diff --git a/modules/bibedit/lib/bibedit_templates.py b/modules/bibedit/lib/bibedit_templates.py index f1338649e..5dd0fd584 100644 --- a/modules/bibedit/lib/bibedit_templates.py +++ b/modules/bibedit/lib/bibedit_templates.py @@ -1,530 +1,530 @@ ## $Id$ ## ## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. from invenio.bibedit_dblayer import * from invenio.config import weburl from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language ## Link of edit and delete button: btn_delete_url = weburl + "/img/iconcross.gif" btn_edit_url = weburl + "/img/iconpen.gif" weburl_bibedit = "%s/admin/bibedit/bibeditadmin.py" % weburl class Template: def tmpl_table_header(self, ln, type_table, recid, temp="false", format_tag='marc', tag='', num_field=None, add=0): """ Return the Header of table. """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) (tag, ind1, ind2, junk) = marc_to_split_tag(tag) tag = tag + ind1 + ind2 + "%" if type_table != "record": if add == 1: print_input_add_form = self.tmpl_input('hidden', 2, 'add') else: print_input_add_form = '' print_action_add_subfield = print_input_add_form + self.tmpl_input('hidden', str(num_field), 'num_field') if add != 1: link_add_subfields = self.tmpl_link(ln, _("Add Subfield"), weburl_bibedit, 'edit', {'recid' : str(recid), 'tag' : tag[:3], 'num_field' : str(num_field), 'format_tag' : format_tag, 'temp' : 'true', 'add' : 1}) print_action_add_subfield = """ %(field)s: %(link_add_subfields)s """ % {'field' : _("Field"), 'link_add_subfields' : link_add_subfields} if add == 1: link_form = "edit" else: link_form = "index" result = """
%(input_recid)s %(input_temp)s %(input_ln)s
""" % {'weburl_bibedit' : weburl_bibedit, 'input_recid' : self.tmpl_input('hidden', recid, 'recid'), 'input_temp' : self.tmpl_input('hidden', 'true', 'temp'), 'input_ln' : self.tmpl_input('hidden', ln, 'ln'), 'link_form' : link_form, 'print_action_add_subfield' : print_action_add_subfield} else: link_submit = '' link_add_field = self.tmpl_link(ln, _("Add Field"), weburl_bibedit, 'index', {'recid' : str(recid), 'tag' : tag[:3], 'format_tag' : format_tag, 'temp' : 'true', 'add' : 3}, 'add') + " | " link_diplay_verbose = self.tmpl_link(ln, _("Verbose"), weburl_bibedit, 'index', {'recid' : str(recid), 'format_tag' : 's', 'temp' : temp}) link_diplay_marc = self.tmpl_link(ln, "MARC", weburl_bibedit, 'index', {'recid' : str(recid), 'format_tag' : 'marc', 'temp' : temp}) if temp != "false" and add != 3: link_submit = self.tmpl_link(ln, _("Submit"), weburl_bibedit, 'submit', {'recid' : str(recid)}) + " | " if add == 3: link_add_field = '' result = '' else: link_cancel = self.tmpl_link(ln, _("Cancel"), weburl_bibedit, 'index', {'cancel' : str(recid)}) link_delete = self.tmpl_link(ln, _("Delete"), weburl_bibedit, 'index', {'delete' : str(recid), 'confirm_delete' :1, 'temp' : temp}) result = """
%(action)s : %(link_submit)s%(link_cancel)s %(record)s : %(link_add_field)s%(link_delete)s %(display)s : %(link_diplay_verbose)s | %(link_diplay_marc)s
""" % {'action' : _("Action"), 'record' : _("Record"), 'display' : _("Display"), 'link_submit' : link_submit, 'link_add_field' : link_add_field, 'link_diplay_verbose' : link_diplay_verbose, 'link_diplay_marc' : link_diplay_marc, 'link_cancel' : link_cancel, 'link_delete' : link_delete} return """ """ % {'record' : _("Record"), 'recid' : str(recid), 'result' : result} - def tmpl_table_value(self, ln, recid, temp, tag, field, format_tag, type_table, add, form_add=0): + def tmpl_table_value(self, ln, recid, tag, field, format_tag, type_table, add, form_add=0): """ Return a field to print in table. """ if form_add == 0: subfields = field[0] num_field = field[4] tag_field = split_tag_to_marc(tag, field[1], field[2]) if format_tag != 's': print_tag_field = tag_field[:-1] else: tag_field = tag_field[:-1] + '%' if get_name_tag(tag_field) != tag_field: print_tag_field = get_name_tag(tag_field) else: print_tag_field = tag_field[:-1] len_subfields = len(subfields) if type_table == "record" and add != 3: print_link_function = self.tmpl_link_function(ln, len_subfields, recid, tag, num_field, format_tag) print_tag_form = '' else: print_link_function = '' if add == 1: print_tag_form = self.tmpl_input('hidden', get_tag_name(print_tag_field), 'tag') else: print_tag_form = self.tmpl_input('hidden', get_tag_name(print_tag_field), 'edit_tag') if add == 1: len_subfields += 1 type_table = "record" result = """ %(subfield)s %(print_link_function)s """ % {'len_subfields' : len_subfields, 'print_tag_field' : print_tag_field, 'print_tag_form' : print_tag_form, 'subfield' : self.tmpl_subfields(ln, recid, subfields[0][0], subfields[0][1], tag_field, format_tag, type_table, 0, num_field, len_subfields), 'print_link_function' : print_link_function} if len_subfields != 1: num_value = -1 for subfield in subfields: num_value += 1 if num_value != 0: result += """ %s """ % self.tmpl_subfields(ln, recid, subfield[0], subfield[1], tag_field, format_tag, type_table, num_value, num_field, len_subfields) if add == 1: result += """ %s """ % self.tmpl_subfields(ln, add=add) else: #click on "add field" link on the top of index page. result = """ """ % {'weburl_bibedit' : weburl_bibedit, 'input_recid' : self.tmpl_input('hidden', recid, 'recid'), 'input_temp' : self.tmpl_input('hidden', 'true', 'temp'), 'input_add' : self.tmpl_input('hidden', 4, 'add'), 'input_ln' : self.tmpl_input('hidden', ln, 'ln'), 'recid' : str(recid), 'ln' : ln} result += "%s" % self.tmpl_subfields(ln, add=add) return """ %s """ % result def tmpl_table_footer(self, ln, type_table, add=0): """ Return a footer of table. """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) if add == 1 or add == 3: button = _("Save") else: button = _("Return to Record") if type_table != "record" or add == 3: form = self.tmpl_input('submit', button, class_css='formbutton') + "" else: form = '' return """
%(record)s #%(recid)s %(result)s
%(print_tag_field)s %(print_tag_form)s
%(input_recid)s %(input_temp)s %(input_ln)s %(input_add)s Tag: ind1: ind2:
""" % {'form' : form} def tmpl_subfields(self, ln, recid='', tag_subfield='', value='', tag_field='', format_tag='marc', type_table='', num_value='', num_field='', len_subfields='', add=0): """ This function return the content of subfield. """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) if add == 1 or add == 3: print_tag_subfield = " $$ " + self.tmpl_input('text', '', 'add_subcode', 1, 1) else: if type_table != "record": print_tag_subfield = " $$ " + self.tmpl_input('text', tag_subfield, 'subcode%s' % str(num_value), 1, 1) elif format_tag != 's': print_tag_subfield = "$$%s" % tag_subfield else: print_tag_subfield = "%s%s" % (tag_field[:-1], tag_subfield) if get_name_tag(print_tag_subfield) != print_tag_subfield: print_tag_subfield = get_name_tag(print_tag_subfield) else: print_tag_subfield = "$$%s" % tag_subfield value = self.tmpl_clean_value(value, "record") print_value = '' print_old_value = '' print_btn = '' print_bgcolor = '' print_old_subcode = '' if type_table != "record" or add == 3: if add == 1 or add == 3: print_value = self.tmpl_input('text', '', 'add_value', size="115%c" % '%') else: print_old_subcode = self.tmpl_input('hidden', tag_subfield, 'old_subcode%s' % str(num_value)) print_old_value = self.tmpl_input('hidden', value, 'old_value%s' % str(num_value)) if len(value) < 75: print_value = self.tmpl_input('text', value, 'value%s' % str(num_value), style="width:100%c;" % '%') else: print_value = '' print_value %= {'num_value' : str(num_value), 'value' : value} if len_subfields > 1: print_btn = "%s" \ % self.tmpl_link(ln, '%s' % (btn_delete_url, _("Delete")), weburl_bibedit, 'edit', {'recid' : str(recid), 'tag' : tag_field[:-1]+ tag_subfield, 'num_field' : num_field, 'format_tag' : format_tag, 'temp' : 'true', 'del_subfield' : 1}) else: print_value = value print_bgcolor = " background: #FFF;" return """ %(print_tag_subfield)s %(print_old_subcode)s %(print_value)s %(print_old_value)s %(print_btn)s """ % {'print_tag_subfield' : print_tag_subfield, 'print_old_subcode' : print_old_subcode, 'print_bgcolor' : print_bgcolor, 'print_value' : print_value, 'print_old_value' : print_old_value, 'print_btn' : print_btn} def tmpl_link_function(self, ln, len_subfields, recid, tag, num_field, format_tag): """ Print button function to edit and delete information. """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) btn_edit = self.tmpl_link(ln, '%s' % (btn_edit_url, _("Edit")), weburl_bibedit, 'edit', {'recid' : str(recid), 'tag' : tag, 'num_field' : num_field, 'format_tag' : format_tag, 'temp' : 'true'}) btn_delete = self.tmpl_link(ln, '%s' % (btn_delete_url, _("Delete")), weburl_bibedit, 'index', {'recid' : str(recid), 'delete_tag' : tag, 'num_field' : num_field, 'format_tag' : format_tag, 'temp' : 'true'}) return """ %(btn_edit)s %(btn_delete)s """ % {'len_subfields' : len_subfields, 'btn_edit' : btn_edit, 'btn_delete' : btn_delete} def tmpl_clean_value(self, value, format): """ This function clean value for HTML interface and inverse. """ if format != "html": value = value.replace('"', '"') value = value.replace('<', '<') value = value.replace('>', '>') else: value = value.replace('"', '"') value = value.replace('<', '<') value = value.replace('>', '>') return value def tmpl_warning_temp_file(self, ln): """ Return a warning message for user who use a temp file. """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) return """ %(message1)s %(message2)s

""" % {'message1' : _("Your changes are TEMPORARY."), 'message2' : _("To save this record, please click on submit.")} def tmpl_record_choice_box(self, ln, message): """ Return a little for; for choice a record to edit. """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) if message == 1: result = """ %(message1)s %(message2)s

""" % {'message1' : _("This record does not exist."), 'message2' : _("Please try another record ID.")} elif message == 2: result = """ %(message1)s %(message2)s

""" % {'message1' : _("This record is currently being edited by another user."), 'message2' : _("Please try again later.")} elif message == 3: result = """ %(message1)s

""" % {'message1' : _("Cannot edit deleted record.")} else: result = '' result += """
%(input_ln)s %(message)s: %(input_recid)s %(input_button)s
""" % {'weburl_bibedit' : weburl_bibedit, 'message' : _("Please enter the ID of the record you want to edit"), 'input_ln' : self.tmpl_input('hidden', ln, 'ln'), 'input_recid' : self.tmpl_input('text' , '', 'recid'), 'input_button' : self.tmpl_input('submit', _("Edit"), class_css='formbutton')} return result def tmpl_submit(self, ln): """ Return a end message of Bibedit. """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = _("Your modifications have now been submitted. They will be processed as soon as the task queue is empty.") + '

' link_open = '' out += _("You can now go back to %(x_url_open)sBibEdit Admin Interface%(x_url_close)s.") % {'x_url_open': link_open, 'x_url_close': ''} return out def tmpl_deleted(self, ln, message='', recid='', temp='', format_tag=''): """ Return a deleted message of Bibedit. """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) if message == 1: return """ %(message)s
%(input_ln)s %(input_button_yes)s
%(input_ln)s %(input_button_no)s
""" % {'message' : _("Do you really want to delete this record?"), 'weburl_bibedit' : weburl_bibedit, 'recid' : str(recid), 'input_ln' : self.tmpl_input('hidden', ln, 'ln'), 'input_button_yes' : self.tmpl_input('submit', _("Yes"), class_css='formbutton'), 'input_button_no' : self.tmpl_input('submit', _("No"), class_css='formbutton'), 'temp' : temp, 'format_tag' : format_tag} else: out = _("The record will be deleted as soon as the task queue is empty.") + '

' link_open = '' out += _("You can now go back to %(x_url_open)sBibEdit Admin Interface%(x_url_close)s.") % {'x_url_open': link_open, 'x_url_close': ''} return out def tmpl_link(self, ln, text, url, dest, dict_args='', ancre=''): """ Return a link. """ if dict_args == '': link_args = '' else: link_args = '?' list_args = dict_args.items() for arg in list_args: link_args += "%(name)s=%(value)s&" % {'name' : str(arg[0]), 'value' : str(arg[1])} link_args += "ln=%s" % ln if ancre != '': ancre = '#' + ancre return ' %(text)s ' % {'text' : text, 'url' : url, 'dest' : dest, 'args' : link_args, 'ancre' : ancre} def tmpl_input(self, type_input, value='', name='', maxlength='', size='', class_css='', style=''): """ Return a input form. """ if value != '': value = 'value="%s"' % str(value) if name != '': name = 'name="%s"' % str(name) if maxlength != '': maxlength = 'maxlength="%s"' % str(maxlength) if size != '': size = 'size="%s"' % str(size) if class_css != '': class_css = 'class="%s"' % str(class_css) if style != '': style = 'style="%s"' % str(style) out = '' out %= {'type' : type_input, 'value' : value, 'name' : name, 'maxlength' : maxlength, 'size' : size, 'class_css' : class_css, 'style' : style} return out