diff --git a/modules/webmessage/lib/webmessage.py b/modules/webmessage/lib/webmessage.py index 5e3bf0fe8..1558a5965 100644 --- a/modules/webmessage/lib/webmessage.py +++ b/modules/webmessage/lib/webmessage.py @@ -1,483 +1,483 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## $Id$ ## Messaging system (internal) ## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware). ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 CERN. ## ## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ WebMessage module, messaging system""" __lastupdated__ = "$Date$" __version__ = "$Id$" # CDSWare imports from cdsware.webmessage_dblayer import * from cdsware.webmessage_config import * from cdsware.config import cdslang from cdsware.messages import gettext_set_language from cdsware.dateutils import datetext_default, get_datetext from cdsware.webuser import list_users_in_roles from cdsware.search_engine import wash_url_argument import cdsware.template try: webmessage_templates = cdsware.template.load('webmessage') except: pass def perform_request_display_msg(uid, msgid, ln = cdslang): """ Displays a specific message @param uid: user id @param msgid: message id @return a (body, errors[], warnings[]) formed tuple """ # Wash the arguments... uid = wash_url_argument(uid, 'int') msgid = wash_url_argument(msgid, 'int') errors = [] warnings = [] body = "" if (check_user_owns_message(uid, msgid) == 0): # The user doesn't own this message errors.append(('ERR_WEBMESSAGE_NOTOWNER',)) else: (msg_id, msg_from_id, msg_from_nickname, msg_sent_to, msg_sent_to_group, msg_subject, msg_body, msg_sent_date, msg_received_date, msg_status) = get_message(uid, msgid) if (msg_id == ""): # The message exists in table user_msgMESSAGE # but not in table msgMESSAGE => table inconsistency errors.append(('ERR_WEBMESSAGE_NOMESSAGE',)) else: if (msg_status == cfg_webmessage_status_code['NEW']): set_message_status(uid, msgid, cfg_webmessage_status_code['READ']) body = webmessage_templates.tmpl_display_msg(msg_id, msg_from_id, msg_from_nickname, msg_sent_to, msg_sent_to_group, msg_subject, msg_body, msg_sent_date, msg_received_date, ln) return (body, errors, warnings) def perform_request_display(uid, errors=[], warnings=[], infos=[], ln=cdslang): """ Displays the user's Inbox @param uid: user id @return a (body, [errors], [warnings]) formed tuple """ # Wash the arguments... uid = wash_url_argument(uid, 'int') body = "" rows = [] rows = get_all_messages_for_user(uid) nb_messages = 0 no_quota_users = list_users_in_roles(cfg_webmessage_roles_without_quota) if (not(uid in no_quota_users)): nb_messages = count_nb_messages(uid) body = webmessage_templates.tmpl_display_inbox(messages=rows, infos=infos, warnings=warnings, nb_messages=nb_messages, ln=ln) return (body, errors, warnings) def perform_request_delete_msg(uid, msgid, ln=cdslang): """ Delete a given message from user inbox @param uid: user id (int) @param msgid: message id (int) @param ln: language @return a (body, errors, warning tuple) """ # Wash the arguments... uid = wash_url_argument(uid, 'int') msgid = wash_url_argument(msgid, 'int') _ = gettext_set_language(ln) errors = [] warnings = [] infos = [] if (check_user_owns_message(uid, msgid) == 0): # The user doesn't own this message errors.append(('ERR_WEBMESSAGE_NOTOWNER',)) else: if (delete_message_from_user_inbox(uid, msgid)==0): warnings.append(_("The message could not be deleted")) else: infos.append(_("Delete successful")) return perform_request_display(uid, errors, warnings, infos, ln) def perform_request_delete_all(uid, confirmed=0, ln=cdslang): """ Delete every message for a given user @param uid: user id (int) @param confirmed: 0 will produce a confirmation message @param ln: language @return a (body, errors, warnings) tuple """ infos = [] warnings = [] errors = [] confirmed = wash_url_argument(confirmed, 'int') _ = gettext_set_language(ln) if confirmed: delete_all_messages(uid) infos = [_("Your mailbox has been emptied")] return perform_request_display(uid, warnings, errors, infos, ln) else: body = webmessage_templates.tmpl_confirm_delete(ln) return (body, errors, warnings) def perform_request_write(uid, msg_reply_id="", msg_to="", msg_to_group="", ln=cdslang): """ Display a write a message page. @param uid: user id (int) @param msg_reply_id: if this message is a reply to another, other's ID (int) @param msg_to: comma separated usernames (string) @param msg_to_group: comma separated groupnames (string) @param ln: language @return a (body, errors, warnings) tuple """ # wash arguments uid = wash_url_argument(uid, 'int') msg_reply_id = wash_url_argument(msg_reply_id, 'int') msg_to = wash_url_argument(msg_to, 'str') msg_to_group = wash_url_argument(msg_to_group, 'str') # ln has already been washed in yourmessages.py errors = [] warnings = [] body = "" msg_from_nickname = "" msg_subject = "" msg_body = "" msg_id = 0 if (msg_reply_id): if (check_user_owns_message(uid, msg_reply_id) == 0): # The user doesn't own this message errors.append(('ERR_WEBMESSAGE_NOTOWNER',)) else: # Junk== make pylint happy! junk = 0 (msg_id, msg_from_id, msg_from_nickname, junk, junk, msg_subject, msg_body, junk, junk, junk) = get_message(uid, msg_reply_id) if (msg_id == ""): # The message exists in table user_msgMESSAGE # but not in table msgMESSAGE => table inconsistency errors.append(('ERR_WEBMESSAGE_NOMESSAGE',)) else: msg_to = msg_from_nickname or str(msg_from_id) body = webmessage_templates.tmpl_write(msg_to=msg_to, msg_to_group=msg_to_group, msg_id=msg_id, msg_subject=msg_subject, msg_body=msg_body, warnings=[], ln=ln) return (body, errors, warnings) def perform_request_write_with_search(msg_to_user="", msg_to_group="", msg_subject="", msg_body="", msg_send_year=0, msg_send_month=0, msg_send_day=0, names_selected=[], search_pattern="", results_field='none', add_values=0, ln=cdslang): """ Display a write message page, with prefilled values @param msg_to_user: comma separated usernames (str) @param msg_to_group: comma separated groupnames (str) @param msg_subject: message subject (str) @param msg_bidy: message body (string) @param msg_send_year: year to send this message on (int) @param_msg_send_month: month to send this message on (int) @param_msg_send_day: day to send this message on (int) @param users_to_add: list of usernames ['str'] to add to msg_to_user @param groups_to_add: list of groupnames ['str'] to add to msg_to_group @param user_search_pattern: will search users with this pattern (str) @param group_search_pattern: will search groups with this pattern (str) @param mode_user: if 1 display user search box, else group search box @param add_values: if 1 users_to_add will be added to msg_to_user field.. @param ln: language @return a (body, errors, warnings) formed tuple. """ # wash arguments names_selected = wash_url_argument(names_selected, 'list') msg_send_year = wash_url_argument(msg_send_year, 'int') msg_send_month = wash_url_argument(msg_send_month, 'int') msg_send_day = wash_url_argument(msg_send_day, 'int') warnings = [] errors = [] search_results_list = [] def cat_names(name1, name2): """ name1, name2 => 'name1, name2' """ return name1 + cfg_webmessage_separator + " " + name2 if results_field == 'user': - if add_values: + if add_values and len(names_selected): usernames_to_add = reduce(cat_names, names_selected) if msg_to_user: msg_to_user = cat_names(msg_to_user, usernames_to_add) else: msg_to_user = usernames_to_add users_found = get_nicknames_like(search_pattern) if users_found: for user_name in users_found: search_results_list.append((user_name[0], user_name[0] in names_selected)) elif results_field == 'group': - if add_values: + if add_values and len(names_selected): groupnames_to_add = reduce(cat_names, names_selected) if msg_to_group: msg_to_group = cat_names(msg_to_group, groupnames_to_add) else: msg_to_group = groupnames_to_add groups_found = get_groupnames_like(search_pattern) if groups_found: for group_name in groups_found: search_results_list.append((group_name[0], group_name[0] in names_selected)) body = webmessage_templates.tmpl_write(msg_to=msg_to_user, msg_to_group=msg_to_group, msg_subject=msg_subject, msg_body=msg_body, msg_send_year=msg_send_year, msg_send_month=msg_send_month, msg_send_day=msg_send_day, warnings=warnings, search_results_list=search_results_list, search_pattern=search_pattern, results_field=results_field, ln=ln) return (body, errors, warnings) def perform_request_send(uid, msg_to_user="", msg_to_group="", msg_subject="", msg_body="", msg_send_year=0, msg_send_month=0, msg_send_day=0, ln=cdslang): """ - send a message. if unable return warenings to write page + send a message. if unable return warnings to write page @param uid: id of user from (int) @param msg_to_user: comma separated usernames (recipients) (str) @param msg_to_group: comma separated groupnames (recipeints) (str) @param msg_subject: subject of message (str) @param msg_body: body of message (str) @param msg_send_year: send this message on year x (int) @param msg_send_month: send this message on month y (int) @param msg_send_day: send this message on day z (int) @param ln: language @return a (body, errors, warnings) tuple """ # wash arguments msg_to_user = wash_url_argument(msg_to_user, 'str') msg_to_group = wash_url_argument(msg_to_group, 'str') msg_subject = wash_url_argument(msg_subject, 'str') msg_body = wash_url_argument(msg_body, 'str') msg_send_year = wash_url_argument(msg_send_year, 'int') msg_send_month = wash_url_argument(msg_send_month, 'int') msg_send_day = wash_url_argument(msg_send_day, 'int') _ = gettext_set_language(ln) def strip_spaces(str): """suppress spaces before and after x (str)""" return str.strip() # wash user input users_to = map(strip_spaces, msg_to_user.split(cfg_webmessage_separator)) groups_to = map(strip_spaces, msg_to_group.split(cfg_webmessage_separator)) if users_to == ['']: users_to = [] if groups_to == ['']: groups_to = [] warnings = [] errors = [] infos = [] problem = None users_to_str = cfg_webmessage_separator.join(users_to) groups_to_str = cfg_webmessage_separator.join(groups_to) send_on_date = get_datetext(msg_send_year, msg_send_month, msg_send_day) if (msg_send_year == msg_send_month == msg_send_day == 0): status = cfg_webmessage_status_code['NEW'] else: status = cfg_webmessage_status_code['REMINDER'] if send_on_date == datetext_default: warning = _("The chosen date (%(year)i/%(month)i/%(day)i) is invalid") warning = warning % {'year': msg_send_year, 'month': msg_send_month, 'day': msg_send_day} warnings.append(warning) problem = 1 if not(users_to_str or groups_to_str): # <=> not(users_to_str) AND not(groups_to_str) warnings.append(_("Please enter a user name or a group name")) problem = 1 if len(msg_body) > cfg_webmessage_max_size_of_message: warnings.append(_("""Your message is too long, please edit it. Max size allowed is %i characters """)%(cfg_webmessage_max_size_of_message,)) problem = 1 users_dict = get_uids_from_nicks(users_to) users_to = users_dict.items() # users_to=[(nick, uid),(nick2, uid2)] groups_dict = get_gids_from_groupnames(groups_to) groups_to = groups_dict.items() gids_to = [] for (group_name, group_id) in groups_to: if not(group_id): warnings.append(_("Group '%s' doesn't exist\n")% (group_name)) problem = 1 else: gids_to.append(group_id) # Get uids from gids uids_from_group = get_uids_members_of_groups(gids_to) # Add the original uids, and make sure there is no double values. tmp_dict = {} - for uid in uids_from_group: - tmp_dict[uid] = None + for uid_receiver in uids_from_group: + tmp_dict[uid_receiver] = None for (user_nick, user_id) in users_to: if user_id: if user_id not in tmp_dict: uids_from_group.append(user_id) tmp_dict[user_id] = None else: if type(user_nick) == int or type(user_nick) == str and user_nick.isdigit(): user_nick = int(user_nick) if user_exists(user_nick) and user_nick not in tmp_dict: uids_from_group.append(user_nick) tmp_dict[user_nick] = None else: warnings.append(_("User '%s' doesn't exist\n")% (user_nick)) problem = 1 if problem: body = webmessage_templates.tmpl_write(msg_to=users_to_str, msg_to_group=groups_to_str, msg_subject=msg_subject, msg_body=msg_body, msg_send_year=msg_send_year, msg_send_month=msg_send_month, msg_send_day=msg_send_day, warnings=warnings, ln=ln) title = _("Write a message") navtrail = get_navtrail(ln, title) return (body, errors, warnings, title, navtrail) else: msg_id = create_message(uid, users_to_str, groups_to_str, msg_subject, msg_body, send_on_date) uid_problem = send_message(uids_from_group, msg_id, status) if len(uid_problem) > 0: usernames_problem_dict = get_nicks_from_uids(uid_problem) usernames_problem = usernames_problem_dict.values() def listing(name1, name2): """ name1, name2 => 'name1, name2' """ return str(name1) + ", " + str(name2) warning = _("Your message couldn't be sent to the following recipients\n") warning += _("These users are overquota: ") warnings.append(warning + reduce(listing, usernames_problem)) if len(uids_from_group) != len(uid_problem): infos.append(_("Your message has been sent.")) else: check_if_need_to_delete_message_permanently([msg_id]) (body, errors, warnings) = perform_request_display(uid, errors, warnings, infos, ln) title = _("Your Messages") return (body, errors, warnings, title, get_navtrail(ln)) def account_new_mail(uid, ln=cdslang): """ display new mail info for myaccount.py page. @param uid: user id (int) @param ln: language @return html body """ nb_new_mail = get_nb_new_messages_for_user(uid) total_mail = get_nb_readable_messages_for_user(uid) return webmessage_templates.tmpl_account_new_mail(nb_new_mail, total_mail, ln) def get_navtrail(ln=cdslang, title=""): """ gets the navtrail for title... @param title: title of the page @param ln: language @return HTML output """ navtrail = webmessage_templates.tmpl_navtrail(ln, title) return navtrail diff --git a/modules/webmessage/lib/webmessage_templates.py b/modules/webmessage/lib/webmessage_templates.py index 8509ae30f..b0e989d21 100644 --- a/modules/webmessage/lib/webmessage_templates.py +++ b/modules/webmessage/lib/webmessage_templates.py @@ -1,643 +1,641 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## $Id$ ## ## handles rendering of webmessage module ## ## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware). ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 CERN. ## ## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ templates for webmessage module """ # CDS imports from cdsware.webmessage_mailutils import email_quoted_txt2html, email_quote_txt from cdsware.webmessage_config import cfg_webmessage_status_code, \ cfg_webmessage_separator, \ cfg_webmessage_max_nb_of_messages from cdsware.textutils import indent_text from cdsware.dateutils import convert_datetext_to_dategui, \ datetext_default, \ create_day_selectbox, \ create_month_selectbox, \ create_year_selectbox from cdsware.config import weburl, cdslang from cdsware.messages import gettext_set_language from cdsware.webuser import get_user_info class Template: def tmpl_display_inbox(self, messages, infos=[], warnings=[], nb_messages=0, ln=cdslang): """ Displays a list of messages, with the appropriate links and buttons @param messages: a list of tuples: [(message_id, user_from_id, user_from_nickname, subject, sent_date, status=] @param infos: a list of informations to print on top of page @param ln: language of the page. @return the list in HTML format """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) junk = 0 inbox = self.tmpl_warning(warnings, ln) inbox += self.tmpl_infobox(infos, ln) inbox += self.tmpl_quota(nb_messages, ln) inbox += """ """ %(_("Subject"), _("Sender"), _("Date"), _("Action")) if len(messages) == 0: inbox += """ """ %(_("No new mail"),) for (msgid, id_user_from, user_from_nick, subject, sent_date, status) in messages: if not(subject): subject = _("[No subject]") subject_link = '%s'% (msgid, ln, subject) if user_from_nick: from_link = '%s'% (user_from_nick) else: from_link = get_user_info(id_user_from, ln)[2] action_link = '%s / '% (msgid, ln, _("Reply")) action_link += '%s'% (msgid, ln, _("Delete")) s_date = convert_datetext_to_dategui(sent_date, ln) stat_style = '' if (status == cfg_webmessage_status_code['NEW']): stat_style = ' style="font-weight:bold"' inbox += """ %s """ %(stat_style, subject_link, from_link, s_date, action_link) inbox += """
%s %s %s %s
%s %s %s
""" % {'ln': ln, 'write_label': _("Write new message"), 'delete_all_label': _("Delete All")} return indent_text(inbox, 2) def tmpl_write(self, msg_to="", msg_to_group="", msg_id=0, msg_subject="", msg_body="", msg_send_year=0, msg_send_month=0, msg_send_day=0, warnings=[], search_results_list=[], search_pattern="", results_field='none', ln=cdslang): """ Displays a writing message form with optional prefilled fields @param msg_to: nick of the user (prefills the To: field) @param msg_subject: subject of the message (prefills the Subject: field) @param msg_body: body of the message (prefills the Message: field) @param msg_send_year: prefills to year field @param msg_send_month: prefills the month field @param msg_send_day: prefills the day field @param warnings: display warnings on top of page @param search_results_list: list of tuples. (user/groupname, is_selected) @param search_pattern: pattern used for searching @param results_field: 'none', 'user' or 'group' @param ln: language of the form @return the form in HTML format """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) write_box = self.tmpl_warning(warnings) # escape forbidden character msg_to = msg_to.replace('"', '"') msg_to_group = msg_to_group.replace('"', '"') msg_subject = msg_subject.replace('"', '"') search_pattern = search_pattern.replace('"','"') to_select = self.tmpl_user_or_group_search(search_results_list, search_pattern, results_field, ln) if (msg_id != 0): msg_subject = _("Re: ") + msg_subject msg_body = email_quote_txt(msg_body) msg_body = msg_body.replace('>', '>') write_box += """
%(to_label)s %(users_label)s - +
  %(groups_label)s - +
%(subject_label)s - +
%(message_label)s "+ write_box_part2 day_field = create_day_selectbox('msg_send_day', msg_send_day, ln) month_field = create_month_selectbox('msg_send_month', msg_send_month, ln) year_field = create_year_selectbox('msg_send_year', -1, 10, msg_send_year, ln) write_box = write_box % {'to_users' : msg_to, 'to_groups': msg_to_group, 'subject' : msg_subject, 'body' : msg_body, 'ln': ln, 'day_field': day_field, 'month_field': month_field, 'year_field': year_field, 'to_select': to_select, - 'send_later_label': _("Send Later:"), + 'send_later_label': _("Send later?"), 'to_label': _("To:"), 'users_label': _("Users"), 'groups_label': _("Groups"), 'subject_label': _("Subject:"), 'message_label': _("Message:"), 'send_label': _("SEND")} return write_box def tmpl_display_msg(self, msg_id="", msg_from_id="", msg_from_nickname="", msg_sent_to="", msg_sent_to_group="", msg_subject="", msg_body="", msg_sent_date="", msg_received_date=datetext_default, ln=cdslang): """ Displays a given message @param msg_id: id of the message @param msg_from_id: id of user who sent the message @param msg_from_nickname: nickname of the user who sent the message @param msg_sent_to: list of users who received the message (comma separated string) @param msg_sent_to_group: list of groups who received the message (comma separated string) @param msg_subject: subject of the message @param msg_body: body of the message @param msg_sent_date: date at which the message was sent @param msg_received_date: date at which the message had to be received (if this argument != 0000-00-00 => reminder @param ln: language of the page @return the message in HTML format """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) sent_to_link = '' tos = msg_sent_to.split(cfg_webmessage_separator) if (tos): for to in tos[0:-1]: to_display = to if to.isdigit(): (junk, to, to_display) = get_user_info(int(to), ln) sent_to_link += ''% (to, ln) sent_to_link += '%s%s '% (to_display, cfg_webmessage_separator) to_display = tos[-1] to = tos[-1] if to.isdigit(): (junk, to, to_display) = get_user_info(int(to), ln) sent_to_link += '%s'% (to, ln, to_display) group_to_link = "" groups = msg_sent_to_group.split(cfg_webmessage_separator) if (groups): for group in groups[0:-1]: group_to_link += ''% (group, ln) group_to_link += '%s%s '% (group, cfg_webmessage_separator) group_to_link += '%s'% (groups[-1], ln, groups[-1]) # format the msg so that the '>>' chars give vertical lines final_body = email_quoted_txt2html(msg_body) out = """
""" if (msg_received_date != datetext_default): out += """ """ out += """ """ if (msg_sent_to_group != ""): out += """ """ out += """
%(from_label)s: %(from_display)s
%(subject_label)s: %(subject)s
%(sent_label)s: %(sent_date)s
%(received_label)s: %(received_date)s
%(sent_to_label)s: %(sent_to)s
%(groups_label)s: %(sent_to_group)s:
""" if msg_from_nickname: msg_from_display = msg_from_nickname else: msg_from_display = get_user_info(msg_from_id, ln)[2] msg_from_nickname = msg_from_id out = out % {'from' : msg_from_nickname, 'from_display': msg_from_display, 'sent_date' : convert_datetext_to_dategui(msg_sent_date, ln), 'received_date': convert_datetext_to_dategui(msg_received_date, ln), 'sent_to': sent_to_link, 'sent_to_group': group_to_link, 'subject' : msg_subject, 'body' : final_body, 'reply_to': msg_from_id, 'msg_id': msg_id, 'ln': ln, 'from_label':_("From"), 'subject_label':_("Subject"), 'sent_label': _("Sent on"), 'received_label':_("Received on"), 'sent_to_label': _("Sent to"), 'groups_label': _("Sent to groups"), 'reply_but_label':_("REPLY"), 'delete_but_label': _("DELETE")} return indent_text(out, 2) def tmpl_navtrail(self, ln=cdslang, title=""): """ display the navtrail, e.g.: Your account > Your messages > title @param title: the last part of the navtrail. Is not a link @param ln: language return html formatted navtrail """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) nav_h1 = '%s' nav_h2 = "" if (title != ""): nav_h2 = ' > %s' nav_h2 = nav_h2 % (weburl, _("Your Messages")) return nav_h1% (weburl,_("Your Account")) + nav_h2 def tmpl_confirm_delete(self, ln=cdslang): """ display a confirm message @param ln: language @return html output """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = """
"""% {'message': _("Are your sure you want to empty your whole mailbox?"), 'ln':ln, 'yes_label': _("Yes"), 'no_label': _("No")} return indent_text(out, 2) def tmpl_infobox(self, infos, ln=cdslang): """Display len(infos) information fields @param infos: list of strings @param ln=language @return html output """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) if not((type(infos) is list) or (type(infos) is tuple)): infos = [infos] infobox = "" for info in infos: infobox += "
" lines = info.split("\n") for line in lines[0:-1]: infobox += line + "
\n" infobox += lines[-1] + "

\n" return infobox def tmpl_warning(self, warnings, ln=cdslang): """ Display len(warnings) warning fields @param infos: list of strings @param ln=language @return html output """ if not((type(warnings) is list) or (type(warnings) is tuple)): warnings = [warnings] warningbox = "" if warnings != []: warningbox = "
\n Warning:\n" for warning in warnings: lines = warning.split("\n") warningbox += "

" for line in lines[0:-1]: warningbox += line + "
\n" warningbox += lines[-1] + "

" warningbox += "

\n" return warningbox def tmpl_quota(self, nb_messages=0, ln=cdslang): """ Display a quota bar. @nb_messages: number of messages in inbox. @ln=language @return html output """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) quota = float(cfg_webmessage_max_nb_of_messages) ratio = float(nb_messages) / quota out = """ %(quota_label)s
""" %{'quota_label' : _("Quota: %.1f%%")%(ratio * 100.0), 'width' : int(ratio * 200) } return out def tmpl_multiple_select(self, select_name, tuples_list, ln=cdslang): """displays a multiple select environment @param tuples_list: a list of (value, isSelected) tuples @return HTML output """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) if not((type(tuples_list) is list) or (type(tuples_list) is tuple)): tuples_list = [tuples_list] out = """
%(multiple_select)s %(add_button)s
""" - out = out% {'title_label' : _("Find users or groups"), + out = out% {'title_label' : _("Find users or groups:"), 'search_user_label' : _("Find a user"), 'search_group_label' : _("Find a group"), 'results_field' : results_field, 'search_pattern' : search_pattern, 'multiple_select' : multiple_select, 'add_button' : add_button} return out def tmpl_account_new_mail(self, nb_new_mail=0, total_mail=0, ln=cdslang): """ display infos about inbox (used by myaccount.py) @param nb_new_mail: number of new mails @param ln: language return: html output. """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = _("You have %i new messages out of %i total messages")% (nb_new_mail, weburl, ln, total_mail) return out