Flask: initial comit with SQLAlchemy and Bootstrap
- WebMessage: First module ported to Flask/Jinja2/WTForms/SQLAlchemy. Introduced tests for database independency using Flask-Test and SQLAlchemy. It includes example of dynamic menu loading latest messages and showing unread message counter.
- WebSearch: Initial implementation of new search UI using facets and search box autocompletion for several fields. The implementation is still using old Invenio search API and record formating. New AJAX tabs were introduced for record pages. They are using new javascript history API and there is a correct fallback link when the javascript is turned off.
- WebComment: Creates demo comments tree and review overview for record tabs.
- WebAccess: Reimplements some SQL queries in SQLAlchemy.
- WebStyle: Creates unified general page header and footer. There is also new page look and feel using Twitter-Bootstrap user interface.
- WebSession: Implements simple login method using Flask.