diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c6b61d7..1333ed7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,26 +1 @@
-# Deployment
-1. Clone `riccardo` branch of medco-deployment in the three servers and install dependencies.
-    ```sh 
-    $ cd ~
-    $ git clone https://c4science.ch/source/medco-deployment.git
-    $ git checkout riccardo
-    $ bash ~/medco-deployment/resources/utility-scripts/ubuntu_prereqs_setup.sh
-    ```
-    Notice that:
-    - in `medco-deployment/docker-images/i2b2-database/Dockerfile` we added the following commands to allow TCP/IP connection and avoid an error during the data loading phase.
-    ```
-    # hack postgresql docker image to allow transmart loading (allow TCP/IP connections during init phase)
-    RUN sed -i "s/listen_addresses=''/listen_addresses='*'/g" /usr/local/bin/docker-entrypoint.sh
-    ```
-    - `medco-deployment/docker-images/i2b2-web/Dockerfile` is set to swith to the `fork/1.22.8-medco_dev` branch of the shrine webclient.
-    ```
-    SHRINE_VERSION="fork/1.22.8-medco_dev"
-    ```
-2. Follow the steps described in the section [Deploying MedCo on Different Servers \(For Development\)](https://lca1.github.io/medco-documentation/deployment.html#deploying-medco-on-different-servers-for-development) to create the CA certificate and also to build and run the dockers.
-3. Load the databases by executing the following script from only **one server**:
-    ``` sh 
-    $ ./loadData-3nodes-iccluster.sh
-    ```
-    Ask Joao for details of where to find this script.
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