diff --git a/modules/webstyle/lib/webinterface_handler_wsgi.py b/modules/webstyle/lib/webinterface_handler_wsgi.py index 9d973278d..0eaaf9bbc 100644 --- a/modules/webstyle/lib/webinterface_handler_wsgi.py +++ b/modules/webstyle/lib/webinterface_handler_wsgi.py @@ -1,565 +1,565 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## This file is part of Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 CERN. ## ## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """mod_python->WSGI Framework""" import sys import os import cgi import gc import inspect from fnmatch import fnmatch from wsgiref.validate import validator from wsgiref.util import FileWrapper if __name__ != "__main__": # Chances are that we are inside mod_wsgi. ## You can't write to stdout in mod_wsgi, but some of our ## dependecies do this! (e.g. 4Suite) sys.stdout = sys.stderr from invenio.webinterface_layout import invenio_handler from invenio.webinterface_handler_wsgi_utils import table, FieldStorage from invenio.webinterface_handler_config import \ HTTP_STATUS_MAP, SERVER_RETURN, OK, DONE, \ HTTP_NOT_FOUND, HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR from invenio.config import CFG_WEBDIR, CFG_SITE_LANG, \ CFG_WEBSTYLE_HTTP_STATUS_ALERT_LIST, CFG_DEVEL_SITE from invenio.errorlib import register_exception, get_pretty_traceback ## Static files are usually handled directly by the webserver (e.g. Apache) ## However in case WSGI is required to handle static files too (such ## as when running wsgiref simple server), then this flag can be ## turned on (it is done automatically by wsgi_handler_test). CFG_WSGI_SERVE_STATIC_FILES = False class InputProcessed(object): """ Auxiliary class used when reading input. @see: . """ def read(self, *args): raise EOFError('The wsgi.input stream has already been consumed') readline = readlines = __iter__ = read class SimulatedModPythonRequest(object): """ mod_python like request object. Minimum and cleaned implementation to make moving out of mod_python easy. @see: """ def __init__(self, environ, start_response): self.__environ = environ self.__start_response = start_response self.__response_sent_p = False self.__buffer = '' self.__low_level_headers = [] self.__headers = table(self.__low_level_headers) self.__headers.add = self.__headers.add_header self.__status = "200 OK" self.__filename = None self.__disposition_type = None self.__bytes_sent = 0 self.__allowed_methods = [] self.__cleanups = [] self.headers_out = self.__headers ## See: self.__write = None self.__errors = environ['wsgi.errors'] self.__headers_in = table([]) for key, value in environ.iteritems(): if key.startswith('HTTP_'): self.__headers_in[key[len('HTTP_'):].replace('_', '-')] = value if environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH'): self.__headers_in['content-length'] = environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] if environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE'): self.__headers_in['content-type'] = environ['CONTENT_TYPE'] self.get_post_form() def get_wsgi_environ(self): return self.__environ def get_post_form(self): post_form = self.__environ.get('wsgi.post_form') input = self.__environ['wsgi.input'] if (post_form is not None and post_form[0] is input): return post_form[2] # This must be done to avoid a bug in cgi.FieldStorage self.__environ.setdefault('QUERY_STRING', '') fs = FieldStorage(self, keep_blank_values=1) if fs.wsgi_input_consumed: new_input = InputProcessed() post_form = (new_input, input, fs) self.__environ['wsgi.post_form'] = post_form self.__environ['wsgi.input'] = new_input else: post_form = (input, None, fs) self.__environ['wsgi.post_form'] = post_form return fs def get_response_sent_p(self): return self.__response_sent_p def get_low_level_headers(self): return self.__low_level_headers def get_buffer(self): return self.__buffer def write(self, string, flush=1): if isinstance(string, unicode): self.__buffer += string.encode('utf8') else: self.__buffer += string if flush: self.flush() def flush(self): self.send_http_header() if self.__buffer: self.__bytes_sent += len(self.__buffer) try: self.__write(self.__buffer) except IOError, err: if "failed to write data" in str(err) or "client connection closed" in str(err): ## Let's just log this exception without alerting the admin: register_exception(req=self) else: raise self.__buffer = '' def set_content_type(self, content_type): self.__headers['content-type'] = content_type def get_content_type(self): return self.__headers['content-type'] def send_http_header(self): if not self.__response_sent_p: if self.__allowed_methods and self.__status.startswith('405 ') or self.__status.startswith('501 '): self.__headers['Allow'] = ', '.join(self.__allowed_methods) ## See: #print self.__low_level_headers self.__write = self.__start_response(self.__status, self.__low_level_headers) self.__response_sent_p = True #print "Response sent: %s" % self.__headers def get_unparsed_uri(self): return '?'.join([self.__environ['PATH_INFO'], self.__environ['QUERY_STRING']]) def get_uri(self): return self.__environ['PATH_INFO'] def get_headers_in(self): return self.__headers_in def get_subprocess_env(self): return self.__environ def add_common_vars(self): pass def get_args(self): return self.__environ['QUERY_STRING'] def get_remote_ip(self): return self.__environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR') def get_remote_host(self): return self.__environ.get('REMOTE_HOST') def get_header_only(self): return self.__environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'HEAD' def set_status(self, status): self.__status = '%s %s' % (status, HTTP_STATUS_MAP.get(int(status), 'Explanation not available')) def get_status(self): return int(self.__status.split(' ')[0]) def get_wsgi_status(self): return self.__status def sendfile(self, path, offset=0, the_len=-1): try: self.send_http_header() file_to_send = open(path) file_to_send.seek(offset) file_wrapper = FileWrapper(file_to_send) count = 0 if the_len < 0: for chunk in file_wrapper: count += len(chunk) self.__bytes_sent += len(chunk) self.__write(chunk) else: for chunk in file_wrapper: if the_len >= len(chunk): the_len -= len(chunk) count += len(chunk) self.__bytes_sent += len(chunk) self.__write(chunk) else: count += the_len self.__bytes_sent += the_len self.__write(chunk[:the_len]) break except IOError, err: - if "failed to write data" in str(err) or "client connection closed" in str(err): - ## Let's just log this exception without alerting the admin: - register_exception(req=self) - else: + # Infoscience modification : dont log IOError from connection closed, + # there is too much everyday (like one every second) + if not "failed to write data" in str(err) and not "client connection closed" in str(err): raise + return self.__bytes_sent def set_content_length(self, content_length): if content_length is not None: self.__headers['content-length'] = str(content_length) else: del self.__headers['content-length'] def is_https(self): return self.__environ.get('wsgi.url_scheme') == 'https' def get_method(self): return self.__environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] def get_hostname(self): return self.__environ.get('HTTP_HOST', '') def set_filename(self, filename): self.__filename = filename if self.__disposition_type is None: self.__disposition_type = 'inline' self.__headers['content-disposition'] = '%s; filename=%s' % (self.__disposition_type, self.__filename) def set_encoding(self, encoding): if encoding: self.__headers['content-encoding'] = str(encoding) else: del self.__headers['content-encoding'] def get_bytes_sent(self): return self.__bytes_sent def log_error(self, message): self.__errors.write(message.strip() + '\n') def get_content_type_set_p(self): return bool(self.__headers['content-type']) def allow_methods(self, methods, reset=0): if reset: self.__allowed_methods = [] self.__allowed_methods += [method.upper().strip() for method in methods] def get_allowed_methods(self): return self.__allowed_methods def readline(self, hint=None): try: return self.__environ['wsgi.input'].readline(hint) except TypeError: ## the hint param is not part of wsgi pep, although ## it's great to exploit it in when reading FORM ## with large files, in order to avoid filling up the memory ## Too bad it's not there :-( return self.__environ['wsgi.input'].readline() def readlines(self, hint=None): return self.__environ['wsgi.input'].readlines(hint) def read(self, hint=None): return self.__environ['wsgi.input'].read(hint) def register_cleanup(self, callback, data=None): self.__cleanups.append((callback, data)) def get_cleanups(self): return self.__cleanups def __str__(self): from pprint import pformat out = "" for key in dir(self): try: if not callable(getattr(self, key)) and not key.startswith("_SimulatedModPythonRequest") and not key.startswith('__'): out += 'req.%s: %s\n' % (key, pformat(getattr(self, key))) except: pass return out content_type = property(get_content_type, set_content_type) unparsed_uri = property(get_unparsed_uri) uri = property(get_uri) headers_in = property(get_headers_in) subprocess_env = property(get_subprocess_env) args = property(get_args) header_only = property(get_header_only) status = property(get_status, set_status) method = property(get_method) hostname = property(get_hostname) filename = property(fset=set_filename) encoding = property(fset=set_encoding) bytes_sent = property(get_bytes_sent) content_type_set_p = property(get_content_type_set_p) allowed_methods = property(get_allowed_methods) response_sent_p = property(get_response_sent_p) form = property(get_post_form) remote_ip = property(get_remote_ip) remote_host = property(get_remote_host) def alert_admin_for_server_status_p(status, referer): """ Check the configuration variable CFG_WEBSTYLE_HTTP_STATUS_ALERT_LIST to see if the exception should be registered and the admin should be alerted. """ status = str(status) for pattern in CFG_WEBSTYLE_HTTP_STATUS_ALERT_LIST: pattern = pattern.lower() must_have_referer = False if pattern.endswith('r'): ## e.g. "404 r" must_have_referer = True pattern = pattern[:-1].strip() ## -> "404" if fnmatch(status, pattern) and (not must_have_referer or referer): return True return False def application(environ, start_response): """ Entry point for wsgi. """ ## Needed for mod_wsgi, see: req = SimulatedModPythonRequest(environ, start_response) #print 'Starting mod_python simulation' try: try: possible_module, possible_handler = is_mp_legacy_publisher_path(environ['PATH_INFO']) if possible_module is not None: mp_legacy_publisher(req, possible_module, possible_handler) elif CFG_WSGI_SERVE_STATIC_FILES: possible_static_path = is_static_path(environ['PATH_INFO']) if possible_static_path is not None: from invenio.bibdocfile import stream_file stream_file(req, possible_static_path) else: ret = invenio_handler(req) else: ret = invenio_handler(req) req.flush() except SERVER_RETURN, status: status = int(str(status)) if status not in (OK, DONE): req.status = status req.headers_out['content-type'] = 'text/html' admin_to_be_alerted = alert_admin_for_server_status_p(status, req.headers_in.get('referer')) if admin_to_be_alerted: register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True) if not req.response_sent_p: start_response(req.get_wsgi_status(), req.get_low_level_headers(), sys.exc_info()) return generate_error_page(req, admin_to_be_alerted) else: req.flush() except: register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True) if not req.response_sent_p: req.status = HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR req.headers_out['content-type'] = 'text/html' start_response(req.get_wsgi_status(), req.get_low_level_headers(), sys.exc_info()) if CFG_DEVEL_SITE: return ["
" % cgi.escape(get_pretty_traceback(req=req, exc_info=sys.exc_info()))] from cgitb import html return [html(sys.exc_info())] return generate_error_page(req) else: return generate_error_page(req, page_already_started=True) finally: for (callback, data) in req.get_cleanups(): callback(data) if hasattr(req, '_session'): ## The session handler saves for caching a request_wrapper ## in req. ## This saves req as an attribute, creating a circular ## reference. ## Since we have have reached the end of the request handler ## we can safely drop the request_wrapper so to avoid ## memory leaks. delattr(req, '_session') if hasattr(req, '_user_info'): ## For the same reason we can delete the user_info. delattr(req, '_user_info') ## as suggested in ## del gc.garbage[:] return [] def generate_error_page(req, admin_was_alerted=True, page_already_started=False): """ Returns an iterable with the error page to be sent to the user browser. """ from invenio.webpage import page from invenio import template webstyle_templates = template.load('webstyle') ln = req.form.get('ln', CFG_SITE_LANG) if page_already_started: return [webstyle_templates.tmpl_error_page(status=req.get_wsgi_status(), ln=ln, admin_was_alerted=admin_was_alerted)] else: return [page(title=req.get_wsgi_status(), body=webstyle_templates.tmpl_error_page(status=req.get_wsgi_status(), ln=ln, admin_was_alerted=admin_was_alerted), language=ln, req=req)] def is_static_path(path): """ Returns True if path corresponds to an exsting file under CFG_WEBDIR. @param path: the path. @type path: string @return: True if path corresponds to an exsting file under CFG_WEBDIR. @rtype: bool """ path = os.path.abspath(CFG_WEBDIR + path) if path.startswith(CFG_WEBDIR) and os.path.isfile(path): return path return None def is_mp_legacy_publisher_path(path): """ Checks path corresponds to an exsting Python file under CFG_WEBDIR. @param path: the path. @type path: string @return: the path of the module to load and the function to call there. @rtype: tuple """ path = path.split('/') for index, component in enumerate(path): if component.endswith('.py'): possible_module = os.path.abspath(CFG_WEBDIR + os.path.sep + os.path.sep.join(path[:index + 1])) possible_handler = '/'.join(path[index + 1:]).strip() if possible_handler.startswith('_'): return None, None if not possible_handler: possible_handler = 'index' if os.path.exists(possible_module) and possible_module.startswith(CFG_WEBDIR): return (possible_module, possible_handler) else: return None, None def mp_legacy_publisher(req, possible_module, possible_handler): """ mod_python legacy publisher minimum implementation. """ the_module = open(possible_module).read() module_globals = {} exec(the_module, module_globals) if possible_handler in module_globals and callable(module_globals[possible_handler]): from invenio.webinterface_handler import _check_result ## req is the required first parameter of any handler expected_args = list(inspect.getargspec(module_globals[possible_handler])[0]) if not expected_args or 'req' != expected_args[0]: ## req was not the first argument. Too bad! raise SERVER_RETURN, HTTP_NOT_FOUND ## the req.form must be casted to dict because of Python 2.4 and earlier ## otherwise any object exposing the mapping interface can be ## used with the magic ** form = dict(req.form) for key, value in form.items(): ## FIXME: this is a backward compatibility workaround ## because most of the old administration web handler ## expect parameters to be of type str. ## When legacy publisher will be removed all this ## pain will go away anyway :-) if isinstance(value, str): form[key] = str(value) try: return _check_result(req, module_globals[possible_handler](req, **form)) except TypeError, err: if ("%s() got an unexpected keyword argument" % possible_handler) in str(err) or ('%s() takes at least' % possible_handler) in str(err): inspected_args = inspect.getargspec(module_globals[possible_handler]) expected_args = list(inspected_args[0]) expected_defaults = list(inspected_args[3]) expected_args.reverse() expected_defaults.reverse() register_exception(req=req, prefix="Wrong GET parameter set in calling a legacy publisher handler for %s: expected_args=%s, found_args=%s" % (possible_handler, repr(expected_args), repr(req.form.keys())), alert_admin=CFG_DEVEL_SITE) cleaned_form = {} for index, arg in enumerate(expected_args): if arg == 'req': continue if index < len(expected_defaults): cleaned_form[arg] = form.get(arg, expected_defaults[index]) else: cleaned_form[arg] = form.get(arg, None) return _check_result(req, module_globals[possible_handler](req, **cleaned_form)) else: raise else: raise SERVER_RETURN, HTTP_NOT_FOUND def check_wsgiref_testing_feasability(): """ In order to use wsgiref for running Invenio, CFG_SITE_URL and CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL must not use HTTPS because SSL is not supported. """ from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_URL, CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL if CFG_SITE_URL.lower().startswith('https'): print >> sys.stderr, """ ERROR: SSL is not supported by the wsgiref simple server implementation. Please set CFG_SITE_URL not to start with "https". Currently CFG_SITE_URL is set to: "%s".""" % CFG_SITE_URL sys.exit(1) if CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL.lower().startswith('https'): print >> sys.stderr, """ ERROR: SSL is not supported by the wsgiref simple server implementation. Please set CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL not to start with "https". Currently CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL is set to: "%s".""" % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL sys.exit(1) def wsgi_handler_test(port=80): """ Simple WSGI testing environment based on wsgiref. """ from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server global CFG_WSGI_SERVE_STATIC_FILES CFG_WSGI_SERVE_STATIC_FILES = True check_wsgiref_testing_feasability() validator_app = validator(application) httpd = make_server('', port, validator_app) print "Serving on port %s..." % port httpd.serve_forever() def main(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-t', '--test', action='store_true', dest='test', default=False, help="Run a WSGI test server via wsgiref (not using Apache).") parser.add_option('-p', '--port', type='int', dest='port', default='80', help="The port where the WSGI test server will listen. [80]") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.test: wsgi_handler_test(options.port) else: parser.print_help() if __name__ == "__main__": main()