diff --git a/modules/websearch/lib/search_engine.py b/modules/websearch/lib/search_engine.py index 56620b65e..6db05b728 100644 --- a/modules/websearch/lib/search_engine.py +++ b/modules/websearch/lib/search_engine.py @@ -1,2834 +1,2833 @@ ## $Id$ ## CDSware Search Engine in mod_python. ## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware). ## Copyright (C) 2002 CERN. ## ## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """CDSware Search Engine in mod_python.""" ## okay, rest of the Python code goes below ####### __version__ = "$Id$" ## import interesting modules: try: import cgi import Cookie import cPickle import marshal import fileinput import getopt import string from string import split import os import re import sys import time import urllib import zlib import MySQLdb import Numeric import md5 import base64 import unicodedata except ImportError, e: print "Error: %s" % e import sys sys.exit(1) try: from config import * from search_engine_config import * from dbquery import run_sql except ImportError, e: print "Error: %s" % e import sys sys.exit(1) try: from webuser import getUid, create_user_infobox except ImportError, e: pass # ignore user personalisation, needed e.g. for command-line search_cache = {} # will cache results of previous searches dbg = 0 # are we debugging? cfg_nb_browse_seen_records = 100 # limit of the number of records to check when browsing certain collection cfg_nicely_ordered_collection_list = 0 # do we propose collection list nicely ordered or alphabetical? ## precompile some often-used regexp for speed reasons: re_a = re.compile('[áàâä]') re_A = re.compile('[ÁÀÂÄ]') re_e = re.compile('[éèêë]') re_E = re.compile('[ÉÈÊË]') re_i = re.compile('[íîìï]') re_I = re.compile('[ÍÎÌÏ]') re_o = re.compile('[óòôö]') re_O = re.compile('[ÓÒÔÖ]') re_u = re.compile('[úùûü]') re_U = re.compile('[ÚÙÛÜ]') re_w = re.compile('[^\w]') re_logical_and = re.compile('\sand\s') re_logical_or = re.compile('\sor\s') re_logical_not = re.compile('\snot\s') re_operands = re.compile(r'\s([\+\-\|])\s') re_spaces = re.compile('\s\s+') re_pattern = re.compile('[^\w\+\*\-\?\|\'\"\,\:\=]') re_word = re.compile('[\s]') re_plus = re.compile('\+') re_minus = re.compile('\-') re_equal = re.compile('\=') re_asterisk = re.compile('\*') re_quote = re.compile('\'') re_quotes = re.compile('[\'\"]') re_doublequote = re.compile('\"') re_subfields = re.compile('\$\$\w') re_amp = re.compile('&') re_lt = re.compile('<') def build_table_latin1_to_ascii(): """Builds translation table from ISO Latin-1 into ASCII. For example, 'félin' gets translated into 'felin', etc. Suitable for search string pattern replacement.""" table = range(256) for i in table: x = unicodedata.decomposition(unichr(i)) if x and x[0] == "0": table[i] = int(x.split()[0], 16) return string.join(map(chr, table), "") # build conversion table: table_latin1_to_ascii = build_table_latin1_to_ascii() def get_alphabetically_ordered_collection_list(collid=1, level=0): """Returns nicely ordered (score respected) list of collections, more exactly list of tuples (collection name, printable collection name). Suitable for create_search_box().""" out = [] query = "SELECT id,name FROM collection ORDER BY name ASC" res = run_sql(query) for c_id, c_name in res: # make a nice printable name (e.g. truncate c_printable for for long collection names): if len(c_name)>30: c_printable = c_name[:30] + "..." else: c_printable = c_name if level: c_printable = " " + level * '-' + " " + c_printable out.append([c_name, c_printable]) return out def get_nicely_ordered_collection_list(collid=1, level=0): """Returns nicely ordered (score respected) list of collections, more exactly list of tuples (collection name, printable collection name). Suitable for create_search_box().""" colls_nicely_ordered = [] query = "SELECT c.name,cc.id_son FROM collection_collection AS cc, collection AS c "\ " WHERE c.id=cc.id_son AND cc.id_dad='%s' ORDER BY score DESC" % collid res = run_sql(query) for c, cid in res: # make a nice printable name (e.g. truncate c_printable for for long collection names): if len(c)>30: c_printable = c[:30] + "..." else: c_printable = c if level: c_printable = " " + level * '-' + " " + c_printable colls_nicely_ordered.append([c, c_printable]) colls_nicely_ordered = colls_nicely_ordered + get_nicely_ordered_collection_list(cid, level+1) return colls_nicely_ordered def get_wordsindex_id(field): """Returns first words index id where the field code 'field' is word-indexed. Returns zero in case there is no words table for this index. Example: field='author', output=4.""" out = 0 query = """SELECT w.id FROM wordsindex AS w, wordsindex_field AS wf, field AS f WHERE f.code='%s' AND wf.id_field=f.id AND w.id=wf.id_wordsindex LIMIT 1""" % MySQLdb.escape_string(field) res = run_sql(query, None, 1) if res: out = res[0][0] return out def get_words_from_phrase(phrase, chars_to_treat_as_separators="[\s]"): "Returns list of words found in the phrase 'phrase'." words = {} phrase = asciify_accented_letters(phrase) phrase = re.sub(chars_to_treat_as_separators, ' ', phrase) # replace all non-alphabetic characters by spaces for word in split(phrase): if not words.has_key(word): words[word] = 1; return words.keys() def create_opft_search_units(req, p, f, m=None): """Splits search pattern and search field into a list of independently searchable units. - A search unit consists of '(operand, pattern, field, type)' tuples where 'operand' is set union (|), set intersection (+) or set exclusion (-); 'pattern' is either a word (e.g. muon*) or a phrase (e.g. 'nuclear physics'); 'field' is either a code like 'title' or MARC tag like '100__a'; 'type' is the search type ('w' for word file search, 'a' for access file search). - Optionally, the function accepts the match type argument 'm'. If it is set (e.g. from advanced search interface), then it performs this kind of matching. If it is not set, then a guess is made. 'm' can have values: 'a'='all of the words', 'o'='any of the words', 'p'='phrase/substring', 'r'='regular expression', 'e'='exact value'.""" opfts = [] # will hold (o,p,f,t) units ## print input params for debugging purposes: if dbg: print_warning(req, "p='%s', f='%s'." % (p, f), "Debug (create_opft_search_units())") ## check arguments: if matching type phrase/string/regexp, do we have field defined? if (m=='p' or m=='r' or m=='e') and not f: m = 'a' print_warning(req, "This matching type cannot be used within any field. I will perform a word search instead." , "Warning") print_warning(req, "If you want to phrase/substring/regexp search in a specific field, e.g. inside title, then please choose within title search option.", "Tip") ## is desired matching type set? if m: ## A - matching type is known; good! if m == 'e': # A1 - exact value: opfts.append(['|',p,f,'a']) # '|' since we have only one unit elif m == 'p': # A2 - phrase/substring: opfts.append(['|',"%"+p+"%",f,'a']) # '|' since we have only one unit elif m == 'r': # A3 - regular expression: opfts.append(['|',p,f,'r']) # '|' since we have only one unit elif m == 'a': # A4 - all of the words: for word in get_words_from_phrase(p): if len(opfts)==0: opfts.append(['|',word,f,'w']) # '|' in the first unit else: opfts.append(['+',word,f,'w']) # '+' in further units elif m == 'o': # A5 - any of the words: for word in get_words_from_phrase(p): opfts.append(['|',word,f,'w']) # '|' in all units else: print_warning(req, "Matching type '%s' is not implemented yet." % m, "Warning") opfts.append(['|',"%"+p+"%",f,'a']) else: ## B - matching type is not known: let us try to determine it by some heuristics if f and p[0]=='"' and p[-1]=='"': ## B0 - does 'p' start and end by double quote, and is 'f' defined? => doing ACC search opfts.append(['|',p[1:-1],f,'a']) elif f and p[0]=="'" and p[-1]=="'": ## B0bis - does 'p' start and end by single quote, and is 'f' defined? => doing ACC search opfts.append(['|','%'+p[1:-1]+'%',f,'a']) elif f and string.find(p, ',') >= 0: ## B1 - does 'p' contain comma, and is 'f' defined? => doing ACC search opfts.append(['|',p,f,'a']) elif f and str(f[0:2]).isdigit(): ## B2 - does 'f' exist and starts by two digits? => doing ACC search opfts.append(['|',p,f,'a']) else: ## B3 - doing WRD search, but maybe ACC too # search units are separated by spaces unless the space is within single or double quotes # so, let us replace temporarily any space within quotes by '__SPACE__' p = re.sub("'(.*?)'", lambda x: "'"+string.replace(x.group(1), ' ', '__SPACE__')+"'", p) p = re.sub("\"(.*?)\"", lambda x: "\""+string.replace(x.group(1), ' ', '__SPACEBIS__')+"\"", p) # wash argument: #p = string.strip(re_spaces.sub(' ', re_pattern.sub(' ', p))) p = re_equal.sub(":", p) p = re_logical_and.sub(" ", p) p = re_logical_or.sub(" |", p) p = re_logical_not.sub(" -", p) p = re_operands.sub(r' \1', p) if dbg: print_warning(req, "p=%s" % p, "Debug (create_opft_search_units() - B3 started)") for pi in split(p): # iterate through separated units (or items, as "pi" stands for "p item") pi = re.sub("__SPACE__", " ", pi) # replace back '__SPACE__' by ' ' pi = re.sub("__SPACEBIS__", " ", pi) # replace back '__SPACEBIS__' by ' ' # firstly, determine set operand if pi[0] == '+' or pi[0] == '-' or pi[0] == '|': if len(opfts) or pi[0] == '-': # either not first unit, or '-' for the first unit oi = pi[0] else: oi = "|" # we are in the first unit and operand is not '-', so let us do # set union (with still null result set) pi = pi[1:] else: # okay, there is no operand, so let us decide what to do by default if len(opfts): oi = '+' # by default we are doing set intersection... else: oi = "|" # ...unless we are in the first unit # secondly, determine search pattern and field: if string.find(pi, ":") > 0: fi, pi = split(pi, ":", 1) else: fi, pi = f, pi # look also for old ALEPH field names: if fi and cfg_fields_convert.has_key(string.lower(fi)): fi = cfg_fields_convert[string.lower(fi)] # wash 'pi' argument: if re_quotes.match(pi): # B3a - quotes are found => do ACC search (phrase search) if fi: if re_doublequote.match(pi): pi = string.replace(pi, '"', '') # get rid of quotes opfts.append([oi,pi,fi,'a']) else: pi = string.replace(pi, "'", '') # get rid of quotes opfts.append([oi,"%"+pi+"%",fi,'a']) else: # fi is not defined, look at where we are doing exact or subphrase search (single/double quotes): if pi[0]=='"' and pi[-1]=='"': opfts.append([oi,pi[1:-1],"anyfield",'a']) print_warning(req, "Searching for an exact match inside any field may be slow. You may want to try to search for words instead, or choose a search within specific field.", "Warning") else: # nope, subphrase in global index is not possible => change back to WRD search for pii in get_words_from_phrase(pi): # since there may be '-' and other chars that we do not index in WRD opfts.append([oi,pii,fi,'w']) print_warning(req, "The sub-phrase search does not work in any field. I'll do a 'logical AND' style of search instead.", "Warning") print_warning(req, "If you want to do a sub-phrase search in a specific field, e.g. inside title, then please choose 'within title' search option.", "Tip") print_warning(req, "If you want to do exact phrase matching, then please use double quotes.", "Tip") elif fi and str(fi[0]).isdigit() and str(fi[0]).isdigit(): # B3b - fi exists and starts by two digits => do ACC search opfts.append([oi,pi,fi,'a']) elif fi and not get_wordsindex_id(fi): # B3c - fi exists but there is no words table for fi => try ACC search opfts.append([oi,pi,fi,'a']) else: # B3d - general case => do WRD search for pii in get_words_from_phrase(pi): opfts.append([oi,pii,fi,'w']) ## sanity check: for i in range(0,len(opfts)): pi = opfts[i][1] if pi == '*': print_warning(req, "Ignoring standalone wildcard word.", "Warning") del opfts[i] ## return search units: if dbg: for opft in opfts: print_warning(req, opft, "Debug (create_opft_search_units() - created search unit)") return opfts def create_header(cc=cdsname, as=0, uid=0, headeradd=""): "Creates CDS header and info on URL and date." return """ %s - Search Results %s %s """ % (cc, supportemail, weburl, re.sub("", create_user_infobox(uid), cdspageheader), create_navtrail(cc, as, """
",0), headeradd) def create_inputdate_box(name="d1", selected_year="", selected_month="", selected_day=""): "Produces 'From Date', 'Until Date' kind of selection box. Suitable for search options." box = "" # day box += """""" # month box += """""" # year box += """""" return box def create_search_box(cc, colls, p, f, rg, sf, so, sp, of, ot, as, p1, f1, m1, op1, p2, f2, m2, op2, p3, f3, m3, sc, d1y, d1m, d1d, d2y, d2m, d2d, action="SEARCH"): "Create search box for 'search again in the results page' functionality." out = "" # print search box prolog: out += """
%s """ % (weburl, cc, cc, as) if ot: out += """""" % ot if sp: out += """""" % sp # decide upon leading text: leadingtext = "Search" if action == "Browse": leadingtext = "Browse" ## firstly, print Query box: if as==1: # print Advanced Search form: # define search box elements: cell_1_left = create_matchtype_box('m1', m1) + \ """""" % (cfg_advancedsearch_pattern_box_width, cgi.escape(p1,1)) cell_1_right = create_searchwithin_selection_box('f1', f1) cell_1_moreright = create_andornot_box('op1', op1) cell_2_left = create_matchtype_box('m2', m2) + """""" % (cfg_advancedsearch_pattern_box_width, cgi.escape(p2,1)) cell_2_right = create_searchwithin_selection_box('f2', f2) cell_2_moreright = create_andornot_box('op2', op2) cell_3_left = create_matchtype_box('m3', m3) + """""" % (cfg_advancedsearch_pattern_box_width, cgi.escape(p3,1)) cell_3_right = create_searchwithin_selection_box('f3', f3) cell_3_moreright = """ """ cell_4 = """search tips :: simple search""" % \ (weburl, weburl, urllib.quote(p1), urllib.quote(f1), urllib.quote(cc)) # print them: out += """ """ % \ (leadingtext, cell_1_left, cell_1_right, cell_1_moreright, \ cell_2_left, cell_2_right, cell_2_moreright, \ cell_3_left, cell_3_right, cell_3_moreright, cell_4) else: # print Simple Search form: cell_1_left = """""" % \ (cfg_simplesearch_pattern_box_width, cgi.escape(p, 1)) cell_1_middle = create_searchwithin_selection_box('f', f) cell_1_right = """ """ cell_2 = """search tips :: advanced search""" %\ (weburl, weburl, urllib.quote(p), urllib.quote(f), urllib.quote(cc)) out += """ """ % (leadingtext, cell_1_left, cell_1_middle, cell_1_right, cell_2) ## secondly, print Collection(s) box: out += """ """ ## thirdly, print from/until date boxen, if applicable: if action=="Browse" or (d1y=="" and d1m=="" and d1d=="" and d2y=="" and d2m=="" and d2d==""): pass # do not need it else: cell_6_a = create_inputdate_box("d1", d1y, d1m, d1d) cell_6_b = create_inputdate_box("d2", d2y, d2m, d2d) out += """""" % \ (cell_6_a, cell_6_b) ## fourthly, print Display/Sort box: if action != "Browse": cell_1_left = """ """ cell_1_left += """""" % (is_selected(so,"a"),is_selected(so,"d")) cell_1_right = """ """ ## okay, formats ended cell_1_middle = """ """ % (is_selected(rg,"10"), is_selected(rg,"25"), is_selected(rg,"50"), \ is_selected(rg,"100"), is_selected(rg,"250"), is_selected(rg,"500"),\ is_selected(sc,"0"), is_selected(sc,"1")) out += """ """ % (cell_1_left, cell_1_middle, cell_1_right) ## last but not least, print end of search box: out += """
""" return out def nice_number(num): "Returns nice number when using comma as thousands separator." chars_in = list(str(num)) num = len(chars_in) chars_out = [] for i in range(0,num): if i % 3 == 0 and i != 0: chars_out.append(',') chars_out.append(chars_in[num-i-1]) chars_out.reverse() return ''.join(chars_out) def is_selected(var, fld): "Checks if the two are equal, and if yes, returns ' selected'. Useful for select boxes." if str(var) == str(fld): return " selected" elif fld and len(fld)==3 and fld[0] == "w" and var == fld[1:]: return " selected" else: return "" def create_navtrail(cc=cdsname, as=0, header="""
", exclude_root=0): """Creates navigation trail, i.e. links to ancestors of the 'cc' collection. If as==1, then links to Advanced Search interfaces; otherwise Simple Search. """ # firstly, display navtrail prologue: navtrail = header # first, display list of ancestors: for dad in get_coll_ancestors(cc): if dad != cdsname: navtrail += """%s %s %s %s """ % \ (prolog, weburl, urllib.quote_plus(dad), as, dad, epilog, separator) else: # hide cdsname for aesthetical reasons navtrail += """%s %s %s %s """ % \ (prolog, weburl, as, dad, epilog, separator) # then print cc: if cc != cdsname or not exclude_root: navtrail += """%s %s %s""" % (prolog, weburl, urllib.quote_plus(cc), as, cc, epilog) # last, print navtrail epilogue: navtrail += footer return navtrail def create_searchwithin_selection_box(fieldname='f', value=''): "Produces 'search within' selection box for the current collection." out = "" out += """""" return out def create_andornot_box(name='op', value=''): "Returns HTML code for the AND/OR/NOT selection box." out = """ """ % (name, is_selected('a', value), is_selected('o', value), is_selected('n', value)) return out def create_matchtype_box(name='m', value=''): "Returns HTML code for the 'match type' selection box." out = """ """ % (name, is_selected('a', value), is_selected('o', value), is_selected('p', value), is_selected('r', value), is_selected('e', value)) return out def create_google_box(p, f, p1, p2, p3, prolog="""
Try your search on:
""", separator= """
""", epilog="""
"""): "Creates the box that proposes links to other useful search engines like Google. 'p' is the search pattern." out = "" if not p and (p1 or p2 or p3): p = p1 + " " + p2 + " " + p3 if cfg_google_box: # do we want to print it? out += prolog if cfg_google_box_cern: # CERN Intranet: out += """CERN Intranet""" % urllib.quote(p) # SPIRES if f == "author": out += separator out += """SPIRES""" % urllib.quote(p) elif f == "title": out += separator out += """SPIRES""" % urllib.quote(p) elif f == "reportnumber": out += separator out += """SPIRES""" % urllib.quote(p) elif f == "keyword": out += separator out += """SPIRES""" % urllib.quote(p) # KEK if f == "author": out += separator out += """KEK""" % urllib.quote(p) elif f == "title": out += separator out += """KEK""" % urllib.quote(p) elif f == "reportnumber": out += separator out += """KEK""" % urllib.quote(p) out += separator # Google: out += """Google""" % urllib.quote(p) # AllTheWeb: out += separator out += """AllTheWeb""" % urllib.quote(p) out += epilog return out def create_footer(): "Creates CDS page footer." return cdspagefooter class HitList: """Class describing set of records, implemented as bit vectors of recIDs. Using Numeric arrays for speed (1 value = 8 bits), can use later "real" bit vectors to save space.""" def __init__(self, anArray=None): self._nbhits = -1 if anArray: self._set = anArray else: self._set = Numeric.zeros(cfg_max_recID+1, Numeric.Int0) def __repr__(self, join=string.join): return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, join(map(repr, self._set), ', ')) def add(self, recID): "Adds a record to the set." self._set[recID] = 1 def addmany(self, recIDs): "Adds several recIDs to the set." for recID in recIDs: self._set[recID] = 1 def addlist(self, arr): "Adds an array of recIDs to the set." Numeric.put(self._set, arr, 1) def remove(self, recID): "Removes a record from the set." self._set[recID] = 0 def removemany(self, recIDs): "Removes several records from the set." for recID in recIDs: self.remove(recID) def intersect(self, other): "Does a set intersection with other. Keep result in self." self._set = Numeric.bitwise_and(self._set, other._set) def union(self, other): "Does a set union with other. Keep result in self." self._set = Numeric.bitwise_or(self._set, other._set) def difference(self, other): "Does a set difference with other. Keep result in self." #self._set = Numeric.bitwise_not(self._set, other._set) for recID in Numeric.nonzero(other._set): self.remove(recID) def contains(self, recID): "Checks whether the set contains recID." return self._set[recID] __contains__ = contains # Higher performance member-test for python 2.0 and above def __getitem__(self, index): "Support for the 'for item in set:' protocol." return Numeric.nonzero(self._set)[index] def calculate_nbhits(self): "Calculates the number of records set in the hitlist." self._nbhits = Numeric.sum(self._set.copy().astype(Numeric.Int)) def items(self): "Return an array containing all recID." return Numeric.nonzero(self._set) # speed up HitList operations by ~20% if Psyco is installed: try: import psyco psyco.bind(HitList) except: pass def escape_string(s): "Escapes special chars in string. For MySQL queries." s = MySQLdb.escape_string(s) return s def asciify_accented_letters(s): "Translates ISO-8859-1 accented letters into their ASCII equivalents." s = string.translate(s, table_latin1_to_ascii) return s def wash_colls(cc, c, split_colls=0): """Wash collection list by checking whether user has deselected anything under 'Narrow search'. Checks also if cc is a list or not. Return list of cc, colls_to_display, colls_to_search since the list of collections to display is different from that to search in. This is because users might have chosen 'split by collection' functionality. The behaviour of "collections to display" depends solely whether user has deselected a particular collection: e.g. if it started from 'Articles and Preprints' page, and deselected 'Preprints', then collection to display is 'Articles'. If he did not deselect anything, then collection to display is 'Articles & Preprints'. The behaviour of "collections to search in" depends on the 'split_colls' parameter: * if is equal to 0, then we can wash the colls list down and search solely in the collection the user started from; * if is equal to 1, then we are splitting to the first level of collections, i.e. collections as they appear on the page we started to search from; * if it is equal to 9, then we are splitting right to the bottom level. """ colls_out = [] colls_out_for_display = [] # check what type is 'cc': if type(cc) is list: for ci in cc: if collrecs_cache.has_key(ci): # yes this collection is real, so use it: cc = ci break else: # check once if cc is real: if not collrecs_cache.has_key(cc): cc = cdsname # cc is not real, so replace it with Home collection # check type of 'c' argument: if type(c) is list: colls = c else: colls = [c] # remove all 'unreal' collections: colls_real = [] for coll in colls: if collrecs_cache.has_key(coll): colls_real.append(coll) colls = colls_real # check if some real collections remain: if len(colls)==0: colls = [cc] # then let us check the list of non-restricted "real" sons of 'cc' and compare it to 'coll': query = "SELECT c.name FROM collection AS c, collection_collection AS cc, collection AS ccc WHERE c.id=cc.id_son AND cc.id_dad=ccc.id AND ccc.name='%s' AND cc.type='r' AND c.restricted IS NULL" % MySQLdb.escape_string(cc) res = run_sql(query) l_cc_nonrestricted_sons = [] l_c = colls for row in res: l_cc_nonrestricted_sons.append(row[0]) l_c.sort() l_cc_nonrestricted_sons.sort() if l_cc_nonrestricted_sons == l_c: colls_out_for_display = [cc] # yep, washing permitted, it is sufficient to display 'cc' else: colls_out_for_display = colls # nope, we need to display all 'colls' successively # remove duplicates: colls_out_for_display_nondups=filter(lambda x, colls_out_for_display=colls_out_for_display: colls_out_for_display[x-1] not in colls_out_for_display[x:], range(1, len(colls_out_for_display)+1)) colls_out_for_display = map(lambda x, colls_out_for_display=colls_out_for_display:colls_out_for_display[x-1], colls_out_for_display_nondups) # second, let us decide on collection splitting: if split_colls == 0: # type A - no sons are wanted colls_out = colls_out_for_display # elif split_colls == 1: else: # type B - sons (first-level descendants) are wanted for coll in colls_out_for_display: coll_sons = get_coll_sons(coll) if coll_sons == []: colls_out.append(coll) else: colls_out = colls_out + coll_sons # TODO: enable sc=9 back one day # else: # # type C - we are splitting right to the bottom level. # # This decomposes compound collections like "A & B" into a list # # of "A" and "B", provided that "A & B" has no associated # # dbcollid collection indicators defined, and that both "A" and # # "B" have defined some dbcollids. # for coll in colls_out_for_display: # coll_real_descendants = get_coll_real_descendants(coll) # if coll_real_descendants: # colls_out.extend(coll_real_descendants) # else: # colls_out.append(coll) # remove duplicates: colls_out_nondups=filter(lambda x, colls_out=colls_out: colls_out[x-1] not in colls_out[x:], range(1, len(colls_out)+1)) colls_out = map(lambda x, colls_out=colls_out:colls_out[x-1], colls_out_nondups) # fill collrecs_cache for wanted collection, if not already filled: for coll in colls_out: if not collrecs_cache[coll]: collrecs_cache[coll] = get_collection_hitlist(coll) return (cc, colls_out_for_display, colls_out) def wash_pattern(p): """Wash pattern passed by URL.""" # check whether p is a list: if type(p) is list: for pi in p: if pi: p = pi break # add leading/trailing whitespace for the two following wildcard-sanity checking regexps: p = " " + p + " " # get rid of wildcards at the beginning of words: p = re.sub(r'(\s)[\*\%]+', "\\1", p) # get rid of extremely short words (1-3 letters with wildcards): TODO: put into the search config p = re.sub(r'(\s\w{1,3})[\*\%]+', "\\1", p) # remove unnecessary whitespace: p = string.strip(p) return p def wash_field(f): """Wash field passed by URL.""" # check whether f is a list: if type(f) is list: for fi in f: if fi: f = fi break # get rid of unnecessary whitespace: f = string.strip(f) # wash old-style CDSware/ALEPH 'f' field argument, e.g. replaces 'wau' and 'au' by 'author' if cfg_fields_convert.has_key(string.lower(f)): f = cfg_fields_convert[f] return f def wash_dates(d1y, d1m, d1d, d2y, d2m, d2d): """Take user-submitted dates (day, month, year) of the web form and return (day1, day2) in YYYY-MM-DD format suitable for time restricted searching. I.e. pay attention when months are not there to put 01 or 12 according to if it's the starting or the ending date, etc.""" day1, day2 = "", "" # sanity checking: if d1y=="" and d1m=="" and d1d=="" and d2y=="" and d2m=="" and d2d=="": return ("", "") # nothing selected, so return empty values # construct day1 (from): if d1y: day1 += "%04d" % int(d1y) else: day1 += "0000" if d1m: day1 += "-%02d" % int(d1m) else: day1 += "-01" if d1d: day1 += "-%02d" % int(d1d) else: day1 += "-01" # construct day2 (until): if d2y: day2 += "%04d" % int(d2y) else: day2 += "9999" if d2m: day2 += "-%02d" % int(d2m) else: day2 += "-12" if d2d: day2 += "-%02d" % int(d2d) else: day2 += "-31" # NOTE: perhaps we should add max(datenumber) in # given month, but for our quering it's not # needed, 31 will always do # okay, return constructed YYYY-MM-DD dates return (day1, day2) def get_coll_ancestors(coll): "Returns a list of ancestors for collection 'coll'." coll_ancestors = [] coll_ancestor = coll while 1: query = "SELECT c.name FROM collection AS c "\ "LEFT JOIN collection_collection AS cc ON c.id=cc.id_dad "\ "LEFT JOIN collection AS ccc ON ccc.id=cc.id_son "\ "WHERE ccc.name='%s' ORDER BY cc.id_dad ASC LIMIT 1" \ % escape_string(coll_ancestor) res = run_sql(query, None, 1) if res: coll_name = res[0][0] coll_ancestors.append(coll_name) coll_ancestor = coll_name else: break # ancestors found, return reversed list: coll_ancestors.reverse() return coll_ancestors def get_coll_sons(coll): "Returns a list of sons (first-level descendants) for collection 'coll'." coll_sons = [] query = "SELECT c.name FROM collection AS c "\ "LEFT JOIN collection_collection AS cc ON c.id=cc.id_son "\ "LEFT JOIN collection AS ccc ON ccc.id=cc.id_dad "\ "WHERE ccc.name='%s' ORDER BY cc.score DESC" \ % escape_string(coll) res = run_sql(query) for name in res: coll_sons.append(name[0]) return coll_sons def get_coll_real_descendants(coll): """Return a list of all descendants of collection 'coll' that are defined by a 'dbquery'. IOW, we need to decompose compound collections like "A & B" into "A" and "B" provided that "A & B" has no associated database query defined. """ coll_sons = [] query = "SELECT c.name,c.dbquery FROM collection AS c "\ "LEFT JOIN collection_collection AS cc ON c.id=cc.id_son "\ "LEFT JOIN collection AS ccc ON ccc.id=cc.id_dad "\ "WHERE ccc.name='%s' ORDER BY cc.score DESC" \ % escape_string(coll) res = run_sql(query) for name, dbquery in res: if dbquery: # this is 'real' collection, so return it: coll_sons.append(name) else: # this is 'composed' collection, so recurse: coll_sons.extend(get_coll_real_descendants(name)) return coll_sons def get_collection_hitlist(coll): """Return bit vector of records that belong to the collection 'coll'.""" set = HitList() query = "SELECT nbrecs,reclist FROM collection WHERE name='%s'" % coll # launch the query: res = run_sql(query, None, 1) # fill the result set: if res: try: set._nbhits, set._set = res[0][0], Numeric.loads(zlib.decompress(res[0][1])) except: set._nbhits = 0 # okay, return result set: return set def coll_restricted_p(coll): "Predicate to test if the collection coll is restricted or not." if not coll: return 0 query = "SELECT restricted FROM collection WHERE name='%s'" % MySQLdb.escape_string(coll) res = run_sql(query, None, 1) if res and res[0][0] != None: return 1 else: return 0 def coll_restricted_group(coll): "Return Apache group to which the collection is restricted. Return None if it's public." if not coll: return None query = "SELECT restricted FROM collection WHERE name='%s'" % MySQLdb.escape_string(coll) res = run_sql(query, None, 1) if res: return res[0][0] else: return None def create_collrecs_cache(): """Creates list of records belonging to collections. Called on startup and used later for intersecting search results with collection universe.""" collrecs = {} query = "SELECT name FROM collection" res = run_sql(query) for name in res: collrecs[name[0]] = None # this will be filled later during runtime by calling get_collection_hitlist(coll) return collrecs try: collrecs_cache.has_key(cdsname) except: collrecs_cache = create_collrecs_cache() collrecs_cache[cdsname] = get_collection_hitlist(cdsname) def browse_pattern(req, colls, p, f, rg): """Browse either biliographic phrases or words indexes, and display it.""" ## do we search in words indexes? if not f: return browse_in_bibwords(req, p, f) else: return browse_in_bibxxx(req, colls, p, f, rg) def browse_in_bibwords(req, p, f): """Browse inside words indexes.""" req.write("

Words nearest to %s " % p) if f: req.write(" inside %s " % f) req.write(" are:
") url = string.replace(req.args, "search=Browse","search=SEARCH") req.write(create_nearest_words_links(url, p, f)) return def browse_in_bibxxx(req, colls, p, f, rg): """Browse bibliographic phrases for the given pattern in the given field.""" ## determine browse field: if string.find(p, ":") > 0: # does 'p' contain ':'? f, p = split(p, ":", 2) ## prepare collection urlargument for later printing: urlarg_colls = "" for coll in colls: urlarg_colls += "&c=%s" % urllib.quote(coll) ## wash 'p' argument: p = re_quotes.sub("", p) ## construct 'tl' which defines the tag list (MARC tags) to search in: tl = [] if str(f[0]).isdigit() and str(f[1]).isdigit(): tl.append(f) # 'f' seems to be okay as it starts by two digits else: # deduce desired MARC tags on the basis of chosen 'f' tl = get_field_tags(f) ## start browsing to fetch list of hits: for t in tl: # print header for this tag: out = """""" % (f, get_tag_name(t,"[","]")) req.write(out) # deduce into which bibxxx table we will search: digit1, digit2 = int(t[0]), int(t[1]) bx = "bib%d%dx" % (digit1, digit2) bibx = "bibrec_bib%d%dx" % (digit1, digit2) p_t = p while 1: # try quering until some hits can be found: # construct query: if len(t) != 6 or t[-1:]=='%': # only the beginning of field 't' is defined, so add wildcard character: query = "SELECT bx.id, bx.value FROM %s AS bx WHERE bx.value >= '%s' AND bx.tag LIKE '%s%%' ORDER BY bx.value ASC LIMIT %d" \ % (bx, p_t, t, cfg_nb_browse_seen_records+2) else: query = "SELECT bx.id, bx.value FROM %s AS bx WHERE bx.value >= '%s' AND bx.tag='%s' ORDER BY bx.value ASC LIMIT %d" \ % (bx, p_t, t, cfg_nb_browse_seen_records+2) # launch the query: res = run_sql(query) if res: # some hits found, good break else: # no hits found, so try to shorten the browse string by a letter if len(p_t)>1: p_t = p_t[:-1] else: break # cannot shorten more, so exit with no results found # print results: nb_hits = 0 word_current_hit = "" word_next_hit = "" for word_id,word in res: # detect how many hits has word in these particular collections: word_hitlist = HitList() word_hitlists = search_pattern("", word, f, colls, 'e') for coll in colls: word_hitlist.union(word_hitlists[coll]) word_hitlist.calculate_nbhits() if word_hitlist._nbhits > 0: # okay, it has some hits in colls, so print it: word_current_hit = word nb_hits += 1 if nb_hits > rg: word_next_hit = word break out = """""" % (word_hitlist._nbhits, weburl, urllib.quote(word), urllib.quote(f), urlarg_colls, word) req.write(out) # propose 'next word' link: if word_next_hit: req.write(""""""\ % (weburl, get_tag_name(t), weburl, urllib.quote(word_next_hit), urllib.quote(f), urlarg_colls, word_next_hit)) else: # we don't have 'next word hit', so print only 'try out' proposals if they apply if res: word_try = res[len(res)-1][1] if word_try == p_t or word_try == word_current_hit: req.write("""""" % (weburl, word_try)) else: req.write(""""""\ % (weburl, weburl, urllib.quote(word_try), urllib.quote(f), urlarg_colls)) else: req.write("""""" % p_t) # print footer for this tag: req.write("""
#   %s %s
%s   %s
  next %s: %s
  nothing found below %s.
  browse further
  nothing found below %s.
""") return def search_pattern(req, p=None, f=None, colls=[], m=None, hit_hints=0): """Searches for pattern 'p' and field 'f' and returns dict of recIDs HitLists per each collection in 'colls'. - Optionally, the function accepts the match type argument 'm'. If it is set (e.g. from advanced search interface), then it performs this kind of matching. If it is not set, then a guess is made. - Calls search_in_bibwords() and/or search_in_bibxxx() functions. - If hit_hints is set, than print lots of hints on current search. Useful for debugging and/or when search gives zero hits. - Called by main().""" ## create empty output results set: results_out = {} for coll in colls: results_out[coll] = HitList() results_out[coll]._nbhits = 0 ## if p is not defined, return all hits in given collections: if not p: for coll in colls: results_out[coll]._set = collrecs_cache[coll]._set results_out[coll]._nbhits = collrecs_cache[coll]._nbhits return results_out ## now we are sure to have some p: good. ## create search units: opft_items = create_opft_search_units(req, p, f, m) #req.write("

%s" % opft_items) ## search regardless of collection: results_in_any_collection = HitList() results_in_any_collection_empty = 1 # to be able to skip first set operation for opft_item in opft_items: results_for_opft_item = {} oi, pi, fi, ti = opft_item[0], opft_item[1], opft_item[2], opft_item[3] # firstly, launch search for this pattern item: if ti == 'a' or ti == 'r': # we are doing either direct bibxxx search or phrase search or regexp search results_for_opft_item = search_in_bibxxx(req, pi, fi, ti) elif ti == 'w': # we are doing bibwords search results_for_opft_item = search_in_bibwords(req, pi, fi) else: print_warning(req, "The search type '%s' is not defined." % ti, "Error") return None if hit_hints: results_for_opft_item.calculate_nbhits() if results_for_opft_item._nbhits == 0: text = "Search term %s" % pi if fi: text += " inside %s " % fi print_warning(req, "%s did not match any record. Nearest terms are: %s" % (text, create_nearest_words_links(req.args, pi, fi)), "") return results_out # empty if dbg: print_warning(req, "Item %s:%s gave %d hits." % (fi, pi, results_for_opft_item._nbhits), "") # secondly, apply the set intersect/union/disjunction functions: if dbg: t1 = os.times()[4] if results_in_any_collection_empty: results_in_any_collection = results_for_opft_item results_in_any_collection_empty = 0 else: if oi == '+': results_in_any_collection.intersect(results_for_opft_item) elif oi == '-': results_in_any_collection.difference(results_for_opft_item) elif oi == '|': results_in_any_collection.union(results_for_opft_item) else: print_warning(req, "Invalid set operation %s." % oi, "Error") if dbg: t2 = os.times()[4] print_warning(req, "Set operation '%s' took %.2f seconds." % (oi, (t2 - t1)), "Profile") ## before doing collection intersection, see how many hits we have now: results_in_any_collection.calculate_nbhits() ## return all hits if no collection list specified (useful for WebSearch Admin to determine collection ## recID universe): if colls == []: return results_in_any_collection ## were there no hits at all before doing collection intersection? if results_in_any_collection._nbhits == 0: # pattern not found in any public/private collection: if hit_hints: text = """All search terms matched but boolean query returned no hits. Please combine your search terms differently.""" url_args = req.args for opft_item in opft_items: oi, pi, fi, ti = opft_item[0], opft_item[1], opft_item[2], opft_item[3] url_args_new = re.sub(r'(^|\&)p=.*?(\&|$)', r'\1p='+urllib.quote(pi)+r'\2', url_args) url_args_new = re.sub(r'(^|\&)f=.*?(\&|$)', r'\1f='+urllib.quote(fi)+r'\2', url_args_new) text += """
      %s - about %s hits""" % \ (weburl, url_args_new, pi, get_word_nbhits(pi, fi)) print_warning(req, text, "") return results_out # still empty ## intersect with collection universe: if dbg: t1 = os.times()[4] if colls: for coll in colls: results_out[coll]._set = Numeric.bitwise_and(results_in_any_collection._set, collrecs_cache[coll]._set) if dbg: t2 = os.times()[4] print_warning(req, "Intersecting with collection hitlist universe took %.2f seconds." % ((t2 - t1)), "Profile") ## count number of hits in given collections: results_out_nb_hits_total = 0 for coll in colls: results_out[coll].calculate_nbhits() results_out_nb_hits_total += results_out[coll]._nbhits if results_out_nb_hits_total == 0: # pattern had been found but not in the collections chosen by the user: if hit_hints: # try to search in Home: results_in_Home = HitList() results_in_Home._set = Numeric.bitwise_and(results_in_any_collection._set, collrecs_cache[cdsname]._set) results_in_Home.calculate_nbhits() if results_in_Home._nbhits > 0: # some hits found in Home, so propose this search: url_args = req.args url_args = re.sub(r'(^|\&)cc=.*?(\&|$)', r'\2', url_args) url_args = re.sub(r'(^|\&)c=.*?(\&[^c]+=|$)', r'\2', url_args) url_args = re.sub(r'^\&+', '', url_args) url_args = re.sub(r'\&+$', '', url_args) print_warning(req, """Match found in other public collections: %d hits.""" % (weburl, url_args, results_in_Home._nbhits), "") else: # no hits found in Home, recommend different search terms: text = """No other public collection matched your query. If you were looking for a non-public document, please choose the desired restricted collection first.""" print_warning(req, text, "") return results_out def search_in_bibwords(req, word, f, decompress=zlib.decompress): """Searches for 'word' inside bibwordsX table for field 'f' and returns hitlist of recIDs.""" set = HitList() # will hold output result set set_used = 0 # not-yet-used flag, to be able to circumvent set operations # deduce into which bibwordsX table we will search: bibwordsX = "bibwords%d" % get_wordsindex_id("anyfield") if f: wordsindex_id = get_wordsindex_id(f) if wordsindex_id: bibwordsX = "bibwords%d" % wordsindex_id else: print_warning(req, "Sorry, the word table for '%s' does not seem to exist. Choosing the global word file instead." % f, "Error") # wash 'word' argument and construct query: word = string.replace(word, '*', '%') # we now use '*' as the truncation character words = string.split(word, "->", 1) # check for span query if len(words) == 2: word0 = re_word.sub('', words[0]) word1 = re_word.sub('', words[1]) query = "SELECT word,hitlist FROM %s WHERE word BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s'" % (bibwordsX, escape_string(word0[:50]), escape_string(word1[:50])) else: word = re_word.sub('', word) if string.find(word, '%') >= 0: # do we have wildcard in the word? query = "SELECT word,hitlist FROM %s WHERE word LIKE '%s'" % (bibwordsX, escape_string(word[:50])) else: query = "SELECT word,hitlist FROM %s WHERE word='%s'" % (bibwordsX, escape_string(word[:50])) if dbg: print_warning(req, query, "Debug") # launch the query: res = run_sql(query) # fill the result set: for word,hitlist in res: if dbg: t1 = os.times()[4] hitlist_bibwrd = HitList(Numeric.loads(decompress(hitlist))) if dbg: t2 = os.times()[4] print_warning(req, "Demarshaling '%s' hitlist took %.2f seconds." % (word, (t2 - t1)), "Profile") # add the results: if dbg: t1 = os.times()[4] if set_used: set.union(hitlist_bibwrd) else: set = hitlist_bibwrd set_used = 1 if dbg: t2 = os.times()[4] print_warning(req, "Adding '%s' hitlist took %.2f seconds." % (word, (t2 - t1)), "Profile") # okay, return result set: return set def search_in_bibxxx(req, p, f, type): """Searches for pattern 'p' inside bibxxx tables for field 'f' and returns hitlist of recIDs found. The search type is defined by 'type' (e.g. equals to 'r' for a regexp search).""" p_orig = p # saving for eventual future 'no match' reporting # wash arguments: f = string.replace(f, '*', '%') # replace truncation char '*' in field definition if type == 'r': pattern = "REGEXP '%s'" % MySQLdb.escape_string(p) else: p = string.replace(p, '*', '%') # we now use '*' as the truncation character ps = string.split(p, "->", 1) # check for span query: if len(ps) == 2: pattern = "BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s'" % (MySQLdb.escape_string(ps[0]), MySQLdb.escape_string(ps[1])) else: pattern = "LIKE '%s'" % MySQLdb.escape_string(ps[0]) # construct 'tl' which defines the tag list (MARC tags) to search in: tl = [] if str(f[0]).isdigit() and str(f[1]).isdigit(): tl.append(f) # 'f' seems to be okay as it starts by two digits else: # convert old ALEPH tag names, if appropriate: (TODO: get rid of this before entering this function) if cfg_fields_convert.has_key(string.lower(f)): f = cfg_fields_convert[string.lower(f)] # deduce desired MARC tags on the basis of chosen 'f' tl = get_field_tags(f) if not tl: # by default we are searching in author index: tl = get_field_tags("author") print_warning(req, "The phrase or access file search does not work in this field. Choosing author index instead.", "Warning") # okay, start search: l = [] # will hold list of recID that matched for t in tl: # deduce into which bibxxx table we will search: digit1, digit2 = int(t[0]), int(t[1]) bx = "bib%d%dx" % (digit1, digit2) bibx = "bibrec_bib%d%dx" % (digit1, digit2) # construct query: if len(t) != 6 or t[-1:]=='%': # only the beginning of field 't' is defined, so add wildcard character: query = "SELECT bibx.id_bibrec FROM %s AS bx LEFT JOIN %s AS bibx ON bx.id=bibx.id_bibxxx WHERE bx.value %s AND bx.tag LIKE '%s%%'" %\ (bx, bibx, pattern, t) else: query = "SELECT bibx.id_bibrec FROM %s AS bx LEFT JOIN %s AS bibx ON bx.id=bibx.id_bibxxx WHERE bx.value %s AND bx.tag='%s'" %\ (bx, bibx, pattern, t) if dbg: print_warning(req, query, "Debug") # launch the query: res = run_sql(query) # fill the result set: for id_bibrec in res: if id_bibrec[0]: l.append(id_bibrec[0]) # check no of hits found: nb_hits = len(l) if dbg: print_warning(req, "The pattern '%s' in field '%s' has got '%d' hits." % (p, f, nb_hits), "Info") # check whether it is sound to do a new search: if nb_hits == 0 and not (p.startswith("%") and p.endswith("%")): # try to launch substring search: p_new = "%" + p + "%" - print_warning(req, "Your original search for %s within %s field did not return any result. Looking for subphrase/substring match..." % \ - (p_orig, f), "Info") + print_warning(req, "No match found, looking for substrings...", "") return search_in_bibxxx(req, p_new, f, type) else: # okay, return result set: set = HitList() set.addlist(Numeric.array(l)) return set def search_in_bibrec(day1, day2, type='creation_date'): """Return hitlist of recIDs found that were either created or modified (see 'type' arg) from day1 until day2, inclusive. Does not pay attention to pattern, collection, anything. Useful to intersect later on with the 'real' query.""" set = HitList() if type != "creation_date" and type != "modification_date": # type argument is invalid, so search for creation dates by default type = "creation_date" res = run_sql("SELECT id FROM bibrec WHERE %s>=%s AND %s<=%s" % (type, "%s", type, "%s"), (day1, day2)) l = [] for row in res: l.append(row[0]) set.addlist(Numeric.array(l)) return set def create_nearest_words_links(url, p, f, n=10, prologue="
      ", epilogue=""): """Return list of 'n' nearest words to 'p' in the words index list for the field 'f'.""" out = "" # deduce into which bibwordsX table we will search: bibwordsX = "bibwords%d" % get_wordsindex_id("anyfield") if f: wordsindex_id = get_wordsindex_id(f) if wordsindex_id: bibwordsX = "bibwords%d" % wordsindex_id else: return "%sNo words index available for %s.%s" % (prologue, f, epilogue) # try to get nearest n words: query = "SELECT word FROM %s WHERE word LIKE '%s%%' LIMIT %d" % (bibwordsX, escape_string(p), n) res = run_sql(query) for row in res: p_new = row[0] p_new_quoted = urllib.quote(p_new,'') url_new = url if p: p_quoted = urllib.quote(p,'') url_new = string.replace(url, p_quoted, p_new_quoted) else: url_new = url + "&p=%s" % p_new_quoted out += """%s%s - about %s hits%s""" % \ (prologue, weburl, url_new, p_new, get_word_nbhits(p_new, f), epilogue) if out: return out else: # try search pattern of lesser length: if p: p_quoted = urllib.quote(p,'') p_new_quoted = urllib.quote(p[:-1],'') return create_nearest_words_links(string.replace(url, p_quoted, p_new_quoted), p[:-1], f, n) else: return "%sNo words index available for this query.%s" % (prologue, epilogue) def get_word_nbhits(word, f): """Return number of hits for word 'word' inside words index for field 'f'.""" out = 0 # deduce into which bibwordsX table we will search: bibwordsX = "bibwords%d" % get_wordsindex_id("anyfield") if f: wordsindex_id = get_wordsindex_id(f) if wordsindex_id: bibwordsX = "bibwords%d" % wordsindex_id else: return 0 # try to get nearest n words: if word: query = "SELECT hitlist FROM %s WHERE word LIKE '%s'" % (bibwordsX, escape_string(word)) res = run_sql(query) for hitlist in res: out += Numeric.sum(Numeric.loads(zlib.decompress(hitlist[0])).copy().astype(Numeric.Int)) return nice_number(out) def get_mysql_recid_from_aleph_sysno(sysno): """Returns MySQL's recID for ALEPH sysno passed in the argument (e.g. "2209836CERCER"). Returns None in case of failure.""" out = None query = "SELECT bb.id_bibrec FROM bibrec_bib90x AS bb, bib90x AS b WHERE b.value='%s' AND b.tag='909C0o' AND bb.id_bibxxx=b.id" %\ (escape_string(sysno)) res = run_sql(query, None, 1) if res: out = res[0][0] return out def get_tag_name(tag_value, prolog="", epilog=""): """Return tag name from the known tag value, by looking up the 'tag' table. Return empty string in case of failure. Example: input='100__%', output=first author'.""" out = "" res = run_sql("SELECT name FROM tag WHERE value=%s", (tag_value,)) if res: out = prolog + res[0][0] + epilog return out def get_field_tags(field): """Returns a list of MARC tags for the field code 'field'. Returns empty list in case of error. Example: field='author', output=['100__%','700__%'].""" out = [] query = """SELECT t.value FROM tag AS t, field_tag AS ft, field AS f WHERE f.code='%s' AND ft.id_field=f.id AND t.id=ft.id_tag ORDER BY ft.score DESC""" % field res = run_sql(query) for val in res: out.append(val[0]) return out def get_fieldvalues(recID, tag): """Return list of field values for field 'tag' inside record 'recID'.""" out = [] if tag == "001___": # we have asked for recID that is not stored in bibXXx tables out.append(str(recID)) else: # we are going to look inside bibXXx tables digit = tag[0:2] bx = "bib%sx" % digit bibx = "bibrec_bib%sx" % digit query = "SELECT bx.value FROM %s AS bx, %s AS bibx WHERE bibx.id_bibrec='%s' AND bx.id=bibx.id_bibxxx AND bx.tag LIKE '%s'" \ % (bx, bibx, recID, tag) res = run_sql(query) for row in res: out.append(row[0]) return out def get_fieldvalues_alephseq_like(recID, tags): """Return textual lines in ALEPH sequential like format for field 'tag' inside record 'recID'.""" out = "" # clean passed 'tag': tags_in = string.split(tags, ",") if len(tags_in) == 1 and len(tags_in[0]) == 6: ## case A: one concrete subfield asked, so print its value if found ## (use with care: can false you if field has multiple occurrences) out += string.join(get_fieldvalues(recID, tags_in[0]),"\n") else: ## case B: print our "text MARC" format; works safely all the time tags_out = [] for tag in tags_in: if len(tag) == 0: for i in range(0,10): for j in range(0,10): tags_out.append("%d%d%%" % (i, j)) elif len(tag) == 1: for j in range(0,10): tags_out.append("%s%d%%" % (tag, j)) elif len(tag) < 5: tags_out.append("%s%%" % tag) elif tag >= 6: tags_out.append(tag[0:5]) # search all bibXXx tables as needed: for tag in tags_out: digits = tag[0:2] if tag.startswith("001") or tag.startswith("00%"): if out: out += "\n" out += "%09d %s %d" % (recID, "001__", recID) bx = "bib%sx" % digits bibx = "bibrec_bib%sx" % digits query = "SELECT b.tag,b.value,bb.field_number FROM %s AS b, %s AS bb "\ "WHERE bb.id_bibrec='%s' AND b.id=bb.id_bibxxx AND b.tag LIKE '%s%%' "\ "ORDER BY bb.field_number, b.tag ASC" % (bx, bibx, recID, tag) res = run_sql(query) # go through fields: field_number_old = -999 field_old = "" for row in res: field, value, field_number = row[0], row[1], row[2] ind1, ind2 = field[3], field[4] if ind1 == "_": ind1 = "" if ind2 == "_": ind2 = "" # print field tag if field_number != field_number_old or field[:-1] != field_old[:-1]: if out: out += "\n" out += "%09d %s " % (recID, field[:5]) field_number_old = field_number field_old = field # print subfield value out += "$$%s%s" % (field[-1:], value) return out def record_exists(recID): "Returns 1 if record 'recID' exists. Returns 0 otherwise." out = 0 query = "SELECT id FROM bibrec WHERE id='%s'" % recID res = run_sql(query, None, 1) if res: out = 1 return out def get_creation_date(recID): "Returns the creation date of the record 'recID'." out = "" query = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(creation_date,'%%Y-%%m-%%d') FROM bibrec WHERE id='%s'" % (recID) res = run_sql(query, None, 1) if res: out = res[0][0] return out def get_modification_date(recID): "Returns the date of last modification for the record 'recID'." out = "" query = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(modification_date,'%%Y-%%m-%%d') FROM bibrec WHERE id='%s'" % (recID) res = run_sql(query, None, 1) if res: out = res[0][0] return out def print_warning(req, msg, type='Tip', prologue='', epilogue='
'): "Prints warning message and flushes output." if req: req.write('%s' % (prologue)) if type: req.write('%s: ' % type) req.write('%s%s' % (msg, epilogue)) def print_search_info(p, f, sf, so, sp, of, ot, collection=cdsname, nb_found=-1, jrec=1, rg=10, as=0, p1="", p2="", p3="", f1="", f2="", f3="", m1="", m2="", m3="", op1="", op2="", d1y="", d1m="", d1d="", d2y="", d2m="", d2d="", cpu_time=-1, middle_only=0): """Prints stripe with the information on 'collection' and 'nb_found' results oand CPU time. Also, prints navigation links (beg/next/prev/end) inside the results set. If middle_only is set to 1, it will only print the middle box information (beg/netx/prev/end/etc) links. This is suitable for displaying navigation links at the bottom of the search results page.""" out = "" # left table cells: print collection name if not middle_only: out += "\n" \ "\n

"\ "\n\n" % \ (collection, weburl, weburl, urllib.quote_plus(collection), as, collection) else: out += """\n
\n""" % weburl # sanity check: if jrec < 1: jrec = 1 if jrec > nb_found: jrec = max(nb_found-rg+1, 1) # middle table cell: print beg/next/prev/end arrows: if not middle_only: out += "
" else: out += "" # right table cell: cpu time info if not middle_only: if cpu_time > -1: out +="" % cpu_time out += "
" \ "" \ "%s\n" out += "%s records found:   \n" % nice_number(nb_found) else: out += "" if nb_found > rg: out += "%s: %s records found:   " % (collection, nice_number(nb_found)) if nb_found > rg: # navig.arrows are needed, since we have many hits url = '%s/search.py?p=%s&c=%s&f=%s&sf=%s&so=%s&sp=%s&of=%s&ot=%s' % (weburl, urllib.quote(p), urllib.quote(collection), f, sf, so, sp, of, ot) url += '&as=%s&p1=%s&p2=%s&p3=%s&f1=%s&f2=%s&f3=%s&m1=%s&m2=%s&m3=%s&op1=%s&op2=%s' \ % (as, urllib.quote(p1), urllib.quote(p2), urllib.quote(p3), f1, f2, f3, m1, m2, m3, op1, op2) url += '&d1y=%s&d1m=%s&d1d=%s&d2y=%s&d2m=%s&d2d=%s' \ % (d1y, d1m, d1d, d2y, d2m, d2d) if jrec-rg > 1: out += "\"begin\"" % (url, rg, weburl) if jrec > 1: out += "\"previous\"" % (url, max(jrec-rg,1), rg, weburl) if nb_found > rg: out += "%d - %d" % (jrec, jrec+rg-1) else: out += "%d - %d" % (jrec, nb_found) if nb_found >= jrec+rg: out += "\"next\"" % \ (url, jrec+rg, rg, weburl) if nb_found >= jrec+rg+rg: out += "\"end\"" % \ (url, nb_found-rg+1, rg, weburl) out += "" % p out += "" % collection out += "" % f out += "" % sf out += "" % so out += "" % of if ot: out += """""" % ot if sp: out += """""" % sp out += "" % rg out += "" % as out += "" % p1 out += "" % p2 out += "" % p3 out += "" % f1 out += "" % f2 out += "" % f3 out += "" % m1 out += "" % m2 out += "" % m3 out += "" % op1 out += "" % op2 out += "" % d1y out += "" % d1m out += "" % d1d out += "" % d2y out += "" % d2m out += "" % d2d out += "  or jump to record: " % jrec if not middle_only: out += "Search took %.2f sec. 
" else: out += "" out += "
" return out def print_results_overview(colls, results_final_nb_total, results_final_nb, cpu_time): "Prints results overview box with links to particular collections below." out = "" if len(colls) == 1: # if one collection only, print nothing: return out # first find total number of hits: out += "

" \ "" % \ (nice_number(results_final_nb_total), cpu_time) # then print hits per collection: out += "
Results overview: Found %s records in %.2f seconds.
" for coll in colls: if results_final_nb[coll] > 0: out += "%s, " \ "%s records found
" \ % (urllib.quote(coll), coll, urllib.quote(coll), nice_number(results_final_nb[coll])) out += "
\n" return out def sort_records(req, recIDs, sort_field='', sort_order='d', sort_pattern=''): """Sort records in 'recIDs' list according sort field 'sort_field' in order 'sort_order'. If more than one instance of 'sort_field' is found for a given record, try to choose that that is given by 'sort pattern', for example "sort by report number that starts by CERN-PS". Note that 'sort_field' can be field code like 'author' or MARC tag like '100__a' directly.""" ## check arguments: if not sort_field: return recIDs if len(recIDs) > cfg_nb_records_to_sort: print_warning(req, "Sorry, sorting is allowed on sets of up to %d records only. Using default sort order (\"latest first\")." % cfg_nb_records_to_sort,"Warning") return recIDs recIDs_dict = {} recIDs_out = [] ## first deduce sorting MARC tag out of the 'sort_field' argument: tags = [] if sort_field and str(sort_field[0:2]).isdigit(): # sort_field starts by two digits, so this is probably a MARC tag already tags.append(sort_field) else: # let us check the 'field' table query = """SELECT DISTINCT(t.value) FROM tag AS t, field_tag AS ft, field AS f WHERE f.code='%s' AND ft.id_field=f.id AND t.id=ft.id_tag ORDER BY ft.score DESC""" % sort_field res = run_sql(query) if res: for row in res: tags.append(row[0]) else: print_warning(req, "Sorry, '%s' does not seem to be a valid sort option. Choosing title sort instead." % sort_field, "Error") tags.append("245__a") ## check if we have sorting tag defined: if tags: # fetch the necessary field values: for recID in recIDs: val = "" # will hold value for recID according to which sort vals = [] # will hold all values found in sorting tag for recID for tag in tags: vals.extend(get_fieldvalues(recID, tag)) if sort_pattern: # try to pick that tag value that corresponds to sort pattern bingo = 0 for v in vals: if v.startswith(sort_pattern): # bingo! bingo = 1 val = v break if not bingo: # not found, so joint them all together val = string.join(vals) else: # no sort pattern defined, so join them all together val = string.join(vals) val = val.lower() if recIDs_dict.has_key(val): recIDs_dict[val].append(recID) else: recIDs_dict[val] = [recID] # sort them: recIDs_dict_keys = recIDs_dict.keys() recIDs_dict_keys.sort() # now that keys are sorted, create output array: for k in recIDs_dict_keys: for s in recIDs_dict[k]: recIDs_out.append(s) # ascending or descending? if sort_order == 'a': recIDs_out.reverse() # okay, we are done return recIDs_out else: # good, no sort needed return recIDs def print_records(req, recIDs, jrec=1, rg=10, format='hb', ot='', decompress=zlib.decompress): """Prints list of records 'recIDs' formatted accoding to 'format' in groups of 'rg' starting from 'jrec'. Assumes that the input list 'recIDs' is sorted in reverse order, so it counts records from tail to head. A value of 'rg=-9999' means to print all records: to be used with care. """ # sanity checking: if req == None: return if len(recIDs): nb_found = len(recIDs) if rg == -9999: # print all records rg = nb_found else: rg = abs(rg) if jrec < 1: # sanity checks jrec = 1 if jrec > nb_found: jrec = max(nb_found-rg+1, 1) # will print records from irec_max to irec_min excluded: irec_max = nb_found - jrec irec_min = nb_found - jrec - rg if irec_min < 0: irec_min = -1 if irec_max >= nb_found: irec_max = nb_found - 1 #req.write("%s:%d-%d" % (recIDs, irec_min, irec_max)) if format.startswith('x'): # we are doing XML output: for irec in range(irec_max,irec_min,-1): req.write(print_record(recIDs[irec], format, ot)) elif format.startswith('t') or str(format[0:3]).isdigit(): # we are doing plain text output: for irec in range(irec_max,irec_min,-1): x = print_record(recIDs[irec], format, ot) req.write(x) if x: req.write('\n') else: # we are doing HTML output: req.write("""

""" % weburl) if format.startswith("hb"): req.write("\n") for irec in range(irec_max,irec_min,-1): req.write("""\n""" % recIDs[irec]) req.write("""") req.write("\n
%d.""" % (jrec+irec_max-irec)) req.write(print_record(recIDs[irec], format, ot)) req.write("
") else: # deduce url without 'of' argument: url_args = re.sub(r'(^|\&)of=.*?(\&|$)',r'\1',req.args) url_args = re.sub(r'^\&+', '', url_args) url_args = re.sub(r'\&+$', '', url_args) # print other formatting choices: req.write("""

Format: \n""") if format != "hm": req.write('HTML | HTML MARC | XML DC | XML MARC' % (weburl, url_args, weburl, url_args, weburl, url_args)) else: req.write('HTML | HTML MARC | XML DC | XML MARC' % (weburl, url_args, weburl, url_args, weburl, url_args)) req.write("
\n") for irec in range(irec_max,irec_min,-1): req.write(print_record(recIDs[irec], format, ot)) req.write("""""" % irec) req.write("

") #req.write("""

""") req.write("""
""") req.write("""
""") else: print_warning(req, 'Use different search terms.') def print_record(recID, format='hb', ot='', decompress=zlib.decompress): "Prints record 'recID' formatted accoding to 'format'." out = "" # sanity check: if not record_exists(recID): return out # print record opening tags, if needed: if format == "marcxml" or format == "oai_dc": out += " \n" out += "
\n" for id in get_fieldvalues(recID,oaiidfield): out += " %s\n" % id out += " %s\n" % get_modification_date(recID) out += "
\n" out += " \n" if format.startswith("xm") or format == "marcxml": # look for detailed format existence: query = "SELECT value FROM bibfmt WHERE id_bibrec='%s' AND format='%s'" % (recID, format) res = run_sql(query, None, 1) if res: # record 'recID' is formatted in 'format', so print it out += "%s" % decompress(res[0][0]) else: # record 'recID' is not formatted in 'format' -- they are not in "bibfmt" table; so fetch all the data from "bibXXx" tables: if format == "marcxml": out += """ \n""" out += " %d\n" % int(recID) elif format.startswith("xm"): out += """ \n""" out += " %d\n" % int(recID) for digit1 in range(0,10): for digit2 in range(0,10): bx = "bib%d%dx" % (digit1, digit2) bibx = "bibrec_bib%d%dx" % (digit1, digit2) query = "SELECT b.tag,b.value,bb.field_number FROM %s AS b, %s AS bb "\ "WHERE bb.id_bibrec='%s' AND b.id=bb.id_bibxxx AND b.tag LIKE '%s%%' "\ "ORDER BY bb.field_number, b.tag ASC" % (bx, bibx, recID, str(digit1)+str(digit2)) if dbg: out += "
Debug: " + query res = run_sql(query) field_number_old = -999 field_old = "" for row in res: field, value, field_number = row[0], row[1], row[2] ind1, ind2 = field[3], field[4] if ind1 == "_": ind1 = "" if ind2 == "_": ind2 = "" # print field tag if field_number != field_number_old or field[:-1] != field_old[:-1]: if format.startswith("xm") or format == "marcxml": fieldid = encode_for_xml(field[0:3]) if field_number_old != -999: out += """ \n""" out += """ \n""" % (encode_for_xml(field[0:3]), encode_for_xml(ind1), encode_for_xml(ind2)) field_number_old = field_number field_old = field # print subfield value if format.startswith("xm") or format == "marcxml": value = encode_for_xml(value) out += """ %s\n""" % (encode_for_xml(field[-1:]), value) # all fields/subfields printed in this run, so close the tag: if (format.startswith("xm") or format == "marcxml") and field_number_old != -999: out += """ \n""" # we are at the end of printing the record: if format.startswith("xm") or format == "marcxml": out += "
\n" elif format == "xd" or format == "oai_dc": # XML Dublin Core format, possibly OAI -- select only some bibXXx fields: out += """ \n""" for f in get_fieldvalues(recID, "041__a"): out += " %s\n" % f for f in get_fieldvalues(recID, "100__a"): out += " %s\n" % encode_for_xml(f) for f in get_fieldvalues(recID, "700__a"): out += " %s\n" % encode_for_xml(f) for f in get_fieldvalues(recID, "245__a"): out += " %s\n" % encode_for_xml(f) for f in get_fieldvalues(recID, "65017a"): out += " %s\n" % encode_for_xml(f) for f in get_fieldvalues(recID, "8564_u"): out += " %s\n" % encode_for_xml(f) for f in get_fieldvalues(recID, "520__a"): out += " %s\n" % encode_for_xml(f) out += " %s\n" % get_creation_date(recID) out += " \n" elif str(format[0:3]).isdigit(): # user has asked to print some fields only if format == "001": out += "%s\n" % (format, recID, format) else: vals = get_fieldvalues(recID, format) for val in vals: out += "%s\n" % (format, val, format) elif format.startswith('t'): ## user directly asked for some tags to be displayed only out += get_fieldvalues_alephseq_like(recID, ot) elif format == "hm": out += "
" + get_fieldvalues_alephseq_like(recID, ot) + "
" elif format.startswith("h") and ot: ## user directly asked for some tags to be displayed only out += "
" + get_fieldvalues_alephseq_like(recID, ot) + "
" elif format == "hd": # HTML detailed format # look for detailed format existence: query = "SELECT value FROM bibfmt WHERE id_bibrec='%s' AND format='%s'" % (recID, format) res = run_sql(query, None, 1) if res: # record 'recID' is formatted in 'format', so print it out += "%s" % decompress(res[0][0]) else: # record 'recID' is not formatted in 'format', so either call BibFormat on the fly or use default format # second, see if we are calling BibFormat on the fly: if cfg_call_bibformat: out += call_bibformat(recID) else: # okay, need to construct a simple "Detailed record" format of our own: out += "

 " # secondly, title: titles = get_fieldvalues(recID, "245__a") for title in titles: out += "

" % title # thirdly, authors: authors = get_fieldvalues(recID, "100__a") + get_fieldvalues(recID, "700__a") if authors: out += "

" for author in authors: out += """%s ;""" % (weburl, urllib.quote(author), author) out += "
" # fourthly, date of creation: dates = get_fieldvalues(recID, "260__c") for date in dates: out += "

" % date # fifthly, abstract: abstracts = get_fieldvalues(recID, "520__a") for abstract in abstracts: out += """

Abstract: %s

""" % abstract # fifthly bis, keywords: keywords = get_fieldvalues(recID, "6531_a") if len(keywords): out += """

Keyword(s):""" for keyword in keywords: out += """%s ; """ % (weburl, urllib.quote(keyword), keyword) # fifthly bis bis, published in: prs_p = get_fieldvalues(recID, "909C4p") prs_v = get_fieldvalues(recID, "909C4v") prs_y = get_fieldvalues(recID, "909C4y") prs_n = get_fieldvalues(recID, "909C4n") prs_c = get_fieldvalues(recID, "909C4c") for idx in range(0,len(prs_p)): out += """

Publ. in: %s""" % prs_p[idx] if prs_v and prs_v[idx]: out += """%s""" % prs_v[idx] if prs_y and prs_y[idx]: out += """(%s)""" % prs_y[idx] if prs_n and prs_n[idx]: out += """, no.%s""" % prs_n[idx] if prs_c and prs_c[idx]: out += """, p.%s""" % prs_c[idx] out += """.""" # sixthly, fulltext link: urls_z = get_fieldvalues(recID, "8564_z") urls_u = get_fieldvalues(recID, "8564_u") for idx in range(0,len(urls_u)): link_text = "URL" if urls_z[idx]: link_text = urls_z[idx] out += """

%s: %s""" % (link_text, urls_u[idx], urls_u[idx]) # print some white space at the end: out += "

" elif format == "hb-fly": # HTML brief called on the fly; suitable for testing brief formats out += call_bibformat(recID, "BRIEF_HTML") out += """
Detailed record""" \ % (weburl, recID) elif format == "hd-ejournalsite": # HTML brief called on the fly; suitable for testing brief formats out += call_bibformat(recID, "EJOURNALSITE") out += """
Detailed record""" \ % (weburl, recID) else: # HTML brief format by default query = "SELECT value FROM bibfmt WHERE id_bibrec='%s' AND format='%s'" % (recID, format) res = run_sql(query) if res: # record 'recID' is formatted in 'format', so print it out += "%s" % decompress(res[0][0]) else: # record 'recID' does not exist in format 'format', so print some default format: # firstly, title: titles = get_fieldvalues(recID, "245__a") for title in titles: out += "%s " % title # secondly, authors: authors = get_fieldvalues(recID, "100__a") + get_fieldvalues(recID, "700__a") if authors: out += " / " for i in range (0,cfg_author_et_al_threshold): if i < len(authors): out += """%s ;""" % (weburl, urllib.quote(authors[i]), authors[i]) if len(authors) > cfg_author_et_al_threshold: out += " et al." # thirdly, date of creation: dates = get_fieldvalues(recID, "260__c") for date in dates: out += " %s." % date # thirdly bis, report numbers: rns = get_fieldvalues(recID, "037__a") for rn in rns: out += """ [%s]""" % rn rns = get_fieldvalues(recID, "088__a") for rn in rns: out += """ [%s]""" % rn # fourthly, beginning of abstract: abstracts = get_fieldvalues(recID, "520__a") for abstract in abstracts: out += "
%s [...]" % abstract[:1+string.find(abstract, '.')] # fifthly, fulltext link: urls_z = get_fieldvalues(recID, "8564_z") urls_u = get_fieldvalues(recID, "8564_u") for idx in range(0,len(urls_u)): out += """
%s""" % (urls_u[idx], urls_u[idx]) # at the end of HTML mode, print the "Detailed record" functionality: if cfg_use_aleph_sysnos: alephsysnos = get_fieldvalues(recID, "909C0o") if len(alephsysnos)>0: alephsysno = alephsysnos[0] out += """
Detailed record""" \ % (weburl, alephsysno) else: out += """
Detailed record""" \ % (weburl, recID) else: out += """
Detailed record""" \ % (weburl, recID) # ...and the "Mark record" functionality: #out += """ - Mark record""" % recID # print record closing tags, if needed: if format == "marcxml" or format == "oai_dc": out += " \n" out += " \n" return out def encode_for_xml(s): "Encode special chars in string so that it would be XML-compliant." s = string.replace(s, '&', '&') s = string.replace(s, '<', '<') s = unicode(s,'latin-1','ignore').encode('utf-8','replace') return s def call_bibformat(id, otype="HD"): """Calls BibFormat for the record 'id'. Desired BibFormat output type is passed in 'otype' argument. This function is mainly used to display full format, if they are not stored in the 'bibfmt' table.""" f = urllib.urlopen("%s/bibformat/bibformat.shtml?id=%s&otype=%s" % (weburl, id, otype)) out = f.read() f.close() return out def log_query(hostname, query_args, uid=-1): """Log query into the query and user_query tables.""" if uid > 0: # log the query only if uid is reasonable res = run_sql("SELECT id FROM query WHERE urlargs=%s", (query_args,), 1) try: id_query = res[0][0] except: id_query = run_sql("INSERT INTO query (type, urlargs) VALUES ('r', %s)", (query_args,)) if id_query: run_sql("INSERT INTO user_query (id_user, id_query, hostname, date) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", (uid, id_query, hostname, time.strftime("%04Y-%02m-%02d %02H:%02M:%02S", time.localtime()))) return def log_query_info(action, p, f, colls, nb_records_found_total=-1): """Write some info to the log file for later analysis.""" try: log = open(logdir + "/search.log", "a") log.write(time.strftime("%04Y%02m%02d%02H%02M%02S#", time.localtime())) log.write(action+"#") log.write(p+"#") log.write(f+"#") for coll in colls[:-1]: log.write("%s," % coll) log.write("%s#" % colls[-1]) log.write("%d" % nb_records_found_total) log.write("\n") log.close() except: pass return def wash_url_argument(var, new_type): """Wash list argument into 'new_type', that can be 'list', 'str', or 'int'. Useful for washing mod_python passed arguments, that are all lists of strings (URL args may be multiple), but we sometimes want only to take the first value, and sometimes to represent it as string or numerical value.""" out = [] if new_type == 'list': # return lst if type(var) is list: out = var else: out = [var] elif new_type == 'str': # return str if type(var) is list: try: out = "%s" % var[0] except: out = "" elif type(var) is str: out = var else: out = "%s" % var elif new_type == 'int': # return int if type(var) is list: try: out = string.atoi(var[0]) except: out = 0 elif type(var) is int: pass elif type(var) is str: try: out = string.atoi(var) except: out = 0 else: out = 0 return out ### CALLABLES def perform_request_search(req=None, cc=cdsname, c=None, p="", f="", rg="10", sf="", so="d", sp="", of="hb", ot="", as="0", p1="", f1="", m1="", op1="", p2="", f2="", m2="", op2="", p3="", f3="", m3="", sc="0", jrec="0", id="-1", idb="-1", sysnb="", search="SEARCH", d1y="", d1m="", d1d="", d2y="", d2m="", d2d=""): """Perform search, without checking for authentication. Return list of recIDs found, if of=id. Otherwise create web page.""" # wash all passed arguments: cc = wash_url_argument(cc, 'str') p = wash_url_argument(p, 'str') f = wash_url_argument(f, 'str') rg = wash_url_argument(rg, 'int') sf = wash_url_argument(sf, 'str') so = wash_url_argument(so, 'str') sp = wash_url_argument(sp, 'string') of = wash_url_argument(of, 'str') if type(ot) is list: ot = string.join(ot,",") ot = wash_url_argument(ot, 'str') as = wash_url_argument(as, 'int') p1 = wash_url_argument(p1, 'str') f1 = wash_url_argument(f1, 'str') m1 = wash_url_argument(m1, 'str') op1 = wash_url_argument(op1, 'str') p2 = wash_url_argument(p2, 'str') f2 = wash_url_argument(f2, 'str') m2 = wash_url_argument(m2, 'str') op2 = wash_url_argument(op2, 'str') p3 = wash_url_argument(p3, 'str') f3 = wash_url_argument(f3, 'str') m3 = wash_url_argument(m3, 'str') sc = wash_url_argument(sc, 'int') jrec = wash_url_argument(jrec, 'int') id = wash_url_argument(id, 'int') idb = wash_url_argument(idb, 'int') sysnb = wash_url_argument(sysnb, 'int') search = wash_url_argument(search, 'str') d1y = wash_url_argument(d1y, 'str') d1m = wash_url_argument(d1m, 'str') d1d = wash_url_argument(d1d, 'str') d2y = wash_url_argument(d2y, 'str') d2m = wash_url_argument(d2m, 'str') d2d = wash_url_argument(d2d, 'str') day1, day2 = wash_dates(d1y, d1m, d1d, d2y, d2m, d2d) # deduce user id: uid = getUid(req) # start output if of.startswith('x'): # we are doing XML output: req.content_type = "text/xml" req.send_http_header() req.write("""\n""") if of.startswith("xm"): req.write("""\n""") else: req.write("""\n""") elif of.startswith('t') or str(of[0:3]).isdigit(): # we are doing plain text output: req.content_type = "text/plain" req.send_http_header() elif of == "id": # we are passing list of recIDs pass else: # we are doing HTML output: req.content_type = "text/html" req.send_http_header() # write header: req.write(create_header(cc, as, uid)) if sysnb or id>0: ## 1 - detailed record display if sysnb: # ALEPH sysnb is passed, so deduce MySQL id for the record: id = get_mysql_recid_from_aleph_sysno(sysnb) if of=="hb": of = "hd" if record_exists(id): if idb<=id: # sanity check idb=id+1 print_records(req, range(id,idb), -1, -9999, of, ot) else: # record does not exist if of.startswith("h"): (cc, colls_to_display, colls_to_search) = wash_colls(cc, c, sc) p = wash_pattern(p) f = wash_field(f) out = """
%s %s
""" % \ (create_search_box(cc, colls_to_display, p, f, rg, sf, so, sp, of, ot, as, p1, f1, m1, op1, p2, f2, m2, op2, p3, f3, m3, sc, d1y, d1m, d1d, d2y, d2m, d2d, search), create_google_box(p, f, p1, p2, p3)) req.write(out) print_warning(req, "Requested record does not seem to exist.", None, "

") elif search == "Browse": ## 2 - browse needed (cc, colls_to_display, colls_to_search) = wash_colls(cc, c, sc) p = wash_pattern(p) f = wash_field(f) # write search box: if of.startswith("h"): out = """
%s %s
""" % \ (create_search_box(cc, colls_to_display, p, f, rg, sf, so, sp, of, ot, as, p1, f1, m1, op1, p2, f2, m2, op2, p3, f3, m3, sc, d1y, d1m, d1d, d2y, d2m, d2d, search), create_google_box(p, f, p1, p2, p3)) req.write(out) if as==1 or (p1 or p2 or p3): browse_pattern(req, colls_to_search, p1, f1, rg) browse_pattern(req, colls_to_search, p2, f2, rg) browse_pattern(req, colls_to_search, p3, f3, rg) else: browse_pattern(req, colls_to_search, p, f, rg) else: ## 3 - search needed # wash passed collection arguments: (cc, colls_to_display, colls_to_search) = wash_colls(cc, c, sc) p = wash_pattern(p) f = wash_field(f) # write search box: if of.startswith("h"): out = """
%s %s
""" % \ (create_search_box(cc, colls_to_display, p, f, rg, sf, so, sp, of, ot, as, p1, f1, m1, op1, p2, f2, m2, op2, p3, f3, m3, sc, d1y, d1m, d1d, d2y, d2m, d2d, search), create_google_box(p, f, p1, p2, p3)) req.write(out) # run search: t1 = os.times()[4] if as == 1 or (p1 or p2 or p3): # 3A - advanced search results_final = search_pattern(req, "", "", colls_to_search) if p1: results_tmp = search_pattern(req, p1, f1, colls_to_search, m1) for coll in colls_to_search: # join results for first advanced search boxen results_final[coll].intersect(results_tmp[coll]) if p2: results_tmp = search_pattern(req, p2, f2, colls_to_search, m2) for coll in colls_to_search: # join results for first and second advanced search boxen if op1 == "a": # add results_final[coll].intersect(results_tmp[coll]) elif op1 == "o": # or results_final[coll].union(results_tmp[coll]) elif op1 == "n": # not results_final[coll].difference(results_tmp[coll]) else: print_warning(req, "Invalid set operation %s." % op1, "Error") if p3: results_tmp = search_pattern(req, p3, f3, colls_to_search, m3) for coll in colls_to_search: # join results for second and third advanced search boxen if op2 == "a": # add results_final[coll].intersect(results_tmp[coll]) elif op2 == "o": # or results_final[coll].union(results_tmp[coll]) elif op2 == "n": # not results_final[coll].difference(results_tmp[coll]) else: print_warning(req, "Invalid set operation %s." % op1, "Error") for coll in colls_to_search: results_final[coll].calculate_nbhits() else: # 3B - simple search search_cache_key = p+"@"+f+"@"+string.join(colls_to_search,",") if search_cache.has_key(search_cache_key): # is the result in search cache? results_final = search_cache[search_cache_key] else: results_final = search_pattern(req, p, f, colls_to_search) search_cache[search_cache_key] = results_final if len(search_cache) > cfg_search_cache_size: # is the cache full? (sanity cleaning) search_cache.clear() # search done; was there a time restriction? if yes, apply it now: if day1 != "": results_of_time_restriction = search_in_bibrec(day1, day2) for coll in colls_to_search: results_final[coll].intersect(results_of_time_restriction) results_final[coll].calculate_nbhits() t2 = os.times()[4] cpu_time = t2 - t1 # find total number of records found in each collection results_final_nb_total = 0 results_final_nb = {} for coll in colls_to_search: results_final_nb[coll] = results_final[coll]._nbhits results_final_nb_total += results_final_nb[coll] # was there at least one hit? if results_final_nb_total == 0: # nope, so try silently dash-slash-etc-less matches first: if as==1 or (p1 or p2 or p3): if re.search(r'\w[^a-zA-Z0-9]\w',p1) or \ re.search(r'\w[^a-zA-Z0-9]\w',p2) or \ re.search(r'\w[^a-zA-Z0-9]\w',p3): if p1.startswith('"') and p1.endswith('"'): # is it ACC query? p1 = re.sub(r'(\w)[^a-zA-Z0-9](\w)', "\\1_\\2", p1) else: # it is WRD query p1 = re.sub(r'(\w)[^a-zA-Z0-9](\w)', "\\1 \\2", p1) if p1.startswith('"') and p1.endswith('"'): # is it ACC query? p2 = re.sub(r'(\w)[^a-zA-Z0-9](\w)', "\\1_\\2", p2) else: # it is WRD query p2 = re.sub(r'(\w)[^a-zA-Z0-9](\w)', "\\1 \\2", p2) if p3.startswith('"') and p3.endswith('"'): # is it ACC query? p3 = re.sub(r'(\w)[^a-zA-Z0-9](\w)', "\\1_\\2", p3) else: # it is WRD query p3 = re.sub(r'(\w)[^a-zA-Z0-9](\w)', "\\1 \\2", p3) if of.startswith('h'): - print_warning(req, "No match found. Trying similar queries...", "", "


") + print_warning(req, "No match found, trying similar queries...", "", "


") results_final = search_pattern(req, "", "", colls_to_search) if p1: results_tmp = search_pattern(req, p1, f1, colls_to_search, m1) for coll in colls_to_search: # join results for first advanced search boxen results_final[coll].intersect(results_tmp[coll]) if p2: results_tmp = search_pattern(req, p2, f2, colls_to_search, m2) for coll in colls_to_search: # join results for first and second advanced search boxen if op1 == "a": # add results_final[coll].intersect(results_tmp[coll]) elif op1 == "o": # or results_final[coll].union(results_tmp[coll]) elif op1 == "n": # not results_final[coll].difference(results_tmp[coll]) else: print_warning(req, "Invalid set operation %s." % op1, "Error") if p3: results_tmp = search_pattern(req, p3, f3, colls_to_search, m3) for coll in colls_to_search: # join results for second and third advanced search boxen if op2 == "a": # add results_final[coll].intersect(results_tmp[coll]) elif op2 == "o": # or results_final[coll].union(results_tmp[coll]) elif op2 == "n": # not results_final[coll].difference(results_tmp[coll]) else: print_warning(req, "Invalid set operation %s." % op1, "Error") for coll in colls_to_search: results_final[coll].calculate_nbhits() results_final_nb[coll] = results_final[coll]._nbhits results_final_nb_total += results_final_nb[coll] else: if re.search(r'\w[^a-zA-Z0-9]\w',p): if p.startswith('"') and p.endswith('"'): # is it ACC query? p = re.sub(r'(\w)[^a-zA-Z0-9](\w)', "\\1_\\2", p) else: # it is WRD query p = re.sub(r'(\w)[^a-zA-Z0-9](\w)', "\\1 \\2", p) if of.startswith('h'): - print_warning(req, "No match found. Trying %s..." % p, "", "


") + print_warning(req, "No match found, trying %s..." % p, "", "


") results_final = search_pattern(req, p, f, colls_to_search, None) for coll in colls_to_search: results_final_nb[coll] = results_final[coll]._nbhits results_final_nb_total += results_final_nb[coll] # once again, was there at least one hit? if results_final_nb_total == 0: # nope, so try similar queries: if of.startswith('h'): - print_warning(req, "No match found. Trying similar queries...", "", "


") + print_warning(req, "No match found, trying similar queries...", "", "


") req.write("

") if as==1 or (p1 or p2 or p3): if p1: search_pattern(req, p1, f1, colls_to_search, m1, 1) if p2: search_pattern(req, p2, f2, colls_to_search, m2, 1) if p3: search_pattern(req, p3, f3, colls_to_search, m3, 1) else: search_pattern(req, p, f, colls_to_search, None, 1) else: # yes, some hits found, so print results overview: if of == "id": # we have been asked to return list of recIDs results_final_for_all_colls = HitList() for coll in colls_to_search: results_final_for_all_colls.union(results_final[coll]) return results_final_for_all_colls.items() elif of.startswith("h"): req.write(print_results_overview(colls_to_search, results_final_nb_total, results_final_nb, cpu_time)) # print records: if len(colls_to_search)>1: cpu_time = -1 # we do not want to have search time printed on each collection for coll in colls_to_search: if results_final[coll]._nbhits: if of.startswith("h"): req.write(print_search_info(p, f, sf, so, sp, of, ot, coll, results_final_nb[coll], jrec, rg, as, p1, p2, p3, f1, f2, f3, m1, m2, m3, op1, op2, d1y, d1m, d1d, d2y, d2m, d2d, cpu_time)) results_final_sorted = results_final[coll].items() if sf: results_final_sorted = sort_records(req, results_final_sorted, sf, so, sp) print_records(req, results_final_sorted, jrec, rg, of, ot) if of.startswith("h"): req.write(print_search_info(p, f, sf, so, sp, of, ot, coll, results_final_nb[coll], jrec, rg, as, p1, p2, p3, f1, f2, f3, m1, m2, m3, op1, op2, d1y, d1m, d1d, d2y, d2m, d2d, cpu_time, 1)) # log query: try: log_query(req.get_remote_host(), req.args, uid) except: # do not log query if req is None (used by CLI interface) pass log_query_info("ss", p, f, colls_to_search, results_final_nb_total) # 4 -- write footer: if of.startswith('h'): req.write(create_footer()) elif of.startswith('x'): req.write("""\n""") # 5 - return value if of == "id": return [] else: return "\n" def perform_request_cache(req, action="show"): """Manipulates the search engine cache.""" global search_cache global collrecs_cache req.content_type = "text/html" req.send_http_header() out = "" out += "

Search Cache

" # clear cache if requested: if action == "clear": search_cache = {} collrecs_cache = create_collrecs_cache() collrecs_cache[cdsname] = get_collection_hitlist(cdsname) # show collection cache: out += "

Collection Cache

" out += "
" for coll in collrecs_cache.keys(): if collrecs_cache[coll]: out += "%s
" % coll out += "
" # show search cache: out += "

Search Cache

" out += "
" if len(search_cache): out += """""" out += "" % ("Pattern","Field","Collection","Number of Hits") for search_cache_key in search_cache.keys(): p, f, c = string.split(search_cache_key, "@", 2) # find out about length of cached data: l = 0 for coll in search_cache[search_cache_key]: l += search_cache[search_cache_key][coll]._nbhits out += "" % (p, f, c, l) out += "
" else: out += "

Search cache is empty." out += "

" out += """

clear cache""" % weburl req.write(out) return "\n" def perform_request_log(req, date=""): """Display search log information for given date.""" req.content_type = "text/html" req.send_http_header() req.write("

Search Log

") if date: # case A: display stats for a day yyyymmdd = string.atoi(date) req.write("

Date: %d

" % yyyymmdd) req.write("""""") req.write("" % ("No.","Time", "Pattern","Field","Collection","Number of Hits")) # read file: p = os.popen("grep ^%d %s/search.log" % (yyyymmdd,logdir), 'r') lines = p.readlines() p.close() # process lines: i = 0 for line in lines: try: datetime, as, p, f, c, nbhits = string.split(line,"#") i += 1 req.write("" \ % (i, datetime[8:10], datetime[10:12], datetime[12:], p, f, c, nbhits)) except: pass # ignore eventual wrong log lines req.write("
") else: # case B: display summary stats per day yyyymm01 = int(time.strftime("%04Y%02m01", time.localtime())) yyyymmdd = int(time.strftime("%04Y%02m%02d", time.localtime())) req.write("""""") req.write("" % ("Day", "Number of Queries")) for day in range(yyyymm01,yyyymmdd+1): p = os.popen("grep -c ^%d %s/search.log" % (day,logdir), 'r') for line in p.readlines(): req.write("""""" % (day, weburl,day,line)) p.close() req.write("
") return "\n" ## test cases: #print collrecs_cache #collrecs_cache["Preprints"] = get_collection_hitlist("Preprints") #print perform_search(None, "of","title",["Preprints"]) #print wash_colls(cdsname,"Library Catalogue", 0) #print wash_colls("Periodicals & Progress Reports",["Periodicals","Progress Reports"], 0) #print wash_field("wau") #print print_record(20,"tm","001,245") #print create_opft_search_units(None, "PHE-87-13","reportnumber") #print get_word_nbhits("of","title") #print ":"+wash_pattern("* and % doo * %")+":\n" #print ":"+wash_pattern("*")+":\n" #print ":"+wash_pattern("ellis* ell* e*%")+":\n" #print run_sql("SELECT name,dbquery from collection") #print get_wordsindex_id("author") #print get_coll_ancestors("Theses") #print get_coll_sons("Articles & Preprints") #print get_coll_real_descendants("Articles & Preprints") #print get_collection_hitlist("Theses") #print log(sys.stdin) #print search_in_bibrec('2002-12-01','2002-12-12') #print wash_dates('1980', '', '28', '2003','02','') #print type(wash_url_argument("-1",'int')) #print browse_in_bibxxx(["Reports"], "z", "author", 10) diff --git a/modules/websearch/lib/search_engine.py.wml b/modules/websearch/lib/search_engine.py.wml index 56620b65e..6db05b728 100644 --- a/modules/websearch/lib/search_engine.py.wml +++ b/modules/websearch/lib/search_engine.py.wml @@ -1,2834 +1,2833 @@ ## $Id$ ## CDSware Search Engine in mod_python. ## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware). ## Copyright (C) 2002 CERN. ## ## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """CDSware Search Engine in mod_python.""" ## okay, rest of the Python code goes below ####### __version__ = "$Id$" ## import interesting modules: try: import cgi import Cookie import cPickle import marshal import fileinput import getopt import string from string import split import os import re import sys import time import urllib import zlib import MySQLdb import Numeric import md5 import base64 import unicodedata except ImportError, e: print "Error: %s" % e import sys sys.exit(1) try: from config import * from search_engine_config import * from dbquery import run_sql except ImportError, e: print "Error: %s" % e import sys sys.exit(1) try: from webuser import getUid, create_user_infobox except ImportError, e: pass # ignore user personalisation, needed e.g. for command-line search_cache = {} # will cache results of previous searches dbg = 0 # are we debugging? cfg_nb_browse_seen_records = 100 # limit of the number of records to check when browsing certain collection cfg_nicely_ordered_collection_list = 0 # do we propose collection list nicely ordered or alphabetical? ## precompile some often-used regexp for speed reasons: re_a = re.compile('[áàâä]') re_A = re.compile('[ÁÀÂÄ]') re_e = re.compile('[éèêë]') re_E = re.compile('[ÉÈÊË]') re_i = re.compile('[íîìï]') re_I = re.compile('[ÍÎÌÏ]') re_o = re.compile('[óòôö]') re_O = re.compile('[ÓÒÔÖ]') re_u = re.compile('[úùûü]') re_U = re.compile('[ÚÙÛÜ]') re_w = re.compile('[^\w]') re_logical_and = re.compile('\sand\s') re_logical_or = re.compile('\sor\s') re_logical_not = re.compile('\snot\s') re_operands = re.compile(r'\s([\+\-\|])\s') re_spaces = re.compile('\s\s+') re_pattern = re.compile('[^\w\+\*\-\?\|\'\"\,\:\=]') re_word = re.compile('[\s]') re_plus = re.compile('\+') re_minus = re.compile('\-') re_equal = re.compile('\=') re_asterisk = re.compile('\*') re_quote = re.compile('\'') re_quotes = re.compile('[\'\"]') re_doublequote = re.compile('\"') re_subfields = re.compile('\$\$\w') re_amp = re.compile('&') re_lt = re.compile('<') def build_table_latin1_to_ascii(): """Builds translation table from ISO Latin-1 into ASCII. For example, 'félin' gets translated into 'felin', etc. Suitable for search string pattern replacement.""" table = range(256) for i in table: x = unicodedata.decomposition(unichr(i)) if x and x[0] == "0": table[i] = int(x.split()[0], 16) return string.join(map(chr, table), "") # build conversion table: table_latin1_to_ascii = build_table_latin1_to_ascii() def get_alphabetically_ordered_collection_list(collid=1, level=0): """Returns nicely ordered (score respected) list of collections, more exactly list of tuples (collection name, printable collection name). Suitable for create_search_box().""" out = [] query = "SELECT id,name FROM collection ORDER BY name ASC" res = run_sql(query) for c_id, c_name in res: # make a nice printable name (e.g. truncate c_printable for for long collection names): if len(c_name)>30: c_printable = c_name[:30] + "..." else: c_printable = c_name if level: c_printable = " " + level * '-' + " " + c_printable out.append([c_name, c_printable]) return out def get_nicely_ordered_collection_list(collid=1, level=0): """Returns nicely ordered (score respected) list of collections, more exactly list of tuples (collection name, printable collection name). Suitable for create_search_box().""" colls_nicely_ordered = [] query = "SELECT c.name,cc.id_son FROM collection_collection AS cc, collection AS c "\ " WHERE c.id=cc.id_son AND cc.id_dad='%s' ORDER BY score DESC" % collid res = run_sql(query) for c, cid in res: # make a nice printable name (e.g. truncate c_printable for for long collection names): if len(c)>30: c_printable = c[:30] + "..." else: c_printable = c if level: c_printable = " " + level * '-' + " " + c_printable colls_nicely_ordered.append([c, c_printable]) colls_nicely_ordered = colls_nicely_ordered + get_nicely_ordered_collection_list(cid, level+1) return colls_nicely_ordered def get_wordsindex_id(field): """Returns first words index id where the field code 'field' is word-indexed. Returns zero in case there is no words table for this index. Example: field='author', output=4.""" out = 0 query = """SELECT w.id FROM wordsindex AS w, wordsindex_field AS wf, field AS f WHERE f.code='%s' AND wf.id_field=f.id AND w.id=wf.id_wordsindex LIMIT 1""" % MySQLdb.escape_string(field) res = run_sql(query, None, 1) if res: out = res[0][0] return out def get_words_from_phrase(phrase, chars_to_treat_as_separators="[\s]"): "Returns list of words found in the phrase 'phrase'." words = {} phrase = asciify_accented_letters(phrase) phrase = re.sub(chars_to_treat_as_separators, ' ', phrase) # replace all non-alphabetic characters by spaces for word in split(phrase): if not words.has_key(word): words[word] = 1; return words.keys() def create_opft_search_units(req, p, f, m=None): """Splits search pattern and search field into a list of independently searchable units. - A search unit consists of '(operand, pattern, field, type)' tuples where 'operand' is set union (|), set intersection (+) or set exclusion (-); 'pattern' is either a word (e.g. muon*) or a phrase (e.g. 'nuclear physics'); 'field' is either a code like 'title' or MARC tag like '100__a'; 'type' is the search type ('w' for word file search, 'a' for access file search). - Optionally, the function accepts the match type argument 'm'. If it is set (e.g. from advanced search interface), then it performs this kind of matching. If it is not set, then a guess is made. 'm' can have values: 'a'='all of the words', 'o'='any of the words', 'p'='phrase/substring', 'r'='regular expression', 'e'='exact value'.""" opfts = [] # will hold (o,p,f,t) units ## print input params for debugging purposes: if dbg: print_warning(req, "p='%s', f='%s'." % (p, f), "Debug (create_opft_search_units())") ## check arguments: if matching type phrase/string/regexp, do we have field defined? if (m=='p' or m=='r' or m=='e') and not f: m = 'a' print_warning(req, "This matching type cannot be used within any field. I will perform a word search instead." , "Warning") print_warning(req, "If you want to phrase/substring/regexp search in a specific field, e.g. inside title, then please choose within title search option.", "Tip") ## is desired matching type set? if m: ## A - matching type is known; good! if m == 'e': # A1 - exact value: opfts.append(['|',p,f,'a']) # '|' since we have only one unit elif m == 'p': # A2 - phrase/substring: opfts.append(['|',"%"+p+"%",f,'a']) # '|' since we have only one unit elif m == 'r': # A3 - regular expression: opfts.append(['|',p,f,'r']) # '|' since we have only one unit elif m == 'a': # A4 - all of the words: for word in get_words_from_phrase(p): if len(opfts)==0: opfts.append(['|',word,f,'w']) # '|' in the first unit else: opfts.append(['+',word,f,'w']) # '+' in further units elif m == 'o': # A5 - any of the words: for word in get_words_from_phrase(p): opfts.append(['|',word,f,'w']) # '|' in all units else: print_warning(req, "Matching type '%s' is not implemented yet." % m, "Warning") opfts.append(['|',"%"+p+"%",f,'a']) else: ## B - matching type is not known: let us try to determine it by some heuristics if f and p[0]=='"' and p[-1]=='"': ## B0 - does 'p' start and end by double quote, and is 'f' defined? => doing ACC search opfts.append(['|',p[1:-1],f,'a']) elif f and p[0]=="'" and p[-1]=="'": ## B0bis - does 'p' start and end by single quote, and is 'f' defined? => doing ACC search opfts.append(['|','%'+p[1:-1]+'%',f,'a']) elif f and string.find(p, ',') >= 0: ## B1 - does 'p' contain comma, and is 'f' defined? => doing ACC search opfts.append(['|',p,f,'a']) elif f and str(f[0:2]).isdigit(): ## B2 - does 'f' exist and starts by two digits? => doing ACC search opfts.append(['|',p,f,'a']) else: ## B3 - doing WRD search, but maybe ACC too # search units are separated by spaces unless the space is within single or double quotes # so, let us replace temporarily any space within quotes by '__SPACE__' p = re.sub("'(.*?)'", lambda x: "'"+string.replace(x.group(1), ' ', '__SPACE__')+"'", p) p = re.sub("\"(.*?)\"", lambda x: "\""+string.replace(x.group(1), ' ', '__SPACEBIS__')+"\"", p) # wash argument: #p = string.strip(re_spaces.sub(' ', re_pattern.sub(' ', p))) p = re_equal.sub(":", p) p = re_logical_and.sub(" ", p) p = re_logical_or.sub(" |", p) p = re_logical_not.sub(" -", p) p = re_operands.sub(r' \1', p) if dbg: print_warning(req, "p=%s" % p, "Debug (create_opft_search_units() - B3 started)") for pi in split(p): # iterate through separated units (or items, as "pi" stands for "p item") pi = re.sub("__SPACE__", " ", pi) # replace back '__SPACE__' by ' ' pi = re.sub("__SPACEBIS__", " ", pi) # replace back '__SPACEBIS__' by ' ' # firstly, determine set operand if pi[0] == '+' or pi[0] == '-' or pi[0] == '|': if len(opfts) or pi[0] == '-': # either not first unit, or '-' for the first unit oi = pi[0] else: oi = "|" # we are in the first unit and operand is not '-', so let us do # set union (with still null result set) pi = pi[1:] else: # okay, there is no operand, so let us decide what to do by default if len(opfts): oi = '+' # by default we are doing set intersection... else: oi = "|" # ...unless we are in the first unit # secondly, determine search pattern and field: if string.find(pi, ":") > 0: fi, pi = split(pi, ":", 1) else: fi, pi = f, pi # look also for old ALEPH field names: if fi and cfg_fields_convert.has_key(string.lower(fi)): fi = cfg_fields_convert[string.lower(fi)] # wash 'pi' argument: if re_quotes.match(pi): # B3a - quotes are found => do ACC search (phrase search) if fi: if re_doublequote.match(pi): pi = string.replace(pi, '"', '') # get rid of quotes opfts.append([oi,pi,fi,'a']) else: pi = string.replace(pi, "'", '') # get rid of quotes opfts.append([oi,"%"+pi+"%",fi,'a']) else: # fi is not defined, look at where we are doing exact or subphrase search (single/double quotes): if pi[0]=='"' and pi[-1]=='"': opfts.append([oi,pi[1:-1],"anyfield",'a']) print_warning(req, "Searching for an exact match inside any field may be slow. You may want to try to search for words instead, or choose a search within specific field.", "Warning") else: # nope, subphrase in global index is not possible => change back to WRD search for pii in get_words_from_phrase(pi): # since there may be '-' and other chars that we do not index in WRD opfts.append([oi,pii,fi,'w']) print_warning(req, "The sub-phrase search does not work in any field. I'll do a 'logical AND' style of search instead.", "Warning") print_warning(req, "If you want to do a sub-phrase search in a specific field, e.g. inside title, then please choose 'within title' search option.", "Tip") print_warning(req, "If you want to do exact phrase matching, then please use double quotes.", "Tip") elif fi and str(fi[0]).isdigit() and str(fi[0]).isdigit(): # B3b - fi exists and starts by two digits => do ACC search opfts.append([oi,pi,fi,'a']) elif fi and not get_wordsindex_id(fi): # B3c - fi exists but there is no words table for fi => try ACC search opfts.append([oi,pi,fi,'a']) else: # B3d - general case => do WRD search for pii in get_words_from_phrase(pi): opfts.append([oi,pii,fi,'w']) ## sanity check: for i in range(0,len(opfts)): pi = opfts[i][1] if pi == '*': print_warning(req, "Ignoring standalone wildcard word.", "Warning") del opfts[i] ## return search units: if dbg: for opft in opfts: print_warning(req, opft, "Debug (create_opft_search_units() - created search unit)") return opfts def create_header(cc=cdsname, as=0, uid=0, headeradd=""): "Creates CDS header and info on URL and date." return """ %s - Search Results

%s %s """ % (cc, supportemail, weburl, re.sub("", create_user_infobox(uid), cdspageheader), create_navtrail(cc, as, """
",0), headeradd) def create_inputdate_box(name="d1", selected_year="", selected_month="", selected_day=""): "Produces 'From Date', 'Until Date' kind of selection box. Suitable for search options." box = "" # day box += """""" # month box += """""" # year box += """""" return box def create_search_box(cc, colls, p, f, rg, sf, so, sp, of, ot, as, p1, f1, m1, op1, p2, f2, m2, op2, p3, f3, m3, sc, d1y, d1m, d1d, d2y, d2m, d2d, action="SEARCH"): "Create search box for 'search again in the results page' functionality." out = "" # print search box prolog: out += """
%s """ % (weburl, cc, cc, as) if ot: out += """""" % ot if sp: out += """""" % sp # decide upon leading text: leadingtext = "Search" if action == "Browse": leadingtext = "Browse" ## firstly, print Query box: if as==1: # print Advanced Search form: # define search box elements: cell_1_left = create_matchtype_box('m1', m1) + \ """""" % (cfg_advancedsearch_pattern_box_width, cgi.escape(p1,1)) cell_1_right = create_searchwithin_selection_box('f1', f1) cell_1_moreright = create_andornot_box('op1', op1) cell_2_left = create_matchtype_box('m2', m2) + """""" % (cfg_advancedsearch_pattern_box_width, cgi.escape(p2,1)) cell_2_right = create_searchwithin_selection_box('f2', f2) cell_2_moreright = create_andornot_box('op2', op2) cell_3_left = create_matchtype_box('m3', m3) + """""" % (cfg_advancedsearch_pattern_box_width, cgi.escape(p3,1)) cell_3_right = create_searchwithin_selection_box('f3', f3) cell_3_moreright = """ """ cell_4 = """search tips :: simple search""" % \ (weburl, weburl, urllib.quote(p1), urllib.quote(f1), urllib.quote(cc)) # print them: out += """ """ % \ (leadingtext, cell_1_left, cell_1_right, cell_1_moreright, \ cell_2_left, cell_2_right, cell_2_moreright, \ cell_3_left, cell_3_right, cell_3_moreright, cell_4) else: # print Simple Search form: cell_1_left = """""" % \ (cfg_simplesearch_pattern_box_width, cgi.escape(p, 1)) cell_1_middle = create_searchwithin_selection_box('f', f) cell_1_right = """ """ cell_2 = """search tips :: advanced search""" %\ (weburl, weburl, urllib.quote(p), urllib.quote(f), urllib.quote(cc)) out += """ """ % (leadingtext, cell_1_left, cell_1_middle, cell_1_right, cell_2) ## secondly, print Collection(s) box: out += """ """ ## thirdly, print from/until date boxen, if applicable: if action=="Browse" or (d1y=="" and d1m=="" and d1d=="" and d2y=="" and d2m=="" and d2d==""): pass # do not need it else: cell_6_a = create_inputdate_box("d1", d1y, d1m, d1d) cell_6_b = create_inputdate_box("d2", d2y, d2m, d2d) out += """""" % \ (cell_6_a, cell_6_b) ## fourthly, print Display/Sort box: if action != "Browse": cell_1_left = """ """ cell_1_left += """""" % (is_selected(so,"a"),is_selected(so,"d")) cell_1_right = """ """ ## okay, formats ended cell_1_middle = """ """ % (is_selected(rg,"10"), is_selected(rg,"25"), is_selected(rg,"50"), \ is_selected(rg,"100"), is_selected(rg,"250"), is_selected(rg,"500"),\ is_selected(sc,"0"), is_selected(sc,"1")) out += """ """ % (cell_1_left, cell_1_middle, cell_1_right) ## last but not least, print end of search box: out += """
""" return out def nice_number(num): "Returns nice number when using comma as thousands separator." chars_in = list(str(num)) num = len(chars_in) chars_out = [] for i in range(0,num): if i % 3 == 0 and i != 0: chars_out.append(',') chars_out.append(chars_in[num-i-1]) chars_out.reverse() return ''.join(chars_out) def is_selected(var, fld): "Checks if the two are equal, and if yes, returns ' selected'. Useful for select boxes." if str(var) == str(fld): return " selected" elif fld and len(fld)==3 and fld[0] == "w" and var == fld[1:]: return " selected" else: return "" def create_navtrail(cc=cdsname, as=0, header="""
", exclude_root=0): """Creates navigation trail, i.e. links to ancestors of the 'cc' collection. If as==1, then links to Advanced Search interfaces; otherwise Simple Search. """ # firstly, display navtrail prologue: navtrail = header # first, display list of ancestors: for dad in get_coll_ancestors(cc): if dad != cdsname: navtrail += """%s %s %s %s """ % \ (prolog, weburl, urllib.quote_plus(dad), as, dad, epilog, separator) else: # hide cdsname for aesthetical reasons navtrail += """%s %s %s %s """ % \ (prolog, weburl, as, dad, epilog, separator) # then print cc: if cc != cdsname or not exclude_root: navtrail += """%s %s %s""" % (prolog, weburl, urllib.quote_plus(cc), as, cc, epilog) # last, print navtrail epilogue: navtrail += footer return navtrail def create_searchwithin_selection_box(fieldname='f', value=''): "Produces 'search within' selection box for the current collection." out = "" out += """""" return out def create_andornot_box(name='op', value=''): "Returns HTML code for the AND/OR/NOT selection box." out = """ """ % (name, is_selected('a', value), is_selected('o', value), is_selected('n', value)) return out def create_matchtype_box(name='m', value=''): "Returns HTML code for the 'match type' selection box." out = """ """ % (name, is_selected('a', value), is_selected('o', value), is_selected('p', value), is_selected('r', value), is_selected('e', value)) return out def create_google_box(p, f, p1, p2, p3, prolog="""
Try your search on:
""", separator= """
""", epilog="""
"""): "Creates the box that proposes links to other useful search engines like Google. 'p' is the search pattern." out = "" if not p and (p1 or p2 or p3): p = p1 + " " + p2 + " " + p3 if cfg_google_box: # do we want to print it? out += prolog if cfg_google_box_cern: # CERN Intranet: out += """CERN Intranet""" % urllib.quote(p) # SPIRES if f == "author": out += separator out += """SPIRES""" % urllib.quote(p) elif f == "title": out += separator out += """SPIRES""" % urllib.quote(p) elif f == "reportnumber": out += separator out += """SPIRES""" % urllib.quote(p) elif f == "keyword": out += separator out += """SPIRES""" % urllib.quote(p) # KEK if f == "author": out += separator out += """KEK""" % urllib.quote(p) elif f == "title": out += separator out += """KEK""" % urllib.quote(p) elif f == "reportnumber": out += separator out += """KEK""" % urllib.quote(p) out += separator # Google: out += """Google""" % urllib.quote(p) # AllTheWeb: out += separator out += """AllTheWeb""" % urllib.quote(p) out += epilog return out def create_footer(): "Creates CDS page footer." return cdspagefooter class HitList: """Class describing set of records, implemented as bit vectors of recIDs. Using Numeric arrays for speed (1 value = 8 bits), can use later "real" bit vectors to save space.""" def __init__(self, anArray=None): self._nbhits = -1 if anArray: self._set = anArray else: self._set = Numeric.zeros(cfg_max_recID+1, Numeric.Int0) def __repr__(self, join=string.join): return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, join(map(repr, self._set), ', ')) def add(self, recID): "Adds a record to the set." self._set[recID] = 1 def addmany(self, recIDs): "Adds several recIDs to the set." for recID in recIDs: self._set[recID] = 1 def addlist(self, arr): "Adds an array of recIDs to the set." Numeric.put(self._set, arr, 1) def remove(self, recID): "Removes a record from the set." self._set[recID] = 0 def removemany(self, recIDs): "Removes several records from the set." for recID in recIDs: self.remove(recID) def intersect(self, other): "Does a set intersection with other. Keep result in self." self._set = Numeric.bitwise_and(self._set, other._set) def union(self, other): "Does a set union with other. Keep result in self." self._set = Numeric.bitwise_or(self._set, other._set) def difference(self, other): "Does a set difference with other. Keep result in self." #self._set = Numeric.bitwise_not(self._set, other._set) for recID in Numeric.nonzero(other._set): self.remove(recID) def contains(self, recID): "Checks whether the set contains recID." return self._set[recID] __contains__ = contains # Higher performance member-test for python 2.0 and above def __getitem__(self, index): "Support for the 'for item in set:' protocol." return Numeric.nonzero(self._set)[index] def calculate_nbhits(self): "Calculates the number of records set in the hitlist." self._nbhits = Numeric.sum(self._set.copy().astype(Numeric.Int)) def items(self): "Return an array containing all recID." return Numeric.nonzero(self._set) # speed up HitList operations by ~20% if Psyco is installed: try: import psyco psyco.bind(HitList) except: pass def escape_string(s): "Escapes special chars in string. For MySQL queries." s = MySQLdb.escape_string(s) return s def asciify_accented_letters(s): "Translates ISO-8859-1 accented letters into their ASCII equivalents." s = string.translate(s, table_latin1_to_ascii) return s def wash_colls(cc, c, split_colls=0): """Wash collection list by checking whether user has deselected anything under 'Narrow search'. Checks also if cc is a list or not. Return list of cc, colls_to_display, colls_to_search since the list of collections to display is different from that to search in. This is because users might have chosen 'split by collection' functionality. The behaviour of "collections to display" depends solely whether user has deselected a particular collection: e.g. if it started from 'Articles and Preprints' page, and deselected 'Preprints', then collection to display is 'Articles'. If he did not deselect anything, then collection to display is 'Articles & Preprints'. The behaviour of "collections to search in" depends on the 'split_colls' parameter: * if is equal to 0, then we can wash the colls list down and search solely in the collection the user started from; * if is equal to 1, then we are splitting to the first level of collections, i.e. collections as they appear on the page we started to search from; * if it is equal to 9, then we are splitting right to the bottom level. """ colls_out = [] colls_out_for_display = [] # check what type is 'cc': if type(cc) is list: for ci in cc: if collrecs_cache.has_key(ci): # yes this collection is real, so use it: cc = ci break else: # check once if cc is real: if not collrecs_cache.has_key(cc): cc = cdsname # cc is not real, so replace it with Home collection # check type of 'c' argument: if type(c) is list: colls = c else: colls = [c] # remove all 'unreal' collections: colls_real = [] for coll in colls: if collrecs_cache.has_key(coll): colls_real.append(coll) colls = colls_real # check if some real collections remain: if len(colls)==0: colls = [cc] # then let us check the list of non-restricted "real" sons of 'cc' and compare it to 'coll': query = "SELECT c.name FROM collection AS c, collection_collection AS cc, collection AS ccc WHERE c.id=cc.id_son AND cc.id_dad=ccc.id AND ccc.name='%s' AND cc.type='r' AND c.restricted IS NULL" % MySQLdb.escape_string(cc) res = run_sql(query) l_cc_nonrestricted_sons = [] l_c = colls for row in res: l_cc_nonrestricted_sons.append(row[0]) l_c.sort() l_cc_nonrestricted_sons.sort() if l_cc_nonrestricted_sons == l_c: colls_out_for_display = [cc] # yep, washing permitted, it is sufficient to display 'cc' else: colls_out_for_display = colls # nope, we need to display all 'colls' successively # remove duplicates: colls_out_for_display_nondups=filter(lambda x, colls_out_for_display=colls_out_for_display: colls_out_for_display[x-1] not in colls_out_for_display[x:], range(1, len(colls_out_for_display)+1)) colls_out_for_display = map(lambda x, colls_out_for_display=colls_out_for_display:colls_out_for_display[x-1], colls_out_for_display_nondups) # second, let us decide on collection splitting: if split_colls == 0: # type A - no sons are wanted colls_out = colls_out_for_display # elif split_colls == 1: else: # type B - sons (first-level descendants) are wanted for coll in colls_out_for_display: coll_sons = get_coll_sons(coll) if coll_sons == []: colls_out.append(coll) else: colls_out = colls_out + coll_sons # TODO: enable sc=9 back one day # else: # # type C - we are splitting right to the bottom level. # # This decomposes compound collections like "A & B" into a list # # of "A" and "B", provided that "A & B" has no associated # # dbcollid collection indicators defined, and that both "A" and # # "B" have defined some dbcollids. # for coll in colls_out_for_display: # coll_real_descendants = get_coll_real_descendants(coll) # if coll_real_descendants: # colls_out.extend(coll_real_descendants) # else: # colls_out.append(coll) # remove duplicates: colls_out_nondups=filter(lambda x, colls_out=colls_out: colls_out[x-1] not in colls_out[x:], range(1, len(colls_out)+1)) colls_out = map(lambda x, colls_out=colls_out:colls_out[x-1], colls_out_nondups) # fill collrecs_cache for wanted collection, if not already filled: for coll in colls_out: if not collrecs_cache[coll]: collrecs_cache[coll] = get_collection_hitlist(coll) return (cc, colls_out_for_display, colls_out) def wash_pattern(p): """Wash pattern passed by URL.""" # check whether p is a list: if type(p) is list: for pi in p: if pi: p = pi break # add leading/trailing whitespace for the two following wildcard-sanity checking regexps: p = " " + p + " " # get rid of wildcards at the beginning of words: p = re.sub(r'(\s)[\*\%]+', "\\1", p) # get rid of extremely short words (1-3 letters with wildcards): TODO: put into the search config p = re.sub(r'(\s\w{1,3})[\*\%]+', "\\1", p) # remove unnecessary whitespace: p = string.strip(p) return p def wash_field(f): """Wash field passed by URL.""" # check whether f is a list: if type(f) is list: for fi in f: if fi: f = fi break # get rid of unnecessary whitespace: f = string.strip(f) # wash old-style CDSware/ALEPH 'f' field argument, e.g. replaces 'wau' and 'au' by 'author' if cfg_fields_convert.has_key(string.lower(f)): f = cfg_fields_convert[f] return f def wash_dates(d1y, d1m, d1d, d2y, d2m, d2d): """Take user-submitted dates (day, month, year) of the web form and return (day1, day2) in YYYY-MM-DD format suitable for time restricted searching. I.e. pay attention when months are not there to put 01 or 12 according to if it's the starting or the ending date, etc.""" day1, day2 = "", "" # sanity checking: if d1y=="" and d1m=="" and d1d=="" and d2y=="" and d2m=="" and d2d=="": return ("", "") # nothing selected, so return empty values # construct day1 (from): if d1y: day1 += "%04d" % int(d1y) else: day1 += "0000" if d1m: day1 += "-%02d" % int(d1m) else: day1 += "-01" if d1d: day1 += "-%02d" % int(d1d) else: day1 += "-01" # construct day2 (until): if d2y: day2 += "%04d" % int(d2y) else: day2 += "9999" if d2m: day2 += "-%02d" % int(d2m) else: day2 += "-12" if d2d: day2 += "-%02d" % int(d2d) else: day2 += "-31" # NOTE: perhaps we should add max(datenumber) in # given month, but for our quering it's not # needed, 31 will always do # okay, return constructed YYYY-MM-DD dates return (day1, day2) def get_coll_ancestors(coll): "Returns a list of ancestors for collection 'coll'." coll_ancestors = [] coll_ancestor = coll while 1: query = "SELECT c.name FROM collection AS c "\ "LEFT JOIN collection_collection AS cc ON c.id=cc.id_dad "\ "LEFT JOIN collection AS ccc ON ccc.id=cc.id_son "\ "WHERE ccc.name='%s' ORDER BY cc.id_dad ASC LIMIT 1" \ % escape_string(coll_ancestor) res = run_sql(query, None, 1) if res: coll_name = res[0][0] coll_ancestors.append(coll_name) coll_ancestor = coll_name else: break # ancestors found, return reversed list: coll_ancestors.reverse() return coll_ancestors def get_coll_sons(coll): "Returns a list of sons (first-level descendants) for collection 'coll'." coll_sons = [] query = "SELECT c.name FROM collection AS c "\ "LEFT JOIN collection_collection AS cc ON c.id=cc.id_son "\ "LEFT JOIN collection AS ccc ON ccc.id=cc.id_dad "\ "WHERE ccc.name='%s' ORDER BY cc.score DESC" \ % escape_string(coll) res = run_sql(query) for name in res: coll_sons.append(name[0]) return coll_sons def get_coll_real_descendants(coll): """Return a list of all descendants of collection 'coll' that are defined by a 'dbquery'. IOW, we need to decompose compound collections like "A & B" into "A" and "B" provided that "A & B" has no associated database query defined. """ coll_sons = [] query = "SELECT c.name,c.dbquery FROM collection AS c "\ "LEFT JOIN collection_collection AS cc ON c.id=cc.id_son "\ "LEFT JOIN collection AS ccc ON ccc.id=cc.id_dad "\ "WHERE ccc.name='%s' ORDER BY cc.score DESC" \ % escape_string(coll) res = run_sql(query) for name, dbquery in res: if dbquery: # this is 'real' collection, so return it: coll_sons.append(name) else: # this is 'composed' collection, so recurse: coll_sons.extend(get_coll_real_descendants(name)) return coll_sons def get_collection_hitlist(coll): """Return bit vector of records that belong to the collection 'coll'.""" set = HitList() query = "SELECT nbrecs,reclist FROM collection WHERE name='%s'" % coll # launch the query: res = run_sql(query, None, 1) # fill the result set: if res: try: set._nbhits, set._set = res[0][0], Numeric.loads(zlib.decompress(res[0][1])) except: set._nbhits = 0 # okay, return result set: return set def coll_restricted_p(coll): "Predicate to test if the collection coll is restricted or not." if not coll: return 0 query = "SELECT restricted FROM collection WHERE name='%s'" % MySQLdb.escape_string(coll) res = run_sql(query, None, 1) if res and res[0][0] != None: return 1 else: return 0 def coll_restricted_group(coll): "Return Apache group to which the collection is restricted. Return None if it's public." if not coll: return None query = "SELECT restricted FROM collection WHERE name='%s'" % MySQLdb.escape_string(coll) res = run_sql(query, None, 1) if res: return res[0][0] else: return None def create_collrecs_cache(): """Creates list of records belonging to collections. Called on startup and used later for intersecting search results with collection universe.""" collrecs = {} query = "SELECT name FROM collection" res = run_sql(query) for name in res: collrecs[name[0]] = None # this will be filled later during runtime by calling get_collection_hitlist(coll) return collrecs try: collrecs_cache.has_key(cdsname) except: collrecs_cache = create_collrecs_cache() collrecs_cache[cdsname] = get_collection_hitlist(cdsname) def browse_pattern(req, colls, p, f, rg): """Browse either biliographic phrases or words indexes, and display it.""" ## do we search in words indexes? if not f: return browse_in_bibwords(req, p, f) else: return browse_in_bibxxx(req, colls, p, f, rg) def browse_in_bibwords(req, p, f): """Browse inside words indexes.""" req.write("

Words nearest to %s " % p) if f: req.write(" inside %s " % f) req.write(" are:
") url = string.replace(req.args, "search=Browse","search=SEARCH") req.write(create_nearest_words_links(url, p, f)) return def browse_in_bibxxx(req, colls, p, f, rg): """Browse bibliographic phrases for the given pattern in the given field.""" ## determine browse field: if string.find(p, ":") > 0: # does 'p' contain ':'? f, p = split(p, ":", 2) ## prepare collection urlargument for later printing: urlarg_colls = "" for coll in colls: urlarg_colls += "&c=%s" % urllib.quote(coll) ## wash 'p' argument: p = re_quotes.sub("", p) ## construct 'tl' which defines the tag list (MARC tags) to search in: tl = [] if str(f[0]).isdigit() and str(f[1]).isdigit(): tl.append(f) # 'f' seems to be okay as it starts by two digits else: # deduce desired MARC tags on the basis of chosen 'f' tl = get_field_tags(f) ## start browsing to fetch list of hits: for t in tl: # print header for this tag: out = """""" % (f, get_tag_name(t,"[","]")) req.write(out) # deduce into which bibxxx table we will search: digit1, digit2 = int(t[0]), int(t[1]) bx = "bib%d%dx" % (digit1, digit2) bibx = "bibrec_bib%d%dx" % (digit1, digit2) p_t = p while 1: # try quering until some hits can be found: # construct query: if len(t) != 6 or t[-1:]=='%': # only the beginning of field 't' is defined, so add wildcard character: query = "SELECT bx.id, bx.value FROM %s AS bx WHERE bx.value >= '%s' AND bx.tag LIKE '%s%%' ORDER BY bx.value ASC LIMIT %d" \ % (bx, p_t, t, cfg_nb_browse_seen_records+2) else: query = "SELECT bx.id, bx.value FROM %s AS bx WHERE bx.value >= '%s' AND bx.tag='%s' ORDER BY bx.value ASC LIMIT %d" \ % (bx, p_t, t, cfg_nb_browse_seen_records+2) # launch the query: res = run_sql(query) if res: # some hits found, good break else: # no hits found, so try to shorten the browse string by a letter if len(p_t)>1: p_t = p_t[:-1] else: break # cannot shorten more, so exit with no results found # print results: nb_hits = 0 word_current_hit = "" word_next_hit = "" for word_id,word in res: # detect how many hits has word in these particular collections: word_hitlist = HitList() word_hitlists = search_pattern("", word, f, colls, 'e') for coll in colls: word_hitlist.union(word_hitlists[coll]) word_hitlist.calculate_nbhits() if word_hitlist._nbhits > 0: # okay, it has some hits in colls, so print it: word_current_hit = word nb_hits += 1 if nb_hits > rg: word_next_hit = word break out = """""" % (word_hitlist._nbhits, weburl, urllib.quote(word), urllib.quote(f), urlarg_colls, word) req.write(out) # propose 'next word' link: if word_next_hit: req.write(""""""\ % (weburl, get_tag_name(t), weburl, urllib.quote(word_next_hit), urllib.quote(f), urlarg_colls, word_next_hit)) else: # we don't have 'next word hit', so print only 'try out' proposals if they apply if res: word_try = res[len(res)-1][1] if word_try == p_t or word_try == word_current_hit: req.write("""""" % (weburl, word_try)) else: req.write(""""""\ % (weburl, weburl, urllib.quote(word_try), urllib.quote(f), urlarg_colls)) else: req.write("""""" % p_t) # print footer for this tag: req.write("""
#   %s %s
%s   %s
  next %s: %s
  nothing found below %s.
  browse further
  nothing found below %s.
""") return def search_pattern(req, p=None, f=None, colls=[], m=None, hit_hints=0): """Searches for pattern 'p' and field 'f' and returns dict of recIDs HitLists per each collection in 'colls'. - Optionally, the function accepts the match type argument 'm'. If it is set (e.g. from advanced search interface), then it performs this kind of matching. If it is not set, then a guess is made. - Calls search_in_bibwords() and/or search_in_bibxxx() functions. - If hit_hints is set, than print lots of hints on current search. Useful for debugging and/or when search gives zero hits. - Called by main().""" ## create empty output results set: results_out = {} for coll in colls: results_out[coll] = HitList() results_out[coll]._nbhits = 0 ## if p is not defined, return all hits in given collections: if not p: for coll in colls: results_out[coll]._set = collrecs_cache[coll]._set results_out[coll]._nbhits = collrecs_cache[coll]._nbhits return results_out ## now we are sure to have some p: good. ## create search units: opft_items = create_opft_search_units(req, p, f, m) #req.write("

%s" % opft_items) ## search regardless of collection: results_in_any_collection = HitList() results_in_any_collection_empty = 1 # to be able to skip first set operation for opft_item in opft_items: results_for_opft_item = {} oi, pi, fi, ti = opft_item[0], opft_item[1], opft_item[2], opft_item[3] # firstly, launch search for this pattern item: if ti == 'a' or ti == 'r': # we are doing either direct bibxxx search or phrase search or regexp search results_for_opft_item = search_in_bibxxx(req, pi, fi, ti) elif ti == 'w': # we are doing bibwords search results_for_opft_item = search_in_bibwords(req, pi, fi) else: print_warning(req, "The search type '%s' is not defined." % ti, "Error") return None if hit_hints: results_for_opft_item.calculate_nbhits() if results_for_opft_item._nbhits == 0: text = "Search term %s" % pi if fi: text += " inside %s " % fi print_warning(req, "%s did not match any record. Nearest terms are: %s" % (text, create_nearest_words_links(req.args, pi, fi)), "") return results_out # empty if dbg: print_warning(req, "Item %s:%s gave %d hits." % (fi, pi, results_for_opft_item._nbhits), "") # secondly, apply the set intersect/union/disjunction functions: if dbg: t1 = os.times()[4] if results_in_any_collection_empty: results_in_any_collection = results_for_opft_item results_in_any_collection_empty = 0 else: if oi == '+': results_in_any_collection.intersect(results_for_opft_item) elif oi == '-': results_in_any_collection.difference(results_for_opft_item) elif oi == '|': results_in_any_collection.union(results_for_opft_item) else: print_warning(req, "Invalid set operation %s." % oi, "Error") if dbg: t2 = os.times()[4] print_warning(req, "Set operation '%s' took %.2f seconds." % (oi, (t2 - t1)), "Profile") ## before doing collection intersection, see how many hits we have now: results_in_any_collection.calculate_nbhits() ## return all hits if no collection list specified (useful for WebSearch Admin to determine collection ## recID universe): if colls == []: return results_in_any_collection ## were there no hits at all before doing collection intersection? if results_in_any_collection._nbhits == 0: # pattern not found in any public/private collection: if hit_hints: text = """All search terms matched but boolean query returned no hits. Please combine your search terms differently.""" url_args = req.args for opft_item in opft_items: oi, pi, fi, ti = opft_item[0], opft_item[1], opft_item[2], opft_item[3] url_args_new = re.sub(r'(^|\&)p=.*?(\&|$)', r'\1p='+urllib.quote(pi)+r'\2', url_args) url_args_new = re.sub(r'(^|\&)f=.*?(\&|$)', r'\1f='+urllib.quote(fi)+r'\2', url_args_new) text += """
      %s - about %s hits""" % \ (weburl, url_args_new, pi, get_word_nbhits(pi, fi)) print_warning(req, text, "") return results_out # still empty ## intersect with collection universe: if dbg: t1 = os.times()[4] if colls: for coll in colls: results_out[coll]._set = Numeric.bitwise_and(results_in_any_collection._set, collrecs_cache[coll]._set) if dbg: t2 = os.times()[4] print_warning(req, "Intersecting with collection hitlist universe took %.2f seconds." % ((t2 - t1)), "Profile") ## count number of hits in given collections: results_out_nb_hits_total = 0 for coll in colls: results_out[coll].calculate_nbhits() results_out_nb_hits_total += results_out[coll]._nbhits if results_out_nb_hits_total == 0: # pattern had been found but not in the collections chosen by the user: if hit_hints: # try to search in Home: results_in_Home = HitList() results_in_Home._set = Numeric.bitwise_and(results_in_any_collection._set, collrecs_cache[cdsname]._set) results_in_Home.calculate_nbhits() if results_in_Home._nbhits > 0: # some hits found in Home, so propose this search: url_args = req.args url_args = re.sub(r'(^|\&)cc=.*?(\&|$)', r'\2', url_args) url_args = re.sub(r'(^|\&)c=.*?(\&[^c]+=|$)', r'\2', url_args) url_args = re.sub(r'^\&+', '', url_args) url_args = re.sub(r'\&+$', '', url_args) print_warning(req, """Match found in other public collections: %d hits.""" % (weburl, url_args, results_in_Home._nbhits), "") else: # no hits found in Home, recommend different search terms: text = """No other public collection matched your query. If you were looking for a non-public document, please choose the desired restricted collection first.""" print_warning(req, text, "") return results_out def search_in_bibwords(req, word, f, decompress=zlib.decompress): """Searches for 'word' inside bibwordsX table for field 'f' and returns hitlist of recIDs.""" set = HitList() # will hold output result set set_used = 0 # not-yet-used flag, to be able to circumvent set operations # deduce into which bibwordsX table we will search: bibwordsX = "bibwords%d" % get_wordsindex_id("anyfield") if f: wordsindex_id = get_wordsindex_id(f) if wordsindex_id: bibwordsX = "bibwords%d" % wordsindex_id else: print_warning(req, "Sorry, the word table for '%s' does not seem to exist. Choosing the global word file instead." % f, "Error") # wash 'word' argument and construct query: word = string.replace(word, '*', '%') # we now use '*' as the truncation character words = string.split(word, "->", 1) # check for span query if len(words) == 2: word0 = re_word.sub('', words[0]) word1 = re_word.sub('', words[1]) query = "SELECT word,hitlist FROM %s WHERE word BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s'" % (bibwordsX, escape_string(word0[:50]), escape_string(word1[:50])) else: word = re_word.sub('', word) if string.find(word, '%') >= 0: # do we have wildcard in the word? query = "SELECT word,hitlist FROM %s WHERE word LIKE '%s'" % (bibwordsX, escape_string(word[:50])) else: query = "SELECT word,hitlist FROM %s WHERE word='%s'" % (bibwordsX, escape_string(word[:50])) if dbg: print_warning(req, query, "Debug") # launch the query: res = run_sql(query) # fill the result set: for word,hitlist in res: if dbg: t1 = os.times()[4] hitlist_bibwrd = HitList(Numeric.loads(decompress(hitlist))) if dbg: t2 = os.times()[4] print_warning(req, "Demarshaling '%s' hitlist took %.2f seconds." % (word, (t2 - t1)), "Profile") # add the results: if dbg: t1 = os.times()[4] if set_used: set.union(hitlist_bibwrd) else: set = hitlist_bibwrd set_used = 1 if dbg: t2 = os.times()[4] print_warning(req, "Adding '%s' hitlist took %.2f seconds." % (word, (t2 - t1)), "Profile") # okay, return result set: return set def search_in_bibxxx(req, p, f, type): """Searches for pattern 'p' inside bibxxx tables for field 'f' and returns hitlist of recIDs found. The search type is defined by 'type' (e.g. equals to 'r' for a regexp search).""" p_orig = p # saving for eventual future 'no match' reporting # wash arguments: f = string.replace(f, '*', '%') # replace truncation char '*' in field definition if type == 'r': pattern = "REGEXP '%s'" % MySQLdb.escape_string(p) else: p = string.replace(p, '*', '%') # we now use '*' as the truncation character ps = string.split(p, "->", 1) # check for span query: if len(ps) == 2: pattern = "BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s'" % (MySQLdb.escape_string(ps[0]), MySQLdb.escape_string(ps[1])) else: pattern = "LIKE '%s'" % MySQLdb.escape_string(ps[0]) # construct 'tl' which defines the tag list (MARC tags) to search in: tl = [] if str(f[0]).isdigit() and str(f[1]).isdigit(): tl.append(f) # 'f' seems to be okay as it starts by two digits else: # convert old ALEPH tag names, if appropriate: (TODO: get rid of this before entering this function) if cfg_fields_convert.has_key(string.lower(f)): f = cfg_fields_convert[string.lower(f)] # deduce desired MARC tags on the basis of chosen 'f' tl = get_field_tags(f) if not tl: # by default we are searching in author index: tl = get_field_tags("author") print_warning(req, "The phrase or access file search does not work in this field. Choosing author index instead.", "Warning") # okay, start search: l = [] # will hold list of recID that matched for t in tl: # deduce into which bibxxx table we will search: digit1, digit2 = int(t[0]), int(t[1]) bx = "bib%d%dx" % (digit1, digit2) bibx = "bibrec_bib%d%dx" % (digit1, digit2) # construct query: if len(t) != 6 or t[-1:]=='%': # only the beginning of field 't' is defined, so add wildcard character: query = "SELECT bibx.id_bibrec FROM %s AS bx LEFT JOIN %s AS bibx ON bx.id=bibx.id_bibxxx WHERE bx.value %s AND bx.tag LIKE '%s%%'" %\ (bx, bibx, pattern, t) else: query = "SELECT bibx.id_bibrec FROM %s AS bx LEFT JOIN %s AS bibx ON bx.id=bibx.id_bibxxx WHERE bx.value %s AND bx.tag='%s'" %\ (bx, bibx, pattern, t) if dbg: print_warning(req, query, "Debug") # launch the query: res = run_sql(query) # fill the result set: for id_bibrec in res: if id_bibrec[0]: l.append(id_bibrec[0]) # check no of hits found: nb_hits = len(l) if dbg: print_warning(req, "The pattern '%s' in field '%s' has got '%d' hits." % (p, f, nb_hits), "Info") # check whether it is sound to do a new search: if nb_hits == 0 and not (p.startswith("%") and p.endswith("%")): # try to launch substring search: p_new = "%" + p + "%" - print_warning(req, "Your original search for %s within %s field did not return any result. Looking for subphrase/substring match..." % \ - (p_orig, f), "Info") + print_warning(req, "No match found, looking for substrings...", "") return search_in_bibxxx(req, p_new, f, type) else: # okay, return result set: set = HitList() set.addlist(Numeric.array(l)) return set def search_in_bibrec(day1, day2, type='creation_date'): """Return hitlist of recIDs found that were either created or modified (see 'type' arg) from day1 until day2, inclusive. Does not pay attention to pattern, collection, anything. Useful to intersect later on with the 'real' query.""" set = HitList() if type != "creation_date" and type != "modification_date": # type argument is invalid, so search for creation dates by default type = "creation_date" res = run_sql("SELECT id FROM bibrec WHERE %s>=%s AND %s<=%s" % (type, "%s", type, "%s"), (day1, day2)) l = [] for row in res: l.append(row[0]) set.addlist(Numeric.array(l)) return set def create_nearest_words_links(url, p, f, n=10, prologue="
      ", epilogue=""): """Return list of 'n' nearest words to 'p' in the words index list for the field 'f'.""" out = "" # deduce into which bibwordsX table we will search: bibwordsX = "bibwords%d" % get_wordsindex_id("anyfield") if f: wordsindex_id = get_wordsindex_id(f) if wordsindex_id: bibwordsX = "bibwords%d" % wordsindex_id else: return "%sNo words index available for %s.%s" % (prologue, f, epilogue) # try to get nearest n words: query = "SELECT word FROM %s WHERE word LIKE '%s%%' LIMIT %d" % (bibwordsX, escape_string(p), n) res = run_sql(query) for row in res: p_new = row[0] p_new_quoted = urllib.quote(p_new,'') url_new = url if p: p_quoted = urllib.quote(p,'') url_new = string.replace(url, p_quoted, p_new_quoted) else: url_new = url + "&p=%s" % p_new_quoted out += """%s%s - about %s hits%s""" % \ (prologue, weburl, url_new, p_new, get_word_nbhits(p_new, f), epilogue) if out: return out else: # try search pattern of lesser length: if p: p_quoted = urllib.quote(p,'') p_new_quoted = urllib.quote(p[:-1],'') return create_nearest_words_links(string.replace(url, p_quoted, p_new_quoted), p[:-1], f, n) else: return "%sNo words index available for this query.%s" % (prologue, epilogue) def get_word_nbhits(word, f): """Return number of hits for word 'word' inside words index for field 'f'.""" out = 0 # deduce into which bibwordsX table we will search: bibwordsX = "bibwords%d" % get_wordsindex_id("anyfield") if f: wordsindex_id = get_wordsindex_id(f) if wordsindex_id: bibwordsX = "bibwords%d" % wordsindex_id else: return 0 # try to get nearest n words: if word: query = "SELECT hitlist FROM %s WHERE word LIKE '%s'" % (bibwordsX, escape_string(word)) res = run_sql(query) for hitlist in res: out += Numeric.sum(Numeric.loads(zlib.decompress(hitlist[0])).copy().astype(Numeric.Int)) return nice_number(out) def get_mysql_recid_from_aleph_sysno(sysno): """Returns MySQL's recID for ALEPH sysno passed in the argument (e.g. "2209836CERCER"). Returns None in case of failure.""" out = None query = "SELECT bb.id_bibrec FROM bibrec_bib90x AS bb, bib90x AS b WHERE b.value='%s' AND b.tag='909C0o' AND bb.id_bibxxx=b.id" %\ (escape_string(sysno)) res = run_sql(query, None, 1) if res: out = res[0][0] return out def get_tag_name(tag_value, prolog="", epilog=""): """Return tag name from the known tag value, by looking up the 'tag' table. Return empty string in case of failure. Example: input='100__%', output=first author'.""" out = "" res = run_sql("SELECT name FROM tag WHERE value=%s", (tag_value,)) if res: out = prolog + res[0][0] + epilog return out def get_field_tags(field): """Returns a list of MARC tags for the field code 'field'. Returns empty list in case of error. Example: field='author', output=['100__%','700__%'].""" out = [] query = """SELECT t.value FROM tag AS t, field_tag AS ft, field AS f WHERE f.code='%s' AND ft.id_field=f.id AND t.id=ft.id_tag ORDER BY ft.score DESC""" % field res = run_sql(query) for val in res: out.append(val[0]) return out def get_fieldvalues(recID, tag): """Return list of field values for field 'tag' inside record 'recID'.""" out = [] if tag == "001___": # we have asked for recID that is not stored in bibXXx tables out.append(str(recID)) else: # we are going to look inside bibXXx tables digit = tag[0:2] bx = "bib%sx" % digit bibx = "bibrec_bib%sx" % digit query = "SELECT bx.value FROM %s AS bx, %s AS bibx WHERE bibx.id_bibrec='%s' AND bx.id=bibx.id_bibxxx AND bx.tag LIKE '%s'" \ % (bx, bibx, recID, tag) res = run_sql(query) for row in res: out.append(row[0]) return out def get_fieldvalues_alephseq_like(recID, tags): """Return textual lines in ALEPH sequential like format for field 'tag' inside record 'recID'.""" out = "" # clean passed 'tag': tags_in = string.split(tags, ",") if len(tags_in) == 1 and len(tags_in[0]) == 6: ## case A: one concrete subfield asked, so print its value if found ## (use with care: can false you if field has multiple occurrences) out += string.join(get_fieldvalues(recID, tags_in[0]),"\n") else: ## case B: print our "text MARC" format; works safely all the time tags_out = [] for tag in tags_in: if len(tag) == 0: for i in range(0,10): for j in range(0,10): tags_out.append("%d%d%%" % (i, j)) elif len(tag) == 1: for j in range(0,10): tags_out.append("%s%d%%" % (tag, j)) elif len(tag) < 5: tags_out.append("%s%%" % tag) elif tag >= 6: tags_out.append(tag[0:5]) # search all bibXXx tables as needed: for tag in tags_out: digits = tag[0:2] if tag.startswith("001") or tag.startswith("00%"): if out: out += "\n" out += "%09d %s %d" % (recID, "001__", recID) bx = "bib%sx" % digits bibx = "bibrec_bib%sx" % digits query = "SELECT b.tag,b.value,bb.field_number FROM %s AS b, %s AS bb "\ "WHERE bb.id_bibrec='%s' AND b.id=bb.id_bibxxx AND b.tag LIKE '%s%%' "\ "ORDER BY bb.field_number, b.tag ASC" % (bx, bibx, recID, tag) res = run_sql(query) # go through fields: field_number_old = -999 field_old = "" for row in res: field, value, field_number = row[0], row[1], row[2] ind1, ind2 = field[3], field[4] if ind1 == "_": ind1 = "" if ind2 == "_": ind2 = "" # print field tag if field_number != field_number_old or field[:-1] != field_old[:-1]: if out: out += "\n" out += "%09d %s " % (recID, field[:5]) field_number_old = field_number field_old = field # print subfield value out += "$$%s%s" % (field[-1:], value) return out def record_exists(recID): "Returns 1 if record 'recID' exists. Returns 0 otherwise." out = 0 query = "SELECT id FROM bibrec WHERE id='%s'" % recID res = run_sql(query, None, 1) if res: out = 1 return out def get_creation_date(recID): "Returns the creation date of the record 'recID'." out = "" query = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(creation_date,'%%Y-%%m-%%d') FROM bibrec WHERE id='%s'" % (recID) res = run_sql(query, None, 1) if res: out = res[0][0] return out def get_modification_date(recID): "Returns the date of last modification for the record 'recID'." out = "" query = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(modification_date,'%%Y-%%m-%%d') FROM bibrec WHERE id='%s'" % (recID) res = run_sql(query, None, 1) if res: out = res[0][0] return out def print_warning(req, msg, type='Tip', prologue='', epilogue='
'): "Prints warning message and flushes output." if req: req.write('%s' % (prologue)) if type: req.write('%s: ' % type) req.write('%s%s' % (msg, epilogue)) def print_search_info(p, f, sf, so, sp, of, ot, collection=cdsname, nb_found=-1, jrec=1, rg=10, as=0, p1="", p2="", p3="", f1="", f2="", f3="", m1="", m2="", m3="", op1="", op2="", d1y="", d1m="", d1d="", d2y="", d2m="", d2d="", cpu_time=-1, middle_only=0): """Prints stripe with the information on 'collection' and 'nb_found' results oand CPU time. Also, prints navigation links (beg/next/prev/end) inside the results set. If middle_only is set to 1, it will only print the middle box information (beg/netx/prev/end/etc) links. This is suitable for displaying navigation links at the bottom of the search results page.""" out = "" # left table cells: print collection name if not middle_only: out += "\n" \ "\n

"\ "\n\n" % \ (collection, weburl, weburl, urllib.quote_plus(collection), as, collection) else: out += """\n
\n""" % weburl # sanity check: if jrec < 1: jrec = 1 if jrec > nb_found: jrec = max(nb_found-rg+1, 1) # middle table cell: print beg/next/prev/end arrows: if not middle_only: out += "
" else: out += "" # right table cell: cpu time info if not middle_only: if cpu_time > -1: out +="" % cpu_time out += "
" \ "" \ "%s\n" out += "%s records found:   \n" % nice_number(nb_found) else: out += "" if nb_found > rg: out += "%s: %s records found:   " % (collection, nice_number(nb_found)) if nb_found > rg: # navig.arrows are needed, since we have many hits url = '%s/search.py?p=%s&c=%s&f=%s&sf=%s&so=%s&sp=%s&of=%s&ot=%s' % (weburl, urllib.quote(p), urllib.quote(collection), f, sf, so, sp, of, ot) url += '&as=%s&p1=%s&p2=%s&p3=%s&f1=%s&f2=%s&f3=%s&m1=%s&m2=%s&m3=%s&op1=%s&op2=%s' \ % (as, urllib.quote(p1), urllib.quote(p2), urllib.quote(p3), f1, f2, f3, m1, m2, m3, op1, op2) url += '&d1y=%s&d1m=%s&d1d=%s&d2y=%s&d2m=%s&d2d=%s' \ % (d1y, d1m, d1d, d2y, d2m, d2d) if jrec-rg > 1: out += "\"begin\"" % (url, rg, weburl) if jrec > 1: out += "\"previous\"" % (url, max(jrec-rg,1), rg, weburl) if nb_found > rg: out += "%d - %d" % (jrec, jrec+rg-1) else: out += "%d - %d" % (jrec, nb_found) if nb_found >= jrec+rg: out += "\"next\"" % \ (url, jrec+rg, rg, weburl) if nb_found >= jrec+rg+rg: out += "\"end\"" % \ (url, nb_found-rg+1, rg, weburl) out += "" % p out += "" % collection out += "" % f out += "" % sf out += "" % so out += "" % of if ot: out += """""" % ot if sp: out += """""" % sp out += "" % rg out += "" % as out += "" % p1 out += "" % p2 out += "" % p3 out += "" % f1 out += "" % f2 out += "" % f3 out += "" % m1 out += "" % m2 out += "" % m3 out += "" % op1 out += "" % op2 out += "" % d1y out += "" % d1m out += "" % d1d out += "" % d2y out += "" % d2m out += "" % d2d out += "  or jump to record: " % jrec if not middle_only: out += "Search took %.2f sec. 
" else: out += "" out += "
" return out def print_results_overview(colls, results_final_nb_total, results_final_nb, cpu_time): "Prints results overview box with links to particular collections below." out = "" if len(colls) == 1: # if one collection only, print nothing: return out # first find total number of hits: out += "

" \ "" % \ (nice_number(results_final_nb_total), cpu_time) # then print hits per collection: out += "
Results overview: Found %s records in %.2f seconds.
" for coll in colls: if results_final_nb[coll] > 0: out += "%s, " \ "%s records found
" \ % (urllib.quote(coll), coll, urllib.quote(coll), nice_number(results_final_nb[coll])) out += "
\n" return out def sort_records(req, recIDs, sort_field='', sort_order='d', sort_pattern=''): """Sort records in 'recIDs' list according sort field 'sort_field' in order 'sort_order'. If more than one instance of 'sort_field' is found for a given record, try to choose that that is given by 'sort pattern', for example "sort by report number that starts by CERN-PS". Note that 'sort_field' can be field code like 'author' or MARC tag like '100__a' directly.""" ## check arguments: if not sort_field: return recIDs if len(recIDs) > cfg_nb_records_to_sort: print_warning(req, "Sorry, sorting is allowed on sets of up to %d records only. Using default sort order (\"latest first\")." % cfg_nb_records_to_sort,"Warning") return recIDs recIDs_dict = {} recIDs_out = [] ## first deduce sorting MARC tag out of the 'sort_field' argument: tags = [] if sort_field and str(sort_field[0:2]).isdigit(): # sort_field starts by two digits, so this is probably a MARC tag already tags.append(sort_field) else: # let us check the 'field' table query = """SELECT DISTINCT(t.value) FROM tag AS t, field_tag AS ft, field AS f WHERE f.code='%s' AND ft.id_field=f.id AND t.id=ft.id_tag ORDER BY ft.score DESC""" % sort_field res = run_sql(query) if res: for row in res: tags.append(row[0]) else: print_warning(req, "Sorry, '%s' does not seem to be a valid sort option. Choosing title sort instead." % sort_field, "Error") tags.append("245__a") ## check if we have sorting tag defined: if tags: # fetch the necessary field values: for recID in recIDs: val = "" # will hold value for recID according to which sort vals = [] # will hold all values found in sorting tag for recID for tag in tags: vals.extend(get_fieldvalues(recID, tag)) if sort_pattern: # try to pick that tag value that corresponds to sort pattern bingo = 0 for v in vals: if v.startswith(sort_pattern): # bingo! bingo = 1 val = v break if not bingo: # not found, so joint them all together val = string.join(vals) else: # no sort pattern defined, so join them all together val = string.join(vals) val = val.lower() if recIDs_dict.has_key(val): recIDs_dict[val].append(recID) else: recIDs_dict[val] = [recID] # sort them: recIDs_dict_keys = recIDs_dict.keys() recIDs_dict_keys.sort() # now that keys are sorted, create output array: for k in recIDs_dict_keys: for s in recIDs_dict[k]: recIDs_out.append(s) # ascending or descending? if sort_order == 'a': recIDs_out.reverse() # okay, we are done return recIDs_out else: # good, no sort needed return recIDs def print_records(req, recIDs, jrec=1, rg=10, format='hb', ot='', decompress=zlib.decompress): """Prints list of records 'recIDs' formatted accoding to 'format' in groups of 'rg' starting from 'jrec'. Assumes that the input list 'recIDs' is sorted in reverse order, so it counts records from tail to head. A value of 'rg=-9999' means to print all records: to be used with care. """ # sanity checking: if req == None: return if len(recIDs): nb_found = len(recIDs) if rg == -9999: # print all records rg = nb_found else: rg = abs(rg) if jrec < 1: # sanity checks jrec = 1 if jrec > nb_found: jrec = max(nb_found-rg+1, 1) # will print records from irec_max to irec_min excluded: irec_max = nb_found - jrec irec_min = nb_found - jrec - rg if irec_min < 0: irec_min = -1 if irec_max >= nb_found: irec_max = nb_found - 1 #req.write("%s:%d-%d" % (recIDs, irec_min, irec_max)) if format.startswith('x'): # we are doing XML output: for irec in range(irec_max,irec_min,-1): req.write(print_record(recIDs[irec], format, ot)) elif format.startswith('t') or str(format[0:3]).isdigit(): # we are doing plain text output: for irec in range(irec_max,irec_min,-1): x = print_record(recIDs[irec], format, ot) req.write(x) if x: req.write('\n') else: # we are doing HTML output: req.write("""

""" % weburl) if format.startswith("hb"): req.write("\n") for irec in range(irec_max,irec_min,-1): req.write("""\n""" % recIDs[irec]) req.write("""") req.write("\n
%d.""" % (jrec+irec_max-irec)) req.write(print_record(recIDs[irec], format, ot)) req.write("
") else: # deduce url without 'of' argument: url_args = re.sub(r'(^|\&)of=.*?(\&|$)',r'\1',req.args) url_args = re.sub(r'^\&+', '', url_args) url_args = re.sub(r'\&+$', '', url_args) # print other formatting choices: req.write("""

Format: \n""") if format != "hm": req.write('HTML | HTML MARC | XML DC | XML MARC' % (weburl, url_args, weburl, url_args, weburl, url_args)) else: req.write('HTML | HTML MARC | XML DC | XML MARC' % (weburl, url_args, weburl, url_args, weburl, url_args)) req.write("
\n") for irec in range(irec_max,irec_min,-1): req.write(print_record(recIDs[irec], format, ot)) req.write("""""" % irec) req.write("

") #req.write("""

""") req.write("""
""") req.write("""
""") else: print_warning(req, 'Use different search terms.') def print_record(recID, format='hb', ot='', decompress=zlib.decompress): "Prints record 'recID' formatted accoding to 'format'." out = "" # sanity check: if not record_exists(recID): return out # print record opening tags, if needed: if format == "marcxml" or format == "oai_dc": out += " \n" out += "
\n" for id in get_fieldvalues(recID,oaiidfield): out += " %s\n" % id out += " %s\n" % get_modification_date(recID) out += "
\n" out += " \n" if format.startswith("xm") or format == "marcxml": # look for detailed format existence: query = "SELECT value FROM bibfmt WHERE id_bibrec='%s' AND format='%s'" % (recID, format) res = run_sql(query, None, 1) if res: # record 'recID' is formatted in 'format', so print it out += "%s" % decompress(res[0][0]) else: # record 'recID' is not formatted in 'format' -- they are not in "bibfmt" table; so fetch all the data from "bibXXx" tables: if format == "marcxml": out += """ \n""" out += " %d\n" % int(recID) elif format.startswith("xm"): out += """ \n""" out += " %d\n" % int(recID) for digit1 in range(0,10): for digit2 in range(0,10): bx = "bib%d%dx" % (digit1, digit2) bibx = "bibrec_bib%d%dx" % (digit1, digit2) query = "SELECT b.tag,b.value,bb.field_number FROM %s AS b, %s AS bb "\ "WHERE bb.id_bibrec='%s' AND b.id=bb.id_bibxxx AND b.tag LIKE '%s%%' "\ "ORDER BY bb.field_number, b.tag ASC" % (bx, bibx, recID, str(digit1)+str(digit2)) if dbg: out += "
Debug: " + query res = run_sql(query) field_number_old = -999 field_old = "" for row in res: field, value, field_number = row[0], row[1], row[2] ind1, ind2 = field[3], field[4] if ind1 == "_": ind1 = "" if ind2 == "_": ind2 = "" # print field tag if field_number != field_number_old or field[:-1] != field_old[:-1]: if format.startswith("xm") or format == "marcxml": fieldid = encode_for_xml(field[0:3]) if field_number_old != -999: out += """ \n""" out += """ \n""" % (encode_for_xml(field[0:3]), encode_for_xml(ind1), encode_for_xml(ind2)) field_number_old = field_number field_old = field # print subfield value if format.startswith("xm") or format == "marcxml": value = encode_for_xml(value) out += """ %s\n""" % (encode_for_xml(field[-1:]), value) # all fields/subfields printed in this run, so close the tag: if (format.startswith("xm") or format == "marcxml") and field_number_old != -999: out += """ \n""" # we are at the end of printing the record: if format.startswith("xm") or format == "marcxml": out += "
\n" elif format == "xd" or format == "oai_dc": # XML Dublin Core format, possibly OAI -- select only some bibXXx fields: out += """ \n""" for f in get_fieldvalues(recID, "041__a"): out += " %s\n" % f for f in get_fieldvalues(recID, "100__a"): out += " %s\n" % encode_for_xml(f) for f in get_fieldvalues(recID, "700__a"): out += " %s\n" % encode_for_xml(f) for f in get_fieldvalues(recID, "245__a"): out += " %s\n" % encode_for_xml(f) for f in get_fieldvalues(recID, "65017a"): out += " %s\n" % encode_for_xml(f) for f in get_fieldvalues(recID, "8564_u"): out += " %s\n" % encode_for_xml(f) for f in get_fieldvalues(recID, "520__a"): out += " %s\n" % encode_for_xml(f) out += " %s\n" % get_creation_date(recID) out += " \n" elif str(format[0:3]).isdigit(): # user has asked to print some fields only if format == "001": out += "%s\n" % (format, recID, format) else: vals = get_fieldvalues(recID, format) for val in vals: out += "%s\n" % (format, val, format) elif format.startswith('t'): ## user directly asked for some tags to be displayed only out += get_fieldvalues_alephseq_like(recID, ot) elif format == "hm": out += "
" + get_fieldvalues_alephseq_like(recID, ot) + "
" elif format.startswith("h") and ot: ## user directly asked for some tags to be displayed only out += "
" + get_fieldvalues_alephseq_like(recID, ot) + "
" elif format == "hd": # HTML detailed format # look for detailed format existence: query = "SELECT value FROM bibfmt WHERE id_bibrec='%s' AND format='%s'" % (recID, format) res = run_sql(query, None, 1) if res: # record 'recID' is formatted in 'format', so print it out += "%s" % decompress(res[0][0]) else: # record 'recID' is not formatted in 'format', so either call BibFormat on the fly or use default format # second, see if we are calling BibFormat on the fly: if cfg_call_bibformat: out += call_bibformat(recID) else: # okay, need to construct a simple "Detailed record" format of our own: out += "

 " # secondly, title: titles = get_fieldvalues(recID, "245__a") for title in titles: out += "

" % title # thirdly, authors: authors = get_fieldvalues(recID, "100__a") + get_fieldvalues(recID, "700__a") if authors: out += "

" for author in authors: out += """%s ;""" % (weburl, urllib.quote(author), author) out += "
" # fourthly, date of creation: dates = get_fieldvalues(recID, "260__c") for date in dates: out += "

" % date # fifthly, abstract: abstracts = get_fieldvalues(recID, "520__a") for abstract in abstracts: out += """

Abstract: %s

""" % abstract # fifthly bis, keywords: keywords = get_fieldvalues(recID, "6531_a") if len(keywords): out += """

Keyword(s):""" for keyword in keywords: out += """%s ; """ % (weburl, urllib.quote(keyword), keyword) # fifthly bis bis, published in: prs_p = get_fieldvalues(recID, "909C4p") prs_v = get_fieldvalues(recID, "909C4v") prs_y = get_fieldvalues(recID, "909C4y") prs_n = get_fieldvalues(recID, "909C4n") prs_c = get_fieldvalues(recID, "909C4c") for idx in range(0,len(prs_p)): out += """

Publ. in: %s""" % prs_p[idx] if prs_v and prs_v[idx]: out += """%s""" % prs_v[idx] if prs_y and prs_y[idx]: out += """(%s)""" % prs_y[idx] if prs_n and prs_n[idx]: out += """, no.%s""" % prs_n[idx] if prs_c and prs_c[idx]: out += """, p.%s""" % prs_c[idx] out += """.""" # sixthly, fulltext link: urls_z = get_fieldvalues(recID, "8564_z") urls_u = get_fieldvalues(recID, "8564_u") for idx in range(0,len(urls_u)): link_text = "URL" if urls_z[idx]: link_text = urls_z[idx] out += """

%s: %s""" % (link_text, urls_u[idx], urls_u[idx]) # print some white space at the end: out += "

" elif format == "hb-fly": # HTML brief called on the fly; suitable for testing brief formats out += call_bibformat(recID, "BRIEF_HTML") out += """
Detailed record""" \ % (weburl, recID) elif format == "hd-ejournalsite": # HTML brief called on the fly; suitable for testing brief formats out += call_bibformat(recID, "EJOURNALSITE") out += """
Detailed record""" \ % (weburl, recID) else: # HTML brief format by default query = "SELECT value FROM bibfmt WHERE id_bibrec='%s' AND format='%s'" % (recID, format) res = run_sql(query) if res: # record 'recID' is formatted in 'format', so print it out += "%s" % decompress(res[0][0]) else: # record 'recID' does not exist in format 'format', so print some default format: # firstly, title: titles = get_fieldvalues(recID, "245__a") for title in titles: out += "%s " % title # secondly, authors: authors = get_fieldvalues(recID, "100__a") + get_fieldvalues(recID, "700__a") if authors: out += " / " for i in range (0,cfg_author_et_al_threshold): if i < len(authors): out += """%s ;""" % (weburl, urllib.quote(authors[i]), authors[i]) if len(authors) > cfg_author_et_al_threshold: out += " et al." # thirdly, date of creation: dates = get_fieldvalues(recID, "260__c") for date in dates: out += " %s." % date # thirdly bis, report numbers: rns = get_fieldvalues(recID, "037__a") for rn in rns: out += """ [%s]""" % rn rns = get_fieldvalues(recID, "088__a") for rn in rns: out += """ [%s]""" % rn # fourthly, beginning of abstract: abstracts = get_fieldvalues(recID, "520__a") for abstract in abstracts: out += "
%s [...]" % abstract[:1+string.find(abstract, '.')] # fifthly, fulltext link: urls_z = get_fieldvalues(recID, "8564_z") urls_u = get_fieldvalues(recID, "8564_u") for idx in range(0,len(urls_u)): out += """
%s""" % (urls_u[idx], urls_u[idx]) # at the end of HTML mode, print the "Detailed record" functionality: if cfg_use_aleph_sysnos: alephsysnos = get_fieldvalues(recID, "909C0o") if len(alephsysnos)>0: alephsysno = alephsysnos[0] out += """
Detailed record""" \ % (weburl, alephsysno) else: out += """
Detailed record""" \ % (weburl, recID) else: out += """
Detailed record""" \ % (weburl, recID) # ...and the "Mark record" functionality: #out += """ - Mark record""" % recID # print record closing tags, if needed: if format == "marcxml" or format == "oai_dc": out += " \n" out += " \n" return out def encode_for_xml(s): "Encode special chars in string so that it would be XML-compliant." s = string.replace(s, '&', '&') s = string.replace(s, '<', '<') s = unicode(s,'latin-1','ignore').encode('utf-8','replace') return s def call_bibformat(id, otype="HD"): """Calls BibFormat for the record 'id'. Desired BibFormat output type is passed in 'otype' argument. This function is mainly used to display full format, if they are not stored in the 'bibfmt' table.""" f = urllib.urlopen("%s/bibformat/bibformat.shtml?id=%s&otype=%s" % (weburl, id, otype)) out = f.read() f.close() return out def log_query(hostname, query_args, uid=-1): """Log query into the query and user_query tables.""" if uid > 0: # log the query only if uid is reasonable res = run_sql("SELECT id FROM query WHERE urlargs=%s", (query_args,), 1) try: id_query = res[0][0] except: id_query = run_sql("INSERT INTO query (type, urlargs) VALUES ('r', %s)", (query_args,)) if id_query: run_sql("INSERT INTO user_query (id_user, id_query, hostname, date) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", (uid, id_query, hostname, time.strftime("%04Y-%02m-%02d %02H:%02M:%02S", time.localtime()))) return def log_query_info(action, p, f, colls, nb_records_found_total=-1): """Write some info to the log file for later analysis.""" try: log = open(logdir + "/search.log", "a") log.write(time.strftime("%04Y%02m%02d%02H%02M%02S#", time.localtime())) log.write(action+"#") log.write(p+"#") log.write(f+"#") for coll in colls[:-1]: log.write("%s," % coll) log.write("%s#" % colls[-1]) log.write("%d" % nb_records_found_total) log.write("\n") log.close() except: pass return def wash_url_argument(var, new_type): """Wash list argument into 'new_type', that can be 'list', 'str', or 'int'. Useful for washing mod_python passed arguments, that are all lists of strings (URL args may be multiple), but we sometimes want only to take the first value, and sometimes to represent it as string or numerical value.""" out = [] if new_type == 'list': # return lst if type(var) is list: out = var else: out = [var] elif new_type == 'str': # return str if type(var) is list: try: out = "%s" % var[0] except: out = "" elif type(var) is str: out = var else: out = "%s" % var elif new_type == 'int': # return int if type(var) is list: try: out = string.atoi(var[0]) except: out = 0 elif type(var) is int: pass elif type(var) is str: try: out = string.atoi(var) except: out = 0 else: out = 0 return out ### CALLABLES def perform_request_search(req=None, cc=cdsname, c=None, p="", f="", rg="10", sf="", so="d", sp="", of="hb", ot="", as="0", p1="", f1="", m1="", op1="", p2="", f2="", m2="", op2="", p3="", f3="", m3="", sc="0", jrec="0", id="-1", idb="-1", sysnb="", search="SEARCH", d1y="", d1m="", d1d="", d2y="", d2m="", d2d=""): """Perform search, without checking for authentication. Return list of recIDs found, if of=id. Otherwise create web page.""" # wash all passed arguments: cc = wash_url_argument(cc, 'str') p = wash_url_argument(p, 'str') f = wash_url_argument(f, 'str') rg = wash_url_argument(rg, 'int') sf = wash_url_argument(sf, 'str') so = wash_url_argument(so, 'str') sp = wash_url_argument(sp, 'string') of = wash_url_argument(of, 'str') if type(ot) is list: ot = string.join(ot,",") ot = wash_url_argument(ot, 'str') as = wash_url_argument(as, 'int') p1 = wash_url_argument(p1, 'str') f1 = wash_url_argument(f1, 'str') m1 = wash_url_argument(m1, 'str') op1 = wash_url_argument(op1, 'str') p2 = wash_url_argument(p2, 'str') f2 = wash_url_argument(f2, 'str') m2 = wash_url_argument(m2, 'str') op2 = wash_url_argument(op2, 'str') p3 = wash_url_argument(p3, 'str') f3 = wash_url_argument(f3, 'str') m3 = wash_url_argument(m3, 'str') sc = wash_url_argument(sc, 'int') jrec = wash_url_argument(jrec, 'int') id = wash_url_argument(id, 'int') idb = wash_url_argument(idb, 'int') sysnb = wash_url_argument(sysnb, 'int') search = wash_url_argument(search, 'str') d1y = wash_url_argument(d1y, 'str') d1m = wash_url_argument(d1m, 'str') d1d = wash_url_argument(d1d, 'str') d2y = wash_url_argument(d2y, 'str') d2m = wash_url_argument(d2m, 'str') d2d = wash_url_argument(d2d, 'str') day1, day2 = wash_dates(d1y, d1m, d1d, d2y, d2m, d2d) # deduce user id: uid = getUid(req) # start output if of.startswith('x'): # we are doing XML output: req.content_type = "text/xml" req.send_http_header() req.write("""\n""") if of.startswith("xm"): req.write("""\n""") else: req.write("""\n""") elif of.startswith('t') or str(of[0:3]).isdigit(): # we are doing plain text output: req.content_type = "text/plain" req.send_http_header() elif of == "id": # we are passing list of recIDs pass else: # we are doing HTML output: req.content_type = "text/html" req.send_http_header() # write header: req.write(create_header(cc, as, uid)) if sysnb or id>0: ## 1 - detailed record display if sysnb: # ALEPH sysnb is passed, so deduce MySQL id for the record: id = get_mysql_recid_from_aleph_sysno(sysnb) if of=="hb": of = "hd" if record_exists(id): if idb<=id: # sanity check idb=id+1 print_records(req, range(id,idb), -1, -9999, of, ot) else: # record does not exist if of.startswith("h"): (cc, colls_to_display, colls_to_search) = wash_colls(cc, c, sc) p = wash_pattern(p) f = wash_field(f) out = """
%s %s
""" % \ (create_search_box(cc, colls_to_display, p, f, rg, sf, so, sp, of, ot, as, p1, f1, m1, op1, p2, f2, m2, op2, p3, f3, m3, sc, d1y, d1m, d1d, d2y, d2m, d2d, search), create_google_box(p, f, p1, p2, p3)) req.write(out) print_warning(req, "Requested record does not seem to exist.", None, "

") elif search == "Browse": ## 2 - browse needed (cc, colls_to_display, colls_to_search) = wash_colls(cc, c, sc) p = wash_pattern(p) f = wash_field(f) # write search box: if of.startswith("h"): out = """
%s %s
""" % \ (create_search_box(cc, colls_to_display, p, f, rg, sf, so, sp, of, ot, as, p1, f1, m1, op1, p2, f2, m2, op2, p3, f3, m3, sc, d1y, d1m, d1d, d2y, d2m, d2d, search), create_google_box(p, f, p1, p2, p3)) req.write(out) if as==1 or (p1 or p2 or p3): browse_pattern(req, colls_to_search, p1, f1, rg) browse_pattern(req, colls_to_search, p2, f2, rg) browse_pattern(req, colls_to_search, p3, f3, rg) else: browse_pattern(req, colls_to_search, p, f, rg) else: ## 3 - search needed # wash passed collection arguments: (cc, colls_to_display, colls_to_search) = wash_colls(cc, c, sc) p = wash_pattern(p) f = wash_field(f) # write search box: if of.startswith("h"): out = """
%s %s
""" % \ (create_search_box(cc, colls_to_display, p, f, rg, sf, so, sp, of, ot, as, p1, f1, m1, op1, p2, f2, m2, op2, p3, f3, m3, sc, d1y, d1m, d1d, d2y, d2m, d2d, search), create_google_box(p, f, p1, p2, p3)) req.write(out) # run search: t1 = os.times()[4] if as == 1 or (p1 or p2 or p3): # 3A - advanced search results_final = search_pattern(req, "", "", colls_to_search) if p1: results_tmp = search_pattern(req, p1, f1, colls_to_search, m1) for coll in colls_to_search: # join results for first advanced search boxen results_final[coll].intersect(results_tmp[coll]) if p2: results_tmp = search_pattern(req, p2, f2, colls_to_search, m2) for coll in colls_to_search: # join results for first and second advanced search boxen if op1 == "a": # add results_final[coll].intersect(results_tmp[coll]) elif op1 == "o": # or results_final[coll].union(results_tmp[coll]) elif op1 == "n": # not results_final[coll].difference(results_tmp[coll]) else: print_warning(req, "Invalid set operation %s." % op1, "Error") if p3: results_tmp = search_pattern(req, p3, f3, colls_to_search, m3) for coll in colls_to_search: # join results for second and third advanced search boxen if op2 == "a": # add results_final[coll].intersect(results_tmp[coll]) elif op2 == "o": # or results_final[coll].union(results_tmp[coll]) elif op2 == "n": # not results_final[coll].difference(results_tmp[coll]) else: print_warning(req, "Invalid set operation %s." % op1, "Error") for coll in colls_to_search: results_final[coll].calculate_nbhits() else: # 3B - simple search search_cache_key = p+"@"+f+"@"+string.join(colls_to_search,",") if search_cache.has_key(search_cache_key): # is the result in search cache? results_final = search_cache[search_cache_key] else: results_final = search_pattern(req, p, f, colls_to_search) search_cache[search_cache_key] = results_final if len(search_cache) > cfg_search_cache_size: # is the cache full? (sanity cleaning) search_cache.clear() # search done; was there a time restriction? if yes, apply it now: if day1 != "": results_of_time_restriction = search_in_bibrec(day1, day2) for coll in colls_to_search: results_final[coll].intersect(results_of_time_restriction) results_final[coll].calculate_nbhits() t2 = os.times()[4] cpu_time = t2 - t1 # find total number of records found in each collection results_final_nb_total = 0 results_final_nb = {} for coll in colls_to_search: results_final_nb[coll] = results_final[coll]._nbhits results_final_nb_total += results_final_nb[coll] # was there at least one hit? if results_final_nb_total == 0: # nope, so try silently dash-slash-etc-less matches first: if as==1 or (p1 or p2 or p3): if re.search(r'\w[^a-zA-Z0-9]\w',p1) or \ re.search(r'\w[^a-zA-Z0-9]\w',p2) or \ re.search(r'\w[^a-zA-Z0-9]\w',p3): if p1.startswith('"') and p1.endswith('"'): # is it ACC query? p1 = re.sub(r'(\w)[^a-zA-Z0-9](\w)', "\\1_\\2", p1) else: # it is WRD query p1 = re.sub(r'(\w)[^a-zA-Z0-9](\w)', "\\1 \\2", p1) if p1.startswith('"') and p1.endswith('"'): # is it ACC query? p2 = re.sub(r'(\w)[^a-zA-Z0-9](\w)', "\\1_\\2", p2) else: # it is WRD query p2 = re.sub(r'(\w)[^a-zA-Z0-9](\w)', "\\1 \\2", p2) if p3.startswith('"') and p3.endswith('"'): # is it ACC query? p3 = re.sub(r'(\w)[^a-zA-Z0-9](\w)', "\\1_\\2", p3) else: # it is WRD query p3 = re.sub(r'(\w)[^a-zA-Z0-9](\w)', "\\1 \\2", p3) if of.startswith('h'): - print_warning(req, "No match found. Trying similar queries...", "", "


") + print_warning(req, "No match found, trying similar queries...", "", "


") results_final = search_pattern(req, "", "", colls_to_search) if p1: results_tmp = search_pattern(req, p1, f1, colls_to_search, m1) for coll in colls_to_search: # join results for first advanced search boxen results_final[coll].intersect(results_tmp[coll]) if p2: results_tmp = search_pattern(req, p2, f2, colls_to_search, m2) for coll in colls_to_search: # join results for first and second advanced search boxen if op1 == "a": # add results_final[coll].intersect(results_tmp[coll]) elif op1 == "o": # or results_final[coll].union(results_tmp[coll]) elif op1 == "n": # not results_final[coll].difference(results_tmp[coll]) else: print_warning(req, "Invalid set operation %s." % op1, "Error") if p3: results_tmp = search_pattern(req, p3, f3, colls_to_search, m3) for coll in colls_to_search: # join results for second and third advanced search boxen if op2 == "a": # add results_final[coll].intersect(results_tmp[coll]) elif op2 == "o": # or results_final[coll].union(results_tmp[coll]) elif op2 == "n": # not results_final[coll].difference(results_tmp[coll]) else: print_warning(req, "Invalid set operation %s." % op1, "Error") for coll in colls_to_search: results_final[coll].calculate_nbhits() results_final_nb[coll] = results_final[coll]._nbhits results_final_nb_total += results_final_nb[coll] else: if re.search(r'\w[^a-zA-Z0-9]\w',p): if p.startswith('"') and p.endswith('"'): # is it ACC query? p = re.sub(r'(\w)[^a-zA-Z0-9](\w)', "\\1_\\2", p) else: # it is WRD query p = re.sub(r'(\w)[^a-zA-Z0-9](\w)', "\\1 \\2", p) if of.startswith('h'): - print_warning(req, "No match found. Trying %s..." % p, "", "


") + print_warning(req, "No match found, trying %s..." % p, "", "


") results_final = search_pattern(req, p, f, colls_to_search, None) for coll in colls_to_search: results_final_nb[coll] = results_final[coll]._nbhits results_final_nb_total += results_final_nb[coll] # once again, was there at least one hit? if results_final_nb_total == 0: # nope, so try similar queries: if of.startswith('h'): - print_warning(req, "No match found. Trying similar queries...", "", "


") + print_warning(req, "No match found, trying similar queries...", "", "


") req.write("

") if as==1 or (p1 or p2 or p3): if p1: search_pattern(req, p1, f1, colls_to_search, m1, 1) if p2: search_pattern(req, p2, f2, colls_to_search, m2, 1) if p3: search_pattern(req, p3, f3, colls_to_search, m3, 1) else: search_pattern(req, p, f, colls_to_search, None, 1) else: # yes, some hits found, so print results overview: if of == "id": # we have been asked to return list of recIDs results_final_for_all_colls = HitList() for coll in colls_to_search: results_final_for_all_colls.union(results_final[coll]) return results_final_for_all_colls.items() elif of.startswith("h"): req.write(print_results_overview(colls_to_search, results_final_nb_total, results_final_nb, cpu_time)) # print records: if len(colls_to_search)>1: cpu_time = -1 # we do not want to have search time printed on each collection for coll in colls_to_search: if results_final[coll]._nbhits: if of.startswith("h"): req.write(print_search_info(p, f, sf, so, sp, of, ot, coll, results_final_nb[coll], jrec, rg, as, p1, p2, p3, f1, f2, f3, m1, m2, m3, op1, op2, d1y, d1m, d1d, d2y, d2m, d2d, cpu_time)) results_final_sorted = results_final[coll].items() if sf: results_final_sorted = sort_records(req, results_final_sorted, sf, so, sp) print_records(req, results_final_sorted, jrec, rg, of, ot) if of.startswith("h"): req.write(print_search_info(p, f, sf, so, sp, of, ot, coll, results_final_nb[coll], jrec, rg, as, p1, p2, p3, f1, f2, f3, m1, m2, m3, op1, op2, d1y, d1m, d1d, d2y, d2m, d2d, cpu_time, 1)) # log query: try: log_query(req.get_remote_host(), req.args, uid) except: # do not log query if req is None (used by CLI interface) pass log_query_info("ss", p, f, colls_to_search, results_final_nb_total) # 4 -- write footer: if of.startswith('h'): req.write(create_footer()) elif of.startswith('x'): req.write("""\n""") # 5 - return value if of == "id": return [] else: return "\n" def perform_request_cache(req, action="show"): """Manipulates the search engine cache.""" global search_cache global collrecs_cache req.content_type = "text/html" req.send_http_header() out = "" out += "

Search Cache

" # clear cache if requested: if action == "clear": search_cache = {} collrecs_cache = create_collrecs_cache() collrecs_cache[cdsname] = get_collection_hitlist(cdsname) # show collection cache: out += "

Collection Cache

" out += "
" for coll in collrecs_cache.keys(): if collrecs_cache[coll]: out += "%s
" % coll out += "
" # show search cache: out += "

Search Cache

" out += "
" if len(search_cache): out += """""" out += "" % ("Pattern","Field","Collection","Number of Hits") for search_cache_key in search_cache.keys(): p, f, c = string.split(search_cache_key, "@", 2) # find out about length of cached data: l = 0 for coll in search_cache[search_cache_key]: l += search_cache[search_cache_key][coll]._nbhits out += "" % (p, f, c, l) out += "
" else: out += "

Search cache is empty." out += "

" out += """

clear cache""" % weburl req.write(out) return "\n" def perform_request_log(req, date=""): """Display search log information for given date.""" req.content_type = "text/html" req.send_http_header() req.write("

Search Log

") if date: # case A: display stats for a day yyyymmdd = string.atoi(date) req.write("

Date: %d

" % yyyymmdd) req.write("""""") req.write("" % ("No.","Time", "Pattern","Field","Collection","Number of Hits")) # read file: p = os.popen("grep ^%d %s/search.log" % (yyyymmdd,logdir), 'r') lines = p.readlines() p.close() # process lines: i = 0 for line in lines: try: datetime, as, p, f, c, nbhits = string.split(line,"#") i += 1 req.write("" \ % (i, datetime[8:10], datetime[10:12], datetime[12:], p, f, c, nbhits)) except: pass # ignore eventual wrong log lines req.write("
") else: # case B: display summary stats per day yyyymm01 = int(time.strftime("%04Y%02m01", time.localtime())) yyyymmdd = int(time.strftime("%04Y%02m%02d", time.localtime())) req.write("""""") req.write("" % ("Day", "Number of Queries")) for day in range(yyyymm01,yyyymmdd+1): p = os.popen("grep -c ^%d %s/search.log" % (day,logdir), 'r') for line in p.readlines(): req.write("""""" % (day, weburl,day,line)) p.close() req.write("
") return "\n" ## test cases: #print collrecs_cache #collrecs_cache["Preprints"] = get_collection_hitlist("Preprints") #print perform_search(None, "of","title",["Preprints"]) #print wash_colls(cdsname,"Library Catalogue", 0) #print wash_colls("Periodicals & Progress Reports",["Periodicals","Progress Reports"], 0) #print wash_field("wau") #print print_record(20,"tm","001,245") #print create_opft_search_units(None, "PHE-87-13","reportnumber") #print get_word_nbhits("of","title") #print ":"+wash_pattern("* and % doo * %")+":\n" #print ":"+wash_pattern("*")+":\n" #print ":"+wash_pattern("ellis* ell* e*%")+":\n" #print run_sql("SELECT name,dbquery from collection") #print get_wordsindex_id("author") #print get_coll_ancestors("Theses") #print get_coll_sons("Articles & Preprints") #print get_coll_real_descendants("Articles & Preprints") #print get_collection_hitlist("Theses") #print log(sys.stdin) #print search_in_bibrec('2002-12-01','2002-12-12') #print wash_dates('1980', '', '28', '2003','02','') #print type(wash_url_argument("-1",'int')) #print browse_in_bibxxx(["Reports"], "z", "author", 10)