diff --git a/modules/websubmit/lib/bibdocfile.py b/modules/websubmit/lib/bibdocfile.py index d1e06db16..7e7e5e010 100644 --- a/modules/websubmit/lib/bibdocfile.py +++ b/modules/websubmit/lib/bibdocfile.py @@ -1,3727 +1,3727 @@ ## This file is part of Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 CERN. ## ## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ This module implements the low-level API for dealing with fulltext files. - All the files associated to a I{record} (identified by a I{recid}) can be managed via an instance of the C{BibRecDocs} class. - A C{BibRecDocs} is a wrapper of the list of I{documents} attached to the record. - Each document is represented by an instance of the C{BibDoc} class. - A document is identified by a C{docid} and name (C{docname}). The docname must be unique within the record. A document is the set of all the formats and revisions of a piece of information. - A document has a type called C{doctype} and can have a restriction. - Each physical file, i.e. the concretization of a document into a particular I{version} and I{format} is represented by an instance of the C{BibDocFile} class. - The format is infact the extension of the physical file. - A comment and a description and other information can be associated to a BibDocFile. - A C{bibdoc} is a synonim for a document, while a C{bibdocfile} is a synonim for a physical file. @group Main classes: BibRecDocs,BibDoc,BibDocFile @group Other classes: BibDocMoreInfo,Md5Folder,InvenioWebSubmitFileError @group Main functions: decompose_file,stream_file,bibdocfile_*,download_url @group Configuration Variables: CFG_* """ __revision__ = "$Id$" import os import re import shutil import filecmp import time import random import socket import urllib2 import urllib import tempfile import cPickle import base64 import binascii import cgi import sys if sys.hexversion < 0x2060000: from md5 import md5 else: from hashlib import md5 try: import magic if not hasattr(magic, "open"): raise ImportError CFG_HAS_MAGIC = True except ImportError: CFG_HAS_MAGIC = False from datetime import datetime from mimetypes import MimeTypes from thread import get_ident from invenio import webinterface_handler_config as apache ## Let's set a reasonable timeout for URL request (e.g. FFT) socket.setdefaulttimeout(40) if sys.hexversion < 0x2040000: # pylint: disable=W0622 from sets import Set as set # pylint: enable=W0622 from invenio.shellutils import escape_shell_arg from invenio.dbquery import run_sql, DatabaseError, blob_to_string from invenio.errorlib import register_exception from invenio.bibrecord import record_get_field_instances, \ field_get_subfield_values, field_get_subfield_instances, \ encode_for_xml from invenio.urlutils import create_url from invenio.textutils import nice_size from invenio.access_control_engine import acc_authorize_action from invenio.webuser import collect_user_info from invenio.access_control_admin import acc_is_user_in_role, acc_get_role_id from invenio.access_control_firerole import compile_role_definition, acc_firerole_check_user from invenio.access_control_config import SUPERADMINROLE, CFG_WEBACCESS_WARNING_MSGS from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_LANG, CFG_SITE_URL, \ CFG_WEBDIR, CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR,\ CFG_WEBSUBMIT_ADDITIONAL_KNOWN_FILE_EXTENSIONS, \ CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILESYSTEM_BIBDOC_GROUP_LIMIT, CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_FFT_ALLOWED_LOCAL_PATHS, \ CFG_TMPDIR, CFG_PATH_MD5SUM, \ CFG_WEBSUBMIT_STORAGEDIR, \ CFG_BIBDOCFILE_USE_XSENDFILE, \ CFG_BIBDOCFILE_MD5_CHECK_PROBABILITY from invenio.websubmit_config import CFG_WEBSUBMIT_ICON_SUBFORMAT_RE, \ CFG_WEBSUBMIT_DEFAULT_ICON_SUBFORMAT import invenio.template websubmit_templates = invenio.template.load('websubmit') websearch_templates = invenio.template.load('websearch') #: block size when performing I/O. CFG_BIBDOCFILE_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024 * 8 #: threshold used do decide when to use Python MD5 of CLI MD5 algorithm. CFG_BIBDOCFILE_MD5_THRESHOLD = 256 * 1024 #: chunks loaded by the Python MD5 algorithm. CFG_BIBDOCFILE_MD5_BUFFER = 1024 * 1024 #: whether to normalize e.g. ".JPEG" and ".jpg" into .jpeg. CFG_BIBDOCFILE_STRONG_FORMAT_NORMALIZATION = False #: flags that can be associated to files. CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS = ( 'PDF/A', 'STAMPED', 'PDFOPT', 'HIDDEN', 'CONVERTED', 'PERFORM_HIDE_PREVIOUS', 'OCRED' ) #: constant used if FFT correct with the obvious meaning. KEEP_OLD_VALUE = 'KEEP-OLD-VALUE' _mimes = MimeTypes(strict=False) _mimes.suffix_map.update({'.tbz2' : '.tar.bz2'}) _mimes.encodings_map.update({'.bz2' : 'bzip2'}) _magic_cookies = {} def _get_magic_cookies(): """ @return: a tuple of magic object. @rtype: (MAGIC_NONE, MAGIC_COMPRESS, MAGIC_MIME, MAGIC_COMPRESS + MAGIC_MIME) @note: ... not real magic. Just see: man file(1) """ thread_id = get_ident() if thread_id not in _magic_cookies: _magic_cookies[thread_id] = { magic.MAGIC_NONE : magic.open(magic.MAGIC_NONE), magic.MAGIC_COMPRESS : magic.open(magic.MAGIC_COMPRESS), magic.MAGIC_MIME : magic.open(magic.MAGIC_MIME), magic.MAGIC_COMPRESS + magic.MAGIC_MIME : magic.open(magic.MAGIC_COMPRESS + magic.MAGIC_MIME) } for key in _magic_cookies[thread_id].keys(): _magic_cookies[thread_id][key].load() return _magic_cookies[thread_id] def _generate_extensions(): """ Generate the regular expression to match all the known extensions. @return: the regular expression. @rtype: regular expression object """ _tmp_extensions = _mimes.encodings_map.keys() + \ _mimes.suffix_map.keys() + \ _mimes.types_map[1].keys() + \ CFG_WEBSUBMIT_ADDITIONAL_KNOWN_FILE_EXTENSIONS extensions = [] for ext in _tmp_extensions: if ext.startswith('.'): extensions.append(ext) else: extensions.append('.' + ext) extensions.sort() extensions.reverse() extensions = set([ext.lower() for ext in extensions]) extensions = '\\' + '$|\\'.join(extensions) + '$' extensions = extensions.replace('+', '\\+') return re.compile(extensions, re.I) #: Regular expression to recognized extensions. _extensions = _generate_extensions() class InvenioWebSubmitFileError(Exception): """ Exception raised in case of errors related to fulltext files. """ pass def file_strip_ext(afile, skip_version=False, only_known_extensions=False, allow_subformat=True): """ Strip in the best way the extension from a filename. >>> file_strip_ext("foo.tar.gz") 'foo' >>> file_strip_ext("foo.buz.gz") 'foo.buz' >>> file_strip_ext("foo.buz") 'foo' >>> file_strip_ext("foo.buz", only_known_extensions=True) 'foo.buz' >>> file_strip_ext("foo.buz;1", skip_version=False, ... only_known_extensions=True) 'foo.buz;1' >>> file_strip_ext("foo.gif;icon") 'foo' >>> file_strip_ext("foo.gif:icon", allow_subformat=False) 'foo.gif:icon' @param afile: the path/name of a file. @type afile: string @param skip_version: whether to skip a trailing ";version". @type skip_version: bool @param only_known_extensions: whether to strip out only known extensions or to consider as extension anything that follows a dot. @type only_known_extensions: bool @param allow_subformat: whether to consider also subformats as part of the extension. @type allow_subformat: bool @return: the name/path without the extension (and version). @rtype: string """ if skip_version or allow_subformat: afile = afile.split(';')[0] nextfile = _extensions.sub('', afile) if nextfile == afile and not only_known_extensions: nextfile = os.path.splitext(afile)[0] while nextfile != afile: afile = nextfile nextfile = _extensions.sub('', afile) return nextfile def normalize_format(format, allow_subformat=True): """ Normalize the format, e.g. by adding a dot in front. @param format: the format/extension to be normalized. @type format: string @param allow_subformat: whether to consider also subformats as part of the extension. @type allow_subformat: bool @return: the normalized format. @rtype; string """ if allow_subformat: subformat = format[format.rfind(';'):] format = format[:format.rfind(';')] else: subformat = '' if format and format[0] != '.': format = '.' + format if CFG_BIBDOCFILE_STRONG_FORMAT_NORMALIZATION: if format not in ('.Z', '.H', '.C', '.CC'): format = format.lower() format = { '.jpg' : '.jpeg', '.htm' : '.html', '.tif' : '.tiff' }.get(format, format) return format + subformat def guess_format_from_url(url): """ Given a URL tries to guess it's extension. Different method will be used, including HTTP HEAD query, downloading the resource and using mime @param url: the URL for which the extension shuld be guessed. @type url: string @return: the recognized extension or empty string if it's impossible to recognize it. @rtype: string """ def parse_content_disposition(text): for item in text.split(';'): item = item.strip() if item.strip().startswith('filename='): return item[len('filename="'):-len('"')] def parse_content_type(text): return text.split(';')[0].strip() ## Let's try to guess the extension by considering the URL as a filename ext = decompose_file(url, skip_version=True, only_known_extensions=True)[2] if ext.startswith('.'): return ext if is_url_a_local_file(url) and CFG_HAS_MAGIC: ## if the URL corresponds to a local file, let's try to use ## the Python magic library to guess it try: magic_cookie = _get_magic_cookies()[magic.MAGIC_MIME] mimetype = magic_cookie.file(url) ext = _mimes.guess_extension(mimetype) if ext: return normalize_format(ext) except Exception: pass else: ## Since the URL is remote, let's try to perform a HEAD request ## and see the corresponding headers info = urllib2.urlopen(url).info() content_disposition = info.getheader('Content-Disposition') if content_disposition: filename = parse_content_disposition(content_disposition) if filename: return decompose_file(filename)[2] content_type = info.getheader('Content-Type') if content_type: content_type = parse_content_type(content_type) ext = _mimes.guess_extension(content_type) if ext: return normalize_format(ext) if CFG_HAS_MAGIC: ## Last solution: let's download the remote resource ## and use the Python magic library to guess the extension try: filename = download_url(url, format='') magic_cookie = _get_magic_cookies()[magic.MAGIC_MIME] mimetype = magic_cookie.file(filename) os.remove(filename) ext = _mimes.guess_extension(mimetype) if ext: return normalize_format(ext) except Exception: pass return "" _docname_re = re.compile(r'[^-\w.]*') def normalize_docname(docname): """ Normalize the docname. At the moment the normalization is just returning the same string. @param docname: the docname to be normalized. @type docname: string @return: the normalized docname. @rtype: string """ #return _docname_re.sub('', docname) return docname def normalize_version(version): """ Normalize the version. The version can be either an integer or the keyword 'all'. Any other value will be transformed into the empty string. @param version: the version (either a number or 'all'). @type version: integer or string @return: the normalized version. @rtype: string """ try: int(version) except ValueError: if version.lower().strip() == 'all': return 'all' else: return '' return str(version) def decompose_file(afile, skip_version=False, only_known_extensions=False, allow_subformat=True): """ Decompose a file/path into its components dirname, basename and extension. >>> decompose_file('/tmp/foo.tar.gz') ('/tmp', 'foo', '.tar.gz') >>> decompose_file('/tmp/foo.tar.gz;1', skip_version=True) ('/tmp', 'foo', '.tar.gz') >>> decompose_file('http://www.google.com/index.html') ('http://www.google.com', 'index', '.html') @param afile: the path/name of a file. @type afile: string @param skip_version: whether to skip a trailing ";version". @type skip_version: bool @param only_known_extensions: whether to strip out only known extensions or to consider as extension anything that follows a dot. @type only_known_extensions: bool @param allow_subformat: whether to consider also subformats as part of the extension. @type allow_subformat: bool @return: a tuple with the directory name, the docname and extension. @rtype: (dirname, docname, extension) @note: if a URL is provided, the scheme will be part of the dirname. @see: L{file_strip_ext} for the algorithm used to retrieve the extension. """ if skip_version: version = afile.split(';')[-1] try: int(version) afile = afile[:-len(version)-1] except ValueError: pass basename = os.path.basename(afile) dirname = afile[:-len(basename)-1] base = file_strip_ext( basename, only_known_extensions=only_known_extensions, allow_subformat=allow_subformat) extension = basename[len(base) + 1:] if extension: extension = '.' + extension return (dirname, base, extension) def decompose_file_with_version(afile): """ Decompose a file into dirname, basename, extension and version. >>> decompose_file_with_version('/tmp/foo.tar.gz;1') ('/tmp', 'foo', '.tar.gz', 1) @param afile: the path/name of a file. @type afile: string @return: a tuple with the directory name, the docname, extension and version. @rtype: (dirname, docname, extension, version) @raise ValueError: in case version does not exist it will. @note: if a URL is provided, the scheme will be part of the dirname. """ version_str = afile.split(';')[-1] version = int(version_str) afile = afile[:-len(version_str)-1] basename = os.path.basename(afile) dirname = afile[:-len(basename)-1] base = file_strip_ext(basename) extension = basename[len(base) + 1:] if extension: extension = '.' + extension return (dirname, base, extension, version) def get_subformat_from_format(format): """ @return the subformat if any. @rtype: string >>> get_superformat_from_format('foo;bar') 'bar' >>> get_superformat_from_format('foo') '' """ try: return format[format.rindex(';') + 1:] except ValueError: return '' def get_superformat_from_format(format): """ @return the superformat if any. @rtype: string >>> get_superformat_from_format('foo;bar') 'foo' >>> get_superformat_from_format('foo') 'foo' """ try: return format[:format.rindex(';')] except ValueError: return format def propose_next_docname(docname): """ Given a I{docname}, suggest a new I{docname} (useful when trying to generate a unique I{docname}). >>> propose_next_docname('foo') 'foo_1' >>> propose_next_docname('foo_1') 'foo_2' >>> propose_next_docname('foo_10') 'foo_11' @param docname: the base docname. @type docname: string @return: the next possible docname based on the given one. @rtype: string """ if '_' in docname: split_docname = docname.split('_') try: split_docname[-1] = str(int(split_docname[-1]) + 1) docname = '_'.join(split_docname) except ValueError: docname += '_1' else: docname += '_1' return docname class BibRecDocs: """ This class represents all the files attached to one record. @param recid: the record identifier. @type recid: integer @param deleted_too: whether to consider deleted documents as normal documents (useful when trying to recover deleted information). @type deleted_too: bool @param human_readable: whether numbers should be printed in human readable format (e.g. 2048 bytes -> 2Kb) @ivar id: the record identifier as passed to the constructor. @type id: integer @ivar human_readable: the human_readable flag as passed to the constructor. @type human_readable: bool @ivar deleted_too: the deleted_too flag as passed to the constructor. @type deleted_too: bool @ivar bibdocs: the list of documents attached to the record. @type bibdocs: list of BibDoc """ def __init__(self, recid, deleted_too=False, human_readable=False): try: self.id = int(recid) except ValueError: raise ValueError("BibRecDocs: recid is %s but must be an integer." % repr(recid)) self.human_readable = human_readable self.deleted_too = deleted_too self.bibdocs = [] self.build_bibdoc_list() def __repr__(self): """ @return: the canonical string representation of the C{BibRecDocs}. @rtype: string """ return 'BibRecDocs(%s%s%s)' % (self.id, self.deleted_too and ', True' or '', self.human_readable and ', True' or '' ) def __str__(self): """ @return: an easy to be I{grepped} string representation of the whole C{BibRecDocs} content. @rtype: string """ out = '%i::::total bibdocs attached=%i\n' % (self.id, len(self.bibdocs)) out += '%i::::total size latest version=%s\n' % (self.id, nice_size(self.get_total_size_latest_version())) out += '%i::::total size all files=%s\n' % (self.id, nice_size(self.get_total_size())) for bibdoc in self.bibdocs: out += str(bibdoc) return out def empty_p(self): """ @return: True when the record has no attached documents. @rtype: bool """ return len(self.bibdocs) == 0 def deleted_p(self): """ @return: True if the corresponding record has been deleted. @rtype: bool """ from invenio.search_engine import record_exists return record_exists(self.id) == -1 def get_xml_8564(self): """ Return a snippet of I{MARCXML} representing the I{8564} fields corresponding to the current state. @return: the MARCXML representation. @rtype: string """ from invenio.search_engine import get_record out = '' record = get_record(self.id) fields = record_get_field_instances(record, '856', '4', ' ') for field in fields: urls = field_get_subfield_values(field, 'u') if urls and not bibdocfile_url_p(urls[0]): out += '\t\n' for subfield, value in field_get_subfield_instances(field): out += '\t\t%s\n' % (subfield, encode_for_xml(value)) out += '\t\n' for afile in self.list_latest_files(list_hidden=False): out += '\t\n' url = afile.get_url() description = afile.get_description() comment = afile.get_comment() if url: out += '\t\t%s\n' % encode_for_xml(url) if description: out += '\t\t%s\n' % encode_for_xml(description) if comment: out += '\t\t%s\n' % encode_for_xml(comment) out += '\t\n' return out def get_total_size_latest_version(self): """ Returns the total size used on disk by all the files belonging to this record and corresponding to the latest version. @return: the total size. @rtype: integer """ size = 0 for bibdoc in self.bibdocs: size += bibdoc.get_total_size_latest_version() return size def get_total_size(self): """ Return the total size used on disk of all the files belonging to this record of any version (not only the last as in L{get_total_size_latest_version}). @return: the total size. @rtype: integer """ size = 0 for bibdoc in self.bibdocs: size += bibdoc.get_total_size() return size def build_bibdoc_list(self): """ This method must be called everytime a I{bibdoc} is added, removed or modified. """ self.bibdocs = [] if self.deleted_too: res = run_sql("""SELECT id_bibdoc, type FROM bibrec_bibdoc JOIN bibdoc ON id=id_bibdoc WHERE id_bibrec=%s ORDER BY docname ASC""", (self.id,)) else: res = run_sql("""SELECT id_bibdoc, type FROM bibrec_bibdoc JOIN bibdoc ON id=id_bibdoc WHERE id_bibrec=%s AND status<>'DELETED' ORDER BY docname ASC""", (self.id,)) for row in res: cur_doc = BibDoc(docid=row[0], recid=self.id, doctype=row[1], human_readable=self.human_readable) self.bibdocs.append(cur_doc) def list_bibdocs(self, doctype=''): """ Returns the list all bibdocs object belonging to a recid. If C{doctype} is set, it returns just the bibdocs of that doctype. @param doctype: the optional doctype. @type doctype: string @return: the list of bibdocs. @rtype: list of BibDoc """ if not doctype: return self.bibdocs else: return [bibdoc for bibdoc in self.bibdocs if doctype == bibdoc.doctype] def get_bibdoc_names(self, doctype=''): """ Returns all the names of the documents associated with the bibdoc. If C{doctype} is set, restrict the result to all the matching doctype. @param doctype: the optional doctype. @type doctype: string @return: the list of document names. @rtype: list of string """ return [bibdoc.docname for bibdoc in self.list_bibdocs(doctype)] def check_file_exists(self, path): """ Check if a file with the same content of the file pointed in C{path} is already attached to this record. @param path: the file to be checked against. @type path: string @return: True if a file with the requested content is already attached to the record. @rtype: bool """ size = os.path.getsize(path) # Let's consider all the latest files files = self.list_latest_files() # Let's consider all the latest files with same size potential = [afile for afile in files if afile.get_size() == size] if potential: checksum = calculate_md5(path) # Let's consider all the latest files with the same size and the # same checksum potential = [afile for afile in potential if afile.get_checksum() == checksum] if potential: potential = [afile for afile in potential if filecmp.cmp(afile.get_full_path(), path)] if potential: return True else: # Gosh! How unlucky, same size, same checksum but not same # content! pass return False def propose_unique_docname(self, docname): """ Given C{docname}, return a new docname that is not already attached to the record. @param docname: the reference docname. @type docname: string @return: a docname not already attached. @rtype: string """ docname = normalize_docname(docname) goodname = docname i = 1 while goodname in self.get_bibdoc_names(): i += 1 goodname = "%s_%s" % (docname, i) return goodname def merge_bibdocs(self, docname1, docname2): """ This method merge C{docname2} into C{docname1}. 1. Given all the formats of the latest version of the files attached to C{docname2}, these files are added as new formats into C{docname1}. 2. C{docname2} is marked as deleted. @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: if at least one format in C{docname2} already exists in C{docname1}. (In this case the two bibdocs are preserved) @note: comments and descriptions are also copied. @note: if C{docname2} has a I{restriction}(i.e. if the I{status} is set) and C{docname1} doesn't, the restriction is imported. """ bibdoc1 = self.get_bibdoc(docname1) bibdoc2 = self.get_bibdoc(docname2) ## Check for possibility for bibdocfile in bibdoc2.list_latest_files(): format = bibdocfile.get_format() if bibdoc1.format_already_exists_p(format): raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError('Format %s already exists in bibdoc %s of record %s. It\'s impossible to merge bibdoc %s into it.' % (format, docname1, self.id, docname2)) ## Importing restriction if needed. restriction1 = bibdoc1.get_status() restriction2 = bibdoc2.get_status() if restriction2 and not restriction1: bibdoc1.set_status(restriction2) ## Importing formats for bibdocfile in bibdoc2.list_latest_files(): format = bibdocfile.get_format() comment = bibdocfile.get_comment() description = bibdocfile.get_description() bibdoc1.add_file_new_format(bibdocfile.get_full_path(), description=description, comment=comment, format=format) ## Finally deleting old bibdoc2 bibdoc2.delete() self.build_bibdoc_list() def get_docid(self, docname): """ @param docname: the document name. @type docname: string @return: the identifier corresponding to the given C{docname}. @rtype: integer @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: if the C{docname} does not corresponds to a document attached to this record. """ for bibdoc in self.bibdocs: if bibdoc.docname == docname: return bibdoc.id raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Recid '%s' is not connected with a " \ "docname '%s'" % (self.id, docname) def get_docname(self, docid): """ @param docid: the document identifier. @type docid: integer @return: the name of the document corresponding to the given document identifier. @rtype: string @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: if the C{docid} does not corresponds to a document attached to this record. """ for bibdoc in self.bibdocs: if bibdoc.id == docid: return bibdoc.docname raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Recid '%s' is not connected with a " \ "docid '%s'" % (self.id, docid) def has_docname_p(self, docname): """ @param docname: the document name, @type docname: string @return: True if a document with the given name is attached to this record. @rtype: bool """ for bibdoc in self.bibdocs: if bibdoc.docname == docname: return True return False def get_bibdoc(self, docname): """ @return: the bibdoc with a particular docname associated with this recid""" for bibdoc in self.bibdocs: if bibdoc.docname == docname: return bibdoc raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Recid '%s' is not connected with " \ " docname '%s'" % (self.id, docname) def delete_bibdoc(self, docname): """ Deletes the document with the specified I{docname}. @param docname: the document name. @type docname: string """ for bibdoc in self.bibdocs: if bibdoc.docname == docname: bibdoc.delete() self.build_bibdoc_list() def add_bibdoc(self, doctype="Main", docname='file', never_fail=False): """ Add a new empty document object (a I{bibdoc}) to the list of documents of this record. @param doctype: the document type. @type doctype: string @param docname: the document name. @type docname: string @param never_fail: if True, this procedure will not fail, even if a document with the given name is already attached to this record. In this case a new name will be generated (see L{propose_unique_docname}). @type never_fail: bool @return: the newly created document object. @rtype: BibDoc @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of any error. """ try: docname = normalize_docname(docname) if never_fail: docname = self.propose_unique_docname(docname) if docname in self.get_bibdoc_names(): raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "%s has already a bibdoc with docname %s" % (self.id, docname) else: bibdoc = BibDoc(recid=self.id, doctype=doctype, docname=docname, human_readable=self.human_readable) self.build_bibdoc_list() return bibdoc except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError(str(e)) def add_new_file(self, fullpath, doctype="Main", docname=None, never_fail=False, description=None, comment=None, format=None, flags=None): """ Directly add a new file to this record. Adds a new file with the following policy: - if the C{docname} is not set it is retrieved from the name of the file. - If a bibdoc with the given docname doesn't already exist, it is created and the file is added to it. - It it exist but it doesn't contain the format that is being added, the new format is added. - If the format already exists then if C{never_fail} is True a new bibdoc is created with a similar name but with a progressive number as a suffix and the file is added to it (see L{propose_unique_docname}). @param fullpath: the filesystme path of the document to be added. @type fullpath: string @param doctype: the type of the document. @type doctype: string @param docname: the document name. @type docname: string @param never_fail: if True, this procedure will not fail, even if a document with the given name is already attached to this record. In this case a new name will be generated (see L{propose_unique_docname}). @type never_fail: bool @param description: an optional description of the file. @type description: string @param comment: an optional comment to the file. @type comment: string @param format: the extension of the file. If not specified it will be guessed (see L{guess_format_from_url}). @type format: string @param flags: a set of flags to be associated with the file (see L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}) @type flags: list of string @return: the elaborated document object. @rtype: BibDoc @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of error. """ if docname is None: docname = decompose_file(fullpath)[1] if format is None: format = decompose_file(fullpath)[2] docname = normalize_docname(docname) try: bibdoc = self.get_bibdoc(docname) except InvenioWebSubmitFileError: # bibdoc doesn't already exists! bibdoc = self.add_bibdoc(doctype, docname, False) bibdoc.add_file_new_version(fullpath, description=description, comment=comment, format=format, flags=flags) self.build_bibdoc_list() else: try: bibdoc.add_file_new_format(fullpath, description=description, comment=comment, format=format, flags=flags) self.build_bibdoc_list() except InvenioWebSubmitFileError, e: # Format already exist! if never_fail: bibdoc = self.add_bibdoc(doctype, docname, True) bibdoc.add_file_new_version(fullpath, description=description, comment=comment, format=format, flags=flags) self.build_bibdoc_list() else: raise return bibdoc def add_new_version(self, fullpath, docname=None, description=None, comment=None, format=None, flags=None): """ Adds a new file to an already existent document object as a new version. @param fullpath: the filesystem path of the file to be added. @type fullpath: string @param docname: the document name. If not specified it will be extracted from C{fullpath} (see L{decompose_file}). @type docname: string @param description: an optional description for the file. @type description: string @param comment: an optional comment to the file. @type comment: string @param format: the extension of the file. If not specified it will be guessed (see L{guess_format_from_url}). @type format: string @param flags: a set of flags to be associated with the file (see L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}) @type flags: list of string @return: the elaborated document object. @rtype: BibDoc @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of error. @note: previous files associated with the same document will be considered obsolete. """ if docname is None: docname = decompose_file(fullpath)[1] if format is None: format = decompose_file(fullpath)[2] if flags is None: flags = [] bibdoc = self.get_bibdoc(docname=docname) bibdoc.add_file_new_version(fullpath, description=description, comment=comment, format=format, flags=flags) self.build_bibdoc_list() return bibdoc def add_new_format(self, fullpath, docname=None, description=None, comment=None, format=None, flags=None): """ Adds a new file to an already existent document object as a new format. @param fullpath: the filesystem path of the file to be added. @type fullpath: string @param docname: the document name. If not specified it will be extracted from C{fullpath} (see L{decompose_file}). @type docname: string @param description: an optional description for the file. @type description: string @param comment: an optional comment to the file. @type comment: string @param format: the extension of the file. If not specified it will be guessed (see L{guess_format_from_url}). @type format: string @param flags: a set of flags to be associated with the file (see L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}) @type flags: list of string @return: the elaborated document object. @rtype: BibDoc @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case the same format already exists. """ if docname is None: docname = decompose_file(fullpath)[1] if format is None: format = decompose_file(fullpath)[2] if flags is None: flags = [] bibdoc = self.get_bibdoc(docname=docname) bibdoc.add_file_new_format(fullpath, description=description, comment=comment, format=format, flags=flags) self.build_bibdoc_list() return bibdoc def list_latest_files(self, doctype='', list_hidden=True): """ Returns a list of the latest files. @param doctype: if set, only document of the given type will be listed. @type doctype: string @param list_hidden: if True, will list also files with the C{HIDDEN} flag being set. @type list_hidden: bool @return: the list of latest files. @rtype: list of BibDocFile """ docfiles = [] for bibdoc in self.list_bibdocs(doctype): docfiles += bibdoc.list_latest_files(list_hidden=list_hidden) return docfiles def display(self, docname="", version="", doctype="", ln=CFG_SITE_LANG, verbose=0, display_hidden=True): """ Returns an HTML representation of the the attached documents. @param docname: if set, include only the requested document. @type docname: string @param version: if not set, only the last version will be displayed. If 'all', all versions will be displayed. @type version: string (integer or 'all') @param doctype: is set, include only documents of the requested type. @type doctype: string @param ln: the language code. @type ln: string @param verbose: if greater than 0, includes debug information. @type verbose: integer @param display_hidden: whether to include hidden files as well. @type display_hidden: bool @return: the formatted representation. @rtype: HTML string """ t = "" if docname: try: bibdocs = [self.get_bibdoc(docname)] except InvenioWebSubmitFileError: bibdocs = self.list_bibdocs(doctype) else: bibdocs = self.list_bibdocs(doctype) if bibdocs: types = list_types_from_array(bibdocs) fulltypes = [] for mytype in types: if mytype in ('Plot', 'PlotMisc'): # FIXME: quick hack to ignore plot-like doctypes # on Files tab continue fulltype = { 'name' : mytype, 'content' : [], } for bibdoc in bibdocs: if mytype == bibdoc.get_type(): fulltype['content'].append(bibdoc.display(version, ln=ln, display_hidden=display_hidden)) fulltypes.append(fulltype) if verbose >= 9: verbose_files = str(self) else: verbose_files = '' t = websubmit_templates.tmpl_bibrecdoc_filelist( ln=ln, types = fulltypes, verbose_files=verbose_files ) return t def fix(self, docname): """ Algorithm that transform a broken/old bibdoc into a coherent one. Think of it as being the fsck of BibDocs. - All the files in the bibdoc directory will be renamed according to the document name. Proper .recid, .type, .md5 files will be created/updated. - In case of more than one file with the same format version a new bibdoc will be created in order to put does files. @param docname: the document name that need to be fixed. @type docname: string @return: the list of newly created bibdocs if any. @rtype: list of BibDoc @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of issues that can not be fixed automatically. """ bibdoc = self.get_bibdoc(docname) versions = {} res = [] new_bibdocs = [] # List of files with the same version/format of # existing file which need new bibdoc. counter = 0 zero_version_bug = False if os.path.exists(bibdoc.basedir): for filename in os.listdir(bibdoc.basedir): if filename[0] != '.' and ';' in filename: name, version = filename.split(';') try: version = int(version) except ValueError: # Strange name register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "A file called %s exists under %s. This is not a valid name. After the ';' there must be an integer representing the file version. Please, manually fix this file either by renaming or by deleting it." % (filename, bibdoc.basedir) if version == 0: zero_version_bug = True format = name[len(file_strip_ext(name)):] format = normalize_format(format) if not versions.has_key(version): versions[version] = {} new_name = 'FIXING-%s-%s' % (str(counter), name) try: shutil.move('%s/%s' % (bibdoc.basedir, filename), '%s/%s' % (bibdoc.basedir, new_name)) except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Error in renaming '%s' to '%s': '%s'" % ('%s/%s' % (bibdoc.basedir, filename), '%s/%s' % (bibdoc.basedir, new_name), e) if versions[version].has_key(format): new_bibdocs.append((new_name, version)) else: versions[version][format] = new_name counter += 1 elif filename[0] != '.': # Strange name register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "A file called %s exists under %s. This is not a valid name. There should be a ';' followed by an integer representing the file version. Please, manually fix this file either by renaming or by deleting it." % (filename, bibdoc.basedir) else: # we create the corresponding storage directory old_umask = os.umask(022) os.makedirs(bibdoc.basedir) # and save the father record id if it exists try: if self.id != "": recid_fd = open("%s/.recid" % bibdoc.basedir, "w") recid_fd.write(str(self.id)) recid_fd.close() if bibdoc.doctype != "": type_fd = open("%s/.type" % bibdoc.basedir, "w") type_fd.write(str(bibdoc.doctype)) type_fd.close() except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, e os.umask(old_umask) if not versions: bibdoc.delete() else: for version, formats in versions.iteritems(): if zero_version_bug: version += 1 for format, filename in formats.iteritems(): destination = '%s%s;%i' % (docname, format, version) try: shutil.move('%s/%s' % (bibdoc.basedir, filename), '%s/%s' % (bibdoc.basedir, destination)) except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Error in renaming '%s' to '%s': '%s'" % ('%s/%s' % (bibdoc.basedir, filename), '%s/%s' % (bibdoc.basedir, destination), e) try: recid_fd = open("%s/.recid" % bibdoc.basedir, "w") recid_fd.write(str(self.id)) recid_fd.close() type_fd = open("%s/.type" % bibdoc.basedir, "w") type_fd.write(str(bibdoc.doctype)) type_fd.close() except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Error in creating .recid and .type file for '%s' folder: '%s'" % (bibdoc.basedir, e) self.build_bibdoc_list() res = [] for (filename, version) in new_bibdocs: if zero_version_bug: version += 1 new_bibdoc = self.add_bibdoc(doctype=bibdoc.doctype, docname=docname, never_fail=True) new_bibdoc.add_file_new_format('%s/%s' % (bibdoc.basedir, filename), version) res.append(new_bibdoc) try: os.remove('%s/%s' % (bibdoc.basedir, filename)) except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Error in removing '%s': '%s'" % ('%s/%s' % (bibdoc.basedir, filename), e) Md5Folder(bibdoc.basedir).update(only_new=False) bibdoc._build_file_list() self.build_bibdoc_list() for bibdoc in self.bibdocs: if not run_sql('SELECT more_info FROM bibdoc WHERE id=%s', (bibdoc.id,)): ## Import from MARC only if the bibdoc has never had ## its more_info initialized. try: bibdoc.import_descriptions_and_comments_from_marc() except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Error in importing description and comment from %s for record %s: %s" % (repr(bibdoc), self.id, e) return res def check_format(self, docname): """ Check for any format related issue. In case L{CFG_WEBSUBMIT_ADDITIONAL_KNOWN_FILE_EXTENSIONS} is altered or Python version changes, it might happen that a docname contains files which are no more docname + .format ; version, simply because the .format is now recognized (and it was not before, so it was contained into the docname). This algorithm verify if it is necessary to fix (seel L{fix_format}). @param docname: the document name whose formats should be verified. @type docname: string @return: True if format is correct. False if a fix is needed. @rtype: bool @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of any error. """ bibdoc = self.get_bibdoc(docname) correct_docname = decompose_file(docname + '.pdf')[1] if docname != correct_docname: return False for filename in os.listdir(bibdoc.basedir): if not filename.startswith('.'): try: dummy, dummy, format, version = decompose_file_with_version(filename) except Exception: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError('Incorrect filename "%s" for docname %s for recid %i' % (filename, docname, self.id)) if '%s%s;%i' % (correct_docname, format, version) != filename: return False return True def check_duplicate_docnames(self): """ Check wethever the record is connected with at least tho documents with the same name. @return: True if everything is fine. @rtype: bool """ docnames = set() for docname in self.get_bibdoc_names(): if docname in docnames: return False else: docnames.add(docname) return True def uniformize_bibdoc(self, docname): """ This algorithm correct wrong file name belonging to a bibdoc. @param docname: the document name whose formats should be verified. @type docname: string """ bibdoc = self.get_bibdoc(docname) for filename in os.listdir(bibdoc.basedir): if not filename.startswith('.'): try: dummy, dummy, format, version = decompose_file_with_version(filename) except ValueError: register_exception(alert_admin=True, prefix= "Strange file '%s' is stored in %s" % (filename, bibdoc.basedir)) else: os.rename(os.path.join(bibdoc.basedir, filename), os.path.join(bibdoc.basedir, '%s%s;%i' % (docname, format, version))) Md5Folder(bibdoc.basedir).update() bibdoc.touch() bibdoc._build_file_list('rename') def fix_format(self, docname, skip_check=False): """ Fixes format related inconsistencies. @param docname: the document name whose formats should be verified. @type docname: string @param skip_check: if True assume L{check_format} has already been called and the need for fix has already been found. If False, will implicitly call L{check_format} and skip fixing if no error is found. @type skip_check: bool @return: in case merging two bibdocs is needed but it's not possible. @rtype: bool """ if not skip_check: if self.check_format(docname): return True bibdoc = self.get_bibdoc(docname) correct_docname = decompose_file(docname + '.pdf')[1] need_merge = False if correct_docname != docname: need_merge = self.has_docname_p(correct_docname) if need_merge: proposed_docname = self.propose_unique_docname(correct_docname) run_sql('UPDATE bibdoc SET docname=%s WHERE id=%s', (proposed_docname, bibdoc.id)) self.build_bibdoc_list() self.uniformize_bibdoc(proposed_docname) try: self.merge_bibdocs(docname, proposed_docname) except InvenioWebSubmitFileError: return False else: run_sql('UPDATE bibdoc SET docname=%s WHERE id=%s', (correct_docname, bibdoc.id)) self.build_bibdoc_list() self.uniformize_bibdoc(correct_docname) else: self.uniformize_bibdoc(docname) return True def fix_duplicate_docnames(self, skip_check=False): """ Algotirthm to fix duplicate docnames. If a record is connected with at least two bibdoc having the same docname, the algorithm will try to merge them. @param skip_check: if True assume L{check_duplicate_docnames} has already been called and the need for fix has already been found. If False, will implicitly call L{check_duplicate_docnames} and skip fixing if no error is found. @type skip_check: bool """ if not skip_check: if self.check_duplicate_docnames(): return docnames = set() for bibdoc in self.list_bibdocs(): docname = bibdoc.docname if docname in docnames: new_docname = self.propose_unique_docname(bibdoc.docname) bibdoc.change_name(new_docname) self.merge_bibdocs(docname, new_docname) docnames.add(docname) class BibDoc: """ This class represents one document (i.e. a set of files with different formats and with versioning information that consitutes a piece of information. To instanciate a new document, the recid and the docname are mandatory. To instanciate an already existing document, either the recid and docname or the docid alone are sufficient to retrieve it. @param docid: the document identifier. @type docid: integer @param recid: the record identifier of the record to which this document belongs to. If the C{docid} is specified the C{recid} is automatically retrieven from the database. @type recid: integer @param docname: the document name. @type docname: string @param doctype: the document type (used when instanciating a new document). @type doctype: string @param human_readable: whether sizes should be represented in a human readable format. @type human_readable: bool @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of error. """ def __init__ (self, docid=None, recid=None, docname=None, doctype='Main', human_readable=False): """Constructor of a bibdoc. At least the docid or the recid/docname pair is needed.""" # docid is known, the document already exists if docname: docname = normalize_docname(docname) self.docfiles = [] self.md5s = None self.related_files = [] self.human_readable = human_readable if docid: if not recid: res = run_sql("SELECT id_bibrec,type FROM bibrec_bibdoc WHERE id_bibdoc=%s LIMIT 1", (docid,), 1) if res: recid = res[0][0] doctype = res[0][1] else: res = run_sql("SELECT id_bibdoc1,type FROM bibdoc_bibdoc WHERE id_bibdoc2=%s LIMIT 1", (docid,), 1) if res: main_docid = res[0][0] doctype = res[0][1] res = run_sql("SELECT id_bibrec,type FROM bibrec_bibdoc WHERE id_bibdoc=%s LIMIT 1", (main_docid,), 1) if res: recid = res[0][0] else: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "The docid %s associated with docid %s is not associated with any record" % (main_docid, docid) else: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "The docid %s is not associated to any recid or other docid" % docid else: res = run_sql("SELECT type FROM bibrec_bibdoc WHERE id_bibrec=%s AND id_bibdoc=%s LIMIT 1", (recid, docid,), 1) if res: doctype = res[0][0] else: #this bibdoc isn't associated with the corresponding bibrec. raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Docid %s is not associated with the recid %s" % (docid, recid) # gather the other information res = run_sql("SELECT id,status,docname,creation_date,modification_date,text_extraction_date,more_info FROM bibdoc WHERE id=%s LIMIT 1", (docid,), 1) if res: self.cd = res[0][3] self.md = res[0][4] self.td = res[0][5] self.recid = recid self.docname = res[0][2] self.id = docid self.status = res[0][1] self.more_info = BibDocMoreInfo(docid, blob_to_string(res[0][6])) self.basedir = _make_base_dir(self.id) self.doctype = doctype else: # this bibdoc doesn't exist raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "The docid %s does not exist." % docid # else it is a new document else: if not docname: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "You should specify the docname when creating a new bibdoc" else: self.recid = recid self.doctype = doctype self.docname = docname self.status = '' if recid: res = run_sql("SELECT b.id FROM bibrec_bibdoc bb JOIN bibdoc b on bb.id_bibdoc=b.id WHERE bb.id_bibrec=%s AND b.docname=%s LIMIT 1", (recid, docname), 1) if res: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "A bibdoc called %s already exists for recid %s" % (docname, recid) self.id = run_sql("INSERT INTO bibdoc (status,docname,creation_date,modification_date) " "values(%s,%s,NOW(),NOW())", (self.status, docname)) if self.id: # we link the document to the record if a recid was # specified self.more_info = BibDocMoreInfo(self.id) res = run_sql("SELECT creation_date, modification_date, text_extraction_date FROM bibdoc WHERE id=%s", (self.id,)) self.cd = res[0][0] self.md = res[0][1] self.td = res[0][2] else: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "New docid cannot be created" try: self.basedir = _make_base_dir(self.id) # we create the corresponding storage directory if not os.path.exists(self.basedir): old_umask = os.umask(022) os.makedirs(self.basedir) # and save the father record id if it exists try: if self.recid: recid_fd = open("%s/.recid" % self.basedir, "w") recid_fd.write(str(self.recid)) recid_fd.close() if self.doctype: type_fd = open("%s/.type" % self.basedir, "w") type_fd.write(str(self.doctype)) type_fd.close() except Exception, e: register_exception(alert_admin=True) raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, e os.umask(old_umask) if self.recid: run_sql("INSERT INTO bibrec_bibdoc (id_bibrec, id_bibdoc, type) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)", (recid, self.id, self.doctype,)) except Exception, e: run_sql('DELETE FROM bibdoc WHERE id=%s', (self.id, )) run_sql('DELETE FROM bibrec_bibdoc WHERE id_bibdoc=%s', (self.id, )) register_exception(alert_admin=True) raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, e # build list of attached files self._build_file_list('init') # link with related_files self._build_related_file_list() def __repr__(self): """ @return: the canonical string representation of the C{BibDoc}. @rtype: string """ return 'BibDoc(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' % (repr(self.id), repr(self.recid), repr(self.docname), repr(self.doctype), repr(self.human_readable)) def __str__(self): """ @return: an easy to be I{grepped} string representation of the whole C{BibDoc} content. @rtype: string """ out = '%s:%i:::docname=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, self.docname) out += '%s:%i:::doctype=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, self.doctype) out += '%s:%i:::status=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, self.status) out += '%s:%i:::basedir=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, self.basedir) out += '%s:%i:::creation date=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, self.cd) out += '%s:%i:::modification date=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, self.md) out += '%s:%i:::text extraction date=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, self.td) out += '%s:%i:::total file attached=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, len(self.docfiles)) if self.human_readable: out += '%s:%i:::total size latest version=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, nice_size(self.get_total_size_latest_version())) out += '%s:%i:::total size all files=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, nice_size(self.get_total_size())) else: out += '%s:%i:::total size latest version=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, self.get_total_size_latest_version()) out += '%s:%i:::total size all files=%s\n' % (self.recid or '', self.id, self.get_total_size()) for docfile in self.docfiles: out += str(docfile) return out def format_already_exists_p(self, format): """ @param format: a format to be checked. @type format: string @return: True if a file of the given format already exists among the latest files. @rtype: bool """ format = normalize_format(format) for afile in self.list_latest_files(): if format == afile.get_format(): return True return False def get_status(self): """ @return: the status information. @rtype: string """ return self.status def get_text(self, version=None): """ @param version: the requested version. If not set, the latest version will be used. @type version: integer @return: the textual content corresponding to the specified version of the document. @rtype: string """ if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() if self.has_text(version): return open(os.path.join(self.basedir, '.text;%i' % version)).read() else: return "" def get_text_path(self, version=None): """ @param version: the requested version. If not set, the latest version will be used. @type version: int @return: the full path to the textual content corresponding to the specified version of the document. @rtype: string """ if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() if self.has_text(version): return os.path.join(self.basedir, '.text;%i' % version) else: return "" def extract_text(self, version=None, perform_ocr=False, ln='en'): """ Try what is necessary to extract the textual information of a document. @param version: the version of the document for which text is required. If not specified the text will be retrieved from the last version. @type version: integer @param perform_ocr: whether to perform OCR. @type perform_ocr: bool @param ln: a two letter language code to give as a hint to the OCR procedure. @type ln: string @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of error. @note: the text is extracted and cached for later use. Use L{get_text} to retrieve it. """ from invenio.websubmit_file_converter import get_best_format_to_extract_text_from, convert_file, InvenioWebSubmitFileConverterError if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() docfiles = self.list_version_files(version) ## We try to extract text only from original or OCRed documents. filenames = [docfile.get_full_path() for docfile in docfiles if 'CONVERTED' not in docfile.flags or 'OCRED' in docfile.flags] try: filename = get_best_format_to_extract_text_from(filenames) except InvenioWebSubmitFileConverterError: ## We fall back on considering all the documents filenames = [docfile.get_full_path() for docfile in docfiles] try: filename = get_best_format_to_extract_text_from(filenames) except InvenioWebSubmitFileConverterError: open(os.path.join(self.basedir, '.text;%i' % version), 'w').write('') return try: convert_file(filename, os.path.join(self.basedir, '.text;%i' % version), '.txt', perform_ocr=perform_ocr, ln=ln) if version == self.get_latest_version(): run_sql("UPDATE bibdoc SET text_extraction_date=NOW() WHERE id=%s", (self.id, )) except InvenioWebSubmitFileConverterError, e: register_exception(alert_admin=True, prefix="Error in extracting text from bibdoc %i, version %i" % (self.id, version)) raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, str(e) def touch(self): """ Update the modification time of the bibdoc (as in the UNIX command C{touch}). """ run_sql('UPDATE bibdoc SET modification_date=NOW() WHERE id=%s', (self.id, )) #if self.recid: #run_sql('UPDATE bibrec SET modification_date=NOW() WHERE id=%s', (self.recid, )) def set_status(self, new_status): """ Set a new status. A document with a status information is a restricted document that can be accessed only to user which as an authorization to the I{viewrestrdoc} WebAccess action with keyword status with value C{new_status}. @param new_status: the new status. If empty the document will be unrestricted. @type new_status: string @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case the reserved word 'DELETED' is used. """ if new_status != KEEP_OLD_VALUE: if new_status == 'DELETED': raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError('DELETED is a reserved word and can not be used for setting the status') run_sql('UPDATE bibdoc SET status=%s WHERE id=%s', (new_status, self.id)) self.status = new_status self.touch() self._build_file_list() self._build_related_file_list() def add_file_new_version(self, filename, description=None, comment=None, format=None, flags=None): """ Add a new version of a file. If no physical file is already attached to the document a the given file will have version 1. Otherwise the new file will have the current version number plus one. @param filename: the local path of the file. @type filename: string @param description: an optional description for the file. @type description: string @param comment: an optional comment to the file. @type comment: string @param format: the extension of the file. If not specified it will be retrieved from the filename (see L{decompose_file}). @type format: string @param flags: a set of flags to be associated with the file (see L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}) @type flags: list of string @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of error. """ try: latestVersion = self.get_latest_version() if latestVersion == 0: myversion = 1 else: myversion = latestVersion + 1 if os.path.exists(filename): if not os.path.getsize(filename) > 0: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "%s seems to be empty" % filename if format is None: format = decompose_file(filename)[2] else: format = normalize_format(format) destination = "%s/%s%s;%i" % (self.basedir, self.docname, format, myversion) try: shutil.copyfile(filename, destination) os.chmod(destination, 0644) except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Encountered an exception while copying '%s' to '%s': '%s'" % (filename, destination, e) self.more_info.set_description(description, format, myversion) self.more_info.set_comment(comment, format, myversion) if flags is None: flags = [] for flag in flags: if flag == 'PERFORM_HIDE_PREVIOUS': for afile in self.list_all_files(): format = afile.get_format() version = afile.get_version() if version < myversion: self.more_info.set_flag('HIDDEN', format, myversion) else: self.more_info.set_flag(flag, format, myversion) else: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "'%s' does not exists!" % filename finally: self.touch() Md5Folder(self.basedir).update() self._build_file_list() def add_file_new_format(self, filename, version=None, description=None, comment=None, format=None, flags=None): """ Add a file as a new format. @param filename: the local path of the file. @type filename: string @param version: an optional specific version to which the new format should be added. If None, the last version will be used. @type version: integer @param description: an optional description for the file. @type description: string @param comment: an optional comment to the file. @type comment: string @param format: the extension of the file. If not specified it will be retrieved from the filename (see L{decompose_file}). @type format: string @param flags: a set of flags to be associated with the file (see L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}) @type flags: list of string @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: if the given format already exists. """ try: if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() if version == 0: version = 1 if os.path.exists(filename): if not os.path.getsize(filename) > 0: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "%s seems to be empty" % filename if format is None: format = decompose_file(filename)[2] else: format = normalize_format(format) destination = "%s/%s%s;%i" % (self.basedir, self.docname, format, version) if os.path.exists(destination): raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "A file for docname '%s' for the recid '%s' already exists for the format '%s'" % (self.docname, self.recid, format) try: shutil.copyfile(filename, destination) os.chmod(destination, 0644) except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Encountered an exception while copying '%s' to '%s': '%s'" % (filename, destination, e) self.more_info.set_comment(comment, format, version) self.more_info.set_description(description, format, version) if flags is None: flags = [] for flag in flags: if flag != 'PERFORM_HIDE_PREVIOUS': self.more_info.set_flag(flag, format, version) else: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "'%s' does not exists!" % filename finally: Md5Folder(self.basedir).update() self.touch() self._build_file_list() def purge(self): """ Physically removes all the previous version of the given bibdoc. Everything but the last formats will be erased. """ version = self.get_latest_version() if version > 1: for afile in self.docfiles: if afile.get_version() < version: self.more_info.unset_comment(afile.get_format(), afile.get_version()) self.more_info.unset_description(afile.get_format(), afile.get_version()) for flag in CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS: self.more_info.unset_flag(flag, afile.get_format(), afile.get_version()) try: os.remove(afile.get_full_path()) except Exception, e: register_exception() Md5Folder(self.basedir).update() self.touch() self._build_file_list() def expunge(self): """ Physically remove all the traces of a given document. @note: an expunged BibDoc object shouldn't be used anymore or the result might be unpredicted. """ del self.md5s del self.more_info os.system('rm -rf %s' % escape_shell_arg(self.basedir)) run_sql('DELETE FROM bibrec_bibdoc WHERE id_bibdoc=%s', (self.id, )) run_sql('DELETE FROM bibdoc_bibdoc WHERE id_bibdoc1=%s OR id_bibdoc2=%s', (self.id, self.id)) run_sql('DELETE FROM bibdoc WHERE id=%s', (self.id, )) run_sql('INSERT DELAYED INTO hstDOCUMENT(action, id_bibdoc, docname, doctimestamp) VALUES("EXPUNGE", %s, %s, NOW())', (self.id, self.docname)) del self.docfiles del self.id del self.cd del self.md del self.td del self.basedir del self.recid del self.doctype del self.docname def revert(self, version): """ Revert the document to a given version. All the formats corresponding to that version are copied forward to a new version. @param version: the version to revert to. @type version: integer @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of errors """ try: version = int(version) new_version = self.get_latest_version() + 1 for docfile in self.list_version_files(version): destination = "%s/%s%s;%i" % (self.basedir, self.docname, docfile.get_format(), new_version) if os.path.exists(destination): raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "A file for docname '%s' for the recid '%s' already exists for the format '%s'" % (self.docname, self.recid, docfile.get_format()) try: shutil.copyfile(docfile.get_full_path(), destination) os.chmod(destination, 0644) self.more_info.set_comment(self.more_info.get_comment(docfile.get_format(), version), docfile.get_format(), new_version) self.more_info.set_description(self.more_info.get_description(docfile.get_format(), version), docfile.get_format(), new_version) except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Encountered an exception while copying '%s' to '%s': '%s'" % (docfile.get_full_path(), destination, e) finally: Md5Folder(self.basedir).update() self.touch() self._build_file_list() def import_descriptions_and_comments_from_marc(self, record=None): """ Import descriptions and comments from the corresponding MARC metadata. @param record: the record (if None it will be calculated). @type record: bibrecord recstruct @note: If record is passed it is directly used, otherwise it is retrieved from the MARCXML stored in the database. """ ## Let's get the record from invenio.search_engine import get_record if record is None: record = get_record(self.id) fields = record_get_field_instances(record, '856', '4', ' ') global_comment = None global_description = None local_comment = {} local_description = {} for field in fields: url = field_get_subfield_values(field, 'u') if url: ## Given a url url = url[0] if url == '%s/record/%s/files/' % (CFG_SITE_URL, self.recid): ## If it is a traditional /record/1/files/ one ## We have global description/comment for all the formats description = field_get_subfield_values(field, 'y') if description: global_description = description[0] comment = field_get_subfield_values(field, 'z') if comment: global_comment = comment[0] elif bibdocfile_url_p(url): ## Otherwise we have description/comment per format dummy, docname, format = decompose_bibdocfile_url(url) if docname == self.docname: description = field_get_subfield_values(field, 'y') if description: local_description[format] = description[0] comment = field_get_subfield_values(field, 'z') if comment: local_comment[format] = comment[0] ## Let's update the tables version = self.get_latest_version() for docfile in self.list_latest_files(): format = docfile.get_format() if format in local_comment: self.set_comment(local_comment[format], format, version) else: self.set_comment(global_comment, format, version) if format in local_description: self.set_description(local_description[format], format, version) else: self.set_description(global_description, format, version) self._build_file_list('init') def get_icon(self, subformat_re=CFG_WEBSUBMIT_ICON_SUBFORMAT_RE, display_hidden=True): """ @param subformat_re: by default the convention is that L{CFG_WEBSUBMIT_ICON_SUBFORMAT_RE} is used as a subformat indicator to mean that a particular format is to be used as an icon. Specifiy a different subformat if you need to use a different convention. @type subformat_re: compiled regular expression @return: the bibdocfile corresponding to the icon of this document, or None if any icon exists for this document. @rtype: BibDocFile @warning: before I{subformat} were introduced this method was returning a BibDoc, while now is returning a BibDocFile. Check if your client code is compatible with this. """ for docfile in self.list_latest_files(list_hidden=display_hidden): if subformat_re.match(docfile.get_subformat()): return docfile return None def add_icon(self, filename, format=None, subformat=CFG_WEBSUBMIT_DEFAULT_ICON_SUBFORMAT): """ Attaches icon to this document. @param filename: the local filesystem path to the icon. @type filename: string @param format: an optional format for the icon. If not specified it will be calculated after the filesystem path. @type format: string @param subformat: by default the convention is that CFG_WEBSUBMIT_DEFAULT_ICON_SUBFORMAT is used as a subformat indicator to mean that a particular format is to be used as an icon. Specifiy a different subformat if you need to use a different convention. @type subformat: string @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of errors. """ #first check if an icon already exists if not format: format = decompose_file(filename)[2] if subformat: format += ";%s" % subformat self.add_file_new_format(filename, format=format) def delete_icon(self, subformat_re=CFG_WEBSUBMIT_ICON_SUBFORMAT_RE): """ @param subformat_re: by default the convention is that L{CFG_WEBSUBMIT_ICON_SUBFORMAT_RE} is used as a subformat indicator to mean that a particular format is to be used as an icon. Specifiy a different subformat if you need to use a different convention. @type subformat: compiled regular expression Removes the icon attached to the document if it exists. """ for docfile in self.list_latest_files(): if subformat_re.match(docfile.get_subformat()): self.delete_file(docfile.get_format(), docfile.get_version()) def display(self, version="", ln=CFG_SITE_LANG, display_hidden=True): """ Returns an HTML representation of the this document. @param version: if not set, only the last version will be displayed. If 'all', all versions will be displayed. @type version: string (integer or 'all') @param ln: the language code. @type ln: string @param display_hidden: whether to include hidden files as well. @type display_hidden: bool @return: the formatted representation. @rtype: HTML string """ t = "" if version == "all": docfiles = self.list_all_files(list_hidden=display_hidden) elif version != "": version = int(version) docfiles = self.list_version_files(version, list_hidden=display_hidden) else: docfiles = self.list_latest_files(list_hidden=display_hidden) icon = self.get_icon(display_hidden=display_hidden) if icon: imageurl = icon.get_url() else: imageurl = "%s/img/smallfiles.gif" % CFG_SITE_URL versions = [] for version in list_versions_from_array(docfiles): currversion = { 'version' : version, 'previous' : 0, 'content' : [] } if version == self.get_latest_version() and version != 1: currversion['previous'] = 1 for docfile in docfiles: if docfile.get_version() == version: currversion['content'].append(docfile.display(ln = ln)) versions.append(currversion) if versions: return websubmit_templates.tmpl_bibdoc_filelist( ln = ln, versions = versions, imageurl = imageurl, docname = self.docname, recid = self.recid ) else: return "" def change_name(self, newname): """ Renames this document name. @param newname: the new name. @type newname: string @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: if the new name corresponds to a document already attached to the record owning this document. """ try: newname = normalize_docname(newname) res = run_sql("SELECT b.id FROM bibrec_bibdoc bb JOIN bibdoc b on bb.id_bibdoc=b.id WHERE bb.id_bibrec=%s AND b.docname=%s", (self.recid, newname)) if res: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "A bibdoc called %s already exists for recid %s" % (newname, self.recid) try: for f in os.listdir(self.basedir): if not f.startswith('.'): try: (dummy, base, extension, version) = decompose_file_with_version(f) except ValueError: register_exception(alert_admin=True, prefix="Strange file '%s' is stored in %s" % (f, self.basedir)) else: shutil.move(os.path.join(self.basedir, f), os.path.join(self.basedir, '%s%s;%i' % (newname, extension, version))) except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError("Error in renaming the bibdoc %s to %s for recid %s: %s" % (self.docname, newname, self.recid, e)) run_sql("update bibdoc set docname=%s where id=%s", (newname, self.id,)) self.docname = newname finally: Md5Folder(self.basedir).update() self.touch() self._build_file_list('rename') self._build_related_file_list() def set_comment(self, comment, format, version=None): """ Updates the comment of a specific format/version of the document. @param comment: the new comment. @type comment: string @param format: the specific format for which the comment should be updated. @type format: string @param version: the specific version for which the comment should be updated. If not specified the last version will be used. @type version: integer """ if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() format = normalize_format(format) self.more_info.set_comment(comment, format, version) self.touch() self._build_file_list('init') def set_description(self, description, format, version=None): """ Updates the description of a specific format/version of the document. @param description: the new description. @type description: string @param format: the specific format for which the description should be updated. @type format: string @param version: the specific version for which the description should be updated. If not specified the last version will be used. @type version: integer """ if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() format = normalize_format(format) self.more_info.set_description(description, format, version) self.touch() self._build_file_list('init') def set_flag(self, flagname, format, version=None): """ Sets a flag for a specific format/version of the document. @param flagname: a flag from L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}. @type flagname: string @param format: the specific format for which the flag should be set. @type format: string @param version: the specific version for which the flag should be set. If not specified the last version will be used. @type version: integer """ if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() format = normalize_format(format) self.more_info.set_flag(flagname, format, version) self.touch() self._build_file_list('init') def has_flag(self, flagname, format, version=None): """ Checks if a particular flag for a format/version is set. @param flagname: a flag from L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}. @type flagname: string @param format: the specific format for which the flag should be set. @type format: string @param version: the specific version for which the flag should be set. If not specified the last version will be used. @type version: integer @return: True if the flag is set. @rtype: bool """ if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() format = normalize_format(format) return self.more_info.has_flag(flagname, format, version) def unset_flag(self, flagname, format, version=None): """ Unsets a flag for a specific format/version of the document. @param flagname: a flag from L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}. @type flagname: string @param format: the specific format for which the flag should be unset. @type format: string @param version: the specific version for which the flag should be unset. If not specified the last version will be used. @type version: integer """ if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() format = normalize_format(format) self.more_info.unset_flag(flagname, format, version) self.touch() self._build_file_list('init') def get_comment(self, format, version=None): """ Retrieve the comment of a specific format/version of the document. @param format: the specific format for which the comment should be retrieved. @type format: string @param version: the specific version for which the comment should be retrieved. If not specified the last version will be used. @type version: integer @return: the comment. @rtype: string """ if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() format = normalize_format(format) return self.more_info.get_comment(format, version) def get_description(self, format, version=None): """ Retrieve the description of a specific format/version of the document. @param format: the specific format for which the description should be retrieved. @type format: string @param version: the specific version for which the description should be retrieved. If not specified the last version will be used. @type version: integer @return: the description. @rtype: string """ if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() format = normalize_format(format) return self.more_info.get_description(format, version) def hidden_p(self, format, version=None): """ Returns True if the file specified by the given format/version is hidden. @param format: the specific format for which the description should be retrieved. @type format: string @param version: the specific version for which the description should be retrieved. If not specified the last version will be used. @type version: integer @return: True if hidden. @rtype: bool """ if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() return self.more_info.has_flag('HIDDEN', format, version) def get_docname(self): """ @return: the name of this document. @rtype: string """ return self.docname def get_base_dir(self): """ @return: the base directory on the local filesystem for this document (e.g. C{/soft/cdsweb/var/data/files/g0/123}) @rtype: string """ return self.basedir def get_type(self): """ @return: the type of this document. @rtype: string""" return self.doctype def get_recid(self): """ @return: the record id of the record to which this document is attached. @rtype: integer """ return self.recid def get_id(self): """ @return: the id of this document. @rtype: integer """ return self.id def pdf_a_p(self): """ @return: True if this document contains a PDF in PDF/A format. @rtype: bool""" return self.has_flag('PDF/A', 'pdf') def has_text(self, require_up_to_date=False, version=None): """ Return True if the text of this document has already been extracted. @param require_up_to_date: if True check the text was actually extracted after the most recent format of the given version. @type require_up_to_date: bool @param version: a version for which the text should have been extracted. If not specified the latest version is considered. @type version: integer @return: True if the text has already been extracted. @rtype: bool """ if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.basedir, '.text;%i' % version)): if not require_up_to_date: return True else: docfiles = self.list_version_files(version) text_md = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(self.basedir, '.text;%i' % version))) for docfile in docfiles: if text_md <= docfile.md: return False return True return False def get_file(self, format, version=""): """ Returns a L{BibDocFile} instance of this document corresponding to the specific format and version. @param format: the specific format. @type format: string @param version: the specific version for which the description should be retrieved. If not specified the last version will be used. @type version: integer @return: the L{BibDocFile} instance. @rtype: BibDocFile """ if version == "": docfiles = self.list_latest_files() else: version = int(version) docfiles = self.list_version_files(version) format = normalize_format(format) for docfile in docfiles: if (docfile.get_format()==format or not format): return docfile ## Let's skip the subformat specification and consider just the ## superformat superformat = get_superformat_from_format(format) for docfile in docfiles: if get_superformat_from_format(docfile.get_format()) == superformat: return docfile raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "No file called '%s' of format '%s', version '%s'" % (self.docname, format, version) def list_versions(self): """ @return: the list of existing version numbers for this document. @rtype: list of integer """ versions = [] for docfile in self.docfiles: if not docfile.get_version() in versions: versions.append(docfile.get_version()) versions.sort() return versions def delete(self): """ Delete this document. @see: L{undelete} for how to undelete the document. @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of errors. """ try: today = datetime.today() self.change_name('DELETED-%s%s-%s' % (today.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'), today.microsecond, self.docname)) run_sql("UPDATE bibdoc SET status='DELETED' WHERE id=%s", (self.id,)) self.status = 'DELETED' except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "It's impossible to delete bibdoc %s: %s" % (self.id, e) def deleted_p(self): """ @return: True if this document has been deleted. @rtype: bool """ return self.status == 'DELETED' def empty_p(self): """ @return: True if this document is empty, i.e. it has no bibdocfile connected. @rtype: bool """ return len(self.docfiles) == 0 def undelete(self, previous_status=''): """ Undelete a deleted file (only if it was actually deleted via L{delete}). The previous C{status}, i.e. the restriction key can be provided. Otherwise the undeleted document will be public. @param previous_status: the previous status the should be restored. @type previous_status: string @raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError: in case of any error. """ bibrecdocs = BibRecDocs(self.recid) try: run_sql("UPDATE bibdoc SET status=%s WHERE id=%s AND status='DELETED'", (previous_status, self.id)) except Exception, e: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "It's impossible to undelete bibdoc %s: %s" % (self.id, e) if self.docname.startswith('DELETED-'): try: # Let's remove DELETED-20080214144322- in front of the docname original_name = '-'.join(self.docname.split('-')[2:]) original_name = bibrecdocs.propose_unique_docname(original_name) self.change_name(original_name) except Exception, e: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "It's impossible to restore the previous docname %s. %s kept as docname because: %s" % (original_name, self.docname, e) else: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Strange just undeleted docname isn't called DELETED-somedate-docname but %s" % self.docname def delete_file(self, format, version): """ Delete a specific format/version of this document on the filesystem. @param format: the particular format to be deleted. @type format: string @param version: the particular version to be deleted. @type version: integer @note: this operation is not reversible!""" try: afile = self.get_file(format, version) except InvenioWebSubmitFileError: return try: os.remove(afile.get_full_path()) except OSError: pass self.touch() self._build_file_list() def get_history(self): """ @return: a human readable and parsable string that represent the history of this document. @rtype: string """ ret = [] hst = run_sql("""SELECT action, docname, docformat, docversion, docsize, docchecksum, doctimestamp FROM hstDOCUMENT WHERE id_bibdoc=%s ORDER BY doctimestamp ASC""", (self.id, )) for row in hst: ret.append("%s %s '%s', format: '%s', version: %i, size: %s, checksum: '%s'" % (row[6].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], nice_size(row[4]), row[5])) return ret def _build_file_list(self, context=''): """ Lists all files attached to the bibdoc. This function should be called everytime the bibdoc is modified. As a side effect it log everything that has happened to the bibdocfiles in the log facility, according to the context: "init": means that the function has been called; for the first time by a constructor, hence no logging is performed "": by default means to log every deleted file as deleted and every added file as added; "rename": means that every appearently deleted file is logged as renamef and every new file as renamet. """ def log_action(action, docid, docname, format, version, size, checksum, timestamp=''): """Log an action into the bibdoclog table.""" try: if timestamp: run_sql('INSERT DELAYED INTO hstDOCUMENT(action, id_bibdoc, docname, docformat, docversion, docsize, docchecksum, doctimestamp) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', (action, docid, docname, format, version, size, checksum, timestamp)) else: run_sql('INSERT DELAYED INTO hstDOCUMENT(action, id_bibdoc, docname, docformat, docversion, docsize, docchecksum, doctimestamp) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, NOW())', (action, docid, docname, format, version, size, checksum)) except DatabaseError: register_exception() def make_removed_added_bibdocfiles(previous_file_list): """Internal function for build the log of changed files.""" # Let's rebuild the previous situation old_files = {} for bibdocfile in previous_file_list: old_files[(bibdocfile.name, bibdocfile.format, bibdocfile.version)] = (bibdocfile.size, bibdocfile.checksum, bibdocfile.md) # Let's rebuild the new situation new_files = {} for bibdocfile in self.docfiles: new_files[(bibdocfile.name, bibdocfile.format, bibdocfile.version)] = (bibdocfile.size, bibdocfile.checksum, bibdocfile.md) # Let's subtract from added file all the files that are present in # the old list, and let's add to deleted files that are not present # added file. added_files = dict(new_files) deleted_files = {} for key, value in old_files.iteritems(): if added_files.has_key(key): del added_files[key] else: deleted_files[key] = value return (added_files, deleted_files) if context != 'init': previous_file_list = list(self.docfiles) res = run_sql("SELECT status,docname,creation_date," "modification_date,more_info FROM bibdoc WHERE id=%s", (self.id,)) self.cd = res[0][2] self.md = res[0][3] self.docname = res[0][1] self.status = res[0][0] self.more_info = BibDocMoreInfo(self.id, blob_to_string(res[0][4])) self.docfiles = [] if os.path.exists(self.basedir): self.md5s = Md5Folder(self.basedir) files = os.listdir(self.basedir) files.sort() for afile in files: if not afile.startswith('.'): try: filepath = os.path.join(self.basedir, afile) dirname, basename, format, fileversion = decompose_file_with_version(filepath) checksum = self.md5s.get_checksum(afile) # we can append file: self.docfiles.append(BibDocFile(filepath, self.doctype, fileversion, basename, format, self.recid, self.id, self.status, checksum, self.more_info, human_readable=self.human_readable)) except Exception, e: register_exception() if context == 'init': return else: added_files, deleted_files = make_removed_added_bibdocfiles(previous_file_list) deletedstr = "DELETED" addedstr = "ADDED" if context == 'rename': deletedstr = "RENAMEDFROM" addedstr = "RENAMEDTO" for (docname, format, version), (size, checksum, md) in added_files.iteritems(): if context == 'rename': md = '' # No modification time log_action(addedstr, self.id, docname, format, version, size, checksum, md) for (docname, format, version), (size, checksum, md) in deleted_files.iteritems(): if context == 'rename': md = '' # No modification time log_action(deletedstr, self.id, docname, format, version, size, checksum, md) def _build_related_file_list(self): """Lists all files attached to the bibdoc. This function should be called everytime the bibdoc is modified within e.g. its icon. @deprecated: use subformats instead. """ self.related_files = {} res = run_sql("SELECT ln.id_bibdoc2,ln.type,bibdoc.status FROM " "bibdoc_bibdoc AS ln,bibdoc WHERE id=ln.id_bibdoc2 AND " "ln.id_bibdoc1=%s", (self.id,)) for row in res: docid = row[0] doctype = row[1] if row[2] != 'DELETED': if not self.related_files.has_key(doctype): self.related_files[doctype] = [] cur_doc = BibDoc(docid=docid, human_readable=self.human_readable) self.related_files[doctype].append(cur_doc) def get_total_size_latest_version(self): """Return the total size used on disk of all the files belonging to this bibdoc and corresponding to the latest version.""" ret = 0 for bibdocfile in self.list_latest_files(): ret += bibdocfile.get_size() return ret def get_total_size(self): """Return the total size used on disk of all the files belonging to this bibdoc.""" ret = 0 for bibdocfile in self.list_all_files(): ret += bibdocfile.get_size() return ret def list_all_files(self, list_hidden=True): """Returns all the docfiles linked with the given bibdoc.""" if list_hidden: return self.docfiles else: return [afile for afile in self.docfiles if not afile.hidden_p()] def list_latest_files(self, list_hidden=True): """Returns all the docfiles within the last version.""" return self.list_version_files(self.get_latest_version(), list_hidden=list_hidden) def list_version_files(self, version, list_hidden=True): """Return all the docfiles of a particular version.""" version = int(version) return [docfile for docfile in self.docfiles if docfile.get_version() == version and (list_hidden or not docfile.hidden_p())] def get_latest_version(self): """ Returns the latest existing version number for the given bibdoc. If no file is associated to this bibdoc, returns '0'. """ version = 0 for bibdocfile in self.docfiles: if bibdocfile.get_version() > version: version = bibdocfile.get_version() return version def get_file_number(self): """Return the total number of files.""" return len(self.docfiles) def register_download(self, ip_address, version, format, userid=0): """Register the information about a download of a particular file.""" format = normalize_format(format) if format[:1] == '.': format = format[1:] format = format.upper() - return run_sql("INSERT INTO rnkDOWNLOADS " + return run_sql("INSERT DELAYED INTO rnkDOWNLOADS " "(id_bibrec,id_bibdoc,file_version,file_format," "id_user,client_host,download_time) VALUES " "(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,INET_ATON(%s),NOW())", (self.recid, self.id, version, format, userid, ip_address,)) class BibDocFile: """This class represents a physical file in the Invenio filesystem. It should never be instantiated directly""" def __init__(self, fullpath, doctype, version, name, format, recid, docid, status, checksum, more_info, human_readable=False): self.fullpath = os.path.abspath(fullpath) self.doctype = doctype self.docid = docid self.recid = recid self.version = version self.status = status self.checksum = checksum self.human_readable = human_readable self.description = more_info.get_description(format, version) self.format = normalize_format(format) self.superformat = get_superformat_from_format(self.format) self.subformat = get_subformat_from_format(self.format) if format == "": self.mime = "application/octet-stream" self.encoding = "" self.fullname = name else: self.fullname = "%s%s" % (name, self.superformat) (self.mime, self.encoding) = _mimes.guess_type(self.fullname) if self.mime is None: self.mime = "application/octet-stream" self.more_info = more_info self.comment = more_info.get_comment(format, version) self.flags = more_info.get_flags(format, version) self.hidden = 'HIDDEN' in self.flags self.size = os.path.getsize(fullpath) self.md = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(fullpath)) try: self.cd = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getctime(fullpath)) except OSError: self.cd = self.md self.name = name self.dir = os.path.dirname(fullpath) if self.subformat: self.url = create_url('%s/record/%s/files/%s%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, self.recid, self.name, self.superformat), {'subformat' : self.subformat}) self.fullurl = create_url('%s/record/%s/files/%s%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, self.recid, self.name, self.superformat), {'subformat' : self.subformat, 'version' : self.version}) else: self.url = create_url('%s/record/%s/files/%s%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, self.recid, self.name, self.superformat), {}) self.fullurl = create_url('%s/record/%s/files/%s%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, self.recid, self.name, self.superformat), {'version' : self.version}) self.etag = '"%i%s%i"' % (self.docid, self.format, self.version) self.magic = None def __repr__(self): return ('BibDocFile(%s, %s, %i, %s, %s, %i, %i, %s, %s, %s, %s)' % (repr(self.fullpath), repr(self.doctype), self.version, repr(self.name), repr(self.format), self.recid, self.docid, repr(self.status), repr(self.checksum), repr(self.more_info), repr(self.human_readable))) def __str__(self): out = '%s:%s:%s:%s:fullpath=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.fullpath) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:fullname=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.fullname) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:name=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.name) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:subformat=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, get_subformat_from_format(self.format)) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:status=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.status) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:checksum=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.checksum) if self.human_readable: out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:size=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, nice_size(self.size)) else: out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:size=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.size) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:creation time=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.cd) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:modification time=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.md) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:magic=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.get_magic()) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:mime=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.mime) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:encoding=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.encoding) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:url=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.url) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:fullurl=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.fullurl) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:description=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.description) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:comment=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.comment) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:hidden=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.hidden) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:flags=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.flags) out += '%s:%s:%s:%s:etag=%s\n' % (self.recid, self.docid, self.version, self.format, self.etag) return out def display(self, ln = CFG_SITE_LANG): """Returns a formatted representation of this docfile.""" return websubmit_templates.tmpl_bibdocfile_filelist( ln = ln, recid = self.recid, version = self.version, md = self.md, name = self.name, superformat = self.superformat, subformat = self.subformat, nice_size = nice_size(self.size), description = self.description or '' ) def is_restricted(self, user_info): """Returns restriction state. (see acc_authorize_action return values)""" if self.status not in ('', 'DELETED'): return check_bibdoc_authorization(user_info, status=self.status) elif self.status == 'DELETED': return (1, 'File has ben deleted') else: return (0, '') def is_icon(self, subformat_re=CFG_WEBSUBMIT_ICON_SUBFORMAT_RE): """ @param subformat_re: by default the convention is that L{CFG_WEBSUBMIT_ICON_SUBFORMAT_RE} is used as a subformat indicator to mean that a particular format is to be used as an icon. Specifiy a different subformat if you need to use a different convention. @type subformat: compiled regular expression @return: True if this file is an icon. @rtype: bool """ return bool(subformat_re.match(self.subformat)) def hidden_p(self): return self.hidden def get_url(self): return self.url def get_type(self): return self.doctype def get_path(self): return self.fullpath def get_bibdocid(self): return self.docid def get_name(self): return self.name def get_full_name(self): return self.fullname def get_full_path(self): return self.fullpath def get_format(self): return self.format def get_subformat(self): return self.subformat def get_superformat(self): return self.superformat def get_size(self): return self.size def get_version(self): return self.version def get_checksum(self): return self.checksum def get_description(self): return self.description def get_comment(self): return self.comment def get_content(self): """Returns the binary content of the file.""" content_fd = open(self.fullpath, 'rb') content = content_fd.read() content_fd.close() return content def get_recid(self): """Returns the recid connected with the bibdoc of this file.""" return self.recid def get_status(self): """Returns the status of the file, i.e. either '', 'DELETED' or a restriction keyword.""" return self.status def get_magic(self): """Return all the possible guesses from the magic library about the content of the file.""" if self.magic is None and CFG_HAS_MAGIC: magic_cookies = _get_magic_cookies() magic_result = [] for key in magic_cookies.keys(): magic_result.append(magic_cookies[key].file(self.fullpath)) self.magic = tuple(magic_result) return self.magic def check(self): """Return True if the checksum corresponds to the file.""" return calculate_md5(self.fullpath) == self.checksum def stream(self, req): """Stream the file. Note that no restriction check is being done here, since restrictions have been checked previously inside websubmit_webinterface.py.""" if os.path.exists(self.fullpath): if random.random() < CFG_BIBDOCFILE_MD5_CHECK_PROBABILITY and calculate_md5(self.fullpath) != self.checksum: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "File %s, version %i, for record %s is corrupted!" % (self.fullname, self.version, self.recid) stream_file(req, self.fullpath, "%s%s" % (self.name, self.superformat), self.mime, self.encoding, self.etag, self.checksum, self.fullurl) raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.DONE else: req.status = apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "%s does not exists!" % self.fullpath _RE_STATUS_PARSER = re.compile(r'^(?Pemail|group|egroup|role|firerole|status):\s*(?P.*)$', re.S + re.I) def check_bibdoc_authorization(user_info, status): """ Check if the user is authorized to access a document protected with the given status. L{status} is a string of the form:: auth_type: auth_value where C{auth_type} can have values in:: email, group, role, firerole, status and C{auth_value} has a value interpreted againsta C{auth_type}: - C{email}: the user can access the document if his/her email matches C{auth_value} - C{group}: the user can access the document if one of the groups (local or external) of which he/she is member matches C{auth_value} - C{role}: the user can access the document if he/she belongs to the WebAccess role specified in C{auth_value} - C{firerole}: the user can access the document if he/she is implicitly matched by the role described by the firewall like role definition in C{auth_value} - C{status}: the user can access the document if he/she is authorized to for the action C{viewrestrdoc} with C{status} paramter having value C{auth_value} @note: If no C{auth_type} is specified or if C{auth_type} is not one of the above, C{auth_value} will be set to the value contained in the parameter C{status}, and C{auth_type} will be considered to be C{status}. @param user_info: the user_info dictionary @type: dict @param status: the status of the document. @type status: string @return: a tuple, of the form C{(auth_code, auth_message)} where auth_code is 0 if the authorization is granted and greater than 0 otherwise. @rtype: (int, string) @raise ValueError: in case of unexpected parsing error. """ def parse_status(status): g = _RE_STATUS_PARSER.match(status) if g: return (g.group('type').lower(), g.group('value')) else: return ('status', status) if acc_is_user_in_role(user_info, acc_get_role_id(SUPERADMINROLE)): return (0, CFG_WEBACCESS_WARNING_MSGS[0]) auth_type, auth_value = parse_status(status) if auth_type == 'status': return acc_authorize_action(user_info, 'viewrestrdoc', status=auth_value) elif auth_type == 'email': if not auth_value.lower().strip() == user_info['email'].lower().strip(): return (1, 'You must be member of the group %s in order to access this document' % repr(auth_value)) elif auth_type == 'group': if not auth_value in user_info['group']: return (1, 'You must be member of the group %s in order to access this document' % repr(auth_value)) elif auth_type == 'role': if not acc_is_user_in_role(user_info, acc_get_role_id(auth_value)): return (1, 'You must be member in the role %s in order to access this document' % repr(auth_value)) elif auth_type == 'firerole': if not acc_firerole_check_user(user_info, compile_role_definition(auth_value)): return (1, 'You must be authorized in order to access this document') else: raise ValueError, 'Unexpected authorization type %s for %s' % (repr(auth_type), repr(auth_value)) return (0, CFG_WEBACCESS_WARNING_MSGS[0]) def stream_file(req, fullpath, fullname=None, mime=None, encoding=None, etag=None, md5=None, location=None): """This is a generic function to stream a file to the user. If fullname, mime, encoding, and location are not provided they will be guessed based on req and fullpath. md5 should be passed as an hexadecimal string. """ def normal_streaming(size): req.set_content_length(size) req.send_http_header() if not req.header_only: req.sendfile(fullpath) return "" def single_range(size, the_range): req.set_content_length(the_range[1]) req.headers_out['Content-Range'] = 'bytes %d-%d/%d' % (the_range[0], the_range[0] + the_range[1] - 1, size) req.status = apache.HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT req.send_http_header() if not req.header_only: req.sendfile(fullpath, the_range[0], the_range[1]) return "" def multiple_ranges(size, ranges, mime): req.status = apache.HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT boundary = '%s%04d' % (time.strftime('THIS_STRING_SEPARATES_%Y%m%d%H%M%S'), random.randint(0, 9999)) req.content_type = 'multipart/byteranges; boundary=%s' % boundary content_length = 0 for arange in ranges: content_length += len('--%s\r\n' % boundary) content_length += len('Content-Type: %s\r\n' % mime) content_length += len('Content-Range: bytes %d-%d/%d\r\n' % (arange[0], arange[0] + arange[1] - 1, size)) content_length += len('\r\n') content_length += arange[1] content_length += len('\r\n') content_length += len('--%s--\r\n' % boundary) req.set_content_length(content_length) req.send_http_header() if not req.header_only: for arange in ranges: req.write('--%s\r\n' % boundary, 0) req.write('Content-Type: %s\r\n' % mime, 0) req.write('Content-Range: bytes %d-%d/%d\r\n' % (arange[0], arange[0] + arange[1] - 1, size), 0) req.write('\r\n', 0) req.sendfile(fullpath, arange[0], arange[1]) req.write('\r\n', 0) req.write('--%s--\r\n' % boundary) req.flush() return "" def parse_date(date): """According to a date can come in three formats (in order of preference): Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123 Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 850, obsoleted by RFC 1036 Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994 ; ANSI C's asctime() format Moreover IE is adding some trailing information after a ';'. Wrong dates should be simpled ignored. This function return the time in seconds since the epoch GMT or None in case of errors.""" if not date: return None try: date = date.split(';')[0].strip() # Because of IE ## Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT return time.mktime(time.strptime(date, '%a, %d %b %Y %X %Z')) except: try: ## Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT return time.mktime(time.strptime(date, '%A, %d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S %Z')) except: try: ## Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT return time.mktime(date) except: return None def parse_ranges(ranges): """According to a (multiple) range request comes in the form: bytes=20-30,40-60,70-,-80 with the meaning: from byte to 20 to 30 inclusive (11 bytes) from byte to 40 to 60 inclusive (21 bytes) from byte 70 to (size - 1) inclusive (size - 70 bytes) from byte size - 80 to (size - 1) inclusive (80 bytes) This function will return the list of ranges in the form: [[first_byte, last_byte], ...] If first_byte or last_byte aren't specified they'll be set to None If the list is not well formatted it will return None """ try: if ranges.startswith('bytes') and '=' in ranges: ranges = ranges.split('=')[1].strip() else: return None ret = [] for arange in ranges.split(','): arange = arange.strip() if arange.startswith('-'): ret.append([None, int(arange[1:])]) elif arange.endswith('-'): ret.append([int(arange[:-1]), None]) else: ret.append(map(int, arange.split('-'))) return ret except: return None def parse_tags(tags): """Return a list of tags starting from a comma separated list.""" return [tag.strip() for tag in tags.split(',')] def fix_ranges(ranges, size): """Complementary to parse_ranges it will transform all the ranges into (first_byte, length), adjusting all the value based on the actual size provided. """ ret = [] for arange in ranges: if (arange[0] is None and arange[1] > 0) or arange[0] < size: if arange[0] is None: arange[0] = size - arange[1] elif arange[1] is None: arange[1] = size - arange[0] else: arange[1] = arange[1] - arange[0] + 1 arange[0] = max(0, arange[0]) arange[1] = min(size - arange[0], arange[1]) if arange[1] > 0: ret.append(arange) return ret def get_normalized_headers(headers): """Strip and lowerize all the keys of the headers dictionary plus strip, lowerize and transform known headers value into their value.""" ret = { 'if-match' : None, 'unless-modified-since' : None, 'if-modified-since' : None, 'range' : None, 'if-range' : None, 'if-none-match' : None, } for key, value in req.headers_in.iteritems(): key = key.strip().lower() value = value.strip() if key in ('unless-modified-since', 'if-modified-since'): value = parse_date(value) elif key == 'range': value = parse_ranges(value) elif key == 'if-range': value = parse_date(value) or parse_tags(value) elif key in ('if-match', 'if-none-match'): value = parse_tags(value) if value: ret[key] = value return ret if CFG_BIBDOCFILE_USE_XSENDFILE: ## If XSendFile is supported by the server, let's use it. if os.path.exists(fullpath): if fullname is None: fullname = os.path.basename(fullpath) req.headers_out["Content-Disposition"] = 'inline; filename="%s"' % fullname.replace('"', '\\"') req.headers_out["X-Sendfile"] = fullpath if mime is None: format = decompose_file(fullpath)[2] (mime, encoding) = _mimes.guess_type(fullpath) if mime is None: mime = "application/octet-stream" req.content_type = mime return "" else: raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND headers = get_normalized_headers(req.headers_in) if headers['if-match']: if etag is not None and etag not in headers['if-match']: raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED if os.path.exists(fullpath): mtime = os.path.getmtime(fullpath) if fullname is None: fullname = os.path.basename(fullpath) if mime is None: (mime, encoding) = _mimes.guess_type(fullpath) if mime is None: mime = "application/octet-stream" if location is None: location = req.uri req.content_type = mime req.encoding = encoding req.filename = fullname req.headers_out["Last-Modified"] = time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %X GMT', time.gmtime(mtime)) req.headers_out["Accept-Ranges"] = "bytes" req.headers_out["Content-Location"] = location if etag is not None: req.headers_out["ETag"] = etag if md5 is not None: req.headers_out["Content-MD5"] = base64.encodestring(binascii.unhexlify(md5.upper()))[:-1] req.headers_out["Content-Disposition"] = 'inline; filename="%s"' % fullname.replace('"', '\\"') size = os.path.getsize(fullpath) if not size: try: raise Exception, '%s exists but is empty' % fullpath except Exception: register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True) raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND if headers['if-modified-since'] and headers['if-modified-since'] >= mtime: raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED if headers['if-none-match']: if etag is not None and etag in headers['if-none-match']: raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED if headers['unless-modified-since'] and headers['unless-modified-since'] < mtime: return normal_streaming(size) if headers['range']: try: if headers['if-range']: if etag is None or etag not in headers['if-range']: return normal_streaming(size) ranges = fix_ranges(headers['range'], size) except: return normal_streaming(size) if len(ranges) > 1: return multiple_ranges(size, ranges, mime) elif ranges: return single_range(size, ranges[0]) else: raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE else: return normal_streaming(size) else: raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND def stream_restricted_icon(req): """Return the content of the "Restricted Icon" file.""" stream_file(req, '%s/img/restricted.gif' % CFG_WEBDIR) raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.DONE def list_types_from_array(bibdocs): """Retrieves the list of types from the given bibdoc list.""" types = [] for bibdoc in bibdocs: if not bibdoc.get_type() in types: types.append(bibdoc.get_type()) return types def list_versions_from_array(docfiles): """Retrieve the list of existing versions from the given docfiles list.""" versions = [] for docfile in docfiles: if not docfile.get_version() in versions: versions.append(docfile.get_version()) versions.sort() versions.reverse() return versions def _make_base_dir(docid): """Given a docid it returns the complete path that should host its files.""" group = "g" + str(int(int(docid) / CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILESYSTEM_BIBDOC_GROUP_LIMIT)) return os.path.join(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR, group, str(docid)) class Md5Folder: """Manage all the Md5 checksum about a folder""" def __init__(self, folder): """Initialize the class from the md5 checksum of a given path""" self.folder = folder try: self.load() except InvenioWebSubmitFileError: self.md5s = {} self.update() def update(self, only_new = True): """Update the .md5 file with the current files. If only_new is specified then only not already calculated file are calculated.""" if not only_new: self.md5s = {} if os.path.exists(self.folder): for filename in os.listdir(self.folder): if filename not in self.md5s and not filename.startswith('.'): self.md5s[filename] = calculate_md5(os.path.join(self.folder, filename)) self.store() def store(self): """Store the current md5 dictionary into .md5""" try: old_umask = os.umask(022) md5file = open(os.path.join(self.folder, ".md5"), "w") for key, value in self.md5s.items(): md5file.write('%s *%s\n' % (value, key)) md5file.close() os.umask(old_umask) except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Encountered an exception while storing .md5 for folder '%s': '%s'" % (self.folder, e) def load(self): """Load .md5 into the md5 dictionary""" self.md5s = {} try: md5file = open(os.path.join(self.folder, ".md5"), "r") for row in md5file: md5hash = row[:32] filename = row[34:].strip() self.md5s[filename] = md5hash md5file.close() except IOError: self.update() except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Encountered an exception while loading .md5 for folder '%s': '%s'" % (self.folder, e) def check(self, filename = ''): """Check the specified file or all the files for which it exists a hash for being coherent with the stored hash.""" if filename and filename in self.md5s.keys(): try: return self.md5s[filename] == calculate_md5(os.path.join(self.folder, filename)) except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Encountered an exception while loading '%s': '%s'" % (os.path.join(self.folder, filename), e) else: for filename, md5hash in self.md5s.items(): try: if calculate_md5(os.path.join(self.folder, filename)) != md5hash: return False except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Encountered an exception while loading '%s': '%s'" % (os.path.join(self.folder, filename), e) return True def get_checksum(self, filename): """Return the checksum of a physical file.""" md5hash = self.md5s.get(filename, None) if md5hash is None: self.update() # Now it should not fail! md5hash = self.md5s[filename] return md5hash def calculate_md5_external(filename): """Calculate the md5 of a physical file through md5sum Command Line Tool. This is suitable for file larger than 256Kb.""" try: md5_result = os.popen(CFG_PATH_MD5SUM + ' -b %s' % escape_shell_arg(filename)) ret = md5_result.read()[:32] md5_result.close() if len(ret) != 32: # Error in running md5sum. Let's fallback to internal # algorithm. return calculate_md5(filename, force_internal=True) else: return ret except Exception, e: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Encountered an exception while calculating md5 for file '%s': '%s'" % (filename, e) def calculate_md5(filename, force_internal=False): """Calculate the md5 of a physical file. This is suitable for files smaller than 256Kb.""" if not CFG_PATH_MD5SUM or force_internal or os.path.getsize(filename) < CFG_BIBDOCFILE_MD5_THRESHOLD: try: to_be_read = open(filename, "rb") computed_md5 = md5() while True: buf = to_be_read.read(CFG_BIBDOCFILE_MD5_BUFFER) if buf: computed_md5.update(buf) else: break to_be_read.close() return computed_md5.hexdigest() except Exception, e: register_exception() raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Encountered an exception while calculating md5 for file '%s': '%s'" % (filename, e) else: return calculate_md5_external(filename) def bibdocfile_url_to_bibrecdocs(url): """Given an URL in the form CFG_SITE_[SECURE_]URL/record/xxx/files/... it returns a BibRecDocs object for the corresponding recid.""" recid = decompose_bibdocfile_url(url)[0] return BibRecDocs(recid) def bibdocfile_url_to_bibdoc(url): """Given an URL in the form CFG_SITE_[SECURE_]URL/record/xxx/files/... it returns a BibDoc object for the corresponding recid/docname.""" docname = decompose_bibdocfile_url(url)[1] return bibdocfile_url_to_bibrecdocs(url).get_bibdoc(docname) def bibdocfile_url_to_bibdocfile(url): """Given an URL in the form CFG_SITE_[SECURE_]URL/record/xxx/files/... it returns a BibDocFile object for the corresponding recid/docname/format.""" dummy, dummy, format = decompose_bibdocfile_url(url) return bibdocfile_url_to_bibdoc(url).get_file(format) def bibdocfile_url_to_fullpath(url): """Given an URL in the form CFG_SITE_[SECURE_]URL/record/xxx/files/... it returns the fullpath for the corresponding recid/docname/format.""" return bibdocfile_url_to_bibdocfile(url).get_full_path() def bibdocfile_url_p(url): """Return True when the url is a potential valid url pointing to a fulltext owned by a system.""" if url.startswith('%s/getfile.py' % CFG_SITE_URL) or url.startswith('%s/getfile.py' % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL): return True if not (url.startswith('%s/record/' % CFG_SITE_URL) or url.startswith('%s/record/' % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL)): return False splitted_url = url.split('/files/') return len(splitted_url) == 2 and splitted_url[0] != '' and splitted_url[1] != '' def get_docid_from_bibdocfile_fullpath(fullpath): """Given a bibdocfile fullpath (e.g. "CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR/g0/123/bar.pdf;1") returns the docid (e.g. 123).""" if not fullpath.startswith(os.path.join(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR, 'g')): raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Fullpath %s doesn't correspond to a valid bibdocfile fullpath" % fullpath dirname, base, extension, version = decompose_file_with_version(fullpath) try: return int(dirname.split('/')[-1]) except: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Fullpath %s doesn't correspond to a valid bibdocfile fullpath" % fullpath def decompose_bibdocfile_fullpath(fullpath): """Given a bibdocfile fullpath (e.g. "CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR/g0/123/bar.pdf;1") returns a quadruple (recid, docname, format, version).""" if not fullpath.startswith(os.path.join(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR, 'g')): raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Fullpath %s doesn't correspond to a valid bibdocfile fullpath" % fullpath dirname, base, extension, version = decompose_file_with_version(fullpath) try: docid = int(dirname.split('/')[-1]) bibdoc = BibDoc(docid) recid = bibdoc.get_recid() docname = bibdoc.get_docname() return recid, docname, extension, version except: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Fullpath %s doesn't correspond to a valid bibdocfile fullpath" % fullpath def decompose_bibdocfile_url(url): """Given a bibdocfile_url return a triple (recid, docname, format).""" if url.startswith('%s/getfile.py' % CFG_SITE_URL) or url.startswith('%s/getfile.py' % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL): return decompose_bibdocfile_very_old_url(url) if url.startswith('%s/record/' % CFG_SITE_URL): recid_file = url[len('%s/record/' % CFG_SITE_URL):] elif url.startswith('%s/record/' % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL): recid_file = url[len('%s/record/' % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL):] else: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError, "Url %s doesn't correspond to a valid record inside the system." % url recid_file = recid_file.replace('/files/', '/') recid, docname, format = decompose_file(urllib.unquote(recid_file)) if not recid and docname.isdigit(): ## If the URL was something similar to CFG_SITE_URL/record/123 return (int(docname), '', '') return (int(recid), docname, format) re_bibdocfile_old_url = re.compile(r'/record/(\d*)/files/') def decompose_bibdocfile_old_url(url): """Given a bibdocfile old url (e.g. CFG_SITE_URL/record/123/files) it returns the recid.""" g = re_bibdocfile_old_url.search(url) if g: return int(g.group(1)) raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError('%s is not a valid old bibdocfile url' % url) def decompose_bibdocfile_very_old_url(url): """Decompose an old /getfile.py? URL""" if url.startswith('%s/getfile.py' % CFG_SITE_URL) or url.startswith('%s/getfile.py' % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL): params = urllib.splitquery(url)[1] if params: try: params = cgi.parse_qs(params) if 'docid' in params: docid = int(params['docid'][0]) bibdoc = BibDoc(docid) recid = bibdoc.get_recid() docname = bibdoc.get_docname() elif 'recid' in params: recid = int(params['recid'][0]) if 'name' in params: docname = params['name'][0] else: docname = '' else: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError('%s has not enough params to correspond to a bibdocfile.' % url) format = normalize_format(params.get('format', [''])[0]) return (recid, docname, format) except Exception, e: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError('Problem with %s: %s' % (url, e)) else: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError('%s has no params to correspond to a bibdocfile.' % url) else: raise InvenioWebSubmitFileError('%s is not a valid very old bibdocfile url' % url) def get_docname_from_url(url): """Return a potential docname given a url""" path = urllib2.urlparse.urlsplit(urllib.unquote(url))[2] filename = os.path.split(path)[-1] return file_strip_ext(filename) def get_format_from_url(url): """Return a potential format given a url""" path = urllib2.urlparse.urlsplit(urllib.unquote(url))[2] filename = os.path.split(path)[-1] return filename[len(file_strip_ext(filename)):] def clean_url(url): """Given a local url e.g. a local path it render it a realpath.""" protocol = urllib2.urlparse.urlsplit(url)[0] if protocol in ('', 'file'): path = urllib2.urlparse.urlsplit(urllib.unquote(url))[2] return os.path.abspath(path) else: return url def is_url_a_local_file(url): """Return True if the given URL is pointing to a local file.""" protocol = urllib2.urlparse.urlsplit(url)[0] return protocol in ('', 'file') def check_valid_url(url): """Check for validity of a url or a file.""" try: if is_url_a_local_file(url): path = urllib2.urlparse.urlsplit(urllib.unquote(url))[2] if os.path.abspath(path) != path: raise StandardError, "%s is not a normalized path (would be %s)." % (path, os.path.normpath(path)) for allowed_path in CFG_BIBUPLOAD_FFT_ALLOWED_LOCAL_PATHS + [CFG_TMPDIR, CFG_WEBSUBMIT_STORAGEDIR]: if path.startswith(allowed_path): dummy_fd = open(path) dummy_fd.close() return raise StandardError, "%s is not in one of the allowed paths." % path else: urllib2.urlopen(url) except Exception, e: raise StandardError, "%s is not a correct url: %s" % (url, e) def safe_mkstemp(suffix): """Create a temporary filename that don't have any '.' inside a part from the suffix.""" tmpfd, tmppath = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=suffix, dir=CFG_TMPDIR) if '.' not in suffix: # Just in case format is empty return tmpfd, tmppath while '.' in os.path.basename(tmppath)[:-len(suffix)]: os.close(tmpfd) os.remove(tmppath) tmpfd, tmppath = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=suffix, dir=CFG_TMPDIR) return (tmpfd, tmppath) def download_url(url, format=None, sleep=2): """Download a url (if it corresponds to a remote file) and return a local url to it.""" if format is None: format = decompose_file(url)[2] else: format = normalize_format(format) protocol = urllib2.urlparse.urlsplit(url)[0] tmpfd, tmppath = safe_mkstemp(format) try: try: if protocol in ('', 'file'): path = urllib2.urlparse.urlsplit(urllib.unquote(url))[2] if os.path.abspath(path) != path: raise StandardError, "%s is not a normalized path (would be %s)." % (path, os.path.normpath(path)) for allowed_path in CFG_BIBUPLOAD_FFT_ALLOWED_LOCAL_PATHS + [CFG_TMPDIR, CFG_WEBSUBMIT_STORAGEDIR]: if path.startswith(allowed_path): shutil.copy(path, tmppath) if os.path.getsize(tmppath) > 0: return tmppath else: raise StandardError, "%s seems to be empty" % url raise StandardError, "%s is not in one of the allowed paths." % path else: try: from_file = urllib2.urlopen(url) to_file = open(tmppath, 'w') while True: block = from_file.read(CFG_BIBDOCFILE_BLOCK_SIZE) if not block: break to_file.write(block) to_file.close() from_file.close() except Exception, e: raise StandardError, "Error when downloading %s into %s: %s" % (url, tmppath, e) if os.path.getsize(tmppath) > 0: return tmppath else: raise StandardError, "%s seems to be empty" % url except: os.remove(tmppath) raise finally: os.close(tmpfd) class BibDocMoreInfo: """ This class wraps contextual information of the documents, such as the - comments - descriptions - flags. Such information is kept separately per every format/version instance of the corresponding document and is searialized in the database, ready to be retrieved (but not searched). @param docid: the document identifier. @type docid: integer @param more_info: a serialized version of an already existing more_info object. If not specified this information will be readed from the database, and othewise an empty dictionary will be allocated. @raise ValueError: if docid is not a positive integer. @ivar docid: the document identifier as passed to the constructor. @type docid: integer @ivar more_info: the more_info dictionary that will hold all the additional document information. @type more_info: dict of dict of dict @note: in general this class is never instanciated in client code and never used outside bibdocfile module. @note: this class will be extended in the future to hold all the new auxiliary information about a document. """ def __init__(self, docid, more_info=None): if not (type(docid) in (long, int) and docid > 0): raise ValueError("docid is not a positive integer, but %s." % docid) self.docid = docid if more_info is None: res = run_sql('SELECT more_info FROM bibdoc WHERE id=%s', (docid, )) if res and res[0][0]: self.more_info = cPickle.loads(blob_to_string(res[0][0])) else: self.more_info = {} else: self.more_info = cPickle.loads(more_info) if 'descriptions' not in self.more_info: self.more_info['descriptions'] = {} if 'comments' not in self.more_info: self.more_info['comments'] = {} if 'flags' not in self.more_info: self.more_info['flags'] = {} def __repr__(self): """ @return: the canonical string representation of the C{BibDocMoreInfo}. @rtype: string """ return 'BibDocMoreInfo(%i, %s)' % (self.docid, repr(cPickle.dumps(self.more_info))) def flush(self): """ Flush this object to the database. """ run_sql('UPDATE bibdoc SET more_info=%s WHERE id=%s', (cPickle.dumps(self.more_info), self.docid)) def set_flag(self, flagname, format, version): """ Sets a flag. @param flagname: the flag to set (see L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}). @type flagname: string @param format: the format for which the flag should set. @type format: string @param version: the version for which the flag should set: @type version: integer @raise ValueError: if the flag is not in L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS} """ if flagname in CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS: if not flagname in self.more_info['flags']: self.more_info['flags'][flagname] = {} if not version in self.more_info['flags'][flagname]: self.more_info['flags'][flagname][version] = {} if not format in self.more_info['flags'][flagname][version]: self.more_info['flags'][flagname][version][format] = {} self.more_info['flags'][flagname][version][format] = True self.flush() else: raise ValueError, "%s is not in %s" % (flagname, CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS) def get_comment(self, format, version): """ Returns the specified comment. @param format: the format for which the comment should be retrieved. @type format: string @param version: the version for which the comment should be retrieved. @type version: integer @return: the specified comment. @rtype: string """ try: assert(type(version) is int) format = normalize_format(format) return self.more_info['comments'].get(version, {}).get(format) except: register_exception() raise def get_description(self, format, version): """ Returns the specified description. @param format: the format for which the description should be retrieved. @type format: string @param version: the version for which the description should be retrieved. @type version: integer @return: the specified description. @rtype: string """ try: assert(type(version) is int) format = normalize_format(format) return self.more_info['descriptions'].get(version, {}).get(format) except: register_exception() raise def has_flag(self, flagname, format, version): """ Return True if the corresponding has been set. @param flagname: the name of the flag (see L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}). @type flagname: string @param format: the format for which the flag should be checked. @type format: string @param version: the version for which the flag should be checked. @type version: integer @return: True if the flag is set for the given format/version. @rtype: bool @raise ValueError: if the flagname is not in L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS} """ if flagname in CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS: return self.more_info['flags'].get(flagname, {}).get(version, {}).get(format, False) else: raise ValueError, "%s is not in %s" % (flagname, CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS) def get_flags(self, format, version): """ Return the list of all the enabled flags. @param format: the format for which the list should be returned. @type format: string @param version: the version for which the list should be returned. @type version: integer @return: the list of enabled flags (from L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}). @rtype: list of string """ return [flag for flag in self.more_info['flags'] if format in self.more_info['flags'][flag].get(version, {})] def set_comment(self, comment, format, version): """ Set a comment. @param comment: the comment to be set. @type comment: string @param format: the format for which the comment should be set. @type format: string @param version: the version for which the comment should be set: @type version: integer """ try: assert(type(version) is int and version > 0) format = normalize_format(format) if comment == KEEP_OLD_VALUE: comment = self.get_comment(format, version) or self.get_comment(format, version - 1) if not comment: self.unset_comment(format, version) self.flush() return if not version in self.more_info['comments']: self.more_info['comments'][version] = {} self.more_info['comments'][version][format] = comment self.flush() except: register_exception() raise def set_description(self, description, format, version): """ Set a description. @param description: the description to be set. @type description: string @param format: the format for which the description should be set. @type format: string @param version: the version for which the description should be set: @type version: integer """ try: assert(type(version) is int and version > 0) format = normalize_format(format) if description == KEEP_OLD_VALUE: description = self.get_description(format, version) or self.get_description(format, version - 1) if not description: self.unset_description(format, version) self.flush() return if not version in self.more_info['descriptions']: self.more_info['descriptions'][version] = {} self.more_info['descriptions'][version][format] = description self.flush() except: register_exception() raise def unset_comment(self, format, version): """ Unset a comment. @param format: the format for which the comment should be unset. @type format: string @param version: the version for which the comment should be unset: @type version: integer """ try: assert(type(version) is int and version > 0) del self.more_info['comments'][version][format] self.flush() except KeyError: pass except: register_exception() raise def unset_description(self, format, version): """ Unset a description. @param format: the format for which the description should be unset. @type format: string @param version: the version for which the description should be unset: @type version: integer """ try: assert(type(version) is int and version > 0) del self.more_info['descriptions'][version][format] self.flush() except KeyError: pass except: register_exception() raise def unset_flag(self, flagname, format, version): """ Unset a flag. @param flagname: the flag to be unset (see L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS}). @type flagname: string @param format: the format for which the flag should be unset. @type format: string @param version: the version for which the flag should be unset: @type version: integer @raise ValueError: if the flag is not in L{CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS} """ if flagname in CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS: try: del self.more_info['flags'][flagname][version][format] self.flush() except KeyError: pass else: raise ValueError, "%s is not in %s" % (flagname, CFG_BIBDOCFILE_AVAILABLE_FLAGS) def serialize(self): """ @return: the serialized version of this object. @rtype: string """ return cPickle.dumps(self.more_info) def readfile(filename): """ Read a file. @param filename: the name of the file to be read. @type filename: string @return: the text contained in the file. @rtype: string @note: Returns empty string in case of any error. @note: this function is useful for quick implementation of websubmit functions. """ try: return open(filename).read() except Exception: return ''