diff --git a/modules/bibformat/lib/bibformat_dblayer.py b/modules/bibformat/lib/bibformat_dblayer.py index 95d2fa587..219258f3b 100644 --- a/modules/bibformat/lib/bibformat_dblayer.py +++ b/modules/bibformat/lib/bibformat_dblayer.py @@ -1,764 +1,764 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## ## $Id$ ## ## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ Database access related functions for BibFormat engine and administration pages. """ __revision__ = "$Id$" import zlib import time from invenio.dbquery import run_sql # Cache the mapping name -> id for each kb kb_id_name_cache = {} ## MARC-21 tag/field access functions def get_fieldvalues(recID, tag): """Returns list of values of the MARC-21 'tag' fields for the record 'recID'.""" out = [] bibXXx = "bib" + tag[0] + tag[1] + "x" bibrec_bibXXx = "bibrec_" + bibXXx query = "SELECT value FROM %s AS b, %s AS bb WHERE bb.id_bibrec=%s AND bb.id_bibxxx=b.id AND tag LIKE '%s'" \ % (bibXXx, bibrec_bibXXx, recID, tag) res = run_sql(query) for row in res: out.append(row[0]) return out def localtime_to_utc(date): "Convert localtime to UTC" ldate = date.split(" ")[0] ltime = date.split(" ")[1] lhour = ltime.split(":")[0] lminute = ltime.split(":")[1] lsec = ltime.split(":")[2] lyear = ldate.split("-")[0] lmonth = ldate.split("-")[1] lday = ldate.split("-")[2] timetoconvert = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime(time.mktime((int(lyear), int(lmonth), int(lday), int(lhour), int(lminute), int(lsec), 0, 0, -1)))) return timetoconvert def get_creation_date(sysno): "Returns the creation date of the record 'sysno'." out = "" res = run_sql("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(creation_date, '%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%i:%%s') FROM bibrec WHERE id=%s", (sysno,), 1) if res[0][0]: out = localtime_to_utc(res[0][0]) return out def get_modification_date(sysno): "Returns the date of last modification for the record 'sysno'." out = "" res = run_sql("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(modification_date,'%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%i:%%s') FROM bibrec WHERE id=%s", (sysno,), 1) if res and res[0][0]: out = localtime_to_utc(res[0][0]) return out ## Knowledge base access functions def get_kbs(): """Returns all kbs as list of dictionaries {id, name, description, kbtype}""" out = [] query = "SELECT * FROM fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES ORDER BY name" res = run_sql(query) for row in res: out.append({'id': row[0], 'name':row[1], 'description': row[2], 'kbtype': row[3]}) # out.append(row) return out def get_kb_id(kb_name): """Returns the id of the kb with given name""" if kb_id_name_cache.has_key(kb_name): return kb_id_name_cache[kb_name] res = run_sql("""SELECT id FROM fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES WHERE name LIKE %s""", (kb_name,)) if len(res) > 0: kb_id_name_cache[kb_name] = res[0][0] return res[0][0] else: return None def get_kb_name(kb_id): """Returns the name of the kb with given id""" res = run_sql("""SELECT name FROM fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES WHERE id=%s""", (kb_id,)) if len(res) > 0: return res[0][0] else: return None def get_kb_type(kb_id): """Returns the type of the kb with given id @param kb_id knowledge base id @return kb_type """ res = run_sql("""SELECT kbtype FROM fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES WHERE id=%s""", (kb_id,)) if len(res) > 0: return res[0][0] else: return None def get_kb_mappings(kb_name, sortby="to"): """Returns a list of all mappings from the given kb, ordered by key @param sortby the sorting criteria ('from' or 'to') """ out = [] k_id = get_kb_id(kb_name) if (sortby == "to"): sort = "m_value" else: sort = "m_key" query = """SELECT * FROM fmtKNOWLEDGEBASEMAPPINGS WHERE id_fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES = '%(k_id)s' ORDER BY %(sort)s""" \ % {'k_id':k_id, 'sort':sort} res = run_sql(query) for row in res: out.append({'id':row[0], 'key':row[1], 'value': row[2]}) return out def get_kb_coll_config(kb_id): """ - Returns a dictionary of 'coll_id'=> x, 'leftside'=> y, 'rightside'=> z + Returns a dictionary of 'coll_id'=> x, 'field'=> y, 'expression'=> z for a knowledge base of type "collection". """ - query = """SELECT coll_id, leftside, rightside + query = """SELECT coll_id, thefield, expression FROM fmtKNOWLEDGEBASECOLL where kb_id = '%(kb_id)s'""" % { 'kb_id': kb_id } res = run_sql(query) mydict = {} for row in res: mydict['coll_id'] = row[0] - mydict['leftside'] = row[1] - mydict['rightside'] = row[2] + mydict['field'] = row[1] + mydict['expression'] = row[2] return mydict -def save_kb_coll_config(kb_id, coll_id, leftside, rightside): +def save_kb_coll_config(kb_id, coll_id, field, expression): """Saves a collection based knowledge base configuration""" #check that the colection actually exists que = """select id from collection where id = '%s'""" % (coll_id) res = run_sql(que) if not res: return "NOSUCHCOLL" dele = """DELETE FROM fmtKNOWLEDGEBASECOLL where kb_id = '%s'""" % (kb_id) res = run_sql(dele) inse = """insert into - fmtKNOWLEDGEBASECOLL(kb_id, coll_id, leftside, rightside) - values ('%(kb_id)s','%(coll_id)s','%(leftside)s','%(rightside)s')""" % {'kb_id': kb_id, - 'coll_id': coll_id, 'leftside': leftside, 'rightside': rightside} + fmtKNOWLEDGEBASECOLL(kb_id, coll_id, thefield, expression) + values ('%(kb_id)s','%(coll_id)s','%(field)s','%(expression)s')""" % {'kb_id': kb_id, + 'coll_id': coll_id, 'field': field, 'expression': expression } res = run_sql(inse) return "" def get_kb_description(kb_name): """Returns the description of the given kb""" k_id = get_kb_id(kb_name) query = """SELECT description FROM fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES WHERE id='%s'""" % k_id res = run_sql(query) return res[0][0] def add_kb(kb_name, kb_description, kb_type=None): """ Adds a new kb with given name and description. Returns the id of the kb. If name already exists replace old value @param kb_name the name of the kb to create @param kb_description a description for the kb @return the id of the newly created kb """ kb_db = 'w' #the typical written_as - change_to if not kb_type: pass else: if kb_type == 'taxonomy': kb_db='t' if kb_type == 'collection': kb_db='c' run_sql("""REPLACE INTO fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES (name, description, kbtype) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)""", (kb_name, kb_description, kb_db)) return get_kb_id(kb_name) def delete_kb(kb_name): """Deletes the given kb""" k_id = get_kb_id(kb_name) query = """DELETE FROM fmtKNOWLEDGEBASEMAPPINGS WHERE id_fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES = '%s'""" % (k_id) run_sql(query) query = """DELETE FROM fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES WHERE id = '%s'""" % (k_id) run_sql(query) # Update cache if kb_id_name_cache.has_key(kb_name): del kb_id_name_cache[kb_name] return True def kb_exists(kb_name): """Returns True if a kb with the given name exists""" rows = run_sql("""SELECT id FROM fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES WHERE name = %s""", (kb_name,)) if len(rows) > 0: return True else: return False def update_kb(kb_name, new_name, new_description): """Updates given kb with new name and new description""" k_id = get_kb_id(kb_name) run_sql("""UPDATE fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES SET name = %s , description = %s WHERE id = %s""", (new_name, new_description, k_id)) # Update cache if kb_id_name_cache.has_key(kb_name): del kb_id_name_cache[kb_name] kb_id_name_cache[new_name] = k_id return True def add_kb_mapping(kb_name, key, value): """Adds new mapping key->value in given kb""" k_id = get_kb_id(kb_name) run_sql("""REPLACE INTO fmtKNOWLEDGEBASEMAPPINGS (m_key, m_value, id_fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)""", (key, value, k_id)) return True def remove_kb_mapping(kb_name, key): """Removes mapping with given key from given kb""" k_id = get_kb_id(kb_name) run_sql("""DELETE FROM fmtKNOWLEDGEBASEMAPPINGS WHERE m_key = %s AND id_fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES = %s""", (key, k_id)) return True def kb_mapping_exists(kb_name, key): """Returns true if the mapping with given key exists in the given kb""" if kb_exists(kb_name): k_id = get_kb_id(kb_name) rows = run_sql("""SELECT id FROM fmtKNOWLEDGEBASEMAPPINGS WHERE m_key = %s AND id_fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES = %s""", (key, k_id)) if len(rows) > 0: return True return False def kb_key_rules(key): """Returns a list of 4-tuples that have a key->value mapping in some KB The format of the tuples is [kb_id, kb_name,key,value] """ res = run_sql("""SELECT f.id, f.name, m.m_key, m.m_value from fmtKNOWLEDGEBASEMAPPINGS as m JOIN fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES as f on m.id_fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES=f.id WHERE m.m_key = %s""", (key, )) return res def kb_value_rules(value): """Returns a list of 4-tuples that have a key->value mapping in some KB The format of the tuples is [kb_id, kb_name,key,value] """ res = run_sql("""SELECT f.id, f.name, m.m_key, m.m_value from fmtKNOWLEDGEBASEMAPPINGS as m JOIN fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES as f on m.id_fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES=f.id WHERE m.m_value = %s""", (value, )) return res def get_kb_mapping_value(kb_name, key): """ Returns a value of the given key from the given kb. If mapping not found, returns None #'default' @param kb_name the name of a knowledge base @param key the key to look for #@param default a default value to return if mapping is not found """ k_id = get_kb_id(kb_name) res = run_sql("""SELECT m_value FROM fmtKNOWLEDGEBASEMAPPINGS WHERE m_key LIKE %s AND id_fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES = %s LIMIT 1""", (key, k_id)) if len(res) > 0: return res[0][0] else: return None # default def update_kb_mapping(kb_name, key, new_key, new_value): """Updates the mapping given by key with new key and value""" k_id = get_kb_id(kb_name) run_sql("""UPDATE fmtKNOWLEDGEBASEMAPPINGS SET m_key = %s , m_value = %s WHERE m_key = %s AND id_fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES = %s""", (new_key, new_value, key, k_id)) return True def create_knowledge_bases_table(): """ Create the table that holds knowledge bases """ # TO BE MOVED TO tabcreate.sql query = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES ( id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, name varchar(255) default '', description text default '', PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY name (name) ) TYPE=MyISAM;""" run_sql(query) return True def create_kb_mappings_table(): """ Create the table that holds all mappings of knowledge bases """ # TO BE MOVED TO tabcreate.sql query = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS fmtKNOWLEDGEBASEMAPPINGS ( id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, m_key varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', m_value text NOT NULL default '', id_fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY id_fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES (id_fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES) ) TYPE=MyISAM;""" run_sql(query) # add_kb(marc_codes_mappings_kb_name, "Mapping from text label to marc codes. Used by bibformat in templates when calling for some_label that does not exist as element.") # bibformat_dblayer.add_kb_mapping("Marc tags", "date", "260$c") return True def drop(): #TO BE REMOVED """ Drop tables related to knowledge bases """ query = """DROP TABLE fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES""" run_sql(query) query = """DROP TABLE fmtKNOWLEDGEBASEMAPPINGS""" run_sql(query) ## XML Marc related functions def get_tag_from_name(name): """ Returns the marc code corresponding the given name """ res = run_sql("SELECT value FROM tag WHERE name LIKE %s", (name,)) if len(res)>0: return res[0][0] else: return None def get_tags_from_name(name): """ Returns the marc codes corresponding the given name, ordered by value """ res = run_sql("SELECT value FROM tag WHERE name LIKE %s ORDER BY value", (name,)) if len(res)>0: return list(res[0]) else: return None def tag_exists_for_name(name): """ Returns True if a tag exists for name in 'tag' table. """ rows = run_sql("SELECT value FROM tag WHERE name LIKE %s", (name,)) if len(rows) > 0: return True return False def get_name_from_tag(tag): """ Returns the name corresponding to a marc code """ res = run_sql("SELECT name FROM tag WHERE value LIKE %s", (tag,)) if len(res)>0: return res[0][0] else: return None def name_exists_for_tag(tag): """ Returns True if a name exists for tag in 'tag' table. """ rows = run_sql("SELECT name FROM tag WHERE value LIKE %s", (tag,)) if len(rows) > 0: return True return False def get_all_name_tag_mappings(): """ Return the list of mappings name<->tag from 'tag' table. The returned object is a dict with name as key (if 2 names are the same we will take the value of one of them, as we cannot make the difference in format templates) @return a dict containing list of mapping in 'tag' table """ out = {} query = "SELECT value, name FROM tag" res = run_sql(query) for row in res: out[row[1]] = row[0] return out ## Output formats related functions def get_output_format_id(code): """ Returns the id of output format given by code in the database. Output formats are located inside 'format' table @return the id in the database of the output format. None if not found """ f_code = code if len(code)>6: f_code = code[:6] res = run_sql("SELECT id FROM format WHERE code=%s", (f_code.lower(),)) if len(res)>0: return res[0][0] else: return None def add_output_format(code, name="", description="", content_type="text/html", visibility=1): """ Add output format into format table. If format with given code already exists, do nothing @param code the code of the new format @param name a new for the new format @param description a description for the new format @param content_type the content_type (if applicable) of the new output format """ output_format_id = get_output_format_id(code); if output_format_id is None: query = "INSERT INTO format SET code=%s, description=%s, content_type=%s, visibility=%s" params = (code.lower(), description, content_type, visibility) run_sql(query, params) set_output_format_name(code, name) def remove_output_format(code): """ Removes the output format with 'code' If code does not exist in database, do nothing The function also removes all localized names in formatname table @param the code of the output format to remove """ output_format_id = get_output_format_id(code); if output_format_id is None: return query = "DELETE FROM formatname WHERE id_format='%s'" % output_format_id run_sql(query) query = "DELETE FROM format WHERE id='%s'" % output_format_id run_sql(query) def get_output_format_description(code): """ Returns the description of the output format given by code If code or description does not exist, return empty string @param code the code of the output format to get the description from @return output format description """ res = run_sql("SELECT description FROM format WHERE code=%s", (code,)) if len(res) > 0: res = res[0][0] if res is not None: return res return "" def set_output_format_description(code, description): """ Sets the description of an output format, given by its code If 'code' does not exist, create format @param code the code of the output format to update @param description the new description """ output_format_id = get_output_format_id(code) if output_format_id is None: add_output_format(code, "", description) query = "UPDATE format SET description=%s WHERE code=%s" params = (description, code.lower()) run_sql(query, params) def get_output_format_visibility(code): """ Returns the visibility of the output format, given by its code If code does not exist, return 0 @return output format visibility (0 if not visible, 1 if visible """ res = run_sql("SELECT visibility FROM format WHERE code=%s", (code,)) if len(res) > 0: res = res[0][0] if res is not None and int(res) in range(0, 2): return int(res) return 0 def set_output_format_visibility(code, visibility): """ Sets the visibility of an output format, given by its code If 'code' does not exist, create format @param code the code of the output format to update @param visibility the new visibility (0: not visible, 1:visible) """ output_format_id = get_output_format_id(code) if output_format_id is None: add_output_format(code, "", "", "", visibility) query = "UPDATE format SET visibility=%s WHERE code=%s" params = (visibility, code.lower()) run_sql(query, params) def get_existing_content_types(): """ Returns the list of all MIME content-types used in existing output formats. Always returns at least a list with 'text/html' @return a list of content-type strings """ query = "SELECT DISTINCT content_type FROM format GROUP BY content_type" res = run_sql(query) if res is not None: res = [val[0] for val in res if len(val) > 0] if not 'text/html' in res: res.append('text/html') return res else: return ['text/html'] def get_output_format_content_type(code): """ Returns the content_type of the output format given by code If code or content_type does not exist, return empty string @param code the code of the output format to get the description from @return output format content_type """ res = run_sql("SELECT content_type FROM format WHERE code=%s", (code,)) if len(res) > 0: res = res[0][0] if res is not None: return res return "" def set_output_format_content_type(code, content_type): """ Sets the content_type of an output format, given by its code If 'code' does not exist, create format @param code the code of the output format to update @param content_type the content type for the format """ output_format_id = get_output_format_id(code) if output_format_id is None: # add one if not exist (should not happen) add_output_format(code, "", "", content_type) query = "UPDATE format SET content_type=%s WHERE code=%s" params = (content_type, code.lower()) run_sql(query, params) def get_output_format_names(code): """ Returns the localized names of the output format designated by 'code' The returned object is a dict with keys 'ln' (for long name) and 'sn' (for short name), containing each a dictionary with languages as keys. The key 'generic' contains the generic name of the output format (for use in admin interface) For eg: {'ln':{'en': "a long name", 'fr': "un long nom", 'de': "ein lange Name"}, 'sn':{'en': "a name", 'fr': "un nom", 'de': "ein Name"} 'generic': "a name"} The returned dictionary is never None. The keys 'ln' and 'sn' are always present. However only languages present in the database are in dicts 'sn' and 'ln'. language "CFG_SITE_LANG" is always in dict. The localized names of output formats are located in formatname table. @param code the code of the output format to get the names from @return a dict containing output format names """ out = {'sn':{}, 'ln':{}, 'generic':''} output_format_id = get_output_format_id(code); if output_format_id is None: return out res = run_sql("SELECT name FROM format WHERE code=%s", (code,)) if len(res) > 0: out['generic'] = res[0][0] query = "SELECT type, ln, value FROM formatname WHERE id_format='%s'" % output_format_id res = run_sql(query) for row in res: if row[0] == 'sn' or row[0] == 'ln': out[row[0]][row[1]] = row[2] return out def set_output_format_name(code, name, lang="generic", type='ln'): """ Sets the name of an output format given by code. if 'type' different from 'ln' or 'sn', do nothing if 'name' exceeds 256 chars, 'name' is truncated to first 256 chars. if 'code' does not correspond to exisiting output format, create format if "generic" is given as lang The localized names of output formats are located in formatname table. @param code the code of an ouput format @param type either 'ln' (for long name) and 'sn' (for short name) @param lang the language in which the name is given @param name the name to give to the output format """ if len(name) > 256: name = name[:256] if type.lower() != "sn" and type.lower() != "ln": return output_format_id = get_output_format_id(code); if output_format_id is None and lang == "generic" and type.lower() == "ln": # Create output format inside table if it did not exist # Happens when the output format was added not through web interface add_output_format(code, name) output_format_id = get_output_format_id(code) # Reload id, because it was not found previously if lang =="generic" and type.lower()=="ln": # Save inside format table for main name query = "UPDATE format SET name=%s WHERE code=%s" params = (name, code.lower()) run_sql(query, params) else: # Save inside formatname table for name variations run_sql("REPLACE INTO formatname SET id_format=%s, ln=%s, type=%s, value=%s", (output_format_id, lang, type.lower(), name)) def change_output_format_code(old_code, new_code): """ Change the code of an output format @param old_code the code of the output format to change @param new_code the new code """ output_format_id = get_output_format_id(old_code); if output_format_id is None: return query = "UPDATE format SET code=%s WHERE id=%s" params = (new_code.lower(), output_format_id) res = run_sql(query, params) def get_preformatted_record(recID, of, decompress=zlib.decompress): """ Returns the preformatted record with id 'recID' and format 'of' If corresponding record does not exist for given output format, returns None @param recID the id of the record to fetch @param of the output format code @param decompress the method used to decompress the preformatted record in database @return formatted record as String, or None if not exist """ # Try to fetch preformatted record query = "SELECT value FROM bibfmt WHERE id_bibrec=%s AND format=%s" params = (recID, of) res = run_sql(query, params) if res: # record 'recID' is formatted in 'of', so return it return "%s" % decompress(res[0][0]) else: return None def get_preformatted_record_date(recID, of): """ Returns the date of the last update of the cache for the considered preformatted record in bibfmt If corresponding record does not exist for given output format, returns None @param recID the id of the record to fetch @param of the output format code @return the date of the last update of the cache, or None if not exist """ # Try to fetch preformatted record query = "SELECT last_updated FROM bibfmt WHERE id_bibrec='%s' AND format='%s'" % (recID, of) res = run_sql(query) if res: # record 'recID' is formatted in 'of', so return it return "%s" % res[0][0] else: return None ## def keep_formats_in_db(output_formats): ## """ ## Remove from db formats that are not in the list ## TOBE USED ONLY ONCE OLD BIBFORMAT IS REMOVED (or old behaviours will be erased...) ## """ ## query = "SELECT code FROM format" ## res = run_sql(query) ## for row in res: ## if not row[0] in output_formats: ## query = "DELETE FROM format WHERE code='%s'"%row[0] ## def add_formats_in_db(output_formats): ## """ ## Add given formats in db (if not already there) ## """ ## for output_format in output_format: ## if get_format_from_db(output_format) is None: ## #Add new ## query = "UPDATE TABLE format " ## else: ## #Update ## query = "UPDATE TABLE format " ## query = "UPDATE TABLE format " ## res = run_sql(query) ## for row in res: ## if not row[0] in output_formats: ## query = "DELETE FROM format WHERE code='%s'"%row[0] diff --git a/modules/bibformat/lib/bibformat_templates.py b/modules/bibformat/lib/bibformat_templates.py index 5b440b75d..10295d81b 100644 --- a/modules/bibformat/lib/bibformat_templates.py +++ b/modules/bibformat/lib/bibformat_templates.py @@ -1,2500 +1,2500 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## ## $Id$ ## ## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """HTML Templates for BibFormat administration""" __revision__ = "$Id$" # non Invenio imports import cgi # Invenio imports from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_URL, CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL from invenio.messages import language_list_long from invenio.config import CFG_PATH_PHP MAX_MAPPINGS = 100 #show max this number of mappings on one page class Template: """Templating class, refer to bibformat.py for examples of call""" def tmpl_admin_index(self, ln, warnings, is_admin): """ Returns the main BibFormat admin page. @param ln language @param warnings a list of warnings to display at top of page. None if no warning @param is_admin indicate if user is authorized to use BibFormat @return main BibFormat admin page """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language out = '' if warnings: out += '''
''' % {'warnings': '
'.join(warnings)} out += '''

This is where you can edit the formatting styles available for the records. ''' if not is_admin: out += '''You need to login to enter. ''' % {'siteurl':CFG_SITE_URL} out += '''

Manage Format Templates
Define how to format a record.
Manage Output Formats
Define which template is applied to which record for a given output.
Manage Knowledge Bases
Define mappings of values, for standardizing records or declaring often used values.

Format Elements Documentation
Documentation of the format elements to be used inside format templates.
BibFormat Admin Guide
Documentation about BibFormat administration
'''% {'siteurl':CFG_SITE_URL, 'ln':ln} if CFG_PATH_PHP: #Show PHP admin only if PHP is enabled out += '''

Old BibFormat admin interface (in gray box)

The BibFormat admin interface enables you to specify how the bibliographic data is presented to the end user in the search interface and search results pages. For example, you may specify that titles should be printed in bold font, the abstract in small italic, etc. Moreover, the BibFormat is not only a simple bibliographic data output formatter, but also an automated link constructor. For example, from the information on journal name and pages, it may automatically create links to publisher's site based on some configuration rules.

Configuring BibFormat

By default, a simple HTML format based on the most common fields (title, author, abstract, keywords, fulltext link, etc) is defined. You certainly want to define your own ouput formats in case you have a specific metadata structure.

Here is a short guide of what you can configure:

Define one or more output BibFormat behaviours. These are then passed as parameters to the BibFormat modules while executing formatting.
Example: You can tell BibFormat that is has to enrich the incoming metadata file by the created format, or that it only has to print the format out.
Extraction Rules
Define how the metadata tags from input are mapped into internal BibFormat variable names. The variable names can afterwards be used in formatting and linking rules.
Example: You can tell that 100 $a field should be mapped into $100.a internal variable that you could use later.
Link Rules
Define rules for automated creation of URI links from mapped internal variables.
Example: You can tell a rule how to create a link to People database out of the $100.a internal variable repesenting author's name. (The $100.a variable was mapped in the previous step, see the Extraction Rules.)
File Formats
Define file format types based on file extensions. This will be used when proposing various fulltext services.
Example: You can tell that *.pdf files will be treated as PDF files.
User Defined Functions (UDFs)
Define your own functions that you can reuse when creating your own output formats. This enables you to do complex formatting without ever touching the BibFormat core code.
Example: You can define a function how to match and extract email addresses out of a text file.
Define the output formats, i.e. how to create the output out of internal BibFormat variables that were extracted in a previous step. This is the functionality you would want to configure most of the time. It may reuse formats, user defined functions, knowledge bases, etc.
Example: You can tell that authors should be printed in italic, that if there are more than 10 authors only the first three should be printed, etc.
Knowledge Bases (KBs)
Define one or more knowledge bases that enables you to transform various forms of input data values into the unique standard form on the output.
Example: You can tell that Phys Rev D and Physical Review D are both the same journal and that these names should be standardized to Phys Rev : D.
Execution Test
Enables you to test your formats on your sample data file. Useful when debugging newly created formats.

To learn more on BibFormat configuration, you can consult the BibFormat Admin Guide.

Running BibFormat

From the Web interface

Run Reformat Records tool. This tool permits you to update stored formats for bibliographic records.
It should normally be used after configuring BibFormat's Behaviours and Formats. When these are ready, you can choose to rebuild formats for selected collections or you can manually enter a search query and the web interface will accomplish all necessary formatting steps.
Example: You can request Photo collections to have their HTML brief formats rebuilt, or you can reformat all the records written by Ellis.

From the command-line interface

Consider having an XML MARC data file that is to be uploaded into the CDS Invenio. (For example, it might have been harvested from other sources and processed via BibConvert.) Having configured BibFormat and its default output type behaviour, you would then run this file throught BibFormat as follows:

             $ bibformat < /tmp/sample.xml > /tmp/sample_with_fmt.xml
that would create default HTML formats and would "enrich" the input XML data file by this format. (You would then continue the upload procedure by calling successively BibUpload and BibIndex.)

Now consider a different situation. You would like to add a new possible format, say "HTML portfolio" and "HTML captions" in order to nicely format multiple photographs in one page. Let us suppose that these two formats are called hp and hc and are already loaded in the collection_format table. (TODO: describe how this is done via WebAdmin.) You would then proceed as follows: firstly, you would prepare the corresponding output behaviours called HP and HC (TODO: note the uppercase!) that would not enrich the input file but that would produce an XML file with only 001 and FMT tags. (This is in order not to update the bibliographic information but the formats only.) You would also prepare corresponding formats at the same time. Secondly, you would launch the formatting as follows:

             $ bibformat otype=HP,HC < /tmp/sample.xml > /tmp/sample_fmts_only.xml
that should give you an XML file containing only 001 and FMT tags. Finally, you would upload the formats:
             $ bibupload < /tmp/sample_fmts_only.xml
and that's it. The new formats should now appear in WebSearch.
''' % {'siteurl':CFG_SITE_URL, 'ln':ln} return out def tmpl_admin_format_template_show_attributes(self, ln, name, description, filename, editable, all_templates=[], new=False): """ Returns a page to change format template name and description If template is new, offer a way to create a duplicate from an existing template @param ln language @param name the name of the format @param description the description of the format @param filename the filename of the template @param editable True if we let user edit, else False @param all_templates a list of tuples (filename, name) of all other templates @param new if True, the format template has just been added (is new) @return editor for 'format' """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language out = "" out += '''
0. %(close_editor)s  1. %(template_editor)s  2. %(modify_template_attributes)s  3. %(check_dependencies)s 

''' % {'ln':ln, 'menu':_("Menu"), 'filename':filename, 'close_editor': _("Close Editor"), 'modify_template_attributes': _("Modify Template Attributes"), 'template_editor': _("Template Editor"), 'check_dependencies': _("Check Dependencies") } disabled = "" readonly = "" if not editable: disabled = 'disabled="disabled"' readonly = 'readonly="readonly"' out += '''
''' % {'ln':ln, 'filename':filename} if new: #Offer the possibility to make a duplicate of existing format template code out += '''
Make a copy of format template: [?]
''' out += ''' ''' % {"name": name, 'ln':ln, 'filename':filename, 'disabled':disabled, 'readonly':readonly, 'name_label': _("Name"), 'siteurl':CFG_SITE_URL } out += '''
%(name)s attributes [?]
''' % {"description": description, 'ln':ln, 'filename':filename, 'disabled':disabled, 'readonly':readonly, 'description_label': _("Description"), 'update_format_attributes': _("Update Format Attributes"), 'siteurl':CFG_SITE_URL } return out def tmpl_admin_format_template_show_dependencies(self, ln, name, filename, output_formats, format_elements, tags): """ Shows the dependencies (on elements) of the given format. @param name the name of the template @param filename the filename of the template @param format_elements the elements (and list of tags in each element) this template depends on @param output_formats the output format that depend on this template @param tags the tags that are called by format elements this template depends on. """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language out = '''
0. %(close_editor)s  1. %(template_editor)s  2. %(modify_template_attributes)s  3. %(check_dependencies)s 
Output Formats that use %(name)s Format Elements used by %(name)s* All Tags Called*
''' % {'ln':ln, 'filename':filename, 'menu': _("Menu"), 'close_editor': _("Close Editor"), 'modify_template_attributes': _("Modify Template Attributes"), 'template_editor': _("Template Editor"), 'check_dependencies': _("Check Dependencies"), 'name': name } #Print output formats if len(output_formats) == 0: out += '

No output format uses this format template.

' for output_format in output_formats: name = output_format['names']['generic'] filename = output_format['filename'] out += ''' %(name)s''' % {'filename':filename, 'name':name, 'ln':ln} if len(output_format['tags']) > 0: out += "("+", ".join(output_format['tags'])+")" out += "
" #Print format elements (and tags) out += '
' if len(format_elements) == 0: out += '

This format template uses no format element.

' for format_element in format_elements: name = format_element['name'] out += ''' %(name)s''' % {'name':"bfe_"+name.lower(), 'anchor':name.upper(), 'ln':ln} if len(format_element['tags']) > 0: out += "("+", ".join(format_element['tags'])+")" out += "
" #Print tags out += '
' if len(tags) == 0: out += '

This format template uses no tag.

' for tag in tags: out += '''%(tag)s
''' % { 'tag':tag} out += '''
*Note: Some tags linked with this format template might not be shown. Check manually. ''' return out def tmpl_admin_format_template_show(self, ln, name, description, code, filename, ln_for_preview, pattern_for_preview, editable, content_type_for_preview, content_types): """ Returns the editor for format templates. Edit 'format' @param ln language @param format the format to edit @param filename the filename of the template @param ln_for_preview the language for the preview (for bfo) @param pattern_for_preview the search pattern to be used for the preview (for bfo) @param editable True if we let user edit, else False @param code the code of the template of the editor @return editor for 'format' """ _ = gettext_set_language(ln) # load the right message language out = "" # If xsl, hide some options in the menu nb_menu_options = 4 if filename.endswith('.xsl'): nb_menu_options = 2 out += ''' ''' % {'ln': ln, 'filename': filename, 'menu': _("Menu"), 'label_show_doc': _("Show Documentation"), 'label_hide_doc': _("Hide Documentation"), 'close_editor': _("Close Editor"), 'modify_template_attributes': _("Modify Template Attributes"), 'template_editor': _("Template Editor"), 'check_dependencies': _("Check Dependencies"), 'nb_menu_options': nb_menu_options, 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL or CFG_SITE_URL } if not filename.endswith('.xsl'): out +=''' ''' % {'ln': ln, 'filename': filename, 'menu': _("Menu"), 'label_show_doc': _("Show Documentation"), 'label_hide_doc': _("Hide Documentation"), 'close_editor': _("Close Editor"), 'modify_template_attributes': _("Modify Template Attributes"), 'template_editor': _("Template Editor"), 'check_dependencies': _("Check Dependencies"), 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL or CFG_SITE_URL } out +='''
0. %(close_editor)s  1. %(template_editor)s 2. %(modify_template_attributes)s  3. %(check_dependencies)s 
''' % {'ln': ln, 'filename': filename, 'menu': _("Menu"), 'label_show_doc': _("Show Documentation"), 'label_hide_doc': _("Hide Documentation"), 'close_editor': _("Close Editor"), 'modify_template_attributes': _("Modify Template Attributes"), 'template_editor': _("Template Editor"), 'check_dependencies': _("Check Dependencies"), 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL or CFG_SITE_URL } disabled = "" readonly = "" toolbar = """""" % (CFG_SITE_URL, ln) if not editable: disabled = 'disabled="disabled"' readonly = 'readonly="readonly"' toolbar = '' #First column: template code and preview out += ''' ''' % {'code':code, 'ln':ln, 'siteurl':CFG_SITE_URL, 'filename':filename, 'ln_for_preview':ln_for_preview, 'pattern_for_preview':pattern_for_preview } #Second column Print documentation out += '''
Format template code
Elements Documentation
''' % {'siteurl':CFG_SITE_URL, 'ln':ln} return out def tmpl_admin_format_template_show_short_doc(self, ln, format_elements): """ Prints the format element documentation in a condensed way to display inside format template editor. This page is different from others: it is displayed inside a