diff --git a/docs/usersguide/accessing.rst b/docs/usersguide/accessing.rst
index 65e16febd..343c18886 100644
--- a/docs/usersguide/accessing.rst
+++ b/docs/usersguide/accessing.rst
@@ -1,2 +1,187 @@
+.. _accessing_content:
 Accessing content
+JSON representation
+Records are internally stored in JSON following a certain JSON Schema.
+They can be obtained using REST API to records.
+Using CLI:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ curl
+   {
+       "created": "2017-03-21T00:01:27.933711+00:00",
+       "id": 117,
+       "links": {
+           "self": ""
+       },
+       "metadata": {
+           "__order__": [
+               "title_statement",
+               "main_entry_personal_name"
+           ],
+           "_oai": {
+               "id": "oai:invenio:recid/118",
+               "updated": "2017-03-21T00:01:27Z"
+           },
+           "control_number": "118",
+           "main_entry_personal_name": {
+               "__order__": [
+                   "personal_name"
+               ],
+               "personal_name": "Doe, John"
+           },
+           "title_statement": {
+               "__order__": [
+                   "title"
+               ],
+               "title": "This is title"
+           }
+       },
+       "updated": "2017-03-21T00:01:27.933721+00:00"
+   }
+Using Python:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ ipython
+   In [1]: import requests
+   In [2]: r = requests.get('')
+   In [3]: r.status_code
+   Out[3]: 200
+   In [4]: r.json()
+   Out[4]:
+   {'created': '2017-03-21T00:01:27.933711+00:00',
+    'id': 117,
+    'links': {'self': ''},
+    'metadata': {'__order__': ['title_statement', 'main_entry_personal_name'],
+     '_oai': {'id': 'oai:invenio:recid/118', 'updated': '2017-03-21T00:01:27Z'},
+     'control_number': '118',
+     'main_entry_personal_name': {'__order__': ['personal_name'],
+      'personal_name': 'Doe, John'},
+     'title_statement': {'__order__': ['title'], 'title': 'This is title'}},
+    'updated': '2017-03-21T00:01:27.933721+00:00'}
+Multiple output formats
+You can obtain information in other formats by setting an appropriate Accept
+header. Invenio REST API endpoint will read this information and invoke
+appropriate record serialisation. For example, to obtain a BibTeX representation
+of a record:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ curl -H 'Accept: application/x-bibtex' https://zenodo.org/api/records/46643
+   @misc{himpe_2016_46643,
+     author       = {Himpe, Christian and
+                     Ohlberger, Mario},
+     title        = {{Accelerating the Computation of Empirical Gramians
+                      and Related Methods}},
+     month        = feb,
+     year         = 2016,
+     note         = {Extended Abstract},
+     doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.46643},
+     url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.46643}
+Getting record fields
+Getting title
+If we would like to obtain only some part of information, for example record
+title, we can simply filter the output fields.
+Using CLI:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ curl -s | \
+     jq -r '.metadata.title_statement.title'
+   This is title
+Using Python:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ ipython
+   In [1]: import requests
+   In [2]: r = requests.get('')
+   In [3]: r.json()['metadata'].get('title_statement',{}).get('title','')
+   Out[3]: 'This is title'
+Getting co-authors
+If we would like to print all co-author names, we can iterate over respective
+JSON field as follows:
+Using CLI:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ curl -s | \
+     jq -r '.metadata.added_entry_personal_name[].personal_name'
+   Lokajczyk, T
+   Xu, W
+   Jastrow, U
+   Hahn, U
+   Bittner, L
+   Feldhaus, J
+Using Python:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ ipython
+   In [1]: import requests
+   In [2]: r = requests.get('')
+   In [2]: for coauthor in r.json()['metadata']['added_entry_personal_name']:
+   ......:     print(coauthor['personal_name'])
+   Lokajczyk, T
+   Xu, W
+   Jastrow, U
+   Hahn, U
+   Bittner, L
+   Feldhaus, J
+Searching records
+Invenio instance can be searched programmatically via the REST API endpoint:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ curl
+Note the pagination of the output done by the "links" output field.
+How many records are there that contain the word "model"? We need to iterate
+over results:
+.. code-block:: Python
+    nb_hits = 0
+    def get_nb_hits(json_response):
+        return len(json_response['hits']['hits'])
+    def get_next_link(json_response):
+        return json_response['links'].get('next', None)
+    response = requests.get('').json()
+    nb_hits += get_nb_hits(response)
+    while get_next_link(response):
+        response = requests.get(get_next_link(response)).json()
+        nb_hits += get_nb_hits(response)
+    print(nb_hits)
diff --git a/docs/usersguide/loading.rst b/docs/usersguide/loading.rst
index 2d47f0f79..b2f64352f 100644
--- a/docs/usersguide/loading.rst
+++ b/docs/usersguide/loading.rst
@@ -1,2 +1,121 @@
+.. _loading_content:
 Loading content
+Loading records
+In the Invenio demo site example using ILS flavour, we have seen the ``invenio
+marc21`` command that can load records directly from a MARCXML file.
+You can use ``dojson`` to convert MARCXML format to its JSON representation:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ dojson -i book.xml -l marcxml do marc21 \
+       schema "" \
+      > book.json
+   $ cat book.json | jq .
+   [
+     {
+       "title_statement": {
+         "title": "This is title",
+         "__order__": [
+           "title"
+         ]
+       },
+       "main_entry_personal_name": {
+         "personal_name": "Doe, John",
+         "__order__": [
+           "personal_name"
+         ]
+       },
+       "__order__": [
+         "title_statement",
+         "main_entry_personal_name"
+       ],
+       "$schema": ""
+     }
+   ]
+You can load JSON records using the ``invenio records`` command:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ cat book.json | invenio records create --pid-minter recid --pid-minter oaiid
+   efac2fc2-29af-40bb-a85e-77af0349c0fe
+The new record that we have just uploaded got the UUID
+efac2fc2-29af-40bb-a85e-77af0349c0fe that uniquely identifies it inside the
+Invenio record database. It was also minted persistent identifiers ``recid``
+representing record ID and ``oaiid`` representing OAI ID.
+UUIDs and PIDs
+Objects managed by Invenio use "internal" UUID identifiers and "external"
+persistent identifiers (PIDs).
+Starting from a persistent identifier, you can see which UUID a persistent
+identifier points to by using the ``invenio pid`` command:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ invenio pid get recid 117
+   rec a11dad76-5bd9-471c-975a-0b2b01d74831 R
+Starting from the UUID of a record, you can see which PIDs the record was
+assigned by doing:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ invenio pid dereference rec a11dad76-5bd9-471c-975a-0b2b01d74831
+   recid 117 None
+   oai oai:invenio:recid/117 oai
+You can unassign persistent identifiers:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ invenio pid unassign recid 117
+   R
+   $ invenio pid unassign oai oai:invenio:recid/117
+   R
+What happens when you try to access the given record ID?
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ firefox
+You can assign another record the same PID:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ invenio pid assign -s REGISTERED -t rec -i 29351009-5e6f-4754-95cb-508f89f4de39 recid 117
+What happens when you try to access the given record ID now?
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ firefox
+Deleting records
+If you want to delete a certain record, you can use:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ invenio records delete -i efac2fc2-29af-40bb-a85e-77af0349c0fe
+Beware of any registered persistent identifiers, though.
+Loading files
+Loading full-text files, such as PDF papers or CSV data files together with the
+records, will be addressed later.
+.. todo:: Describe records, files, buckets.
diff --git a/docs/usersguide/quickstart.rst b/docs/usersguide/quickstart.rst
index aff38b85b..528892cab 100644
--- a/docs/usersguide/quickstart.rst
+++ b/docs/usersguide/quickstart.rst
@@ -1,61 +1,63 @@
 ..  This file is part of Invenio
     Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 CERN.
     Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
     published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
     License, or (at your option) any later version.
     Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     General Public License for more details.
     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
     59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+.. _quickstart:
 Using Docker
 You can get Invenio v3.0 demo site up and running using Docker::
   docker-compose build
   docker-compose up -d
   docker-compose run --rm web ./scripts/populate-instance.sh
 Using Vagrant
 You can get Invenio v3.0 demo site up and running using Vagrant::
   vagrant up
   vagrant ssh web -c 'source .inveniorc && /vagrant/scripts/create-instance.sh'
   vagrant ssh web -c 'source .inveniorc && /vagrant/scripts/populate-instance.sh'
   vagrant ssh web -c 'source .inveniorc && nohup /vagrant/scripts/start-instance.sh'
 Using kickstart scripts
 You can set some environment variables and run kickstart provisioning and
 installation scripts manually::
   vim .inveniorc
   source .inveniorc
-See :ref:`installation_detailed` for more information.
+See :ref:`install_prerequisites` for more information.
diff --git a/docs/usersguide/running.rst b/docs/usersguide/running.rst
index b0224bfe2..2fa4c3af6 100644
--- a/docs/usersguide/running.rst
+++ b/docs/usersguide/running.rst
@@ -1,11 +1,162 @@
 Running Invenio
+Understanding Invenio components
+Invenio dems site consists of many components. To see which ones the Invenio
+demo site uses, you can do:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ pip freeze | grep invenio
+   invenio-access==1.0.0a11
+   invenio-accounts==1.0.0b3
+   invenio-admin==1.0.0b1
+   invenio-app==1.0.0a1
+   invenio-app-ils==1.0.0a2
+   invenio-assets==1.0.0b6
+   invenio-base==1.0.0a14
+   invenio-celery==1.0.0b2
+   invenio-config==1.0.0b3
+   invenio-db==1.0.0b3
+   invenio-formatter==1.0.0b1
+   invenio-i18n==1.0.0b3
+   invenio-indexer==1.0.0a9
+   invenio-jsonschemas==1.0.0a3
+   invenio-logging==1.0.0b1
+   invenio-mail==1.0.0b1
+   invenio-marc21==1.0.0a5
+   invenio-oaiserver==1.0.0a12
+   invenio-oauth2server==1.0.0a15
+   invenio-oauthclient==1.0.0a12
+   invenio-pidstore==1.0.0b1
+   invenio-query-parser==0.6.0
+   invenio-records==1.0.0b1
+   invenio-records-rest==1.0.0a18
+   invenio-records-ui==1.0.0a9
+   invenio-rest==1.0.0a10
+   invenio-search==1.0.0a9
+   invenio-search-ui==1.0.0a6
+   invenio-theme==1.0.0b2
+   invenio-userprofiles==1.0.0a9
 Starting the webserver
-Starting job queue
+The Invenio application server can be started using:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   invenio run -h
+For debugging purposes, you can use:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   pip install Flask-DebugToolbar
+   FLASK_DEBUG=1 invenio run --debugger -h
+Starting the job queue
+Invenio uses Celery for task execution. The task queue should be started as
+.. code-block:: bash
+   celery worker -A invenio_app.celery
+For debugging purposes, you can increse logging level:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   celery worker -A invenio_app.celery -l DEBUG
 Using the CLI
+Invenio comes with centralised command line.  Use ``--help`` to see available commands:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ invenio --help
+   Usage: invenio [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
+     Command Line Interface for Invenio.
+   Options:
+     --version  Show the flask version
+     --help     Show this message and exit.
+   Commands:
+     access    Account commands.
+     alembic   Perform database migrations.
+     assets    Web assets commands.
+     collect   Collect static files.
+     db        Database commands.
+     demo      Demo-site commands.
+     index     Management command for search indicies.
+     instance  Instance commands.
+     marc21    MARC21 related commands.
+     npm       Generate a package.json file.
+     pid       PID-Store management commands.
+     records   Record management commands.
+     roles     Role commands.
+     run       Runs a development server.
+     shell     Runs a shell in the app context.
+     users     User commands.
+You can use ``--help`` for each individual command, for example:
+.. code-block:: console
+    $ invenio marc21 import --help
+    Usage: invenio marc21 import [OPTIONS] INPUT
+      Import MARCXML records.
+    Options:
+      --bibliographic
+      --authority
+      --help           Show this message and exit.
+Using Python shell
+You can start interactive Python shell which will load the Invenio application
+context so that you can work with the instance:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ invenio shell
+   Python 2.7.6 (default, Oct 26 2016, 20:30:19)
+   [GCC 4.8.4] on linux2
+   App: invenio
+   Instance: /home/vagrant/.virtualenvs/invenio/var/instance
+   >>> app.config['BABEL_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE']
+   'en'
+   >>> app.config['BROKER_URL']
+   'amqp://guest:guest@'
+Using administrative interface
+You can access administrative interface:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ firefox
+For example, let us look at the record ID 117 that we have uploaded in
+:ref:`create_and_search_your_first_record`. Looking at the administrative
+interface, we can see that this record has been attributed an internal UUID:
+  ======== ===================== ========== =========== ====================================
+  PID_Type PID                   Status     Object Type Object UUID
+  ======== ===================== ========== =========== ====================================
+  oai      oai:invenio:recid/117 REGISTERED rec         a11dad76-5bd9-471c-975a-0b2b01d74831
+  recid    117                   REGISTERED rec         a11dad76-5bd9-471c-975a-0b2b01d74831
+  ======== ===================== ========== =========== ====================================
+See :ref:`loading_content` for more information about object UUIDs and PIDs.
diff --git a/docs/usersguide/tutorial/configure.rst b/docs/usersguide/tutorial/configure.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..acc26478f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/usersguide/tutorial/configure.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+.. _configure_invenio:
+Configure Invenio
+After having installed Invenio demo site in :ref:`install_invenio`, let us see
+briefly the instance configuration.
+Configure instance
+Invenio instance can be configured by editing ``invenio.cfg`` configuration
+file. Here is an example:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ cdvirtualenv var/instance/
+   $ cat invenio.cfg
+   # Database
+   SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI='postgresql+psycopg2://invenio:dbpass123@'
+   # Statis files
+   COLLECT_STORAGE='flask_collect.storage.file'
+   # Redis
+   CACHE_TYPE='redis'
+   CACHE_REDIS_URL='redis://'
+   # Celery
+   BROKER_URL='amqp://guest:guest@'
+   # Elasticsearch
+   # JSON Schema
+   # OAI server
+   OAISERVER_ID_PREFIX='oai:invenio:recid/'
+Configuration options
+Since Invenio demo site uses ILS flavour of Invenio, you can learn more about
+the configuration options in `Invenio-App-ILS configuration documentation
+We shall see how to customise instance more deeply in :ref:`customise_invenio`.
diff --git a/docs/usersguide/tutorial/customize.rst b/docs/usersguide/tutorial/customize.rst
index da8428938..3e08718ac 100644
--- a/docs/usersguide/tutorial/customize.rst
+++ b/docs/usersguide/tutorial/customize.rst
@@ -1,332 +1,336 @@
     This file is part of Invenio.
     Copyright (C) 2017 CERN.
     Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it
     and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
     published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
     License, or (at your option) any later version.
     Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be
     useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     General Public License for more details.
     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     along with Invenio; if not, write to the
     Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
     MA 02111-1307, USA.
     In applying this license, CERN does not
     waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status
     as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
+.. _customise_invenio:
-The goal of this tutorial is to customize Invenio v3.
+Customise Invenio
+The goal of this tutorial is to demonstrate basic Invenio customisation. We
+shall modify the size logo, the page templates, the search facets, the sort
+options, and more.
+Install "beauty" module
 First go in the virtual machine:
 .. code-block:: console
     laptop> vagrant ssh web
     vagrant> workon invenio
 Install the module ``invenio-beauty``:
 .. code-block:: console
     vagrant> cd /vagrant/2-customization/invenio-beauty
     vagrant> pip install .
     vagrant> invenio collect
     vagrant> invenio run -h
+Customize logo and templates
 If you go to ````, you will see the default Invenio,
 but how we can customize it? Let's first stop invenio server.
 Open with your favorite editor the ``~/.virtualenvs/invenio/var/instance/invenio.cfg``
 1. Modify the logo
 Let's make our theme beautiful by replacing the logo
 in the ``~/.virtualenvs/invenio/var/instance/invenio.cfg`` add the following:
 .. code-block:: python
     THEME_LOGO = 'images/unicorn.png'
     THEME_FRONTPAGE_TITLE = 'Unicorn Institute'
 Now if you run
 .. code-block:: console
   vagrant> invenio run -h
 and navigate to ```` you will see the new logo and front
 page title.
 2. Add facets
 Let's replace the facets with the ``Authors`` adding the field
 in the ``~/.virtualenvs/invenio/var/instance/invenio.cfg`` add the following:
 .. code-block:: python
     from invenio_records_rest.facets import terms_filter
       'marc21': {
         'aggs': {
           'author': {
             'terms': {
               'field': 'main_entry_personal_name.personal_name'
         'post_filters': {
           'author': terms_filter('main_entry_personal_name.personal_name')
 Now if you run
 .. code-block:: console
   vagrant> invenio run -h
 and navigate to ```` you will see that the facets
 have been replaced with the ``Authors``.
 3. Add sort options
 in the ``~/.virtualenvs/invenio/var/instance/invenio.cfg`` add the following:
 .. code-block:: python
     'records': {
       'title': {
         'fields': ['title_statement.title'],
         'title': 'Record title',
         'order': 1,
 Now if you run
 .. code-block:: console
   vagrant> invenio run -h
 and navigate to ```` you will see that the sort list
 have been replaced with the ``Record title``.
 4. Change a detail view
 We will now replace the template for the detail view of the record, this is possible
 by changing ``RECORDS_UI_ENDPOINTS`` with the desired template. In our case
 we have created the following:
 in the ``/vagrant/2-customization/invenio-beauty/invenio_beauty/templates/detail.html``
 .. code-block:: python
   {%- extends config.RECORDS_UI_BASE_TEMPLATE %}
   {%- macro record_content(data) %}
     {% for key, value in data.items() recursive %}
       <li class="list-group-item">
       {% if value is mapping %}
           <strong>{{ key }}:</strong>
           <ul class="list-group">{{ loop(value.items()) }}</ul>
       {% elif value is iterable and value is not string %}
           <strong>{{ key }}:</strong>
           {% for item in value %}
             {% if item is mapping %}
               <ul class="list-group">
                 {{ record_content(item) }}
             {% else %}
               {{ item }}
             {% endif %}
           {% endfor %}
       {% else %}
         <strong>{{ key }}:</strong> {{ value }}
       {% endif %}
     {% endfor %}
   {%- endmacro %}
   {%- block page_body %}
     <div class="container">
       <div class="row">
         <div class="col-md-12">
           <h2> {{ record.title_statement.title }}</h2>
           <hr />
           <p class="lead">{{ record.summary[0].summary }}</p>
           <hr />
           <h3> {{ _('Metadata') }}</h3>
           <div calss="well">
             {{ record_content(record) }}
   {%- endblock %}
 in the ``~/.virtualenvs/invenio/var/instance/invenio.cfg`` add the following:
 .. code-block:: python
     "recid": {
         "pid_type": "recid",
         "route": "/records/<pid_value>",
         "template": "invenio_beauty/detail.html"
 Now if you run
 .. code-block:: console
   vagrant> invenio run -h
 and navigate to ```` you will see the new template.
 5. Modify search results template
 We will now replace the search results template, in the search result we are
 using angular templates and they can easily configured from the following vars:
 For our example we will change only ``SEARCH_UI_JSTEMPLATE_RESULTS``, the
 location of the angular templates are ``static/templates/<name of your module>``
 in ``/vagrant/2-customization/invenio-beauty/invenio_beauty/static/templates/invenio_beauty/results.html``
 .. code-block:: html
     <li ng-repeat="record in vm.invenioSearchResults.hits.hits track by $index">
       <span class="label label-success">{{ record.metadata.language_code[0].language_code_of_text_sound_track_or_separate_title[0] }}</span>
       <h4><a target="_self" ng-href="/records/{{ record.id }}">{{ record.metadata.title_statement.title }}</a></h4>
       <p>{{ record.metadata.summary[0].summary }}</p>
 On the angular templates, you have access to the record metadata object, so in you templates
 you can use ``{{ record.metadata.foo }}``.
 Now in the search results template, we will display the language tag on top of each record
 in the ``~/.virtualenvs/invenio/var/instance/invenio.cfg`` add the following:
 .. code-block:: python
   SEARCH_UI_JSTEMPLATE_RESULTS = 'templates/invenio_beauty/results.html'
 Now if you run
 .. code-block:: console
   vagrant> invenio collect -v
   vagrant> invenio run -h
 and navigate to ```` you will see the new template.
 6. Change the homepage template
 We will now replace the demo's homepage. You can change the whole homepage just
 by replacing ``THEME_FRONTPAGE_TEMPLATE`` with your own template, for this
 example we have created the following:
 in ``/vagrant/2-customization/invenio-beauty/invenio_beauty/templates/invenio_beauty/home.html``
 .. code-block:: python
     {%- extends "invenio_theme/page.html" %}
     {%- block navbar_search %}{% endblock %}
     {%- block page_body %}
       <div class="container">
         <div class="row">
           <div class="col-lg-12">
             <h1 class="text-center">
               {{_(config.THEME_FRONTPAGE_TITLE)}} Search
             <form action="/search">
               <div class="form-group">
                 <input type="text" name="q" class="form-control" placeholder="Type and press enter to search">
     {%- endblock %}
 If you have a closer look, you will see that we have access to different config
 variables on the template, by using the ``config``. For example if we want to
 display the ``THEME_FRONTPAGE_TITLE`` we can you ``config.THEME_FRONTPAGE_TITLE``
 So the only thing we should do is to edit the ``config.py``
 in the ``~/.virtualenvs/invenio/var/instance/invenio.cfg`` add the following:
 .. code-block:: python
   THEME_FRONTPAGE_TEMPLATE = 'invenio_beauty/home.html'
 Now if you run
 .. code-block:: console
   vagrant> invenio run -h
 and navigate to ```` you will see the new template.
 Everything together
 You want to see the results? Just run the following command.
 .. code-block:: console
     vagrant> cd /vagrant/iugw2017/2-customization
     vagrant> cat final.cfg >> ~/.virtualenvs/invenio/var/instance/invenio.cfg
diff --git a/docs/usersguide/tutorial/index.rst b/docs/usersguide/tutorial/index.rst
index c479d187f..4567bedfb 100644
--- a/docs/usersguide/tutorial/index.rst
+++ b/docs/usersguide/tutorial/index.rst
@@ -1,28 +1,29 @@
 .. This file is part of Invenio
-   Copyright (C) 2015 CERN.
+   Copyright (C) 2015, 2017 CERN.
    Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
    License, or (at your option) any later version.
    Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 First steps
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
+   configure
diff --git a/docs/usersguide/tutorial/install.rst b/docs/usersguide/tutorial/install.rst
index 3ae67cb27..f49a3abd3 100644
--- a/docs/usersguide/tutorial/install.rst
+++ b/docs/usersguide/tutorial/install.rst
@@ -1,2 +1,141 @@
-Part 1: Install and configuring Invenio
+.. _install_invenio:
+Install Invenio
+Now that all the prerequisites have been set up in :ref:`install_prerequisites`,
+we can proceed with the installation of the Invenio itself. The installation is
+happening on the web node (
+We start by creating and configuring a new Invenio instance, continue by
+populating it with some example records, and finally we start the web
+application. This can be done in an automated unattended way by running the
+following scripts:
+.. code-block:: shell
+   source .inveniorc
+   ./scripts/create-instance.sh
+   ./scripts/populate-instance.sh
+   ./scripts/start-instance.sh
+.. note::
+   If you want to install the very-bleeding-edge Invenio packages from GitHub,
+   you can run the ``create-instance.sh`` script with the ``--devel`` argument::
+     ./scripts/create-instance.sh --devel
+Let’s see in detail about every Invenio installation step.
+Create instance
+We start by creating a fresh new Python virtual environment that will hold our
+brand new Invenio v3.0 instance:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/create-instance.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-create-virtual-environment-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-create-virtual-environment-end
+   :literal:
+We continue by installing Invenio v3.0 Integrated Library System flavour demo
+site from PyPI:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/create-instance.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-invenio-full-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-invenio-full-end
+   :literal:
+Let's briefly customise our instance with respect to the location of the
+database server, the Redis server, the Elasticsearch server, and all the other
+dependent services in our multi-server environment:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/create-instance.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-customise-instance-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-customise-instance-end
+   :literal:
+In the instance folder, we run Npm to install any JavaScript libraries that
+Invenio needs:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/create-instance.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-run-npm-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-run-npm-end
+   :literal:
+We can now collect and build CSS/JS assets of our Invenio instance:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/create-instance.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-collect-and-build-assets-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-collect-and-build-assets-end
+   :literal:
+Our first new Invenio instance is created and ready for loading some example
+Populate instance
+We proceed by creating a dedicated database that will hold persistent data of
+our installation, such as bibliographic records or user accounts. The database
+tables can be created as follows:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/populate-instance.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-create-database-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-create-database-end
+   :literal:
+We continue by creating a user account:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/populate-instance.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-create-user-account-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-create-user-account-end
+   :literal:
+We can now create the Elasticsearch indexes and initialise the indexing queue:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/populate-instance.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-index-initialisation-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-index-initialisation-end
+   :literal:
+We proceed by populating our Invenio demo instance with some example demo
+MARCXML records:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/populate-instance.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-populate-with-demo-records-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-populate-with-demo-records-end
+   :literal:
+Start instance
+Let's now start the web application:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/start-instance.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-start-application-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-start-application-end
+   :literal:
+and the web server:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/start-instance.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-start-nginx-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-start-nginx-end
+   :literal:
+We should now see our demo records on the web:
+.. code-block:: shell
+   firefox http://${INVENIO_WEB_HOST}/records/1
+and we can access them via REST API:
+.. code-block:: shell
+   curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" \
+        http://${INVENIO_WEB_HOST}/api/records/1
+We are done! Our first Invenio v3.0 demo instance is fully up and running.
diff --git a/docs/usersguide/tutorial/prerequisites.rst b/docs/usersguide/tutorial/prerequisites.rst
index 5a14fd0ba..35e4529f3 100644
--- a/docs/usersguide/tutorial/prerequisites.rst
+++ b/docs/usersguide/tutorial/prerequisites.rst
@@ -1,2 +1,510 @@
+.. _install_prerequisites:
 Install prerequisites
+Invenio uses several services such as `PostgreSQL <http://www.postgresql.org/>`_
+database server, `Redis <http://redis.io/>`_ for caching, `Elasticsearch
+<https://www.elastic.co/products/elasticsearch>`_ for indexing and information
+retrieval, `RabbitMQ <http://www.rabbitmq.com/>`_ for messaging, `Celery
+<http://www.celeryproject.org/>`_ for task execution.
+You can install them manually or you can use provided kickstart scripts as
+mentioned in :ref:`quickstart`:
+.. code-block:: bash
+  vim .inveniorc
+  source .inveniorc
+  scripts/provision-web.sh
+  scripts/provision-postgresql.sh
+  scripts/provision-elasticsearch.sh
+  scripts/provision-redis.sh
+  scripts/provision-rabbitmq.sh
+  scripts/provision-worker.sh
+The next section gives a detailed walk-through of what the scripts do.
+Concrete example
+In this installation example, we'll create an Invenio digital library instance
+using a multi-machine setup where separate services (such as the database server
+and the web server) run on separate dedicated machines. Such a multi-machine
+setup emulates to what one would typically use in production. (However, it is
+very well possible to follow this guide and install all the services onto the
+same "localhost", if one wants to.)
+We'll use six dedicated machines running the following services:
+============= ============= ====================
+node          IP            runs
+============= ============= ====================
+web  Invenio web application
+postgresql `PostgreSQL <http://www.postgresql.org/>`_ database server
+redis `Redis <http://redis.io/>`_ caching service
+elasticsearch `Elasticsearch <https://www.elastic.co/products/elasticsearch>`_ information retrieval service
+rabbitmq `RabbitMQ <http://www.rabbitmq.com/>`_ messaging service
+worker `Celery <http://www.celeryproject.org/>`_ worker node
+============= ============= ====================
+The instructions below are tested on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) and CentOS 7
+operating systems. For other operating systems such as Mac OS X, you may want to
+check out the "kickstart" set of scripts coming with the Invenio source code
+that perform the below-quoted installation steps in an unattended automated way.
+Environment variables
+Let's define some useful environment variables that will describe our Invenio
+instance setup:
+.. glossary::
+     The IP address of the Web server node.
+     The name of your Invenio instance that will be created. Usually equal to
+     the name of the Python virtual environment.
+     The name of the Python virtual environment where Invenio will be installed.
+     Usually equal to the name of the Invenio instance.
+     The email address of a user account that will be created on the Invenio
+     instance.
+     The password of this Invenio user.
+     The IP address of the PostgreSQL database server.
+     The database name that will hold persistent data of our Invenio instance.
+     The database user name used to connect to the database server.
+     The password of this database user.
+     The IP address af the Redis server.
+     The IP address of the Elasticsearch information retrieval server.
+     The IP address of the RabbitMQ messaging server.
+     The IP address of the Celery worker node.
+In our example setup, we shall use:
+.. include:: ../../../.inveniorc
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-kickstart-configuration-variables-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-kickstart-configuration-variables-end
+   :literal:
+Let us save this configuration in a file called ``.inveniorc`` for future use.
+The web application node ( is where the main Invenio application
+will be running. We need to provision it with some system dependencies in order
+to be able to install various underlying Python and JavaScript libraries.
+The web application node can be set up in an automated unattended way by running
+the following script:
+.. code-block:: shell
+   source .inveniorc
+   ./scripts/provision-web.sh
+Let's see in detail what the web provisioning script does.
+First, let's see if using ``sudo`` will be required:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-web.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-detect-sudo-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-detect-sudo-end
+   :literal:
+Second, some useful system tools are installed:
+* on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr):
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-web.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-useful-system-tools-ubuntu14-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-useful-system-tools-ubuntu14-end
+   :literal:
+* on CentOS 7:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-web.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-useful-system-tools-centos7-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-useful-system-tools-centos7-end
+   :literal:
+Third, an external Node.js package repository is enabled. We'll be needing to
+install and run Npm on the web node later. The Node.js repository is enabled as
+* on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr):
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-web.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-add-nodejs-external-repository-ubuntu14-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-add-nodejs-external-repository-ubuntu14-end
+   :literal:
+* on CentOS 7:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-web.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-add-nodejs-external-repository-centos7-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-add-nodejs-external-repository-centos7-end
+   :literal:
+Fourth, all the common prerequisite software libraries and packages that Invenio
+needs are installed:
+* on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr):
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-web.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-web-common-ubuntu14-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-web-common-ubuntu14-end
+   :literal:
+* on CentOS7:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-web.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-web-common-centos7-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-web-common-centos7-end
+   :literal:
+We want to use PostgreSQL database in this installation example, so we need to
+install corresponding libraries too:
+* on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr):
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-web.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-web-libpostgresql-ubuntu14-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-web-libpostgresql-ubuntu14-end
+   :literal:
+* on CentOS7:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-web.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-web-libpostgresql-centos7-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-web-libpostgresql-centos7-end
+   :literal:
+Fifth, now that Node.js is installed, we can proceed with installing Npm and
+associated CSS/JS filter tools. Let's do it globally:
+* on either of the operating systems:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-web.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-npm-and-css-js-filters-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-npm-and-css-js-filters-end
+   :literal:
+Sixth, we'll install Python virtual environment wrapper tools and activate them
+in the current user shell process:
+* on either of the operating systems:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-web.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-virtualenvwrapper-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-virtualenvwrapper-end
+   :literal:
+Seventh, we install Nginx web server and configure appropriate virtual host:
+* on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr):
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-web.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-web-nginx-ubuntu14-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-web-nginx-ubuntu14-end
+   :literal:
+* on CentOS7:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-web.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-web-nginx-centos7-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-web-nginx-centos7-end
+   :literal:
+Finally, let's clean after ourselves:
+* on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr):
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-web.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-web-cleanup-ubuntu14-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-web-cleanup-ubuntu14-end
+   :literal:
+* on CentOS7:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-web.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-web-cleanup-centos7-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-web-cleanup-centos7-end
+   :literal:
+The database server ( will hold persistent data of our Invenio
+installation, such as bibliographic records or user accounts. Invenio supports
+MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite databases. In this tutorial, we shall use
+PostgreSQL that is the recommended database platform for Invenio.
+The database server node can be set up in an automated unattended way by running
+the following script:
+.. code-block:: shell
+   source .inveniorc
+   ./scripts/provision-postgresql.sh
+Let's see in detail what the database provisioning script does.
+First, we install and configure the database software:
+* on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr):
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-postgresql.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-postgresql-ubuntu14-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-postgresql-ubuntu14-end
+   :literal:
+* on CentOS 7:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-postgresql.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-postgresql-centos7-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-postgresql-centos7-end
+   :literal:
+We can now create a new database user with the necessary access permissions on
+the new database:
+* on either of the operating systems:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-postgresql.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-setup-postgresql-access-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-setup-postgresql-access-end
+   :literal:
+Finally, let's clean after ourselves:
+* on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr):
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-postgresql.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-postgresql-cleanup-ubuntu14-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-postgresql-cleanup-ubuntu14-end
+   :literal:
+* on CentOS7:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-postgresql.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-postgresql-cleanup-centos7-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-postgresql-cleanup-centos7-end
+   :literal:
+The Redis server ( is used for various caching needs.
+The Redis server can be set up in an automated unattended way by running the
+following script:
+.. code-block:: shell
+   source .inveniorc
+   ./scripts/provision-redis.sh
+Let's see in detail what the Redis provisioning script does.
+* on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr):
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-redis.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-redis-ubuntu14-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-redis-ubuntu14-end
+   :literal:
+* on CentOS 7:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-redis.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-redis-centos7-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-redis-centos7-end
+   :literal:
+Finally, let's clean after ourselves:
+* on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr):
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-redis.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-redis-cleanup-ubuntu14-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-redis-cleanup-ubuntu14-end
+   :literal:
+* on CentOS7:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-redis.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-redis-cleanup-centos7-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-redis-cleanup-centos7-end
+   :literal:
+The Elasticsearch server ( is used to index and search
+bibliographic records, fulltext documents, and other various interesting
+information managed by our Invenio digital library instance.
+The Elasticsearch server can be set up in an automated unattended way by running
+the following script:
+.. code-block:: shell
+   source .inveniorc
+   ./scripts/provision-elasticsearch.sh
+Let's see in detail what the Elasticsearch provisioning script does.
+* on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr):
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-elasticsearch.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-elasticsearch-ubuntu14-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-elasticsearch-ubuntu14-end
+   :literal:
+* on CentOS 7:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-elasticsearch.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-elasticsearch-centos7-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-elasticsearch-centos7-end
+   :literal:
+Some packages require extra plugins to be installed.
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-elasticsearch.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-elasticsearch-plugins-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-elasticsearch-plugins-end
+   :literal:
+Finally, let's clean after ourselves:
+* on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr):
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-elasticsearch.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-elasticsearch-cleanup-ubuntu14-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-elasticsearch-cleanup-ubuntu14-end
+   :literal:
+* on CentOS7:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-elasticsearch.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-elasticsearch-cleanup-centos7-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-elasticsearch-cleanup-centos7-end
+   :literal:
+The RabbitMQ server ( is used as a messaging middleware broker.
+The RabbitMQ server can be set up in an automated unattended way by running the
+following script:
+.. code-block:: shell
+   source .inveniorc
+   ./scripts/provision-rabbitmq.sh
+Let's see in detail what the RabbitMQ provisioning script does.
+* on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr):
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-rabbitmq.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-rabbitmq-ubuntu14-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-rabbitmq-ubuntu14-end
+   :literal:
+* on CentOS 7:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-rabbitmq.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-rabbitmq-centos7-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-rabbitmq-centos7-end
+   :literal:
+Finally, let's clean after ourselves:
+* on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr):
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-rabbitmq.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-rabbitmq-cleanup-ubuntu14-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-rabbitmq-cleanup-ubuntu14-end
+   :literal:
+* on CentOS7:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-rabbitmq.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-rabbitmq-cleanup-centos7-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-rabbitmq-cleanup-centos7-end
+   :literal:
+The Celery worker node ( is used to execute potentially long tasks
+in asynchronous manner.
+The worker node can be set up in an automated unattended way by running the
+following script:
+.. code-block:: shell
+   source .inveniorc
+   ./scripts/provision-worker.sh
+Let's see in detail what the worker provisioning script does.
+* on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr):
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-worker.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-worker-ubuntu14-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-worker-ubuntu14-end
+   :literal:
+* on CentOS 7:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-worker.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-worker-centos7-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-worker-centos7-end
+   :literal:
+Finally, let's clean after ourselves:
+* on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr):
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-worker.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-worker-cleanup-ubuntu14-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-worker-cleanup-ubuntu14-end
+   :literal:
+* on CentOS7:
+.. include:: ../../../scripts/provision-worker.sh
+   :start-after: # sphinxdoc-install-worker-cleanup-centos7-begin
+   :end-before: # sphinxdoc-install-worker-cleanup-centos7-end
+   :literal:
diff --git a/docs/usersguide/tutorial/records.rst b/docs/usersguide/tutorial/records.rst
index c1a13fcda..ac80a3cb5 100644
--- a/docs/usersguide/tutorial/records.rst
+++ b/docs/usersguide/tutorial/records.rst
@@ -1,2 +1,58 @@
-Part 2: Create and search your first record
+.. _create_and_search_your_first_record:
+Create and search your first record
+Now that Invenio demo site has been installed in :ref:`install_invenio`, let us
+see how we can load some records.
+Upload a new record
+For the ILS flavour let us create a small example record in MARCXML format:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ vim book.xml
+   $ cat book.xml
+   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+   <collection xmlns="http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim">
+   <record>
+     <datafield tag="245" ind1=" " ind2=" ">
+       <subfield code="a">This is title</subfield>
+     </datafield>
+     <datafield tag="100" ind1=" " ind2=" ">
+       <subfield code="a">Doe, John</subfield>
+     </datafield>
+   </record>
+   </collection>
+We can upload it by using ``invenio marc21 import`` command:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ invenio marc21 import --bibliographic book.xml
+   Importing records
+   Created record 117
+   Indexing records
+Search for the record
+Let us verify that it was well uploaded:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ firefox
+and that it is well searchable:
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ firefox
+Uploading content
+For more information on how to upload content to an Invenio instance, see the
+documentation chapter on :ref:`loading_content`.