diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am index 648148d54..0a8c10c46 100644 --- a/Makefile.am +++ b/Makefile.am @@ -1,625 +1,628 @@ ## This file is part of Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 CERN. ## ## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. confignicedir = $(sysconfdir)/build confignice_SCRIPTS=config.nice SUBDIRS = po config modules EXTRA_DIST = UNINSTALL THANKS RELEASE-NOTES configure-tests.py config.nice.in \ config.rpath # current MathJax version and packages # See also modules/miscutil/lib/htmlutils.py (get_mathjax_header) MJV = 1.1 MATHJAX = https://github.com/mathjax/MathJax/zipball/v$(MJV) # current CKeditor version CKV = 3.6.2 CKEDITOR = ckeditor_$(CKV).zip # current MediaElement.js version MEV = master MEDIAELEMENT = http://github.com/johndyer/mediaelement/zipball/$(MEV) #for solrutils INVENIO_JAVA_PATH = org/invenio_software/solr solrdirname = apache-solr-3.1.0 solrdir = $(prefix)/lib/$(solrdirname) solrutils_dir=$(CURDIR)/modules/miscutil/lib/solrutils CLASSPATH=.:${solrdir}/dist/solrj-lib/commons-io-1.4.jar:${solrdir}/dist/apache-solr-core-*jar:${solrdir}/contrib/jzlib-1.0.7.jar:${solrdir}/dist/apache-solr-solrj-3.1.0.jar:${solrdir}/dist/solrj-lib/slf4j-api-1.5.5.jar:${solrdir}/dist/*:${solrdir}/contrib/basic-lucene-libs/*:${solrdir}/contrib/analysis-extras/lucene-libs/*:${solrdir}/dist/solrj-lib/* # git-version-get stuff: BUILT_SOURCES = $(top_srcdir)/.version $(top_srcdir)/.version: echo $(VERSION) > $@-t && mv $@-t $@ dist-hook: echo $(VERSION) > $(distdir)/.tarball-version check-custom-templates: $(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/modules/webstyle/lib/template.py --check-custom-templates $(top_srcdir) kwalitee-check: @$(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/lib/kwalitee.py --stats $(top_srcdir) kwalitee-check-errors-only: @$(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/lib/kwalitee.py --check-errors $(top_srcdir) kwalitee-check-variables: @$(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/lib/kwalitee.py --check-variables $(top_srcdir) kwalitee-check-indentation: @$(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/lib/kwalitee.py --check-indentation $(top_srcdir) kwalitee-check-sql-queries: @$(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/lib/kwalitee.py --check-sql $(top_srcdir) etags: \rm -f $(top_srcdir)/TAGS (cd $(top_srcdir) && find $(top_srcdir) -name "*.py" -print | xargs etags) install-data-local: for d in / /cache /cache/RTdata /log /tmp /tmp-shared /data /run /tmp-shared/bibencode/jobs/done ; do \ mkdir -p $(localstatedir)$$d ; \ done @echo "************************************************************" @echo "** Invenio software has been successfully installed! **" @echo "** **" @echo "** You may proceed to customizing your installation now. **" @echo "************************************************************" install-mathjax-plugin: @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** Installing MathJax plugin, please wait... **" @echo "***********************************************************" rm -rf /tmp/invenio-mathjax-plugin mkdir /tmp/invenio-mathjax-plugin mkdir -p ${prefix}/var/www/MathJax (cd /tmp/invenio-mathjax-plugin && \ wget '$(MATHJAX)' -O mathjax.zip --no-check-certificate && \ unzip -q mathjax.zip && cd mathjax-MathJax-* && cp -ur * \ ${prefix}/var/www/MathJax) rm -fr /tmp/invenio-mathjax-plugin @echo "************************************************************" @echo "** The MathJax plugin was successfully installed. **" @echo "** Please do not forget to properly set the option **" @echo "** CFG_WEBSEARCH_USE_MATHJAX_FOR_FORMATS in invenio.conf. **" @echo "************************************************************" uninstall-mathjax-plugin: @rm -rvf ${prefix}/var/www/MathJax @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** The MathJax plugin was successfully uninstalled. **" @echo "***********************************************************" install-jscalendar-plugin: @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** Installing jsCalendar plugin, please wait... **" @echo "***********************************************************" rm -rf /tmp/invenio-jscalendar-plugin mkdir /tmp/invenio-jscalendar-plugin (cd /tmp/invenio-jscalendar-plugin && \ wget 'http://www.dynarch.com/static/jscalendar-1.0.zip' && \ unzip -u jscalendar-1.0.zip && \ mkdir -p ${prefix}/var/www/jsCalendar && \ cp jscalendar-1.0/img.gif ${prefix}/var/www/jsCalendar/jsCalendar.gif && \ cp jscalendar-1.0/calendar.js ${prefix}/var/www/jsCalendar/ && \ cp jscalendar-1.0/calendar-setup.js ${prefix}/var/www/jsCalendar/ && \ cp jscalendar-1.0/lang/calendar-en.js ${prefix}/var/www/jsCalendar/ && \ cp jscalendar-1.0/calendar-blue.css ${prefix}/var/www/jsCalendar/) rm -fr /tmp/invenio-jscalendar-plugin @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** The jsCalendar plugin was successfully installed. **" @echo "***********************************************************" uninstall-jscalendar-plugin: @rm -rvf ${prefix}/var/www/jsCalendar @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** The jsCalendar plugin was successfully uninstalled. **" @echo "***********************************************************" install-jquery-plugins: @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** Installing various jQuery plugins, please wait... **" @echo "***********************************************************" mkdir -p ${prefix}/var/www/js mkdir -p $(prefix)/var/www/css (cd ${prefix}/var/www/js && \ wget http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.1.min.js && \ mv jquery-1.7.1.min.js jquery.min.js && \ wget http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.17/jquery-ui.min.js && \ wget http://invenio-software.org/download/jquery/v1.5/js/jquery.jeditable.mini.js && \ wget https://raw.github.com/malsup/form/master/jquery.form.js --no-check-certificate && \ wget http://jquery-multifile-plugin.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/jquery.MultiFile.pack.js && \ wget -O jquery.tablesorter.zip http://invenio-software.org/download/jquery/jquery.tablesorter.20111208.zip && \ wget http://invenio-software.org/download/jquery/uploadify-v2.1.4.zip -O uploadify.zip && \ wget http://www.datatables.net/download/build/jquery.dataTables.min.js && \ wget http://invenio-software.org/download/jquery/jquery.bookmark.package-1.4.0.zip && \ unzip jquery.tablesorter.zip && \ rm jquery.tablesorter.zip && \ rm -rf uploadify && \ unzip -u uploadify.zip -d uploadify && \ wget http://flot.googlecode.com/files/flot-0.6.zip && \ wget -O jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js http://invenio-software.org/download/jquery/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon-1.0.3.js && \ unzip -u flot-0.6.zip && \ mv flot/jquery.flot.selection.min.js flot/jquery.flot.min.js flot/excanvas.min.js ./ && \ rm flot-0.6.zip && rm -r flot && \ mv uploadify/swfobject.js ./ && \ mv uploadify/cancel.png uploadify/uploadify.css uploadify/uploadify.allglyphs.swf uploadify/uploadify.fla uploadify/uploadify.swf ../img/ && \ mv uploadify/jquery.uploadify.v2.1.4.min.js ./jquery.uploadify.min.js && \ rm uploadify.zip && rm -r uploadify && \ wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js/raw/master/json2.js && \ wget https://raw.github.com/jeresig/jquery.hotkeys/master/jquery.hotkeys.js --no-check-certificate && \ wget http://jquery.bassistance.de/treeview/jquery.treeview.zip && \ unzip jquery.treeview.zip -d jquery-treeview && \ rm jquery.treeview.zip && \ wget http://invenio-software.org/download/jquery/v1.5/js/jquery.ajaxPager.js && \ unzip jquery.bookmark.package-1.4.0.zip && \ rm -f jquery.bookmark.ext.* bookmarks-big.png bookmarkBasic.html jquery.bookmark.js jquery.bookmark.pack.js && \ mv bookmarks.png ../img/ && \ mv jquery.bookmark.css ../css/ && \ rm -f jquery.bookmark.package-1.4.0.zip && \ mkdir -p ${prefix}/var/www/img && \ cd ${prefix}/var/www/img && \ wget -r -np -nH --cut-dirs=4 -A "png,css" -P jquery-ui/themes http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/svn/tags/1.8.17/themes/base/ && \ wget -r -np -nH --cut-dirs=4 -A "png,css" -P jquery-ui/themes http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/svn/tags/1.8.17/themes/smoothness/ && \ wget -r -np -nH --cut-dirs=4 -A "png,css" -P jquery-ui/themes http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/svn/tags/1.8.17/themes/redmond/ && \ wget --no-check-certificate -O datatables_jquery-ui.css https://github.com/DataTables/DataTables/raw/master/media/css/demo_table_jui.css && \ wget http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/svn/tags/1.8.17/themes/redmond/jquery-ui.css && \ wget http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/svn/tags/1.8.17/demos/images/calendar.gif && \ wget -r -np -nH --cut-dirs=5 -A "png" http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/svn/tags/1.8.17/themes/redmond/images/) @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** The jQuery plugins were successfully installed. **" @echo "***********************************************************" uninstall-jquery-plugins: (cd ${prefix}/var/www/js && \ rm -f jquery.min.js && \ rm -f jquery.MultiFile.pack.js && \ rm -f jquery.jeditable.mini.js && \ rm -f jquery.flot.selection.min.js && \ rm -f jquery.flot.min.js && \ rm -f excanvas.min.js && \ rm -f jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.min.js && \ rm -f jquery.tablesorter.js && \ rm -f jquery.tablesorter.pager.js && \ rm -f json2.js && \ rm -f jquery.uploadify.min.js && \ rm -rf tablesorter && \ rm -rf jquery-treeview && \ rm -f jquery.ajaxPager.js && \ rm -f jquery.form.js && \ rm -f jquery.dataTables.min.js && \ rm -f ui.core.js && \ rm -f jquery.bookmark.min.js && \ rm -f jquery.hotkeys.js && \ rm -f jquery.tablesorter.min.js && \ rm -f jquery-ui-1.7.3.custom.min.js && \ rm -f jquery.metadata.js && \ rm -f jquery-latest.js && \ rm -f jquery-ui.min.js) (cd ${prefix}/var/www/img && \ rm -f cancel.png uploadify.css uploadify.swf uploadify.allglyphs.swf uploadify.fla && \ rm -f datatables_jquery-ui.css \ rm -f bookmarks.png) && \ (cd ${prefix}/var/www/css && \ rm -f jquery.bookmark.css) @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** The jquery plugins were successfully uninstalled. **" @echo "***********************************************************" install-ckeditor-plugin: @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** Installing CKeditor plugin, please wait... **" @echo "***********************************************************" rm -rf ${prefix}/lib/python/invenio/ckeditor/ rm -rf /tmp/invenio-ckeditor-plugin mkdir /tmp/invenio-ckeditor-plugin (cd /tmp/invenio-ckeditor-plugin && \ wget 'http://invenio-software.org/download/ckeditor/$(CKEDITOR)' && \ unzip -u -d ${prefix}/var/www $(CKEDITOR)) && \ find ${prefix}/var/www/ckeditor/ -depth -name '_*' -exec rm -rf {} \; && \ find ${prefix}/var/www/ckeditor/ckeditor* -maxdepth 0 ! -name "ckeditor.js" -exec rm -r {} \; && \ rm -fr /tmp/invenio-ckeditor-plugin @echo "* Installing Invenio-specific CKeditor config..." (cd $(top_srcdir)/modules/webstyle/etc && make install) @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** The CKeditor plugin was successfully installed. **" @echo "** Please do not forget to properly set the option **" @echo "** CFG_WEBCOMMENT_USE_RICH_TEXT_EDITOR in invenio.conf. **" @echo "***********************************************************" uninstall-ckeditor-plugin: @rm -rvf ${prefix}/var/www/ckeditor @rm -rvf ${prefix}/lib/python/invenio/ckeditor @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** The CKeditor plugin was successfully uninstalled. **" @echo "***********************************************************" install-pdfa-helper-files: @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** Installing PDF/A helper files, please wait... **" @echo "***********************************************************" wget 'http://invenio-software.org/download/invenio-demo-site-files/ISOCoatedsb.icc' -O ${prefix}/etc/websubmit/file_converter_templates/ISOCoatedsb.icc @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** The PDF/A helper files were successfully installed. **" @echo "***********************************************************" install-mediaelement: @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** MediaElement.js, please wait... **" @echo "***********************************************************" rm -rf /tmp/mediaelement mkdir /tmp/mediaelement wget 'http://github.com/johndyer/mediaelement/zipball/master' -O '/tmp/mediaelement/mediaelement.zip' --no-check-certificate unzip -u -d '/tmp/mediaelement' '/tmp/mediaelement/mediaelement.zip' rm -rf ${prefix}/var/www/mediaelement mkdir ${prefix}/var/www/mediaelement mv /tmp/mediaelement/johndyer-mediaelement-*/build/* ${prefix}/var/www/mediaelement rm -rf /tmp/mediaelement @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** MediaElement.js was successfully installed. **" @echo "***********************************************************" uninstall-pdfa-helper-files: rm -f ${prefix}/etc/websubmit/file_converter_templates/ISOCoatedsb.icc @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** The PDF/A helper files were successfully uninstalled. **" @echo "***********************************************************" #Solrutils allows automatic installation, running and searching of an external Solr index. install-solrutils: @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** Installing Solrutils and solr, please wait... **" @echo "***********************************************************" cd $(prefix)/lib && \ if test -d apache-solr*; then echo A solr directory already exists in `pwd` . \ Please remove it manually, if you are sure it is not needed; exit 2; fi ; \ if test -f apache-solr*; then echo solr tarball already exists in `pwd` . \ Please remove it manually.; exit 2; fi ; \ wget http://archive.apache.org/dist/lucene/solr/3.1.0/apache-solr-3.1.0.tgz && \ tar -xzf apache-solr-3.1.0.tgz && \ rm apache-solr-3.1.0.tgz cd $(solrdir)/contrib/ ;\ wget http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/pub/mirrors/maven2/com/jcraft/jzlib/1.0.7/jzlib-1.0.7.jar && \ cd $(solrdir)/contrib/ ;\ jar -xf ../example/webapps/solr.war WEB-INF/lib/lucene-core-3.1.0.jar ; \ if test -d basic-lucene-libs; then rm -rf basic-lucene-libs; fi ; \ mv WEB-INF/lib/ basic-lucene-libs ; \ cp $(solrutils_dir)/schema.xml $(solrdir)/example/solr/conf/ cp $(solrutils_dir)/solrconfig.xml $(solrdir)/example/solr/conf/ cd $(solrutils_dir) && \ javac -classpath $(CLASSPATH) -d $(solrdir)/contrib @$(solrutils_dir)/java_sources.txt && \ cd $(solrdir)/contrib/ && \ jar -cf invenio-solr.jar org/invenio_software/solr/*class update-v0.3.0-tables update-v0.3.1-tables: echo "ALTER TABLE idxINDEXNAME CHANGE id_idxINDEX id_idxINDEX mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL FIRST;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE rnkMETHODNAME CHANGE id_rnkMETHOD id_rnkMETHOD mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL FIRST;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE collectionname CHANGE id_collection id_collection mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL FIRST;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE formatname CHANGE id_format id_format mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL FIRST;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE fieldname CHANGE id_field id_field mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL FIRST;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO accACTION (id,name,description,allowedkeywords,optional) VALUES (NULL,'runbibrank','run BibRank','','no');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO accACTION (id,name,description,allowedkeywords,optional) VALUES (NULL,'cfgbibrank','configure BibRank','','no');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec update-v0.3.2-tables: echo "ALTER TABLE sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE CHANGE id_son id_son char(10) NOT NULL default '0';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec update-v0.3.3-tables: ${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql echo "ALTER TABLE flxLINKTYPEPARAMS CHANGE pname pname varchar(78) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE rnkMETHOD DROP star_category_ranges;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "DROP TABLE rnkSET;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK CHANGE arguments arguments LONGTEXT;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK CHANGE status status varchar(50);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec update-v0.5.0-tables: ${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql echo "ALTER TABLE session ADD INDEX uid (uid);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE idxINDEXNAME SET ln='cs' WHERE ln='cz';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE rnkMETHODNAME SET ln='cs' WHERE ln='cz';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE collectionname SET ln='cs' WHERE ln='cz';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE collection_portalbox SET ln='cs' WHERE ln='cz';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE formatname SET ln='cs' WHERE ln='cz';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE fieldname SET ln='cs' WHERE ln='cz';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE idxINDEXNAME SET ln='sv' WHERE ln='se';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE rnkMETHODNAME SET ln='sv' WHERE ln='se';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE collectionname SET ln='sv' WHERE ln='se';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE collection_portalbox SET ln='sv' WHERE ln='se';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE formatname SET ln='sv' WHERE ln='se';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE fieldname SET ln='sv' WHERE ln='se';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec update-v0.7.1-tables: echo "DROP TABLE oaiHARVEST;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec ${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql echo "INSERT INTO accACTION (id,name,description,allowedkeywords,optional) VALUES (NULL,'cfgbibharvest','configure BibHarvest','','no');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO accACTION (id,name,description,allowedkeywords,optional) VALUES (NULL,'runoaiharvest','run BibHarvest oaiharvest','','no');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO accACTION (id,name,description,allowedkeywords,optional) VALUES (NULL,'cfgwebcomment','configure WebComment','','no');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO accACTION (id,name,description,allowedkeywords,optional) VALUES (NULL,'runoaiarchive','run BibHarvest oaiarchive','','no');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO accACTION (id,name,description,allowedkeywords,optional) VALUES (NULL,'runbibedit','run BibEdit','','no');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE user ADD nickname varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE user ADD last_login datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE user ADD INDEX nickname (nickname);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE sbmFIELD CHANGE subname subname varchar(13) default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE user_query_basket CHANGE alert_name alert_name varchar(30) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "TRUNCATE TABLE session;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec @echo "**********************************************************" @echo "** Do not forget to run the basket migration now: **" @echo "** @PYTHON@ modules/webbasket/lib/webbasket_migration_kit.py " @echo "** Please see the RELEASE-NOTES for details. **" @echo "**********************************************************" @echo "INSERT INTO oaiARCHIVE (id, setName, setSpec, setDescription, setDefinition, setRecList) SELECT id, setName, setSpec, CONCAT_WS('', setDescription), setDefinition, setRecList FROM oaiSET;" update-v0.90.0-tables: ${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql echo "ALTER TABLE format ADD COLUMN (description varchar(255) default '');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE format ADD COLUMN (content_type varchar(255) default '');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec update-v0.90.1-tables: ${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK ADD INDEX status (status);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK ADD INDEX runtime (runtime);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE sbmCATEGORIES ADD COLUMN score TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE sbmCATEGORIES ADD PRIMARY KEY (doctype, sname);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE sbmCATEGORIES ADD KEY doctype (doctype);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiHARVEST ADD COLUMN setspecs TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE setDescription setDescription text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE p1 p1 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE f1 f1 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE m1 m1 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE p2 p2 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE f2 f2 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE m2 m2 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE p3 p3 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE f3 f3 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE m3 m3 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE bibdoc SET status=0 WHERE status='';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE bibdoc SET status=1 WHERE status='deleted';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES add COLUMN kbtype char default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec update-v0.92.0-tables: echo "UPDATE bibdoc SET status=0 WHERE status='';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE bibdoc SET status=1 WHERE status='deleted';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK CHANGE arguments arguments mediumblob;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE user SET note=1 WHERE nickname='admin' AND note IS NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE usergroup CHANGE name name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE usergroup ADD login_method varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'INTERNAL';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE usergroup ADD UNIQUE KEY login_method_name (login_method(70), name);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE user CHANGE settings settings blob default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Get_Recid', 'This function gets the recid for a document with a given report-number (as stored in the global variable rn).');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec update-v0.92.1-tables: echo "DROP TABLE rnkCITATIONDATA;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec ${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql echo "UPDATE bibdoc SET status='DELETED' WHERE status='1';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE bibdoc SET status='' WHERE status='0';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bibrec ADD KEY creation_date (creation_date);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bibrec ADD KEY modification_date (modification_date);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bibdoc ADD KEY creation_date (creation_date);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bibdoc ADD KEY modification_date (modification_date);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bibdoc ADD KEY docname (docname);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiHARVEST CHANGE postprocess postprocess varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'h';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiHARVEST ADD COLUMN bibfilterprogram varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE idxINDEXNAME CHANGE ln ln char(5) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE idxINDEX ADD COLUMN stemming_language VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE rnkMETHODNAME CHANGE ln ln char(5) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE rnkDOWNLOADS CHANGE id_bibdoc id_bibdoc mediumint(9) unsigned default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE rnkDOWNLOADS CHANGE file_format file_format varchar(10) NULL default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE collectionname CHANGE ln ln char(5) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE collection_portalbox CHANGE ln ln char(5) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE format ADD COLUMN visibility TINYINT NOT NULL default 1;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE formatname CHANGE ln ln char(5) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE fieldname CHANGE ln ln char(5) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE accROLE ADD COLUMN firerole_def_ser blob NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE accROLE ADD COLUMN firerole_def_src text NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE user_accROLE ADD COLUMN expiration datetime NOT NULL default '9999-12-31 23:59:59';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE user DROP INDEX id, ADD PRIMARY KEY id (id);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo -e 'from invenio.dbquery import run_sql;\ map(lambda index_id: run_sql("ALTER TABLE idxPHRASE%02dF CHANGE term term TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, DROP INDEX term, ADD INDEX term (term (50))" % index_id[0]), run_sql("select id from idxINDEX"))' | $(PYTHON) echo "INSERT INTO rnkCITATIONDATA VALUES (1,'citationdict','','');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO rnkCITATIONDATA VALUES (2,'reversedict','','');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO rnkCITATIONDATA VALUES (3,'selfcitdict','','');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec update-v0.99.0-tables: ${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql echo "ALTER TABLE bibdoc ADD COLUMN more_info mediumblob NULL default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK ADD COLUMN priority tinyint(4) NOT NULL default 0;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK ADD KEY priority (priority);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE rnkCITATIONDATA DROP PRIMARY KEY;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE rnkCITATIONDATA ADD PRIMARY KEY (id);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE rnkCITATIONDATA CHANGE id id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE rnkCITATIONDATA ADD UNIQUE KEY object_name (object_name);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE sbmPARAMETERS CHANGE value value text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE sbmAPPROVAL ADD note text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE hstDOCUMENT CHANGE docsize docsize bigint(15) unsigned NOT NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE cmtACTIONHISTORY CHANGE client_host client_host int(10) unsigned default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec update-v0.99.1-tables: @echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v0.99.1 and v0.99.2." update-v0.99.2-tables: @echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v0.99.2 and v0.99.3." update-v0.99.3-tables: @echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v0.99.3 and v0.99.4." update-v0.99.4-tables: @echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v0.99.4 and v0.99.5." -update-v0.99.5-tables: # from v0.99.5 to v1.0.0-rc0 +update-v0.99.5-tables: + @echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v0.99.5 and v0.99.6." + +update-v0.99.6-tables: # from v0.99.6 to v1.0.0-rc0 echo "RENAME TABLE oaiARCHIVE TO oaiREPOSITORY;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec ${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql echo "INSERT INTO knwKB (id,name,description,kbtype) SELECT id,name,description,'' FROM fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO knwKBRVAL (id,m_key,m_value,id_knwKB) SELECT id,m_key,m_value,id_fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES FROM fmtKNOWLEDGEBASEMAPPINGS;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE sbmPARAMETERS CHANGE name name varchar(40) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bibdoc CHANGE docname docname varchar(250) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL default 'file';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bibdoc CHANGE status status text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bibdoc ADD COLUMN text_extraction_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE collection DROP COLUMN restricted;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK CHANGE host host varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE hstTASK CHANGE host host varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bib85x DROP INDEX kv, ADD INDEX kv (value(100));" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE clsMETHOD SET location='http://invenio-software.org/download/invenio-demo-site-files/HEP.rdf' WHERE name='HEP' AND location='';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE clsMETHOD SET location='http://invenio-software.org/download/invenio-demo-site-files/NASA-subjects.rdf' WHERE name='NASA-subjects' AND location='';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE accACTION SET name='runoairepository', description='run oairepositoryupdater task' WHERE name='runoaiarchive';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE accACTION SET name='cfgoaiharvest', description='configure OAI Harvest' WHERE name='cfgbibharvest';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE accARGUMENT CHANGE value value varchar(255);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE accACTION SET allowedkeywords='doctype,act,categ' WHERE name='submit';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO accARGUMENT(keyword,value) VALUES ('categ','*');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT(id_accROLE,id_accACTION,id_accARGUMENT,argumentlistid) SELECT DISTINCT raa.id_accROLE,raa.id_accACTION,accARGUMENT.id,raa.argumentlistid FROM accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT as raa JOIN accACTION on id_accACTION=accACTION.id,accARGUMENT WHERE accACTION.name='submit' and accARGUMENT.keyword='categ' and accARGUMENT.value='*';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE accACTION SET allowedkeywords='name,with_editor_rights' WHERE name='cfgwebjournal';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO accARGUMENT(keyword,value) VALUES ('with_editor_rights','yes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT(id_accROLE,id_accACTION,id_accARGUMENT,argumentlistid) SELECT DISTINCT raa.id_accROLE,raa.id_accACTION,accARGUMENT.id,raa.argumentlistid FROM accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT as raa JOIN accACTION on id_accACTION=accACTION.id,accARGUMENT WHERE accACTION.name='cfgwebjournal' and accARGUMENT.keyword='with_editor_rights' and accARGUMENT.value='yes';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bskEXTREC CHANGE id id int(15) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bskEXTREC ADD external_id int(15) NOT NULL default '0';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bskEXTREC ADD collection_id int(15) unsigned NOT NULL default '0';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bskEXTREC ADD original_url text;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE cmtRECORDCOMMENT ADD status char(2) NOT NULL default 'ok';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE cmtRECORDCOMMENT ADD KEY status (status);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_Photos_to_Storage','Attach/edit the pictures uploaded with the \"create_photos_manager_interface()\" function');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFIELDDESC VALUES ('Upload_Photos',NULL,'','R',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\"\"\"\r\nThis is an example of element that creates a photos upload interface.\r\nClone it, customize it and integrate it into your submission. Then add function \r\n\'Move_Photos_to_Storage\' to your submission functions list, in order for files \r\nuploaded with this interface to be attached to the record. More information in \r\nthe WebSubmit admin guide.\r\n\"\"\"\r\n\r\nfrom invenio.websubmit_functions.ParamFile import ParamFromFile\r\nfrom invenio.websubmit_functions.Move_Photos_to_Storage import read_param_file, create_photos_manager_interface, get_session_id\r\n\r\n# Retrieve session id\r\ntry:\r\n # User info is defined only in MBI/MPI actions...\r\n session_id = get_session_id(None, uid, user_info) \r\nexcept:\r\n session_id = get_session_id(req, uid, {})\r\n\r\n# Retrieve context\r\nindir = curdir.split(\'/\')[-3]\r\ndoctype = curdir.split(\'/\')[-2]\r\naccess = curdir.split(\'/\')[-1]\r\n\r\n# Get the record ID, if any\r\nsysno = ParamFromFile(\"%s/%s\" % (curdir,\'SN\')).strip()\r\n\r\n\"\"\"\r\nModify below the configuration of the photos manager interface.\r\nNote: \'can_reorder_photos\' parameter is not yet fully taken into consideration\r\n\r\nDocumentation of the function is available by running:\r\necho -e \'from invenio.websubmit_functions.Move_Photos_to_Storage import create_photos_manager_interface as f\\nprint f.__doc__\' | python\r\n\"\"\"\r\ntext += create_photos_manager_interface(sysno, session_id, uid,\r\n doctype, indir, curdir, access,\r\n can_delete_photos=True,\r\n can_reorder_photos=True,\r\n can_upload_photos=True,\r\n editor_width=700,\r\n editor_height=400,\r\n initial_slider_value=100,\r\n max_slider_value=200,\r\n min_slider_value=80)','0000-00-00','0000-00-00',NULL,NULL,0);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Photos_to_Storage','iconsize');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFIELDDESC VALUES ('Upload_Files',NULL,'','R',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\"\"\"\r\nThis is an example of element that creates a file upload interface.\r\nClone it, customize it and integrate it into your submission. Then add function \r\n\'Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage\' to your submission functions list, in order for files \r\nuploaded with this interface to be attached to the record. More information in \r\nthe WebSubmit admin guide.\r\n\"\"\"\r\nfrom invenio.websubmit_managedocfiles import create_file_upload_interface\r\nfrom invenio.websubmit_functions.Shared_Functions import ParamFromFile\r\n\r\nindir = ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'indir\'))\r\ndoctype = ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'doctype\'))\r\naccess = ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'access\'))\r\ntry:\r\n sysno = int(ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'SN\')).strip())\r\nexcept:\r\n sysno = -1\r\nln = ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'ln\'))\r\n\r\n\"\"\"\r\nRun the following to get the list of parameters of function \'create_file_upload_interface\':\r\necho -e \'from invenio.websubmit_managedocfiles import create_file_upload_interface as f\\nprint f.__doc__\' | python\r\n\"\"\"\r\ntext = create_file_upload_interface(recid=sysno,\r\n print_outside_form_tag=False,\r\n include_headers=True,\r\n ln=ln,\r\n doctypes_and_desc=[(\'main\',\'Main document\'),\r\n (\'additional\',\'Figure, schema, etc.\')],\r\n can_revise_doctypes=[\'*\'],\r\n can_describe_doctypes=[\'main\'],\r\n can_delete_doctypes=[\'additional\'],\r\n can_rename_doctypes=[\'main\'],\r\n sbm_indir=indir, sbm_doctype=doctype, sbm_access=access)[1]\r\n','0000-00-00','0000-00-00',NULL,NULL,0);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage','forceFileRevision');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','Display generic interface to add/revise/delete files. To be used before function \"Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage\"');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage','Attach files uploaded with \"Create_Upload_Files_Interface\"')" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Revised_Files_to_Storage','elementNameToDoctype');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Revised_Files_to_Storage','createIconDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Revised_Files_to_Storage','createRelatedFormats');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Revised_Files_to_Storage','iconsize');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Revised_Files_to_Storage','keepPreviousVersionDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_Revised_Files_to_Storage','Revise files initially uploaded with \"Move_Files_to_Storage\"')" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','maxsize');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','minsize');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','doctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','restrictions');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canDeleteDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canReviseDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canDescribeDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canCommentDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canKeepDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canAddFormatDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canRestrictDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canRenameDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canNameNewFiles');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','createRelatedFormats');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','keepDefault');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','showLinks');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','fileLabel');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','filenameLabel');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','descriptionLabel');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','commentLabel');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','restrictionLabel');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','startDoc');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','endDoc');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','defaultFilenameDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','maxFilesDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage','iconsize');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage','createIconDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Report_Number_Generation','nblength');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Second_Report_Number_Generation','2nd_nb_length');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Get_Recid','record_search_pattern');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_FCKeditor_Files_to_Storage','Transfer files attached to the record with the FCKeditor');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_FCKeditor_Files_to_Storage','input_fields');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Uploaded_Files','layer');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval','layer');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval','switch_file');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Uploaded_Files','switch_file');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Files_to_Storage','paths_and_restrictions');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Files_to_Storage','paths_and_doctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE cmtRECORDCOMMENT ADD round_name varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE cmtRECORDCOMMENT ADD restriction varchar(50) NOT NULL default ''" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE cmtRECORDCOMMENT ADD in_reply_to_id_cmtRECORDCOMMENT int(15) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE cmtRECORDCOMMENT ADD KEY in_reply_to_id_cmtRECORDCOMMENT (in_reply_to_id_cmtRECORDCOMMENT);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bskRECORDCOMMENT ADD in_reply_to_id_bskRECORDCOMMENT int(15) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bskRECORDCOMMENT ADD KEY in_reply_to_id_bskRECORDCOMMENT (in_reply_to_id_bskRECORDCOMMENT);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE cmtRECORDCOMMENT ADD reply_order_cached_data blob NULL default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bskRECORDCOMMENT ADD reply_order_cached_data blob NULL default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE cmtRECORDCOMMENT ADD INDEX (reply_order_cached_data(40));" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bskRECORDCOMMENT ADD INDEX (reply_order_cached_data(40));" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo -e 'from invenio.webcommentadminlib import migrate_comments_populate_threads_index;\ migrate_comments_populate_threads_index()' | $(PYTHON) echo -e 'from invenio.access_control_firerole import repair_role_definitions;\ repair_role_definitions()' | $(PYTHON) update-v1.0.0-rc0-tables: # from v1.0.0-rc0 to v1.0.0 @echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v1.0.0-rc0 and v1.0.0." update-v1.0.0-tables: # from v1.0.0 to v1.0.1 @echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v1.0.0 and v1.0.1." update-v1.0.1-tables: # from v1.0.1 to v1.0.2 @echo "ALTER TABLE session ADD KEY session_expiry (session_expiry);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec update-db-from-v1.0-to-v1.1: # update DB from v1.0 release series to v1.1 release series ${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql echo "INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Set_Embargo','Set an embargo on all the documents of a given record.');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Set_Embargo','date_file');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Set_Embargo','date_format');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('User_is_Record_Owner_or_Curator','curator_role');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('User_is_Record_Owner_or_Curator','curator_flag');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Photos_to_Storage','iconformat');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO format (name, code, description, content_type, visibility) VALUES ('Podcast', 'xp', 'Sample format suitable for multimedia feeds, such as podcasts', 'application/rss+xml', 0);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE accMAILCOOKIE ADD INDEX expiration (expiration);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE sbmFUNDESC SET function='Move_CKEditor_Files_to_Storage' WHERE function='Move_FCKeditor_Files_to_Storage';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE sbmALLFUNCDESCR SET function='Move_CKEditor_Files_to_Storage', description='Transfer files attached to the record with the CKEditor' WHERE function='Move_FCKeditor_Files_to_Storage';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE sbmFUNCTIONS SET function='Move_CKEditor_Files_to_Storage' WHERE function='Move_FCKeditor_Files_to_Storage';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK CHANGE proc proc varchar(255) NOT NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK ADD sequenceid int(8) NULL default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK ADD INDEX sequenceid (sequenceid);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE hstTASK CHANGE proc proc varchar(255) NOT NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE hstTASK ADD sequenceid int(8) NULL default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE hstTASK ADD INDEX sequenceid (sequenceid);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE session CHANGE session_object session_object longblob;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE session CHANGE session_expiry session_expiry datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiREPOSITORY CHANGE setSpec setSpec varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'GLOBAL_SET';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE oaiREPOSITORY SET setSpec='GLOBAL_SET' WHERE setSpec='';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE user_query_basket ADD COLUMN alert_desc TEXT DEFAULT NULL AFTER alert_name;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Link_Records','Link two records toghether via MARC');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Video_Processing',NULL);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Link_Records','edsrn');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Link_Records','edsrn2');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Link_Records','directRelationship');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Link_Records','reverseRelationship');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Link_Records','keep_original_edsrn2');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Video_Processing','aspect');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Video_Processing','batch_template');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Video_Processing','title');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Set_RN_From_Sysno', 'Set the value of global rn variable to the report number identified by sysno (recid)');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Set_RN_From_Sysno','edsrn');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Set_RN_From_Sysno','rep_tags');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Set_RN_From_Sysno','record_search_pattern');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE externalcollection SET name='INSPIRE' where name='SPIRES HEP';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Notify_URL','Access URL, possibly to post content');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Notify_URL','url');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Notify_URL','data');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Notify_URL','admin_emails');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Notify_URL','content_type');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Notify_URL','attempt_times');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Notify_URL','attempt_sleeptime');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Notify_URL','user');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bibfmt DROP COLUMN id;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bibfmt ADD PRIMARY KEY (id_bibrec, format);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bibfmt DROP KEY id_bibrec;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bibfmt ADD KEY last_updated (last_updated);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE user_query_basket ADD COLUMN alert_recipient TEXT DEFAULT NULL AFTER alert_desc;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE format ADD COLUMN last_updated datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00' AFTER visibility;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "REPLACE INTO sbmFIELDDESC VALUES ('Upload_Files',NULL,'','R',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\"\"\"\r\nThis is an example of element that creates a file upload interface.\r\nClone it, customize it and integrate it into your submission. Then add function \r\n\'Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage\' to your submission functions list, in order for files \r\nuploaded with this interface to be attached to the record. More information in \r\nthe WebSubmit admin guide.\r\n\"\"\"\r\nfrom invenio.bibdocfile_managedocfiles import create_file_upload_interface\r\nfrom invenio.websubmit_functions.Shared_Functions import ParamFromFile\r\n\r\nindir = ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'indir\'))\r\ndoctype = ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'doctype\'))\r\naccess = ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'access\'))\r\ntry:\r\n sysno = int(ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'SN\')).strip())\r\nexcept:\r\n sysno = -1\r\nln = ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'ln\'))\r\n\r\n\"\"\"\r\nRun the following to get the list of parameters of function \'create_file_upload_interface\':\r\necho -e \'from invenio.bibdocfile_managedocfiles import create_file_upload_interface as f\\nprint f.__doc__\' | python\r\n\"\"\"\r\ntext = create_file_upload_interface(recid=sysno,\r\n print_outside_form_tag=False,\r\n include_headers=True,\r\n ln=ln,\r\n doctypes_and_desc=[(\'main\',\'Main document\'),\r\n (\'additional\',\'Figure, schema, etc.\')],\r\n can_revise_doctypes=[\'*\'],\r\n can_describe_doctypes=[\'main\'],\r\n can_delete_doctypes=[\'additional\'],\r\n can_rename_doctypes=[\'main\'],\r\n sbm_indir=indir, sbm_doctype=doctype, sbm_access=access)[1]\r\n','0000-00-00','0000-00-00',NULL,NULL,0);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec CLEANFILES = *~ *.pyc *.tmp diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS index 17fcd24b3..29cd9be9d 100644 --- a/NEWS +++ b/NEWS @@ -1,1358 +1,1367 @@ Invenio NEWS ============ Here is a short summary of the most notable changes in Invenio releases. For more information about the current release, please consult RELEASE-NOTES. For more information about changes, please consult ChangeLog. +CDS Invenio v0.99.6 -- released 2012-10-18 +------------------------------------------ + + *) improved XSS safety in external collection searching (WebSearch) + + *) verbose level in the search results pages is now available only to + admins, preventing potential restricted record ID disclosure even + though record content would remain restricted (WebSearch) + Invenio v1.0.1 -- released 2012-06-28 ------------------------------------- *) BibFormat: fix format validation report; fix opensearch prefix exclusion in RSS; fix retrieval of collection identifier *) BibIndex: new unit tests for the Greek stemmer *) BibSched: improve low level submission arg parsing; set ERROR status when wrong params; task can stop immediately when sleeping *) BibSword: remove dangling documentation *) BibUpload: fix setting restriction in -a/-ir modes *) WebAlert: simplify HTML markup *) WebComment: only logged users to use report abuse *) WebJournal: hide deleted records *) WebSearch: adapt test cases for citation summary; fix collection order on the search page; look at access control when webcolling; sorting in citesummary breakdown links *) WebSession: simplify HTML markup *) WebSubmit: capitalise doctypes in Doc File Manager; check authorizations in endaction; check for problems when archiving; ensure unique tmp file name for upload; fix email formatting; fix Move_to_Done function; remove 8564_ field from demo templates; skip file upload if necessary; update CERN-specific config *) bibdocfile: BibRecDocs recID argument type check *) data cacher: deletes cache before refilling it *) dbquery: fix dbexec CLI WRT max allowed packet *) I18N: updates to Greek translation *) installation: fix circular install-jquery-plugins; fix demo user initialisation; fix jQuery tablesorter download URL; fix jQuery uploadify download URL; more info about max_allowed_packet; remove unneeded rxp binary package Invenio v1.0.0 -- released 2012-02-29 ------------------------------------- *) BatchUploader: fix retrieval of recs from extoaiid *) BibCirculation: fix regexp for dictionary checking; security check before eval *) BibConvert: fix UP and DOWN for UTF-8 strings *) bibdocfile: add missing normalize_format() calls; check_bibdoc_authorization caseless; fix append WRT description/restriction; fix cli_set_batch function; fix documentation WRT --with-version; fix handling of embargo firerole rule; fix parsing of complex subformats *) BibEdit: fix crash in Ajax request; fix undefined dictionary key *) BibFormat: better escape BFE in admin test UI; do not exit if no XSLT processor found; fix regression test; fix URL to ejournal resolver; fix XSLT formatting of MARCXML snippets; removes 'No fulltext' message; special handling of INSPIRE-PUBLIC type; use default namespace in XSL *) BibHarvest: check for empty resumptionToken; fix MARCXML creation in OAI updater; optional JSON dependency *) BibIndex: fix author:Campbell-Wilson word query; fix double-stemming upon indexing; fix Porter stemmer in multithread; Greek stemmer improvements *) BibKnowledge: make XML/XSLT libs optional *) BibRank: CERN hack to inactivate similarity lists; fix citation indexer time stamp updating; fix citation indexing of deleted records; fix citedby/refersto for infinite sets; fix empty citation data cacher; fix incremental citation indexer leaks; make numpy optional; minimum x-axis in citation history graphs; run citation indexer after word indexer *) BibRecord: fix for record_get_field_instances() *) BibSched: fix guess_apache_process_user_from_ps; use larger timouts for launching tasks *) BibUpload: FFT regression tests not to use CDS *) htmlutils: fix FCKeditor upload URLs *) installation: add note about optional hashlib; change table TYPE to ENGINE in SQL; fix 'install-mathjax-plugin'; fix issue with FCKeditor; fix 'make install-jquery-plugins'; fix output message cosmetics; new 'make install-ckeditor-plugin'; re-enable WSGI pre-loading *) intbitset: fix never ending loop in __repr__; fix several memory leaks *) inveniocfg: fix resetting ranking method names *) inveniogc: new CLI options check/optimise tables *) kwalitee: grep-like output and exit status changes; use `--check-some` as default CLI option *) mailutils: remove unnecessary 'multipart/related' *) plotextractor: fix INSPIRE unit test *) textmarc2xmlmarc: fix handling of BOM *) urlutils: new Indico request generator helper *) WebAccess: fix Access policy page; fix FireRole handling integer uid; fix retrieving emails from firerole *) WebAlert: fix the display of records in alerts *) WebBasket: fix missing return statement; fix number of items in public baskets *) WebComment: CERN-specific hack for ATLAS comments; fix discussion display in bfe_comments; fix washing of email to admin; improve sanity checks *) WebHelp: HOWTO MARC document update *) WebJournal: fix seminar widget encoding issue; fix seminar widget for new Indico APIs; update weather widget for new APIs *) WebSearch: add refersto:/a b c/ example to guide; CERN-specific hack for journal sorting; CERN-specific hack for latest additions; fix case-insensitive collection search; fix CDSIndico external search; fix collection translation in admin UI; fix get_fieldvalues() when recid is str; fix get_index_id_from_field(); fix structured regexp query parsing; fix symbol name typo in loop checking; parenthesised collection definitions; remove accent-search warning in guide; remove Report for INSPIRE author pages; replace CDS Indico by Indico; updates some output phrases *) WebSession: fix crash when no admin user exists *) WebStyle: better service failure message; fix implementation of req.get_hostname; fluid width of the menu; pre-load citation dictionaries for web *) WebSubmit: avoid printing empty doctype section; check_user_can_view_record in publiline; fix filename bug in document manager; fix handling of uploaded files; fix record_search_pattern in DEMOJRN *) xmlmarclint: 'no valid record detected' error *) I18N: updates to Catalan, Czech, French, German, Greek, Italian, Slovak, and Spanish translations *) Note: for a complete list of new features in Invenio v1.0 release series over Invenio v0.99 release series, please see: CDS Invenio v0.99.5 -- released 2012-02-21 ------------------------------------------ *) improved sanity checks when reporting, voting, or replying to a comment, or when accessing comment attachments, preventing URL mangling attempts (WebComment) CDS Invenio v0.99.4 -- released 2011-12-19 ------------------------------------------ *) fixed double stemming during indexing (BibIndex) *) fixed collection translation in admin UI (WebSearch) *) fixed UP and DOWN functions for UTF-8 strings (BibConvert) Invenio v1.0.0-rc0 -- released 2010-12-21 ----------------------------------------- *) CDS Invenio becomes Invenio as of this release *) new facility of hosted collections; support for external records in search collections, user alerts and baskets (WebSearch, WebAlert, WebBasket) *) support for nested parentheses in search query syntax (WebSearch) *) new refersto/citedby search operators for second-order searches in citation map (BibRank, WebSearch) *) numerous improvements to SPIRES query syntax parser (WebSearch) *) enhancement to search results summaries, e.g. co-author lists on author pages, e.g. h-index (WebSearch) *) new support for unAPI, Zotero, OpenSearch, AWS (WebSearch) *) new phrase and word-pair indexes (BibIndex) *) new fuzzy author name matching mode (BibIndex) *) new time-dependent citation ranking family of methods (BibRank) *) full-text search now shows context snippets (BibFormat) *) improvements to the basket UI, basket export facility (WebBasket) *) new support for FCKeditor in submissions and user comments, possibility to attach files (WebComment, WebSubmit) *) commenting facility enhanced with rounds and threads (WebComment) *) new facility to moderate user comments (WebComment) *) enhanced CLI tool for document file management bringing new options such as hidden file flag (WebSubmit) *) numerous improvements to the submission system, e.g. asynchronous JavaScript upload support, derived document formats, icon creation, support for automatic conversion of OpenOffice documents, PDF/A, OCR (WebSubmit) *) new full-text file metadata reader/writer tool (WebSubmit) *) new experimental SWORD protocol client application (BibSword) *) complete rewrite of the record editor using Ajax technology for faster user operation, with new features such as field templates, cloning, copy/paste, undo/redo, auto-completion, etc (BibEdit) *) new multi-record editor to alter many records in one go (BibEdit) *) new Ajax-based record differ and merger (BibMerge) *) new fuzzy record matching mode, with possibility to match records against remote Invenio installations (BibMatch) *) new circulation and holdings module (BibCirculation) *) new facility for matching provenance information when uploading records (BibUpload) *) new possibility of uploading incoming changes into holding pen (BibUpload) *) new batch uploader facility to support uploading of metadata files and of full-text files either in CLI or over web (BibUpload) *) new record exporting module supporting e.g. Sitemap and Google Scholar export methods (BibExport) *) improvements to the keyword classifier, e.g. author and core keywords (BibClassify) *) new facility for external robot-like login method (WebAccess) *) numerous improvements to the journal creation facility, new journal `Atlantis Times' demo journal (WebJournal) *) refactored and improved OAI exporter and harvester (BibHarvest) *) new taxonomy-based and dynamic-query knowledge base types (BibKnowledge) *) possibility to switch on/off user features such as alerts and baskets based on RBAC rules (WebAccess and other modules) *) various improvements to task scheduler, for example better communication with tasks, possibility to run certain bibsched tasks within given time limit, etc (BibSched) *) new database dumper for backup purposes (MiscUtil) *) new plotextractor library for extracting plots from compuscripts, new figure caption index and the Plots tab (MiscUtil, BibIndex, Webearch) *) enhanced reference extrator, e.g. support for DOI, for author name recognition (MiscUtil) *) new register emergency feature e.g. to alert admins by SMS in case the task queue stops (MiscUtil) *) infrastructure move from mod_python to mod_wsgi, support for mod_xsendfile (WebStyle and many modules) *) infrastructure move from jsMath to MathJax (MiscUtil) *) some notable backward-incompatible changes: removed authentication methods related to Apache user and group files, changed BibFormat element's API (BibFormat, many modules) *) new translations (Afrikaans, Galician, Georgian, Romanian, Kinyarwanda) plus many translation updates *) other numerous improvements and bug fixes done in about 1600 commits over Invenio v0.99 series CDS Invenio v0.99.3 -- released 2010-12-13 ------------------------------------------ *) fixed issues in the harvesting daemon when harvesting from more than one OAI repository (BibHarvest) *) fixed failure in formatting engine when dealing with not-yet-existing records (BibFormat) *) fixed traversal of final URL parts in the URL dispatcher (WebStyle) *) improved bibdocfile URL recognition upon upload of MARC files (BibUpload) *) fixed bug in admin interface for adding authorizations (WebAccess) *) keyword extractor is now compatible with rdflib releases older than 2.3.2 (BibClassify) *) output of `bibsched status' now shows the queue mode status as AUTOMATIC or MANUAL to help queue monitoring (BibSched) CDS Invenio v0.99.2 -- released 2010-10-20 ------------------------------------------ *) stricter checking of access to restricted records: in order to view a restricted record, users are now required to have authorizations to access all restricted collections the given record may belong to (WebSearch) *) strict checking of user query history when setting up email notification alert, preventing URL mangling attempts (WebAlert) *) fixed possible Unix signal conflicts for tasks performing I/O operations or running external processes, relevant notably to full-text indexing of remote files (BibSched) *) fixed full-text indexing and improved handling of files of `unexpected' extensions (BibIndex, WebSubmit) *) streaming of files of `unknown' MIME type now defaults to application/octet-stream (WebSubmit) *) fixed addition of new MARC fields in the record editor (BibEdit) *) fixed issues in full-text file attachment via MARC (BibUpload) *) fixed authaction CLI client (WebAccess) *) ... plus other minor fixes and improvements CDS Invenio v0.99.1 -- released 2008-07-10 ------------------------------------------ *) search engine syntax now supports parentheses (WebSearch) *) search engine syntax now supports SPIRES query language (WebSearch) *) strict respect for per-collection sort options on the search results pages (WebSearch) *) improved parsing of search query with respect to non-existing field terms (WebSearch) *) fixed "any collection" switch on the search results page (WebSearch) *) added possibility for progressive display of detailed record page tabs (WebSearch) *) added support for multi-page RSS output (WebSearch) *) new search engine summarizer module with the cite summary output format (WebSearch, BibRank) *) "cited by" links are now generated only when needed (WebSearch) *) new experimental comprehensive author page (WebSearch) *) stemming for many indexes is now enabled by default (BibIndex) *) new intelligent journal index (BibIndex) *) new logging of missing citations (BibRank) *) citation indexer and searcher improvements and caching (BibRank) *) new low-level task submission facility (BibSched) *) new options in bibsched task monitor: view task options, log and error files; prune task to a history table; extended status reporting; failed tasks now need acknowledgement in order to restart the queue (BibSched) *) safer handling of task sleeping and waking up (BibSched) *) new experimental support for task priorities and concurrent task execution (BibSched) *) improved user-configured browser language matching (MiscUtil) *) new default behaviour not differentiating between guest users; this removes a need to keep sessions/uids for guests and robots (WebSession) *) optimized sessions and collecting external user information (WebSession) *) improved logging conflicts for external vs internal users (WebAccess) *) improved Single Sign-On session preservation (WebAccess) *) new 'become user' debugging facility for admins (WebAccess) *) new bibdocfile CLI tool to manipulate full-text files archive (WebSubmit) *) optimized redirection of old URLs (WebSubmit) *) new icon creation tool in the submission input chain (WebSubmit) *) improved full-text file migration tool (WebSubmit) *) improved stamping of full-text files (WebSubmit) *) new approval-related end-submission functions (WebSubmit) *) comments and descriptions of full-text files are now kept also in bibdoc tables, not only in MARC; they are synchronized during bibupload (WebSubmit, BibUpload) *) fixed navigation in public baskets (WebBasket) *) added detailed record page link to basket records (WebBasket) *) new removal of HTML markup in alert notification emails (WebAlert) *) improved OAI harvester logging and handling (BibHarvest) *) improved error checking (BibConvert) *) improvements to the record editing tool: subfield order change, repetitive subfields; improved record locking features; configurable per-collection curators (BibEdit) *) fully refactored WebJournal module (WebJournal) *) new RefWorks output format, thanks to Theodoros Theodoropoulos (BibFormat) *) fixed keyword detection tool's output; deactivated taxonomy compilation (BibClassify) *) new /stats URL for administrators (WebStat) *) better filtering of unused translations (WebStyle) *) updated French, Italian, Norwegian and Swedish translations; updated Japanese translation (thanks to Makiko Matsumoto and Takao Ishigaki); updated Greek translation (thanks to Theodoros Theodoropoulos); new Hungarian translation (thanks to Eva Papp) *) ... plus many other minor bug fixes and improvements CDS Invenio v0.99.0 -- released 2008-03-27 ------------------------------------------ *) new Invenio configuration language, new inveniocfg configuration tool permitting more runtime changes and enabling separate local customizations (MiscUtil) *) phased out WML dependency everywhere (all modules) *) new common RSS cache implementation (WebSearch) *) improved access control to the detailed record pages (WebSearch) *) when searching non-existing collections, do not revert to searching in public Home anymore (WebSearch) *) strict calculation of number of hits per multiple collections (WebSearch) *) propagate properly language environment in browse pages, thanks to Ferran Jorba (WebSearch) *) search results sorting made accentless, thanks to Ferran Jorba (WebSearch) *) new OpenURL interface (WebSearch) *) added new search engine API argument to limit searches to record creation/modification dates and times instead of hitherto creation dates only (WebSearch) *) do not allow HTTP POST method for searches to prevent hidden mining (WebSearch) *) added alert and RSS teaser for search engine queries (WebSearch) *) new optimized index structure for fast integer bit vector operations, leading to significant indexing time improvements (MiscUtil, BibIndex, WebSearch) *) new tab-based organisation of detailed record pages, with new URL schema (/record/1/usage) and related CSS changes (BibFormat, MiscUtil, WebComment, WebSearch, WebStyle, WebSubmit) *) phased out old PHP based code; migration to Python-based output formats recommended (BibFormat, WebSubmit) *) new configurability to show/hide specific output formats for specific collections (BibFormat, WebSearch) *) new configurability to have specific stemming settings for specific indexes (BibIndex, WebSearch) *) optional removal of LaTeX markup for indexer (BibIndex, WebSearch) *) performance optimization for webcoll and optional arguments to refresh only parts of collection cache (WebSearch) *) optional verbosity argument propagation to the output formatter (BibFormat, WebSearch) *) new convenient reindex option to the indexer (BibIndex) *) fixed problem with indexing of some lengthy UTF-8 accented names, thanks to Theodoros Theodoropoulos for reporting the problem (BibIndex) *) fixed full-text indexing of HTML pages (BibIndex) *) new Stemmer module dependency, fixes issues on 64-bit systems (BibIndex) *) fixed download history graph display (BibRank) *) improved citation ranking and history graphs, introduced self-citation distinction, added new demo records (BibRank) *) fixed range redefinition and output message printing problems in the ranking indexer, thanks to Mike Marino (BibRank) *) new XSLT output formatter support; phased out old BFX formats (BibFormat) *) I18N output messages are now translated in the output formatter templates (BibFormat) *) formats fixed to allow multiple author affiliations (BibFormat) *) improved speed of the record output reformatter in case of large sets (BibFormat) *) support for displaying LaTeX formulas via JavaScript (BibFormat) *) new and improved output formatter elements (BibFormat) *) new escaping modes for format elements (BibFormat) *) output format template editor cache and element dependency checker improvements (BibFormat) *) output formatter speed improvements in PHP-compatible mode (BibFormat) *) new demo submission configuration and approval workflow examples (WebSubmit) *) new submission full-text file stamper utility (WebSubmit) *) new submission icon-creation utility (WebSubmit) *) separated submission engine and database layer (WebSubmit) *) submission functions can now access user information (WebSubmit) *) implemented support for restricted icons (WebSubmit, WebAccess) *) new full-text file URL and cleaner storage facility; requires file names to be unique within a given record (WebSearch, WebSubmit) *) experimental release of the complex approval and refereeing workflow (WebSubmit) *) new end-submission functions to move files to storage space (WebSubmit) *) added support for MD5 checking of full-text files (WebSubmit) *) improved behaviour of the submission system with respect to the browser "back" button (WebSubmit) *) removed support for submission "cookies" (WebSubmit) *) flexible report number generation during submission (WebSubmit) *) added support for optional filtering step in the OAI harvesting chain (BibHarvest) *) new text-oriented converter functions IFDEFP, JOINMULTILINES (BibConvert) *) selective harvesting improvements, sets, non-standard responses, safer resumption token handling (BibHarvest) *) OAI archive configuration improvements: collections retrieval, multiple set definitions, new clean mode, timezones, and more (BibHarvest) *) OAI gateway improvements: XSLT used to produce configurable output (BibHarvest) *) added support for "strong tags" that can resist metadata replace mode (BibUpload) *) added external OAI ID tag support to the uploader (BibUpload) *) added support for full-text file transfer during uploading (BibUpload) *) preserving full history of all MARCXML versions of a record (BibEdit, BibUpload) *) XMLMARC to TextMarc improvements: empty indicators and more (BibEdit) *) numerous reference extraction tool improvements: year handling, LaTeX handling, URLs, journal titles, output methods, and more (BibEdit) *) new classification daemon (BibClassify) *) classification taxonomy caching resulting in speed optimization (BibClassify) *) new possibility to define more than one keyword taxonomy per collection (BibClassify) *) fixed non-standalone keyword detection, thanks to Annette Holtkamp (BibClassify) *) new embedded page generation profiler (WebStyle) *) new /help pages layout and webdoc formatting tool (WebStyle) *) new custom style template verification tool (WebStyle) *) added support for the XML page() output format, suitable for AJAX interfaces (WebStyle) *) introduction of navigation menus (WebStyle) *) general move from HTML to XHTML markup (all modules) *) fixed alert deletion tool vulnerability (WebAlert) *) do not advertise baskets/alerts much for guest users; show only the login link (WebSession) *) password reset interface improvements (WebSession) *) new permanent "remember login" mechanism (WebSession, WebAccess) *) local user passwords are now encrypted (WebSession, WebAccess) *) new LDAP external authentication plugin (WebAccess) *) new password reset mechanism using new secure mail cookies and temporary role membership facilities (WebAccess, WebSession) *) added support for Single Sign-On Shibboleth based authentication method (WebAccess) *) new firewall-like based role definition language, new demo examples (WebAccess) *) external authentication and groups improvements: nicknames, account switching, and more (WebSession, WebAccess) *) task log viewer integrated in the task monitor (BibSched) *) new journal creation module (WebJournal) *) new generic statistic gathering and display facility (WebStat) *) deployed new common email sending facility (MiscUtil, WebAlert, WebComment, WebSession, WebSubmit) *) dropped support for MySQL-4.0, permitting to use clean and strict UTF-8 storage methods; upgrade of MySQLdb to at least 1.2.1_p2 required (MiscUtil) *) uncatched exceptions are now being sent by email to the administrator (MiscUtil, WebStyle) *) new general garbage collector with a possibility to run via the task scheduler and a possibility to clean unreferenced bibliographic values (MiscUtil) *) new generic SQL and data cacher (MiscUtil) *) new HTML page validator plugin (MiscUtil) *) new web test suite running in a real browser (MiscUtil) *) improved code kwalitee checker (MiscUtil) *) translation updates: Spanish and Catalan (thanks to Ferran Jorba), Japanese (Toru Tsuboyama), German (Benedikt Koeppel), Polish (Zbigniew Szklarz and Zbigniew Leonowicz), Greek (Theodoros Theodoropoulos), Russian (Yana Osborne), Swedish, Italian, French *) new translations: Chinese traditional and Chinese simplified (thanks to Kam-ming Ku) *) ... plus many other minor bug fixes and improvements CDS Invenio v0.92.1 -- released 2007-02-20 ------------------------------------------ *) new support for external authentication systems (WebSession, WebAccess) *) new support for external user groups (WebSession) *) new experimental version of the reference extraction program (BibEdit) *) new optional Greek stopwords list, thanks to Theodoropoulos Theodoros (BibIndex) *) new Get_Recid submission function (WebSubmit) *) new config variable governing the display of the download history graph (BibRank) *) started deployment of user preferences (WebSession, WebSearch) *) split presentation style for "Narrow search", "Focus on" and "Search also" search interface boxes (WebSearch, WebStyle) *) updated CERN Indico and KEK external collection searching facility (WebSearch) *) fixed search interface portalbox and collection definition escaping behaviour (WebSearch Admin) *) fixed problems with external system number and OAI ID matching (BibUpload) *) fixed problem with case matching behaviour (BibUpload) *) fixed problems with basket record display and basket topic change (WebBasket) *) fixed output format template attribution behaviour (BibFormat) *) improved language context propagation in output formats (BibFormat) *) improved output format treatment of HTML-aware fields (BibFormat) *) improved BibFormat migration kit (BibFormat) *) improved speed and eliminated set duplication of the OAI repository gateway (BibHarvest) *) fixed resumption token handling (BibHarvest) *) improved record editing interface (BibEdit) *) fixed problem with empty fields treatment (BibConvert) *) updated Report_Number_Generation submission function to be able to easily generate report numbers from any submission information (WebSubmit) *) fixed problem with submission field value escaping (WebSubmit) *) fixed problem with submission collection ordering (WebSubmit) *) fixed BibSched task signal handling inconsistency (BibSched) *) fixed TEXT versus BLOB database problems for some tables/columns *) minor updates to the HOWTO Migrate guide and several admin guides (WebHelp, BibIndex, BibFormat) *) minor bugfixes to several modules; see ChangeLog for details and credits CDS Invenio v0.92.0 -- released 2006-12-22 ------------------------------------------ *) previously experimental output formatter in Python improved and made default (BibFormat) *) previously experimental new submission admin interface in Python improved and made default (WebSubmit) *) new XML-oriented output formatting mode (BibFormat) *) new export-oriented output formats: EndNote, NLM (BibFormat) *) RSS 2.0 latest additions feed service (WebSearch, BibFormat) *) new XML-oriented metadata converter mode (BibConvert) *) new metadata uploader in Python (BibUpload) *) new integrated parallel external collection searching (WebSearch) *) improved document classifier: composite keywords, wildcards, cloud output (BibClassify) *) improved UTF-8 fulltext indexing (BibIndex) *) improved external login authentication subsystem (WebAccess) *) added possibility to order submission categories (WebSubmit) *) improved handling of cached search interface page formats, preferential sort pattern functionality, international collection names (WebSearch) *) improved behaviour of OAI harvester: sets, deleted records, harvested metadata transformation (BibHarvest) *) improved MARCXML schema compatibility concerning indicators; updates to the HTML MARC output format (BibEdit, BibUpload, BibFormat, and other modules) *) multiple minor bugs fixed thanks to the wider deployment of the regression test suite (all modules) *) new translation (Croatian) and several translation updates (Catalan, Bulgarian, French, Greek, Spanish); thanks to Ferran Jorba, Beatriu Piera, Alen Vodopijevec, Jasna Marković, Theodoros Theodoropoulos, and Nikolay Dyankov (see also THANKS file) *) removed dependency on PHP; not needed anymore *) full compatibility with MySQL 4.1 and 5.0; upgrade from MySQL 4.0 now recommended *) full compatibility with FreeBSD and Mac OS X CDS Invenio v0.90.1 -- released 2006-07-23 ------------------------------------------ *) output messages improved and enhanced to become more easily translatable in various languages (all modules) *) new translation (Bulgarian) and several updated translations (Greek, French, Russian, Slovak) *) respect langugage choice in various web application links (WebAlert, WebBasket, WebComment, WebSession, WebSubmit) *) fixed problem with commenting rights in a group-shared basket that is also a public basket with lesser rights (WebBasket) *) guest users are now forbidden to share baskets (WebBasket) *) fixed guest user garbage collection, adapted to the new baskets schema (WebSession) *) added possibility to reject group membership requests; sending informational messages when users are approved/refused by group administrators (WebSession) *) experimental release of the new BibFormat in Python (BibFormat) *) started massive deployment of the regression test suite, checking availability of all web interface pages (BibEdit, BibFormat, BibHarvest, BibIndex, BibRank, MiscUtil, WebAccess, WebBasket, WebComment, WebMessage, WebSearch, WebSession, WebSubmit) *) updated developer documentation (I18N output messages policy, test suite policy, coding style) CDS Invenio v0.90.0 -- released 2006-06-30 ------------------------------------------ *) formerly known as CDSware; the application name change clarifies the relationship with respect to the CDS Sofware Consortium producing two flagship applications (CDS Indico and Invenio) *) version number increased to v0.90 in the anticipation of the forthcoming v1.0 release after all the major codebase changes are now over *) new possibility to define user groups (WebGroup) *) new personal basket organization in topics (WebBasket) *) new basket sharing among user groups (WebBasket) *) new open peer reviewing and commenting on documents (WebComment) *) new user and group web messaging system (WebMessage) *) new ontology-based document classification system (BibClassify) *) new WebSubmit Admin (WebSubmit) *) new record editing web interface (BibEdit) *) new record matching tool (BibMatch) *) new OAI repository administration tool (BibHarvest) *) new OAI periodical harvesting tool (BibHarvest) *) new web layout templating system (WebStyle) *) new clean URL schema (e.g. /collection/Theses, /record/1234) (WebStyle) *) new BibTeX output format support (BibFormat) *) new possibility of secure HTTPS authentication while keeping the rest of the site non-HTTPS (WebSession) *) new centralized error library (MiscUtil) *) new gettext-based international translations, with two new beta translations (Japanese, Polish) *) new regression testing suite framework (MiscUtil) *) new all prerequisites are now apt-gettable for Debian "Sarge" GNU/Linux *) new full support for Mac OS X *) ... plus many fixes and changes worth one year of development CDSware v0.7.1 -- released 2005-05-04 ------------------------------------- *) important bugfix for bibconvert's ``source data in a directory'' mode, as invoked by the web submission system (BibConvert) *) minor bugfix in the search engine, thanks to Frederic Gobry (WebSearch) *) minor bugfix in the WebSearch Admin interface (WebSearch) *) automatic linking to Google Print in the ``Haven't found what you were looking for...'' page box (WebSearch) *) BibFormat Admin Guide cleaned, thanks to Ferran Jorba *) new Catalan translation, thanks to Ferran Jorba *) updated Greek and Portuguese translations, thanks to Theodoros Theodoropoulos and Flávio C. Coelho *) updated Spanish translation CDSware v0.7.0 -- released 2005-04-06 ------------------------------------- *) experimental release of the refextract program for automatic reference extraction from PDF fulltext files (BibEdit) *) experimental release of the citation and download ranking tools (BibRank) *) new module for gathering usage statistics out of Apache log files (WebStat) *) new similar-records-navigation tool exploring end-user viewing habits: "people who viewed this page also viewed" (WebSearch, BibRank) *) OAI gateway validated against OAI Repository Explorer (BibHarvest) *) fixed "records modified since" option for the indexer (BibIndex) *) collection cache update is done only when the cache is not up to date (WebSearch) [closing #WebSearch-016] *) cleanup of user login mechanism (WebSession, WebAccess) *) fixed uploading of already-existing records in the insertion mode (BibUpload) *) fixed submission in UTF-8 languages (WebSubmit) *) updated HOWTO Run Your Existing CDSware Installation (WebHelp) *) test suite improvements (WebSearch, BibHarvest, BibRank, BibConvert) *) German translation updated and new German stopwords list added, thanks to Guido Pelzer *) new Greek and Ukrainian translations, thanks to Theodoros Theodoropoulos and Vasyl Ostrovskyi *) all language codes now comply to RFC 1766 and ISO 639 *) numerous other small fixes and improvements, with many contributions by the EPFL team headed by Frederic Gobry (BibConvert, BibUpload, WebSearch, WebSubmit, WebSession) CDSware v0.5.0 -- released 2004-12-17 ------------------------------------- *) new rank engine, featuring word similarity rank method and the journal impact factor rank demo (BibRank) *) search engine includes ranking option (WebSearch) *) record similarity search based on word frequency (WebSearch, BibRank) *) stopwords possibility when ranking and indexing (BibRank, BibIndex) *) stemming possibility when ranking and indexing (BibRank, BibIndex) *) search engine boolean query processing stages improved (WebSearch) *) search engine accent matching in phrase searches (WebSearch) *) regular expression searching mode introduced into the Simple Search interface too (WebSearch) *) Search Tips split into a brief Search Tips page and detailed Search Guide page (WebSearch) *) improvements to the ``Try your search on'' hints (WebSearch) *) author search hints introduced (WebSearch) *) search interface respects title prologue/epilogue portalboxes (WebSearch) *) improvements to admin interfaces (WebSearch, BibIndex, BibRank, WebAccess) *) basket item ordering problem fixed (WebBasket) *) access error messages introduced (WebAccess and its clients) *) new account management to enable/disable guest users and automatic vs to-be-approved account registration (WebAccess) *) possibility for temporary read-only access to, and closure of, the site; useful for backups (WebAccess and its clients) *) possibility for external authentication login methods (WebAccess) *) new XML MARC handling library (BibEdit) *) when uploading, bad XML records are marked as errors (BibUpload) *) improvements to the submission engine and its admin interface, thanks to Tiberiu Dondera (WebSubmit) *) preparations for electronic mail submission feature, not yet functional (ElmSubmit) *) added example on MARC usage at CERN (WebHelp) *) legacy compatibility with MySQL 3.23.x assured (BibUpload) *) legacy compatibility with Python 2.2 assured (WebSubmit) *) test suite additions and corrections (BibRank, BibIndex, WebSearch, BibEdit) *) French translation fixes, thanks to Eric Grand *) minor Czech and Slovak translation cleanup CDSware v0.3.3 (DEVELOPMENT) -- released 2004-07-16 --------------------------------------------------- *) new international phrases, collection and field names; thanks to Guido, Flavio, Tullio *) collection international names are now respected by the search engine and interfaces (WebSearch) *) field international names are now respected by the search engine and interfaces (WebSearch) *) when no hits found in a given collection, do not display all public hits straight away but only link to them (WebSearch) *) records marked as DELETED aren't shown anymore in XML MARC and other formats (WebSearch) *) detailed record page now features record creation and modification times (WebSearch) *) improved XML MARC parsing and cumulative record count in case of uploading of several files in one go (BibUpload) *) personal `your admin activities' page introduced (WebSession) *) added option to fulltext-index local files only (BibIndex) *) initial release of the BibIndex Admin interface (BibIndex) *) checking of mandatory selection box definitions (WebSubmit) *) WebSearch Admin interface cleanup (WebSearch) *) introducing common test suite infrastructure (WebSearch, BibIndex, MiscUtil, WebHelp) *) fixed accent and link problems for photo demo records (MiscUtil) *) conference title exported via OAI XML DC (BibHarvest) *) enabled building out of source directory; thanks to Frederic CDSware v0.3.2 (DEVELOPMENT) -- released 2004-05-12 --------------------------------------------------- *) admin area improved: all the modules have now Admin Guides; some guides were updated, some are still to be updated (WebHelp, BibConvert, BibFormat, BibIndex, BibSched, WebAlert, WebSession, WebSubmit, BibEdit, BibHarvest, BibRank, BibUpload, WebAccess, WebBasket, WebSearch, WebStyle) *) initial release of the WebSearch Admin interface (WebSearch) *) initial release of the BibRank Admin interface (BibRank) *) search cache expiry after insertion of new records (WebSearch) *) search engine now does on-the-fly formatting via BibFormat CLI call to handle restricted site situations (WebSearch) *) webcoll default verbosity decreased for efficiency (WebSearch) *) added BibConvert configuration example for converting XML Dublin Core to XML MARC (BibConvert) *) BibConvert knowledge base mode extended by various case-sensitive matching possibilities (BibConvert) *) fixed various problems with fulltext file names and the submission from MS Windows platform (WebSubmit) *) fixed problem with bibupload append mode not updating XML MARC properly (BibUpload) *) fixed small problems with the submission interface such as multiple fields selection (WebSubmit) *) session revoking and session expiry strengthened (WebSession) *) page design and style sheet updated to better fit large variety of browsers (WebStyle) *) added output format argument for basket display (WebBasket) *) new Swedish translation and updated German, Russian, and Spanish translations; thanks to Urban, Guido, Lyuba, and Magaly *) faster creation of I18N static HTML and PHP files during make CDSware v0.3.1 (DEVELOPMENT) -- released 2004-03-12 --------------------------------------------------- *) security fix preventing exposure of local configuration variables by malicious URL crafting (WebSearch, WebSubmit, WebAlert, WebBasket, WebSession, BibHarvest, MiscUtil) *) initial release of the ranking engine (BibRank) *) new guide on HOWTO Run Your CDSware Installation (WebHelp) *) fixed submit configurations with respect to fulltext links and metadata tags (WebSubmit, MiscUtil) *) Your Account personal corner now shows the list and the status of submissions and approvals (WebSession) *) uniform help and version number option for CLI executables (WebSearch, BibSched, BibIndex, BibRank, BibHarvest, BibConvert, WebAccess, BibFormat, WebSession, WebAlert) *) uniform technique for on-the-fly formatting of search results via `hb_' and `hd_' output format parameters (WebSearch) *) check for presence of pcntl and mysql PHP libraries (BibUpload) CDSware v0.3.0 (DEVELOPMENT) -- released 2004-03-05 --------------------------------------------------- *) new development branch release (important SQL table changes) *) introducing a new submission engine and the end-user web interface (WebSubmit) *) bibupload is now a BibSched task with new options (BibUpload) *) BibWords renamed into BibIndex in the view of future phrase indexing changes (BibIndex) *) more secure DB server connectivity (BibSched) *) record matching functionality (BibConvert) *) character encoding conversion tables (BibConvert) *) Qualified Dublin Core conversion example (BibConvert) *) OAI deleted records policy can now be specified (BibHarvest) *) multi-language collection portalboxes (WebSearch) *) HTML pages now respect language selections (WebSearch, WebHelp) *) minor layout changes (WebStyle) *) updated Russian and other translations *) ChangeLog is now generated from CVS log messages *) plus the usual set of bugfixes (see ChangeLog) CDSware v0.1.2 (DEVELOPMENT) -- released 2003-12-21 --------------------------------------------------- *) development branch release *) fix BibReformat task launching problem (BibFormat) *) fix BibTeX -> XML MARC conversion example (BibConvert) *) updated Spanish translation CDSware v0.1.1 (DEVELOPMENT) -- released 2003-12-19 --------------------------------------------------- *) development branch release *) access control engine now used by BibWords, BibFormat (admin and bibreformat), WebSearch (webcoll), and BibTaskEx *) access control engine admin guide started (WebAccess) *) search engine support for sorting by more than one field (WebSearch) *) more internationalization of the search engine messages (WebSearch) *) new language: Norwegian (bokmÃ¥l) *) simple example for converting BibTeX into XML MARC (BibConvert) *) new optional --with-python configuration option *) Python module detection during configure *) bugfixes: os.tempnam() warning, login page referer, and others CDSware v0.1.0 (DEVELOPMENT) -- released 2003-12-04 --------------------------------------------------- *) development branch release *) search engine redesign to yield five times more search performance for larger sites (WebSearch, BibWords) *) fulltext indexation of PDF, PostScript, MS Word, MS PowerPoint and MS Excel files (WebSearch) *) integrated combined metadata/fulltext/citation search (WebSearch) *) multi-stage search guidance in cases of no exact match (WebSearch) *) OAI-PMH harvestor (BibHarvest) *) bibliographic task scheduler (BibSched) *) automatic daemon mode of the indexer, the formatter and the collection cache generator (BibWords, BibFormat, WebSearch) *) user management and session handling rewrite (WebSession) *) user personalization, document baskets and notification alert system (WebBasket, WebAlert) *) role-based access control engine (WebAccess) *) internationalization of the interface started (currently with Czech, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Slovak support) *) web page design update (WebStyle) *) introduction of programmer-oriented technical documentation corner (WebHelp) *) source tree reorganization, mod_python technology adopted for most of the modules CDSware v0.0.9 (STABLE) -- released 2002-08-01 ---------------------------------------------- *) first "public" alpha release of CDSware *) recently standardized Library of Congress' MARC XML schema adopted in all CDSware modules as the new default internal XML file format (BibConvert, BibFormat, BibUpload, WebSubmit, WebSearch) *) support for OAI-PMH v2.0 in addition to OAI-PMH v1.1 (WebSearch) *) search interface now honors multiple output formats per collection (BibFormat, WebSearch) *) search interface now honors search fields, search options, and sort options from the database config tables (WebSearch, WebSearch Admin) *) search interface now honors words indexes from the database config tables (BibWords, WebSearch) *) easy reformatting of already uploaded bibliographic records via web admin. tool (BibFormat Admin/Reformat Records) *) new submission form field type ("response") allowing greater flexibility (WebSubmit) [thanks to Frank Sudholt] *) demo site "Atlantis Institute of Science" updated to demonstrate: Pictures collection of photographs; specific per-collection formats; references inside Articles and Preprints; "cited by" search link; published version linking; subject category searching; search within, search options, sort options in the web collection pages. - end of file -