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diff --git a/assets/incident.png b/assets/incident.png
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+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <head>
+ <title>Linux for Owners</title>
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+class: center, middle
+# Linux for Owners
+# Agenda
+1. Owning a Linux system
+2. Course expectations
+3. Linux landscape
+4. Accessing `root`
+5. Linux filesystem structure
+6. Mounting filesystems
+7. Working with the package manager
+# Owning a Linux system
+## What do we mean by that?
+.highlight[Administrative privileges] vs a normal account only.
+ Symptoms:
+* access to the `root` user, or
+* access to `sudo` (or `su`) commands
+* having installed the system yourself (optional)
+* physical access to the machine (optional)
+Having admin access usually means you are responsible for
+.highlight[maintenance and configuration] of the system.
+For that, you need a deeper knowledge of how it works.
+# Typical ownership scenarios
+* Linux installed as main OS on a desktop or laptop machine
+ * Scenarios: work requirement, curiosity, alternative OS
+ * Typically means a graphical environment
+* Linux used as a virtual machine guest
+ * Scenarios: experimentation, sandbox, development
+ * Safe way to try OSes and configurations
+* Linux used as a server
+ * Can be bare-metal or virtualized
+ * Typically means a CLI environment (over SSH)
+* Linux appliance / IoT
+* Android (which you usually don't own!)
+# Typical responsibilities
+* Installing new software as needed
+* Configuring software and access to hardware
+* Updating software & OS
+* Securing the system and installed software
+* Solving problems as they appear
+# Course expectations
+This is a crash-course limited to one day.
+* You are expected to know the basics of working with Linux.
+ At a minimum, working with command line and editing files from it.
+* You were asked to prepare a VM with Linux, that way you can
+ safely try admin commands and reboot the OS without affecting
+ your main system.
+* Some commands can differ per Linux "flavour". The course sticks
+ to Ubuntu / Debian, and may need to be adapted to other
+ distributions.
+* The course is intended to be an introduction; to dig deeper
+ into topics you'll need to do your own research.
+# Linux landscape: What's a distribution?
+"Linux" is the name of the OS kernel, and needs a lot of other software
+ to be a functional operating system.
+One can, in principle, assemble this collection of software themselves:
+ such an approach is called Linux From Scratch.
+It's long, requires in-depth knowledge of the system and most importantly
+ leaves keeping the system up to date to the user.
+A better approach is to use a .highlight[distribution], which offers:
+* A curated collection of software tested to work together.
+* A .highlight[package manager] to automate software install tasks.
+* Pre-compiled software for faster installation.
+* Security updates and fixes for critical bugs.
+* Varying balance between stability and faster updates.
+* _Optional:_ paid support.
+# Linux landscape: Popular distributions
+There are many families of distributions, sharing package managers
+ and maybe parts of the package collection.
+* Debian (package manager: `apt` / .deb packages)
+ * Ubuntu
+ * Kubuntu, Lubuntu, ...
+ * Linux Mint
+ * Kali, Tails, Devuan
+* RHEL (package manager: `yum` / .rpm packages)
+ * Fedora
+ * CentOS, Scientific Linux
+ * SUSE, OpenSUSE
+* Arch Linux (package manager: `pacman`)
+ * Manjaro Linux
+* Gentoo (package manager: Portage / `emerge`)
+ * Chrome OS
+* Alpine Linux
+* ...
+# Linux landscape: Rolling / Static / LTS
+Various Linux distributions take different approaches to software updates.
+Programs update at their own pace, called "upstream".
+.highlight[Rolling distributions] try to keep up with upstream version
+ updates, with minimal changes to keep it compatible with
+ the rest of the software stack.
+.highlight[Static distributions] lock down software versions at the time
+ of release, in order to provide more testing and stability.
+However, critical bugfixes and security patches have to be ported back
+ "downstream" to those "frozen" versions.
+Some static distributions have .highlight[Long Term Support] releases that
+ guarantee longer availability of such patches.
+# Assuming superpowers
+How do administrative powers work in Linux?
+Compared to regular users, the user with ID 0, or .highlight[`root`],
+ is treated as .highlight[superuser]: it has the ability
+ to bypass all usual access restrictions.
+In some Linux distributions a password for `root` is set
+ at install time and can be used to log in directly.
+However, most of the time users with administrative privileges
+ will have access to use .highlight[`sudo` command].
+`sudo` stands for ".highlight[su]peruser .highlight[do]", because it executes some
+ other command as superuser instead of current user.
+# Assuming superpowers: `sudo`
+ ![XKCD on sudo](assets/sandwich.png)
+_Image credit:_ [XKCD #149](
+# Assuming superpowers: `sudo`
+`sudo [command]` executes the command as `root` instead of the current user:
+owner@linux:~$ whoami
+owner@linux:~$ sudo whoami
+[sudo] password for owner:
+Normally, `sudo` asks for authentication: it requires you to supply
+ .highlight[your own] password (not the `root` password!).
+owner@linux:~$ sudo whoami
+[sudo] password for owner: <type in owner's password>
+# Assuming superpowers: `sudo`
+`sudo` remembers that you have authenticated,
+ and subsequent commands do not require password for 15 minutes:
+owner@linux:~$ sudo whoami
+If you need to do a lot of stuff as root, you can use `sudo -i`
+to start a login shell as `root`:
+owner@linux:~$ sudo -i
+root@linux:~# whoami
+`-i` is short for .highlight[interactive]
+_Reference:_ `man sudo_root`
+# To root or not to root
+Forgetting `sudo` before a command that requires it
+ can be jarring. Therefore, there is great temptation
+ to use a `root` shell when mostly admin tasks are involved.
+Problem is, there are no "handrails" on what the `root` user can do.
+ It's far too easy to shoot oneself in the foot.
+An error in a program run under `root` can break critical parts
+ of the system, which won't happen under a regular user.
+From a security perspective, running complex, or untrusted,
+ programs under `root` opens you up for malicious actions as well.
+# To root or not to root: a horror story
+Running this command as a `root` is a classic mean prank:
+root@linux:~# rm -rf /
+rm: it is dangerous to operate recursively on '/'
+rm: use --no-preserve-root to override this failsafe
+Fortunately, as written it doesn't work, there's a failsafe.
+However, consider this line:
+root@linux:~# rm -rf $FOLDER/*
+This is supposed to delete everything in folder `$FOLDER`.
+But in case that variable is unset, it will happily destroy everything on the system — if run as `root`.
+# To root or not to root
+In addition, if files are created while running as `root`
+ it usually leads to them being inaccessible by normal users.
+This can lead to errors when running the same commands later
+ as a normal user.
+Most workflows are a mixture of commands that require superuser and those that don't.
+It's good practice to be aware of it and run only those parts that need it with `sudo`.
+It's not a hard rule. Running a set of commands as `root` has its place,
+ but one needs to be careful and mindful of the above nuances.
+# root and SSH
+By default, even if you set a password for the `root` user,
+ you won't be able to connect via SSH with this password.
+This is done to discourage brute-forcing the `root` password.
+This encourages people to connect as their user and elevate
+ with `sudo` if necessary. This creates more meaningful logs.
+Also, if your SSH key is compromised but your user password is not,
+ the attacker won't be able to elevate to `root` even if
+ they can connect.
+It's still possible to connect directly as `root` by weakening
+ the security (bad idea) or adding an SSH key to the `root`
+ account. However, previous warnings apply.
+# How is `sudo` configured?
+What enables certain users to use `sudo`?
+By default, members of a specific group
+ (e.g. `sudo`, `admin`, `wheel`)
+ are allowed all `root` privileges after verifying their password.
+There's a `/etc/sudoers` file describing the system policy.
+It can be fine-tuned to allow some users access only to
+ specific commands, or dropping the password requirement.
+ When editing `sudoers` file, always use the `visudo` script.
+ It sanity-checks changes so that you don't lock yourself out.
+_References:_ `man sudoers`,
+ [Understanding the sudoers file](
+# Exercise: inspect the `sudoers` file
+1. Try examining the contents of `/etc/sudoers` file:
+ ```
+ owner@linux:~$ less /etc/sudoers
+ ```
+2. Explain the problem
+3. Fix the problem (using `sudo`)
+# Bonus: violating the `sudoers` policy
+[ ![](assets/incident.png) ]
+_Image credit:_ [XKCD #838](
+# Linux filesystem map: what goes where?
+Before we proceed, it's important to understand
+ common filesystem locations in Linux.
+It differs a little from distribution to distribution,
+ but generally systems adhere to the
+ .highlight[Filesystem Hierarcy Standard], or FHS (3.0 currently).
+Not every entry in the standard will be explained, but "points of interest"
+ will be shown.
+ [Wikipedia entry on FHS](,
+ [FHS 3.0 specification](
+# Linux filesystem: a common tree
+Under UNIX conventions, there's only a single filesystem tree visible in the system.
+There can be multiple disks, or multiple partitions on those disks, each with its
+ own filesystem trees, but to be usable they are inserted in the common file tree
+ as subtrees:
+[ ![](assets/mount.svg) ]
+# Linux filesystem: a common tree
+[ ![](assets/mount.svg) ]
+This process is called .highlight[mounting].
+You can examine currently mounted filesystems with the `mount` command:
+owner@linux:~$ mount
+sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
+proc on /proc type proc (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
+# Linux filesystem: `/home` sweet home
+As a user, you're probably familiar with .highlight[`/home`].
+Home directories for each user are usually stored there:
+owner@linux:~$ echo $HOME
+owner@linux:~$ ls -l /home/
+total 6
+drwxr-xr-x 4 owner owner 4096 Jan 14 00:03 owner
+drwxr-xr-x 2 user user 4096 Jan 15 18:31 user
+The `root` user is an exception:
+owner@linux:~$ sudo -i
+root@linux:~# echo $HOME
+This is done to help with troubleshooting, if `/home` is a separate filesystem
+ and something goes wrong with it.
+# Linux filesystem: configuration, _et cetera_
+We have already saw .highlight[`/etc`] mentioned
+ when we looked at `sudoers` policy.
+In fact, by convention all .highlight[system-wide configuration] files
+ are stored there, often grouped into folders by topic/program.
+Most files are only writable by `root`, and some highly-sensitive
+ ones, like `/etc/sudoers`, are not readable by anyone else.
+ User-specific configuration (and persistent state) is usually stored
+ in the user's home folder as hidden files/folders,
+ e.g. `/home/owner/.bashrc`
+owner@linux:~$ ls -a ~
+. .. .bash_history .bash_logout .bashrc .cache .gnupg .local .ssh ...
+# Linux filesystem: where software lives
+Executable (.highlight["binary"]) files for software installed system-wide is read-only
+ for regular users and is organized in (up to) 3 tiers of hierarchy of .highlight[`sbin`/`bin`] folders:
+* .highlight[`/`]`sbin`, .highlight[`/`]`bin` - essential system software
+* .highlight[`/usr/`]`sbin`, .highlight[`/usr/`]`bin` - more software that's part of the OS
+* .highlight[`/usr/local/`]`sbin`, .highlight[`/usr/local/`]`bin` - additional software
+These locations can have `lib` and `include` folders
+ for library and header files, and `share` folders
+ for program data.
+Finally, .highlight[`/opt`] provides a location for installing extra
+ software without interfering with `/usr`.
+In practice, the difference between these locations is not very well
+ defined. Some distributions don't differentiate at all.
+# Linux filesystem: not-quite-files
+Several locations on the filesystem contain virtual "files"
+ that can be read and/or written to, but represent something else.
+* .highlight[`/dev`] contains .highlight[device] files that serve
+ as interfaces to hardware that the kernel sees and has drivers for;
+* .highlight[`/proc`] contains information and interfaces to control
+ running .highlight[processes] and some kernel systems;
+* .highlight[`/sys`] contains kernel and .highlight[system] information
+ and interfaces to control it. It's a newer method than `/proc`.
+Those locations are, again, usually read-only (or not accessible)
+ to regular users.
+# Linux filesystem: variable and temporary
+Besides fixed program data, the filesystem has locations for
+ .highlight[variable] data, like temporary files and persistent state.
+* .highlight[`/var`] represents variable data. A couple notable folders:
+ * .highlight[`/var/log`] for system logs
+ * .highlight[`/var/lib`] for data modified by programs, e.g. databases
+* .highlight[`/run`] contains state information since startup.
+* .highlight[`/tmp`] is for temporary data, and is user-writable.
+Both `/run` and `/tmp` locations are emptied on boot, and in fact usually exist only in memory.
+* .highlight[`/var/tmp`] is also for temporary data, but it survives reboot.
+# Linux filesystem: other storage
+When extra storage is connected to the system, there are conventional
+ places to add it to the filesystem.
+* .highlight[`/media`] is populated with filesystems from removable storage
+ added to the system: USB drives, CD disks, etc.
+ Often, such devices are added to `/media` automatically.
+* .highlight[`/mnt`] is the traditional place to mount additional filesystems
+ temporarily.
+# Linux filesystem: where everything starts
+Last but not least, .highlight[`/boot`] contains essential files to initialize Linux
+ when the computer starts up.
+Typical contents:
+* `/boot/grub/` contains .highlight[bootloader] components
+* `/boot/vmlinuz*` files are compressed Linux kernels
+* `/boot/initrd*` files are initial filesystems that are used until "real" root becomes available
+ On some OS configurations, `/boot` is a small separate filesystem. Since it usually contains
+ several versions of the kernel as a backup, in worst case it can run out of space.
+ In that case, you'll need to clean up older kernels before installing new versions.
+# Linux filesystem: parts, assemble!
+As mentioned, the .highlight[`mount`] command can be used to list currently-mounted filesystems.
+To mount a filesystem, .highlight[`mount [WHAT] [WHERE]`] format is used.
+Here, `[WHAT]` identifies where the filesystem can be accessed (e.g. a physical drive partition),
+ and `[WHERE]` identifies the directory where its contents should be mapped.
+To unmount a filesystem, .highlight[`umount [WHAT]`] (or `umount [WHERE]`) command can be used.
+Typically, only `root` can mount or unmount.
+For permanent mount rules, e.g. what gets mounted on boot, see the .highlight[`/etc/fstab`] file.
+_References:_ `man mount`, `man umount`, `man fstab`
+# Exercise: adding a filesystem
+Let's see `mount` and `fstab` in action. We'll create a file that holds a small
+ filesystem, mount it, and then set it up to mount automatically at boot.
+Let's create a 100MB file and an ext4 filesystem on it:
+owner@linux:~$ truncate -s 100m loop_file
+owner@linux:~$ mkfs.ext4 loop_file
+Then, let's create a mount point (where the filesystem will be mapped):
+owner@linux:~$ sudo mkdir /mnt/tiny
+owner@linux:~$ ls -la /mnt/tiny/
+total 8
+drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 16 09:50 .
+drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 16 09:50 ..
+# Exercise: mounting a filesystem
+Let's mount our tiny filesystem.
+owner@linux:~$ sudo mount /home/owner/loop_file /mnt/tiny
+owner@linux:~$ mount | grep tiny
+/home/owner/loop_file on /mnt/tiny type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
+As a regular user, we can't write to it:
+owner@linux:~$ touch /mnt/tiny/test
+touch: cannot touch '/mnt/tiny/test': Permission denied
+Let's make it writable:
+owner@linux:~$ sudo chmod a+w /mnt/tiny/
+owner@linux:~$ touch /mnt/tiny/test
+owner@linux:~$ ls -la /mnt/tiny/
+total 17
+drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 1024 Jan 16 10:56 ./
+drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 16 09:50 ../
+drwx------ 2 root root 12288 Jan 16 09:49 lost+found/
+-rw-r--r-- 1 owner owner 0 Jan 16 10:56 test
+# Exercise: unmounting a filesystem
+owner@linux:~$ ls -la /mnt/tiny/
+total 17
+drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 1024 Jan 16 10:56 ./
+drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 16 09:50 ../
+drwx------ 2 root root 12288 Jan 16 09:49 lost+found/
+-rw-r--r-- 1 owner owner 0 Jan 16 10:56 test
+Let's unmount the filesystem and examine the situation again:
+owner@linux:~$ sudo umount /mnt/tiny/
+owner@linux:~$ ls -la /mnt/tiny/
+total 8
+drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 16 09:50 .
+drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 16 09:50 ..
+Our file is not there.
+Note that the mount point is not writable by all,
+ as our `chmod` command affected the tiny filesystem's root folder
+ and not the mount point.
+# Exercise: add to `fstab`
+Let's add our mount to `fstab`.
+ You can edit configuration files with `sudo nano <FILENAME>` (or other editor),
+ but it's better to use `sudoedit <FILENAME>`.
+ See [sudoedit: why use it over sudo vi?]( for an explanation.
+owner@linux:~$ sudoedit /etc/fstab
+It opens a file with already one or more records present.
+We need to add one.
+# Exercise: `fstab` format
+An `fstab` record contains whitespace-separated fields:
+* [file system] - where to find the filesystem
+* [mount point] - where to map it in the system
+* [type] - what type of filesystem it is (`-t` flag)
+* [options] - various settings you can tweak (`-o` flag)
+* [dump] - 0/1, setting for a very old backup solution
+ **In practice, always 0**
+* [pass] - order to check the filesystem for errors on boot
+Let's add our filesystem, at the end of the file:
+/home/owner/loop_file /mnt/tiny ext4 defaults 0 2
+Take care not to modify other entries. Save and exit.
+# Exercise: filesystem in `fstab`
+Now that our example is in `fstab`, we can mount it easier:
+owner@linux:~$ sudo mount /mnt/tiny/
+owner@linux:~$ ls /mnt/tiny
+lost+found test
+You can mount all filesystems in `fstab` at once with `mount -a`.
+Further, our example should now be accessible after a reboot.
+To prevent automatic mounting at boot time, use `noauto` option.
+ To be able to mount a filesystem, corresponding drivers/utilities need
+ to be installed. If you fail to mount something, like a network drive,
+ check installed packages.
+# Working with the package manager
+To simplify software installation, updates and removal,
+ distributions provide a .highlight[package manager]
+ and a collection of "official" packages.
+Command examples for `apt`, Debian/Ubuntu package manager,
+ will be shown, but principles apply to other managers.
+# Packages: software sources
+To install software, `apt` needs up-to-date information
+ about packages that are available.
+.highlight[`/etc/apt/sources.list`] contains the information
+ on .highlight[repositories] to get information from for system packages.
+A command needs to be run to update a local catalog
+ of package information:
+owner@linux:~ $ sudo apt update
+Get:8 bionic-security/universe amd64 Packages [112 kB]
+Fetched 1798 kB in 1s (1768 kB/s)
+Reading package lists... Done
+Building dependency tree
+Reading state information... Done
+12 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them.
+# Packages: upgrading installed packages
+Use .highlight[`apt upgrade`] command to install updates `apt` is aware of.
+owner@linux:~$ apt upgrade
+Reading package lists... Done
+Building dependency tree
+Reading state information... Done
+Calculating upgrade... Done
+The following packages will be upgraded:
+ gjs gnome-software gnome-software-common gnome-software-plugin-snap gvfs
+ gvfs-backends gvfs-bin gvfs-common gvfs-daemons gvfs-fuse gvfs-libs libgjs0g
+ libsmbclient libwbclient0 linux-firmware samba-libs ubuntu-software
+17 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
+Need to get 71.6 MB/74.6 MB of archives.
+After this operation, 3'258 kB of additional disk space will be used.
+Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
+After confirmation, `apt` will download and apply updates.
+ Sometimes, an upgrade needs to remove some (replaced) packages.
+ In that case, `apt dist-upgrade` is used.
+# Packages: to upgrade or not to upgrade?
+Static distributions like Ubuntu only update packages
+ when serious bugfixes or security fixes are needed,
+ with little to no functionality changes.
+As such, it's usually safe to upgrade OS-provided packages.
+If you're using a rolling distribution, or a third-party
+ repository, they can introduce breaking changes.
+Be prepared and read available changelogs to determine when to upgrade.
+If you need to stop a particular package from upgrading,
+ you can put it on .highlight[hold]:
+owner@linux:~$ sudo apt-mark hold bash
+bash set on hold.
+owner@linux:~$ sudo apt-mark unhold bash
+Canceled hold on bash.
+# Packages: when to upgrade?
+For most updates, upgrades will not disrupt normal workflow
+ and can be applied at any time.
+Note that upgrading running services (e.g. a web server)
+ requires them to restart, briefly becoming unavailable.
+ You may need to plan your maintenance in advance.
+Some upgrades (mostly kernel updates) can't be applied without
+ a reboot. The system will nag you about it, but you won't
+ be forced to reboot.
+General advice for any software updates: be prepared
+ to spend some time dealing with unexpected problems.
+# Packages: Finding system packages
+If you're missing some software and it's available
+ in OS repositories, it's very easy to install.
+The shell can even .highlight[suggest the package] you're missing:
+owner@linux:~$ fortune
+Command 'fortune' not found, but can be installed with:
+sudo apt install fortune-mod
+Otherwise, you can .highlight[search known packages] by package name or description
+ with .highlight[`apt search`]:
+owner@linux:~$ apt search cow
+[..long list..]
+owner@linux:~$ apt search --names-only cow
+[..shorter list..]
+# Packages: Installing system packages
+Once you know the name of the package(s), you can install them with
+ .highlight[`apt install`]:
+owner@linux:~$ sudo apt install fortune-mod cowsay
+Reading package lists... Done
+Building dependency tree
+Reading state information... Done
+The following additional packages will be installed:
+ fortunes-min librecode0
+Suggested packages:
+ filters cowsay-off fortunes
+The following NEW packages will be installed:
+ cowsay fortune-mod fortunes-min librecode0
+0 upgraded, 4 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
+Need to get 638 kB of archives.
+After this operation, 2'220 kB of additional disk space will be used.
+Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
+After confirmation, `apt` will download and install them.
+# Bonus: just what did we just install?!
+Let's test the software we just installed.
+owner@linux:~$ fortune | cowsay
+ _____________________________________
+/ Truth is the most valuable thing we \
+| have -- so let us economize it. |
+| |
+\ -- Mark Twain /
+ -------------------------------------
+ \ ^__^
+ \ (oo)\_______
+ (__)\ )\/\
+ ||----w |
+ || ||
+ This could look better: we're missing some pretty colors.
+ Find the package that provides the `lolcat` application,
+ install it and pipe the output through it.
+# Packages: dependency resolution
+Let's look at that `apt install` output again.
+The following additional packages will be installed:
+ fortunes-min librecode0
+Suggested packages:
+ filters cowsay-off fortunes
+The following NEW packages will be installed:
+ cowsay fortune-mod fortunes-min librecode0
+0 upgraded, 4 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
+Often, packages require other packages (e.g. libraries, data files)
+ to be installed to function. The package manager's job is to find
+ and install everything that's needed.
+ Rarely, a package is incompatible with already installed ones.
+ You will then be offered to remove packages to resolve this.
+ In that case, proceed with caution.
+# Packages: getting rid of them
+If you no longer need a package, you can use .highlight[`apt remove`]:
+owner@linux:~$ sudo apt remove fortune-mod
+Reading package lists... Done
+Building dependency tree
+Reading state information... Done
+The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required
+ fortunes-min librecode0
+Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
+The following packages will be REMOVED:
+ fortune-mod
+0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 12 not upgraded.
+After this operation, 110 kB disk space will be freed.
+Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
+After confirmation, the program will be removed,
+ but its configuration files will remain in case you reinstall.
+If you want to completely clean up the package, use .highlight[`apt purge`]:
+owner@linux:~$ sudo apt purge fortune-mod
+# Packages: orphaned dependencies
+Take note of these lines in `apt remove` output:
+The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required
+ fortunes-min librecode0
+`apt` is informing you that `fortunes-min` and `librecode0` were installed
+ as dependencies, but .highlight[nothing requires them anymore].
+Therefore, it's highly likely that they can be removed without affecting anything.
+ However, `apt` does not do that automatically.
+To allow `apt` to do that, use .highlight[`apt autoremove`]:
+owner@linux:~$ sudo apt autoremove
+# Bonus: Universal Install Script
+ ![:scale 50%](assets/universal_install_script.png)
+_Image credit:_ [XKCD #1654](
+class: middle, center
+# The Great TODO Gap
+<!-- ############################################################################################ -->
+# Where to get help?
+If you know the command, or the config file that you're trying to use, .highlight[`man`] is your friend.
+Also, Google is your friend! There's no shame in learning what you don't know yet or looking up
+ what you don't remember.
+Some notable sites that are very helpful:
+* StackExchange network:,,,,
+* DigitalOcean tutorials:
+* nixCraft tutorials:
+When searching for solutions, specifying your OS version is helpful.
+ Old advice sometimes does not apply to newer systems!
+class: center
+# That's it!
+## Go forth and administrate!
+..try not to break stuff, though.
+Image credit: [XKCD #1084](
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+ </body>
\ No newline at end of file
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