diff --git a/PySONIC/core/nbls.py b/PySONIC/core/nbls.py index 0ba5608..d74245c 100644 --- a/PySONIC/core/nbls.py +++ b/PySONIC/core/nbls.py @@ -1,1009 +1,1018 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Author: Theo Lemaire # @Date: 2016-09-29 16:16:19 # @Email: theo.lemaire@epfl.ch # @Last Modified by: Theo Lemaire -# @Last Modified time: 2019-05-27 16:34:27 +# @Last Modified time: 2019-05-27 19:47:36 import os from copy import deepcopy import time import logging import pickle import progressbar as pb import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy.integrate import ode, odeint, solve_ivp from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from .bls import BilayerSonophore from .pneuron import PointNeuron from ..utils import * from ..constants import * from ..postpro import findPeaks, getFixedPoints from ..batches import xlslog class NeuronalBilayerSonophore(BilayerSonophore): ''' This class inherits from the BilayerSonophore class and receives an PointNeuron instance at initialization, to define the electro-mechanical NICE model and its SONIC variant. ''' tscale = 'ms' # relevant temporal scale of the model defvar = 'Q' # default plot variable def __init__(self, a, neuron, Fdrive=None, embedding_depth=0.0): ''' Constructor of the class. :param a: in-plane radius of the sonophore structure within the membrane (m) :param neuron: neuron object :param Fdrive: frequency of acoustic perturbation (Hz) :param embedding_depth: depth of the embedding tissue around the membrane (m) ''' # Check validity of input parameters if not isinstance(neuron, PointNeuron): raise ValueError('Invalid neuron type: "{}" (must inherit from PointNeuron class)' .format(neuron.name)) self.neuron = neuron # Initialize BilayerSonophore parent object BilayerSonophore.__init__(self, a, neuron.Cm0, neuron.Cm0 * neuron.Vm0 * 1e-3, embedding_depth) def __repr__(self): return 'NeuronalBilayerSonophore({}m, {})'.format( si_format(self.a, precision=1, space=' '), self.neuron) def pprint(self): return '{}m radius NBLS - {} neuron'.format( si_format(self.a, precision=0, space=' '), self.neuron.name) def getPltVars(self, wrapleft='df["', wrapright='"]'): pltvars = super().getPltVars(wrapleft, wrapright) pltvars.update(self.neuron.getPltVars(wrapleft, wrapright)) return pltvars def getPltScheme(self): return self.neuron.getPltScheme() def filecode(self, Fdrive, Adrive, tstim, PRF, DC, method): return 'ASTIM_{}_{}_{:.0f}nm_{:.0f}kHz_{:.2f}kPa_{:.0f}ms_{}{}'.format( self.neuron.name, 'CW' if DC == 1 else 'PW', self.a * 1e9, Fdrive * 1e-3, Adrive * 1e-3, tstim * 1e3, 'PRF{:.2f}Hz_DC{:.2f}%_'.format(PRF, DC * 1e2) if DC < 1. else '', method) def fullDerivatives(self, y, t, Adrive, Fdrive, phi): ''' Compute the derivatives of the (n+3) ODE full NBLS system variables. :param y: vector of state variables :param t: specific instant in time (s) :param Adrive: acoustic drive amplitude (Pa) :param Fdrive: acoustic drive frequency (Hz) :param phi: acoustic drive phase (rad) :return: vector of derivatives ''' dydt_mech = BilayerSonophore.derivatives(self, y[:3], t, Adrive, Fdrive, y[3], phi) dydt_elec = self.neuron.Qderivatives(y[3:], t, self.Capct(y[1])) return dydt_mech + dydt_elec def effDerivatives(self, y, t, lkp): ''' Compute the derivatives of the n-ODE effective HH system variables, based on 1-dimensional linear interpolation of "effective" coefficients that summarize the system's behaviour over an acoustic cycle. :param y: vector of HH system variables at time t :param t: specific instant in time (s) :param lkp: dictionary of 1D data points of "effective" coefficients over the charge domain, for specific frequency and amplitude values. :return: vector of effective system derivatives at time t ''' # Split input vector explicitly Qm, *states = y # Compute charge and channel states variation Vmeff = self.neuron.interpVmeff(Qm, lkp) dQmdt = - self.neuron.iNet(Vmeff, states) * 1e-3 dstates = self.neuron.derEffStates(Qm, states, lkp) # Return derivatives vector return [dQmdt, *[dstates[k] for k in self.neuron.states]] def runFull(self, Fdrive, Adrive, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC, phi=np.pi): ''' Compute solutions of the full electro-mechanical system for a specific set of US stimulation parameters, using a classic integration scheme. The first iteration uses the quasi-steady simplification to compute the initiation of motion from a flat leaflet configuration. Afterwards, the ODE system is solved iteratively until completion. :param Fdrive: acoustic drive frequency (Hz) :param Adrive: acoustic drive amplitude (Pa) :param tstim: duration of US stimulation (s) :param toffset: duration of the offset (s) :param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz) :param DC: pulse duty cycle (-) :param phi: acoustic drive phase (rad) :return: 3-tuple with the time profile, the effective solution matrix and a state vector ''' # Determine system time step Tdrive = 1 / Fdrive dt = Tdrive / NPC_FULL # if CW stimulus: divide integration during stimulus into 100 intervals if DC == 1.0: PRF = 100 / tstim # Compute vector sizes npulses = int(np.round(PRF * tstim)) Tpulse_on = DC / PRF Tpulse_off = (1 - DC) / PRF n_pulse_on = int(np.round(Tpulse_on / dt)) n_pulse_off = int(np.round(Tpulse_off / dt)) n_off = int(np.round(toffset / dt)) # Solve quasi-steady equation to compute first deflection value Z0 = 0.0 ng0 = self.ng0 Qm0 = self.Qm0 Pac1 = self.Pacoustic(dt, Adrive, Fdrive, phi) Z1 = self.balancedefQS(ng0, Qm0, Pac1) # Initialize global arrays stimstate = np.array([1, 1]) t = np.array([0., dt]) y_membrane = np.array([[0., (Z1 - Z0) / dt], [Z0, Z1], [ng0, ng0], [Qm0, Qm0]]) steady_states = self.neuron.steadyStates(self.neuron.Vm0) y_channels = np.tile(np.array([steady_states[k] for k in self.neuron.states]), (2, 1)).T y = np.vstack((y_membrane, y_channels)) nvar = y.shape[0] # Initialize pulse time and stimstate vectors t_pulse0 = np.linspace(0, Tpulse_on + Tpulse_off, n_pulse_on + n_pulse_off) stimstate_pulse = np.concatenate((np.ones(n_pulse_on), np.zeros(n_pulse_off))) logger.debug('Computing detailed solution') # Initialize progress bar if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.INFO: widgets = ['Running: ', pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.Bar(), ' ', pb.ETA()] pbar = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, max_value=int(npulses * (toffset + tstim) / tstim)) pbar.start() # Loop through all pulse (ON and OFF) intervals for i in range(npulses): # Construct and initialize arrays t_pulse = t_pulse0 + t[-1] y_pulse = np.empty((nvar, n_pulse_on + n_pulse_off)) # Integrate ON system y_pulse[:, :n_pulse_on] = odeint( self.fullDerivatives, y[:, -1], t_pulse[:n_pulse_on], args=(Adrive, Fdrive, phi)).T # Integrate OFF system if n_pulse_off > 0: y_pulse[:, n_pulse_on:] = odeint( self.fullDerivatives, y_pulse[:, n_pulse_on - 1], t_pulse[n_pulse_on:], args=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)).T # Append pulse arrays to global arrays stimstate = np.concatenate([stimstate, stimstate_pulse[1:]]) t = np.concatenate([t, t_pulse[1:]]) y = np.concatenate([y, y_pulse[:, 1:]], axis=1) # Update progress bar if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.INFO: pbar.update(i) # Integrate offset interval if n_off > 0: t_off = np.linspace(0, toffset, n_off) + t[-1] stimstate_off = np.zeros(n_off) y_off = odeint(self.fullDerivatives, y[:, -1], t_off, args=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)).T # Concatenate offset arrays to global arrays stimstate = np.concatenate([stimstate, stimstate_off[1:]]) t = np.concatenate([t, t_off[1:]]) y = np.concatenate([y, y_off[:, 1:]], axis=1) # Terminate progress bar if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.INFO: pbar.finish() # Downsample arrays in time-domain according to target temporal resolution ds_factor = int(np.round(CLASSIC_TARGET_DT / dt)) if ds_factor > 1: Fs = 1 / (dt * ds_factor) logger.info('Downsampling output arrays by factor %u (Fs = %.2f MHz)', ds_factor, Fs * 1e-6) t = t[::ds_factor] y = y[:, ::ds_factor] stimstate = stimstate[::ds_factor] # Compute membrane potential vector (in mV) Vm = y[3, :] / self.v_Capct(y[1, :]) * 1e3 # mV # Return output variables with Vm return (t, np.vstack([y[1:4, :], Vm, y[4:, :]]), stimstate) def runSONIC(self, Fdrive, Adrive, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC, dt=DT_EFF): ''' Compute solutions of the system for a specific set of US stimulation parameters, using charge-predicted "effective" coefficients to solve the HH equations at each step. :param Fdrive: acoustic drive frequency (Hz) :param Adrive: acoustic drive amplitude (Pa) :param tstim: duration of US stimulation (s) :param toffset: duration of the offset (s) :param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz) :param DC: pulse duty cycle (-) :param dt: integration time step (s) :return: 3-tuple with the time profile, the effective solution matrix and a state vector ''' # Load appropriate 2D lookups Aref, Qref, lookups2D, _ = getLookups2D(self.neuron.name, a=self.a, Fdrive=Fdrive) # Check that acoustic amplitude is within lookup range Adrive = isWithin('amplitude', Adrive, (Aref.min(), Aref.max())) # Interpolate 2D lookups at zero and US amplitude logger.debug('Interpolating lookups at A = %.2f kPa and A = 0', Adrive * 1e-3) lookups_on = {key: interp1d(Aref, y2D, axis=0)(Adrive) for key, y2D in lookups2D.items()} lookups_off = {key: interp1d(Aref, y2D, axis=0)(0.0) for key, y2D in lookups2D.items()} # Add reference charge vector to 1D lookup dictionaries lookups_on['Q'] = Qref lookups_off['Q'] = Qref # if CW stimulus: change PRF to have exactly one integration interval during stimulus if DC == 1.0: PRF = 1 / tstim # Compute vector sizes npulses = int(np.round(PRF * tstim)) Tpulse_on = DC / PRF Tpulse_off = (1 - DC) / PRF # For high-PRF pulsed protocols: adapt time step to ensure minimal # number of samples during TON or TOFF dt_warning_msg = 'high-PRF protocol: lowering time step to %.2e s to properly integrate %s' for key, Tpulse in {'TON': Tpulse_on, 'TOFF': Tpulse_off}.items(): if Tpulse > 0 and Tpulse / dt < MIN_SAMPLES_PER_PULSE_INT: dt = Tpulse / MIN_SAMPLES_PER_PULSE_INT logger.warning(dt_warning_msg, dt, key) n_pulse_on = int(np.round(Tpulse_on / dt)) + 1 n_pulse_off = int(np.round(Tpulse_off / dt)) # Compute offset size n_off = int(np.round(toffset / dt)) # Initialize global arrays stimstate = np.array([1]) t = np.array([0.0]) steady_states = self.neuron.steadyStates(self.neuron.Vm0) y = np.atleast_2d(np.insert( np.array([steady_states[k] for k in self.neuron.states]), 0, self.Qm0)).T nvar = y.shape[0] # Initializing accurate pulse time vector t_pulse_on = np.linspace(0, Tpulse_on, n_pulse_on) t_pulse_off = np.linspace(dt, Tpulse_off, n_pulse_off) + Tpulse_on t_pulse0 = np.concatenate([t_pulse_on, t_pulse_off]) stimstate_pulse = np.concatenate((np.ones(n_pulse_on), np.zeros(n_pulse_off))) logger.debug('Computing effective solution') # Loop through all pulse (ON and OFF) intervals for i in range(npulses): # Construct and initialize arrays t_pulse = t_pulse0 + t[-1] y_pulse = np.empty((nvar, n_pulse_on + n_pulse_off)) y_pulse[:, 0] = y[:, -1] # Integrate ON system y_pulse[:, :n_pulse_on] = odeint( self.effDerivatives, y[:, -1], t_pulse[:n_pulse_on], args=(lookups_on, )).T # Integrate OFF system if n_pulse_off > 0: y_pulse[:, n_pulse_on:] = odeint( self.effDerivatives, y_pulse[:, n_pulse_on - 1], t_pulse[n_pulse_on:], args=(lookups_off, )).T # Append pulse arrays to global arrays stimstate = np.concatenate([stimstate[:-1], stimstate_pulse]) t = np.concatenate([t, t_pulse[1:]]) y = np.concatenate([y, y_pulse[:, 1:]], axis=1) # Integrate offset interval if n_off > 0: t_off = np.linspace(0, toffset, n_off) + t[-1] y_off = odeint(self.effDerivatives, y[:, -1], t_off, args=(lookups_off, )).T # Concatenate offset arrays to global arrays stimstate = np.concatenate([stimstate, np.zeros(n_off - 1)]) t = np.concatenate([t, t_off[1:]]) y = np.concatenate([y, y_off[:, 1:]], axis=1) # Compute effective gas content vector ngeff = np.zeros(stimstate.size) ngeff[stimstate == 0] = np.interp(y[0, stimstate == 0], lookups_on['Q'], lookups_on['ng'], left=np.nan, right=np.nan) # mole ngeff[stimstate == 1] = np.interp(y[0, stimstate == 1], lookups_off['Q'], lookups_off['ng'], left=np.nan, right=np.nan) # mole # Compute quasi-steady deflection vector Zeff = np.array([self.balancedefQS(ng, Qm) for ng, Qm in zip(ngeff, y[0, :])]) # m # Compute membrane potential vector (in mV) Vm = np.zeros(stimstate.size) Vm[stimstate == 1] = np.interp(y[0, stimstate == 1], lookups_on['Q'], lookups_on['V'], left=np.nan, right=np.nan) # mV Vm[stimstate == 0] = np.interp(y[0, stimstate == 0], lookups_off['Q'], lookups_off['V'], left=np.nan, right=np.nan) # mV # Add Zeff, ngeff and Vm to solution matrix y = np.vstack([Zeff, ngeff, y[0, :], Vm, y[1:, :]]) # return output variables return (t, y, stimstate) def runHybrid(self, Fdrive, Adrive, tstim, toffset, phi=np.pi): ''' Compute solutions of the system for a specific set of US stimulation parameters, using a hybrid integration scheme. The first iteration uses the quasi-steady simplification to compute the initiation of motion from a flat leaflet configuration. Afterwards, the NBLS ODE system is solved iteratively for "slices" of N-microseconds, in a 2-steps scheme: - First, the full (n+3) ODE system is integrated for a few acoustic cycles until Z and ng reach a stable periodic solution (limit cycle) - Second, the signals of the 3 mechanical variables over the last acoustic period are selected and resampled to a far lower sampling rate - Third, the HH n-ODE system is integrated for the remaining time of the slice, using periodic expansion of the mechanical signals to precompute the values of capacitance. :param Fdrive: acoustic drive frequency (Hz) :param Adrive: acoustic drive amplitude (Pa) :param tstim: duration of US stimulation (s) :param toffset: duration of the offset (s) :param phi: acoustic drive phase (rad) :return: 3-tuple with the time profile, the solution matrix and a state vector .. warning:: This method cannot handle pulsed stimuli ''' # Initialize full and HH systems solvers solver_full = ode( lambda t, y, Adrive, Fdrive, phi: self.fullDerivatives(y, t, Adrive, Fdrive, phi)) solver_full.set_f_params(Adrive, Fdrive, phi) solver_full.set_integrator('lsoda', nsteps=SOLVER_NSTEPS) solver_hh = ode(lambda t, y, Cm: self.neuron.Qderivatives(y, t, Cm)) solver_hh.set_integrator('dop853', nsteps=SOLVER_NSTEPS, atol=1e-12) # Determine full and HH systems time steps Tdrive = 1 / Fdrive dt_full = Tdrive / NPC_FULL dt_hh = Tdrive / NPC_HH n_full_per_hh = int(NPC_FULL / NPC_HH) t_full_cycle = np.linspace(0, Tdrive - dt_full, NPC_FULL) t_hh_cycle = np.linspace(0, Tdrive - dt_hh, NPC_HH) # Determine number of samples in prediction vectors npc_pred = NPC_FULL - n_full_per_hh + 1 # Solve quasi-steady equation to compute first deflection value Z0 = 0.0 ng0 = self.ng0 Qm0 = self.Qm0 Pac1 = self.Pacoustic(dt_full, Adrive, Fdrive, phi) Z1 = self.balancedefQS(ng0, Qm0, Pac1) # Initialize global arrays stimstate = np.array([1, 1]) t = np.array([0., dt_full]) y_membrane = np.array([[0., (Z1 - Z0) / dt_full], [Z0, Z1], [ng0, ng0], [Qm0, Qm0]]) steady_states = self.neuron.steadyStates(self.neuron.Vm0) y_channels = np.tile(np.array([steady_states[k] for k in self.neuron.states]), (2, 1)).T y = np.vstack((y_membrane, y_channels)) nvar = y.shape[0] # Initialize progress bar if logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: widgets = ['Running: ', pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.Bar(), ' ', pb.ETA()] pbar = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, max_value=1000) pbar.start() # For each hybrid integration interval irep = 0 sim_error = False while not sim_error and t[-1] < tstim + toffset: # Integrate full system for a few acoustic cycles until stabilization periodic_conv = False j = 0 ng_last = None Z_last = None while not sim_error and not periodic_conv: if t[-1] > tstim: solver_full.set_f_params(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) t_full = t_full_cycle + t[-1] + dt_full y_full = np.empty((nvar, NPC_FULL)) y0_full = y[:, -1] solver_full.set_initial_value(y0_full, t[-1]) k = 0 while solver_full.successful() and k <= NPC_FULL - 1: solver_full.integrate(t_full[k]) y_full[:, k] = solver_full.y k += 1 # Compare Z and ng signals over the last 2 acoustic periods if j > 0 and rmse(Z_last, y_full[1, :]) < Z_ERR_MAX \ and rmse(ng_last, y_full[2, :]) < NG_ERR_MAX: periodic_conv = True # Update last vectors for next comparison Z_last = y_full[1, :] ng_last = y_full[2, :] # Concatenate time and solutions to global vectors stimstate = np.concatenate([stimstate, np.ones(NPC_FULL)], axis=0) t = np.concatenate([t, t_full], axis=0) y = np.concatenate([y, y_full], axis=1) # Increment loop index j += 1 # Retrieve last period of the 3 mechanical variables to propagate in HH system t_last = t[-npc_pred:] mech_last = y[0:3, -npc_pred:] # Downsample signals to specified HH system time step (_, mech_pred) = downsample(t_last, mech_last, NPC_HH) # Integrate HH system until certain dQ or dT is reached Q0 = y[3, -1] dQ = 0.0 t0_interval = t[-1] dt_interval = 0.0 j = 0 if t[-1] < tstim: tlim = tstim else: tlim = tstim + toffset while (not sim_error and t[-1] < tlim and (np.abs(dQ) < DQ_UPDATE or dt_interval < DT_UPDATE)): t_hh = t_hh_cycle + t[-1] + dt_hh y_hh = np.empty((nvar - 3, NPC_HH)) y0_hh = y[3:, -1] solver_hh.set_initial_value(y0_hh, t[-1]) k = 0 while solver_hh.successful() and k <= NPC_HH - 1: solver_hh.set_f_params(self.Capct(mech_pred[1, k])) solver_hh.integrate(t_hh[k]) y_hh[:, k] = solver_hh.y k += 1 # Concatenate time and solutions to global vectors stimstate = np.concatenate([stimstate, np.zeros(NPC_HH)], axis=0) t = np.concatenate([t, t_hh], axis=0) y = np.concatenate([y, np.concatenate([mech_pred, y_hh], axis=0)], axis=1) # Compute charge variation from interval beginning dQ = y[3, -1] - Q0 dt_interval = t[-1] - t0_interval # Increment loop index j += 1 # Update progress bar if logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: pbar.update(int(1000 * (t[-1] / (tstim + toffset)))) irep += 1 # Terminate progress bar if logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: pbar.finish() # Compute membrane potential vector (in mV) Vm = y[3, :] / self.v_Capct(y[1, :]) * 1e3 # mV # Return output variables with Vm return (t, np.vstack([y[1:4, :], Vm, y[4:, :]]), stimstate) def checkInputsFull(self, Fdrive, Adrive, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC, method): ''' Check validity of simulation parameters. :param Fdrive: acoustic drive frequency (Hz) :param Adrive: acoustic drive amplitude (Pa) :param tstim: duration of US stimulation (s) :param toffset: duration of the offset (s) :param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz) :param DC: pulse duty cycle (-) :param method: selected integration method :return: 3-tuple with the time profile, the solution matrix and a state vector ''' BilayerSonophore.checkInputs(self, Fdrive, Adrive, 0.0, 0.0) self.neuron.checkInputs(Adrive, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC) # Check validity of simulation type if method not in ('full', 'hybrid', 'sonic'): raise ValueError('Invalid integration method: "{}"'.format(method)) def simulate(self, Fdrive, Adrive, tstim, toffset, PRF=None, DC=1.0, method='sonic'): ''' Run simulation of the system for a specific set of US stimulation parameters. :param Fdrive: acoustic drive frequency (Hz) :param Adrive: acoustic drive amplitude (Pa) :param tstim: duration of US stimulation (s) :param toffset: duration of the offset (s) :param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz) :param DC: pulse duty cycle (-) :param method: selected integration method :return: 3-tuple with the time profile, the solution matrix and a state vector ''' # Check validity of stimulation parameters self.checkInputsFull(Fdrive, Adrive, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC, method) # Call appropriate simulation function if method == 'full': return self.runFull(Fdrive, Adrive, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC) elif method == 'sonic': return self.runSONIC(Fdrive, Adrive, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC) elif method == 'hybrid': if DC < 1.0: raise ValueError('Pulsed protocol incompatible with hybrid integration method') return self.runHybrid(Fdrive, Adrive, tstim, toffset) - def isExcited(self, Adrive, Fdrive, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC, method): + def isExcited(self, Adrive, Fdrive, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC, method, return_val=False): ''' Run a simulation and determine if neuron is excited. :param Adrive: acoustic amplitude (Pa) :param Fdrive: US frequency (Hz) :param tstim: duration of US stimulation (s) :param toffset: duration of the offset (s) :param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz) :param DC: pulse duty cycle (-) :return: boolean stating whether neuron is excited or not ''' t, y, _ = self.simulate(Fdrive, Adrive, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC, method=method) dt = t[1] - t[0] ipeaks, *_ = findPeaks(y[2, :], SPIKE_MIN_QAMP, int(np.ceil(SPIKE_MIN_DT / dt)), SPIKE_MIN_QPROM) nspikes = ipeaks.size logger.debug('A = %sPa ---> %s spike%s detected', si_format(Adrive, 2, space=' '), nspikes, "s" if nspikes > 1 else "") - return nspikes > 0 + cond = nspikes > 0 + if return_val: + return {True: nspikes, False: np.nan}[cond] + else: + return cond - def isSilenced(self, Adrive, Fdrive, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC, method): + def isSilenced(self, Adrive, Fdrive, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC, method, return_val=False): ''' Run a simulation and determine if neuron is silenced. :param Adrive: acoustic amplitude (Pa) :param Fdrive: US frequency (Hz) :param tstim: duration of US stimulation (s) :param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz) :param DC: pulse duty cycle (-) :return: boolean stating whether neuron is silenced or not ''' if tstim <= TMIN_STABILIZATION: raise ValueError( 'stimulus duration must be greater than {:.0f} ms'.format(TMIN_STABILIZATION * 1e3)) # Simulate model without offset t, y, _ = self.simulate(Fdrive, Adrive, tstim, 0., PRF, DC, method=method) # Extract charge signal posterior to observation window Qm = y[2, t > TMIN_STABILIZATION] # Compute variation range Qm_range = np.ptp(Qm) logger.debug('A = %sPa ---> %.2f nC/cm2 variation range over the last %.0f ms', si_format(Adrive, 2, space=' '), Qm_range * 1e5, TMIN_STABILIZATION * 1e3) - return np.ptp(Qm) < QSS_Q_DIV_THR + cond = np.ptp(Qm) < QSS_Q_DIV_THR + if return_val: + return {True: Qm[-1], False: np.nan}[cond] + else: + return cond + def titrate(self, Fdrive, tstim, toffset, PRF=None, DC=1.0, Arange=None, method='sonic'): ''' Use a binary search to determine the threshold amplitude needed to obtain neural excitation for a given frequency, duration, PRF and duty cycle. :param Fdrive: US frequency (Hz) :param tstim: duration of US stimulation (s) :param toffset: duration of the offset (s) :param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz) :param DC: pulse duty cycle (-) :param Arange: search interval for Adrive, iteratively refined :return: determined threshold amplitude (Pa) ''' # Determine amplitude interval if needed if Arange is None: Arange = (0, getLookups2D(self.neuron.name, a=self.a, Fdrive=Fdrive)[0].max()) # Determine output function if self.neuron.isTitratable(): xfunc = self.isExcited else: xfunc = self.isSilenced # Titrate return titrate(xfunc, (Fdrive, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC, method), Arange, TITRATION_ASTIM_DA_MAX) def runAndSave(self, outdir, Fdrive, tstim, toffset, PRF=None, DC=1.0, Adrive=None, method='sonic'): ''' Run a simulation of the full electro-mechanical system for a given neuron type with specific parameters, and save the results in a PKL file. :param outdir: full path to output directory :param Fdrive: US frequency (Hz) :param tstim: stimulus duration (s) :param toffset: stimulus offset (s) :param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz) :param DC: stimulus duty cycle (-) :param Adrive: acoustic pressure amplitude (Pa) :param method: integration method ''' logger.info( '%s: %s @ f = %sHz, %st = %ss (%ss offset)%s', self, 'titration' if Adrive is None else 'simulation', si_format(Fdrive, 0, space=' '), 'A = {}Pa, '.format(si_format(Adrive, 2, space=' ')) if Adrive is not None else '', *si_format([tstim, toffset], 1, space=' '), (', PRF = {}Hz, DC = {:.2f}%'.format( si_format(PRF, 2, space=' '), DC * 1e2) if DC < 1.0 else '')) # If no amplitude provided, perform titration if Adrive is None: Adrive = self.titrate(Fdrive, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC, method=method) if np.isnan(Adrive): logger.error('Could not find threshold excitation amplitude') return None # Run simulation tstart = time.time() t, y, stimstate = self.simulate(Fdrive, Adrive, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC, method=method) tcomp = time.time() - tstart Z, ng, Qm, Vm, *channels = y logger.debug('completed in %ss', si_format(tcomp, 1)) # Store dataframe and metadata data = pd.DataFrame({ 't': t, 'stimstate': stimstate, 'Z': Z, 'ng': ng, 'Qm': Qm, 'Vm': Vm }) for j in range(len(self.neuron.states)): data[self.neuron.states[j]] = channels[j] meta = { 'neuron': self.neuron.name, 'a': self.a, 'd': self.d, 'Fdrive': Fdrive, 'Adrive': Adrive, 'phi': np.pi, 'tstim': tstim, 'toffset': toffset, 'PRF': PRF, 'DC': DC, 'tcomp': tcomp, 'method': method } # Export into to PKL file simcode = self.filecode(Fdrive, Adrive, tstim, PRF, DC, method) outpath = '{}/{}.pkl'.format(outdir, simcode) with open(outpath, 'wb') as fh: pickle.dump({'meta': meta, 'data': data}, fh) logger.debug('simulation data exported to "%s"', outpath) # Log number of detected spikes self.neuron.logNSpikes(data) return outpath def quasiSteadyStates(self, Fdrive, amps=None, charges=None, DCs=1.0, squeeze_output=False): ''' Compute the quasi-steady state values of the neuron's gating variables for a combination of US amplitudes, charge densities and duty cycles, at a specific US frequency. :param Fdrive: US frequency (Hz) :param amps: US amplitudes (Pa) :param charges: membrane charge densities (C/m2) :param DCs: duty cycle value(s) :return: 4-tuple with reference values of US amplitude and charge density, as well as interpolated Vmeff and QSS gating variables ''' # Get DC-averaged lookups interpolated at the appropriate amplitudes and charges amps, charges, lookups = getLookupsDCavg( self.neuron.name, self.a, Fdrive, amps, charges, DCs) # Compute QSS states using these lookups nA, nQ, nDC = lookups['V'].shape QSS = {k: np.empty((nA, nQ, nDC)) for k in self.neuron.states} for iA in range(nA): for iDC in range(nDC): QSS_1D = self.neuron.quasiSteadyStates( {k: v[iA, :, iDC] for k, v in lookups.items()}) for k in QSS.keys(): QSS[k][iA, :, iDC] = QSS_1D[k] # Compress outputs if needed if squeeze_output: QSS = {k: v.squeeze() for k, v in QSS.items()} lookups = {k: v.squeeze() for k, v in lookups.items()} # Return reference inputs and outputs return amps, charges, lookups, QSS def quasiSteadyStateiNet(self, Qm, Fdrive, Adrive, DC): ''' Compute quasi-steady state net membrane current for a given combination of US parameters and a given membrane charge density. :param Qm: membrane charge density (C/m2) :param Fdrive: US frequency (Hz) :param Adrive: US amplitude (Pa) :param DC: duty cycle (-) :return: net membrane current (mA/m2) ''' _, _, lookups, QSS = self.quasiSteadyStates( Fdrive, amps=Adrive, charges=Qm, DCs=DC, squeeze_output=True) return self.neuron.iNet(lookups['V'], np.array(list(QSS.values()))) # mA/m2 def evaluateStability(self, Qm0, states0, lkp): ''' Integrate the effective differential system from a given starting point, until clear convergence or clear divergence is found. :param Qm0: initial membrane charge density (C/m2) :param states0: dictionary of initial states values :param lkp: dictionary of 1D data points of "effective" coefficients over the charge domain, for specific frequency and amplitude values. :return: boolean indicating convergence state ''' # Initialize y0 vector t0 = 0. y0 = np.array([Qm0] + list(states0.values())) # Initializing empty list to record evolution of charge deviation n = int(QSS_HISTORY_INTERVAL // QSS_INTEGRATION_INTERVAL) # size of history dQ = [] # As long as there is no clear charge convergence or divergence conv, div = False, False tf, yf = t0, y0 while not conv and not div: # Integrate system for small interval and retrieve final charge deviation t0, y0 = tf, yf sol = solve_ivp( lambda t, y: self.effDerivatives(y, t, lkp), [t0, t0 + QSS_INTEGRATION_INTERVAL], y0, method='LSODA' ) tf, yf = sol.t[-1], sol.y[:, -1] dQ.append(yf[0] - Qm0) # logger.debug('{:.0f} ms: dQ = {:.5f} nC/cm2, avg dQ = {:.5f} nC/cm2'.format( # tf * 1e3, dQ[-1] * 1e5, np.mean(dQ[-n:]) * 1e5)) # If last charge deviation is too large -> divergence if np.abs(dQ[-1]) > QSS_Q_DIV_THR: div = True # If last charge deviation or average deviation in recent history # is small enough -> convergence for x in [dQ[-1], np.mean(dQ[-n:])]: if np.abs(x) < QSS_Q_CONV_THR: conv = True # If max integration duration is been reached -> error if tf > QSS_MAX_INTEGRATION_DURATION: raise ValueError('too many iterations') logger.debug('{}vergence after {:.0f} ms: dQ = {:.5f} nC/cm2'.format( {True: 'con', False: 'di'}[conv], tf * 1e3, dQ[-1] * 1e5)) return conv def quasiSteadyStateFixedPoints(self, Fdrive, Adrive, DC, lkp, dQdt): ''' Compute QSS fixed points along the charge dimension for a given combination of US parameters, and determine their stability. :param Fdrive: US frequency (Hz) :param Adrive: US amplitude (Pa) :param DC: duty cycle (-) :param lkp: lookup dictionary for effective variables along charge dimension :param dQdt: charge derivative profile along charge dimension :return: 2-tuple with values of stable and unstable fixed points ''' logger.debug('A = {:.2f} kPa, DC = {:.0f}%'.format(Adrive * 1e-3, DC * 1e2)) # Extract stable and unstable fixed points from QSS charge variation profile dfunc = lambda Qm: - self.quasiSteadyStateiNet(Qm, Fdrive, Adrive, DC) SFP_candidates = getFixedPoints(lkp['Q'], dQdt, filter='stable', der_func=dfunc).tolist() UFPs = getFixedPoints(lkp['Q'], dQdt, filter='unstable', der_func=dfunc).tolist() SFPs = [] pltvars = self.getPltVars() # For each candidate SFP for i, Qm in enumerate(SFP_candidates): logger.debug('Q-SFP = {:.2f} nC/cm2'.format(Qm * 1e5)) # Re-compute QSS *_, QSS_FP = self.quasiSteadyStates(Fdrive, amps=Adrive, charges=Qm, DCs=DC, squeeze_output=True) # Simulate from unperturbed QSS and evaluate stability if not self.evaluateStability(Qm, QSS_FP, lkp): logger.warning('diverging system at ({:.2f} kPa, {:.2f} nC/cm2)'.format( Adrive * 1e-3, Qm * 1e5)) UFPs.append(Qm) else: # For each state unstable_states = [] for x in self.neuron.states: pltvar = pltvars[x] unit_str = pltvar.get('unit', '') factor = pltvar.get('factor', 1) is_stable_direction = [] for sign in [-1, +1]: # Perturb state with small offset QSS_perturbed = deepcopy(QSS_FP) QSS_perturbed[x] *= (1 + sign * QSS_REL_OFFSET) # If gating state, bound within [0., 1.] if self.neuron.isVoltageGated(x): QSS_perturbed[x] = np.clip(QSS_perturbed[x], 0., 1.) logger.debug('{}: {:.5f} -> {:.5f} {}'.format( x, QSS_FP[x] * factor, QSS_perturbed[x] * factor, unit_str)) # Simulate from perturbed QSS and evaluate stability is_stable_direction.append( self.evaluateStability(Qm, QSS_perturbed, lkp)) # Check if system shows stability upon x-state perturbation # in both directions if not np.all(is_stable_direction): unstable_states.append(x) # Classify fixed point as stable only if all states show stability is_stable_FP = len(unstable_states) == 0 {True: SFPs, False: UFPs}[is_stable_FP].append(Qm) logger.info('{}stable fixed-point at ({:.2f} kPa, {:.2f} nC/cm2){}'.format( '' if is_stable_FP else 'un', Adrive * 1e-3, Qm * 1e5, '' if is_stable_FP else ', caused by {} states'.format(unstable_states))) return SFPs, UFPs def findRheobaseAmps(self, DCs, Fdrive, Vthr): ''' Find the rheobase amplitudes (i.e. threshold acoustic amplitudes of infinite duration that would result in excitation) of a specific neuron for various duty cycles. :param DCs: duty cycles vector (-) :param Fdrive: acoustic drive frequency (Hz) :param Vthr: threshold membrane potential above which the neuron necessarily fires (mV) :return: rheobase amplitudes vector (Pa) ''' # Get threshold charge from neuron's spike threshold parameter Qthr = self.neuron.Cm0 * Vthr * 1e-3 # C/m2 # Get QSS variables for each amplitude at threshold charge Aref, _, Vmeff, QS_states = self.quasiSteadyStates(Fdrive, charges=Qthr, DCs=DCs) if DCs.size == 1: QS_states = QS_states.reshape((*QS_states.shape, 1)) Vmeff = Vmeff.reshape((*Vmeff.shape, 1)) # Compute 2D QSS charge variation array at Qthr dQdt = -self.neuron.iNet(Vmeff, QS_states) # Find the threshold amplitude that cancels dQdt for each duty cycle Arheobase = np.array([np.interp(0, dQdt[:, i], Aref, left=0., right=np.nan) for i in range(DCs.size)]) # Check if threshold amplitude is found for all DCs inan = np.where(np.isnan(Arheobase))[0] if inan.size > 0: if inan.size == Arheobase.size: logger.error( 'No rheobase amplitudes within [%s - %sPa] for the provided duty cycles', *si_format((Aref.min(), Aref.max()))) else: minDC = DCs[inan.max() + 1] logger.warning( 'No rheobase amplitudes within [%s - %sPa] below %.1f%% duty cycle', *si_format((Aref.min(), Aref.max())), minDC * 1e2) return Arheobase, Aref def computeEffVars(self, Fdrive, Adrive, Qm, fs): ''' Compute "effective" coefficients of the HH system for a specific combination of stimulus frequency, stimulus amplitude and charge density. A short mechanical simulation is run while imposing the specific charge density, until periodic stabilization. The HH coefficients are then averaged over the last acoustic cycle to yield "effective" coefficients. :param Fdrive: acoustic drive frequency (Hz) :param Adrive: acoustic drive amplitude (Pa) :param Qm: imposed charge density (C/m2) :param fs: list of sonophore membrane coverage fractions :return: list with computation time and a list of dictionaries of effective variables ''' tstart = time.time() # Run simulation and retrieve deflection and gas content vectors from last cycle _, [Z, ng], _ = BilayerSonophore.simulate(self, Fdrive, Adrive, Qm) Z_last = Z[-NPC_FULL:] # m Cm_last = self.v_Capct(Z_last) # F/m2 # For each coverage fraction effvars = [] for x in fs: # Compute membrane capacitance and membrane potential vectors Cm = x * Cm_last + (1 - x) * self.Cm0 # F/m2 Vm = Qm / Cm * 1e3 # mV # Compute average cycle value for membrane potential and rate constants effvars.append({'V': np.mean(Vm)}) effvars[-1].update(self.neuron.computeEffRates(Vm)) tcomp = time.time() - tstart # Log process log = '{}: lookups @ {}Hz, {}Pa, {:.2f} nC/cm2'.format( self, *si_format([Fdrive, Adrive], precision=1, space=' '), Qm * 1e5) if len(fs) > 1: log += ', fs = {:.0f} - {:.0f}%'.format(fs.min() * 1e2, fs.max() * 1e2) log += ', tcomp = {:.3f} s'.format(tcomp) logger.info(log) # Return effective coefficients return [tcomp, effvars] diff --git a/PySONIC/core/pneuron.py b/PySONIC/core/pneuron.py index 9a2a510..e5cfb3a 100644 --- a/PySONIC/core/pneuron.py +++ b/PySONIC/core/pneuron.py @@ -1,650 +1,650 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Author: Theo Lemaire # @Date: 2017-08-03 11:53:04 # @Email: theo.lemaire@epfl.ch # @Last Modified by: Theo Lemaire -# @Last Modified time: 2019-05-27 16:36:58 +# @Last Modified time: 2019-05-27 16:47:34 import os import time import pickle import abc import inspect import re import numpy as np from scipy.integrate import odeint import pandas as pd from ..postpro import findPeaks from ..constants import * from ..utils import si_format, logger, titrate from ..batches import xlslog class PointNeuron(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): ''' Abstract class defining the common API (i.e. mandatory attributes and methods) of all subclasses implementing the channels mechanisms of specific point neurons. ''' tscale = 'ms' # relevant temporal scale of the model defvar = 'V' # default plot variable def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def pprint(self): return '{} neuron'.format(self.__class__.__name__) def filecode(self, Astim, tstim, PRF, DC): ''' File naming convention. ''' return 'ESTIM_{}_{}_{:.1f}mA_per_m2_{:.0f}ms{}'.format( self.name, 'CW' if DC == 1 else 'PW', Astim, tstim * 1e3, '_PRF{:.2f}Hz_DC{:.2f}%'.format(PRF, DC * 1e2) if DC < 1. else '') @property @abc.abstractmethod def name(self): return 'Should never reach here' @property @abc.abstractmethod def Cm0(self): return 'Should never reach here' @property @abc.abstractmethod def Vm0(self): return 'Should never reach here' @abc.abstractmethod def currents(self, Vm, states): ''' Compute all ionic currents per unit area. :param Vm: membrane potential (mV) :states: state probabilities of the ion channels :return: dictionary of ionic currents per unit area (mA/m2) ''' def iNet(self, Vm, states): ''' net membrane current :param Vm: membrane potential (mV) :states: states of ion channels gating and related variables :return: current per unit area (mA/m2) ''' return sum(self.currents(Vm, states).values()) def dQdt(self, Vm, states): ''' membrane charge density variation rate :param Vm: membrane potential (mV) :states: states of ion channels gating and related variables :return: variation rate (mA/m2) ''' return -self.iNet(Vm, states) def isTitratable(self): ''' Simple method returning whether the neuron can be titrated (defaults to True). ''' return True def currentToConcentrationRate(self, z_ion, depth): ''' Compute the conversion factor from a specific ionic current (in mA/m2) into a variation rate of submembrane ion concentration (in M/s). :param: z_ion: ion valence :param depth: submembrane depth (m) :return: conversion factor (Mmol.m-1.C-1) ''' return 1e-6 / (z_ion * depth * FARADAY) def nernst(self, z_ion, Cion_in, Cion_out, T): ''' Nernst potential of a specific ion given its intra and extracellular concentrations. :param z_ion: ion valence :param Cion_in: intracellular ion concentration :param Cion_out: extracellular ion concentration :param T: temperature (K) :return: ion Nernst potential (mV) ''' return (Rg * T) / (z_ion * FARADAY) * np.log(Cion_out / Cion_in) * 1e3 def vtrap(self, x, y): ''' Generic function used to compute rate constants. ''' return x / (np.exp(x / y) - 1) def efun(self, x): ''' Generic function used to compute rate constants. ''' return x / (np.exp(x) - 1) def ghkDrive(self, Vm, Z_ion, Cion_in, Cion_out, T): ''' Use the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation to compute the electrochemical driving force of a specific ion species for a given membrane potential. :param Vm: membrane potential (mV) :param Cin: intracellular ion concentration (M) :param Cout: extracellular ion concentration (M) :param T: temperature (K) :return: electrochemical driving force of a single ion particle (mC.m-3) ''' x = Z_ion * FARADAY * Vm / (Rg * T) * 1e-3 # [-] eCin = Cion_in * self.efun(-x) # M eCout = Cion_out * self.efun(x) # M return FARADAY * (eCin - eCout) * 1e6 # mC/m3 def getDesc(self): return inspect.getdoc(self).splitlines()[0] def getCurrentsNames(self): return list(self.currents(np.nan, [np.nan] * len(self.states)).keys()) def getPltScheme(self): pltscheme = { 'Q_m': ['Qm'], 'V_m': ['Vm'] } pltscheme['I'] = self.getCurrentsNames() + ['iNet'] for cname in self.getCurrentsNames(): if 'Leak' not in cname: key = 'i_{{{}}}\ kin.'.format(cname[1:]) cargs = inspect.getargspec(getattr(self, cname))[0][1:] pltscheme[key] = [var for var in cargs if var not in ['Vm', 'Cai']] return pltscheme def getPltVars(self, wrapleft='df["', wrapright='"]'): ''' Return a dictionary with information about all plot variables related to the neuron. ''' pltvars = { 'Qm': { 'desc': 'membrane charge density', 'label': 'Q_m', 'unit': 'nC/cm^2', 'factor': 1e5, 'bounds': (-100, 50) }, 'Vm': { 'desc': 'membrane potential', 'label': 'V_m', 'unit': 'mV', 'y0': self.Vm0, 'bounds': (-150, 70) }, 'ELeak': { 'constant': 'obj.ELeak', 'desc': 'non-specific leakage current resting potential', 'label': 'V_{leak}', 'unit': 'mV', 'ls': '--', 'color': 'k' } } for cname in self.getCurrentsNames(): cfunc = getattr(self, cname) cargs = inspect.getargspec(cfunc)[0][1:] pltvars[cname] = { 'desc': inspect.getdoc(cfunc).splitlines()[0], 'label': 'I_{{{}}}'.format(cname[1:]), 'unit': 'A/m^2', 'factor': 1e-3, 'func': '{}({})'.format(cname, ', '.join(['{}{}{}'.format(wrapleft, a, wrapright) for a in cargs])) } for var in cargs: if var not in ['Vm', 'Cai']: vfunc = getattr(self, 'der{}{}'.format(var[0].upper(), var[1:])) desc = cname + re.sub('^Evolution of', '', inspect.getdoc(vfunc).splitlines()[0]) pltvars[var] = { 'desc': desc, 'label': var, 'bounds': (-0.1, 1.1) } pltvars['iNet'] = { 'desc': inspect.getdoc(getattr(self, 'iNet')).splitlines()[0], 'label': 'I_{net}', 'unit': 'A/m^2', 'factor': 1e-3, 'func': 'iNet({0}Vm{1}, {2}{3}{4}.values.T)'.format( wrapleft, wrapright, wrapleft[:-1], self.states, wrapright[1:]), 'ls': '--', 'color': 'black' } pltvars['dQdt'] = { 'desc': inspect.getdoc(getattr(self, 'dQdt')).splitlines()[0], 'label': 'dQ_m/dt', 'unit': 'A/m^2', 'factor': 1e-3, 'func': 'dQdt({0}Vm{1}, {2}{3}{4}.values.T)'.format( wrapleft, wrapright, wrapleft[:-1], self.states, wrapright[1:]), 'ls': '--', 'color': 'black' } for x in self.getGates(): for rate in ['alpha', 'beta']: pltvars['{}{}'.format(rate, x)] = { 'label': '\\{}_{{{}}}'.format(rate, x), 'unit': 'ms^{-1}', 'factor': 1e-3 } return pltvars def getRatesNames(self, states): return list(sum( [['alpha{}'.format(x.lower()), 'beta{}'.format(x.lower())] for x in states], [] )) def Qm0(self): ''' Return the resting charge density (in C/m2). ''' return self.Cm0 * self.Vm0 * 1e-3 # C/cm2 @abc.abstractmethod def steadyStates(self, Vm): ''' Compute the steady-state values for a specific membrane potential value. :param Vm: membrane potential (mV) :return: dictionary of steady-states ''' @abc.abstractmethod def derStates(self, Vm, states): ''' Compute the derivatives of channel states. :param Vm: membrane potential (mV) :states: state probabilities of the ion channels :return: current per unit area (mA/m2) ''' @abc.abstractmethod def computeEffRates(self, Vm): ''' Get the effective rate constants of ion channels, averaged along an acoustic cycle, for future use in effective simulations. :param Vm: array of membrane potential values for an acoustic cycle (mV) :return: a dictionary of rate average constants (s-1) ''' def interpEffRates(self, Qm, lkp, keys=None): ''' Interpolate effective rate constants for a given charge density using reference lookup vectors. :param Qm: membrane charge density (C/m2) :states: state probabilities of the ion channels :param lkp: dictionary of 1D vectors of "effective" coefficients over the charge domain, for specific frequency and amplitude values. :return: dictionary of interpolated rate constants ''' if keys is None: keys = self.rates return {k: np.interp(Qm, lkp['Q'], lkp[k], left=np.nan, right=np.nan) for k in keys} def interpVmeff(self, Qm, lkp): ''' Interpolate the effective membrane potential for a given charge density using reference lookup vectors. :param Qm: membrane charge density (C/m2) :param lkp: dictionary of 1D vectors of "effective" coefficients over the charge domain, for specific frequency and amplitude values. :return: dictionary of interpolated rate constants ''' return np.interp(Qm, lkp['Q'], lkp['V'], left=np.nan, right=np.nan) @abc.abstractmethod def derEffStates(self, Qm, states, lkp): ''' Compute the effective derivatives of channel states, based on 1-dimensional linear interpolation of "effective" coefficients that summarize the system's behaviour over an acoustic cycle. :param Qm: membrane charge density (C/m2) :states: state probabilities of the ion channels :param lkp: dictionary of 1D vectors of "effective" coefficients over the charge domain, for specific frequency and amplitude values. ''' def Qbounds(self): ''' Determine bounds of membrane charge physiological range for a given neuron. ''' return np.array([np.round(self.Vm0 - 25.0), 50.0]) * self.Cm0 * 1e-3 # C/m2 def isVoltageGated(self, state): ''' Determine whether a given state is purely voltage-gated or not.''' return 'alpha{}'.format(state.lower()) in self.rates def getGates(self): ''' Retrieve the names of the neuron's states that match an ion channel gating. ''' gates = [] for x in self.states: if self.isVoltageGated(x): gates.append(x) return gates def qsStates(self, lkp, states): ''' Compute a collection of quasi steady states using the standard xinf = ax / (ax + Bx) equation. :param lkp: dictionary of 1D vectors of "effective" coefficients over the charge domain, for specific frequency and amplitude values. :return: dictionary of quasi-steady states ''' return { x: lkp['alpha{}'.format(x)] / (lkp['alpha{}'.format(x)] + lkp['beta{}'.format(x)]) for x in states } @abc.abstractmethod def quasiSteadyStates(self, lkp): ''' Compute the quasi-steady states of a neuron for a range of membrane charge densities, based on 1-dimensional lookups interpolated at a given sonophore diameter, US frequency, US amplitude and duty cycle. :param lkp: dictionary of 1D vectors of "effective" coefficients over the charge domain, for specific frequency and amplitude values. :return: dictionary of quasi-steady states ''' def getRates(self, Vm): ''' Compute the ion channels rate constants for a given membrane potential. :param Vm: membrane potential (mV) :return: a dictionary of rate constants and their values at the given potential. ''' rates = {} for x in self.getGates(): x = x.lower() alpha_str, beta_str = ['{}{}'.format(s, x.lower()) for s in ['alpha', 'beta']] inf_str, tau_str = ['{}inf'.format(x.lower()), 'tau{}'.format(x.lower())] if hasattr(self, 'alpha{}'.format(x)): alphax = getattr(self, alpha_str)(Vm) betax = getattr(self, beta_str)(Vm) elif hasattr(self, '{}inf'.format(x)): xinf = getattr(self, inf_str)(Vm) taux = getattr(self, tau_str)(Vm) alphax = xinf / taux betax = 1 / taux - alphax rates[alpha_str] = alphax rates[beta_str] = betax return rates def Vderivatives(self, y, t, Iinj): ''' Compute the derivatives of a V-cast HH system for a specific value of injected current. :param y: vector of HH system variables at time t :param t: time value (s, unused) :param Iinj: injected current (mA/m2) :return: vector of HH system derivatives at time t ''' Vm, *states = y Iionic = self.iNet(Vm, states) # mA/m2 dVmdt = (- Iionic + Iinj) / self.Cm0 # mV/s dstates = self.derStates(Vm, states) return [dVmdt, *[dstates[k] for k in self.states]] def Qderivatives(self, y, t, Cm=None): ''' Compute the derivatives of the n-ODE HH system variables, based on a value of membrane capacitance. :param y: vector of HH system variables at time t :param t: specific instant in time (s) :param Cm: membrane capacitance (F/m2) :return: vector of HH system derivatives at time t ''' if Cm is None: Cm = self.Cm0 Qm, *states = y Vm = Qm / Cm * 1e3 # mV dQmdt = - self.iNet(Vm, states) * 1e-3 # A/m2 dstates = self.derStates(Vm, states) return [dQmdt, *[dstates[k] for k in self.states]] def checkInputs(self, Astim, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC): ''' Check validity of electrical stimulation parameters. :param Astim: pulse amplitude (mA/m2) :param tstim: pulse duration (s) :param toffset: offset duration (s) :param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz) :param DC: pulse duty cycle (-) ''' # Check validity of stimulation parameters if not all(isinstance(param, float) for param in [Astim, tstim, toffset, DC]): raise TypeError('Invalid stimulation parameters (must be float typed)') if tstim <= 0: raise ValueError('Invalid stimulus duration: {} ms (must be strictly positive)' .format(tstim * 1e3)) if toffset < 0: raise ValueError('Invalid stimulus offset: {} ms (must be positive or null)' .format(toffset * 1e3)) if DC <= 0.0 or DC > 1.0: raise ValueError('Invalid duty cycle: {} (must be within ]0; 1])'.format(DC)) if DC < 1.0: if not isinstance(PRF, float): raise TypeError('Invalid PRF value (must be float typed)') if PRF is None: raise AttributeError('Missing PRF value (must be provided when DC < 1)') if PRF < 1 / tstim: raise ValueError('Invalid PRF: {} Hz (PR interval exceeds stimulus duration)' .format(PRF)) def simulate(self, Astim, tstim, toffset, PRF=None, DC=1.0): ''' Compute solutions of a neuron's HH system for a specific set of electrical stimulation parameters, using a classic integration scheme. :param Astim: pulse amplitude (mA/m2) :param tstim: pulse duration (s) :param toffset: offset duration (s) :param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz) :param DC: pulse duty cycle (-) :return: 3-tuple with the time profile and solution matrix and a state vector ''' # Check validity of stimulation parameters self.checkInputs(Astim, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC) # Determine system time step dt = DT_ESTIM # if CW stimulus: divide integration during stimulus into single interval if DC == 1.0: PRF = 1 / tstim # Compute vector sizes npulses = int(np.round(PRF * tstim)) Tpulse_on = DC / PRF Tpulse_off = (1 - DC) / PRF # For high-PRF pulsed protocols: adapt time step to ensure minimal # number of samples during TON or TOFF dt_warning_msg = 'high-PRF protocol: lowering time step to %.2e s to properly integrate %s' for key, Tpulse in {'TON': Tpulse_on, 'TOFF': Tpulse_off}.items(): if Tpulse > 0 and Tpulse / dt < MIN_SAMPLES_PER_PULSE_INT: dt = Tpulse / MIN_SAMPLES_PER_PULSE_INT logger.warning(dt_warning_msg, dt, key) n_pulse_on = int(np.round(Tpulse_on / dt)) n_pulse_off = int(np.round(Tpulse_off / dt)) # Compute offset size n_off = int(np.round(toffset / dt)) # Set initial conditions steady_states = self.steadyStates(self.Vm0) y0 = [self.Vm0, *[steady_states[k] for k in self.states]] nvar = len(y0) # Initialize global arrays t = np.array([0.]) stimstate = np.array([1]) y = np.array([y0]).T # Initialize pulse time and stimstate vectors t_pulse0 = np.linspace(0, Tpulse_on + Tpulse_off, n_pulse_on + n_pulse_off) stimstate_pulse = np.concatenate((np.ones(n_pulse_on), np.zeros(n_pulse_off))) # Loop through all pulse (ON and OFF) intervals for i in range(npulses): # Construct and initialize arrays t_pulse = t_pulse0 + t[-1] y_pulse = np.empty((nvar, n_pulse_on + n_pulse_off)) # Integrate ON system y_pulse[:, :n_pulse_on] = odeint( self.Vderivatives, y[:, -1], t_pulse[:n_pulse_on], args=(Astim,)).T # Integrate OFF system if n_pulse_off > 0: y_pulse[:, n_pulse_on:] = odeint( self.Vderivatives, y_pulse[:, n_pulse_on - 1], t_pulse[n_pulse_on:], args=(0.0,)).T # Append pulse arrays to global arrays stimstate = np.concatenate([stimstate, stimstate_pulse[1:]]) t = np.concatenate([t, t_pulse[1:]]) y = np.concatenate([y, y_pulse[:, 1:]], axis=1) # Integrate offset interval if n_off > 0: t_off = np.linspace(0, toffset, n_off) + t[-1] stimstate_off = np.zeros(n_off) y_off = odeint(self.Vderivatives, y[:, -1], t_off, args=(0.0, )).T # Concatenate offset arrays to global arrays stimstate = np.concatenate([stimstate, stimstate_off[1:]]) t = np.concatenate([t, t_off[1:]]) y = np.concatenate([y, y_off[:, 1:]], axis=1) # Return output variables return (t, y, stimstate) def isExcited(self, Astim, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC): ''' Run a simulation and determine if neuron is excited. :param Astim: current amplitude (mA/m2) :param tstim: duration of US stimulation (s) :param toffset: duration of the offset (s) :param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz) :param DC: pulse duty cycle (-) :return: boolean stating whether neuron is excited or not ''' t, y, _ = self.simulate(Astim, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC) dt = t[1] - t[0] ipeaks, *_ = findPeaks(y[0, :], SPIKE_MIN_VAMP, int(np.ceil(SPIKE_MIN_DT / dt)), SPIKE_MIN_VPROM) nspikes = ipeaks.size logger.debug('A = %sA/m2 ---> %s spike%s detected', si_format(Astim * 1e-3, 2, space=' '), nspikes, "s" if nspikes > 1 else "") return nspikes > 0 def titrate(self, tstim, toffset, PRF=None, DC=1.0, Arange=(0., 2 * TITRATION_ESTIM_A_MAX), xfunc=None): ''' Use a binary search to determine the threshold amplitude needed to obtain neural excitation for a given duration, PRF and duty cycle. :param tstim: duration of US stimulation (s) :param toffset: duration of the offset (s) :param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz) :param DC: pulse duty cycle (-) :param Arange: search interval for Astim, iteratively refined :return: excitation threshold amplitude (mA/m2) ''' # Determine output function if xfunc is None: xfunc = self.isExcited return titrate(xfunc, (tstim, toffset, PRF, DC), Arange, TITRATION_ESTIM_DA_MAX) def logNSpikes(self, data): ''' Detect spikes on Qm signal. ''' dt = np.diff(data.ix[:1, 't'].values)[0] ipeaks, *_ = findPeaks( data['Qm'].values, SPIKE_MIN_QAMP, int(np.ceil(SPIKE_MIN_DT / dt)), SPIKE_MIN_QPROM ) nspikes = ipeaks.size logger.debug('{} spike{} detected'.format(nspikes, 's' if nspikes > 1 else '')) def runAndSave(self, outdir, tstim, toffset, PRF=None, DC=1.0, Astim=None): ''' Run a simulation of the point-neuron Hodgkin-Huxley system with specific parameters, and save the results in a PKL file. :param outdir: full path to output directory :param tstim: stimulus duration (s) :param toffset: stimulus offset (s) :param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz) :param DC: stimulus duty cycle (-) :param Astim: stimulus amplitude (mA/m2) ''' logger.info( '%s: %s @ %st = %ss (%ss offset)%s', self, 'titration' if Astim is None else 'simulation', 'A = {}A/m2, '.format(si_format(Astim, 2, space=' ')) if Astim is not None else '', *si_format([tstim, toffset], 1, space=' '), (', PRF = {}Hz, DC = {:.2f}%'.format( si_format(PRF, 2, space=' '), DC * 1e2) if DC < 1.0 else '')) if Astim is None: Astim = self.titrate(tstim, toffset, PRF, DC) if np.isnan(Astim): logger.error('Could not find threshold excitation amplitude') return None # Run simulation tstart = time.time() t, y, stimstate = self.simulate(Astim, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC) Vm, *channels = y tcomp = time.time() - tstart logger.debug('completed in %ss', si_format(tcomp, 1)) # Store dataframe and metadata data = pd.DataFrame({ 't': t, 'stimstate': stimstate, 'Vm': Vm, 'Qm': Vm * self.Cm0 * 1e-3 }) for j in range(len(self.states)): data[self.states[j]] = channels[j] meta = { 'neuron': self.name, 'Astim': Astim, 'tstim': tstim, 'toffset': toffset, 'PRF': PRF, 'DC': DC, 'tcomp': tcomp } # Export into to PKL file simcode = self.filecode(Astim, tstim, PRF, DC) outpath = '{}/{}.pkl'.format(outdir, simcode) with open(outpath, 'wb') as fh: pickle.dump({'meta': meta, 'data': data}, fh) logger.debug('simulation data exported to "%s"', outpath) # Log number of detected spikes self.logNSpikes(data) return outpath diff --git a/PySONIC/neurons/titrations.log b/PySONIC/neurons/titrations.log index a8bb158..66329f9 100644 --- a/PySONIC/neurons/titrations.log +++ b/PySONIC/neurons/titrations.log @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ titrate(, (500000.0, 0.03, 0.05, 100.0, 1.0, 'sonic'), (0, 599999.9999999997), 100.0) 80181.88476562494 titrate(, (500000.0, 0.04, 0.05, 100.0, 1.0, 'sonic'), (0, 599999.9999999997), 100.0) 59902.95410156247 titrate(, (500000.0, 1.0, 0.0, 100.0, 1.0, 'sonic'), (0, 599999.9999999997), 100.0) 19830.322265624985 titrate(, (500000.0, 0.033, 0.05, 100.0, 1.0, 'sonic'), (0, 599999.9999999997), 100.0) 71887.20703124997 titrate(, (500000.0, 0.045, 0.05, 100.0, 1.0, 'sonic'), (0, 599999.9999999997), 100.0) 54930.49621582028 titrate(, (0.045, 0.05, 100.0, 1.0), (0.0, 100.0), 0.1) 7.177734375 +titrate(, (500000.0, 0.047, 0.05, 100.0, 1.0, 'sonic'), (0, 599999.9999999997), 100.0) 53283.69140624997 +titrate(, (500000.0, 0.046, 0.05, 100.0, 1.0, 'sonic'), (0, 599999.9999999997), 100.0) 54089.35546874997 diff --git a/PySONIC/utils.py b/PySONIC/utils.py index d992db7..2b2cbaf 100644 --- a/PySONIC/utils.py +++ b/PySONIC/utils.py @@ -1,806 +1,770 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Author: Theo Lemaire # @Date: 2016-09-19 22:30:46 # @Email: theo.lemaire@epfl.ch # @Last Modified by: Theo Lemaire -# @Last Modified time: 2019-05-27 15:25:59 +# @Last Modified time: 2019-05-27 16:39:52 ''' Definition of generic utility functions used in other modules ''' import csv from functools import wraps import operator import os import math import pickle import tkinter as tk from tkinter import filedialog import numpy as np import colorlog from scipy.interpolate import interp1d # Package logger def setLogger(): log_formatter = colorlog.ColoredFormatter( '%(log_color)s %(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt='%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S:', reset=True, log_colors={ 'DEBUG': 'green', 'INFO': 'white', 'WARNING': 'yellow', 'ERROR': 'red', 'CRITICAL': 'red,bg_white', }, style='%' ) log_handler = colorlog.StreamHandler() log_handler.setFormatter(log_formatter) color_logger = colorlog.getLogger('PySONIC') color_logger.addHandler(log_handler) return color_logger logger = setLogger() titrations_logfile = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'neurons', 'titrations.log') # Figure naming conventions def figtitle(meta): ''' Return appropriate title based on simulation metadata. ''' if 'Cm0' in meta: return '{:.0f}nm radius BLS structure: MECH-STIM {:.0f}kHz, {:.2f}kPa, {:.1f}nC/cm2'.format( meta['a'] * 1e9, meta['Fdrive'] * 1e-3, meta['Adrive'] * 1e-3, meta['Qm'] * 1e5) else: if meta['DC'] < 1: wavetype = 'PW' suffix = ', {:.2f}Hz PRF, {:.0f}% DC'.format(meta['PRF'], meta['DC'] * 1e2) else: wavetype = 'CW' suffix = '' if 'Astim' in meta: return '{} neuron: {} E-STIM {:.2f}mA/m2, {:.0f}ms{}'.format( meta['neuron'], wavetype, meta['Astim'], meta['tstim'] * 1e3, suffix) else: return '{} neuron ({:.1f}nm): {} A-STIM {:.0f}kHz {:.2f}kPa, {:.0f}ms{} - {} model'.format( meta['neuron'], meta['a'] * 1e9, wavetype, meta['Fdrive'] * 1e-3, meta['Adrive'] * 1e-3, meta['tstim'] * 1e3, suffix, meta['method']) # SI units prefixes si_prefixes = { 'y': 1e-24, # yocto 'z': 1e-21, # zepto 'a': 1e-18, # atto 'f': 1e-15, # femto 'p': 1e-12, # pico 'n': 1e-9, # nano 'u': 1e-6, # micro 'm': 1e-3, # mili '': 1e0, # None 'k': 1e3, # kilo 'M': 1e6, # mega 'G': 1e9, # giga 'T': 1e12, # tera 'P': 1e15, # peta 'E': 1e18, # exa 'Z': 1e21, # zetta 'Y': 1e24, # yotta } def loadData(fpath, frequency=1): ''' Load dataframe and metadata dictionary from pickle file. ''' logger.info('Loading data from "%s"', os.path.basename(fpath)) with open(fpath, 'rb') as fh: frame = pickle.load(fh) df = frame['data'].iloc[::frequency] meta = frame['meta'] return df, meta def si_format(x, precision=0, space=' '): ''' Format a float according to the SI unit system, with the appropriate prefix letter. ''' if isinstance(x, float) or isinstance(x, int) or isinstance(x, np.float) or\ isinstance(x, np.int32) or isinstance(x, np.int64): if x == 0: factor = 1e0 prefix = '' else: sorted_si_prefixes = sorted(si_prefixes.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) vals = [tmp[1] for tmp in sorted_si_prefixes] # vals = list(si_prefixes.values()) ix = np.searchsorted(vals, np.abs(x)) - 1 if np.abs(x) == vals[ix + 1]: ix += 1 factor = vals[ix] prefix = sorted_si_prefixes[ix][0] # prefix = list(si_prefixes.keys())[ix] return '{{:.{}f}}{}{}'.format(precision, space, prefix).format(x / factor) elif isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, tuple): return [si_format(item, precision, space) for item in x] elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and x.ndim == 1: return [si_format(float(item), precision, space) for item in x] else: print(type(x)) def pow10_format(number, precision=2): ''' Format a number in power of 10 notation. ''' ret_string = '{0:.{1:d}e}'.format(number, precision) a, b = ret_string.split("e") a = float(a) b = int(b) return '{}10^{{{}}}'.format('{} * '.format(a) if a != 1. else '', b) def rmse(x1, x2): ''' Compute the root mean square error between two 1D arrays ''' return np.sqrt(((x1 - x2) ** 2).mean()) def rsquared(x1, x2): ''' compute the R-squared coefficient between two 1D arrays ''' residuals = x1 - x2 ss_res = np.sum(residuals**2) ss_tot = np.sum((x1 - np.mean(x1))**2) return 1 - (ss_res / ss_tot) def Pressure2Intensity(p, rho=1075.0, c=1515.0): ''' Return the spatial peak, pulse average acoustic intensity (ISPPA) associated with the specified pressure amplitude. :param p: pressure amplitude (Pa) :param rho: medium density (kg/m3) :param c: speed of sound in medium (m/s) :return: spatial peak, pulse average acoustic intensity (W/m2) ''' return p**2 / (2 * rho * c) def Intensity2Pressure(I, rho=1075.0, c=1515.0): ''' Return the pressure amplitude associated with the specified spatial peak, pulse average acoustic intensity (ISPPA). :param I: spatial peak, pulse average acoustic intensity (W/m2) :param rho: medium density (kg/m3) :param c: speed of sound in medium (m/s) :return: pressure amplitude (Pa) ''' return np.sqrt(2 * rho * c * I) def OpenFilesDialog(filetype, dirname=''): ''' Open a FileOpenDialogBox to select one or multiple file. The default directory and file type are given. :param dirname: default directory :param filetype: default file type :return: tuple of full paths to the chosen filenames ''' root = tk.Tk() root.withdraw() filenames = filedialog.askopenfilenames(filetypes=[(filetype + " files", '.' + filetype)], initialdir=dirname) if filenames: par_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(filenames[0], os.pardir)) else: par_dir = None return (filenames, par_dir) def selectDirDialog(): ''' Open a dialog box to select a directory. :return: full path to selected directory ''' root = tk.Tk() root.withdraw() return filedialog.askdirectory() def SaveFileDialog(filename, dirname=None, ext=None): ''' Open a dialog box to save file. :param filename: filename :param dirname: initial directory :param ext: default extension :return: full path to the chosen filename ''' root = tk.Tk() root.withdraw() filename_out = filedialog.asksaveasfilename( defaultextension=ext, initialdir=dirname, initialfile=filename) return filename_out def downsample(t_dense, y, nsparse): ''' Decimate periodic signals to a specified number of samples.''' if(y.ndim) > 1: nsignals = y.shape[0] else: nsignals = 1 y = np.array([y]) # determine time step and period of input signal T = t_dense[-1] - t_dense[0] dt_dense = t_dense[1] - t_dense[0] # resample time vector linearly t_ds = np.linspace(t_dense[0], t_dense[-1], nsparse) # create MAV window nmav = int(0.03 * T / dt_dense) if nmav % 2 == 0: nmav += 1 mav = np.ones(nmav) / nmav # determine signals padding npad = int((nmav - 1) / 2) # determine indexes of sampling on convolved signals ids = np.round(np.linspace(0, t_dense.size - 1, nsparse)).astype(int) y_ds = np.empty((nsignals, nsparse)) # loop through signals for i in range(nsignals): # pad, convolve and resample pad_left = y[i, -(npad + 2):-2] pad_right = y[i, 1:npad + 1] y_ext = np.concatenate((pad_left, y[i, :], pad_right), axis=0) y_mav = np.convolve(y_ext, mav, mode='valid') y_ds[i, :] = y_mav[ids] if nsignals == 1: y_ds = y_ds[0, :] return (t_ds, y_ds) def rescale(x, lb=None, ub=None, lb_new=0, ub_new=1): ''' Rescale a value to a specific interval by linear transformation. ''' if lb is None: lb = x.min() if ub is None: ub = x.max() xnorm = (x - lb) / (ub - lb) return xnorm * (ub_new - lb_new) + lb_new def getNeuronLookupsFile(mechname, a=None, Fdrive=None, Adrive=None, fs=False): fpath = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'neurons', '{}_lookups'.format(mechname) ) if a is not None: fpath += '_{:.0f}nm'.format(a * 1e9) if Fdrive is not None: fpath += '_{:.0f}kHz'.format(Fdrive * 1e-3) if Adrive is not None: fpath += '_{:.0f}kPa'.format(Adrive * 1e-3) if fs is True: fpath += '_fs' return '{}.pkl'.format(fpath) def getLookups4D(mechname): ''' Retrieve 4D lookup tables and reference vectors for a given membrane mechanism. :param mechname: name of membrane density mechanism :return: 4-tuple with 1D numpy arrays of reference input vectors (charge density and one other variable), a dictionary of associated 2D lookup numpy arrays, and a dictionary with information about the other variable. ''' # Check lookup file existence lookup_path = getNeuronLookupsFile(mechname) if not os.path.isfile(lookup_path): raise FileNotFoundError('Missing lookup file: "{}"'.format(lookup_path)) # Load lookups dictionary # logger.debug('Loading %s lookup table', mechname) with open(lookup_path, 'rb') as fh: df = pickle.load(fh) inputs = df['input'] lookups4D = df['lookup'] # Retrieve 1D inputs from lookups dictionary aref = inputs['a'] Fref = inputs['f'] Aref = inputs['A'] Qref = inputs['Q'] return aref, Fref, Aref, Qref, lookups4D def getLookupsOff(mechname): ''' Retrieve appropriate US-OFF lookup tables and reference vectors for a given membrane mechanism. :param mechname: name of membrane density mechanism :return: 2-tuple with 1D numpy array of reference charge density and dictionary of associated 1D lookup numpy arrays. ''' # Get 4D lookups and input vectors aref, Fref, Aref, Qref, lookups4D = getLookups4D(mechname) # Perform 2D projection in appropriate dimensions logger.debug('Interpolating lookups at A = 0') lookups_off = {key: y4D[0, 0, 0, :] for key, y4D in lookups4D.items()} return Qref, lookups_off def getLookups2D(mechname, a=None, Fdrive=None, Adrive=None): ''' Retrieve appropriate 2D lookup tables and reference vectors for a given membrane mechanism, projected at a specific combination of sonophore radius, US frequency and/or acoustic pressure amplitude. :param mechname: name of membrane density mechanism :param a: sonophore radius (m) :param Fdrive: US frequency (Hz) :param Adrive: Acoustic peak pressure amplitude (Hz) :return: 4-tuple with 1D numpy arrays of reference input vectors (charge density and one other variable), a dictionary of associated 2D lookup numpy arrays, and a dictionary with information about the other variable. ''' # Get 4D lookups and input vectors aref, Fref, Aref, Qref, lookups4D = getLookups4D(mechname) # Check that inputs are within lookup range if a is not None: a = isWithin('radius', a, (aref.min(), aref.max())) if Fdrive is not None: Fdrive = isWithin('frequency', Fdrive, (Fref.min(), Fref.max())) if Adrive is not None: Adrive = isWithin('amplitude', Adrive, (Aref.min(), Aref.max())) # Determine projection dimensions based on inputs var_a = {'name': 'a', 'label': 'sonophore radius', 'val': a, 'unit': 'm', 'factor': 1e9, 'ref': aref, 'axis': 0} var_Fdrive = {'name': 'f', 'label': 'frequency', 'val': Fdrive, 'unit': 'Hz', 'factor': 1e-3, 'ref': Fref, 'axis': 1} var_Adrive = {'name': 'A', 'label': 'amplitude', 'val': Adrive, 'unit': 'Pa', 'factor': 1e-3, 'ref': Aref, 'axis': 2} if not isinstance(Adrive, float): var1 = var_a var2 = var_Fdrive var3 = var_Adrive elif not isinstance(Fdrive, float): var1 = var_a var2 = var_Adrive var3 = var_Fdrive elif not isinstance(a, float): var1 = var_Fdrive var2 = var_Adrive var3 = var_a # Perform 2D projection in appropriate dimensions # logger.debug('Interpolating lookups at (%s = %s%s, %s = %s%s)', # var1['name'], si_format(var1['val'], space=' '), var1['unit'], # var2['name'], si_format(var2['val'], space=' '), var2['unit']) lookups3D = {key: interp1d(var1['ref'], y4D, axis=var1['axis'])(var1['val']) for key, y4D in lookups4D.items()} if var2['axis'] > var1['axis']: var2['axis'] -= 1 lookups2D = {key: interp1d(var2['ref'], y3D, axis=var2['axis'])(var2['val']) for key, y3D in lookups3D.items()} if var3['val'] is not None: logger.debug('Interpolating lookups at %d new %s values between %s%s and %s%s', len(var3['val']), var3['name'], si_format(min(var3['val']), space=' '), var3['unit'], si_format(max(var3['val']), space=' '), var3['unit']) lookups2D = {key: interp1d(var3['ref'], y2D, axis=0)(var3['val']) for key, y2D in lookups2D.items()} var3['ref'] = np.array(var3['val']) return var3['ref'], Qref, lookups2D, var3 def getLookups2Dfs(mechname, a, Fdrive, fs): # Check lookup file existence lookup_path = getNeuronLookupsFile(mechname, a=a, Fdrive=Fdrive, fs=True) if not os.path.isfile(lookup_path): raise FileNotFoundError('Missing lookup file: "{}"'.format(lookup_path)) # Load lookups dictionary logger.debug('Loading %s lookup table with fs = %.0f%%', mechname, fs * 1e2) with open(lookup_path, 'rb') as fh: df = pickle.load(fh) inputs = df['input'] lookups3D = df['lookup'] # Retrieve 1D inputs from lookups dictionary fsref = inputs['fs'] Aref = inputs['A'] Qref = inputs['Q'] # Check that fs is within lookup range fs = isWithin('coverage', fs, (fsref.min(), fsref.max())) # Perform projection at fs logger.debug('Interpolating lookups at fs = %s%%', fs * 1e2) lookups2D = {key: interp1d(fsref, y3D, axis=2)(fs) for key, y3D in lookups3D.items()} return Aref, Qref, lookups2D def getLookupsDCavg(mechname, a, Fdrive, amps=None, charges=None, DCs=1.0): ''' Get the DC-averaged lookups of a specific neuron for a combination of US amplitudes, charge densities and duty cycles, at a specific US frequency. :param mechname: name of membrane density mechanism :param a: sonophore radius (m) :param Fdrive: US frequency (Hz) :param amps: US amplitudes (Pa) :param charges: membrane charge densities (C/m2) :param DCs: duty cycle value(s) :return: 4-tuple with reference values of US amplitude and charge density, as well as interpolated Vmeff and QSS gating variables ''' # Get lookups for specific (a, f, A) combination Aref, Qref, lookups2D, _ = getLookups2D(mechname, a=a, Fdrive=Fdrive) if 'ng' in lookups2D: lookups2D.pop('ng') # Derive inputs from lookups reference if not provided if amps is None: amps = Aref if charges is None: charges = Qref # Transform inputs into arrays if single value provided if isinstance(amps, float): amps = np.array([amps]) if isinstance(charges, float): charges = np.array([charges]) if isinstance(DCs, float): DCs = np.array([DCs]) nA, nQ, nDC = amps.size, charges.size, DCs.size cs = {True: 's', False: ''} # logger.debug('%u amplitude%s, %u charge%s, %u DC%s', # nA, cs[nA > 1], nQ, cs[nQ > 1], nDC, cs[nDC > 1]) # Re-interpolate lookups at input charges lookups2D = {key: interp1d(Qref, y2D, axis=1)(charges) for key, y2D in lookups2D.items()} # Interpolate US-ON (for each input amplitude) and US-OFF (A = 0) lookups amps = isWithin('amplitude', amps, (Aref.min(), Aref.max())) lookups_on = {key: interp1d(Aref, y2D, axis=0)(amps) for key, y2D in lookups2D.items()} lookups_off = {key: interp1d(Aref, y2D, axis=0)(0.0) for key, y2D in lookups2D.items()} # Compute DC-averaged lookups lookups_DCavg = {} for key in lookups2D.keys(): x_on, x_off = lookups_on[key], lookups_off[key] x_avg = np.empty((nA, nQ, nDC)) for iA, Adrive in enumerate(amps): for iDC, DC in enumerate(DCs): x_avg[iA, :, iDC] = x_on[iA, :] * DC + x_off * (1 - DC) lookups_DCavg[key] = x_avg return amps, charges, lookups_DCavg def isWithin(name, val, bounds, rel_tol=1e-9): ''' Check if a floating point number is within an interval. If the value falls outside the interval, an error is raised. If the value falls just outside the interval due to rounding errors, the associated interval bound is returned. :param val: float value :param bounds: interval bounds (float tuple) :return: original or corrected value ''' if isinstance(val, list) or isinstance(val, np.ndarray) or isinstance(val, tuple): return [isWithin(name, v, bounds, rel_tol) for v in val] if val >= bounds[0] and val <= bounds[1]: return val elif val < bounds[0] and math.isclose(val, bounds[0], rel_tol=rel_tol): logger.warning('Rounding %s value (%s) to interval lower bound (%s)', name, val, bounds[0]) return bounds[0] elif val > bounds[1] and math.isclose(val, bounds[1], rel_tol=rel_tol): logger.warning('Rounding %s value (%s) to interval upper bound (%s)', name, val, bounds[1]) return bounds[1] else: raise ValueError('{} value ({}) out of [{}, {}] interval'.format( name, val, bounds[0], bounds[1])) def getLookupsCompTime(mechname): # Check lookup file existence lookup_path = getNeuronLookupsFile(mechname) if not os.path.isfile(lookup_path): raise FileNotFoundError('Missing lookup file: "{}"'.format(lookup_path)) # Load lookups dictionary logger.debug('Loading comp times') with open(lookup_path, 'rb') as fh: df = pickle.load(fh) tcomps4D = df['tcomp'] return np.sum(tcomps4D) def getLowIntensitiesSTN(): ''' Return an array of acoustic intensities (W/m2) used to study the STN neuron in Tarnaud, T., Joseph, W., Martens, L., and Tanghe, E. (2018). Computational Modeling of Ultrasonic Subthalamic Nucleus Stimulation. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. ''' return np.hstack(( np.arange(10, 101, 10), np.arange(101, 131, 1), np.array([140]) )) # W/m2 def getDistribution(xmin, xmax, nx, scale='lin'): if scale == 'log': xmin, xmax = np.log10(xmin), np.log10(xmax) return {'lin': np.linspace, 'log': np.logspace}[scale](xmin, xmax, nx) def getDistFromList(xlist): if not isinstance(xlist, list): raise TypeError('Input must be a list') if len(xlist) != 4: raise ValueError('List must contain exactly 4 arguments ([type, min, max, n])') scale = xlist[0] if scale not in ('log', 'lin'): raise ValueError('Unknown distribution type (must be "lin" or "log")') xmin, xmax = [float(x) for x in xlist[1:-1]] if xmin >= xmax: raise ValueError('Specified minimum higher or equal than specified maximum') nx = int(xlist[-1]) if nx < 2: raise ValueError('Specified number must be at least 2') return getDistribution(xmin, xmax, nx, scale=scale) def parseUSAmps(args, defaults): # Check if several mutually exclusive arguments were provided Aparams = ['Arange', 'Irange', 'amp', 'intensity'] if sum([x in args for x in Aparams]) > 1: raise ValueError('You must provide only one of the following arguments: {}'.format( ', '.join(Aparams))) if 'Arange' in args: return getDistFromList(args['Arange']) * 1e3 # Pa elif 'Irange' in args: return Intensity2Pressure(getDistFromList(args['Irange']) * 1e4) # Pa elif 'amp' in args: return np.array(args['amp']) * 1e3 # Pa elif 'intensity' in args: return Intensity2Pressure(np.array(args['intensity']) * 1e4) # Pa return np.array(defaults['amp']) * 1e3 # Pa def parseElecAmps(args, defaults): # Check if several mutually exclusive arguments were provided Aparams = ['Arange', 'amp'] if sum([x in args for x in Aparams]) > 1: raise ValueError('You must provide only one of the following arguments: {}'.format( ', '.join(Aparams))) if 'Arange' in args: return getDistFromList(args['Arange']) # mA/m2 elif 'amp' in args: return np.array(args['amp']) # mA/m2 return np.array(defaults['amp']) # mA/m2 def getIndex(container, value): ''' Return the index of a float / string value in a list / array :param container: list / 1D-array of elements :param value: value to search for :return: index of value (if found) ''' if isinstance(value, float): container = np.array(container) imatches = np.where(np.isclose(container, value, rtol=1e-9, atol=1e-16))[0] if len(imatches) == 0: raise ValueError('{} not found in {}'.format(value, container)) return imatches[0] elif isinstance(value, str): return container.index(value) def debug(func): ''' Print the function signature and return value. ''' @wraps(func) def wrapper_debug(*args, **kwargs): args_repr = [repr(a) for a in args] kwargs_repr = [f"{k}={v!r}" for k, v in kwargs.items()] signature = '{}({})'.format(func.__name__, ', '.join(args_repr + kwargs_repr)) print('Calling {}'.format(signature)) value = func(*args, **kwargs) print(f"{func.__name__!r} returned {value!r}") return value return wrapper_debug def cache(fpath, delimiter='\t', out_type=float): ''' Add an extra IO memoization functionality to a function using file caching, to avoid repetitions of tedious computations with identical inputs. ''' def wrapper_with_args(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # If function has history -> do not log if 'history' in kwargs: return func(*args, **kwargs) # Translate function arguments into string signature args_repr = [repr(a) for a in args] kwargs_repr = [f"{k}={v!r}" for k, v in kwargs.items()] signature = '{}({})'.format(func.__name__, ', '.join(args_repr + kwargs_repr)) # If entry present in log, return corresponding output if os.path.isfile(fpath): with open(fpath, 'r', newline='') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=delimiter) for row in reader: if row[0] == signature: logger.info('entry found in "{}"'.format(os.path.basename(fpath))) return out_type(row[1]) # Otherwise, compute output and log it into file before returning out = func(*args, **kwargs) with open(fpath, 'a', newline='') as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=delimiter) writer.writerow([signature, str(out)]) return out return wrapper return wrapper_with_args -# def checkForFile(fpath): - -# def wrapper_with_args(func): - -# @wraps(func) -# def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): - -# # Translate function arguments into string signature -# args_repr = [repr(a) for a in args] -# kwargs_repr = [f"{k}={v!r}" for k, v in kwargs.items()] -# signature = '{}({})'.format(func.__name__, ', '.join(args_repr + kwargs_repr)) - -# # If entry present in log, return corresponding output -# if os.path.isfile(fpath): -# with open(fpath, 'r', newline='') as f: -# reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=delimiter) -# for row in reader: -# if row[0] == signature: -# logger.info('entry found in "{}"'.format(os.path.basename(fpath))) -# return out_type(row[1]) - -# # Otherwise, compute output and log it into file before returning -# out = func(*args, **kwargs) -# with open(fpath, 'a', newline='') as csvfile: -# writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=delimiter) -# writer.writerow([signature, str(out)]) - -# return out - -# return wrapper - -# return wrapper_with_args - - - - @cache(titrations_logfile) def titrate(xfunc, xargs, xbounds, dx_thr, history=None): ''' Use a binary search to determine the threshold satisfying a given condition within a specific search interval. :param xfunc: boolean function returning whether condition is satisfied :param xargs: list of function arguments other than refined value :param xbounds: search interval for threshold (progressively refined) :param dx_thr: accuracy criterion for threshold :return: excitation threshold ''' # Assign empty history if first function call if history is None: history = [] # Compute function output at interval mid-point x = (xbounds[0] + xbounds[1]) / 2 history.append(xfunc(x, *xargs)) # If titration interval is small enough conv = False if (xbounds[1] - xbounds[0]) <= dx_thr: logger.debug('titration interval smaller than defined threshold') # If both conditions have been encountered during titration process, # we're going towards convergence if (0 in history and 1 in history): logger.debug('converging around threshold') # If current value satisfies condition, convergence is achieved # -> return threshold if history[-1]: logger.debug('currently satisfying condition -> convergence') return x # If only one condition has been encountered during titration process, # then no titration is impossible within the defined interval -> return NaN else: logger.warning('titration does not converge within this interval') return np.nan # Return threshold if convergence is reached, otherwise refine interval and iterate if conv: return x else: if x > 0.: xbounds = (xbounds[0], x) if history[-1] else (x, xbounds[1]) else: xbounds = (x, xbounds[1]) if history[-1] else (xbounds[0], x) return titrate(xfunc, xargs, xbounds, dx_thr, history=history) def resolveDependencies(deps, join_items=True): ''' Solve a dictionary of dependencies. :param arg: dependency dictionary in which the values are the dependencies of their respective keys. :param join_items: boolean specifying whether or not to serialize output :return: list of inter-dependent elements in resolved order ''' # Transform input dictionary of lists into dictionary of sets, # while removing circular (auto) dependencies deps = dict((k, set([x for x in deps[k] if x != k])) for k in deps) # Initialize empty list of resolved dependencies resolved_deps = [] # Iterate while dependencies not entirely resolved while deps: # Extract latest items without dependencies (values that are not in keys # and keys without value) into a set nd_items = set(i for v in deps.values() for i in v) - set(deps.keys()) nd_items.update(k for k, v in deps.items() if not v) # Append new set of non-dependent items to output list resolved_deps.append(nd_items) # Remove those items from remaining dependencies in input dictionary deps = dict(((k, v - nd_items) for k, v in deps.items() if v)) # If specified, merge list of sets into a unique list (while preserving order) if join_items: tmp = [] for item in resolved_deps: tmp += list(item) resolved_deps = tmp return resolved_deps