diff --git a/modules/webaccess/lib/webaccessadmin_lib.py b/modules/webaccess/lib/webaccessadmin_lib.py index 204e49a85..3ce30fbe7 100644 --- a/modules/webaccess/lib/webaccessadmin_lib.py +++ b/modules/webaccess/lib/webaccessadmin_lib.py @@ -1,3840 +1,3839 @@ ## This file is part of Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 CERN. ## ## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """Invenio WebAccess Administrator Interface.""" __revision__ = "$Id$" __lastupdated__ = """$Date$""" ## fill config variables: import re import getopt import sys import time from invenio.config import \ CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_ACCOUNTS, \ CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_GUESTS, \ CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE, \ CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIMIT_REGISTRATION_TO_DOMAIN, \ CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_NOTIFY_ADMIN_ABOUT_NEW_ACCOUNTS, \ CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_NOTIFY_USER_ABOUT_ACTIVATION, \ CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_NOTIFY_USER_ABOUT_DELETION, \ CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_NOTIFY_USER_ABOUT_NEW_ACCOUNT, \ CFG_SITE_LANG, \ CFG_SITE_NAME, \ CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL, \ CFG_SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL, \ CFG_SITE_URL, \ CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL import invenio.access_control_engine as acce import invenio.access_control_admin as acca from invenio.mailutils import send_email from invenio.errorlib import register_exception from invenio.bibrankadminlib import addadminbox, tupletotable, \ tupletotable_onlyselected, addcheckboxes, createhiddenform from invenio.access_control_firerole import compile_role_definition, \ repair_role_definitions, serialize from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language from invenio.dbquery import run_sql, OperationalError from invenio.webpage import page from invenio.webuser import getUid, isGuestUser, page_not_authorized, collect_user_info from invenio.webuser import email_valid_p, get_user_preferences, \ set_user_preferences, update_Uid from invenio.urlutils import redirect_to_url, wash_url_argument from invenio.access_control_config import DEF_DEMO_USER_ROLES, \ DEF_DEMO_ROLES, DEF_DEMO_AUTHS, WEBACCESSACTION, MAXPAGEUSERS, \ SUPERADMINROLE, CFG_EXTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION, DELEGATEADDUSERROLE, \ CFG_ACC_EMPTY_ROLE_DEFINITION_SRC, InvenioWebAccessFireroleError, \ MAXSELECTUSERS, CFG_EXTERNAL_AUTH_DEFAULT from invenio.bibtask import authenticate from cgi import escape ## The following variable is True if the installation make any difference ## between HTTP Vs. HTTPS connections. CFG_HAS_HTTPS_SUPPORT = CFG_SITE_URL != CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL def index(req, title='', body='', subtitle='', adminarea=2, authorized=0, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG): """main function to show pages for webaccessadmin. 1. if user not logged in and administrator, show the mustlogin page 2. if used without body argument, show the startpage 3. show admin page with title, body, subtitle and navtrail. authorized - if 1, don't check if the user is allowed to be webadmin """ if CFG_HAS_HTTPS_SUPPORT and not req.is_https(): redirect_to_url(req, "%s/admin/webaccess/webaccessadmin.py" % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL) navtrail_previous_links = 'Admin Area' \ '' % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL,) if body: if adminarea == 1: navtrail_previous_links += '> ' \ 'Delegate Rights ' % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, ) - if adminarea >= 2 and adminarea < 7: + if adminarea >= 2 and adminarea < 9: navtrail_previous_links += '> ' \ '' \ 'WebAccess Admin ' % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, ) if adminarea == 3: navtrail_previous_links += '> ' \ 'Role Administration ' % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, ) elif adminarea == 4: navtrail_previous_links += '> ' \ 'Action Administration ' % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, ) elif adminarea == 5: navtrail_previous_links += '> ' \ 'User Administration ' % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, ) elif adminarea == 6: navtrail_previous_links += '> ' \ 'Reset Authorizations ' % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, ) elif adminarea == 7: navtrail_previous_links += '> ' \ 'Manage Accounts ' % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, ) elif adminarea == 8: navtrail_previous_links += '> ' \ 'List Groups ' % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, ) elif adminarea == 9: navtrail_previous_links += '> ' \ 'Manage Robot Login ' % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, ) id_user = getUid(req) (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if not authorized and auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) elif not body: title = 'WebAccess Admin' body = startpage() elif type(body) != str: body = addadminbox(subtitle, datalist=body) return page(title=title, uid=id_user, req=req, body=body, navtrail=navtrail_previous_links, lastupdated=__lastupdated__) def mustloginpage(req, message): """show a page asking the user to login.""" navtrail_previous_links = '' \ 'Admin Area > ' \ 'WebAccess Admin ' % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL) return page_not_authorized(req=req, text=message, navtrail=navtrail_previous_links) def is_adminuser(req): """check if user is a registered administrator. """ return acce.acc_authorize_action(req, WEBACCESSACTION) def perform_managerobotlogin(req, robot_name='', new_pwd1='', new_pwd2='', login_method='', timeout='', referer='', ip='', action='', confirm=0, email='', groups='', nickname='', json_assertion='', url_only=0): robot_name = wash_url_argument(robot_name, 'str') new_pwd1 = wash_url_argument(new_pwd1, 'str') new_pwd2 = wash_url_argument(new_pwd2, 'str') login_method = wash_url_argument(login_method, 'str') timeout = wash_url_argument(timeout, 'int') referer = wash_url_argument(referer, 'str') ip = wash_url_argument(ip, 'str') action = wash_url_argument(action, 'str') confirm = wash_url_argument(confirm, 'int') email = wash_url_argument(email, 'str') groups = wash_url_argument(groups, 'str') nickname = wash_url_argument(nickname, 'str') url_only = wash_url_argument(url_only, 'int') json_assertion = wash_url_argument(json_assertion, 'str') from invenio.external_authentication_robot import update_robot_key, load_robot_keys, json (auth_code, auth_message) = acce.acc_authorize_action(req, 'cfgrobotkeys', login_method='*', robot='*') if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) available_robot_login_methods = [name for (name, method) in CFG_EXTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION.iteritems() if method and method.robot_login_method_p()] errors = [] warnings = [] messages = [] if not available_robot_login_methods: errors.append(""" You should enable at least on robot based login method in access_control_config.py in the variable CFG_EXTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION. """) forms = "" else: robot_keys = load_robot_keys() if not login_method: login_method = available_robot_login_methods[0] if not timeout: timeout = 60 * 60 if not ip: ip = req.remote_ip user_info = collect_user_info(req) if not email: email = user_info['email'] if not nickname: nickname = user_info['nickname'] if not robot_name: if login_method in robot_keys and robot_keys[login_method]: robot_name = robot_keys[login_method].keys()[0] if not referer: referer = CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL if action == 'changepwd': if acce.acc_authorize_action(user_info, 'cfgrobotkeys', login_method=login_method, robot=robot_name)[0]: errors.append("""You don't have proper authorization to modify robot %s for login_method %s.""" % (escape(robot_name), escape(login_method))) if login_method not in available_robot_login_methods: errors.append("""The login method must be one among the available_robot_login_methods (%s).""" % escape(', '.join(available_robot_login_methods))) if new_pwd1 != new_pwd2: errors.append("""The two passwords are not equal.""") new_pwd1 = '' new_pwd2 = '' if not robot_name: errors.append("""The robot name must be specified.""") if int(confirm) == 1: if not errors: update_robot_key(login_method, robot_name, new_pwd1) robot_keys = load_robot_keys() if new_pwd1: messages.append("""The password for robot %s has been successfully updated.""" % escape(robot_name)) else: messages.append("""The password for robot %s has been erased, and hence the robot %s does not exist anymore.""" % (escape(robot_name), escape(robot_name))) action = '' confirm = 0 robot_name = '' new_pwd1 = '' new_pwd2 = '' else: if not new_pwd1: warnings.append("""By setting an empty password you will actually erase the robot %s""" % escape(robot_name)) elif action == 'createurl': if acce.acc_authorize_action(user_info, 'cfgrobotkeys', login_method=login_method, robot=robot_name)[0]: errors.append("""You don't have proper authorization to create a URL for robot %s for login_method %s.""" % (escape(robot_name), escape(login_method))) if login_method not in available_robot_login_methods: errors.append("""The login method must be one among the available_robot_login_methods (%s).""" % escape(', '.join(available_robot_login_methods))) if robot_name not in robot_keys.get(login_method, {}): errors.append("""The robot name does not correspond to a valid robot name (for %s these are: %s).""" % (escape(login_method), escape(', '.join(robot_keys.get(login_method, {}).keys())))) if json_assertion.strip(): try: assertion = json.loads(json_assertion) assert(isinstance(assertion, dict)) except Exception, err: errors.append("""The assertion is not a valid json serializable mapping: %s""" % (err)) else: assertion = None if not email: errors.append("""The email is mandatory.""") if not ip: errors.append("""The IP address is mandatory.""") if not errors: url = CFG_EXTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION[login_method].test_create_example_url(email, login_method=login_method, robot=robot_name, ip=ip, timeout=time.time() + timeout, referer=referer, groups=groups.splitlines(), nickname=nickname, assertion=assertion) if url_only: req.content_type = 'text/plain' return url messages.append("""The corresponding URL is: %(url)s""" % { 'url_escape': escape(url, True), 'url': escape(url) }) action = '' forms = """

Existing login_method:

""" % ''.join(["
  • %s (robots: %s)
  • " % (method, ', '.join(robot_keys.get(login_method, {}))) for method in available_robot_login_methods]) forms += """

    Existing robot names (for login_method %s):

    """ % (escape(login_method), ''.join(["
  • %s
  • " % name for name in robot_keys.get(login_method, {})])) confirm_field = """""" if action == 'changepwd': confirm_field = """ Please confirm once more you want to change this password.""" login_method_boxes = "" for login_method_name in available_robot_login_methods: if login_method_name == login_method: login_method_boxes += """
    """ % {'name': escape(login_method_name, True)} else: login_method_boxes += """
    """ % {'name': escape(login_method_name, True)} forms += """ """ % { 'login_method': escape(login_method, True), 'robot_name': escape(robot_name, True), 'new_pwd1': escape(new_pwd1, True), 'new_pwd2': escape(new_pwd2, True), 'confirm_field': confirm_field, 'login_method_boxes': login_method_boxes, } forms += """
    Login method:%(login_method_boxes)s
    Login method:
    """ % { 'login_method_boxes': login_method_boxes, 'robot_name': escape(robot_name, True), 'timeout': escape(str(timeout), True), 'referer': escape(referer, True), 'ip': escape(ip, True), 'email': escape(email, True), 'nickname': escape(nickname, True), 'groups': escape(groups), 'json_assertion': escape(json_assertion) } out = "" if errors: out += "
    " if warnings: out += "
    " if messages: out += "
    " out += forms return index(req=req, title='Manage Robot Login', subtitle='Are to manage robot-based authentiation', body=out, adminarea=2) def perform_listgroups(req): """List all the existing groups.""" (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) header = ['name'] groups = run_sql('select name from usergroup') output = tupletotable(header, groups) extra = """
    Create new role
    go here to add a new role.
    """ return index(req=req, title='Group list', subtitle='All the groups registered in the system', body=[output, extra], adminarea=2) def perform_rolearea(req, grep=""): """create the role area menu page.""" (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) header = ['id', 'name', 'description', 'firewall like role definition', 'users', 'authorizations / actions', 'role', ''] roles = acca.acc_get_all_roles() roles2 = [] if grep: try: re_grep = re.compile(grep) except Exception, err: re_grep = None grep = '' else: re_grep = None for (id, name, desc, dummy, firerole_def_src) in roles: if not firerole_def_src: firerole_def_src = '' ## Workaround for None. if re_grep and not re_grep.search(name) and not re_grep.search(desc) and not re_grep.search(firerole_def_src): ## We're grepping for some word. ## Let's dig into the authorization then. all_actions = acca.acc_find_possible_actions_all(id) ## FIXME: the acc_find_possible_actions_all is really an ugly ## function, but is the closest to what it's needed in order ## to retrieve all the authorization of a role. for idx, row in enumerate(all_actions): grepped = False if idx % 2 == 0: ## even lines contains headers like in: ## ['role', 'action', '#', 'collection'] ## the only useful text to grep is from index 3 onwards for keyword in row[3:]: if re_grep.search(keyword): grepped = True break if grepped: break else: ## odd lines contains content like in: ## [1, 18L, 1, 'Theses'] ## the useful text to grep is indirectly index 1 ## which is indeed the id_action (needed to retrieve the ## action name) and from column 3 onwards. if re_grep.search(acca.acc_get_action_name(row[1])): break for value in row[3:]: if re_grep.search(value): grepped = True break if grepped: break else: ## We haven't grepped anything! ## Let's skip to the next role then... continue if len(desc) > 30: desc = desc[:30] + '...' if firerole_def_src and len(firerole_def_src) > 30: firerole_def_src = firerole_def_src[:30] + '...' roles2.append([id, name, desc, firerole_def_src]) for col in [(('add', 'adduserrole'), ('delete', 'deleteuserrole'),), (('add', 'addauthorization'), ('modify', 'modifyauthorizations'), ('remove', 'deleteroleaction')), (('modify', 'modifyrole'), ('delete', 'deleterole')), (('show details', 'showroledetails'), )]: roles2[-1].append('%s' % (col[0][1], id, col[0][0])) for (str, function) in col[1:]: roles2[-1][-1] += ' / %s' % \ (function, id, str) output = """
    add or remove users from the access to a role and its priviliges.
    these terms means almost the same, but an authorization is a
    connection between a role and an action (possibly) containing arguments.
    see all the information attached to a role and decide if you want to
    delete it.
    Show only roles having any detail matching the regular expression:
    """ % escape(grep) output += tupletotable(header=header, tuple=roles2) extra = """
    Create new role
    go here to add a new role.
    """ return index(req=req, title='Role Administration', subtitle='administration with roles as access point', body=[output, extra], adminarea=2) def perform_actionarea(req, grep=''): """create the action area menu page.""" (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) if grep: try: re_grep = re.compile(grep) except Exception, err: re_grep = None grep = '' else: re_grep = None header = ['name', 'authorizations/roles', ''] actions = acca.acc_get_all_actions() actions2 = [] roles2 = [] for (id, name, description) in actions: if re_grep and not re_grep.search(name) and not re_grep.search(description): grepped = False roles = acca.acc_get_action_roles(id) for id_role, role_name, role_description in roles: if re_grep.search(role_name) or re_grep.search(role_description): grepped = True break elif re_grep.search(acca.acc_get_role_details(id_role)[3] or ''): ## Found in FireRole grepped = True break else: details = acca.acc_find_possible_actions(id_role, id) if details: for argument in details[0][1:]: if re_grep.search(argument): grepped = True break for values in details[1:]: for value in values[1:]: if re_grep.search(value): grepped = True break if grepped: break if grepped: break if not grepped: continue actions2.append([name, description]) for col in [(('add', 'addauthorization'), ('modify', 'modifyauthorizations'), ('remove', 'deleteroleaction')), (('show details', 'showactiondetails'), )]: actions2[-1].append('%s' '' % (col[0][1], id, col[0][0])) for (str, function) in col[1:]: actions2[-1][-1] += ' / %s' % (function, id, str) output = """
    these terms means almost the same, but an authorization is a
    connection between a role and an action (possibly) containing arguments.
    see all the information attached to an action.
    Show only actions having any detail matching the regular expression:
    """ % escape(grep) output += tupletotable(header=header, tuple=actions2) extra = """
    Create new role
    go here to add a new role.
    """ return index(req=req, title='Action Administration', subtitle='administration with actions as access point', body=[output, extra], adminarea=2) def perform_userarea(req, email_user_pattern=''): """create area to show info about users. """ (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) subtitle = 'step 1 - search for users' output = """

    search for users to display.

    """ # remove letters not allowed in an email email_user_pattern = cleanstring_email(email_user_pattern) text = ' 1. search for user\n' text += ' \n' % (email_user_pattern, ) output += createhiddenform(action="userarea", text=text, button="search for users") if email_user_pattern: try: users1 = run_sql("""SELECT id, email FROM user WHERE email<>'' AND email RLIKE %s ORDER BY email LIMIT %s""", (email_user_pattern, MAXPAGEUSERS+1)) except OperationalError: users1 = () if not users1: output += '

    no matching users

    ' else: subtitle = 'step 2 - select what to do with user' users = [] for (id, email) in users1[:MAXPAGEUSERS]: users.append([id, email]) for col in [(('add', 'addroleuser'), ('remove', 'deleteuserrole')), (('show details', 'showuserdetails'), )]: users[-1].append('%s' % (col[0][1], email_user_pattern, id, col[0][0])) for (str, function) in col[1:]: users[-1][-1] += ' / %s' % \ (function, email_user_pattern, id, str) output += '

    found %s matching users:

    ' % \ (len(users1), ) output += tupletotable(header=['id', 'email', 'roles', ''], tuple=users) if len(users1) > MAXPAGEUSERS: output += '

    only showing the first %s users, ' \ 'narrow your search...

    ' % (MAXPAGEUSERS, ) return index(req=req, title='User Administration', subtitle=subtitle, body=[output], adminarea=2) def perform_resetarea(req): """create the reset area menu page.""" (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) output = """
    Reset to Default Authorizations
    remove all changes that has been done to the roles and
    add only the default authorization settings.
    Add Default Authorizations
    keep all changes and add the default authorization settings.
    """ return index(req=req, title='Reset Authorizations', subtitle='reseting to or adding default authorizations', body=[output], adminarea=2) def perform_resetdefaultsettings(req, superusers=[], confirm=0): """delete all roles, actions and authorizations presently in the database and add only the default roles. only selected users will be added to superadmin, rest is blank """ (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) # cleaning input if type(superusers) == str: superusers = [superusers] # remove not valid e-mails for email in superusers: if not check_email(email): superusers.remove(email) # instructions output = """

    before you reset the settings, we need some users
    to connect to %s.
    enter as many e-mail addresses you want and press reset.
    confirm reset settings when you have added enough e-mails.
    %s is added as default.

    """ % (SUPERADMINROLE, CFG_SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL) # add more superusers output += """

    enter user e-mail addresses:

    """ for email in superusers: output += ' ' % (email, ) output += """ e-mail
    """ if superusers: # remove emails output += """
    have you entered wrong data?
    """ # superusers confirm table start = '
    ' extra = ' ' for email in superusers: extra += '' % (email, ) extra += ' ' end = '
    ' output += '

    reset default settings with the users below?

    ' output += tupletotable(header=['e-mail address'], tuple=superusers, start=start, extracolumn=extra, end=end) if confirm in [1, "1"]: res = acca.acc_reset_default_settings(superusers) if res: output += '

    successfully reset default settings

    ' else: output += '

    sorry, could not reset default settings

    ' return index(req=req, title='Reset Default Settings', subtitle='reset settings', body=[output], adminarea=6) def perform_adddefaultsettings(req, superusers=[], confirm=0): """add the default settings, and keep everything else. probably nothing will be deleted, except if there has been made changes to the defaults.""" (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) # cleaning input if type(superusers) == str: superusers = [superusers] # remove not valid e-mails for email in superusers: if not check_email(email): superusers.remove(email) # instructions output = """

    before you add the settings, we need some users
    to connect to %s.
    enter as many e-mail addresses you want and press add.
    confirm add settings when you have added enough e-mails.
    %s is added as default.

    """ % (SUPERADMINROLE, CFG_SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL) # add more superusers output += """

    enter user e-mail addresses:

    """ for email in superusers: output += ' ' % (email, ) output += """ e-mail
    """ if superusers: # remove emails output += """
    have you entered wrong data?
    """ # superusers confirm table start = '
    ' extra = ' ' for email in superusers: extra += '' % (email, ) extra += ' ' end = '
    ' output += '

    add default settings with the users below?

    ' output += tupletotable(header=['e-mail address'], tuple=superusers, start=start, extracolumn=extra, end=end) if confirm in [1, "1"]: res = acca.acc_add_default_settings(superusers) if res: output += '

    successfully added default settings

    ' else: output += '

    sorry, could not add default settings

    ' return index(req=req, title='Add Default Settings', subtitle='add settings', body=[output], adminarea=6) def perform_manageaccounts(req, mtype='', content='', confirm=0): """start area for managing accounts.""" (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) subtitle = 'Overview' fin_output = '' fin_output += """
    0. Show all 1. Access policy 2. Account overview 3. Create account 4. Edit accounts
    """ % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL) if mtype == "perform_accesspolicy" and content: fin_output += content elif mtype == "perform_accesspolicy" or mtype == "perform_showall": fin_output += perform_accesspolicy(req, callback='') fin_output += "
    " if mtype == "perform_accountoverview" and content: fin_output += content elif mtype == "perform_accountoverview" or mtype == "perform_showall": fin_output += perform_accountoverview(req, callback='') fin_output += "
    " if mtype == "perform_createaccount" and content: fin_output += content elif mtype == "perform_createaccount" or mtype == "perform_showall": fin_output += perform_createaccount(req, callback='') fin_output += "
    " if mtype == "perform_modifyaccounts" and content: fin_output += content elif mtype == "perform_modifyaccounts" or mtype == "perform_showall": fin_output += perform_modifyaccounts(req, callback='') fin_output += "
    " if mtype == "perform_becomeuser" and content: fin_output += content elif mtype == "perform_becomeuser" or mtype == "perform_showall": fin_output += perform_becomeuser(req, callback='') fin_output += "
    " return index(req=req, title='Manage Accounts', subtitle=subtitle, body=[fin_output], - adminarea=0, + adminarea=7, authorized=1) def perform_accesspolicy(req, callback='yes', confirm=0): """Modify default behaviour of a guest user or if new accounts should automatically/manually be modified.""" (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) subtitle = """1. Access policy.   [?]""" % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL account_policy = {} account_policy[0] = "Users can register new accounts. New accounts automatically activated." account_policy[1] = "Users can register new accounts. Admin users must activate the accounts." account_policy[2] = "Only admin can register new accounts. User cannot edit email address." account_policy[3] = "Only admin can register new accounts. User cannot edit email address or password." account_policy[4] = "Only admin can register new accounts. User cannot edit email address, password or login method." account_policy[5] = "Only admin can register new accounts. User cannot edit email address, password or login method and information about how to get an account is hidden from the login page." site_policy = {} site_policy[0] = "Normal operation of the site." site_policy[1] = "Read-only site, all write operations temporarily closed." site_policy[2] = "Site fully closed." site_policy[3] = "Site fully closed. Database connection disabled." output = "(Modifications must be done in access_control_config.py)
    " output += "
    Current settings:
    " output += "Site status: %s
    " % (site_policy[CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE]) output += "Guest accounts allowed: %s
    " % (CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_GUESTS == 0 and "Yes" or "No") output += "Account policy: %s
    " % (account_policy[CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_ACCOUNTS]) output += "Allowed email addresses limited: %s
    " % (CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIMIT_REGISTRATION_TO_DOMAIN and CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIMIT_REGISTRATION_TO_DOMAIN or "Not limited") output += "Send email to admin when new account: %s
    " % (CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_NOTIFY_ADMIN_ABOUT_NEW_ACCOUNTS == 1 and "Yes" or "No") output += "Send email to user after creating new account: %s
    " % (CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_NOTIFY_USER_ABOUT_NEW_ACCOUNT == 1 and "Yes" or "No") output += "Send email to user when account is activated: %s
    " % (CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_NOTIFY_USER_ABOUT_ACTIVATION == 1 and "Yes" or "No") output += "Send email to user when account is deleted/rejected: %s
    " % (CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_NOTIFY_USER_ABOUT_DELETION == 1 and "Yes" or "No") output += "
    " output += "Available 'login via' methods:
    " methods = CFG_EXTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION.keys() methods.sort() for system in methods: output += """%s %s
    """ % (system, (CFG_EXTERNAL_AUTH_DEFAULT == system and "(Default)" or "")) output += "
    Changing the settings:
    " output += "Currently, all changes must be done using your favourite editor, and the webserver restarted for changes to take effect. For the settings to change, either look in the guide or in access_control_config.py ." body = [output] if callback: return perform_manageaccounts(req, "perform_accesspolicy", addadminbox(subtitle, body)) else: return addadminbox(subtitle, body) def perform_accountoverview(req, callback='yes', confirm=0): """Modify default behaviour of a guest user or if new accounts should automatically/manually be modified.""" (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) subtitle = """2. Account overview.   [?]""" % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL output = "" res = run_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user WHERE email=''") output += "Guest accounts: %s
    " % res[0][0] res = run_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user WHERE email!=''") output += "Registered accounts: %s
    " % res[0][0] res = run_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user WHERE email!='' AND note='0' OR note IS NULL") output += "Inactive accounts: %s " % res[0][0] if res[0][0] > 0: output += ' [Activate/Reject accounts]' res = run_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user") output += "
    Total nr of accounts: %s
    " % res[0][0] body = [output] if callback: return perform_manageaccounts(req, "perform_accountoverview", addadminbox(subtitle, body)) else: return addadminbox(subtitle, body) def perform_createaccount(req, email='', password='', callback='yes', confirm=0): """Modify default behaviour of a guest user or if new accounts should automatically/manually be modified.""" (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) subtitle = """3. Create account.   [?]""" % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL output = "" text = ' Email:\n' text += '
    ' % (email, ) text += ' Password:\n' text += '
    ' % (password, ) output += createhiddenform(action="createaccount", text=text, confirm=1, button="Create") if confirm in [1, "1"] and email and email_valid_p(email): res = run_sql("SELECT email FROM user WHERE email=%s", (email,)) if not res: res = run_sql("INSERT INTO user (email,password, note) values(%s,AES_ENCRYPT(email,%s), '1')", (email, password)) if CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_NOTIFY_USER_ABOUT_NEW_ACCOUNT == 1: emailsent = send_new_user_account_warning(email, email, password) == 0 if password: output += 'Account created with password and activated.' else: output += 'Account created without password and activated.' if CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_NOTIFY_USER_ABOUT_NEW_ACCOUNT == 1: if emailsent: output += '
    An email has been sent to the owner of the account.' else: output += '
    Could not send an email to the owner of the account.' else: output += 'An account with the same email already exists.' elif confirm in [1, "1"]: output += 'Please specify an valid email-address.' body = [output] if callback: return perform_manageaccounts(req, "perform_createaccount", addadminbox(subtitle, body)) else: return addadminbox(subtitle, body) def perform_modifyaccountstatus(req, userID, email_user_pattern, limit_to, maxpage, page, callback='yes', confirm=0): """set a disabled account to enabled and opposite""" (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) res = run_sql("SELECT id, email, note FROM user WHERE id=%s", (userID, )) subtitle = "" output = "" if res: if res[0][2] in [0, "0", None]: res2 = run_sql("UPDATE user SET note=1 WHERE id=%s", (userID, )) output += """The account '%s' has been activated.""" % res[0][1] if CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_NOTIFY_USER_ABOUT_ACTIVATION == 1: emailsent = send_account_activated_message(res[0][1], res[0][1], '*****') if emailsent: output += """
    An email has been sent to the owner of the account.""" else: output += """
    Could not send an email to the owner of the account.""" elif res[0][2] in [1, "1"]: res2 = run_sql("UPDATE user SET note=0 WHERE id=%s", (userID, )) output += """The account '%s' has been set inactive.""" % res[0][1] else: output += 'The account id given does not exist.' body = [output] if callback: return perform_modifyaccounts(req, email_user_pattern, limit_to, maxpage, page, content=output, callback='yes') else: return addadminbox(subtitle, body) def perform_editaccount(req, userID, mtype='', content='', callback='yes', confirm=-1): """form to modify an account. this method is calling other methods which again is calling this and sending back the output of the method. if callback, the method will call perform_editcollection, if not, it will just return its output. userID - id of the user mtype - the method that called this method. content - the output from that method.""" (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) res = run_sql("SELECT id, email FROM user WHERE id=%s", (userID, )) if not res: if mtype == "perform_deleteaccount": text = """The selected account has been deleted, to continue editing, go back to 'Manage Accounts'.""" if CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_NOTIFY_USER_ABOUT_DELETION == 1: text += """
    An email has been sent to the owner of the account.""" else: text = """The selected accounts does not exist, please go back and select an account to edit.""" return index(req=req, title='Edit Account', subtitle="Edit account", body=[text], adminarea=7, authorized=1) fin_output = """
    0. Show all 1. Modify login-data 2. Modify preferences
    3. Delete account
    """ % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, userID, CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, userID, CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, userID, CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, userID) if mtype == "perform_modifylogindata" and content: fin_output += content elif mtype == "perform_modifylogindata" or not mtype: fin_output += perform_modifylogindata(req, userID, callback='') if mtype == "perform_modifypreferences" and content: fin_output += content elif mtype == "perform_modifypreferences" or not mtype: fin_output += perform_modifypreferences(req, userID, callback='') if mtype == "perform_deleteaccount" and content: fin_output += content elif mtype == "perform_deleteaccount" or not mtype: fin_output += perform_deleteaccount(req, userID, callback='') return index(req=req, title='Edit Account', subtitle="Edit account '%s'" % res[0][1], body=[fin_output], adminarea=7, authorized=1) def perform_becomeuser(req, userID='', callback='yes', confirm=0): """modify email and password of an account""" (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) subtitle = """5. Became user.   [?]""" % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL res = run_sql("SELECT email FROM user WHERE id=%s", (userID, )) output = "" if res: update_Uid(req, res[0][0]) redirect_to_url(req, CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL) else: output += 'The account id given does not exist.' body = [output] if callback: return perform_editaccount(req, userID, mtype='perform_becomeuser', content=addadminbox(subtitle, body), callback='yes') else: return addadminbox(subtitle, body) def perform_modifylogindata(req, userID, nickname='', email='', password='', callback='yes', confirm=0): """modify email and password of an account""" (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) subtitle = """1. Edit login-data.   [?]""" % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL res = run_sql("SELECT id, email, nickname FROM user WHERE id=%s", (userID, )) output = "" if res: if not email and not password: email = res[0][1] nickname = res[0][2] text = ' Account id:%s
    \n' % userID text = ' Nickname:\n' text += '
    ' % (nickname, ) text += ' Email:\n' text += '
    ' % (email, ) text += ' Password:\n' text += '
    ' % (password, ) output += createhiddenform(action="modifylogindata", text=text, userID=userID, confirm=1, button="Modify") if confirm in [1, "1"] and email and email_valid_p(email): res = run_sql("SELECT nickname FROM user WHERE nickname=%s AND id<>%s", (nickname, userID)) if res: output += 'Sorry, the specified nickname is already used.' else: res = run_sql("UPDATE user SET email=%s WHERE id=%s", (email, userID)) if password: res = run_sql("UPDATE user SET password=AES_ENCRYPT(email,%s) WHERE id=%s", (password, userID)) else: output += 'Password not modified. ' res = run_sql("UPDATE user SET nickname=%s WHERE id=%s", (nickname, userID)) output += 'Nickname/email and/or password modified.' elif confirm in [1, "1"]: output += 'Please specify an valid email-address.' else: output += 'The account id given does not exist.' body = [output] if callback: return perform_editaccount(req, userID, mtype='perform_modifylogindata', content=addadminbox(subtitle, body), callback='yes') else: return addadminbox(subtitle, body) def perform_modifypreferences(req, userID, login_method='', callback='yes', confirm=0): """modify email and password of an account""" (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) subtitle = """2. Modify preferences.   [?]""" % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL res = run_sql("SELECT id, email FROM user WHERE id=%s", (userID, )) output = "" if res: user_pref = get_user_preferences(userID) if confirm in [1, "1"]: if login_method: user_pref['login_method'] = login_method set_user_preferences(userID, user_pref) output += "Select default login method:
    " text = "" methods = CFG_EXTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION.keys() methods.sort() for system in methods: text += """%s
    """ % (system, (user_pref['login_method'] == system and "checked" or ""), system) output += createhiddenform(action="modifypreferences", text=text, confirm=1, userID=userID, button="Select") if confirm in [1, "1"]: if login_method: output += """The login method has been changed""" else: output += """Nothing to update""" else: output += 'The account id given does not exist.' body = [output] if callback: return perform_editaccount(req, userID, mtype='perform_modifypreferences', content=addadminbox(subtitle, body), callback='yes') else: return addadminbox(subtitle, body) def perform_deleteaccount(req, userID, callback='yes', confirm=0): """delete account""" (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) subtitle = """3. Delete account.   [?]""" % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL res = run_sql("SELECT id, email FROM user WHERE id=%s", (userID, )) output = "" if res: if confirm in [0, "0"]: text = 'Are you sure you want to delete the account with email: "%s"?' % res[0][1] output += createhiddenform(action="deleteaccount", text=text, userID=userID, confirm=1, button="Delete") elif confirm in [1, "1"]: res2 = run_sql("DELETE FROM user WHERE id=%s", (userID, )) output += 'Account deleted.' if CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_NOTIFY_USER_ABOUT_DELETION == 1: emailsent = send_account_deleted_message(res[0][1], res[0][1]) else: output += 'The account id given does not exist.' body = [output] if callback: return perform_editaccount(req, userID, mtype='perform_deleteaccount', content=addadminbox(subtitle, body), callback='yes') else: return addadminbox(subtitle, body) def perform_rejectaccount(req, userID, email_user_pattern, limit_to, maxpage, page, callback='yes', confirm=0): """Delete account and send an email to the owner.""" (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) res = run_sql("SELECT id, email, note FROM user WHERE id=%s", (userID, )) output = "" subtitle = "" if res: res2 = run_sql("DELETE FROM user WHERE id=%s", (userID, )) output += 'Account rejected and deleted.' if CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_NOTIFY_USER_ABOUT_DELETION == 1: if not res[0][2] or res[0][2] == "0": emailsent = send_account_rejected_message(res[0][1], res[0][1]) elif res[0][2] == "1": emailsent = send_account_deleted_message(res[0][1], res[0][1]) if emailsent: output += """
    An email has been sent to the owner of the account.""" else: output += """
    Could not send an email to the owner of the account.""" else: output += 'The account id given does not exist.' body = [output] if callback: return perform_modifyaccounts(req, email_user_pattern, limit_to, maxpage, page, content=output, callback='yes') else: return addadminbox(subtitle, body) def perform_modifyaccounts(req, email_user_pattern='', limit_to=-1, maxpage=MAXPAGEUSERS, page=1, content='', callback='yes', confirm=0): """Modify default behaviour of a guest user or if new accounts should automatically/manually be modified.""" (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) subtitle = """4. Edit accounts.   [?]""" % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL output = "" # remove letters not allowed in an email email_user_pattern = cleanstring_email(email_user_pattern) try: maxpage = int(maxpage) except: maxpage = MAXPAGEUSERS try: page = int(page) if page < 1: page = 1 except: page = 1 text = ' Email (part of):\n' text += '
    ' % (email_user_pattern, ) text += """Limit to:
    """ % ((limit_to=="all" and "selected" or ""), (limit_to=="enabled" and "selected" or ""), (limit_to=="disabled" and "selected" or "")) text += """Accounts per page:
    """ % ((maxpage==25 and "selected" or ""), (maxpage==50 and "selected" or ""), (maxpage==100 and "selected" or ""), (maxpage==250 and "selected" or ""), (maxpage==500 and "selected" or ""), (maxpage==1000 and "selected" or "")) output += createhiddenform(action="modifyaccounts", text=text, button="search for accounts") if limit_to not in [-1, "-1"] and maxpage: options = [] users1 = "SELECT id,email,note FROM user WHERE " if limit_to == "enabled": users1 += " email!='' AND note=1" elif limit_to == "disabled": users1 += " email!='' AND note=0 OR note IS NULL" elif limit_to == "guest": users1 += " email=''" else: users1 += " email!=''" if email_user_pattern: users1 += " AND email RLIKE %s" options += [email_user_pattern] users1 += " ORDER BY email LIMIT %s" options += [maxpage * page + 1] try: users1 = run_sql(users1, tuple(options)) except OperationalError: users1 = () if not users1: output += 'There are no accounts matching the email given.' else: users = [] if maxpage * (page - 1) > len(users1): page = len(users1) / maxpage + 1 for (id, email, note) in users1[maxpage * (page - 1):(maxpage * page)]: users.append(['', id, email, (note=="1" and 'Active' or 'Inactive')]) for col in [(((note=="1" and 'Inactivate' or 'Activate'), 'modifyaccountstatus'), ((note == "0" and 'Reject' or 'Delete'), 'rejectaccount'), ), (('Edit account', 'editaccount'), ),]: users[-1].append('%s' % (col[0][1], id, email_user_pattern, limit_to, maxpage, page, col[0][0])) for (str, function) in col[1:]: users[-1][-1] += ' / %s' % (function, id, email_user_pattern, limit_to, maxpage, page, str) users[-1].append('%s' % ('becomeuser', id, email_user_pattern, limit_to, maxpage, page, 'Become user')) last = "" next = "" if len(users1) > maxpage: if page > 1: last += 'Last Page' % (email_user_pattern, limit_to, maxpage, (page - 1)) if len(users1[maxpage * (page - 1):(maxpage * page)]) == maxpage: next += 'Next page' % (email_user_pattern, limit_to, maxpage, (page + 1)) output += 'Showing accounts %s-%s:' % (1 + maxpage * (page - 1), maxpage * page) else: output += '%s matching account(s):' % len(users1) output += tupletotable(header=[last, 'id', 'email', 'Status', '', '', next], tuple=users) else: output += 'Please select which accounts to find and how many to show per page.' if content: output += "
    %s" % content body = [output] if callback: return perform_manageaccounts(req, "perform_modifyaccounts", addadminbox(subtitle, body)) else: return addadminbox(subtitle, body) def perform_delegate_startarea(req): """start area for lower level delegation of rights.""" # refuse access to guest users: uid = getUid(req) if isGuestUser(uid): return index(req=req, title='Delegate Rights', adminarea=0, authorized=0) subtitle = 'select what to do' output = '' if is_adminuser(req)[0] == 0: output += """

    You are also allowed to be in the Main Admin Area which gives you
    the access to the full functionality of WebAccess.

    """ output += """
    Connect users to roles
    add users to the roles you have delegation rights to.
    Remove users from roles
    remove users from the roles you have delegation rights to.
    Set up delegation rights
    specialized area to set up the delegation rights used in the areas above.
    you need to be a web administrator to access the area.
    """ return index(req=req, title='Delegate Rights', subtitle=subtitle, body=[output], adminarea=0, authorized=1) def perform_delegate_adminsetup(req, id_role_admin=0, id_role_delegate=0, confirm=0): """lets the webadmins set up the delegation rights for the other roles id_role_admin - the role to be given delegation rights id_role_delegate - the role over which the delegation rights are given confirm - make the connection happen """ subtitle = 'step 1 - select admin role' admin_roles = acca.acc_get_all_roles() output = """

    This is a specialized area to handle a task that also can be handled
    from the "add authorization" interface.

    By handling the delegation rights here you get the advantage of
    not having to select the correct action (%s) or
    remembering the names of available roles.

    """ % (DELEGATEADDUSERROLE, ) output += createroleselect(id_role=id_role_admin, step=1, button='select admin role', name='id_role_admin', action='delegate_adminsetup', roles=admin_roles) if str(id_role_admin) != '0': subtitle = 'step 2 - select delegate role' name_role_admin = acca.acc_get_role_name(id_role=id_role_admin) delegate_roles_old = acca.acc_find_delegated_roles(id_role_admin=id_role_admin) delegate_roles = [] delegate_roles_old_names = [] for role in admin_roles: if (role,) not in delegate_roles_old: delegate_roles.append(role) else: delegate_roles_old_names.append(role[1]) if delegate_roles_old_names: delegate_roles_old_names.sort() names_str = '' for name in delegate_roles_old_names: if names_str: names_str += ', ' names_str += name output += '

    previously selected roles: %s.

    ' % (names_str, ) extra = """
    Remove delegated roles
    use the standard administration area to remove delegation rights you no longer want to be available.
    """ % (id_role_admin, acca.acc_get_action_id(name_action=DELEGATEADDUSERROLE)) else: output += '

    no previously selected roles.

    ' output += createroleselect(id_role=id_role_delegate, step=2, button='select delegate role', name='id_role_delegate', action='delegate_adminsetup', roles=delegate_roles, id_role_admin=id_role_admin) if str(id_role_delegate) != '0': subtitle = 'step 3 - confirm to add delegation right' name_role_delegate = acca.acc_get_role_name(id_role=id_role_delegate) output += """

    Warning: don't hand out delegation rights that can harm the system (e.g. delegating superrole).

    """ output += createhiddenform(action="delegate_adminsetup", text='let role %s delegate rights over role %s?' % (name_role_admin, name_role_delegate), id_role_admin=id_role_admin, id_role_delegate=id_role_delegate, confirm=1) if int(confirm): subtitle = 'step 4 - confirm delegation right added' # res1 = acca.acc_add_role_action_arguments_names(name_role=name_role_admin, # name_action=DELEGATEADDUSERROLE, # arglistid=-1, # optional=0, # role=name_role_delegate) res1 = acca.acc_add_authorization(name_role=name_role_admin, name_action=DELEGATEADDUSERROLE, optional=0, role=name_role_delegate) if res1: output += '

    confirm: role %s delegates role %s.' % (name_role_admin, name_role_delegate) else: output += '

    sorry, delegation right could not be added,
    it probably already exists.

    ' # see if right hand menu is available try: body = [output, extra] except NameError: body = [output] return index(req=req, title='Delegate Rights', subtitle=subtitle, body=body, adminarea=1) def perform_delegate_adduserrole(req, id_role=0, email_user_pattern='', id_user=0, confirm=0): """let a lower level web admin add users to a limited set of roles. id_role - the role to connect to a user id_user - the user to connect to a role confirm - make the connection happen """ # finding the allowed roles for this user id_admin = getUid(req) id_action = acca.acc_get_action_id(name_action=DELEGATEADDUSERROLE) actions = acca.acc_find_possible_actions_user(id_user=id_admin, id_action=id_action) allowed_roles = [] allowed_id_roles = [] for (id, arglistid, name_role_help) in actions[1:]: id_role_help = acca.acc_get_role_id(name_role=name_role_help) if id_role_help and [id_role_help, name_role_help, ''] not in allowed_roles: allowed_roles.append([id_role_help, name_role_help, '']) allowed_id_roles.append(str(id_role_help)) output = '' if not allowed_roles: subtitle = 'no delegation rights' output += """

    You do not have the delegation rights over any roles.
    If you think you should have such rights, contact a WebAccess Administrator.

    """ extra = '' else: subtitle = 'step 1 - select role' output += """

    Lower level delegation of access rights to roles.
    An administrator with all rights have to give you these rights.

    """ email_out = acca.acc_get_user_email(id_user=id_user) name_role = acca.acc_get_role_name(id_role=id_role) output += createroleselect(id_role=id_role, step=1, name='id_role', action='delegate_adduserrole', roles=allowed_roles) if str(id_role) != '0' and str(id_role) in allowed_id_roles: subtitle = 'step 2 - search for users' # remove letters not allowed in an email email_user_pattern = cleanstring_email(email_user_pattern) text = ' 2. search for user \n' text += ' \n' % (email_user_pattern, ) output += createhiddenform(action="delegate_adduserrole", text=text, button="search for users", id_role=id_role) # pattern is entered if email_user_pattern: # users with matching email-address try: users1 = run_sql("""SELECT id, email FROM user WHERE email<>'' AND email RLIKE %s ORDER BY email """, (email_user_pattern, )) except OperationalError: users1 = () # users that are connected try: users2 = run_sql("""SELECT DISTINCT u.id, u.email FROM user u LEFT JOIN user_accROLE ur ON u.id = ur.id_user WHERE ur.id_accROLE = %s AND u.email RLIKE %s ORDER BY u.email """, (id_role, email_user_pattern)) except OperationalError: users2 = () # no users that match the pattern if not (users1 or users2): output += '

    no qualified users, try new search.

    ' # too many matching users elif len(users1) > MAXSELECTUSERS: output += '

    %s hits, too many qualified users, specify more narrow search. (limit %s)

    ' % (len(users1), MAXSELECTUSERS) # show matching users else: subtitle = 'step 3 - select a user' users = [] extrausers = [] for (id, email) in users1: if (id, email) not in users2: users.append([id,email,'']) for (id, email) in users2: extrausers.append([-id, email,'']) output += createuserselect(id_user=id_user, action="delegate_adduserrole", step=3, users=users, extrausers=extrausers, button="add this user", id_role=id_role, email_user_pattern=email_user_pattern) try: id_user = int(id_user) except ValueError: pass # user selected already connected to role if id_user < 0: output += '

    users in brackets are already attached to the role, try another one...

    ' # a user is selected elif email_out: subtitle = "step 4 - confirm to add user" output += createhiddenform(action="delegate_adduserrole", text='add user %s to role %s?' % (email_out, name_role), id_role=id_role, email_user_pattern=email_user_pattern, id_user=id_user, confirm=1) # it is confirmed that this user should be added if confirm: # add user result = acca.acc_add_user_role(id_user=id_user, id_role=id_role) if result and result[2]: subtitle = 'step 5 - confirm user added' output += '

    confirm: user %s added to role %s.

    ' % (email_out, name_role) else: subtitle = 'step 5 - user could not be added' output += '

    sorry, but user could not be added.

    ' extra = """
    Remove users from role
    remove users from the roles you have delegating rights to.
    """ % (id_role, ) return index(req=req, title='Connect users to roles', subtitle=subtitle, body=[output, extra], adminarea=1, authorized=1) def perform_delegate_deleteuserrole(req, id_role=0, id_user=0, confirm=0): """let a lower level web admin remove users from a limited set of roles. id_role - the role to connect to a user id_user - the user to connect to a role confirm - make the connection happen """ subtitle = 'in progress...' output = '

    in progress...

    ' # finding the allowed roles for this user id_admin = getUid(req) id_action = acca.acc_get_action_id(name_action=DELEGATEADDUSERROLE) actions = acca.acc_find_possible_actions_user(id_user=id_admin, id_action=id_action) output = '' if not actions: subtitle = 'no delegation rights' output += """

    You do not have the delegation rights over any roles.
    If you think you should have such rights, contact a WebAccess Administrator.

    """ extra = '' else: subtitle = 'step 1 - select role' output += """

    Lower level delegation of access rights to roles.
    An administrator with all rights have to give you these rights.

    """ email_out = acca.acc_get_user_email(id_user=id_user) name_role = acca.acc_get_role_name(id_role=id_role) # create list of allowed roles allowed_roles = [] allowed_id_roles = [] for (id, arglistid, name_role_help) in actions[1:]: id_role_help = acca.acc_get_role_id(name_role=name_role_help) if id_role_help and [id_role_help, name_role_help, ''] not in allowed_roles: allowed_roles.append([id_role_help, name_role_help, '']) allowed_id_roles.append(str(id_role_help)) output += createroleselect(id_role=id_role, step=1, action='delegate_deleteuserrole', roles=allowed_roles) if str(id_role) != '0' and str(id_role) in allowed_id_roles: subtitle = 'step 2 - select user' users = acca.acc_get_role_users(id_role) output += createuserselect(id_user=id_user, step=2, action='delegate_deleteuserrole', users=users, id_role=id_role) if str(id_user) != '0': subtitle = 'step 3 - confirm delete of user' email_user = acca.acc_get_user_email(id_user=id_user) output += createhiddenform(action="delegate_deleteuserrole", text='delete user %s from %s?' % (headerstrong(user=id_user), headerstrong(role=id_role)), id_role=id_role, id_user=id_user, confirm=1) if confirm: res = acca.acc_delete_user_role(id_user=id_user, id_role=id_role) if res: subtitle = 'step 4 - confirm user deleted from role' output += '

    confirm: deleted user %s from role %s.

    ' % (email_user, name_role) else: subtitle = 'step 4 - user could not be deleted' output += 'sorry, but user could not be deleted
    user is probably already deleted.' extra = """
    Connect users to role
    add users to the roles you have delegating rights to.
    """ % (id_role, ) return index(req=req, title='Remove users from roles', subtitle=subtitle, body=[output, extra], adminarea=1, authorized=1) def perform_showactiondetails(req, id_action): """show the details of an action. """ (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) output = createactionselect(id_action=id_action, action="showactiondetails", step=1, actions=acca.acc_get_all_actions(), button="select action") if id_action not in [0, '0']: output += actiondetails(id_action=id_action) extra = """
    Add new authorization
    add an authorization.
    Modify authorizations
    modify existing authorizations.
    Remove role
    remove all authorizations from action and a role.
    """ % (id_action, id_action, id_action) body = [output, extra] else: output += '

    no details to show

    ' body = [output] return index(req=req, title='Show Action Details', subtitle='show action details', body=body, adminarea=4) def actiondetails(id_action=0): """show details of given action. """ output = '' if id_action not in [0, '0']: name_action = acca.acc_get_action_name(id_action=id_action) output += '

    action details:

    ' output += tupletotable(header=['id', 'name', 'description', 'allowedkeywords', 'optional'], tuple=[acca.acc_get_action_details(id_action=id_action)]) roleshlp = acca.acc_get_action_roles(id_action=id_action) if roleshlp: roles = [] for (id, name, dummy) in roleshlp: res = acca.acc_find_possible_actions(id, id_action) if res: authorization_details = tupletotable(header=res[0], tuple=res[1:]) else: authorization_details = 'no details to show' - roles.append([id, name, - authorization_details, - 'show connected users' % (id, )]) + roles.append([id, '%s' % (id, escape(name)), + authorization_details]) roletable = tupletotable(header=['id', 'name', 'authorization details', ''], tuple=roles) output += '

    roles connected to %s:

    \n' % (headerstrong(action=name_action, query=0), ) output += roletable else: output += '

    no roles connected to %s.

    \n' % (headerstrong(action=name_action, query=0), ) else: output += '

    no details to show

    ' return output def perform_addrole(req, id_role=0, name_role='', description='put description here.', firerole_def_src=CFG_ACC_EMPTY_ROLE_DEFINITION_SRC, confirm=0): """form to add a new role with these values: name_role - name of the new role description - optional description of the role """ (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) name_role = cleanstring(name_role) title='Add Role' subtitle = 'step 1 - give values to the requested fields' output = """
    role name
    firewall like role definition [?]
    See the list of groups for a hint about which group names you can use.
    """ % (escape(name_role, '"'), escape(description), escape(firerole_def_src)) if name_role: # description must be changed before submitting subtitle = 'step 2 - confirm to add role' internaldesc = '' if description != 'put description here.': internaldesc = description try: firerole_def_ser = serialize(compile_role_definition(firerole_def_src)) except InvenioWebAccessFireroleError, msg: output += "%s" % msg else: text = """ add role with:
    \n name: %s
    """ % (name_role, ) if internaldesc: text += 'description: %s?\n' % (description, ) output += createhiddenform(action="addrole", text=text, name_role=escape(name_role, '"'), description=escape(description, '"'), firerole_def_src=escape(firerole_def_src, '"'), confirm=1) if confirm not in ["0", 0]: result = acca.acc_add_role(name_role=name_role, description=internaldesc, firerole_def_ser=firerole_def_ser, firerole_def_src=firerole_def_src) if result: subtitle = 'step 3 - role added' output += '

    role added:

    ' result = list(result) result[3] = result[3].replace('\n', '
    ') result = tuple(result) output += tupletotable(header=['id', 'role name', 'description', 'firewall like role definition'], tuple=[result]) else: subtitle = 'step 3 - role could not be added' output += '

    sorry, could not add role,
    role with the same name probably exists.

    ' id_role = acca.acc_get_role_id(name_role=name_role) extra = """
    Add authorization
    start adding new authorizations to role %s.
    Connect user
    connect a user to role %s.
    """ % (id_role, name_role, id_role, name_role) try: body = [output, extra] except NameError: body = [output] return index(req=req, title=title, body=body, subtitle=subtitle, adminarea=3) def perform_modifyrole(req, id_role='0', name_role='', description='put description here.', firerole_def_src='', modified='0', confirm=0): """form to add a new role with these values: name_role - name of the role to be changed description - optional description of the role firerole_def_src - optional firerole like definition of the role """ (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) ret = acca.acc_get_role_details(id_role) if ret and modified =='0': name_role = ret[1] description = ret[2] firerole_def_src = ret[3] if not firerole_def_src or firerole_def_src == '' or firerole_def_src is None: firerole_def_src = 'deny any' name_role = cleanstring(name_role) title='Modify Role' subtitle = 'step 1 - give values to the requested fields and confirm to modify role' output = """
    role name
    firewall like role definition [?]
    See the list of groups for a hint about which group names you can use.
    """ % (id_role, escape(name_role), escape(description), escape(firerole_def_src)) if modified in [1, '1']: # description must be changed before submitting internaldesc = '' if description != 'put description here.': internaldesc = description text = """ modify role with:
    \n name: %s
    """ % (name_role, ) if internaldesc: text += 'description: %s?
    ' % (description, ) text += 'firewall like role definition: %s' % firerole_def_src.replace('\n', '
    ') try: firerole_def_ser = serialize(compile_role_definition(firerole_def_src)) except InvenioWebAccessFireroleError, msg: subtitle = 'step 2 - role could not be modified' output += '

    sorry, could not modify role because of troubles with its definition:

    ' % msg else: output += createhiddenform(action="modifyrole", text=text, id_role = id_role, name_role=escape(name_role, True), description=escape(description, True), firerole_def_src=escape(firerole_def_src, True), modified=1, confirm=1) if confirm not in ["0", 0]: result = acca.acc_update_role(id_role, name_role=name_role, description=internaldesc, firerole_def_ser=firerole_def_ser, firerole_def_src=firerole_def_src) if result: subtitle = 'step 2 - role modified' output += '

    role modified:

    ' output += tupletotable(header=['id', 'role name', 'description', 'firewall like role definition'], tuple=[(id_role, name_role, description, firerole_def_src.replace('\n', '
    '))]) else: subtitle = 'step 2 - role could not be modified' output += '

    sorry, could not modify role,
    please contact the administrator.

    ' body = [output] return index(req=req, title=title, body=body, subtitle=subtitle, adminarea=3) def perform_deleterole(req, id_role="0", confirm=0): """select a role and show all connected information, users - users that can access the role. actions - actions with possible authorizations.""" (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) title = 'Delete role' subtitle = 'step 1 - select role to delete' name_role = acca.acc_get_role_name(id_role=id_role) output = createroleselect(id_role=id_role, action="deleterole", step=1, roles=acca.acc_get_all_roles(), button="delete role") if id_role != "0" and name_role: subtitle = 'step 2 - confirm delete of role' output += roledetails(id_role=id_role) output += createhiddenform(action="deleterole", text='delete role %s and all connections?' % (name_role, ), id_role=id_role, confirm=1) if confirm: res = acca.acc_delete_role(id_role=id_role) subtitle = 'step 3 - confirm role deleted' if res: output += "

    confirm: role %s deleted.
    " % (name_role, ) output += "%s entries were removed.

    " % (res, ) else: output += "

    sorry, the role could not be deleted.

    " elif id_role != "0": output += '

    the role has been deleted...

    ' return index(req=req, title=title, subtitle=subtitle, body=[output], adminarea=3) def perform_showroledetails(req, id_role): """show the details of a role.""" (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) output = createroleselect(id_role=id_role, action="showroledetails", step=1, roles=acca.acc_get_all_roles(), button="select role") if id_role not in [0, '0']: name_role = acca.acc_get_role_name(id_role=id_role) output += roledetails(id_role=id_role) extra = """
    Modify role
    modify the role you are seeing
    Add new authorization
    add an authorization.
    Modify authorizations
    modify existing authorizations.
    Connect user
    connect a user to role %(name_role)s.
    Remove user
    remove a user from role %(name_role)s.
    """ % {'id_role' : id_role, 'name_role' : name_role} body = [output, extra] else: output += '

    no details to show

    ' body = [output] return index(req=req, title='Show Role Details', subtitle='show role details', body=body, adminarea=3) def roledetails(id_role=0): """create the string to show details about a role. """ name_role = acca.acc_get_role_name(id_role=id_role) usershlp = acca.acc_get_role_users(id_role) users = [] for (id, email, dummy) in usershlp: users.append([id, email, 'show user details' % (id, )]) usertable = tupletotable(header=['id', 'email'], tuple=users) actionshlp = acca.acc_get_role_actions(id_role) actions = [] for (action_id, name, dummy) in actionshlp: res = acca.acc_find_possible_actions(id_role, action_id) if res: authorization_details = tupletotable(header=res[0], tuple=res[1:]) else: authorization_details = 'no details to show' actions.append([action_id, name, authorization_details, 'show action details' % (id_role, action_id)]) actiontable = tupletotable(header=['id', 'name', 'parameters', ''], tuple=actions) # show role details details = '

    role details:

    ' role_details = acca.acc_get_role_details(id_role=id_role) if role_details[3] is None: role_details[3] = '' role_details[3] = role_details[3].replace('\n', '
    ') # Hack for preformatting firerole rules details += tupletotable(header=['id', 'name', 'description', 'firewall like role definition'], tuple=[role_details]) # show connected users details += '

    users connected to %s:

    ' % (headerstrong(role=name_role, query=0), ) if users: details += usertable else: details += '

    no users connected.

    ' # show connected authorizations details += '

    authorizations for %s:

    ' % (headerstrong(role=name_role, query=0), ) if actions: details += actiontable else: details += '

    no authorizations connected

    ' return details def perform_adduserrole(req, id_role='0', email_user_pattern='', id_user='0', confirm=0): """create connection between user and role. id_role - id of the role to add user to email_user_pattern - search for users using this pattern id_user - id of user to add to the role. """ (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) email_out = acca.acc_get_user_email(id_user=id_user) name_role = acca.acc_get_role_name(id_role=id_role) title = 'Connect user to role ' subtitle = 'step 1 - select a role' output = createroleselect(id_role=id_role, action="adduserrole", step=1, roles=acca.acc_get_all_roles()) # role is selected if id_role != "0": title += name_role subtitle = 'step 2 - search for users' # remove letters not allowed in an email email_user_pattern = cleanstring_email(email_user_pattern) text = ' 2. search for user \n' text += ' \n' % (email_user_pattern, ) output += createhiddenform(action="adduserrole", text=text, button="search for users", id_role=id_role) # pattern is entered if email_user_pattern: # users with matching email-address try: users1 = run_sql("""SELECT id, email FROM user WHERE email<>'' AND email RLIKE %s ORDER BY email """, (email_user_pattern, )) except OperationalError: users1 = () # users that are connected try: users2 = run_sql("""SELECT DISTINCT u.id, u.email FROM user u LEFT JOIN user_accROLE ur ON u.id = ur.id_user WHERE ur.id_accROLE = %s AND u.email RLIKE %s ORDER BY u.email """, (id_role, email_user_pattern)) except OperationalError: users2 = () # no users that match the pattern if not (users1 or users2): output += '

    no qualified users, try new search.

    ' elif len(users1) > MAXSELECTUSERS: output += '

    %s hits, too many qualified users, specify more narrow search. (limit %s)

    ' % (len(users1), MAXSELECTUSERS) # show matching users else: subtitle = 'step 3 - select a user' users = [] extrausers = [] for (user_id, email) in users1: if (user_id, email) not in users2: users.append([user_id,email,'']) for (user_id, email) in users2: extrausers.append([-user_id, email,'']) output += createuserselect(id_user=id_user, action="adduserrole", step=3, users=users, extrausers=extrausers, button="add this user", id_role=id_role, email_user_pattern=email_user_pattern) try: id_user = int(id_user) except ValueError: pass # user selected already connected to role if id_user < 0: output += '

    users in brackets are already attached to the role, try another one...

    ' # a user is selected elif email_out: subtitle = "step 4 - confirm to add user" output += createhiddenform(action="adduserrole", text='add user %s to role %s?' % (email_out, name_role), id_role=id_role, email_user_pattern=email_user_pattern, id_user=id_user, confirm=1) # it is confirmed that this user should be added if confirm: # add user result = acca.acc_add_user_role(id_user=id_user, id_role=id_role) if result and result[2]: subtitle = 'step 5 - confirm user added' output += '

    confirm: user %s added to role %s.

    ' % (email_out, name_role) else: subtitle = 'step 5 - user could not be added' output += '

    sorry, but user could not be added.

    ' extra = """
    Create new role
    go here to add a new role.
    """ if str(id_role) != "0": extra += """
    Remove users
    remove users from role %s.
    Connected users
    show all users connected to role %s.
    Add authorization
    start adding new authorizations to role %s.
    """ % (id_role, name_role, id_role, name_role, id_role, name_role) return index(req=req, title=title, subtitle=subtitle, body=[output, extra], adminarea=3) def perform_addroleuser(req, email_user_pattern='', id_user='0', id_role='0', confirm=0): """delete connection between role and user. id_role - id of role to disconnect id_user - id of user to disconnect. """ (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) email_out = acca.acc_get_user_email(id_user=id_user) name_role = acca.acc_get_role_name(id_role=id_role) # used to sort roles, and also to determine right side links con_roles = [] not_roles = [] title = 'Connect user to roles' subtitle = 'step 1 - search for users' # clean email search string email_user_pattern = cleanstring_email(email_user_pattern) text = ' 1. search for user \n' text += ' \n' % (email_user_pattern, ) output = createhiddenform(action='addroleuser', text=text, button='search for users', id_role=id_role) if email_user_pattern: subtitle = 'step 2 - select user' try: users1 = run_sql("""SELECT id, email FROM user WHERE email<>'' AND email RLIKE %s ORDER BY email """, (email_user_pattern, )) except OperationalError: users1 = () users = [] for (id, email) in users1: users.append([id, email, '']) # no users if not users: output += '

    no qualified users, try new search.

    ' # too many users elif len(users) > MAXSELECTUSERS: output += '

    %s hits, too many qualified users, specify more narrow search. (limit %s)

    ' % (len(users), MAXSELECTUSERS) # ok number of users else: output += createuserselect(id_user=id_user, action='addroleuser', step=2, users=users, button='select user', email_user_pattern=email_user_pattern) if int(id_user): subtitle = 'step 3 - select role' # roles the user is connected to role_ids = acca.acc_get_user_roles(id_user=id_user) # all the roles, lists are sorted on the background of these... all_roles = acca.acc_get_all_roles() # sort the roles in connected and not connected roles for (id, name, description, dummy, dummy) in all_roles: if id in role_ids: con_roles.append([-id, name, description]) else: not_roles.append([id, name, description]) # create roleselect output += createroleselect(id_role=id_role, action='addroleuser', step=3, roles=not_roles, extraroles=con_roles, extrastamp='(connected)', button='add this role', email_user_pattern=email_user_pattern, id_user=id_user) if int(id_role) < 0: name_role = acca.acc_get_role_name(id_role=-int(id_role)) output += '

    role %s already connected to the user, try another one...

    ' % (name_role, ) elif int(id_role): subtitle = 'step 4 - confirm to add role to user' output += createhiddenform(action='addroleuser', text='add role %s to user %s?' % (name_role, email_out), email_user_pattern=email_user_pattern, id_user=id_user, id_role=id_role, confirm=1) if confirm: # add role result = acca.acc_add_user_role(id_user=id_user, id_role=id_role) if result and result[2]: subtitle = 'step 5 - confirm role added' output += '

    confirm: role %s added to user %s.

    ' % (name_role, email_out) else: subtitle = 'step 5 - role could not be added' output += '

    sorry, but role could not be added

    ' extra = """
    Create new role
    go here to add a new role.
    """ if int(id_user) and con_roles: extra += """
    Remove roles
    disconnect roles from user %s.
    """ % (id_user, email_out) if int(id_role): if int(id_role) < 0: id_role = -int(id_role) extra += """
    Remove users
    disconnect users from role %s.
    """ % (id_role, name_role) return index(req=req, title=title, subtitle=subtitle, body=[output, extra], adminarea=5) def perform_deleteuserrole(req, id_role='0', id_user='0', reverse=0, confirm=0): """delete connection between role and user. id_role - id of role to disconnect id_user - id of user to disconnect. """ (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) title = 'Remove user from role' email_user = acca.acc_get_user_email(id_user=id_user) name_role = acca.acc_get_role_name(id_role=id_role) output = '' if reverse in [0, '0']: adminarea = 3 subtitle = 'step 1 - select the role' output += createroleselect(id_role=id_role, action="deleteuserrole", step=1, roles=acca.acc_get_all_roles()) if id_role != "0": subtitle = 'step 2 - select the user' output += createuserselect(id_user=id_user, action="deleteuserrole", step=2, users=acca.acc_get_role_users(id_role=id_role), id_role=id_role) else: adminarea = 5 # show only if user is connected to a role, get users connected to roles users = run_sql("""SELECT DISTINCT(u.id), u.email, u.note FROM user u LEFT JOIN user_accROLE ur ON u.id = ur.id_user WHERE ur.id_accROLE != 'NULL' AND u.email != '' ORDER BY u.email """) has_roles = 1 # check if the user is connected to any roles for (id, email, note) in users: if str(id) == str(id_user): break # user not connected to a role else: subtitle = 'step 1 - user not connected' output += '

    no need to remove roles from user %s,
    user is not connected to any roles.

    ' % (email_user, ) has_roles, id_user = 0, '0' # stop the rest of the output below... # user connected to roles if has_roles: output += createuserselect(id_user=id_user, action="deleteuserrole", step=1, users=users, reverse=reverse) if id_user != "0": subtitle = 'step 2 - select the role' role_ids = acca.acc_get_user_roles(id_user=id_user) all_roles = acca.acc_get_all_roles() roles = [] for (id, name, desc, dummy, dummy) in all_roles: if id in role_ids: roles.append([id, name, desc]) output += createroleselect(id_role=id_role, action="deleteuserrole", step=2, roles=roles, id_user=id_user, reverse=reverse) if id_role != '0' and id_user != '0': subtitle = 'step 3 - confirm delete of user' output += createhiddenform(action="deleteuserrole", text='delete user %s from %s?' % (headerstrong(user=id_user), headerstrong(role=id_role)), id_role=id_role, id_user=id_user, reverse=reverse, confirm=1) if confirm: res = acca.acc_delete_user_role(id_user=id_user, id_role=id_role) if res: subtitle = 'step 4 - confirm delete of user' output += '

    confirm: deleted user %s from role %s.

    ' % (email_user, name_role) else: subtitle = 'step 4 - user could not be deleted' output += 'sorry, but user could not be deleted
    user is probably already deleted.' extra = '' if str(id_role) != "0": extra += """
    Connect user
    add users to role %s.
    """ % (id_role, name_role) if int(reverse): extra += """
    Remove user
    remove users from role %s.
    """ % (id_role, name_role) extra += '
    ' if str(id_user) != "0": extra += """
    Connect role
    add roles to user %s.
    """ % (email_user, id_user, email_user) if not int(reverse): extra += """
    Remove role
    remove roles from user %s.
    """ % (id_user, email_user, email_user) extra += '
    ' if extra: body = [output, extra] else: body = [output] return index(req=req, title=title, subtitle=subtitle, body=body, adminarea=adminarea) def perform_showuserdetails(req, id_user=0): """show the details of a user. """ (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) if id_user not in [0, '0']: output = userdetails(id_user=id_user) email_user = acca.acc_get_user_email(id_user=id_user) extra = """
    Connect role
    connect a role to user %s.
    Remove role
    remove a role from user %s.
    """ % (id_user, email_user, email_user, id_user, email_user) body = [output, extra] else: body = ['

    no details to show

    '] return index(req=req, title='Show User Details', subtitle='show user details', body=body, adminarea=5) def userdetails(id_user=0): """create the string to show details about a user. """ # find necessary details email_user = acca.acc_get_user_email(id_user=id_user) userroles = acca.acc_get_user_roles(id_user=id_user) conn_roles = [] # find connected roles for (id, name, desc, dummy, dummy) in acca.acc_get_all_roles(): if id in userroles: conn_roles.append([id, name, desc]) conn_roles[-1].append('show details' % (id, )) if conn_roles: # print details details = '

    roles connected to user %s

    ' % (email_user, ) details += tupletotable(header=['id', 'name', 'description', ''], tuple=conn_roles) else: details = '

    no roles connected to user %s.

    ' % (email_user, ) return details def perform_addauthorization(req, id_role="0", id_action="0", optional=0, reverse="0", confirm=0, **keywords): """ form to add new connection between user and role: id_role - role to connect id_action - action to connect reverse - role or action first? """ (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) # values that might get used name_role = acca.acc_get_role_name(id_role=id_role) or id_role name_action = acca.acc_get_action_name(id_action=id_action) or id_action optional = optional == 'on' and 1 or int(optional) extra = """
    Create new role
    go here to add a new role.
    """ # create the page according to which step the user is on # role -> action -> arguments if reverse in ["0", 0]: adminarea = 3 subtitle = 'step 1 - select role' output = createroleselect(id_role=id_role, action="addauthorization", step=1, roles=acca.acc_get_all_roles(), reverse=reverse) if str(id_role) != "0": subtitle = 'step 2 - select action' rolacts = acca.acc_get_role_actions(id_role) allhelp = acca.acc_get_all_actions() allacts = [] for r in allhelp: if r not in rolacts: allacts.append(r) output += createactionselect(id_action=id_action, action="addauthorization", step=2, actions=rolacts, extraactions=allacts, id_role=id_role, reverse=reverse) # action -> role -> arguments else: adminarea = 4 subtitle = 'step 1 - select action' output = createactionselect(id_action=id_action, action="addauthorization", step=1, actions=acca.acc_get_all_actions(), reverse=reverse) if str(id_action) != "0": subtitle = 'step 2 - select role' actroles = acca.acc_get_action_roles(id_action) allhelp = acca.acc_get_all_roles() allroles = [] for r in allhelp: if r not in actroles: allroles.append(r) output += createroleselect(id_role=id_role, action="addauthorization", step=2, roles=actroles, extraroles=allroles, id_action=id_action, reverse=reverse) # ready for step 3 no matter which direction we took to get here if id_action != "0" and id_role != "0": # links to adding authorizations in the other direction if str(reverse) == "0": extra += """
    Add authorization
    add authorizations to action %s.
    """ % (id_action, name_action) else: extra += """
    Add authorization
    add authorizations to role %s.
    """ % (id_role, name_role) subtitle = 'step 3 - enter values for the keywords\n' output += """
    """ % (id_role, id_action, reverse) # the actions argument keywords res_keys = acca.acc_get_action_keywords(id_action=id_action) # res used to display existing authorizations # res used to determine if showing "create connection without arguments" res_auths = acca.acc_find_possible_actions(id_role, id_action) if not res_keys: # action without arguments if not res_auths: output += """ create connection between %s?
    """ % (headerstrong(role=name_role, action=name_action, query=0), ) else: output += '

    connection without arguments is already created.

    ' else: # action with arguments optionalargs = acca.acc_get_action_is_optional(id_action=id_action) output += '3. authorized arguments
    ' if optionalargs: # optional arguments output += """

    connect %s to %s for any arguments
    connect %s to %s for only these argument cases:

    """ % (optional and 'checked="checked"' or '', name_role, name_action, not optional and 'checked="checked"' or '', name_role, name_action) # list the arguments allkeys = 1 for key in res_keys: output += '%s \n \n' output += '\n' # ask for confirmation if str(allkeys) != "0" or optional: keys = keywords.keys() keys.reverse() subtitle = 'step 4 - confirm add of authorization\n' text = """ create connection between
    """ % (headerstrong(role=name_role, action=name_action, query=0), ) if optional: text += 'withouth arguments' keywords = {} else: for key in keys: text += '%s: %s \n' % (escape(key), escape(keywords[key])) output += createhiddenform(action="addauthorization", text=text, id_role=id_role, id_action=id_action, reverse=reverse, confirm=1, optional=optional, **keywords) # show existing authorizations, found authorizations further up in the code... # res_auths = acca.acc_find_possible_actions(id_role, id_action) output += '

    existing authorizations:

    ' if res_auths: output += tupletotable(header=res_auths[0], tuple=res_auths[1:]) # shortcut to modifying authorizations extra += """
    Modify authorizations
    modify the existing authorizations.
    """ % (id_role, id_action, reverse) else: output += '

    no details to show

    ' # user confirmed to add entries if confirm: subtitle = 'step 5 - confirm authorization added' res1 = acca.acc_add_authorization(name_role=name_role, name_action=name_action, optional=optional, **keywords) if res1: res2 = acca.acc_find_possible_actions(id_role, id_action) arg = res1[0][3] # the arglistid new = [res2[0]] for row in res2[1:]: if int(row[0]) == int(arg): new.append(row) newauths = tupletotable(header=new[0], tuple=new[1:]) newentries = tupletotable(header=['role id', 'action id', 'argument id', '#'], tuple=res1) st = 'style="vertical-align: top"' output += """

    new authorization and entries:

    %s %s
    """ % (st, newauths, st, newentries) else: output += '

    sorry, authorization could not be added,
    it probably already exists

    ' # trying to put extra link on the right side try: body = [output, extra] except NameError: body = [output] return index(req=req, title = 'Create entry for new authorization', subtitle=subtitle, body=body, adminarea=adminarea) def perform_deleteroleaction(req, id_role="0", id_action="0", reverse=0, confirm=0): """delete all connections between a role and an action. id_role - id of the role id_action - id of the action reverse - 0: ask for role first 1: ask for action first""" (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) title = 'Remove action from role ' if reverse in ["0", 0]: # select role -> action adminarea = 3 subtitle = 'step 1 - select a role' output = createroleselect(id_role=id_role, action="deleteroleaction", step=1, roles=acca.acc_get_all_roles(), reverse=reverse) if id_role != "0": rolacts = acca.acc_get_role_actions(id_role=id_role) subtitle = 'step 2 - select the action' output += createactionselect(id_action=id_action, action="deleteroleaction", step=2, actions=rolacts, reverse=reverse, id_role=id_role, button="remove connection and all authorizations") else: # select action -> role adminarea = 4 subtitle = 'step 1 - select an action' output = createactionselect(id_action=id_action, action="deleteroleaction", step=1, actions=acca.acc_get_all_actions(), reverse=reverse) if id_action != "0": actroles = acca.acc_get_action_roles(id_action=id_action) subtitle = 'step 2 - select the role' output += createroleselect(id_role=id_role, action="deleteroleaction", step=2, roles=actroles, button="remove connection and all authorizations", id_action=id_action, reverse=reverse) if id_action != "0" and id_role != "0": subtitle = 'step 3 - confirm to remove authorizations' # ask for confirmation res = acca.acc_find_possible_actions(id_role, id_action) if res: output += '

    authorizations that will be deleted:

    ' output += tupletotable(header=res[0], tuple=res[1:]) output += createhiddenform(action="deleteroleaction", text='remove %s from %s' % (headerstrong(action=id_action), headerstrong(role=id_role)), confirm=1, id_role=id_role, id_action=id_action, reverse=reverse) else: output += 'no authorizations' # confirmation is given if confirm: subtitle = 'step 4 - confirm authorizations removed ' res = acca.acc_delete_role_action(id_role=id_role, id_action=id_action) if res: output += '

    confirm: removed %s from %s
    ' % (headerstrong(action=id_action), headerstrong(role=id_role)) output += '%s entries were removed.

    ' % (res, ) else: output += '

    sorry, no entries could be removed.

    ' return index(req=req, title=title, subtitle=subtitle, body=[output], adminarea=adminarea) def perform_modifyauthorizations(req, id_role="0", id_action="0", reverse=0, confirm=0, errortext='', sel='', authids=[]): """given ids of a role and an action, show all possible action combinations with checkboxes and allow user to access other functions. id_role - id of the role id_action - id of the action reverse - 0: ask for role first 1: ask for action first sel - which button and modification that is selected errortext - text to print when no connection exist between role and action authids - ids of checked checkboxes """ (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) name_role = acca.acc_get_role_name(id_role) name_action = acca.acc_get_action_name(id_action) output = '' try: id_role, id_action, reverse = int(id_role), int(id_action), int(reverse) except ValueError: pass extra = """
    Create new role
    go here to add a new role.
    """ if id_role or id_action: extra += '\n
    \n' if id_role and id_action: extra += """
    Add authorizations
    add an authorization to the existing ones.
    """ % (id_role, id_action, reverse) if id_role: extra += """
    Add authorizations
    add to role %s.
    """ % (id_role, name_role) if id_action: extra += """
    Add authorizations
    add to action %s.
    """ % (id_action, name_action) extra += '\n
    \n' if not reverse: # role -> action adminarea = 3 subtitle = 'step 1 - select the role' output += createroleselect(id_role=str(id_role), action="modifyauthorizations", step=1, roles=acca.acc_get_all_roles(), reverse=reverse) if id_role: rolacts = acca.acc_get_role_actions(id_role=id_role) subtitle = 'step 2 - select the action' output += createactionselect(id_action=str(id_action), action="modifyauthorizations", step=2, actions=rolacts, id_role=id_role, reverse=reverse) else: adminarea = 4 # action -> role subtitle = 'step 1 - select the action' output += createactionselect(id_action=str(id_action), action="modifyauthorizations", step=1, actions=acca.acc_get_all_actions(), reverse=reverse) if id_action: actroles = acca.acc_get_action_roles(id_action=id_action) subtitle = 'step 2 - select the role' output += createroleselect(id_role=str(id_role), action="modifyauthorizations", step=2, roles=actroles, id_action=id_action, reverse=reverse) if errortext: output += '


    ' % (errortext, ) if id_role and id_action: # adding to main area if type(authids) is not list: authids = [authids] subtitle = 'step 3 - select groups and modification' # get info res = acca.acc_find_possible_actions(id_role, id_action) # clean the authids hiddenids = [] if sel in ['delete selected']: hiddenids = authids[:] elif sel in ['split groups', 'merge groups']: for authid in authids: arghlp = res[int(authid)][0] if authid not in hiddenids and arghlp not in [-1, '-1', 0, '0']: hiddenids.append(authid) authids = hiddenids[:] if confirm: # do selected modification and output with new authorizations if sel == 'split groups': res = splitgroups(id_role, id_action, authids) elif sel == 'merge groups': res = mergegroups(id_role, id_action, authids) elif sel == 'delete selected': res = deleteselected(id_role, id_action, authids) authids = [] res = acca.acc_find_possible_actions(id_role, id_action) output += 'authorizations after %s.
    \n' % (sel, ) elif sel and authids: output += 'confirm choice of authorizations and modification.
    \n' else: output += 'select authorizations and perform modification.
    \n' if not res: errortext = 'all connections deleted, try different ' if reverse in ["0", 0]: return perform_modifyauthorizations(req=req, id_role=id_role, errortext=errortext + 'action.') else: return perform_modifyauthorizations(req=req, id_action=id_action, reverse=reverse, errortext=errortext + 'role.') # display output += modifyauthorizationsmenu(id_role, id_action, header=res[0], tuple=res[1:], checked=authids, reverse=reverse) if sel and authids: subtitle = 'step 4 - confirm to perform modification' # form with hidden authids output += '
    \n' % ('modifyauthorizations', ) for hiddenid in hiddenids: output += '\n' % (hiddenid, ) # choose what to do if sel == 'split groups': output += '

    split groups containing:

    ' elif sel == 'merge groups': output += '

    merge groups containing:

    ' elif sel == 'delete selected': output += '

    delete selected entries:

    ' extracolumn = '\n' extracolumn += '\n' # show the entries here... output += tupletotable_onlyselected(header=res[0], tuple=res[1:], selected=hiddenids, extracolumn=extracolumn) output += '\n' \ % (id_role, ) output += '\n' \ % (id_action, ) output += '\n' \ % (sel, ) output += '\n' \ % (reverse, ) output += '
    ' # tried to perform modification without something selected elif sel and not authids and not confirm: output += '

    no valid groups selected

    ' # trying to put extra link on the right side try: body = [output, extra] except NameError: body = [output] # Display the page return index(req=req, title='Modify Authorizations', subtitle=subtitle, body=body, adminarea=adminarea) def modifyauthorizationsmenu(id_role, id_action, tuple=[], header=[], checked=[], reverse=0): """create table with header and checkboxes, used for multiple choice. makes use of tupletotable to add the actual table id_role - selected role, hidden value in the form id_action - selected action, hidden value in the form tuple - all rows to be put in the table (with checkboxes) header - column headers, empty strings added at start and end checked - ids of rows to be checked """ if not tuple: return 'no authorisations...' argnum = len(acca.acc_get_action_keywords(id_action=id_action)) tuple2 = [] for t in tuple: tuple2.append(t[:]) tuple2 = addcheckboxes(datalist=tuple2, name='authids', startindex=1, checked=checked) hidden = ' \n' \ % (id_role, ) hidden += ' \n' \ % (id_action, ) hidden += ' \n' \ % (reverse, ) button = '\n' if argnum > 1: button += '\n' button += '\n' hdrstr = '' for h in [''] + header + ['']: hdrstr += ' %s\n' % (h, ) if hdrstr: hdrstr = ' \n%s\n \n' % (hdrstr, ) output = '
    \n' output += ' \n' output += hdrstr output += '\n' % (hidden, ) align = ['admintdleft'] * len(tuple2[0]) try: align[1] = 'admintdright' except IndexError: pass output += '' for i in range(len(tuple2[0])): output += '\n' % (align[i], tuple2[0][i]) output += '\n' \ % (len(tuple2), button) output += '\n' for row in tuple2[1:]: output += ' \n' for i in range(len(row)): output += '\n' % (align[i], row[i]) output += ' \n' output += '
    \n' return output def splitgroups(id_role=0, id_action=0, authids=[]): """get all the old ones, gather up the arglistids find a list of arglistidgroups to be split, unique get all actions in groups outside of the old ones, (old arglistid is allowed). show them like in showselect. """ if not id_role or not id_action or not authids: return 0 # find all the actions datalist = acca.acc_find_possible_actions(id_role, id_action) if type(authids) is str: authids = [authids] for i in range(len(authids)): authids[i] = int(authids[i]) # argumentlistids of groups to be split splitgrps = [] for authid in authids: hlp = datalist[authid][0] if hlp not in splitgrps and authid in range(1, len(datalist)): splitgrps.append(hlp) # split groups and return success or failure result = 1 for splitgroup in splitgrps: result = 1 and acca.acc_split_argument_group(id_role, id_action, splitgroup) return result def mergegroups(id_role=0, id_action=0, authids=[]): """get all the old ones, gather up the argauthids find a list of arglistidgroups to be split, unique get all actions in groups outside of the old ones, (old arglistid is allowed). show them like in showselect.""" if not id_role or not id_action or not authids: return 0 datalist = acca.acc_find_possible_actions(id_role, id_action) if type(authids) is str: authids = [authids] for i in range(len(authids)): authids[i] = int(authids[i]) # argumentlistids of groups to be merged mergegroups = [] for authid in authids: hlp = datalist[authid][0] if hlp not in mergegroups and authid in range(1, len(datalist)): mergegroups.append(hlp) # merge groups and return success or failure if acca.acc_merge_argument_groups(id_role, id_action, mergegroups): return 1 else: return 0 def deleteselected(id_role=0, id_action=0, authids=[]): """delete checked authorizations/possible actions, ids in authids. id_role - role to delete from id_action - action to delete from authids - listids for which possible actions to delete.""" if not id_role or not id_action or not authids: return 0 if type(authids) in [str, int]: authids = [authids] for i in range(len(authids)): authids[i] = int(authids[i]) result = acca.acc_delete_possible_actions(id_role=id_role, id_action=id_action, authids=authids) return result def headeritalic(**ids): """transform keyword=value pairs to string with value in italics. **ids - a dictionary of pairs to create string from """ output = '' value = '' table = '' for key in ids.keys(): if key in ['User', 'user']: value, table = 'email', 'user' elif key in ['Role', 'role']: value, table = 'name', 'accROLE' elif key in ['Action', 'action']: value, table = 'name', 'accACTION' else: if output: output += ' and ' output += ' %s %s' % (key, ids[key]) continue res = run_sql("""SELECT %%s FROM %s WHERE id = %%s""" % table, (value, ids[key])) if res: if output: output += ' and ' output += ' %s %s' % (key, res[0][0]) return output def headerstrong(query=1, **ids): """transform keyword=value pairs to string with value in strong text. **ids - a dictionary of pairs to create string from query - 1 -> try to find names to ids of role, user and action. 0 -> do not try to find names, use the value passed on """ output = '' value = '' table = '' for key in ids.keys(): if key in ['User', 'user']: value, table = 'email', 'user' elif key in ['Role', 'role']: value, table = 'name', 'accROLE' elif key in ['Action', 'action']: value, table = 'name', 'accACTION' else: if output: output += ' and ' output += ' %s %s' % (key, ids[key]) continue if query: res = run_sql("""SELECT %%s FROM %s WHERE id = %%s""" % table, (value, ids[key])) if res: if output: output += ' and ' output += ' %s %s' % (key, res[0][0]) else: if output: output += ' and ' output += ' %s %s' % (key, ids[key]) return output def startpage(): """create the menu for the startpage""" body = """
    selection for WebAccess Admin
    Role Area
    main area to configure administration rights and authorization rules.
    Action Area
    configure administration rights with the actions as starting point.
    User Area
    configure administration rights with the users as starting point.
    Reset Area
    reset roles, actions and authorizations.
    Manage accounts Area
    manage user accounts.
    Delegate Rights - With Restrictions
    delegate your rights for some roles.
    Manage Robot Login
    Manage robot login keys and test URLs
    """ return body def rankarea(): return "Rankmethod area" def perform_simpleauthorization(req, id_role=0, id_action=0): """show a page with simple overview of authorizations between a connected role and action. """ (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) res = acca.acc_find_possible_actions(id_role, id_action) if res: extra = createhiddenform(action='modifyauthorizations', button='modify authorizations', id_role=id_role, id_action=id_action) output = '

    authorizations for %s:

    ' \ % (headerstrong(action=id_action, role=id_role), ) output += tupletotable(header=res[0], tuple=res[1:], extracolumn=extra) else: output = 'no details to show' return index(req=req, title='Simple authorization details', subtitle='simple authorization details', body=[output], adminarea=3) def perform_showroleusers(req, id_role=0): """show a page with simple overview of a role and connected users. """ (auth_code, auth_message) = is_adminuser(req) if auth_code != 0: return mustloginpage(req, auth_message) res = acca.acc_get_role_users(id_role=id_role) name_role = acca.acc_get_role_name(id_role=id_role) if res: users = [] for (role_id, name, dummy) in res: users.append([role_id, name, 'show user details' % (role_id, )]) output = '

    users connected to %s:

    ' \ % (headerstrong(role=id_role), ) output += tupletotable(header=['id', 'name', ''], tuple=users) else: output = 'no users connected to role %s' \ % (name_role, ) extra = """
    Connect user
    connect users to the role.
    """ % (id_role, ) return index(req=req, title='Users connected to role %s' % (name_role, ), subtitle='simple details', body=[output, extra], adminarea=3) def createselect(id_input="0", label="", step=0, name="", action="", list=[], extralist=[], extrastamp='', button="", **hidden): """create form with select and hidden values id - the one to choose as selected if exists label - label shown to the left of the select name - the name of the select on which to reference it list - primary list to select from extralist - list of options to be put in paranthesis extrastamp - stamp extralist entries with this if not '' usually paranthesis around the entry button - the value/text to be put on the button **hidden - name=value pairs to be put as hidden in the form. """ step = step and '%s. ' % step or '' output = '
    \n' % (action, ) output += ' %s\n' % (step + label, ) output += ' \n' for key in hidden.keys(): output += ' \n' \ % (key, hidden[key]) output += ' \n' \ % (button, ) output += '
    \n' return output def createactionselect(id_action="0", label="select action", step=0, name="id_action", action="", actions=[], extraactions=[], extrastamp='', button="select action", **hidden): """create a select for roles in a form. see createselect.""" return createselect(id_input=id_action, label=label, step=step, name=name, action=action, list=actions, extralist=extraactions, extrastamp=extrastamp, button=button, **hidden) def createroleselect(id_role="0", label="select role", step=0, name="id_role", action="", roles=[], extraroles=[], extrastamp='', button="select role", **hidden): """create a select for roles in a form. see createselect.""" return createselect(id_input=id_role, label=label, step=step, name=name, action=action, list=roles, extralist=extraroles, extrastamp=extrastamp, button=button, **hidden) def createuserselect(id_user="0", label="select user", step=0, name="id_user", action="", users=[], extrausers=[], extrastamp='(connected)', button="select user", **hidden): """create a select for users in a form.see createselect.""" return createselect(id_input=id_user, label=label, step=step, name=name, action=action, list=users, extralist=extrausers, extrastamp=extrastamp, button=button, **hidden) def cleanstring(txt='', comma=0): """clean all the strings before submitting to access control admin. remove characters not letter, number or underscore, also remove leading underscores and numbers. return cleaned string. str - string to be cleaned comma - 1 -> allow the comma to divide multiple arguments 0 -> wash commas as well """ # remove not allowed characters txt = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_,]', '', txt) # split string on commas items = txt.split(',') txt = '' for item in items: if not item: continue if comma and txt: txt += ',' # create valid variable names txt += re.sub(r'^([0-9_])*', '', item) return txt def cleanstring_argumentvalue(txt=''): """clean the value of an argument before submitting it. allowed characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 _ * and space txt - string to be cleaned """ # remove not allowed characters txt = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_ *.]', '', txt) # trim leading and ending spaces txt = re.sub(r'^ *| *$', '', txt) return txt def cleanstring_email(txt=''): """clean the string and return a valid email address. txt - string to be cleaned """ # remove not allowed characters txt = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_.@-]', '', txt) return txt def check_email(txt=''): """control that submitted emails are correct. this little check is not very good, but better than nothing. """ r = re.compile(r'(.)+\@(.)+\.(.)+') return r.match(txt) and 1 or 0 def send_account_activated_message(account_email, send_to, password, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG): """Send an email to the address given by send_to about the new activated account.""" _ = gettext_set_language(ln) sub = _("Your account on '%s' has been activated") % CFG_SITE_NAME body = _("Your account earlier created on '%s' has been activated:") \ % CFG_SITE_NAME + '\n\n' body += ' ' + _("Username/Email:") + " %s\n" % account_email body += ' ' + _("Password:") + " %s\n" % ("*" * len(str(password))) body += "\n---------------------------------" body += "\n%s" % CFG_SITE_NAME return send_email(CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL, send_to, sub, body, header='') def send_new_user_account_warning(new_account_email, send_to, password, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG): """Send an email to the address given by send_to about the new account new_account_email.""" _ = gettext_set_language(ln) sub = _("Account created on '%s'") % CFG_SITE_NAME body = _("An account has been created for you on '%s':") % CFG_SITE_NAME + '\n\n' body += ' ' + _("Username/Email:") + " %s\n" % new_account_email body += ' ' + _("Password:") + " %s\n" % ("*" * len(str(password))) body += "\n---------------------------------" body += "\n%s" % CFG_SITE_NAME return send_email(CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL, send_to, sub, body, header='') def send_account_rejected_message(new_account_email, send_to, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG): """Send an email to the address given by send_to about the new account new_account_email.""" _ = gettext_set_language(ln) sub = _("Account rejected on '%s'") % CFG_SITE_NAME body = _("Your request for an account has been rejected on '%s':") \ % CFG_SITE_NAME + '\n\n' body += ' ' + _("Username/Email: %s") % new_account_email + "\n" body += "\n---------------------------------" body += "\n%s" % CFG_SITE_NAME return send_email(CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL, send_to, sub, body, header='') def send_account_deleted_message(new_account_email, send_to, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG): """Send an email to the address given by send_to about the new account new_account_email.""" _ = gettext_set_language(ln) sub = _("Account deleted on '%s'") % CFG_SITE_NAME body = _("Your account on '%s' has been deleted:") % CFG_SITE_NAME + '\n\n' body += ' ' + _("Username/Email:") + " %s\n" % new_account_email body += "\n---------------------------------" body += "\n%s" % CFG_SITE_NAME return send_email(CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL, send_to, sub, body, header='') def usage(exitcode=1, msg=""): """Prints usage info.""" if msg: print >> sys.stderr, "Error: %s." % msg print >> sys.stderr print >> sys.stderr, """Usage: %s [options] General options: -h, --help\t\tprint this help -V, --version\t\tprint version number Authentication options: -u, --user=USER\tUser name needed to perform the administrative task Option to administrate authorizations: -a, --add\t\tadd default authorization settings -c, --compile\t\tcompile firewall like role definitions (FireRole) -r, --reset\t\treset to default settings -D, --demo\t\tto be used with -a or -r in order to consider demo site authorizationss """ % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(exitcode) def main(): """Main function that analyzes command line input and calls whatever is appropriate. """ ## parse command line: # set user-defined options: options = {'user' : '', 'reset' : 0, 'compile' : 0, 'add' : 0, 'demo' : 0} try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hVu:racD", ["help", "version", "user=", "reset", "add", "compile", "demo"]) except getopt.GetoptError, err: usage(1, err) try: for opt in opts: if opt[0] in ("-h", "--help"): usage(0) elif opt[0] in ("-V", "--version"): print __revision__ sys.exit(0) elif opt[0] in ("-u", "--user"): options["user"] = opt[1] elif opt[0] in ("-r", "--reset"): options["reset"] = 1 elif opt[0] in ("-a", "--add"): options["add"] = 1 elif opt[0] in ("-c", "--compile"): options["compile"] = 1 elif opt[0] in ("-D", "--demo"): options["demo"] = 1 else: usage(1) if options['add'] or options['reset'] or options['compile']: if acca.acc_get_action_id('cfgwebaccess'): # Action exists hence authentication works :-) options['user'] = authenticate(options['user'], authorization_msg="WebAccess Administration", authorization_action="cfgwebaccess") if options['reset'] and options['demo']: acca.acc_reset_default_settings([CFG_SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL], DEF_DEMO_USER_ROLES, DEF_DEMO_ROLES, DEF_DEMO_AUTHS) print "Reset default demo site settings." elif options['reset']: acca.acc_reset_default_settings([CFG_SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL]) print "Reset default settings." elif options['add'] and options['demo']: acca.acc_add_default_settings([CFG_SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL], DEF_DEMO_USER_ROLES, DEF_DEMO_ROLES, DEF_DEMO_AUTHS) print "Added default demo site settings." elif options['add']: acca.acc_add_default_settings([CFG_SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL]) print "Added default settings." if options['compile']: repair_role_definitions() print "Compiled firewall like role definitions." else: usage(1, "You must specify at least one command") except StandardError, e: register_exception() usage(e) return ### okay, here we go: if __name__ == '__main__': main()