diff --git a/modules/bibedit/lib/bibrecord.py b/modules/bibedit/lib/bibrecord.py index 0b71310df..c8e220397 100644 --- a/modules/bibedit/lib/bibrecord.py +++ b/modules/bibedit/lib/bibrecord.py @@ -1,982 +1,982 @@ ## $Id$ ## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware). ## Copyright (C) 2002 CERN. ## ## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## $Id$ ## DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! IT WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED FROM CDSware WML SOURCES. """ BibRecord - XML MARC processing library for CDSware """ ### IMPORT INTERESTING MODULES AND XML PARSERS ## import interesting modules: try: import sys import re from zlib import decompress import_error = 0 except ImportError, e: import_error = 1 imperr = e ## test available parsers: try: import sys import string err=[] except ImportError, e: parser = -3 err1 = e try: from bibrecord_config import * verbose = cfg_bibrecord_default_verbose_level correct = cfg_bibrecord_default_correct parsers = cfg_bibrecord_parsers_available except ImportError, e: parser = -2 verbose = 0 correct = 0 parsers = [] if parsers == []: print 'No parser available' sys.exit(2) else: j,i=1,1 if 2 in parsers: try: import pyRXP parser = 2 ## function to show the pyRXP_parser warnings ## def warnCB(s): """ function used to treat the PyRXP parser warnings""" global err err.append((0,'Parse warning:\n'+s)) err2 = "" except ImportError,e : err2=e i=0 elif 1 in parsers: try: from Ft.Xml.Domlette import NonvalidatingReader parser = 1 except ImportError,e : err2=e j=0 else: try: from xml.dom.minidom import parseString parser = 0 except ImportError,e : err2=e parser = -1 if not i: if 1 in parsers: try: from Ft.Xml.Domlette import NonvalidatingReader parser = 1 except ImportError,e : err2=e j=0 elif 0 in parsers: try: from xml.dom.minidom import parseString parser = 0 except ImportError,e : err2=e parser = -1 else: parser = -1 if not j: if 0 in parsers: try: from xml.dom.minidom import parseString parser = 0 except ImportError,e : err2=e parser = -1 else: parser = -1 ### INTERFACE / VISIBLE FUNCTIONS def create_records(xmltext,verbose=verbose,correct=correct): """ creates a list of records """ global import_error err=[] if import_error == 1: err.append((6,imperr)) else: if sys.version >= '2.3': pat = r".*?" p = re.compile(pat,re.DOTALL) # DOTALL - to ignore whitespaces list = p.findall(xmltext) else: l = xmltext.split('') n=len(l) ind = (l[n-1]).rfind('') aux = l[n-1][:ind+9] l[n-1] = aux list=[] for s in l: if s != '': i = -1 while (s[i].isspace()): i=i-1 if i == -1:#in case there are no spaces at the end i=len(s)-1 if s[:i+1].endswith(''): list.append(''+s) listofrec = map((lambda x:create_record(x,verbose,correct)),list) return listofrec return [] # Record :: {tag : [Field]} # Field :: (Subfields,ind1,ind2,value) # Subfields :: [(code,value)] def create_record(xmltext,verbose = verbose, correct=correct): """ creates a record object and returns it uses pyRXP if installed else uses 4Suite domlette or xml.dom.minidom """ global parser (i,errors) = testImports(parser) if i==0: return (None,0,errors) try: if parser==2: ## the following is because of DTD validation t = """ \n""" % cfg_marc21_dtd t = "%s%s" % (t,xmltext) t = "%s" % t xmltext = t (rec,er) = create_record_RXP(xmltext,verbose,correct) elif parser: (rec,er) = create_record_4suite(xmltext,verbose,correct) else: (rec,er) = create_record_minidom(xmltext,verbose,correct) errs = warnings(er) except: errs = warnings(concat(err)) return (None,0,errs) if errs == []: return (rec,1,errs) else: return (rec,0,errs) def record_get_field_instances(rec, tag="", ind1="", ind2=""): """Return the list of field instances of record REC matching TAG and IND1 and IND2. When TAG is an emtpy string, then return all field instances.""" out = [] if tag: - for possible_field_instance in rec[tag]: - if possible_field_instance[1] == ind1 and \ - possible_field_instance[2] == ind2: - out.append(possible_field_instance) + if record_had_field(rec, tag): + for possible_field_instance in rec[tag]: + if possible_field_instance[1] == ind1 and \ + possible_field_instance[2] == ind2: + out.append(possible_field_instance) else: return rec.items() return out def record_has_field(rec,tag): """checks whether record 'rec' contains tag 'tag'""" return rec.has_key(tag) def record_add_field(rec,tag,value,ind1="",ind2=""): """ adds new field defined by the tag|value|ind1|ind2 parameters to record 'rec' returns the new field """ val=rec.values() if val != []: ord = max([f[4] for x in val for f in x]) else: ord = 1 newfield = create_field(value,ind1,ind2,[],ord) if rec.has_key(tag): rec[tag].append(newfield) else: rec[tag] = [newfield] return newfield def record_delete_field(rec,tag,ind1="",ind2=""): """ delete all fields defined with marc tag 'tag' and indicators 'ind1' and 'ind2' from record 'rec' """ newlist = [] if rec.has_key(tag): for field in rec[tag]: if not (field[1]==ind1 and field[2]==ind2): newlist.append(field) rec[tag] = newlist def record_get_field_value(rec,tag,ind1="",ind2="",code=""): """ retrieves the value of the first field containing tag 'tag' and indicators 'ind1' and 'ind2' inside record 'rec'. Returns the found value as a string. If no matching field is found returns the empty string. if the tag has a '%', it will retrieve the value of first field containg tag, which first characters are those before '%' in tag. The ind1, ind2 and code parameters will be ignored """ s = tag.split('%') if len(s) > 1: t = s[0] keys=rec.keys() tags=[k for k in keys if k.startswith(t)] for tag in tags: fields = rec[tag] for field in fields: if field[3] != "": return field[3] else: for subfield in field[0]: return subfield[1] else: if rec.has_key(tag): fields = rec[tag] for field in fields: if field[1]==ind1 and field[2]==ind2: if field[3] != "": return field[3] else: for subfield in field[0]: if subfield[0]==code: return subfield[1] return "" def record_get_field_values(rec,tag,ind1="",ind2="",code=""): """ retrieves the values of all the fields containing tag 'tag' and indicators 'ind1' and 'ind2' inside record 'rec'. Returns the found values as a list. If no matching field is found returns an empty list. if the tag has a '%', it will retrieve the value of all fields containg tag, which first characters are those before '%' in tag. The ind1, ind2 and code parameters will be ignored """ tmp = [] s = tag.split('%') if len(s) > 1: t = s[0] keys=rec.keys() tags=[k for k in keys if k.startswith(t)] for tag in tags: fields = rec[tag] for field in fields: if field[3] != "": tmp.append(field[3]) else: for subfield in field[0]: tmp.append(subfield[1]) else: if rec.has_key(tag): fields = rec[tag] for field in fields: if field[1]==ind1 and field[2]==ind2: if field[3] != "": tmp.append(field[3]) else: for subfield in field[0]: if subfield[0]==code: tmp.append(subfield[1]) return tmp def print_rec(rec,format=1): """prints a record format = 1 -- XML format = 2 -- HTML (not implemented) """ if format==1: text = record_xml_output(rec) else: return '' return text def print_recs(listofrec,format=1): """prints a list of records format = 1 -- XML format = 2 -- HTML (not implemented) if 'listofrec' is not a list it returns empty string """ text = "" if type(listofrec).__name__ !='list': return "" else: for rec in listofrec: text = "%s\n%s" % (text,print_rec(rec,format)) return text def record_xml_output(rec): """generates the XML for record 'rec' and returns it as a string""" xmltext = "\n" #add the tag 'tag' to each field in rec[tag] fields=[] for tag in rec.keys(): for field in rec[tag]: fields.append((tag,field)) record_order_fields(fields) for field in fields: xmltext = "%s%s" % (xmltext,field_xml_output(field[1],field[0]))#field[0]=tag xmltext = "%s" % xmltext return xmltext def records_xml_output(listofrec): """generates the XML for the list of records 'listofrec' and returns it as a string""" xmltext = """ \n""" % cfg_marc21_dtd for rec in listofrec: xmltext = "%s%s" % (xmltext, record_xml_output(rec)) xmltext = "%s" % xmltext return xmltext def field_get_subfield_instances(field): """returns the list of subfields associated with field 'field'""" return field[0] def field_get_subfield_values(field_instance, code): """Return subfield CODE values of the field instance FIELD.""" out = [] for sf_code, sf_value in field_instance[0]: if sf_code == code: out.append(sf_value) return out def field_add_subfield(field,code,value): """adds a subfield to field 'field'""" field[0].append(create_subfield(code,value)) ### IMPLEMENTATION / INVISIBLE FUNCTIONS def create_record_RXP(xmltext, verbose=verbose, correct=correct): """ creates a record object and returns it uses the RXP parser If verbose>3 then the parser will be strict and will stop in case of well-formedness errors or DTD errors If verbose=0, the parser will not give warnings If 0 We will try to correct errors such as missing attributtes correct = 0 -> there will not be any attempt to correct errors """ record = {} global err ord = 1 # this is needed because of the record_xml_output function, where we need to know # the order of the fields TAG, ATTRS,CHILD_LIST = range(3) if verbose > 3: p = pyRXP.Parser(ErrorOnValidityErrors=1, ProcessDTD=1, ErrorOnUnquotedAttributeValues=1, warnCB = warnCB, srcName='string input') else: p = pyRXP.Parser(ErrorOnValidityErrors=0, ProcessDTD=1, ErrorOnUnquotedAttributeValues=0, warnCB = warnCB, srcName='string input') if correct: (rec,e) = wash(xmltext) err.extend(e) return (rec,e) root1=p(xmltext) #root = (tagname, attr_dict, child_list, reserved) if root1[0]=='collection': recs = [t for t in root1[CHILD_LIST] if type(t).__name__=='tuple' and t[TAG]=="record"] if recs !=[]: root = recs[0] else: root = None else: root=root1 # get childs of 'controlfield' childs_controlfield = [] if not root[2]==None: childs_controlfield =[t for t in root[CHILD_LIST] if type(t).__name__=='tuple' and t[TAG]=="controlfield"] # get childs of 'datafield' childs_datafield = [] if not root[CHILD_LIST]==None: childs_datafield =[t for t in root[CHILD_LIST] if type(t).__name__=='tuple' and t[TAG]=="datafield"] for controlfield in childs_controlfield: s=controlfield[ATTRS]["tag"] value='' if not controlfield==None: value=''.join([ n for n in controlfield[CHILD_LIST] if type(n).__name__ == 'str']) name = type(value).__name__ if name in ["int","long"] : st = str(value) elif name in ['str', 'unicode']: st = value else: if verbose: err.append((7,'Type found: ' + name)) st = "" # the type of value is not correct. (user insert something like a list...) field = ([],"","",st,ord) #field = (subfields, ind1, ind2,value,ord) if record.has_key(s): record[s].append(field) else: record[s]=[field] ord = ord+1 for datafield in childs_datafield: #create list of subfields subfields = [] childs_subfield = [] if not datafield[CHILD_LIST]==None: childs_subfield =[t for t in datafield[CHILD_LIST] if type(t).__name__=='tuple' and t[0]=="subfield"] for subfield in childs_subfield: value='' if not subfield==None: value=''.join([ n for n in subfield[CHILD_LIST] if type(n).__name__ == 'str']) #get_string_value(subfield) if subfield[ATTRS].has_key('code'): subfields.append((subfield[ATTRS]["code"],value)) else: subfields.append(('!',value)) #create field if datafield[ATTRS].has_key('tag'): s = datafield[ATTRS]["tag"] else: s = '!' if datafield[ATTRS].has_key('ind1'): ind1 = datafield[ATTRS]["ind1"] else: ind1 = '!' if datafield[ATTRS].has_key('ind2'): ind2 = datafield[ATTRS]["ind2"] else: ind2 = '!' field = (subfields,ind1,ind2,"",ord) if record.has_key(s): record[s].append(field) else: record[s]=[field] ord = ord+1 return (record,err) def create_record_minidom(xmltext, verbose=verbose, correct=correct): """ creates a record object and returns it uses xml.dom.minidom """ record = {} ord=1 global err if correct: xmlt = xmltext (rec,e) = wash(xmlt,0) err.append(e) return (rec,err) dom = parseString(xmltext) root = dom.childNodes[0] for controlfield in get_childs_by_tag_name(root,"controlfield"): s = controlfield.getAttribute("tag") text_nodes = controlfield.childNodes v = u''.join([ n.data for n in text_nodes ]) name = type(v).__name__ if (name in ["int","long"]) : field = ([],"","",str(v),ord) # field = (subfields, ind1, ind2,value) elif name in ['str', 'unicode']: field = ([],"","",v,ord) else: if verbose: err.append((7,'Type found: ' + name)) field = ([],"","","",ord)# the type of value is not correct. (user insert something like a list...) if record.has_key(s): record[s].append(field) else: record[s]=[field] ord=ord+1 for datafield in get_childs_by_tag_name(root,"datafield"): subfields = [] for subfield in get_childs_by_tag_name(datafield,"subfield"): text_nodes = subfield.childNodes v = u''.join([ n.data for n in text_nodes ]) code = subfield.getAttributeNS(None,'code') if code != '': subfields.append((code,v)) else: subfields.append(('!',v)) s = datafield.getAttribute("tag") if s == '': s = '!' ind1 = datafield.getAttribute("ind1") ind2 = datafield.getAttribute("ind2") if record.has_key(s): record[s].append((subfields,ind1,ind2,"",ord)) else: record[s]=[(subfields,ind1,ind2,"",ord)] ord=ord+1 return (record,err) def create_record_4suite(xmltext,verbose=verbose,correct=correct): """ creates a record object and returns it uses 4Suite domlette """ record = {} global err if correct: xmlt = xmltext (rec,e) = wash(xmlt,1) err.append(e) return (rec,e) dom = NonvalidatingReader.parseString(xmltext,"urn:dummy") root = dom.childNodes[0] ord=1 for controlfield in get_childs_by_tag_name(root,"controlfield"): s = controlfield.getAttributeNS(None,"tag") text_nodes = controlfield.childNodes v = u''.join([ n.data for n in text_nodes ]) name = type(v).__name__ if (name in ["int","long"]) : field = ([],"","",str(v),ord) # field = (subfields, ind1, ind2,value) elif name in ['str','unicode']: field = ([],"","",v,ord) else: if verbose: err.append((7,'Type found: ' + name)) field = ([],"","","",ord)# the type of value is not correct. (user insert something like a list...) if record.has_key(s): record[s].append(field) else: record[s]=[field] ord=ord+1 for datafield in get_childs_by_tag_name(root,"datafield"): subfields = [] for subfield in get_childs_by_tag_name(datafield,"subfield"): text_nodes = subfield.childNodes v = u''.join([ n.data for n in text_nodes ]) code = subfield.getAttributeNS(None,'code') if code != '': subfields.append((code,v)) else: subfields.append(('!',v)) s = datafield.getAttributeNS(None,"tag") if s == '': s = '!' ind1 = datafield.getAttributeNS(None,"ind1") ind2 = datafield.getAttributeNS(None,"ind2") if record.has_key(s): record[s].append((subfields,ind1,ind2,"",ord)) else: record[s]=[(subfields,ind1,ind2,"",ord)] ord=ord+1 return (record,err) def record_order_fields(rec,fun="order_by_ord"): """orders field inside record 'rec' according to a function""" rec.sort(eval(fun)) return def record_order_subfields(rec,fun="order_by_code"): """orders subfield inside record 'rec' according to a function""" for tag in rec: for field in rec[tag]: field[0].sort(eval(fun)) return def concat(list): """concats a list of lists""" newl = [] for l in list: newl.extend(l) return newl def create_field(value,ind1="",ind2="",subfields=[],ord=-1): """ creates a field object and returns it""" name = type(value).__name__ if name in ["int","long"] : s = str(value) elif name in ['str', 'unicode']: s = value else: err.append((7,'Type found: ' + name)) s="" field = (subfields,ind1,ind2,s,ord) return field def field_add_subfield(field,code,value): """adds a subfield to field 'field'""" field[0].append(create_subfield(code,value)) def field_xml_output(field,tag): """generates the XML for field 'field' and returns it as a string""" xmltext = "" if field[3] != "": xmltext = "%s %s\n" % (xmltext,tag,encode_for_xml(field[3])) else: xmltext = "%s \n" % (xmltext,tag,field[1],field[2]) for subfield in field[0]: xmltext = "%s%s" % (xmltext,subfield_xml_output(subfield)) xmltext = "%s \n" % xmltext return xmltext def create_subfield(code,value): """ creates a subfield object and returns it""" if type(value).__name__ in ["int","long"]: s = str(value) else: s = value subfield = (code, s) return subfield def subfield_xml_output(subfield): """generates the XML for a subfield object and return it as a string""" xmltext = " %s\n" % (subfield[0],encode_for_xml(subfield[1])) return xmltext def order_by_ord(field1, field2): """function used to order the fields according to their ord value""" return cmp(field1[1][4], field2[1][4]) def order_by_code(subfield1,subfield2): """function used to order the subfields according to their code value""" return cmp(subfield1[0],subfield2[0]) def get_childs_by_tag_name(node, local): """retrieves all childs from node 'node' with name 'local' and returns them as a list""" cNodes = list(node.childNodes) res = [child for child in cNodes if child.nodeName==local] return res def get_string_value(node): """gets all child text nodes of node 'node' and returns them as a unicode string""" text_nodes = node.childNodes return u''.join([ n.data for n in text_nodes ]) def get_childs_by_tag_name_RXP(listofchilds,tag): """retrieves all childs from 'listofchilds' with tag name 'tag' and returns them as a list. listofchilds is a list returned by the RXP parser """ l=[] if not listofchilds==None: l =[t for t in listofchilds if type(t).__name__=='tuple' and t[0]==tag] return l def getAttribute_RXP(root, attr): """ returns the attributte 'attr' from root 'root' root is a node returned by RXP parser """ try: return u''.join(root[1][attr]) except KeyError,e: return "" def get_string_value_RXP(node): """gets all child text nodes of node 'node' and returns them as a unicode string""" if not node==None: return ''.join([ n for n in node[2] if type(n).__name__ == 'str']) else: return "" def encode_for_xml(s): "Encode special chars in string so that it would be XML-compliant." s = string.replace(s, '&', '&') s = string.replace(s, '<', '<') - s = string.replace(s, '>', '>') return s def print_errors(list): """ creates a unique string with the strings in list, using '\n' as a separator """ text="" for l in list: text = '%s\n%s'% (text,l) return text def wash(xmltext, parser=2): """ Check the structure of the xmltext. Returns a record structure and a list of errors. parser = 1 - 4_suite parser = 2 - pyRXP parser = 0 - minidom """ errors=[] i,e1 = tagclose('datafield',xmltext) j,e2 = tagclose('controlfield',xmltext) k,e3 = tagclose('subfield',xmltext) w,e4 = tagclose('record',xmltext) errors.extend(e1) errors.extend(e2) errors.extend(e3) errors.extend(e4) if i and j and k and w and parser!=-3: if parser==1: (rec,ee) = create_record_4suite(xmltext,0,0) elif parser==2: (rec,ee) = create_record_RXP(xmltext,0,0) else: (rec,ee) = create_record_minidom(xmltext,0,0) else: return (None,errors) keys = rec.keys() for tag in keys: upper_bound = '999' n = len(tag) if n>3: i=n-3 while i>0: upper_bound = '%s%s' % ('0',upper_bound) i = i-1 if tag == '!': # missing tag errors.append((1, '(field number(s): ' + ([f[4] for f in rec[tag]]).__str__()+')')) v=rec[tag] rec.__delitem__(tag) rec['000'] = v tag = '000' elif not ("001" <= tag <=upper_bound): errors.append(2) v = rec[tag] rec.__delitem__(tag) rec['000'] = v tag = '000' fields =[] for field in rec[tag]: if field[0]==[] and field[3]=='': ## datafield without any subfield errors.append((8,'(field number: '+field[4].__str__()+')')) subfields=[] for subfield in field[0]: if subfield[0]=='!': errors.append((3,'(field number: '+field[4].__str__()+')')) newsub = ('',subfield[1]) else: newsub = subfield subfields.append(newsub) if field[1]=='!': errors.append((4,'(field number: '+field[4].__str__()+')')) ind1 = "" else: ind1 = field[1] if field[2]=='!': errors.append((5,'(field number: '+field[4].__str__()+')')) ind2 = "" else: ind2=field[2] newf = (subfields,ind1,ind2,field[3],field[4]) fields.append(newf) rec[tag]=fields return (rec,errors) def tagclose(tagname,xmltext): """ checks if an XML document does not hae any missing tag with name tagname """ import re errors=[] pat_open = '<'+tagname+'.*?>' pat_close = '' p_open = re.compile(pat_open,re.DOTALL) # DOTALL - to ignore whitespaces p_close = re.compile(pat_close,re.DOTALL) list1 = p_open.findall(xmltext) list2 = p_close.findall(xmltext) if len(list1)!=len(list2): errors.append((99,'(Tagname : ' + tagname + ')')) return (0,errors) else: return (1,errors) def testImports(c): """ Test if the import statements did not failed""" errors=[] global err1,err2 if c==-1: i = 0 errors.append((6,err2)) elif c == -3: i=0 errors.append((6,err1)) else: i=1 return (i,errors) def warning(code): """ It returns a warning message of code 'code'. If code = (cd, str) it returns the warning message of code 'cd' and appends str at the end""" ws = cfg_bibrecord_warning_msgs s='' if type(code).__name__ == 'str': return code if type(code).__name__ == 'tuple': if type(code[1]).__name__ == 'str': s = code[1] c = code[0] else: c = code if ws.has_key(c): return ws[c]+s else: return "" def warnings(l): """it applies the function warning to every element in l""" list = [] for w in l: list.append(warning(w)) return list diff --git a/modules/bibedit/lib/bibrecord.py.wml b/modules/bibedit/lib/bibrecord.py.wml index 0b71310df..c8e220397 100644 --- a/modules/bibedit/lib/bibrecord.py.wml +++ b/modules/bibedit/lib/bibrecord.py.wml @@ -1,982 +1,982 @@ ## $Id$ ## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware). ## Copyright (C) 2002 CERN. ## ## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## $Id$ ## DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! IT WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED FROM CDSware WML SOURCES. """ BibRecord - XML MARC processing library for CDSware """ ### IMPORT INTERESTING MODULES AND XML PARSERS ## import interesting modules: try: import sys import re from zlib import decompress import_error = 0 except ImportError, e: import_error = 1 imperr = e ## test available parsers: try: import sys import string err=[] except ImportError, e: parser = -3 err1 = e try: from bibrecord_config import * verbose = cfg_bibrecord_default_verbose_level correct = cfg_bibrecord_default_correct parsers = cfg_bibrecord_parsers_available except ImportError, e: parser = -2 verbose = 0 correct = 0 parsers = [] if parsers == []: print 'No parser available' sys.exit(2) else: j,i=1,1 if 2 in parsers: try: import pyRXP parser = 2 ## function to show the pyRXP_parser warnings ## def warnCB(s): """ function used to treat the PyRXP parser warnings""" global err err.append((0,'Parse warning:\n'+s)) err2 = "" except ImportError,e : err2=e i=0 elif 1 in parsers: try: from Ft.Xml.Domlette import NonvalidatingReader parser = 1 except ImportError,e : err2=e j=0 else: try: from xml.dom.minidom import parseString parser = 0 except ImportError,e : err2=e parser = -1 if not i: if 1 in parsers: try: from Ft.Xml.Domlette import NonvalidatingReader parser = 1 except ImportError,e : err2=e j=0 elif 0 in parsers: try: from xml.dom.minidom import parseString parser = 0 except ImportError,e : err2=e parser = -1 else: parser = -1 if not j: if 0 in parsers: try: from xml.dom.minidom import parseString parser = 0 except ImportError,e : err2=e parser = -1 else: parser = -1 ### INTERFACE / VISIBLE FUNCTIONS def create_records(xmltext,verbose=verbose,correct=correct): """ creates a list of records """ global import_error err=[] if import_error == 1: err.append((6,imperr)) else: if sys.version >= '2.3': pat = r".*?" p = re.compile(pat,re.DOTALL) # DOTALL - to ignore whitespaces list = p.findall(xmltext) else: l = xmltext.split('') n=len(l) ind = (l[n-1]).rfind('') aux = l[n-1][:ind+9] l[n-1] = aux list=[] for s in l: if s != '': i = -1 while (s[i].isspace()): i=i-1 if i == -1:#in case there are no spaces at the end i=len(s)-1 if s[:i+1].endswith(''): list.append(''+s) listofrec = map((lambda x:create_record(x,verbose,correct)),list) return listofrec return [] # Record :: {tag : [Field]} # Field :: (Subfields,ind1,ind2,value) # Subfields :: [(code,value)] def create_record(xmltext,verbose = verbose, correct=correct): """ creates a record object and returns it uses pyRXP if installed else uses 4Suite domlette or xml.dom.minidom """ global parser (i,errors) = testImports(parser) if i==0: return (None,0,errors) try: if parser==2: ## the following is because of DTD validation t = """ \n""" % cfg_marc21_dtd t = "%s%s" % (t,xmltext) t = "%s" % t xmltext = t (rec,er) = create_record_RXP(xmltext,verbose,correct) elif parser: (rec,er) = create_record_4suite(xmltext,verbose,correct) else: (rec,er) = create_record_minidom(xmltext,verbose,correct) errs = warnings(er) except: errs = warnings(concat(err)) return (None,0,errs) if errs == []: return (rec,1,errs) else: return (rec,0,errs) def record_get_field_instances(rec, tag="", ind1="", ind2=""): """Return the list of field instances of record REC matching TAG and IND1 and IND2. When TAG is an emtpy string, then return all field instances.""" out = [] if tag: - for possible_field_instance in rec[tag]: - if possible_field_instance[1] == ind1 and \ - possible_field_instance[2] == ind2: - out.append(possible_field_instance) + if record_had_field(rec, tag): + for possible_field_instance in rec[tag]: + if possible_field_instance[1] == ind1 and \ + possible_field_instance[2] == ind2: + out.append(possible_field_instance) else: return rec.items() return out def record_has_field(rec,tag): """checks whether record 'rec' contains tag 'tag'""" return rec.has_key(tag) def record_add_field(rec,tag,value,ind1="",ind2=""): """ adds new field defined by the tag|value|ind1|ind2 parameters to record 'rec' returns the new field """ val=rec.values() if val != []: ord = max([f[4] for x in val for f in x]) else: ord = 1 newfield = create_field(value,ind1,ind2,[],ord) if rec.has_key(tag): rec[tag].append(newfield) else: rec[tag] = [newfield] return newfield def record_delete_field(rec,tag,ind1="",ind2=""): """ delete all fields defined with marc tag 'tag' and indicators 'ind1' and 'ind2' from record 'rec' """ newlist = [] if rec.has_key(tag): for field in rec[tag]: if not (field[1]==ind1 and field[2]==ind2): newlist.append(field) rec[tag] = newlist def record_get_field_value(rec,tag,ind1="",ind2="",code=""): """ retrieves the value of the first field containing tag 'tag' and indicators 'ind1' and 'ind2' inside record 'rec'. Returns the found value as a string. If no matching field is found returns the empty string. if the tag has a '%', it will retrieve the value of first field containg tag, which first characters are those before '%' in tag. The ind1, ind2 and code parameters will be ignored """ s = tag.split('%') if len(s) > 1: t = s[0] keys=rec.keys() tags=[k for k in keys if k.startswith(t)] for tag in tags: fields = rec[tag] for field in fields: if field[3] != "": return field[3] else: for subfield in field[0]: return subfield[1] else: if rec.has_key(tag): fields = rec[tag] for field in fields: if field[1]==ind1 and field[2]==ind2: if field[3] != "": return field[3] else: for subfield in field[0]: if subfield[0]==code: return subfield[1] return "" def record_get_field_values(rec,tag,ind1="",ind2="",code=""): """ retrieves the values of all the fields containing tag 'tag' and indicators 'ind1' and 'ind2' inside record 'rec'. Returns the found values as a list. If no matching field is found returns an empty list. if the tag has a '%', it will retrieve the value of all fields containg tag, which first characters are those before '%' in tag. The ind1, ind2 and code parameters will be ignored """ tmp = [] s = tag.split('%') if len(s) > 1: t = s[0] keys=rec.keys() tags=[k for k in keys if k.startswith(t)] for tag in tags: fields = rec[tag] for field in fields: if field[3] != "": tmp.append(field[3]) else: for subfield in field[0]: tmp.append(subfield[1]) else: if rec.has_key(tag): fields = rec[tag] for field in fields: if field[1]==ind1 and field[2]==ind2: if field[3] != "": tmp.append(field[3]) else: for subfield in field[0]: if subfield[0]==code: tmp.append(subfield[1]) return tmp def print_rec(rec,format=1): """prints a record format = 1 -- XML format = 2 -- HTML (not implemented) """ if format==1: text = record_xml_output(rec) else: return '' return text def print_recs(listofrec,format=1): """prints a list of records format = 1 -- XML format = 2 -- HTML (not implemented) if 'listofrec' is not a list it returns empty string """ text = "" if type(listofrec).__name__ !='list': return "" else: for rec in listofrec: text = "%s\n%s" % (text,print_rec(rec,format)) return text def record_xml_output(rec): """generates the XML for record 'rec' and returns it as a string""" xmltext = "\n" #add the tag 'tag' to each field in rec[tag] fields=[] for tag in rec.keys(): for field in rec[tag]: fields.append((tag,field)) record_order_fields(fields) for field in fields: xmltext = "%s%s" % (xmltext,field_xml_output(field[1],field[0]))#field[0]=tag xmltext = "%s" % xmltext return xmltext def records_xml_output(listofrec): """generates the XML for the list of records 'listofrec' and returns it as a string""" xmltext = """ \n""" % cfg_marc21_dtd for rec in listofrec: xmltext = "%s%s" % (xmltext, record_xml_output(rec)) xmltext = "%s" % xmltext return xmltext def field_get_subfield_instances(field): """returns the list of subfields associated with field 'field'""" return field[0] def field_get_subfield_values(field_instance, code): """Return subfield CODE values of the field instance FIELD.""" out = [] for sf_code, sf_value in field_instance[0]: if sf_code == code: out.append(sf_value) return out def field_add_subfield(field,code,value): """adds a subfield to field 'field'""" field[0].append(create_subfield(code,value)) ### IMPLEMENTATION / INVISIBLE FUNCTIONS def create_record_RXP(xmltext, verbose=verbose, correct=correct): """ creates a record object and returns it uses the RXP parser If verbose>3 then the parser will be strict and will stop in case of well-formedness errors or DTD errors If verbose=0, the parser will not give warnings If 0 We will try to correct errors such as missing attributtes correct = 0 -> there will not be any attempt to correct errors """ record = {} global err ord = 1 # this is needed because of the record_xml_output function, where we need to know # the order of the fields TAG, ATTRS,CHILD_LIST = range(3) if verbose > 3: p = pyRXP.Parser(ErrorOnValidityErrors=1, ProcessDTD=1, ErrorOnUnquotedAttributeValues=1, warnCB = warnCB, srcName='string input') else: p = pyRXP.Parser(ErrorOnValidityErrors=0, ProcessDTD=1, ErrorOnUnquotedAttributeValues=0, warnCB = warnCB, srcName='string input') if correct: (rec,e) = wash(xmltext) err.extend(e) return (rec,e) root1=p(xmltext) #root = (tagname, attr_dict, child_list, reserved) if root1[0]=='collection': recs = [t for t in root1[CHILD_LIST] if type(t).__name__=='tuple' and t[TAG]=="record"] if recs !=[]: root = recs[0] else: root = None else: root=root1 # get childs of 'controlfield' childs_controlfield = [] if not root[2]==None: childs_controlfield =[t for t in root[CHILD_LIST] if type(t).__name__=='tuple' and t[TAG]=="controlfield"] # get childs of 'datafield' childs_datafield = [] if not root[CHILD_LIST]==None: childs_datafield =[t for t in root[CHILD_LIST] if type(t).__name__=='tuple' and t[TAG]=="datafield"] for controlfield in childs_controlfield: s=controlfield[ATTRS]["tag"] value='' if not controlfield==None: value=''.join([ n for n in controlfield[CHILD_LIST] if type(n).__name__ == 'str']) name = type(value).__name__ if name in ["int","long"] : st = str(value) elif name in ['str', 'unicode']: st = value else: if verbose: err.append((7,'Type found: ' + name)) st = "" # the type of value is not correct. (user insert something like a list...) field = ([],"","",st,ord) #field = (subfields, ind1, ind2,value,ord) if record.has_key(s): record[s].append(field) else: record[s]=[field] ord = ord+1 for datafield in childs_datafield: #create list of subfields subfields = [] childs_subfield = [] if not datafield[CHILD_LIST]==None: childs_subfield =[t for t in datafield[CHILD_LIST] if type(t).__name__=='tuple' and t[0]=="subfield"] for subfield in childs_subfield: value='' if not subfield==None: value=''.join([ n for n in subfield[CHILD_LIST] if type(n).__name__ == 'str']) #get_string_value(subfield) if subfield[ATTRS].has_key('code'): subfields.append((subfield[ATTRS]["code"],value)) else: subfields.append(('!',value)) #create field if datafield[ATTRS].has_key('tag'): s = datafield[ATTRS]["tag"] else: s = '!' if datafield[ATTRS].has_key('ind1'): ind1 = datafield[ATTRS]["ind1"] else: ind1 = '!' if datafield[ATTRS].has_key('ind2'): ind2 = datafield[ATTRS]["ind2"] else: ind2 = '!' field = (subfields,ind1,ind2,"",ord) if record.has_key(s): record[s].append(field) else: record[s]=[field] ord = ord+1 return (record,err) def create_record_minidom(xmltext, verbose=verbose, correct=correct): """ creates a record object and returns it uses xml.dom.minidom """ record = {} ord=1 global err if correct: xmlt = xmltext (rec,e) = wash(xmlt,0) err.append(e) return (rec,err) dom = parseString(xmltext) root = dom.childNodes[0] for controlfield in get_childs_by_tag_name(root,"controlfield"): s = controlfield.getAttribute("tag") text_nodes = controlfield.childNodes v = u''.join([ n.data for n in text_nodes ]) name = type(v).__name__ if (name in ["int","long"]) : field = ([],"","",str(v),ord) # field = (subfields, ind1, ind2,value) elif name in ['str', 'unicode']: field = ([],"","",v,ord) else: if verbose: err.append((7,'Type found: ' + name)) field = ([],"","","",ord)# the type of value is not correct. (user insert something like a list...) if record.has_key(s): record[s].append(field) else: record[s]=[field] ord=ord+1 for datafield in get_childs_by_tag_name(root,"datafield"): subfields = [] for subfield in get_childs_by_tag_name(datafield,"subfield"): text_nodes = subfield.childNodes v = u''.join([ n.data for n in text_nodes ]) code = subfield.getAttributeNS(None,'code') if code != '': subfields.append((code,v)) else: subfields.append(('!',v)) s = datafield.getAttribute("tag") if s == '': s = '!' ind1 = datafield.getAttribute("ind1") ind2 = datafield.getAttribute("ind2") if record.has_key(s): record[s].append((subfields,ind1,ind2,"",ord)) else: record[s]=[(subfields,ind1,ind2,"",ord)] ord=ord+1 return (record,err) def create_record_4suite(xmltext,verbose=verbose,correct=correct): """ creates a record object and returns it uses 4Suite domlette """ record = {} global err if correct: xmlt = xmltext (rec,e) = wash(xmlt,1) err.append(e) return (rec,e) dom = NonvalidatingReader.parseString(xmltext,"urn:dummy") root = dom.childNodes[0] ord=1 for controlfield in get_childs_by_tag_name(root,"controlfield"): s = controlfield.getAttributeNS(None,"tag") text_nodes = controlfield.childNodes v = u''.join([ n.data for n in text_nodes ]) name = type(v).__name__ if (name in ["int","long"]) : field = ([],"","",str(v),ord) # field = (subfields, ind1, ind2,value) elif name in ['str','unicode']: field = ([],"","",v,ord) else: if verbose: err.append((7,'Type found: ' + name)) field = ([],"","","",ord)# the type of value is not correct. (user insert something like a list...) if record.has_key(s): record[s].append(field) else: record[s]=[field] ord=ord+1 for datafield in get_childs_by_tag_name(root,"datafield"): subfields = [] for subfield in get_childs_by_tag_name(datafield,"subfield"): text_nodes = subfield.childNodes v = u''.join([ n.data for n in text_nodes ]) code = subfield.getAttributeNS(None,'code') if code != '': subfields.append((code,v)) else: subfields.append(('!',v)) s = datafield.getAttributeNS(None,"tag") if s == '': s = '!' ind1 = datafield.getAttributeNS(None,"ind1") ind2 = datafield.getAttributeNS(None,"ind2") if record.has_key(s): record[s].append((subfields,ind1,ind2,"",ord)) else: record[s]=[(subfields,ind1,ind2,"",ord)] ord=ord+1 return (record,err) def record_order_fields(rec,fun="order_by_ord"): """orders field inside record 'rec' according to a function""" rec.sort(eval(fun)) return def record_order_subfields(rec,fun="order_by_code"): """orders subfield inside record 'rec' according to a function""" for tag in rec: for field in rec[tag]: field[0].sort(eval(fun)) return def concat(list): """concats a list of lists""" newl = [] for l in list: newl.extend(l) return newl def create_field(value,ind1="",ind2="",subfields=[],ord=-1): """ creates a field object and returns it""" name = type(value).__name__ if name in ["int","long"] : s = str(value) elif name in ['str', 'unicode']: s = value else: err.append((7,'Type found: ' + name)) s="" field = (subfields,ind1,ind2,s,ord) return field def field_add_subfield(field,code,value): """adds a subfield to field 'field'""" field[0].append(create_subfield(code,value)) def field_xml_output(field,tag): """generates the XML for field 'field' and returns it as a string""" xmltext = "" if field[3] != "": xmltext = "%s %s\n" % (xmltext,tag,encode_for_xml(field[3])) else: xmltext = "%s \n" % (xmltext,tag,field[1],field[2]) for subfield in field[0]: xmltext = "%s%s" % (xmltext,subfield_xml_output(subfield)) xmltext = "%s \n" % xmltext return xmltext def create_subfield(code,value): """ creates a subfield object and returns it""" if type(value).__name__ in ["int","long"]: s = str(value) else: s = value subfield = (code, s) return subfield def subfield_xml_output(subfield): """generates the XML for a subfield object and return it as a string""" xmltext = " %s\n" % (subfield[0],encode_for_xml(subfield[1])) return xmltext def order_by_ord(field1, field2): """function used to order the fields according to their ord value""" return cmp(field1[1][4], field2[1][4]) def order_by_code(subfield1,subfield2): """function used to order the subfields according to their code value""" return cmp(subfield1[0],subfield2[0]) def get_childs_by_tag_name(node, local): """retrieves all childs from node 'node' with name 'local' and returns them as a list""" cNodes = list(node.childNodes) res = [child for child in cNodes if child.nodeName==local] return res def get_string_value(node): """gets all child text nodes of node 'node' and returns them as a unicode string""" text_nodes = node.childNodes return u''.join([ n.data for n in text_nodes ]) def get_childs_by_tag_name_RXP(listofchilds,tag): """retrieves all childs from 'listofchilds' with tag name 'tag' and returns them as a list. listofchilds is a list returned by the RXP parser """ l=[] if not listofchilds==None: l =[t for t in listofchilds if type(t).__name__=='tuple' and t[0]==tag] return l def getAttribute_RXP(root, attr): """ returns the attributte 'attr' from root 'root' root is a node returned by RXP parser """ try: return u''.join(root[1][attr]) except KeyError,e: return "" def get_string_value_RXP(node): """gets all child text nodes of node 'node' and returns them as a unicode string""" if not node==None: return ''.join([ n for n in node[2] if type(n).__name__ == 'str']) else: return "" def encode_for_xml(s): "Encode special chars in string so that it would be XML-compliant." s = string.replace(s, '&', '&') s = string.replace(s, '<', '<') - s = string.replace(s, '>', '>') return s def print_errors(list): """ creates a unique string with the strings in list, using '\n' as a separator """ text="" for l in list: text = '%s\n%s'% (text,l) return text def wash(xmltext, parser=2): """ Check the structure of the xmltext. Returns a record structure and a list of errors. parser = 1 - 4_suite parser = 2 - pyRXP parser = 0 - minidom """ errors=[] i,e1 = tagclose('datafield',xmltext) j,e2 = tagclose('controlfield',xmltext) k,e3 = tagclose('subfield',xmltext) w,e4 = tagclose('record',xmltext) errors.extend(e1) errors.extend(e2) errors.extend(e3) errors.extend(e4) if i and j and k and w and parser!=-3: if parser==1: (rec,ee) = create_record_4suite(xmltext,0,0) elif parser==2: (rec,ee) = create_record_RXP(xmltext,0,0) else: (rec,ee) = create_record_minidom(xmltext,0,0) else: return (None,errors) keys = rec.keys() for tag in keys: upper_bound = '999' n = len(tag) if n>3: i=n-3 while i>0: upper_bound = '%s%s' % ('0',upper_bound) i = i-1 if tag == '!': # missing tag errors.append((1, '(field number(s): ' + ([f[4] for f in rec[tag]]).__str__()+')')) v=rec[tag] rec.__delitem__(tag) rec['000'] = v tag = '000' elif not ("001" <= tag <=upper_bound): errors.append(2) v = rec[tag] rec.__delitem__(tag) rec['000'] = v tag = '000' fields =[] for field in rec[tag]: if field[0]==[] and field[3]=='': ## datafield without any subfield errors.append((8,'(field number: '+field[4].__str__()+')')) subfields=[] for subfield in field[0]: if subfield[0]=='!': errors.append((3,'(field number: '+field[4].__str__()+')')) newsub = ('',subfield[1]) else: newsub = subfield subfields.append(newsub) if field[1]=='!': errors.append((4,'(field number: '+field[4].__str__()+')')) ind1 = "" else: ind1 = field[1] if field[2]=='!': errors.append((5,'(field number: '+field[4].__str__()+')')) ind2 = "" else: ind2=field[2] newf = (subfields,ind1,ind2,field[3],field[4]) fields.append(newf) rec[tag]=fields return (rec,errors) def tagclose(tagname,xmltext): """ checks if an XML document does not hae any missing tag with name tagname """ import re errors=[] pat_open = '<'+tagname+'.*?>' pat_close = '' p_open = re.compile(pat_open,re.DOTALL) # DOTALL - to ignore whitespaces p_close = re.compile(pat_close,re.DOTALL) list1 = p_open.findall(xmltext) list2 = p_close.findall(xmltext) if len(list1)!=len(list2): errors.append((99,'(Tagname : ' + tagname + ')')) return (0,errors) else: return (1,errors) def testImports(c): """ Test if the import statements did not failed""" errors=[] global err1,err2 if c==-1: i = 0 errors.append((6,err2)) elif c == -3: i=0 errors.append((6,err1)) else: i=1 return (i,errors) def warning(code): """ It returns a warning message of code 'code'. If code = (cd, str) it returns the warning message of code 'cd' and appends str at the end""" ws = cfg_bibrecord_warning_msgs s='' if type(code).__name__ == 'str': return code if type(code).__name__ == 'tuple': if type(code[1]).__name__ == 'str': s = code[1] c = code[0] else: c = code if ws.has_key(c): return ws[c]+s else: return "" def warnings(l): """it applies the function warning to every element in l""" list = [] for w in l: list.append(warning(w)) return list