diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am index 31cb69954..72715e514 100644 --- a/Makefile.am +++ b/Makefile.am @@ -1,482 +1,483 @@ ## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. confignicedir = $(sysconfdir)/build confignice_SCRIPTS=config.nice SUBDIRS = po config modules EXTRA_DIST = UNINSTALL THANKS RELEASE-NOTES configure-tests.py config.nice.in # current jsMath version and packages JSMV = 3.6b JSMFV = 1.3 JSMATH = jsMath-$(JSMV).zip JSMATHFONTS = jsMath-fonts-$(JSMFV).zip # current FCKeditor version FCKV = 2.6.6 FCKEDITOR = FCKeditor_$(FCKV).zip all: @echo "****************************************************" @echo "** CDS Invenio has been successfully built. **" @echo "** **" @echo "** You may proceed to 'make install' now. **" @echo "****************************************************" check-custom-templates: $(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/modules/webstyle/lib/template.py --check-custom-templates $(top_srcdir) kwalitee-check: @$(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/lib/kwalitee.py --stats $(top_srcdir) kwalitee-check-errors-only: @find $(top_srcdir) -name '*.py' -exec pylint -e {} \; 2> /dev/null kwalitee-check-variables: @find $(top_srcdir) -name '*.py' -exec pylint --reports=n --enable-checker=variables {} \; 2> /dev/null kwalitee-check-indentation: @find $(top_srcdir) -name '*.py' -exec pylint --reports=n --enable-checker=format {} 2> /dev/null \; | grep -E '(^\*|indentation)' kwalitee-check-sql-queries: @echo "* Listing potentially dangerous SQL queries:" @echo "** SQL SELECT queries without explicit column list:" @find $(top_srcdir) -name '*.py' -exec grep -HEin 'SELECT \* FROM' {} \; 2> /dev/null @echo "** SQL INSERT queries without explicit column list:" @find $(top_srcdir) -name '*.py' -exec grep -HEin 'INSERT INTO ([[:alnum:]]|_)+[[:space:]]*VALUES' {} \; 2> /dev/null @find $(top_srcdir) -name '*.py' -exec grep -HEin 'INSERT INTO ([[:alnum:]]|_)+[[:space:]]*$$' {} \; 2> /dev/null @echo "** SQL queries using charset-ignorant escape_string():" @find $(top_srcdir) -name '*.py' -exec grep -HEin 'escape_string' {} \; 2> /dev/null @echo "** SQL queries using literal '%s':" @find $(top_srcdir) -name '*.py' -exec grep -HEin "run_sql.*'%[dfis]'" {} \; 2> /dev/null @find $(top_srcdir) -name '*.py' -exec grep -HEin 'run_sql.*"%[dfis]"' {} \; 2> /dev/null @echo "** SQL queries with potentially unescaped arguments:" @find $(top_srcdir) -name '*.py' -exec grep -HEin 'run_sql.* % ' {} \; 2> /dev/null @echo "* Done." etags: \rm -f $(top_srcdir)/TAGS (cd $(top_srcdir) && find $(top_srcdir) -name "*.py" -print | xargs etags) install-data-local: for d in / /cache /log /tmp /data /run ; do \ mkdir -p $(localstatedir)$$d ; \ done @echo "************************************************************" @echo "** CDS Invenio software has been successfully installed! **" @echo "** **" @echo "** You may proceed to customizing your installation now. **" @echo "************************************************************" install-jsmath-plugin: @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** Installing jsMath plugin, please wait... **" @echo "***********************************************************" rm -rf /tmp/invenio-jsmath-plugin mkdir /tmp/invenio-jsmath-plugin (cd /tmp/invenio-jsmath-plugin && \ wget 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/jsmath/$(JSMATH)' && \ wget 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/jsmath/$(JSMATHFONTS)' && \ wget 'http://www.math.union.edu/~dpvc/jsMath/download/extra-fonts/msam10/msam10.zip' && \ wget 'http://www.math.union.edu/~dpvc/jsMath/download/extra-fonts/msbm10/msbm10.zip' && \ unzip -u -d ${prefix}/var/www $(JSMATH) && \ unzip -u -d ${prefix}/var/www $(JSMATHFONTS) && \ unzip -u -d ${prefix}/var/www/jsMath/fonts msam10.zip && \ unzip -u -d ${prefix}/var/www/jsMath/fonts msbm10.zip) rm -fr /tmp/invenio-jsmath-plugin @echo "* Installing Invenio-specific jsMath config..." (cd $(top_srcdir)/modules/webstyle/etc && make install) @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** The jsMath plugin was successfully installed. **" @echo "** Please do not forget to properly set the option **" @echo "** CFG_WEBSEARCH_USE_JSMATH_FOR_FORMATS in invenio.conf. **" @echo "***********************************************************" uninstall-jsmath-plugin: @rm -rvf ${prefix}/var/www/jsMath @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** The jsMath plugin was successfully uninstalled. **" @echo "***********************************************************" install-jscalendar-plugin: @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** Installing jsCalendar plugin, please wait... **" @echo "***********************************************************" rm -rf /tmp/invenio-jscalendar-plugin mkdir /tmp/invenio-jscalendar-plugin (cd /tmp/invenio-jscalendar-plugin && \ wget 'http://www.dynarch.com/static/jscalendar-1.0.zip' && \ unzip -u jscalendar-1.0.zip && \ mkdir -p ${prefix}/var/www/jsCalendar && \ cp jscalendar-1.0/img.gif ${prefix}/var/www/jsCalendar/jsCalendar.gif && \ cp jscalendar-1.0/calendar.js ${prefix}/var/www/jsCalendar/ && \ cp jscalendar-1.0/calendar-setup.js ${prefix}/var/www/jsCalendar/ && \ cp jscalendar-1.0/lang/calendar-en.js ${prefix}/var/www/jsCalendar/ && \ cp jscalendar-1.0/calendar-blue.css ${prefix}/var/www/jsCalendar/) rm -fr /tmp/invenio-jscalendar-plugin @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** The jsCalendar plugin was successfully installed. **" @echo "***********************************************************" uninstall-jscalendar-plugin: @rm -rvf ${prefix}/var/www/jsCalendar @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** The jsCalendar plugin was successfully uninstalled. **" @echo "***********************************************************" install-jquery-plugins: install-jquery-plugins @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** Installing various jQuery plugins, please wait... **" @echo "***********************************************************" mkdir -p ${prefix}/var/www/js (cd ${prefix}/var/www/js && \ wget http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/files/jquery-1.3.1.min.js && \ mv jquery-1.3.1.min.js jquery.min.js && \ wget http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/svn/tags/latest/ui/minified/jquery.effects.core.min.js && \ wget http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/svn/tags/latest/ui/minified/jquery.effects.highlight.min.js && \ wget http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/svn/tags/1.7.3/ui/minified/ui.slider.min.js && \ wget http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/svn/tags/1.7.3/ui/minified/ui.sortable.min.js && \ wget http://www.appelsiini.net/download/jquery.jeditable.mini.js && \ wget http://github.com/malsup/form/raw/master/jquery.form.js && \ wget http://plugins.jquery.com/files/jquery.autogrow-1.2.2.zip && \ wget http://tablesorter.com/jquery.tablesorter.zip && \ wget http://www.uploadify.com/_files/jquery.uploadify-v2.1.0.zip && \ unzip jquery.tablesorter.zip && \ rm jquery.tablesorter.zip && \ unzip -u jquery.uploadify-v2.1.0.zip -d uploadify && \ mv uploadify/swfobject.js ./ && \ mv uploadify/cancel.png uploadify/uploadify.css uploadify/uploadify.allglyphs.swf uploadify/uploadify.fla uploadify/uploadify.swf ../img/ && \ mv uploadify/jquery.uploadify.v2.1.0.min.js ./jquery.uploadify.min.js && \ rm jquery.uploadify-v2.1.0.zip && rm -r uploadify && \ unzip jquery.autogrow-1.2.2.zip jquery.autogrow.js && \ rm jquery.autogrow-1.2.2.zip && \ wget -O json2.js.tmp http://json.org/json2.js && \ grep -v 'alert.*IMPORTANT: Remove this line' json2.js.tmp > json2.js && \ rm json2.js.tmp && \ wget http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/svn/tags/1.7.3/ui/minified/ui.datepicker.min.js && \ wget -O jquery.hotkeys.min.js http://js-hotkeys.googlecode.com/files/jquery.hotkeys-0.7.8-packed.js && \ wget http://plugins.jquery.com/files/jquery.treeview_3.zip && \ unzip jquery.treeview_3.zip && \ rm jquery.treeview_3.zip && \ wget http://plugins.jquery.com/files/jquery.ajaxPager.js_5.txt && \ mv jquery.ajaxPager.js_5.txt jquery.ajaxPager.js && \ wget http://jqueryui.com/download/jquery-ui-1.7.3.custom.zip && \ unzip jquery-ui-1.7.3.custom.zip development-bundle/ui/ui.core.js && \ mv development-bundle/ui/ui.core.js ui.core.js && \ rm -rf development-bundle && \ rm jquery-ui-1.7.3.custom.zip) mkdir -p ${prefix}/var/www/img && \ (cd ${prefix}/var/www/img && \ wget -r -np -nH --cut-dirs=4 -A "png,css" -P jquery-ui/themes http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/svn/tags/1.7.3/themes/base/ && \ wget http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/svn/tags/1.7.3/themes/redmond/jquery-ui.css && \ wget http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/svn/tags/1.7.3/demos/images/calendar.gif && \ wget -r -np -nH --cut-dirs=5 -A "png" http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/svn/tags/1.7.3/themes/redmond/images/) @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** The jQuery plugins were successfully installed. **" @echo "***********************************************************" uninstall-jquery-plugins: (cd ${prefix}/var/www/js && \ rm -f jquery.min.js && \ rm -f jquery.effects.core.min.js && \ rm -f jquery.effects.highlight.min.js && \ rm -f jquery.jeditable.mini.js && \ rm -f jquery.tablesorter.js && \ rm -f jquery.tablesorter.pager.js && \ rm -f ui.datepicker.min.js && \ rm -f jquery.autogrow.js && \ rm -f json2.js && \ rm -f jquery.uploadify.min.js && \ rm -f jquery.ui.slider.min.js && \ rm -f jquery.ui.sortable.min.js && \ rm -rf tablesorter && \ rm -f jquery.hotkeys.min.js && \ rm -rf jquery-treeview && \ rm -f jquery.ajaxPager.js && \ rm -f jquery.form.js && \ rm -f ui.core.js) && \ (cd ${prefix}/var/www/img && \ rm -f cancel.png uploadify.css uploadify.swf uploadify.allglyphs.swf uploadify.fla) @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** The jquery plugins were successfully uninstalled. **" @echo "***********************************************************" install-fckeditor-plugin: @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** Installing FCKeditor plugin, please wait... **" @echo "***********************************************************" rm -rf ${prefix}/lib/python/invenio/fckeditor/ rm -rf /tmp/invenio-fckeditor-plugin mkdir /tmp/invenio-fckeditor-plugin (cd /tmp/invenio-fckeditor-plugin && \ wget 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/fckeditor/$(FCKEDITOR)' && \ unzip -u -d ${prefix}/var/www $(FCKEDITOR)) && \ mkdir -p ${prefix}/lib/python/invenio/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/py && \ mv -f ${prefix}/var/www/fckeditor/fckeditor.py ${prefix}/lib/python/invenio/fckeditor/ && \ mv -f ${prefix}/var/www/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/py/*.py ${prefix}/lib/python/invenio/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/py/ && \ rm -f ${prefix}/var/www/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/py/upload.py && \ rm -f ${prefix}/var/www/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/py/zope.py && \ find ${prefix}/lib/python/invenio/fckeditor -type d -exec touch {}/__init__.py \; && \ find ${prefix}/var/www/fckeditor/ -depth -name '_*' -exec rm -rf {} \; && \ rm -r ${prefix}/var/www/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors && \ find ${prefix}/var/www/fckeditor/fckeditor* -maxdepth 0 ! -name "fckeditor.js" -exec rm -r {} \; && \ rm -fr /tmp/invenio-fckeditor-plugin @echo "* Installing Invenio-specific FCKeditor config..." (cd $(top_srcdir)/modules/webstyle/etc && make install) @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** The FCKeditor plugin was successfully installed. **" @echo "** Please do not forget to properly set the option **" @echo "** CFG_WEBCOMMENT_USE_RICH_TEXT_EDITOR in invenio.conf. **" @echo "***********************************************************" uninstall-fckeditor-plugin: @rm -rvf ${prefix}/var/www/fckeditor @rm -rvf ${prefix}/lib/python/invenio/fckeditor @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** The FCKeditor plugin was successfully uninstalled. **" @echo "***********************************************************" install-pdfa-helper-files: @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** Installing PDF/A helper files, please wait... **" @echo "***********************************************************" wget 'http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/ISOCoatedsb.icc' -O ${prefix}/etc/websubmit/file_converter_templates/ISOCoatedsb.icc @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** The PDF/A helper files were successfully installed. **" @echo "***********************************************************" uninstall-pdfa-helper-files: rm -f ${prefix}/etc/websubmit/file_converter_templates/ISOCoatedsb.icc @echo "***********************************************************" @echo "** The PDF/A helper files were successfully uninstalled. **" @echo "***********************************************************" update-v0.3.0-tables update-v0.3.1-tables: echo "ALTER TABLE idxINDEXNAME CHANGE id_idxINDEX id_idxINDEX mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL FIRST;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE rnkMETHODNAME CHANGE id_rnkMETHOD id_rnkMETHOD mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL FIRST;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE collectionname CHANGE id_collection id_collection mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL FIRST;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE formatname CHANGE id_format id_format mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL FIRST;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE fieldname CHANGE id_field id_field mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL FIRST;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO accACTION (id,name,description,allowedkeywords,optional) VALUES (NULL,'runbibrank','run BibRank','','no');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO accACTION (id,name,description,allowedkeywords,optional) VALUES (NULL,'cfgbibrank','configure BibRank','','no');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec update-v0.3.2-tables: echo "ALTER TABLE sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE CHANGE id_son id_son char(10) NOT NULL default '0';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec update-v0.3.3-tables: ${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql echo "ALTER TABLE flxLINKTYPEPARAMS CHANGE pname pname varchar(78) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE rnkMETHOD DROP star_category_ranges;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "DROP TABLE rnkSET;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK CHANGE arguments arguments LONGTEXT;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK CHANGE status status varchar(50);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec update-v0.5.0-tables: ${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql echo "ALTER TABLE session ADD INDEX uid (uid);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE idxINDEXNAME SET ln='cs' WHERE ln='cz';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE rnkMETHODNAME SET ln='cs' WHERE ln='cz';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE collectionname SET ln='cs' WHERE ln='cz';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE collection_portalbox SET ln='cs' WHERE ln='cz';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE formatname SET ln='cs' WHERE ln='cz';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE fieldname SET ln='cs' WHERE ln='cz';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE idxINDEXNAME SET ln='sv' WHERE ln='se';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE rnkMETHODNAME SET ln='sv' WHERE ln='se';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE collectionname SET ln='sv' WHERE ln='se';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE collection_portalbox SET ln='sv' WHERE ln='se';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE formatname SET ln='sv' WHERE ln='se';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE fieldname SET ln='sv' WHERE ln='se';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec update-v0.7.1-tables: echo "DROP TABLE oaiHARVEST;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec ${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql echo "INSERT INTO accACTION (id,name,description,allowedkeywords,optional) VALUES (NULL,'cfgbibharvest','configure BibHarvest','','no');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO accACTION (id,name,description,allowedkeywords,optional) VALUES (NULL,'runoaiharvest','run BibHarvest oaiharvest','','no');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO accACTION (id,name,description,allowedkeywords,optional) VALUES (NULL,'cfgwebcomment','configure WebComment','','no');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO accACTION (id,name,description,allowedkeywords,optional) VALUES (NULL,'runoaiarchive','run BibHarvest oaiarchive','','no');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO accACTION (id,name,description,allowedkeywords,optional) VALUES (NULL,'runbibedit','run BibEdit','','no');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE user ADD nickname varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE user ADD last_login datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE user ADD INDEX nickname (nickname);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE sbmFIELD CHANGE subname subname varchar(13) default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE user_query_basket CHANGE alert_name alert_name varchar(30) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "TRUNCATE TABLE session;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec @echo "**********************************************************" @echo "** Do not forget to run the basket migration now: **" @echo "** @PYTHON@ modules/webbasket/lib/webbasket_migration_kit.py " @echo "** Please see the RELEASE-NOTES for details. **" @echo "**********************************************************" @echo "INSERT INTO oaiARCHIVE (id, setName, setSpec, setDescription, setDefinition, setRecList) SELECT id, setName, setSpec, CONCAT_WS('', setDescription), setDefinition, setRecList FROM oaiSET;" update-v0.90.0-tables: ${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql echo "ALTER TABLE format ADD COLUMN (description varchar(255) default '');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE format ADD COLUMN (content_type varchar(255) default '');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec update-v0.90.1-tables: ${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK ADD INDEX status (status);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK ADD INDEX runtime (runtime);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE sbmCATEGORIES ADD COLUMN score TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE sbmCATEGORIES ADD PRIMARY KEY (doctype, sname);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE sbmCATEGORIES ADD KEY doctype (doctype);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiHARVEST ADD COLUMN setspecs TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE setDescription setDescription text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE p1 p1 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE f1 f1 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE m1 m1 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE p2 p2 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE f2 f2 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE m2 m2 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE p3 p3 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE f3 f3 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE m3 m3 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE bibdoc SET status=0 WHERE status='';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE bibdoc SET status=1 WHERE status='deleted';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES add COLUMN kbtype char default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec update-v0.92.0-tables: echo "UPDATE bibdoc SET status=0 WHERE status='';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE bibdoc SET status=1 WHERE status='deleted';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK CHANGE arguments arguments mediumblob;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE user SET note=1 WHERE nickname='admin' AND note IS NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE usergroup CHANGE name name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE usergroup ADD login_method varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'INTERNAL';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE usergroup ADD UNIQUE KEY login_method_name (login_method(70), name);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE user CHANGE settings settings blob default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Get_Recid', 'This function gets the recid for a document with a given report-number (as stored in the global variable rn).');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec update-v0.92.1-tables: echo "DROP TABLE rnkCITATIONDATA;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec ${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql echo "UPDATE bibdoc SET status='DELETED' WHERE status='1';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE bibdoc SET status='' WHERE status='0';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bibrec ADD KEY creation_date (creation_date);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bibrec ADD KEY modification_date (modification_date);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bibdoc ADD KEY creation_date (creation_date);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bibdoc ADD KEY modification_date (modification_date);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bibdoc ADD KEY docname (docname);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiHARVEST CHANGE postprocess postprocess varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'h';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE oaiHARVEST ADD COLUMN bibfilterprogram varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE idxINDEXNAME CHANGE ln ln char(5) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE idxINDEX ADD COLUMN stemming_language VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE rnkMETHODNAME CHANGE ln ln char(5) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE rnkDOWNLOADS CHANGE id_bibdoc id_bibdoc mediumint(9) unsigned default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE rnkDOWNLOADS CHANGE file_format file_format varchar(10) NULL default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE collectionname CHANGE ln ln char(5) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE collection_portalbox CHANGE ln ln char(5) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE format ADD COLUMN visibility TINYINT NOT NULL default 1;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE formatname CHANGE ln ln char(5) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE fieldname CHANGE ln ln char(5) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE accROLE ADD COLUMN firerole_def_ser blob NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE accROLE ADD COLUMN firerole_def_src text NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE user_accROLE ADD COLUMN expiration datetime NOT NULL default '9999-12-31 23:59:59';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE user DROP INDEX id, ADD PRIMARY KEY id (id);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo -e 'from invenio.dbquery import run_sql;\ map(lambda index_id: run_sql("ALTER TABLE idxPHRASE%02dF CHANGE term term TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, DROP INDEX term, ADD INDEX term (term (50))" % index_id[0]), run_sql("select id from idxINDEX"))' | $(PYTHON) echo "INSERT INTO rnkCITATIONDATA VALUES (1,'citationdict','','');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO rnkCITATIONDATA VALUES (2,'reversedict','','');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO rnkCITATIONDATA VALUES (3,'selfcitdict','','');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec update-v0.99.0-tables: ${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql echo "ALTER TABLE bibdoc ADD COLUMN more_info mediumblob NULL default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK ADD COLUMN priority tinyint(4) NOT NULL default 0;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK ADD KEY priority (priority);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE rnkCITATIONDATA DROP PRIMARY KEY;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE rnkCITATIONDATA ADD PRIMARY KEY (id);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE rnkCITATIONDATA CHANGE id id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE rnkCITATIONDATA ADD UNIQUE KEY object_name (object_name);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE sbmPARAMETERS CHANGE value value text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE sbmAPPROVAL ADD note text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE hstDOCUMENT CHANGE docsize docsize bigint(15) unsigned NOT NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE cmtACTIONHISTORY CHANGE client_host client_host int(10) unsigned default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec update-v0.99.1-tables: echo "RENAME TABLE oaiARCHIVE TO oaiREPOSITORY;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec ${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql echo "INSERT INTO knwKB (id,name,description,kbtype) SELECT id,name,description,'' FROM fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO knwKBRVAL (id,m_key,m_value,id_knwKB) SELECT id,m_key,m_value,id_fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES FROM fmtKNOWLEDGEBASEMAPPINGS;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE sbmPARAMETERS CHANGE name name varchar(40) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bibdoc CHANGE docname docname varchar(250) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL default 'file';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bibdoc ADD COLUMN text_extraction_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE collection DROP COLUMN restricted;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK CHANGE host host varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE hstTASK CHANGE host host varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bib85x DROP INDEX kv, ADD INDEX kv (value(100));" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE clsMETHOD SET location='http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/HEP.rdf' WHERE name='HEP' AND location='';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE clsMETHOD SET location='http://cdsware.cern.ch/download/invenio-demo-site-files/NASA-subjects.rdf' WHERE name='NASA-subjects' AND location='';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE accACTION SET name='runoairepository', description='run oairepositoryupdater task' WHERE name='runoaiarchive';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE accACTION SET name='cfgoaiharvest', description='configure OAI Harvest' WHERE name='cfgbibharvest';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE accARGUMENT CHANGE value value varchar(255);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE accACTION SET allowedkeywords='doctype,act,categ' WHERE name='submit';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO accARGUMENT(keyword,value) VALUES ('categ','*');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT(id_accROLE,id_accACTION,id_accARGUMENT,argumentlistid) SELECT DISTINCT raa.id_accROLE,raa.id_accACTION,accARGUMENT.id,raa.argumentlistid FROM accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT as raa JOIN accACTION on id_accACTION=accACTION.id,accARGUMENT WHERE accACTION.name='submit' and accARGUMENT.keyword='categ' and accARGUMENT.value='*';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "UPDATE accACTION SET allowedkeywords='name,with_editor_rights' WHERE name='cfgwebjournal';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO accARGUMENT(keyword,value) VALUES ('with_editor_rights','yes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT(id_accROLE,id_accACTION,id_accARGUMENT,argumentlistid) SELECT DISTINCT raa.id_accROLE,raa.id_accACTION,accARGUMENT.id,raa.argumentlistid FROM accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT as raa JOIN accACTION on id_accACTION=accACTION.id,accARGUMENT WHERE accACTION.name='cfgwebjournal' and accARGUMENT.keyword='with_editor_rights' and accARGUMENT.value='yes';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bskEXTREC CHANGE id id int(15) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bskEXTREC ADD external_id int(15) NOT NULL default '0';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bskEXTREC ADD collection_id int(15) unsigned NOT NULL default '0';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE bskEXTREC ADD original_url text;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE cmtRECORDCOMMENT ADD status char(2) NOT NULL default 'ok';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "ALTER TABLE cmtRECORDCOMMENT ADD KEY status (status);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_Photos_to_Storage','Attach/edit the pictures uploaded with the \"create_photos_manager_interface()\" function');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFIELDDESC VALUES ('Upload_Photos',NULL,'','R',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\"\"\"\r\nThis is an example of element that creates a photos upload interface.\r\nClone it, customize it and integrate it into your submission. Then add function \r\n\'Move_Photos_to_Storage\' to your submission functions list, in order for files \r\nuploaded with this interface to be attached to the record. More information in \r\nthe WebSubmit admin guide.\r\n\"\"\"\r\n\r\nfrom invenio.websubmit_functions.ParamFile import ParamFromFile\r\nfrom invenio.websubmit_functions.Move_Photos_to_Storage import read_param_file, create_photos_manager_interface, get_session_id\r\n\r\n# Retrieve session id\r\ntry:\r\n # User info is defined only in MBI/MPI actions...\r\n session_id = get_session_id(None, uid, user_info) \r\nexcept:\r\n session_id = get_session_id(req, uid, {})\r\n\r\n# Retrieve context\r\nindir = curdir.split(\'/\')[-3]\r\ndoctype = curdir.split(\'/\')[-2]\r\naccess = curdir.split(\'/\')[-1]\r\n\r\n# Get the record ID, if any\r\nsysno = ParamFromFile(\"%s/%s\" % (curdir,\'SN\')).strip()\r\n\r\n\"\"\"\r\nModify below the configuration of the photos manager interface.\r\nNote: \'can_reorder_photos\' parameter is not yet fully taken into consideration\r\n\r\nDocumentation of the function is available by running:\r\necho -e \'from invenio.websubmit_functions.Move_Photos_to_Storage import create_photos_manager_interface as f\\nprint f.__doc__\' | python\r\n\"\"\"\r\ntext += create_photos_manager_interface(sysno, session_id, uid,\r\n doctype, indir, curdir, access,\r\n can_delete_photos=True,\r\n can_reorder_photos=True,\r\n can_upload_photos=True,\r\n editor_width=700,\r\n editor_height=400,\r\n initial_slider_value=100,\r\n max_slider_value=200,\r\n min_slider_value=80)','0000-00-00','0000-00-00',NULL,NULL,0);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Photos_to_Storage','iconsize');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFIELDDESC VALUES ('Upload_Files',NULL,'','R',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\"\"\"\r\nThis is an example of element that creates a file upload interface.\r\nClone it, customize it and integrate it into your submission. Then add function \r\n\'Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage\' to your submission functions list, in order for files \r\nuploaded with this interface to be attached to the record. More information in \r\nthe WebSubmit admin guide.\r\n\"\"\"\r\nfrom invenio.websubmit_managedocfiles import create_file_upload_interface\r\nfrom invenio.websubmit_functions.Shared_Functions import ParamFromFile\r\n\r\nindir = ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'indir\'))\r\ndoctype = ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'doctype\'))\r\naccess = ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'access\'))\r\ntry:\r\n sysno = int(ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'SN\')).strip())\r\nexcept:\r\n sysno = -1\r\nln = ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'ln\'))\r\n\r\n\"\"\"\r\nRun the following to get the list of parameters of function \'create_file_upload_interface\':\r\necho -e \'from invenio.websubmit_managedocfiles import create_file_upload_interface as f\\nprint f.__doc__\' | python\r\n\"\"\"\r\ntext = create_file_upload_interface(recid=sysno,\r\n print_outside_form_tag=False,\r\n include_headers=True,\r\n ln=ln,\r\n doctypes_and_desc=[(\'main\',\'Main document\'),\r\n (\'additional\',\'Figure, schema, etc.\')],\r\n can_revise_doctypes=[\'*\'],\r\n can_describe_doctypes=[\'main\'],\r\n can_delete_doctypes=[\'additional\'],\r\n can_rename_doctypes=[\'main\'],\r\n sbm_indir=indir, sbm_doctype=doctype, sbm_access=access)[1]\r\n','0000-00-00','0000-00-00',NULL,NULL,0);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage','forceFileRevision');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','Display generic interface to add/revise/delete files. To be used before function \"Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage\"');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage','Attach files uploaded with \"Create_Upload_Files_Interface\"')" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','maxsize');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','minsize');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','doctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','restrictions');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canDeleteDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canReviseDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canDescribeDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canCommentDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canKeepDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canAddFormatDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canRestrictDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canRenameDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canNameNewFiles');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','createRelatedFormats');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','keepDefault');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','showLinks');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','fileLabel');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','filenameLabel');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','descriptionLabel');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','commentLabel');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','restrictionLabel');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','startDoc');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','endDoc');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','defaultFilenameDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','maxFilesDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage','iconsize');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage','createIconDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Report_Number_Generation','nblength');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Second_Report_Number_Generation','2nd_nb_length');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_FCKeditor_Files_to_Storage','Transfer files attached to the record with the FCKeditor');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_FCKeditor_Files_to_Storage','input_fields');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Uploaded_Files','layer');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval','layer');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec + echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval','switch_file');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec CLEANFILES = *~ *.pyc *.tmp diff --git a/modules/miscutil/sql/tabfill.sql b/modules/miscutil/sql/tabfill.sql index 5d8547d5b..0c5e8ec74 100644 --- a/modules/miscutil/sql/tabfill.sql +++ b/modules/miscutil/sql/tabfill.sql @@ -1,588 +1,589 @@ -- $Id$ -- This file is part of CDS Invenio. -- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. -- -- CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the -- License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., -- 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -- Fill Invenio configuration tables with defaults suitable for any site. INSERT INTO rnkMETHOD (id,name,last_updated) VALUES (1,'wrd','0000-00-00 00:00:00'); INSERT INTO collection_rnkMETHOD (id_collection,id_rnkMETHOD,score) VALUES (1,1,100); INSERT INTO rnkCITATIONDATA VALUES (1,'citationdict',NULL,'0000-00-00'); INSERT INTO rnkCITATIONDATA VALUES (2,'reversedict',NULL,'0000-00-00'); INSERT INTO rnkCITATIONDATA VALUES (3,'selfcitdict',NULL,'0000-00-00'); INSERT INTO rnkCITATIONDATA VALUES (4,'selfcitedbydict',NULL,'0000-00-00'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (1,'any field','anyfield'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (2,'title','title'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (3,'author','author'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (4,'abstract','abstract'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (5,'keyword','keyword'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (6,'report number','reportnumber'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (7,'subject','subject'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (8,'reference','reference'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (9,'fulltext','fulltext'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (10,'collection','collection'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (11,'division','division'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (12,'year','year'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (13,'experiment','experiment'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (14,'record ID','recid'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (15,'isbn','isbn'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (16,'issn','issn'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (17,'coden','coden'); -- INSERT INTO field VALUES (18,'doi','doi'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (19,'journal','journal'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (20,'collaboration','collaboration'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (21,'affiliation','affiliation'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (22,'exact author','exactauthor'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (23,'date created','datecreated'); INSERT INTO field VALUES (24,'date modified','datemodified'); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,100,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,102,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,103,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,104,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,105,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,106,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,107,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,108,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,109,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,110,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,111,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,112,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,113,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,114,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,16,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,17,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,18,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,19,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,20,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,21,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,22,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,23,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,24,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,25,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,26,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,27,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,28,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,29,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,30,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,31,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,32,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,33,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,34,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,35,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,36,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,37,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,38,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,39,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,40,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,41,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,42,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,43,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,44,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,45,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,46,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,47,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,48,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,49,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,50,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,51,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,52,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,53,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,54,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,55,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,56,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,57,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,58,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,59,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,60,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,61,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,62,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,63,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,64,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,65,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,66,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,67,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,68,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,69,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,70,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,71,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,72,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,73,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,74,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,75,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,76,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,77,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,78,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,79,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,80,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,81,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,82,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,83,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,84,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,85,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,86,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,87,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,88,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,89,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,90,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,91,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,92,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,93,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,94,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,95,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,96,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,97,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,98,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,99,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,122,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,123,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,124,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,125,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,126,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,127,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,128,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,129,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (1,130,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (10,11,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (11,14,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (12,15,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (13,116,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (2,3,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (2,4,90); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (3,1,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (3,2,90); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (4,5,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (5,6,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (6,7,30); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (6,8,10); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (6,9,20); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (7,12,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (7,13,90); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (8,10,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (9,115,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (14,117,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (15,118,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (16,119,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (17,120,100); -- INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (18,121,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (19,131,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (20,132,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (21,133,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (21,134,90); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (22,1,100); INSERT INTO field_tag VALUES (22,2,90); INSERT INTO format VALUES (1,'HTML brief','hb', 'HTML brief output format, used for search results pages.', 'text/html', 1); INSERT INTO format VALUES (2,'HTML detailed','hd', 'HTML detailed output format, used for Detailed record pages.', 'text/html', 1); INSERT INTO format VALUES (3,'MARC','hm', 'HTML MARC.', 'text/html', 1); INSERT INTO format VALUES (4,'Dublin Core','xd', 'XML Dublin Core.', 'text/xml', 1); INSERT INTO format VALUES (5,'MARCXML','xm', 'XML MARC.', 'text/xml', 1); INSERT INTO format VALUES (6,'portfolio','hp', 'HTML portfolio-style output format for photos.', 'text/html', 1); INSERT INTO format VALUES (7,'photo captions only','hc', 'HTML caption-only output format for photos.', 'text/html', 1); INSERT INTO format VALUES (8,'BibTeX','hx', 'BibTeX.', 'text/html', 1); INSERT INTO format VALUES (9,'EndNote','xe', 'XML EndNote.', 'text/xml', 1); INSERT INTO format VALUES (10,'NLM','xn', 'XML NLM.', 'text/xml', 1); INSERT INTO format VALUES (11,'Excel','excel', 'Excel csv output', 'application/ms-excel', 0); INSERT INTO format VALUES (12,'HTML similarity','hs', 'Very short HTML output for similarity box (people also viewed..).', 'text/html', 0); INSERT INTO format VALUES (13,'RSS','xr', 'RSS.', 'text/xml', 0); INSERT INTO format VALUES (14,'OAI DC','xoaidc', 'OAI DC.', 'text/xml', 0); INSERT INTO format VALUES (15,'File mini-panel', 'hdfile', 'Used to show fulltext files in mini-panel of detailed record pages.', 'text/html', 0); INSERT INTO format VALUES (16,'Actions mini-panel', 'hdact', 'Used to display actions in mini-panel of detailed record pages.', 'text/html', 0); INSERT INTO format VALUES (17,'References tab', 'hdref', 'Display record references in References tab.', 'text/html', 0); INSERT INTO format VALUES (18,'HTML citesummary','hcs', 'HTML cite summary format, used for search results pages.', 'text/html', 1); INSERT INTO format VALUES (19,'RefWorks','xw', 'RefWorks.', 'text/xml', 1); INSERT INTO format VALUES (20,'MODS', 'xo', 'Metadata Object Description Schema', 'application/xml', 1); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (1,'first author name','100__a'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (2,'additional author name','700__a'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (3,'main title','245__%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (4,'additional title','246__%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (5,'abstract','520__%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (6,'keyword','6531_a'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (7,'primary report number','037__a'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (8,'additional report number','088__a'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (9,'added report number','909C0r'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (10,'reference','999C5%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (11,'collection identifier','980__%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (12,'main subject','65017a'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (13,'additional subject','65027a'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (14,'division','909C0p'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (15,'year','909C0y'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (16,'00x','00%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (17,'01x','01%'); 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INSERT INTO tag VALUES (93,'77x','77%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (94,'78x','78%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (95,'79x','79%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (96,'80x','80%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (97,'81x','81%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (98,'82x','82%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (99,'83x','83%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (100,'84x','84%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (101,'electr','85%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (102,'86x','86%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (103,'87x','87%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (104,'88x','88%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (105,'89x','89%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (106,'publication','90%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (107,'pub-conf-cit','91%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (108,'92x','92%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (109,'93x','93%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (110,'94x','94%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (111,'95x','95%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (112,'catinfo','96%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (113,'97x','97%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (114,'98x','98%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (115,'url','8564_u'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (116,'experiment','909C0e'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (117,'record ID','001'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (118,'isbn','020__a'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (119,'issn','022__a'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (120,'coden','030__a'); -- INSERT INTO tag VALUES (121,'doi','773__a'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (122,'850x','850%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (123,'851x','851%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (124,'852x','852%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (125,'853x','853%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (126,'854x','854%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (127,'855x','855%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (128,'857x','857%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (129,'858x','858%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (130,'859x','859%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (131,'journal','909C4%'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (132,'collaboration','710__g'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (133,'first author affiliation','100__u'); INSERT INTO tag VALUES (134,'additional author affiliation','700__u'); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (1,'global','This index contains words/phrases from global fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (2,'collection','This index contains words/phrases from collection identifiers fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (3,'abstract','This index contains words/phrases from abstract fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (4,'author','This index contains fuzzy words/phrases from author fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (5,'keyword','This index contains words/phrases from keyword fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (6,'reference','This index contains words/phrases from references fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (7,'reportnumber','This index contains words/phrases from report numbers fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (8,'title','This index contains words/phrases from title fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (9,'fulltext','This index contains words/phrases from fulltext fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (10,'year','This index contains words/phrases from year fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (11,'journal','This index contains words/phrases from journal publication information fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (12,'collaboration','This index contains words/phrases from collaboration name fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (13,'affiliation','This index contains words/phrases from institutional affiliation fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX VALUES (14,'exactauthor','This index contains exact words/phrases from author fields.','0000-00-00 00:00:00', ''); INSERT INTO idxINDEX_field (id_idxINDEX, id_field) VALUES (1,1); INSERT INTO idxINDEX_field (id_idxINDEX, id_field) VALUES (2,10); INSERT INTO idxINDEX_field (id_idxINDEX, id_field) VALUES (3,4); INSERT INTO idxINDEX_field (id_idxINDEX, id_field) VALUES (4,3); INSERT INTO idxINDEX_field (id_idxINDEX, id_field) VALUES (5,5); INSERT INTO idxINDEX_field (id_idxINDEX, id_field) VALUES (6,8); INSERT INTO idxINDEX_field (id_idxINDEX, id_field) VALUES (7,6); INSERT INTO idxINDEX_field (id_idxINDEX, id_field) VALUES (8,2); INSERT INTO idxINDEX_field (id_idxINDEX, id_field) VALUES (9,9); INSERT INTO idxINDEX_field (id_idxINDEX, id_field) VALUES (10,12); INSERT INTO idxINDEX_field (id_idxINDEX, id_field) VALUES (11,19); INSERT INTO idxINDEX_field (id_idxINDEX, id_field) VALUES (12,20); INSERT INTO idxINDEX_field (id_idxINDEX, id_field) VALUES (13,21); INSERT INTO idxINDEX_field (id_idxINDEX, id_field) VALUES (14,22); INSERT INTO sbmACTION VALUES ('Submit New Record','SBI','running','1998-08-17','2001-08-08','','Submit New Record'); INSERT INTO sbmACTION VALUES ('Modify Record','MBI','modify','1998-08-17','2001-11-07','','Modify Record'); INSERT INTO sbmACTION VALUES ('Submit New File','SRV','revise','0000-00-00','2001-11-07','','Submit New File'); INSERT INTO sbmACTION VALUES ('Approve Record','APP','approve','2001-11-08','2002-06-11','','Approve Record'); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Ask_For_Record_Details_Confirmation',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('CaseEDS',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Create_Modify_Interface',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Create_Recid',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Finish_Submission',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Get_Info',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Get_Recid', 'This function gets the recid for a document with a given report-number (as stored in the global variable rn).'); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Get_Report_Number',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Get_Sysno',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Insert_Modify_Record',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Insert_Record',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Is_Original_Submitter',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Is_Referee','This function checks whether the logged user is a referee for the current document'); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Mail_Approval_Request_to_Referee',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Mail_Submitter',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Make_Modify_Record',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Make_Record',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_From_Pending',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_to_Done',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_to_Pending',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Print_Success',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Print_Success_Approval_Request',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Print_Success_APP',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Print_Success_DEL','Prepare a message for the user informing them that their record was successfully deleted.'); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Print_Success_MBI',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Print_Success_SRV',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Register_Approval_Request',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Register_Referee_Decision',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Withdraw_Approval_Request',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Report_Number_Generation',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Second_Report_Number_Generation','Generate a secondary report number for a document.'); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Send_Approval_Request',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Send_APP_Mail',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Send_Delete_Mail',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Send_Modify_Mail',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Send_SRV_Mail',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval','Stamp a single file when a document is approved.'); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Stamp_Uploaded_Files','Stamp some of the files that were uploaded during a submission.'); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Test_Status',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Update_Approval_DB',NULL); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('User_is_Record_Owner_or_Curator',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_Files_to_Storage',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Make_Dummy_MARC_XML_Record',''); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_FCKeditor_Files_to_Storage','Transfer files attached to the record with the FCKeditor'); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','Display generic interface to add/revise/delete files. To be used before function "Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage"'); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage','Attach files uploaded with "Create_Upload_Files_Interface"'); INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_Photos_to_Storage','Attach/edit the pictures uploaded with the "create_photos_manager_interface()" function'); INSERT INTO sbmFIELDDESC VALUES ('Upload_Photos',NULL,'','R',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\"\"\"\r\nThis is an example of element that creates a photos upload interface.\r\nClone it, customize it and integrate it into your submission. Then add function \r\n\'Move_Photos_to_Storage\' to your submission functions list, in order for files \r\nuploaded with this interface to be attached to the record. More information in \r\nthe WebSubmit admin guide.\r\n\"\"\"\r\n\r\nfrom invenio.websubmit_functions.ParamFile import ParamFromFile\r\nfrom invenio.websubmit_functions.Move_Photos_to_Storage import \\\r\n read_param_file, \\\r\n create_photos_manager_interface, \\\r\n get_session_id\r\n\r\n# Retrieve session id\r\ntry:\r\n # User info is defined only in MBI/MPI actions...\r\n session_id = get_session_id(None, uid, user_info) \r\nexcept:\r\n session_id = get_session_id(req, uid, {})\r\n\r\n# Retrieve context\r\nindir = curdir.split(\'/\')[-3]\r\ndoctype = curdir.split(\'/\')[-2]\r\naccess = curdir.split(\'/\')[-1]\r\n\r\n# Get the record ID, if any\r\nsysno = ParamFromFile(\"%s/%s\" % (curdir,\'SN\')).strip()\r\n\r\n\"\"\"\r\nModify below the configuration of the photos manager interface.\r\nNote: `can_reorder_photos\' parameter is not yet fully taken into consideration\r\n\r\nDocumentation of the function is available by running:\r\necho -e \'from invenio.websubmit_functions.Move_Photos_to_Storage import create_photos_manager_interface as f\\nprint f.__doc__\' | python\r\n\"\"\"\r\ntext += create_photos_manager_interface(sysno, session_id, uid,\r\n doctype, indir, curdir, access,\r\n can_delete_photos=True,\r\n can_reorder_photos=True,\r\n can_upload_photos=True,\r\n editor_width=700,\r\n editor_height=400,\r\n initial_slider_value=100,\r\n max_slider_value=200,\r\n min_slider_value=80)','0000-00-00','0000-00-00',NULL,NULL,0); INSERT INTO sbmCHECKS VALUES ('AUCheck','function AUCheck(txt) {\r\n var res=1;\r\n tmp=txt.indexOf(\"\\015\");\r\n while (tmp != -1) {\r\n left=txt.substring(0,tmp);\r\n right=txt.substring(tmp+2,txt.length);\r\n txt=left + \"\\012\" + right;\r\n tmp=txt.indexOf(\"\\015\");\r\n }\r\n tmp=txt.indexOf(\"\\012\");\r\n if (tmp==-1){\r\n line=txt;\r\n txt=\'\';}\r\n else{\r\n line=txt.substring(0,tmp);\r\n txt=txt.substring(tmp+1,txt.length);}\r\n while (line != \"\"){\r\n coma=line.indexOf(\",\");\r\n left=line.substring(0,coma);\r\n right=line.substring(coma+1,line.length);\r\n coma2=right.indexOf(\",\");\r\n space=right.indexOf(\" \");\r\n if ((coma==-1)||(left==\"\")||(right==\"\")||(space!=0)||(coma2!=-1)){\r\n res=0;\r\n error_log=line;\r\n }\r\n tmp=txt.indexOf(\"\\012\");\r\n if (tmp==-1){\r\n line=txt;\r\n txt=\'\';}\r\n else{\r\n line=txt.substring(0,tmp-1);\r\n txt=txt.substring(tmp+1,txt.length);}\r\n }\r\n if (res == 0){\r\n alert(\"This author name cannot be managed \\: \\012\\012\" + error_log + \" \\012\\012It is not in the required format!\\012Put one author per line and a comma (,) between the name and the firstname initial letters. \\012The name is going first, followed by the firstname initial letters.\\012Do not forget the whitespace after the comma!!!\\012\\012Example \\: Put\\012\\012Le Meur, J Y \\012Baron, T \\012\\012for\\012\\012Le Meur Jean-Yves & Baron Thomas.\");\r\n return 0;\r\n } \r\n return 1; \r\n}','1998-08-18','0000-00-00','',''); INSERT INTO sbmCHECKS VALUES ('DatCheckNew','function DatCheckNew(txt) {\r\n var res=1;\r\n if (txt.length != 10){res=0;}\r\n if (txt.indexOf(\"/\") != 2){res=0;}\r\n if (txt.lastIndexOf(\"/\") != 5){res=0;}\r\n tmp=parseInt(txt.substring(0,2),10);\r\n if ((tmp > 31)||(tmp < 1)||(isNaN(tmp))){res=0;}\r\n tmp=parseInt(txt.substring(3,5),10);\r\n if ((tmp > 12)||(tmp < 1)||(isNaN(tmp))){res=0;}\r\n tmp=parseInt(txt.substring(6,10),10);\r\n if ((tmp < 1)||(isNaN(tmp))){res=0;}\r\n if (txt.length == 0){res=1;}\r\n if (res == 0){\r\n alert(\"Please enter a correct Date \\012Format: dd/mm/yyyy\");\r\n return 0;\r\n }\r\n return 1; \r\n}','0000-00-00','0000-00-00','',''); INSERT INTO sbmFIELDDESC VALUES ('Upload_Files',NULL,'','R',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\"\"\"\r\nThis is an example of element that creates a file upload interface.\r\nClone it, customize it and integrate it into your submission. Then add function \r\n\'Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage\' to your submission functions list, in order for files \r\nuploaded with this interface to be attached to the record. More information in \r\nthe WebSubmit admin guide.\r\n\"\"\"\r\nfrom invenio.websubmit_managedocfiles import create_file_upload_interface\r\nfrom invenio.websubmit_functions.Shared_Functions import ParamFromFile\r\n\r\nindir = ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'indir\'))\r\ndoctype = ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'doctype\'))\r\naccess = ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'access\'))\r\ntry:\r\n sysno = int(ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'SN\')).strip())\r\nexcept:\r\n sysno = -1\r\nln = ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'ln\'))\r\n\r\n\"\"\"\r\nRun the following to get the list of parameters of function \'create_file_upload_interface\':\r\necho -e \'from invenio.websubmit_managedocfiles import create_file_upload_interface as f\\nprint f.__doc__\' | python\r\n\"\"\"\r\ntext = create_file_upload_interface(recid=sysno,\r\n print_outside_form_tag=False,\r\n include_headers=True,\r\n ln=ln,\r\n doctypes_and_desc=[(\'main\',\'Main document\'),\r\n (\'additional\',\'Figure, schema, etc.\')],\r\n can_revise_doctypes=[\'*\'],\r\n can_describe_doctypes=[\'main\'],\r\n can_delete_doctypes=[\'additional\'],\r\n can_rename_doctypes=[\'main\'],\r\n sbm_indir=indir, sbm_doctype=doctype, sbm_access=access)[1]\r\n','0000-00-00','0000-00-00',NULL,NULL,0); INSERT INTO sbmFORMATEXTENSION VALUES ('WORD','.doc'); INSERT INTO sbmFORMATEXTENSION VALUES ('PostScript','.ps'); INSERT INTO sbmFORMATEXTENSION VALUES ('PDF','.pdf'); INSERT INTO sbmFORMATEXTENSION VALUES ('JPEG','.jpg'); INSERT INTO sbmFORMATEXTENSION VALUES ('JPEG','.jpeg'); INSERT INTO sbmFORMATEXTENSION VALUES ('GIF','.gif'); INSERT INTO sbmFORMATEXTENSION VALUES ('PPT','.ppt'); INSERT INTO sbmFORMATEXTENSION VALUES ('HTML','.htm'); INSERT INTO sbmFORMATEXTENSION VALUES ('HTML','.html'); INSERT INTO sbmFORMATEXTENSION VALUES ('Latex','.tex'); INSERT INTO sbmFORMATEXTENSION VALUES ('Compressed PostScript','.ps.gz'); INSERT INTO sbmFORMATEXTENSION VALUES ('Tarred Tex (.tar)','.tar'); INSERT INTO sbmFORMATEXTENSION VALUES ('Text','.txt'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Get_Report_Number','edsrn'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_Modify_Mail','addressesMBI'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_Modify_Mail','sourceDoc'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Register_Approval_Request','categ_file_appreq'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Register_Approval_Request','categ_rnseek_appreq'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Register_Approval_Request','note_file_appreq'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Register_Referee_Decision','decision_file'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Withdraw_Approval_Request','categ_file_withd'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Withdraw_Approval_Request','categ_rnseek_withd'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Report_Number_Generation','edsrn'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Report_Number_Generation','autorngen'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Report_Number_Generation','rnin'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Report_Number_Generation','counterpath'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Report_Number_Generation','rnformat'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Report_Number_Generation','yeargen'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Report_Number_Generation','nblength'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Mail_Approval_Request_to_Referee','categ_file_appreq'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Mail_Approval_Request_to_Referee','categ_rnseek_appreq'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Mail_Approval_Request_to_Referee','edsrn'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee','categ_file_withd'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Mail_Approval_Withdrawn_to_Referee','categ_rnseek_withd'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Mail_Submitter','authorfile'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Mail_Submitter','status'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_Approval_Request','authorfile'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Modify_Interface','fieldnameMBI'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_Modify_Mail','fieldnameMBI'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Update_Approval_DB','categformatDAM'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Update_Approval_DB','decision_file'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_SRV_Mail','categformatDAM'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_SRV_Mail','addressesSRV'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_Approval_Request','directory'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_Approval_Request','categformatDAM'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_Approval_Request','addressesDAM'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_Approval_Request','titleFile'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_APP_Mail','edsrn'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Mail_Submitter','titleFile'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_Modify_Mail','emailFile'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Get_Info','authorFile'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Get_Info','emailFile'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Get_Info','titleFile'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Make_Modify_Record','modifyTemplate'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_APP_Mail','addressesAPP'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_APP_Mail','categformatAPP'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_APP_Mail','newrnin'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_APP_Mail','decision_file'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_APP_Mail','comments_file'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('CaseEDS','casevariable'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('CaseEDS','casevalues'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('CaseEDS','casesteps'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('CaseEDS','casedefault'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_SRV_Mail','noteFile'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_SRV_Mail','emailFile'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Mail_Submitter','emailFile'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Mail_Submitter','edsrn'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Mail_Submitter','newrnin'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Make_Record','sourceTemplate'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Make_Record','createTemplate'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Print_Success','edsrn'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Print_Success','newrnin'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Print_Success','status'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Make_Modify_Record','sourceTemplate'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Files_to_Storage','documenttype'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Files_to_Storage','iconsize'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Files_to_Storage','paths_and_suffixes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Files_to_Storage','rename'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Uploaded_Files','files_to_be_stamped'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Uploaded_Files','latex_template'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Uploaded_Files','latex_template_vars'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Uploaded_Files','stamp'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Uploaded_Files','layer'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Make_Dummy_MARC_XML_Record','dummyrec_source_tpl'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Make_Dummy_MARC_XML_Record','dummyrec_create_tpl'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Print_Success_APP','decision_file'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Print_Success_APP','newrnin'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_Delete_Mail','edsrn'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Send_Delete_Mail','record_managers'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Second_Report_Number_Generation','2nd_rn_file'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Second_Report_Number_Generation','2nd_rn_format'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Second_Report_Number_Generation','2nd_rn_yeargen'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Second_Report_Number_Generation','2nd_rncateg_file'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Second_Report_Number_Generation','2nd_counterpath'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Second_Report_Number_Generation','2nd_nb_length'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval','file_to_be_stamped'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval','latex_template'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval','latex_template_vars'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval','new_file_name'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval','stamp'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval','layer'); +INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval','switch_file'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_FCKeditor_Files_to_Storage','input_fields'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','maxsize'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','minsize'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','doctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','restrictions'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canDeleteDoctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canReviseDoctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canDescribeDoctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canCommentDoctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canKeepDoctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canAddFormatDoctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canRestrictDoctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canRenameDoctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canNameNewFiles'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','createRelatedFormats'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','keepDefault'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','showLinks'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','fileLabel'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','filenameLabel'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','descriptionLabel'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','commentLabel'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','restrictionLabel'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','startDoc'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','endDoc'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','defaultFilenameDoctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','maxFilesDoctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage','iconsize'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage','createIconDoctypes'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage','forceFileRevision'); INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Photos_to_Storage','iconsize'); INSERT INTO sbmGFILERESULT VALUES ('HTML','HTML document'); INSERT INTO sbmGFILERESULT VALUES ('WORD','data'); INSERT INTO sbmGFILERESULT VALUES ('PDF','PDF document'); INSERT INTO sbmGFILERESULT VALUES ('PostScript','PostScript document'); INSERT INTO sbmGFILERESULT VALUES ('PostScript','data '); INSERT INTO sbmGFILERESULT VALUES ('PostScript','HP Printer Job Language data'); INSERT INTO sbmGFILERESULT VALUES ('jpg','JPEG image'); INSERT INTO sbmGFILERESULT VALUES ('Compressed PostScript','gzip compressed data'); INSERT INTO sbmGFILERESULT VALUES ('Tarred Tex (.tar)','tar archive'); INSERT INTO sbmGFILERESULT VALUES ('JPEG','JPEG image'); INSERT INTO sbmGFILERESULT VALUES ('GIF','GIF'); INSERT INTO collectiondetailedrecordpagetabs VALUES (8, 'usage;comments;metadata'); INSERT INTO collectiondetailedrecordpagetabs VALUES (19, 'usage;comments;metadata'); INSERT INTO collectiondetailedrecordpagetabs VALUES (18, 'usage;comments;metadata'); INSERT INTO collectiondetailedrecordpagetabs VALUES (17, 'usage;comments;metadata'); -- end of file diff --git a/modules/websubmit/lib/functions/Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval.py b/modules/websubmit/lib/functions/Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval.py index f81401467..e5d402b16 100644 --- a/modules/websubmit/lib/functions/Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval.py +++ b/modules/websubmit/lib/functions/Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval.py @@ -1,491 +1,511 @@ ## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval: A function to allow a single file that is already attached to a record to be stamped at approval time. """ __revision__ = "$Id$" from invenio.bibdocfile import BibRecDocs, InvenioWebSubmitFileError from invenio.errorlib import register_exception from invenio import websubmit_file_stamper from invenio.websubmit_config import InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning, \ InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError, InvenioWebSubmitFileStamperError import os.path import re import cgi import time def Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval(parameters, \ curdir, \ form, \ user_info=None): """ This function is intended to be called when a document has been approved and needs to be stamped. The function should be used when there is ONLY ONE file to be stamped after approval (for example, the "main file"). The name of the file to be stamped should be known and should be stored in a file in the submission's working directory (without the extension). Generally, this will work our fine as the main file is named after the report number of the document, this will be stored in the report number file. @param parameters: (dictionary) - must contain: + latex_template: (string) - the name of the LaTeX template that should be used for the creation of the stamp. + latex_template_vars: (string) - a string-ified dictionary of variables to be replaced in the LaTeX template and the values (or names of files in curdir containing the values) with which to replace them. Use prefix 'FILE:' to specify that the stamped value must be read from a file in submission direcotory instead of being a fixed value to stamp. E.G.: { 'TITLE' : 'FILE:DEMOTHESIS_TITLE', 'DATE' : 'FILE:DEMOTHESIS_DATE' } + file_to_be_stamped: (string) - this is the name of a file in the submission's working directory that contains the name of the bibdocfile that is to be stamped. + new_file_name: (string) - this is the name of a file in the submission's working directory that contains the name that is to be given to the file after it has been stamped. If empty, or if that file doesn't exist, the file will not be renamed after stamping. + + switch_file: (string) - when this value is set, specifies + the name of a file that will swith on/off the + stamping. The stamp will be applied if the file exists in + the submission directory and is not empty. If the file + cannot be found or is empty, the stamp is not applied. + Useful for eg. if you want to let your users control the + stamping with a checkbox on your submission page. + Leave this parameter empty to always stamp by default. + + stamp: (string) - the type of stamp to be applied to the file. should be one of: + first (only the first page is stamped); + all (all pages are stamped); + coverpage (a separate cover-page is added to the file as a first page); + layer: (string) - the position of the stamp. Should be one of: + background (invisible if original file has a white -not transparent- background layer) + foreground (on top of the stamped file. If the stamp does not have a transparent background, will hide all of the document layers) The default value is 'background'. """ ############ ## Definition of important variables: ############ ## The file stamper needs to be called with a dictionary of options of ## the following format: ## { 'latex-template' : "", ## TEMPLATE_NAME ## 'latex-template-var' : {}, ## TEMPLATE VARIABLES ## 'input-file' : "", ## INPUT FILE ## 'output-file' : "", ## OUTPUT FILE ## 'stamp' : "", ## STAMP TYPE ## 'layer' : "", ## LAYER TO STAMP ## 'verbosity' : 0, ## VERBOSITY (we don't care about it) ## } file_stamper_options = { 'latex-template' : "", 'latex-template-var' : { }, 'input-file' : "", 'output-file' : "", 'stamp' : "", 'layer' : "", 'verbosity' : 0, } + + ## Check if stamping is enabled + switch_file = parameters.get('switch_file', '') + if switch_file: + # Good, a "switch file" was specified. Check if it exists, and + # it its value is not empty. + if not _read_in_file(os.path.join(curdir, switch_file)): + # File does not exist, or is emtpy. Silently abort + # stamping. + return "" + ## Submission access number: access = _read_in_file("%s/access" % curdir) ## record ID for the current submission. It is found in the special file ## "SN" (sysno) in curdir: recid = _read_in_file("%s/SN" % curdir) try: recid = int(recid) except ValueError: ## No record ID. Cannot continue. err_msg = "Error in Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval: " \ "Cannot recover record ID from the submission's working " \ "directory. Stamping cannot be carried out. The " \ "submission ID is [%s]." % cgi.escape(access) register_exception(prefix=err_msg) raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(err_msg) ############ ## Resolution of function parameters: ############ ## The name of the LaTeX template to be used for stamp creation: latex_template = "%s" % ((type(parameters['latex_template']) is str \ and parameters['latex_template']) or "") ## A string containing the variables/values that should be substituted ## in the final (working) LaTeX template: latex_template_vars_string = "%s" % \ ((type(parameters['latex_template_vars']) is str \ and parameters['latex_template_vars']) or "") ## The type of stamp to be applied to the file(s): stamp = "%s" % ((type(parameters['stamp']) is str and \ parameters['stamp'].lower()) or "") ## The layer to use for stamping: try: layer = parameters['layer'] except KeyError: layer = "background" if not layer in ('background', 'foreground'): layer = "background" ## Get the name of the file to be stamped from the file indicated in ## the file_to_be_stamped parameter: try: file_to_stamp_file = parameters['file_to_be_stamped'] except KeyError: file_to_stamp_file = "" else: if file_to_stamp_file is None: file_to_stamp_file = "" ## Get the "basename" for the file to be stamped (it's mandatory that it ## be in curdir): file_to_stamp_file = os.path.basename(file_to_stamp_file).strip() name_file_to_stamp = _read_in_file("%s/%s" % (curdir, file_to_stamp_file)) name_file_to_stamp.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "") ## ## Get the name to be given to the file after it has been stamped (if there ## is one.) Once more, it will be found in a file in curdir: try: new_file_name_file = parameters['new_file_name'] except KeyError: new_file_name_file = "" else: if new_file_name_file is None: new_file_name_file = "" ## Get the "basename" for the file containing the new file name. (It's ## mandatory that it be in curdir): new_file_name_file = os.path.basename(new_file_name_file).strip() new_file_name = _read_in_file("%s/%s" % (curdir, new_file_name_file)) ############ ## Begin: ############ ## ## If no name for the file to stamp, warning. if name_file_to_stamp == "": wrn_msg = "Warning in Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval: " \ "It was not possible to recover a valid name for the " \ "file to be stamped. Stamping could not, therefore, be " \ "carried out. The submission ID is [%s]." \ % access raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning(wrn_msg) ## ## The file to be stamped is a bibdoc. We will only stamp it (a) if it ## exists; and (b) if it is a PDF file. So, get the path (in the bibdocs ## tree) to the file to be stamped: ## ## First get the object representing the bibdocs belonging to this record: bibrecdocs = BibRecDocs(recid) try: bibdoc_file_to_stamp = bibrecdocs.get_bibdoc("%s" % name_file_to_stamp) except InvenioWebSubmitFileError: ## Couldn't get a bibdoc object for this filename. Probably the file ## that we wanted to stamp wasn't attached to this record. wrn_msg = "Warning in Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval: " \ "It was not possible to recover a bibdoc object for the " \ "filename [%s] when trying to stamp the main file. " \ "Stamping could not be carried out. The submission ID is " \ "[%s] and the record ID is [%s]." \ % (name_file_to_stamp, access, recid) register_exception(prefix=wrn_msg) raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning(wrn_msg) ## Get the BibDocFile object for the PDF version of the bibdoc to be ## stamped: try: bibdocfile_file_to_stamp = bibdoc_file_to_stamp.get_file("pdf") except InvenioWebSubmitFileError: ## This bibdoc doesn't have a physical file with the extension ".pdf" ## (take note of the lower-case extension - the bibdocfile library ## is case-sensitive with respect to filenames. Log that there was ## no "pdf" and check for a file with extension "PDF": wrn_msg = "Warning in Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval: " \ "It wasn't possible to recover a PDF BibDocFile object " \ "for the file with the name [%s], using the extension " \ "[pdf] - note the lower case - the bibdocfile library " \ "relies upon the case of an extension. The submission ID " \ "is [%s] and the record ID is [%s]. Going to try " \ "looking for a file with a [PDF] extension before giving " \ "up . . . " \ % (name_file_to_stamp, access, recid) register_exception(prefix=wrn_msg) try: bibdocfile_file_to_stamp = bibdoc_file_to_stamp.get_file("PDF") except InvenioWebSubmitFileError: wrn_msg = "Warning in Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval: " \ "It wasn't possible to recover a PDF " \ "BibDocFile object for the file with the name [%s], " \ "using the extension [PDF] - note the upper case. " \ "Had previously tried searching for [pdf] - now " \ "giving up. Stamping could not be carried out. " \ "The submission ID is [%s] and the record ID is [%s]." \ % (name_file_to_stamp, access, recid) register_exception(prefix=wrn_msg) raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning(wrn_msg) ############ ## Go ahead and prepare the details for the LaTeX stamp template and its ## variables: ############ ## Strip the LaTeX filename into the basename (All templates should be ## in the template repository): latex_template = os.path.basename(latex_template) ## Convert the string of latex template variables into a dictionary ## of search-term/replacement-term pairs: latex_template_vars = get_dictionary_from_string(latex_template_vars_string) ## For each of the latex variables, check in `CURDIR' for a file with that ## name. If found, use it's contents as the template-variable's value. ## If not, just use the raw value string already held by the template ## variable: latex_template_varnames = latex_template_vars.keys() for varname in latex_template_varnames: ## Get this variable's value: varvalue = latex_template_vars[varname].strip() if not ((varvalue.find("date(") == 0 and varvalue[-1] == ")") or \ (varvalue.find("include(") == 0 and varvalue[-1] == ")")) \ and varvalue != "": ## We don't want to interfere with date() or include() directives, ## so we only do this if the variable value didn't contain them: ## ## Is this variable value the name of a file in the current ## submission's working directory, from which a literal value for ## use in the template should be extracted? If yes, it will ## begin with "FILE:". If no, we leave the value exactly as it is. if varvalue.upper().find("FILE:") == 0: ## The value to be used is to be taken from a file. Clean the ## file name and if it's OK, extract that value from the file. ## seekvalue_fname = varvalue[5:].strip() seekvalue_fname = os.path.basename(seekvalue_fname).strip() if seekvalue_fname != "": ## Attempt to extract the value from the file: if os.access("%s/%s" % (curdir, seekvalue_fname), \ os.R_OK|os.F_OK): ## The file exists. Extract its value: try: repl_file_val = \ open("%s/%s" \ % (curdir, seekvalue_fname), "r").readlines() except IOError: ## The file was unreadable. err_msg = "Error in Stamp_Replace_Single_File_" \ "Approval: The function attempted to " \ "read a LaTex template variable " \ "value from the following file in the " \ "current submission's working " \ "directory: [%s]. However, an " \ "unexpected error was encountered " \ "when doing so. Please inform the " \ "administrator." \ % seekvalue_fname register_exception(req=user_info['req']) raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(err_msg) else: final_varval = "" for line in repl_file_val: final_varval += line final_varval = final_varval.rstrip() ## Replace the variable value with that which has ## been read from the file: latex_template_vars[varname] = final_varval else: ## The file didn't actually exist in the current ## submission's working directory. Use an empty ## value: latex_template_vars[varname] = "" else: ## The filename was not valid. err_msg = "Error in Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval: " \ "The function was configured to read a LaTeX " \ "template variable from a file with the " \ "following instruction: [%s --> %s]. The " \ "filename, however, was not considered valid. " \ "Please report this to the administrator." \ % (varname, varvalue) raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(err_msg) ## Put the 'fixed' values into the file_stamper_options dictionary: file_stamper_options['latex-template'] = latex_template file_stamper_options['latex-template-var'] = latex_template_vars file_stamper_options['stamp'] = stamp file_stamper_options['layer'] = layer ## Put the input file and output file into the file_stamper_options ## dictionary: file_stamper_options['input-file'] = bibdocfile_file_to_stamp.fullpath file_stamper_options['output-file'] = bibdocfile_file_to_stamp.fullname ## ## Before attempting to stamp the file, log the dictionary of arguments ## that will be passed to websubmit_file_stamper: try: fh_log = open("%s/websubmit_file_stamper-calls-options.log" \ % curdir, "a+") fh_log.write("%s\n" % file_stamper_options) fh_log.flush() fh_log.close() except IOError: ## Unable to log the file stamper options. exception_prefix = "Unable to write websubmit_file_stamper " \ "options to log file " \ "%s/websubmit_file_stamper-calls-options.log" \ % curdir register_exception(prefix=exception_prefix) try: ## Try to stamp the file: (stamped_file_path_only, stamped_file_name) = \ websubmit_file_stamper.stamp_file(file_stamper_options) except InvenioWebSubmitFileStamperError: ## It wasn't possible to stamp this file. ## Register the exception along with an informational message: wrn_msg = "Warning in Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval: " \ "There was a problem stamping the file with the name [%s] " \ "and the fullpath [%s]. The file has not been stamped. " \ "The submission ID is [%s] and the record ID is [%s]." \ % (name_file_to_stamp, \ file_stamper_options['input-file'], \ access, \ recid) register_exception(prefix=wrn_msg) raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning(wrn_msg) else: ## Stamping was successful. The BibDocFile must now be revised with ## the latest (stamped) version of the file: file_comment = "Stamped by WebSubmit: %s" \ % time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y", time.localtime()) try: dummy = \ bibrecdocs.add_new_version("%s/%s" \ % (stamped_file_path_only, \ stamped_file_name), \ name_file_to_stamp, \ comment=file_comment, \ flags=('STAMPED', )) except InvenioWebSubmitFileError: ## Unable to revise the file with the newly stamped version. wrn_msg = "Warning in Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval: " \ "After having stamped the file with the name [%s] " \ "and the fullpath [%s], it wasn't possible to revise " \ "that file with the newly stamped version. Stamping " \ "was unsuccessful. The submission ID is [%s] and the " \ "record ID is [%s]." \ % (name_file_to_stamp, \ file_stamper_options['input-file'], \ access, \ recid) register_exception(prefix=wrn_msg) raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning(wrn_msg) else: ## File revised. If the file should be renamed after stamping, ## do so. if new_file_name != "": try: bibdoc_file_to_stamp.change_name(new_file_name) except (IOError, InvenioWebSubmitFileError): ## Unable to change the name wrn_msg = "Warning in Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval" \ ": After having stamped and revised the file " \ "with the name [%s] and the fullpath [%s], it " \ "wasn't possible to rename it to [%s]. The " \ "submission ID is [%s] and the record ID is " \ "[%s]." \ % (name_file_to_stamp, \ file_stamper_options['input-file'], \ new_file_name, \ access, \ recid) ## Finished. return "" def get_dictionary_from_string(dict_string): """Given a string version of a "dictionary", split the string into a python dictionary. For example, given the following string: {'TITLE' : 'EX_TITLE', 'AUTHOR' : 'EX_AUTHOR', 'REPORTNUMBER' : 'EX_RN'} A dictionary in the following format will be returned: { 'TITLE' : 'EX_TITLE', 'AUTHOR' : 'EX_AUTHOR', 'REPORTNUMBER' : 'EX_RN', } @param dict_string: (string) - the string version of the dictionary. @return: (dictionary) - the dictionary build from the string. """ ## First, strip off the leading and trailing spaces and braces: dict_string = dict_string.strip(" {}") ## Next, split the string on commas (,) that have not been escaped ## So, the following string: """'hello' : 'world', 'click' : 'here'""" ## will be split into the following list: ## ["'hello' : 'world'", " 'click' : 'here'"] ## ## However, the string """'hello\, world' : '!', 'click' : 'here'""" ## will be split into: ["'hello\, world' : '!'", " 'click' : 'here'"] ## I.e. the comma that was escaped in the string has been kept. ## ## So basically, split on unescaped parameters at first: key_vals = re.split(r'(?