diff --git a/modules/websubmit/web/Access.php.wml b/modules/websubmit/web/Access.php.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 01f7e1b47..000000000
--- a/modules/websubmit/web/Access.php.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-## $Id$
-## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware).
-## Copyright (C) 2002 CERN.
-## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-## License, or (at your option) any later version.
-## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## General Public License for more details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#include "configbis.wml"
-   require("<LIBDIR>/php/cdsware/websubmit/commonPhpFunctions.php");
-## $Id$
-function getDir($AN,$doctype)
-    global $STORAGE;
-    $dp = opendir("$STORAGE");
-    while ($subd = readdir($dp))
-        {
-            if ($subd != "." && $subd != ".." && $subd != "done" &&
-                is_dir("$STORAGE/$subd") &&
-                is_dir("$STORAGE/$subd/$doctype") &&
-                is_dir("$STORAGE/$subd/$doctype/$AN"))
-                {
-                    return $subd;
-                }
-        }
-    return false;
-if ($AN == "")
-    outWarning("Sorry submission id missing...");
-if ($doctype == "")
-    outWarning("Sorry document type missing...");
-$dir = getDir($AN,$doctype);
-if (!$dir)
-     outWarning ("Cannot find this submission...");
-    $res = mysql_query("select sactname from sbmACTION where dir='$dir'");
-    $row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
-    $action = $row[0];
-    Header("Location: $URLPATH/Main.php?doctypes=$doctype&dir=$dir&access=$AN&act=$action&startPg=1$params");
diff --git a/modules/websubmit/web/Main.php.wml b/modules/websubmit/web/Main.php.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 10a10baf8..000000000
--- a/modules/websubmit/web/Main.php.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,935 +0,0 @@
-## $Id$
-## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware).
-## Copyright (C) 2002 CERN.
-## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-## License, or (at your option) any later version.
-## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## General Public License for more details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#include "configbis.wml"
-   require("<LIBDIR>/php/cdsware/websubmit/commonPhpFunctions.php");
-   include("<LIBDIR>/php/cdsware/websubmit/specialchars.php");
-    ///////////////////////
-   // Functions	        //
-  ///////////////////////
-function displayPage()
-#include "cdspage.wml" \
-    title="Submitting..." \
-    navbar_name="main" \
-    navbar_select="submit" \
-    cdspageboxlefttopadd="<protect><?displayLoginMenu('submit');?></protect>"
-    ///////////////////////
-   // Preliminary tasks //
-  ///////////////////////
-   // Authentication
-   {
-      // set the cookie for remembering the user name next time the user
-      // connects
-      setcookie("SuE","$uid_email",time()+31104000);
-   }
-   // database connection
-   connectDB(DOCS_DATABASE);
-   // retrieve the action's long name
-   if ($dir == "")
-   {
-      $res = mysql_query("select dir from sbmACTION where sactname='$act'");
-      $row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
-      $dir = $row[0];
-   }
-   // now we want to test if all needed directories exist, if not we create
-   // them
-   umask(000);
-   $rundir="$STORAGE/$dir/$doctypes/$access";
-   if (!is_dir("$STORAGE"))
-      if (!mkdir ("$STORAGE", 0777))
-      {
-	 displayPage();
-         outError("File System: Cannot create working directory $STORAGE");
-      }
-   if (!is_dir("$STORAGE/$dir"))
-      if (!mkdir("$STORAGE/$dir", 0777))
-      {
-	 displayPage();
-         outError("File System: Cannot create working directory ".
-            "$STORAGE/$dir");
-      }
-   if (!is_dir("$STORAGE/$dir/$doctypes"))
-      if (!mkdir("$STORAGE/$dir/$doctypes", 0777))
-      {
-	 displayPage();
-         outError("File System: Cannot create working directory ".
-            "$STORAGE/$dir/$doctypes");
-      }
-   // if this submission comes from another one ($fromdir is then set)
-   // We retrieve the previous submission directory and put it 
-   // in the proper one
-   if ($fromdir != "")
-      if (is_dir("$STORAGE/$fromdir/$doctypes/$access"))
-         rename("$STORAGE/$fromdir/$doctypes/$access",
-                "$STORAGE/$dir/$doctypes/$access");
-   // If the submission directory still does not exist, we create it
-   if (!is_dir("$STORAGE/$dir/$doctypes/$access"))
-      if (!mkdir("$STORAGE/$dir/$doctypes/$access", 0777))
-      {
-	 displayPage();
-         outError("File System: Cannot create working directory ".
-            "$STORAGE/$dir/$doctypes/$access");
-      }
-   // various authentication tasks...
-   if (AUTHENTICATION && $uid_email != "guest" && $uid_email != "")
-   {
-      // First save the username (email address) in the SuE file
-      // This way the uploader will be able to use it if needed
-      // (for storing the submitter's email in the database record for example
-      $fp = fopen("$STORAGE/$dir/$doctypes/$access/SuE","w+");
-      fwrite($fp,$uid_email);
-      fclose($fp);
-      // then we update the "journal of submission" 
-      $res = mysql_query("
-WHERE  doctype='$doctypes' and 
-       action='$act' and 
-       id='$access' and 
-       email='$uid_email'");
-      if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0)
-         mysql_query("
-values ('$uid_email','$doctypes','$act','pending','$access','',NOW(),NOW())");
-      else
-         mysql_query("
-SET    md=NOW() 
-WHERE  doctype='$doctypes' and 
-       action='$act' and 
-       id='$access' and 
-       email='$uid_email'");
-      // finally, we retrieve the name of the file in which the reference of 
-      // the submitted document will be stored
-      $res = mysql_query("
-SELECT value 
-WHERE  doctype='$doctypes' and 
-       name='edsrn'");
-      $row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
-      $edsrn = $row[0];
-   }
-   // retrieve the original main menu url ans save it in the "mainmenu" file
-   if (isset($mainmenu))
-   {
-      $fp = fopen("$STORAGE/$dir/$doctypes/$access/mainmenu","w+");
-      fwrite($fp,$mainmenu);
-      fclose($fp);
-   }
-   // and if the file containing the URL to the main menu exists
-   // we retrieve it and store it in the $mainmenu variable
-   if (is_file("$STORAGE/$dir/$doctypes/$access/mainmenu"))
-   {
-      $fp = fopen("$STORAGE/$dir/$doctypes/$access/mainmenu","r");
-      $mainmenu = fread($fp,filesize("$STORAGE/$dir/$doctypes/$access/".
-         "mainmenu"));
-      fclose($fp);
-   }
-   else
-      $mainmenu = "$URLPATH/access/index.php";
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   // Save the form fields entered in the previous submission page //
-  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   // If the form was sent with the GET method
-   if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS) && count($HTTP_GET_VARS) != 0)
-      $varArray = $HTTP_GET_VARS;
-   else
-      $varArray = $HTTP_POST_VARS;
-   // we parse all the form variables
-   reset ($varArray);
-   while ((list ($key, $val) = each ($varArray)) && $key != "stop") 
-   {
-      if (!is_array($val) && $val != "" && $val != "Select:")
-      {
-         // simple variables (text inputs, textareas...)
-         $val = stripslashes($val);
-         $val = specialchars($val);
-         $fp = fopen("$rundir/$key","w+");
-         fwrite($fp,"$val");
-         fclose($fp);
-      }
-      elseif (is_array($val))
-      {
-         // array variables (selects)
-         reset ($val);
-         $fp = fopen("$rundir/$key","w+");
-         while ($value = each ($val))
-         {
-            $value[1] = stripslashes($value[1]);
-            $value[1] = specialchars($value[1]);
-            fwrite($fp,"$value[1]\n");
-         }
-         fclose($fp);
-      }
-      // if the found field is the reference of the document
-      // we save this value in the "journal of submissions"
-      if (AUTHENTICATION && $uid_email != "" && $uid_email != "guest")
-         if ($key == "$edsrn")
-            mysql_query("
-SET    reference='$val' 
-WHERE  doctype='$doctypes' and 
-       id='$access' and 
-       email='$uid_email'");
-      // Now deal with the cookies
-      // If the fields must be saved as a cookie, we do so
-      // In this case, the value of the field will be retrieved and 
-      // displayed as the default value of the field next time the user
-      // does a submission	
-      $res = mysql_query("
-SELECT cookie 
-WHERE  name='$key'");
-      $arr = mysql_fetch_row($res);
-      if ( $arr[0] == 1 )
-         setcookie("$key","$val",time()+31104000);
-   }
-   // Now we will save the files transfered by file upload
-   if (isset($HTTP_POST_FILES))
-   {
-      reset ($HTTP_POST_FILES);
-      // by parsing the array of uploaded files
-      while (list ($key, $val) = each ($HTTP_POST_FILES)) 
-      {
-         $key = ereg_replace(".*/","",$key);
-         if (is_file(${$key}))
-         {
-            if (! is_dir("$rundir/files"))
-               mkdir ("$rundir/files", 0777);
-            if (! is_dir("$rundir/files/$key"))
-               mkdir ("$rundir/files/$key", 0777);
-            $val[name] = stripslashes($val[name]);
-            $val[name] = ereg_replace(" ","_",$val[name]);
-            $fp = fopen("$rundir/$key","w+");
-            fwrite($fp,"$val[name]");
-            fclose($fp);
-            // and saving each of them in the proper place
-            copy("${$key}","$rundir/files/$key/$val[name]");
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   displayPage();
-      if ($uid_email == ""
-       || $uid_email == "guest")
-      {
-         // if the user is not logged in, display a log in form
-         printLogIn();
-         exit;
-      }
-## $Id$
-   if (SUMMARYON)
-      // If the SUMMARYON variable is set, this means the summary dockable
-      // window is allowed and we have to include the file containing the
-      // dynamic html functions which deal with this window.
-      </protect>
-      include("<LIBDIR>/php/cdsware/websubmit/Navigation_Functions.php");
-      <protect>
-   else
-      // Else, we include the same functions, but empty.
-      <protect>
-      include("<LIBDIR>/php/cdsware/websubmit/Fake_Navigation_Functions.php");
-      </protect>
-<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1" TYPE="text/javascript">
-	document.onMouseUp = "enddrag(event)";
-	document.onmousemove = "drag(event)";
-   print "<br><br>";
-   // Get document name
-   $res = mysql_query("
-SELECT ldocname 
-WHERE  sdocname='$doctypes'");
-   $row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
-   $docname = $row[0];
-   $docname = ereg_replace(" ","&nbsp;",$docname);
-   // Get action name
-   $res = mysql_query("
-SELECT lactname 
-WHERE  sactname='$act'");
-   $row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
-   $actname = $row[0];
-   $actname = ereg_replace(" ","&nbsp;",$actname);
-   // Get number of pages
-   $res = mysql_query("
-SELECT nbpg 
-WHERE  subname='$act$doctypes'");
-   $row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
-   $nbpages = $row[0];
-   // Get current page
-   if ($startPg != "")
-      $page = "$startPg";
-    //////////////////////////////
-   // Display the table header //
-  //////////////////////////////
-   print "
-<FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"Main.php\" onSubmit=\"setSummary();return tester();\">
-<TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-	<TD class=headerselected><B>$docname&nbsp;</B></TD>
-	<TD class=headerselected><small>&nbsp;$actname&nbsp;</small></TD>
-	<TD valign=bottom>
-		<TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-		<TR>
-			<TD class=headerselected>
-				<IMG SRC=\"".$IMAGES."/right-part-topless-trans.gif\" border=0 align=top alt=\"onglet\"></TD>";
-   for ($i=1;$i<=$nbpages;$i++)
-   {
-      if ($i == $page && $i == 1)
-         $leftimage = "<TD class=header><IMG SRC=\"".$IMAGES."/left-part-topless-".
-            "trans.gif\" border=0 align=middle alt=\"onglet\"></TD>";
-      elseif ($i == $page)
-         $leftimage = "<TD class=header><IMG SRC=\"".$IMAGES."/left-part-trans.".
-            "gif\" border=0 align=middle alt=\"onglet\"></TD>";
-      elseif ($i == 1)
-         $leftimage = "<TD><IMG SRC=\"".$IMAGES."/left-part-topless-trans.gif\" ".
-            "border=0 align=middle alt=\"onglet\"></TD>";
-      else
-         $leftimage = "";
-      if ($i == $page && $i == $nbpages)
-         $rightimage = "<TD class=header><IMG SRC=\"".$IMAGES."/last-right-part-".
-            "trans.gif\" border=0 align=middle alt=\"onglet\"></TD>";
-      elseif ($i == $page)
-         $rightimage = "<TD class=header><IMG SRC=\"".$IMAGES."/right-part-trans.".
-            "gif\" border=0 align=middle alt=\"onglet\"></TD>";
-      elseif ($i == $nbpages)
-         $rightimage = "<TD><IMG SRC=\"".$IMAGES."/last-right-part-trans.gif\" ".
-            "border=0 align=middle alt=\"onglet\"></TD>";
-      elseif ($i != $page-1)
-         $rightimage = "<TD><IMG SRC=\"".$IMAGES."/right-part-trans.gif\" border=0".
-            " align=middle alt=\"onglet\"></TD>";
-      else
-         $rightimage = "";
-      if ($i == $page)
-         print "$leftimage<TD class=header><TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0".
-            " border=0><TR><TD bgcolor=black><IMG SRC=\"".$IMAGES."/line.gif\" ".
-            "border=0 align=top alt=\"onglet\"></TD></TR><TR><TD><IMG ".
-            "SRC=\"".$IMAGES."/line-up-trans.gif\" border=0 align=top ".
-            "alt=\"onglet\"><small>page:$page</small></TD></TR></TABLE></TD>".
-            "$rightimage";
-      else
-         print "$leftimage<TD><TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>".
-            "<TR><TD bgcolor=black width=\"20\"><IMG SRC=\"".$IMAGES."/line.gif\" ".
-            "border=0 align=top alt=\"onglet\"></TD></TR><TR align=center>".
-            "<TD><small> <A HREF='' onClick=\"if (tester2() == 1){".
-            "document.forms[1].page.value=$i;setSummary();".
-            "document.forms[1].submit();return false;} ".
-            "else { return false; }\">$i</A> </small><IMG ".
-            "SRC=\"".$IMAGES."/line-up-trans.gif\" border=0 align=top ".
-            "alt=\"onglet\"></TD></TR></TABLE></TD>$rightimage";
-   }
-   print "</TR></TABLE>";
-   print "</TD>\n";
-   if (SUMMARYON)
-      print "<TD align=right valign=bottom><TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0".
-         " border=0><TR><TD class=headerselected ><IMG SRC=\"".$IMAGES."/".
-         "left-part-topless-trans.gif\" border=0 align=top alt=\"onglet\">".
-         "</TD></TR></TABLE></TD><TD class=headerselected align=right>".
-         "<A HREF='' onClick=\"popUp('Summary',true,event);".
-         "document.forms[1].summary.value = 'show';return false;\">".
-         "<font color=white><small>SUMMARY(2)</small>&nbsp;</font>".
-         "<IMG SRC=\"".$IMAGES."/down-trans.gif\" border=0 align=bottom ".
-         "alt=\"down\"></A>&nbsp;</TD>\n";
-   print "</TR>";
-    ///////////////////////////
-   // Display the main cell //
-  ///////////////////////////
-   print "<TR><TD colspan=5 class=headerselected><TABLE border=0 ".
-      "cellspacing=0 cellpadding=15 width=\"100%\" class=header><TR><TD><BR>";
-   // For each field to be displayed on the page
-   $res = mysql_query("
-WHERE  subname='$act$doctypes' and 
-       pagenb=$page 
-ORDER BY fieldnb,
-         fieldnb");
-   $nbFields = 0;
-   while ($arr = mysql_fetch_row($res))
-   {
-      // We retrieve its HTML description
-      $res3 = mysql_query("
-WHERE  name='$arr[3]'");
-      $arr3 = mysql_fetch_array($res3);
-      // If the field is a non-form field
-      if ($arr3['type'] == 'D' 
-         && !eregi("select",$arr3['fidesc']) 
-         && !eregi("input",$arr3['fidesc']) )
-      {
-          // we just display the texts
-          print "$arr[4]";
-          print "$arr3[fidesc]";
-      }
-      // else the work is easier, everything is collected from the database
-      else
-      {
-         $field[$nbFields] = $arr[3];
-         $level[$nbFields] = $arr[5];
-         $fullDesc[$nbFields] = $arr[4];
-         $txt[$nbFields] = $arr[6];
-         $check[$nbFields] = $arr[7];
-         // we also retrieve and add the javascript code of the checking
-         // function, if needed
-         if ($check[$nbFields] != '')
-         {
-            $res2 = mysql_query("
-SELECT chdesc 
-WHERE  chname='$arr[7]'");
-            print "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript1.1\"  ".
-               "TYPE=\"text/javascript\">\n";
-            $arr2 = mysql_fetch_row($res2);
-            print "$arr2[0]";
-            print "</SCRIPT>\n";
-         }
-         // Then if the field is a textarea
-         if ($arr3['type'] == 'T')
-            $text="<TEXTAREA name=\"$arr[3]\" rows=$arr3[rows] ".
-               "cols=$arr3[cols]>$arr3[val]</TEXTAREA>";
-         // If the field is a file upload
-         elseif ($arr3['type'] == 'F')
-            $text="<INPUT TYPE=file name=\"$arr[3]\" size=$arr3[size] ".
-               "maxlength=$arr3[maxlength]>";
-         // If the field is a text input
-         elseif ($arr3['type'] == 'I')
-            $text="<INPUT name=\"$arr[3]\" size=$arr3[size] ".
-               "value=\"$arr3[val]\">";
-         // If the field is a hidden input
-         elseif ($arr3['type'] == 'H')
-            $text="<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"$arr[3]\" ".
-               "value=\"$arr3[val]\">";
-         // If the field is user-defined
-         elseif ($arr3['type'] == 'D')
-            $text="$arr3[fidesc]";
-         //If the field is a select box
-         elseif ($arr3['type'] == 'S')
-            $text="$arr3[fidesc]";
-         //If the field is an evaluated script
-         elseif ($arr3['type'] == 'R')
-            $text="$arr3[fidesc]";
-         // If the field type is not recognized
-         else
-            $text="$arr[1]: unknown field type";
-         print "$fullDesc[$nbFields]\n";
-         if ($arr3['type'] != 'D')
-         {
-            // If the field is not user-defined, we try to determine its type
-            // (select, radio, file upload...)
-            $select[$nbFields]=0;
-            $radio[$nbFields]=0;
-            $upload[$nbFields]=0;
-            // check whether it is a select field or not
-            if (eregi("SELECT",$text))
-               $select[$nbFields]++;
-            // checks whether it is a radio field or not
-            if (eregi("TYPE=radio",$text))
-               $radio[$nbFields]++;
-            // checks whether it is a file upload or not
-            if (eregi("TYPE=file",$text))
-               $upload[$nbFields]++;
-            // if the field description contains the "<COMBO>" string, replace
-            // it by the category selected on the document page submission page
-            $tmp = "combo$doctypes";
-            if (${$tmp} != "")
-               $combo = ${$tmp};
-            else
-               $combo="";
-            $text = ereg_replace("<COMBO>",$combo,$text);
-            // if there is a <YYYY> tag in it, replace it by the current year
-            $year = strftime("%Y");
-            $text = str_replace("<YYYY>",$year,$text);
-            $nbFields++;
-         }
-         else
-         // case of a user-defined field which contains multiple form fields
-         {
-            $formfields = explode(">",$text);
-            while(list($key,$formfield) = each($formfields))
-            {
-               if (eregi("name=([^ <>]+)",$formfield,$names))
-               {
-                  next($names);
-                  while(list($key,$value) = each($names))
-                  {
-                     if ($value != "")
-                     {
-                        $value = ereg_replace("[\"']+","",$value);
-                        $select[$nbFields]=0;
-                        $radio[$nbFields]=0;
-                        $upload[$nbFields]=0;
-                        $field[$nbFields] = $value;
-                        $level[$nbFields] = $arr[5];
-                        $txt[$nbFields] = $arr[6];
-                        $nbFields = $nbFields+1;
-                     }
-                  }
-               }
-            }    
-         }
-	 if ($arr3['type'] != 'R')
-            print "$text";
-         else
-            eval("$text");
-      }
-   }
-   // those fields are necessary for the navigation
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"stop\" value=\"now\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"file\" value=\"$file\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"nextPg\" value=\"$nextPg\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"access\" value=\"$access\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"$page\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"nbPg\" value=\"$nbPg\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"doctypes\" value=\"$doctypes\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"doctype\" value=\"$doctypes\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"act\" value=\"$act\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"$dir\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"summary\" value=\"$summary\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"summaryX\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"summaryY\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"mode\" value=\"U\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" value=\"1\">\n";
-   print "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript1.1\" TYPE=\"text/javascript\">\n";
-   // if there is a file upload field, we change the encoding type
-   for ($i=0;$i<$nbFields;$i++)
-      if ($upload[$i])
-         print "document.forms[1].encoding = \"multipart/form-data\";\n";
-   // we don't want the form to be submitted if the user enters 'Return'
-   print "function tester(){\n";
-   print "    if (document.forms[1].file.value == ''){return false;}\n}\n";
-   // tests if mandatory fields are well filled
-   print "function tester2(){\n";
-   for ($i=0;$i<$nbFields;$i++)
-   {
-      print "
-	if (document.forms[1].elements[0].name==\"SESSIONID\")
-		var element = $i+1;
-	else
-		var element = $i;\n";
-      // If the field must be checked we call the checking function 
-      if ($check[$i] != '')
-      {
-         print "    if ($check[$i](document.forms[1].elements[element].value)".
-            " == 0){\n";
-         print "         document.forms[1].$field[$i].focus();\n";
-         print "         return 0;\n";
-         print "    }\n";
-      }	 
-      // If the field is mandatory, we check a value has been selected
-      if ($level[$i] == 'M')
-      {
-         if ($select[$i] != 0)
-         {
-            // If the field is a select box
-            print "     if ((document.forms[1].elements[element].".
-               "selectedIndex == -1)||(document.forms[1].elements[element].".
-               "selectedIndex == 0)){\n";
-            print "         alert(\"The field `$txt[$i]` is Mandatory.\\n ".
-               "Please make a choice in the 'Select:' box\");\n";
-            print "         return 0;\n";
-            print "    }\n";
-            print "    else \n";
-         }
-         else if ($radio[$i] != 0)
-         {
-            // If the field is a radio button set
-            print "var check=0;\n";
-            print "for (var j=0;j<document.forms[1].elements[element].length;".
-               "j++){\n";
-            print "    if (document.forms[1].elements[element]\[j].checked)".
-               "{check++;}\n";
-            print "}\n";
-            print "    if (check == 0){\n";
-            print "         alert(\"Please press a button.\");\n";
-            print "         return 0;\n";
-            print "    }\n";
-            print "    else \n";
-         }
-         else
-         {
-            // If the field is a text input
-            print "    if (document.forms[1].elements[element].value == '')".
-               "{\n";
-            print "         alert(\"The field `$txt[$i]` is Mandatory. Please".
-               " fill it in.\");\n";
-            print "         return 0;\n";
-            print "    }\n";
-            print "    else \n";
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   print "\n{return 1;}\n";
-   print "}\n";
-   print "</SCRIPT><BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;</TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR>\n";
-    /////////////////////////////////
-   // Display the navigation cell //
-  /////////////////////////////////
-   // Display "previous page" navigation arrows
-   print "<TR><TD colspan=5><TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 ".
-      "width=\"100%\"><TR>\n";
-   if ($page != 1)
-   {
-      print "		<TD class=headerselected align=left>&nbsp;\n";
-      print "			<A HREF='' onClick=\"if (tester2() == 1)".
-         "{document.forms[1].page.value=" . ($page - 1) . ";setSummary();".
-         "document.forms[1].submit();return false;} else { return false; }\">";
-      print "			<IMG SRC=\"".$IMAGES."/left-trans.gif\" ".
-         "alt=\"previous page\" border=0>\n";
-      print "			<strong><font color=white>previous page</A>".
-         "</font></strong></TD>\n";
-   }
-   else
-      print " <TD class=headerselected>&nbsp;</TD>\n";
-   // Display the submission number
-   print " <TD class=headerselected align=center><small>Submission no(1): ".
-      "$access</small></TD>\n";
-   // Display the "next page" navigation arrow
-   if ($page != $nbpages)
-   {
-      print "		<TD class=headerselected align=right>\n";
-      print "			<A HREF='' onClick=\"if (tester2()){".
-         "document.forms[1].page.value=" . ($page + 1) . ";setSummary();".
-         "document.forms[1].submit();return false;} else {return false;}; ".
-         "return false;\">\n";
-      print "			<strong><font color=white> next page</font>".
-         "</strong>\n";
-      print "			<IMG SRC=\"".$IMAGES."/right-trans.gif\" ".
-         "alt=\"next page\" border=0></A>&nbsp;";
-   }
-   else
-      print " <TD class=headerselected>&nbsp;</TD>\n";
-   print "</TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE></center></FORM>";
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   // Fill the fields with the previously saved values //
-  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   print "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript1.1\" TYPE=\"text/javascript\">\n";
-   print "<!-- Fill the fields in with the previous saved values-->\n";
-   // For each field
-   for ($i=0;$i<$nbFields;$i++) 
-   {
-      $text = '';
-      print "	if (document.forms[1].elements[0].name==\"SESSIONID\")\n";
-      print "		var element = $i+1;\n";
-      print "	else\n";
-      print "		var element = $i;\n";
-      // If a file exists we extract the saved value
-      if (file_exists("$rundir/$field[$i]"))
-      {
-         $file = fopen("$rundir/$field[$i]","r");
-         $text = fread($file,filesize ("$rundir/$field[$i]"));
-         $text = ereg_replace("[\n\r ]*$","",$text);
-         $text = ereg_replace("\n","\\n",$text);
-         $text = ereg_replace("\r","",$text);	
-         fclose($file);
-      }
-      // Or if a cookie is set
-      // If a cookie is found corresponding to the name of the current
-      // field, we set the value of the field to the cookie's value
-      elseif(isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["$field[$i]"]))
-      {
-         ${$field[$i]} = str_replace("\r","",${$field[$i]});
-         ${$field[$i]} = str_replace("\n","\\n",${$field[$i]});
-         $text = "${$field[$i]}";
-      }
-      // If the value isn't empty
-      if ($text != '')
-      {
-         if ($select[$i] != 0)
-         {
-            // if the field is a SELECT element
-            $items = explode("\\n",$text);
-            reset ($items);
-            while ($val = each($items))
-            {
-               print "\n<!--SELECT field found-->\n";
-               print "for (var j=0;".
-                  "j<document.forms[1].elements[element].length;j++){\n";
-               print "    if ((document.forms[1].elements[element].".
-                  "options[j].value == \"$val[1]\") || (document.forms[1].".
-                  "elements[element].options[j].text == \"$val[1]\")){\n";
-               print "        document.forms[1].elements[element].".
-                  "options[j].selected = true;}}\n";
-            }
-         }
-         elseif ($radio[$i] != 0)
-         {
-            // if the field is a RADIO element
-            print "\n<!--RADIO field found-->\n";
-            print "if (document.forms[1].elements[element].value".
-               " == \"$text\"){\n";
-            print "	document.forms[1].elements[element].checked=true;}\n";
-         }
-         elseif ($upload[$i] == 0)
-         {
-            // if the field is not an upload element
-            print "\n<!--INPUT field found-->\n";
-            $text = str_replace('"','\"',$text);
-            print "document.forms[1].elements[element].value=\"$text\";\n";
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   print "<!--End Fill in section-->\n";
-       //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      // JS function finish                                           //
-     // This function tests each mandatory field and checks whether  // 
-    // the field has been correctly filled in or not                //
-   // This function is called when the user presses the "End       //
-  // Submission" button                                           //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   print "\n\nfunction finish() {\n";
-   $res = mysql_query("
-WHERE  subname='$act$doctypes' and 
-       pagenb!=$page");
-   $nbFields=0;
-   $message = "";
-   while ($arr = mysql_fetch_row($res)) 
-   {
-      $res2 = mysql_query("
-WHERE  name='".$arr[3]."'");
-      $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($res2);
-      if ($row2[type] == "D")
-      {
-         $formfields = explode(">",$row2[fidesc]);
-         while(list($key,$formfield) = each($formfields))
-         {
-            if (eregi("name=([^ <>]+)",$formfield,$names))
-            {
-               next($names);
-               while(list($key,$value) = each($names))
-               {
-                  if ($value != "")
-                  {
-                     $value = ereg_replace("[\"']+","",$value);
-                     $noPage[$nbFields]=$arr[1];
-                     $field[$nbFields]=$value;
-                     $level[$nbFields]=$arr[5];
-                     $txt[$nbFields]=$arr[6];
-                     $check[$nbFields++]=$arr[7];
-                  }
-               }
-            }
-         }
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         $noPage[$nbFields]=$arr[1];
-         $field[$nbFields]=$arr[3];
-         $level[$nbFields]=$arr[5];
-         $txt[$nbFields]=$arr[6];
-         $check[$nbFields++]=$arr[7];
-      }
-   }
-   // tests each mandatory field
-   for ($i=$nbFields-1;$i>-1;$i--)
-   {
-      if ($level[$i] == 'M')
-      {
-         $res = 1;
-         if (!is_file("$rundir/$field[$i]"))
-            $res=0;
-         else 
-         {
-            $file = fopen("$rundir/$field[$i]","r");
-            $text = fread($file,filesize ("$rundir/$field[$i]"));
-            if ($text == '')
-               $res=0;
-            else
-               if ($text == "Select:")
-                  $res=0;
-	 }
-	 if ($res==0)
-         {
-            $message = "	alert (\"The field '$txt[$i]' is mandatory.".
-               "\\nGoing back to page $noPage[$i]\");\n";
-            $message .= "	document.forms[1].page.value=".
-               "\"$noPage[$i]\";\n";
-            $message .= "	document.forms[1].submit();\n";
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   if ($message != "")
-      print $message;
-   else
-   {
-      print "if (tester2()){\n";
-      print "		document.forms[1].action=\"MESS/pro.php\";\n";
-      print "		document.forms[1].submit();\n";
-      print "		} \n";
-      print "		else \n";
-      print "		{ \n";
-      print "		return false;\n";
-      print "		}\n";
-   }
-   print "}\n";
-   // Display the "back to main menu" button
-   print "<A HREF=\"$mainmenu\" onClick=\"return confirm('Are you sure you ".
-      "want to quit this submission?')\">\n";
-   print "<IMG SRC=\"".$IMAGES."/mainmenu.gif\" border=0 ALT=\"back to main ".
-      "menu\" align=right></A><BR><BR>\n";
-	<small>(1) you should take note of this number at the beginning of the submission, it will allow you to get your information back in case your browser crashes before the end of the submission.</small><BR>
-   // Add the summary window definition if needed
-   if (SUMMARYON)
-   {
-      print "	<small>(2) mandatory fields appear in red in the 'Summary'".
-         " window.</small><BR>\n";
-      </protect>
-      include("<LIBDIR>/php/cdsware/websubmit/Print_Summary.php");
-      <protect>
-   }
-   // This function is used to display a login form if the user has not logged
-   // in yet
-   function printLogIn()
-   {
-	outWarning("Please log in using the left menu");
-	print"</td></tr></table>";
-   }
diff --git a/modules/websubmit/web/approve.php.wml b/modules/websubmit/web/approve.php.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f72d4f16..000000000
--- a/modules/websubmit/web/approve.php.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-## $Id$
-## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware).
-## Copyright (C) 2002 CERN.
-## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-## License, or (at your option) any later version.
-## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## General Public License for more details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#include "configbis.wml"
-   require("<LIBDIR>/php/cdsware/websubmit/commonPhpFunctions.php");
-## $Id$
-	$access = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
-	if ($access == "")
-		outError("approve.php: cannot determine document reference");
-	$res = mysql_query("select * from sbmAPPROVAL where access='$access'");
-	if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0)
-		outError("approve.php: cannot find document in database");
-	$row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
-	$doctype = $row[doctype];
-	$rn = $row[rn];
-	$res = mysql_query("select value from sbmPARAMETERS where name='edsrn' and doctype='$doctype'");
-	$row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
-	$edsrn = $row[value];
-	Header("Location: $URLPATH/submit.php?$edsrn=$rn&password=$access@APP$doctype");
diff --git a/modules/websubmit/web/direct.php.wml b/modules/websubmit/web/direct.php.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index f55270e5c..000000000
--- a/modules/websubmit/web/direct.php.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-## $Id$
-## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware).
-## Copyright (C) 2002 CERN.
-## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-## License, or (at your option) any later version.
-## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## General Public License for more details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#include "configbis.wml"
-   require("<LIBDIR>/php/cdsware/websubmit/commonPhpFunctions.php");
-## $Id$
-if ($sub == "")
-	print "Sorry parameter missing...";
-$res = mysql_query("select docname,actname from sbmIMPLEMENT where subname='$sub'");
-$row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
-// get document type
-$doctype = $row[0];
-// get action name
-$action = $row[1];
-//create 'unique' access number
-$id = getmypid();
-if ($hour < 10) { $hour = "0$hour"; }
-if ($min < 10) { $min = "0$min"; }
-if ($sec < 10) { $sec = "0$sec"; }
-$access = "$wday$hour$min${sec}_$id";
-// retrive other parameter values
-$params = ereg_replace("sub=[^&]*","",$QUERY_STRING);
-// retrieve 'dir' value
-$res = mysql_query ("select dir from sbmACTION where sactname='$action'");
-$row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
-$dir = $row[0];
-Header("Location: $URLPATH/Main.php?doctypes=$doctype&dir=$dir&access=$access&act=$action&startPg=1$params");
diff --git a/modules/websubmit/web/index.html.wml b/modules/websubmit/web/index.html.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 168577669..000000000
--- a/modules/websubmit/web/index.html.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-## $Id$
-## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware).
-## Copyright (C) 2002 CERN.
-## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-## License, or (at your option) any later version.
-## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## General Public License for more details.  
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#include "cdspage.wml" \
-    title="<MSG_SUBMIT>" \
-    navbar_name="submit" \
-    navtrail_previous_links="" \
-    navbar_select="submit" \
-    cdspageheaderadd="<div align=right><a href=index.cz.html>CZ</a> | <a href=index.de.html>DE</a> | <a href=index.en.html>EN</a> | <a href=index.es.html>ES</a> | <a href=index.fr.html>FR</a> | <a href=index.it.html>IT</a> | <a href=index.no.html>NO</a> | <a href=index.pt.html>PT</a> | <a href=index.ru.html>RU</a> | <a href=index.sk.html>SK</a></div>"
-<en>Coming soon.</en>
-<fr>Arrive bientôt.</fr>
-<de>Wird gerade vorbereitet.</de>
-<es>Disponible próximamente.</es>
-<pt>Coming soon.</pt>
-<it>Disponible prossimamente.</it>
-<ru>Coming soon.</ru>
-<sk>Coming soon.</sk>
-<cz>Coming soon.</cz>
-<no>Coming soon.</no>
diff --git a/modules/websubmit/web/index.php.wml b/modules/websubmit/web/index.php.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 869161940..000000000
--- a/modules/websubmit/web/index.php.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-## $Id$
-## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware).
-## Copyright (C) 2002 CERN.
-## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-## License, or (at your option) any later version.
-## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## General Public License for more details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#include "configbis.wml"
-   require("<LIBDIR>/php/cdsware/websubmit/commonPhpFunctions.php");
-## $Id$
-		Header("Location: $URLPATH/access/index.php?SESSIONID=$SESSIONID");
-	else
-		Header("Location: $URLPATH/access/index.php");
diff --git a/modules/websubmit/web/pro.php.wml b/modules/websubmit/web/pro.php.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index c6daae002..000000000
--- a/modules/websubmit/web/pro.php.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,934 +0,0 @@
-## $Id$
-## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware).
-## Copyright (C) 2002 CERN.
-## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-## License, or (at your option) any later version.
-## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## General Public License for more details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#include "configbis.wml"
-   require("<LIBDIR>/php/cdsware/websubmit/commonPhpFunctions.php");
-#include "cdspage.wml" \
-    title="Submitting..." \
-    navbar_name="main" \
-    navbar_select="submit" \
-    cdspageboxlefttopadd="<protect><?displayLoginMenu('submit');?></protect>"
-## $Id$
-   </protect>
-   include("<LIBDIR>/php/cdsware/websubmit/specialchars.php");
-   <protect>
-    ///////////////////////
-   // Preliminary tasks //
-  ///////////////////////
-   // The following words are reserved and should not be used as field names
-   $reserved_words = array("stop","file","nextPg","startPg","access","page",
-      "nbPg","doctypes","act","dir","summary","summaryX","summaryY","doctype",
-      "mode","step","deleted","file_path","userfile_name");
-   // This defines the path to the directory containing the action data
-   $MAINPATH = $STORAGE."/".$dir."/".$doctype."/".$access;
-   umask(000);
-   // Create basic storage directory if it does not exist
-   if (!is_dir("$STORAGE"))
-      if (!mkdir ("$STORAGE", 0777))
-         outError("File System: Cannot create working directory $STORAGE");
-   // store the original main menu
-   if (is_file("$STORAGE/$dir/$doctypes/$access/mainmenu"))
-      $mainmenu = `cat $STORAGE/$dir/$doctypes/$access/mainmenu`;
-   else
-      $mainmenu = "$URLPATH";
-   // database connection
-   connectDB(DOCS_DATABASE);
-   // we also retrieve the name of the file in which the reference of 
-   // the submitted document will be stored
-   $res = mysql_query("
-SELECT value 
-WHERE  doctype='$doctypes' and 
-       name='edsrn'");
-   $row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
-   $edsrn = $row[0];
-   // Now we test whether the user has already completed the action and
-   // reloaded the page (in this case we don't want the functions to be called
-   // once again
-   $reloaded = Test_Reload();
-   // We must determine if the action is finished (ie there is no other steps
-   // after the current one
-   $res = mysql_query("
-SELECT step 
-WHERE  action='$act' and 
-       doctype='$doctypes' and 
-       step > $step");
-   if (mysql_fetch_row($res) == 0)
-      $finished = 1;
-   else
-      $finished = 0;
-   mysql_free_result($res);
-   // If the $dir variable has not been passed through the cgi line, we
-   // retrieve its value from the database
-   if ($dir == "")
-   {
-      $res = mysql_query("
-SELECT dir 
-WHERE  sactname='$act'");
-      $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
-      $dir = $row['dir'];
-   }
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   // Save the form fields entered in the previous submission page //
-  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   $rundir = "$STORAGE/$dir/$doctypes/$access";
-   // If the form was sent with the GET method
-   if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS) && count($HTTP_GET_VARS) != 0)
-      $varArray = $HTTP_GET_VARS;
-   else
-      $varArray = $HTTP_POST_VARS;
-   // we parse all the form variables
-   reset ($varArray);
-   while ((list ($key, $val) = each ($varArray))) 
-   {
-      if (!in_array($key,$reserved_words))
-      {
-         if (!is_array($val) && $val != "" && $val != "Select:")
-         {
-            // simple variables (text inputs, textareas...)
-            $val = stripslashes($val);
-            $val = specialchars($val);
-            $fp = fopen("$rundir/$key","w+");
-            fwrite($fp,"$val");
-            fclose($fp);
-         }
-         elseif (is_array($val))
-         {
-            // array variables (selects)
-            reset ($val);
-            $fp = fopen("$rundir/$key","w+");
-            while ($value = each ($val))
-            {
-               $value[1] = stripslashes($value[1]);
-               $value[1] = specialchars($value[1]);
-               fwrite($fp,"$value[1]\n");
-            }
-            fclose($fp);
-         }
-         // if the found field is the reference of the document
-         // we save this value in the "journal of submissions"
-         if (AUTHENTICATION && $uid_email != "" && $uid_email != "guest")
-            if ($key == "$edsrn")
-               mysql_query("
-SET    reference='$val' 
-WHERE  doctype='$doctypes' and
-       id='$access' and 
-       email='$uid_email'");
-         // Now deal with the cookies
-         // If the fields must be saved as a cookie, we do so
-         // In this case, the value of the field will be retrieved and 
-         // displayed as the default value of the field next time the user
-         // does a submission	
-         $res = mysql_query("select cookie from sbmFIELDDESC where name='$key'");
-         $arr = mysql_fetch_row($res);
-         mysql_free_result($res);
-         if ( $arr[0] == 1 )
-            setcookie("$key","$val",time()+31104000,"/","$MACHINE");
-      }
-   }
-   // Now we will save the files transfered by file upload
-   if (isset($HTTP_POST_FILES))
-   {
-      reset ($HTTP_POST_FILES);
-      while (list ($key, $val) = each ($HTTP_POST_FILES)) 
-      {
-         if (is_file(${$key}))
-         {
-            if (! is_dir("$rundir/files"))
-               mkdir ("$rundir/files", 0777);
-            if (! is_dir("$rundir/files/$key"))
-               mkdir ("$rundir/files/$key", 0777);
-            $val[name] = stripslashes($val[name]);
-            $val[name] = ereg_replace(" ","_",$val[name]);
-            $fp = fopen("$rundir/$key","w+");
-            fwrite($fp,"$val[name]");
-            fclose($fp);
-            $fp = fopen("$rundir/lastuploadedfile","w+");
-            fwrite($fp,"$key/$val[name]");
-            fclose($fp);
-            copy("${$key}","$rundir/files/$key/$val[name]");
-         }
-      }
-   }
-     ////////////////////////
-    //                    //
-   // Objects definition //
-  //                    //
- ////////////////////////
-class doc_vars {
-   // The document variables which are not held in tables are stored in this
-   // global object.
-   // Although it is global its components can only be accessed through the
-   // methods exported by the class type
-   // The document type. It doesn't change so is only set through constructor.
-   var $doctype;
-   // The action. It doesn't change so is only set through constructor.
-   var $act;
-   // The submission number.It doesn't change so is set through constructor
-   var $access_num;
-   // The reference of the document - Set at runtime
-   var $report_num;
-   // The full path to the bibliographic record created by the uploader
-   var $record;
-   // The running script's running mode (Users or supervisor mode)
-   var $mode;
-   // The system number of the record
-   var $sysno;
-   // The CGI variables array
-   var $cgi;
-   function doc_vars ($document_type="", 
-                      $access_number="", 
-                      $mode="", 
-                      $cgi="", 
-                      $act="", 
-                      $step=1) 
-   {
-      // Constructor.
-      $this->doctype = $document_type;
-      $this->access_num = $access_number;
-      $this->mode = $mode;
-      $this->cgi = $cgi;
-      $this->act = $act;
-      $this->step = $step;
-   }
-   function get_cgi () 
-   {
-      return $this->cgi;
-   }
-   function set_cgi ($cgi) 
-   {
-      $this->cgi = $cgi;
-   }
-   function get_doctype () 
-   {
-      return $this->doctype;
-   }
-   function get_access_number () 
-   {
-      return $this->access_num;
-   }
-   function get_mode () 
-   {
-      return $this->mode;
-   }
-   function set_report_number ($rn) 
-   {
-      global $uid_email,$doctypes,$access;
-      // First we save the value in the global object
-      $this->report_num = $rn;
-      // then we save this value in the "journal of submissions"
-      if (AUTHENTICATION && $uid_email != "" && $uid_email != "guest")
-         mysql_query("
-SET    reference='$rn' 
-WHERE  doctype='$doctypes' and
-       id='$access' and 
-       email='$uid_email'");
-   }
-   function get_report_number () 
-   {
-      return $this->report_num;
-   }
-   function set_record_path ($pth) 
-   {
-      $this->record = $pth;	
-   }
-   function get_record_path () 
-   {
-      return $this->record;	
-   }
-   function set_sysno ($sn) 
-   {
-      $this->sysno = $sn;	
-   }
-   function get_sysno () 
-   {
-      return $this->sysno;	
-   }
-   function set_action ($act) 
-   {
-      $this->act = $act;	
-   }
-   function get_action () 
-   {
-      return $this->act;	
-   }
-   function set_step ($step) 
-   {
-      $this->step = $step;	
-   }
-   function get_step () 
-   {
-      return $this->step;
-   }
-     ////////////////////////
-    //                    //
-   // Global Functions   //
-  //                    //
- ////////////////////////
-function Request_Print($m, $txt) 
-   // The argumemts to this function are the display mode ($m) and the text to
-   // be displayed ($txt)
-   // If the argument mode is 'ALL' then the text is unconditionally echoed
-   // $m can also take values S (Supervisor Mode) and U (User Mode). In these
-   // circumstances $txt is only echoed if the argument mode is the same as
-   // the current mode (as held in the global object)
-   If (($m == "A") 
-      || ($m == $GLOBALS[VARS]->get_mode()) 
-      || ($m == "S" && $TEST))
-      echo $txt;
-     ////////////////////////
-    //                    //
-   // Main Engine        //
-  //                    //
- ////////////////////////
-function Evaluate_Parameter ($field, $doc_type) 
-   // Returns the literal value of the parameter. Assumes that the value is
-   // uniquely determined by the doctype, i.e. doctype is the primary key in
-   // the table
-   // If the table name is not null, evaluate the parameter
-   $literals = mysql_query("
-SELECT value 
-WHERE  doctype = '$doc_type' and 
-       name='$field'") 
-      or outError("Error with SQL request: SELECT * from sbmPARAMETERS where ".
-         "doctype = '$doc_type'");
-   // If no data is found then the data concerning the DEF(ault) doctype
-   // is used
-   if (mysql_num_rows($literals) == 0) 
-   {
-      $literals = mysql_query("
-SELECT value 
-WHERE  doctype = 'DEF' and 
-       name='$field'");
-   }
-   $literal =  mysql_fetch_array($literals);
-   // return the found value
-   return $literal[value];
-function Get_Parameters ($fun_name, $doc_type) 
-   // Returns the function parameters, in an array, for the function
-   // Gets a description of the parameter
-   $params = mysql_query("
-WHERE  function = '$fun_name' ") or die ("horriblyb");
-   for ($counter = 0; $param = mysql_fetch_array($params); $counter++) 
-   { 
-      $parray[$param[param]] = Evaluate_Parameter ($param[param] , $doc_type);
-      // Evaluates parameter description to yield the literal value
-   }
-   // return the found value
-   return $parray;
-function get_level ($doc_type, $action_name) 
-   $implements = mysql_query("
-WHERE  docname = '$doc_type' and 
-       actname = '$action_name'");
-   $implement = mysql_fetch_array($implements);
-   return $implement[level];	
-function action_details ($doc_type, $action_name) 
-   // Prints whether the action is mandatory or optional. The score of the
-   // action is returned (-1 if the action was optional)
-   $implements = mysql_query("
-WHERE  docname = '$doc_type' and 
-       actname = '$action_name'");
-   $implement = mysql_fetch_array($implements);
-   if ($implement[level] != "0")
-      return $implement[score];
-   else
-      return -1;	
-function print_function_calls ($doc_type, $action_name, $step) 
-   // Calls the functions required by an "$action_name" action on a "$doc_type"
-   // document
-   // In supervisor mode, a table of the function calls is produced
-   global $HTDOCSDIR,$STORAGE,$doctype,$access,$MAINPATH;	
-   // Get the list of functions to be called
-   $functions = mysql_query("
-WHERE  action='${action_name}' and 
-       doctype = '$doc_type' and 
-       step = $step
-ORDER BY score");
-   // If no data is found then the data concerning the DEF(ault) doctype is
-   // used
-   if (mysql_num_rows($functions) == 0) 
-   {
-      $functions = mysql_query("
-WHERE  action='${action_name}' and 
-       doctype = 'DEF' and 
-       step = $step
-ORDER BY score");
-   }
-   // If functions exist....	
-   if (mysql_num_rows($functions) > 0) 
-   {
-      Request_Print("S",  "<br><br>Here is the $action_name function list for".
-         " $doc_type documents at level $step <P>");
-      Request_Print("S", "<table border cellpadding = 15><tr><th>Function".
-         "</th><th>Score</th><th>Running Function</th></tr>");
-      // The "dir" field of the sbmACTION table states in which directory
-      // the files containing the submission collected data may be found
-      $res = mysql_query("
-WHERE  sactname='$action_name'");
-      $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
-      $MAINPATH = $STORAGE."/".$row[dir]."/".$doctype."/".$access;
-      // while there are functions left...	
-      while ($function = mysql_fetch_array($functions)) 
-      {
-         $call_function = "$function[function]"; //Get the function name
-         if(file_exists("${HTDOCSDIR}submit/MESS/functions/$call_function.php"))
-         {
-            Request_Print("S", "<tr><td>$function[function]</td><td>".
-               "$function[score]</td><td>");	
-            // Get the function itself
-            include "${HTDOCSDIR}submit/MESS/functions/${call_function}.php";
-            // Evaluate the parameters, and place them in an array 	
-            $arr = Get_Parameters($call_function,$doc_type);
-            // Call function
-            $call_function($arr,$MAINPATH);
-            // Really cunning bit of code. The text $call_function is replaced
-            // by its runtime value, and then the function with that name is
-            // called.
-            // Each function is called with $arr - the associative array
-            // containing the parameters retrieved from the database,
-            // and $MAINPATH which is the full path name of the directory
-            // containing all the files for the document
-            Request_Print("S","</td></tr>");
-         }	
-      }
-      Request_Print("S","</table>");
-   } 
-   else 
-      Request_Print("S","<br><br><b>Your chosen action is not supported by".
-         " the document</b>");
-function Set_Path($doc_type, $action_name, $step)
-   global $MAINPATH,$STORAGE,$doctype,$access;
-   $res = mysql_query("
-WHERE  sactname='$action_name'");
-   $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
-   $MAINPATH = $STORAGE."/".$row[dir]."/".$doctype."/".$access;
-function Propose_Next_Action ($doc_type,$action_score,$access,$currentlevel)
-   global $MACHINE,$STORAGE,$act,$access,$dir;
-   $acts = mysql_query("
-WHERE  docname = '$doc_type' and 
-       level != '0' and 
-       level = '$currentlevel' and 
-       score > '$action_score'
-ORDER BY score");
-   $res = mysql_query("
-WHERE  sactname='$action_name'");
-   $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
-   if (mysql_num_rows($acts) > 0) 
-   {
-      Request_Print("A","<BR><BR>You now have to<ul>");
-      $action = mysql_fetch_array($acts);
-      $new_score = $action[score];
-      do {
-         $RN = $GLOBALS[VARS]->get_report_number();
-         $doctype = $GLOBALS[VARS]->get_doctype();
-         Request_Print("A","
-	<LI>
-		<A HREF=\"\" onClick=\"	document.forms[1].action='../Main.php';document.forms[1].startPg.value='$action[stpage]';document.forms[1].act.value='$action[actname]';document.forms[1].doctypes.value='$action[docname]';document.forms[1].dir.value='".$row[dir]."';document.forms[1].access.value='$access';document.forms[1].fromdir.value='$dir';document.forms[1].submit();return false;\"> $action[endtxt] </a>");
-         $action = mysql_fetch_array($acts);
-         if ($action)	
-            Request_Print("A"," <b>or</b>");
-      } while ($action[score] == $new_score);
-      Request_Print("A","</ul>");
-   }
-     ////////////////////////
-    //                    //
-   // Display Functions  //
-  //                    //
- ////////////////////////
-function displayMain()
-   global $HTDOCSDIR,$file,$nextPg,$startPg,$access,$page,$nbPg,$doctype,$act;
-   global $dir,$summary,$finished,$IMAGES,$mainmenu;
-   if (SUMMARYON)
-      </protect>
-      include("<LIBDIR>/php/cdsware/websubmit/Navigation_Functions.php");
-      <protect>
-   else
-      <protect>
-      include("<LIBDIR>/php/cdsware/websubmit/Fake_Navigation_Functions.php");
-      </protect>
-<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1" TYPE="text/javascript">
-	document.onMouseUp = "enddrag(event)";
-	document.onmousemove = "drag(event)";
-   #those fields are necessary for the navigation
-   print "<FORM ENCTYPE=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"pro.php\" ".
-      "method=\"POST\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"stop\" value=\"now\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"file\" value=\"$file\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"nextPg\" value=\"$nextPg\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"startPg\" value=\"$startPg\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"access\" value=\"$access\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"$page\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"nbPg\" value=\"$nbPg\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"doctypes\" value=\"$doctype\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"act\" value=\"$act\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"$dir\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"fromdir\" value=\"\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"mainmenu\" value=\"$mainmenu\">\n";
-   if (SUMMARYON)
-   {
-      print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"summary\" value=\"$summary\">\n";
-      print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"summaryX\">\n";
-      print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"summaryY\">\n";
-   }
-   #parameters for new MESS end scripts
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"doctype\" value=\"$doctype\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"mode\" value=\"U\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" value=\"1\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"deleted\" value=\"no\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"file_path\" value=\"\">\n";
-   print "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"userfile_name\" value=\"\">\n";
-   # Get document name
-   $res = mysql_query("
-SELECT ldocname
-WHERE  sdocname='$doctype'");
-   $row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
-   $docname = $row[0];
-   # Get action name
-   $res = mysql_query("
-SELECT lactname 
-WHERE  sactname='$act'");
-   $row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
-   $actname = $row[0];
-   # Get number of pages
-   $res = mysql_query("
-SELECT nbpg 
-WHERE  subname='$act$doctype'");
-   $row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
-   $nbpages = $row[0];
-   #Display table header
-   print "<CENTER>\n";
-   print "<TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>\n";
-   print "<TR>\n";
-   print "	<TD class=headerselected><B>$docname </B></TD>\n";
-   print "	<TD class=headerselected><small>$actname </small></TD>\n";
-   print "	<TD align=left valign=bottom>\n";
-   print "		<TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>\n";
-   print "		<TR>\n";
-   print "			<TD class=headerselected align=right>\n";
-   print "			<IMG SRC=\"$IMAGES/right-part-".
-      "topless-trans.gif\" border=0 alt=\"onglet\" align=top></TD>";
-   if ($finished == 1)
-   {
-      print "</TR></TABLE></TD>\n";
-      print "<TD colspan=2>\n";
-      print "	<TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>\n";
-      print "	<TR>\n";
-      print "		<TD><IMG SRC=\"$IMAGES/left-part-topless-trans.gif\" ".
-         "border=0 alt=\"onglet\" align=middle></TD>\n";
-      print "		<TD>\n";
-      print "		<TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>\n";
-      print "		<TR>\n";
-      print "			<TD bgcolor=black width=\"20\"><IMG ".
-         "SRC=\"$IMAGES/line.gif\" border=0 alt=\"onglet\" align=top></TD>\n";
-      print "		</TR>\n";
-      print "		<TR align=center>\n";
-      print "			<TD><small> FINISHED! </small><IMG ".
-         "SRC=\"$IMAGES/line-up-trans.gif\" border=0 alt=\"onglet\" ".
-         "align=top></TD>\n";
-      print "		</TR>\n";
-      print "		</TABLE></TD>\n";
-      print "		<TD><IMG SRC=\"$IMAGES/last-right-part-trans.gif\" ".
-         "border=0 alt=\"onglet\" align=middle></TD></TR></TABLE></TD>\n";
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      for ($i=1;$i<=$nbpages;$i++)
-      {
-         if ($i == 1)
-            $leftimage = "<TD><IMG SRC=\"$IMAGES/left-part-topless-".
-               "trans.gif\" border=0 alt=\"onglet\" align=middle></TD>";
-         else
-            $leftimage = "";
-         if ($i == $nbpages)	
-            $rightimage = "";
-         else
-            $rightimage = "<TD><IMG SRC=\"$IMAGES/right-part-trans.gif\" ".
-               "border=0 alt=\"onglet\" align=middle></TD>";
-         print "$leftimage\n";
-         print "       	<TD>\n";
-         print "	<TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>\n";
-         print "	<TR>\n";
-         print "		<TD bgcolor=black width=\"20\"><IMG ".
-            "SRC=\"$IMAGES/line.gif\" border=0 alt=\"onglet\" align=top>".
-            "</TD>\n";
-         print "	</TR>\n";
-         print "	<TR align=center>\n";
-         print "		<TD>\n";
-         print "		<small><A HREF='' onClick=\"if ".
-            "(tester2() == 1){document.forms[1].action='../Main.php';".
-            "document.forms[1].page.value=$i;document.forms[1].submit();".
-            "return false;} else { return false; }\"> $i </A></small>".
-            "<IMG SRC=\"$IMAGES/line-up-trans.gif\" border=0 alt=\"onglet\" ".
-            "align=top></TD>\n";
-         print "	</TR>\n";
-         print "	</TABLE></TD>\n";
-         print "$rightimage\n";
-      }
-      print "<TD class=header><IMG SRC=\"$IMAGES/left-part-trans.gif\" ".
-         "border=0 alt=\"onglet\" align=middle></TD>\n";
-      print "<TD class=header>\n";
-      print "	<TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>\n";
-      print "	<TR>\n";
-      print "		<TD bgcolor=black width=\"20\"><IMG SRC=\"$IMAGES/".
-         "line.gif\" border=0 alt=\"onglet\" align=top></TD>\n";
-      print "	</TR>\n";
-      print "	<TR align=center>\n";
-      print "		<TD><small> end of action </small><IMG SRC=\"$IMAGES/".
-         "line-up-trans.gif\" border=0 alt=\"onglet\" align=top></TD>\n";
-      print "	</TR>\n";
-      print "	</TABLE></TD>\n";
-      print "	<TD class=header><IMG SRC=\"$IMAGES/last-right-part-".
-         "trans.gif\" border=0 alt=\"onglet\" align=middle></TD>\n";
-      print "	</TR>\n";
-      print "	</TABLE>\n";
-      print "</TD>\n";
-      if (SUMMARYON)
-         print "<TD align=right valign=bottom><TABLE cellspacing=0 ".
-            "cellpadding=0 border=0><TR><TD class=headerselected >".
-            "<IMG SRC=\"$IMAGES/left-part-topless-trans.gif\" border=0 ".
-            "align=top alt=\"onglet\"></TD></TR></TABLE></TD><TD ".
-            "class=headerselected align=right><A HREF='' onClick=\"popUp".
-            "('Summary',true,event);return false;\" onClick=\"return false;\"".
-            "><font color=white><small>SUMMARY</small>&sup2; </font><IMG ".
-            "SRC=\"$IMAGES/down-trans.gif\" border=0 align=bottom ".
-            "alt=\"down\"></A>&nbsp;</TD>\n";
-   }
-   print "</TR>\n";
-   #Display main cell
-   print "<TR>\n";
-   print "	<TD colspan=5 class=header>\n";
-   print "		<small><BR><BR>\n";
-function Test_Reload()
-   global $uid_email,$doctype,$act,$access,$mainmenu;
-   {
-      $res = mysql_query("
-WHERE  doctype='$doctype' and 
-       action='$act' and 
-       id='$access' and 
-       email='$uid_email' and 
-       status='finished'");
-      if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0)
-         return true;
-      else
-         return false;
-   }
-   else
-      return false;
-     ////////////////////////
-    //                    //
-   // Main Program       //
-  //                    //
- ////////////////////////
-   displayMain();
-   // Some runtime specific document variables, which can not be held in the
-   // database, are stored in this global object.
-   // Although it is global, its components can only be accessed through the
-   // methods exported by the class type
-   $VARS = new doc_vars;
-   if (getenv("REQUEST_METHOD") == "GET")
-      $VARS->doc_vars($doctypes,$access,$mode,$HTTP_GET_VARS,$act,$step);
-   else
-      $VARS->doc_vars($doctypes,$access,$mode,$HTTP_POST_VARS,$act,$step);
-   // we specify here whether we are in the last step of the action or not
-   $db_result = mysql_query("
-SELECT step 
-WHERE  action='$act' and 
-       doctype='$doctype' and 
-       step>$step");
-   $result = mysql_fetch_row($db_result);
-   if ($result == "")
-      $last_step = 1;
-   else
-      $last_step = 0;
-   // Prints the action details, returning the mandatory score
-   $action_score = action_details ($doctype, $act);	
-   $current_level = get_level($doctype, $act);
-   if (AUTHENTICATION && $reloaded)
-      print "<b> Sorry, this action has already been completed. Please go".
-         " back to the main menu to start a new action.</b>";
-   else
-   {
-      // Calls all the function's actions
-      print_function_calls ($doctype, $act, $step);
-      // If the action was mandatory we propose the next mandatory action (if
-      // there is one)
-      if ($action_score != -1 && $last_step == 1)
-         Propose_Next_Action($doctype,$action_score,$access,$current_level);
-      // If we are in the last step of an action, we can update the 
-      // "journal of submissions"
-      if ($last_step == 1)
-      {
-         if (AUTHENTICATION && $uid_email != "" && $uid_email != "guest")
-         {
-            $repno = $GLOBALS[VARS]->get_report_number();
-            $res = mysql_query("
-WHERE  doctype='$doctype' and 
-       action='$act' and 
-       id='$access' and 
-       email='$uid_email'");
-            if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0)
-               mysql_query("
-       NOW(),NOW())");
-            else
-               mysql_query("
-SET    md=NOW(),
-       reference='$repno',
-       status='finished'
-WHERE  doctype='$doctype' and 
-       action='$act' and 
-       id='$access' and 
-       email='$uid_email'");
-         }
-      }
-   }
-		<BR><BR>
-		</TD>
-	</TR>
-	<TR class=headerselected>
-		<TD class=headerselected colspan=5 align=center>
-   if ($finished == 0)
-   {
-      print "<small>Submission no</small>&sup2;:\n";
-      print "<small>$access</small>\n";
-   }
-   else
-      print "&nbsp;\n";
-		</TD>
-	</TR>
-	</TABLE>
-	</center>
-	</form>
-   // Add the "back to main menu" button
-   if ($finished == 0)
-      print "	<A HREF=\"$mainmenu\" onClick=\"return confirm('Are you sure you want to quit this submission?')\">\n";
-   else
-      print "	<A HREF=\"$mainmenu\">\n";
-   print "<IMG SRC=\"$IMAGES/mainmenu.gif\" border=0 ALT=\"back to main menu\" align=\"right\"></A><BR><BR>\n";
-   // Add the summary window definition if needed
-   if (SUMMARYON)
-      </protect>
-      include("<LIBDIR>/php/cdsware/websubmit/Print_Summary.php");
-      <protect>
diff --git a/modules/websubmit/web/submit.php.wml b/modules/websubmit/web/submit.php.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 723294028..000000000
--- a/modules/websubmit/web/submit.php.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-## $Id$
-## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware).
-## Copyright (C) 2002 CERN.
-## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-## License, or (at your option) any later version.
-## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## General Public License for more details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#include "configbis.wml"
-   require("<LIBDIR>/php/cdsware/websubmit/commonPhpFunctions.php");
-## $Id$
-	if (ereg("@",$QUERY_STRING))
-	{
-		$param = ereg_replace("@.*","",$QUERY_STRING);
-		$IN = ereg_replace(".*@","",$QUERY_STRING);
-	}
-	else
-	Header("Location: $URLPATH/direct.php?sub=$IN&$param");