diff --git a/modules/webalert/lib/webalert_templates.py b/modules/webalert/lib/webalert_templates.py index d145c18be..88f8ffdee 100644 --- a/modules/webalert/lib/webalert_templates.py +++ b/modules/webalert/lib/webalert_templates.py @@ -1,656 +1,655 @@ ## This file is part of Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 CERN. ## ## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. __revision__ = "$Id$" import cgi import time from invenio.config import \ CFG_WEBALERT_ALERT_ENGINE_EMAIL, \ CFG_SITE_NAME, \ CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL, \ CFG_SITE_URL, \ CFG_WEBALERT_MAX_NUM_OF_RECORDS_IN_ALERT_EMAIL from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language from invenio.htmlparser import get_as_text, wrap, wrap_records from invenio.urlutils import create_html_link from invenio.search_engine import guess_primary_collection_of_a_record, get_coll_ancestors class Template: def tmpl_errorMsg(self, ln, error_msg, rest = ""): """ Adds an error message to the output Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'error_msg' *string* - The error message - 'rest' *string* - The rest of the page """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = """

%(rest)s""" % { 'error' : error_msg, 'rest' : rest } return out def tmpl_textual_query_info_from_urlargs(self, ln, args): """ Displays a human inteligible textual representation of a query Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'args' *array* - The URL arguments array (parsed) """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = "" if args.has_key('p'): out += "" + _("Pattern") + ": " + "; ".join(args['p']) + "
" if args.has_key('f'): out += "" + _("Field") + ": " + "; ".join(args['f']) + "
" if args.has_key('p1'): out += "" + _("Pattern 1") + ": " + "; ".join(args['p1']) + "
" if args.has_key('f1'): out += "" + _("Field 1") + ": " + "; ".join(args['f1']) + "
" if args.has_key('p2'): out += "" + _("Pattern 2") + ": " + "; ".join(args['p2']) + "
" if args.has_key('f2'): out += "" + _("Field 2") + ": " + "; ".join(args['f2']) + "
" if args.has_key('p3'): out += "" + _("Pattern 3") + ": " + "; ".join(args['p3']) + "
" if args.has_key('f3'): out += "" + _("Field 3") + ": " + "; ".join(args['f3']) + "
" if args.has_key('c'): out += "" + _("Collections") + ": " + "; ".join(args['c']) + "
" elif args.has_key('cc'): out += "" + _("Collection") + ": " + "; ".join(args['cc']) + "
" return out def tmpl_account_list_alerts(self, ln, alerts): """ Displays all the alerts in the main "Your account" page Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'alerts' *array* - The existing alerts IDs ('id' + 'name' pairs) """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = """
%(you_own)s: -   - +  
""" % { 'show' : _("SHOW"), } return out def tmpl_input_alert(self, ln, query, alert_name, action, frequency, notification, baskets, old_id_basket, id_basket, id_query, guest, guesttxt): """ Displays an alert adding form. Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'query' *string* - The HTML code of the textual representation of the query (as returned ultimately by tmpl_textual_query_info_from_urlargs...) - 'alert_name' *string* - The alert name - 'action' *string* - The action to complete ('update' or 'add') - 'frequency' *string* - The frequency of alert running ('day', 'week', 'month') - 'notification' *string* - If notification should be sent by email ('y', 'n') - 'baskets' *array* - The existing baskets ('id' + 'name' pairs) - 'old_id_basket' *string* - The id of the previous basket of this alert - 'id_basket' *string* - The id of the basket of this alert - 'id_query' *string* - The id of the query associated to this alert - 'guest' *bool* - If the user is a guest user - 'guesttxt' *string* - The HTML content of the warning box for guest users (produced by webaccount.tmpl_warning_guest_user) """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = "" out += """
%(query_text)s: %(query)s
""" % { 'notify_cond' : _("This alert will notify you each time/only if a new item satisfies the following query:"), 'query_text' : _("QUERY"), 'query' : query, } out += """
%(send_email)s (%(specify)s)
%(store_basket)s %(baskets)s """ % { 'action': action, 'alert_name' : _("Alert identification name:"), 'alert' : cgi.escape(alert_name, 1), 'freq' : _("Search-checking frequency:"), 'freq_month' : (frequency == 'month' and 'selected="selected"' or ""), 'freq_week' : (frequency == 'week' and 'selected="selected"' or ""), 'freq_day' : (frequency == 'day' and 'selected="selected"' or ""), 'monthly' : _("monthly"), 'weekly' : _("weekly"), 'daily' : _("daily"), 'send_email' : _("Send notification email?"), 'notif_yes' : (notification == 'y' and 'selected="selected"' or ""), 'notif_no' : (notification == 'n' and 'selected="selected"' or ""), 'yes' : _("yes"), 'no' : _("no"), 'specify' : _("if %(x_fmt_open)sno%(x_fmt_close)s you must specify a basket") % {'x_fmt_open': '', 'x_fmt_close': ''}, 'store_basket' : _("Store results in basket?"), 'baskets': baskets } out += """
-   - +   +
""" % { 'idq' : id_query, 'ln' : ln, 'set_alert' : _("SET ALERT"), 'clear_data' : _("CLEAR DATA"), } if action == "update": out += '' % old_id_basket out += "
" if guest: out += guesttxt return out def tmpl_list_alerts(self, ln, alerts, guest, guesttxt): """ Displays the list of alerts Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'alerts' *array* - The existing alerts: - 'queryid' *string* - The id of the associated query - 'queryargs' *string* - The query string - 'textargs' *string* - The textual description of the query string - 'userid' *string* - The user id - 'basketid' *string* - The basket id - 'basketname' *string* - The basket name - 'alertname' *string* - The alert name - 'frequency' *string* - The frequency of alert running ('day', 'week', 'month') - 'notification' *string* - If notification should be sent by email ('y', 'n') - 'created' *string* - The date of alert creation - 'lastrun' *string* - The last running date - 'guest' *bool* - If the user is a guest user - 'guesttxt' *string* - The HTML content of the warning box for guest users (produced by webaccount.tmpl_warning_guest_user) """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) out = '

' + _("Set a new alert from %(x_url1_open)syour searches%(x_url1_close)s, the %(x_url2_open)spopular searches%(x_url2_close)s, or the input form.") + '

' out %= {'x_url1_open': '', 'x_url1_close': '', 'x_url2_open': '', 'x_url2_close': '', } if len(alerts): out += """""" % { 'no' : _("No"), 'name' : _("Name"), 'search_freq' : _("Search checking frequency"), 'notification' : _("Notification by email"), 'result_basket' : _("Result in basket"), 'date_run' : _("Date last run"), 'date_created' : _("Creation date"), 'query' : _("Query"), 'action' : _("Action"), } i = 0 for alert in alerts: i += 1 if alert['frequency'] == "day": frequency = _("daily") else: if alert['frequency'] == "week": frequency = _("weekly") else: frequency = _("monthly") if alert['notification'] == "y": notification = _("yes") else: notification = _("no") # we clean up the HH:MM part of lastrun, since it is always 00:00 lastrun = alert['lastrun'].split(',')[0] created = alert['created'].split(',')[0] out += """""" % { 'index' : i, 'alertname' : cgi.escape(alert['alertname']), 'frequency' : frequency, 'notification' : notification, 'basketname' : alert['basketname'] and cgi.escape(alert['basketname']) \ or "- " + _("no basket") + " -", 'lastrun' : lastrun, 'created' : created, 'textargs' : alert['textargs'], 'queryid' : alert['queryid'], 'basketid' : alert['basketid'], 'freq' : alert['frequency'], 'notif' : alert['notification'], 'ln' : ln, 'modify_link': create_html_link("./modify", {'ln': ln, 'idq': alert['queryid'], 'name': alert['alertname'], 'freq': frequency, 'notif':notification, 'idb':alert['basketid'], 'old_idb':alert['basketid']}, _("Modify")), 'remove_link': create_html_link("./remove", {'ln': ln, 'idq': alert['queryid'], 'name': alert['alertname'], 'idb':alert['basketid']}, _("Remove")), 'siteurl' : CFG_SITE_URL, 'search' : _("Execute search"), 'queryargs' : cgi.escape(alert['queryargs']) } out += '
%(no)s %(name)s %(search_freq)s %(notification)s %(result_basket)s %(date_run)s %(date_created)s %(query)s %(action)s
#%(index)d %(alertname)s %(frequency)s %(notification)s %(basketname)s %(lastrun)s %(created)s %(textargs)s %(remove_link)s
' out += '

' + (_("You have defined %s alerts.") % ('' + str(len(alerts)) + '' )) + '

' if guest: out += guesttxt return out def tmpl_display_alerts(self, ln, permanent, nb_queries_total, nb_queries_distinct, queries, guest, guesttxt): """ Displays the list of alerts Parameters: - 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in - 'permanent' *string* - If displaying most popular searches ('y') or only personal searches ('n') - 'nb_queries_total' *string* - The number of personal queries in the last period - 'nb_queries_distinct' *string* - The number of distinct queries in the last period - 'queries' *array* - The existing queries: - 'id' *string* - The id of the associated query - 'args' *string* - The query string - 'textargs' *string* - The textual description of the query string - 'lastrun' *string* - The last running date (only for personal queries) - 'guest' *bool* - If the user is a guest user - 'guesttxt' *string* - The HTML content of the warning box for guest users (produced by webaccount.tmpl_warning_guest_user) """ # load the right message language _ = gettext_set_language(ln) if len(queries) == 0: out = _("You have not executed any search yet. Please go to the %(x_url_open)ssearch interface%(x_url_close)s first.") % \ {'x_url_open': '', 'x_url_close': ''} return out out = '' # display message: number of items in the list if permanent == "n": msg = _("You have performed %(x_nb1)s searches (%(x_nb2)s different questions) during the last 30 days or so.") % {'x_nb1': nb_queries_total, 'x_nb2': nb_queries_distinct} out += '

' + msg + '

' else: # permanent="y" msg = _("Here are the %s most popular searches.") msg %= ('' + str(len(queries)) + '') out += '

' + msg + '

' # display the list of searches out += """""" % { 'no' : "#", 'question' : _("Question"), 'action' : _("Action") } if permanent == "n": out += '' % _("Last Run") out += "\n" i = 0 for query in queries : i += 1 # id, pattern, base, search url and search set alert, date out += """""" % { 'index' : i, 'textargs' : query['textargs'], 'siteurl' : CFG_SITE_URL, 'args' : cgi.escape(query['args']), 'id' : query['id'], 'ln': ln, 'execute_query' : _("Execute search"), 'set_alert' : _("Set new alert") } if permanent == "n": out += '' % query['lastrun'] out += """\n""" out += "
%(no)s %(question)s %(action)s%s
#%(index)d %(textargs)s %(execute_query)s

\n" if guest : out += guesttxt return out def tmpl_alert_email_title(self, name): return 'Alert %s run on %s' % ( name, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) def tmpl_alert_email_from(self): return '%s Alert Engine <%s>' % (CFG_SITE_NAME, CFG_WEBALERT_ALERT_ENGINE_EMAIL) def tmpl_alert_email_body(self, name, url, records, pattern, collection_list, frequency, add_to_basket_p): recids_by_collection = {} for recid in records[0]: primary_collection = guess_primary_collection_of_a_record(recid) if primary_collection in collection_list or \ primary_collection == CFG_SITE_NAME: # common case, when the primary coll can not be guessed if not recids_by_collection.has_key(primary_collection): recids_by_collection[primary_collection] = [] recids_by_collection[primary_collection].append(recid) else: ancestors = get_coll_ancestors(primary_collection) ancestors.reverse() nancestors = 0 for ancestor in ancestors: nancestors += 1 if ancestor in collection_list: if not recids_by_collection.has_key(ancestor): recids_by_collection[ancestor] = [] recids_by_collection[ancestor].append(recid) break elif len(ancestors) == nancestors: if not recids_by_collection.has_key('None of the above'): recids_by_collection['None of the above'] = [] recids_by_collection['None of the above'].append(recid) collection_list = [coll for coll in recids_by_collection.keys() if coll != 'None of the above'] for external_collection_results in records[1][0]: if external_collection_results[1][0]: collection_list.append(external_collection_results[0]) l = len(collection_list) if l == 0: collections = '' elif l == 1: collections = "collection: %s\n" % collection_list[0] else: collections = "collections: %s\n" % wrap(', '.join(collection_list)) l = len(records[0]) for external_collection_results in records[1][0]: l += len(external_collection_results[1][0]) if l == 1: total = '1 record' else: total = '%d records' % l if pattern: pattern = 'pattern: %s\n' % pattern frequency = {'day': 'daily', 'week': 'weekly', 'month': 'monthly'}[frequency] body = """\ Hello: Below are the results of the email notification alert that you set up with the %(sitename)s. This is an automatic message, please don't reply to it. For any question, please use <%(sitesupportemail)s> instead. alert name: %(name)s %(pattern)s%(collections)sfrequency: %(frequency)s run time: %(runtime)s found: %(total)s url: <%(url)s> """ % {'sitesupportemail': CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL, 'name': name, 'sitename': CFG_SITE_NAME, 'pattern': pattern, 'collections': collections, 'frequency': frequency, 'runtime': time.strftime("%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), 'total': total, 'url': url} index = 0 for collection_recids in recids_by_collection.items(): if collection_recids[0] != 'None of the above': body += "\nCollection: %s\n" % collection_recids[0] for recid in collection_recids[1]: index += 1 body += "\n%i) " % (index) body += self.tmpl_alert_email_record(recid=recid) body += "\n" if index == CFG_WEBALERT_MAX_NUM_OF_RECORDS_IN_ALERT_EMAIL: break if index == CFG_WEBALERT_MAX_NUM_OF_RECORDS_IN_ALERT_EMAIL: break if index < CFG_WEBALERT_MAX_NUM_OF_RECORDS_IN_ALERT_EMAIL: if recids_by_collection.has_key('None of the above'): if len(recids_by_collection.keys()) > 1: body += "\nNone of the above collections:\n" else: # if the uncategorized collection is the only collection then present # all the records as belonging to CFG_SITE_NAME body += "\nCollection: %s\n" % CFG_SITE_NAME for recid in recids_by_collection['None of the above']: index += 1 body += "\n%i) " % (index) body += self.tmpl_alert_email_record(recid=recid) body += "\n" if index == CFG_WEBALERT_MAX_NUM_OF_RECORDS_IN_ALERT_EMAIL: break if index < CFG_WEBALERT_MAX_NUM_OF_RECORDS_IN_ALERT_EMAIL: for external_collection_results in records[1][0]: body += "\nCollection: %s\n" % external_collection_results[0] for recid in external_collection_results[1][0]: index += 1 body += "\n%i) " % (index) # TODO: extend function to accept xml_record! body += self.tmpl_alert_email_record(xml_record=external_collection_results[1][1][recid]) body += "\n" if index == CFG_WEBALERT_MAX_NUM_OF_RECORDS_IN_ALERT_EMAIL: break if index == CFG_WEBALERT_MAX_NUM_OF_RECORDS_IN_ALERT_EMAIL: break if l > CFG_WEBALERT_MAX_NUM_OF_RECORDS_IN_ALERT_EMAIL: body += ''' Only the first %s records were displayed. Please consult the search URL given at the top of this email to see all the results. ''' % (CFG_WEBALERT_MAX_NUM_OF_RECORDS_IN_ALERT_EMAIL,) if add_to_basket_p: body += ''' Only the first %s records were added to your basket. To manually add more records please consult the search URL as described before. ''' % (CFG_WEBALERT_MAX_NUM_OF_RECORDS_IN_ALERT_EMAIL,) body += ''' -- %s Alert Service <%s> Unsubscribe? See <%s> Need human intervention? Contact <%s> ''' % (CFG_SITE_NAME, CFG_SITE_URL, CFG_SITE_URL + '/youralerts/list', CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL) return body def tmpl_alert_email_record(self, recid=0, xml_record=None): """ Format a single record.""" if recid != 0: out = wrap_records(get_as_text(record_id=recid)) out += "\nDetailed record: <%s/record/%s>" % (CFG_SITE_URL, recid) elif xml_record: out = wrap_records(get_as_text(xml_record=xml_record)) # TODO: add Detailed record url for external records? return out