diff --git a/modules/bibauthorid/lib/bibauthorid_webinterface.py b/modules/bibauthorid/lib/bibauthorid_webinterface.py
index 86bd307f1..9bba9ecc7 100644
--- a/modules/bibauthorid/lib/bibauthorid_webinterface.py
+++ b/modules/bibauthorid/lib/bibauthorid_webinterface.py
@@ -1,2529 +1,2534 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 ## This file is part of Invenio.
 ## Copyright (C) 2011 CERN.
 ## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
 ## License, or (at your option) any later version.
 ## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 ## General Public License for more details.
 ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 """Bibauthorid Web Interface Logic and URL handler."""
 # pylint: disable=W0105
 # pylint: disable=C0301
 # pylint: disable=W0613
 from cgi import escape
 from copy import deepcopy
 import sys
 from invenio.bibauthorid_config import CLAIMPAPER_ADMIN_ROLE
 from invenio.bibauthorid_config import CLAIMPAPER_USER_ROLE
 #from invenio.bibauthorid_config import EXTERNAL_CLAIMED_RECORDS_KEY
 from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_LANG
 from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_URL
 from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_NAME
 from invenio.config import CFG_INSPIRE_SITE
 #from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL
 from invenio.webpage import page, pageheaderonly, pagefooteronly
 from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language #, wash_language
 from invenio.template import load
 from invenio.webinterface_handler import wash_urlargd, WebInterfaceDirectory
 from invenio.session import get_session
 from invenio.urlutils import redirect_to_url
 from invenio.webuser import getUid, page_not_authorized, collect_user_info, set_user_preferences
 from invenio.webuser import email_valid_p, emailUnique
 from invenio.webuser import get_email_from_username, get_uid_from_email, isUserSuperAdmin
 from invenio.access_control_admin import acc_find_user_role_actions
 from invenio.access_control_admin import acc_get_user_roles, acc_get_role_id
 from invenio.search_engine import perform_request_search, sort_records
 from invenio.search_engine_utils import get_fieldvalues
 import invenio.bibauthorid_webapi as webapi
 import invenio.bibauthorid_config as bconfig
 from pprint import pformat
 JSON_OK = False
 if sys.hexversion < 0x2060000:
         import simplejson as json
         JSON_OK = True
     except ImportError:
         # Okay, no Ajax app will be possible, but continue anyway,
         # since this package is only recommended, not mandatory.
         JSON_OK = False
         import json
         JSON_OK = True
     except ImportError:
         JSON_OK = False
 TEMPLATE = load('bibauthorid')
 class WebInterfaceBibAuthorIDPages(WebInterfaceDirectory):
     Handle /person pages and AJAX requests
     Supplies the methods
         /person/you -> /person/<string>
     _exports = ['', 'action', 'welcome', 'search', 'you', 'export', 'tickets_admin', 'claimstub']
     def __init__(self, person_id=None):
         Constructor of the web interface.
         @param person_id: The identifier of a user. Can be one of:
             - a bibref: e.g. "100:1442,155"
             - a person id: e.g. "14"
             - a canonical id: e.g. "Ellis_J_1"
         @type person_id: string
         @return: will return an empty object if the identifier is of wrong type
         @rtype: None (if something is not right)
         pid = -1
         is_bibref = False
         is_canonical_id = False
         self.adf = self.__init_call_dispatcher()
         if (not isinstance(person_id, str)) or (not person_id):
             self.person_id = pid
             return None
         if person_id.count(":") and person_id.count(","):
             is_bibref = True
         elif webapi.is_valid_canonical_id(person_id):
             is_canonical_id = True
         if is_bibref and pid > -2:
             bibref = person_id
             table, ref, bibrec = None, None, None
             if not bibref.count(":"):
                 pid = -2
             if not bibref.count(","):
                 pid = -2
                 table = bibref.split(":")[0]
                 ref = bibref.split(":")[1].split(",")[0]
                 bibrec = bibref.split(":")[1].split(",")[1]
             except IndexError:
                 pid = -2
                 table = int(table)
                 ref = int(ref)
                 bibrec = int(bibrec)
             except (ValueError, TypeError):
                 pid = -2
             if pid == -1:
                     pid = int(webapi.get_person_id_from_paper(person_id))
                 except (ValueError, TypeError):
                     pid = -1
                 pid = -1
         elif is_canonical_id:
                 pid = int(webapi.get_person_id_from_canonical_id(person_id))
             except (ValueError, TypeError):
                 pid = -1
                 pid = int(person_id)
             except ValueError:
                 pid = -1
         self.person_id = pid
     def __call__(self, req, form):
         Serve the main person page.
         Will use the object's person id to get a person's information.
         @param req: Apache Request Object
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         @param form: Parameters sent via GET or POST request
         @type form: dict
         @return: a full page formatted in HTML
         @return: string
         argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
                                    'verbose': (int, 0),
                                    'ticketid': (int, -1),
                                    'open_claim': (str, None)})
         ln = argd['ln']
         # ln = wash_language(argd['ln'])
         rt_ticket_id = argd['ticketid']
         req.argd = argd #needed for perform_req_search
         session = get_session(req)
         ulevel = self.__get_user_role(req)
         uid = getUid(req)
         if self.person_id < 0:
             return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/person/search" % (CFG_SITE_URL))
         if isUserSuperAdmin({'uid': uid}):
             ulevel = 'admin'
         no_access = self._page_access_permission_wall(req, [self.person_id])
         if no_access:
             return no_access
             pinfo = session["personinfo"]
         except KeyError:
             pinfo = dict()
             session['personinfo'] = pinfo
         if 'open_claim' in argd and argd['open_claim']:
             pinfo['claim_in_process'] = True
         elif "claim_in_process" in pinfo and pinfo["claim_in_process"]:
             pinfo['claim_in_process'] = True
             pinfo['claim_in_process'] = False
         uinfo = collect_user_info(req)
         uinfo['precached_viewclaimlink'] = pinfo['claim_in_process']
         set_user_preferences(uid, uinfo)
         pinfo['ulevel'] = ulevel
         if self.person_id != -1:
             pinfo["claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid"] = self.person_id
         pinfo["ln"] = ln
         if not "ticket" in pinfo:
             pinfo["ticket"] = []
         if rt_ticket_id:
             pinfo["admin_requested_ticket_id"] = rt_ticket_id
         content = ''
         for part in ['optional_menu', 'ticket_box', 'personid_info', 'tabs', 'footer']:
             content += self.adf[part][ulevel](req, form, ln)
         title = self.adf['title'][ulevel](req, form, ln)
         body = TEMPLATE.tmpl_person_detail_layout(content)
         metaheaderadd = self._scripts()
         return page(title=title,
     def _page_access_permission_wall(self, req, req_pid=None, req_level=None):
         Display an error page if user not authorized to use the interface.
         @param req: Apache Request Object for session management
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         @param req_pid: Requested person id
         @type req_pid: int
         @param req_level: Request level required for the page
         @type req_level: string
         session = get_session(req)
         uid = getUid(req)
         pinfo = session["personinfo"]
         uinfo = collect_user_info(req)
         if 'ln' in pinfo:
             ln = pinfo["ln"]
             ln = CFG_SITE_LANG
         _ = gettext_set_language(ln)
         is_authorized = True
         pids_to_check = []
         if not bconfig.AID_ENABLED:
             return page_not_authorized(req, text=_("Fatal: Author ID capabilities are disabled on this system."))
         if req_level and 'ulevel' in pinfo and pinfo["ulevel"] != req_level:
             return page_not_authorized(req, text=_("Fatal: You are not allowed to access this functionality."))
         if req_pid and not isinstance(req_pid, list):
             pids_to_check = [req_pid]
         elif req_pid and isinstance(req_pid, list):
             pids_to_check = req_pid
         if (not (uinfo['precached_usepaperclaim']
                   or uinfo['precached_usepaperattribution'])
             and 'ulevel' in pinfo
             and not pinfo["ulevel"] == "admin"):
             is_authorized = False
         if is_authorized and not webapi.user_can_view_CMP(uid):
             is_authorized = False
         if is_authorized and 'ticket' in pinfo:
             for tic in pinfo["ticket"]:
                 if 'pid' in tic:
         if pids_to_check and is_authorized:
             user_pid = webapi.get_pid_from_uid(uid)
             if not uinfo['precached_usepaperattribution']:
                 if user_pid[1]:
                     user_pid = user_pid[0][0]
                     user_pid = -1
                 if (not user_pid in pids_to_check
                     and 'ulevel' in pinfo
                     and not pinfo["ulevel"] == "admin"):
                     is_authorized = False
             elif (user_pid in pids_to_check
                   and 'ulevel' in pinfo
                   and not pinfo["ulevel"] == "admin"):
                 for tic in list(pinfo["ticket"]):
                     if not tic["pid"] == user_pid:
         if not is_authorized:
             return page_not_authorized(req, text=_("Fatal: You are not allowed to access this functionality."))
             return ""
     def _session_bareinit(self, req):
         Initializes session personinfo entry if none exists
         @param req: Apache Request Object
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         session = get_session(req)
         uid = getUid(req)
         ulevel = self.__get_user_role(req)
         if isUserSuperAdmin({'uid': uid}):
             ulevel = 'admin'
             pinfo = session["personinfo"]
             pinfo['ulevel'] = ulevel
             if "claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid" not in pinfo:
                 pinfo["claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid"] = -2
             if 'ln' not in pinfo:
                 pinfo["ln"] = 'en'
             if 'ticket' not in pinfo:
                 pinfo["ticket"] = []
         except KeyError:
             pinfo = dict()
             session['personinfo'] = pinfo
             pinfo['ulevel'] = ulevel
             pinfo["claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid"] = -2
             pinfo["ln"] = 'en'
             pinfo["ticket"] = []
     def _lookup(self, component, path):
         This handler parses dynamic URLs:
         - /person/1332 shows the page of person 1332
         - /person/100:5522,1431 shows the page of the person
             identified by the table:bibref,bibrec pair
         if not component in self._exports:
             return WebInterfaceBibAuthorIDPages(component), path
     def __init_call_dispatcher(self):
         Initialization of call dispacher dictionary
         @return: call dispatcher dictionary
         @rtype: dict
         adf = dict()
         adf['title'] = dict()
         adf['optional_menu'] = dict()
         adf['ticket_box'] = dict()
         adf['tabs'] = dict()
         adf['footer'] = dict()
         adf['personid_info'] = dict()
         adf['ticket_dispatch'] = dict()
         adf['ticket_commit'] = dict()
         adf['title']['guest'] = self._generate_title_guest
         adf['title']['user'] = self._generate_title_user
         adf['title']['admin'] = self._generate_title_admin
         adf['optional_menu']['guest'] = self._generate_optional_menu_guest
         adf['optional_menu']['user'] = self._generate_optional_menu_user
         adf['optional_menu']['admin'] = self._generate_optional_menu_admin
         adf['ticket_box']['guest'] = self._generate_ticket_box_guest
         adf['ticket_box']['user'] = self._generate_ticket_box_user
         adf['ticket_box']['admin'] = self._generate_ticket_box_admin
         adf['personid_info']['guest'] = self._generate_person_info_box_guest
         adf['personid_info']['user'] = self._generate_person_info_box_user
         adf['personid_info']['admin'] = self._generate_person_info_box_admin
         adf['tabs']['guest'] = self._generate_tabs_guest
         adf['tabs']['user'] = self._generate_tabs_user
         adf['tabs']['admin'] = self._generate_tabs_admin
         adf['footer']['guest'] = self._generate_footer_guest
         adf['footer']['user'] = self._generate_footer_user
         adf['footer']['admin'] = self._generate_footer_admin
         adf['ticket_dispatch']['guest'] = self._ticket_dispatch_user
         adf['ticket_dispatch']['user'] = self._ticket_dispatch_user
         adf['ticket_dispatch']['admin'] = self._ticket_dispatch_admin
         adf['ticket_commit']['guest'] = self._ticket_commit_guest
         adf['ticket_commit']['user'] = self._ticket_commit_user
         adf['ticket_commit']['admin'] = self._ticket_commit_admin
         return adf
     def _generate_title_guest(self, req, form, ln):
         Generate the title for a guest user
         @param req: Apache Request Object
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         @param form: POST/GET variables of the request
         @type form: dict
         @param ln: language to show this page in
         @type ln: string
         if self.person_id:
             return 'Attribute papers for: ' + str(webapi.get_person_redirect_link(self.person_id))
             return 'Attribute papers'
     def _generate_title_user(self, req, form, ln):
         Generate the title for a regular user
         @param req: Apache Request Object
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         @param form: POST/GET variables of the request
         @type form: dict
         @param ln: language to show this page in
         @type ln: string
         if self.person_id:
             return 'Attribute papers (user interface) for: ' + str(webapi.get_person_redirect_link(self.person_id))
             return 'Attribute papers'
     def _generate_title_admin(self, req, form, ln):
         Generate the title for an admin user
         @param req: Apache Request Object
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         @param form: POST/GET variables of the request
         @type form: dict
         @param ln: language to show this page in
         @type ln: string
         if self.person_id:
             return 'Attribute papers (administrator interface) for: ' + str(webapi.get_person_redirect_link(self.person_id))
             return 'Attribute papers'
     def _generate_optional_menu_guest(self, req, form, ln):
         Generate the menu for a guest user
         @param req: Apache Request Object
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         @param form: POST/GET variables of the request
         @type form: dict
         @param ln: language to show this page in
         @type ln: string
         argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
                                    'verbose': (int, 0)})
         menu = TEMPLATE.tmpl_person_menu()
         if "verbose" in argd and argd["verbose"] > 0:
             session = get_session(req)
             pinfo = session['personinfo']
             menu += "\n<pre>" + pformat(pinfo) + "</pre>\n"
         return menu
     def _generate_optional_menu_user(self, req, form, ln):
         Generate the menu for a regular user
         @param req: Apache Request Object
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         @param form: POST/GET variables of the request
         @type form: dict
         @param ln: language to show this page in
         @type ln: string
         argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
                                    'verbose': (int, 0)})
         menu = TEMPLATE.tmpl_person_menu()
         if "verbose" in argd and argd["verbose"] > 0:
             session = get_session(req)
             pinfo = session['personinfo']
             menu += "\n<pre>" + pformat(pinfo) + "</pre>\n"
         return menu
     def _generate_optional_menu_admin(self, req, form, ln):
         Generate the title for an admin user
         @param req: Apache Request Object
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         @param form: POST/GET variables of the request
         @type form: dict
         @param ln: language to show this page in
         @type ln: string
         argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
                                    'verbose': (int, 0)})
         menu = TEMPLATE.tmpl_person_menu_admin()
         if "verbose" in argd and argd["verbose"] > 0:
             session = get_session(req)
             pinfo = session['personinfo']
             menu += "\n<pre>" + pformat(pinfo) + "</pre>\n"
         return menu
     def _generate_ticket_box_guest(self, req, form, ln):
         Generate the semi-permanent info box for a guest user
         @param req: Apache Request Object
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         @param form: POST/GET variables of the request
         @type form: dict
         @param ln: language to show this page in
         @type ln: string
         session = get_session(req)
         pinfo = session['personinfo']
         ticket = pinfo['ticket']
         pendingt = []
         donet = []
         for t in ticket:
             if 'execution_result' in t:
                 if t['execution_result'] == True:
         if len(pendingt) == 1:
             message = 'There is ' + str(len(pendingt)) + ' transaction in progress.'
             message = 'There are ' + str(len(pendingt)) + ' transactions in progress.'
         teaser = 'Claim in process!'
         if len(pendingt) == 0:
             box = ""
             box = TEMPLATE.tmpl_ticket_box(teaser, message)
         if len(donet) > 0:
             teaser = 'Success!'
             if len(donet) == 1:
                 message = str(len(donet)) + ' transaction successfully executed.'
                 message = str(len(donet)) + ' transactions successfully executed.'
             box = box + TEMPLATE.tmpl_notification_box(message, teaser)
         return box
     def _generate_ticket_box_user(self, req, form, ln):
         Generate the semi-permanent info box for a regular user
         @param req: Apache Request Object
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         @param form: POST/GET variables of the request
         @type form: dict
         @param ln: language to show this page in
         @type ln: string
         return self._generate_ticket_box_guest(req, form, ln)
     def _generate_ticket_box_admin(self, req, form, ln):
         Generate the semi-permanent info box for an admin user
         @param req: Apache Request Object
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         @param form: POST/GET variables of the request
         @type form: dict
         @param ln: language to show this page in
         @type ln: string
         return self._generate_ticket_box_guest(req, form, ln)
     def _generate_person_info_box_guest(self, req, form, ln):
         Generate the name info box for a guest user
         @param req: Apache Request Object
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         @param form: POST/GET variables of the request
         @type form: dict
         @param ln: language to show this page in
         @type ln: string
         return self._generate_person_info_box_admin(req, form, ln)
     def _generate_person_info_box_user(self, req, form, ln):
         Generate the name info box for a regular user
         @param req: Apache Request Object
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         @param form: POST/GET variables of the request
         @type form: dict
         @param ln: language to show this page in
         @type ln: string
         return self._generate_person_info_box_admin(req, form, ln)
     def _generate_person_info_box_admin(self, req, form, ln):
         Generate the name info box for an admin user
         @param req: Apache Request Object
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         @param form: POST/GET variables of the request
         @type form: dict
         @param ln: language to show this page in
         @type ln: string
         names = webapi.get_person_names_from_id(self.person_id)
         box = TEMPLATE.tmpl_admin_person_info_box(ln, person_id=self.person_id,
         return box
     def _generate_tabs_guest(self, req, form, ln):
         Generate the tabs content for a guest user
         @param req: Apache Request Object
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         @param form: POST/GET variables of the request
         @type form: dict
         @param ln: language to show this page in
         @type ln: string
         session = get_session(req)
 #        uid = getUid(req)
         pinfo = session["personinfo"]
         if 'ln' in pinfo:
             ln = pinfo["ln"]
             ln = CFG_SITE_LANG
         _ = gettext_set_language(ln)
         links = [] # ['delete', 'commit','del_entry','commit_entry']
         tabs = ['records', 'repealed', 'review']
         verbiage_dict = {'confirmed': 'Papers', 'repealed': _('Papers removed from this profile'),
                                          'review': _('Papers in need of review'),
                                          'tickets': _('Open Tickets'), 'data': _('Data'),
                                          'confirmed_ns': _('Papers of this Person'),
                                          'repealed_ns': _('Papers _not_ of this Person'),
                                          'review_ns': _('Papers in need of review'),
                                          'tickets_ns': _('Tickets for this Person'),
                                          'data_ns': _('Additional Data for this Person')}
         buttons_verbiage_dict = {'mass_buttons': {'no_doc_string': _('Sorry, there are currently no documents to be found in this category.'),
                                                   'b_confirm': _('Yes, those papers are by this person.'),
                                                   'b_repeal': _('No, those papers are not by this person'),
                                                   'b_to_others': _('Assign to other person'),
                                                   'b_forget': _('Forget decision')},
                                  'record_undecided': {'alt_confirm': _('Confirm!'),
                                                      'confirm_text': _('Yes, this paper is by this person.'),
                                                      'alt_repeal': _('Rejected!'),
                                                      'repeal_text': _('No, this paper is <i>not</i> by this person'),
                                                      'to_other_text': _('Assign to another person'),
                                                      'alt_to_other': _('To other person!')},
                                  'record_confirmed': {'alt_confirm': _('Confirmed.'),
                                                        'confirm_text': _('Marked as this person\'s paper'),
                                                        'alt_forget': _('Forget decision!'),
                                                        'forget_text': _('Forget decision.'),
                                                        'alt_repeal': _('Repeal!'),
                                                        'repeal_text': _('But it\'s <i>not</i> this person\'s paper.'),
                                                        'to_other_text': _('Assign to another person'),
                                                        'alt_to_other': _('To other person!')},
                                  'record_repealed': {'alt_confirm': _('Confirm!'),
                                                     'confirm_text': _('But it <i>is</i> this person\'s paper.'),
                                                     'alt_forget': _('Forget decision!'),
                                                     'forget_text': _('Forget decision.'),
                                                     'alt_repeal': _('Repealed'),
                                                     'repeal_text': _('Marked as not this person\'s paper'),
                                                     'to_other_text': _('Assign to another person'),
                                                     'alt_to_other': _('To other person!')}}
         return self._generate_tabs_admin(req, form, ln, show_tabs=tabs, ticket_links=links,
                                          open_tickets=[], verbiage_dict=verbiage_dict,
     def _generate_tabs_user(self, req, form, ln):
         Generate the tabs content for a regular user
         @param req: Apache Request Object
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         @param form: POST/GET variables of the request
         @type form: dict
         @param ln: language to show this page in
         @type ln: string
         session = get_session(req)
         uid = getUid(req)
         pinfo = session['personinfo']
         if 'ln' in pinfo:
             ln = pinfo["ln"]
             ln = CFG_SITE_LANG
         _ = gettext_set_language(ln)
         links = ['delete', 'del_entry']
         tabs = ['records', 'repealed', 'review', 'tickets']
         if pinfo["claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid"] == webapi.get_pid_from_uid(uid)[0][0]:
             verbiage_dict = {'confirmed': _('Your papers'), 'repealed': _('Not your papers'),
                                              'review': _('Papers in need of review'),
                                              'tickets': _('Your tickets'), 'data': _('Data'),
                                              'confirmed_ns': _('Your papers'),
                                              'repealed_ns': _('Not your papers'),
                                              'review_ns': _('Papers in need of review'),
                                              'tickets_ns': _('Your tickets'),
                                              'data_ns': _('Additional Data for this Person')}
             buttons_verbiage_dict = {'mass_buttons': {'no_doc_string': _('Sorry, there are currently no documents to be found in this category.'),
                                                                   'b_confirm': _('These are mine!'),
                                                                   'b_repeal': _('These are not mine!'),
                                                                   'b_to_others': _('It\'s not mine, but I know whose it is!'),
                                                                   'b_forget': _('Forget decision')},
                                                  'record_undecided': {'alt_confirm': _('Mine!'),
                                                                      'confirm_text': _('This is my paper!'),
                                                                      'alt_repeal': _('Not mine!'),
                                                                      'repeal_text': _('This is not my paper!'),
                                                                      'to_other_text': _('Assign to another person'),
                                                                      'alt_to_other': _('To other person!')},
                                                  'record_confirmed': {'alt_confirm': _('Not Mine.'),
                                                                        'confirm_text': _('Marked as my paper!'),
                                                                        'alt_forget': _('Forget decision!'),
                                                                        'forget_text': _('Forget assignment decision'),
                                                                        'alt_repeal': _('Not Mine!'),
                                                                        'repeal_text': _('But this is mine!'),
                                                                        'to_other_text': _('Assign to another person'),
                                                                        'alt_to_other': _('To other person!')},
                                                  'record_repealed': {'alt_confirm': _('Mine!'),
                                                                     'confirm_text': _('But this is my paper!'),
                                                                     'alt_forget': _('Forget decision!'),
                                                                     'forget_text': _('Forget decision!'),
                                                                     'alt_repeal': _('Not Mine!'),
                                                                     'repeal_text': _('Marked as not your paper.'),
                                                                      'to_other_text': _('Assign to another person'),
                                                                      'alt_to_other': _('To other person!')}}
             verbiage_dict = {'confirmed': _('Papers'), 'repealed': _('Papers removed from this profile'),
                                  'review': _('Papers in need of review'),
                                  'tickets': _('Your tickets'), 'data': _('Data'),
                                  'confirmed_ns': _('Papers of this Person'),
                                  'repealed_ns': _('Papers _not_ of this Person'),
                                  'review_ns': _('Papers in need of review'),
                                  'tickets_ns': _('Tickes you created about this person'),
                                  'data_ns': _('Additional Data for this Person')}
             buttons_verbiage_dict = {'mass_buttons': {'no_doc_string': _('Sorry, there are currently no documents to be found in this category.'),
                                                   'b_confirm': _('Yes, those papers are by this person.'),
                                                   'b_repeal': _('No, those papers are not by this person'),
                                                   'b_to_others': _('Assign to other person'),
                                                   'b_forget': _('Forget decision')},
                                  'record_undecided': {'alt_confirm': _('Confirm!'),
                                                      'confirm_text': _('Yes, this paper is by this person.'),
                                                      'alt_repeal': _('Rejected!'),
                                                      'repeal_text': _('No, this paper is <i>not</i> by this person'),
                                                      'to_other_text': _('Assign to another person'),
                                                      'alt_to_other': _('To other person!')},
                                  'record_confirmed': {'alt_confirm': _('Confirmed.'),
                                                        'confirm_text': _('Marked as this person\'s paper'),
                                                        'alt_forget': _('Forget decision!'),
                                                        'forget_text': _('Forget decision.'),
                                                        'alt_repeal': _('Repeal!'),
                                                        'repeal_text': _('But it\'s <i>not</i> this person\'s paper.'),
                                                        'to_other_text': _('Assign to another person'),
                                                        'alt_to_other': _('To other person!')},
                                  'record_repealed': {'alt_confirm': _('Confirm!'),
                                                     'confirm_text': _('But it <i>is</i> this person\'s paper.'),
                                                     'alt_forget': _('Forget decision!'),
                                                     'forget_text': _('Forget decision.'),
                                                     'alt_repeal': _('Repealed'),
                                                     'repeal_text': _('Marked as not this person\'s paper'),
                                                     'to_other_text': _('Assign to another person'),
                                                     'alt_to_other': _('To other person!')}}
         session = get_session(req)
         uid = getUid(req)
         open_tickets = webapi.get_person_request_ticket(self.person_id)
         tickets = []
         for t in open_tickets:
             owns = False
             for row in t[0]:
                 if row[0] == 'uid-ip' and row[1].split('||')[0] == str(uid):
                     owns = True
             if owns:
         return self._generate_tabs_admin(req, form, ln, show_tabs=tabs, ticket_links=links,
                                          open_tickets=tickets, verbiage_dict=verbiage_dict,
     def _generate_tabs_admin(self, req, form, ln,
                              show_tabs=['records', 'repealed', 'review', 'comments', 'tickets', 'data'],
                              open_tickets=None, ticket_links=['delete', 'commit', 'del_entry', 'commit_entry'],
                              verbiage_dict=None, buttons_verbiage_dict=None):
         Generate the tabs content for an admin user
         @param req: Apache Request Object
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         @param form: POST/GET variables of the request
         @type form: dict
         @param ln: language to show this page in
         @type ln: string
         @param show_tabs: list of tabs to display
         @type show_tabs: list of strings
         @param ticket_links: list of links to display
         @type ticket_links: list of strings
         @param verbiage_dict: language for the elements
         @type verbiage_dict: dict
         @param buttons_verbiage_dict: language for the buttons
         @type buttons_verbiage_dict: dict
         session = get_session(req)
         personinfo = {}
         records = []
             personinfo = session["personinfo"]
         except KeyError:
             return ""
         if 'ln' in personinfo:
             ln = personinfo["ln"]
             ln = CFG_SITE_LANG
         _ = gettext_set_language(ln)
         if not verbiage_dict:
             verbiage_dict = self._get_default_verbiage_dicts_for_admin(req)
         if not buttons_verbiage_dict:
             buttons_verbiage_dict = self._get_default_buttons_verbiage_dicts_for_admin(req)
         all_papers = webapi.get_papers_by_person_id(self.person_id,
         for paper in all_papers:
             records.append({'recid': paper[0],
                             'bibref': paper[1],
                             'flag': paper[2],
                             'authorname': paper[3],
                             'authoraffiliation': paper[4],
                             'paperdate': paper[5],
                             'rt_status': paper[6]})
         rejected_papers = [row for row in records if row['flag'] < -1]
         rest_of_papers = [row for row in records if row['flag'] >= -1]
         review_needed = webapi.get_review_needing_records(self.person_id)
         if len(review_needed) < 1:
             if 'review' in show_tabs:
         rt_tickets = None
         if open_tickets == None:
             open_tickets = webapi.get_person_request_ticket(self.person_id)
             if len(open_tickets) < 1:
                 if 'tickets' in show_tabs:
         if "admin_requested_ticket_id" in personinfo:
             rt_tickets = personinfo["admin_requested_ticket_id"]
         # Send data to template function
         tabs = TEMPLATE.tmpl_admin_tabs(ln, person_id=self.person_id,
         return tabs
     def _get_default_verbiage_dicts_for_admin(self, req):
         session = get_session(req)
         personinfo = {}
             personinfo = session["personinfo"]
         except KeyError:
             return ""
         if 'ln' in personinfo:
             ln = personinfo["ln"]
             ln = CFG_SITE_LANG
         _ = gettext_set_language(ln)
         verbiage_dict = {'confirmed': _('Papers'), 'repealed': _('Papers removed from this profile'),
                                  'review': _('Papers in need of review'),
                                  'tickets': _('Tickets'), 'data': _('Data'),
                                  'confirmed_ns': _('Papers of this Person'),
                                  'repealed_ns': _('Papers _not_ of this Person'),
                                  'review_ns': _('Papers in need of review'),
                                  'tickets_ns': _('Request Tickets'),
                                  'data_ns': _('Additional Data for this Person')}
         return verbiage_dict
     def _get_default_buttons_verbiage_dicts_for_admin(self, req):
         session = get_session(req)
         personinfo = {}
             personinfo = session["personinfo"]
         except KeyError:
             return ""
         if 'ln' in personinfo:
             ln = personinfo["ln"]
             ln = CFG_SITE_LANG
         _ = gettext_set_language(ln)
         buttons_verbiage_dict = {'mass_buttons': {'no_doc_string': _('Sorry, there are currently no documents to be found in this category.'),
                                                   'b_confirm': _('Yes, those papers are by this person.'),
                                                   'b_repeal': _('No, those papers are not by this person'),
                                                   'b_to_others': _('Assign to other person'),
                                                   'b_forget': _('Forget decision')},
                                  'record_undecided': {'alt_confirm': _('Confirm!'),
                                                      'confirm_text': _('Yes, this paper is by this person.'),
                                                      'alt_repeal': _('Rejected!'),
                                                      'repeal_text': _('No, this paper is <i>not</i> by this person'),
                                                      'to_other_text': _('Assign to another person'),
                                                      'alt_to_other': _('To other person!')},
                                  'record_confirmed': {'alt_confirm': _('Confirmed.'),
                                                        'confirm_text': _('Marked as this person\'s paper'),
                                                        'alt_forget': _('Forget decision!'),
                                                        'forget_text': _('Forget decision.'),
                                                        'alt_repeal': _('Repeal!'),
                                                        'repeal_text': _('But it\'s <i>not</i> this person\'s paper.'),
                                                        'to_other_text': _('Assign to another person'),
                                                        'alt_to_other': _('To other person!')},
                                  'record_repealed': {'alt_confirm': _('Confirm!'),
                                                     'confirm_text': _('But it <i>is</i> this person\'s paper.'),
                                                     'alt_forget': _('Forget decision!'),
                                                     'forget_text': _('Forget decision.'),
                                                     'alt_repeal': _('Repealed'),
                                                     'repeal_text': _('Marked as not this person\'s paper'),
                                                     'to_other_text': _('Assign to another person'),
                                                     'alt_to_other': _('To other person!')}}
         return buttons_verbiage_dict
     def _generate_footer_guest(self, req, form, ln):
         return self._generate_footer_admin(req, form, ln)
     def _generate_footer_user(self, req, form, ln):
         return self._generate_footer_admin(req, form, ln)
     def _generate_footer_admin(self, req, form, ln):
         return TEMPLATE.tmpl_invenio_search_box()
     def _ticket_dispatch_guest(self, req):
         Takes care of the ticket  when in guest mode
         return self._ticket_dispatch_user(req)
     def _ticket_dispatch_user(self, req):
         Takes care of the ticket  when in user and guest mode
         session = get_session(req)
         uid = getUid(req)
         pinfo = session["personinfo"]
 #        ulevel = pinfo["ulevel"]
         ticket = pinfo["ticket"]
         bibref_check_required = self._ticket_review_bibref_check(req)
         if bibref_check_required:
             return bibref_check_required
         for t in ticket:
             t['status'] = webapi.check_transaction_permissions(uid,
         return self._ticket_final_review(req)
     def _ticket_dispatch_admin(self, req):
         Takes care of the ticket  when in administrator mode
         return self._ticket_dispatch_user(req)
     def _ticket_review_bibref_check(self, req):
         checks if some of the transactions on the ticket are needing a review.
         If it's the case prompts the user to select the right bibref
         session = get_session(req)
         pinfo = session["personinfo"]
         ticket = pinfo["ticket"]
         if 'ln' in pinfo:
             ln = pinfo["ln"]
             ln = CFG_SITE_LANG
         _ = gettext_set_language(ln)
         if ("bibref_check_required" in pinfo and pinfo["bibref_check_required"]
             and "bibref_check_reviewed_bibrefs" in pinfo):
             for rbibreft in pinfo["bibref_check_reviewed_bibrefs"]:
                 if not rbibreft.count("||") or not rbibreft.count(","):
                 rpid, rbibref = rbibreft.split("||")
                 rrecid = rbibref.split(",")[1]
                 rpid = webapi.wash_integer_id(rpid)
                 for ticket_update in [row for row in ticket
                                       if (row['bibref'] == str(rrecid) and
                                           row['pid'] == rpid)]:
                     ticket_update["bibref"] = rbibref
             for ticket_remove in [row for row in ticket
                                   if ('incomplete' in row)]:
             if ("bibrefs_auto_assigned" in pinfo):
             if ("bibrefs_to_confirm" in pinfo):
             pinfo["bibref_check_required"] = False
             return ""
             bibrefs_auto_assigned = {}
             bibrefs_to_confirm = {}
             needs_review = []
 #            if ("bibrefs_auto_assigned" in pinfo
 #                 and pinfo["bibrefs_auto_assigned"]):
 #                bibrefs_auto_assigned = pinfo["bibrefs_auto_assigned"]
 #            if ("bibrefs_to_confirm" in pinfo
 #                 and pinfo["bibrefs_to_confirm"]):
 #                bibrefs_to_confirm = pinfo["bibrefs_to_confirm"]
             for transaction in ticket:
                 if not webapi.is_valid_bibref(transaction['bibref']):
                     transaction['incomplete'] = True
             if not needs_review:
                 pinfo["bibref_check_required"] = False
                 return ""
             for transaction in needs_review:
                 recid = webapi.wash_integer_id(transaction['bibref'])
                 if recid < 0:
                     continue #this doesn't look like a recid--discard!
                 pid = transaction['pid']
                 if ((pid in bibrefs_auto_assigned
                      and 'bibrecs' in bibrefs_auto_assigned[pid]
                      and recid in bibrefs_auto_assigned[pid]['bibrecs'])
                     (pid in bibrefs_to_confirm
                      and 'bibrecs' in bibrefs_to_confirm[pid]
                      and recid in bibrefs_to_confirm[pid]['bibrecs'])):
                     continue # we already assessed those bibrefs.
                 fctptr = webapi.get_possible_bibrefs_from_pid_bibrec
                 bibrec_refs = fctptr(pid, [recid])
                 person_name = webapi.get_most_frequent_name_from_pid(pid)
                 for brr in bibrec_refs:
                     if len(brr[1]) == 1:
                         if not pid in bibrefs_auto_assigned:
                             bibrefs_auto_assigned[pid] = {
                                 'person_name': person_name,
                                 'canonical_id': "TBA",
                                 'bibrecs': {brr[0]: brr[1]}}
                             bibrefs_auto_assigned[pid]['bibrecs'][brr[0]] = brr[1]
                         if not brr[1]:
                             tmp = webapi.get_bibrefs_from_bibrecs([brr[0]])
                                 brr[1] = tmp[0][1]
                             except IndexError:
                                 continue # No bibrefs on record--discard
                             if not pid in bibrefs_to_confirm:
                                 bibrefs_to_confirm[pid] = {
                                     'person_name': person_name,
                                     'canonical_id': "TBA",
                                     'bibrecs': {brr[0]: brr[1]}}
                                 bibrefs_to_confirm[pid]['bibrecs'][brr[0]] = brr[1]
             if bibrefs_to_confirm or bibrefs_auto_assigned:
                 pinfo["bibref_check_required"] = True
                 baa = deepcopy(bibrefs_auto_assigned)
                 btc = deepcopy(bibrefs_to_confirm)
                 for pid in baa:
                     for rid in baa[pid]['bibrecs']:
                         baa[pid]['bibrecs'][rid] = []
                 for pid in btc:
                     for rid in btc[pid]['bibrecs']:
                         btc[pid]['bibrecs'][rid] = []
                 pinfo["bibrefs_auto_assigned"] = baa
                 pinfo["bibrefs_to_confirm"] = btc
                 pinfo["bibref_check_required"] = False
             if 'external_first_entry' in pinfo and pinfo['external_first_entry']:
                 pinfo['external_first_entry_skip_review'] = True
                 return "" # don't bother the user the first time
             body = TEMPLATE.tmpl_bibref_check(bibrefs_auto_assigned,
             body = TEMPLATE.tmpl_person_detail_layout(body)
             metaheaderadd = self._scripts(kill_browser_cache=True)
             title = _("Submit Attribution Information")
             return page(title=title,
     def _ticket_final_review(self, req):
         displays the user what can/cannot finally be done, leaving the option of kicking some
         transactions from the ticket before commit
         session = get_session(req)
         uid = getUid(req)
         userinfo = collect_user_info(uid)
         pinfo = session["personinfo"]
         ulevel = pinfo["ulevel"]
         ticket = pinfo["ticket"]
         ticket = [row for row in ticket if not "execution_result" in row]
         skip_checkout_page = True
         upid = -1
         user_first_name = ""
         user_first_name_sys = False
         user_last_name = ""
         user_last_name_sys = False
         user_email = ""
         user_email_sys = False
         if 'ln' in pinfo:
             ln = pinfo["ln"]
             ln = CFG_SITE_LANG
         _ = gettext_set_language(ln)
         if ("external_firstname" in userinfo
               and userinfo["external_firstname"]):
             user_first_name = userinfo["external_firstname"]
             user_first_name_sys = True
         elif "user_first_name" in pinfo and pinfo["user_first_name"]:
             user_first_name = pinfo["user_first_name"]
         if ("external_familyname" in userinfo
               and userinfo["external_familyname"]):
             user_last_name = userinfo["external_familyname"]
             user_last_name_sys = True
         elif "user_last_name" in pinfo and pinfo["user_last_name"]:
             user_last_name = pinfo["user_last_name"]
         if ("email" in userinfo
               and not userinfo["email"] == "guest"):
             user_email = userinfo["email"]
             user_email_sys = True
         elif "user_email" in pinfo and pinfo["user_email"]:
             user_email = pinfo["user_email"]
         pinfo["user_first_name"] = user_first_name
         pinfo["user_first_name_sys"] = user_first_name_sys
         pinfo["user_last_name"] = user_last_name
         pinfo["user_last_name_sys"] = user_last_name_sys
         pinfo["user_email"] = user_email
         pinfo["user_email_sys"] = user_email_sys
         if "upid" in pinfo and pinfo["upid"]:
             upid = pinfo["upid"]
             dbpid = webapi.get_pid_from_uid(uid)
             if dbpid and dbpid[1]:
                 if dbpid[0] and not dbpid[0] == -1:
                     upid = dbpid[0][0]
                     pinfo["upid"] = upid
         if not (user_first_name or user_last_name or user_email):
             skip_checkout_page = False
         if [row for row in ticket
             if row["status"] in ["denied", "warning_granted",
             skip_checkout_page = False
         if 'external_first_entry_skip_review' in pinfo and pinfo['external_first_entry_skip_review']:
             skip_checkout_page = True
         if (not ticket or skip_checkout_page
             or ("checkout_confirmed" in pinfo
                 and pinfo["checkout_confirmed"]
                 and "checkout_faulty_fields" in pinfo
                 and not pinfo["checkout_faulty_fields"])):
             if "checkout_confirmed" in pinfo:
             if "checkout_faulty_fields" in pinfo:
             if "bibref_check_required" in pinfo:
 #            if "user_ticket_comments" in pinfo:
 #                del(pinfo["user_ticket_comments"])
             return self._ticket_dispatch_end(req)
         for tt in list(ticket):
             if not 'bibref' in tt or not 'pid' in tt:
             tt['authorname_rec'] = webapi.get_bibref_name_string(tt['bibref'])
             tt['person_name'] = webapi.get_most_frequent_name_from_pid(tt['pid'])
         mark_yours = []
         mark_not_yours = []
         if upid >= 0:
             mark_yours = [row for row in ticket
                           if (str(row["pid"]) == str(upid) and
                               row["action"] in ["to_other_person", "confirm"])]
             mark_not_yours = [row for row in ticket
                               if (str(row["pid"]) == str(upid) and
                                   row["action"] in ["repeal", "reset"])]
         mark_theirs = [row for row in ticket
                        if ((not str(row["pid"]) == str(upid)) and
                            row["action"] in ["to_other_person", "confirm"])]
         mark_not_theirs = [row for row in ticket
                            if ((not str(row["pid"]) == str(upid)) and
                                row["action"] in ["repeal", "reset"])]
         body = TEMPLATE.tmpl_ticket_final_review(req, mark_yours,
         body = TEMPLATE.tmpl_person_detail_layout(body)
         metaheaderadd = self._scripts(kill_browser_cache=True)
         title = _("Please review your actions")
         #body = body + '<pre>' + pformat(pinfo) + '</pre>'
         return page(title=title,
     def _ticket_commit_admin(self, req):
         Actual execution of the ticket transactions
         session = get_session(req)
         uid = getUid(req)
         pinfo = session["personinfo"]
         ticket = pinfo["ticket"]
         userinfo = {'uid-ip': "%s||%s" % (uid, req.remote_ip)}
         if "user_ticket_comments" in pinfo:
             userinfo['comments'] = pinfo["user_ticket_comments"]
         if "user_first_name" in pinfo:
             userinfo['firstname'] = pinfo["user_first_name"]
         if "user_last_name" in pinfo:
             userinfo['lastname'] = pinfo["user_last_name"]
         if "user_email" in pinfo:
             userinfo['email'] = pinfo["user_email"]
         for t in ticket:
             t['execution_result'] = webapi.execute_action(t['action'], t['pid'], t['bibref'], uid,
                                                           userinfo['uid-ip'], str(userinfo))
     def _ticket_commit_user(self, req):
         Actual execution of the ticket transactions
         session = get_session(req)
         uid = getUid(req)
         pinfo = session["personinfo"]
         ticket = pinfo["ticket"]
         ok_tickets = []
         userinfo = {'uid-ip': "%s||%s" % (uid, req.remote_ip)}
         if "user_ticket_comments" in pinfo:
             userinfo['comments'] = pinfo["user_ticket_comments"]
         if "user_first_name" in pinfo:
             userinfo['firstname'] = pinfo["user_first_name"]
         if "user_last_name" in pinfo:
             userinfo['lastname'] = pinfo["user_last_name"]
         if "user_email" in pinfo:
             userinfo['email'] = pinfo["user_email"]
         for t in list(ticket):
             if t['status'] in ['granted', 'warning_granted']:
                 t['execution_result'] = webapi.execute_action(t['action'],
                                                     t['pid'], t['bibref'], uid,
                                                     userinfo['uid-ip'], str(userinfo))
         if ticket:
             webapi.create_request_ticket(userinfo, ticket)
         if CFG_INSPIRE_SITE and ok_tickets:
             webapi.send_user_commit_notification_email(userinfo, ok_tickets)
         for t in ticket:
             t['execution_result'] = True
         ticket[:] = ok_tickets
     def _ticket_commit_guest(self, req):
         Actual execution of the ticket transactions
         session = get_session(req)
         pinfo = session["personinfo"]
         uid = getUid(req)
         userinfo = {'uid-ip': "userid: %s (from %s)" % (uid, req.remote_ip)}
         if "user_ticket_comments" in pinfo:
             if pinfo["user_ticket_comments"]:
                 userinfo['comments'] = pinfo["user_ticket_comments"]
                 userinfo['comments'] = "No comments submitted."
         if "user_first_name" in pinfo:
             userinfo['firstname'] = pinfo["user_first_name"]
         if "user_last_name" in pinfo:
             userinfo['lastname'] = pinfo["user_last_name"]
         if "user_email" in pinfo:
             userinfo['email'] = pinfo["user_email"]
         ticket = pinfo['ticket']
         webapi.create_request_ticket(userinfo, ticket)
         for t in ticket:
             t['execution_result'] = True
     def _ticket_dispatch_end(self, req):
         The ticket dispatch is finished, redirect to the original page of
         origin or to the last_viewed_pid
         session = get_session(req)
         pinfo = session["personinfo"]
         if 'claim_in_process' in pinfo:
             pinfo['claim_in_process'] = False
         uinfo = collect_user_info(req)
         uinfo['precached_viewclaimlink'] = True
         uid = getUid(req)
         set_user_preferences(uid, uinfo)
         if "referer" in pinfo and pinfo["referer"]:
             referer = pinfo["referer"]
             return redirect_to_url(req, referer)
         return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/person/%s" % (CFG_SITE_URL,
     def _clean_ticket(self, req):
         Removes from a ticket the transactions with an execution_result flag
         session = get_session(req)
         pinfo = session["personinfo"]
         ticket = pinfo["ticket"]
         for t in list(ticket):
             if 'execution_result' in t:
     def __get_user_role(self, req):
         Determines whether a user is guest, user or admin
         minrole = 'guest'
         role = 'guest'
         if not req:
             return minrole
         uid = getUid(req)
         if not isinstance(uid, int):
             return minrole
         admin_role_id = acc_get_role_id(CLAIMPAPER_ADMIN_ROLE)
         user_role_id = acc_get_role_id(CLAIMPAPER_USER_ROLE)
         user_roles = acc_get_user_roles(uid)
         if admin_role_id in user_roles:
             role = 'admin'
         elif user_role_id in user_roles:
             role = 'user'
         if role == 'guest' and webapi.is_external_user(uid):
             role = 'user'
         return role
     def __user_is_authorized(self, req, action):
         Determines if a given user is authorized to perform a specified action
         @param req: Apache Request Object
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         @param action: the action the user wants to perform
         @type action: string
         @return: True if user is allowed to perform the action, False if not
         @rtype: boolean
         if not req:
             return False
         if not action:
             return False
             action = escape(action)
         uid = getUid(req)
         if not isinstance(uid, int):
             return False
         if uid == 0:
             return False
         allowance = [i[1] for i in acc_find_user_role_actions({'uid': uid})
                      if i[1] == action]
         if allowance:
             return True
         return False
     def _scripts(self, kill_browser_cache=False):
         Returns html code to be included in the meta header of the html page.
         The actual code is stored in the template.
         @return: html formatted Javascript and CSS inclusions for the <head>
         @rtype: string
         return TEMPLATE.tmpl_meta_includes(kill_browser_cache)
     def _check_user_fields(self, req, form):
         argd = wash_urlargd(
             {'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
              'user_first_name': (str, None),
              'user_last_name': (str, None),
              'user_email': (str, None),
              'user_comments': (str, None)})
         session = get_session(req)
         pinfo = session["personinfo"]
         ulevel = pinfo["ulevel"]
         skip_checkout_faulty_fields = False
         if ulevel in ['user', 'admin']:
             skip_checkout_faulty_fields = True
         if not ("user_first_name_sys" in pinfo and pinfo["user_first_name_sys"]):
             if "user_first_name" in argd:
                 if not argd["user_first_name"] and not skip_checkout_faulty_fields:
                     pinfo["user_first_name"] = escape(argd["user_first_name"])
         if not ("user_last_name_sys" in pinfo and pinfo["user_last_name_sys"]):
             if "user_last_name" in argd:
                 if not argd["user_last_name"] and not skip_checkout_faulty_fields:
                     pinfo["user_last_name"] = escape(argd["user_last_name"])
         if not ("user_email_sys" in pinfo and pinfo["user_email_sys"]):
             if "user_email" in argd:
                 if (not argd["user_email"]
                     or not email_valid_p(argd["user_email"])):
                     pinfo["user_email"] = escape(argd["user_email"])
                 if (ulevel == "guest"
                     and emailUnique(argd["user_email"]) > 0):
         if "user_comments" in argd:
             if argd["user_comments"]:
                 pinfo["user_ticket_comments"] = escape(argd["user_comments"])
                 pinfo["user_ticket_comments"] = ""
     def action(self, req, form):
         Initial step in processing of requests: ticket generation/update.
         Also acts as action dispatcher for interface mass action requests
         Valid mass actions are:
         - confirm: confirm assignments to a person
         - repeal: repeal assignments from a person
         - reset: reset assignments of a person
         - cancel: clean the session (erase tickets and so on)
         - to_other_person: assign a document from a person to another person
         @param req: Apache Request Object
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         @param form: Parameters sent via GET or POST request
         @type form: dict
         @return: a full page formatted in HTML
         @return: string
         argd = wash_urlargd(
             {'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
              'pid': (int, None),
              'confirm': (str, None),
              'repeal': (str, None),
              'reset': (str, None),
              'cancel': (str, None),
              'cancel_stage': (str, None),
              'bibref_check_submit': (str, None),
              'checkout': (str, None),
              'checkout_continue_claiming': (str, None),
              'checkout_submit': (str, None),
              'checkout_remove_transaction': (str, None),
              'to_other_person': (str, None),
              'cancel_search_ticket': (str, None),
              'user_first_name': (str, None),
              'user_last_name': (str, None),
              'user_email': (str, None),
              'user_comments': (str, None),
              'claim': (str, None),
              'cancel_rt_ticket': (str, None),
              'commit_rt_ticket': (str, None),
              'rt_id': (int, None),
              'rt_action': (str, None),
              'selection': (list, []),
              'set_canonical_name': (str, None),
              'canonical_name': (str, None)})
         ln = argd['ln']
         # ln = wash_language(argd['ln'])
         pid = None
         action = None
         bibrefs = None
         session = get_session(req)
         uid = getUid(req)
         pinfo = session["personinfo"]
         ulevel = pinfo["ulevel"]
         ticket = pinfo["ticket"]
         tempticket = []
         if not "ln" in pinfo:
             pinfo["ln"] = ln
         if 'confirm' in argd and argd['confirm']:
             action = 'confirm'
         elif 'repeal' in argd and argd['repeal']:
             action = 'repeal'
         elif 'reset' in argd and argd['reset']:
             action = 'reset'
         elif 'bibref_check_submit' in argd and argd['bibref_check_submit']:
             action = 'bibref_check_submit'
         elif 'cancel' in argd and argd['cancel']:
             action = 'cancel'
         elif 'cancel_stage' in argd and argd['cancel_stage']:
             action = 'cancel_stage'
         elif 'cancel_search_ticket' in argd and argd['cancel_search_ticket']:
             action = 'cancel_search_ticket'
         elif 'checkout' in argd and argd['checkout']:
             action = 'checkout'
         elif 'checkout_submit' in argd and argd['checkout_submit']:
             action = 'checkout_submit'
         elif ('checkout_remove_transaction' in argd
             and argd['checkout_remove_transaction']):
             action = 'checkout_remove_transaction'
         elif ('checkout_continue_claiming' in argd
             and argd['checkout_continue_claiming']):
             action = "checkout_continue_claiming"
         elif 'cancel_rt_ticket' in argd and argd['cancel_rt_ticket']:
             action = 'cancel_rt_ticket'
         elif 'commit_rt_ticket' in argd and argd['commit_rt_ticket']:
             action = 'commit_rt_ticket'
         elif 'to_other_person' in argd and argd['to_other_person']:
             action = 'to_other_person'
         elif 'claim' in argd and argd['claim']:
             action = 'claim'
         elif 'set_canonical_name' in argd and argd['set_canonical_name']:
             action = 'set_canonical_name'
         no_access = self._page_access_permission_wall(req, pid)
         if no_access and not action in ["claim"]:
             return no_access
         if action in ['to_other_person', 'claim']:
             if 'selection' in argd and len(argd['selection']) > 0:
                 bibrefs = argd['selection']
                 return self._error_page(req, ln,
                                         "Fatal: cannot create ticket without any bibrefrec")
             if action == 'claim':
                 return self._ticket_open_claim(req, bibrefs, ln)
                 return self._ticket_open_assign_to_other_person(req, bibrefs, form)
         if action in ["cancel_stage"]:
             if 'bibref_check_required' in pinfo:
             if 'bibrefs_auto_assigned' in pinfo:
             if 'bibrefs_to_confirm' in pinfo:
             for tt in [row for row in ticket if 'incomplete' in row]:
             return self._ticket_dispatch_end(req)
         if action in ["checkout_submit"]:
             pinfo["checkout_faulty_fields"] = []
             self._check_user_fields(req, form)
             if not ticket:
             if pinfo["checkout_faulty_fields"]:
                 pinfo["checkout_confirmed"] = False
                 pinfo["checkout_confirmed"] = True
             return self.adf['ticket_dispatch'][ulevel](req)
             #return self._ticket_final_review(req)
         if action in ["checkout_remove_transaction"]:
             bibref = argd['checkout_remove_transaction']
             if webapi.is_valid_bibref(bibref):
                 for rmt in [row for row in ticket
                             if row["bibref"] == bibref]:
             pinfo["checkout_confirmed"] = False
             return self.adf['ticket_dispatch'][ulevel](req)
             #return self._ticket_final_review(req)
         if action in ["checkout_continue_claiming"]:
             pinfo["checkout_faulty_fields"] = []
             self._check_user_fields(req, form)
             return self._ticket_dispatch_end(req)
         if (action in ['bibref_check_submit']
             or (not action
                 and "bibref_check_required" in pinfo
                 and pinfo["bibref_check_required"])):
             if not action in ['bibref_check_submit']:
                 if "bibref_check_reviewed_bibrefs" in pinfo:
                 return self.adf['ticket_dispatch'][ulevel](req)
             pinfo["bibref_check_reviewed_bibrefs"] = []
             add_rev = pinfo["bibref_check_reviewed_bibrefs"].append
             if ("bibrefs_auto_assigned" in pinfo
                 or "bibrefs_to_confirm" in pinfo):
                 person_reviews = []
                 if ("bibrefs_auto_assigned" in pinfo
                      and pinfo["bibrefs_auto_assigned"]):
                 if ("bibrefs_to_confirm" in pinfo
                      and pinfo["bibrefs_to_confirm"]):
                 for ref_review in person_reviews:
                     for person_id in ref_review:
                         for bibrec in ref_review[person_id]["bibrecs"]:
                             rec_grp = "bibrecgroup%s" % bibrec
                             elements = []
                             if rec_grp in form:
                                 if isinstance(form[rec_grp], str):
                                 elif isinstance(form[rec_grp], list):
                                     elements += form[rec_grp]
                                 for element in elements:
                                     test = element.split("||")
                                     if test and len(test) > 1 and test[1]:
                                         tref = test[1] + "," + str(bibrec)
                                         tpid = webapi.wash_integer_id(test[0])
                                         if (webapi.is_valid_bibref(tref) and
                                             tpid > -1):
                                             add_rev(element + "," + str(bibrec))
             return self.adf['ticket_dispatch'][ulevel](req)
         if not action:
             return self._error_page(req, ln,
                                     "Fatal: cannot create ticket if no action selected.")
         if action in ['confirm', 'repeal', 'reset']:
             if 'pid' in argd:
                 pid = argd['pid']
                 return self._error_page(req, ln,
                                         "Fatal: cannot create ticket without a person id!")
             if 'selection' in argd and len(argd['selection']) > 0:
                 bibrefs = argd['selection']
                 if pid == -3:
                     return self._error_page(req, ln,
                                         "Fatal: Please select a paper to assign to the new person first!")
                     return self._error_page(req, ln,
                                         "Fatal: cannot create ticket without any paper selected!")
             if 'rt_id' in argd and argd['rt_id']:
                 rt_id = argd['rt_id']
                 for b in bibrefs:
                     self._cancel_transaction_from_rt_ticket(rt_id, pid, action, b)
             #create temporary ticket
             if pid == -3:
                 pid = webapi.create_new_person(uid)
             for bibref in bibrefs:
                 tempticket.append({'pid': pid, 'bibref': bibref, 'action': action})
             #check if ticket targets (bibref for pid) are already in ticket
             for t in tempticket:
                 for e in list(ticket):
                     if e['pid'] == t['pid'] and e['bibref'] == t['bibref']:
             if 'search_ticket' in pinfo:
             #start ticket processing chain
             pinfo["claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid"] = pid
             return self.adf['ticket_dispatch'][ulevel](req)
 #            return self.perform(req, form)
         elif action in ['cancel']:
 #            return self._error_page(req, ln,
 #                                    "Not an error! Session cleaned! but "
 #                                    "redirect to be implemented")
             return self._ticket_dispatch_end(req)
         elif action in ['cancel_search_ticket']:
             if 'search_ticket' in pinfo:
             if "claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid" in pinfo:
                 pid = pinfo["claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid"]
                 return redirect_to_url(req, "/person/%s" % webapi.get_person_redirect_link(pid))
             return self.search(req, form)
         elif action in ['checkout']:
             return self.adf['ticket_dispatch'][ulevel](req)
             #return self._ticket_final_review(req)
         elif action in ['cancel_rt_ticket', 'commit_rt_ticket']:
             if 'selection' in argd and len(argd['selection']) > 0:
                 bibref = argd['selection']
                 return self._error_page(req, ln,
                                         "Fatal: cannot cancel unknown ticket")
             if 'pid' in argd and argd['pid'] > -1:
                 pid = argd['pid']
                 return self._error_page(req, ln,
                                         "Fatal: cannot cancel unknown ticket")
             if action == 'cancel_rt_ticket':
                 if 'rt_id' in argd and argd['rt_id'] and 'rt_action' in argd and argd['rt_action']:
                     rt_id = argd['rt_id']
                     rt_action = argd['rt_action']
                     if 'selection' in argd and len(argd['selection']) > 0:
                         bibrefs = argd['selection']
                         return self._error_page(req, ln,
                                         "Fatal: no bibref")
                     for b in bibrefs:
                         self._cancel_transaction_from_rt_ticket(rt_id, pid, rt_action, b)
                         return redirect_to_url(req, "/person/%s" % webapi.get_person_redirect_link(pid))
                 return self._cancel_rt_ticket(req, bibref[0], pid)
             elif action == 'commit_rt_ticket':
                 return self._commit_rt_ticket(req, bibref[0], pid)
         elif action == 'set_canonical_name':
             if 'pid' in argd and argd['pid'] > -1:
                 pid = argd['pid']
                 return self._error_page(req, ln,
                                         "Fatal: cannot set canonical name to unknown person")
             if 'canonical_name' in argd and argd['canonical_name']:
                 cname = argd['canonical_name']
                 return self._error_page(req, ln,
                         "Fatal: cannot set a custom canonical name without a suggestion")
             uid = getUid(req)
             userinfo = "%s||%s" % (uid, req.remote_ip)
             webapi.update_person_canonical_name(pid, cname, userinfo)
             return redirect_to_url(req, "/person/%s" % webapi.get_person_redirect_link(pid))
             return self._error_page(req, ln,
                                     "Fatal: What were I supposed to do?")
     def _ticket_open_claim(self, req, bibrefs, ln):
         Generate page to let user choose how to proceed
         @param req: Apache Request Object
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         @param bibrefs: list of record IDs to perform an action on
         @type bibrefs: list of int
         @param ln: language to display the page in
         @type ln: string
         session = get_session(req)
         uid = getUid(req)
         uinfo = collect_user_info(req)
         pinfo = session["personinfo"]
         if 'ln' in pinfo:
             ln = pinfo["ln"]
             ln = CFG_SITE_LANG
         _ = gettext_set_language(ln)
         no_access = self._page_access_permission_wall(req)
         pid = -1
         search_enabled = True
         if not no_access and uinfo["precached_usepaperclaim"]:
             tpid = webapi.get_pid_from_uid(uid)
             if tpid and tpid[0] and tpid[1] and tpid[0][0]:
                 pid = tpid[0][0]
         if (not no_access
             and "claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid" in pinfo
             and pinfo["claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid"]):
             names = webapi.get_person_names_from_id(pinfo["claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid"])
             names = sorted([i for i in names], key=lambda k: k[1], reverse=True)
             if len(names) > 0:
                 if len(names[0]) > 0:
                     last_viewed_pid = [pinfo["claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid"], names[0][0]]
                     last_viewed_pid = False
                 last_viewed_pid = False
             last_viewed_pid = False
         if no_access:
             search_enabled = False
         pinfo["referer"] = uinfo["referer"]
         body = TEMPLATE.tmpl_open_claim(bibrefs, pid, last_viewed_pid,
         body = TEMPLATE.tmpl_person_detail_layout(body)
         title = _('Claim this paper')
         metaheaderadd = self._scripts(kill_browser_cache=True)
         return page(title=title,
     def _ticket_open_assign_to_other_person(self, req, bibrefs, form):
         Initializes search to find a person to attach the selected records to
         @param req: Apache request object
         @type req: Apache request object
         @param bibrefs: list of record IDs to consider
         @type bibrefs: list of int
         @param form: GET/POST request parameters
         @type form: dict
         session = get_session(req)
         pinfo = session["personinfo"]
         pinfo["search_ticket"] = dict()
         search_ticket = pinfo["search_ticket"]
         search_ticket['action'] = 'confirm'
         search_ticket['bibrefs'] = bibrefs
         return self.search(req, form)
     def comments(self, req, form):
         return ""
     def _cancel_rt_ticket(self, req, tid, pid):
         deletes an RT ticket
         webapi.delete_request_ticket(pid, tid)
         return redirect_to_url(req, "/person/%s" %
     def _cancel_transaction_from_rt_ticket(self, tid, pid, action, bibref):
         deletes a transaction from an rt ticket
         webapi.delete_transaction_from_request_ticket(pid, tid, action, bibref)
     def _commit_rt_ticket(self, req, bibref, pid):
         Commit of an rt ticket: creates a real ticket and commits.
         session = get_session(req)
         pinfo = session["personinfo"]
         ulevel = pinfo["ulevel"]
         ticket = pinfo["ticket"]
         open_rt_tickets = webapi.get_person_request_ticket(pid)
         tic = [a for a in open_rt_tickets if str(a[1]) == str(bibref)]
         if len(tic) > 0:
             tic = tic[0][0]
         #create temporary ticket
         tempticket = []
         for t in tic:
             if t[0] in ['confirm', 'repeal']:
                 tempticket.append({'pid': pid, 'bibref': t[1], 'action': t[0]})
         #check if ticket targets (bibref for pid) are already in ticket
         for t in tempticket:
             for e in list(ticket):
                 if e['pid'] == t['pid'] and e['bibref'] == t['bibref']:
         #start ticket processing chain
         webapi.delete_request_ticket(pid, bibref)
         return self.adf['ticket_dispatch'][ulevel](req)
     def _error_page(self, req, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG, message=None, intro=True):
         Create a page that contains a message explaining the error.
         @param req: Apache Request Object
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         @param ln: language
         @type ln: string
         @param message: message to be displayed
         @type message: string
         body = []
         _ = gettext_set_language(ln)
         if not message:
             message = "No further explanation available. Sorry."
         if intro:
             body.append(_("<p>We're sorry. An error occurred while "
                         "handling your request. Please find more information "
         body.append("<p><strong>%s</strong></p>" % message)
         return page(title=_("Notice"),
                 description="%s - Internal Error" % CFG_SITE_NAME,
                 keywords="%s, Internal Error" % CFG_SITE_NAME,
     def __session_cleanup(self, req):
         Cleans the session from all bibauthorid specific settings and
         with that cancels any transaction currently in progress.
         @param req: Apache Request Object
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         session = get_session(req)
             pinfo = session["personinfo"]
         except KeyError:
         if "ticket" in pinfo:
             pinfo['ticket'] = []
         if "search_ticket" in pinfo:
             pinfo['search_ticket'] = dict()
         # clear up bibref checker if it's done.
         if ("bibref_check_required" in pinfo
             and not pinfo["bibref_check_required"]):
             if 'bibrefs_to_confirm' in pinfo:
             if "bibrefs_auto_assigned" in pinfo:
         if "checkout_confirmed" in pinfo:
         if "checkout_faulty_fields" in pinfo:
         #pinfo['ulevel'] = ulevel
 #        pinfo["claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid"] = -1
         pinfo["admin_requested_ticket_id"] = -1
     def _generate_search_ticket_box(self, req):
         Generate the search ticket to remember a pending search for Person
         entities in an attribution process
         @param req: Apache request object
         @type req: Apache request object
         session = get_session(req)
         pinfo = session["personinfo"]
         search_ticket = None
         if 'ln' in pinfo:
             ln = pinfo["ln"]
             ln = CFG_SITE_LANG
         _ = gettext_set_language(ln)
         if 'search_ticket' in pinfo:
             search_ticket = pinfo['search_ticket']
         if not search_ticket:
             return ''
             teaser = _('Person search for assignment in progress!')
             message = _('You are searching for a person to assign the following papers:')
             return TEMPLATE.tmpl_search_ticket_box(teaser, message, search_ticket)
     def search(self, req, form, is_fallback=False, fallback_query='', fallback_title='', fallback_message=''):
         Function used for searching a person based on a name with which the
         function is queried.
         @param req: Apache Request Object
         @type req: Apache Request Object
         @param form: Parameters sent via GET or POST request
         @type form: dict
         @return: a full page formatted in HTML
         @return: string
         session = get_session(req)
         no_access = self._page_access_permission_wall(req)
         new_person_link = False
         if no_access:
             return no_access
         pinfo = session["personinfo"]
         search_ticket = None
         if 'search_ticket' in pinfo:
             search_ticket = pinfo['search_ticket']
         if "ulevel" in pinfo:
             if pinfo["ulevel"] == "admin":
                 new_person_link = True
         body = ''
         if search_ticket:
             body = body + self._generate_search_ticket_box(req)
         max_num_show_papers = 5
         argd = wash_urlargd(
             {'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
              'verbose': (int, 0),
              'q': (str, None)})
         ln = argd['ln']
         # ln = wash_language(argd['ln'])
         query = None
         recid = None
         nquery = None
         search_results = None
         title = "Person Search"
         if 'q' in argd:
             if argd['q']:
                 query = escape(argd['q'])
         if is_fallback and fallback_query:
             query = fallback_query
         if query:
             authors = []
             if query.count(":"):
                     left, right = query.split(":")
                         recid = int(left)
                         nquery = str(right)
                     except (ValueError, TypeError):
                             recid = int(right)
                             nquery = str(left)
                         except (ValueError, TypeError):
                             recid = None
                             nquery = query
                 except ValueError:
                     recid = None
                     nquery = query
                 nquery = query
             sorted_results = webapi.search_person_ids_by_name(nquery)
             for index, results in enumerate(sorted_results):
                 pid = results[0]
 #                authorpapers = webapi.get_papers_by_person_id(pid, -1)
 #                authorpapers = sorted(authorpapers, key=itemgetter(0),
 #                                      reverse=True)
                 if index < bconfig.PERSON_SEARCH_RESULTS_SHOW_PAPERS_PERSON_LIMIT:
                     authorpapers = [[paper] for paper in
                                     sort_records(None, [i[0] for i in
                                                  webapi.get_papers_by_person_id(pid, -1)],
                                                  sort_field="year", sort_order="a")]
                     authorpapers = [['Not retrieved to increase performances.']]
                 if (recid and
                     not (str(recid) in [row[0] for row in authorpapers])):
                 authors.append([results[0], results[1],
                                 authorpapers[0:max_num_show_papers], len(authorpapers)])
             search_results = authors
         if recid and (len(search_results) == 1) and not is_fallback:
             return redirect_to_url(req, "/person/%s" % search_results[0][0])
         body = body + TEMPLATE.tmpl_author_search(query, search_results, search_ticket, author_pages_mode=True, fallback_mode=is_fallback,
                                                   fallback_title=fallback_title, fallback_message=fallback_message, new_person_link=new_person_link)
         if not is_fallback:
             body = TEMPLATE.tmpl_person_detail_layout(body)
         return page(title=title,
     def claimstub(self, req, form):
         Generate stub page before claiming process
         @param req: Apache request object
         @type req: Apache request object
         @param form: GET/POST request params
         @type form: dict
         argd = wash_urlargd(
             {'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
              'person': (str, '')})
         ln = argd['ln']
         # ln = wash_language(argd['ln'])
         _ = gettext_set_language(ln)
         person = '-1'
         if 'person' in argd and argd['person']:
             person = argd['person']
         session = get_session(req)
             pinfo = session["personinfo"]
             if pinfo['ulevel'] == 'admin':
                 return redirect_to_url(req, '%s/person/%s?open_claim=True' % (CFG_SITE_URL, person))
         except KeyError:
             return redirect_to_url(req, '%s/person/%s?open_claim=True' % (CFG_SITE_URL, person))
         body = TEMPLATE.tmpl_claim_stub(person)
         pstr = 'Person ID missing or invalid'
         if person != '-1':
             pstr = person
         title = _('You are going to claim papers for: %s' % pstr)
         return page(title=title,
     def welcome(self, req, form):
         Generate SSO landing/welcome page
         @param req: Apache request object
         @type req: Apache request object
         @param form: GET/POST request params
         @type form: dict
         uid = getUid(req)
         argd = wash_urlargd(
             {'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG)})
         ln = argd['ln']
         # ln = wash_language(argd['ln'])
         _ = gettext_set_language(ln)
         if uid == 0:
             return page_not_authorized(req, text=_("This page in not accessible directly."))
         title_message = _('Welcome!')
         # start continuous writing to the browser...
         req.content_type = "text/html"
+        ssl_param = 0
+        if req.is_https():
+            ssl_param = 1
         req.write(pageheaderonly(req=req, title=title_message,
-                                 language=ln))
+                                 language=ln, secure_page_p=ssl_param))
         body = ""
         if CFG_INSPIRE_SITE:
             body = TEMPLATE.tmpl_welcome_arxiv()
             body = TEMPLATE.tmpl_welcome()
         # now do what will take time...
         pid = webapi.arxiv_login(req)
         #session must be read after webapi.arxiv_login did it's stuff
         session = get_session(req)
         pinfo = session["personinfo"]
         pinfo["claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid"] = pid
         link = TEMPLATE.tmpl_welcome_link()
     def tickets_admin(self, req, form):
         Generate SSO landing/welcome page
         @param req: Apache request object
         @type req: Apache request object
         @param form: GET/POST request params
         @type form: dict
         no_access = self._page_access_permission_wall(req, req_level='admin')
         if no_access:
             return no_access
         tickets = webapi.get_persons_with_open_tickets_list()
         tickets = list(tickets)
         for t in list(tickets):
                          webapi.get_person_redirect_link(t[0]), t[0], t[1]])
         body = TEMPLATE.tmpl_tickets_admin(tickets)
         body = TEMPLATE.tmpl_person_detail_layout(body)
         title = 'Open RT tickets'
         return page(title=title,
     def export(self, req, form):
         Generate JSONized export of Person data
         @param req: Apache request object
         @type req: Apache request object
         @param form: GET/POST request params
         @type form: dict
         argd = wash_urlargd(
             {'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
              'request': (str, None),
              'userid': (str, None)})
         if not JSON_OK:
             return "500_json_not_found__install_package"
         # session = get_session(req)
         request = None
         userid = None
         if "userid" in argd and argd['userid']:
             userid = argd['userid']
             return "404_user_not_found"
         if "request" in argd and argd['request']:
             request = argd["request"]
         # find user from ID
         user_email = get_email_from_username(userid)
         if user_email == userid:
             return "404_user_not_found"
         uid = get_uid_from_email(user_email)
         uinfo = collect_user_info(uid)
         # find person by uid
         pid = webapi.get_pid_from_uid(uid)
         # find papers py pid that are confirmed through a human.
         papers = webapi.get_papers_by_person_id(pid, 2)
         # filter by request param, e.g. arxiv
         if not request:
             return "404__no_filter_selected"
         if not request in bconfig.VALID_EXPORT_FILTERS:
             return "500_filter_invalid"
         if request == "arxiv":
             query = "(recid:"
             query += " OR recid:".join(papers)
             query += ") AND 037:arxiv"
             db_docs = perform_request_search(p=query)
             nickmail = ""
             nickname = ""
             db_arxiv_ids = []
                 nickname = uinfo["nickname"]
             except KeyError:
             if not nickname:
                     nickmail = uinfo["email"]
                 except KeyError:
                     nickmail = user_email
                 nickname = nickmail
             db_arxiv_ids = get_fieldvalues(db_docs, "037__a")
             construct = {"nickname": nickname,
                          "claims": ";".join(db_arxiv_ids)}
             jsondmp = json.dumps(construct)
             signature = webapi.sign_assertion("arXiv", jsondmp)
             construct["digest"] = signature
             return json.dumps(construct)
     index = __call__
     me = welcome
     you = welcome
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 # pylint: enable=W0613