieldError, bibrecord.create_field, [], '1', '2', 13, 10) # Invalid global position self.assertRaises(bibrecord_config.InvenioBibRecordFieldError, bibrecord.create_field, [], '1', '2', 'controlfield', 'position') def test_compare_fields(self): """bibrecord - compare fields""" # Identical field0 = ([('a', 'test')], '1', '2', '', 0) field1 = ([('a', 'test')], '1', '2', '', 3) self.assertEqual(True, bibrecord._compare_fields(field0, field1, strict=True)) self.assertEqual(True, bibrecord._compare_fields(field0, field1, strict=False)) # Order of the subfields changed. field0 = ([('a', 'testa'), ('b', 'testb')], '1', '2', '', 0) field1 = ([('b', 'testb'), ('a', 'testa')], '1', '2', '', 3) self.assertEqual(False, bibrecord._compare_fields(field0, field1, strict=True)) self.assertEqual(True, bibrecord._compare_fields(field0, field1, strict=False)) # Different field0 = ([], '3', '2', '', 0) field1 = ([], '1', '2', '', 3) self.assertEqual(False, bibrecord._compare_fields(field0, field1, strict=True)) self.assertEqual(False, bibrecord._compare_fields(field0, field1, strict=False)) class BibRecordFindFieldTest(unittest.TestCase): """ bibrecord - testing for finding field """ def setUp(self): """Initialize stuff""" xml = """ 81 TEST-ARTICLE-2006-001 ARTICLE-2007-001 """ self.rec = bibrecord.create_record(xml)[0] self.field0 = self.rec['001'][0] self.field1 = self.rec['037'][0] self.field2 = ( [self.field1[0][1], self.field1[0][0]], self.field1[1], self.field1[2], self.field1[3], self.field1[4], ) def test_finding_field_strict(self): """bibrecord - test finding field strict""" self.assertEqual((1, 0), bibrecord.record_find_field(self.rec, '001', self.field0, strict=True)) self.assertEqual((2, 0), bibrecord.record_find_field(self.rec, '037', self.field1, strict=True)) self.assertEqual((None, None), bibrecord.record_find_field(self.rec, '037', self.field2, strict=True)) def test_finding_field_loose(self): """bibrecord - test finding field loose""" self.assertEqual((1, 0), bibrecord.record_find_field(self.rec, '001', self.field0, strict=False)) self.assertEqual((2, 0), bibrecord.record_find_field(self.rec, '037', self.field1, strict=False)) self.assertEqual((2, 0), bibrecord.record_find_field(self.rec, '037', self.field2, strict=False)) class BibRecordSingletonTest(unittest.TestCase): """ bibrecord - testing singleton removal """ def setUp(self): """Initialize stuff""" self.xml = """ 33 Some value """ self.rec_expected = { '001': [([], ' ', ' ', '33', 1)], '100': [([('a', 'Some value')], ' ', ' ', '', 2)], } if parser_minidom_available: def test_singleton_removal_minidom(self): """bibrecord - singleton removal with minidom""" rec = bibrecord.create_records(self.xml, verbose=1, correct=1, parser='minidom')[0][0] self.assertEqual(rec, self.rec_expected) if parser_4suite_available: def test_singleton_removal_4suite(self): """bibrecord - singleton removal with 4suite""" rec = bibrecord.create_records(self.xml, verbose=1, correct=1, parser='4suite')[0][0] self.assertEqual(rec, self.rec_expected) if parser_pyrxp_available: def test_singleton_removal_pyrxp(self): """bibrecord - singleton removal with pyrxp""" rec = bibrecord.create_records(self.xml, verbose=1, correct=1, parser='pyrxp')[0][0] self.assertEqual(rec, self.rec_expected) class BibRecordNumCharRefTest(unittest.TestCase): """ bibrecord - testing numerical character reference expansion""" def setUp(self): """Initialize stuff""" self.xml = """ 33 Σ & Σ use & in XML """ self.rec_expected = { '001': [([], ' ', ' ', '33', 1)], '123': [([('a', '\xce\xa3 & \xce\xa3'), ('a', 'use & in XML'),], ' ', ' ', '', 2)], } if parser_minidom_available: def test_numcharref_expansion_minidom(self): """bibrecord - numcharref expansion with minidom""" rec = bibrecord.create_records(self.xml, verbose=1, correct=1, parser='minidom')[0][0] self.assertEqual(rec, self.rec_expected) if parser_4suite_available: def test_numcharref_expansion_4suite(self): """bibrecord - numcharref expansion with 4suite""" rec = bibrecord.create_records(self.xml, verbose=1, correct=1, parser='4suite')[0][0] self.assertEqual(rec, self.rec_expected) if parser_pyrxp_available: def test_numcharref_expansion_pyrxp(self): """bibrecord - but *no* numcharref expansion with pyrxp (see notes) FIXME: pyRXP does not seem to like num char ref entities, so this test is mostly left here in a TDD style in order to remind us of this fact. If we want to fix this situation, then we should probably use pyRXPU that uses Unicode strings internally, hence it is num char ref friendly. Maybe we should use pyRXPU by default, if performance is acceptable, or maybe we should introduce a flag to govern this behaviour. """ rec = bibrecord.create_records(self.xml, verbose=1, correct=1, parser='pyrxp')[0][0] #self.assertEqual(rec, self.rec_expected) self.assertEqual(rec, None) TEST_SUITE = make_test_suite( BibRecordSuccessTest, BibRecordParsersTest, BibRecordBadInputTreatmentTest, BibRecordGettingFieldValuesTest, BibRecordGettingFieldValuesViaWildcardsTest, BibRecordAddFieldTest, BibRecordDeleteFieldTest, BibRecordManageMultipleFieldsTest, BibRecordDeleteFieldFromTest, BibRecordAddSubfieldIntoTest, BibRecordModifyControlfieldTest, BibRecordModifySubfieldTest, BibRecordDeleteSubfieldFromTest, BibRecordMoveSubfieldTest, BibRecordAccentedUnicodeLettersTest, BibRecordSpecialTagParsingTest, BibRecordPrintingTest, BibRecordCreateFieldTest, BibRecordFindFieldTest, BibRecordDeleteSubfieldTest, BibRecordSingletonTest, BibRecordNumCharRefTest ) if __name__ == '__main__': run_test_suite(TEST_SUITE) diff --git a/modules/bibformat/etc/format_templates/Picture_HTML_detailed.bft b/modules/bibformat/etc/format_templates/Picture_HTML_detailed.bft index 8490a45e1..1e852b4ce 100644 --- a/modules/bibformat/etc/format_templates/Picture_HTML_detailed.bft +++ b/modules/bibformat/etc/format_templates/Picture_HTML_detailed.bft @@ -1,62 +1,62 @@ Picture HTML detailed The detailed HTML format suitable for displaying pictures.

- +
© CERN Geneva: The use of photos requires prior authorization (from CERN copyright). The words CERN Photo must be quoted for each use.
\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/modules/bibformat/lib/elements/Makefile.am b/modules/bibformat/lib/elements/Makefile.am index daee07c3b..3c2f9ed2a 100644 --- a/modules/bibformat/lib/elements/Makefile.am +++ b/modules/bibformat/lib/elements/Makefile.am @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ ## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. pylibdir=$(libdir)/python/invenio/bibformat_elements pylib_DATA = bfe_field.py bfe_title.py bfe_authors.py bfe_abstract.py bfe_affiliation.py \ bfe_imprint.py bfe_fulltext.py bfe_place.py bfe_publisher.py bfe_topbanner.py \ bfe_date_rec.py bfe_keywords.py bfe_notes.py bfe_reprints.py bfe_publi_info.py \ - bfe_cited_by.py bfe_references.py bfe_photo_resources.py bfe_title_brief.py \ + bfe_cited_by.py bfe_references.py bfe_title_brief.py \ bfe_report_numbers.py bfe_additional_report_numbers.py bfe_url.py \ bfe_addresses.py bfe_contact.py bfe_photo_resources_brief.py \ bfe_collection.py bfe_editors.py bfe_bibtex.py bfe_edit_record.py \ bfe_date.py bfe_xml_record.py bfe_external_publications.py __init__.py \ bfe_bfx_engine.py bfe_creation_date.py bfe_server_info.py bfe_issn.py \ bfe_client_info.py bfe_language.py bfe_record_id.py bfe_comments.py \ bfe_pagination.py bfe_fulltext_mini.py bfe_year.py bfe_isbn.py \ bfe_appears_in_collections.py bfe_photos.py bfe_record_stats.py tmpdir = $(prefix)/var/tmp/tests_bibformat_elements tmp_DATA = test_1.py bfe_test_2.py bfe_test_4.py test3.py test_5.py \ test_no_element.test __init__.py EXTRA_DIST = $(pylib_DATA) $(tmp_DATA) CLEANFILES = *~ *.tmp *.pyc diff --git a/modules/bibformat/lib/elements/bfe_photo_resources.py b/modules/bibformat/lib/elements/bfe_photo_resources.py deleted file mode 100644 index dcf6e37a2..000000000 --- a/modules/bibformat/lib/elements/bfe_photo_resources.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -## -## This file is part of CDS Invenio. -## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. -## -## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as -## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the -## License, or (at your option) any later version. -## -## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -## General Public License for more details. -## -## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., -## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -"""BibFormat element - Prints HTML picture and links to resources -""" -__revision__ = "$Id$" - -def format(bfo): - """ - Prints html image and link to photo resources. - """ - - resources = bfo.fields("8564_", escape=1) - out = "" - for resource in resources: - - if resource.get("x", "") == "icon" and resource.get("u", "") == "": - out += '

' - - if resource.get("x", "") == "1": - out += '
High resolution: '+ resource.get("q", "") +"" - - out += '
© CERN Geneva' - out += '
'+ bfo.field("8564_z") + "" - return out - -def escape_values(bfo): - """ - Called by BibFormat in order to check if output of this element - should be escaped. - """ - return 0 diff --git a/modules/bibformat/lib/elements/bfe_photo_resources_brief.py b/modules/bibformat/lib/elements/bfe_photo_resources_brief.py index af9bee08e..f21d55ddb 100644 --- a/modules/bibformat/lib/elements/bfe_photo_resources_brief.py +++ b/modules/bibformat/lib/elements/bfe_photo_resources_brief.py @@ -1,45 +1,45 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## ## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """BibFormat element - Prints brief HTML picture and links to resources """ __revision__ = "$Id$" def format(bfo): """ Prints html image and link to photo resources. """ from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_URL resources = bfo.fields("8564_") out = "" for resource in resources: - if resource.get("x", "") == "icon" and resource.get("u", "") == "": + if resource.get("x", "") == "icon": out += '' return out def escape_values(bfo): """ Called by BibFormat in order to check if output of this element should be escaped. """ return 0 diff --git a/modules/bibformat/lib/elements/bfe_photos.py b/modules/bibformat/lib/elements/bfe_photos.py index 6acbd8634..a41112116 100644 --- a/modules/bibformat/lib/elements/bfe_photos.py +++ b/modules/bibformat/lib/elements/bfe_photos.py @@ -1,56 +1,66 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## ## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """BibFormat element - Print photos of the record (if bibdoc file) """ -from invenio.bibdocfile import BibRecDocs + +import cgi +from invenio.bibdocfile import BibRecDocs, get_subformat_from_format def format(bfo, separator=" ", style='', print_links='yes'): """ Lists the photos of a record. Display the icon version, linked to its original version. This element works for photos appended to a record as BibDoc files, for which a preview icon has been generated. If there are several formats for one photo, use the first one found. @param separator: separator between each photo @param print_links: if 'yes', print links to the original photo @param style: style attributes of the images. Eg: "width:50px;border:none" """ photos = [] bibarchive = BibRecDocs(bfo.recID) for doc in bibarchive.list_bibdocs(): - if doc.get_icon() is not None: - original_url = doc.list_latest_files()[0].get_url() - icon_url = doc.get_icon().list_latest_files()[0].get_url() + found_url = '' + found_icon = '' + for docfile in doc.list_latest_files(): + if docfile.is_icon(): + if not found_icon: + found_icon = docfile.get_url() + else: + if not found_url: + found_url = docfile.get_url() + + if found_icon: name = doc.get_docname() - img = '%s' % (icon_url, name, style) + img = '%s' % (cgi.escape(found_icon, True), cgi.escape(name, True), cgi.escape(style, True)) if print_links.lower() == 'yes': - img = '%s' % (original_url, img) + img = '%s' % (cgi.escape(found_url, True), img) photos.append(img) return separator.join(photos) def escape_values(bfo): """ Called by BibFormat in order to check if output of this element should be escaped. """ return 0 diff --git a/modules/bibupload/doc/admin/bibupload-admin-guide.webdoc b/modules/bibupload/doc/admin/bibupload-admin-guide.webdoc index bde9e6489..7e60cb42d 100644 --- a/modules/bibupload/doc/admin/bibupload-admin-guide.webdoc +++ b/modules/bibupload/doc/admin/bibupload-admin-guide.webdoc @@ -1,355 +1,349 @@ ## -*- mode: html; coding: utf-8; -*- ## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.


1. Overview
2. Configuring BibUpload
3. Running BibUpload
       3.1. Inserting new records
       3.2. Updating existing records
       3.3. Inserting and updating at the same time
       3.4. Updating preformatted output formats
       3.5. Uploading fulltext files

1. Overview

BibUpload enables you to upload bibliographic data in MARCXML format into CDS Invenio bibliographic database. It is also used internally by other CDS Invenio modules as the sole entrance of metadata into the bibliographic databases.

Note that before uploading a MARCXML file, you may want to run provided /opt/cds-invenio/bin/xmlmarclint on it in order to verify its correctness.

2. Configuring BibUpload

BibUpload takes a MARCXML file as its input. There is nothing to be configured for these files. If the files have to be coverted into MARCXML from some other format, structured or not, this is usually done beforehand via BibConvert module.

Note that if you are using external system numbers for your records, such as when your records are being synchronized from an external system, then BibUpload knows about the tag 970 as the one containing external system number. (To change this 970 tag into something else, you would have to edit BibUpload config source file.)

Note also that in the similar way BibUpload knows about OAI identifiers, so that it will refuse to insert the same OAI harvested record twice, for example.

3. Running BibUpload

3.1 Inserting new records

Consider that you have an MARCXML file containing new records that is to be uploaded into the CDS Invenio. (For example, it might have been produced by BibConvert.) To finish the upload, you would call the BibUpload script in the insert mode as follows:

 $ bibupload -i file.xml
In the insert mode, all the records from the file will be treated as new. This means that they should not contain neither 001 tags (holding record IDs) nor 970 tags (holding external system numbers). BibUpload would refuse to upload records having these tags, in order to prevent potential double uploading. If your file does contain 001 or 970, then chances are that you want to update existing records, not re-upload them as new, and so BibUpload will warn you about this and will refuse to continue.

For example, to insert a new record, your file should look like this:

         <datafield tag="100" ind1=" " ind2=" ">
             <subfield code="a">Doe, John</subfield>
         <datafield tag="245" ind1=" " ind2=" ">
             <subfield code="a">On The Foo And Bar</subfield>

3.2 Updating existing records

When you want to update existing records, with the new content from your input MARCXML file, then your input file should contain either tags 001 (holding record IDs) or tag 970 (holding external system numbers). BibUpload will try to match existing records via 001 and 970 and if it finds a record in the database that corresponds to a record from the file, it will update its content. Otherwise it will signal an error saying that it could not find the record-to-be-updated.

For example, to update a title of record #123 via correct mode, your input file should contain record ID in the 001 tag and the title in 245 tag as follows:

         <controlfield tag="001">123</controlfield>
         <datafield tag="245" ind1=" " ind2=" ">
             <subfield code="a">My Newly Updated Title</subfield>

There are several updating modes:

     -r, --replace Replace existing records by those from the XML
                   MARC file.  The original content is wiped out
                   and fully replaced.  Signals error if record
                   is not found via matching record IDs or system
                   Note also that `-r' can be combined with `-i'
                   into an `-ir' option that would automatically
                   either insert records as new if they are not
                   found in the system, or correct existing
                   records if they are found to exist.
     -a, --append  Append fields from XML MARC file at the end of
                   existing records.  The original content is
                   enriched only.  Signals error if record is not
                   found via matching record IDs or system
     -c, --correct Correct fields of existing records by those
                   from XML MARC file.  The original record
                   content is modified only on those fields from
                   the XML MARC file where both the tags and the
                   indicators match: the original fields are
                   removed and replaced by those from the XML
                   MARC file.  Fields not present in XML MARC
                   file are not changed (unlike the -r option).
                   Signals error if record is not found via
                   matching record IDs or system numbers.
     -d, --delete  Delete fields of existing records that are
                   contained in the XML MARC file. The fields in
                   the original record that are not present in
                   the XML MARC file are preserved.
                   This is incompatible with FFT (see below).

3.3 Inserting and updating at the same time

Note that the insert/update modes can be combined together. For example, if you have a file that contains a mixture of new records with possibly some records to be updated, then you can run:

 $ bibupload -i -r file.xml
In this case BibUpload will try to do an update (for records having either 001 or 970 identifiers), or an insert (for the other ones).

3.4 Updating preformatted output formats

BibFormat can use this special upload mode during which metadata will not be updated, only the preformatted output formats for records:

     -f, --format        Upload only the format (FMT) fields.
                         The original content is not changed, and neither its modification date.
This is useful for bibreformat daemon only; human administrators don't need to explicitly know about this mode.

3.5 Uploading fulltext files

The fulltext files can be uploaded and revised via a special FFT ("fulltext file transfer") tag with the following semantic:

     FFT $a  ...  location of the docfile to upload (a filesystem path or a URL)
         $n  ...  docfile name (optional; if not set, deduced from $a)
         $m  ...  new desired docfile name (optional; used for renaming files)
         $t  ...  docfile type (e.g. Main, Additional)
         $d  ...  docfile description (optional)
         $f  ...  format (optional; if not set, deduced from $a)
         $z  ...  comment (optional)
         $r  ...  restriction (optional, see below)
         $v  ...  version (used only with REVERT and DELETE-FILE, see below)
         $x  ...  url/path for an icon (optional)

For example, to upload a new fulltext file thesis.pdf associated to record ID 123:

         <controlfield tag="001">123</controlfield>
         <datafield tag="FFT" ind1=" " ind2=" ">
             <subfield code="a">/tmp/thesis.pdf</subfield>
             <subfield code="t">Main</subfield>
             <subfield code="d">
               This is the fulltext version of my thesis in the PDF format.
               Chapter 5 still needs some revision.

The FFT tag can be repetitive, so one can pass along another FFT tag instance containing a pointer to e.g. the thesis defence slides. The subfields of an FFT tag are non-repetitive.

When more than one FFT tag is specified for the same document (e.g. for adding more than one format at a time), if $t (docfile type), $m (new desired docfile name), $r (restriction), $v (version), $x (url/path for an icon), are specified, they should be identically specified for each single entry of FFT. E.g. if you want to specify an icon for a document with two formats (say .pdf and .doc), you'll write two FFT tags, both containing the same $x subfield.

The bibupload process, when it encounters FFT tags, will automatically populate fulltext storage space (/opt/cds-invenio/var/data/files) and metadata record associated tables (bibrec_bibdoc, bibdoc) as appropriate. It will also enrich the 856 tags (URL tags) of the MARC metadata of the record in question with references to the latest versions of each file.

Note that for $a and $x subfields filesystem paths must be absolute (e.g. /tmp/icon.gif is valid, while Destkop/icon.gif is not) and they must be readable by the user/group of the bibupload process that will handle the FFT.

The bibupload process supports the usual modes correct, append, replace, insert with a semantic that is somewhat similar to the semantic of the metadata upload:

Metadata Fulltext
objects being uploaded MARC field instances characterized by tags (010-999) fulltext files characterized by unique file names (FFT $n)
insert insert new record; must not exist insert new files; must not exist
append append new tag instances for the given tag XXX, regardless of existing tag instances append new files, if filename (i.e. new format) not already present
correct correct tag instances for the given tag XXX; delete existing ones and replace with given ones correct files with the given filename; add new revision or delete file; if the docname does not exist the file is added
replace replace all tags, whatever XXX are replace all files, whatever filenames are
delete delete all existing tag instances not supported

Note, in append and insert mode,

is ignored.

In order to rename a document just use the the correct mode specifing in the $n subfield the original docname that should be renamed and in $m the new name.

Special values can be assigned to the $t subfield.

PURGEIn order to purge previous file revisions (i.e. in order to keep only the latest file version), please use the correct mode with $n docname and $t PURGE as the special keyword.
DELETEIn order to delete all existing versions of a file, making it effectively hidden, please use the correct mode with $n docname and $t DELETE as the special keyword.
EXPUNGEIn order to expunge (i.e. remove completely, also from the filesystem) all existing versions of a file, making it effectively disappear, please use the correct mode with $n docname and $t EXPUNGE as the special keyword.
FIX-MARCIn order to synchronize MARC to the bibrec/bibdoc structure (e.g. after an update or a tweak in the database), please use the correct mode with $n docname and $t FIX-MARC as the special keyword.
FIX-ALLIn order to fix a record (i.e. put all its linked documents in a coherent state) and synchronize the MARC to the table, please use the correct mode with $n docname and $t FIX-ALL as the special keyword.
REVERTIn order to revert to a previous file revision (i.e. to create a new revision with the same content as some previous revision had), please use the correct mode with $n docname, $t REVERT as the special keyword and $v the number corresponding to the desired version.
DELETE-FILEIn order to delete a particular file added by mistake, please use the correct mode with $n docname, $t DELETE-FILE, specifing $v version and $f format. Note that this operation is not reversible. Note that if you don't spcify a version, the last version will be used.

In order to preserve previous comments and descriptions when correcting, please use the KEEP-OLD-VALUE special keyword with the desired $d and $z subfield.


In order to add an icon representing a document, you must use a $x -subfields. All the FFT for different format of the document must have -then the same $x subfield. You can use KEEP-OLD-VALUE in order to keep -the previous icon when correcting. -


The $r subfield can contain a keyword that can be use to restrict the given document. The same keyword must be specified for all the format of a given document. The keyword will be used as the status parameter for the "viewrestrdoc" action, which can be used to give access right/restriction to desired user. e.g. if you set the keyword "thesis", you can the connect the "thesisviewer" to the action "viewrestrdoc" with parameter "status" set to "thesis". Then all the user which are linked with the "thesisviewer" role will be able to download the document. Instead any other user will not be allowed. Note, if you use the keyword "KEEP-OLD-VALUE" the previous restrictions if applicable will be kept.

Note that each time bibupload is called on a record, the 8564 tags pointing to locally stored files are recreated on the basis of the full-text files connected to the record. Thus, if you whish to update some 8564 tag pointing to a locally managed file, the only way to perform this is through the FFT tag, not by editing 8564 directly.

diff --git a/modules/bibupload/lib/bibupload.py b/modules/bibupload/lib/bibupload.py index b930a2b56..ad07c4446 100644 --- a/modules/bibupload/lib/bibupload.py +++ b/modules/bibupload/lib/bibupload.py @@ -1,2060 +1,2011 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## ## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ BibUpload: Receive MARC XML file and update the appropriate database tables according to options. Usage: bibupload [options] input.xml Examples: $ bibupload -i input.xml Options: -a, --append new fields are appended to the existing record -c, --correct fields are replaced by the new ones in the existing record -f, --format takes only the FMT fields into account. Does not update -i, --insert insert the new record in the database -r, --replace the existing record is entirely replaced by the new one -d, --delete specified fields are deleted if existing -z, --reference update references (update only 999 fields) -s, --stage=STAGE stage to start from in the algorithm (0: always done; 1: FMT tags; 2: FFT tags; 3: BibFmt; 4: Metadata update; 5: time update) -n, --notimechange do not change record last modification date when updating -o, --holdingpen Makes bibupload insert into holding pen instead the normal database Scheduling options: -u, --user=USER user name to store task, password needed General options: -h, --help print this help and exit -v, --verbose=LEVEL verbose level (from 0 to 9, default 1) -V --version print the script version """ __revision__ = "$Id$" import os import re import sys import time from zlib import compress import urllib2 import socket import marshal import copy from invenio.config import CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD, \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_REFERENCE_TAG, \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG, \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG, \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_PROVENANCE_TAG, \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_STRONG_TAGS, \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_CONTROLLED_PROVENANCE_TAGS, \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_SERIALIZE_RECORD_STRUCTURE from invenio.bibupload_config import CFG_BIBUPLOAD_CONTROLFIELD_TAGS, \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_SPECIAL_TAGS from invenio.dbquery import run_sql, \ Error from invenio.bibrecord import create_records, \ record_add_field, \ record_delete_field, \ record_xml_output, \ record_get_field_instances, \ record_get_field_values, \ field_get_subfield_values, \ field_get_subfield_instances, \ record_extract_oai_id, \ record_modify_subfield, \ record_delete_subfield_from, \ record_delete_fields, \ record_add_subfield_into, \ record_find_field, \ record_extract_oai_id from invenio.search_engine import get_record from invenio.dateutils import convert_datestruct_to_datetext from invenio.errorlib import register_exception from invenio.intbitset import intbitset from invenio.config import CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR from invenio.bibtask import task_init, write_message, \ task_set_option, task_get_option, task_get_task_param, task_update_status, \ task_update_progress, task_sleep_now_if_required, fix_argv_paths from invenio.bibdocfile import BibRecDocs, file_strip_ext, normalize_format, \ get_docname_from_url, check_valid_url, download_url, \ KEEP_OLD_VALUE, decompose_bibdocfile_url, InvenioWebSubmitFileError, \ bibdocfile_url_p, CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS, guess_format_from_url from invenio.search_engine import search_pattern #Statistic variables stat = {} stat['nb_records_to_upload'] = 0 stat['nb_records_updated'] = 0 stat['nb_records_inserted'] = 0 stat['nb_errors'] = 0 stat['nb_holdingpen'] = 0 stat['exectime'] = time.localtime() ## Let's set a reasonable timeout for URL request (e.g. FFT) socket.setdefaulttimeout(40) _re_find_001 = re.compile('\\s*(\\d*)\\s*', re.S) def bibupload_pending_recids(): """This function embed a bit of A.I. and is more a hack than an elegant algorithm. It should be updated in case bibupload/bibsched are modified in incompatible ways. This function return the intbitset of all the records that are being (or are scheduled to be) touched by other bibuploads. """ options = run_sql("""SELECT arguments FROM schTASK WHERE status<>'DONE' AND proc='bibupload' AND (status='RUNNING' OR status='CONTINUING' OR status='WAITING' OR status='SCHEDULED' OR status='ABOUT TO STOP' OR status='ABOUT TO SLEEP')""") ret = intbitset() xmls = [] if options: for arguments in options: arguments = marshal.loads(arguments[0]) for argument in arguments[1:]: if argument.startswith('/'): # XMLs files are recognizable because they're absolute # files... xmls.append(argument) for xmlfile in xmls: # Let's grep for the 001 try: xml = open(xmlfile).read() ret += [int(group[1]) for group in _re_find_001.findall(xml)] except: continue return ret ### bibupload engine functions: def bibupload(record, opt_tag=None, opt_mode=None, opt_stage_to_start_from=1, opt_notimechange=0, oai_rec_id = ""): """Main function: process a record and fit it in the tables bibfmt, bibrec, bibrec_bibxxx, bibxxx with proper record metadata. Return (error_code, recID) of the processed record. """ assert(opt_mode in ('insert', 'replace', 'replace_or_insert', 'reference', 'correct', 'append', 'format', 'holdingpen', 'delete')) error = None # If there are special tags to proceed check if it exists in the record if opt_tag is not None and not(record.has_key(opt_tag)): write_message(" Failed: Tag not found, enter a valid tag to update.", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return (1, -1) # Extraction of the Record Id from 001, SYSNO or OAIID tags: rec_id = retrieve_rec_id(record, opt_mode) if rec_id == -1: return (1, -1) elif rec_id > 0: write_message(" -Retrieve record ID (found %s): DONE." % rec_id, verbose=2) if not record.has_key('001'): # Found record ID by means of SYSNO or OAIID, and the # input MARCXML buffer does not have this 001 tag, so we # should add it now: error = record_add_field(record, '001', controlfield_value=rec_id) if error is None: write_message(" Failed: " \ "Error during adding the 001 controlfield " \ "to the record", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return (1, int(rec_id)) else: error = None write_message(" -Added tag 001: DONE.", verbose=2) write_message(" -Check if the xml marc file is already in the database: DONE" , verbose=2) # Reference mode check if there are reference tag if opt_mode == 'reference': error = extract_tag_from_record(record, CFG_BIBUPLOAD_REFERENCE_TAG) if error is None: write_message(" Failed: No reference tags has been found...", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return (1, -1) else: error = None write_message(" -Check if reference tags exist: DONE", verbose=2) record_deleted_p = False if opt_mode == 'insert' or \ (opt_mode == 'replace_or_insert' and rec_id is None): insert_mode_p = True # Insert the record into the bibrec databases to have a recordId rec_id = create_new_record() write_message(" -Creation of a new record id (%d): DONE" % rec_id, verbose=2) # we add the record Id control field to the record error = record_add_field(record, '001', controlfield_value=rec_id) if error is None: write_message(" Failed: " \ "Error during adding the 001 controlfield " \ "to the record", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return (1, int(rec_id)) else: error = None elif opt_mode != 'insert' and opt_mode != 'format' and \ opt_stage_to_start_from != 5: insert_mode_p = False # Update Mode # Retrieve the old record to update rec_old = get_record(rec_id) # Also save a copy to restore previous situation in case of errors original_record = get_record(rec_id) if rec_old is None: write_message(" Failed during the creation of the old record!", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return (1, int(rec_id)) else: write_message(" -Retrieve the old record to update: DONE", verbose=2) # In Replace mode, take over old strong tags if applicable: if opt_mode == 'replace' or \ opt_mode == 'replace_or_insert': copy_strong_tags_from_old_record(record, rec_old) # Delete tags to correct in the record if opt_mode == 'correct' or opt_mode == 'reference': delete_tags_to_correct(record, rec_old, opt_tag) write_message(" -Delete the old tags to correct in the old record: DONE", verbose=2) # Delete tags specified if in delete mode if opt_mode == 'delete': record = delete_tags(record, rec_old) write_message(" -Delete specified tags in the old record: DONE", verbose=2) # Append new tag to the old record and update the new record with the old_record modified if opt_mode == 'append' or opt_mode == 'correct' or \ opt_mode == 'reference': record = append_new_tag_to_old_record(record, rec_old, opt_tag, opt_mode) write_message(" -Append new tags to the old record: DONE", verbose=2) # now we clear all the rows from bibrec_bibxxx from the old # record (they will be populated later (if needed) during # stage 4 below): delete_bibrec_bibxxx(rec_old, rec_id) record_deleted_p = True write_message(" -Clean bibrec_bibxxx: DONE", verbose=2) write_message(" -Stage COMPLETED", verbose=2) try: # Have a look if we have FMT tags write_message("Stage 1: Start (Insert of FMT tags if exist).", verbose=2) if opt_stage_to_start_from <= 1 and \ extract_tag_from_record(record, 'FMT') is not None: record = insert_fmt_tags(record, rec_id, opt_mode) if record is None: write_message(" Stage 1 failed: Error while inserting FMT tags", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return (1, int(rec_id)) elif record == 0: # Mode format finished stat['nb_records_updated'] += 1 return (0, int(rec_id)) write_message(" -Stage COMPLETED", verbose=2) else: write_message(" -Stage NOT NEEDED", verbose=2) # Have a look if we have FFT tags write_message("Stage 2: Start (Process FFT tags if exist).", verbose=2) record_had_FFT = False if opt_stage_to_start_from <= 2 and \ extract_tag_from_record(record, 'FFT') is not None: record_had_FFT = True if not writing_rights_p(): write_message(" Stage 2 failed: Error no rights to write fulltext files", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) task_update_status("ERROR") sys.exit(1) try: record = elaborate_fft_tags(record, rec_id, opt_mode) except Exception, e: register_exception() write_message(" Stage 2 failed: Error while elaborating FFT tags: %s" % e, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return (1, int(rec_id)) if record is None: write_message(" Stage 2 failed: Error while elaborating FFT tags", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return (1, int(rec_id)) write_message(" -Stage COMPLETED", verbose=2) else: write_message(" -Stage NOT NEEDED", verbose=2) # Have a look if we have FFT tags write_message("Stage 2B: Start (Synchronize 8564 tags).", verbose=2) has_bibdocs = run_sql("SELECT count(id_bibdoc) FROM bibrec_bibdoc JOIN bibdoc ON id_bibdoc=id WHERE id_bibrec=%s AND status<>'DELETED'", (rec_id, ))[0][0] > 0 if opt_stage_to_start_from <= 2 and (has_bibdocs or record_had_FFT or extract_tag_from_record(record, '856') is not None): try: record = synchronize_8564(rec_id, record, record_had_FFT) except Exception, e: register_exception(alert_admin=True) write_message(" Stage 2B failed: Error while synchronizing 8564 tags: %s" % e, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return (1, int(rec_id)) if record is None: write_message(" Stage 2B failed: Error while synchronizing 8564 tags", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return (1, int(rec_id)) write_message(" -Stage COMPLETED", verbose=2) else: write_message(" -Stage NOT NEEDED", verbose=2) # Update of the BibFmt write_message("Stage 3: Start (Update bibfmt).", verbose=2) if opt_stage_to_start_from <= 3: # format the single record as xml rec_xml_new = record_xml_output(record) # Update bibfmt with the format xm of this record if opt_mode != 'format': error = update_bibfmt_format(rec_id, rec_xml_new, 'xm') if error == 1: write_message(" Failed: error during update_bibfmt_format 'xm'", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return (1, int(rec_id)) if CFG_BIBUPLOAD_SERIALIZE_RECORD_STRUCTURE: error = update_bibfmt_format(rec_id, marshal.dumps(record), 'recstruct') if error == 1: write_message(" Failed: error during update_bibfmt_format 'recstruct'", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return (1, int(rec_id)) # archive MARCXML format of this record for version history purposes: error = archive_marcxml_for_history(rec_id) if error == 1: write_message(" Failed to archive MARCXML for history", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return (1, int(rec_id)) else: write_message(" -Archived MARCXML for history : DONE", verbose=2) write_message(" -Stage COMPLETED", verbose=2) # Update the database MetaData write_message("Stage 4: Start (Update the database with the metadata).", verbose=2) if opt_stage_to_start_from <= 4: if opt_mode in ('insert', 'replace', 'replace_or_insert', 'append', 'correct', 'reference', 'delete'): update_database_with_metadata(record, rec_id, oai_rec_id) record_deleted_p = False else: write_message(" -Stage NOT NEEDED in mode %s" % opt_mode, verbose=2) write_message(" -Stage COMPLETED", verbose=2) else: write_message(" -Stage NOT NEEDED", verbose=2) # Finally we update the bibrec table with the current date write_message("Stage 5: Start (Update bibrec table with current date).", verbose=2) if opt_stage_to_start_from <= 5 and \ opt_notimechange == 0 and \ not insert_mode_p: now = convert_datestruct_to_datetext(time.localtime()) write_message(" -Retrieved current localtime: DONE", verbose=2) update_bibrec_modif_date(now, rec_id) write_message(" -Stage COMPLETED", verbose=2) else: write_message(" -Stage NOT NEEDED", verbose=2) # Increase statistics if insert_mode_p: stat['nb_records_inserted'] += 1 else: stat['nb_records_updated'] += 1 # Upload of this record finish write_message("Record "+str(rec_id)+" DONE", verbose=1) return (0, int(rec_id)) finally: if record_deleted_p: ## BibUpload has failed living the record deleted. We should ## back the original record then. update_database_with_metadata(original_record, rec_id, oai_rec_id) write_message(" Restored original record", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) def find_record_ids_by_oai_id(oaiId): """ A method finding the records identifier provided the oai identifier returns a list of identifiers matching a given oai identifier """ # Is this record already in invenio (matching by oaiid) recids1 = search_pattern( p = oaiId, f = CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG, m = 'e' ).tolist() # Is this record already in invenio (matching by reportnumber i.e. # particularly 037. Idea: to avoid doubbles insertions) repnumber = oaiId.split(":")[-1] recids2 = search_pattern(p = repnumber, f = "reportnumber", m = 'e' ).tolist() # Is this record already in invenio (matching by reportnumber i.e. # particularly 037. Idea: to avoid doubbles insertions) repnumber = "arXiv:" + oaiId.split(":")[-1] recids3 = search_pattern(p = repnumber, f = "reportnumber", m = 'e' ).tolist() # now assuring, the results are unique res = {} for rid in recids1 + recids2 + recids3: res[rid] = 1 return res.keys() def insert_record_into_holding_pen(record, oai_id): query = "INSERT INTO bibHOLDINGPEN (oai_id, changeset_date, changeset_xml, id_bibrec) VALUES (%s, NOW(), %s, %s)" xml_record = record_xml_output(record) bibrec_ids = find_record_ids_by_oai_id(oai_id) # here determining the identifier of the record if len(bibrec_ids) > 0: bibrec_id = bibrec_ids[0] else: bibrec_id = 0 run_sql(query, (oai_id, xml_record, bibrec_id)) # record_id is logged as 0! ( We are not inserting into the main database) log_record_uploading(oai_id, task_get_task_param('task_id', 0), 0, 'H') stat['nb_holdingpen'] += 1 def print_out_bibupload_statistics(): """Print the statistics of the process""" out = "Task stats: %(nb_input)d input records, %(nb_updated)d updated, " \ "%(nb_inserted)d inserted, %(nb_errors)d errors, %(nb_holdingpen)d inserted to holding pen. " \ "Time %(nb_sec).2f sec." % { \ 'nb_input': stat['nb_records_to_upload'], 'nb_updated': stat['nb_records_updated'], 'nb_inserted': stat['nb_records_inserted'], 'nb_errors': stat['nb_errors'], 'nb_holdingpen': stat['nb_holdingpen'], 'nb_sec': time.time() - time.mktime(stat['exectime']) } write_message(out) def open_marc_file(path): """Open a file and return the data""" try: # open the file containing the marc document marc_file = open(path,'r') marc = marc_file.read() marc_file.close() except IOError, erro: write_message("Error: %s" % erro, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) write_message("Exiting.", sys.stderr) task_update_status("ERROR") sys.exit(1) return marc def xml_marc_to_records(xml_marc): """create the records""" # Creation of the records from the xml Marc in argument recs = create_records(xml_marc, 1, 1) if recs == []: write_message("Error: Cannot parse MARCXML file.", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) write_message("Exiting.", sys.stderr) task_update_status("ERROR") sys.exit(1) elif recs[0][0] is None: write_message("Error: MARCXML file has wrong format: %s" % recs, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) write_message("Exiting.", sys.stderr) task_update_status("ERROR") sys.exit(1) else: recs = map((lambda x:x[0]), recs) return recs def find_record_format(rec_id, format): """Look whether record REC_ID is formatted in FORMAT, i.e. whether FORMAT exists in the bibfmt table for this record. Return the number of times it is formatted: 0 if not, 1 if yes, 2 if found more than once (should never occur). """ out = 0 query = """SELECT COUNT(id) FROM bibfmt WHERE id_bibrec=%s AND format=%s""" params = (rec_id, format) res = [] try: res = run_sql(query, params) out = res[0][0] except Error, error: write_message(" Error during find_record_format() : %s " % error, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return out def find_record_from_recid(rec_id): """ Try to find record in the database from the REC_ID number. Return record ID if found, None otherwise. """ try: res = run_sql("SELECT id FROM bibrec WHERE id=%s", (rec_id,)) except Error, error: write_message(" Error during find_record_bibrec() : %s " % error, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) if res: return res[0][0] else: return None def find_record_from_sysno(sysno): """ Try to find record in the database from the external SYSNO number. Return record ID if found, None otherwise. """ bibxxx = 'bib'+CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[0:2]+'x' bibrec_bibxxx = 'bibrec_' + bibxxx try: res = run_sql("""SELECT bb.id_bibrec FROM %(bibrec_bibxxx)s AS bb, %(bibxxx)s AS b WHERE b.tag=%%s AND b.value=%%s AND bb.id_bibxxx=b.id""" % \ {'bibxxx': bibxxx, 'bibrec_bibxxx': bibrec_bibxxx}, (CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG, sysno,)) except Error, error: write_message(" Error during find_record_from_sysno(): %s " % error, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) if res: return res[0][0] else: return None def find_records_from_extoaiid(extoaiid, extoaisrc=None): """ Try to find records in the database from the external EXTOAIID number. Return list of record ID if found, None otherwise. """ assert(CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[:5] == CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_PROVENANCE_TAG[:5]) bibxxx = 'bib'+CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[0:2]+'x' bibrec_bibxxx = 'bibrec_' + bibxxx try: write_message(' Looking for extoaiid="%s" with extoaisrc="%s"' % (extoaiid, extoaisrc), verbose=9) id_bibrecs = intbitset(run_sql("""SELECT bb.id_bibrec FROM %(bibrec_bibxxx)s AS bb, %(bibxxx)s AS b WHERE b.tag=%%s AND b.value=%%s AND bb.id_bibxxx=b.id""" % \ {'bibxxx': bibxxx, 'bibrec_bibxxx': bibrec_bibxxx}, (CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG, extoaiid,))) write_message(' Partially found %s for extoaiid="%s"' % (id_bibrecs, extoaiid), verbose=9) ret = intbitset() for id_bibrec in id_bibrecs: record = get_record(id_bibrec) instances = record_get_field_instances(record, CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[0:3], CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[3], CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[4]) write_message(' recid %s -> instances "%s"' % (id_bibrec, instances), verbose=9) for instance in instances: provenance = field_get_subfield_values(instance, CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_PROVENANCE_TAG[5]) write_message(' recid %s -> provenance "%s"' % (id_bibrec, provenance), verbose=9) provenance = provenance and provenance[0] or None if provenance is None: if extoaisrc is None: write_message('Found recid %s for extoaiid="%s"' % (id_bibrec, extoaiid), verbose=9) ret.add(id_bibrec) break else: raise Error('Found recid %s for extoaiid="%s" that doesn\'t specify any provenance, while input record does.' % (id_bibrec, extoaiid)) else: if extoaiid is None: raise Error('Found recid %s for extoaiid="%s" that specifies as provenance "%s", while input record does not specify any provenance.' % (id_bibrec, extoaiid, provenance)) elif provenance == extoaisrc: write_message('Found recid %s for extoaiid="%s" with provenance="%s"' % (id_bibrec, extoaiid, extoaisrc), verbose=9) ret.add(id_bibrec) break return ret except Error, error: write_message(" Error during find_records_from_extoaiid(): %s " % error, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) raise def find_record_from_oaiid(oaiid): """ Try to find record in the database from the OAI ID number and OAI SRC. Return record ID if found, None otherwise. """ bibxxx = 'bib'+CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[0:2]+'x' bibrec_bibxxx = 'bibrec_' + bibxxx try: res = run_sql("""SELECT bb.id_bibrec FROM %(bibrec_bibxxx)s AS bb, %(bibxxx)s AS b WHERE b.tag=%%s AND b.value=%%s AND bb.id_bibxxx=b.id""" % \ {'bibxxx': bibxxx, 'bibrec_bibxxx': bibrec_bibxxx}, (CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD, oaiid,)) except Error, error: write_message(" Error during find_record_from_oaiid(): %s " % error, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) if res: return res[0][0] else: return None def extract_tag_from_record(record, tag_number): """ Extract the tag_number for record.""" # first step verify if the record is not already in the database if record: return record.get(tag_number, None) return None def retrieve_rec_id(record, opt_mode): """Retrieve the record Id from a record by using tag 001 or SYSNO or OAI ID tag. opt_mod is the desired mode.""" rec_id = None # 1st step: we look for the tag 001 tag_001 = extract_tag_from_record(record, '001') if tag_001 is not None: # We extract the record ID from the tag rec_id = tag_001[0][3] # if we are in insert mode => error if opt_mode == 'insert': write_message(" Failed : Error tag 001 found in the xml" \ " submitted, you should use the option replace," \ " correct or append to replace an existing" \ " record. (-h for help)", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return -1 else: # we found the rec id and we are not in insert mode => continue # we try to match rec_id against the database: if find_record_from_recid(rec_id) is not None: # okay, 001 corresponds to some known record return int(rec_id) else: # The record doesn't exist yet. We shall have try to check # the SYSNO or OAI id later. write_message(" -Tag 001 value not found in database.", verbose=9) rec_id = None else: write_message(" -Tag 001 not found in the xml marc file.", verbose=9) if rec_id is None: # 2nd step we look for the SYSNO sysnos = record_get_field_values(record, CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[0:3], CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[3:4] != "_" and \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[3:4] or "", CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[4:5] != "_" and \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[4:5] or "", CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[5:6]) if sysnos: sysno = sysnos[0] # there should be only one external SYSNO write_message(" -Checking if SYSNO " + sysno + \ " exists in the database", verbose=9) # try to find the corresponding rec id from the database rec_id = find_record_from_sysno(sysno) if rec_id is not None: # rec_id found pass else: # The record doesn't exist yet. We will try to check # external and internal OAI ids later. write_message(" -Tag SYSNO value not found in database.", verbose=9) rec_id = None else: write_message(" -Tag SYSNO not found in the xml marc file.", verbose=9) if rec_id is None: # 2nd step we look for the external OAIID extoai_fields = record_get_field_instances(record, CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[0:3], CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[3:4] != "_" and \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[3:4] or "", CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[4:5] != "_" and \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[4:5] or "") if extoai_fields: for field in extoai_fields: extoaiid = field_get_subfield_values(field, CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[5:6]) extoaisrc = field_get_subfield_values(field, CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_PROVENANCE_TAG[5:6]) if extoaiid: extoaiid = extoaiid[0] if extoaisrc: extoaisrc = extoaisrc[0] else: extoaisrc = None write_message(" -Checking if EXTOAIID %s (%s) exists in the database" % (extoaiid, extoaisrc), verbose=9) # try to find the corresponding rec id from the database try: rec_ids = find_records_from_extoaiid(extoaiid, extoaisrc) except Error, e: write_message(e, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return -1 if rec_ids: # rec_id found rec_id = rec_ids.pop() break else: # The record doesn't exist yet. We will try to check # OAI id later. write_message(" -Tag EXTOAIID value not found in database.", verbose=9) rec_id = None else: write_message(" -Tag EXTOAIID not found in the xml marc file.", verbose=9) if rec_id is None: # 4th step we look for the OAI ID oaiidvalues = record_get_field_values(record, CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[0:3], CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[3:4] != "_" and \ CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[3:4] or "", CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[4:5] != "_" and \ CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[4:5] or "", CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[5:6]) if oaiidvalues: oaiid = oaiidvalues[0] # there should be only one OAI ID write_message(" -Check if local OAI ID " + oaiid + \ " exist in the database", verbose=9) # try to find the corresponding rec id from the database rec_id = find_record_from_oaiid(oaiid) if rec_id is not None: # rec_id found pass else: write_message(" -Tag OAI ID value not found in database.", verbose=9) rec_id = None else: write_message(" -Tag SYSNO not found in the xml marc file.", verbose=9) # Now we should have detected rec_id from SYSNO or OAIID # tags. (None otherwise.) if rec_id: if opt_mode == 'insert': write_message(" Failed : Record found in the database," \ " you should use the option replace," \ " correct or append to replace an existing" \ " record. (-h for help)", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return -1 else: if opt_mode != 'insert' and \ opt_mode != 'replace_or_insert': write_message(" Failed : Record not found in the database."\ " Please insert the file before updating it."\ " (-h for help)", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return -1 return rec_id and int(rec_id) or None ### Insert functions def create_new_record(): """Create new record in the database""" now = convert_datestruct_to_datetext(time.localtime()) query = """INSERT INTO bibrec (creation_date, modification_date) VALUES (%s, %s)""" params = (now, now) try: rec_id = run_sql(query, params) return rec_id except Error, error: write_message(" Error during the creation_new_record function : %s " % error, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return None def insert_bibfmt(id_bibrec, marc, format, modification_date='1970-01-01 00:00:00'): """Insert the format in the table bibfmt""" # compress the marc value pickled_marc = compress(marc) try: time.strptime(modification_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") except ValueError: modification_date = '1970-01-01 00:00:00' query = """INSERT INTO bibfmt (id_bibrec, format, last_updated, value) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)""" try: row_id = run_sql(query, (id_bibrec, format, modification_date, pickled_marc)) return row_id except Error, error: write_message(" Error during the insert_bibfmt function : %s " % error, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return None def insert_record_bibxxx(tag, value): """Insert the record into bibxxx""" # determine into which table one should insert the record table_name = 'bib'+tag[0:2]+'x' # check if the tag, value combination exists in the table query = """SELECT id,value FROM %s """ % table_name query += """ WHERE tag=%s AND value=%s""" params = (tag, value) try: res = run_sql(query, params) except Error, error: write_message(" Error during the insert_record_bibxxx function : %s " % error, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) # Note: compare now the found values one by one and look for # string binary equality (e.g. to respect lowercase/uppercase # match), regardless of the charset etc settings. Ideally we # could use a BINARY operator in the above SELECT statement, but # we would have to check compatibility on various MySQLdb versions # etc; this approach checks all matched values in Python, not in # MySQL, which is less cool, but more conservative, so it should # work better on most setups. for row in res: row_id = row[0] row_value = row[1] if row_value == value: return (table_name, row_id) # We got here only when the tag,value combination was not found, # so it is now necessary to insert the tag,value combination into # bibxxx table as new. query = """INSERT INTO %s """ % table_name query += """ (tag, value) values (%s , %s)""" params = (tag, value) try: row_id = run_sql(query, params) except Error, error: write_message(" Error during the insert_record_bibxxx function : %s " % error, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return (table_name, row_id) def insert_record_bibrec_bibxxx(table_name, id_bibxxx, field_number, id_bibrec): """Insert the record into bibrec_bibxxx""" # determine into which table one should insert the record full_table_name = 'bibrec_'+ table_name # insert the proper row into the table query = """INSERT INTO %s """ % full_table_name query += """(id_bibrec,id_bibxxx, field_number) values (%s , %s, %s)""" params = (id_bibrec, id_bibxxx, field_number) try: res = run_sql(query, params) except Error, error: write_message(" Error during the insert_record_bibrec_bibxxx" " function 2nd query : %s " % error, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return res def synchronize_8564(rec_id, record, record_had_FFT): """ Synchronize 8564_ tags and BibDocFile tables. This function directly manipulate the record parameter. @type rec_id: positive integer @param rec_id: the record identifier. @param record: the record structure as created by bibrecord.create_record @type record_had_FFT: boolean @param record_had_FFT: True if the incoming bibuploaded-record used FFT @return: the manipulated record (which is also modified as a side effect) """ def merge_marc_into_bibdocfile(field): """ Internal function that reads a single field and store its content in BibDocFile tables. @param field: the 8564_ field containing a BibDocFile URL. """ write_message('Merging field: %s' % (field, ), verbose=9) url = field_get_subfield_values(field, 'u')[:1] or field_get_subfield_values(field, 'q')[:1] description = field_get_subfield_values(field, 'y')[:1] comment = field_get_subfield_values(field, 'z')[:1] if url: recid, docname, format = decompose_bibdocfile_url(url[0]) if recid != rec_id: write_message("INFO: URL %s is not pointing to a fulltext owned by this record (%s)" % (url, recid), stream=sys.stderr) else: try: bibdoc = BibRecDocs(recid).get_bibdoc(docname) if description: bibdoc.set_description(description[0], format) if comment: bibdoc.set_comment(comment[0], format) except InvenioWebSubmitFileError: ## Apparently the referenced docname doesn't exist anymore. ## Too bad. Let's skip it. write_message("WARNING: docname %s doesn't exist for record %s. Has it been renamed outside FFT?" % (docname, recid), stream=sys.stderr) def merge_bibdocfile_into_marc(field, subfields): """ Internal function that reads BibDocFile table entries referenced by the URL in the given 8564_ field and integrate the given information directly with the provided subfields. @param field: the 8564_ field containing a BibDocFile URL. @param subfields: the subfields corresponding to the BibDocFile URL generated after BibDocFile tables. """ write_message('Merging subfields %s into field %s' % (subfields, field), verbose=9) subfields = dict(subfields) ## We make a copy not to have side-effects subfield_to_delete = [] for subfield_position, (code, value) in enumerate(field_get_subfield_instances(field)): ## For each subfield instance already existing... if code in subfields: ## ...We substitute it with what is in BibDocFile tables record_modify_subfield(record, '856', code, subfields[code], subfield_position, field_position_global=field[4]) del subfields[code] else: ## ...We delete it otherwise subfield_to_delete.append(subfield_position) subfield_to_delete.sort() for counter, position in enumerate(subfield_to_delete): ## FIXME: Very hackish algorithm. Since deleting a subfield ## will alterate the position of following subfields, we ## are taking note of this and adjusting further position ## by using a counter. record_delete_subfield_from(record, '856', position - counter, field_position_global=field[4]) subfields = subfields.items() subfields.sort() for code, value in subfields: ## Let's add non-previously existing subfields record_add_subfield_into(record, '856', code, value, field_position_global=field[4]) def get_bibdocfile_managed_info(): """ Internal function to eturns a dictionary of BibDocFile URL -> wanna-be subfields. @rtype: mapping @return: BibDocFile URL -> wanna-be subfields dictionary """ ret = {} bibrecdocs = BibRecDocs(rec_id) latest_files = bibrecdocs.list_latest_files() for afile in latest_files: url = afile.get_url() ret[url] = {'u' : url} description = afile.get_description() comment = afile.get_comment() + subformat = afile.get_subformat() if description: ret[url]['y'] = description if comment: ret[url]['z'] = comment + if subformat: + ret[url]['x'] = subformat - for bibdoc in bibrecdocs.list_bibdocs(): - icon = bibdoc.get_icon() - if icon: - icon = icon.list_all_files() - if icon: - url = icon[0].get_url() - ret[url] = {'q' : url, 'x' : 'icon'} return ret write_message("Synchronizing MARC of recid '%s' with:\n%s" % (rec_id, record), verbose=9) tags856s = record_get_field_instances(record, '856', '%', '%') write_message("Original 856%% instances: %s" % tags856s, verbose=9) tags8564s_to_add = get_bibdocfile_managed_info() write_message("BibDocFile instances: %s" % tags8564s_to_add, verbose=9) positions_tags8564s_to_remove = [] for local_position, field in enumerate(tags856s): if field[1] == '4' and field[2] == ' ': write_message('Analysing %s' % (field, ), verbose=9) for url in field_get_subfield_values(field, 'u') + field_get_subfield_values(field, 'q'): if url in tags8564s_to_add: if record_had_FFT: merge_bibdocfile_into_marc(field, tags8564s_to_add[url]) else: merge_marc_into_bibdocfile(field) del tags8564s_to_add[url] break elif bibdocfile_url_p(url) and decompose_bibdocfile_url(url)[0] == rec_id: positions_tags8564s_to_remove.append(local_position) write_message("%s to be deleted and re-synchronized" % (field, ), verbose=9) break record_delete_fields(record, '856', positions_tags8564s_to_remove) tags8564s_to_add = tags8564s_to_add.values() tags8564s_to_add.sort() for subfields in tags8564s_to_add: subfields = subfields.items() subfields.sort() record_add_field(record, '856', '4', ' ', subfields=subfields) write_message('Final record: %s' % record, verbose=9) return record def elaborate_fft_tags(record, rec_id, mode): """ Process FFT tags that should contain $a with file pathes or URLs to get the fulltext from. This function enriches record with proper 8564 URL tags, downloads fulltext files and stores them into var/data structure where appropriate. CFG_BIBUPLOAD_WGET_SLEEP_TIME defines time to sleep in seconds in between URL downloads. Note: if an FFT tag contains multiple $a subfields, we upload them into different 856 URL tags in the metadata. See regression test case test_multiple_fft_insert_via_http(). """ # Let's define some handy sub procedure. def _add_new_format(bibdoc, url, format, docname, doctype, newname, description, comment, flags): """Adds a new format for a given bibdoc. Returns True when everything's fine.""" write_message('Add new format to %s url: %s, format: %s, docname: %s, doctype: %s, newname: %s, description: %s, comment: %s, flags: %s' % (repr(bibdoc), url, format, docname, doctype, newname, description, comment, flags), verbose=9) try: if not url: # Not requesting a new url. Just updating comment & description return _update_description_and_comment(bibdoc, docname, format, description, comment, flags) tmpurl = download_url(url, format) try: try: bibdoc.add_file_new_format(tmpurl, description=description, comment=comment, flags=flags) except StandardError, e: write_message("('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s') not inserted because format already exists (%s)." % (url, format, docname, doctype, newname, description, comment, flags, e), stream=sys.stderr) raise finally: os.remove(tmpurl) except Exception, e: write_message("Error in downloading '%s' because of: %s" % (url, e), stream=sys.stderr) raise return True def _add_new_version(bibdoc, url, format, docname, doctype, newname, description, comment, flags): """Adds a new version for a given bibdoc. Returns True when everything's fine.""" write_message('Add new version to %s url: %s, format: %s, docname: %s, doctype: %s, newname: %s, description: %s, comment: %s, flags: %s' % (repr(bibdoc), url, format, docname, doctype, newname, description, comment, flags)) try: if not url: return _update_description_and_comment(bibdoc, docname, format, description, comment, flags) tmpurl = download_url(url, format) try: try: bibdoc.add_file_new_version(tmpurl, description=description, comment=comment, flags=flags) except StandardError, e: write_message("('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s') not inserted because '%s'." % (url, format, docname, doctype, newname, description, comment, flags, e), stream=sys.stderr) raise finally: os.remove(tmpurl) except Exception, e: write_message("Error in downloading '%s' because of: %s" % (url, e), stream=sys.stderr) raise return True def _update_description_and_comment(bibdoc, docname, format, description, comment, flags): """Directly update comments and descriptions.""" write_message('Just updating description and comment for %s with format %s with description %s, comment %s and flags %s' % (docname, format, description, comment, flags), verbose=9) try: bibdoc.set_description(description, format) bibdoc.set_comment(comment, format) for flag in CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS: if flag in flags: bibdoc.set_flag(flag, format) else: bibdoc.unset_flag(flag, format) except StandardError, e: write_message("('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s') description and comment not updated because '%s'." % (docname, format, description, comment, flags, e)) raise return True - def _add_new_icon(bibdoc, url, restriction): - """Adds a new icon to an existing bibdoc, replacing the previous one if it exists. If url is empty, just remove the current icon.""" - if not url: - bibdoc.delete_icon() - else: - try: - path = urllib2.urlparse.urlsplit(url)[2] - filename = os.path.split(path)[-1] - format = filename[len(file_strip_ext(filename)):] - tmpurl = download_url(url, format) - try: - try: - icondoc = bibdoc.add_icon(tmpurl, 'icon-%s' % bibdoc.get_docname()) - if restriction and restriction != KEEP_OLD_VALUE: - icondoc.set_status(restriction) - except StandardError, e: - write_message("('%s', '%s') icon not added because '%s'." % (url, format, e), stream=sys.stderr) - raise - finally: - os.remove(tmpurl) - except Exception, e: - write_message("Error in downloading '%s' because of: %s" % (url, e), stream=sys.stderr) - raise - return True - if mode == 'delete': raise StandardError('FFT tag specified but bibupload executed in --delete mode') tuple_list = extract_tag_from_record(record, 'FFT') if tuple_list: # FFT Tags analysis write_message("FFTs: "+str(tuple_list), verbose=9) docs = {} # docnames and their data for fft in record_get_field_instances(record, 'FFT', ' ', ' '): # Let's discover the type of the document # This is a legacy field and will not be enforced any particular # check on it. doctype = field_get_subfield_values(fft, 't') if doctype: doctype = doctype[0] else: # Default is Main doctype = 'Main' # Let's discover the url. url = field_get_subfield_values(fft, 'a') if url: url = url[0] try: check_valid_url(url) except StandardError, e: raise StandardError, "fft '%s' specifies in $a a location ('%s') with problems: %s" % (fft, url, e) else: url = '' # Let's discover the description description = field_get_subfield_values(fft, 'd') if description != []: description = description[0] else: if mode == 'correct' and doctype != 'FIX-MARC': ## If the user require to correct, and do not specify ## a description this means she really want to ## modify the description. description = '' else: description = KEEP_OLD_VALUE # Let's discover the desired docname to be created/altered name = field_get_subfield_values(fft, 'n') if name: ## Let's remove undesired extensions name = file_strip_ext(name[0] + '.pdf') else: if url: name = get_docname_from_url(url) elif mode != 'correct' and doctype != 'FIX-MARC': raise StandardError, "Warning: fft '%s' doesn't specifies either a location in $a or a docname in $n" % str(fft) else: continue # Let's discover the desired new docname in case we want to change it newname = field_get_subfield_values(fft, 'm') if newname: newname = file_strip_ext(newname[0] + '.pdf') else: newname = name # Let's discover the desired format format = field_get_subfield_values(fft, 'f') if format: format = format[0] else: if url: format = guess_format_from_url(url) else: format = "" format = normalize_format(format) # Let's discover the icon icon = field_get_subfield_values(fft, 'x') if icon != []: icon = icon[0] if icon != KEEP_OLD_VALUE: try: check_valid_url(icon) except StandardError, e: raise StandardError, "fft '%s' specifies in $x an icon ('%s') with problems: %s" % (fft, icon, e) else: - if mode == 'correct' and doctype != 'FIX-MARC': - ## See comment on description - icon = '' - else: - icon = KEEP_OLD_VALUE + icon = '' # Let's discover the comment comment = field_get_subfield_values(fft, 'z') if comment != []: comment = comment[0] else: if mode == 'correct' and doctype != 'FIX-MARC': ## See comment on description comment = '' else: comment = KEEP_OLD_VALUE # Let's discover the restriction restriction = field_get_subfield_values(fft, 'r') if restriction != []: restriction = restriction[0] else: if mode == 'correct' and doctype != 'FIX-MARC': ## See comment on description restriction = '' else: restriction = KEEP_OLD_VALUE version = field_get_subfield_values(fft, 'v') if version: version = version[0] else: version = '' flags = field_get_subfield_values(fft, 'o') for flag in flags: if flag not in CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS: raise StandardError, "fft '%s' specifies a non available flag: %s" % (fft, flag) if docs.has_key(name): # new format considered - (doctype2, newname2, restriction2, icon2, version2, urls) = docs[name] + (doctype2, newname2, restriction2, version2, urls) = docs[name] if doctype2 != doctype: raise StandardError, "fft '%s' specifies a different doctype from previous fft with docname '%s'" % (str(fft), name) if newname2 != newname: raise StandardError, "fft '%s' specifies a different newname from previous fft with docname '%s'" % (str(fft), name) if restriction2 != restriction: raise StandardError, "fft '%s' specifies a different restriction from previous fft with docname '%s'" % (str(fft), name) - if icon2 != icon: - raise StandardError, "fft '%x' specifies a different icon than the previous fft with docname '%s'" % (str(fft), name) if version2 != version: raise StandardError, "fft '%x' specifies a different version than the previous fft with docname '%s'" % (str(fft), name) for (url2, format2, description2, comment2, flags2) in urls: if format == format2: raise StandardError, "fft '%s' specifies a second file '%s' with the same format '%s' from previous fft with docname '%s'" % (str(fft), url, format, name) if url or format: urls.append((url, format, description, comment, flags)) + if icon: + urls.append((icon, icon[len(file_strip_ext(icon)):] + ';icon', description, comment, flags)) else: if url or format: - docs[name] = (doctype, newname, restriction, icon, version, [(url, format, description, comment, flags)]) + docs[name] = (doctype, newname, restriction, version, [(url, format, description, comment, flags)]) + if icon: + docs[name][4].append((icon, icon[len(file_strip_ext(icon)):] + ';icon', description, comment, flags)) + elif icon: + docs[name] = (doctype, newname, restriction, version, [(icon, icon[len(file_strip_ext(icon)):] + ';icon', description, comment, flags)]) else: - docs[name] = (doctype, newname, restriction, icon, version, []) + docs[name] = (doctype, newname, restriction, version, []) write_message('Result of FFT analysis:\n\tDocs: %s' % (docs,), verbose=9) # Let's remove all FFT tags record_delete_field(record, 'FFT', ' ', ' ') # Preprocessed data elaboration bibrecdocs = BibRecDocs(rec_id) if mode == 'replace': # First we erase previous bibdocs for bibdoc in bibrecdocs.list_bibdocs(): bibdoc.delete() bibrecdocs.build_bibdoc_list() - for docname, (doctype, newname, restriction, icon, version, urls) in docs.iteritems(): - write_message("Elaborating olddocname: '%s', newdocname: '%s', doctype: '%s', restriction: '%s', icon: '%s', urls: '%s', mode: '%s'" % (docname, newname, doctype, restriction, icon, urls, mode), verbose=9) + for docname, (doctype, newname, restriction, version, urls) in docs.iteritems(): + write_message("Elaborating olddocname: '%s', newdocname: '%s', doctype: '%s', restriction: '%s', urls: '%s', mode: '%s'" % (docname, newname, doctype, restriction, urls, mode), verbose=9) if mode in ('insert', 'replace'): # new bibdocs, new docnames, new marc if newname in bibrecdocs.get_bibdoc_names(): write_message("('%s', '%s') not inserted because docname already exists." % (newname, urls), stream=sys.stderr) raise StandardError try: bibdoc = bibrecdocs.add_bibdoc(doctype, newname) bibdoc.set_status(restriction) except Exception, e: write_message("('%s', '%s', '%s') not inserted because: '%s'." % (doctype, newname, urls, e), stream=sys.stderr) raise StandardError for (url, format, description, comment, flags) in urls: assert(_add_new_format(bibdoc, url, format, docname, doctype, newname, description, comment, flags)) - if icon and not icon == KEEP_OLD_VALUE: - assert(_add_new_icon(bibdoc, icon, restriction)) elif mode == 'replace_or_insert': # to be thought as correct_or_insert for bibdoc in bibrecdocs.list_bibdocs(): if bibdoc.get_docname() == docname: if doctype not in ('PURGE', 'DELETE', 'EXPUNGE', 'REVERT', 'FIX-ALL', 'FIX-MARC', 'DELETE-FILE'): if newname != docname: try: bibdoc.change_name(newname) - icon = bibdoc.get_icon() - if icon: - icon.change_name('icon-%s' % newname) except StandardError, e: write_message(e, stream=sys.stderr) raise found_bibdoc = False for bibdoc in bibrecdocs.list_bibdocs(): if bibdoc.get_docname() == newname: found_bibdoc = True if doctype == 'PURGE': bibdoc.purge() elif doctype == 'DELETE': bibdoc.delete() elif doctype == 'EXPUNGE': bibdoc.expunge() elif doctype == 'FIX-ALL': bibrecdocs.fix(docname) elif doctype == 'FIX-MARC': pass elif doctype == 'DELETE-FILE': if urls: for (url, format, description, comment, flags) in urls: bibdoc.delete_file(format, version) elif doctype == 'REVERT': try: bibdoc.revert(version) except Exception, e: write_message('(%s, %s) not correctly reverted: %s' % (newname, version, e), stream=sys.stderr) raise else: if restriction != KEEP_OLD_VALUE: bibdoc.set_status(restriction) # Since the docname already existed we have to first # bump the version by pushing the first new file # then pushing the other files. if urls: (first_url, first_format, first_description, first_comment, first_flags) = urls[0] other_urls = urls[1:] assert(_add_new_version(bibdoc, first_url, first_format, docname, doctype, newname, first_description, first_comment, first_flags)) for (url, format, description, comment, flags) in other_urls: assert(_add_new_format(bibdoc, url, format, docname, doctype, newname, description, comment, flags)) - if icon != KEEP_OLD_VALUE: - assert(_add_new_icon(bibdoc, icon, restriction)) if not found_bibdoc: bibdoc = bibrecdocs.add_bibdoc(doctype, newname) for (url, format, description, comment, flags) in urls: assert(_add_new_format(bibdoc, url, format, docname, doctype, newname, description, comment, flags)) - if icon and not icon == KEEP_OLD_VALUE: - assert(_add_new_icon(bibdoc, icon, restriction)) elif mode == 'correct': for bibdoc in bibrecdocs.list_bibdocs(): if bibdoc.get_docname() == docname: if doctype not in ('PURGE', 'DELETE', 'EXPUNGE', 'REVERT', 'FIX-ALL', 'FIX-MARC', 'DELETE-FILE'): if newname != docname: try: bibdoc.change_name(newname) - icon = bibdoc.get_icon() - if icon: - icon.change_name('icon-%s' % newname) except StandardError, e: write_message('Error in renaming %s to %s: %s' % (docname, newname, e), stream=sys.stderr) raise found_bibdoc = False for bibdoc in bibrecdocs.list_bibdocs(): if bibdoc.get_docname() == newname: found_bibdoc = True if doctype == 'PURGE': bibdoc.purge() elif doctype == 'DELETE': bibdoc.delete() elif doctype == 'EXPUNGE': bibdoc.expunge() elif doctype == 'FIX-ALL': bibrecdocs.fix(newname) elif doctype == 'FIX-MARC': pass elif doctype == 'DELETE-FILE': if urls: for (url, format, description, comment, flags) in urls: bibdoc.delete_file(format, version) elif doctype == 'REVERT': try: bibdoc.revert(version) except Exception, e: write_message('(%s, %s) not correctly reverted: %s' % (newname, version, e), stream=sys.stderr) raise else: if restriction != KEEP_OLD_VALUE: bibdoc.set_status(restriction) if urls: (first_url, first_format, first_description, first_comment, first_flags) = urls[0] other_urls = urls[1:] assert(_add_new_version(bibdoc, first_url, first_format, docname, doctype, newname, first_description, first_comment, first_flags)) for (url, format, description, comment, flags) in other_urls: assert(_add_new_format(bibdoc, url, format, docname, description, doctype, newname, description, comment, flags)) - if icon != KEEP_OLD_VALUE: - _add_new_icon(bibdoc, icon, restriction) if not found_bibdoc: if doctype in ('PURGE', 'DELETE', 'EXPUNGE', 'FIX-ALL', 'FIX-MARC', 'DELETE-FILE', 'REVERT'): write_message("('%s', '%s', '%s') not performed because '%s' docname didn't existed." % (doctype, newname, urls, docname), stream=sys.stderr) raise StandardError else: bibdoc = bibrecdocs.add_bibdoc(doctype, newname) for (url, format, description, comment) in urls: assert(_add_new_format(bibdoc, url, format, docname, doctype, newname, description, comment)) - if icon and not icon == KEEP_OLD_VALUE: - assert(_add_new_icon(bibdoc, icon, restriction)) elif mode == 'append': try: found_bibdoc = False for bibdoc in bibrecdocs.list_bibdocs(): if bibdoc.get_docname() == docname: found_bibdoc = True for (url, format, description, comment, flags) in urls: assert(_add_new_format(bibdoc, url, format, docname, doctype, newname, description, comment, flags)) - if icon not in ('', KEEP_OLD_VALUE): - assert(_add_new_icon(bibdoc, icon, restriction)) if not found_bibdoc: try: bibdoc = bibrecdocs.add_bibdoc(doctype, docname) bibdoc.set_status(restriction) for (url, format, description, comment, flags) in urls: assert(_add_new_format(bibdoc, url, format, docname, doctype, newname, description, comment, flags)) - if icon and not icon == KEEP_OLD_VALUE: - assert(_add_new_icon(bibdoc, icon, restriction)) except Exception, e: register_exception() write_message("('%s', '%s', '%s') not appended because: '%s'." % (doctype, newname, urls, e), stream=sys.stderr) raise except: register_exception() raise return record def insert_fmt_tags(record, rec_id, opt_mode): """Process and insert FMT tags""" fmt_fields = record_get_field_instances(record, 'FMT') if fmt_fields: for fmt_field in fmt_fields: # Get the d, f, g subfields of the FMT tag try: d_value = field_get_subfield_values(fmt_field, "d")[0] except IndexError: d_value = "" try: f_value = field_get_subfield_values(fmt_field, "f")[0] except IndexError: f_value = "" try: g_value = field_get_subfield_values(fmt_field, "g")[0] except IndexError: g_value = "" # Update the format res = update_bibfmt_format(rec_id, g_value, f_value, d_value) if res == 1: write_message(" Failed: Error during update_bibfmt", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) # If we are in format mode, we only care about the FMT tag if opt_mode == 'format': return 0 # We delete the FMT Tag of the record record_delete_field(record, 'FMT') write_message(" -Delete field FMT from record : DONE", verbose=2) return record elif opt_mode == 'format': write_message(" Failed: Format updated failed : No tag FMT found", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return None else: return record ### Update functions def update_bibrec_modif_date(now, bibrec_id): """Update the date of the record in bibrec table """ query = """UPDATE bibrec SET modification_date=%s WHERE id=%s""" params = (now, bibrec_id) try: run_sql(query, params) write_message(" -Update record modification date : DONE" , verbose=2) except Error, error: write_message(" Error during update_bibrec_modif_date function : %s" % error, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) def update_bibfmt_format(id_bibrec, format_value, format_name, modification_date=None): """Update the format in the table bibfmt""" if modification_date is None: modification_date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: try: time.strptime(modification_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") except ValueError: modification_date = '1970-01-01 00:00:00' # We check if the format is already in bibFmt nb_found = find_record_format(id_bibrec, format_name) if nb_found == 1: # we are going to update the format # compress the format_value value pickled_format_value = compress(format_value) # update the format: query = """UPDATE bibfmt SET last_updated=%s, value=%s WHERE id_bibrec=%s AND format=%s""" params = (modification_date, pickled_format_value, id_bibrec, format_name) try: row_id = run_sql(query, params) if row_id is None: write_message(" Failed: Error during update_bibfmt_format function", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return 1 else: write_message(" -Update the format %s in bibfmt : DONE" % format_name , verbose=2) return 0 except Error, error: write_message(" Error during the update_bibfmt_format function : %s " % error, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) elif nb_found > 1: write_message(" Failed: Same format %s found several time in bibfmt for the same record." % format_name, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return 1 else: # Insert the format information in BibFMT res = insert_bibfmt(id_bibrec, format_value, format_name, modification_date) if res is None: write_message(" Failed: Error during insert_bibfmt", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return 1 else: write_message(" -Insert the format %s in bibfmt : DONE" % format_name , verbose=2) return 0 def archive_marcxml_for_history(recID): """ Archive current MARCXML format of record RECID from BIBFMT table into hstRECORD table. Useful to keep MARCXML history of records. Return 0 if everything went fine. Return 1 otherwise. """ try: res = run_sql("SELECT id_bibrec, value, last_updated FROM bibfmt WHERE format='xm' AND id_bibrec=%s", (recID,)) if res: run_sql("""INSERT INTO hstRECORD (id_bibrec, marcxml, job_id, job_name, job_person, job_date, job_details) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)""", (res[0][0], res[0][1], task_get_task_param('task_id', 0), 'bibupload', task_get_task_param('user','UNKNOWN'), res[0][2], 'mode: ' + task_get_option('mode','UNKNOWN') + '; file: ' + task_get_option('file_path','UNKNOWN') + '.')) except Error, error: write_message(" Error during archive_marcxml_for_history: %s " % error, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) return 1 return 0 def update_database_with_metadata(record, rec_id, oai_rec_id = "oai"): """Update the database tables with the record and the record id given in parameter""" for tag in record.keys(): # check if tag is not a special one: if tag not in CFG_BIBUPLOAD_SPECIAL_TAGS: # for each tag there is a list of tuples representing datafields tuple_list = record[tag] # this list should contain the elements of a full tag [tag, ind1, ind2, subfield_code] tag_list = [] tag_list.append(tag) for single_tuple in tuple_list: # these are the contents of a single tuple subfield_list = single_tuple[0] ind1 = single_tuple[1] ind2 = single_tuple[2] # append the ind's to the full tag if ind1 == '' or ind1 == ' ': tag_list.append('_') else: tag_list.append(ind1) if ind2 == '' or ind2 == ' ': tag_list.append('_') else: tag_list.append(ind2) datafield_number = single_tuple[4] if tag in CFG_BIBUPLOAD_SPECIAL_TAGS: # nothing to do for special tags (FFT, FMT) pass elif tag in CFG_BIBUPLOAD_CONTROLFIELD_TAGS and tag != "001": value = single_tuple[3] # get the full tag full_tag = ''.join(tag_list) # update the tables write_message(" insertion of the tag "+full_tag+" with the value "+value, verbose=9) # insert the tag and value into into bibxxx (table_name, bibxxx_row_id) = insert_record_bibxxx(full_tag, value) #print 'tname, bibrow', table_name, bibxxx_row_id; if table_name is None or bibxxx_row_id is None: write_message(" Failed : during insert_record_bibxxx", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) # connect bibxxx and bibrec with the table bibrec_bibxxx res = insert_record_bibrec_bibxxx(table_name, bibxxx_row_id, datafield_number, rec_id) if res is None: write_message(" Failed : during insert_record_bibrec_bibxxx", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) else: # get the tag and value from the content of each subfield for subfield in subfield_list: subtag = subfield[0] value = subfield[1] tag_list.append(subtag) # get the full tag full_tag = ''.join(tag_list) # update the tables write_message(" insertion of the tag "+full_tag+" with the value "+value, verbose=9) # insert the tag and value into into bibxxx (table_name, bibxxx_row_id) = insert_record_bibxxx(full_tag, value) if table_name is None or bibxxx_row_id is None: write_message(" Failed : during insert_record_bibxxx", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) # connect bibxxx and bibrec with the table bibrec_bibxxx res = insert_record_bibrec_bibxxx(table_name, bibxxx_row_id, datafield_number, rec_id) if res is None: write_message(" Failed : during insert_record_bibrec_bibxxx", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) # remove the subtag from the list tag_list.pop() tag_list.pop() tag_list.pop() tag_list.pop() write_message(" -Update the database with metadata : DONE", verbose=2) log_record_uploading(oai_rec_id, task_get_task_param('task_id', 0), rec_id, 'P') def append_new_tag_to_old_record(record, rec_old, opt_tag, opt_mode): """Append new tags to a old record""" def _append_tag(tag): # Reference mode append only reference tag if opt_mode == 'reference': if tag == CFG_BIBUPLOAD_REFERENCE_TAG: for single_tuple in record[tag]: # We retrieve the information of the tag subfield_list = single_tuple[0] ind1 = single_tuple[1] ind2 = single_tuple[2] # We add the datafield to the old record write_message(" Adding tag: %s ind1=%s ind2=%s code=%s" % (tag, ind1, ind2, subfield_list), verbose=9) newfield_number = record_add_field(rec_old, tag, ind1, ind2, subfields=subfield_list) if newfield_number is None: write_message(" Error when adding the field"+tag, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) else: if tag in CFG_BIBUPLOAD_CONTROLFIELD_TAGS: if tag == '001': pass else: # if it is a controlfield,just access the value for single_tuple in record[tag]: controlfield_value = single_tuple[3] # add the field to the old record newfield_number = record_add_field(rec_old, tag, controlfield_value=controlfield_value) if newfield_number is None: write_message(" Error when adding the field"+tag, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) else: # For each tag there is a list of tuples representing datafields for single_tuple in record[tag]: # We retrieve the information of the tag subfield_list = single_tuple[0] ind1 = single_tuple[1] ind2 = single_tuple[2] if '%s%s%s' % (tag, ind1 == ' ' and '_' or ind1, ind2 == ' ' and '_' or ind2) in (CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[:5], CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[:5]): ## We don't want to append the external identifier ## if it is already existing. if record_find_field(rec_old, tag, single_tuple)[0] is not None: write_message(" Not adding tag: %s ind1=%s ind2=%s subfields=%s: it's already there" % (tag, ind1, ind2, subfield_list), verbose=9) continue # We add the datafield to the old record write_message(" Adding tag: %s ind1=%s ind2=%s subfields=%s" % (tag, ind1, ind2, subfield_list), verbose=9) newfield_number = record_add_field(rec_old, tag, ind1, ind2, subfields=subfield_list) if newfield_number is None: write_message(" Error when adding the field"+tag, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) if opt_tag is not None: _append_tag(opt_tag) else: # Go through each tag in the appended record for tag in record: _append_tag(tag) return rec_old def copy_strong_tags_from_old_record(record, rec_old): """ Look for strong tags in RECORD and REC_OLD. If no strong tags are found in RECORD, then copy them over from REC_OLD. This function modifies RECORD structure on the spot. """ for strong_tag in CFG_BIBUPLOAD_STRONG_TAGS: if not record_get_field_instances(record, strong_tag): strong_tag_old_field_instances = record_get_field_instances(rec_old, strong_tag) if strong_tag_old_field_instances: for strong_tag_old_field_instance in strong_tag_old_field_instances: sf_vals, fi_ind1, fi_ind2, controlfield, dummy = strong_tag_old_field_instance record_add_field(record, strong_tag, fi_ind1, fi_ind2, controlfield, sf_vals) return ### Delete functions def delete_tags(record, rec_old): """ Returns a record structure with all the fields in rec_old minus the fields in record. @param record: The record containing tags to delete. @type record: record structure @param rec_old: The original record. @type rec_old: record structure @return: The modified record. @rtype: record structure """ returned_record = copy.deepcopy(rec_old) for tag, fields in record.iteritems(): if tag in ('001', ): continue for field in fields: local_position = record_find_field(returned_record, tag, field)[1] if local_position is not None: record_delete_field(returned_record, tag, field_position_local=local_position) return returned_record def delete_tags_to_correct(record, rec_old, opt_tag): """ Delete tags from REC_OLD which are also existing in RECORD. When deleting, pay attention not only to tags, but also to indicators, so that fields with the same tags but different indicators are not deleted. """ ## Some fields are controlled via provenance information. ## We should re-add saved fields at the end. fields_to_readd = {} for tag in CFG_BIBUPLOAD_CONTROLLED_PROVENANCE_TAGS: if tag[:3] in record: tmp_field_instances = record_get_field_instances(record, tag[:3], tag[3], tag[4]) ## Let's discover the provenance that will be updated provenances_to_update = [] for instance in tmp_field_instances: for code, value in instance[0]: if code == tag[5]: if value not in provenances_to_update: provenances_to_update.append(value) break else: ## The provenance is not specified. ## let's add the special empty provenance. if '' not in provenances_to_update: provenances_to_update.append('') potential_fields_to_readd = record_get_field_instances(rec_old, tag[:3], tag[3], tag[4]) ## Let's take all the field corresponding to tag ## Let's save apart all the fields that should be updated, but ## since they have a different provenance not mentioned in record ## they should be preserved. fields = [] for sf_vals, ind1, ind2, dummy_cf, dummy_line in potential_fields_to_readd: for code, value in sf_vals: if code == tag[5]: if value not in provenances_to_update: fields.append(sf_vals) break else: if '' not in provenances_to_update: ## Empty provenance, let's protect in any case fields.append(sf_vals) fields_to_readd[tag] = fields # browse through all the tags from the MARCXML file: for tag in record: # do we have to delete only a special tag or any tag? if opt_tag is None or opt_tag == tag: # check if the tag exists in the old record too: if tag in rec_old and tag != '001': # the tag does exist, so delete all record's tag+ind1+ind2 combinations from rec_old for dummy_sf_vals, ind1, ind2, dummy_cf, field_number in record[tag]: write_message(" Delete tag: " + tag + " ind1=" + ind1 + " ind2=" + ind2, verbose=9) record_delete_field(rec_old, tag, ind1, ind2) ## Ok, we readd necessary fields! for tag, fields in fields_to_readd.iteritems(): for sf_vals in fields: write_message(" Adding tag: " + tag[:3] + " ind1=" + tag[3] + " ind2=" + tag[4] + " code=" + str(sf_vals), verbose=9) record_add_field(rec_old, tag[:3], tag[3], tag[4], subfields=sf_vals) def delete_bibrec_bibxxx(record, id_bibrec): """Delete the database record from the table bibxxx given in parameters""" # we clear all the rows from bibrec_bibxxx from the old record for tag in record.keys(): if tag not in CFG_BIBUPLOAD_SPECIAL_TAGS: # for each name construct the bibrec_bibxxx table name table_name = 'bibrec_bib'+tag[0:2]+'x' # delete all the records with proper id_bibrec query = """DELETE FROM `%s` where id_bibrec = %s""" params = (table_name, id_bibrec) try: run_sql(query % params) except Error, error: write_message(" Error during the delete_bibrec_bibxxx function : %s " % error, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) def wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid): """ Wipe out completely the record and all its traces of RECID from the database (bibrec, bibrec_bibxxx, bibxxx, bibfmt). Useful for the time being for test cases. """ # delete all the linked bibdocs for bibdoc in BibRecDocs(recid).list_bibdocs(): bibdoc.expunge() # delete from bibrec: run_sql("DELETE FROM bibrec WHERE id=%s", (recid,)) # delete from bibrec_bibxxx: for i in range(0, 10): for j in range(0, 10): run_sql("DELETE FROM %(bibrec_bibxxx)s WHERE id_bibrec=%%s" % \ {'bibrec_bibxxx': "bibrec_bib%i%ix" % (i, j)}, (recid,)) # delete all unused bibxxx values: for i in range(0, 10): for j in range(0, 10): run_sql("DELETE %(bibxxx)s FROM %(bibxxx)s " \ " LEFT JOIN %(bibrec_bibxxx)s " \ " ON %(bibxxx)s.id=%(bibrec_bibxxx)s.id_bibxxx " \ " WHERE %(bibrec_bibxxx)s.id_bibrec IS NULL" % \ {'bibxxx': "bib%i%ix" % (i, j), 'bibrec_bibxxx': "bibrec_bib%i%ix" % (i, j)}) # delete from bibfmt: run_sql("DELETE FROM bibfmt WHERE id_bibrec=%s", (recid,)) # delete from bibrec_bibdoc: run_sql("DELETE FROM bibrec_bibdoc WHERE id_bibrec=%s", (recid,)) return def delete_bibdoc(id_bibrec): """Delete document from bibdoc which correspond to the bibrec id given in parameter""" query = """UPDATE bibdoc SET status='DELETED' WHERE id IN (SELECT id_bibdoc FROM bibrec_bibdoc WHERE id_bibrec=%s)""" params = (id_bibrec,) try: run_sql(query, params) except Error, error: write_message(" Error during the delete_bibdoc function : %s " % error, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) def delete_bibrec_bibdoc(id_bibrec): """Delete the bibrec record from the table bibrec_bibdoc given in parameter""" # delete all the records with proper id_bibrec query = """DELETE FROM bibrec_bibdoc WHERE id_bibrec=%s""" params = (id_bibrec,) try: run_sql(query, params) except Error, error: write_message(" Error during the delete_bibrec_bibdoc function : %s " % error, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) def main(): """Main that construct all the bibtask.""" task_init(authorization_action='runbibupload', authorization_msg="BibUpload Task Submission", description="""Receive MARC XML file and update appropriate database tables according to options. Examples: $ bibupload -i input.xml """, help_specific_usage=""" -a, --append\t\tnew fields are appended to the existing record -c, --correct\t\tfields are replaced by the new ones in the existing record -f, --format\t\ttakes only the FMT fields into account. Does not update -i, --insert\t\tinsert the new record in the database -r, --replace\t\tthe existing record is entirely replaced by the new one -z, --reference\tupdate references (update only 999 fields) -d, --delete\t\tspecified fields are deleted in existing record -S, --stage=STAGE\tstage to start from in the algorithm (0: always done; 1: FMT tags; \t\t\t2: FFT tags; 3: BibFmt; 4: Metadata update; 5: time update) -n, --notimechange\tdo not change record last modification date when updating -o, --holdingpen\t\tInsert record into holding pen instead of the normal database """, version=__revision__, specific_params=("ircazdS:fno", [ "insert", "replace", "correct", "append", "reference", "delete", "stage=", "format", "notimechange", "holdingpen", ]), task_submit_elaborate_specific_parameter_fnc=task_submit_elaborate_specific_parameter, task_run_fnc=task_run_core) def task_submit_elaborate_specific_parameter(key, value, opts, args): """ Given the string key it checks it's meaning, eventually using the value. Usually it fills some key in the options dict. It must return True if it has elaborated the key, False, if it doesn't know that key. eg: if key in ['-n', '--number']: task_get_option(\1) = value return True return False """ # No time change option if key in ("-n", "--notimechange"): task_set_option('notimechange', 1) # Insert mode option elif key in ("-i", "--insert"): if task_get_option('mode') == 'replace': # if also replace found, then set to replace_or_insert task_set_option('mode', 'replace_or_insert') else: task_set_option('mode', 'insert') fix_argv_paths([args[0]]) task_set_option('file_path', os.path.abspath(args[0])) # Replace mode option elif key in ("-r", "--replace"): if task_get_option('mode') == 'insert': # if also insert found, then set to replace_or_insert task_set_option('mode', 'replace_or_insert') else: task_set_option('mode', 'replace') fix_argv_paths([args[0]]) task_set_option('file_path', os.path.abspath(args[0])) # Holding pen mode option elif key in ("-o", "--holdingpen"): write_message("Holding pen mode", verbose=3) task_set_option('mode', 'holdingpen') fix_argv_paths([args[0]]) task_set_option('file_path', os.path.abspath(args[0])) # Correct mode option elif key in ("-c", "--correct"): task_set_option('mode', 'correct') fix_argv_paths([args[0]]) task_set_option('file_path', os.path.abspath(args[0])) # Append mode option elif key in ("-a", "--append"): task_set_option('mode', 'append') fix_argv_paths([args[0]]) task_set_option('file_path', os.path.abspath(args[0])) # Reference mode option elif key in ("-z", "--reference"): task_set_option('mode', 'reference') fix_argv_paths([args[0]]) task_set_option('file_path', os.path.abspath(args[0])) elif key in ("-d", "--delete"): task_set_option('mode', 'delete') fix_argv_paths([args[0]]) task_set_option('file_path', os.path.abspath(args[0])) # Format mode option elif key in ("-f", "--format"): task_set_option('mode', 'format') fix_argv_paths([args[0]]) task_set_option('file_path', os.path.abspath(args[0])) # Stage elif key in ("-S", "--stage"): try: value = int(value) except ValueError: print >> sys.stderr, """The value specified for --stage must be a valid integer, not %s""" % value return False if not (0 <= value <= 5): print >> sys.stderr, """The value specified for --stage must be comprised between 0 and 5""" return False task_set_option('stage_to_start_from', value) else: return False return True def task_submit_check_options(): """ Reimplement this method for having the possibility to check options before submitting the task, in order for example to provide default values. It must return False if there are errors in the options. """ if task_get_option('mode') is None: write_message("Please specify at least one update/insert mode!") return False if task_get_option('file_path') is None: write_message("Missing filename! -h for help.") return False return True def writing_rights_p(): """Return True in case bibupload has the proper rights to write in the fulltext file folder.""" filename = os.path.join(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR, 'test.txt') try: if not os.path.exists(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR): os.makedirs(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR) open(filename, 'w').write('TEST') assert(open(filename).read() == 'TEST') os.remove(filename) except: register_exception() return False return True def task_run_core(): """ Reimplement to add the body of the task.""" error = 0 write_message("Input file '%s', input mode '%s'." % (task_get_option('file_path'), task_get_option('mode'))) write_message("STAGE 0:", verbose=2) if task_get_option('file_path') is not None: write_message("start preocessing", verbose=3) task_update_progress("Reading XML input") recs = xml_marc_to_records(open_marc_file(task_get_option('file_path'))) stat['nb_records_to_upload'] = len(recs) write_message(" -Open XML marc: DONE", verbose=2) task_sleep_now_if_required(can_stop_too=True) write_message("Entering records loop", verbose=3) if recs is not None: # We proceed each record by record for record in recs: record_id = record_extract_oai_id(record) task_sleep_now_if_required(can_stop_too=True) if task_get_option("mode") == "holdingpen": #inserting into the holding pen write_message("Inserting into holding pen", verbose=3) insert_record_into_holding_pen(record, record_id) else: write_message("Inserting into main database", verbose=3) error = bibupload( record, opt_tag=task_get_option('tag'), opt_mode=task_get_option('mode'), opt_stage_to_start_from=task_get_option('stage_to_start_from'), opt_notimechange=task_get_option('notimechange'), oai_rec_id = record_id) if error[0] == 1: if record: write_message(record_xml_output(record), stream=sys.stderr) else: write_message("Record could not have been parsed", stream=sys.stderr) stat['nb_errors'] += 1 elif error[0] == 2: if record: write_message(record_xml_output(record), stream=sys.stderr) else: write_message("Record could not have been parsed", stream=sys.stderr) task_update_progress("Done %d out of %d." % \ (stat['nb_records_inserted'] + \ stat['nb_records_updated'], stat['nb_records_to_upload'])) else: write_message(" Error bibupload failed: No record found", verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) if task_get_task_param('verbose') >= 1: # Print out the statistics print_out_bibupload_statistics() # Check if they were errors return not stat['nb_errors'] >= 1 def log_record_uploading(oai_rec_id, task_id, bibrec_id, insertion_db): if oai_rec_id != "" and oai_rec_id != None: query = """UPDATE oaiHARVESTLOG SET date_inserted=NOW(), inserted_to_db=%s, id_bibrec=%s WHERE oai_id = %s AND bibupload_task_id = %s ORDER BY date_harvested LIMIT 1""" try: run_sql(query, (str(insertion_db), str(bibrec_id), str(oai_rec_id), str(task_id), )) except Error, error: write_message(" Error during the log_record_uploading function : %s " % error, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr) if __name__ == "__main__": main() diff --git a/modules/bibupload/lib/bibupload_regression_tests.py b/modules/bibupload/lib/bibupload_regression_tests.py index aabf17222..6c6e877e9 100644 --- a/modules/bibupload/lib/bibupload_regression_tests.py +++ b/modules/bibupload/lib/bibupload_regression_tests.py @@ -1,3522 +1,3519 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## ## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # pylint: disable-msg=C0301 """Regression tests for the BibUpload.""" __revision__ = "$Id$" import re import unittest import datetime import os import time import sys -from urllib2 import urlopen +from urllib2 import urlopen, HTTPError if sys.hexversion < 0x2060000: from md5 import md5 else: from hashlib import md5 from invenio.config import CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD, CFG_PREFIX, CFG_SITE_URL, CFG_TMPDIR, \ CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR, \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG, \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG, \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_PROVENANCE_TAG from invenio import bibupload from invenio.search_engine import print_record from invenio.dbquery import run_sql from invenio.dateutils import convert_datestruct_to_datetext from invenio.testutils import make_test_suite, run_test_suite from invenio.bibdocfile import BibRecDocs from invenio.bibtask import task_set_task_param # helper functions: def remove_tag_001_from_xmbuffer(xmbuffer): """Remove tag 001 from MARCXML buffer. Useful for testing two MARCXML buffers without paying attention to recIDs attributed during the bibupload. """ return re.sub(r'.*', '', xmbuffer) def compare_xmbuffers(xmbuffer1, xmbuffer2): """Compare two XM (XML MARC) buffers by removing whitespaces before testing. """ def remove_blanks_from_xmbuffer(xmbuffer): """Remove \n and blanks from XMBUFFER.""" out = xmbuffer.replace("\n", "") out = out.replace(" ", "") return out # remove whitespace: xmbuffer1 = remove_blanks_from_xmbuffer(xmbuffer1) xmbuffer2 = remove_blanks_from_xmbuffer(xmbuffer2) if xmbuffer1 != xmbuffer2: return "\n=" + xmbuffer1 + "=\n" + '!=' + "\n=" + xmbuffer2 + "=\n" return '' def remove_tag_001_from_hmbuffer(hmbuffer): """Remove tag 001 from HTML MARC buffer. Useful for testing two HTML MARC buffers without paying attention to recIDs attributed during the bibupload. """ return re.sub(r'(^|\n)(

)?[0-9]{9}\s001__\s\d+($|\n)', '', hmbuffer)
 def compare_hmbuffers(hmbuffer1, hmbuffer2):
     """Compare two HM (HTML MARC) buffers by removing whitespaces
        before testing.
     hmbuffer1 = hmbuffer1.strip()
     hmbuffer2 = hmbuffer2.strip()
     # remove eventual 
formatting: hmbuffer1 = re.sub(r'^
', '', hmbuffer1)
     hmbuffer2 = re.sub(r'^
', '', hmbuffer2)
     hmbuffer1 = re.sub(r'
$', '', hmbuffer1) hmbuffer2 = re.sub(r'
$', '', hmbuffer2) # remove leading recid, leaving only field values: hmbuffer1 = re.sub(r'(^|\n)[0-9]{9}\s', '', hmbuffer1) hmbuffer2 = re.sub(r'(^|\n)[0-9]{9}\s', '', hmbuffer2) # remove leading whitespace: hmbuffer1 = re.sub(r'(^|\n)\s+', '', hmbuffer1) hmbuffer2 = re.sub(r'(^|\n)\s+', '', hmbuffer2) compare_hmbuffers = hmbuffer1 == hmbuffer2 if not compare_hmbuffers: return "\n=" + hmbuffer1 + "=\n" + '!=' + "\n=" + hmbuffer2 + "=\n" return '' def try_url_download(url): """Try to download a given URL""" try: open_url = urlopen(url) open_url.read() except Exception, e: - raise StandardError, "Downloading %s is impossible because of %s" \ + raise e, "Downloading %s is impossible because of %s" \ % (url, str(e)) return True class BibUploadInsertModeTest(unittest.TestCase): """Testing insert mode.""" def setUp(self): # pylint: disable-msg=C0103 """Initialise the MARCXML variable""" self.test = """ something Tester, J Y MIT Tester, K J CERN2 Tester, G CERN3 test11 test31 test12 test32 test13 test33 test21 test41 test22 test42 test14 test51 test52 Tester, T CERN """ self.test_hm = """ 100__ $$aTester, T$$uCERN 111__ $$atest11$$ctest31 111__ $$atest12$$ctest32 111__ $$atest13$$ctest33 111__ $$btest21$$dtest41 111__ $$btest22$$dtest42 111__ $$atest14 111__ $$etest51 111__ $$etest52 245__ $$asomething 700__ $$aTester, J Y$$uMIT 700__ $$aTester, K J$$uCERN2 700__ $$aTester, G$$uCERN3 """ def test_create_record_id(self): """bibupload - insert mode, trying to create a new record ID in the database""" rec_id = bibupload.create_new_record() self.assertNotEqual(-1, rec_id) def test_no_retrieve_record_id(self): """bibupload - insert mode, detection of record ID in the input file""" # We create create the record out of the xml marc recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.test) # We call the function which should retrieve the record id rec_id = bibupload.retrieve_rec_id(recs[0], 'insert') # We compare the value found with None self.assertEqual(None, rec_id) def test_insert_complete_xmlmarc(self): """bibupload - insert mode, trying to insert complete MARCXML file""" # Initialize the global variable task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) # We create create the record out of the xml marc recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.test) # We call the main function with the record as a parameter err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') # We retrieve the inserted xml inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') # Compare if the two MARCXML are the same self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(remove_tag_001_from_xmbuffer(inserted_xm), self.test), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(remove_tag_001_from_hmbuffer(inserted_hm), self.test_hm), '') class BibUploadAppendModeTest(unittest.TestCase): """Testing append mode.""" def setUp(self): # pylint: disable-msg=C0103 """Initialize the MARCXML variable""" self.test_existing = """ 123456789 Tester, T DESY 0003719PHOPHO """ self.test_to_append = """ 123456789 Tester, U CERN 0003719PHOPHO """ self.test_expected_xm = """ 123456789 Tester, T DESY Tester, U CERN 0003719PHOPHO """ self.test_expected_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 100__ $$aTester, T$$uDESY 100__ $$aTester, U$$uCERN 970__ $$a0003719PHOPHO """ # insert test record: test_to_upload = self.test_existing.replace('123456789', '') recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_upload) task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') self.test_recid = recid # replace test buffers with real recid of inserted test record: self.test_existing = self.test_existing.replace('123456789', str(self.test_recid)) self.test_to_append = self.test_to_append.replace('123456789', str(self.test_recid)) self.test_expected_xm = self.test_expected_xm.replace('123456789', str(self.test_recid)) self.test_expected_hm = self.test_expected_hm.replace('123456789', str(self.test_recid)) def test_retrieve_record_id(self): """bibupload - append mode, the input file should contain a record ID""" task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) # We create create the record out of the xml marc recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.test_to_append) # We call the function which should retrieve the record id rec_id = bibupload.retrieve_rec_id(recs[0], 'append') # We compare the value found with None self.assertEqual(self.test_recid, rec_id) # clean up after ourselves: bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(self.test_recid) return def test_update_modification_record_date(self): """bibupload - append mode, checking the update of the modification date""" # Initialize the global variable task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) # We create create the record out of the xml marc recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.test_existing) # We call the function which should retrieve the record id rec_id = bibupload.retrieve_rec_id(recs[0], opt_mode='append') # Retrieve current localtime now = time.localtime() # We update the modification date bibupload.update_bibrec_modif_date(convert_datestruct_to_datetext(now), rec_id) # We retrieve the modification date from the database query = """SELECT DATE_FORMAT(modification_date,'%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%i:%%s') FROM bibrec where id = %s""" res = run_sql(query % rec_id) # We compare the two results self.assertEqual(res[0][0], convert_datestruct_to_datetext(now)) # clean up after ourselves: bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(self.test_recid) return def test_append_complete_xml_marc(self): """bibupload - append mode, appending complete MARCXML file""" # Now we append a datafield # We create create the record out of the xml marc recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.test_to_append) # We call the main function with the record as a parameter err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='append') # We retrieve the inserted xm after_append_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') after_append_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') # Compare if the two MARCXML are the same self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(after_append_xm, self.test_expected_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(after_append_hm, self.test_expected_hm), '') # clean up after ourselves: bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(self.test_recid) return class BibUploadCorrectModeTest(unittest.TestCase): """ Testing correcting a record containing similar tags (identical tag, different indicators). Currently CDS Invenio replaces only those tags that have matching indicators too, unlike ALEPH500 that does not pay attention to indicators, it corrects all fields with the same tag, regardless of the indicator values. """ def setUp(self): """Initialize the MARCXML test record.""" self.testrec1_xm = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, Jane Test Institute Test, John Test University Cool Test, Jim Test Laboratory """ self.testrec1_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, Jane$$uTest Institute 10047 $$aTest, John$$uTest University 10048 $$aCool 10047 $$aTest, Jim$$uTest Laboratory """ self.testrec1_xm_to_correct = """ 123456789 Test, Joseph Test Academy Test2, Joseph Test2 Academy """ self.testrec1_corrected_xm = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, Jane Test Institute Cool Test, Joseph Test Academy Test2, Joseph Test2 Academy """ self.testrec1_corrected_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, Jane$$uTest Institute 10048 $$aCool 10047 $$aTest, Joseph$$uTest Academy 10047 $$aTest2, Joseph$$uTest2 Academy """ # insert test record: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) test_record_xm = self.testrec1_xm.replace('123456789', '') recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_record_xm) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') # replace test buffers with real recID: self.testrec1_xm = self.testrec1_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.testrec1_hm = self.testrec1_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.testrec1_xm_to_correct = self.testrec1_xm_to_correct.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.testrec1_corrected_xm = self.testrec1_corrected_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.testrec1_corrected_hm = self.testrec1_corrected_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) # test of the inserted record: inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, self.testrec1_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, self.testrec1_hm), '') def test_record_correction(self): """bibupload - correct mode, similar MARCXML tags/indicators""" # correct some tags: recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.testrec1_xm_to_correct) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='correct') corrected_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') corrected_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') # did it work? self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(corrected_xm, self.testrec1_corrected_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(corrected_hm, self.testrec1_corrected_hm), '') # clean up after ourselves: bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) return class BibUploadDeleteModeTest(unittest.TestCase): """ Testing deleting specific tags from a record while keeping anything else untouched. Currently CDS Invenio deletes only those tags that have matching indicators too, unlike ALEPH500 that does not pay attention to indicators, it corrects all fields with the same tag, regardless of the indicator values. """ def setUp(self): """Initialize the MARCXML test record.""" self.testrec1_xm = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, Jane Test Institute Test, John Test University Cool Test, Jim Test Laboratory dumb text """ self.testrec1_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, Jane$$uTest Institute 10047 $$aTest, John$$uTest University 10048 $$aCool 10047 $$aTest, Jim$$uTest Laboratory 888__ $$adumb text """ self.testrec1_xm_to_delete = """ 123456789 Test, Jane Test Institute Test, Johnson Test University Cool dumb text """ self.testrec1_corrected_xm = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, John Test University Test, Jim Test Laboratory """ self.testrec1_corrected_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 10047 $$aTest, John$$uTest University 10047 $$aTest, Jim$$uTest Laboratory """ # insert test record: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) test_record_xm = self.testrec1_xm.replace('123456789', '') recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_record_xm) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') # replace test buffers with real recID: self.testrec1_xm = self.testrec1_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.testrec1_hm = self.testrec1_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.testrec1_xm_to_delete = self.testrec1_xm_to_delete.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.testrec1_corrected_xm = self.testrec1_corrected_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.testrec1_corrected_hm = self.testrec1_corrected_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) # test of the inserted record: inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, self.testrec1_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, self.testrec1_hm), '') # Checking dumb text is in bibxxx self.failUnless(run_sql("SELECT * from bibrec_bib88x WHERE id_bibrec=%s", (recid, ))) def test_record_tags_deletion(self): """bibupload - delete mode, deleting specific tags""" # correct some tags: recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.testrec1_xm_to_delete) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='delete') corrected_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') corrected_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') # did it work? self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(corrected_xm, self.testrec1_corrected_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(corrected_hm, self.testrec1_corrected_hm), '') # Checking dumb text is no more in bibxxx self.failIf(run_sql("SELECT * from bibrec_bib88x WHERE id_bibrec=%s", (recid, ))) # clean up after ourselves: bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) return class BibUploadReplaceModeTest(unittest.TestCase): """Testing replace mode.""" def setUp(self): """Initialize the MARCXML test record.""" self.testrec1_xm = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, Jane Test Institute Test, John Test University Cool Test, Jim Test Laboratory """ self.testrec1_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, Jane$$uTest Institute 10047 $$aTest, John$$uTest University 10048 $$aCool 10047 $$aTest, Jim$$uTest Laboratory """ self.testrec1_xm_to_replace = """ 123456789 Test, Joseph Test Academy Test2, Joseph Test2 Academy """ self.testrec1_replaced_xm = """ 123456789 Test, Joseph Test Academy Test2, Joseph Test2 Academy """ self.testrec1_replaced_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 10047 $$aTest, Joseph$$uTest Academy 10047 $$aTest2, Joseph$$uTest2 Academy """ # insert test record: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) test_record_xm = self.testrec1_xm.replace('123456789', '') recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_record_xm) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') # replace test buffers with real recID: self.testrec1_xm = self.testrec1_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.testrec1_hm = self.testrec1_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.testrec1_xm_to_replace = self.testrec1_xm_to_replace.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.testrec1_replaced_xm = self.testrec1_replaced_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.testrec1_replaced_hm = self.testrec1_replaced_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) # test of the inserted record: inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, self.testrec1_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, self.testrec1_hm), '') def test_record_replace(self): """bibupload - replace mode, similar MARCXML tags/indicators""" # replace some tags: recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.testrec1_xm_to_replace) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='replace') replaced_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') replaced_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') # did it work? self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(replaced_xm, self.testrec1_replaced_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(replaced_hm, self.testrec1_replaced_hm), '') # clean up after ourselves: bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) return class BibUploadReferencesModeTest(unittest.TestCase): """Testing references mode.""" def setUp(self): # pylint: disable-msg=C0103 """Initialize the MARCXML variable""" self.test_insert = """ 123456789 Tester, T CERN """ self.test_reference = """ 123456789 M. Lüscher and P. Weisz, String excitation energies in SU(N) gauge theories beyond the free-string approximation, J. High Energy Phys. 07 (2004) 014 """ self.test_reference_expected_xm = """ 123456789 Tester, T CERN M. Lüscher and P. Weisz, String excitation energies in SU(N) gauge theories beyond the free-string approximation, J. High Energy Phys. 07 (2004) 014 """ self.test_insert_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 100__ $$aTester, T$$uCERN """ self.test_reference_expected_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 100__ $$aTester, T$$uCERN %(reference_tag)sC5 $$mM. Lüscher and P. Weisz, String excitation energies in SU(N) gauge theories beyond the free-string approximation,$$sJ. High Energy Phys. 07 (2004) 014 """ % {'reference_tag': bibupload.CFG_BIBUPLOAD_REFERENCE_TAG} # insert test record: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) test_insert = self.test_insert.replace('123456789', '') recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_insert) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') # replace test buffers with real recID: self.test_insert = self.test_insert.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.test_insert_hm = self.test_insert_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.test_reference = self.test_reference.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.test_reference_expected_xm = self.test_reference_expected_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.test_reference_expected_hm = self.test_reference_expected_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) # test of the inserted record: inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, self.test_insert), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, self.test_insert_hm), '') self.test_recid = recid def test_reference_complete_xml_marc(self): """bibupload - reference mode, inserting references MARCXML file""" # We create create the record out of the xml marc recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.test_reference) # We call the main function with the record as a parameter err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='reference') # We retrieve the inserted xml reference_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') reference_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') # Compare if the two MARCXML are the same self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(reference_xm, self.test_reference_expected_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(reference_hm, self.test_reference_expected_hm), '') # clean up after ourselves: bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(self.test_recid) return class BibUploadFMTModeTest(unittest.TestCase): """Testing FMT mode.""" def setUp(self): # pylint: disable-msg=C0103 """Initialize the MARCXML variable""" self.new_xm_with_fmt = """ SzGeCERN HB Test. Okay. 2008-03-14 15:14:00 Bar, Baz Foo On the quux and huux """ self.expected_xm_after_inserting_new_xm_with_fmt = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Bar, Baz Foo On the quux and huux """ self.expected_hm_after_inserting_new_xm_with_fmt = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aBar, Baz$$uFoo 245__ $$aOn the quux and huux """ self.recid76_xm_before_all_the_tests = print_record(76, 'xm') self.recid76_hm_before_all_the_tests = print_record(76, 'hm') self.recid76_fmts = run_sql("""SELECT last_updated, value, format FROM bibfmt WHERE id_bibrec=76""") self.recid76_xm_with_fmt = """ 76 SzGeCERN HB Test. Here is some format value. Doe, John CERN On the foos and bars """ self.recid76_xm_with_fmt_only_first = """ 76 HB Test. Let us see if this gets inserted well. """ self.recid76_xm_with_fmt_only_second = """ 76 HB Test. Yet another test, to be run after the first one. HD Test. Let's see what will be stored in the detailed format field. """ def tearDown(self): """Helper function that restores recID 76 MARCXML, using the value saved before all the tests started to execute. (see self.recid76_xm_before_all_the_tests). Does not restore HB and HD formats. """ recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.recid76_xm_before_all_the_tests) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='replace') for (last_updated, value, format) in self.recid76_fmts: run_sql("""UPDATE bibfmt SET last_updated=%s, value=%s WHERE id_bibrec=76 AND format=%s""", (last_updated, value, format)) inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, self.recid76_xm_before_all_the_tests), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, self.recid76_hm_before_all_the_tests), '') def test_inserting_new_record_containing_fmt_tag(self): """bibupload - FMT tag, inserting new record containing FMT tag""" recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.new_xm_with_fmt) (dummy, new_recid) = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') xm_after = print_record(new_recid, 'xm') hm_after = print_record(new_recid, 'hm') hb_after = print_record(new_recid, 'hb') self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(xm_after, self.expected_xm_after_inserting_new_xm_with_fmt.replace('123456789', str(new_recid))), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(hm_after, self.expected_hm_after_inserting_new_xm_with_fmt.replace('123456789', str(new_recid))), '') self.assertEqual(run_sql('SELECT last_updated from bibfmt WHERE id_bibrec=%s', (new_recid, ))[0][0], datetime.datetime(2008, 3, 14, 15, 14)) self.failUnless(hb_after.startswith("Test. Okay.")) def test_updating_existing_record_formats_in_format_mode(self): """bibupload - FMT tag, updating existing record via format mode""" xm_before = print_record(76, 'xm') hm_before = print_record(76, 'hm') # insert first format value: recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.recid76_xm_with_fmt_only_first) bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='format') xm_after = print_record(76, 'xm') hm_after = print_record(76, 'hm') hb_after = print_record(76, 'hb') self.assertEqual(xm_after, xm_before) self.assertEqual(hm_after, hm_before) self.failUnless(hb_after.startswith("Test. Let us see if this gets inserted well.")) # now insert another format value and recheck: recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.recid76_xm_with_fmt_only_second) bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='format') xm_after = print_record(76, 'xm') hm_after = print_record(76, 'hm') hb_after = print_record(76, 'hb') hd_after = print_record(76, 'hd') self.assertEqual(xm_after, xm_before) self.assertEqual(hm_after, hm_before) self.failUnless(hb_after.startswith("Test. Yet another test, to be run after the first one.")) self.failUnless(hd_after.startswith("Test. Let's see what will be stored in the detailed format field.")) def test_updating_existing_record_formats_in_correct_mode(self): """bibupload - FMT tag, updating existing record via correct mode""" xm_before = print_record(76, 'xm') hm_before = print_record(76, 'hm') # insert first format value: recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.recid76_xm_with_fmt_only_first) bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='correct') xm_after = print_record(76, 'xm') hm_after = print_record(76, 'hm') hb_after = print_record(76, 'hb') self.assertEqual(xm_after, xm_before) self.assertEqual(hm_after, hm_before) self.failUnless(hb_after.startswith("Test. Let us see if this gets inserted well.")) # now insert another format value and recheck: recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.recid76_xm_with_fmt_only_second) bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='correct') xm_after = print_record(76, 'xm') hm_after = print_record(76, 'hm') hb_after = print_record(76, 'hb') hd_after = print_record(76, 'hd') self.assertEqual(xm_after, xm_before) self.assertEqual(hm_after, hm_before) self.failUnless(hb_after.startswith("Test. Yet another test, to be run after the first one.")) self.failUnless(hd_after.startswith("Test. Let's see what will be stored in the detailed format field.")) def test_updating_existing_record_formats_in_replace_mode(self): """bibupload - FMT tag, updating existing record via replace mode""" # insert first format value: recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.recid76_xm_with_fmt_only_first) bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='replace') xm_after = print_record(76, 'xm') hm_after = print_record(76, 'hm') hb_after = print_record(76, 'hb') self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(xm_after, '76'), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(hm_after, '000000076 001__ 76'), '') self.failUnless(hb_after.startswith("Test. Let us see if this gets inserted well.")) # now insert another format value and recheck: recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.recid76_xm_with_fmt_only_second) bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='replace') xm_after = print_record(76, 'xm') hm_after = print_record(76, 'hm') hb_after = print_record(76, 'hb') hd_after = print_record(76, 'hd') self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(xm_after, """ 76 """), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(hm_after, '000000076 001__ 76'), '') self.failUnless(hb_after.startswith("Test. Yet another test, to be run after the first one.")) self.failUnless(hd_after.startswith("Test. Let's see what will be stored in the detailed format field.")) # final insertion and recheck: recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.recid76_xm_with_fmt) bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='replace') xm_after = print_record(76, 'xm') hm_after = print_record(76, 'hm') hb_after = print_record(76, 'hb') hd_after = print_record(76, 'hd') self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(xm_after, """ 76 SzGeCERN Doe, John CERN On the foos and bars """), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(hm_after, """ 001__ 76 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aDoe, John$$uCERN 245__ $$aOn the foos and bars """), '') self.failUnless(hb_after.startswith("Test. Here is some format value.")) self.failUnless(hd_after.startswith("Test. Let's see what will be stored in the detailed format field.")) class BibUploadRecordsWithSYSNOTest(unittest.TestCase): """Testing uploading of records that have external SYSNO present.""" def setUp(self): # pylint: disable-msg=C0103 """Initialize the MARCXML test records.""" self.verbose = 0 # Note that SYSNO fields are repeated but with different # subfields, this is to test whether bibupload would not # mistakenly pick up wrong values. self.xm_testrec1 = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Bar, Baz Foo On the quux and huux 1 sysno1 sysno2 """ % {'sysnotag': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[0:3], 'sysnoind1': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[3:4] != "_" and \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[3:4] or " ", 'sysnoind2': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[4:5] != "_" and \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[4:5] or " ", 'sysnosubfieldcode': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[5:6], } self.hm_testrec1 = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aBar, Baz$$uFoo 245__ $$aOn the quux and huux 1 %(sysnotag)s%(sysnoind1)s%(sysnoind2)s $$%(sysnosubfieldcode)ssysno1 %(sysnotag)s%(sysnoind1)s%(sysnoind2)s $$0sysno2 """ % {'sysnotag': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[0:3], 'sysnoind1': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[3:4], 'sysnoind2': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[4:5], 'sysnosubfieldcode': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[5:6], } self.xm_testrec1_to_update = """ SzGeCERN Bar, Baz Foo On the quux and huux 1 Updated sysno1 sysno2 """ % {'sysnotag': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[0:3], 'sysnoind1': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[3:4] != "_" and \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[3:4] or " ", 'sysnoind2': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[4:5] != "_" and \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[4:5] or " ", 'sysnosubfieldcode': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[5:6], } self.xm_testrec1_updated = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Bar, Baz Foo On the quux and huux 1 Updated sysno1 sysno2 """ % {'sysnotag': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[0:3], 'sysnoind1': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[3:4] != "_" and \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[3:4] or " ", 'sysnoind2': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[4:5] != "_" and \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[4:5] or " ", 'sysnosubfieldcode': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[5:6], } self.hm_testrec1_updated = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aBar, Baz$$uFoo 245__ $$aOn the quux and huux 1 Updated %(sysnotag)s%(sysnoind1)s%(sysnoind2)s $$%(sysnosubfieldcode)ssysno1 %(sysnotag)s%(sysnoind1)s%(sysnoind2)s $$0sysno2 """ % {'sysnotag': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[0:3], 'sysnoind1': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[3:4], 'sysnoind2': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[4:5], 'sysnosubfieldcode': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[5:6], } self.xm_testrec2 = """ 987654321 SzGeCERN Bar, Baz Foo On the quux and huux 2 sysno2 sysno1 """ % {'sysnotag': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[0:3], 'sysnoind1': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[3:4] != "_" and \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[3:4] or " ", 'sysnoind2': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[4:5] != "_" and \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[4:5] or " ", 'sysnosubfieldcode': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[5:6], } self.hm_testrec2 = """ 001__ 987654321 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aBar, Baz$$uFoo 245__ $$aOn the quux and huux 2 %(sysnotag)s%(sysnoind1)s%(sysnoind2)s $$%(sysnosubfieldcode)ssysno2 %(sysnotag)s%(sysnoind1)s%(sysnoind2)s $$0sysno1 """ % {'sysnotag': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[0:3], 'sysnoind1': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[3:4], 'sysnoind2': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[4:5], 'sysnosubfieldcode': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_SYSNO_TAG[5:6], } def test_insert_the_same_sysno_record(self): """bibupload - SYSNO tag, refuse to insert the same SYSNO record""" # initialize bibupload mode: if self.verbose: print "test_insert_the_same_sysno_record() started" # insert record 1 first time: testrec_to_insert_first = self.xm_testrec1.replace('123456789', '') recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(testrec_to_insert_first) task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) err1, recid1 = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') inserted_xm = print_record(recid1, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid1, 'hm') # use real recID when comparing whether it worked: self.xm_testrec1 = self.xm_testrec1.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.hm_testrec1 = self.hm_testrec1.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, self.xm_testrec1), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, self.hm_testrec1), '') # insert record 2 first time: testrec_to_insert_first = self.xm_testrec2.replace('987654321', '') recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(testrec_to_insert_first) task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) err2, recid2 = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') inserted_xm = print_record(recid2, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid2, 'hm') # use real recID when comparing whether it worked: self.xm_testrec2 = self.xm_testrec2.replace('987654321', str(recid2)) self.hm_testrec2 = self.hm_testrec2.replace('987654321', str(recid2)) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, self.xm_testrec2), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, self.hm_testrec2), '') # try to insert updated record 1, it should fail: recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.xm_testrec1_to_update) task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) err1_updated, recid1_updated = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') self.assertEqual(-1, recid1_updated) # delete test records bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid1) bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid2) bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid1_updated) if self.verbose: print "test_insert_the_same_sysno_record() finished" def test_insert_or_replace_the_same_sysno_record(self): """bibupload - SYSNO tag, allow to insert or replace the same SYSNO record""" # initialize bibupload mode: task_set_task_param('verbose', self.verbose) if self.verbose: print "test_insert_or_replace_the_same_sysno_record() started" # insert/replace record 1 first time: testrec_to_insert_first = self.xm_testrec1.replace('123456789', '') recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(testrec_to_insert_first) err1, recid1 = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='replace_or_insert') inserted_xm = print_record(recid1, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid1, 'hm') # use real recID in test buffers when comparing whether it worked: self.xm_testrec1 = self.xm_testrec1.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.hm_testrec1 = self.hm_testrec1.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, self.xm_testrec1), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, self.hm_testrec1), '') # try to insert/replace updated record 1, it should be okay: task_set_task_param('verbose', self.verbose) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.xm_testrec1_to_update) err1_updated, recid1_updated = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='replace_or_insert') inserted_xm = print_record(recid1_updated, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid1_updated, 'hm') self.assertEqual(recid1, recid1_updated) # use real recID in test buffers when comparing whether it worked: self.xm_testrec1_updated = self.xm_testrec1_updated.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.hm_testrec1_updated = self.hm_testrec1_updated.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, self.xm_testrec1_updated), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, self.hm_testrec1_updated), '') # delete test records bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid1) bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid1_updated) if self.verbose: print "test_insert_or_replace_the_same_sysno_record() finished" def test_replace_nonexisting_sysno_record(self): """bibupload - SYSNO tag, refuse to replace non-existing SYSNO record""" # initialize bibupload mode: task_set_task_param('verbose', self.verbose) if self.verbose: print "test_replace_nonexisting_sysno_record() started" # insert record 1 first time: testrec_to_insert_first = self.xm_testrec1.replace('123456789', '') recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(testrec_to_insert_first) err1, recid1 = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='replace_or_insert') inserted_xm = print_record(recid1, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid1, 'hm') # use real recID in test buffers when comparing whether it worked: self.xm_testrec1 = self.xm_testrec1.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.hm_testrec1 = self.hm_testrec1.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, self.xm_testrec1), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, self.hm_testrec1), '') # try to replace record 2 it should fail: testrec_to_insert_first = self.xm_testrec2.replace('987654321', '') recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(testrec_to_insert_first) err2, recid2 = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='replace') self.assertEqual(-1, recid2) # delete test records bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid1) bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid2) if self.verbose: print "test_replace_nonexisting_sysno_record() finished" class BibUploadRecordsWithEXTOAIIDTest(unittest.TestCase): """Testing uploading of records that have external EXTOAIID present.""" def setUp(self): # pylint: disable-msg=C0103 """Initialize the MARCXML test records.""" self.verbose = 0 # Note that EXTOAIID fields are repeated but with different # subfields, this is to test whether bibupload would not # mistakenly pick up wrong values. self.xm_testrec1 = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN extoaiid1 extoaisrc1 extoaiid2 Bar, Baz Foo On the quux and huux 1 """ % {'extoaiidtag': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[0:3], 'extoaiidind1': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[3:4] != "_" and \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[3:4] or " ", 'extoaiidind2': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[4:5] != "_" and \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[4:5] or " ", 'extoaiidsubfieldcode': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[5:6], 'extoaisrcsubfieldcode' : CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_PROVENANCE_TAG[5:6], } self.hm_testrec1 = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN %(extoaiidtag)s%(extoaiidind1)s%(extoaiidind2)s $$%(extoaisrcsubfieldcode)sextoaisrc1$$%(extoaiidsubfieldcode)sextoaiid1 %(extoaiidtag)s%(extoaiidind1)s%(extoaiidind2)s $$0extoaiid2 100__ $$aBar, Baz$$uFoo 245__ $$aOn the quux and huux 1 """ % {'extoaiidtag': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[0:3], 'extoaiidind1': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[3:4], 'extoaiidind2': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[4:5], 'extoaiidsubfieldcode': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[5:6], 'extoaisrcsubfieldcode' : CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_PROVENANCE_TAG[5:6], } self.xm_testrec1_to_update = """ SzGeCERN extoaiid1 extoaisrc1 extoaiid2 Bar, Baz Foo On the quux and huux 1 Updated """ % {'extoaiidtag': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[0:3], 'extoaiidind1': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[3:4] != "_" and \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[3:4] or " ", 'extoaiidind2': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[4:5] != "_" and \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[4:5] or " ", 'extoaiidsubfieldcode': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[5:6], 'extoaisrcsubfieldcode' : CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_PROVENANCE_TAG[5:6], } self.xm_testrec1_updated = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN extoaiid1 extoaisrc1 extoaiid2 Bar, Baz Foo On the quux and huux 1 Updated """ % {'extoaiidtag': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[0:3], 'extoaiidind1': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[3:4] != "_" and \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[3:4] or " ", 'extoaiidind2': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[4:5] != "_" and \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[4:5] or " ", 'extoaiidsubfieldcode': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[5:6], 'extoaisrcsubfieldcode' : CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_PROVENANCE_TAG[5:6], } self.hm_testrec1_updated = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN %(extoaiidtag)s%(extoaiidind1)s%(extoaiidind2)s $$%(extoaisrcsubfieldcode)sextoaisrc1$$%(extoaiidsubfieldcode)sextoaiid1 %(extoaiidtag)s%(extoaiidind1)s%(extoaiidind2)s $$0extoaiid2 100__ $$aBar, Baz$$uFoo 245__ $$aOn the quux and huux 1 Updated """ % {'extoaiidtag': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[0:3], 'extoaiidind1': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[3:4], 'extoaiidind2': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[4:5], 'extoaiidsubfieldcode': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[5:6], 'extoaisrcsubfieldcode' : CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_PROVENANCE_TAG[5:6], } self.xm_testrec2 = """ 987654321 SzGeCERN extoaiid2 extoaisrc1 extoaiid1 Bar, Baz Foo On the quux and huux 2 """ % {'extoaiidtag': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[0:3], 'extoaiidind1': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[3:4] != "_" and \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[3:4] or " ", 'extoaiidind2': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[4:5] != "_" and \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[4:5] or " ", 'extoaiidsubfieldcode': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[5:6], 'extoaisrcsubfieldcode' : CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_PROVENANCE_TAG[5:6], } self.hm_testrec2 = """ 001__ 987654321 003__ SzGeCERN %(extoaiidtag)s%(extoaiidind1)s%(extoaiidind2)s $$%(extoaisrcsubfieldcode)sextoaisrc1$$%(extoaiidsubfieldcode)sextoaiid2 %(extoaiidtag)s%(extoaiidind1)s%(extoaiidind2)s $$0extoaiid1 100__ $$aBar, Baz$$uFoo 245__ $$aOn the quux and huux 2 """ % {'extoaiidtag': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[0:3], 'extoaiidind1': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[3:4], 'extoaiidind2': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[4:5], 'extoaiidsubfieldcode': CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[5:6], 'extoaisrcsubfieldcode' : CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_PROVENANCE_TAG[5:6], } def test_insert_the_same_extoaiid_record(self): """bibupload - EXTOAIID tag, refuse to insert the same EXTOAIID record""" # initialize bibupload mode: task_set_task_param('verbose', self.verbose) if self.verbose: print "test_insert_the_same_extoaiid_record() started" # insert record 1 first time: testrec_to_insert_first = self.xm_testrec1.replace('123456789', '') recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(testrec_to_insert_first) err1, recid1 = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') inserted_xm = print_record(recid1, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid1, 'hm') # use real recID when comparing whether it worked: self.xm_testrec1 = self.xm_testrec1.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.hm_testrec1 = self.hm_testrec1.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, self.xm_testrec1), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, self.hm_testrec1), '') # insert record 2 first time: testrec_to_insert_first = self.xm_testrec2.replace('987654321', '') recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(testrec_to_insert_first) err2, recid2 = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') inserted_xm = print_record(recid2, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid2, 'hm') # use real recID when comparing whether it worked: self.xm_testrec2 = self.xm_testrec2.replace('987654321', str(recid2)) self.hm_testrec2 = self.hm_testrec2.replace('987654321', str(recid2)) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, self.xm_testrec2), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, self.hm_testrec2), '') # try to insert updated record 1, it should fail: recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.xm_testrec1_to_update) err1_updated, recid1_updated = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') self.assertEqual(-1, recid1_updated) # delete test records bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid1) bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid2) bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid1_updated) if self.verbose: print "test_insert_the_same_extoaiid_record() finished" def test_insert_or_replace_the_same_extoaiid_record(self): """bibupload - EXTOAIID tag, allow to insert or replace the same EXTOAIID record""" # initialize bibupload mode: task_set_task_param('verbose', self.verbose) if self.verbose: print "test_insert_or_replace_the_same_extoaiid_record() started" # insert/replace record 1 first time: testrec_to_insert_first = self.xm_testrec1.replace('123456789', '') recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(testrec_to_insert_first) err1, recid1 = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='replace_or_insert') inserted_xm = print_record(recid1, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid1, 'hm') # use real recID in test buffers when comparing whether it worked: self.xm_testrec1 = self.xm_testrec1.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.hm_testrec1 = self.hm_testrec1.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, self.xm_testrec1), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, self.hm_testrec1), '') # try to insert/replace updated record 1, it should be okay: recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.xm_testrec1_to_update) err1_updated, recid1_updated = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='replace_or_insert') inserted_xm = print_record(recid1_updated, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid1_updated, 'hm') self.assertEqual(recid1, recid1_updated) # use real recID in test buffers when comparing whether it worked: self.xm_testrec1_updated = self.xm_testrec1_updated.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.hm_testrec1_updated = self.hm_testrec1_updated.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, self.xm_testrec1_updated), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, self.hm_testrec1_updated), '') # delete test records bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid1) bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid1_updated) if self.verbose: print "test_insert_or_replace_the_same_extoaiid_record() finished" def test_replace_nonexisting_extoaiid_record(self): """bibupload - EXTOAIID tag, refuse to replace non-existing EXTOAIID record""" # initialize bibupload mode: task_set_task_param('verbose', self.verbose) if self.verbose: print "test_replace_nonexisting_extoaiid_record() started" # insert record 1 first time: testrec_to_insert_first = self.xm_testrec1.replace('123456789', '') recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(testrec_to_insert_first) err1, recid1 = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='replace_or_insert') inserted_xm = print_record(recid1, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid1, 'hm') # use real recID in test buffers when comparing whether it worked: self.xm_testrec1 = self.xm_testrec1.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.hm_testrec1 = self.hm_testrec1.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, self.xm_testrec1), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, self.hm_testrec1), '') # try to replace record 2 it should fail: testrec_to_insert_first = self.xm_testrec2.replace('987654321', '') recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(testrec_to_insert_first) err2, recid2 = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='replace') self.assertEqual(-1, recid2) # delete test records bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid1) bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid2) if self.verbose: print "test_replace_nonexisting_extoaiid_record() finished" class BibUploadRecordsWithOAIIDTest(unittest.TestCase): """Testing uploading of records that have OAI ID present.""" def setUp(self): # pylint: disable-msg=C0103 """Initialize the MARCXML test records.""" self.verbose = 0 # Note that OAI fields are repeated but with different # subfields, this is to test whether bibupload would not # mistakenly pick up wrong values. self.xm_testrec1 = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Bar, Baz Foo On the quux and huux 1 oai:foo:1 oai:foo:2 """ % {'oaitag': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[0:3], 'oaiind1': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[3:4] != "_" and \ CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[3:4] or " ", 'oaiind2': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[4:5] != "_" and \ CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[4:5] or " ", 'oaisubfieldcode': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[5:6], } self.hm_testrec1 = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aBar, Baz$$uFoo 245__ $$aOn the quux and huux 1 %(oaitag)s%(oaiind1)s%(oaiind2)s $$%(oaisubfieldcode)soai:foo:1 %(oaitag)s%(oaiind1)s%(oaiind2)s $$0oai:foo:2 """ % {'oaitag': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[0:3], 'oaiind1': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[3:4], 'oaiind2': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[4:5], 'oaisubfieldcode': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[5:6], } self.xm_testrec1_to_update = """ SzGeCERN Bar, Baz Foo On the quux and huux 1 Updated oai:foo:1 oai:foo:2 """ % {'oaitag': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[0:3], 'oaiind1': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[3:4] != "_" and \ CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[3:4] or " ", 'oaiind2': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[4:5] != "_" and \ CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[4:5] or " ", 'oaisubfieldcode': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[5:6], } self.xm_testrec1_updated = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Bar, Baz Foo On the quux and huux 1 Updated oai:foo:1 oai:foo:2 """ % {'oaitag': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[0:3], 'oaiind1': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[3:4] != "_" and \ CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[3:4] or " ", 'oaiind2': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[4:5] != "_" and \ CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[4:5] or " ", 'oaisubfieldcode': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[5:6], } self.hm_testrec1_updated = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aBar, Baz$$uFoo 245__ $$aOn the quux and huux 1 Updated %(oaitag)s%(oaiind1)s%(oaiind2)s $$%(oaisubfieldcode)soai:foo:1 %(oaitag)s%(oaiind1)s%(oaiind2)s $$0oai:foo:2 """ % {'oaitag': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[0:3], 'oaiind1': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[3:4], 'oaiind2': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[4:5], 'oaisubfieldcode': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[5:6], } self.xm_testrec2 = """ 987654321 SzGeCERN Bar, Baz Foo On the quux and huux 2 oai:foo:2 oai:foo:1 """ % {'oaitag': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[0:3], 'oaiind1': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[3:4] != "_" and \ CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[3:4] or " ", 'oaiind2': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[4:5] != "_" and \ CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[4:5] or " ", 'oaisubfieldcode': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[5:6], } self.hm_testrec2 = """ 001__ 987654321 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aBar, Baz$$uFoo 245__ $$aOn the quux and huux 2 %(oaitag)s%(oaiind1)s%(oaiind2)s $$%(oaisubfieldcode)soai:foo:2 %(oaitag)s%(oaiind1)s%(oaiind2)s $$0oai:foo:1 """ % {'oaitag': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[0:3], 'oaiind1': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[3:4], 'oaiind2': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[4:5], 'oaisubfieldcode': CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[5:6], } def test_insert_the_same_oai_record(self): """bibupload - OAIID tag, refuse to insert the same OAI record""" task_set_task_param('verbose', self.verbose) # insert record 1 first time: testrec_to_insert_first = self.xm_testrec1.replace('123456789', '') recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(testrec_to_insert_first) err1, recid1 = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') inserted_xm = print_record(recid1, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid1, 'hm') # use real recID when comparing whether it worked: self.xm_testrec1 = self.xm_testrec1.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.hm_testrec1 = self.hm_testrec1.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, self.xm_testrec1), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, self.hm_testrec1), '') # insert record 2 first time: testrec_to_insert_first = self.xm_testrec2.replace('987654321', '') recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(testrec_to_insert_first) err2, recid2 = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') inserted_xm = print_record(recid2, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid2, 'hm') # use real recID when comparing whether it worked: self.xm_testrec2 = self.xm_testrec2.replace('987654321', str(recid2)) self.hm_testrec2 = self.hm_testrec2.replace('987654321', str(recid2)) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, self.xm_testrec2), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, self.hm_testrec2), '') # try to insert updated record 1, it should fail: recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.xm_testrec1_to_update) err1_updated, recid1_updated = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') self.assertEqual(-1, recid1_updated) # delete test records bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid1) bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid2) bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid1_updated) def test_insert_or_replace_the_same_oai_record(self): """bibupload - OAIID tag, allow to insert or replace the same OAI record""" # initialize bibupload mode: task_set_task_param('verbose', self.verbose) # insert/replace record 1 first time: testrec_to_insert_first = self.xm_testrec1.replace('123456789', '') recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(testrec_to_insert_first) err1, recid1 = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='replace_or_insert') inserted_xm = print_record(recid1, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid1, 'hm') # use real recID in test buffers when comparing whether it worked: self.xm_testrec1 = self.xm_testrec1.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.hm_testrec1 = self.hm_testrec1.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, self.xm_testrec1), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, self.hm_testrec1), '') # try to insert/replace updated record 1, it should be okay: recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.xm_testrec1_to_update) err1_updated, recid1_updated = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='replace_or_insert') inserted_xm = print_record(recid1_updated, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid1_updated, 'hm') self.assertEqual(recid1, recid1_updated) # use real recID in test buffers when comparing whether it worked: self.xm_testrec1_updated = self.xm_testrec1_updated.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.hm_testrec1_updated = self.hm_testrec1_updated.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, self.xm_testrec1_updated), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, self.hm_testrec1_updated), '') # delete test records bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid1) bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid1_updated) def test_replace_nonexisting_oai_record(self): """bibupload - OAIID tag, refuse to replace non-existing OAI record""" task_set_task_param('verbose', self.verbose) # insert record 1 first time: testrec_to_insert_first = self.xm_testrec1.replace('123456789', '') recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(testrec_to_insert_first) err1, recid1 = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='replace_or_insert') inserted_xm = print_record(recid1, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid1, 'hm') # use real recID in test buffers when comparing whether it worked: self.xm_testrec1 = self.xm_testrec1.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.hm_testrec1 = self.hm_testrec1.replace('123456789', str(recid1)) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, self.xm_testrec1), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, self.hm_testrec1), '') # try to replace record 2 it should fail: testrec_to_insert_first = self.xm_testrec2.replace('987654321', '') recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(testrec_to_insert_first) err2, recid2 = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='replace') self.assertEqual(-1, recid2) # delete test records bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid1) bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid2) class BibUploadIndicatorsTest(unittest.TestCase): """ Testing uploading of a MARCXML record with indicators having either blank space (as per MARC schema) or empty string value (old behaviour). """ def setUp(self): """Initialize the MARCXML test record.""" self.testrec1_xm = """ SzGeCERN Test, John Test University """ self.testrec1_hm = """ 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, John$$uTest University """ self.testrec2_xm = """ SzGeCERN Test, John Test University """ self.testrec2_hm = """ 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, John$$uTest University """ def test_record_with_spaces_in_indicators(self): """bibupload - inserting MARCXML with spaces in indicators""" task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.testrec1_xm) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(remove_tag_001_from_xmbuffer(inserted_xm), self.testrec1_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(remove_tag_001_from_hmbuffer(inserted_hm), self.testrec1_hm), '') bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) def test_record_with_no_spaces_in_indicators(self): """bibupload - inserting MARCXML with no spaces in indicators""" task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.testrec2_xm) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(remove_tag_001_from_xmbuffer(inserted_xm), self.testrec2_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(remove_tag_001_from_hmbuffer(inserted_hm), self.testrec2_hm), '') bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) class BibUploadUpperLowerCaseTest(unittest.TestCase): """ Testing treatment of similar records with only upper and lower case value differences in the bibxxx table. """ def setUp(self): """Initialize the MARCXML test records.""" self.testrec1_xm = """ SzGeCERN Test, John Test University """ self.testrec1_hm = """ 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, John$$uTest University """ self.testrec2_xm = """ SzGeCERN TeSt, JoHn Test UniVeRsity """ self.testrec2_hm = """ 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTeSt, JoHn$$uTest UniVeRsity """ def test_record_with_upper_lower_case_letters(self): """bibupload - inserting similar MARCXML records with upper/lower case""" task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) # insert test record #1: recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.testrec1_xm) err1, recid1 = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') recid1_inserted_xm = print_record(recid1, 'xm') recid1_inserted_hm = print_record(recid1, 'hm') # insert test record #2: recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.testrec2_xm) err1, recid2 = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') recid2_inserted_xm = print_record(recid2, 'xm') recid2_inserted_hm = print_record(recid2, 'hm') # let us compare stuff now: self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(remove_tag_001_from_xmbuffer(recid1_inserted_xm), self.testrec1_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(remove_tag_001_from_hmbuffer(recid1_inserted_hm), self.testrec1_hm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(remove_tag_001_from_xmbuffer(recid2_inserted_xm), self.testrec2_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(remove_tag_001_from_hmbuffer(recid2_inserted_hm), self.testrec2_hm), '') # clean up after ourselves: bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid1) bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid2) class BibUploadControlledProvenanceTest(unittest.TestCase): """Testing treatment of tags under controlled provenance in the correct mode.""" def setUp(self): """Initialize the MARCXML test record.""" self.testrec1_xm = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, Jane Test Institute Test title blabla sam blublu sim human """ self.testrec1_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, Jane$$uTest Institute 245__ $$aTest title 6531_ $$9sam$$ablabla 6531_ $$9sim$$ablublu 6531_ $$ahuman """ self.testrec1_xm_to_correct = """ 123456789 bleble sim bloblo som """ self.testrec1_corrected_xm = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, Jane Test Institute Test title blabla sam human bleble sim bloblo som """ self.testrec1_corrected_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, Jane$$uTest Institute 245__ $$aTest title 6531_ $$9sam$$ablabla 6531_ $$ahuman 6531_ $$9sim$$ableble 6531_ $$9som$$abloblo """ # insert test record: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) test_record_xm = self.testrec1_xm.replace('123456789', '') recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_record_xm) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') # replace test buffers with real recID: self.testrec1_xm = self.testrec1_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.testrec1_hm = self.testrec1_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.testrec1_xm_to_correct = self.testrec1_xm_to_correct.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.testrec1_corrected_xm = self.testrec1_corrected_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.testrec1_corrected_hm = self.testrec1_corrected_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) # test of the inserted record: inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, self.testrec1_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, self.testrec1_hm), '') def test_controlled_provenance_persistence(self): """bibupload - correct mode, tags with controlled provenance""" # correct metadata tags; will the protected tags be kept? task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.testrec1_xm_to_correct) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='correct') corrected_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') corrected_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') # did it work? self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(corrected_xm, self.testrec1_corrected_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(corrected_hm, self.testrec1_corrected_hm), '') # clean up after ourselves: bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) class BibUploadStrongTagsTest(unittest.TestCase): """Testing treatment of strong tags and the replace mode.""" def setUp(self): """Initialize the MARCXML test record.""" self.testrec1_xm = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, Jane Test Institute Test title A value Another value """ % {'strong_tag': bibupload.CFG_BIBUPLOAD_STRONG_TAGS[0]} self.testrec1_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, Jane$$uTest Institute 245__ $$aTest title %(strong_tag)s__ $$aA value$$bAnother value """ % {'strong_tag': bibupload.CFG_BIBUPLOAD_STRONG_TAGS[0]} self.testrec1_xm_to_replace = """ 123456789 Test, Joseph Test Academy """ self.testrec1_replaced_xm = """ 123456789 Test, Joseph Test Academy A value Another value """ % {'strong_tag': bibupload.CFG_BIBUPLOAD_STRONG_TAGS[0]} self.testrec1_replaced_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 100__ $$aTest, Joseph$$uTest Academy %(strong_tag)s__ $$aA value$$bAnother value """ % {'strong_tag': bibupload.CFG_BIBUPLOAD_STRONG_TAGS[0]} # insert test record: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) test_record_xm = self.testrec1_xm.replace('123456789', '') recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_record_xm) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') # replace test buffers with real recID: self.testrec1_xm = self.testrec1_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.testrec1_hm = self.testrec1_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.testrec1_xm_to_replace = self.testrec1_xm_to_replace.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.testrec1_replaced_xm = self.testrec1_replaced_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) self.testrec1_replaced_hm = self.testrec1_replaced_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) # test of the inserted record: inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, self.testrec1_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, self.testrec1_hm), '') def test_strong_tags_persistence(self): """bibupload - strong tags, persistence in replace mode""" # replace all metadata tags; will the strong tags be kept? recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(self.testrec1_xm_to_replace) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='replace') replaced_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') replaced_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') # did it work? self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(replaced_xm, self.testrec1_replaced_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(replaced_hm, self.testrec1_replaced_hm), '') # clean up after ourselves: bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) return class BibUploadFFTModeTest(unittest.TestCase): """ Testing treatment of fulltext file transfer import mode. """ def _test_bibdoc_status(self, recid, docname, status): res = run_sql('SELECT bd.status FROM bibrec_bibdoc as bb JOIN bibdoc as bd ON bb.id_bibdoc = bd.id WHERE bb.id_bibrec = %s AND bd.docname = %s', (recid, docname)) self.failUnless(res) self.assertEqual(status, res[0][0]) def test_writing_rights(self): """bibupload - FFT has writing rights""" self.failUnless(bibupload.writing_rights_p()) def test_simple_fft_insert(self): """bibupload - simple FFT insert""" # define the test case: test_to_upload = """ SzGeCERN Test, John Test University http://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif """ testrec_expected_xm = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, John Test University %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif """ % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, John$$uTest University 8564_ $$u%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif """ % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_url = "%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif" \ % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} # insert test record: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_upload) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') # replace test buffers with real recid of inserted test record: testrec_expected_xm = testrec_expected_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_hm = testrec_expected_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_url = testrec_expected_url.replace('123456789', str(recid)) # compare expected results: inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, testrec_expected_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, testrec_expected_hm), '') self.failUnless(try_url_download(testrec_expected_url)) bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) def test_exotic_format_fft_append(self): """bibupload - exotic format FFT append""" # define the test case: testfile = os.path.join(CFG_TMPDIR, 'test.ps.Z') open(testfile, 'w').write('TEST') test_to_upload = """ SzGeCERN Test, John Test University """ testrec_to_append = """ 123456789 %s """ % testfile testrec_expected_xm = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, John Test University %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/test.ps.Z """ % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, John$$uTest University 8564_ $$u%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/test.ps.Z """ % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_url = "%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/test.ps.Z" \ % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_url2 = "%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/test?format=ps.Z" \ % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} # insert test record: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_upload) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') # replace test buffers with real recid of inserted test record: testrec_to_append = testrec_to_append.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_xm = testrec_expected_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_hm = testrec_expected_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_url = testrec_expected_url.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_url2 = testrec_expected_url.replace('123456789', str(recid)) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(testrec_to_append) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='append') # compare expected results: inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, testrec_expected_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, testrec_expected_hm), '') self.assertEqual(urlopen(testrec_expected_url).read(), 'TEST') self.assertEqual(urlopen(testrec_expected_url2).read(), 'TEST') bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) def test_fft_check_md5_through_bibrecdoc_str(self): """bibupload - simple FFT insert, check md5 through BibRecDocs.str()""" # define the test case: test_to_upload = """ SzGeCERN Test, John Test University %s/img/head.gif """ % CFG_SITE_URL # insert test record: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_upload) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') original_md5 = md5(urlopen('%s/img/head.gif' % CFG_SITE_URL).read()).hexdigest() bibrec_str = str(BibRecDocs(int(recid))) md5_found = False for row in bibrec_str.split('\n'): if 'checksum' in row: if original_md5 in row: md5_found = True self.failUnless(md5_found) bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) def test_detailed_fft_insert(self): """bibupload - detailed FFT insert""" # define the test case: test_to_upload = """ SzGeCERN Test, John Test University http://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif SuperMain This is a description This is a comment CIDIESSE http://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif SuperMain .jpeg This is a description This is a second comment CIDIESSE """ testrec_expected_xm = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, John Test University %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/CIDIESSE.gif This is a description This is a comment %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/CIDIESSE.jpeg This is a description This is a second comment """ % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, John$$uTest University 8564_ $$u%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/CIDIESSE.gif$$yThis is a description$$zThis is a comment 8564_ $$u%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/CIDIESSE.jpeg$$yThis is a description$$zThis is a second comment """ % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_url1 = "%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/CIDIESSE.gif" % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_url2 = "%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/CIDIESSE.jpeg" % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} # insert test record: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_upload) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') # replace test buffers with real recid of inserted test record: testrec_expected_xm = testrec_expected_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_hm = testrec_expected_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_url1 = testrec_expected_url1.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_url2 = testrec_expected_url1.replace('123456789', str(recid)) # compare expected results: inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, testrec_expected_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, testrec_expected_hm), '') self.failUnless(try_url_download(testrec_expected_url1)) self.failUnless(try_url_download(testrec_expected_url2)) bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) def test_simple_fft_insert_with_restriction(self): """bibupload - simple FFT insert with restriction""" # define the test case: test_to_upload = """ SzGeCERN Test, John Test University http://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif thesis http://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif """ testrec_expected_xm = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, John Test University %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif - %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/icon-cds.gif + %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif?subformat=icon icon """ % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, John$$uTest University 8564_ $$u%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif - 8564_ $$q%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/icon-cds.gif$$xicon + 8564_ $$u%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif?subformat=icon$$xicon """ % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_url = "%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif" \ % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} - testrec_expected_icon = "%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/icon-cds.gif" \ + testrec_expected_icon = "%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif?subformat=icon" \ % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} # insert test record: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_upload) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') # replace test buffers with real recid of inserted test record: testrec_expected_xm = testrec_expected_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_hm = testrec_expected_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_url = testrec_expected_url.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_icon = testrec_expected_icon.replace('123456789', str(recid)) # compare expected results: inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, testrec_expected_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, testrec_expected_hm), '') - open_url = urlopen(testrec_expected_url) - self.failUnless("This file is restricted" in open_url.read()) + self.assertRaises(HTTPError, urlopen, testrec_expected_url) + self.assertRaises(HTTPError, urlopen, testrec_expected_icon) - open_icon = urlopen(testrec_expected_icon) - restricted_icon = urlopen("%s/img/restricted.gif" % CFG_SITE_URL) - self.failUnless(open_icon.read() == restricted_icon.read()) bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) def test_simple_fft_insert_with_icon(self): """bibupload - simple FFT insert with icon""" # define the test case: test_to_upload = """ SzGeCERN Test, John Test University http://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif http://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif """ testrec_expected_xm = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, John Test University %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif - %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/icon-cds.gif + %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif?subformat=icon icon """ % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, John$$uTest University 8564_ $$u%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif - 8564_ $$q%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/icon-cds.gif$$xicon + 8564_ $$u%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif?subformat=icon$$xicon """ % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_url = "%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif" \ % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} - testrec_expected_icon = "%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/icon-cds.gif" \ + testrec_expected_icon = "%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif?subformat=icon" \ % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} # insert test record: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_upload) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') # replace test buffers with real recid of inserted test record: testrec_expected_xm = testrec_expected_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_hm = testrec_expected_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_url = testrec_expected_url.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_icon = testrec_expected_icon.replace('123456789', str(recid)) # compare expected results: inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, testrec_expected_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, testrec_expected_hm), '') self.failUnless(try_url_download(testrec_expected_url)) self.failUnless(try_url_download(testrec_expected_icon)) bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) def test_multiple_fft_insert(self): """bibupload - multiple FFT insert""" # define the test case: test_to_upload = """ SzGeCERN Test, John Test University http://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif http://cdsweb.cern.ch/img/head.gif http://doc.cern.ch/archive/electronic/hep-th/0101/0101001.pdf %(prefix)s/var/tmp/demobibdata.xml """ % { 'prefix': CFG_PREFIX } testrec_expected_xm = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, John Test University %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/0101001.pdf %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/demobibdata.xml %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/head.gif """ % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, John$$uTest University 8564_ $$u%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/0101001.pdf 8564_ $$u%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif 8564_ $$u%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/demobibdata.xml 8564_ $$u%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/head.gif """ % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} # insert test record: testrec_expected_urls = [] for files in ('cds.gif', 'head.gif', '0101001.pdf', 'demobibdata.xml'): testrec_expected_urls.append('%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/%(files)s' % {'siteurl' : CFG_SITE_URL, 'files' : files}) task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_upload) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') # replace test buffers with real recid of inserted test record: testrec_expected_xm = testrec_expected_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_hm = testrec_expected_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_urls = [] for files in ('cds.gif', 'head.gif', '0101001.pdf', 'demobibdata.xml'): testrec_expected_urls.append('%(siteurl)s/record/%(recid)s/files/%(files)s' % {'siteurl' : CFG_SITE_URL, 'files' : files, 'recid' : recid}) # compare expected results: inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') # FIXME: Next test has been commented out since, appearently, the # returned xml can have non predictable row order (but still correct) # Using only html marc output is fine because a value is represented # by a single row, so a row to row comparison can be employed. self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, testrec_expected_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, testrec_expected_hm), '') for url in testrec_expected_urls: self.failUnless(try_url_download(url)) self._test_bibdoc_status(recid, 'head', '') self._test_bibdoc_status(recid, '0101001', '') self._test_bibdoc_status(recid, 'cds', '') self._test_bibdoc_status(recid, 'demobibdata', '') bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) def test_simple_fft_correct(self): """bibupload - simple FFT correct""" # define the test case: test_to_upload = """ SzGeCERN Test, John Test University http://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif """ test_to_correct = """ 123456789 http://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif """ testrec_expected_xm = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, John Test University %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif """ % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, John$$uTest University 8564_ $$u%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif """ % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_url = "%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif" \ % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} # insert test record: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_upload) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') # replace test buffers with real recid of inserted test record: testrec_expected_xm = testrec_expected_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_hm = testrec_expected_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_url = testrec_expected_url.replace('123456789', str(recid)) test_to_correct = test_to_correct.replace('123456789', str(recid)) # correct test record with new FFT: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_correct) bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='correct') # compare expected results: inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') self.failUnless(try_url_download(testrec_expected_url)) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, testrec_expected_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, testrec_expected_hm), '') self._test_bibdoc_status(recid, 'cds', '') #print "\nRecid: " + str(recid) + "\n" #print testrec_expected_hm + "\n" #print print_record(recid, 'hm') + "\n" bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) def test_fft_implicit_fix_marc(self): """bibupload - FFT implicit FIX-MARC""" test_to_upload = """ SzGeCERN Test, John Test University foo@bar.com http://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif """ test_to_correct = """ 123456789 foo@bar.com http://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif """ % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_xm = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, John Test University foo@bar.com http://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif """ testrec_expected_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, John$$uTest University 8560_ $$ffoo@bar.com 8564_ $$uhttp://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif """ task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_upload) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') # replace test buffers with real recid of inserted test record: test_to_correct = test_to_correct.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_xm = testrec_expected_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_hm = testrec_expected_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) # correct test record with implicit FIX-MARC: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_correct) bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='correct') # compare expected results: inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, testrec_expected_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, testrec_expected_hm), '') bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) def test_fft_vs_bibedit(self): """bibupload - FFT Vs. BibEdit compatibility""" # define the test case: test_to_upload = """ SzGeCERN Test, John Test University http://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif """ test_to_replace = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, John Test University http://www.google.com/ BibEdit Comment %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif BibEdit Description 01 http://cern.ch/ """ % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_xm = str(test_to_replace) testrec_expected_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, John$$uTest University 8564_ $$uhttp://www.google.com/ 8564_ $$u%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif$$x01$$yBibEdit Description$$zBibEdit Comment 8564_ $$uhttp://cern.ch/ """ % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_url = "%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif" \ % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} # insert test record: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_upload) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') # replace test buffers with real recid of inserted test record: testrec_expected_xm = testrec_expected_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_hm = testrec_expected_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_url = testrec_expected_url.replace('123456789', str(recid)) test_to_replace = test_to_replace.replace('123456789', str(recid)) # correct test record with new FFT: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_replace) bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='replace') # compare expected results: inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') self.failUnless(try_url_download(testrec_expected_url)) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, testrec_expected_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, testrec_expected_hm), '') self._test_bibdoc_status(recid, 'cds', '') bibrecdocs = BibRecDocs(recid) bibdoc = bibrecdocs.get_bibdoc('cds') self.assertEqual(bibdoc.get_description('.gif'), 'BibEdit Description') bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) def test_detailed_fft_correct(self): """bibupload - detailed FFT correct""" # define the test case: test_to_upload = """ SzGeCERN Test, John Test University http://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif Try Comment """ test_to_correct = """ 123456789 http://cdsweb.cern.ch/img/head.gif cds patata Next Try KEEP-OLD-VALUE """ testrec_expected_xm = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, John Test University %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/patata.gif Next Try Comment """ % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, John$$uTest University 8564_ $$u%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/patata.gif$$yNext Try$$zComment """ % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_url = "%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/patata.gif" \ % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} # insert test record: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_upload) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') # replace test buffers with real recid of inserted test record: testrec_expected_xm = testrec_expected_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_hm = testrec_expected_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_url = testrec_expected_url.replace('123456789', str(recid)) test_to_correct = test_to_correct.replace('123456789', str(recid)) # correct test record with new FFT: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_correct) bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='correct') # compare expected results: inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') self.failUnless(try_url_download(testrec_expected_url)) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, testrec_expected_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, testrec_expected_hm), '') self._test_bibdoc_status(recid, 'patata', '') #print "\nRecid: " + str(recid) + "\n" #print testrec_expected_hm + "\n" #print print_record(recid, 'hm') + "\n" bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) def test_no_url_fft_correct(self): """bibupload - no_url FFT correct""" # define the test case: test_to_upload = """ SzGeCERN Test, John Test University http://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif Try Comment """ test_to_correct = """ 123456789 cds patata .gif KEEP-OLD-VALUE Next Comment """ testrec_expected_xm = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, John Test University %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/patata.gif Try Next Comment """ % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, John$$uTest University 8564_ $$u%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/patata.gif$$yTry$$zNext Comment """ % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_url = "%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/patata.gif" \ % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} # insert test record: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_upload) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') # replace test buffers with real recid of inserted test record: testrec_expected_xm = testrec_expected_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_hm = testrec_expected_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_url = testrec_expected_url.replace('123456789', str(recid)) test_to_correct = test_to_correct.replace('123456789', str(recid)) # correct test record with new FFT: recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_correct) bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='correct') # compare expected results: inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') self.failUnless(try_url_download(testrec_expected_url)) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, testrec_expected_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, testrec_expected_hm), '') self._test_bibdoc_status(recid, 'patata', '') #print "\nRecid: " + str(recid) + "\n" #print testrec_expected_hm + "\n" #print print_record(recid, 'hm') + "\n" bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) def test_new_icon_fft_append(self): """bibupload - new icon FFT append""" # define the test case: test_to_upload = """ SzGeCERN Test, John Test University """ test_to_correct = """ 123456789 cds http://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif """ testrec_expected_xm = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, John Test University - %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/icon-cds.gif + %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif?subformat=icon icon """ % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, John$$uTest University - 8564_ $$q%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/icon-cds.gif$$xicon + 8564_ $$u%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif?subformat=icon$$xicon """ % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} - testrec_expected_url = "%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/icon-cds.gif" \ + testrec_expected_url = "%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif?subformat=icon" \ % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} # insert test record: task_set_task_param('verbose', 9) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_upload) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') # replace test buffers with real recid of inserted test record: testrec_expected_xm = testrec_expected_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_hm = testrec_expected_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_url = testrec_expected_url.replace('123456789', str(recid)) test_to_correct = test_to_correct.replace('123456789', str(recid)) # correct test record with new FFT: task_set_task_param('verbose', 9) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_correct) bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='append') # compare expected results: inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') self.failUnless(try_url_download(testrec_expected_url)) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, testrec_expected_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, testrec_expected_hm), '') self._test_bibdoc_status(recid, 'cds', '') #print "\nRecid: " + str(recid) + "\n" #print testrec_expected_hm + "\n" #print print_record(recid, 'hm') + "\n" bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) def test_multiple_fft_correct(self): """bibupload - multiple FFT correct""" # define the test case: test_to_upload = """ SzGeCERN Test, John Test University http://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif Try Comment Restricted http://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif .jpeg Try jpeg Comment jpeg Restricted """ test_to_correct = """ 123456789 http://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif patata .gif New restricted """ testrec_expected_xm = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, John Test University %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/patata.gif """ % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, John$$uTest University 8564_ $$u%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/patata.gif """ % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_url = "%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/patata.gif" \ % {'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} # insert test record: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_upload) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') # replace test buffers with real recid of inserted test record: testrec_expected_xm = testrec_expected_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_hm = testrec_expected_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_url = testrec_expected_url.replace('123456789', str(recid)) test_to_correct = test_to_correct.replace('123456789', str(recid)) # correct test record with new FFT: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_correct) bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='correct') # compare expected results: inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') - self.failUnless(try_url_download(testrec_expected_url)) + self.assertRaises(StandardError, try_url_download, testrec_expected_url) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, testrec_expected_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, testrec_expected_hm), '') self._test_bibdoc_status(recid, 'patata', 'New restricted') #print "\nRecid: " + str(recid) + "\n" #print testrec_expected_hm + "\n" #print print_record(recid, 'hm') + "\n" bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) def test_purge_fft_correct(self): """bibupload - purge FFT correct""" # define the test case: test_to_upload = """ SzGeCERN Test, John Test University http://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif http://cdsweb.cern.ch/img/head.gif """ test_to_correct = """ 123456789 http://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif """ test_to_purge = """ 123456789 http://cds.cern.ch/img/cds.gif PURGE """ testrec_expected_xm = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, John Test University %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/head.gif """ % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, John$$uTest University 8564_ $$u%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif 8564_ $$u%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/head.gif """ % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_url = "%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif" % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} # insert test record: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_upload) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') # replace test buffers with real recid of inserted test record: testrec_expected_xm = testrec_expected_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_hm = testrec_expected_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_url = testrec_expected_url.replace('123456789', str(recid)) test_to_correct = test_to_correct.replace('123456789', str(recid)) test_to_purge = test_to_purge.replace('123456789', str(recid)) # correct test record with new FFT: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_correct) bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='correct') # purge test record with new FFT: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_purge) bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='correct') # compare expected results: inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') self.failUnless(try_url_download(testrec_expected_url)) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, testrec_expected_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, testrec_expected_hm), '') self._test_bibdoc_status(recid, 'cds', '') self._test_bibdoc_status(recid, 'head', '') #print "\nRecid: " + str(recid) + "\n" #print testrec_expected_hm + "\n" #print print_record(recid, 'hm') + "\n" bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) def test_revert_fft_correct(self): """bibupload - revert FFT correct""" # define the test case: test_to_upload = """ SzGeCERN Test, John Test University %s/img/iconpen.gif cds """ % CFG_SITE_URL test_to_correct = """ 123456789 %s/img/head.gif cds """ % CFG_SITE_URL test_to_revert = """ 123456789 cds REVERT 1 """ testrec_expected_xm = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, John Test University %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif """ % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, John$$uTest University 8564_ $$u%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif """ % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_url = "%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/cds.gif" % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} # insert test record: task_set_task_param('verbose', 9) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_upload) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') # replace test buffers with real recid of inserted test record: testrec_expected_xm = testrec_expected_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_hm = testrec_expected_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_url = testrec_expected_url.replace('123456789', str(recid)) test_to_correct = test_to_correct.replace('123456789', str(recid)) test_to_revert = test_to_revert.replace('123456789', str(recid)) # correct test record with new FFT: task_set_task_param('verbose', 9) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_correct) bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='correct') # revert test record with new FFT: task_set_task_param('verbose', 9) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_revert) bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='correct') # compare expected results: inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') self.failUnless(try_url_download(testrec_expected_url)) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, testrec_expected_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, testrec_expected_hm), '') self._test_bibdoc_status(recid, 'cds', '') expected_content_version1 = urlopen('%s/img/iconpen.gif' % CFG_SITE_URL).read() expected_content_version2 = urlopen('%s/img/head.gif' % CFG_SITE_URL).read() expected_content_version3 = expected_content_version1 content_version1 = urlopen('%s/record/%s/files/cds.gif?version=1' % (CFG_SITE_URL, recid)).read() content_version2 = urlopen('%s/record/%s/files/cds.gif?version=2' % (CFG_SITE_URL, recid)).read() content_version3 = urlopen('%s/record/%s/files/cds.gif?version=3' % (CFG_SITE_URL, recid)).read() self.assertEqual(expected_content_version1, content_version1) self.assertEqual(expected_content_version2, content_version2) self.assertEqual(expected_content_version3, content_version3) #print "\nRecid: " + str(recid) + "\n" #print testrec_expected_hm + "\n" #print print_record(recid, 'hm') + "\n" bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) def test_simple_fft_replace(self): """bibupload - simple FFT replace""" # define the test case: test_to_upload = """ SzGeCERN Test, John Test University %s/img/iconpen.gif cds """ % CFG_SITE_URL test_to_replace = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, John Test University %s/img/head.gif """ % CFG_SITE_URL testrec_expected_xm = """ 123456789 SzGeCERN Test, John Test University %(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/head.gif """ % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_hm = """ 001__ 123456789 003__ SzGeCERN 100__ $$aTest, John$$uTest University 8564_ $$u%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/head.gif """ % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} testrec_expected_url = "%(siteurl)s/record/123456789/files/head.gif" % { 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL} # insert test record: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_upload) err, recid = bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='insert') # replace test buffers with real recid of inserted test record: testrec_expected_xm = testrec_expected_xm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_hm = testrec_expected_hm.replace('123456789', str(recid)) testrec_expected_url = testrec_expected_url.replace('123456789', str(recid)) test_to_replace = test_to_replace.replace('123456789', str(recid)) # replace test record with new FFT: task_set_task_param('verbose', 0) recs = bibupload.xml_marc_to_records(test_to_replace) bibupload.bibupload(recs[0], opt_mode='replace') # compare expected results: inserted_xm = print_record(recid, 'xm') inserted_hm = print_record(recid, 'hm') self.failUnless(try_url_download(testrec_expected_url)) self.assertEqual(compare_xmbuffers(inserted_xm, testrec_expected_xm), '') self.assertEqual(compare_hmbuffers(inserted_hm, testrec_expected_hm), '') expected_content_version = urlopen('%s/img/head.gif' % CFG_SITE_URL).read() content_version = urlopen('%s/record/%s/files/head.gif' % (CFG_SITE_URL, recid)).read() self.assertEqual(expected_content_version, content_version) #print "\nRecid: " + str(recid) + "\n" #print testrec_expected_hm + "\n" #print print_record(recid, 'hm') + "\n" bibupload.wipe_out_record_from_all_tables(recid) TEST_SUITE = make_test_suite(BibUploadInsertModeTest, BibUploadAppendModeTest, BibUploadCorrectModeTest, BibUploadDeleteModeTest, BibUploadReplaceModeTest, BibUploadReferencesModeTest, BibUploadRecordsWithSYSNOTest, BibUploadRecordsWithEXTOAIIDTest, BibUploadRecordsWithOAIIDTest, BibUploadFMTModeTest, BibUploadIndicatorsTest, BibUploadUpperLowerCaseTest, BibUploadControlledProvenanceTest, BibUploadStrongTagsTest, BibUploadFFTModeTest, ) if __name__ == "__main__": run_test_suite(TEST_SUITE, warn_user=True) diff --git a/modules/miscutil/demo/demobibdata.xml b/modules/miscutil/demo/demobibdata.xml index bc0f7de5f..ca552205c 100644 --- a/modules/miscutil/demo/demobibdata.xml +++ b/modules/miscutil/demo/demobibdata.xml @@ -1,22835 +1,22838 @@ CERN-EX-0106015 Photolab ALEPH experiment: Candidate of Higgs boson production Expérience ALEPH: Candidat de la production d'un boson Higgs 14 06 2000 FILM Candidate for the associated production of the Higgs boson and Z boson. Both, the Higgs and Z boson decay into 2 jets each. The green and the yellow jets belong to the Higgs boson. They represent the fragmentation of a bottom andanti-bottom quark. The red and the blue jets stem from the decay of the Z boson into a quark anti-quark pair. Left: View of the event along the beam axis. Bottom right: Zoom around the interaction point at the centre showing detailsof the fragmentation of the bottom and anti-bottom quarks. As expected for b quarks, in each jet the decay of a long-lived B meson is visible. Top right: "World map" showing the spatial distribution of the jets in the event. Press SzGeCERN Experiments and Tracks LEP neil.calder@cern.ch http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0106015_01.jpg - http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0106015_01.gif - restricted_picture + + + http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0106015_01.gif + .gif;icon + restricted_picture 0003717PHOPHO 2000 81 2001-06-14 50 2001-08-27 CM Bldg. 2 Calder, N n 200231 PICTURE CERN-EX-0104007 Patrice Loïez The first CERN-built module of the barrel section of ATLAS's electromagnetic calorimeter Premier module du tonneau du calorimètre electromagnétique d'ATLAS 10 Apr 2001 DIGITAL Behind the module, left to right Ralf Huber, Andreas Bies and Jorgen Beck Hansen. In front of the module, left to right: Philippe Lançon and Edward Wood. Derrière le module, de gauche à droite: Ralf Huber, Andreas Bies, Jorgen Beck Hansen. Devant le module, de gauche à droite : Philippe Lançon et Edward Wood. CERN EDS SzGeCERN Experiments and Tracks marie.noelle.pages.ribeiro@cern.ch http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0104007_02.jpeg http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0104007_02.gif 0003601PHOPHO 2001 81 2001-04-23 50 2001-06-18 CM 0020699 ADMBUL CERN Bulletin 18/2001 : 30 April 2001 (English) 0020700 ADMBUL CERN Bulletin 18/2001 : 30 avril 2001 (French) Bldg. 184 Fassnacht, P n 200231 PICTURE CERN-HI-6902127 European Molecular Biology Conference Jul 1969 In February, the Agreement establishing the European Molecular Biology Conference was signed at CERN. Willy Spuhler is signing for Switzerland. SzGeCERN Personalities and History of CERN http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/6902127.jpeg http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/6902127.gif 0002690PHOPHO 1969 81 2000-06-13 50 2000-06-13 CM 127-2-69 n 200024 PICTURE CERN-DI-9906028 J.L. Caron The Twenty Member States of CERN (with dates of accession) on 1 June 1999 Jun 1999 CERN Member States. Les Etats membres du CERN. Press SzGeCERN Diagrams and Charts http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/9906028_01.jpeg http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/9906028_01.gif 0001754PHOPHO 1999 81 1999-06-17 50 2000-10-30 CM n 199924 PICTURE CERN-DI-9905005 High energy cosmic rays striking atoms at the top of the atmosphere give the rise to showers of particles striking the Earth's surface Des rayons cosmiques de haute energie heurtent des atomes dans la haute atmosphere et donnent ainsi naissance a des gerbes de particules projetees sur la surface terrestre 10 May 1999 DIGITAL Press SzGeCERN Diagrams and Charts neil.calder@cern.ch http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/9905005_01.jpeg http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/9905005_01.gif 0001626PHOPHO 1999 81 1999-05-10 50 2000-09-12 CM Bldg. 60 Calder, N n 200231 PICTURE CERN-HI-6206002 eng At CERN in 1962 eight Nobel prizewinners 1962 In 1962, CERN hosted the 11th International Conference on High Energy Physics. Among the distinguished visitors were eight Nobel prizewinners.Left to right: Cecil F. Powell, Isidor I. Rabi, Werner Heisenberg, Edwin M. McMillan, Emile Segre, Tsung Dao Lee, Chen Ning Yang and Robert Hofstadter. En 1962, le CERN est l'hote de la onzieme Conference Internationale de Physique des Hautes Energies. Parmi les visiteurs eminents se trouvaient huit laureats du prix Nobel.De gauche a droite: Cecil F. Powell, Isidor I. Rabi, Werner Heisenberg, Edwin M. McMillan, Emile Segre, Tsung Dao Lee, Chen Ning Yang et Robert Hofstadter. Press SzGeCERN Personalities and History of CERN Nobel laureate http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/6206002.jpg http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/6206002.gif 0000736PHOPHO 1962 81 1998-07-23 50 2002-07-15 CM http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1950/index.html The Nobel Prize in Physics 1950 : Cecil Frank Powell http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1944/index.html The Nobel Prize in Physics 1944 : Isidor Isaac Rabi http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1932/index.html The Nobel Prize in Physics 1932 : Werner Karl Heisenberg http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1951/index.html The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1951 : Edwin Mattison McMillan http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1959/index.html The Nobel Prize in Physics 1959 : Emilio Gino Segre http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1957/index.html The Nobel Prize in Physics 1957 : Chen Ning Yang and Tsung-Dao Lee http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1961/index.html The Nobel Prize in Physics 1961 : Robert Hofstadter 6206002 (1962) n 199830 PICTURE CERN-GE-9806033 Tim Berners-Lee World-Wide Web inventor 28 Jun 1998 Conference "Internet, Web, What's next?" on 26 June 1998 at CERN : Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World-Wide Web and Director of the W3C, explains how the Web came to be and give his views on the future. Conference "Internet, Web, What's next?" le 26 juin 1998 au CERN: Tim Berners-Lee, inventeur du World-Wide Web et directeur du W3C, explique comment le Web est ne, et donne ses opinions sur l'avenir. Press SzGeCERN Life at CERN neil.calder@cern.ch http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/9806033.jpeg http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/9806033.gif 0000655PHOPHO 1998 81 1998-07-03 50 2001-07-10 CM http://www.cern.ch/CERN/Announcements/1998/WebNext.html "Internet, Web, What's next?" 26 June 1998 http://Bulletin.cern.ch/9828/art2/Text_E.html CERN Bulletin no 28/98 (6 July 1998) (English) http://Bulletin.cern.ch/9828/art2/Text_F.html CERN Bulletin no 28/98 (6 juillet 1998) (French) http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/ Biography 0000990 PRSPRS Le Pays Gessien : 3 Jul 1998 0001037 PRSPRS Le Temps : 27 Jun 1998 0000809 PRSPRS La Tribune de Geneve : 27 Jun 1998 Bldg. 60 Calder, N n 199827 PICTURE astro-ph/9812226 eng Efstathiou, G P Cambridge University Constraints on $\Omega_{\Lambda}$ and $\Omega_{m}$from Distant Type 1a Supernovae and Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies 14 Dec 1998 6 p We perform a combined likelihood analysis of the latest cosmic microwave background anisotropy data and distant Type 1a Supernova data of Perlmutter etal (1998a). Our analysis is restricted tocosmological models where structure forms from adiabatic initial fluctuations characterised by a power-law spectrum with negligible tensor component. Marginalizing over other parameters, our bestfit solution gives Omega_m = 0.25 (+0.18, -0.12) and Omega_Lambda = 0.63 (+0.17, -0.23) (95 % confidence errors) for the cosmic densities contributed by matter and a cosmological constantrespectively. The results therefore strongly favour a nearly spatially flat Universe with a non-zero cosmological constant. LANL EDS SzGeCERN Astrophysics and Astronomy Lasenby, A N Hobson, M P Ellis, R S Bridle, S L George Efstathiou <gpe@ast.cam.ac.uk> http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/9812226.pdf http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/9812226.fig1.ps.gz Additional http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/9812226.fig3.ps.gz Additional http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/9812226.fig5.ps.gz Additional http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/9812226.fig6.ps.gz Additional http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/9812226.fig7.ps.gz Additional 1998 11 1998-12-14 50 2001-04-07 BATCH Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. SLAC 4162242 CER n 200231 PREPRINT Bond, J.R. 1996, Theory and Observations of the Cosmic Background Radiation, in "Cosmology and Large Scale Structure", Les Houches Session LX, August 1993, eds. R. Schaeffer, J. Silk, M. Spiro and J. 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This search considers the process ${\rm e} \gamma\;{\smash{\mathop{\rightarrow}}}\;\tilde{\nu}\ell$ and is performed using the data collected by the ALEPH detector at centre-of-mass energies from 189\,GeV up to 209\,GeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of637.1\,$\mathrm{pb}^{-1}$. The numbers of observed candidate events are in agreement with Standard Model expectations and 95\% confidence level upper limits on five of the $LL\bar{E}$ couplings are given as a function of the assumedsneutrino mass. CERN EDS 20011220SLAC giva LANL EDS SzGeCERN Particle Physics - Experimental Results Schael, S Barate, R Bruneliere, R De Bonis, I Decamp, D Goy, C Jezequel, S Lees, J P Martin, F Merle, E Minard, M N Pietrzyk, B Trocme, B Boix, G Bravo, S Casado, M P Chmeissani, M Crespo, J M Fernandez, E Fernandez-Bosman, M Garrido, L Grauges, E Lopez, J Martinez, M Merino, G Miquel, R Mir, L M Pacheco, A Paneque, D Ruiz, H Colaleo, A Creanza, D De Filippis, N De Palma, M Iaselli, G Maggi, G Maggi, M Nuzzo, S Ranieri, A Raso, G Ruggieri, F Selvaggi, G Silvestris, L Tempesta, P Tricomi, A Zito, G Huang, X Lin, J Ouyang, Q Wang, T Xie, Y Xu, R Xue, S Zhang, J Zhang, L Zhao, W Abbaneo, D Azzurri, P Barklow, T Buchmuller, O Cattaneo, M Cerutti, F Clerbaux, B Drevermann, H Forty, R W Frank, M Gianotti, F Greening, T C Hansen, J B Harvey, J Hutchcroft, D E Janot, P Jost, B Kado, M Maley, P Mato, P Moutoussi, A Ranjard, F Rolandi, L Schlatter, D Sguazzoni, G Tejessy, W Teubert, F Valassi, A Videau, I Ward, J J Badaud, F Dessagne, S Falvard, A Fayolle, D Gay, P Jousset, J Michel, B Monteil, S Pallin, D Pascolo, J M Perret, P Hansen, J D Hansen, J R Hansen, P H Nilsson, B S Waananen, A Kyriakis, A Markou, C Simopoulou, E Vayaki, A Zachariadou, K Blondel, A Brient, J C Machefert, F P Rouge, A Swynghedauw, M Tanaka, R Videau, H L Ciulli, V Focardi, E Parrini, G Antonelli, A Antonelli, M Bencivenni, G Bologna, G Bossi, F Campana, P Capon, G Chiarella, V Laurelli, P Mannocchi, G Murtas, F Murtas, G P Passalacqua, L Pepe-Altarelli, M Spagnolo, P Kennedy, J Lynch, J G Negus, P O'Shea, V Smith, D Thompson, A S Wasserbaech, S R Cavanaugh, R Dhamotharan, S Geweniger, C Hanke, P Hepp, V Kluge, E E Leibenguth, G Putzer, A Stenzel, H Tittel, K Werner, S Wunsch, M Beuselinck, R Binnie, D M Cameron, W Davies, G Dornan, P J Girone, M Hill, R D Marinelli, N Nowell, J Przysiezniak, H Rutherford, S A Sedgbeer, J K Thompson, J C White, R Ghete, V M Girtler, P Kneringer, E Kuhn, D Rudolph, G Bouhova-Thacker, E Bowdery, C K Clarke, D P Ellis, G Finch, A J Foster, F Hughes, G Jones, R W L Pearson, M R Robertson, N A Smizanska, M Lemaître, V Blumenschein, U Holldorfer, F Jakobs, K Kayser, F Kleinknecht, K Muller, A S Quast, G Renk, B Sander, H G Schmeling, S Wachsmuth, H Zeitnitz, C Ziegler, T Bonissent, A Carr, J Coyle, P Curtil, C Ealet, A Fouchez, D Leroy, O Kachelhoffer, T Payre, P Rousseau, D Tilquin, A Ragusa, F David, A Dietl, H Ganis, G Huttmann, K Lutjens, G Mannert, C Manner, W Moser, H G Settles, R Wolf, G Boucrot, J Callot, O Davier, M Duflot, L Grivaz, J F Heusse, P Jacholkowska, A Loomis, C Serin, L Veillet, J J De Vivie de Regie, J B Yuan, C Bagliesi, G Boccali, T Foà, L Giammanco, A Giassi, A Ligabue, F Messineo, A Palla, F Sanguinetti, G Sciaba, A Tenchini, R Venturi, A Verdini, P G Awunor, O Blair, G A Coles, J Cowan, G García-Bellido, A Green, M G Jones, L T Medcalf, T Misiejuk, A Strong, J A Teixeira-Dias, P Clifft, R W Edgecock, T R Norton, P R Tomalin, I R Bloch-Devaux, B Boumediene, D Colas, P Fabbro, B Lancon, E Lemaire, M C Locci, E Perez, P Rander, J Renardy, J F Rosowsky, A Seager, P Trabelsi, A Tuchming, B Vallage, B Konstantinidis, N P Litke, A M Taylor, G Booth, C N Cartwright, S Combley, F Hodgson, P N Lehto, M H Thompson, L F Affholderbach, K Bohrer, A Brandt, S Grupen, C Hess, J Ngac, A Prange, G Sieler, U Borean, C Giannini, G He, H Putz, J Rothberg, J E Armstrong, S R Berkelman, K Cranmer, K Ferguson, D P S Gao, Y Gonzalez, S Hayes, O J Hu, H Jin, S Kile, J McNamara, P A Nielsen, J Pan, Y B Von Wimmersperg-Toller, J H Wiedenmann, W Wu, J Wu, S L Wu, X Zobernig, G Dissertori, G ALEPH Collaboration valerie.brunner@cern.ch http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/ep-2001-094.pdf http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/ep-2001-094.ps.gz 2002 ALEPH 11 EP CERN LEP 2001-12-19 50 2002-02-19 BATCH CERN Eur. 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C 19 (2001) 415 [6] ALEPH Collaboration, "ALEPH: a detector for electron-positron annihilations at LEP", Nucl. Instrum. and Methods. A : 294 (1990) 121 [7] S. Cantini, Yu. L. Dokshitzer, M. Olsson, G. Turnock and B.R. Webber, `New clustering algorithm for multijet cross sections in e+e- annihilation" 432 Phys. Lett., B 269 1991 Phys. Lett. B 269 (1991) 432 [8] ALEPH Collaboration, "Performance of the ALEPH detector at LEP", Nucl. Instrum. and Methods. A : 360 (1995) 481 Nucl. Instrum. and Methods. 360 (1995) 481 [9] S. Katsanevas and P. Morawitz, "SUSYGEN 2.2 - A Monte Carlo Event Generator for MSSM Sparticle Production at e+e- Colliders" 227 Comput. Phys. Commun. 112 1998 Comput. Phys. Commun. 112 (1998) 227 [10] E. Barberio, B. van Eijk and Z. W¸as 115 Comput. Phys. Commun. 66 1991 Comput. Phys. Commun. 66 (1991) 115 [11] S. Jadach and Z. W¸as, R. Decker and J.H. Kühn, "The decay library TAUOLA" 361 Comput. Phys. Commun. 76 1993 Comput. Phys. Commun. 76 (1993) 361 [12] T. 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C 4 (1998) 433 [19] For reviews see for example: H. Dreiner, "An Introduction to Explicit R-parity Violation" hep-ph/9707435 published in Perspectives on Supersymmetry, ed. G.L. Kane, World Scientific, Singapore (1998); G. Bhattacharyya 83 Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 52 1997 Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Suppl. 52 (1997) 83 12 astro-ph/0101431 eng Gray, M E Cambridge University Infrared constraints on the dark mass concentration observed in the cluster Abell 1942 24 Jan 2001 8 p We present a deep H-band image of the region in the vicinity of the cluster Abell 1942 containing the puzzling dark matter concentration detected in an optical weak lensing study by Erben et al. (2000). We demonstrate that ourlimiting magnitude, H=22, would be sufficient to detect clusters of appropriate mass out to redshifts comparable with the mean redshift of the background sources. Despite this, our infrared image reveals no obvious overdensity ofsources at the location of the lensing mass peak, nor an excess of sources in the I-H vs. H colour-magnitude diagram. We use this to further constrain the luminosity and mass-to-light ratio of the putative dark clump as a function ofits redshift. We find that for spatially-flat cosmologies, background lensing clusters with reasonable mass-to-light ratios lying in the redshift range 0<z<1 are strongly excluded, leaving open the possibility that the massconcentration is a new type of truly dark object. LANL EDS SzGeCERN Astrophysics and Astronomy Ellis, R S Lewis, J R McMahon, R G Firth, A E Meghan Gray <meg@ast.cam.ac.uk> http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0101431.pdf http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0101431.ps.gz http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0101431.fig1.ps.gz Additional http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0101431.fig2.ps.gz Additional http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0101431.fig3.ps.gz Additional http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0101431.fig4.ps.gz Additional http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0101431.fig5a.ps.gz Additional http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0101431.fig5b.ps.gz Additional http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0101431.fig6.ps.gz Additional http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0101431.fig7.ps.gz Additional 2001 11 Caltech IoA, Cambridge 2001-01-25 00 2001-11-02 BATCH Gray, Meghan E. Ellis, Richard S. Lewis, James R. Mahon, Richard G. Mc Firth, Andrew E. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. n 200104 PREPRINT hep-ph/0105155 eng CERN-TH-2001-131 Mangano, M L CERN Physics at the front-end of a neutrino factory : a quantitative appraisal Geneva CERN 16 May 2001 1 p We present a quantitative appraisal of the physics potential for neutrino experiments at the front-end of a muon storage ring. We estimate the forseeable accuracy in the determination of several interesting observables, and explorethe consequences of these measurements. We discuss the extraction of individual quark and antiquark densities from polarized and unpolarized deep-inelastic scattering. In particular we study the implications for the undertanding ofthe nucleon spin structure. We assess the determination of alpha_s from scaling violation of structure functions, and from sum rules, and the determination of sin^2(theta_W) from elastic nu-e and deep-inelastic nu-p scattering. Wethen consider the production of charmed hadrons, and the measurement of their absolute branching ratios. We study the polarization of Lambda baryons produced in the current and target fragmentation regions. Finally, we discuss thesensitivity to physics beyond the Standard Model. LANL EDS SzGeCERN Particle Physics - Phenomenology Alekhin, S I Anselmino, M Ball, R D Boglione, M D'Alesio, U Davidson, S De Lellis, G Ellis, J Forte, S Gambino, P Gehrmann, T Kataev, A L Kotzinian, A Kulagin, S A Lehmann-Dronke, B Migliozzi, P Murgia, F Ridolfi, G Michelangelo MANGANO <Michelangelo.Mangano@cern.ch> http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0105155.pdf http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0105155.ps.gz 2001 11 TH CERN nuDIS Working group of the ECFA-CERN Neutrino-Factory Study Group 2001-05-17 50 2001-05-25 MH SLAC 4628020 CER n 200231 PREPRINT [1] S. Geer 6989 Phys. Rev., D 57 1998 Phys. Rev. D 57 (1998) 6989 hep-ph/9712290 Phys. Rev. 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Nov 1985 26 p SzGeCERN General Theoretical Physics Bednarz, B F Ellis, S D 1985 11 1990-01-29 50 2002-01-04 BATCH h 198608n PREPRINT eng CERN-PPE-92-085 HEPHY-PUB-568 Albajar, C CERN Multifractal analysis of minimum bias events in \Sqrt s = 630 GeV $\overline{p}$p collisions Geneva CERN 1 Jun 1992 27 p SzGeCERN Particle Physics - Experimental Results Allkofer, O C Apsimon, R J Bartha, S Bezaguet, A Bohrer, A Buschbeck, B Cennini, P Cittolin, S Clayton, E Coughlan, J A Dau, D Della Negra, M Demoulin, M Dibon, H Dowell, J D Eggert, K Eisenhandler, E F Ellis, N Faissner, H Fensome, I F Ferrando, A Garvey, J Geiser, A Givernaud, A Gonidec, A Jank, W Jorat, G Josa-Mutuberria, I Kalmus, P I P Karimaki, V Kenyon, I R Kinnunen, R Krammer, M Lammel, S Landon, M Levegrun, S Lipa, P Markou, C Markytan, M Maurin, G McMahon, S Meyer, T Moers, T Morsch, A Moulin, A Naumann, L Neumeister, N Norton, A Pancheri, G Pauss, F Pietarinen, E Pimia, M Placci, A Porte, J P Priem, R Prosi, R Radermacher, E Rauschkolb, M Reithler, H Revol, J P Robinson, D Rubbia, C Salicio, J M Samyn, D Schinzel, D Schleichert, R Seez, C Shah, T P Sphicas, P Sumorok, K Szoncso, F Tan, C H Taurok, A Taylor, L Tether, S Teykal, H F Thompson, G Terrente-Lujan, E Tuchscherer, H Tuominiemi, J Virdee, T S von Schlippe, W Vuillemin, V Wacker, K Wagner, H Walzel, G Weselka, D Wulz, C E AACHEN - BIRMINGHAM - CERN - HELSINKI - KIEL - IMP. COLL. LONDON - QUEEN MARY COLL. LONDON - MADRID CIEMAT - MIT - RUTHERFORD APPLETON LAB. - VIENNA Collaboration 1992 13 UA1 PPE P00003707 CERN SPS CERN 1992-06-16 50 2001-04-12 BATCH 37-46 Z. Phys., C 56 1992 SLAC 2576562 oai:cds.cern.ch:CERN-PPE-92-085 cern:experiment n 199226 a1992 ARTICLE eng CERN-TH-4036 Ellis, J CERN Non-compact supergravity solves problems Geneva CERN Oct 1984 15 p SzGeCERN General Theoretical Physics Kahler manifolds gravitinos axions constraints noscale Enqvist, K Nanopoulos, D V 1985 13 TH CERN 1990-01-29 50 2001-09-15 BATCH 357-362 Phys. Lett., B 151 1985 oai:cds.cern.ch:CERN-TH-4036 cern:theory h 198451 a1985 ARTICLE eng STAN-CS-81-898-MF Whang, K Stanford University Separability as a physical database design methodology Stanford, CA Stanford Univ. Comput. Sci. Dept. Oct 1981 60 p Ordered for J Blake/DD SzGeCERN Computing and Computers Wiederhold, G Sagalowicz, D 1981 19 Stanford Univ. 1990-01-28 50 2002-01-04 BATCH n 198238n REPORT eng JYFL-RR-82-7 Arje, J University of Jyvaskyla Charge creation and reset mechanisms in an ion guide isotope separator (IGIS) Jyvaskyla Finland Univ. Dept. Phys. Jul 1982 18 p SzGeCERN Detectors and Experimental Techniques 1982 19 Jyväsklä Univ. 1990-01-28 50 2002-01-04 BATCH n 198238n REPORT 0898710022 eng 519.2 Lindley, Dennis Victor University College London Bayesian statistics a review Philadelphia, PA SIAM 1972 88 p CBMS-NSF Reg. Conf. Ser. Appl. Math. 2 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Philadelphia 1972 21 1990-01-27 00 2002-04-12 BATCH m 198604 BOOK 0844621951 eng 621.396.615 621.385.3 Hamilton, Donald R MIT Klystrons and microwave triodes New York, NY McGraw-Hill 1948 547 p M.I.T. Radiat. Lab. 7 Knipp, Julian K Kuper, J B Horner 1948 21 1990-01-27 00 2002-04-12 BATCH m 198604 BOOK eng 621.313 621.382.333.33 Draper, Alec Electrical machines 2nd ed London Longmans 1967 404 p Electrical engineering series 1967 21 1990-01-27 00 2002-04-12 BATCH m 198604 BOOK 1563964554 eng 539.1.078 539.143.44 621.384.8 Quadrupole mass spectrometry and its applications Amsterdam North-Holland 1976 ed. Dawson, Peter H 368 p 1976 21 1990-01-27 00 2002-04-12 BATCH m 198604 BOOK 2225350574 fre 518.5:62.01 Dasse, Michel Analyse informatique t.1 Les preliminaires Paris Masson 1972 Informatique 1972 21 1990-01-27 00 2002-04-12 BATCH m 198604 BOOK 2225350574 fre 518.5:62.01 Dasse, Michel Analyse informatique t.2 L'accomplissement Paris Masson 1972 Informatique 1972 21 1990-01-27 00 2002-04-12 BATCH m 198604 BOOK 0023506709 eng 519.2 Harshbarger, Thad R Introductory statistics a decision map 2nd ed New York, NY Macmillan 1977 597 p 1977 21 1990-01-27 00 2002-04-12 BATCH m 198604 BOOK eng 519.2 Fry, Thornton C Bell Teleph Labs Probability and its engineering uses Princeton, NJ Van Nostrand 1928 490 p Bell Teleph Lab. Ser. 1928 21 1990-01-27 00 2002-04-12 BATCH m 198606 BOOK 0720421039 eng 517.11 Kleene, Stephen Cole University of Wisconsin Introduction to metamathematics Amsterdam North-Holland 1952 (repr.1964.) 560 p Bibl. Matematica 1 1952 21 1990-01-27 00 2002-04-12 BATCH m 198606 BOOK eng 621.38 Hughes, Robert James Introduction to electronics London English Univ. Press 1962 432 p 65/0938, Blair, W/PE, pp Pipe, Peter 1962 21 1990-01-27 50 2002-04-12 BATCH m 198606 BOOK eng 519.2 518.5:519.2 Burford, Roger L Indiana University Statistics a computer approach Columbus, OH Merrill 1968 814 p 1968 21 1990-01-27 00 2002-04-12 BATCH m 198606 BOOK 0471155039 eng 539.1.075 Chiang, Hai Hung Basic nuclear electronics New York, NY Wiley 1969 354 p 1969 21 1990-01-27 00 2002-04-12 BATCH m 198606 BOOK eng 621-5 Dransfield, Peter Engineering systems and automatic control Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall 1968 432 p 1968 21 1990-01-27 00 2002-04-12 BATCH m 198606 BOOK 0387940758 eng 537.52 Electrical breakdown in gases London Macmillan 1973 ed. Rees, J A 303 p 1973 21 1990-01-27 00 2002-04-12 BATCH m 198606 BOOK eng Tavanapong, W University of Central Florida A High-performance Video Browsing System Orlando, FL Central Florida Univ. 1999 dir. Hua, K A 172 p No fulltext Not held by the library Ph.D. : Univ. Central Florida : 1999 Recent advances in multimedia processing technologies, internetworking technologies, and the World Wide Web phenomenon have resulted in a vast creation and use of digital videos in all kinds of applications ranging fromentertainment, business solutions, to education. Designing efficient techniques for searching and retrieving videos over the networks becomes increasingly more important as future applications will include a huge volume of multimediacontent. One practical approach to search for a video segment is as follows. Step 1: Apply an initial search to determine the set of candidate videos. Step 2: Browse the candidates to identify the relevant videos. Step 3: Searchwithin the relevant videos for interesting video segments. In practice, a user might have to iterate through these steps multiple times in order to locate the desired video segments. Independently, database researchers have beeninvestigating techniques for the initial search in Step 1. Multimedia researchers have proposed several techniques for video browsing in Step 2. Computer communications researchers have been investigating video delivery techniques. Iidentify that searching for video data is an interactive process which involves the transmission of video data. Developing techniques for each step independently could result in a system with less performance. In this dissertation, Ipresent a unified approach taking into accounts all fundamental characteristics of multimedia data. I evaluated the proposed techniques through both simulation and system implementation. The resulting system is less expensive andoffers better performance. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed technique can offer video browsing and search operations with little delays and with minimum storage overhead at the server. Client machines can handletheir search operations without involving the server making the design more scalable, which is vital for large systems deployed over the Internet. The implemented system shows that the visual quality of the browsing and the searchoperations are excellent. PROQUEST200009 SzGeCERN Computing and Computers THESIS notheld 1999 14 2000-09-22 00 2002-02-22 BATCH PROQUEST 9923724 PROQUEST DAI-B60/03p1177Sep1999 n 200034 THESIS eng Teshome, D California State Univ Neural Networks For Speech Recognition Of A Phonetic Language Long Beach, CA Calif. State Univ. 1999 55 p No fulltext Not held by the library Ms : California State Univ. : 1999 The goal of this thesis is to explore a possibility for a viable alternative/replacement to the Amharic typewriter. Amharic is the national language of Ethiopia. It is one of the oldest languages in the world. Actually, the root-language of Amharic, called Geez, is a descendent of Sabean, which is the direct ancestor of all Semitic languages including English. A phonetic language with 276 phonemes/characters, Amharic has posed quite a challenge to those who,like the author of this thesis, have attempted to design an easy-to-use word processor that interfaces with the conventional keyboard. With current Amharic word processing software, each character requires an average of threekeystrokes thus making typing Amharic literature quite a task. This thesis researches the feasibility of developing a PC-based speech recognition system to recognize the spoken phonemes of the Amharic language. Artificial NeuralNetworks are used for the recognition of spoken alphabets that form Amharic words. A neural network with feed-forward architecture is trained with a series of alphabets and is evaluated on its ability to recognize subsequent testdata. The neural network used in this project is a static classification network; that is, it focuses on the frequency domain of speech while making no attempt to process temporal information. The network training procedure uses thegeneralized Delta Rule. The recognition system developed in this project is an Isolated Speech Recognition System. The approach taken is to recognize the spoken word character by character. This approach is expected to work well dueto the phonetic nature of Amharic. PROQUEST200009 SzGeCERN Computing and Computers THESIS notheld 1999 14 2000-09-22 00 2002-02-22 BATCH PROQUEST 1397120 PROQUEST MAI38/02p448Apr2000 n 200034 THESIS eng Topcuoglu, H R Syracuse Univ. Scheduling Task Graphs In Heterogeneous Computing Environments Syracuse, NY Syracuse Univ. 1999 dir. Hariri, S 126 p No fulltext Not held by the library Ph.D. : Syracuse Univ. : 1999 Efficient application scheduling is critical for achieving high performance in heterogeneous computing environments. An application is represented by a directed acyclic graph (DAG) whose nodes represent tasks and whose edgesrepresent communication messages and precedence constraints among the tasks. The general task-scheduling problem maps the tasks of an application on processors and orders their execution so that task precedence requirements aresatisfied and a minimum schedule length is obtained. The task-scheduling problem has been shown to be NP- complete in general cases as well as in several restricted cases. Although a large number of scheduling heuristics arepresented in the literature, most of them target homogeneous processors. Existing algorithms for heterogeneous processors are not generally efficient because of their high complexity and the quality of their results. This thesisstudies the scheduling of DAG-structured application tasks on heterogeneous domains. We develop two novel low-complexity and efficient scheduling algorithms for bounded number of heterogeneous processors, the HeterogeneousEarliest-Finish-Time (HEFT) algorithm and the Critical-Path-on-a-Processor (CPOP) algorithm. The experimental work presented in this thesis shows that these algorithms significantly surpass previous approaches in terms of performance(schedule length ratio, speed-up, and frequency of best results) and cost (running time and time complexity). Our experimental work includes randomly generated graphs and graphs deducted from real applications. As part of thecomparison study, a parametric graph generator is introduced to generate graphs with various characteristics. We also present a further optimization of the HEFT Algorithm by introducing alternative methods for task prioritizing andprocessor selection phases. A novel processor selection policy based on the earliest finish time of the critical child task improves the performance of the HEFT algorithm. Several strategies for selecting the critical child task of agiven task are presented. This thesis addresses embedding the task scheduling algorithms into an application-development environment for distributed resources. An analytical model is introduced for setting the computation costs oftasks and communication costs of edges of a graph. As part of the design framework of our application development environment, a novel, two-phase, distributed scheduling algorithm is presented for scheduling an application overwide-area distributed resources. PROQUEST200009 SzGeCERN Computing and Computers THESIS notheld 1999 14 2000-09-22 00 2002-02-08 BATCH PROQUEST 9946509 PROQUEST DAI-B60/09p4718Mar2000 n 200034 THESIS spa Trespalacios-Mantilla, J H Puerto Rico Univ. Software De Apoyo Educativo Al Concepto De Funcion En Precalculo I (spanish Text) Rio Piedras Puerto Rico Univ. 1999 dir. Monroy, H 64 p No fulltext Not held by the library Ms : Univ. Puerto Rico : 1999 This thesis reports on the evaluation of the use of an educational software, designed to improve student's learning of the concept of mathematical function. The students in the study were registered in Precalculus I at theUniversity of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus. The educational software allows the practice of changing the representation of a function among tabular, analytic, and graphical representations. To carry the evaluation, 59 students wereselected and were divided in two groups: control and experimental. Both groups received the 'traditional' classroom lectures on the topic. The experimental group, in addition, was allowed to practice with the educational software. Tomeasure their performance and the effect of the educational software, two tests were given: a pre-test and a post-test. The results of this study shows that the experimental group improved significantly more than the control group,thus demonstrating the validity of the educational software in the learning of the concept of mathematical function. PROQUEST200009 SzGeCERN Computing and Computers THESIS notheld 1999 14 2000-09-22 00 2002-02-08 BATCH PROQUEST 1395476 PROQUEST MAI37/06p1890Dec1999 n 200034 THESIS 0612382052 fre Troudi, N Laval Univ. Systeme Multiagent Pour Les Environnements Riches En Informations (french Text) Laval Laval Univ. 1999 dir. Chaib-Draa, B 101 p No fulltext Not held by the library Msc : Universite Laval : 1999 La croissance du Web est spectaculaire, puisqu'on estime aujourd'hui a plus de 50 millions, le nombre de pages sur le Web qui ne demandent qu'a etre consultees. Un simple calcul montre qu'en consacrant ne serait-ce qu'une minute parpage, il faudrait environ 95 ans pour consulter toutes ces pages. L'utilisation d'une strategie de recherche est donc vitale. Dans ce cadre, de nombreux outils de recherche ont ete proposes. Ces outils appeles souvent moteurs derecherche se sont averes aujourd'hui incapables de fournir de l'aide aux utilisateurs. Les raisons principales a cela sont les suivantes: (1) La nature ouverte de l'Internet: aucune supervision centrale ne s'applique quant audeveloppement d'Internet, puisque toute personne qui desire l'utiliser et/ou offrir des informations est libre de le faire; (2) La nature dynamique des informations: les informations qui ne sont pas disponibles aujourd'hui peuventl'etre demain et inversement; (3) La nature heterogene de l'information: l'information est offerte sous plusieurs formats et de plusieurs facons, compliquant ainsi la recherche automatique de l'information. Devant ce constat, ilsemble important de chercher de nouvelles solutions pour aider l'utilisateur dans sa recherche d'informations. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) PROQUEST200009 SzGeCERN Computing and Computers THESIS notheld 1999 14 2000-09-22 00 2002-02-08 BATCH PROQUEST MQ38205 PROQUEST MAI37/06p1890Dec1999 n 200034 THESIS eng LBL-22304 Manes, J L Calif. Univ. Berkeley Anomalies in quantum field theory and differential geometry Berkeley, CA Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab. Apr 1986 76 p Thesis : Calif. Univ. Berkeley SzGeCERN General Theoretical Physics bibliography REPORT THESIS 1986 14 1990-01-29 50 2002-03-22 BATCH SLAC 1594192 h 198650n THESIS eng LBL-21916 Ingermanson, R Calif. Univ. Berkeley Accelerating the loop expansion Berkeley, CA Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab. Jul 1986 96 p Thesis : Calif. Univ. Berkeley SzGeCERN General Theoretical Physics bibliography REPORT THESIS 1986 14 1990-01-29 50 2002-03-22 BATCH SLAC 1594184 h 198650n THESIS eng LBL-28106 Bertsche, K J Calif. Univ. Berkeley A small low energy cyclotron for radioisotope measurements Berkeley, CA Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab. Nov 1989 155 p Thesis : Calif. Univ. Berkeley SzGeCERN Accelerators and Storage Rings bibliography REPORT THESIS 14 1989 1990-02-28 50 2002-03-22 BATCH h 199010n THESIS gr-qc/0204045 eng Khalatnikov, I M L D Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences Comment about quasiisotropic solution of Einstein equations near cosmological singularity 12 Apr 2002 7 p We generalize for the case of arbitrary hydrodynamical matter the quasiisotropic solution of Einstein equations near cosmological singularity, found by Lifshitz and Khalatnikov in 1960 for the case of radiation-dominated universe. Itis shown that this solution always exists, but dependence of terms in the quasiisotropic expansion acquires a more complicated form. LANL EDS SzGeCERN General Relativity and Cosmology Kamenshchik, A Y Alexander Kamenshchik <sasha.kamenshchik@centrovolta.it> http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0204045.pdf http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0204045.ps.gz CER n 200231 2002 11 2002-04-15 00 2002-04-15 BATCH PREPRINT [1] Lifshitz E M and Khalatnikov I M 1960 149 Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 39 1960 Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 39 (1960) 149 [2] Lifshitz E M and Khalatnikov I M 1964 Sov. Phys. Uspekhi 6 495 [3] Landau L D and Lifshitz E M 1979 The Classical Theory of Fields (Perg-amon Press) [4] Starobinsky A A 1986 Stochastic De Sitter (inflationary stage) in the early universe in Field Theory, Quantum Gravity and Strings, (Eds. H.J. De Vega and N. Sanchez, Springer-Verlag, Berlin) 107; Linde A D 1990 Particle Physics and Inflationary Cosmology (Harward Academic Publishers, New York) [5] Banks T and Fischler W 2001 M theory observables for cosmolog-ical space-times hep-th/0102077 An Holographic Cosmology hep-th/0111142 [6] Perlmutter S J et al 1999 565 Astrophys. J. 517 1999 Astrophys. J. 517 (1999) 565 Riess A et al 1998 1009 Astron. J. 116 1998 Astron. J. 116 (1998) 1009 [7] Sahni V and Starobinsky A A 2000 373 Int. J. Mod. Phys., D 9 2000 Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 9 (2000) 373 gr-qc/0204046 eng Bento, M C CERN Supergravity Inflation on the Brane 12 Apr 2002 5 p We study N=1 Supergravity inflation in the context of the braneworld scenario. Particular attention is paid to the problem of the onset of inflation at sub-Planckian field values and the ensued inflationary observables. We find thatthe so-called $\eta$-problem encountered in supergravity inspired inflationary models can be solved in the context of the braneworld scenario, for some range of the parameters involved. Furthermore, we obtain an upper bound on thescale of the fifth dimension, $M_5 \lsim 10^{-3} M_P$, in case the inflationary potential is quadratic in the inflaton field, $\phi$. If the inflationary potential is cubic in $\phi$, consistency with observational data requires that$M_5 \simeq 9.2 \times 10^{-4} M_P$. LANL EDS SzGeCERN General Relativity and Cosmology Bertolami, O Sen, A A Maria da Conceicao Bento <bento@sirius.ist.utl.pt> http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0204046.pdf http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0204046.ps.gz 2002 11 2002-04-15 00 2002-04-15 BATCH n 200216 PREPRINT hep-th/0204098 eng Alhaidari, A D King Fadh University Reply to 'Comment on "Solution of the Relativistic Dirac-Morse Problem"' 11 Apr 2002 This combines a reply to the Comment [hep-th/0203067 v1] by A. N. Vaidya and R. de L. Rodrigues with an erratum to our Letter [Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 210405 (2001)] LANL EDS SzGeCERN Particle Physics - Theory A. D. Alhaidari <haidari@kfupm.edu.sa> http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0204098.pdf http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0204098.ps.gz 2002 11 2002-04-15 00 2002-04-15 BATCH n 200216 PREPRINT hep-th/0204099 eng CU-TP-1043 Easther, R Columbia Univ. Cosmological String Gas on Orbifolds Irvington-on-Hudson, NY Columbia Univ. Dept. Phys. 12 Apr 2002 14 p It has long been known that strings wound around incontractible cycles can play a vital role in cosmology. In particular, in a spacetime with toroidal spatial hypersurfaces, the dynamics of the winding modes may help yield threelarge spatial dimensions. However, toroidal compactifications are phenomenologically unrealistic. In this paper we therefore take a first step toward extending these cosmological considerations to $D$-dimensional toroidal orbifolds.We use numerical simulation to study the timescales over which "pseudo-wound" strings unwind on these orbifolds with trivial fundamental group. We show that pseudo-wound strings can persist for many ``Hubble times'' in some of thesespaces, suggesting that they may affect the dynamics in the same way as genuinely wound strings. We also outline some possible extensions that include higher-dimensional wrapped branes. LANL EDS SzGeCERN Particle Physics - Theory Greene, B R Jackson, M G M. G. Jackson <markj@phys.columbia.edu> http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0204099.pdf http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0204099.ps.gz CER n 200231 2002 11 Easther, Richard Greene, Brian R. Jackson, Mark G. 2002-04-15 00 2002-04-15 BATCH PREPRINT [1] R. Brandenberger and C. Vafa 391 Nucl. Phys., B 316 1989 Nucl. Phys. B 316 (1989) 391 [2] A. A. Tseytlin and C. Vafa 443 Nucl. Phys., B 372 1992 Nucl. Phys. B 372 (1992) 443 hep-th/9109048 [3] M. Sakellariadou 319 Nucl. Phys., B 468 1996 Nucl. Phys. B 468 (1996) 319 hep-th/9511075 [4] A. G. Smith and A. Vilenkin 990 Phys. Rev., D 36 1987 Phys. Rev. D 36 (1987) 990 [5] R. Brandenberger, D. A. Easson and D. Kimberly 421 Nucl. Phys., B 623 2002 Nucl. Phys. B 623 (2002) 421 hep-th/0109165 [6] B. R. Greene, A. D. Shapere, C. Vafa, and S. T. Yau 1 Nucl. Phys., B 337 1990 Nucl. Phys. B 337 (1990) 1 [7] L. Dixon, J. Harvey, C. 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The dominant contribution to the conductivity comes from photons and Nambu-Goldstone bosons associated with breaking of baryon numberwhich are trapped in the quark core. Because of their very large mean free path the conductivity is also very large. The cooling of the quark core arises mostly from the heat flux across the surface of direct contact with the nuclearmatter. As the thermal conductivity of the neighboring layer is also high, the whole interior of the star should be nearly isothermal. Our results imply that the cooling time of compact stars with color-flavor locked quark cores issimilar to that of ordinary neutron stars. LANL EDS SzGeCERN Particle Physics - Phenomenology Ellis, P J Igor Shovkovy <shovkovy@physics.umn.edu> http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0204132.pdf http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0204132.ps.gz CER n 200231 2002 11 Shovkovy, Igor A. Ellis, Paul J. 2002-04-15 00 2002-04-15 BATCH PREPRINT [1] J.C. 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A salient feature of these models is that the CP phases are constrained to be very small by thehierarchy of the quark masses, and the pattern of CKM mixing angles. This leads to a small amount of CP violation from the usual KM mechanism and a significant contribution from supersymmetry is required. Due to the large generationmixing in some of the supersymmetric interactions, the electric dipole moments impose severe constraints on the parameter space, forcing the trilinear couplings to be factorizable in matrix form. We find that the LL mass insertionsgive the dominant gluino contribution to saturate epsilon_K. The chargino contributions to epsilon'/epsilon are significant and can accommodate the experimental results. In this framework, the standard model gives a negligiblecontribution to the CP asymmetry in B-meson decay, a_{J/\psi K_s}. However, due to supersymmetric contributions to B_d-\bar{B}_d mixing, the recent large value of a_{J/\psi K_s} can be accommodated. 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LANL EDS SzGeCERN Particle Physics - Theory Brett McInnes <matmcinn@nus.edu.sg> http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0003291.pdf http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0003291.ps.gz 2000 13 Innes, Brett Mc 2000-04-03 50 2001-11-09 BATCH 025 J. High Energy Phys. 05 2000 SLAC 4356136 n 200014 ARTICLE SCAN-9605071 eng KEK-Preprint-95-196 TUAT-HEP-96-1 DPNU-96-04 Emi, K KEK Study of a dE/dx measurement and the gas-gain saturation by a prototype drift chamber for the BELLE-CDC Tsukuba KEK Jan 1996 20 p UNC9806 SzGeCERN Detectors and Experimental Techniques Tsukamoto, T Hirano, H Mamada, H Sakai, Y Uno, S Itami, S Kajikawa, R Nitoh, O Ohishi, N Sugiyama, A Suzuki, S Takahashi, T Tamagawa, Y Tomoto, M Yamaki, T library@kekvax.kek.jp http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/convert_SCAN-9605071.pdf http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/SCAN-9605071.tif 1996 13 1996-05-08 50 2001-12-14 BATCH 225 2 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 379 1996 SLAC 3328660 h 199620 ARTICLE hep-th/0003293 eng Smailagic, A University of Osijek Higher Dimensional Schwinger-like Anomalous Effective Action We construct explicit form of the anomalous effective action, in arbitrary even dimension, for Abelian vector and axial gauge fields coupled to Dirac fermions. It turns out to be a surprisingly simple extension of 2D Schwinger modeleffective action. LANL EDS LANLPUBL200104 SzGeCERN Particle Physics - Theory Spallucci, E spallucci@ts.infn.it http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0003293.pdf http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0003293.ps.gz CER n 200231 2000 13 2000-04-03 50 2001-11-09 BATCH 045010 Phys. Rev., D 62 2000 SLAC 4356152 ARTICLE [1] S.L. Adler 2426 Phys. Rev. 177 1969 Phys. Rev. 177 (1969) 2426 [2] S.E.Treiman, R. 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The propertiesof quasinormal modes for $l>0$ have also been studied. LANL EDS LANLPUBL200104 SzGeCERN Particle Physics - Theory Lin, C Y Abdalla, E Elcio Abdalla <eabdalla@fma.if.usp.br> http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0003295.pdf http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0003295.ps.gz http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0003295.fig1.ps.gz Additional http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0003295.fig2.ps.gz Additional http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0003295.fig3.ps.gz Additional http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0003295.fig4.ps.gz Additional http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0003295.fig5.ps.gz Additional http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0003295.fig6a.ps.gz Additional http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0003295.fig6b.ps.gz Additional http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0003295.fig7.ps.gz Additional CER n 200231 2000 13 Wang, Bin Lin, Chi-Yong Abdalla, Elcio 2000-04-03 50 2001-11-09 BATCH 79-88 Phys. 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Пред ним широко<br /> Река неслася; бедный чёлн<br /> По ней стремился одиноко. <br /> По мшистым, топким берегам<br /> Чернели избы здесь и там, <br /> Приют убогого чухонца; <br /> И лес, неведомый лучам<br /> В тумане спрятанного солнца, <br /> Кругом шумел. 1833 1990-01-27 00 2002-04-12 BATCH POETRY gre Καβάφης, Κ Π Ιθάκη <!--HTML-->Σα βγεις στον πηγαιμό για την Ιθάκη, <br /> να εύχεσαι νάναι μακρύς ο δρόμος, <br /> γεμάτος περιπέτειες, γεμάτος γνώσεις. <br/> Τους Λαιστρυγόνας και τους Κύκλωπας, <br /> τον θυμωμένο Ποσειδώνα μη φοβάσαι, <br /> τέτοια στον δρόμο σου ποτέ σου δεν θα βρείς, <br /> αν μέν' η σκέψις σου υψηλή, αν εκλεκτή<br /> συγκίνησις το πνεύμα και το σώμα σου αγγίζει. <br /> Τους Λαιστρυγόνας και τους Κύκλωπας, <br /> τον άγριο Ποσειδώνα δεν θα συναντήσεις, <br /> αν δεν τους κουβανείς μες στην ψυχή σου, <br /> αν η ψυχή σου δεν τους στήνει εμπρός σου. <br /> <br> Να εύχεσαι νάναι μακρύς ο δρόμος. <br /> Πολλά τα καλοκαιρινά πρωϊά να είναι<br /> που με τι ευχαρίστησι, με τι χαρά<br /> θα μπαίνεις σε λιμένας πρωτοειδωμένους· <br /> να σταματήσεις σ' εμπορεία Φοινικικά, <br /> και τες καλές πραγμάτειες ν' αποκτήσεις, <br /> σεντέφια και κοράλλια, κεχριμπάρια κ' έβενους, <br /> και ηδονικά μυρωδικά κάθε λογής, <br /> όσο μπορείς πιο άφθονα ηδονικά μυρωδικά· <br /> σε πόλεις Αιγυπτιακές πολλές να πας, <br /> να μάθεις και να μάθεις απ' τους σπουδασμένους. <br /> <br /> Πάντα στον νου σου νάχεις την Ιθάκη. <br/> Το φθάσιμον εκεί είν' ο προορισμός σου. <br /> Αλλά μη βιάζεις το ταξίδι διόλου. <br /> Καλλίτερα χρόνια πολλά να διαρκέσει· <br /> και γέρος πια ν' αράξεις στο νησί, <br /> πλούσιος με όσα κέρδισες στον δρόμο, <br /> μη προσδοκώντας πλούτη να σε δώσει η Ιθάκη. <br /> <br /> Η Ιθάκη σ' έδωσε το ωραίο ταξίδι. <br /> Χωρίς αυτήν δεν θάβγαινες στον δρόμο. <br /> Αλλο δεν έχει να σε δώσει πια. <br /> <br /> Κι αν πτωχική την βρεις, η Ιθάκη δεν σε γέλασε. <br /> Ετσι σοφός που έγινες, με τόση πείρα, <br /> ήδη θα το κατάλαβες η Ιθάκες τι σημαίνουν. 1911 2005-03-02 00 2005-03-02 BATCH POETRY SzGeCERN 2345180CERCER SLAC 5278333 hep-th/0210114 eng Klebanov, Igor R Princeton University AdS Dual of the Critical O(N) Vector Model 2002 11 Oct 2002 11 p We suggest a general relation between theories of infinite number of higher-spin massless gauge fields in $AdS_{d+1}$ and large $N$ conformal theories in $d$ dimensions containing $N$-component vector fields. In particular, we propose that the singlet sector of the well-known critical 3-d O(N) model with the $(\phi^a \phi^a)^2$ interaction is dual, in the large $N$ limit, to the minimal bosonic theory in $AdS_4$ containing massless gauge fields of even spin. LANL EDS SIS LANLPUBL2003 SIS:2003 PR/LKR added SzGeCERN Particle Physics - Theory ARTICLE LANL EDS High Energy Physics - Theory Polyakov, A M 213-219 Phys. Lett. B 550 2002 http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0210114.pdf http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0210114.ps.gz klebanov@feynman.princeton.edu n 200242 13 20060826 0012 CER01 20021014 PUBLIC 002345180CER ARTICLE [1] G.’t Hooft, "A planar diagram theory for strong interactions," Nucl. Phys. B 72 (1974) 461 [2] A.M. Polyakov, "String theory and quark confinement," Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 68 (1998) 1 hep-th/9711002 [2] "The wall of the cave," hep-th/9809057 [3] J. 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LANL EDS SIS ING2002 SIS:2002 PR/LKR added SzGeCERN Particle Physics - Theory ARTICLE LANL EDS High Energy Physics - Theory 301-304 3-4 Phys. Lett. B 531 2002 http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0201100.pdf http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0201100.ps.gz wolfgang.mueck@na.infn.it n 200204 13 20060826 0008 CER01 20020128 PUBLIC 002292727CER ARTICLE [1] E. Witten, hep-th/0112258 [2] S. S. Gubser, I. R. Klebanov and A. M. Polyakov, Phys. Lett. B 428 (1998) 105 hep-th/9802109 [3] E. Witten, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 2 (1998) 253 hep-th/9802150 [4] P. Breitenlohner and D. Z. Freedman, Ann. Phys. (San Diego) 144 (1982) 249 [5] I. R. Klebanov and E. Witten, Nucl. Phys. B 556 (1999) 89 hep-th/9905104 [6] W. Mück and K. S. Viswanathan, Phys. Rev. D 60 (1999) 081901 hep-th/9906155 [7] W. Mück, Nucl. Phys. B 620 (2002) 477 hep-th/0105270 [8] M. Bianchi, D. Z. Freedman and K. Skenderis, J. High Energy Phys. 08 (2001) 041 hep-th/0105276 CDS Invenio/ refextract/ SzGeCERN 2307939CERCER SLAC 4923022 hep-th/0205061 eng DSF-2002-11 QMUL-PH-2002-11 Martelli, D University of London Holographic Renormalization and Ward Identities with the Hamilton-Jacobi Method 2003 Napoli Napoli Univ. 7 May 2002 31 p A systematic procedure for performing holographic renormalization, which makes use of the Hamilton-Jacobi method, is proposed and applied to a bulk theory of gravity interacting with a scalar field and a U(1) gauge field in the Stueckelberg formalism. We describe how the power divergences are obtained as solutions of a set of "descent equations" stemming from the radial Hamiltonian constraint of the theory. In addition, we isolate the logarithmic divergences, which are closely related to anomalies. The method allows to determine also the exact one-point functions of the dual field theory. Using the other Hamiltonian constraints of the bulk theory, we derive the Ward identities for diffeomorphisms and gauge invariance. In particular, we demonstrate the breaking of U(1)_R current conservation, recovering the holographic chiral anomaly recently discussed in hep-th/0112119 and hep-th/0202056. LANL EDS SIS LANLPUBL2004 SIS:2004 PR/LKR added SzGeCERN Particle Physics - Theory ARTICLE LANL EDS High Energy Physics - Theory Mück, W Martelli, Dario Mueck, Wolfgang 248-276 Nucl. Phys. B 654 2003 http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0205061.pdf http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0205061.ps.gz d.martelli@qmul.ac.uk n 200219 13 20060823 0005 CER01 20020508 PUBLIC 002307939CER ARTICLE [1] J. M. Maldacena, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 2 (1998) 231 hep-th/9711200 [2] S. S. Gubser, I. R. Klebanov and A. M. Polyakov, Phys. Lett. B 428 (1998) 105 hep-th/9802109 [3] E. Witten, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 2 (1998) 253 hep-th/9802150 [4] E. D’Hoker and D. Z. 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As for the fuzzy four sphere, these Matrix algebras contain more degrees of freedom than the sphere itself and the full set of variables has a geometrical description in terms of a higher dimensional coset. The fuzzy $S^{2k-1} $ is related to a higher dimensional coset $ {SO(2k) \over U(1) \times U(k-1)}$. These cosets are bundles where base and fibre are hermitian symmetric spaces. The detailed form of the generators and relations for the Matrix algebras related to the fuzzy three-spheres suggests Matrix actions which admit the fuzzy spheres as solutions. These Matrix actions are compared with the BFSS, IKKT and BMN Matrix models as well as some others. The geometry and combinatorics of fuzzy odd spheres lead to some remarks on the transverse five-brane problem of Matrix theories and the exotic scaling of the entropy of 5-branes with the brane number. 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Phys. 26 Sep 2002 31 p We argue that perturbative quantum field theory and string theory can be consistently modified in the infrared to eliminate, in a radiatively stable manner, tadpole instabilities that arise after supersymmetry breaking. This is achieved by deforming the propagators of classically massless scalar fields and the graviton so as to cancel the contribution of their zero modes. In string theory, this modification of propagators is accomplished by perturbatively deforming the world-sheet action with bi-local operators similar to those that arise in double-trace deformations of AdS/CFT. This results in a perturbatively finite and unitary S-matrix (in the case of string theory, this claim depends on standard assumptions about unitarity in covariant string diagrammatics). The S-matrix is parameterized by arbitrary scalar VEVs, which exacerbates the vacuum degeneracy problem. 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For SS twists different from Z2 we always find, for both orbifolds and orientifolds, a monotonic $\rho(R)<0$, eventually driving the system to a tachyonic instability. For Z2 twists, orientifold models can have a different behavior, leading either to a runaway decompactification limit or to a negative minimum at a finite value R_0. The last possibility is obtained for a 4D chiral orientifold model where a more accurate but yet preliminary analysis seems to indicate that $R_0\to \infty$ or towards the tachyonic instability, as the dependence on the other geometric moduli is included. LANL EDS SIS LANLPUBL2003 SIS:2003 PR/LKR added SzGeCERN Particle Physics - Theory ARTICLE LANL EDS High Energy Physics - Theory Serone, M Trapletti, M 85-108 Nucl. Phys. 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Our main result is a universal expression for the difference of the scale anomalies between the ultraviolet and infrared fixed points, which is of order 1 in the large N expansion. Our computations are entirely field theoretic, and the results are shown to agree with predictions from AdS/CFT. We also remark that a certain two-point function can be computed for all energy scales on both sides of the duality, with full agreement between the two and no scheme dependence. LANL EDS SIS LANLPUBL2004 SIS:2004 PR/LKR added SzGeCERN Particle Physics - Theory ARTICLE LANL EDS High Energy Physics - Theory Klebanov, Igor R Gubser, Steven S. Klebanov, Igor R. 23-36 Nucl. Phys. 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In this paper, we show that the dual interpretation of this fact is that all fields of spin s>2 in AdS_4 become massive by a Higgs mechanism, that leaves the spin-2 field massless. We identify the Higgs field and show how it relates to the RG flow connecting the two CFTs, which is induced by a double trace deformation. LANL EDS SIS LANLPUBL2004 SIS:2004 PR/LKR added SzGeCERN Particle Physics - Theory ARTICLE LANL EDS High Energy Physics - Theory Porrati, Massimo Zaffaroni, A 289-293 Phys. Lett. B 561 2003 http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0212181.pdf http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0212181.ps.gz alberto.zaffaroni@mib.infn.it n 200251 13 20060823 0007 CER01 20021217 PUBLIC 002356302CER ARTICLE [1] D. Francia and A. Sagnotti, Phys. Lett. B 543 (2002) 303 hep-th/0207002 [1] P. Haggi-Mani and B. Sundborg, J. High Energy Phys. 0004 (2000) 031 hep-th/0002189 [1] B. Sundborg, Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 102 (2001) 113 hep-th/0103247 [1] E. 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The holographic RG is based on the idea that the radial coordinate of a space-time with asymptotically AdS geometry can be identified with the RG flow parameter of the boundary field theory. After briefly discussing basic aspects of the AdS/CFT correspondence, we explain how the notion of the holographic RG comes out in the AdS/CFT correspondence. We formulate the holographic RG based on the Hamilton-Jacobi equations for bulk systems of gravity and scalar fields, as was introduced by de Boer, Verlinde and Verlinde. We then show that the equations can be solved with a derivative expansion by carefully extracting local counterterms from the generating functional of the boundary field theory. The calculational methods to obtain the Weyl anomaly and scaling dimensions are presented and applied to the RG flow from the N=4 SYM to an N=1 superconformal fixed point discovered by Leigh and Strassler. We further discuss a relation between the holographic RG and the noncritical string theory, and show that the structure of the holographic RG should persist beyond the supergravity approximation as a consequence of the renormalizability of the nonlinear sigma model action of noncritical strings. As a check, we investigate the holographic RG structure of higher-derivative gravity systems, and show that such systems can also be analyzed based on the Hamilton-Jacobi equations, and that the behaviour of bulk fields are determined solely by their boundary values. We also point out that higher-derivative gravity systems give rise to new multicritical points in the parameter space of the boundary field theories. LANL EDS SIS INIS2004 SIS LANLPUBL2004 SIS:2004 PR/LKR added SzGeCERN Particle Physics - Theory ARTICLE LANL EDS High Energy Physics - Theory Matsuura, S Sakai, T Fukuma, Masafumi Matsuura, So Sakai, Tadakatsu 489-562 Prog. Theor. 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In such theories the cosmological evolution gets dramatically modified at the crossover scale, usually exhibiting a "self-accelerated" expansion, which can be differentiated from more conventional "dark energy" scenarios by precision cosmology. However, unlike the latter scenarios, theories of modified-gravity are extremely constrained (and potentially testable) by the precision gravitational measurements at much shorter scales. Despite the presence of extra polarizations of graviton, the theory is compatible with observations, since the naive perturbative expansion in Newton's constant breaks down at a certain intermediate scale. This happens because the extra polarizations have couplings singular in $1/r_c$. However, the correctly resummed non-linear solutions are regular and exhibit continuous Einsteinian limit. 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Quantum Gravity 20 (2003) R145 hep-th/0212256 CDS Invenio/ refextract/ SzGeCERN 20060713170102.0 hep-th/0606038 eng DESY-06-083 DESY-2006-083 Papadimitriou, I DESY Non-Supersymmetric Membrane Flows from Fake Supergravity and Multi-Trace Deformations 2007 Hamburg DESY 5 Jun 2006 45 p We use fake supergravity as a solution generating technique to obtain a continuum of non-supersymmetric asymptotically $AdS_4\times S^7$ domain wall solutions of eleven-dimensional supergravity with non-trivial scalars in the $SL(8,\mathbb{R})/SO(8)$ coset. These solutions are continuously connected to the supersymmetric domain walls describing a uniform sector of the Coulomb branch of the $M2$-brane theory. We also provide a general argument that identifies the fake superpotential with the exact large-N quantum effective potential of the dual theory, thus arriving at a very general description of multi-trace deformations in the AdS/CFT correspondence, which strongly motivates further study of fake supergravity as a solution generating method. This identification allows us to interpret our non-supersymmetric solutions as a family of marginal triple-trace deformations of the Coulomb branch that completely break supersymmetry and to calculate the exact large-N anomalous dimensions of the operators involved. The holographic one- and two-point functions for these solutions are also computed. LANL EDS SIS JHEP2007 SIS:200703 PR/LKR added SzGeCERN Particle Physics - Theory ARTICLE LANL EDS High Energy Physics - Theory Papadimitriou, Ioannis 008 J. 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LANL EDS SIS JHEP2007 SIS:200702 PR/LKR added SzGeCERN Particle Physics - Theory ARTICLE LANL EDS High Energy Physics - Theory Musiri, S Papantonopoulos, E Siopsis, G Koutsoumbas, George Musiri, Suphot Papantonopoulos, Eleftherios Siopsis, George 006 J. High Energy Phys. 10 2006 http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0606096.pdf n 200624 13 20070425 1021 CER01 20060613 PUBLIC 002628325CER ARTICLE [1] K. D. Kokkotas and B. G. Schmidt, Living Rev. Relativ. 2 (1999) 2 gr-qc/9909058 [2] H.-P. Nollert, Class. Quantum Gravity 16 (1999) R159 [3] J. S. F. Chan and R. B. Mann, Phys. Rev. D 55 (1997) 7546 gr-qc/9612026 [3] Phys. Rev. D 59 (1999) 064025 [4] G. T. Horowitz and V. E. Hubeny, Phys. Rev. D 62 (2000) 024027 hep-th/9909056 [5] V. Cardoso and J. P. S. Lemos, Phys. Rev. D 64 (2001) 084017 gr-qc/0105103 [6] B. Wang, C. Y. Lin and E. Abdalla, Phys. Lett. B 481 (2000) 79 hep-th/0003295 [7] E. Berti and K. D. Kokkotas, Phys. Rev. D 67 (2003) 064020 gr-qc/0301052 [8] F. 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Rev. D 56 (1997) 3600 gr-qc/9705012 [20] D. Birmingham, Class. Quantum Gravity 16 (1999) 1197 hep-th/9808032 [21] R. G. Cai and K. S. Soh, Phys. Rev. D 59 (1999) 044013 gr-qc/9808067 [22] Phys.Rev. D65 (2002) 084006 B. Wang, E. Abdalla and R. B. Mann, [arXiv hep-th/0107243 [23] Phys.Rev. D65 (2002) 084006 R. B. Mann, [arXiv gr-qc/9709039 [24] J. Crisostomo, R. Troncoso and J. Zanelli, Phys. Rev. D 62 (2000) 084013 hep-th/0003271 [25] R. Aros, R. Troncoso and J. Zanelli, Phys. Rev. D 63 (2001) 084015 hep-th/0011097 [26] R. G. Cai, Y. S. Myung and Y. Z. Zhang, Phys. Rev. D 65 (2002) 084019 hep-th/0110234 [27] M. H. Dehghani, Phys. Rev. D 70 (2004) 064019 hep-th/0405206 [28] C. Martinez, R. Troncoso and J. Zanelli, Phys. Rev. D 70 (2004) 084035 hep-th/0406111 [29] Phys.Rev. D74 (2006) 044028 C. Martinez, J. P. Staforelli and R. Troncoso, [arXiv hep-th/0512022 [29] C. Martinez and R. Troncoso, [arXiv Phys.Rev. D74 (2006) 064007 hep-th/0606130 [30] E. Winstanley, Class. Quantum Gravity 22 (2005) 2233 gr-qc/0501096 [30] E. Radu and E. Win-stanley, Phys. Rev. D 72 (2005) 024017 gr-qc/0503095 [30] A. M. Barlow, D. Doherty and E. Winstanley, Phys. Rev. D 72 (2005) 024008 gr-qc/0504087 [31] I. Papadimitriou, [arXiv JHEP 0702 (2007) 008 hep-th/0606038 [32] P. Breitenlohner and D. Z. Freedman, Phys. Lett. B 115 (1982) 197 [32] Ann. Phys. 144 (1982) 249 [33] L. Mezincescu and P. K. Townsend, Ann. Phys. 160 (1985) 406 [34] V. Cardoso, J. Natario and R. Schiappa, J. Math. Phys. 45 (2004) 4698 hep-th/0403132 [35] J. Natario and R. Schiappa, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 8 (2004) 1001 hep-th/0411267 [36] S. Musiri, S. Ness and G. Siopsis, Phys. Rev. D 73 (2006) 064001 hep-th/0511113 [37] L. Motl and A. Neitzke, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 7 (2003) 307 hep-th/0301173 [38] Astron. J. M. Medved, D. Martin and M. Visser, Class. Quantum Gravity 21 (2004) 2393 gr-qc/0310097 [39] W.-H. Press, S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling and B. P. Flannery in Numerical Recipies (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1992). [40] G. Koutsoumbas, S. Musiri, E. Papantonopoulos and G. Siopsis, in preparation. CDS Invenio/ refextract/ SzGeCERN hep-th/0703265 eng IGPG-07-3-4 Alexander, S The Pennsylvania State University A new PPN parameter to test Chern-Simons gravity 2007 28 Mar 2007 4 p We study Chern-Simons (CS) gravity in the parameterized post-Newtonian (PPN) framework through weak-field solutions of the modified field equations for a perfect fluid source. We discover that CS gravity possesses the same PPN parameters as general relativity, except for the inclusion of a new term, proportional both to the CS coupling parameter and the curl of the PPN vector potentials. This new term encodes the key physical effect of CS gravity in the weak-field limit, leading to a modification of frame dragging and, thus, the Lense-Thirring contribution to gyroscopic precession. We provide a physical interpretation for the new term, as well as an estimate of the size of this effect relative to the general relativistic Lense-Thirring prediction. This correction to frame dragging might be used in experiments, such as Gravity Probe B and lunar ranging, to place bounds on the CS coupling parameter, as well as other intrinsic parameters of string theory. LANL EDS SzGeCERN Particle Physics - Theory PREPRINT LANL EDS High Energy Physics - Theory Yunes, N Alexander, Stephon Yunes, Nicolas Phys. Rev. Lett. http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0703265.pdf yunes@gravity.psu.edu> Uploader Engine <uploader@sundh99.cern.ch n 200713 11 20070417 2012 CER01 20070330 PUBLIC 002685163CER PREPRINT [1] J. Polchinski, String theory. Vol. 2 Superstring theory and beyond (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1998). [2] S. H. S. Alexander, M. E. Peskin, and M. M. Sheik-Jabbari, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) 081301 [3] A. Lue, L.-M. Wang, and M. Kamionkowski, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (1999) 1506 astro-ph/9812088 [4] C. M. Will, Theory and experiment in gravitational Physics (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, UK, 1993). [5] C. M. Will, Phys. Rev. D 57 (1998) 2061 gr-qc/9709011 [6] C. M. Will and N. Yunes, Class. Quantum Gravity 21 (2004) 4367 [7] E. Berti, A. Buonanno, and C. M. Will, Phys. Rev. D 71 (2005) 084025 [8] A discussion of the history, technology and Physics of Gravity Probe B can be found at http://einstein.standfod.edu http://einstein.standfod.edu [9] J. Murphy, T. W., K. Nordtvedt, and S. G. Turyshev, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 (2007) 071102 gr-qc/0702028 [10] R. Jackiw and S. Y. Pi, Phys. Rev. D 68 (2003) 104012 [11] D. Guarrera and Astron. J. Hariton (2007), Phys. Rev. D 76 (2007) 044011 gr-qc/0702029 [12] S. Alexander and J. Martin, Phys. Rev. D 71 (2005) 063526 hep-th/0410230 [13] R. J. Gleiser and C. N. Kozameh, Phys. Rev. D 64 (2001) 083007 gr-qc/0102093 [14] R. H. Brandenberger and C. Vafa, Nucl. Phys. B 316 (1989) 391 [15] L. Randall and R. Sundrum, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (1999) 4690 hep-th/9906064 [16] S. Alexander and N. Yunes (2007), in progress. [17] L. Blanchet, Living Rev. Relativ. 9 (2006) 4 [17] and references therein, gr-qc/0202016 [18] S. Alexander, L. S. Finn, and N. Yunes, in progress (2007). CDS Invenio/ refextract/ SzGeCERN 0237765CERCER SLAC 3455840 hep-th/9611103 eng PUPT-1665 Periwal, V Princeton University Matrices on a point as the theory of everything 1997 Princeton, NJ Princeton Univ. Joseph-Henry Lab. Phys. 14 Nov 1996 5 p It is shown that the world-line can be eliminated in the matrix quantum mechanics conjectured by Banks, Fischler, Shenker and Susskind to describe the light-cone physics of M theory. The resulting matrix model has a form that suggests origins in the reduction to a point of a Yang-Mills theory. The reduction of the Nishino-Sezgin $10+2$ dimensional supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory to a point gives a matrix model with the appropriate features: Lorentz invariance in $9+1$ dimensions, supersymmetry, and the correct number of physical degrees of freedom. SIS UNC98 LANL EDS SzGeCERN Particle Physics - Theory ARTICLE Periwal, Vipul 1711 4 Phys. Rev. D 55 1997 http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/9611103.pdf vipul@viper.princeton.edu n 199648 13 20070310 0012 CER01 19961115 PUBLIC 000237765CER ARTICLE 0289446CERCER SLAC 3838510 hep-th/9809057 eng Polyakov, A M Princeton University The wall of the cave 1999 In this article old and new relations between gauge fields and strings are discussed. We add new arguments that the Yang Mills theories must be described by the non-critical strings in the five dimensional curved space. The physical meaning of the fifth dimension is that of the renormalization scale represented by the Liouville field. We analyze the meaning of the zigzag symmetry and show that it is likely to be present if there is a minimal supersymmetry on the world sheet. We also present the new string backgrounds which may be relevant for the description of the ordinary bosonic Yang-Mills theories. The article is written on the occasion of the 40-th anniversary of the IHES. SIS LANLPUBL2001 LANL EDS SIS:2001 PR/LKR added SzGeCERN Particle Physics - Theory ARTICLE 645-658 Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 14 1999 polyakov@puhep1.princeton.edu n 199837 13 20060916 0007 CER01 19980910 PUBLIC 000289446CER ARTICLE http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/9809057.pdf SzGeCERN 2174811CERCER SLAC 4308492 hep-ph/0002060 eng ACT-2000-1 CTP-TAMU-2000-2 OUTP-2000-03-P TPI-MINN-2000-6 Cleaver, G B Non-Abelian Flat Directions in a Minimal Superstring Standard Model 2000 Houston, TX Houston Univ. Adv. Res. Cent. The Woodlands 4 Feb 2000 14 p Recently, by studying exact flat directions of non-Abelian singlet fields, wedemonstrated the existence of free fermionic heterotic-string models in whichthe SU(3)_C x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y-charged matter spectrum, just below the stringscale, consists solely of the MSSM spectrum. In this paper we generalize theanalysis to include VEVs of non-Abelian fields. We find several,MSSM-producing, exact non-Abelian flat directions, which are the first suchexamples in the literature. We examine the possibility that hidden sectorcondensates lift the flat directions. LANL EDS SIS LANLPUBL2001 SIS:2001 PR/LKR added SzGeCERN Particle Physics - Phenomenology ARTICLE Faraggi, A E Nanopoulos, Dimitri V Walker, J W Walker, Joel W. 1191-1202 Mod. Phys. Lett. A 15 2000 gcleaver@rainbow.physics.tamu.edu n 200006 13 20070425 1017 CER01 20000207 PUBLIC 002174811CER ARTICLE [1] A.E. Faraggi and D.V. Nanopoulos and L. Yuan Nucl. Phys. B 335 (1990) 347 [2] I. Antoniadis and J. Ellis and J. Hagelin and D.V. Nanopoulos Phys. Lett. B 213 (1989) 65 [3] I. Antoniadis and C. Bachas and C. Kounnas Nucl. Phys. B 289 (1987) 87 [4] A.E. Faraggi and D.V. Nanopoulos Phys. Rev. D 48 (1993) 3288 [5] G.B. Cleaver and A.E. Faraggi and D.V. Nanopoulos and L. Yuan Phys. Lett. B 455 (1999) 135 [6] hep-ph/9904301 [7] hep-ph/9910230 [8] Phys. Lett. B 256 (1991) 150 [10] hep-ph/9511426 [12] J. Ellis, K. Enqvist, D.V. Nanopoulos Phys. Lett., B 151 (1985) 357 [13] P. Horava Phys. Rev. D 54 (1996) 7561 http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0002060.pdf http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/0002060.ps.gz SzGeCERN 20060914104330.0 INIS 34038281 UNCOVER 251,129,189,013 eng SCAN-0005061 TESLA-FEL-99-07 Treusch, R Development of photon beam diagnostics for VUV radiation from a SASE FEL 2000 Hamburg DESY Dec 1999 For the proof-of-principle experiment of self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) at short wavelengths on the VUV FEL at DESY a multi-facetted photon beam diagnostics experiment has been developed employing new detection concepts to measure all SASE specific properties on a single pulse basis. The present setup includes instrumentation for the measurement of the energy and the angular and spectral distribution of individual photon pulses. Different types of photon detectors such as PtSi-photodiodes and fast thermoelectric detectors based on YBaCuO-films are used to cover some five orders of magnitude of intensity from the level of spontaneous emission to FEL radiation at saturation. A 1 m normal incidence monochromator in combination with a fast intensified CCD camera allows to select single photon pulses and to record the full spectrum at high resolution to resolve the fine structure due to the start-up from noise. SIS INIS2004 SIS UNC2002 Development of photon beam diagnostics for VUV radiation from a SASE FEL SzGeCERN Accelerators and Storage Rings ARTICLE INIS Particle accelerators INIS ceramics- INIS desy- INIS far-ultraviolet-radiation INIS free-electron-lasers INIS photodiodes- INIS photon-beams INIS superradiance- INIS thin-films INIS x-ray-detection INIS x-ray-sources INIS accelerators- INIS beams- INIS cyclic-accelerators INIS detection- INIS electromagnetic-radiation INIS emission- INIS energy-level-transitions INIS films- INIS lasers- INIS photon-emission INIS radiation-detection INIS radiation-sources INIS radiations- INIS semiconductor-devices INIS semiconductor-diodes INIS stimulated-emission INIS synchrotrons- INIS ultraviolet-radiation Lokajczyk, T Xu, W Jastrow, U Hahn, U Bittner, L Feldhaus, J 456-462 1-3 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 445 2000 n 200430 13 20061230 0016 CER01 20040727 000289917 456-462 hamburg990823 PUBLIC 002471378CER ARTICLE http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/convert_SCAN-0005061.pdf SzGeCERN 20070110102840.0 oai:cds.cern.ch:SCAN-9709037 cerncds:SCAN cerncds:FULLTEXT 0008580CERCER eng SCAN-9709037 UCRL-8417 Orear, J Notes on statistics for physicists Statistics for physicists 1958 Berkeley, CA Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab. 13 Aug 1958 34 p SzGeCERN Mathematical Physics and Mathematics PREPRINT h 199700 11 20070110 1028 CER01 19900127 PUBLIC PREPRINT 0001 000008580CER http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/9709037.pdf BUL-NEWS-2009-001 eng Charles Darwin A naturalist's voyage around the world <!--HTML--><p class="articleHeader">After having been twice driven back by heavy south-western gales, Her Majesty's ship Beagle" a ten-gun brig, under the command of Captain Fitz Roy, R.N., sailed from Devonport on the 27th of December, 1831. The object of the expedition was to complete the survey of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, commenced under Captain King in 1826 to 1830--to survey the shores of Chile, Peru, and of some islands in the Pacific--and to carry a chain of chronometrical measurements round the World.</p> <div class="phwithcaption"> <div class="imageScale"><img alt="" src="http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/icon-journal_hms_beagle_image.gif" /></div> <p>H.M.S. Beagle</p> </div> <p>On the 6th of January we reached Teneriffe, but were prevented landing, by fears of our bringing the cholera: the next morning we saw the sun rise behind the rugged outline of the Grand Canary Island, and suddenly illumine the Peak of Teneriffe, whilst the lower parts were veiled in fleecy clouds. This was the first of many delightful days never to be forgotten. On the 16th of January 1832 we anchored at Porto Praya, in St. Jago, the chief island of the Cape de Verd archipelago.</p> <p>The neighbourhood of Porto Praya, viewed from the sea, wears a desolate aspect. The volcanic fires of a past age, and the scorching heat of a tropical sun, have in most places rendered the soil unfit for vegetation. The country rises in successive steps of table-land, interspersed with some truncate conical hills, and the horizon is bounded by an irregular chain of more lofty mountains. The scene, as beheld through the hazy atmosphere of this climate, is one of great interest; if, indeed, a person, fresh from sea, and who has just walked, for the first time, in a grove of cocoa-nut trees, can be a judge of anything but his own happiness. The island would generally be considered as very uninteresting, but to any one accustomed only to an English landscape, the novel aspect of an utterly sterile land possesses a grandeur which more vegetation might spoil. A single green leaf can scarcely be discovered over wide tracts of the lava plains; yet flocks of goats, together with a few cows, contrive to exist. It rains very seldom, but during a short portion of the year heavy torrents fall, and immediately afterwards a light vegetation springs out of every crevice. This soon withers; and upon such naturally formed hay the animals live. It had not now rained for an entire year. When the island was discovered, the immediate neighbourhood of Porto Praya was clothed with trees,1 the reckless destruction of which has caused here, as at St. Helena, and at some of the Canary islands, almost entire sterility. The broad, flat-bottomed valleys, many of which serve during a few days only in the season as watercourses, are clothed with thickets of leafless bushes. Few living creatures inhabit these valleys. The commonest bird is a kingfisher (Dacelo Iagoensis), which tamely sits on the branches of the castor-oil plant, and thence darts on grasshoppers and lizards. It is brightly coloured, but not so beautiful as the European species: in its flight, manners, and place of habitation, which is generally in the driest valley, there is also a wide difference. One day, two of the officers and myself rode to Ribeira Grande, a village a few miles eastward of Porto Praya. Until we reached the valley of St. Martin, the country presented its usual dull brown appearance; but here, a very small rill of water produces a most refreshing margin of luxuriant vegetation. In the course of an hour we arrived at Ribeira Grande, and were surprised at the sight of a large ruined fort and cathedral. This little town, before its harbour was filled up, was the principal place in the island: it now presents a melancholy, but very picturesque appearance. Having procured a black Padre for a guide, and a Spaniard who had served in the Peninsular war as an interpreter, we visited a collection of buildings, of which an ancient church formed the principal part. It is here the governors and captain-generals of the islands have been buried. Some of the tombstones recorded dates of the sixteenth century.1 The heraldic ornaments were the only things in this retired place that reminded us of Europe. The church or chapel formed one side of a quadrangle, in the middle of which a large clump of bananas were growing. On another side was a hospital, containing about a ozen miserable-looking inmates.</p> <p>We returned to the Vênda to eat our dinners. A considerable number of men, women, and children, all as black as jet, collected to watch us. Our companions were extremely merry; and everything we said or did was followed by their hearty laughter. Before leaving the town we visited the cathedral. It does not appear so rich as the smaller church, but boasts of a little organ, which sent forth singularly inharmonious cries. We presented the black priest with a few shillings, and the Spaniard, patting him on the head, said, with much candour, he thought his colour made no great difference. We then returned, as fast as the ponies would go, to Porto Praya.</p> (Excerpt from A NATURALIST'S VOYAGE ROUND THE WORLD Chapter 1, By Charles Darwin) <!--HTML--><br /> 3 02/2009 Atlantis Times 3 03/2009 Atlantis Times ATLANTISTIMESNEWS http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/journal_hms_beagle_image.gif http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/icon-journal_hms_beagle_image.gif BUL-NEWS-2009-002 eng Plato Atlantis (Critias) <!--HTML--><p class="articleHeader">I have before remarked in speaking of the allotments of the gods, that they distributed the whole earth into portions differing in extent, and made for themselves temples and instituted sacrifices. And Poseidon, receiving for his lot the island of Atlantis, begat children by a mortal woman, and settled them in a part of the island, which I will describe.</p> <p>Looking towards the sea, but in the centre of the whole island, there was a plain which is said to have been the fairest of all plains and very fertile. Near the plain again, and also in the centre of the island at a distance of about fifty stadia, there was a mountain not very high on any side. In this mountain there dwelt one of the earth-born primeval men of that country, whose name was Evenor, and he had a wife named Leucippe, and they had an only daughter who was called Cleito. The maiden had already reached womanhood, when her father and mother died; Poseidon fell in love with her and had intercourse with her, and breaking the ground, inclosed the hill in which she dwelt all round, making alternate zones of sea and land larger and smaller, encircling one another; there were two of land and three of water, which he turned as with a lathe, each having its circumference equidistant every way from the centre, so that no man could get to the island, for ships and voyages were not as yet. He himself, being a god, found no difficulty in making special arrangements for the centre island, bringing up two springs of water from beneath the earth, one of warm water and the other of cold, and making every variety of food to spring up abundantly from the soil. He also begat and brought up five pairs of twin male children; and dividing the island of Atlantis into ten portions, he gave to the first-born of the eldest pair his mother's dwelling and the surrounding allotment, which was the largest and best, and made him king over the rest; the others he made princes, and gave them rule over many men, and a large territory. And he named them all; the eldest, who was the first king, he named Atlas, and after him the whole island and the ocean were called Atlantic. To his twin brother, who was born after him, and obtained as his lot the extremity of the island towards the pillars of Heracles, facing the country which is now called the region of Gades in that part of the world, he gave the name which in the Hellenic language is Eumelus, in the language of the country which is named after him, Gadeirus. Of the second pair of twins he called one Ampheres, and the other Evaemon. To the elder of the third pair of twins he gave the name Mneseus, and Autochthon to the one who followed him. Of the fourth pair of twins he called the elder Elasippus, and the younger Mestor. And of the fifth pair he gave to the elder the name of Azaes, and to the younger that of Diaprepes. All these and their descendants for many generations were the inhabitants and rulers of divers islands in the open sea; and also, as has been already said, they held sway in our direction over the country within the pillars as far as Egypt and Tyrrhenia. Now Atlas had a numerous and honourable family, and they retained the kingdom, the eldest son handing it on to his eldest for many generations; and they had such an amount of wealth as was never before possessed by kings and potentates, and is not likely ever to be again, and they were furnished with everything which they needed, both in the city and country. For because of the greatness of their empire many things were brought to them from foreign countries, and the island itself provided most of what was required by them for the uses of life. In the first place, they dug out of the earth whatever was to be found there, solid as well as fusile, and that which is now only a name and was then something more than a name, orichalcum, was dug out of the earth in many parts of the island, being more precious in those days than anything except gold. There was an abundance of wood for carpenter's work, and sufficient maintenance for tame and wild animals. Moreover, there were a great number of elephants in the island; for as there was provision for all other sorts of animals, both for those which live in lakes and marshes and rivers, and also for those which live in mountains and on plains, so there was for the animal which is the largest and most voracious of all. Also whatever fragrant things there now are in the earth, whether roots, or herbage, or woods, or essences which distil from fruit and flower, grew and thrived in that land; also the fruit which admits of cultivation, both the dry sort, which is given us for nourishment and any other which we use for food&mdash;we call them all by the common name of pulse, and the fruits having a hard rind, affording drinks and meats and ointments, and good store of chestnuts and the like, which furnish pleasure and amusement, and are fruits which spoil with keeping, and the pleasant kinds of dessert, with which we console ourselves after dinner, when we are tired of eating&mdash;all these that sacred island which then beheld the light of the sun, brought forth fair and wondrous and in infinite abundance. With such blessings the earth freely furnished them; meanwhile they went on constructing their temples and palaces and harbours and docks.</p> (Excerpt from CRITIAS, By Plato, translated By Jowett, Benjamin) <!--HTML--><br /> 2 02/2009 Atlantis Times 2 03/2009 Atlantis Times ATLANTISTIMESNEWS BUL-NEWS-2009-003 eng Plato Atlantis (Timaeus) <!--HTML--><p class="articleHeader">This great island lay over against the Pillars of Heracles, in extent greater than Libya and Asia put together, and was the passage to other islands and to a great ocean of which the Mediterranean sea was only the harbour; and within the Pillars the empire of Atlantis reached in Europe to Tyrrhenia and in Libya to Egypt.</p> <p>This mighty power was arrayed against Egypt and Hellas and all the countries</p> <div class="phrwithcaption"> <div class="imageScale"><img src="http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/icon-journal_Athanasius_Kircher_Atlantis_image.gif" alt="" /></div> <p>Representation of Atlantis by Athanasius Kircher (1669)</p> </div> bordering on the Mediterranean. Then your city did bravely, and won renown over the whole earth. For at the peril of her own existence, and when the other Hellenes had deserted her, she repelled the invader, and of her own accord gave liberty to all the nations within the Pillars. A little while afterwards there were great earthquakes and floods, and your warrior race all sank into the earth; and the great island of Atlantis also disappeared in the sea. This is the explanation of the shallows which are found in that part of the Atlantic ocean. <p> </p> (Excerpt from TIMAEUS, By Plato, translated By Jowett, Benjamin)<br /> <!--HTML--><br /> 1 02/2009 Atlantis Times 1 03/2009 Atlantis Times 1 04/2009 Atlantis Times ATLANTISTIMESNEWS http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/journal_Athanasius_Kircher_Atlantis_image.gif http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/icon-journal_Athanasius_Kircher_Atlantis_image.gif BUL-SCIENCE-2009-001 eng Charles Darwin The order Rodentia in South America <!--HTML--><p>The order Rodentia is here very numerous in species: of mice alone I obtained no less than eight kinds. <sup><a name="note1" href="#footnote1">1</a></sup>The largest gnawing animal in the world, the Hydrochærus capybara (the water-hog), is here also common. One which I shot at Monte Video weighed ninety-eight pounds: its length, from the end of the snout to the stump-like tail, was three feet two inches; and its girth three feet eight. These great Rodents occasionally frequent the islands in the mouth of the Plata, where the water is quite salt, but are far more abundant on the borders of fresh-water lakes and rivers. Near Maldonado three or four generally live together. In the daytime they either lie among the aquatic plants, or openly feed on the turf plain.<sup><a name="note2" href="#footnote2">2</a></sup></p> <p> <div class="phlwithcaption"> <div class="imageScale"><img src="http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/icon-journal_water_dog_image.gif" alt="" /></div> <p>Hydrochærus capybara or Water-hog</p> </div> When viewed at a distance, from their manner of walking and colour they resemble pigs: but when seated on their haunches, and attentively watching any object with one eye, they reassume the appearance of their congeners, cavies and rabbits. Both the front and side view of their head has quite a ludicrous aspect, from the great depth of their jaw. These animals, at Maldonado, were very tame; by cautiously walking, I approached within three yards of four old ones. This tameness may probably be accounted for, by the Jaguar having been banished for some years, and by the Gaucho not thinking it worth his while to hunt them. As I approached nearer and nearer they frequently made their peculiar noise, which is a low abrupt grunt, not having much actual sound, but rather arising from the sudden expulsion of air: the only noise I know at all like it, is the first hoarse bark of a large dog. Having watched the four from almost within arm's length (and they me) for several minutes, they rushed into the water at full gallop with the greatest impetuosity, and emitted at the same time their bark. After diving a short distance they came again to the surface, but only just showed the upper part of their heads. When the female is swimming in the water, and has young ones, they are said to sit on her back. These animals are easily killed in numbers; but their skins are of trifling value, and the meat is very indifferent. On the islands in the Rio Parana they are exceedingly abundant, and afford the ordinary prey to the Jaguar.</p> <p><small><sup><a name="footnote1" href="#note1">1</a></sup>. In South America I collected altogether twenty-seven species of mice, and thirteen more are known from the works of Azara and other authors. Those collected by myself have been named and described by Mr. Waterhouse at the meetings of the Zoological Society. I must be allowed to take this opportunity of returning my cordial thanks to Mr. Waterhouse, and to the other gentleman attached to that Society, for their kind and most liberal assistance on all occasions.</small></p> <p><small><sup><a name="footnote2" href="#note2">2</a></sup>. In the stomach and duodenum of a capybara which I opened, I found a very large quantity of a thin yellowish fluid, in which scarcely a fibre could be distinguished. Mr. Owen informs me that a part of the oesophagus is so constructed that nothing much larger than a crowquill can be passed down. Certainly the broad teeth and strong jaws of this animal are well fitted to grind into pulp the aquatic plants on which it feeds.</small></p> (Excerpt from A NATURALIST'S VOYAGE ROUND THE WORLD Chapter 3, By Charles Darwin) <!--HTML--><br />test fr 1 02/2009 Atlantis Times 1 03/2009 Atlantis Times ATLANTISTIMESSCIENCE http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/journal_water_dog_image.gif http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/icon-journal_water_dog_image.gif BUL-NEWS-2009-004 eng Charles Darwin Rio Macâe <!--HTML--><p class="articleHeader">April 14th, 1832.—Leaving Socêgo, we rode to another estate on the Rio Macâe, which was the last patch of cultivated ground in that direction. The estate was two and a half miles long, and the owner had forgotten how many broad.</p> <p> <div class="phlwithcaption"> <div class="imageScale"><img src="http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/icon-journal_virgin_forest_image.gif" alt="" /></div> <p>Virgin Forest</p> </div> Only a very small piece had been cleared, yet almost every acre was capable of yielding all the various rich productions of a tropical land. Considering the enormous area of Brazil, the proportion of cultivated ground can scarcely be considered as anything compared to that which is left in the state of nature: at some future age, how vast a population it will support! During the second day's journey we found the road so shut up that it was necessary that a man should go ahead with a sword to cut away the creepers. The forest abounded with beautiful objects; among which the tree ferns, though not large, were, from their bright green foliage, and the elegant curvature of their fronds, most worthy of admiration. In the evening it rained very heavily, and although the thermometer stood at 65°, I felt very cold. As soon as the rain ceased, it was curious to observe the extraordinary evaporation which commenced over the whole extent of the forest. At the height of a hundred feet the hills were buried in a dense white vapour, which rose like columns of smoke from the most thickly-wooded parts, and especially from the valleys. I observed this phenomenon on several occasions: I suppose it is owing to the large surface of foliage, previously heated by the sun's rays.</p> <p>While staying at this estate, I was very nearly being an eye-witness to one of those atrocious acts which can only take place in a slave country. Owing to a quarrel and a lawsuit, the owner was on the point of taking all the women and children from the male slaves, and selling them separately at the public auction at Rio. Interest, and not any feeling of compassion, prevented this act. Indeed, I do not believe the inhumanity of separating thirty families, who had lived together for many years, even occurred to the owner. Yet I will pledge myself, that in humanity and good feeling he was superior to the common run of men. It may be said there exists no limit to the blindness of interest and selfish habit. I may mention one very trifling anecdote, which at the time struck me more forcibly than any story of cruelty. I was crossing a ferry with a negro who was uncommonly stupid. In endeavouring to make him understand, I talked loud, and made signs, in doing which I passed my hand near his face. He, I suppose, thought I was in a passion, and was going to strike him; for instantly, with a frightened look and half-shut eyes, he dropped his hands. I shall never forget my feelings of surprise, disgust, and shame, at seeing a great powerful man afraid even to ward off a blow, directed, as he thought, at his face. This man had been trained to a degradation lower than the slavery of the most helpless animal.</p> (Excerpt from A NATURALIST'S VOYAGE ROUND THE WORLD Chapter 2, By Charles Darwin) 1 03/2009 Atlantis Times ATLANTISTIMESNEWS Atlantis Times http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/journal_virgin_forest_image.gif http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/icon-journal_virgin_forest_image.gif zho 李白 Li Bai Alone Looking at the Mountain eng 敬亭獨坐 <!--HTML-->眾鳥高飛盡<br /> 孤雲去獨閒<br /> 相看兩不厭<br /> 唯有敬亭山 <!--HTML-->All the birds have flown up and gone;<br /> A lonely cloud floats leisurely by.<br /> We never tire of looking at each other -<br /> Only the mountain and I. 701-762 2009-09-16 00 2009-09-16 BATCH POETRY diff --git a/modules/miscutil/lib/textutils.py b/modules/miscutil/lib/textutils.py index 60c80f171..4569b0a80 100644 --- a/modules/miscutil/lib/textutils.py +++ b/modules/miscutil/lib/textutils.py @@ -1,319 +1,341 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ Functions useful for text wrapping (in a box) and indenting. """ __revision__ = "$Id$" import sys import re import textwrap +import invenio.template CFG_WRAP_TEXT_IN_A_BOX_STYLES = { '__DEFAULT' : { 'horiz_sep' : '*', 'max_col' : 72, 'min_col' : 40, 'tab_str' : ' ', 'tab_num' : 0, 'border' : ('**', '*', '**', '** ', ' **', '**', '*', '**'), 'prefix' : '\n', 'suffix' : '\n', 'break_long' : False, 'force_horiz' : False, }, 'squared' : { 'horiz_sep' : '-', 'border' : ('+', '-', '+', '| ', ' |', '+', '-', '+') }, 'double_sharp' : { 'horiz_sep' : '#', 'border' : ('##', '#', '##', '## ', ' ##', '##', '#', '##') }, 'single_sharp' : { 'horiz_sep' : '#', 'border' : ('#', '#', '#', '# ', ' #', '#', '#', '#') }, 'single_star' : { 'border' : ('*', '*', '*', '* ', ' *', '*', '*', '*',) }, 'double_star' : { }, 'no_border' : { 'horiz_sep' : '', 'border' : ('', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''), 'prefix' : '', 'suffix' : '' }, 'conclusion' : { 'border' : ('', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''), 'prefix' : '', 'horiz_sep' : '-', 'force_horiz' : True, }, 'important' : { 'tab_num' : 1, }, } def indent_text(text, nb_tabs=0, tab_str=" ", linebreak_input="\n", linebreak_output="\n", wrap=False): """ add tabs to each line of text @param text: the text to indent @param nb_tabs: number of tabs to add @param tab_str: type of tab (could be, for example "\t", default: 2 spaces @param linebreak_input: linebreak on input @param linebreak_output: linebreak on output @param wrap: wethever to apply smart text wrapping. (by means of wrap_text_in_a_box) @return: indented text as string """ if not wrap: lines = text.split(linebreak_input) tabs = nb_tabs*tab_str output = "" for line in lines: output += tabs + line + linebreak_output return output else: return wrap_text_in_a_box(body=text, style='no_border', tab_str=tab_str, tab_num=nb_tabs) _RE_BEGINNING_SPACES = re.compile(r'^\s*') _RE_NEWLINES_CLEANER = re.compile(r'\n+') _RE_LONELY_NEWLINES = re.compile(r'\b\n\b') def wrap_text_in_a_box(body='', title='', style='double_star', **args): """Return a nicely formatted text box: e.g. ****************** ** title ** **--------------** ** body ** ****************** Indentation and newline are respected. @param body: the main text @param title: an optional title @param style: the name of one of the style in CFG_WRAP_STYLES. By default the double_star style is used. You can further tune the desired style by setting various optional parameters: @param horiz_sep: a string that is repeated in order to produce a separator row between the title and the body (if needed) @param max_col: the maximum number of coulmns used by the box (including indentation) @param min_col: the symmetrical minimum number of columns @param tab_str: a string to represent indentation @param tab_num: the number of leveles of indentations @param border: a tuple of 8 element in the form (tl, t, tr, l, r, bl, b, br) of strings that represent the different corners and sides of the box @param prefix: a prefix string added before the box @param suffix: a suffix string added after the box @param break_long: wethever to break long words in order to respect max_col @param force_horiz: True in order to print the horizontal line even when there is no title e.g.: print wrap_text_in_a_box(title='prova', body=' 123 prova.\n Vediamo come si indenta', horiz_sep='-', style='no_border', max_col=20, tab_num=1) prova ---------------- 123 prova. Vediamo come si indenta """ def _wrap_row(row, max_col, break_long): """Wrap a single row""" spaces = _RE_BEGINNING_SPACES.match(row).group() row = row[len(spaces):] spaces = spaces.expandtabs() return textwrap.wrap(row, initial_indent=spaces, subsequent_indent=spaces, width=max_col, break_long_words=break_long) def _clean_newlines(text): text = _RE_LONELY_NEWLINES.sub(' \n', text) return _RE_NEWLINES_CLEANER.sub(lambda x: x.group()[:-1], text) body = unicode(body, 'utf-8') title = unicode(title, 'utf-8') astyle = dict(CFG_WRAP_TEXT_IN_A_BOX_STYLES['__DEFAULT']) if CFG_WRAP_TEXT_IN_A_BOX_STYLES.has_key(style): astyle.update(CFG_WRAP_TEXT_IN_A_BOX_STYLES[style]) astyle.update(args) horiz_sep = astyle['horiz_sep'] border = astyle['border'] tab_str = astyle['tab_str'] * astyle['tab_num'] max_col = max(astyle['max_col'] \ - len(border[3]) - len(border[4]) - len(tab_str), 1) min_col = astyle['min_col'] prefix = astyle['prefix'] suffix = astyle['suffix'] force_horiz = astyle['force_horiz'] break_long = astyle['break_long'] body = _clean_newlines(body) tmp_rows = [_wrap_row(row, max_col, break_long) for row in body.split('\n')] body_rows = [] for rows in tmp_rows: if rows: body_rows += rows else: body_rows.append('') if not ''.join(body_rows).strip(): # Concrete empty body body_rows = [] title = _clean_newlines(title) tmp_rows = [_wrap_row(row, max_col, break_long) for row in title.split('\n')] title_rows = [] for rows in tmp_rows: if rows: title_rows += rows else: title_rows.append('') if not ''.join(title_rows).strip(): # Concrete empty title title_rows = [] max_col = max([len(row) for row in body_rows + title_rows] + [min_col]) mid_top_border_len = max_col \ + len(border[3]) + len(border[4]) - len(border[0]) - len(border[2]) mid_bottom_border_len = max_col \ + len(border[3]) + len(border[4]) - len(border[5]) - len(border[7]) top_border = border[0] \ + (border[1] * mid_top_border_len)[:mid_top_border_len] + border[2] bottom_border = border[5] \ + (border[6] * mid_bottom_border_len)[:mid_bottom_border_len] \ + border[7] horiz_line = border[3] + (horiz_sep * max_col)[:max_col] + border[4] title_rows = [tab_str + border[3] + row + ' ' * (max_col - len(row)) + border[4] for row in title_rows] body_rows = [tab_str + border[3] + row + ' ' * (max_col - len(row)) + border[4] for row in body_rows] ret = [] if top_border: ret += [tab_str + top_border] ret += title_rows if title_rows or force_horiz: ret += [tab_str + horiz_line] ret += body_rows if bottom_border: ret += [tab_str + bottom_border] return (prefix + '\n'.join(ret) + suffix).encode('utf-8') def wait_for_user(msg=""): """ Print MSG and a confirmation prompt, waiting for user's confirmation, unless silent '--yes-i-know' command line option was used, in which case the function returns immediately without printing anything. """ if '--yes-i-know' in sys.argv: return print msg try: answer = raw_input("Please confirm by typing 'Yes, I know!': ") except KeyboardInterrupt: print answer = '' if answer != 'Yes, I know!': sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Aborted.\n") sys.exit(1) return def guess_minimum_encoding(text, charsets=('ascii', 'latin1', 'utf8')): """Try to guess the minimum charset that is able to represent the given text using the provided charsets. text is supposed to be encoded in utf8. Returns (encoded_text, charset) where charset is the first charset in the sequence being able to encode text. Returns (text_in_utf8, 'utf8') in case no charset is able to encode text. @note: If the input text is not in strict UTF-8, then replace any non-UTF-8 chars inside it. """ text_in_unicode = text.decode('utf8', 'replace') for charset in charsets: try: return (text_in_unicode.encode(charset), charset) except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError): pass return (text_in_unicode.encode('utf8'), 'utf8') def encode_for_xml(text, wash=False, xml_version='1.0'): """Encodes special characters in a text so that it would be XML-compliant. @param text: text to encode @return: an encoded text""" text = text.replace('&', '&') text = text.replace('<', '<') if wash: text = wash_for_xml(text, xml_version='1.0') return text try: unichr(0x100000) RE_ALLOWED_XML_1_0_CHARS = re.compile(u'[^\U00000009\U0000000A\U0000000D\U00000020-\U0000D7FF\U0000E000-\U0000FFFD\U00010000-\U0010FFFF]') RE_ALLOWED_XML_1_1_CHARS = re.compile(u'[^\U00000001-\U0000D7FF\U0000E000-\U0000FFFD\U00010000-\U0010FFFF]') except ValueError: # oops, we are running on a narrow UTF/UCS Python build, # so we have to limit the UTF/UCS char range: RE_ALLOWED_XML_1_0_CHARS = re.compile(u'[^\U00000009\U0000000A\U0000000D\U00000020-\U0000D7FF\U0000E000-\U0000FFFD]') RE_ALLOWED_XML_1_1_CHARS = re.compile(u'[^\U00000001-\U0000D7FF\U0000E000-\U0000FFFD]') def wash_for_xml(text, xml_version='1.0'): """ Removes any character which is not in the range of allowed characters for XML. The allowed characters depends on the version of XML. - XML 1.0: - XML 1.1: @param text: input string to wash. @param xml_version: version of the XML for which we wash the input. Value for this parameter can be '1.0' or '1.1' """ if xml_version == '1.0': return RE_ALLOWED_XML_1_0_CHARS.sub('', unicode(text, 'utf-8')).encode('utf-8') else: return RE_ALLOWED_XML_1_1_CHARS.sub('', unicode(text, 'utf-8')).encode('utf-8') + +def nice_size(size): + """ + @param size: the size. + @type size: int + @return: a nicely printed size. + @rtype: string + """ + websearch_templates = invenio.template.load('websearch') + unit = 'B' + if size > 1024: + size /= 1024.0 + unit = 'KB' + if size > 1024: + size /= 1024.0 + unit = 'MB' + if size > 1024: + size /= 1024.0 + unit = 'GB' + return '%s %s' % (websearch_templates.tmpl_nice_number(size, max_ndigits_after_dot=2), unit) + diff --git a/modules/miscutil/sql/tabfill.sql b/modules/miscutil/sql/tabfill.sql index d132ba4a9..ec6791786 100644 --- a/modules/miscutil/sql/tabfill.sql +++ b/modules/miscutil/sql/tabfill.sql @@ -1,580 +1,580 @@ -- $Id$ -- This file is part of CDS Invenio. -- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. -- -- CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the -- License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., -- 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -- Fill Invenio configuration tables with defaults suitable for any site. INSERT INTO rnkMETHOD (id,name,last_updated) VALUES (1,'wrd','0000-00-00 00:00:00'); INSERT INTO collection_rnkMETHOD (id_collection,id_rnkMETHOD,score) VALUES (1,1,100); INSERT INTO rnkCITATIONDATA VALUES (1,'citationdict',NULL,'0000-00-00'); INSERT INTO rnkCITATIONDATA VALUES (2,'reversedict',NULL,'0000-00-00'); INSERT INTO rnkCITATIONDATA VALUES (3,'selfcitdict',NULL,'0000-00-00'); INSERT INTO rnkCITATIONDATA VALUES (4,'selfcitedbydict',NULL,'0000-00-00'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (1,'any field','anyfield'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (2,'title','title'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (3,'author','author'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (4,'abstract','abstract'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (5,'keyword','keyword'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (6,'report number','reportnumber'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (7,'subject','subject'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (8,'reference','reference'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (9,'fulltext','fulltext'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (10,'collection','collection'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (11,'division','division'); 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INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,85,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,86,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,87,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,88,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,89,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,90,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,91,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,92,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,93,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,94,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,95,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,96,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,97,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,98,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,99,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,122,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,123,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,124,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,125,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,126,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,127,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,128,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,129,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,130,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (10,11,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (11,14,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (12,15,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (13,116,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (2,3,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (2,4,90); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (3,1,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (3,2,90); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (4,5,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (5,6,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (6,7,30); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (6,8,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (6,9,20); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (7,12,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (7,13,90); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (8,10,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (9,115,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (14,117,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (15,118,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (16,119,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (17,120,100); -- INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (18,121,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (19,131,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (20,132,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (21,133,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (21,134,90); 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INSERT INTO tag VALUES (93,'77x','77%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (94,'78x','78%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (95,'79x','79%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (96,'80x','80%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (97,'81x','81%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (98,'82x','82%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (99,'83x','83%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (100,'84x','84%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (101,'electr','85%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (102,'86x','86%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (103,'87x','87%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (104,'88x','88%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (105,'89x','89%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (106,'publication','90%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (107,'pub-conf-cit','91%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (108,'92x','92%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (109,'93x','93%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (110,'94x','94%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (111,'95x','95%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (112,'catinfo','96%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (113,'97x','97%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (114,'98x','98%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (115,'url','8564_u'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (116,'experiment','909C0e'); 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INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (3,'abstract','This index contains words/phrases from abstract fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (4,'author','This index contains fuzzy words/phrases from author fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (5,'keyword','This index contains words/phrases from keyword fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (6,'reference','This index contains words/phrases from references fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (7,'reportnumber','This index contains words/phrases from report numbers fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (8,'title','This index contains words/phrases from title fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (9,'fulltext','This index contains words/phrases from fulltext fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (10,'year','This index contains words/phrases from year fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (11,'journal','This index contains words/phrases from journal publication information fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (12,'collaboration','This index contains words/phrases from collaboration name fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (13,'affiliation','This index contains words/phrases from institutional affiliation fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (14,'exactauthor','This index contains exact words/phrases from author fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX_field (id_idxINDEX, id_field) VALUES (1,1); INSERT INTO idxINDEX_field (id_idxINDEX, id_field) VALUES (2,10); INSERT INTO idxINDEX_field (id_idxINDEX, id_field) VALUES (3,4); INSERT INTO idxINDEX_field (id_idxINDEX, id_field) VALUES (4,3); INSERT INTO idxINDEX_field (id_idxINDEX, id_field) VALUES (5,5); INSERT INTO idxINDEX_field (id_idxINDEX, id_field) VALUES (6,8); INSERT INTO idxINDEX_field (id_idxINDEX, id_field) VALUES (7,6); 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INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Create_Modify_Interface',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Create_Recid',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Finish_Submission',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Get_Info',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Get_Recid', 'This function gets the recid for a document with a given report-number (as stored in the global variable rn).'); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Get_Report_Number',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Get_Sysno',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Insert_Modify_Record',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Insert_Record',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Is_Original_Submitter',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Is_Referee','This function checks whether the logged user is a referee for the current document'); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Mail_Approval_Request_to_Referee',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Mail_Submitter',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Make_Modify_Record',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Make_Record',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_From_Pending',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_to_Done',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_to_Pending',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Print_Success',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Print_Success_Approval_Request',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Print_Success_APP',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Print_Success_DEL','Prepare a message for the user informing them that their record was successfully deleted.'); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Print_Success_MBI',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Print_Success_SRV',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Register_Approval_Request',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Register_Referee_Decision',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Withdraw_Approval_Request',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Report_Number_Generation',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Second_Report_Number_Generation','Generate a secondary report number for a document.'); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Send_Approval_Request',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Send_APP_Mail',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Send_Delete_Mail',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Send_Modify_Mail',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Send_SRV_Mail',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval','Stamp a single file when a document is approved.'); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Stamp_Uploaded_Files','Stamp some of the files that were uploaded during a submission.'); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Test_Status',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Update_Approval_DB',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('User_is_Record_Owner_or_Curator',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_Files_to_Storage',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Make_Dummy_MARC_XML_Record',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_FCKeditor_Files_to_Storage','Transfer files attached to the record with the FCKeditor'); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','Display generic interface to add/revise/delete files. To be used before function "Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage"'); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage','Attach files uploaded with "Create_Upload_Files_Interface"'); -INSERT INTO sbmCHECKS VALUES ('AUCheck','function AUCheck(txt) {\r\n var res=1;\r\n tmp=txt.indexOf(\"\\015\");\r\n while (tmp != -1) {\r\n left=txt.substring(0,tmp);\r\n right=txt.substring(tmp+2,txt.length);\r\n txt=left + \"\\012\" + right;\r\n tmp=txt.indexOf(\"\\015\");\r\n }\r\n tmp=txt.indexOf(\"\\012\");\r\n if (tmp==-1){\r\n line=txt;\r\n txt=\'\';}\r\n else{\r\n line=txt.substring(0,tmp);\r\n txt=txt.substring(tmp+1,txt.length);}\r\n while (line != \"\"){\r\n coma=line.indexOf(\",\");\r\n left=line.substring(0,coma);\r\n right=line.substring(coma+1,line.length);\r\n coma2=right.indexOf(\",\");\r\n space=right.indexOf(\" \");\r\n if ((coma==-1)||(left==\"\")||(right==\"\")||(space!=0)||(coma2!=-1)){\r\n res=0;\r\n error_log=line;\r\n }\r\n tmp=txt.indexOf(\"\\012\");\r\n if (tmp==-1){\r\n line=txt;\r\n txt=\'\';}\r\n else{\r\n line=txt.substring(0,tmp-1);\r\n txt=txt.substring(tmp+1,txt.length);}\r\n }\r\n if (res == 0){\r\n alert(\"This author name cannot be managed \\: \\012\\012\" + error_log + \" \\012\\012It is not in the required format!\\012Put one author per line and a comma (,) between the name and the firstname initial letters. \\012The name is going first, followed by the firstname initial letters.\\012Do not forget the whitespace after the comma!!!\\012\\012Example \\: Put\\012\\012Le Meur, J Y \\012Baron, T \\012\\012for\\012\\012Le Meur Jean-Yves & Baron Thomas.\");\r\n return 0;\r\n } \r\n return 1; \r\n}','1998-08-18','0000-00-00','',''); -INSERT INTO sbmCHECKS VALUES ('DatCheckNew','function DatCheckNew(txt) {\r\n var res=1;\r\n if (txt.length != 10){res=0;}\r\n if (txt.indexOf(\"/\") != 2){res=0;}\r\n if (txt.lastIndexOf(\"/\") != 5){res=0;}\r\n tmp=parseInt(txt.substring(0,2),10);\r\n if ((tmp > 31)||(tmp < 1)||(isNaN(tmp))){res=0;}\r\n tmp=parseInt(txt.substring(3,5),10);\r\n if ((tmp > 12)||(tmp < 1)||(isNaN(tmp))){res=0;}\r\n tmp=parseInt(txt.substring(6,10),10);\r\n if ((tmp < 1)||(isNaN(tmp))){res=0;}\r\n if (txt.length == 0){res=1;}\r\n if (res == 0){\r\n alert(\"Please enter a correct Date \\012Format: dd/mm/yyyy\");\r\n return 0;\r\n }\r\n return 1; \r\n}','0000-00-00','0000-00-00','',''); +INSERT INTO sbmCHECKS VALUES ('AUCheck','function AUCheck(txt) {\r\n var res=1;\r\n tmp=txt.indexOf(\"\\015\");\r\n while (tmp != -1) {\r\n left=txt.substring(0,tmp);\r\n right=txt.substring(tmp+2,txt.length);\r\n txt=left + \"\\012\" + right;\r\n tmp=txt.indexOf(\"\\015\");\r\n }\r\n tmp=txt.indexOf(\"\\012\");\r\n if (tmp==-1){\r\n line=txt;\r\n txt=\'\';}\r\n else{\r\n line=txt.substring(0,tmp);\r\n txt=txt.substring(tmp+1,txt.length);}\r\n while (line != \"\"){\r\n coma=line.indexOf(\",\");\r\n left=line.substring(0,coma);\r\n right=line.substring(coma+1,line.length);\r\n coma2=right.indexOf(\",\");\r\n space=right.indexOf(\" \");\r\n if ((coma==-1)||(left==\"\")||(right==\"\")||(space!=0)||(coma2!=-1)){\r\n res=0;\r\n error_log=line;\r\n }\r\n tmp=txt.indexOf(\"\\012\");\r\n if (tmp==-1){\r\n line=txt;\r\n txt=\'\';}\r\n else{\r\n line=txt.substring(0,tmp-1);\r\n txt=txt.substring(tmp+1,txt.length);}\r\n }\r\n if (res == 0){\r\n alert(\"This author name cannot be managed \\: \\012\\012\" + error_log + \" \\012\\012It is not in the required format!\\012Put one author per line and a comma (,) between the name and the firstname initial letters. \\012The name is going first, followed by the firstname initial letters.\\012Do not forget the whitespace after the comma!!!\\012\\012Example \\: Put\\012\\012Le Meur, J Y \\012Baron, T \\012\\012for\\012\\012Le Meur Jean-Yves & Baron Thomas.\");\r\n return 0;\r\n } \r\n return 1; \r\n}','1998-08-18','0000-00-00','',''); +INSERT INTO sbmCHECKS VALUES ('DatCheckNew','function DatCheckNew(txt) {\r\n var res=1;\r\n if (txt.length != 10){res=0;}\r\n if (txt.indexOf(\"/\") != 2){res=0;}\r\n if (txt.lastIndexOf(\"/\") != 5){res=0;}\r\n tmp=parseInt(txt.substring(0,2),10);\r\n if ((tmp > 31)||(tmp < 1)||(isNaN(tmp))){res=0;}\r\n tmp=parseInt(txt.substring(3,5),10);\r\n if ((tmp > 12)||(tmp < 1)||(isNaN(tmp))){res=0;}\r\n tmp=parseInt(txt.substring(6,10),10);\r\n if ((tmp < 1)||(isNaN(tmp))){res=0;}\r\n if (txt.length == 0){res=1;}\r\n if (res == 0){\r\n alert(\"Please enter a correct Date \\012Format: dd/mm/yyyy\");\r\n return 0;\r\n }\r\n return 1; \r\n}','0000-00-00','0000-00-00','',''); INSERT INTO sbmFORMATEXTENSION VALUES ('WORD','.doc'); INSERT INTO sbmFORMATEXTENSION VALUES ('PostScript','.ps'); INSERT INTO sbmFORMATEXTENSION VALUES ('PDF','.pdf'); INSERT INTO sbmFORMATEXTENSION VALUES ('JPEG','.jpg'); INSERT INTO sbmFORMATEXTENSION VALUES ('JPEG','.jpeg'); INSERT INTO sbmFORMATEXTENSION VALUES ('GIF','.gif'); 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INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Mail_Submitter','authorfile'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Mail_Submitter','status'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_Approval_Request','authorfile'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Modify_Interface','fieldnameMBI'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_Modify_Mail','fieldnameMBI'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Update_Approval_DB','categformatDAM'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Update_Approval_DB','decision_file'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_SRV_Mail','categformatDAM'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_SRV_Mail','addressesSRV'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_Approval_Request','directory'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_Approval_Request','categformatDAM'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_Approval_Request','addressesDAM'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_Approval_Request','titleFile'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_APP_Mail','edsrn'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Mail_Submitter','titleFile'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_Modify_Mail','emailFile'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Get_Info','authorFile'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Get_Info','emailFile'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Get_Info','titleFile'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Make_Modify_Record','modifyTemplate'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_APP_Mail','addressesAPP'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_APP_Mail','categformatAPP'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_APP_Mail','newrnin'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_APP_Mail','decision_file'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_APP_Mail','comments_file'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('CaseEDS','casevariable'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('CaseEDS','casevalues'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('CaseEDS','casesteps'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('CaseEDS','casedefault'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_SRV_Mail','noteFile'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_SRV_Mail','emailFile'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Mail_Submitter','emailFile'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Mail_Submitter','edsrn'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Mail_Submitter','newrnin'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Make_Record','sourceTemplate'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Make_Record','createTemplate'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Print_Success','edsrn'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Print_Success','newrnin'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Print_Success','status'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Make_Modify_Record','sourceTemplate'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Files_to_Storage','documenttype'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Files_to_Storage','iconsize'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Files_to_Storage','paths_and_suffixes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Files_to_Storage','rename'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Uploaded_Files','files_to_be_stamped'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Uploaded_Files','latex_template'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Uploaded_Files','latex_template_vars'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Uploaded_Files','stamp'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Make_Dummy_MARC_XML_Record','dummyrec_source_tpl'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Make_Dummy_MARC_XML_Record','dummyrec_create_tpl'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Print_Success_APP','decision_file'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Print_Success_APP','newrnin'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_Delete_Mail','edsrn'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_Delete_Mail','record_managers'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Second_Report_Number_Generation','2nd_rn_file'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Second_Report_Number_Generation','2nd_rn_format'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Second_Report_Number_Generation','2nd_rn_yeargen'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Second_Report_Number_Generation','2nd_rncateg_file'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Second_Report_Number_Generation','2nd_counterpath'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Second_Report_Number_Generation','2nd_nb_length'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval','file_to_be_stamped'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval','latex_template'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval','latex_template_vars'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval','new_file_name'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval','stamp'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_FCKeditor_Files_to_Storage','input_fields'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','maxsize'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','minsize'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','doctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','restrictions'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canDeleteDoctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canReviseDoctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canDescribeDoctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canCommentDoctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canKeepDoctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canAddFormatDoctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canRestrictDoctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canRenameDoctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canNameNewFiles'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','createRelatedFormats'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','keepDefault'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','showLinks'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','fileLabel'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','filenameLabel'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','descriptionLabel'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','commentLabel'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','restrictionLabel'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','startDoc'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','endDoc'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','defaultFilenameDoctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','maxFilesDoctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage','iconsize'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage','createIconDoctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage','forceFileRevision'); INSERT INTO sbmGFILERESULT VALUES ('HTML','HTML document'); INSERT INTO sbmGFILERESULT VALUES ('WORD','data'); INSERT INTO sbmGFILERESULT VALUES ('PDF','PDF document'); INSERT INTO sbmGFILERESULT VALUES ('PostScript','PostScript document'); INSERT INTO sbmGFILERESULT VALUES ('PostScript','data '); INSERT INTO sbmGFILERESULT VALUES ('PostScript','HP Printer Job Language data'); INSERT INTO sbmGFILERESULT VALUES ('jpg','JPEG image'); INSERT INTO sbmGFILERESULT VALUES ('Compressed PostScript','gzip compressed data'); INSERT INTO sbmGFILERESULT VALUES ('Tarred Tex (.tar)','tar archive'); INSERT INTO sbmGFILERESULT VALUES ('JPEG','JPEG image'); INSERT INTO sbmGFILERESULT VALUES ('GIF','GIF'); INSERT INTO collectiondetailedrecordpagetabs VALUES (8, 'usage;comments;metadata'); INSERT INTO collectiondetailedrecordpagetabs VALUES (19, 'usage;comments;metadata'); INSERT INTO collectiondetailedrecordpagetabs VALUES (18, 'usage;comments;metadata'); INSERT INTO collectiondetailedrecordpagetabs VALUES (17, 'usage;comments;metadata'); -- end of file diff --git a/modules/websubmit/lib/Makefile.am b/modules/websubmit/lib/Makefile.am index cc4a2e553..db2d2f8dc 100644 --- a/modules/websubmit/lib/Makefile.am +++ b/modules/websubmit/lib/Makefile.am @@ -1,45 +1,45 @@ ## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. SUBDIRS = functions pylibdir = $(libdir)/python/invenio pylib_DATA = websubmit_config.py websubmit_engine.py file.py \ websubmit_dblayer.py \ websubmit_webinterface.py \ websubmit_templates.py \ websubmit_regression_tests.py \ websubmitadmin_config.py \ websubmitadmin_dblayer.py \ websubmitadmin_engine.py \ websubmitadmin_templates.py \ websubmitadmin_regression_tests.py \ websubmit_file_stamper.py \ websubmit_icon_creator.py \ websubmit_file_converter.py \ unoconv.py \ bibdocfile.py \ bibdocfilecli.py \ bibdocfile_regression_tests.py \ hocrlib.py -noinst_DATA = fulltext_files_migration_kit.py +noinst_DATA = fulltext_files_migration_kit.py icon_migration_kit.py EXTRA_DIST = $(pylib_DATA) $(noinst_DATA) CLEANFILES = *~ *.tmp *.pyc diff --git a/modules/websubmit/lib/bibdocfile.py b/modules/websubmit/lib/bibdocfile.py index 0beea8571..30abdcad8 100644 --- a/modules/websubmit/lib/bibdocfile.py +++ b/modules/websubmit/lib/bibdocfile.py @@ -1,3603 +1,3633 @@ ## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ This module implements the low-level API for dealing with fulltext files. - All the files associated to a I{record} (identified by a I{recid}) can be managed via an instance of the C{BibRecDocs} class. - A C{BibRecDocs} is a wrapper of the list of I{documents} attached to the record. - Each document is represented by an instance of the C{BibDoc} class. - A document is identified by a C{docid} and name (C{docname}). The docname must be unique within the record. A document is the set of all the formats and revisions of a piece of information. - A document has a type called C{doctype} and can have a restriction. - Each physical file, i.e. the concretization of a document into a particular I{version} and I{format} is represented by an instance of the C{BibDocFile} class. - The format is infact the extension of the physical file. - A comment and a description and other information can be associated to a BibDocFile. - A C{bibdoc} is a synonim for a document, while a C{bibdocfile} is a synonim for a physical file. @group Main classes: BibRecDocs,BibDoc,BibDocFile @group Other classes: BibDocMoreInfo,Md5Folder,InvenioWebSubmitFileError @group Main functions: decompose_file,stream_file,bibdocfile_*,download_url @group Configuration Variables: CFG_* """ __revision__ = "$Id$" import os import re import shutil import filecmp import time import random import socket import urllib2 import urllib import tempfile import cPickle import base64 import binascii import cgi import sys if sys.hexversion < 0x2060000: from md5 import md5 else: from hashlib import md5 try: import magic CFG_HAS_MAGIC = True except ImportError: CFG_HAS_MAGIC = False from datetime import datetime from mimetypes import MimeTypes from thread import get_ident from invenio import webinterface_handler_wsgi_utils as apache ## Let's set a reasonable timeout for URL request (e.g. FFT) socket.setdefaulttimeout(40) if sys.hexversion < 0x2040000: # pylint: disable-msg=W0622 from sets import Set as set # pylint: enable-msg=W0622 from invenio.shellutils import escape_shell_arg from invenio.dbquery import run_sql, DatabaseError, blob_to_string from invenio.errorlib import register_exception from invenio.bibrecord import record_get_field_instances, \ field_get_subfield_values, field_get_subfield_instances, \ encode_for_xml +from invenio.urlutils import create_url +from invenio.textutils import nice_size from invenio.access_control_engine import acc_authorize_action from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_LANG, CFG_SITE_URL, \ CFG_WEBDIR, CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR,\ CFG_WEBSUBMIT_ADDITIONAL_KNOWN_FILE_EXTENSIONS, \ CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILESYSTEM_BIBDOC_GROUP_LIMIT, CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_FFT_ALLOWED_LOCAL_PATHS, \ CFG_TMPDIR, CFG_PATH_MD5SUM, \ CFG_WEBSUBMIT_STORAGEDIR, \ CFG_BIBDOCFILE_USE_XSENDFILE, \ CFG_BIBDOCFILE_MD5_CHECK_PROBABILITY -#from invenio.bibformat import format_record +from invenio.websubmit_config import CFG_WEBSUBMIT_ICON_SUBFORMAT_RE, \ + CFG_WEBSUBMIT_DEFAULT_ICON_SUBFORMAT +from invenio.bibformat import format_record import invenio.template websubmit_templates = invenio.template.load('websubmit') websearch_templates = invenio.template.load('websearch') #: block size when performing I/O. CFG_BIBDOCFILE_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024 * 8 #: threshold used do decide when to use Python MD5 of CLI MD5 algorithm. CFG_BIBDOCFILE_MD5_THRESHOLD = 256 * 1024 #: chunks loaded by the Python MD5 algorithm. CFG_BIBDOCFILE_MD5_BUFFER = 1024 * 1024 -#: wether to normalize e.g. ".JPEG" and ".jpg" into .jpeg. +#: whether to normalize e.g. ".JPEG" and ".jpg" into .jpeg. CFG_BIBDOCFILE_STRONG_FORMAT_NORMALIZATION = False #: flags that can be associated to files. CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS = ( 'PDF/A', 'STAMPED', 'PDFOPT', 'HIDDEN', 'CONVERTED', 'PERFORM_HIDE_PREVIOUS', 'OCRED' ) #: constant used if FFT correct with the obvious meaning. KEEP_OLD_VALUE = 'KEEP-OLD-VALUE' _mimes = MimeTypes(strict=False) _mimes.suffix_map.update({'.tbz2' : '.tar.bz2'}) _mimes.encodings_map.update({'.bz2' : 'bzip2'}) _magic_cookies = {} def _get_magic_cookies(): """ @return: a tuple of magic object. @rtype: (MAGIC_NONE, MAGIC_COMPRESS, MAGIC_MIME, MAGIC_COMPRESS + MAGIC_MIME) @note: ... not real magic. Just see: man file(1) """ thread_id = get_ident() if thread_id not in _magic_cookies: _magic_cookies[thread_id] = { magic.MAGIC_NONE : magic.open(magic.MAGIC_NONE), magic.MAGIC_COMPRESS : magic.open(magic.MAGIC_COMPRESS), magic.MAGIC_MIME : magic.open(magic.MAGIC_MIME), magic.MAGIC_COMPRESS + magic.MAGIC_MIME : magic.open(magic.MAGIC_COMPRESS + magic.MAGIC_MIME) } for key in _magic_cookies[thread_id].keys(): _magic_cookies[thread_id][key].load() return _magic_cookies[thread_id] def _generate_extensions(): """ Generate the regular expression to match all the known extensions. @return: the regular expression. @rtype: regular expression object """ _tmp_extensions = _mimes.encodings_map.keys() + \ _mimes.suffix_map.keys() + \ _mimes.types_map[1].keys() + \ CFG_WEBSUBMIT_ADDITIONAL_KNOWN_FILE_EXTENSIONS extensions = [] for ext in _tmp_extensions: if ext.startswith('.'): extensions.append(ext) else: extensions.append('.' + ext) extensions.sort() extensions.reverse() extensions = set([ext.lower() for ext in extensions]) extensions = '\\' + '$|\\'.join(extensions) + '$' extensions = extensions.replace('+', '\\+') return re.compile(extensions, re.I) #: Regular expression to recognized extensions. _extensions = _generate_extensions() class InvenioWebSubmitFileError(Exception): """ Exception raised in case of errors related to fulltext files. """ pass -def file_strip_ext(afile, skip_version=False, only_known_extensions=False): +def file_strip_ext(afile, skip_version=False, only_known_extensions=False, allow_subformat=True): """ Strip in the best way the extension from a filename. >>> file_strip_ext("foo.tar.gz") 'foo' >>> file_strip_ext("foo.buz.gz") 'foo.buz' >>> file_strip_ext("foo.buz") 'foo' >>> file_strip_ext("foo.buz", only_known_extensions=True) 'foo.buz' >>> file_strip_ext("foo.buz;1", skip_version=False, ... only_known_extensions=True) 'foo.buz;1' + >>> file_strip_ext("foo.gif;icon") + 'foo' + >>> file_strip_ext("foo.gif:icon", allow_subformat=False) + 'foo.gif:icon' @param afile: the path/name of a file. @type afile: string - @param skip_version: wether to skip a trailing ";version". + @param skip_version: whether to skip a trailing ";version". @type skip_version: bool - @param only_known_extensions: wether to strip out only known extensions or + @param only_known_extensions: whether to strip out only known extensions or to consider as extension anything that follows a dot. @type only_known_extensions: bool + @param allow_subformat: whether to consider also subformats as part of + the extension. + @type allow_subformat: bool @return: the name/path without the extension (and version). @rtype: string """ - if skip_version: + if skip_version or allow_subformat: afile = afile.split(';')[0] nextfile = _extensions.sub('', afile) if nextfile == afile and not only_known_extensions: nextfile = os.path.splitext(afile)[0] while nextfile != afile: afile = nextfile nextfile = _extensions.sub('', afile) return nextfile -def normalize_format(format): +def normalize_format(format, allow_subformat=True): """ Normalize the format, e.g. by adding a dot in front. @param format: the format/extension to be normalized. @type format: string + @param allow_subformat: whether to consider also subformats as part of + the extension. + @type allow_subformat: bool @return: the normalized format. @rtype; string """ + if allow_subformat: + subformat = format[format.rfind(';'):] + format = format[:format.rfind(';')] + else: + subformat = '' if format and format[0] != '.': format = '.' + format if CFG_BIBDOCFILE_STRONG_FORMAT_NORMALIZATION: if format not in ('.Z', '.H', '.C', '.CC'): format = format.lower() format = { '.jpg' : '.jpeg', '.htm' : '.html', '.tif' : '.tiff' }.get(format, format) - return format + return format + subformat def guess_format_from_url(url): """ Given a URL tries to guess it's extension. Different method will be used, including HTTP HEAD query, downloading the resource and using mime @param url: the URL for which the extension shuld be guessed. @type url: string @return: the recognized extension or empty string if it's impossible to recognize it. @rtype: string """ def parse_content_disposition(text): for item in text.split(';'): item = item.strip() if item.strip().startswith('filename='): return item[len('filename="'):-len('"')] def parse_content_type(text): return text.split(';')[0].strip() ## Let's try to guess the extension by considering the URL as a filename ext = decompose_file(url, skip_version=True, only_known_extensions=True)[2] if ext.startswith('.'): return ext if is_url_a_local_file(url) and CFG_HAS_MAGIC: ## if the URL corresponds to a local file, let's try to use ## the Python magic library to guess it try: magic_cookie = _get_magic_cookies()[magic.MAGIC_MIME] mimetype = magic_cookie.file(url) - ext = _mimes.guess_extension(content_type) + ext = _mimes.guess_extension(mimetype) if ext: return normalize_format(ext) except Exception: pass else: ## Since the URL is remote, let's try to perform a HEAD request ## and see the corresponding headers info = urllib2.urlopen(url).info() content_disposition = info.getheader('Content-Disposition') if content_disposition: filename = parse_content_disposition(content_disposition) if filename: return decompose_file(filename)[2] content_type = info.getheader('Content-Type') if content_type: content_type = parse_content_type(content_type) ext = _mimes.guess_extension(content_type) if ext: return normalize_format(ext) if CFG_HAS_MAGIC: ## Last solution: let's download the remote resource ## and use the Python magic library to guess the extension try: filename = download_url(url, format='') magic_cookie = _get_magic_cookies()[magic.MAGIC_MIME] mimetype = magic_cookie.file(filename) os.remove(filename) ext = _mimes.guess_extension(content_type) if ext: return normalize_format(ext) except Exception: pass return "" _docname_re = re.compile(r'[^-\w.]*') def normalize_docname(docname): """ Normalize the docname. At the moment the normalization is just returning the same string. @param docname: the docname to be normalized. @type docname: string @return: the normalized docname. @rtype: string """ #return _docname_re.sub('', docname) return docname def normalize_version(version): """ Normalize the version. The version can be either an integer or the keyword 'all'. Any other value will be transformed into the empty string. @param version: the version (either a number or 'all'). @type version: integer or string @return: the normalized version. @rtype: string """ try: int(version) except ValueError: if version.lower().strip() == 'all': return 'all' else: return '' return str(version) -def decompose_file(afile, skip_version=False, only_known_extensions=False): +def decompose_file(afile, skip_version=False, only_known_extensions=False, + allow_subformat=True): """ Decompose a file/path into its components dirname, basename and extension. >>> decompose_file('/tmp/foo.tar.gz') ('/tmp', 'foo', '.tar.gz') >>> decompose_file('/tmp/foo.tar.gz;1', skip_version=True) ('/tmp', 'foo', '.tar.gz') >>> decompose_file('http://www.google.com/index.html') ('http://www.google.com', 'index', '.html') @param afile: the path/name of a file. @type afile: string - @param skip_version: wether to skip a trailing ";version". + @param skip_version: whether to skip a trailing ";version". @type skip_version: bool - @param only_known_extensions: wether to strip out only known extensions or + @param only_known_extensions: whether to strip out only known extensions or to consider as extension anything that follows a dot. @type only_known_extensions: bool + @param allow_subformat: whether to consider also subformats as part of + the extension. + @type allow_subformat: bool @return: a tuple with the directory name, the docname and extension. @rtype: (dirname, docname, extension) @note: if a URL is provided, the scheme will be part of the dirname. @see: L{file_strip_ext} for the algorithm used to retrieve the extension. """ if skip_version: version = afile.split(';')[-1] try: int(version) afile = afile[:-len(version)-1] except ValueError: pass basename = os.path.basename(afile) dirname = afile[:-len(basename)-1] - base = file_strip_ext(basename, only_known_extensions=only_known_extensions) + base = file_strip_ext( + basename, + only_known_extensions=only_known_extensions, + allow_subformat=allow_subformat) extension = basename[len(base) + 1:] if extension: extension = '.' + extension return (dirname, base, extension) def decompose_file_with_version(afile): """ Decompose a file into dirname, basename, extension and version. >>> decompose_file_with_version('/tmp/foo.tar.gz;1') ('/tmp', 'foo', '.tar.gz', 1) @param afile: the path/name of a file. @type afile: string @return: a tuple with the directory name, the docname, extension and version. @rtype: (dirname, docname, extension, version) @raise ValueError: in case version does not exist it will. @note: if a URL is provided, the scheme will be part of the dirname. """ version_str = afile.split(';')[-1] version = int(version_str) afile = afile[:-len(version_str)-1] basename = os.path.basename(afile) dirname = afile[:-len(basename)-1] base = file_strip_ext(basename) extension = basename[len(base) + 1:] if extension: extension = '.' + extension return (dirname, base, extension, version) +def get_subformat_from_format(format): + """ + @return the subformat if any. + @rtype: string + >>> get_superformat_from_format('foo;bar') + 'bar' + >>> get_superformat_from_format('foo') + '' + """ + try: + return format[format.rindex(';') + 1:] + except ValueError: + return '' + +def get_superformat_from_format(format): + """ + @return the superformat if any. + @rtype: string + + >>> get_superformat_from_format('foo;bar') + 'foo' + >>> get_superformat_from_format('foo') + 'foo' + """ + try: + return format[:format.rindex(';')] + except ValueError: + return format def propose_next_docname(docname): """ Given a I{docname}, suggest a new I{docname} (useful when trying to generate a unique I{docname}). >>> propose_next_docname('foo') 'foo_1' >>> propose_next_docname('foo_1') 'foo_2' >>> propose_next_docname('foo_10') 'foo_11' @param docname: the base docname. @type docname: string @return: the next possible docname based on the given one. @rtype: string """ if '_' in docname: split_docname = docname.split('_') try: split_docname[-1] = str(int(split_docname[-1]) + 1) docname = '_'.join(split_docname) except ValueError: docname += '_1' else: docname += '_1' return docname class BibRecDocs: """ This class represents all the files attached to one record. @param recid: the record identifier. @type recid: integer - @param deleted_too: wether to consider deleted documents as normal + @param deleted_too: whether to consider deleted documents as normal documents (useful when trying to recover deleted information). @type deleted_too: bool - @param human_readable: wether numbers should be printed in human readable + @param human_readable: whether numbers should be printed in human readable format (e.g. 2048 bytes -> 2Kb) @ivar id: the record identifier as passed to the constructor. @type id: integer @ivar human_readable: the human_readable flag as passed to the constructor. @type human_readable: bool @ivar deleted_too: the deleted_too flag as passed to the constructor. @type deleted_too: bool @ivar bibdocs: the list of documents attached to the record. @type bibdocs: list of BibDoc """ def __init__(self, recid, deleted_too=False, human_readable=False): self.id = recid self.human_readable = human_readable self.deleted_too = deleted_too self.bibdocs = [] self.build_bibdoc_list() def __repr__(self): """ @return: the canonical string representation of the C{BibRecDocs}. @rtype: string """ return 'BibRecDocs(%s%s%s)' % (self.id, self.deleted_too and ', True' or '', self.human_readable and ', True' or '' ) def __str__(self): """ @return: an easy to be I{grepped} string representation of the whole C{BibRecDocs} content. @rtype: string """ out = '%i::::total bibdocs attached=%i\n' % (self.id, len(self.bibdocs)) out += '%i::::total size latest version=%s\n' % (self.id, nice_size(self.get_total_size_latest_version())) out += '%i::::total size all files=%s\n' % (self.id, nice_size(self.get_total_size())) for bibdoc in self.bibdocs: out += str(bibdoc) return out def empty_p(self): """ @return: True when the record has no attached documents. @rtype: bool """ return len(self.bibdocs) == 0 def deleted_p(self): """ @return: True if the corresponding record has been deleted. @rtype: bool """ from invenio.search_engine import record_exists return record_exists(self.id) == -1 def get_xml_8564(self): """ Return a snippet of I{MARCXML} representing the I{8564} fields corresponding to the current state. @return: the MARCXML representation. @rtype: string """ from invenio.search_engine import get_record out = '' record = get_record(self.id) fields = record_get_field_instances(record, '856', '4', ' ') for field in fields: urls = field_get_subfield_values(field, 'u') if urls and not bibdocfile_url_p(urls[0]): out += '\t\n' for subfield, value in field_get_subfield_instances(field): out += '\t\t%s\n' % (subfield, encode_for_xml(value)) out += '\t\n' for afile in self.list_latest_files(list_hidden=False): out += '\t\n' url = afile.get_url() description = afile.get_description() comment = afile.get_comment() if url: out += '\t\t%s\n' % encode_for_xml(url) if description: out += '\t\t%s\n' % encode_for_xml(description) if comment: out += '\t\t%s\n' % encode_for_xml(comment) out += '\t\n' - for bibdoc in self.bibdocs: - icon = bibdoc.get_icon() - if icon: - icon = icon.list_all_files() - if icon: - out += '\t\n' - out += '\t\t%s\n' % encode_for_xml(icon[0].get_url()) - out += '\t\ticon\n' - out += '\t\n' - return out def get_total_size_latest_version(self): """ Returns the total size used on disk by all the files belonging to this record and corresponding to the latest version. @return: the total size. @rtype: integer """ size = 0 for bibdoc in self.bibdocs: size += bibdoc.get_total_size_latest_version() return size def get_total_size(self): """ Return the total size used on disk of all the files belonging to this record of any version (not only the last as in L{get_total_size_latest_version}). @return: the total size. @rtype: integer """ size = 0 for bibdoc in self.bibdocs: size += bibdoc.get_total_size() return size def build_bibdoc_list(self): """ This method must be called everytime a I{bibdoc} is added, removed or modified. """ self.bibdocs = [] if self.deleted_too: res = run_sql("""SELECT id_bibdoc, type FROM bibrec_bibdoc JOIN bibdoc ON id=id_bibdoc WHERE id_bibrec=%s ORDER BY docname ASC""", (self.id,)) else: res = run_sql("""SELECT id_bibdoc, type FROM bibrec_bibdoc JOIN bibdoc ON id=id_bibdoc WHERE id_bibrec=%s AND status<>'DELETED' ORDER BY docname ASC""", (self.id,)) for row in res: cur_doc = BibDoc(docid=row[0], recid=self.id, doctype=row[1], human_readable=self.human_readable) self.bibdocs.append(cur_doc) def list_bibdocs(self, doctype=''): """ Returns the list all bibdocs object belonging to a recid. If C{doctype} is set, it returns just the bibdocs of that doctype. @param doctype: the optional doctype. @type doctype: string @return: the list of bibdocs. @rtype: list of BibDoc """ if not doctype: return self.bibdocs else: return [bibdoc for bibdoc in self.bibdocs if doctype == bibdoc.doctype] def get_bibdoc_names(self, doctype=''): """ Returns all the names of the documents associated with the bibdoc. If C{doctype} is set, restrict the result to all the matching doctype. @param doctype: the optional doctype. @type doctype: string @return: the list of document names. @rtype: list of string """ return [bibdoc.docname for bibdoc in self.list_bibdocs(doctype)] def check_file_exists(self, path): """ Check if a file with the same content of the file pointed in C{path} is already attached to this record. @param path: the file to be checked against. @type path: string @return: True if a file with the requested content is already attached to the record. @rtype: bool """ size = os.path.getsize(path) # Let's consider all the latest files files = self.list_latest_files() # Let's consider all the latest files with same size potential = [afile for afile in files if afile.get_size() == size] if potential: checksum = calculate_md5(path) # Let's consider all the latest files with the same size and the # same checksum potential = [afile for afile in potential if afile.get_checksum() == checksum] if potential: potential = [afile for afile in potential if filecmp.cmp(afile.get_full_path(), path)] if potential: return True else: # Gosh! How unlucky, same size, same checksum but not same # content! pass return False def propose_unique_docname(self, docname): """ Given C{docname}, return a new docname that is not already attached to the record. @param docname: the reference docname. @type docname: string @return: a docname not already attached. @rtype: string """ docname = normalize_docname(docname) goodname = docname i = 1 while goodname in self.get_bibdoc_names(): i += 1 goodname = "%s_%s" % (docname, i) return goodname def merge_bibdocs(self, docname1, docname2): """ This method merge C{docname2} into C{docname1}. 1. Given all the formats of the latest version of the files attached to C{docname2}, these files are added as new formats into C{docname1}. 2. C{docname2} is marked as deleted. @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: if at least one format in C{docname2} already exists in C{docname1}. (In this case the two bibdocs are preserved) - @note: comments and descriptions are also copied and if C{docname2} has - an icon and C{docname1} has not, the icon is imported. + @note: comments and descriptions are also copied. @note: if C{docname2} has a I{restriction}(i.e. if the I{status} is set) and C{docname1} doesn't, the restriction is imported. """ bibdoc1 = self.get_bibdoc(docname1) bibdoc2 = self.get_bibdoc(docname2) ## Check for possibility for bibdocfile in bibdoc2.list_latest_files(): format = bibdocfile.get_format() if bibdoc1.format_already_exists_p(format): raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError('Format %s already exists in bibdoc %s of record %s. It\'s impossible to merge bibdoc %s into it.' % (format, docname1, self.id, docname2)) - ## Importing Icon if needed. - icon1 = bibdoc1.get_icon() - icon2 = bibdoc2.get_icon() - if icon2 is not None and icon1 is None: - icon = icon2.list_latest_files()[0] - bibdoc1.add_icon(icon.get_full_path(), format=icon.get_format()) - ## Importing restriction if needed. restriction1 = bibdoc1.get_status() restriction2 = bibdoc2.get_status() if restriction2 and not restriction1: bibdoc1.set_status(restriction2) ## Importing formats for bibdocfile in bibdoc2.list_latest_files(): format = bibdocfile.get_format() comment = bibdocfile.get_comment() description = bibdocfile.get_description() bibdoc1.add_file_new_format(bibdocfile.get_full_path(), description=description, comment=comment, format=format) ## Finally deleting old bibdoc2 bibdoc2.delete() self.build_bibdoc_list() def get_docid(self, docname): """ @param docname: the document name. @type docname: string @return: the identifier corresponding to the given C{docname}. @rtype: integer @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: if the C{docname} does not corresponds to a document attached to this record. """ for bibdoc in self.bibdocs: if bibdoc.docname == docname: return bibdoc.id raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Recid '%s' is not connected with a " \ "docname '%s'" % (self.id, docname) def get_docname(self, docid): """ @param docid: the document identifier. @type docid: integer @return: the name of the document corresponding to the given document identifier. @rtype: string @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: if the C{docid} does not corresponds to a document attached to this record. """ for bibdoc in self.bibdocs: if bibdoc.id == docid: return bibdoc.docname raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Recid '%s' is not connected with a " \ "docid '%s'" % (self.id, docid) def has_docname_p(self, docname): """ @param docname: the document name, @type docname: string @return: True if a document with the given name is attached to this record. @rtype: bool """ for bibdoc in self.bibdocs: if bibdoc.docname == docname: return True return False def get_bibdoc(self, docname): """ @return: the bibdoc with a particular docname associated with this recid""" for bibdoc in self.bibdocs: if bibdoc.docname == docname: return bibdoc raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Recid '%s' is not connected with " \ " docname '%s'" % (self.id, docname) def delete_bibdoc(self, docname): """ Deletes the document with the specified I{docname}. @param docname: the document name. @type docname: string """ for bibdoc in self.bibdocs: if bibdoc.docname == docname: bibdoc.delete() self.build_bibdoc_list() def add_bibdoc(self, doctype="Main", docname='file', never_fail=False): """ Add a new empty document object (a I{bibdoc}) to the list of documents of this record. @param doctype: the document type. @type doctype: string @param docname: the document name. @type docname: string @param never_fail: if True, this procedure will not fail, even if a document with the given name is already attached to this record. In this case a new name will be generated (see L{propose_unique_docname}). @type never_fail: bool @return: the newly created document object. @rtype: BibDoc @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of any error. """ try: docname = normalize_docname(docname) if never_fail: docname = self.propose_unique_docname(docname) if docname in self.get_bibdoc_names(): raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "%s has already a bibdoc with docname %s" % (self.id, docname) else: bibdoc = BibDoc(recid=self.id, doctype=doctype, docname=docname, human_readable=self.human_readable) self.build_bibdoc_list() return bibdoc except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError(str(e)) def add_new_file(self, fullpath, doctype="Main", docname=None, never_fail=False, description=None, comment=None, format=None, flags=None): """ Directly add a new file to this record. Adds a new file with the following policy: - if the C{docname} is not set it is retrieved from the name of the file. - If a bibdoc with the given docname doesn't already exist, it is created and the file is added to it. - It it exist but it doesn't contain the format that is being added, the new format is added. - If the format already exists then if C{never_fail} is True a new bibdoc is created with a similar name but with a progressive number as a suffix and the file is added to it (see L{propose_unique_docname}). @param fullpath: the filesystme path of the document to be added. @type fullpath: string @param doctype: the type of the document. @type doctype: string @param docname: the document name. @type docname: string @param never_fail: if True, this procedure will not fail, even if a document with the given name is already attached to this record. In this case a new name will be generated (see L{propose_unique_docname}). @type never_fail: bool @param description: an optional description of the file. @type description: string @param comment: an optional comment to the file. @type comment: string @param format: the extension of the file. If not specified it will be guessed (see L{guess_format_from_url}). @type format: string @param flags: a set of flags to be associated with the file (see L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}) @type flags: list of string @return: the elaborated document object. @rtype: BibDoc @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of error. """ if docname is None: docname = decompose_file(fullpath)[1] if format is None: format = decompose_file(fullpath)[2] docname = normalize_docname(docname) try: bibdoc = self.get_bibdoc(docname) except InvenioWebSubmitFileError: # bibdoc doesn't already exists! bibdoc = self.add_bibdoc(doctype, docname, False) bibdoc.add_file_new_version(fullpath, description=description, comment=comment, format=format, flags=flags) self.build_bibdoc_list() else: try: bibdoc.add_file_new_format(fullpath, description=description, comment=comment, format=format, flags=flags) self.build_bibdoc_list() except InvenioWebSubmitFileError, e: # Format already exist! if never_fail: bibdoc = self.add_bibdoc(doctype, docname, True) bibdoc.add_file_new_version(fullpath, description=description, comment=comment, format=format, flags=flags) self.build_bibdoc_list() else: raise e return bibdoc def add_new_version(self, fullpath, docname=None, description=None, comment=None, format=None, flags=None): """ Adds a new file to an already existent document object as a new version. @param fullpath: the filesystem path of the file to be added. @type fullpath: string @param docname: the document name. If not specified it will be extracted from C{fullpath} (see L{decompose_file}). @type docname: string @param description: an optional description for the file. @type description: string @param comment: an optional comment to the file. @type comment: string @param format: the extension of the file. If not specified it will be guessed (see L{guess_format_from_url}). @type format: string @param flags: a set of flags to be associated with the file (see L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}) @type flags: list of string @return: the elaborated document object. @rtype: BibDoc @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of error. @note: previous files associated with the same document will be considered obsolete. """ if docname is None: docname = decompose_file(fullpath)[1] if format is None: format = decompose_file(fullpath)[2] if flags is None: flags = [] bibdoc = self.get_bibdoc(docname=docname) bibdoc.add_file_new_version(fullpath, description=description, comment=comment, format=format, flags=flags) self.build_bibdoc_list() return bibdoc def add_new_format(self, fullpath, docname=None, description=None, comment=None, format=None, flags=None): """ Adds a new file to an already existent document object as a new format. @param fullpath: the filesystem path of the file to be added. @type fullpath: string @param docname: the document name. If not specified it will be extracted from C{fullpath} (see L{decompose_file}). @type docname: string @param description: an optional description for the file. @type description: string @param comment: an optional comment to the file. @type comment: string @param format: the extension of the file. If not specified it will be guessed (see L{guess_format_from_url}). @type format: string @param flags: a set of flags to be associated with the file (see L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}) @type flags: list of string @return: the elaborated document object. @rtype: BibDoc @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case the same format already exists. """ if docname is None: docname = decompose_file(fullpath)[1] if format is None: format = decompose_file(fullpath)[2] if flags is None: flags = [] bibdoc = self.get_bibdoc(docname=docname) bibdoc.add_file_new_format(fullpath, description=description, comment=comment, format=format, flags=flags) self.build_bibdoc_list() return bibdoc def list_latest_files(self, doctype='', list_hidden=True): """ Returns a list of the latest files. @param doctype: if set, only document of the given type will be listed. @type doctype: string @param list_hidden: if True, will list also files with the C{HIDDEN} flag being set. @type list_hidden: bool @return: the list of latest files. @rtype: list of BibDocFile """ docfiles = [] for bibdoc in self.list_bibdocs(doctype): docfiles += bibdoc.list_latest_files(list_hidden=list_hidden) return docfiles def display(self, docname="", version="", doctype="", ln=CFG_SITE_LANG, verbose=0, display_hidden=True): """ Returns an HTML representation of the the attached documents. @param docname: if set, include only the requested document. @type docname: string @param version: if not set, only the last version will be displayed. If 'all', all versions will be displayed. @type version: string (integer or 'all') @param doctype: is set, include only documents of the requested type. @type doctype: string @param ln: the language code. @type ln: string @param verbose: if greater than 0, includes debug information. @type verbose: integer - @param display_hidden: wether to include hidden files as well. + @param display_hidden: whether to include hidden files as well. @type display_hidden: bool @return: the formatted representation. @rtype: HTML string """ t = "" if docname: try: bibdocs = [self.get_bibdoc(docname)] except InvenioWebSubmitFileError: bibdocs = self.list_bibdocs(doctype) else: bibdocs = self.list_bibdocs(doctype) if bibdocs: types = list_types_from_array(bibdocs) fulltypes = [] for mytype in types: fulltype = { 'name' : mytype, 'content' : [], } for bibdoc in bibdocs: if mytype == bibdoc.get_type(): fulltype['content'].append(bibdoc.display(version, ln=ln, display_hidden=display_hidden)) fulltypes.append(fulltype) if verbose >= 9: verbose_files = str(self) else: verbose_files = '' t = websubmit_templates.tmpl_bibrecdoc_filelist( ln=ln, types = fulltypes, verbose_files=verbose_files ) return t def fix(self, docname): """ Algorithm that transform a broken/old bibdoc into a coherent one. Think of it as being the fsck of BibDocs. - All the files in the bibdoc directory will be renamed according to the document name. Proper .recid, .type, .md5 files will be created/updated. - In case of more than one file with the same format version a new bibdoc will be created in order to put does files. @param docname: the document name that need to be fixed. @type docname: string @return: the list of newly created bibdocs if any. @rtype: list of BibDoc @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of issues that can not be fixed automatically. """ bibdoc = self.get_bibdoc(docname) versions = {} res = [] new_bibdocs = [] # List of files with the same version/format of # existing file which need new bibdoc. counter = 0 zero_version_bug = False if os.path.exists(bibdoc.basedir): for filename in os.listdir(bibdoc.basedir): if filename[0] != '.' and ';' in filename: name, version = filename.split(';') try: version = int(version) except ValueError: # Strange name register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "A file called %s exists under %s. This is not a valid name. After the ';' there must be an integer representing the file version. Please, manually fix this file either by renaming or by deleting it." % (filename, bibdoc.basedir) if version == 0: zero_version_bug = True format = name[len(file_strip_ext(name)):] format = normalize_format(format) if not versions.has_key(version): versions[version] = {} new_name = 'FIXING-%s-%s' % (str(counter), name) try: shutil.move('%s/%s' % (bibdoc.basedir, filename), '%s/%s' % (bibdoc.basedir, new_name)) except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Error in renaming '%s' to '%s': '%s'" % ('%s/%s' % (bibdoc.basedir, filename), '%s/%s' % (bibdoc.basedir, new_name), e) if versions[version].has_key(format): new_bibdocs.append((new_name, version)) else: versions[version][format] = new_name counter += 1 elif filename[0] != '.': # Strange name register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "A file called %s exists under %s. This is not a valid name. There should be a ';' followed by an integer representing the file version. Please, manually fix this file either by renaming or by deleting it." % (filename, bibdoc.basedir) else: # we create the corresponding storage directory old_umask = os.umask(022) os.makedirs(bibdoc.basedir) # and save the father record id if it exists try: if self.id != "": recid_fd = open("%s/.recid" % bibdoc.basedir, "w") recid_fd.write(str(self.id)) recid_fd.close() if bibdoc.doctype != "": type_fd = open("%s/.type" % bibdoc.basedir, "w") type_fd.write(str(bibdoc.doctype)) type_fd.close() except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, e os.umask(old_umask) if not versions: bibdoc.delete() else: for version, formats in versions.iteritems(): if zero_version_bug: version += 1 for format, filename in formats.iteritems(): destination = '%s%s;%i' % (docname, format, version) try: shutil.move('%s/%s' % (bibdoc.basedir, filename), '%s/%s' % (bibdoc.basedir, destination)) except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Error in renaming '%s' to '%s': '%s'" % ('%s/%s' % (bibdoc.basedir, filename), '%s/%s' % (bibdoc.basedir, destination), e) try: recid_fd = open("%s/.recid" % bibdoc.basedir, "w") recid_fd.write(str(self.id)) recid_fd.close() type_fd = open("%s/.type" % bibdoc.basedir, "w") type_fd.write(str(bibdoc.doctype)) type_fd.close() except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Error in creating .recid and .type file for '%s' folder: '%s'" % (bibdoc.basedir, e) self.build_bibdoc_list() res = [] for (filename, version) in new_bibdocs: if zero_version_bug: version += 1 new_bibdoc = self.add_bibdoc(doctype=bibdoc.doctype, docname=docname, never_fail=True) new_bibdoc.add_file_new_format('%s/%s' % (bibdoc.basedir, filename), version) res.append(new_bibdoc) try: os.remove('%s/%s' % (bibdoc.basedir, filename)) except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Error in removing '%s': '%s'" % ('%s/%s' % (bibdoc.basedir, filename), e) Md5Folder(bibdoc.basedir).update(only_new=False) bibdoc._build_file_list() self.build_bibdoc_list() for bibdoc in self.bibdocs: if not run_sql('SELECT more_info FROM bibdoc WHERE id=%s', (bibdoc.id,)): ## Import from MARC only if the bibdoc has never had ## its more_info initialized. try: bibdoc.import_descriptions_and_comments_from_marc() except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Error in importing description and comment from %s for record %s: %s" % (repr(bibdoc), self.id, e) return res def check_format(self, docname): """ Check for any format related issue. In case L{CFG_WEBSUBMIT_ADDITIONAL_KNOWN_FILE_EXTENSIONS} is altered or Python version changes, it might happen that a docname contains files which are no more docname + .format ; version, simply because the .format is now recognized (and it was not before, so it was contained into the docname). This algorithm verify if it is necessary to fix (seel L{fix_format}). @param docname: the document name whose formats should be verified. @type docname: string @return: True if format is correct. False if a fix is needed. @rtype: bool @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of any error. """ bibdoc = self.get_bibdoc(docname) correct_docname = decompose_file(docname + '.pdf')[1] if docname != correct_docname: return False for filename in os.listdir(bibdoc.basedir): if not filename.startswith('.'): try: dummy, dummy, format, version = decompose_file_with_version(filename) except Exception: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError('Incorrect filename "%s" for docname %s for recid %i' % (filename, docname, self.id)) if '%s%s;%i' % (correct_docname, format, version) != filename: return False return True def check_duplicate_docnames(self): """ Check wethever the record is connected with at least tho documents with the same name. @return: True if everything is fine. @rtype: bool """ docnames = set() for docname in self.get_bibdoc_names(): if docname in docnames: return False else: docnames.add(docname) return True def uniformize_bibdoc(self, docname): """ This algorithm correct wrong file name belonging to a bibdoc. @param docname: the document name whose formats should be verified. @type docname: string """ bibdoc = self.get_bibdoc(docname) for filename in os.listdir(bibdoc.basedir): if not filename.startswith('.'): try: dummy, dummy, format, version = decompose_file_with_version(filename) except ValueError: register_exception(alert_admin=True, prefix= "Strange file '%s' is stored in %s" % (filename, bibdoc.basedir)) else: os.rename(os.path.join(bibdoc.basedir, filename), os.path.join(bibdoc.basedir, '%s%s;%i' % (docname, format, version))) Md5Folder(bibdoc.basedir).update() bibdoc.touch() bibdoc._build_file_list('rename') def fix_format(self, docname, skip_check=False): """ Fixes format related inconsistencies. @param docname: the document name whose formats should be verified. @type docname: string @param skip_check: if True assume L{check_format} has already been called and the need for fix has already been found. If False, will implicitly call L{check_format} and skip fixing if no error is found. @type skip_check: bool @return: in case merging two bibdocs is needed but it's not possible. @rtype: bool """ if not skip_check: if self.check_format(docname): return True bibdoc = self.get_bibdoc(docname) correct_docname = decompose_file(docname + '.pdf')[1] need_merge = False if correct_docname != docname: need_merge = self.has_docname_p(correct_docname) if need_merge: proposed_docname = self.propose_unique_docname(correct_docname) run_sql('UPDATE bibdoc SET docname=%s WHERE id=%s', (proposed_docname, bibdoc.id)) self.build_bibdoc_list() self.uniformize_bibdoc(proposed_docname) try: self.merge_bibdocs(docname, proposed_docname) except InvenioWebSubmitFileError: return False else: run_sql('UPDATE bibdoc SET docname=%s WHERE id=%s', (correct_docname, bibdoc.id)) self.build_bibdoc_list() self.uniformize_bibdoc(correct_docname) else: self.uniformize_bibdoc(docname) return True def fix_duplicate_docnames(self, skip_check=False): """ Algotirthm to fix duplicate docnames. If a record is connected with at least two bibdoc having the same docname, the algorithm will try to merge them. @param skip_check: if True assume L{check_duplicate_docnames} has already been called and the need for fix has already been found. If False, will implicitly call L{check_duplicate_docnames} and skip fixing if no error is found. @type skip_check: bool """ if not skip_check: if self.check_duplicate_docnames(): return docnames = set() for bibdoc in self.list_bibdocs(): docname = bibdoc.docname if docname in docnames: new_docname = self.propose_unique_docname(bibdoc.docname) bibdoc.change_name(new_docname) self.merge_bibdocs(docname, new_docname) docnames.add(docname) class BibDoc: """ This class represents one document (i.e. a set of files with different formats and with versioning information that consitutes a piece of information. To instanciate a new document, the recid and the docname are mandatory. To instanciate an already existing document, either the recid and docname or the docid alone are sufficient to retrieve it. @param docid: the document identifier. @type docid: integer @param recid: the record identifier of the record to which this document belongs to. If the C{docid} is specified the C{recid} is automatically retrieven from the database. @type recid: integer @param docname: the document name. @type docname: string @param doctype: the document type (used when instanciating a new document). @type doctype: string - @param human_readable: wether sizes should be represented in a human + @param human_readable: whether sizes should be represented in a human readable format. @type human_readable: bool @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of error. """ def __init__ (self, docid=None, recid=None, docname=None, doctype='Main', human_readable=False): """Constructor of a bibdoc. At least the docid or the recid/docname pair is needed.""" # docid is known, the document already exists if docname: docname = normalize_docname(docname) self.docfiles = [] self.md5s = None self.related_files = [] self.human_readable = human_readable if docid: if not recid: res = run_sql("SELECT id_bibrec,type FROM bibrec_bibdoc WHERE id_bibdoc=%s LIMIT 1", (docid,), 1) if res: recid = res[0][0] doctype = res[0][1] else: res = run_sql("SELECT id_bibdoc1,type FROM bibdoc_bibdoc WHERE id_bibdoc2=%s LIMIT 1", (docid,), 1) if res: main_docid = res[0][0] doctype = res[0][1] res = run_sql("SELECT id_bibrec,type FROM bibrec_bibdoc WHERE id_bibdoc=%s LIMIT 1", (main_docid,), 1) if res: recid = res[0][0] else: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "The docid %s associated with docid %s is not associated with any record" % (main_docid, docid) else: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "The docid %s is not associated to any recid or other docid" % docid else: res = run_sql("SELECT type FROM bibrec_bibdoc WHERE id_bibrec=%s AND id_bibdoc=%s LIMIT 1", (recid, docid,), 1) if res: doctype = res[0][0] else: #this bibdoc isn't associated with the corresponding bibrec. raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Docid %s is not associated with the recid %s" % (docid, recid) # gather the other information res = run_sql("SELECT id,status,docname,creation_date,modification_date,text_extraction_date,more_info FROM bibdoc WHERE id=%s LIMIT 1", (docid,), 1) if res: self.cd = res[0][3] self.md = res[0][4] self.td = res[0][5] self.recid = recid self.docname = res[0][2] self.id = docid self.status = res[0][1] self.more_info = BibDocMoreInfo(docid, blob_to_string(res[0][6])) self.basedir = _make_base_dir(self.id) self.doctype = doctype else: # this bibdoc doesn't exist raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "The docid %s does not exist." % docid # else it is a new document else: if not docname: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "You should specify the docname when creating a new bibdoc" else: self.recid = recid self.doctype = doctype self.docname = docname self.status = '' if recid: res = run_sql("SELECT b.id FROM bibrec_bibdoc bb JOIN bibdoc b on bb.id_bibdoc=b.id WHERE bb.id_bibrec=%s AND b.docname=%s LIMIT 1", (recid, docname), 1) if res: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "A bibdoc called %s already exists for recid %s" % (docname, recid) self.id = run_sql("INSERT INTO bibdoc (status,docname,creation_date,modification_date) " "values(%s,%s,NOW(),NOW())", (self.status, docname)) if self.id: # we link the document to the record if a recid was # specified self.more_info = BibDocMoreInfo(self.id) res = run_sql("SELECT creation_date, modification_date, text_extraction_date FROM bibdoc WHERE id=%s", (self.id,)) self.cd = res[0][0] self.md = res[0][1] self.td = res[0][2] else: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "New docid cannot be created" try: self.basedir = _make_base_dir(self.id) # we create the corresponding storage directory if not os.path.exists(self.basedir): old_umask = os.umask(022) os.makedirs(self.basedir) # and save the father record id if it exists try: if self.recid: recid_fd = open("%s/.recid" % self.basedir, "w") recid_fd.write(str(self.recid)) recid_fd.close() if self.doctype: type_fd = open("%s/.type" % self.basedir, "w") type_fd.write(str(self.doctype)) type_fd.close() except Exception, e: register_exception(alert_admin=True) raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, e os.umask(old_umask) if self.recid: run_sql("INSERT INTO bibrec_bibdoc (id_bibrec, id_bibdoc, type) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)", (recid, self.id, self.doctype,)) except Exception, e: run_sql('DELETE FROM bibdoc WHERE id=%s', (self.id, )) run_sql('DELETE FROM bibrec_bibdoc WHERE id_bibdoc=%s', (self.id, )) register_exception(alert_admin=True) raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, e # build list of attached files self._build_file_list('init') # link with related_files self._build_related_file_list() def __repr__(self): """ @return: the canonical string representation of the C{BibDoc}. @rtype: string """ return 'BibDoc(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' % (repr(self.id), repr(self.recid), repr(self.docname), repr(self.doctype), repr(self.human_readable)) def __str__(self): """ @return: an easy to be I{grepped} string representation of the whole C{BibDoc} content. @rtype: string """ out = '%s:%i:::docname=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, self.docname) out += '%s:%i:::doctype=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, self.doctype) out += '%s:%i:::status=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, self.status) out += '%s:%i:::basedir=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, self.basedir) out += '%s:%i:::creation date=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, self.cd) out += '%s:%i:::modification date=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, self.md) out += '%s:%i:::text extraction date=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, self.td) out += '%s:%i:::total file attached=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, len(self.docfiles)) if self.human_readable: out += '%s:%i:::total size latest version=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, nice_size(self.get_total_size_latest_version())) out += '%s:%i:::total size all files=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, nice_size(self.get_total_size())) else: out += '%s:%i:::total size latest version=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, self.get_total_size_latest_version()) out += '%s:%i:::total size all files=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, self.get_total_size()) for docfile in self.docfiles: out += str(docfile) - icon = self.get_icon() - if icon: - out += str(self.get_icon()) return out def format_already_exists_p(self, format): """ @param format: a format to be checked. @type format: string @return: True if a file of the given format already exists among the latest files. @rtype: bool """ format = normalize_format(format) for afile in self.list_latest_files(): if format == afile.get_format(): return True return False def get_status(self): """ @return: the status information. @rtype: string """ return self.status def get_text(self, version=None): """ @param version: the requested verson. If not set, the latest version will be used. @type version: integer @return: the textual content corresponding to the specified version of the document. @rtype: string """ if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() if self.has_text(version): return open(os.path.join(self.basedir, '.text;%i' % version)).read() else: return "" def extract_text(self, version=None, perform_ocr=False, ln='en'): """ Try what is necessary to extract the textual information of a document. @param version: the version of the document for which text is required. If not specified the text will be retrieved from the last version. @type version: integer - @param perform_ocr: wether to perform OCR. + @param perform_ocr: whether to perform OCR. @type perform_ocr: bool @param ln: a two letter language code to give as a hint to the OCR procedure. @type ln: string @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of error. @note: the text is extracted and cached for later use. Use L{get_text} to retrieve it. """ from invenio.websubmit_file_converter import get_best_format_to_extract_text_from, convert_file, InvenioWebSubmitFileConverterError if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() docfiles = self.list_version_files(version) ## We try to extract text only from original or OCRed documents. filenames = [docfile.get_full_path() for docfile in docfiles if 'CONVERTED' not in docfile.flags or 'OCRED' in docfile.flags] try: filename = get_best_format_to_extract_text_from(filenames) except InvenioWebSubmitFileConverterError: ## We fall back on considering all the documents filenames = [docfile.get_full_path() for docfile in docfiles] try: filename = get_best_format_to_extract_text_from(filenames) except InvenioWebSubmitFileConverterError: open(os.path.join(self.basedir, '.text;%i' % version), 'w').write('') return try: convert_file(filename, os.path.join(self.basedir, '.text;%i' % version), '.txt', perform_ocr=perform_ocr, ln=ln) if version == self.get_latest_version(): run_sql("UPDATE bibdoc SET text_extraction_date=NOW() WHERE id=%s", (self.id, )) except InvenioWebSubmitFileConverterError, e: register_exception(alert_admin=True, prefix="Error in extracting text from bibdoc %i, version %i" % (self.id, version)) raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, str(e) def touch(self): """ Update the modification time of the bibdoc (as in the UNIX command C{touch}). """ run_sql('UPDATE bibdoc SET modification_date=NOW() WHERE id=%s', (self.id, )) #if self.recid: #run_sql('UPDATE bibrec SET modification_date=NOW() WHERE id=%s', (self.recid, )) def set_status(self, new_status): """ Set a new status. A document with a status information is a restricted document that can be accessed only to user which as an authorization to the I{viewrestrdoc} WebAccess action with keyword status with value C{new_status}. @param new_status: the new status. If empty the document will be unrestricted. @type new_status: string @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case the reserved word 'DELETED' is used. """ if new_status != KEEP_OLD_VALUE: if new_status == 'DELETED': raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError('DELETED is a reserved word and can not be used for setting the status') run_sql('UPDATE bibdoc SET status=%s WHERE id=%s', (new_status, self.id)) self.status = new_status self.touch() self._build_file_list() self._build_related_file_list() def add_file_new_version(self, filename, description=None, comment=None, format=None, flags=None): """ Add a new version of a file. If no physical file is already attached to the document a the given file will have version 1. Otherwise the new file will have the current version number plus one. @param filename: the local path of the file. @type filename: string @param description: an optional description for the file. @type description: string @param comment: an optional comment to the file. @type comment: string @param format: the extension of the file. If not specified it will be retrieved from the filename (see L{decompose_file}). @type format: string @param flags: a set of flags to be associated with the file (see L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}) @type flags: list of string @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of error. """ try: latestVersion = self.get_latest_version() if latestVersion == 0: myversion = 1 else: myversion = latestVersion + 1 if os.path.exists(filename): if not os.path.getsize(filename) > 0: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "%s seems to be empty" % filename if format is None: format = decompose_file(filename)[2] destination = "%s/%s%s;%i" % (self.basedir, self.docname, format, myversion) try: shutil.copyfile(filename, destination) os.chmod(destination, 0644) except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Encountered an exception while copying '%s' to '%s': '%s'" % (filename, destination, e) self.more_info.set_description(description, format, myversion) self.more_info.set_comment(comment, format, myversion) if flags is None: flags = [] for flag in flags: if flag == 'PERFORM_HIDE_PREVIOUS': for afile in self.list_all_files(): format = afile.get_format() version = afile.get_version() if version < myversion: self.more_info.set_flag('HIDDEN', format, myversion) else: self.more_info.set_flag(flag, format, myversion) else: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "'%s' does not exists!" % filename finally: self.touch() Md5Folder(self.basedir).update() self._build_file_list() def add_file_new_format(self, filename, version=None, description=None, comment=None, format=None, flags=None): """ Add a file as a new format. @param filename: the local path of the file. @type filename: string @param version: an optional specific version to which the new format should be added. If None, the last version will be used. @type version: integer @param description: an optional description for the file. @type description: string @param comment: an optional comment to the file. @type comment: string @param format: the extension of the file. If not specified it will be retrieved from the filename (see L{decompose_file}). @type format: string @param flags: a set of flags to be associated with the file (see L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}) @type flags: list of string @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: if the given format already exists. """ try: if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() if version == 0: version = 1 if os.path.exists(filename): if not os.path.getsize(filename) > 0: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "%s seems to be empty" % filename if format is None: format = decompose_file(filename)[2] destination = "%s/%s%s;%i" % (self.basedir, self.docname, format, version) if os.path.exists(destination): raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "A file for docname '%s' for the recid '%s' already exists for the format '%s'" % (self.docname, self.recid, format) try: shutil.copyfile(filename, destination) os.chmod(destination, 0644) except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Encountered an exception while copying '%s' to '%s': '%s'" % (filename, destination, e) self.more_info.set_comment(comment, format, version) self.more_info.set_description(description, format, version) if flags is None: flags = [] for flag in flags: if flag != 'PERFORM_HIDE_PREVIOUS': self.more_info.set_flag(flag, format, version) else: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "'%s' does not exists!" % filename finally: Md5Folder(self.basedir).update() self.touch() self._build_file_list() def purge(self): """ Physically removes all the previous version of the given bibdoc. Everything but the last formats will be erased. """ version = self.get_latest_version() if version > 1: for afile in self.docfiles: if afile.get_version() < version: self.more_info.unset_comment(afile.get_format(), afile.get_version()) self.more_info.unset_description(afile.get_format(), afile.get_version()) for flag in CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS: self.more_info.unset_flag(flag, afile.get_format(), afile.get_version()) try: os.remove(afile.get_full_path()) except Exception, e: register_exception() Md5Folder(self.basedir).update() self.touch() self._build_file_list() def expunge(self): """ Physically remove all the traces of a given document. @note: an expunged BibDoc object shouldn't be used anymore or the result might be unpredicted. """ del self.md5s del self.more_info os.system('rm -rf %s' % escape_shell_arg(self.basedir)) run_sql('DELETE FROM bibrec_bibdoc WHERE id_bibdoc=%s', (self.id, )) run_sql('DELETE FROM bibdoc_bibdoc WHERE id_bibdoc1=%s OR id_bibdoc2=%s', (self.id, self.id)) run_sql('DELETE FROM bibdoc WHERE id=%s', (self.id, )) run_sql('INSERT DELAYED INTO hstDOCUMENT(action, id_bibdoc, docname, doctimestamp) VALUES("EXPUNGE", %s, %s, NOW())', (self.id, self.docname)) del self.docfiles del self.id del self.cd del self.md del self.td del self.basedir del self.recid del self.doctype del self.docname def revert(self, version): """ Revert the document to a given version. All the formats corresponding to that version are copied forward to a new version. @param version: the version to revert to. @type version: integer @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of errors """ try: version = int(version) new_version = self.get_latest_version() + 1 for docfile in self.list_version_files(version): destination = "%s/%s%s;%i" % (self.basedir, self.docname, docfile.get_format(), new_version) if os.path.exists(destination): raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "A file for docname '%s' for the recid '%s' already exists for the format '%s'" % (self.docname, self.recid, docfile.get_format()) try: shutil.copyfile(docfile.get_full_path(), destination) os.chmod(destination, 0644) self.more_info.set_comment(self.more_info.get_comment(docfile.get_format(), version), docfile.get_format(), new_version) self.more_info.set_description(self.more_info.get_description(docfile.get_format(), version), docfile.get_format(), new_version) except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Encountered an exception while copying '%s' to '%s': '%s'" % (docfile.get_full_path(), destination, e) finally: Md5Folder(self.basedir).update() self.touch() self._build_file_list() def import_descriptions_and_comments_from_marc(self, record=None): """ Import descriptions and comments from the corresponding MARC metadata. @param record: the record (if None it will be calculated). @type record: bibrecord recstruct @note: If record is passed it is directly used, otherwise it is retrieved from the MARCXML stored in the database. """ ## Let's get the record from invenio.search_engine import get_record if record is None: record = get_record(self.id) fields = record_get_field_instances(record, '856', '4', ' ') global_comment = None global_description = None local_comment = {} local_description = {} for field in fields: url = field_get_subfield_values(field, 'u') if url: ## Given a url url = url[0] if url == '%s/record/%s/files/' % (CFG_SITE_URL, self.recid): ## If it is a traditional /record/1/files/ one ## We have global description/comment for all the formats description = field_get_subfield_values(field, 'y') if description: global_description = description[0] comment = field_get_subfield_values(field, 'z') if comment: global_comment = comment[0] elif bibdocfile_url_p(url): ## Otherwise we have description/comment per format dummy, docname, format = decompose_bibdocfile_url(url) if docname == self.docname: description = field_get_subfield_values(field, 'y') if description: local_description[format] = description[0] comment = field_get_subfield_values(field, 'z') if comment: local_comment[format] = comment[0] ## Let's update the tables version = self.get_latest_version() for docfile in self.list_latest_files(): format = docfile.get_format() if format in local_comment: self.set_comment(local_comment[format], format, version) else: self.set_comment(global_comment, format, version) if format in local_description: self.set_description(local_description[format], format, version) else: self.set_description(global_description, format, version) self._build_file_list('init') - def get_icon(self): + def get_icon(self, subformat_re=CFG_WEBSUBMIT_ICON_SUBFORMAT_RE): """ - @return: the bibdoc corresponding to the icon of this document, or + @param subformat_re: by default the convention is that + L{CFG_WEBSUBMIT_ICON_SUBFORMAT_RE} is used as a subformat indicator to + mean that a particular format is to be used as an icon. + Specifiy a different subformat if you need to use a different + convention. + @type subformat_re: compiled regular expression + @return: the bibdocfile corresponding to the icon of this document, or None if any icon exists for this document. - @rtype: BibDoc + @rtype: BibDocFile + @warning: before I{subformat} were introduced this method was + returning a BibDoc, while now is returning a BibDocFile. Check + if your client code is compatible with this. """ - if self.related_files.has_key('Icon'): - return self.related_files['Icon'][0] - else: - return None + for docfile in self.list_latest_files(): + if subformat_re.match(docfile.get_subformat()): + return docfile + return None - def add_icon(self, filename, basename=None, format=None): + def add_icon(self, filename, format=None, subformat=CFG_WEBSUBMIT_DEFAULT_ICON_SUBFORMAT): """ Attaches icon to this document. @param filename: the local filesystem path to the icon. @type filename: string - @param basename: an optional name for the icon. If not specified - "icon-" followed by this document name will be used. - @type basename: string @param format: an optional format for the icon. If not specified it will be calculated after the filesystem path. @type format: string - @return: the icon bibdoc - @rtype: BibDoc + @param subformat: by default the convention is that + CFG_WEBSUBMIT_DEFAULT_ICON_SUBFORMAT is used as a subformat indicator to + mean that a particular format is to be used as an icon. + Specifiy a different subformat if you need to use a different + convention. + @type subformat: string @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of errors. """ #first check if an icon already exists - existing_icon = self.get_icon() - if existing_icon is not None: - existing_icon.delete() - #then add the new one - if basename is None: - basename = 'icon-%s' % self.docname - if format is None: + if not format: format = decompose_file(filename)[2] - newicon = BibDoc(doctype='Icon', docname=basename, human_readable=self.human_readable) - newicon.add_file_new_version(filename, format=format) - try: - try: - old_umask = os.umask(022) - recid_fd = open("%s/.docid" % newicon.get_base_dir(), "w") - recid_fd.write(str(self.id)) - recid_fd.close() - type_fd = open("%s/.type" % newicon.get_base_dir(), "w") - type_fd.write(str(self.doctype)) - type_fd.close() - os.umask(old_umask) - run_sql("INSERT INTO bibdoc_bibdoc (id_bibdoc1, id_bibdoc2, type) VALUES (%s,%s,'Icon')", (self.id, newicon.get_id(),)) - except Exception, e: - register_exception() - raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Encountered an exception while writing .docid and .doctype for folder '%s': '%s'" % (newicon.get_base_dir(), e) - finally: - Md5Folder(newicon.basedir).update() - self.touch() - self._build_related_file_list() - return newicon + if subformat: + format += ";%s" % subformat + + self.add_file_new_format(filename, format=format) - def delete_icon(self): + def delete_icon(self, subformat_re=CFG_WEBSUBMIT_ICON_SUBFORMAT_RE): """ + @param subformat_re: by default the convention is that + L{CFG_WEBSUBMIT_ICON_SUBFORMAT_RE} is used as a subformat indicator to + mean that a particular format is to be used as an icon. + Specifiy a different subformat if you need to use a different + convention. + @type subformat: compiled regular expression Removes the icon attached to the document if it exists. """ - existing_icon = self.get_icon() - if existing_icon is not None: - existing_icon.delete() - self.touch() - self._build_related_file_list() + for docfile in self.list_latest_files(): + if subformat_re.match(docfile.get_subformat()): + self.delete_file(docfile.get_format(), docfile.get_version()) def display(self, version="", ln=CFG_SITE_LANG, display_hidden=True): """ Returns an HTML representation of the this document. @param version: if not set, only the last version will be displayed. If 'all', all versions will be displayed. @type version: string (integer or 'all') @param ln: the language code. @type ln: string - @param display_hidden: wether to include hidden files as well. + @param display_hidden: whether to include hidden files as well. @type display_hidden: bool @return: the formatted representation. @rtype: HTML string """ t = "" if version == "all": docfiles = self.list_all_files(list_hidden=display_hidden) elif version != "": version = int(version) docfiles = self.list_version_files(version, list_hidden=display_hidden) else: docfiles = self.list_latest_files(list_hidden=display_hidden) - existing_icon = self.get_icon() - if existing_icon is not None: - existing_icon = existing_icon.list_all_files()[0] - imageurl = "%s/record/%s/files/%s" % \ - (CFG_SITE_URL, self.recid, urllib.quote(existing_icon.get_full_name())) + icon = self.get_icon() + if icon: + imageurl = icon.get_url() else: imageurl = "%s/img/smallfiles.gif" % CFG_SITE_URL versions = [] for version in list_versions_from_array(docfiles): currversion = { 'version' : version, 'previous' : 0, 'content' : [] } if version == self.get_latest_version() and version != 1: currversion['previous'] = 1 for docfile in docfiles: if docfile.get_version() == version: currversion['content'].append(docfile.display(ln = ln)) versions.append(currversion) t = websubmit_templates.tmpl_bibdoc_filelist( ln = ln, versions = versions, imageurl = imageurl, docname = self.docname, recid = self.recid ) return t def change_name(self, newname): """ Renames this document name. @param newname: the new name. @type newname: string @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: if the new name corresponds to a document already attached to the record owning this document. """ try: newname = normalize_docname(newname) res = run_sql("SELECT b.id FROM bibrec_bibdoc bb JOIN bibdoc b on bb.id_bibdoc=b.id WHERE bb.id_bibrec=%s AND b.docname=%s", (self.recid, newname)) if res: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "A bibdoc called %s already exists for recid %s" % (newname, self.recid) try: for f in os.listdir(self.basedir): if not f.startswith('.'): try: (dummy, base, extension, version) = decompose_file_with_version(f) except ValueError: register_exception(alert_admin=True, prefix="Strange file '%s' is stored in %s" % (f, self.basedir)) else: shutil.move(os.path.join(self.basedir, f), os.path.join(self.basedir, '%s%s;%i' % (newname, extension, version))) except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError("Error in renaming the bibdoc %s to %s for recid %s: %s" % (self.docname, newname, self.recid, e)) run_sql("update bibdoc set docname=%s where id=%s", (newname, self.id,)) self.docname = newname finally: Md5Folder(self.basedir).update() self.touch() self._build_file_list('rename') self._build_related_file_list() def set_comment(self, comment, format, version=None): """ Updates the comment of a specific format/version of the document. @param comment: the new comment. @type comment: string @param format: the specific format for which the comment should be updated. @type format: string @param version: the specific version for which the comment should be updated. If not specified the last version will be used. @type version: integer """ if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() format = normalize_format(format) self.more_info.set_comment(comment, format, version) self.touch() self._build_file_list('init') def set_description(self, description, format, version=None): """ Updates the description of a specific format/version of the document. @param description: the new description. @type description: string @param format: the specific format for which the description should be updated. @type format: string @param version: the specific version for which the description should be updated. If not specified the last version will be used. @type version: integer """ if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() format = normalize_format(format) self.more_info.set_description(description, format, version) self.touch() self._build_file_list('init') def set_flag(self, flagname, format, version=None): """ Sets a flag for a specific format/version of the document. @param flagname: a flag from L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}. @type flagname: string @param format: the specific format for which the flag should be set. @type format: string @param version: the specific version for which the flag should be set. If not specified the last version will be used. @type version: integer """ if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() format = normalize_format(format) self.more_info.set_flag(flagname, format, version) self.touch() self._build_file_list('init') def has_flag(self, flagname, format, version=None): """ Checks if a particular flag for a format/version is set. @param flagname: a flag from L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}. @type flagname: string @param format: the specific format for which the flag should be set. @type format: string @param version: the specific version for which the flag should be set. If not specified the last version will be used. @type version: integer @return: True if the flag is set. @rtype: bool """ if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() format = normalize_format(format) return self.more_info.has_flag(flagname, format, version) def unset_flag(self, flagname, format, version=None): """ Unsets a flag for a specific format/version of the document. @param flagname: a flag from L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}. @type flagname: string @param format: the specific format for which the flag should be unset. @type format: string @param version: the specific version for which the flag should be unset. If not specified the last version will be used. @type version: integer """ if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() format = normalize_format(format) self.more_info.unset_flag(flagname, format, version) self.touch() self._build_file_list('init') def get_comment(self, format, version=None): """ Retrieve the comment of a specific format/version of the document. @param format: the specific format for which the comment should be retrieved. @type format: string @param version: the specific version for which the comment should be retrieved. If not specified the last version will be used. @type version: integer @return: the comment. @rtype: string """ if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() format = normalize_format(format) return self.more_info.get_comment(format, version) def get_description(self, format, version=None): """ Retrieve the description of a specific format/version of the document. @param format: the specific format for which the description should be retrieved. @type format: string @param version: the specific version for which the description should be retrieved. If not specified the last version will be used. @type version: integer @return: the description. @rtype: string """ if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() format = normalize_format(format) return self.more_info.get_description(format, version) def hidden_p(self, format, version=None): """ Returns True if the file specified by the given format/version is hidden. @param format: the specific format for which the description should be retrieved. @type format: string @param version: the specific version for which the description should be retrieved. If not specified the last version will be used. @type version: integer @return: True if hidden. @rtype: bool """ if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() - return self.more_info.hidden_p(format, version) - - def icon_p(self): - """ - @return: True if this document is an icon attached to another - document. - @rtype: bool - """ - return run_sql("SELECT count(id_bibdoc2) FROM bibdoc_bibdoc WHERE id_bibdoc2=%s AND type='Icon'", (self.id, ))[0][0] > 0 + return self.more_info.has_flag('HIDDEN', format, version) def get_docname(self): """ @return: the name of this document. @rtype: string """ return self.docname def get_base_dir(self): """ @return: the base directory on the local filesystem for this document (e.g. C{/soft/cdsweb/var/data/files/g0/123}) @rtype: string """ return self.basedir def get_type(self): """ @return: the type of this document. @rtype: string""" return self.doctype def get_recid(self): """ @return: the record id of the record to which this document is attached. @rtype: integer """ return self.recid def get_id(self): """ @return: the id of this document. @rtype: integer """ return self.id def pdf_a_p(self): """ @return: True if this document contains a PDF in PDF/A format. @rtype: bool""" return self.has_flag('PDF/A', 'pdf') def has_text(self, require_up_to_date=False, version=None): """ Return True if the text of this document has already been extracted. @param require_up_to_date: if True check the text was actually extracted after the most recent format of the given version. @type require_up_to_date: bool @param version: a version for which the text should have been extracted. If not specified the latest version is considered. @type version: integer @return: True if the text has already been extracted. @rtype: bool """ if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.basedir, '.text;%i' % version)): if not require_up_to_date: return True else: docfiles = self.list_version_files(version) text_md = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(self.basedir, '.text;%i' % version))) for docfile in docfiles: if text_md <= docfile.md: return False return True return False def get_file(self, format, version=""): """ Returns a L{BibDocFile} instance of this document corresponding to the specific format and version. @param format: the specific format. @type format: string @param version: the specific version for which the description should be retrieved. If not specified the last version will be used. @type version: integer @return: the L{BibDocFile} instance. @rtype: BibDocFile """ if version == "": docfiles = self.list_latest_files() else: version = int(version) docfiles = self.list_version_files(version) format = normalize_format(format) for docfile in docfiles: if (docfile.get_format()==format or not format): return docfile + + ## Let's skip the subformat specification and consider just the + ## superformat + superformat = get_superformat_from_format(format) + for docfile in docfiles: + if get_superformat_from_format(docfile.get_format()) == superformat: + return docfile raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "No file called '%s' of format '%s', version '%s'" % (self.docname, format, version) def list_versions(self): """ @return: the list of existing version numbers for this document. @rtype: list of integer """ versions = [] for docfile in self.docfiles: if not docfile.get_version() in versions: versions.append(docfile.get_version()) versions.sort() return versions def delete(self): """ Delete this document. @see: L{undelete} for how to undelete the document. @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of errors. """ try: today = datetime.today() self.change_name('DELETED-%s%s-%s' % (today.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'), today.microsecond, self.docname)) run_sql("UPDATE bibdoc SET status='DELETED' WHERE id=%s", (self.id,)) self.status = 'DELETED' except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "It's impossible to delete bibdoc %s: %s" % (self.id, e) def deleted_p(self): """ @return: True if this document has been deleted. @rtype: bool """ return self.status == 'DELETED' def empty_p(self): """ @return: True if this document is empty, i.e. it has no bibdocfile connected. @rtype: bool """ return len(self.docfiles) == 0 def undelete(self, previous_status=''): """ Undelete a deleted file (only if it was actually deleted via L{delete}). The previous C{status}, i.e. the restriction key can be provided. Otherwise the undeleted document will be public. @param previous_status: the previous status the should be restored. @type previous_status: string @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of any error. """ bibrecdocs = BibRecDocs(self.recid) try: run_sql("UPDATE bibdoc SET status=%s WHERE id=%s AND status='DELETED'", (previous_status, self.id)) except Exception, e: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "It's impossible to undelete bibdoc %s: %s" % (self.id, e) if self.docname.startswith('DELETED-'): try: # Let's remove DELETED-20080214144322- in front of the docname original_name = '-'.join(self.docname.split('-')[2:]) original_name = bibrecdocs.propose_unique_docname(original_name) self.change_name(original_name) except Exception, e: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "It's impossible to restore the previous docname %s. %s kept as docname because: %s" % (original_name, self.docname, e) else: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Strange just undeleted docname isn't called DELETED-somedate-docname but %s" % self.docname def delete_file(self, format, version): """ Delete a specific format/version of this document on the filesystem. @param format: the particular format to be deleted. @type format: string @param version: the particular version to be deleted. @type version: integer @note: this operation is not reversible!""" try: afile = self.get_file(format, version) except InvenioWebSubmitFileError: return try: os.remove(afile.get_full_path()) except OSError: pass self.touch() self._build_file_list() def get_history(self): """ @return: a human readable and parsable string that represent the history of this document. @rtype: string """ ret = [] hst = run_sql("""SELECT action, docname, docformat, docversion, docsize, docchecksum, doctimestamp FROM hstDOCUMENT WHERE id_bibdoc=%s ORDER BY doctimestamp ASC""", (self.id, )) for row in hst: ret.append("%s %s '%s', format: '%s', version: %i, size: %s, checksum: '%s'" % (row[6].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], nice_size(row[4]), row[5])) return ret def _build_file_list(self, context=''): """ Lists all files attached to the bibdoc. This function should be called everytime the bibdoc is modified. As a side effect it log everything that has happened to the bibdocfiles in the log facility, according to the context: "init": means that the function has been called; for the first time by a constructor, hence no logging is performed "": by default means to log every deleted file as deleted and every added file as added; "rename": means that every appearently deleted file is logged as renamef and every new file as renamet. """ def log_action(action, docid, docname, format, version, size, checksum, timestamp=''): """Log an action into the bibdoclog table.""" try: if timestamp: run_sql('INSERT DELAYED INTO hstDOCUMENT(action, id_bibdoc, docname, docformat, docversion, docsize, docchecksum, doctimestamp) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', (action, docid, docname, format, version, size, checksum, timestamp)) else: run_sql('INSERT DELAYED INTO hstDOCUMENT(action, id_bibdoc, docname, docformat, docversion, docsize, docchecksum, doctimestamp) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, NOW())', (action, docid, docname, format, version, size, checksum)) except DatabaseError: register_exception() def make_removed_added_bibdocfiles(previous_file_list): """Internal function for build the log of changed files.""" # Let's rebuild the previous situation old_files = {} for bibdocfile in previous_file_list: old_files[(bibdocfile.name, bibdocfile.format, bibdocfile.version)] = (bibdocfile.size, bibdocfile.checksum, bibdocfile.md) # Let's rebuild the new situation new_files = {} for bibdocfile in self.docfiles: new_files[(bibdocfile.name, bibdocfile.format, bibdocfile.version)] = (bibdocfile.size, bibdocfile.checksum, bibdocfile.md) # Let's subtract from added file all the files that are present in # the old list, and let's add to deleted files that are not present # added file. added_files = dict(new_files) deleted_files = {} for key, value in old_files.iteritems(): if added_files.has_key(key): del added_files[key] else: deleted_files[key] = value return (added_files, deleted_files) if context != 'init': previous_file_list = list(self.docfiles) res = run_sql("SELECT status,docname,creation_date," "modification_date,more_info FROM bibdoc WHERE id=%s", (self.id,)) self.cd = res[0][2] self.md = res[0][3] self.docname = res[0][1] self.status = res[0][0] self.more_info = BibDocMoreInfo(self.id, blob_to_string(res[0][4])) self.docfiles = [] if os.path.exists(self.basedir): self.md5s = Md5Folder(self.basedir) files = os.listdir(self.basedir) files.sort() for afile in files: if not afile.startswith('.'): try: filepath = os.path.join(self.basedir, afile) fileversion = int(re.sub(".*;", "", afile)) fullname = afile.replace(";%s" % fileversion, "") checksum = self.md5s.get_checksum(afile) (dirname, basename, format) = decompose_file(fullname) # we can append file: self.docfiles.append(BibDocFile(filepath, self.doctype, fileversion, basename, format, self.recid, self.id, self.status, checksum, self.more_info, human_readable=self.human_readable)) except Exception, e: register_exception() if context == 'init': return else: added_files, deleted_files = make_removed_added_bibdocfiles(previous_file_list) deletedstr = "DELETED" addedstr = "ADDED" if context == 'rename': deletedstr = "RENAMEDFROM" addedstr = "RENAMEDTO" for (docname, format, version), (size, checksum, md) in added_files.iteritems(): if context == 'rename': md = '' # No modification time log_action(addedstr, self.id, docname, format, version, size, checksum, md) for (docname, format, version), (size, checksum, md) in deleted_files.iteritems(): if context == 'rename': md = '' # No modification time log_action(deletedstr, self.id, docname, format, version, size, checksum, md) def _build_related_file_list(self): """Lists all files attached to the bibdoc. This function should be called everytime the bibdoc is modified within e.g. its icon. + @deprecated: use subformats instead. """ self.related_files = {} res = run_sql("SELECT ln.id_bibdoc2,ln.type,bibdoc.status FROM " "bibdoc_bibdoc AS ln,bibdoc WHERE id=ln.id_bibdoc2 AND " "ln.id_bibdoc1=%s", (self.id,)) for row in res: docid = row[0] doctype = row[1] if row[2] != 'DELETED': if not self.related_files.has_key(doctype): self.related_files[doctype] = [] cur_doc = BibDoc(docid=docid, human_readable=self.human_readable) self.related_files[doctype].append(cur_doc) def get_total_size_latest_version(self): """Return the total size used on disk of all the files belonging to this bibdoc and corresponding to the latest version.""" ret = 0 for bibdocfile in self.list_latest_files(): ret += bibdocfile.get_size() return ret def get_total_size(self): """Return the total size used on disk of all the files belonging to this bibdoc.""" ret = 0 for bibdocfile in self.list_all_files(): ret += bibdocfile.get_size() return ret def list_all_files(self, list_hidden=True): """Returns all the docfiles linked with the given bibdoc.""" if list_hidden: return self.docfiles else: return [afile for afile in self.docfiles if not afile.hidden_p()] def list_latest_files(self, list_hidden=True): """Returns all the docfiles within the last version.""" return self.list_version_files(self.get_latest_version(), list_hidden=list_hidden) def list_version_files(self, version, list_hidden=True): """Return all the docfiles of a particular version.""" version = int(version) return [docfile for docfile in self.docfiles if docfile.get_version() == version and (list_hidden or not docfile.hidden_p())] def get_latest_version(self): """ Returns the latest existing version number for the given bibdoc. If no file is associated to this bibdoc, returns '0'. """ version = 0 for bibdocfile in self.docfiles: if bibdocfile.get_version() > version: version = bibdocfile.get_version() return version def get_file_number(self): """Return the total number of files.""" return len(self.docfiles) def register_download(self, ip_address, version, format, userid=0): """Register the information about a download of a particular file.""" format = normalize_format(format) if format[:1] == '.': format = format[1:] format = format.upper() return run_sql("INSERT INTO rnkDOWNLOADS " "(id_bibrec,id_bibdoc,file_version,file_format," "id_user,client_host,download_time) VALUES " "(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,INET_ATON(%s),NOW())", (self.recid, self.id, version, format, userid, ip_address,)) class BibDocFile: """This class represents a physical file in the CDS Invenio filesystem. It should never be instantiated directly""" def __init__(self, fullpath, doctype, version, name, format, recid, docid, status, checksum, more_info, human_readable=False): self.fullpath = os.path.abspath(fullpath) self.doctype = doctype self.docid = docid self.recid = recid self.version = version self.status = status self.checksum = checksum self.human_readable = human_readable self.description = more_info.get_description(format, version) self.format = normalize_format(format) + self.superformat = get_superformat_from_format(self.format) + self.subformat = get_subformat_from_format(self.format) if format == "": self.mime = "application/octet-stream" self.encoding = "" self.fullname = name else: - self.fullname = "%s%s" % (name, self.format) + self.fullname = "%s%s" % (name, self.superformat) (self.mime, self.encoding) = _mimes.guess_type(self.fullname) if self.mime is None: self.mime = "application/octet-stream" self.more_info = more_info self.comment = more_info.get_comment(format, version) self.flags = more_info.get_flags(format, version) self.hidden = 'HIDDEN' in self.flags self.size = os.path.getsize(fullpath) self.md = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(fullpath)) try: self.cd = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getctime(fullpath)) except OSError: self.cd = self.md self.name = name self.dir = os.path.dirname(fullpath) - self.url = '%s/record/%s/files/%s%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, self.recid, urllib.quote(self.name), urllib.quote(self.format)) - self.fullurl = '%s?version=%s' % (self.url, self.version) + if self.subformat: + self.url = create_url('%s/record/%s/files/%s%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, self.recid, self.name, self.superformat), {'subformat' : self.subformat}) + self.fullurl = create_url('%s/record/%s/files/%s%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, self.recid, self.name, self.superformat), {'subformat' : self.subformat, 'version' : self.version}) + else: + self.url = create_url('%s/record/%s/files/%s%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, self.recid, self.name, self.superformat), {}) + self.fullurl = create_url('%s/record/%s/files/%s%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, self.recid, self.name, self.superformat), {'version' : self.version}) self.etag = '"%i%s%i"' % (self.docid, self.format, self.version) self.magic = None def __repr__(self): return ('BibDocFile(%s, %s, %i, %s, %s, %i, %i, %s, %s, %s, %s)' % (repr(self.fullpath), repr(self.doctype), self.version, repr(self.name), repr(self.format), self.recid, self.docid, repr(self.status), repr(self.checksum), repr(self.more_info), repr(self.human_readable))) def __str__(self): out = '%s:%s:%s:%s:fullpath=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.fullpath) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:fullname=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.fullname) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:name=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.name) + out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:subformat=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, get_subformat_from_format(self.format)) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:status=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.status) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:checksum=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.checksum) if self.human_readable: out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:size=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, nice_size(self.size)) else: out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:size=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.size) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:creation time=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.cd) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:modification time=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.md) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:magic=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.get_magic()) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:mime=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.mime) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:encoding=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.encoding) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:url=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.url) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:fullurl=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.fullurl) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:description=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.description) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:comment=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.comment) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:hidden=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.hidden) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:flags=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.flags) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:etag=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.etag) return out def display(self, ln = CFG_SITE_LANG): """Returns a formatted representation of this docfile.""" return websubmit_templates.tmpl_bibdocfile_filelist( ln = ln, recid = self.recid, version = self.version, name = self.name, - format = self.format, - size = self.size, + superformat = self.superformat, + subformat = self.subformat, + nice_size = nice_size(self.size), description = self.description or '' ) def is_restricted(self, req): """Returns restriction state. (see acc_authorize_action return values)""" if self.status not in ('', 'DELETED'): return acc_authorize_action(req, 'viewrestrdoc', status=self.status) elif self.status == 'DELETED': return (1, 'File has ben deleted') else: return (0, '') + def is_icon(self, subformat_re=CFG_WEBSUBMIT_ICON_SUBFORMAT_RE): + """ + @param subformat_re: by default the convention is that + L{CFG_WEBSUBMIT_ICON_SUBFORMAT_RE} is used as a subformat indicator to + mean that a particular format is to be used as an icon. + Specifiy a different subformat if you need to use a different + convention. + @type subformat: compiled regular expression + @return: True if this file is an icon. + @rtype: bool + """ + return bool(subformat_re.match(self.subformat)) + def hidden_p(self): return self.hidden def get_url(self): return self.url def get_type(self): return self.doctype def get_path(self): return self.fullpath def get_bibdocid(self): return self.docid def get_name(self): return self.name def get_full_name(self): return self.fullname def get_full_path(self): return self.fullpath def get_format(self): return self.format + def get_subformat(self): + return self.subformat + + def get_superformat(self): + return self.superformat + def get_size(self): return self.size def get_version(self): return self.version def get_checksum(self): return self.checksum def get_description(self): return self.description def get_comment(self): return self.comment def get_content(self): """Returns the binary content of the file.""" content_fd = open(self.fullpath, 'rb') content = content_fd.read() content_fd.close() return content def get_recid(self): """Returns the recid connected with the bibdoc of this file.""" return self.recid def get_status(self): """Returns the status of the file, i.e. either '', 'DELETED' or a restriction keyword.""" return self.status def get_magic(self): """Return all the possible guesses from the magic library about the content of the file.""" if self.magic is None and CFG_HAS_MAGIC: magic_cookies = _get_magic_cookies() magic_result = [] for key in magic_cookies.keys(): magic_result.append(magic_cookies[key].file(self.fullpath)) self.magic = tuple(magic_result) return self.magic def check(self): """Return True if the checksum corresponds to the file.""" return calculate_md5(self.fullpath) == self.checksum def stream(self, req): """Stream the file.""" if self.status: (auth_code, auth_message) = acc_authorize_action(req, 'viewrestrdoc', status=self.status) else: auth_code = 0 if auth_code == 0: if os.path.exists(self.fullpath): if random.random() < CFG_BIBDOCFILE_MD5_CHECK_PROBABILITY and calculate_md5(self.fullpath) != self.checksum: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "File %s, version %i, for record %s is corrupted!" % (self.fullname, self.version, self.recid) - stream_file(req, self.fullpath, self.fullname, self.mime, self.encoding, self.etag, self.checksum, self.fullurl) + stream_file(req, self.fullpath, "%s%s" % (self.name, self.superformat), self.mime, self.encoding, self.etag, self.checksum, self.fullurl) raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.DONE else: req.status = apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "%s does not exists!" % self.fullpath else: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "You are not authorized to download %s: %s" % (self.fullname, auth_message) def stream_file(req, fullpath, fullname=None, mime=None, encoding=None, etag=None, md5=None, location=None): """This is a generic function to stream a file to the user. If fullname, mime, encoding, and location are not provided they will be guessed based on req and fullpath. md5 should be passed as an hexadecimal string. """ def normal_streaming(size): req.set_content_length(size) req.send_http_header() if not req.header_only: req.sendfile(fullpath) return "" def single_range(size, the_range): req.set_content_length(the_range[1]) req.headers_out['Content-Range'] = 'bytes %d-%d/%d' % (the_range[0], the_range[0] + the_range[1] - 1, size) req.status = apache.HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT req.send_http_header() if not req.header_only: req.sendfile(fullpath, the_range[0], the_range[1]) return "" def multiple_ranges(size, ranges, mime): req.status = apache.HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT boundary = '%s%04d' % (time.strftime('THIS_STRING_SEPARATES_%Y%m%d%H%M%S'), random.randint(0, 9999)) req.content_type = 'multipart/byteranges; boundary=%s' % boundary content_length = 0 for arange in ranges: content_length += len('--%s\r\n' % boundary) content_length += len('Content-Type: %s\r\n' % mime) content_length += len('Content-Range: bytes %d-%d/%d\r\n' % (arange[0], arange[0] + arange[1] - 1, size)) content_length += len('\r\n') content_length += arange[1] content_length += len('\r\n') content_length += len('--%s--\r\n' % boundary) req.set_content_length(content_length) req.send_http_header() if not req.header_only: for arange in ranges: req.write('--%s\r\n' % boundary, 0) req.write('Content-Type: %s\r\n' % mime, 0) req.write('Content-Range: bytes %d-%d/%d\r\n' % (arange[0], arange[0] + arange[1] - 1, size), 0) req.write('\r\n', 0) req.sendfile(fullpath, arange[0], arange[1]) req.write('\r\n', 0) req.write('--%s--\r\n' % boundary) req.flush() return "" def parse_date(date): """According to a date can come in three formats (in order of preference): Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123 Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 850, obsoleted by RFC 1036 Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994 ; ANSI C's asctime() format Moreover IE is adding some trailing information after a ';'. Wrong dates should be simpled ignored. This function return the time in seconds since the epoch GMT or None in case of errors.""" if not date: return None try: date = date.split(';')[0].strip() # Because of IE ## Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT return time.mktime(time.strptime(date, '%a, %d %b %Y %X %Z')) except: try: ## Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT return time.mktime(time.strptime(date, '%A, %d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S %Z')) except: try: ## Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT return time.mktime(date) except: return None def parse_ranges(ranges): """According to a (multiple) range request comes in the form: bytes=20-30,40-60,70-,-80 with the meaning: from byte to 20 to 30 inclusive (11 bytes) from byte to 40 to 60 inclusive (21 bytes) from byte 70 to (size - 1) inclusive (size - 70 bytes) from byte size - 80 to (size - 1) inclusive (80 bytes) This function will return the list of ranges in the form: [[first_byte, last_byte], ...] If first_byte or last_byte aren't specified they'll be set to None If the list is not well formatted it will return None """ try: if ranges.startswith('bytes') and '=' in ranges: ranges = ranges.split('=')[1].strip() else: return None ret = [] for arange in ranges.split(','): arange = arange.strip() if arange.startswith('-'): ret.append([None, int(arange[1:])]) elif arange.endswith('-'): ret.append([int(arange[:-1]), None]) else: ret.append(map(int, arange.split('-'))) return ret except: return None def parse_tags(tags): """Return a list of tags starting from a comma separated list.""" return [tag.strip() for tag in tags.split(',')] def fix_ranges(ranges, size): """Complementary to parse_ranges it will transform all the ranges into (first_byte, length), adjusting all the value based on the actual size provided. """ ret = [] for arange in ranges: if (arange[0] is None and arange[1] > 0) or arange[0] < size: if arange[0] is None: arange[0] = size - arange[1] elif arange[1] is None: arange[1] = size - arange[0] else: arange[1] = arange[1] - arange[0] + 1 arange[0] = max(0, arange[0]) arange[1] = min(size - arange[0], arange[1]) if arange[1] > 0: ret.append(arange) return ret def get_normalized_headers(headers): """Strip and lowerize all the keys of the headers dictionary plus strip, lowerize and transform known headers value into their value.""" ret = { 'if-match' : None, 'unless-modified-since' : None, 'if-modified-since' : None, 'range' : None, 'if-range' : None, 'if-none-match' : None, } for key, value in req.headers_in.iteritems(): key = key.strip().lower() value = value.strip() if key in ('unless-modified-since', 'if-modified-since'): value = parse_date(value) elif key == 'range': value = parse_ranges(value) elif key == 'if-range': value = parse_date(value) or parse_tags(value) elif key in ('if-match', 'if-none-match'): value = parse_tags(value) if value: ret[key] = value return ret if CFG_BIBDOCFILE_USE_XSENDFILE: ## If XSendFile is supported by the server, let's use it. if os.path.exists(fullpath): if fullname is None: fullname = os.path.basename(fullpath) req.headers_out["Content-Disposition"] = 'inline; filename="%s"' % fullname.replace('"', '\\"') req.headers_out["X-Sendfile"] = fullpath if mime is None: format = decompose_file(fullpath)[2] (mime, encoding) = _mimes.guess_type(fullpath) if mime is None: mime = "application/octet-stream" req.content_type = mime return "" else: raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND headers = get_normalized_headers(req.headers_in) if headers['if-match']: if etag is not None and etag not in headers['if-match']: raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED if os.path.exists(fullpath): mtime = os.path.getmtime(fullpath) if fullname is None: fullname = os.path.basename(fullpath) if mime is None: - format = decompose_file(fullpath)[2] (mime, encoding) = _mimes.guess_type(fullpath) if mime is None: mime = "application/octet-stream" if location is None: location = req.uri req.content_type = mime req.encoding = encoding req.filename = fullname req.headers_out["Last-Modified"] = time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %X GMT', time.gmtime(mtime)) req.headers_out["Accept-Ranges"] = "bytes" req.headers_out["Content-Location"] = location if etag is not None: req.headers_out["ETag"] = etag if md5 is not None: req.headers_out["Content-MD5"] = base64.encodestring(binascii.unhexlify(md5.upper()))[:-1] req.headers_out["Content-Disposition"] = 'inline; filename="%s"' % fullname.replace('"', '\\"') size = os.path.getsize(fullpath) if not size: try: raise Exception, '%s exists but is empty' % fullpath except Exception: register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True) raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND if headers['if-modified-since'] and headers['if-modified-since'] >= mtime: raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED if headers['if-none-match']: if etag is not None and etag in headers['if-none-match']: raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED if headers['unless-modified-since'] and headers['unless-modified-since'] < mtime: return normal_streaming(size) if headers['range']: try: if headers['if-range']: if etag is None or etag not in headers['if-range']: return normal_streaming(size) ranges = fix_ranges(headers['range'], size) except: return normal_streaming(size) if len(ranges) > 1: return multiple_ranges(size, ranges, mime) elif ranges: return single_range(size, ranges[0]) else: raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE else: return normal_streaming(size) else: raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND def stream_restricted_icon(req): """Return the content of the "Restricted Icon" file.""" stream_file(req, '%s/img/restricted.gif' % CFG_WEBDIR) raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.DONE def list_types_from_array(bibdocs): """Retrieves the list of types from the given bibdoc list.""" types = [] for bibdoc in bibdocs: if not bibdoc.get_type() in types: types.append(bibdoc.get_type()) return types def list_versions_from_array(docfiles): """Retrieve the list of existing versions from the given docfiles list.""" versions = [] for docfile in docfiles: if not docfile.get_version() in versions: versions.append(docfile.get_version()) + versions.sort() + versions.reverse() return versions -def order_files_with_version(docfile1, docfile2): - """order docfile objects according to their version""" - version1 = docfile1.get_version() - version2 = docfile2.get_version() - return cmp(version2, version1) - def _make_base_dir(docid): """Given a docid it returns the complete path that should host its files.""" group = "g" + str(int(int(docid) / CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILESYSTEM_BIBDOC_GROUP_LIMIT)) return os.path.join(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR, group, str(docid)) class Md5Folder: """Manage all the Md5 checksum about a folder""" def __init__(self, folder): """Initialize the class from the md5 checksum of a given path""" self.folder = folder try: self.load() except InvenioWebSubmitFileError: self.md5s = {} self.update() def update(self, only_new = True): """Update the .md5 file with the current files. If only_new is specified then only not already calculated file are calculated.""" if not only_new: self.md5s = {} if os.path.exists(self.folder): for filename in os.listdir(self.folder): if filename not in self.md5s and not filename.startswith('.'): self.md5s[filename] = calculate_md5(os.path.join(self.folder, filename)) self.store() def store(self): """Store the current md5 dictionary into .md5""" try: old_umask = os.umask(022) md5file = open(os.path.join(self.folder, ".md5"), "w") for key, value in self.md5s.items(): md5file.write('%s *%s\n' % (value, key)) md5file.close() os.umask(old_umask) except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Encountered an exception while storing .md5 for folder '%s': '%s'" % (self.folder, e) def load(self): """Load .md5 into the md5 dictionary""" self.md5s = {} try: md5file = open(os.path.join(self.folder, ".md5"), "r") for row in md5file: md5hash = row[:32] filename = row[34:].strip() self.md5s[filename] = md5hash md5file.close() except IOError: self.update() except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Encountered an exception while loading .md5 for folder '%s': '%s'" % (self.folder, e) def check(self, filename = ''): """Check the specified file or all the files for which it exists a hash for being coherent with the stored hash.""" if filename and filename in self.md5s.keys(): try: return self.md5s[filename] == calculate_md5(os.path.join(self.folder, filename)) except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Encountered an exception while loading '%s': '%s'" % (os.path.join(self.folder, filename), e) else: for filename, md5hash in self.md5s.items(): try: if calculate_md5(os.path.join(self.folder, filename)) != md5hash: return False except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Encountered an exception while loading '%s': '%s'" % (os.path.join(self.folder, filename), e) return True def get_checksum(self, filename): """Return the checksum of a physical file.""" md5hash = self.md5s.get(filename, None) if md5hash is None: self.update() # Now it should not fail! md5hash = self.md5s[filename] return md5hash def calculate_md5_external(filename): """Calculate the md5 of a physical file through md5sum Command Line Tool. This is suitable for file larger than 256Kb.""" try: md5_result = os.popen(CFG_PATH_MD5SUM + ' -b %s' % escape_shell_arg(filename)) ret = md5_result.read()[:32] md5_result.close() if len(ret) != 32: # Error in running md5sum. Let's fallback to internal # algorithm. return calculate_md5(filename, force_internal=True) else: return ret except Exception, e: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Encountered an exception while calculating md5 for file '%s': '%s'" % (filename, e) def calculate_md5(filename, force_internal=False): """Calculate the md5 of a physical file. This is suitable for files smaller than 256Kb.""" if not CFG_PATH_MD5SUM or force_internal or os.path.getsize(filename) < CFG_BIBDOCFILE_MD5_THRESHOLD: try: to_be_read = open(filename, "rb") computed_md5 = md5() while True: buf = to_be_read.read(CFG_BIBDOCFILE_MD5_BUFFER) if buf: computed_md5.update(buf) else: break to_be_read.close() return computed_md5.hexdigest() except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Encountered an exception while calculating md5 for file '%s': '%s'" % (filename, e) else: return calculate_md5_external(filename) def bibdocfile_url_to_bibrecdocs(url): """Given an URL in the form CFG_SITE_[SECURE_]URL/record/xxx/files/... it returns a BibRecDocs object for the corresponding recid.""" recid = decompose_bibdocfile_url(url)[0] return BibRecDocs(recid) def bibdocfile_url_to_bibdoc(url): """Given an URL in the form CFG_SITE_[SECURE_]URL/record/xxx/files/... it returns a BibDoc object for the corresponding recid/docname.""" docname = decompose_bibdocfile_url(url)[1] return bibdocfile_url_to_bibrecdocs(url).get_bibdoc(docname) def bibdocfile_url_to_bibdocfile(url): """Given an URL in the form CFG_SITE_[SECURE_]URL/record/xxx/files/... it returns a BibDocFile object for the corresponding recid/docname/format.""" dummy, dummy, format = decompose_bibdocfile_url(url) return bibdocfile_url_to_bibdoc(url).get_file(format) def bibdocfile_url_to_fullpath(url): """Given an URL in the form CFG_SITE_[SECURE_]URL/record/xxx/files/... it returns the fullpath for the corresponding recid/docname/format.""" return bibdocfile_url_to_bibdocfile(url).get_full_path() def bibdocfile_url_p(url): """Return True when the url is a potential valid url pointing to a fulltext owned by a system.""" if url.startswith('%s/getfile.py' % CFG_SITE_URL) or url.startswith('%s/getfile.py' % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL): return True if not (url.startswith('%s/record/' % CFG_SITE_URL) or url.startswith('%s/record/' % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL)): return False splitted_url = url.split('/files/') return len(splitted_url) == 2 and splitted_url[0] != '' and splitted_url[1] != '' def get_docid_from_bibdocfile_fullpath(fullpath): """Given a bibdocfile fullpath (e.g. "CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR/g0/123/bar.pdf;1") returns the docid (e.g. 123).""" if not fullpath.startswith(os.path.join(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR, 'g')): raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Fullpath %s doesn't correspond to a valid bibdocfile fullpath" % fullpath dirname, base, extension, version = decompose_file_with_version(fullpath) try: return int(dirname.split('/')[-1]) except: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Fullpath %s doesn't correspond to a valid bibdocfile fullpath" % fullpath def decompose_bibdocfile_fullpath(fullpath): """Given a bibdocfile fullpath (e.g. "CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR/g0/123/bar.pdf;1") returns a quadruple (recid, docname, format, version).""" if not fullpath.startswith(os.path.join(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR, 'g')): raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Fullpath %s doesn't correspond to a valid bibdocfile fullpath" % fullpath dirname, base, extension, version = decompose_file_with_version(fullpath) try: docid = int(dirname.split('/')[-1]) bibdoc = BibDoc(docid) recid = bibdoc.get_recid() docname = bibdoc.get_docname() return recid, docname, extension, version except: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Fullpath %s doesn't correspond to a valid bibdocfile fullpath" % fullpath def decompose_bibdocfile_url(url): """Given a bibdocfile_url return a triple (recid, docname, format).""" if url.startswith('%s/getfile.py' % CFG_SITE_URL) or url.startswith('%s/getfile.py' % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL): return decompose_bibdocfile_very_old_url(url) if url.startswith('%s/record/' % CFG_SITE_URL): recid_file = url[len('%s/record/' % CFG_SITE_URL):] elif url.startswith('%s/record/' % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL): recid_file = url[len('%s/record/' % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL):] else: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Url %s doesn't correspond to a valid record inside the system." % url recid_file = recid_file.replace('/files/', '/') recid, docname, format = decompose_file(urllib.unquote(recid_file)) if not recid and docname.isdigit(): ## If the URL was something similar to CFG_SITE_URL/record/123 return (int(docname), '', '') return (int(recid), docname, format) re_bibdocfile_old_url = re.compile(r'/record/(\d*)/files/') def decompose_bibdocfile_old_url(url): """Given a bibdocfile old url (e.g. CFG_SITE_URL/record/123/files) it returns the recid.""" g = re_bibdocfile_old_url.search(url) if g: return int(g.group(1)) raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError('%s is not a valid old bibdocfile url' % url) def decompose_bibdocfile_very_old_url(url): """Decompose an old /getfile.py? URL""" if url.startswith('%s/getfile.py' % CFG_SITE_URL) or url.startswith('%s/getfile.py' % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL): params = urllib.splitquery(url)[1] if params: try: params = cgi.parse_qs(params) if 'docid' in params: docid = int(params['docid'][0]) bibdoc = BibDoc(docid) recid = bibdoc.get_recid() docname = bibdoc.get_docname() elif 'recid' in params: recid = int(params['recid'][0]) if 'name' in params: docname = params['name'][0] else: docname = '' else: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError('%s has not enough params to correspond to a bibdocfile.' % url) format = normalize_format(params.get('format', [''])[0]) return (recid, docname, format) except Exception, e: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError('Problem with %s: %s' % (url, e)) else: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError('%s has no params to correspond to a bibdocfile.' % url) else: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError('%s is not a valid very old bibdocfile url' % url) -def nice_size(size): - """Return a nicely printed size in kilo.""" - unit = 'B' - if size > 1024: - size /= 1024.0 - unit = 'KB' - if size > 1024: - size /= 1024.0 - unit = 'MB' - if size > 1024: - size /= 1024.0 - unit = 'GB' - return '%s %s' % (websearch_templates.tmpl_nice_number(size, max_ndigits_after_dot=2), unit) - def get_docname_from_url(url): """Return a potential docname given a url""" path = urllib2.urlparse.urlsplit(urllib.unquote(url))[2] filename = os.path.split(path)[-1] return file_strip_ext(filename) def get_format_from_url(url): """Return a potential format given a url""" path = urllib2.urlparse.urlsplit(urllib.unquote(url))[2] filename = os.path.split(path)[-1] return filename[len(file_strip_ext(filename)):] def clean_url(url): """Given a local url e.g. a local path it render it a realpath.""" protocol = urllib2.urlparse.urlsplit(url)[0] if protocol in ('', 'file'): path = urllib2.urlparse.urlsplit(urllib.unquote(url))[2] return os.path.abspath(path) else: return url def is_url_a_local_file(url): """Return True if the given URL is pointing to a local file.""" protocol = urllib2.urlparse.urlsplit(url)[0] return protocol in ('', 'file') def check_valid_url(url): """Check for validity of a url or a file.""" try: if is_url_a_local_file(url): path = urllib2.urlparse.urlsplit(urllib.unquote(url))[2] if os.path.abspath(path) != path: raise StandardError, "%s is not a normalized path (would be %s)." % (path, os.path.normpath(path)) for allowed_path in CFG_BIBUPLOAD_FFT_ALLOWED_LOCAL_PATHS + [CFG_TMPDIR, CFG_WEBSUBMIT_STORAGEDIR]: if path.startswith(allowed_path): dummy_fd = open(path) dummy_fd.close() return raise StandardError, "%s is not in one of the allowed paths." % path else: urllib2.urlopen(url) except Exception, e: raise StandardError, "%s is not a correct url: %s" % (url, e) def safe_mkstemp(suffix): """Create a temporary filename that don't have any '.' inside a part from the suffix.""" tmpfd, tmppath = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=suffix, dir=CFG_TMPDIR) if '.' not in suffix: # Just in case format is empty return tmpfd, tmppath while '.' in os.path.basename(tmppath)[:-len(suffix)]: os.close(tmpfd) os.remove(tmppath) tmpfd, tmppath = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=suffix, dir=CFG_TMPDIR) return (tmpfd, tmppath) def download_url(url, format=None, sleep=2): """Download a url (if it corresponds to a remote file) and return a local url to it.""" if format is None: format = decompose_file(url)[2] else: format = normalize_format(format) protocol = urllib2.urlparse.urlsplit(url)[0] tmpfd, tmppath = safe_mkstemp(format) try: try: if protocol in ('', 'file'): path = urllib2.urlparse.urlsplit(urllib.unquote(url))[2] if os.path.abspath(path) != path: raise StandardError, "%s is not a normalized path (would be %s)." % (path, os.path.normpath(path)) for allowed_path in CFG_BIBUPLOAD_FFT_ALLOWED_LOCAL_PATHS + [CFG_TMPDIR, CFG_WEBSUBMIT_STORAGEDIR]: if path.startswith(allowed_path): shutil.copy(path, tmppath) if os.path.getsize(tmppath) > 0: return tmppath else: raise StandardError, "%s seems to be empty" % url raise StandardError, "%s is not in one of the allowed paths." % path else: try: from_file = urllib2.urlopen(url) to_file = open(tmppath, 'w') while True: block = from_file.read(CFG_BIBDOCFILE_BLOCK_SIZE) if not block: break to_file.write(block) to_file.close() from_file.close() except Exception, e: raise StandardError, "Error when downloading %s into %s: %s" % (url, tmppath, e) if os.path.getsize(tmppath) > 0: return tmppath else: raise StandardError, "%s seems to be empty" % url except: os.remove(tmppath) raise finally: os.close(tmpfd) class BibDocMoreInfo: """ This class wraps contextual information of the documents, such as the - comments - descriptions - flags. Such information is kept separately per every format/version instance of the corresponding document and is searialized in the database, ready to be retrieved (but not searched). @param docid: the document identifier. @type docid: integer @param more_info: a serialized version of an already existing more_info object. If not specified this information will be readed from the database, and othewise an empty dictionary will be allocated. @raise ValueError: if docid is not a positive integer. @ivar docid: the document identifier as passed to the constructor. @type docid: integer @ivar more_info: the more_info dictionary that will hold all the additional document information. @type more_info: dict of dict of dict @note: in general this class is never instanciated in client code and never used outside bibdocfile module. @note: this class will be extended in the future to hold all the new auxiliary information about a document. """ def __init__(self, docid, more_info=None): if not (type(docid) in (long, int) and docid > 0): raise ValueError("docid is not a positive integer, but %s." % docid) self.docid = docid if more_info is None: res = run_sql('SELECT more_info FROM bibdoc WHERE id=%s', (docid, )) if res and res[0][0]: self.more_info = cPickle.loads(blob_to_string(res[0][0])) else: self.more_info = {} else: self.more_info = cPickle.loads(more_info) if 'descriptions' not in self.more_info: self.more_info['descriptions'] = {} if 'comments' not in self.more_info: self.more_info['comments'] = {} if 'flags' not in self.more_info: self.more_info['flags'] = {} def __repr__(self): """ @return: the canonical string representation of the C{BibDocMoreInfo}. @rtype: string """ return 'BibDocMoreInfo(%i, %s)' % (self.docid, repr(cPickle.dumps(self.more_info))) def flush(self): """ Flush this object to the database. """ run_sql('UPDATE bibdoc SET more_info=%s WHERE id=%s', (cPickle.dumps(self.more_info), self.docid)) def set_flag(self, flagname, format, version): """ Sets a flag. @param flagname: the flag to set (see L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}). @type flagname: string @param format: the format for which the flag should set. @type format: string @param version: the version for which the flag should set: @type version: integer @raise ValueError: if the flag is not in L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS} """ if flagname in CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS: if not flagname in self.more_info['flags']: self.more_info['flags'][flagname] = {} if not version in self.more_info['flags'][flagname]: self.more_info['flags'][flagname][version] = {} if not format in self.more_info['flags'][flagname][version]: self.more_info['flags'][flagname][version][format] = {} self.more_info['flags'][flagname][version][format] = True self.flush() else: raise ValueError, "%s is not in %s" % (flagname, CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS) def get_comment(self, format, version): """ Returns the specified comment. @param format: the format for which the comment should be retrieved. @type format: string @param version: the version for which the comment should be retrieved. @type version: integer @return: the specified comment. @rtype: string """ try: assert(type(version) is int) format = normalize_format(format) return self.more_info['comments'].get(version, {}).get(format) except: register_exception() raise def get_description(self, format, version): """ Returns the specified description. @param format: the format for which the description should be retrieved. @type format: string @param version: the version for which the description should be retrieved. @type version: integer @return: the specified description. @rtype: string """ try: assert(type(version) is int) format = normalize_format(format) return self.more_info['descriptions'].get(version, {}).get(format) except: register_exception() raise def has_flag(self, flagname, format, version): """ Return True if the corresponding has been set. @param flagname: the name of the flag (see L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}). @type flagname: string @param format: the format for which the flag should be checked. @type format: string @param version: the version for which the flag should be checked. @type version: integer @return: True if the flag is set for the given format/version. @rtype: bool @raise ValueError: if the flagname is not in L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS} """ if flagname in CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS: return self.more_info['flags'].get(flagname, {}).get(version, {}).get(format, False) else: raise ValueError, "%s is not in %s" % (flagname, CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS) def get_flags(self, format, version): """ Return the list of all the enabled flags. @param format: the format for which the list should be returned. @type format: string @param version: the version for which the list should be returned. @type version: integer @return: the list of enabled flags (from L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}). @rtype: list of string """ return [flag for flag in self.more_info['flags'] if format in self.more_info['flags'][flag].get(version, {})] def set_comment(self, comment, format, version): """ Set a comment. @param comment: the comment to be set. @type comment: string @param format: the format for which the comment should be set. @type format: string @param version: the version for which the comment should be set: @type version: integer """ try: assert(type(version) is int and version > 0) format = normalize_format(format) if comment == KEEP_OLD_VALUE: comment = self.get_comment(format, version) or self.get_comment(format, version - 1) if not comment: self.unset_comment(format, version) self.flush() return if not version in self.more_info['comments']: self.more_info['comments'][version] = {} self.more_info['comments'][version][format] = comment self.flush() except: register_exception() raise def set_description(self, description, format, version): """ Set a description. @param description: the description to be set. @type description: string @param format: the format for which the description should be set. @type format: string @param version: the version for which the description should be set: @type version: integer """ try: assert(type(version) is int and version > 0) format = normalize_format(format) if description == KEEP_OLD_VALUE: description = self.get_description(format, version) or self.get_description(format, version - 1) if not description: self.unset_description(format, version) self.flush() return if not version in self.more_info['descriptions']: self.more_info['descriptions'][version] = {} self.more_info['descriptions'][version][format] = description self.flush() except: register_exception() raise def unset_comment(self, format, version): """ Unset a comment. @param format: the format for which the comment should be unset. @type format: string @param version: the version for which the comment should be unset: @type version: integer """ try: assert(type(version) is int and version > 0) del self.more_info['comments'][version][format] self.flush() except KeyError: pass except: register_exception() raise def unset_description(self, format, version): """ Unset a description. @param format: the format for which the description should be unset. @type format: string @param version: the version for which the description should be unset: @type version: integer """ try: assert(type(version) is int and version > 0) del self.more_info['descriptions'][version][format] self.flush() except KeyError: pass except: register_exception() raise def unset_flag(self, flagname, format, version): """ Unset a flag. @param flagname: the flag to be unset (see L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}). @type flagname: string @param format: the format for which the flag should be unset. @type format: string @param version: the version for which the flag should be unset: @type version: integer @raise ValueError: if the flag is not in L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS} """ if flagname in CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS: try: del self.more_info['flags'][flagname][version][format] self.flush() except KeyError: pass else: raise ValueError, "%s is not in %s" % (flagname, CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS) def serialize(self): """ @return: the serialized version of this object. @rtype: string """ return cPickle.dumps(self.more_info) def readfile(filename): """ Read a file. @param filename: the name of the file to be read. @type filename: string @return: the text contained in the file. @rtype: string @note: Returns empty string in case of any error. @note: this function is useful for quick implementation of websubmit functions. """ try: return open(filename).read() except Exception: return '' diff --git a/modules/websubmit/lib/bibdocfile_regression_tests.py b/modules/websubmit/lib/bibdocfile_regression_tests.py index aabb42ebf..50e96d83d 100644 --- a/modules/websubmit/lib/bibdocfile_regression_tests.py +++ b/modules/websubmit/lib/bibdocfile_regression_tests.py @@ -1,238 +1,243 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## ## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """BibDocFile Regression Test Suite.""" __revision__ = "$Id$" import unittest from invenio.testutils import make_test_suite, run_test_suite from invenio.bibdocfile import BibRecDocs#, BibDoc, BibDocFile from invenio.config import \ CFG_SITE_URL, \ - CFG_PREFIX, \ - CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR + CFG_PREFIX, \ + CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR class BibRecDocsTest(unittest.TestCase): """regression tests about BibRecDocs""" def test_BibRecDocs(self): """bibdocfile - BibRecDocs functions""" my_bibrecdoc = BibRecDocs(2) #add bibdoc my_bibrecdoc.add_new_file(CFG_PREFIX + '/lib/webtest/invenio/test.jpg', 'Main', 'img_test', False, 'test add new file', 'test', '.jpg') my_bibrecdoc.add_bibdoc(doctype='Main', docname='file', never_fail=False) self.assertEqual(len(my_bibrecdoc.list_bibdocs()), 3) my_added_bibdoc = my_bibrecdoc.get_bibdoc('file') #add bibdocfile in empty bibdoc my_added_bibdoc.add_file_new_version(CFG_PREFIX + '/lib/webtest/invenio/test.gif', \ - description= 'added in empty bibdoc', comment=None, format=None, hide_previous_versions=False) + description= 'added in empty bibdoc', comment=None, format=None, flags=['PERFORM_HIDE_PREVIOUS']) #propose unique docname self.assertEqual(my_bibrecdoc.propose_unique_docname('file'), 'file_2') #has docname self.assertEqual(my_bibrecdoc.has_docname_p('file'), True) #merge 2 bibdocs my_bibrecdoc.merge_bibdocs('img_test', 'file') self.assertEqual(len(my_bibrecdoc.get_bibdoc("img_test").list_all_files()), 2) #check file exists self.assertEqual(my_bibrecdoc.check_file_exists(CFG_PREFIX + '/lib/webtest/invenio/test.jpg'), True) #get bibdoc names self.assertEqual(my_bibrecdoc.get_bibdoc_names('Main')[0], '0104007_02') self.assertEqual(my_bibrecdoc.get_bibdoc_names('Main')[1],'img_test') #get total size - self.assertEqual(my_bibrecdoc.get_total_size(), 1628647) + self.assertEqual(my_bibrecdoc.get_total_size(), 1647591) #get total size latest version - self.assertEqual(my_bibrecdoc.get_total_size_latest_version(), 1628647) + self.assertEqual(my_bibrecdoc.get_total_size_latest_version(), 1647591) #display value = my_bibrecdoc.display(docname='img_test', version='', doctype='', ln='en', verbose=0, display_hidden=True) self.assert_("Main" in value) #get xml 8564 value = my_bibrecdoc.get_xml_8564() self.assert_('/record/2/files/img_test.jpg' in value) #check duplicate docnames self.assertEqual(my_bibrecdoc.check_duplicate_docnames(), True) + + def tearDown(self): + my_bibrecdoc = BibRecDocs(2) #delete my_bibrecdoc.delete_bibdoc('img_test') - + my_bibrecdoc.delete_bibdoc('file') class BibDocsTest(unittest.TestCase): """regression tests about BibDocs""" def test_BibDocs(self): - """bibdocfile - Bibdocs functions""" + """bibdocfile - BibDocs functions""" #add file my_bibrecdoc = BibRecDocs(2) my_bibrecdoc.add_new_file(CFG_PREFIX + '/lib/webtest/invenio/test.jpg', 'Main', 'img_test', False, 'test add new file', 'test', '.jpg') my_new_bibdoc = my_bibrecdoc.get_bibdoc("img_test") value = my_bibrecdoc.list_bibdocs() self.assertEqual(len(value), 2) #get total file (bibdoc) self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdoc.get_total_size(), 91750) #get recid self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdoc.get_recid(), 2) #change name my_new_bibdoc.change_name('new_name') #get docname self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdoc.get_docname(), 'new_name') #get type self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdoc.get_type(), 'Main') #get id self.assert_(my_new_bibdoc.get_id() > 80) #set status my_new_bibdoc.set_status('new status') #get status self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdoc.get_status(), 'new status') #get base directory self.assert_(my_new_bibdoc.get_base_dir().startswith(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR)) #get file number self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdoc.get_file_number(), 1) #add file new version - my_new_bibdoc.add_file_new_version(CFG_PREFIX + '/lib/webtest/invenio/test.jpg', description= 'the new version', comment=None, format=None, hide_previous_versions=False) + my_new_bibdoc.add_file_new_version(CFG_PREFIX + '/lib/webtest/invenio/test.jpg', description= 'the new version', comment=None, format=None, flags=["PERFORM_HIDE_PREVIOUS"]) self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdoc.list_versions(), [1, 2]) #revert my_new_bibdoc.revert(1) self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdoc.list_versions(), [1, 2, 3]) self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdoc.get_description('.jpg', version=3), 'test add new file') #get total size latest version self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdoc.get_total_size_latest_version(), 91750) #get latest version self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdoc.get_latest_version(), 3) #list latest files self.assertEqual(len(my_new_bibdoc.list_latest_files()), 1) self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdoc.list_latest_files()[0].get_version(), 3) #list version files self.assertEqual(len(my_new_bibdoc.list_version_files(1, list_hidden=True)), 1) #display value = my_new_bibdoc.display(version='', ln='en', display_hidden=True) self.assert_('>test add new file<' in value) #format already exist self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdoc.format_already_exists_p('.jpg'), True) #get file self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdoc.get_file('.jpg', version='1').get_version(), 1) #set description my_new_bibdoc.set_description('new description', '.jpg', version=1) #get description self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdoc.get_description('.jpg', version=1), 'new description') #set comment my_new_bibdoc.set_description('new comment', '.jpg', version=1) #get comment self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdoc.get_description('.jpg', version=1), 'new comment') #get history assert len(my_new_bibdoc.get_history()) > 0 #delete file my_new_bibdoc.delete_file('.jpg', 2) #list all files self.assertEqual(len(my_new_bibdoc.list_all_files()), 2) #delete file my_new_bibdoc.delete_file('.jpg', 3) #add new format my_new_bibdoc.add_file_new_format(CFG_PREFIX + '/lib/webtest/invenio/test.gif', version=None, description=None, comment=None, format=None) self.assertEqual(len(my_new_bibdoc.list_all_files()), 2) #delete file my_new_bibdoc.delete_file('.jpg', 1) #delete file my_new_bibdoc.delete_file('.gif', 1) #empty bibdoc self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdoc.empty_p(), True) #hidden? self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdoc.hidden_p('.jpg', version=1), False) #hide - my_new_bibdoc.set_hidden(True, '.jpg', version=1) + my_new_bibdoc.set_flag('HIDDEN', '.jpg', version=1) #hidden? self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdoc.hidden_p('.jpg', version=1), True) #add and get icon my_new_bibdoc.add_icon( CFG_PREFIX + '/lib/webtest/invenio/icon-test.gif', basename=None, format=None) value = my_bibrecdoc.list_bibdocs()[1] self.assertEqual(value.get_icon(), my_new_bibdoc.get_icon()) #delete icon my_new_bibdoc.delete_icon() #get icon self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdoc.get_icon(), None) - #icon_p - self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdoc.icon_p(), False) #delete my_new_bibdoc.delete() self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdoc.deleted_p(), True) #undelete my_new_bibdoc.undelete(previous_status='') + + def tearDown(self): + my_bibrecdoc = BibRecDocs(2) #delete - my_bibrecdoc.delete_bibdoc('new-name') + my_bibrecdoc.delete_bibdoc('img_test') + my_bibrecdoc.delete_bibdoc('new_name') class BibDocFilesTest(unittest.TestCase): """regression tests about BibDocFiles""" def test_BibDocFiles(self): - """bibdocfile - BibdocFiles functions """ + """bibdocfile - BibDocFile functions """ #add bibdoc my_bibrecdoc = BibRecDocs(2) my_bibrecdoc.add_new_file(CFG_PREFIX + '/lib/webtest/invenio/test.jpg', 'Main', 'img_test', False, 'test add new file', 'test', '.jpg') my_new_bibdoc = my_bibrecdoc.get_bibdoc("img_test") my_new_bibdocfile = my_new_bibdoc.list_all_files()[0] #get url self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdocfile.get_url(), CFG_SITE_URL + '/record/2/files/img_test.jpg') #get type self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdocfile.get_type(), 'Main') #get path self.assert_(my_new_bibdocfile.get_path().startswith(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR)) self.assert_(my_new_bibdocfile.get_path().endswith('/img_test.jpg;1')) #get bibdocid self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdocfile.get_bibdocid(), my_new_bibdoc.get_id()) #get name self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdocfile.get_name() , 'img_test') #get full name self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdocfile.get_full_name() , 'img_test.jpg') #get full path self.assert_(my_new_bibdocfile.get_full_path().startswith(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR)) self.assert_(my_new_bibdocfile.get_full_path().endswith('/img_test.jpg;1')) #get format self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdocfile.get_format(), '.jpg') #get version self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdocfile.get_version(), 1) #get description self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdocfile.get_description(), my_new_bibdoc.get_description('.jpg', version=1)) #get comment self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdocfile.get_comment(), my_new_bibdoc.get_comment('.jpg', version=1)) #get recid self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdocfile.get_recid(), 2) #get status self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdocfile.get_status(), '') #get size self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdocfile.get_size(), 91750) #get checksum self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdocfile.get_checksum(), '28ec893f9da735ad65de544f71d4ad76') #check self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdocfile.check(), True) #display value = my_new_bibdocfile.display(ln='en') assert 'files/img_test.jpg?version=1">' in value #hidden? self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdocfile.hidden_p(), False) #delete my_new_bibdoc.delete() self.assertEqual(my_new_bibdoc.deleted_p(), True) TEST_SUITE = make_test_suite(BibRecDocsTest, \ BibDocsTest, \ BibDocFilesTest) if __name__ == "__main__": run_test_suite(TEST_SUITE, warn_user=True) diff --git a/modules/websubmit/lib/bibdocfilecli.py b/modules/websubmit/lib/bibdocfilecli.py index 4b4080aac..1376e44cc 100644 --- a/modules/websubmit/lib/bibdocfilecli.py +++ b/modules/websubmit/lib/bibdocfilecli.py @@ -1,1113 +1,1086 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## ## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ BibDocAdmin CLI administration tool """ __revision__ = "$Id$" import sys import re import os import time import fnmatch import datetime from logging import getLogger, debug, DEBUG from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup, OptionValueError from tempfile import mkstemp from invenio.errorlib import register_exception from invenio.config import CFG_TMPDIR, CFG_SITE_URL, CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR from invenio.bibdocfile import BibRecDocs, BibDoc, InvenioWebSubmitFileError, \ nice_size, check_valid_url, clean_url, get_docname_from_url, \ guess_format_from_url, KEEP_OLD_VALUE, decompose_bibdocfile_fullpath, \ bibdocfile_url_to_bibdoc, decompose_bibdocfile_url, \ CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS from invenio.intbitset import intbitset from invenio.search_engine import perform_request_search from invenio.textutils import wrap_text_in_a_box, wait_for_user from invenio.dbquery import run_sql from invenio.bibtask import task_low_level_submission from invenio.textutils import encode_for_xml from invenio.websubmit_file_converter import can_perform_ocr def _xml_mksubfield(key, subfield, fft): return fft.get(key, None) is not None and '\t\t%s\n' % (subfield, encode_for_xml(str(fft[key]))) or '' def _xml_mksubfields(key, subfield, fft): ret = "" for value in fft.get(key, []): ret += '\t\t%s\n' % (subfield, encode_for_xml(string(value))) return ret def _xml_fft_creator(fft): """Transform an fft dictionary (made by keys url, docname, format, - new_docname, icon, comment, description, restriction, doctype, into an xml + new_docname, comment, description, restriction, doctype, into an xml string.""" debug('Input FFT structure: %s' % fft) out = '\t\n' out += _xml_mksubfield('url', 'a', fft) out += _xml_mksubfield('docname', 'n', fft) out += _xml_mksubfield('format', 'f', fft) out += _xml_mksubfield('new_docname', 'm', fft) out += _xml_mksubfield('doctype', 't', fft) out += _xml_mksubfield('description', 'd', fft) out += _xml_mksubfield('comment', 'z', fft) out += _xml_mksubfield('restriction', 'r', fft) - out += _xml_mksubfield('icon', 'x', fft) out += _xml_mksubfields('options', 'o', fft) out += _xml_mksubfield('version', 'v', fft) out += '\t\n' debug('FFT created: %s' % out) return out def ffts_to_xml(ffts_dict): """Transform a dictionary: recid -> ffts where ffts is a list of fft dictionary into xml. """ debug('Input FFTs dictionary: %s' % ffts_dict) out = '' recids = ffts_dict.keys() recids.sort() for recid in recids: ffts = ffts_dict[recid] if ffts: out += '\n' out += '\t%i\n' % recid for fft in ffts: out += _xml_fft_creator(fft) out += '\n' debug('MARC to Upload: %s' % out) return out _shift_re = re.compile("([-\+]{0,1})([\d]+)([dhms])") def _parse_datetime(var): """Returns a date string according to the format string. It can handle normal date strings and shifts with respect to now.""" if not var: return None date = time.time() factors = {"d":24*3600, "h":3600, "m":60, "s":1} m = _shift_re.match(var) if m: sign = m.groups()[0] == "-" and -1 or 1 factor = factors[m.groups()[2]] value = float(m.groups()[1]) return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(date + sign * factor * value) else: return datetime.datetime.strptime(var, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") def _parse_date_range(var): """Returns the two dates contained as a low,high tuple""" limits = var.split(",") if len(limits)==1: low = _parse_datetime(limits[0]) return low, None if len(limits)==2: low = _parse_datetime(limits[0]) high = _parse_datetime(limits[1]) return low, high return None, None def cli_quick_match_all_recids(options): """Return an quickly an approximate but (by excess) list of good recids.""" url = getattr(options, 'url', None) if url: return intbitset([decompose_bibdocfile_url(url)[0]]) path = getattr(options, 'path', None) if path: return intbitset([decompose_bibdocfile_fullpath(path)[0]]) collection = getattr(options, 'collection', None) pattern = getattr(options, 'pattern', None) recids = getattr(options, 'recids', None) md_rec = getattr(options, 'md_rec', None) cd_rec = getattr(options, 'cd_rec', None) tmp_date_query = [] tmp_date_params = [] if recids is None: debug('Initially considering all the recids') recids = intbitset(run_sql('SELECT id FROM bibrec')) if not recids: print >> sys.stderr, 'WARNING: No record in the database' if md_rec[0] is not None: tmp_date_query.append('modification_date>=%s') tmp_date_params.append(md_rec[0]) if md_rec[1] is not None: tmp_date_query.append('modification_date<=%s') tmp_date_params.append(md_rec[1]) if cd_rec[0] is not None: tmp_date_query.append('creation_date>=%s') tmp_date_params.append(cd_rec[0]) if cd_rec[1] is not None: tmp_date_query.append('creation_date<=%s') tmp_date_params.append(cd_rec[1]) if tmp_date_query: tmp_date_query = ' AND '.join(tmp_date_query) tmp_date_params = tuple(tmp_date_params) query = 'SELECT id FROM bibrec WHERE %s' % tmp_date_query debug('Query: %s, param: %s' % (query, tmp_date_params)) recids &= intbitset(run_sql(query % tmp_date_query, tmp_date_params)) debug('After applying dates we obtain recids: %s' % recids) if not recids: print >> sys.stderr, 'WARNING: Time constraints for records are too strict' if collection or pattern: recids &= intbitset(perform_request_search(cc=collection or '', p=pattern or '')) debug('After applyings pattern and collection we obtain recids: %s' % recids) debug('Quick recids: %s' % recids) return recids def cli_quick_match_all_docids(options, recids=None): """Return an quickly an approximate but (by excess) list of good docids.""" url = getattr(options, 'url', None) if url: return intbitset([bibdocfile_url_to_bibdoc(url).get_id()]) path = getattr(options, 'path', None) if path: return intbitset([decompose_bibdocfile_fullpath(path)[0]]) deleted_docs = getattr(options, 'deleted_docs', None) action_undelete = getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'undelete' docids = getattr(options, 'docids', None) md_doc = getattr(options, 'md_doc', None) cd_doc = getattr(options, 'cd_doc', None) if docids is None: debug('Initially considering all the docids') docids = intbitset(run_sql('SELECT id_bibdoc FROM bibrec_bibdoc')) else: debug('Initially considering this docids: %s' % docids) tmp_query = [] tmp_params = [] if deleted_docs is None and action_undelete: deleted_docs = 'only' if deleted_docs == 'no': tmp_query.append('status<>"DELETED"') elif deleted_docs == 'only': tmp_query.append('status="DELETED"') if md_doc[0] is not None: tmp_query.append('modification_date>=%s') tmp_params.append(md_doc[0]) if md_doc[1] is not None: tmp_query.append('modification_date<=%s') tmp_params.append(md_doc[1]) if cd_doc[0] is not None: tmp_query.append('creation_date>=%s') tmp_params.append(cd_doc[0]) if cd_doc[1] is not None: tmp_query.append('creation_date<=%s') tmp_params.append(cd_doc[1]) if tmp_query: tmp_query = ' AND '.join(tmp_query) tmp_params = tuple(tmp_params) query = 'SELECT id FROM bibdoc WHERE %s' % tmp_query debug('Query: %s, param: %s' % (query, tmp_params)) docids &= intbitset(run_sql(query, tmp_params)) debug('After applying dates we obtain docids: %s' % docids) return docids def cli_slow_match_single_recid(options, recid, recids=None, docids=None): """Apply all the given queries in order to assert wethever a recid match or not. if with_docids is True, the recid is matched if it has at least one docid that is matched""" debug('cli_slow_match_single_recid checking: %s' % recid) deleted_docs = getattr(options, 'deleted_docs', None) deleted_recs = getattr(options, 'deleted_recs', None) empty_recs = getattr(options, 'empty_recs', None) docname = cli2docname(options) bibrecdocs = BibRecDocs(recid, deleted_too=(deleted_docs != 'no')) if bibrecdocs.deleted_p() and (deleted_recs == 'no'): return False elif not bibrecdocs.deleted_p() and (deleted_recs != 'only'): if docids: for bibdoc in bibrecdocs.list_bibdocs(): if bibdoc.get_id() in docids: break else: return False if docname: for other_docname in bibrecdocs.get_bibdoc_names(): if docname and fnmatch.fnmatchcase(other_docname, docname): break else: return False if bibrecdocs.empty_p() and (empty_recs != 'no'): return True elif not bibrecdocs.empty_p() and (empty_recs != 'only'): return True return False def cli_slow_match_single_docid(options, docid, recids=None, docids=None): """Apply all the given queries in order to assert wethever a recid match or not.""" debug('cli_slow_match_single_docid checking: %s' % docid) empty_docs = getattr(options, 'empty_docs', None) docname = getattr(options, 'docname', None) if recids is None: recids = cli_quick_match_all_recids(options) bibdoc = BibDoc(docid) if docname and not fnmatch.fnmatchcase(bibdoc.get_docname(), docname): debug('docname %s does not match the pattern %s' % (repr(bibdoc.get_docname()), repr(docname))) return False elif bibdoc.get_recid() and bibdoc.get_recid() not in recids: debug('recid %s is not in pattern %s' % (repr(bibdoc.get_recid()), repr(recids))) return False elif empty_docs == 'no' and bibdoc.empty_p(): debug('bibdoc is empty') return False elif empty_docs == 'only' and not bibdoc.empty_p(): debug('bibdoc is not empty') return False else: return True def cli2recid(options, recids=None, docids=None): """Given the command line options return a recid.""" recids = list(cli_recids_iterator(options, recids=recids, docids=docids)) if len(recids) == 1: return recids[0] if recids: raise StandardError, "More than one recid has been matched: %s" % recids else: raise StandardError, "No recids matched" def cli2docid(options, recids=None, docids=None): """Given the command line options return a docid.""" docids = list(cli_docids_iterator(options, recids=recids, docids=docids)) if len(docids) == 1: return docids[0] if docids: raise StandardError, "More than one docid has been matched: %s" % docids else: raise StandardError, "No docids matched" -def cli2icon(options): - """Return a good value for the icon.""" - icon = getattr(options, 'set_icon', None) - if icon is None: - icon = KEEP_OLD_VALUE - elif icon: - icon = clean_url(icon) - check_valid_url(icon) - return icon - def cli2description(options): """Return a good value for the description.""" description = getattr(options, 'set_description', None) if description is None: description = KEEP_OLD_VALUE return description def cli2restriction(options): """Return a good value for the restriction.""" restriction = getattr(options, 'set_restriction', None) if restriction is None: restriction = KEEP_OLD_VALUE return restriction def cli2comment(options): """Return a good value for the comment.""" comment = getattr(options, 'set_comment', None) if comment is None: comment = KEEP_OLD_VALUE return comment def cli2doctype(options): """Return a good value for the doctype.""" doctype = getattr(options, 'set_doctype', None) if not doctype: return 'Main' return doctype def cli2docname(options, docid=None, url=None): """Given the command line options and optional precalculated docid returns the corresponding docname.""" if docid: bibdoc = BibDoc(docid=docid) return bibdoc.get_docname() docname = getattr(options, 'docname', None) if docname is not None: return docname if url is not None: return get_docname_from_url(url) else: return None def cli2format(options, url=None): """Given the command line options returns the corresponding format.""" format = getattr(options, 'format', None) if format is not None: return format elif url is not None: ## FIXME: to deploy once conversion-tools branch is merged #return guess_format_from_url(url) return guess_format_from_url(url) else: raise OptionValueError("Not enough information to retrieve a valid format") def cli_recids_iterator(options, recids=None, docids=None): """Slow iterator over all the matched recids. if with_docids is True, the recid must be attached to at least a matched docid""" debug('cli_recids_iterator') if recids is None: recids = cli_quick_match_all_recids(options) debug('working on recids: %s, docids: %s' % (recids, docids)) for recid in recids: if cli_slow_match_single_recid(options, recid, recids, docids): yield recid raise StopIteration def cli_docids_iterator(options, recids=None, docids=None): """Slow iterator over all the matched docids.""" if recids is None: recids = cli_quick_match_all_recids(options) if docids is None: docids = cli_quick_match_all_docids(options) for docid in docids: if cli_slow_match_single_docid(options, docid, recids, docids): yield docid raise StopIteration class OptionParserSpecial(OptionParser): def format_help(self, *args, **kwargs): result = OptionParser.format_help(self, *args, **kwargs) if hasattr(self, 'trailing_text'): return "%s\n%s\n" % (result, self.trailing_text) else: return result def prepare_option_parser(): """Parse the command line options.""" def _ids_ranges_callback(option, opt, value, parser): """Callback for optparse to parse a set of ids ranges in the form nnn1-nnn2,mmm1-mmm2... returning the corresponding intbitset. """ try: debug('option: %s, opt: %s, value: %s, parser: %s' % (option, opt, value, parser)) debug('Parsing range: %s' % value) value = ranges2ids(value) setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value) except Exception, e: raise OptionValueError("It's impossible to parse the range '%s' for option %s: %s" % (value, opt, e)) def _date_range_callback(option, opt, value, parser): """Callback for optparse to parse a range of dates in the form [date1],[date2]. Both date1 and date2 could be optional. the date can be expressed absolutely ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") or relatively (([-\+]{0,1})([\d]+)([dhms])) to the current time.""" try: value = _parse_date_range(value) setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value) except Exception, e: raise OptionValueError("It's impossible to parse the range '%s' for option %s: %s" % (value, opt, e)) parser = OptionParserSpecial(usage="usage: %prog [options]", #epilog="""With you select the range of record/docnames/single files to work on. Note that some actions e.g. delete, append, revise etc. works at the docname level, while others like --set-comment, --set-description, at single file level and other can be applied in an iterative way to many records in a single run. Note that specifing docid(2) takes precedence over recid(2) which in turns takes precedence over pattern/collection search.""", version=__revision__) parser.trailing_text = """ Examples: $ bibdocfile --append foo.tar.gz --recid=1 $ bibdocfile --revise http://foo.com?search=123 --with-docname='sam' --format=pdf --recid=3 --set-docname='pippo' # revise for record 3 # the document sam, renaming it to pippo. $ bibdocfile --delete --with-docname="*sam" --all # delete all documents # starting ending # with "sam" $ bibdocfile --undelete -c "Test Collection" # undelete documents for # the collection $ bibdocfile --get-info --recids=1-4,6-8 # obtain informations $ bibdocfile -r 1 --with-docname=foo --set-docname=bar # Rename a document """ query_options = OptionGroup(parser, 'Query options') query_options.add_option('-r', '--recids', action="callback", callback=_ids_ranges_callback, type='string', dest='recids', help='matches records by recids, e.g.: --recids=1-3,5-7') query_options.add_option('-d', '--docids', action="callback", callback=_ids_ranges_callback, type='string', dest='docids', help='matches documents by docids, e.g.: --docids=1-3,5-7') query_options.add_option('-a', '--all', action='store_true', dest='all', help='Select all the records') query_options.add_option("--with-deleted-recs", choices=['yes', 'no', 'only'], type="choice", dest="deleted_recs", help="'Yes' to also match deleted records, 'no' to exclude them, 'only' to match only deleted ones", metavar="yes/no/only", default='no') query_options.add_option("--with-deleted-docs", choices=['yes', 'no', 'only'], type="choice", dest="deleted_docs", help="'Yes' to also match deleted documents, 'no' to exclude them, 'only' to match only deleted ones (e.g. for undeletion)", metavar="yes/no/only", default='no') query_options.add_option("--with-empty-recs", choices=['yes', 'no', 'only'], type="choice", dest="empty_recs", help="'Yes' to also match records without attached documents, 'no' to exclude them, 'only' to consider only such records (e.g. for statistics)", metavar="yes/no/only", default='no') query_options.add_option("--with-empty-docs", choices=['yes', 'no', 'only'], type="choice", dest="empty_docs", help="'Yes' to also match documents without attached files, 'no' to exclude them, 'only' to consider only such documents (e.g. for sanity checking)", metavar="yes/no/only", default='no') query_options.add_option("--with-record-modification-date", action="callback", callback=_date_range_callback, dest="md_rec", nargs=1, type="string", default=(None, None), help="matches records modified date1 and date2; dates can be expressed relatively, e.g.:\"-5m,2030-2-23 04:40\" # matches records modified since 5 minutes ago until the 2030...", metavar="date1,date2") query_options.add_option("--with-record-creation-date", action="callback", callback=_date_range_callback, dest="cd_rec", nargs=1, type="string", default=(None, None), help="matches records created between date1 and date2; dates can be expressed relatively", metavar="date1,date2") query_options.add_option("--with-document-modification-date", action="callback", callback=_date_range_callback, dest="md_doc", nargs=1, type="string", default=(None, None), help="matches documents modified between date1 and date2; dates can be expressed relatively", metavar="date1,date2") query_options.add_option("--with-document-creation-date", action="callback", callback=_date_range_callback, dest="cd_doc", nargs=1, type="string", default=(None, None), help="matches documents created between date1 and date2; dates can be expressed relatively", metavar="date1,date2") query_options.add_option("--url", dest="url", help='matches the document referred by the URL, e.g. "%s/record/1/files/foobar.pdf?version=2"' % CFG_SITE_URL) query_options.add_option("--path", dest="path", help='matches the document referred by the internal filesystem path, e.g. %s/g0/1/foobar.pdf\\;1' % CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR) query_options.add_option("--with-docname", dest="docname", help='matches documents with the given docname (accept wildcards)') query_options.add_option("--with-doctype", dest="doctype", help='matches documents with the given doctype') query_options.add_option('-p', '--pattern', dest='pattern', help='matches records by pattern') query_options.add_option('-c', '--collection', dest='collection', help='matches records by collection') query_options.add_option('--force', dest='force', help='force an action even when it\'s not necessary e.g. textify on an already textified bibdoc.', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_option_group(query_options) getting_information_options = OptionGroup(parser, 'Actions for getting information') getting_information_options.add_option('--get-info', dest='action', action='store_const', const='get-info', help='print all the informations about the matched record/documents') getting_information_options.add_option('--get-disk-usage', dest='action', action='store_const', const='get-disk-usage', help='print disk usage statistics of the matched documents') getting_information_options.add_option('--get-history', dest='action', action='store_const', const='get-history', help='print the matched documents history') parser.add_option_group(getting_information_options) setting_information_options = OptionGroup(parser, 'Actions for setting information') setting_information_options.add_option('--set-doctype', dest='set_doctype', help='specify the new doctype', metavar='doctype') setting_information_options.add_option('--set-description', dest='set_description', help='specify a description', metavar='description') setting_information_options.add_option('--set-comment', dest='set_comment', help='specify a comment', metavar='comment') setting_information_options.add_option('--set-restriction', dest='set_restriction', help='specify a restriction tag', metavar='restriction') setting_information_options.add_option('--set-docname', dest='new_docname', help='specifies a new docname for renaming', metavar='docname') setting_information_options.add_option("--unset-comment", action="store_const", const='', dest="set_comment", help="remove any comment") setting_information_options.add_option("--unset-descriptions", action="store_const", const='', dest="set_description", help="remove any description") setting_information_options.add_option("--unset-restrictions", action="store_const", const='', dest="set_restriction", help="remove any restriction") setting_information_options.add_option("--hide", dest="action", action='store_const', const='hide', help="hides matched documents and revisions") setting_information_options.add_option("--unhide", dest="action", action='store_const', const='unhide', help="hides matched documents and revisions") parser.add_option_group(setting_information_options) revising_options = OptionGroup(parser, 'Action for revising content') revising_options.add_option("--append", dest='append_path', help='specify the URL/path of the file that will appended to the bibdoc', metavar='PATH/URL') revising_options.add_option("--revise", dest='revise_path', help='specify the URL/path of the file that will revise the bibdoc', metavar='PATH/URL') revising_options.add_option("--revert", dest='action', action='store_const', const='revert', help='reverts a document to the specified version') revising_options.add_option("--delete", action='store_const', const='delete', dest='action', help='soft-delete the matched documents (applies to all revisions and formats)') revising_options.add_option("--hard-delete", action='store_const', const='hard_delete', dest='action', help='hard-delete the matched documents (applies to matched revisions and formats)') revising_options.add_option("--undelete", action='store_const', const='undelete', dest='action', help='undelete previosuly soft-deleted documents (applies to all revisions and formats)') revising_options.add_option("--purge", action='store_const', const='purge', dest='action', help='purge (i.e. hard-delete previous versions) the matched documents') revising_options.add_option("--expunge", action='store_const', const='expunge', dest='action', help='expunge (i.e. hard-delete any version and formats) the matched documents') revising_options.add_option("--with-versions", dest="version", help="specifies the version(s) to be used with hard-delete, hide, revert, e.g.: 1-2,3 or all") revising_options.add_option("--with-format", dest="format", help='to specify a format when appending/revising/deleting/reverting a document, e.g. "pdf"', metavar='FORMAT') revising_options.add_option("--with-hide-previous", dest='hide_previous', action='store_true', help='when revising, hides previous versions', default=False) parser.add_option_group(revising_options) housekeeping_options = OptionGroup(parser, 'Actions for housekeeping') housekeeping_options.add_option("--check-md5", action='store_const', const='check-md5', dest='action', help='check md5 checksum validity of files') housekeeping_options.add_option("--check-format", action='store_const', const='check-format', dest='action', help='check if any format-related inconsistences exists') housekeeping_options.add_option("--check-duplicate-docnames", action='store_const', const='check-duplicate-docnames', dest='action', help='check for duplicate docnames associated with the same record') housekeeping_options.add_option("--update-md5", action='store_const', const='update-md5', dest='action', help='update md5 checksum of files') housekeeping_options.add_option("--fix-all", action='store_const', const='fix-all', dest='action', help='fix inconsistences in filesystem vs database vs MARC') housekeeping_options.add_option("--fix-marc", action='store_const', const='fix-marc', dest='action', help='synchronize MARC after filesystem/database') housekeeping_options.add_option("--fix-format", action='store_const', const='fix-format', dest='action', help='fix format related inconsistences') housekeeping_options.add_option("--fix-duplicate-docnames", action='store_const', const='fix-duplicate-docnames', dest='action', help='fix duplicate docnames associated with the same record') parser.add_option_group(housekeeping_options) experimental_options = OptionGroup(parser, 'Experimental options (do not expect to find them in the next release)') - experimental_options.add_option('--set-icon', dest='set_icon', help='attache the specified icon to the matched documents', metavar='URL/PATH') - experimental_options.add_option("--unset-icon", action="store_const", const='', dest="set_icon", help="remove any icon on the matched documents") experimental_options.add_option('--textify', dest='action', action='store_const', const='textify', help='extract text from matched documents and store it for later indexing') experimental_options.add_option('--with-ocr', dest='perform_ocr', action='store_true', default=False, help='when used with --textify, wether to perform OCR') parser.add_option_group(experimental_options) parser.add_option('-D', '--debug', action='store_true', dest='debug', default=False) parser.add_option('-H', '--human-readable', dest='human_readable', action='store_true', default=False, help='print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1KB 234MB 2GB)') parser.add_option('--yes-i-know', action='store_true', dest='yes-i-know', help='use with care!') return parser def print_info(recid, docid, info): """Nicely print info about a recid, docid pair.""" print '%i:%i:%s' % (recid, docid, info) -def bibupload_ffts(ffts, append=False): +def bibupload_ffts(ffts, append=False, debug=False): """Given an ffts dictionary it creates the xml and submit it.""" xml = ffts_to_xml(ffts) if xml: print xml tmp_file_fd, tmp_file_name = mkstemp(suffix='.xml', prefix="bibdocfile_%s" % time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"), dir=CFG_TMPDIR) os.write(tmp_file_fd, xml) os.close(tmp_file_fd) os.chmod(tmp_file_name, 0644) if append: wait_for_user("This will be appended via BibUpload") - task = task_low_level_submission('bibupload', 'bibdocfile', '-a', tmp_file_name, '-N', 'FFT', '-S2') + if debug: + task = task_low_level_submission('bibupload', 'bibdocfile', '-a', tmp_file_name, '-N', 'FFT', '-S2', '-v9') + else: + task = task_low_level_submission('bibupload', 'bibdocfile', '-a', tmp_file_name, '-N', 'FFT', '-S2', '-v9') print "BibUpload append submitted with id %s" % task else: wait_for_user("This will be corrected via BibUpload") - task = task_low_level_submission('bibupload', 'bibdocfile', '-c', tmp_file_name, '-N', 'FFT', '-S2') + if debug: + task = task_low_level_submission('bibupload', 'bibdocfile', '-c', tmp_file_name, '-N', 'FFT', '-S2', '-v9') + else: + task = task_low_level_submission('bibupload', 'bibdocfile', '-c', tmp_file_name, '-N', 'FFT', '-S2') print "BibUpload correct submitted with id %s" % task else: print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: no MARC to upload." return True def ranges2ids(parse_string): """Parse a string and return the intbitset of the corresponding ids.""" ids = intbitset() ranges = parse_string.split(",") for arange in ranges: tmp_ids = arange.split("-") if len(tmp_ids)==1: ids.add(int(tmp_ids[0])) else: if int(tmp_ids[0]) > int(tmp_ids[1]): # sanity check tmp = tmp_ids[0] tmp_ids[0] = tmp_ids[1] tmp_ids[1] = tmp ids += xrange(int(tmp_ids[0]), int(tmp_ids[1]) + 1) return ids def cli_append(options, append_path): """Create a bibupload FFT task submission for appending a format.""" recid = cli2recid(options) comment = getattr(options, 'comment', None) description = getattr(options, 'comment', None) restriction = getattr(options, 'restriction', None) doctype = getattr(options, 'doctype', None) or 'Main' - icon = cli2icon(options) - if icon == KEEP_OLD_VALUE: - icon = None docname = cli2docname(options, url=append_path) if not docname: raise OptionValueError, 'Not enough information to retrieve a valid docname' format = cli2format(options, append_path) url = clean_url(append_path) check_valid_url(url) ffts = {recid: [{ 'docname' : docname, 'comment' : comment, 'description' : description, 'restriction' : restriction, 'doctype' : doctype, - 'icon' : icon, 'format' : format, 'url' : url }]} return bibupload_ffts(ffts, append=True) def cli_revise(options, revise_path): """Create a bibupload FFT task submission for appending a format.""" recid = cli2recid(options) comment = cli2comment(options) description = cli2description(options) restriction = cli2restriction(options) docname = cli2docname(options, url=revise_path) hide_previous = getattr(options, 'hide_previous', None) if not docname: raise OptionValueError, 'Not enough information to retrieve a valid docname' format = cli2format(options, revise_path) doctype = cli2doctype(options) - icon = cli2icon(options) url = clean_url(revise_path) new_docname = getattr(options, 'new_docname', None) check_valid_url(url) ffts = {recid : [{ 'docname' : docname, 'new_docname' : new_docname, 'comment' : comment, 'description' : description, 'restriction' : restriction, 'doctype' : doctype, - 'icon' : icon, 'format' : format, 'url' : url, 'options' : hide_previous and ['PERFORM_HIDE_PREVIOUS'] or None }]} return bibupload_ffts(ffts) def cli_set_batch(options): """Change in batch the doctype, description, comment and restriction.""" ffts = {} doctype = getattr(options, 'set_doctype', None) description = getattr(options, 'set_description', None) comment = getattr(options, 'set_comment', None) restriction = getattr(options, 'set_restriction', None) with_format = getattr(options, 'format', None) for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options): bibdoc = BibDoc(docid) recid = bibdoc.get_recid() docname = bibdoc.get_docname() fft = [] if description is not None or comment is not None: for bibdocfile in bibdoc.list_latest_files(): format = bibdocfile.get_format() if not with_format or with_format == format: fft.append({ 'docname': docname, 'restriction': restriction, 'comment': comment, 'description': description, 'format': format, 'doctype': doctype }) else: fft.append({ 'docname': docname, 'restriction': restriction, 'doctype': doctype, }) ffts[recid] = fft return bibupload_ffts(ffts, append=False) def cli_textify(options): """Extract text to let indexing on fulltext be possible.""" force = getattr(options, 'force', None) perform_ocr = getattr(options, 'perform_ocr', None) if perform_ocr: if not can_perform_ocr(): print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: OCR requested but OCR is not possible" perform_ocr = False if perform_ocr: additional = ' using OCR (this might take some time)' else: additional = '' for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options): bibdoc = BibDoc(docid) print 'Extracting text for docid %s%s...' % (docid, additional), sys.stdout.flush() if force or not bibdoc.has_text(require_up_to_date=True): try: bibdoc.extract_text(perform_ocr=perform_ocr) print "DONE" except InvenioWebSubmitFileError, e: print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: %s" % e else: print "not needed" def cli_rename(options): """Rename a docname within a recid.""" new_docname = getattr(options, 'new_docname', None) docid = cli2docid(options) bibdoc = BibDoc(docid) docname = bibdoc.get_docname() recid = bibdoc.get_recid() ffts = {recid : [{'docname' : docname, 'new_docname' : new_docname}]} return bibupload_ffts(ffts, append=False) -def cli_set_icon(options): - """Rename a docname within a recid.""" - docid = cli2docid(options) - bibdoc = BibDoc(docid) - docname = bibdoc.get_docname() - recid = bibdoc.get_recid() - icon = cli2icon(options) - ffts = {recid : [{'docname' : docname, 'icon' : icon}]} - return bibupload_ffts(ffts, append=False) - def cli_fix_all(options): """Fix all the records of a recid_set.""" ffts = {} for recid in cli_recids_iterator(options): ffts[recid] = [] for docname in BibRecDocs(recid).get_bibdoc_names(): ffts[recid].append({'docname' : docname, 'doctype' : 'FIX-ALL'}) return bibupload_ffts(ffts, append=False) def cli_fix_marc(options, explicit_recid_set=None): """Fix all the records of a recid_set.""" ffts = {} if explicit_recid_set is not None: for recid in explicit_recid_set: ffts[recid] = [{'doctype' : 'FIX-MARC'}] else: for recid in cli_recids_iterator(options): ffts[recid] = [{'doctype' : 'FIX-MARC'}] return bibupload_ffts(ffts, append=False) def cli_check_format(options): """Check if any format-related inconsistences exists.""" count = 0 tot = 0 duplicate = False for recid in cli_recids_iterator(options): tot += 1 bibrecdocs = BibRecDocs(recid) if not bibrecdocs.check_duplicate_docnames(): print >> sys.stderr, "recid %s has duplicate docnames!" broken = True duplicate = True else: broken = False for docname in bibrecdocs.get_bibdoc_names(): if not bibrecdocs.check_format(docname): print >> sys.stderr, "recid %s with docname %s need format fixing" % (recid, docname) broken = True if broken: count += 1 if count: result = "%d out of %d records need their formats to be fixed." % (count, tot) else: result = "All records appear to be correct with respect to formats." if duplicate: result += " Note however that at least one record appear to have duplicate docnames. You should better fix this situation by using --fix-duplicate-docnames." print wrap_text_in_a_box(result, style="conclusion") return not(duplicate or count) def cli_check_duplicate_docnames(options): """Check if some record is connected with bibdoc having the same docnames.""" count = 0 tot = 0 for recid in cli_recids_iterator(options): tot += 1 bibrecdocs = BibRecDocs(recid) if bibrecdocs.check_duplicate_docnames(): count += 1 print sys.stderr, "recid %s has duplicate docnames!" if count: print "%d out of %d records have duplicate docnames." % (count, tot) return False else: print "All records appear to be correct with respect to duplicate docnames." return True def cli_fix_format(options): """Fix format-related inconsistences.""" fixed = intbitset() tot = 0 for recid in cli_recids_iterator(options): tot += 1 bibrecdocs = BibRecDocs(recid) for docname in bibrecdocs.get_bibdoc_names(): if not bibrecdocs.check_format(docname): if bibrecdocs.fix_format(docname, skip_check=True): print >> sys.stderr, "%i has been fixed for docname %s" % (recid, docname) else: print >> sys.stderr, "%i has been fixed for docname %s. However note that a new bibdoc might have been created." % (recid, docname) fixed.add(recid) if fixed: print "Now we need to synchronize MARC to reflect current changes." cli_fix_marc(options, explicit_recid_set=fixed) print wrap_text_in_a_box("%i out of %i record needed to be fixed." % (tot, len(fixed)), style="conclusion") return not fixed def cli_fix_duplicate_docnames(options): """Fix duplicate docnames.""" fixed = intbitset() tot = 0 for recid in cli_recids_iterator(): tot += 1 bibrecdocs = BibRecDocs(recid) if not bibrecdocs.check_duplicate_docnames(): bibrecdocs.fix_duplicate_docnames(skip_check=True) print >> sys.stderr, "%i has been fixed for duplicate docnames." % recid fixed.add(recid) if fixed: print "Now we need to synchronize MARC to reflect current changes." cli_fix_marc(options, explicit_recid_set=fixed) print wrap_text_in_a_box("%i out of %i record needed to be fixed." % (tot, len(fixed)), style="conclusion") return not fixed def cli_delete(options): """Delete the given docid_set.""" ffts = {} for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options): bibdoc = BibDoc(docid) - if not bibdoc.icon_p(): - ## Icons are indirectly deleted with the relative bibdoc. - docname = bibdoc.get_docname() - recid = bibdoc.get_recid() - if recid not in ffts: - ffts[recid] = [{'docname' : docname, 'doctype' : 'DELETE'}] - else: - ffts[recid].append({'docname' : docname, 'doctype' : 'DELETE'}) + docname = bibdoc.get_docname() + recid = bibdoc.get_recid() + if recid not in ffts: + ffts[recid] = [{'docname' : docname, 'doctype' : 'DELETE'}] + else: + ffts[recid].append({'docname' : docname, 'doctype' : 'DELETE'}) return bibupload_ffts(ffts) def cli_delete_file(options): """Delete the given file irreversibely.""" docid = cli2docid(options) recid = cli2recid(options, docids=intbitset([docid])) format = cli2format(options) docname = BibDoc(docid).get_docname() version = getattr(options, 'version', None) ffts = {recid : [{'docname' : docname, 'version' : version, 'format' : format, 'doctype' : 'DELETE-FILE'}]} return bibupload_ffts(ffts) def cli_revert(options): """Revert a bibdoc to a given version.""" docid = cli2docid(options) recid = cli2recid(options, docids=intbitset([docid])) docname = BibDoc(docid).get_docname() version = getattr(options, 'version', None) try: version = int(version) if 0 >= version: raise ValueError except ValueError: raise OptionValueError, 'when reverting, version should be valid positive integer, not %s' % version ffts = {recid : [{'docname' : docname, 'version' : version, 'doctype' : 'REVERT'}]} return bibupload_ffts(ffts) def cli_undelete(options): """Delete the given docname""" docname = cli2docname(options) restriction = getattr(options, 'restriction', None) count = 0 if not docname: docname = 'DELETED-*-*' if not docname.startswith('DELETED-'): docname = 'DELETED-*-' + docname to_be_undeleted = intbitset() fix_marc = intbitset() setattr(options, 'deleted_docs', 'only') for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options): bibdoc = BibDoc(docid) if bibdoc.get_status() == 'DELETED' and fnmatch.fnmatch(bibdoc.get_docname(), docname): to_be_undeleted.add(docid) fix_marc.add(bibdoc.get_recid()) count += 1 print '%s (docid %s from recid %s) will be undeleted to restriction: %s' % (bibdoc.get_docname(), docid, bibdoc.get_recid(), restriction) wait_for_user("I'll proceed with the undeletion") for docid in to_be_undeleted: bibdoc = BibDoc(docid) bibdoc.undelete(restriction) cli_fix_marc(options, explicit_recid_set=fix_marc) print wrap_text_in_a_box("%s bibdoc successfuly undeleted with status '%s'" % (count, restriction), style="conclusion") def cli_get_info(options): """Print all the info of the matched docids or recids.""" debug('Getting info!') human_readable = bool(getattr(options, 'human_readable', None)) debug('human_readable: %s' % human_readable) deleted_docs = getattr(options, 'deleted_docs', None) in ('yes', 'only') debug('deleted_docs: %s' % deleted_docs) if getattr(options, 'docids', None): for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options): sys.stdout.write(str(BibDoc(docid, human_readable=human_readable))) else: for recid in cli_recids_iterator(options): sys.stdout.write(str(BibRecDocs(recid, deleted_too=deleted_docs, human_readable=human_readable))) def cli_purge(options): """Purge the matched docids.""" ffts = {} for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options): bibdoc = BibDoc(docid) recid = bibdoc.get_recid() docname = bibdoc.get_docname() if recid: if recid not in ffts: ffts[recid] = [] ffts[recid].append({ 'docname' : docname, 'doctype' : 'PURGE', }) return bibupload_ffts(ffts) def cli_expunge(options): """Expunge the matched docids.""" ffts = {} for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options): bibdoc = BibDoc(docid) recid = bibdoc.get_recid() docname = bibdoc.get_docname() if recid: if recid not in ffts: ffts[recid] = [] ffts[recid].append({ 'docname' : docname, 'doctype' : 'EXPUNGE', }) return bibupload_ffts(ffts) def cli_get_history(options): """Print the history of a docid_set.""" for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options): bibdoc = BibDoc(docid) history = bibdoc.get_history() for row in history: print_info(bibdoc.get_recid(), docid, row) def cli_get_disk_usage(options): """Print the space usage of a docid_set.""" human_readable = getattr(options, 'human_readable', None) total_size = 0 total_latest_size = 0 for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options): bibdoc = BibDoc(docid) size = bibdoc.get_total_size() total_size += size latest_size = bibdoc.get_total_size_latest_version() total_latest_size += latest_size if human_readable: print_info(bibdoc.get_recid(), docid, 'size=%s' % nice_size(size)) print_info(bibdoc.get_recid(), docid, 'latest version size=%s' % nice_size(latest_size)) else: print_info(bibdoc.get_recid(), docid, 'size=%s' % size) print_info(bibdoc.get_recid(), docid, 'latest version size=%s' % latest_size) if human_readable: print wrap_text_in_a_box('total size: %s\n\nlatest version total size: %s' % (nice_size(total_size), nice_size(total_latest_size)), style='conclusion') else: print wrap_text_in_a_box('total size: %s\n\nlatest version total size: %s' % (total_size, total_latest_size), style='conclusion') def cli_check_md5(options): """Check the md5 sums of a docid_set.""" failures = 0 for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options): bibdoc = BibDoc(docid) if bibdoc.md5s.check(): print_info(bibdoc.get_recid(), docid, 'checksum OK') else: for afile in bibdoc.list_all_files(): if not afile.check(): failures += 1 print_info(bibdoc.get_recid(), docid, '%s failing checksum!' % afile.get_full_path()) if failures: print wrap_text_in_a_box('%i files failing' % failures , style='conclusion') else: print wrap_text_in_a_box('All files are correct', style='conclusion') def cli_update_md5(options): """Update the md5 sums of a docid_set.""" for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options): bibdoc = BibDoc(docid) if bibdoc.md5s.check(): print_info(bibdoc.get_recid(), docid, 'checksum OK') else: for afile in bibdoc.list_all_files(): if not afile.check(): print_info(bibdoc.get_recid(), docid, '%s failing checksum!' % afile.get_full_path()) wait_for_user('Updating the md5s of this document can hide real problems.') bibdoc.md5s.update(only_new=False) def cli_hide(options): """Hide the matched versions of documents.""" documents_to_be_hidden = {} to_be_fixed = intbitset() versions = getattr(options, 'versions', 'all') if versions != 'all': try: versions = ranges2ids(versions) except: raise OptionValueError, 'You should specify correct versions. Not %s' % versions else: versions = intbitset(trailing_bits=True) for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options): bibdoc = BibDoc(docid) recid = bibdoc.get_recid() if recid: for bibdocfile in bibdoc.list_all_files(): this_version = bibdocfile.get_version() this_format = bibdocfile.get_format() if this_version in versions: if docid not in documents_to_be_hidden: documents_to_be_hidden[docid] = [] documents_to_be_hidden[docid].append((this_version, this_format)) to_be_fixed.add(recid) print '%s (docid: %s, recid: %s) will be hidden' % (bibdocfile.get_full_name(), docid, recid) wait_for_user('Proceeding to hide the matched documents...') for docid, documents in documents_to_be_hidden.iteritems(): bibdoc = BibDoc(docid) for version, format in documents: bibdoc.set_flag('HIDDEN', format, version) return cli_fix_marc(options, to_be_fixed) def cli_unhide(options): """Unhide the matched versions of documents.""" documents_to_be_unhidden = {} to_be_fixed = intbitset() versions = getattr(options, 'versions', 'all') if versions != 'all': try: versions = ranges2ids(versions) except: raise OptionValueError, 'You should specify correct versions. Not %s' % versions else: versions = intbitset(trailing_bits=True) for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options): bibdoc = BibDoc(docid) recid = bibdoc.get_recid() if recid: for bibdocfile in bibdoc.list_all_files(): this_version = bibdocfile.get_version() this_format = bibdocfile.get_format() if this_version in versions: if docid not in documents_to_be_unhidden: - documents_to_be_hidden[docid] = [] + documents_to_be_unhidden[docid] = [] documents_to_be_unhidden[docid].append((this_version, this_format)) to_be_fixed.add(recid) print '%s (docid: %s, recid: %s) will be unhidden' % (bibdocfile.get_full_name(), docid, recid) wait_for_user('Proceeding to unhide the matched documents...') for docid, documents in documents_to_be_unhidden.iteritems(): bibdoc = BibDoc(docid) for version, format in documents: bibdoc.unset_flag('HIDDEN', format, version) return cli_fix_marc(options, to_be_fixed) def main(): parser = prepare_option_parser() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if getattr(options, 'debug', None): getLogger().setLevel(DEBUG) debug('test') debug('options: %s, args: %s' % (options, args)) try: if not getattr(options, 'action', None) and \ not getattr(options, 'append_path', None) and \ not getattr(options, 'revise_path', None): if getattr(options, 'set_doctype', None) is not None or \ getattr(options, 'set_comment', None) is not None or \ getattr(options, 'set_description', None) is not None or \ getattr(options, 'set_restriction', None) is not None: cli_set_batch(options) elif getattr(options, 'new_docname', None): cli_rename(options) - elif getattr(options, 'set_icon', None) is not None: - cli_set_icon(options) else: print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: no action specified" sys.exit(1) elif getattr(options, 'append_path', None): cli_append(options, getattr(options, 'append_path', None)) elif getattr(options, 'revise_path', None): cli_revise(options, getattr(options, 'revise_path', None)) elif options.action == 'textify': cli_textify(options) elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'get-history': cli_get_history(options) elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'get-info': cli_get_info(options) elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'get-disk-usage': cli_get_disk_usage(options) elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'check-md5': cli_check_md5(options) elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'update-md5': cli_update_md5(options) elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'fix-all': cli_fix_all(options) elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'fix-marc': cli_fix_marc(options) elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'delete': cli_delete(options) elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'delete-file': cli_delete_file(options) elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'fix-duplicate-docnames': cli_fix_duplicate_docnames(options) elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'fix-format': cli_fix_format(options) elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'check-duplicate-docnames': cli_check_duplicate_docnames(options) elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'check-format': cli_check_format(options) elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'undelete': cli_undelete(options) elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'purge': cli_purge(options) elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'expunge': cli_expunge(options) elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'revert': cli_revert(options) elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'hide': cli_hide(options) elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'unhide': cli_unhide(options) else: print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: Action %s is not valid" % getattr(options, 'action', None) sys.exit(1) except StandardError, e: register_exception() print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: %s' % e sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main() diff --git a/modules/websubmit/lib/fulltext_files_migration_kit.py b/modules/websubmit/lib/fulltext_files_migration_kit.py index db5484f37..408143fa0 100644 --- a/modules/websubmit/lib/fulltext_files_migration_kit.py +++ b/modules/websubmit/lib/fulltext_files_migration_kit.py @@ -1,142 +1,142 @@ ## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. __revision__ = "$Id$" """This script updates the filesystem structure of fulltext files in order to make it coherent with bibdocfile implementation (bibdocfile.py structure is backward compatible with file.py structure, but the viceversa is not true). """ import sys from invenio.intbitset import intbitset from invenio.textutils import wrap_text_in_a_box from invenio.config import CFG_LOGDIR, CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL from invenio.dbquery import run_sql, OperationalError from invenio.bibdocfile import BibRecDocs, InvenioWebSubmitFileError from datetime import datetime def retrieve_fulltext_recids(): """Returns the list of all the recid number linked with at least a fulltext file.""" res = run_sql('SELECT DISTINCT id_bibrec FROM bibrec_bibdoc') return intbitset(res) def fix_recid(recid, logfile): """Fix a given recid.""" print "Upgrading record %s ->" % recid, print >> logfile, "Upgrading record %s:" % recid bibrec = BibRecDocs(recid) print >> logfile, bibrec docnames = bibrec.get_bibdoc_names() try: for docname in docnames: print docname, new_bibdocs = bibrec.fix(docname) new_bibdocnames = [bibdoc.get_docname() for bibdoc in new_bibdocs] if new_bibdocnames: print "(created bibdocs: '%s')" % "', '".join(new_bibdocnames), print >> logfile, "(created bibdocs: '%s')" % "', '".join(new_bibdocnames) except InvenioWebSubmitFileError, e: print >> logfile, BibRecDocs(recid) print "%s -> ERROR", e return False else: print >> logfile, BibRecDocs(recid) print "-> OK" return True def backup_tables(drop=False): """This function create a backup of bibrec_bibdoc, bibdoc and bibdoc_bibdoc tables. Returns False in case dropping of previous table is needed.""" if drop: run_sql('DROP TABLE bibrec_bibdoc_backup') run_sql('DROP TABLE bibdoc_backup') run_sql('DROP TABLE bibdoc_bibdoc_backup') try: run_sql("""CREATE TABLE bibrec_bibdoc_backup (KEY id_bibrec(id_bibrec), KEY id_bibdoc(id_bibdoc)) SELECT * FROM bibrec_bibdoc""") run_sql("""CREATE TABLE bibdoc_backup (PRIMARY KEY id(id)) SELECT * FROM bibdoc""") run_sql("""CREATE TABLE bibdoc_bibdoc_backup (KEY id_bibdoc1(id_bibdoc1), KEY id_bibdoc2(id_bibdoc2)) SELECT * FROM bibdoc_bibdoc""") except OperationalError, e: if not drop: return False raise e return True def check_yes(): """Return True if the user types 'yes'.""" try: return raw_input().strip() == 'yes' except KeyboardInterrupt: return False def main(): """Core loop.""" logfilename = '%s/fulltext_files_migration_kit-%s.log' % (CFG_LOGDIR, datetime.today().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')) try: logfile = open(logfilename, 'w') except IOError, e: print wrap_text_in_a_box('NOTE: it\'s impossible to create the log:\n\n %s\n\nbecause of:\n\n %s\n\nPlease run this migration kit as the same user who runs Invenio (e.g. Apache)' % (logfilename, e), style='conclusion', break_long=False) sys.exit(1) recids = retrieve_fulltext_recids() print wrap_text_in_a_box ("""This script migrate the filesystem structure used to store fulltext files to the new stricter structure. This script must not be run during normal Invenio operations. It is safe to run this script. No file will be deleted. Anyway it is recommended to run a backup of the filesystem structure just in case. A backup of the database tables involved will be automatically performed.""", style='important') print "%s records will be migrated/fixed." % len(recids) print "Please type yes if you want to go further:", if not check_yes(): print "INTERRUPTED" sys.exit(1) print "Backing up database tables" try: if not backup_tables(): print wrap_text_in_a_box("""It appears that is not the first time that you run this script. Backup tables have been already created by a previous run. In order for the script to go further they need to be removed.""", style='important') print "Please, type yes if you agree to remove them and go further:", if not check_yes(): print wrap_text_in_a_box("INTERRUPTED", style='conclusion') sys.exit(1) print "Backing up database tables (after dropping previous backup)", - backup_tables() + backup_tables(drop=True) print "-> OK" else: print "-> OK" except Exception, e: print wrap_text_in_a_box("Unexpected error while backing up tables. Please, do your checks: %s" % e, style='conclusion') sys.exit(1) print "Created a complete log file into %s" % logfilename for recid in recids: if not fix_recid(recid, logfile): logfile.close() print wrap_text_in_a_box(title="INTERRUPTED BECAUSE OF ERROR!", body="""Please see the log file %s for what was the status of record %s prior to the error. Contact %s in case of problems, attaching the log.""" % (logfilename, recid, CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL), style='conclusion') sys.exit(1) print wrap_text_in_a_box("DONE", style='conclusion') if __name__ == '__main__': main() diff --git a/modules/websubmit/lib/fulltext_files_migration_kit.py b/modules/websubmit/lib/icon_migration_kit.py similarity index 52% copy from modules/websubmit/lib/fulltext_files_migration_kit.py copy to modules/websubmit/lib/icon_migration_kit.py index db5484f37..3b0b97c8d 100644 --- a/modules/websubmit/lib/fulltext_files_migration_kit.py +++ b/modules/websubmit/lib/icon_migration_kit.py @@ -1,142 +1,148 @@ ## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -__revision__ = "$Id$" +""" +This script updates the filesystem and database structure WRT icons. -"""This script updates the filesystem structure of fulltext files in order -to make it coherent with bibdocfile implementation (bibdocfile.py structure is backward -compatible with file.py structure, but the viceversa is not true). +In particular it will move all the icons information out of bibdoc_bibdoc +tables and into the normal bibdoc + subformat infrastructure. """ import sys -from invenio.intbitset import intbitset -from invenio.textutils import wrap_text_in_a_box -from invenio.config import CFG_LOGDIR, CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL -from invenio.dbquery import run_sql, OperationalError -from invenio.bibdocfile import BibRecDocs, InvenioWebSubmitFileError from datetime import datetime -def retrieve_fulltext_recids(): - """Returns the list of all the recid number linked with at least a fulltext - file.""" - res = run_sql('SELECT DISTINCT id_bibrec FROM bibrec_bibdoc') - return intbitset(res) +from invenio.textutils import wrap_text_in_a_box, wait_for_user +from invenio.bibtask import check_running_process_user +from invenio.dbquery import run_sql, OperationalError +from invenio.bibdocfile import BibDoc, BibRecDocs +from invenio.config import CFG_LOGDIR, CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL +from invenio.bibdocfilecli import cli_fix_marc +from invenio.errorlib import register_exception +from invenio.intbitset import intbitset -def fix_recid(recid, logfile): - """Fix a given recid.""" - print "Upgrading record %s ->" % recid, - print >> logfile, "Upgrading record %s:" % recid +def retrieve_bibdoc_bibdoc(): + return run_sql('SELECT id_bibdoc1, id_bibdoc2 from bibdoc_bibdoc') - bibrec = BibRecDocs(recid) - print >> logfile, bibrec - docnames = bibrec.get_bibdoc_names() - try: - for docname in docnames: - print docname, - new_bibdocs = bibrec.fix(docname) - new_bibdocnames = [bibdoc.get_docname() for bibdoc in new_bibdocs] - if new_bibdocnames: - print "(created bibdocs: '%s')" % "', '".join(new_bibdocnames), - print >> logfile, "(created bibdocs: '%s')" % "', '".join(new_bibdocnames) - except InvenioWebSubmitFileError, e: - print >> logfile, BibRecDocs(recid) - print "%s -> ERROR", e - return False - else: - print >> logfile, BibRecDocs(recid) - print "-> OK" - return True +def get_recid_from_docid(docid): + return run_sql('SELECT id_bibrec FROM bibrec_bibdoc WHERE id_bibdoc=%s', (docid, )) def backup_tables(drop=False): """This function create a backup of bibrec_bibdoc, bibdoc and bibdoc_bibdoc tables. Returns False in case dropping of previous table is needed.""" if drop: - run_sql('DROP TABLE bibrec_bibdoc_backup') - run_sql('DROP TABLE bibdoc_backup') - run_sql('DROP TABLE bibdoc_bibdoc_backup') + run_sql('DROP TABLE bibdoc_bibdoc_backup_for_icon') try: - run_sql("""CREATE TABLE bibrec_bibdoc_backup (KEY id_bibrec(id_bibrec), - KEY id_bibdoc(id_bibdoc)) SELECT * FROM bibrec_bibdoc""") - run_sql("""CREATE TABLE bibdoc_backup (PRIMARY KEY id(id)) - SELECT * FROM bibdoc""") - run_sql("""CREATE TABLE bibdoc_bibdoc_backup (KEY id_bibdoc1(id_bibdoc1), + run_sql("""CREATE TABLE bibdoc_bibdoc_backup_for_icon (KEY id_bibdoc1(id_bibdoc1), KEY id_bibdoc2(id_bibdoc2)) SELECT * FROM bibdoc_bibdoc""") except OperationalError, e: if not drop: return False raise e return True -def check_yes(): - """Return True if the user types 'yes'.""" +def fix_bibdoc_bibdoc(id_bibdoc1, id_bibdoc2, logfile): + """ + Migrate an icon. + """ + + try: + the_bibdoc = BibDoc(id_bibdoc1) + except Exception, err: + msg = "WARNING: when opening docid %s: %s" % (id_bibdoc1, err) + print >> logfile, msg + print msg + return True try: - return raw_input().strip() == 'yes' - except KeyboardInterrupt: + recid = the_bibdoc.get_recid() + msg = "Fixing icon for recid %s: document %s (docid %s)" % (recid, the_bibdoc.get_docname(), id_bibdoc1) + print msg, + print >> logfile, msg, + the_icon = BibDoc(id_bibdoc2) + for a_file in the_icon.list_latest_files(): + the_bibdoc.add_icon(a_file.get_full_path(), format=a_file.get_format()) + the_icon.delete() + run_sql("DELETE FROM bibdoc_bibdoc WHERE id_bibdoc1=%s AND id_bibdoc2=%s", (id_bibdoc1, id_bibdoc2)) + print "OK" + print >> logfile, "OK" + return True + except Exception, err: + print "ERROR: %s" % err + print >> logfile, "ERROR: %s" % err + register_exception() return False def main(): """Core loop.""" + check_running_process_user() logfilename = '%s/fulltext_files_migration_kit-%s.log' % (CFG_LOGDIR, datetime.today().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')) try: logfile = open(logfilename, 'w') except IOError, e: print wrap_text_in_a_box('NOTE: it\'s impossible to create the log:\n\n %s\n\nbecause of:\n\n %s\n\nPlease run this migration kit as the same user who runs Invenio (e.g. Apache)' % (logfilename, e), style='conclusion', break_long=False) sys.exit(1) - recids = retrieve_fulltext_recids() - print wrap_text_in_a_box ("""This script migrate the filesystem structure used to store fulltext files to the new stricter structure. + bibdoc_bibdoc = retrieve_bibdoc_bibdoc() + + print wrap_text_in_a_box ("""This script migrate the filesystem structure used to store icons files to the new stricter structure. This script must not be run during normal Invenio operations. It is safe to run this script. No file will be deleted. Anyway it is recommended to run a backup of the filesystem structure just in case. A backup of the database tables involved will be automatically performed.""", style='important') - print "%s records will be migrated/fixed." % len(recids) - print "Please type yes if you want to go further:", - - if not check_yes(): - print "INTERRUPTED" - sys.exit(1) + if not bibdoc_bibdoc: + print wrap_text_in_a_box("No need for migration", style='conclusion') + return + print "%s icons will be migrated/fixed." % len(bibdoc_bibdoc) + wait_for_user() print "Backing up database tables" try: if not backup_tables(): print wrap_text_in_a_box("""It appears that is not the first time that you run this script. Backup tables have been already created by a previous run. In order for the script to go further they need to be removed.""", style='important') - print "Please, type yes if you agree to remove them and go further:", - - if not check_yes(): - print wrap_text_in_a_box("INTERRUPTED", style='conclusion') - sys.exit(1) + wait_for_user() print "Backing up database tables (after dropping previous backup)", - backup_tables() + backup_tables(drop=True) print "-> OK" else: print "-> OK" except Exception, e: print wrap_text_in_a_box("Unexpected error while backing up tables. Please, do your checks: %s" % e, style='conclusion') sys.exit(1) + to_fix_marc = intbitset() print "Created a complete log file into %s" % logfilename - for recid in recids: - if not fix_recid(recid, logfile): + try: + try: + for id_bibdoc1, id_bibdoc2 in bibdoc_bibdoc: + for recid in get_recid_from_docid(id_bibdoc1): + to_fix_marc.add(recid[0]) + if not fix_bibdoc_bibdoc(id_bibdoc1, id_bibdoc2, logfile): + raise StandardError("Error when correcting document ID %s" % id_bibdoc1) + print wrap_text_in_a_box("DONE", style='conclusion') + except: logfile.close() - print wrap_text_in_a_box(title="INTERRUPTED BECAUSE OF ERROR!", body="""Please see the log file %s for what was the status of record %s prior to the error. Contact %s in case of problems, attaching the log.""" % (logfilename, recid, CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL), + register_exception() + print wrap_text_in_a_box(title="INTERRUPTED BECAUSE OF ERROR!", body="""Please see the log file %s for what was the status of record %s prior to the error. Contact %s in case of problems, attaching the log.""" % (logfilename, BibDoc(id_bibdoc1).get_recid(), CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL), style='conclusion') sys.exit(1) - print wrap_text_in_a_box("DONE", style='conclusion') + finally: + print "Scheduling FIX-MARC to synchronize MARCXML for updated records." + cli_fix_marc(options={}, explicit_recid_set=to_fix_marc) + if __name__ == '__main__': main() diff --git a/modules/websubmit/lib/websubmit_config.py b/modules/websubmit/lib/websubmit_config.py index d81dc920c..5848447b0 100644 --- a/modules/websubmit/lib/websubmit_config.py +++ b/modules/websubmit/lib/websubmit_config.py @@ -1,210 +1,226 @@ ## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """CDS Invenio Submission Web Interface config file.""" __revision__ = "$Id$" +import re + ## test: test = "FALSE" ## CC all action confirmation mails to administrator? (0 == NO; 1 == YES) CFG_WEBSUBMIT_COPY_MAILS_TO_ADMIN = 0 ## During submission, warn user if she is going to leave the ## submission by following some link on the page? ## Does not work with Opera and Konqueror. ## This requires all submission functions to set Javascript variable ## 'user_must_confirm_before_leaving_page' to 'false' before ## programmatically submitting a form , or else users will be asked ## confirmation after each submission step. ## (0 == NO; 1 == YES) CFG_WEBSUBMIT_CHECK_USER_LEAVES_SUBMISSION = 0 ## List of keywords/format parameters that should not write by default ## corresponding files in submission directory (`curdir'). Some other ## filenames not included here are reserved too, such as those ## containing non-alphanumeric chars (excepted underscores '_'), for ## eg all names containing a dot ('bibdocactions.log', ## 'performed_actions.log', etc.) CFG_RESERVED_SUBMISSION_FILENAMES = ['SuE', 'files', 'lastuploadedfile', 'curdir', 'function_log', 'SN'] ## CFG_WEBSUBMIT_BEST_FORMATS_TO_EXTRACT_TEXT_FROM -- a comma-separated ## list of document extensions in decrescent order of preference ## to suggest what is considered the best format to extract text from. CFG_WEBSUBMIT_BEST_FORMATS_TO_EXTRACT_TEXT_FROM = ('txt', 'html', 'xml', 'odt', 'doc', 'docx', 'djvu', 'pdf', 'ps', 'ps.gz') ## CFG_WEBSUBMIT_DESIRED_CONVERSIONS -- a dictionary having as keys ## a format and as values the corresponding list of desired converted ## formats. CFG_WEBSUBMIT_DESIRED_CONVERSIONS = { 'pdf' : ('ps.gz', ), 'ps.gz' : ('pdf', ), 'djvu' : ('ps.gz', 'pdf'), 'docx' : ('doc', 'odt', 'pdf', 'ps.gz'), 'doc' : ('odt', 'pdf', 'ps.gz'), 'rtf' : ('pdf', 'odt', 'ps.gz'), 'odt' : ('pdf', 'doc', 'ps.gz'), 'pptx' : ('ppt', 'odp', 'pdf', 'ps.gz'), 'ppt' : ('odp', 'pdf', 'ps.gz'), 'odp' : ('pdf', 'ppt', 'ps.gz'), 'xlsx' : ('xls', 'ods', 'csv'), 'xls' : ('ods', 'csv'), 'ods' : ('xls', 'csv'), 'tiff' : ('pdf', 'ps.gz'), 'tif' : ('pdf', 'ps.gz') } +## CFG_WEBSUBMIT_ICON_SUBFORMAT_RE -- a subformat is an Invenio concept to give +## file formats more semantic. For example "foo.gif;icon" has ".gif;icon" +## 'format', ".gif" 'superformat' and "icon" 'subformat'. That means that this +## particular format/instance of the "foo" document, not only is a ".gif" but +## is in the shape of an "icon", i.e. most probably it will be low-resolution. +## This configuration variable let the administrator to decide which implicit +## convention will be used to know which formats will be meant to be used +## as an icon. +CFG_WEBSUBMIT_ICON_SUBFORMAT_RE = re.compile(r"icon.*") + +## CFG_WEBSUBMIT_DEFAULT_ICON_SUBFORMAT -- this is the default subformat used +## when creating new icons. +CFG_WEBSUBMIT_DEFAULT_ICON_SUBFORMAT = "icon" + class InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(Exception): """This exception should only ever be raised by WebSubmit functions. It will be caught and handled by the WebSubmit core itself. It is used to signal to WebSubmit core that one of the functions encountered a FATAL ERROR situation that should all further execution of the submission. The exception will carry an error message in its "value" string. This message will probably be displayed on the user's browser in an Invenio "error" box, and may be logged for the admin to examine. Again: If this exception is raised by a WebSubmit function, an error message will displayed and the submission ends in failure. Extends: Exception. """ def __init__(self, value): """Set the internal "value" attribute to that of the passed "value" parameter. @param value: (string) - an error string to display to the user. """ Exception.__init__(self) self.value = value def __str__(self): """Return oneself as a string (actually, return the contents of self.value). @return: (string) """ return str(self.value) class InvenioWebSubmitFunctionStop(Exception): """This exception should only ever be raised by WebSubmit functions. It will be caught and handled by the WebSubmit core itself. It is used to signal to WebSubmit core that one of the functions encountered a situation that should prevent the functions that follow it from being executed, and that WebSubmit core should display some sort of message to the user. This message will be stored in the "value" attribute of the object. *** NOTE: In the current WebSubmit, this "value" is ususally a JavaScript string that redirects the user's browser back to the Web form phase of the submission. The use of JavaScript, however is going to be removed in the future, so the mechanism may change. *** Extends: Exception. """ def __init__(self, value): """Set the internal "value" attribute to that of the passed "value" parameter. @param value: (string) - a string to display to the user. """ Exception.__init__(self) self.value = value def __str__(self): """Return oneself as a string (actually, return the contents of self.value). @return: (string) """ return str(self.value) class InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning(Exception): """This exception should be raised by a WebSubmit function when unexpected behaviour is encountered during the execution of the function. The unexpected behaviour should not have been so serious that execution had to be halted, but since the function was unable to perform its task, the event must be logged. Logging of the exception will be performed by WebSubmit. Extends: Exception. """ def __init__(self, value): """Set the internal "value" attribute to that of the passed "value" parameter. @param value: (string) - a string to write to the log. """ Exception.__init__(self) self.value = value def __str__(self): """Return oneself as a string (actually, return the contents of self.value). @return: (string) """ return str(self.value) class InvenioWebSubmitFileStamperError(Exception): """This exception should be raised by websubmit_file_stamper when an error is encoutered that prevents a file from being stamped. When caught, this exception should be used to stop processing with a failure signal. Extends: Exception. """ def __init__(self, value): """Set the internal "value" attribute to that of the passed "value" parameter. @param value: (string) - a string to write to the log. """ Exception.__init__(self) self.value = value def __str__(self): """Return oneself as a string (actually, return the contents of self.value). @return: (string) """ return str(self.value) class InvenioWebSubmitIconCreatorError(Exception): """This exception should be raised by websubmit_icon_creator when an error is encoutered that prevents an icon from being created. When caught, this exception should be used to stop processing with a failure signal. Extends: Exception. """ def __init__(self, value): """Set the internal "value" attribute to that of the passed "value" parameter. @param value: (string) - a string to write to the log. """ Exception.__init__(self) self.value = value def __str__(self): """Return oneself as a string (actually, return the contents of self.value). @return: (string) """ return str(self.value) diff --git a/modules/websubmit/lib/websubmit_templates.py b/modules/websubmit/lib/websubmit_templates.py index d15389079..80950fba1 100644 --- a/modules/websubmit/lib/websubmit_templates.py +++ b/modules/websubmit/lib/websubmit_templates.py @@ -1,3082 +1,3091 @@ ## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. __revision__ = "$Id$" import urllib import time import cgi import gettext import string import locale import re import operator import os from invenio.config import \ CFG_SITE_URL, \ CFG_VERSION, \ CFG_SITE_URL, \ CFG_SITE_LANG from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language from invenio.dateutils import convert_datetext_to_dategui from invenio.urlutils import create_html_link from invenio.webmessage_mailutils import email_quoted_txt2html from invenio.htmlutils import escape_html from websubmit_config import \ CFG_WEBSUBMIT_CHECK_USER_LEAVES_SUBMISSION import invenio.template class Template: # Parameters allowed in the web interface for fetching files files_default_urlargd = { 'version': (str, ""), # version "" means "latest" 'docname': (str, ""), # the docname (optional) 'format' : (str, ""), # the format - 'verbose' : (int, 0) # the verbosity + 'verbose' : (int, 0), # the verbosity + 'subformat' : (str, ""), # the subformat } def tmpl_submit_home_page(self, ln, catalogues): """ The content of the home page of the submit engine Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'catalogues' *string* - The HTML code for the catalogues list """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) return """ """ % { 'document_types' : _("Document types available for submission"), 'please_select' : _("Please select the type of document you want to submit"), 'catalogues' : catalogues, 'ln' : ln, } def tmpl_submit_home_catalog_no_content(self, ln): """ The content of the home page of submit in case no doctypes are available Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = "

" + _("No document types available.") + "

\n" return out def tmpl_submit_home_catalogs(self, ln, catalogs): """ Produces the catalogs' list HTML code Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'catalogs' *array* - The catalogs of documents, each one a hash with the properties: - 'id' - the internal id - 'name' - the name - 'sons' - sub-catalogs - 'docs' - the contained document types, in the form: - 'id' - the internal id - 'name' - the name There is at least one catalog """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) # import pprint # out = "
" + pprint.pformat(catalogs)
         out = ""
         for catalog in catalogs:
             out += "\n
    " out += self.tmpl_submit_home_catalogs_sub(ln, catalog) out += "\n
\n" return out def tmpl_print_warning(self, msg, type, prologue, epilogue): """Prints warning message and flushes output. Parameters: - 'msg' *string* - The message string - 'type' *string* - the warning type - 'prologue' *string* - HTML code to display before the warning - 'epilogue' *string* - HTML code to display after the warning """ out = '\n%s' % (prologue) if type: out += '%s: ' % type out += '%s%s' % (msg, epilogue) return out def tmpl_submit_home_catalogs_sub(self, ln, catalog): """ Recursive function that produces a catalog's HTML display Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'catalog' *array* - A catalog of documents, with the properties: - 'id' - the internal id - 'name' - the name - 'sons' - sub-catalogs - 'docs' - the contained document types, in the form: - 'id' - the internal id - 'name' - the name """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) if catalog['level'] == 1: out = "
  • %s\n" % catalog['name'] else: if catalog['level'] == 2: out = "
  • %s\n" % cgi.escape(catalog['name']) else: if catalog['level'] > 2: out = "
  • %s\n" % cgi.escape(catalog['name']) if len(catalog['docs']) or len(catalog['sons']): out += "
      \n" if len(catalog['docs']) != 0: for row in catalog['docs']: out += self.tmpl_submit_home_catalogs_doctype(ln, row) if len(catalog['sons']) != 0: for row in catalog['sons']: out += self.tmpl_submit_home_catalogs_sub(ln, row) if len(catalog['docs']) or len(catalog['sons']): out += "
  • " else: out += "" return out def tmpl_submit_home_catalogs_doctype(self, ln, doc): """ Recursive function that produces a catalog's HTML display Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'doc' *array* - A catalog of documents, with the properties: - 'id' - the internal id - 'name' - the name """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) return """
  • %s
  • """ % create_html_link('%s/submit' % CFG_SITE_URL, {'doctype' : doc['id'], 'ln' : ln}, doc['name']) def tmpl_action_page(self, ln, uid, guest, pid, now, doctype, description, docfulldesc, snameCateg, lnameCateg, actionShortDesc, indir, statustext): """ Recursive function that produces a catalog's HTML display Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'guest' *boolean* - If the user is logged in or not - 'pid' *string* - The current process id - 'now' *string* - The current time (security control features) - 'doctype' *string* - The selected doctype - 'description' *string* - The description of the doctype - 'docfulldesc' *string* - The title text of the page - 'snameCateg' *array* - The short names of all the categories of documents - 'lnameCateg' *array* - The long names of all the categories of documents - 'actionShortDesc' *array* - The short names (codes) for the different actions - 'indir' *array* - The directories for each of the actions - 'statustext' *array* - The names of the different action buttons """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = "" out += """

    Access Number:

    """ % { 'continue_explain' : _("To continue with a previously interrupted submission, enter an access number into the box below:"), 'doctype' : doctype, 'go' : _("GO"), 'ln' : ln, } return out def tmpl_warning_message(self, ln, msg): """ Produces a warning message for the specified text Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'msg' *string* - The message to display """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) return """
    """ % msg def tmpl_page_interface(self, ln, docname, actname, curpage, nbpages, nextPg, access, nbPg, doctype, act, fields, javascript, mainmenu): """ Produces a page with the specified fields (in the submit chain) Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'doctype' *string* - The document type - 'docname' *string* - The document type name - 'actname' *string* - The action name - 'act' *string* - The action - 'curpage' *int* - The current page of submitting engine - 'nbpages' *int* - The total number of pages - 'nextPg' *int* - The next page - 'access' *string* - The submission number - 'nbPg' *string* - ?? - 'fields' *array* - the fields to display in the page, with each record having the structure: - 'fullDesc' *string* - the description of the field - 'text' *string* - the HTML code of the field - 'javascript' *string* - if the field has some associated javascript code - 'type' *string* - the type of field (T, F, I, H, D, S, R) - 'name' *string* - the name of the field - 'rows' *string* - the number of rows for textareas - 'cols' *string* - the number of columns for textareas - 'val' *string* - the default value of the field - 'size' *string* - the size for text fields - 'maxlength' *string* - the maximum length for text fields - 'htmlcode' *string* - the complete HTML code for user-defined fields - 'typename' *string* - the long name of the type - 'javascript' *string* - the javascript code to insert in the page - 'mainmenu' *string* - the url of the main menu """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) # top menu out = """
    \n" # Display the navigation cell # Display "previous page" navigation arrows out += """
    %(docname)s   %(actname)s  """ % { 'docname' : docname, 'actname' : actname, } for i in range(1, nbpages+1): if i == int(curpage): out += """""" % curpage else: out += """""" % (i, i) out += """
       page: %s  %s   

    """ % { 'summary' : _("SUMMARY"), 'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype), 'act' : cgi.escape(act), 'access' : cgi.escape(access), 'nextPg' : cgi.escape(nextPg), 'curpage' : cgi.escape(curpage), 'nbPg' : cgi.escape(nbPg), 'ln' : cgi.escape(ln), } for field in fields: if field['javascript']: out += """ """ % field['javascript'] # now displays the html form field(s) out += "%s\n%s\n" % (field['fullDesc'], field['text']) out += javascript out += "
    """ if int(curpage) != 1: out += """ """ % { 'prpage' : int(curpage) - 1, 'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img', 'prevpage' : _("Previous page"), } else: out += """ """ # Display the submission number out += """ \n""" % { 'submission' : _("Submission number") + '(1)', 'access' : cgi.escape(access), } # Display the "next page" navigation arrow if int(curpage) != int(nbpages): out += """ """ % { 'nxpage' : int(curpage) + 1, 'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img', 'nextpage' : _("Next page"), } else: out += """ """ out += """
      %(prevpage)s %(prevpage)s  %(submission)s: %(access)s %(nextpage)s %(nextpage)s  


    """ % { 'surequit' : _("Are you sure you want to quit this submission?"), 'check_not_already_enabled': CFG_WEBSUBMIT_CHECK_USER_LEAVES_SUBMISSION and 'false' or 'true', 'back' : _("Back to main menu"), 'mainmenu' : cgi.escape(mainmenu), 'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img', 'take_note' : '(1) ' + _("This is your submission access number. It can be used to continue with an interrupted submission in case of problems."), 'explain_summary' : '(2) ' + _("Mandatory fields appear in red in the SUMMARY window."), } return out def tmpl_submit_field(self, ln, field): """ Produces the HTML code for the specified field Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'field' *array* - the field to display in the page, with the following structure: - 'javascript' *string* - if the field has some associated javascript code - 'type' *string* - the type of field (T, F, I, H, D, S, R) - 'name' *string* - the name of the field - 'rows' *string* - the number of rows for textareas - 'cols' *string* - the number of columns for textareas - 'val' *string* - the default value of the field - 'size' *string* - the size for text fields - 'maxlength' *string* - the maximum length for text fields - 'htmlcode' *string* - the complete HTML code for user-defined fields - 'typename' *string* - the long name of the type """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) # If the field is a textarea if field['type'] == 'T': ## Field is a textarea: text = "" \ % (field['name'], field['rows'], field['cols'], cgi.escape(str(field['val']), 1)) # If the field is a file upload elif field['type'] == 'F': ## the field is a file input: text = """""" \ % (field['name'], field['size'], "%s" \ % ((field['maxlength'] in (0, None) and " ") or (""" maxlength="%s\"""" % field['maxlength'])) ) # If the field is a text input elif field['type'] == 'I': ## Field is a text input: text = """""" \ % (field['name'], field['size'], field['val'], "%s" \ % ((field['maxlength'] in (0, None) and " ") or (""" maxlength="%s\"""" % field['maxlength'])) ) # If the field is a hidden input elif field['type'] == 'H': text = "" % (field['name'], field['val']) # If the field is user-defined elif field['type'] == 'D': text = field['htmlcode'] # If the field is a select box elif field['type'] == 'S': text = field['htmlcode'] # If the field type is not recognized else: text = "%s: unknown field type" % field['typename'] return text def tmpl_page_interface_js(self, ln, upload, field, fieldhtml, txt, check, level, curdir, values, select, radio, curpage, nbpages, returnto): """ Produces the javascript for validation and value filling for a submit interface page Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'upload' *array* - booleans if the field is a field - 'field' *array* - the fields' names - 'fieldhtml' *array* - the fields' HTML representation - 'txt' *array* - the fields' long name - 'check' *array* - if the fields should be checked (in javascript) - 'level' *array* - strings, if the fields should be filled (M) or not (O) - 'curdir' *array* - the current directory of the submission - 'values' *array* - the current values of the fields - 'select' *array* - booleans, if the controls are "select" controls - 'radio' *array* - booleans, if the controls are "radio" controls - 'curpage' *int* - the current page - 'nbpages' *int* - the total number of pages - 'returnto' *array* - a structure with 'field' and 'page', if a mandatory field on antoher page was not completed """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) nbFields = len(upload) # if there is a file upload field, we change the encoding type out = """""" return out def tmpl_page_do_not_leave_submission_js(self, ln): """ Code to ask user confirmation when leaving the page, so that the submission is not interrupted by mistake. All submission functions should set the Javascript variable 'user_must_confirm_before_leaving_page' to 'false' before programmatically submitting the submission form. Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = ''' ''' % (CFG_WEBSUBMIT_CHECK_USER_LEAVES_SUBMISSION and 'true' or 'false', _('Your modifications will not be saved.').replace('"', '\\"')) return out def tmpl_page_endaction(self, ln, nextPg, startPg, access, curpage, nbPg, nbpages, doctype, act, docname, actname, mainmenu, finished, function_content, next_action): """ Produces the pages after all the fields have been submitted. Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'doctype' *string* - The document type - 'act' *string* - The action - 'docname' *string* - The document type name - 'actname' *string* - The action name - 'curpage' *int* - The current page of submitting engine - 'startPg' *int* - The start page - 'nextPg' *int* - The next page - 'access' *string* - The submission number - 'nbPg' *string* - total number of pages - 'nbpages' *string* - number of pages (?) - 'mainmenu' *string* - the url of the main menu - 'finished' *bool* - if the submission is finished - 'function_content' *string* - HTML code produced by some function executed - 'next_action' *string* - if there is another action to be completed, the HTML code for linking to it """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = """
    """ % { 'finished' : _("finished!"), } else: for i in range(1, nbpages + 1): out += """""" % (i,i) out += """
    %(docname)s   %(actname)s  """ % { 'nextPg' : cgi.escape(nextPg), 'startPg' : cgi.escape(startPg), 'access' : cgi.escape(access), 'curpage' : cgi.escape(curpage), 'nbPg' : cgi.escape(nbPg), 'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype), 'act' : cgi.escape(act), 'docname' : docname, 'actname' : actname, 'mainmenu' : cgi.escape(mainmenu), 'ln' : cgi.escape(ln), } if finished == 1: out += """
       %s %(end_action)s  
     %(summary)s(2) """ % { 'end_action' : _("end of action"), 'summary' : _("SUMMARY"), 'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype), 'act' : cgi.escape(act), 'access' : cgi.escape(access), 'ln' : cgi.escape(ln), } out += """

    %(function_content)s %(next_action)s

    """ % { 'function_content' : function_content, 'next_action' : next_action, } if finished == 0: out += """%(submission)s²: %(access)s""" % { 'submission' : _("Submission no"), 'access' : cgi.escape(access), } else: out += " \n" out += """

    """ # Add the "back to main menu" button if finished == 0: out += """ %(back)s

    """ % { 'surequit' : _("Are you sure you want to quit this submission?"), 'back' : _("Back to main menu"), 'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img', 'mainmenu' : cgi.escape(mainmenu), 'check_not_already_enabled': CFG_WEBSUBMIT_CHECK_USER_LEAVES_SUBMISSION and 'false' or 'true', } else: out += """ %(back)s

    """ % { 'back' : _("Back to main menu"), 'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img', 'mainmenu' : cgi.escape(mainmenu), } return out def tmpl_function_output(self, ln, display_on, action, doctype, step, functions): """ Produces the output of the functions. Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'display_on' *bool* - If debug information should be displayed - 'doctype' *string* - The document type - 'action' *string* - The action - 'step' *int* - The current step in submission - 'functions' *aray* - HTML code produced by functions executed and informations about the functions - 'name' *string* - the name of the function - 'score' *string* - the score of the function - 'error' *bool* - if the function execution produced errors - 'text' *string* - the HTML code produced by the function """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = "" if display_on: out += """


    """ % { 'function_list' : _("Here is the %(x_action)s function list for %(x_doctype)s documents at level %(x_step)s") % { 'x_action' : action, 'x_doctype' : doctype, 'x_step' : step, }, 'function' : _("Function"), 'score' : _("Score"), 'running' : _("Running function"), } for function in functions: out += """""" % { 'name' : function['name'], 'score' : function['score'], 'result' : function['error'] and (_("Function %s does not exist.") % function['name'] + "
    ") or function['text'] } out += "
    " else: for function in functions: if not function['error']: out += function['text'] return out def tmpl_next_action(self, ln, actions): """ Produces the output of the functions. Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'actions' *array* - The actions to display, in the structure - 'page' *string* - the starting page - 'action' *string* - the action (in terms of submission) - 'doctype' *string* - the doctype - 'nextdir' *string* - the path to the submission data - 'access' *string* - the submission number - 'indir' *string* - ?? - 'name' *string* - the name of the action """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = "


      " % { 'haveto' : _("You must now"), } i = 0 for action in actions: if i > 0: out += " " + _("or") + " " i += 1 out += """
    • %(name)s
    • """ % action out += "
    " return out def tmpl_filelist(self, ln, filelist='', recid='', docname='', version=''): """ Displays the file list for a record. Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'recid' *int* - The record id - 'docname' *string* - The document name - 'version' *int* - The version of the document - 'filelist' *string* - The HTML string of the filelist (produced by the BibDoc classes) """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) title = _("record") + ' #' + '%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, recid, recid) if docname != "": title += ' ' + _("document") + ' #' + str(docname) if version != "": title += ' ' + _("version") + ' #' + str(version) out = """
    """ % (filelist) return out def tmpl_bibrecdoc_filelist(self, ln, types, verbose_files=''): """ Displays the file list for a record. Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'types' *array* - The different types to display, each record in the format: - 'name' *string* - The name of the format - 'content' *array of string* - The HTML code produced by tmpl_bibdoc_filelist, for the right files - 'verbose_files' - A string representing in a verbose way the file information. """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = "" for mytype in types: out += "%s %s:" % (mytype['name'], _("file(s)")) out += "
      " for content in mytype['content']: out += content out += "
    " if verbose_files: out += "
    " % verbose_files return out def tmpl_bibdoc_filelist(self, ln, versions=[], imageurl='', recid='', docname=''): """ Displays the file list for a record. Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'versions' *array* - The different versions to display, each record in the format: - 'version' *string* - The version - 'content' *string* - The HTML code produced by tmpl_bibdocfile_filelist, for the right file - 'previous' *bool* - If the file has previous versions - 'imageurl' *string* - The URL to the file image - 'recid' *int* - The record id - 'docname' *string* - The name of the document """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = """""" % { 'imageurl' : imageurl, 'docname' : docname } for version in versions: if version['previous']: versiontext = """
    (%(see)s %(previous)s)""" % { 'see' : _("see"), 'siteurl' : CFG_SITE_URL, 'docname' : urllib.quote(docname), 'recID': recid, 'previous': _("previous"), 'ln_link': (ln != CFG_SITE_LANG and '&ln=' + ln) or '', } else: versiontext = "" out += """" out += "" return out - def tmpl_bibdocfile_filelist(self, ln, recid, name, version, format, size, description): + def tmpl_bibdocfile_filelist(self, ln, recid, name, version, superformat, subformat, nice_size, description): """ Displays a file in the file list. Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'recid' *int* - The id of the record - 'name' *string* - The name of the file - 'version' *string* - The version - - 'format' *string* - The display format + - 'superformat' *string* - The display superformat - - 'size' *string* - The size of the file + - 'subformat' *string* - The display subformat + + - 'nice_size' *string* - The nice_size of the file - 'description' *string* - The description that might have been associated to the particular file """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) + urlbase = '%s/record/%s/files/%s' % ( + CFG_SITE_URL, + recid, + '%s%s' % (name, superformat)) + + urlargd = {'version' : version} + if subformat: + urlargd['subformat'] = subformat + + link_label = '%s%s' % (name, superformat) + if subformat: + link_label += ' (%s)' % subformat + + link = create_html_link(urlbase, urlargd, cgi.escape(link_label)) + return """ - - %(name)s%(format)s - + %(link)s - [%(size)s B] + [%(nice_size)s] %(description)s """ % { - 'siteurl' : CFG_SITE_URL, - 'recid' : recid, - 'quoted_name' : urllib.quote(name), - 'name' : cgi.escape(name), - 'version' : version, - 'name' : cgi.escape(name), - 'quoted_format' : urllib.quote(format), - 'format' : cgi.escape(format), - 'size' : size, + 'link' : link, + 'nice_size' : nice_size, 'description' : cgi.escape(description), } def tmpl_submit_summary (self, ln, values): """ Displays the summary for the submit procedure. Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'values' *array* - The values of submit. Each of the records contain the following fields: - 'name' *string* - The name of the field - 'mandatory' *bool* - If the field is mandatory or not - 'value' *string* - The inserted value - 'page' *int* - The submit page on which the field is entered """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = """""" % \ { 'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img' } for value in values: if value['mandatory']: color = "red" else: color = "" out += """""" % { 'color' : color, 'name' : value['name'], 'value' : value['value'], 'page' : value['page'], 'ln' : ln } out += "
    %(name)s %(value)s
    " return out def tmpl_yoursubmissions(self, ln, order, doctypes, submissions): """ Displays the list of the user's submissions. Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'order' *string* - The ordering parameter - 'doctypes' *array* - All the available doctypes, in structures: - 'id' *string* - The doctype id - 'name' *string* - The display name of the doctype - 'selected' *bool* - If the doctype should be selected - 'submissions' *array* - The available submissions, in structures: - 'docname' *string* - The document name - 'actname' *string* - The action name - 'status' *string* - The status of the document - 'cdate' *string* - Creation date - 'mdate' *string* - Modification date - 'id' *string* - The id of the submission - 'reference' *string* - The display name of the doctype - 'pending' *bool* - If the submission is pending - 'act' *string* - The action code - 'doctype' *string* - The doctype code """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = "" out += """
    " return out def tmpl_yourapprovals(self, ln, referees): """ Displays the doctypes and categories for which the user is referee Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'referees' *array* - All the doctypes for which the user is referee: - 'doctype' *string* - The doctype - 'docname' *string* - The display name of the doctype - 'categories' *array* - The specific categories for which the user is referee: - 'id' *string* - The category id - 'name' *string* - The display name of the category """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = """ " out += '''

    To see the status of documents for which approval has been requested, click here

    ''' % {'url' : CFG_SITE_URL} return out def tmpl_publiline_selectdoctype(self, ln, docs): """ Displays the doctypes that the user can select Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'docs' *array* - All the doctypes that the user can select: - 'doctype' *string* - The doctype - 'docname' *string* - The display name of the doctype """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = """ %s""" % (ln, _("Go to specific approval workflow")) return out def tmpl_publiline_selectcplxdoctype(self, ln, docs): """ Displays the doctypes that the user can select in a complex workflow Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'docs' *array* - All the doctypes that the user can select: - 'doctype' *string* - The doctype - 'docname' *string* - The display name of the doctype """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = """
    """ return out def tmpl_publiline_selectcateg(self, ln, doctype, title, categories): """ Displays the categories from a doctype that the user can select Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'doctype' *string* - The doctype - 'title' *string* - The doctype name - 'categories' *array* - All the categories that the user can select: - 'id' *string* - The id of the category - 'waiting' *int* - The number of documents waiting - 'approved' *int* - The number of approved documents - 'rejected' *int* - The number of rejected documents """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = """ """ % { 'key' : _("Key"), 'pending' : _("Pending"), 'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img', 'waiting' : _("Waiting for approval"), 'approved' : _("Approved"), 'already_approved' : _("Already approved"), 'rejected' : _("Rejected"), 'rejected_text' : _("Rejected"), 'somepending' : _("Some documents are pending."), } return out def tmpl_publiline_selectcplxcateg(self, ln, doctype, title, types): """ Displays the categories from a doctype that the user can select Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'doctype' *string* - The doctype - 'title' *string* - The doctype name - 'categories' *array* - All the categories that the user can select: - 'id' *string* - The id of the category - 'waiting' *int* - The number of documents waiting - 'approved' *int* - The number of approved documents - 'rejected' *int* - The number of rejected documents """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = "" #out = """ # # # # #
    # # """ % { # 'title' : title, # 'list_type' : _("List of specific approvals"), # } columns = [] columns.append ({'apptype' : 'RRP', 'list_categ' : _("List of refereing categories"), 'id_form' : 0, }) #columns.append ({'apptype' : 'RPB', # 'list_categ' : _("List of publication categories"), # 'id_form' : 1, # }) #columns.append ({'apptype' : 'RDA', # 'list_categ' : _("List of direct approval categories"), # 'id_form' : 2, # }) for column in columns: out += """ """ # Key out += """ """ % { 'key' : _("Key"), 'pending' : _("Pending"), 'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img', 'waiting' : _("Waiting for approval"), 'approved' : _("Approved"), 'already_approved' : _("Already approved"), 'rejected' : _("Rejected"), 'rejected_text' : _("Rejected"), 'cancelled' : _("Cancelled"), 'cancelled_text' : _("Cancelled"), 'somepending' : _("Some documents are pending."), } return out def tmpl_publiline_selectdocument(self, ln, doctype, title, categ, docs): """ Displays the documents that the user can select in the specified category Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'doctype' *string* - The doctype - 'title' *string* - The doctype name - 'categ' *string* - the category - 'docs' *array* - All the categories that the user can select: - 'RN' *string* - The id of the document - 'status' *string* - The status of the document """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = """ """ return out def tmpl_publiline_selectcplxdocument(self, ln, doctype, title, categ, categname, docs, apptype): """ Displays the documents that the user can select in the specified category Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'doctype' *string* - The doctype - 'title' *string* - The doctype name - 'categ' *string* - the category - 'docs' *array* - All the categories that the user can select: - 'RN' *string* - The id of the document - 'status' *string* - The status of the document - 'apptype' *string* - the approval type """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) listtype = "" if apptype == "RRP": listtype = _("List of refereed documents") elif apptype == "RPB": listtype = _("List of publication documents") elif apptype == "RDA": listtype = _("List of direct approval documents") out = """ """ return out def tmpl_publiline_displaydoc(self, ln, doctype, docname, categ, rn, status, dFirstReq, dLastReq, dAction, access, confirm_send, auth_code, auth_message, authors, title, sysno, newrn, note): """ Displays the categories from a doctype that the user can select Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'doctype' *string* - The doctype - 'docname' *string* - The doctype name - 'categ' *string* - the category - 'rn' *string* - The document RN (id number) - 'status' *string* - The status of the document - 'dFirstReq' *string* - The date of the first approval request - 'dLastReq' *string* - The date of the last approval request - 'dAction' *string* - The date of the last action (approval or rejection) - 'confirm_send' *bool* - must display a confirmation message about sending approval email - 'auth_code' *bool* - authorised to referee this document - 'auth_message' *string* - ??? - 'authors' *string* - the authors of the submission - 'title' *string* - the title of the submission - 'sysno' *string* - the unique database id for the record - 'newrn' *string* - the record number assigned to the submission - 'note' *string* - Note about the approval request. """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) if status == "waiting": image = """""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img') elif status == "approved": image = """""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img') elif status == "rejected": image = """""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img') else: image = "" out = """ """ return out def tmpl_publiline_displaycplxdoc(self, ln, doctype, docname, categ, rn, apptype, status, dates, isPubCom, isEdBoard, isReferee, isProjectLeader, isAuthor, authors, title, sysno, newrn): # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) if status == "waiting": image = """""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img') elif status == "approved": image = """""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img') elif status == "rejected": image = """""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img') elif status == "cancelled": image = """""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img') else: image = "" out = """ """ return out def tmpl_publiline_displaycplxdocitem(self, doctype, categ, rn, apptype, action, comments, (user_can_view_comments, user_can_add_comment, user_can_delete_comment), selected_category, selected_topic, selected_group_id, comment_subject, comment_body, ln): _ = gettext_set_language(ln) if comments and user_can_view_comments: comments_text = '' comments_overview = '
      ' for comment in comments: (cmt_uid, cmt_nickname, cmt_title, cmt_body, cmt_date, cmt_priority, cmtid) = comment comments_overview += '
    • %s - %s (%s)
    • ' % (cmtid, cmt_nickname, cmt_title, convert_datetext_to_dategui (cmt_date)) comments_text += """
      %s - %s (%s)ReplyTop
      """ % (cmtid, cmt_nickname, cmt_title, convert_datetext_to_dategui (cmt_date), CFG_SITE_URL, doctype, apptype, categ, rn, cmt_uid, ln, email_quoted_txt2html(cmt_body)) comments_overview += '
    ' else: comments_text = '' comments_overview = 'None.' body = '' if user_can_view_comments: body += """


    """ if user_can_view_comments: body += """%(comments)s""" if user_can_add_comment: validation = """ """ % {'button_label': _("Add Comment")} body += self.tmpl_publiline_displaywritecomment (doctype, categ, rn, apptype, action, _("Add Comment"), comment_subject, validation, comment_body, ln) body %= { 'comments_label': _("Comments"), 'action': action, 'button_label': _("Write a comment"), 'comments': comments_text} content = '
    ' out = """


    """ % { 'comments_overview_label' : _('Comments overview'), 'comments_overview' : comments_overview, 'body' : body,} return out def tmpl_publiline_displaywritecomment(self, doctype, categ, rn, apptype, action, write_label, title, validation, reply_message, ln): _ = gettext_set_language(ln) return """




    """ % {'write_label': write_label, 'title_label': _("Title"), 'title': title, 'comment_label': _("Comment"), 'rn' : rn, 'categ' : categ, 'doctype' : doctype, 'apptype' : apptype, 'action' : action, 'validation' : validation, 'reply_message' : reply_message, 'ln' : ln, } def tmpl_publiline_displaydocplxaction(self, ln, doctype, categ, rn, apptype, action, status, authors, title, sysno, subtitle1, email_user_pattern, stopon1, users, extrausers, stopon2, subtitle2, usersremove, stopon3, validate_btn): # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) if status == "waiting": image = """""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img') elif status == "approved": image = """""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img') elif status == "rejected": image = """""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img') else: image = "" out = """ """ if ((apptype == "RRP") or (apptype == "RPB")) and ((action == "EdBoardSel") or (action == "RefereeSel")): out += """ """ if action == "EdBoardSel": out += """ """ if validate_btn != "": out += """
    """ % { 'rn' : rn, 'categ' : categ, 'doctype' : doctype, 'apptype' : apptype, 'action' : action, 'validate_btn' : validate_btn, 'ln': ln, } return out def tmpl_publiline_displaycplxrecom(self, ln, doctype, categ, rn, apptype, action, status, authors, title, sysno, msg_to, msg_to_group, msg_subject): # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) if status == "waiting": image = """""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img') elif status == "approved": image = """""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img') elif status == "rejected": image = """""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img') else: image = "" out = """ """ # escape forbidden character msg_to = escape_html(msg_to) msg_to_group = escape_html(msg_to_group) msg_subject = escape_html(msg_subject) write_box = """
    """ if msg_to != "": addr_box = """ """ % {'users_label': _("User"), 'to_users' : msg_to, } if msg_to_group != "": addr_box += """ """ % {'groups_label': _("Group"), 'to_groups': msg_to_group, } elif msg_to_group != "": addr_box = """ """ % {'groups_label': _("Group"), 'to_groups': msg_to_group, } else: addr_box = """ """ write_box += addr_box write_box += """
    %(to_label)s%(users_label)s %(to_users)s
      %(groups_label)s %(to_groups)s%(groups_label)s %(to_groups)s   
    """ write_box = write_box % {'rn' : rn, 'categ' : categ, 'doctype' : doctype, 'apptype' : apptype, 'action' : action, 'subject' : msg_subject, 'to_label': _("To:"), 'subject_label': _("Subject:"), 'message_label': _("Message:"), 'send_label': _("SEND"), 'select' : _("Select:"), 'approve' : _("approve"), 'reject' : _("reject"), 'ln': ln, } out += write_box return out def displaycplxdoc_displayauthaction(action, linkText): return """ (%(linkText)s)""" % { "action" : action, "linkText" : linkText } diff --git a/modules/websubmit/lib/websubmit_webinterface.py b/modules/websubmit/lib/websubmit_webinterface.py index 2d9fc5a1f..5ef1793fd 100644 --- a/modules/websubmit/lib/websubmit_webinterface.py +++ b/modules/websubmit/lib/websubmit_webinterface.py @@ -1,1000 +1,957 @@ ## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. __lastupdated__ = """$Date$""" __revision__ = "$Id$" import os import time import cgi import sys from urllib import urlencode from invenio.config import \ CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE, \ CFG_SITE_LANG, \ CFG_SITE_NAME, \ CFG_SITE_NAME_INTL, \ CFG_SITE_URL, \ CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, \ CFG_WEBSUBMIT_STORAGEDIR, \ CFG_PREFIX from invenio import webinterface_handler_wsgi_utils as apache from invenio.dbquery import run_sql from invenio.access_control_config import VIEWRESTRCOLL from invenio.access_control_mailcookie import mail_cookie_create_authorize_action from invenio.access_control_engine import acc_authorize_action from invenio.access_control_admin import acc_is_role from invenio.webpage import page, create_error_box, pageheaderonly, \ pagefooteronly from invenio.webuser import getUid, page_not_authorized, collect_user_info, isGuestUser, isUserSuperAdmin from invenio.websubmit_config import * from invenio.webinterface_handler import wash_urlargd, WebInterfaceDirectory from invenio.urlutils import make_canonical_urlargd, redirect_to_url from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language from invenio.search_engine import \ guess_primary_collection_of_a_record, get_colID, record_exists, \ create_navtrail_links, check_user_can_view_record, record_empty from invenio.bibdocfile import BibRecDocs, normalize_format, file_strip_ext, \ stream_restricted_icon, BibDoc, InvenioWebSubmitFileError, stream_file, \ - decompose_file, propose_next_docname + decompose_file, propose_next_docname, get_subformat_from_format from invenio.errorlib import register_exception from invenio.websubmit_icon_creator import create_icon, InvenioWebSubmitIconCreatorError import invenio.template websubmit_templates = invenio.template.load('websubmit') from invenio.websearchadminlib import get_detailed_page_tabs from invenio.session import get_session import invenio.template webstyle_templates = invenio.template.load('webstyle') websearch_templates = invenio.template.load('websearch') try: from invenio.fckeditor_invenio_connector import FCKeditorConnectorInvenio fckeditor_available = True except ImportError, e: fckeditor_available = False class WebInterfaceFilesPages(WebInterfaceDirectory): def __init__(self,recid): self.recid = recid def _lookup(self, component, path): # after /record//files/ every part is used as the file # name filename = component def getfile(req, form): args = wash_urlargd(form, websubmit_templates.files_default_urlargd) ln = args['ln'] _ = gettext_set_language(ln) uid = getUid(req) user_info = collect_user_info(req) verbose = args['verbose'] if verbose >= 1 and not isUserSuperAdmin(user_info): # Only SuperUser can see all the details! verbose = 0 if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE > 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "/record/%s" % self.recid, navmenuid='submit') if record_exists(self.recid) < 1: msg = "


    " % _("Requested record does not seem to exist.") return warningMsg(msg, req, CFG_SITE_NAME, ln) if record_empty(self.recid): msg = "


    " % _("Requested record does not seem to have been integrated.") return warningMsg(msg, req, CFG_SITE_NAME, ln) (auth_code, auth_msg) = check_user_can_view_record(user_info, self.recid) if auth_code and user_info['email'] == 'guest' and not user_info['apache_user']: cookie = mail_cookie_create_authorize_action(VIEWRESTRCOLL, {'collection' : guess_primary_collection_of_a_record(self.recid)}) target = '/youraccount/login' + \ make_canonical_urlargd({'action': cookie, 'ln' : ln, 'referer' : \ CFG_SITE_URL + user_info['uri']}, {}) return redirect_to_url(req, target) elif auth_code: return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \ text = auth_msg) readonly = CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE == 1 # From now on: either the user provided a specific file # name (and a possible version), or we return a list of # all the available files. In no case are the docids # visible. try: bibarchive = BibRecDocs(self.recid) except InvenioWebSubmitFileError, e: register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True) msg = "



    " % ( _("The system has encountered an error in retrieving the list of files for this document."), _("The error has been logged and will be taken in consideration as soon as possible.")) return warningMsg(msg, req, CFG_SITE_NAME, ln) if bibarchive.deleted_p(): return print_warning(req, _("Requested record does not seem to exist.")) docname = '' format = '' version = '' if filename: # We know the complete file name, guess which docid it # refers to ## TODO: Change the extension system according to ext.py from setlink ## and have a uniform extension mechanism... docname = file_strip_ext(filename) format = filename[len(docname):] if format and format[0] != '.': format = '.' + format + if args['subformat']: + format += ';%s' % args['subformat'] else: docname = args['docname'] if not format: format = args['format'] + if args['subformat']: + format += ';%s' % args['subformat'] if not version: version = args['version'] # version could be either empty, or all or an integer try: int(version) except ValueError: if version != 'all': version = '' display_hidden = isUserSuperAdmin(user_info) if version != 'all': # search this filename in the complete list of files for doc in bibarchive.list_bibdocs(): if docname == doc.get_docname(): try: docfile = doc.get_file(format, version) if docfile.get_status() == '': # The file is not resticted, let's check for # collection restriction then. (auth_code, auth_message) = check_user_can_view_record(user_info, self.recid) if auth_code: + req.status = apache.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED + if get_subformat_from_format(format).startswith('icon'): + return stream_restricted_icon(req) return warningMsg(_("The collection to which this file belong is restricted: ") + auth_message, req, CFG_SITE_NAME, ln) else: # The file is probably restricted on its own. # Let's check for proper authorization then (auth_code, auth_message) = docfile.is_restricted(req) if auth_code != 0: + req.status = apache.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED + if get_subformat_from_format(format).startswith('icon'): + return stream_restricted_icon(req) return warningMsg(_("This file is restricted: ") + auth_message, req, CFG_SITE_NAME, ln) if display_hidden or not docfile.hidden_p(): if not readonly: - ip = str(req.get_remote_host(apache.REMOTE_NOLOOKUP)) + ip = str(req.remote_ip) res = doc.register_download(ip, version, format, uid) try: return docfile.stream(req) except InvenioWebSubmitFileError, msg: register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True) + req.status = apache.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR return warningMsg(_("An error has happened in trying to stream the request file."), req, CFG_SITE_NAME, ln) else: + req.status = apache.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED warn = print_warning(_("The requested file is hidden and you don't have the proper rights to access it.")) except InvenioWebSubmitFileError, msg: register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True) - if docfile.get_status() == '': - # The file is not resticted, let's check for - # collection restriction then. - (auth_code, auth_message) = check_user_can_view_record(user_info, self.recid) - if auth_code: - return warningMsg(_("The collection to which this file belong is restricted: ") + auth_message, req, CFG_SITE_NAME, ln) - else: - # The file is probably restricted on its own. - # Let's check for proper authorization then - (auth_code, auth_message) = docfile.is_restricted(req) - if auth_code != 0: - return warningMsg(_("This file is restricted: ") + auth_message, req, CFG_SITE_NAME, ln) - - if display_hidden or not docfile.hidden_p(): - if not readonly: - ip = str(req.remote_ip) - res = doc.register_download(ip, version, format, uid) - try: - return docfile.stream(req) - except InvenioWebSubmitFileError, msg: - register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True) - return warningMsg(_("An error has happened in trying to stream the request file."), req, CFG_SITE_NAME, ln) - else: - warn = print_warning(_("The requested file is hidden and you don't have the proper rights to access it.")) - - elif doc.get_icon() is not None and doc.get_icon().docname == file_strip_ext(filename): - icon = doc.get_icon() - try: - iconfile = icon.get_file(format, version) - except InvenioWebSubmitFileError, msg: - register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True) - return warningMsg(_("An error has happened in trying to retrieve the corresponding icon."), req, CFG_SITE_NAME, ln) - - if iconfile.get_status() == '': - # The file is not resticted, let's check for - # collection restriction then. - (auth_code, auth_message) = check_user_can_view_record(user_info, self.recid) - if auth_code: - return stream_restricted_icon(req) - else: - # The file is probably restricted on its own. - # Let's check for proper authorization then - (auth_code, auth_message) = iconfile.is_restricted(req) - if auth_code != 0: - return stream_restricted_icon(req) - - if not readonly: - ip = str(req.remote_ip) - res = doc.register_download(ip, version, format, uid) - try: - return iconfile.stream(req) - except InvenioWebSubmitFileError, msg: - register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True) - return warningMsg(_("An error has happened in trying to stream the corresponding icon."), req, CFG_SITE_NAME, ln) - - if docname and format and display_hidden: + if docname and format: req.status = apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND warn = print_warning(_("Requested file does not seem to exist.")) else: warn = '' filelist = bibarchive.display("", version, ln=ln, verbose=verbose, display_hidden=display_hidden) t = warn + websubmit_templates.tmpl_filelist( ln=ln, recid=self.recid, docname=args['docname'], version=version, filelist=filelist) cc = guess_primary_collection_of_a_record(self.recid) unordered_tabs = get_detailed_page_tabs(get_colID(cc), self.recid, ln) ordered_tabs_id = [(tab_id, values['order']) for (tab_id, values) in unordered_tabs.iteritems()] ordered_tabs_id.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x[1],y[1])) link_ln = '' if ln != CFG_SITE_LANG: link_ln = '?ln=%s' % ln tabs = [(unordered_tabs[tab_id]['label'], \ '%s/record/%s/%s%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, self.recid, tab_id, link_ln), \ tab_id == 'files', unordered_tabs[tab_id]['enabled']) \ for (tab_id, order) in ordered_tabs_id if unordered_tabs[tab_id]['visible'] == True] top = webstyle_templates.detailed_record_container_top(self.recid, tabs, args['ln']) bottom = webstyle_templates.detailed_record_container_bottom(self.recid, tabs, args['ln']) title, description, keywords = websearch_templates.tmpl_record_page_header_content(req, self.recid, args['ln']) return pageheaderonly(title=title, navtrail=create_navtrail_links(cc=cc, aas=0, ln=ln) + \ ''' > %s > %s''' % \ (CFG_SITE_URL, self.recid, title, _("Access to Fulltext")), description="", keywords="keywords", uid=uid, language=ln, req=req, navmenuid='search', navtrail_append_title_p=0) + \ websearch_templates.tmpl_search_pagestart(ln) + \ top + t + bottom + \ websearch_templates.tmpl_search_pageend(ln) + \ pagefooteronly(lastupdated=__lastupdated__, language=ln, req=req) return getfile, [] def __call__(self, req, form): """Called in case of URLs like /record/123/files without trailing slash. """ args = wash_urlargd(form, websubmit_templates.files_default_urlargd) ln = args['ln'] link_ln = '' if ln != CFG_SITE_LANG: link_ln = '?ln=%s' % ln return redirect_to_url(req, '%s/record/%s/files/%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, self.recid, link_ln)) def websubmit_legacy_getfile(req, form): """ Handle legacy /getfile.py URLs """ args = wash_urlargd(form, { 'recid': (int, 0), 'docid': (int, 0), 'version': (str, ''), 'name': (str, ''), 'format': (str, ''), 'ln' : (str, CFG_SITE_LANG) }) _ = gettext_set_language(args['ln']) def _getfile_py(req, recid=0, docid=0, version="", name="", format="", ln=CFG_SITE_LANG): if not recid: ## Let's obtain the recid from the docid if docid: try: bibdoc = BibDoc(docid=docid) recid = bibdoc.get_recid() except InvenioWebSubmitFileError, e: return warningMsg(_("An error has happened in trying to retrieve the requested file."), req, CFG_SITE_NAME, ln) else: return warningMsg(_('Not enough information to retrieve the document'), req, CFG_SITE_NAME, ln) else: if not name and docid: ## Let's obtain the name from the docid try: bibdoc = BibDoc(docid) name = bibdoc.get_docname() except InvenioWebSubmitFileError, e: return warningMsg(_("An error has happened in trying to retrieving the requested file."), req, CFG_SITE_NAME, ln) format = normalize_format(format) redirect_to_url(req, '%s/record/%s/files/%s%s?ln=%s%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, recid, name, format, ln, version and 'version=%s' % version or ''), apache.HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY) return _getfile_py(req, **args) # -------------------------------------------------- from invenio.websubmit_engine import home, action, interface, endaction class WebInterfaceSubmitPages(WebInterfaceDirectory): _exports = ['summary', 'sub', 'direct', '', 'attachfile', 'uploadfile', 'getuploadedfile'] def uploadfile(self, req, form): """ Similar to /submit, but only consider files. Nice for asynchronous Javascript uploads. Should be used to upload a single file. Also try to create an icon, and return URL to file(s) + icon(s) Authentication is performed based on session ID passed as parameter instead of cookie-based authentication, due to the use of this URL by the Flash plugin (to upload multiple files at once), which does not route cookies. FIXME: consider adding /deletefile and /modifyfile functions + parsing of additional parameters to rename files, add comments, restrictions, etc. """ if sys.hexversion < 0x2060000: try: import simplejson as json simplejson_available = True except ImportError: # Okay, no Ajax app will be possible, but continue anyway, # since this package is only recommended, not mandatory. simplejson_available = False else: import json simplejson_available = True argd = wash_urlargd(form, { 'doctype': (str, ''), 'access': (str, ''), 'indir': (str, ''), 'session_id': (str, ''), 'rename': (str, ''), }) curdir = None if not form.has_key("indir") or \ not form.has_key("doctype") or \ not form.has_key("access"): return apache.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST else: curdir = os.path.join(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_STORAGEDIR, argd['indir'], argd['doctype'], argd['access']) user_info = collect_user_info(req) if form.has_key("session_id"): # Are we uploading using Flash, which does not transmit # cookie? The expect to receive session_id as a form # parameter. First check that IP addresses do not # mismatch. A ValueError will be raises if there is # something wrong session = get_session(req=req, sid=argd['session_id']) try: session = get_session(req=req, sid=argd['session_id']) except ValueError, e: return apache.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST # Retrieve user information. We cannot rely on the session here. res = run_sql("SELECT uid FROM session WHERE session_key=%s", (argd['session_id'],)) if len(res): uid = res[0][0] user_info = collect_user_info(uid) try: act_fd = file(os.path.join(curdir, 'act')) action = act_fd.read() act_fd.close() except: act = "" # Is user authorized to perform this action? (auth_code, auth_msg) = acc_authorize_action(uid, "submit", verbose=0, doctype=argd['doctype'], act=action) if acc_is_role("submit", doctype=argd['doctype'], act=action) and auth_code != 0: # User cannot submit return apache.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED else: # Process the upload and get the response added_files = {} for key, formfields in form.items(): filename = key.replace("[]", "") file_to_open = os.path.join(curdir, filename) if hasattr(formfields, "filename") and formfields.filename: dir_to_open = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(curdir, 'files', str(user_info['uid']), key)) try: assert(dir_to_open.startswith(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_STORAGEDIR)) except AssertionError: register_exception(req=req, prefix='curdir="%s", key="%s"' % (curdir, key)) return apache.HTTP_FORBIDDEN if not os.path.exists(dir_to_open): try: os.makedirs(dir_to_open) except: register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True) return apache.HTTP_FORBIDDEN filename = formfields.filename ## Before saving the file to disc, wash the filename (in particular ## washing away UNIX and Windows (e.g. DFS) paths): filename = os.path.basename(filename.split('\\')[-1]) filename = filename.strip() if filename != "": # Check that file does not already exist n = 1 while os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir_to_open, filename)): #dirname, basename, extension = decompose_file(new_destination_path) basedir, name, extension = decompose_file(filename) new_name = propose_next_docname(name) filename = new_name + extension # This may be dangerous if the file size is bigger than the available memory fp = open(os.path.join(dir_to_open, filename), "w") fp.write(formfields.file.read()) fp.close() fp = open(os.path.join(curdir, "lastuploadedfile"), "w") fp.write(filename) fp.close() fp = open(file_to_open, "w") fp.write(filename) fp.close() try: # Create icon (icon_path, icon_name) = create_icon( { 'input-file' : os.path.join(dir_to_open, filename), 'icon-name' : filename, # extension stripped automatically 'icon-file-format' : 'gif', 'multipage-icon' : False, 'multipage-icon-delay' : 100, 'icon-scale' : "300>", # Resize only if width > 300 'verbosity' : 0, }) icons_dir = os.path.join(os.path.join(curdir, 'icons', str(user_info['uid']), key)) if not os.path.exists(icons_dir): # Create uid/icons dir if needed os.makedirs(icons_dir) os.rename(os.path.join(icon_path, icon_name), os.path.join(icons_dir, icon_name)) added_files[key] = {'name': filename, 'iconName': icon_name} except InvenioWebSubmitIconCreatorError, e: # We could not create the icon added_files[key] = {'name': filename} continue else: return apache.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST # Send our response if simplejson_available: return json.dumps(added_files) def getuploadedfile(self, req, form): """ Stream uploaded files. For the moment, restrict to files in ./curdir/files/uid or ./curdir/icons/uid directory, so that we are sure we stream files only to the user who uploaded them. """ argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'indir': (str, None), 'doctype': (str, None), 'access': (str, None), 'icon': (int, 0), 'key': (str, None), 'filename': (str, None)}) if None in argd.values(): return apache.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST uid = getUid(req) if argd['icon']: file_path = os.path.join(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_STORAGEDIR, argd['indir'], argd['doctype'], argd['access'], 'icons', str(uid), argd['key'], argd['filename'] ) else: file_path = os.path.join(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_STORAGEDIR, argd['indir'], argd['doctype'], argd['access'], 'files', str(uid), argd['key'], argd['filename'] ) abs_file_path = os.path.abspath(file_path) if abs_file_path.startswith(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_STORAGEDIR): # Check if file exist. Note that icon might not yet have # been created. for i in range(5): if os.path.exists(abs_file_path): return stream_file(req, abs_file_path) time.sleep(1) # Send error 404 in all other cases return apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND def attachfile(self, req, form): """ Process requests received from FCKeditor to upload files. If the uploaded file is an image, create an icon version """ if not fckeditor_available: return apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND if not form.has_key('type'): form['type'] = 'File' if not form.has_key('NewFile') or \ not form['type'] in \ ['File', 'Image', 'Flash', 'Media']: return apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND uid = getUid(req) # URL where the file can be fetched after upload user_files_path = '%(CFG_SITE_URL)s/submit/getattachedfile/%(uid)s' % \ {'uid': uid, 'CFG_SITE_URL': CFG_SITE_URL} # Path to directory where uploaded files are saved user_files_absolute_path = '%(CFG_PREFIX)s/var/tmp/attachfile/%(uid)s' % \ {'uid': uid, 'CFG_PREFIX': CFG_PREFIX} try: os.makedirs(user_files_absolute_path) except: pass # Create a Connector instance to handle the request conn = FCKeditorConnectorInvenio(form, recid=-1, uid=uid, allowed_commands=['QuickUpload'], allowed_types = ['File', 'Image', 'Flash', 'Media'], user_files_path = user_files_path, user_files_absolute_path = user_files_absolute_path) user_info = collect_user_info(req) (auth_code, auth_msg) = acc_authorize_action(user_info, 'attachsubmissionfile') if user_info['email'] == 'guest' and not user_info['apache_user']: # User is guest: must login prior to upload data = conn.sendUploadResults(1, '', '', 'Please login before uploading file.') elif auth_code: # User cannot submit data = conn.sendUploadResults(1, '', '', 'Sorry, you are not allowed to submit files.') else: # Process the upload and get the response data = conn.doResponse() # At this point, the file has been uploaded. The FCKeditor # submit the image in form['NewFile']. However, the image # might have been renamed in between by the FCK connector on # the server side, by appending (%04d) at the end of the base # name. Retrieve that file uploaded_file_path = os.path.join(user_files_absolute_path, form['type'].lower(), form['NewFile'].filename) uploaded_file_path = retrieve_most_recent_attached_file(uploaded_file_path) uploaded_file_name = os.path.basename(uploaded_file_path) # Create an icon if form.get('type','') == 'Image': try: (icon_path, icon_name) = create_icon( { 'input-file' : uploaded_file_path, 'icon-name' : os.path.splitext(uploaded_file_name)[0], 'icon-file-format' : os.path.splitext(uploaded_file_name)[1][1:] or 'gif', 'multipage-icon' : False, 'multipage-icon-delay' : 100, 'icon-scale' : "300>", # Resize only if width > 300 'verbosity' : 0, }) # Move original file to /original dir, and replace it with icon file original_user_files_absolute_path = os.path.join(user_files_absolute_path, 'image', 'original') if not os.path.exists(original_user_files_absolute_path): # Create /original dir if needed os.mkdir(original_user_files_absolute_path) os.rename(uploaded_file_path, original_user_files_absolute_path + os.sep + uploaded_file_name) os.rename(icon_path + os.sep + icon_name, uploaded_file_path) except InvenioWebSubmitIconCreatorError, e: pass # Transform the headers into something ok for mod_python for header in conn.headers: if not header is None: if header[0] == 'Content-Type': req.content_type = header[1] else: req.headers_out[header[0]] = header[1] # Send our response req.send_http_header() req.write(data) def _lookup(self, component, path): """ This handler is invoked for the dynamic URLs (for getting and putting attachments) Eg: /submit/getattachedfile/41336978/image/myfigure.png /submit/attachfile/41336978/image/myfigure.png """ if component == 'getattachedfile' and len(path) > 2: uid = path[0] # uid of the submitter file_type = path[1] # file, image, flash or media (as # defined by FCKeditor) if file_type in ['file', 'image', 'flash', 'media']: file_name = '/'.join(path[2:]) # the filename def answer_get(req, form): """Accessing files attached to submission.""" form['file'] = file_name form['type'] = file_type form['uid'] = uid return self.getattachedfile(req, form) return answer_get, [] # All other cases: file not found return None, [] def getattachedfile(self, req, form): """ Returns a file uploaded to the submission 'drop box' by the FCKeditor. """ argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'file': (str, None), 'type': (str, None), 'uid': (int, 0)}) # Can user view this record, i.e. can user access its # attachments? uid = getUid(req) user_info = collect_user_info(req) if not argd['file'] is None: # Prepare path to file on disk. Normalize the path so that # ../ and other dangerous components are removed. path = os.path.abspath(CFG_PREFIX + '/var/tmp/attachfile/' + \ '/' + str(argd['uid']) + \ '/' + argd['type'] + '/' + argd['file']) # Check that we are really accessing attachements # directory, for the declared record. if path.startswith(CFG_PREFIX + '/var/tmp/attachfile/') and os.path.exists(path): return stream_file(req, path) # Send error 404 in all other cases return(apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND) def direct(self, req, form): """Directly redirected to an initialized submission.""" args = wash_urlargd(form, {'sub': (str, ''), 'access' : (str, '')}) sub = args['sub'] access = args['access'] ln = args['ln'] _ = gettext_set_language(ln) uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "direct", navmenuid='submit') myQuery = req.args if not sub: return warningMsg(_("Sorry, 'sub' parameter missing..."), req, ln=ln) res = run_sql("SELECT docname,actname FROM sbmIMPLEMENT WHERE subname=%s", (sub,)) if not res: return warningMsg(_("Sorry. Cannot analyse parameter"), req, ln=ln) else: # get document type doctype = res[0][0] # get action name action = res[0][1] # retrieve other parameter values params = dict(form) # find existing access number if not access: # create 'unique' access number pid = os.getpid() now = time.time() access = "%i_%s" % (now,pid) # retrieve 'dir' value res = run_sql ("SELECT dir FROM sbmACTION WHERE sactname=%s", (action,)) dir = res[0][0] mainmenu = req.headers_in.get('referer') params['access'] = access params['act'] = action params['doctype'] = doctype params['startPg'] = '1' params['mainmenu'] = mainmenu params['ln'] = ln params['indir'] = dir url = "%s/submit?%s" % (CFG_SITE_URL, urlencode(params)) redirect_to_url(req, url) def sub(self, req, form): """DEPRECATED: /submit/sub is deprecated now, so raise email to the admin (but allow submission to continue anyway)""" args = wash_urlargd(form, {'password': (str, '')}) uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "../sub/", navmenuid='submit') try: raise DeprecationWarning, 'submit/sub handler has been used. Please use submit/direct. e.g. "submit/sub?RN=123@SBIFOO" -> "submit/direct?RN=123&sub=SBIFOO"' except DeprecationWarning: register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True) ln = args['ln'] _ = gettext_set_language(ln) #DEMOBOO_RN=DEMO-BOOK-2008-001&ln=en&password=1223993532.26572%40APPDEMOBOO params = dict(form) password = args['password'] if password: del params['password'] if "@" in password: params['access'], params['sub'] = password.split('@', 1) else: params['sub'] = password else: args = str(req.args).split('@') if len(args) > 1: params = {'sub' : args[-1]} args = '@'.join(args[:-1]) params.update(cgi.parse_qs(args)) else: return warningMsg(_("Sorry, invalid URL..."), req, ln=ln) url = "%s/submit/direct?%s" % (CFG_SITE_URL, urlencode(params, doseq=True)) redirect_to_url(req, url) def summary(self, req, form): args = wash_urlargd(form, { 'doctype': (str, ''), 'act': (str, ''), 'access': (str, ''), 'indir': (str, '')}) uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "../summary", navmenuid='submit') t="" curdir = os.path.join(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_STORAGEDIR, args['indir'], args['doctype'], args['access']) try: assert(curdir == os.path.abspath(curdir)) except AssertionError: register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True, prefix='Possible cracking tentative: indir="%s", doctype="%s", access="%s"' % (args['indir'], args['doctype'], args['access'])) return warningMsg("Invalid parameters") subname = "%s%s" % (args['act'], args['doctype']) res = run_sql("select sdesc,fidesc,pagenb,level from sbmFIELD where subname=%s " "order by pagenb,fieldnb", (subname,)) nbFields = 0 values = [] for arr in res: if arr[0] != "": val = { 'mandatory' : (arr[3] == 'M'), 'value' : '', 'page' : arr[2], 'name' : arr[0], } if os.path.exists(os.path.join(curdir, curdir,arr[1])): fd = open(os.path.join(curdir, arr[1]),"r") value = fd.read() fd.close() value = value.replace("\n"," ") value = value.replace("Select:","") else: value = "" val['value'] = value values.append(val) return websubmit_templates.tmpl_submit_summary( ln = args['ln'], values = values, ) def index(self, req, form): args = wash_urlargd(form, { 'c': (str, CFG_SITE_NAME), 'doctype': (str, ''), 'act': (str, ''), 'startPg': (str, "1"), 'access': (str, ''), 'mainmenu': (str, ''), 'fromdir': (str, ''), 'nextPg': (str, ''), 'nbPg': (str, ''), 'curpage': (str, '1'), 'step': (str, '0'), 'mode': (str, 'U'), }) ## Strip whitespace from beginning and end of doctype and action: args["doctype"] = args["doctype"].strip() args["act"] = args["act"].strip() def _index(req, c, ln, doctype, act, startPg, access, mainmenu, fromdir, nextPg, nbPg, curpage, step, mode): uid = getUid(req) if isGuestUser(uid): return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/youraccount/login%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd({ 'referer' : CFG_SITE_URL + req.unparsed_uri, 'ln' : args['ln']}, {}))) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "../submit", navmenuid='submit') if doctype=="": return home(req,c,ln) elif act=="": return action(req,c,ln,doctype) elif int(step)==0: return interface(req, c, ln, doctype, act, startPg, access, mainmenu, fromdir, nextPg, nbPg, curpage) else: return endaction(req, c, ln, doctype, act, startPg, access,mainmenu, fromdir, nextPg, nbPg, curpage, step, mode) return _index(req, **args) # Answer to both /submit/ and /submit __call__ = index def errorMsg(title, req, c=None, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG): # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) if c is None: c = CFG_SITE_NAME_INTL.get(ln, CFG_SITE_NAME) return page(title = _("Error"), body = create_error_box(req, title=title, verbose=0, ln=ln), description="%s - Internal Error" % c, keywords="%s, Internal Error" % c, uid = getUid(req), language=ln, req=req, navmenuid='submit') def warningMsg(title, req, c=None, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG): # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) if c is None: c = CFG_SITE_NAME_INTL.get(ln, CFG_SITE_NAME) return page(title = _("Warning"), body = title, description="%s - Internal Error" % c, keywords="%s, Internal Error" % c, uid = getUid(req), language=ln, req=req, navmenuid='submit') def print_warning(msg, type='', prologue='
    ', epilogue='
    '): """Prints warning message and flushes output.""" if msg: return websubmit_templates.tmpl_print_warning( msg = msg, type = type, prologue = prologue, epilogue = epilogue, ) else: return '' def retrieve_most_recent_attached_file(file_path): """ Retrieve the latest file that has been uploaded with the FCKeditor. This is the only way to retrieve files that the FCKeditor has renamed after the upload. Eg: 'prefix/image.jpg' was uploaded but did already exist. FCKeditor silently renamed it to 'prefix/image(1).jpg': >>> retrieve_most_recent_attached_file('prefix/image.jpg') 'prefix/image(1).jpg' """ (base_path, filename) = os.path.split(file_path) base_name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] file_ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:] most_recent_filename = filename i = 0 while True: i += 1 possible_filename = "%s(%d).%s" % \ (base_name, i, file_ext) if os.path.exists(base_path + os.sep + possible_filename): most_recent_filename = possible_filename else: break return os.path.join(base_path, most_recent_filename)