diff --git a/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/MedCo_ctrlr.js b/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/MedCo_ctrlr.js
index 49f2f56..913d3ab 100644
--- a/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/MedCo_ctrlr.js
+++ b/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/MedCo_ctrlr.js
@@ -1,322 +1,324 @@
  * @ProjectDescription	Secure count query for sensitive genomic and clinical data with strong privacy guarantees.
  * @inherits	i2b2
  * @namespace	i2b2.MedCo
  * @author	LCA1 EPFL
  * @version	0.1
  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * This plugin is based on Tutorial plugin and examples on the webclient plugin development guide.
 i2b2.MedCo.Init = function(loadedDiv) {
     // setup model variables for this plugin
     // i2b2.MedCo.model.responseXML = '';
     // i2b2.MedCo.model.responseString = '';
     // i2b2.MedCo.model.requestQuery = '';
     // i2b2.MedCo.model.requestPSet = '';
     // i2b2.MedCo.model.requestQueryType = '';
     // i2b2.MedCo.model.requestQueryName = '';
     // i2b2.MedCo.model.prsRecord = undefined;
     // i2b2.MedCo.model.infoType = true;
     // i2b2.MedCo.model.varType = true;
     // i2b2.MedCo.view.tabId = 0;
     // set drag and drop
     // i2b2.sdx.Master.AttachType("medco-pset", "PRS", {dropTarget: true});
     // i2b2.sdx.Master.setHandlerCustom("medco-pset", "PRS", "DropHandler", i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.prsDropped);
     // register handlers for the medco query tool panels
     var panels = ["medcoQryToolPanel1", "medcoQryToolPanel2", "medcoQryToolPanel3"];
     var eventRouterFunc =
 			function (sdxData) {i2b2.MedCo.doDrop(sdxData, 0);},
             function (sdxData) {i2b2.MedCo.doDrop(sdxData, 1);},
             function (sdxData) {i2b2.MedCo.doDrop(sdxData, 2);}];
     for (var i = 0; i < panels.length; i++) {
         var op_trgt = {dropTarget: true};
         i2b2.sdx.Master.AttachType(panels[i], 'CONCPT', op_trgt);
         // i2b2.sdx.Master.AttachType(panels[i], 'QM', op_trgt);
         // i2b2.sdx.Master.AttachType(panels[i], 'QI', op_trgt);
         // i2b2.sdx.Master.AttachType(panels[i], 'PRS', op_trgt);
         // i2b2.sdx.Master.AttachType(panels[i], 'PRC', op_trgt);
         // i2b2.sdx.Master.AttachType(panels[i], 'PR', op_trgt);
         // i2b2.sdx.Master.AttachType(panels[i], 'QDEF', op_trgt);
         // i2b2.sdx.Master.AttachType(panels[i], 'QGDEF', op_trgt);
         // i2b2.sdx.Master.AttachType(panels[i], 'XML', op_trgt);
         // register drop event handler
         i2b2.sdx.Master.setHandlerCustom(panels[i], 'CONCPT', 'DropHandler', eventRouterFunc[i]);
         // i2b2.sdx.Master.setHandlerCustom(panels[i], 'QM', 'DropHandler',  eventRouterFunc[i]);
         // i2b2.sdx.Master.setHandlerCustom(panels[i], 'QI', 'DropHandler',  eventRouterFunc[i]);
         // i2b2.sdx.Master.setHandlerCustom(panels[i], 'PRS', 'DropHandler',  eventRouterFunc[i]);
         // i2b2.sdx.Master.setHandlerCustom(panels[i], 'PRC', 'DropHandler',  eventRouterFunc[i]);
         // i2b2.sdx.Master.setHandlerCustom(panels[i], 'PR', 'DropHandler',  eventRouterFunc[i]);
         // i2b2.sdx.Master.setHandlerCustom(panels[i], 'QDEF', 'DropHandler',  eventRouterFunc[i]);
         // i2b2.sdx.Master.setHandlerCustom(panels[i], 'QGDEF', 'DropHandler',  eventRouterFunc[i]);
         // i2b2.sdx.Master.setHandlerCustom(panels[i], 'XML', 'DropHandler',  eventRouterFunc[i]);
     // manage YUI tabs
     i2b2.MedCo.view.yuiTabs = new YAHOO.widget.TabView("MedCo-TABS", {activeIndex: 0});
    // put in an array all the (three) panels for easier access
     i2b2.MedCo.view.panels = document.getElementsByClassName("medcoQryToolPanel");
     for (var i = 0 ; i < 3; i++){
         i2b2.MedCo.view.panels[i].innerHTML = ""
     // initialize empty parameter for the query (no panels content)
     i2b2.MedCo.model.panels = [[], [], []]; // three panels
     // POPUP init
-    // i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.PopupInit();
+    // i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.PopupInit(); todo delete (old popup initialization)
-    // GENE POPUP
+    // POPUPS
+    i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.variantNamePopup.init();
     // store how many responses I am waiting for (I have to wait to receive all the variants before sending the query)
     i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.variantsQueryCounter = 0;
 i2b2.MedCo.Unload = function() {
 	// purge old data
 	i2b2.MedCo.model = {};
     i2b2.MedCo.view = {};
 	return true;
 i2b2.MedCo.doDrop = function(sdxData, nPanel) {
     sdxData = sdxData[0];	// only interested in first record
     // save the info to our local data model
     // show the info to the user
     i2b2.MedCo.view.panels[nPanel].innerHTML += sdxData.sdxInfo.sdxDisplayName + "<br>";
     // CHECK: some usefull functions:
 		// alert(i2b2.h.getXNodeVal(sdxData.origData.xmlOrig, "level"))
 		// alert(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(sdxData.origData));
     // optimization to prevent requerying the hive for new results if the input dataset has not changed
     // i2b2.ExampTabs.model.dirtyResultsData = true;
     // TODO if is "Genomic annotations" then open a popup to insert the annotations
     if (sdxData.sdxInfo.sdxDisplayName == "Laboratory Tests"){
 i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.clear = function(){
     for (i = 0; i < i2b2.MedCo.view.panels.length; i++){
        i2b2.MedCo.view.panels[i].innerHTML = "";
     i2b2.MedCo.model.panels = [[], [], []];
 i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.run = function(){
     // show the loading gif
     document.getElementById("MED-plainResult").innerHTML = "<img id=\"MED-loadingGif\" width=\"20px\" src=\"assets/images/spin.gif\">";
     document.getElementById("MED-loadingGif").style.display = 'block';
     // wait until you receive all the variants you requested
     while (i2b2.MedCo.popup.variantsQueryCounter != 0) {
         // try again later to run the query
         setTimeout(i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.run, 500);
     // todo delete. just checking the variables correspond with the ones in the panels
     // for (var i = 0; i<3; i++){
     //     alert(i2b2.MedCo.model.panels[i].map(function(e) {
     //         if (typeof e === 'object'){
     //             return e.sdxInfo.sdxDisplayName
     //         }else{
     //             return e
     //         }
     //     }
     //     )
     // );
     // }
     // callback processor to run the query from definition
     this.MedCocallback = new i2b2_scopedCallback();
     this.MedCocallback.scope = this;
     this.MedCocallback.callback = function(results) {
             // alert("full message" + JSON.stringify(results));
             if (results.error) {
             } else {
                 // //		"results" object contains the following attributes:
                 // //			refXML: xmlDomObject <--- for data processing
                 // //			msgRequest: xml (string)
                 // //			msgResponse: xml (string)
                 // //			error: boolean
                 // //			errorStatus: string [only with error=true]
                 // //			errorMsg: string [only with error=true]
                 // alert("response" + JSON.stringify(results.msgResponse));
                 // hide the loading gif
                 document.getElementById("MED-loadingGif").style.display = 'none';
                 // show the patient count
                 var qi_list = results.refXML.getElementsByTagName('query_result_instance');
                 patientCount = i2b2.h.getXNodeVal(qi_list[0], 'set_size');
                 document.getElementById("MED-plainResult").innerHTML = patientCount;
         } catch(e){
     this.MedCoparams = {};
     this.MedCoparams.result_wait_time = 180;
     this.MedCoparams.psm_query_definition = i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.QueryDefinition("MedCo_query"); // chose a name for the query
     // show the query
     logdiv = document.getElementById("mylog");
     logdiv.innerHTML= i2b2.h.Escape(this.MedCoparams.psm_query_definition);
     this.MedCoparams.psm_result_output = i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.ResultOutput;
     i2b2.CRC.ajax.runQueryInstance_fromQueryDefinition("PLUGIN:MedCo", this.MedCoparams, this.MedCocallback);
 i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.ResultOutput = "<result_output_list><result_output priority_index=\"9\" name=\"patient_count_xml\"/>\n</result_output_list>\n";
 // return the query xml
 i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.QueryDefinition = function (name){
     // get the time of the query
     var d = new Date();
     var time = d.getHours().toString() + ":" + d.getMinutes().toString() + ":" + d.getSeconds().toString();
     var queryxml = "<query_definition>\n\t<query_name>" + name + "@" + time + "</query_name>\n\t<query_timing>ANY</query_timing>\n\t<specificity_scale>0</specificity_scale>\n\t";
     // hardcoded query1 (result should be 102)
     // queryxml += "<panel>\n\t\t<panel_number>1</panel_number>\n\t\t<panel_accuracy_scale>100</panel_accuracy_scale>\n\t\t<invert>0</invert>\n\t\t<panel_timing>ANY</panel_timing>\n\t\t<total_item_occurrences>1</total_item_occurrences>\n\t\t<item>\n\t\t\t<hlevel>1</hlevel>\n\t\t\t<item_name>Procedures</item_name>\n\t\t\t<item_key>\\\\i2b2_PROC\\i2b2\\Procedures\\</item_key>\n\t\t\t<tooltip>Procedures</tooltip>\n\t\t\t<class>ENC</class>\n\t\t\t<item_icon>FA</item_icon>\n\t\t\t<item_is_synonym>false</item_is_synonym>\n\t\t</item>\n\t</panel>";
     // hardcoded query2 (result should be 36)
     // queryxml += "<panel>\n\t\t<panel_number>1</panel_number>\n\t\t<panel_accuracy_scale>100</panel_accuracy_scale>\n\t\t<invert>0</invert>\n\t\t<panel_timing>ANY</panel_timing>\n\t\t<total_item_occurrences>1</total_item_occurrences>\n\t\t<item>\n\t\t\t<hlevel>2</hlevel>\n\t\t\t<item_name>Circulatory system</item_name>\n\t\t\t<item_key>\\\\i2b2_DIAG\\i2b2\\Diagnoses\\Circulatory system (390-459)\\</item_key>\n\t\t\t<tooltip>Diagnoses \\ Circulatory system</tooltip>\n\t\t\t<class>ENC</class>\n\t\t\t<item_icon>FA</item_icon>\n\t\t\t<item_is_synonym>false</item_is_synonym>\n\t\t</item>\n\t</panel>\n\t";
     // queryxml += "<panel>\n\t\t<panel_number>2</panel_number>\n\t\t<panel_accuracy_scale>100</panel_accuracy_scale>\n\t\t<invert>0</invert>\n\t\t<panel_timing>ANY</panel_timing>\n\t\t<total_item_occurrences>1</total_item_occurrences>\n\t\t<item>\n\t\t\t<hlevel>2</hlevel>\n\t\t\t<item_name>Affymetrix HG-U133</item_name>\n\t\t\t<item_key>\\\\i2b2_EXPR\\i2b2\\Expression Profiles Data\\Affymetrix HG-U133\\</item_key>\n\t\t\t<tooltip>Expression Profiles Data\\Affymetrix HG-U133</tooltip>\n\t\t\t<class>ENC</class>\n\t\t\t<item_icon>FA</item_icon>\n\t\t\t<item_is_synonym>false</item_is_synonym>\n\t\t</item>\n\t\t<item>\n\t\t\t<hlevel>2</hlevel>\n\t\t\t<item_name>Skin diseases</item_name>\n\t\t\t<item_key>\\\\i2b2_DIAG\\i2b2\\Diagnoses\\Skin diseases (680-709)\\</item_key>\n\t\t\t<tooltip>Diagnoses \\ Skin diseases</tooltip>\n\t\t\t<class>ENC</class>\n\t\t\t<item_icon>FA</item_icon>\n\t\t\t<item_is_synonym>false</item_is_synonym>\n\t\t</item>\n\t</panel>\n\t";
     // queryxml += "<panel>\n\t\t<panel_number>3</panel_number>\n\t\t<panel_accuracy_scale>100</panel_accuracy_scale>\n\t\t<invert>0</invert>\n\t\t<panel_timing>ANY</panel_timing>\n\t\t<total_item_occurrences>1</total_item_occurrences>\n\t\t<item>\n\t\t\t<hlevel>3</hlevel>\n\t\t\t<item_name>Diagnostic and nonsurgical procedures</item_name>\n\t\t\t<item_key>\\\\i2b2_PROC\\i2b2\\Procedures\\PRC\\ICD9 (Inpatient)\\(87-99) Diagnostic and nonsurgical procedures\\</item_key>\n\t\t\t<tooltip>Procedures \\ ICD9 (Inpatient) \\ Diagnostic and nonsurgical procedures</tooltip>\n\t\t\t<class>ENC</class>\n\t\t\t<item_icon>FA</item_icon>\n\t\t\t<item_is_synonym>false</item_is_synonym>\n\t\t</item>\n\t</panel>\n"
     // hardcoded query2 it run even if there is only the key for the concepts
     // queryxml += "<panel>\n\t\t<panel_number>1</panel_number>\n\t\t<panel_accuracy_scale>100</panel_accuracy_scale>\n\t\t<invert>0</invert>\n\t\t<panel_timing>ANY</panel_timing>\n\t\t<total_item_occurrences>1</total_item_occurrences>\n\t\t<item>\n\t\t\t<item_key>\\\\i2b2_DIAG\\i2b2\\Diagnoses\\Circulatory system (390-459)\\</item_key>\n\t\t</item>\n\t</panel>\n\t";
     // queryxml += "<panel>\n\t\t<panel_number>2</panel_number>\n\t\t<panel_accuracy_scale>100</panel_accuracy_scale>\n\t\t<invert>0</invert>\n\t\t<panel_timing>ANY</panel_timing>\n\t\t<total_item_occurrences>1</total_item_occurrences>\n\t\t<item>\n\t\t\t<item_key>\\\\i2b2_EXPR\\i2b2\\Expression Profiles Data\\Affymetrix HG-U133\\</item_key>\n\t\t</item>\n\t\t<item>\n\t\t\t<item_key>\\\\i2b2_DIAG\\i2b2\\Diagnoses\\Skin diseases (680-709)\\</item_key>\n\t\t</item>\n\t</panel>\n\t";
     // queryxml += "<panel>\n\t\t<panel_number>3</panel_number>\n\t\t<panel_accuracy_scale>100</panel_accuracy_scale>\n\t\t<invert>0</invert>\n\t\t<panel_timing>ANY</panel_timing>\n\t\t<total_item_occurrences>1</total_item_occurrences>\n\t\t<item>\n\t\t\t<item_key>\\\\i2b2_PROC\\i2b2\\Procedures\\PRC\\ICD9 (Inpatient)\\(87-99) Diagnostic and nonsurgical procedures\\</item_key>\n\t\t</item>\n\t</panel>\n"
     for (i = 0 ; i < 3; i++){ // there are 3 panels
         params = i2b2.MedCo.model.panels[i];
         nparams = params.length;
         if (nparams != 0) { // if in the panel there are no parameters the go to the next panel
             // open a panel object in which we put all its concepts
             queryxml += "<panel>\n\t\t<panel_number>" + i + "</panel_number>\n\t\t<panel_accuracy_scale>100</panel_accuracy_scale>\n\t\t<invert>0</invert>\n\t\t<panel_timing>ANY</panel_timing>\n\t\t<total_item_occurrences>1</total_item_occurrences>\n\t\t";
             for (j = 0; j < nparams; j++){
                 // inters an item object for every concept
                 queryxml += "\t\t<item>\n";
                 sdxData = params[j];
                 switch(sdxData.sdxInfo.sdxType) { // copied from js-i2b2/cells/CRC/CRC_ctrlr_QryTool.js
                     case "QM":
                         if(sdxData.origData.id.startsWith("masterid")) // BUG FIX: WEBCLIENT-149
                             queryxml += '\t\t\t<item_key>' + sdxData.origData.id + '</item_key>\n';
                             queryxml += '\t\t\t<item_key>masterid:' + sdxData.origData.id + '</item_key>\n';
                         queryxml += '\t\t\t<item_name>' + i2b2.h.Escape(sdxData.origData.title) + '</item_name>\n';
                         queryxml += '\t\t\t<tooltip>' + i2b2.h.Escape(sdxData.origData.name) + '</tooltip>\n';
                         queryxml += '\t\t\t<item_is_synonym>false</item_is_synonym>\n';
                         queryxml += '\t\t\t<hlevel>0</hlevel>\n';
                     case "PRS":
                         queryxml += '\t\t\t<item_key>patient_set_coll_id:' + sdxData.sdxInfo.sdxKeyValue + '</item_key>\n';
                         queryxml += '\t\t\t<item_name>' + i2b2.h.Escape(sdxData.sdxInfo.sdxDisplayName) + '</item_name>\n';
                         queryxml += '\t\t\t<tooltip>' + i2b2.h.Escape(sdxData.sdxInfo.sdxDisplayName) + '</tooltip>\n';
                         queryxml += '\t\t\t<item_is_synonym>false</item_is_synonym>\n';
                         queryxml += '\t\t\t<hlevel>0</hlevel>\n';
                     case "ENS":
                         queryxml += '\t\t\t<item_key>patient_set_enc_id:' + sdxData.sdxInfo.sdxKeyValue + '</item_key>\n';
                         queryxml += '\t\t\t<item_name>' + i2b2.h.Escape(sdxData.sdxInfo.sdxDisplayName) + '</item_name>\n';
                         queryxml += '\t\t\t<tooltip>' + i2b2.h.Escape(sdxData.sdxInfo.sdxDisplayName) + '</tooltip>\n';
                         queryxml += '\t\t\t<item_is_synonym>false</item_is_synonym>\n';
                         queryxml += '\t\t\t<hlevel>0</hlevel>\n';
                         if (sdxData.origData.isModifier) {
                             var modParent = sdxData.origData.parent;
                             var level = sdxData.origData.level;
                             var key = sdxData.origData.parent.key;
                             var name = (sdxData.origData.parent.name != null ? i2b2.h.Escape(sdxData.origData.parent.name) : i2b2.h.Escape(sdxData.origData.name)) ;
                             var tooltip = sdxData.origData.tooltip;
                             var itemicon = sdxData.origData.hasChildren;
                             while  (modParent != null)
                                 if (modParent.isModifier)
                                     modParent = modParent.parent;
                                 } else {
                                     level = modParent.level;
                                     key = modParent.key;
                                     name = modParent.name;
                                     tooltip = modParent.tooltip;
                                     itemicon = modParent.hasChildren;
                             // queryxml += '\t\t\t<hlevel>' + level + '</hlevel>\n';
                             queryxml += '\t\t\t<item_key>' + key + '</item_key>\n';
                             // queryxml += '\t\t\t<item_name>' +  i2b2.h.Escape(name) + '</item_name>\n';
                             // // (sdxData.origData.newName != null ? sdxData.origData.newName : sdxData.origData.name) + '</item_name>\n';
                             // queryxml += '\t\t\t<tooltip>' + i2b2.h.Escape(tooltip) + '</tooltip>\n';
                             // queryxml += '\t\t\t<item_icon>' + itemicon + '</item_icon>\n';
                             // queryxml += '\t\t\t<class>ENC</class>\n';
                             queryxml += '\t\t\t\t<constrain_by_modifier>\n';
                             queryxml += '\t\t\t\t\t<modifier_name>' + sdxData.origData.name + '</modifier_name>\n';
                             queryxml += '\t\t\t\t\t<applied_path>' + sdxData.origData.applied_path + '</applied_path>\n';
                             queryxml += '\t\t\t\t\t<modifier_key>' + sdxData.origData.key + '</modifier_key>\n';
                             if (sdxData.ModValues)
                                 queryxml += i2b2.CRC.view.modLabvaluesCtlr.getModLabValuesForXML(sdxData.ModValues);
                             queryxml += '\t\t\t\t</constrain_by_modifier>\n';
                         } else {
                             sdxData.origData.key = (sdxData.origData.key).replace(/</g,"&lt;");
                             // sdxData.origData.name = (sdxData.origData.name).replace(/</g,"&lt;");
                             // if (undefined != sdxData.origData.tooltip)
                             //     sdxData.origData.tooltip = (sdxData.origData.tooltip).replace(/</g,"&lt;");
                             // queryxml += '\t\t\t<hlevel>' + sdxData.origData.level + '</hlevel>\n';
                             // //s += '\t\t\t<item_name>' + (sdxData.origData.newName != null ? i2b2.h.Escape(sdxData.origData.newName) : i2b2.h.Escape(sdxData.origData.name)) + '</item_name>\n';
                             // queryxml += '\t\t\t<item_name>' + (sdxData.origData.name != null ? i2b2.h.Escape(sdxData.origData.name) : i2b2.h.Escape(sdxData.origData.newName)) + '</item_name>\n';
                             queryxml += '\t\t\t<item_key>' + sdxData.origData.key + '</item_key>\n';
                             // queryxml += '\t\t\t<tooltip>' + i2b2.h.Escape(sdxData.origData.tooltip) + '</tooltip>\n'; // BUG FIX: WEBCLIENT-135 (Escape tooltip)
                             // queryxml += '\t\t\t<class>ENC</class>\n';
                             // queryxml += '\t\t\t<item_icon>' + sdxData.origData.hasChildren + '</item_icon>\n';
                         try {
                             var t = i2b2.h.XPath(sdxData.origData.xmlOrig,'descendant::synonym_cd/text()');
                             t = (t[0].nodeValue=="Y");
                         } catch(e) {
                             var t = "false";
                         queryxml += '\t\t\t<item_is_synonym>'+t+'</item_is_synonym>\n';
                         if (sdxData.LabValues && !jQuery.isEmptyObject(sdxData.LabValues)) {
                             queryxml += i2b2.CRC.view.modLabvaluesCtlr.getModLabValuesForXML(sdxData.LabValues);
                 queryxml += '\t\t</item>\n';
             queryxml +="\n\t</panel>\n"
     queryxml += "\n</query_definition>\n";
     return queryxml
 function backslashX2(str) {
     return str.replace("\\", "\\\\");
 // whole harcoded query, should return 13
 // <query_definition> <query_name>query3@9:47:2</query_name> <query_timing>ANY</query_timing> <specificity_scale>0</specificity_scale> <panel> <panel_number>0</panel_number> <panel_accuracy_scale>100</panel_accuracy_scale> <invert>0</invert> <panel_timing>ANY</panel_timing> <total_item_occurrences>1</total_item_occurrences> <item> <item_key>\\i2b2_PROC\i2b2\Procedures\PRC\ICD9 (Inpatient)\(87-99) Diagnostic and nonsurgical procedures\</item_key> <item_is_synonym>false</item_is_synonym> </item> </panel> <panel> <panel_number>1</panel_number> <panel_accuracy_scale>100</panel_accuracy_scale> <invert>0</invert> <panel_timing>ANY</panel_timing> <total_item_occurrences>1</total_item_occurrences> <item> <item_key>\\i2b2_PROV\i2b2\Providers\Emergency\</item_key> <item_is_synonym>false</item_is_synonym> </item> </panel> </query_definition>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/assets/injected_screens.html b/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/assets/injected_screens.html
index d761012..b2f8a7e 100644
--- a/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/assets/injected_screens.html
+++ b/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/assets/injected_screens.html
@@ -1,239 +1,254 @@
 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
 		<div id='MedCo-mainDiv'>
 			<div id="MedCo-TABS" class="yui-navset">
 				<!--tabs definitions-->
 				<ul class="yui-nav">
 					<li id="MedCo-TAB0" class="selected"><a href="#MedCo-TAB0"><em>Secure Query Dashboard</em></a></li>
 					<!--<li id="MedCo-TAB1"><a href="#MedCo-TAB1"><em>Genomic Annotations Attributes</em></a></li>-->
 					<!--<li id="MedCo-TAB2"><a href="#MedCo-TAB2"><em>Clinical Ontology Attributes</em></a></li>-->
 					<li id="MedCo-TAB3"><a href="#MedCo-TAB3"><em>Plugin Help</em></a></li>
 				<!-- tabs definition -->
 				<div class="yui-content" id="MedCo-CONTENT">
 					<!-- Secure Query DashBoard tab -->
 					<div class="MedCo-Dashboard">
 						<!-- run - reset - drop patient set - query for query status - decrypt result -->
 						<div class="MedCo-ControlButtons">
-							<!-- Popup -->
-							<div id="annoMessage" class="popupMessage">
-								<div>
-									<h1>Annotations</h1>
-									<div style="margin: 5px 10px 10px 10px">
-										<label>
-											Select an annotation:
-											<input type="search" id="searchAnnotationBox">
-											<select id="annotationList" onchange="i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.loadAnnotationValues()">
-											</select>
-										</label>
-										<br>
-										<label>
-											Select a value:
-											<input type="search" id="searchAnnotationValueBox">
-											<!--<div id="MED-loadingValues" style="float:left;"></div>-->
-											<!--todo often too many values (20 000) the select is useless and slow-->
-											<!--<select id="annotationValueList">-->
+							<!-- old popup todo delete &lt;!&ndash; Popup &ndash;&gt;-->
+							<!--<div id="annoMessage" class="popupMessage">-->
+								<!--<div>-->
+									<!--<h1>Annotations</h1>-->
+									<!--<div style="margin: 5px 10px 10px 10px">-->
+										<!--<label>-->
+											<!--Select an annotation:-->
+											<!--<input type="search" id="searchAnnotationBox">-->
+											<!--<select id="annotationList" onchange="i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.loadAnnotationValues()">-->
-											<!--use span for inline text-->
-											<span id="selectedAnnotationValue"></span>
-										</label>
+										<!--</label>-->
-										<!--a textbox to write down annotations-->
-											<!--Write the annotations separated by a ';':-->
-											<!--<input-->
-													<!--id="written_annotations"-->
-													<!--type="text"-->
-													<!--value="annotation x"-->
-													<!--onkeypress="i2b2.MedCo.popupEnterPressed(event)">-->
+											<!--Select a value:-->
+											<!--<input type="search" id="searchAnnotationValueBox">-->
+											<!--&lt;!&ndash;<div id="MED-loadingValues" style="float:left;"></div>&ndash;&gt;-->
+											<!--&lt;!&ndash;todo often too many values (20 000) the select is useless and slow&ndash;&gt;-->
+											<!--&lt;!&ndash;<select id="annotationValueList">&ndash;&gt;-->
+											<!--&lt;!&ndash;</select>&ndash;&gt;-->
+											<!--&lt;!&ndash;use span for inline text&ndash;&gt;-->
+											<!--<span id="selectedAnnotationValue"></span>-->
-										<div>
-											<input type="button" value="Ok" onclick="i2b2.MedCo.popupOk()" style="float: left">
-											<input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="i2b2.MedCo.popupHide()" style="float: right">
-										</div>
-									</div>
+										<!--&lt;!&ndash;<br>&ndash;&gt;-->
+										<!--&lt;!&ndash;a textbox to write down annotations&ndash;&gt;-->
+										<!--&lt;!&ndash;<label>&ndash;&gt;-->
+											<!--&lt;!&ndash;Write the annotations separated by a ';':&ndash;&gt;-->
+											<!--&lt;!&ndash;<input&ndash;&gt;-->
+													<!--&lt;!&ndash;id="written_annotations"&ndash;&gt;-->
+													<!--&lt;!&ndash;type="text"&ndash;&gt;-->
+													<!--&lt;!&ndash;value="annotation x"&ndash;&gt;-->
+													<!--&lt;!&ndash;onkeypress="i2b2.MedCo.popupEnterPressed(event)">&ndash;&gt;-->
+										<!--&lt;!&ndash;</label>&ndash;&gt;-->
+										<!--<div>-->
+											<!--<input type="button" value="Ok" onclick="i2b2.MedCo.popupOk()" style="float: left">-->
+											<!--<input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="i2b2.MedCo.popupHide()" style="float: right">-->
+										<!--</div>-->
+									<!--</div>-->
-								</div>
-							</div>
-							<!--  -->
-							<input type="button" onclick="i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.genePopup.show(1);" value="show"/>
-							<!-- popup2 -->
-							<div id="MedCo_genePopup" style="display:none;">
-								<div class="hd">Search by Gene</div>
-								<div class="bd" id="modifier-viewer-body1">
-									<p>
-										Use the gene name box to specify the variant for which to search. When you
-										begin typing in the search box below, a dropdown list will appear after you
-										type the first characters.
-									</p>
-									<table class="MedCo_popupTable">
-										<tr>
-											<th> Gene Name* </th>
-											<td>
-												<input type="search" id="searchGeneInputBox">
-											</td>
-											<td>
-												<!-- todo I should update too when the user clicks the already selected option -->
-												<select id="geneList" onchange="
-												document.querySelector('#searchGeneInputBox').value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].text;">
-												</select>
-											</td>
-										</tr>
-										<!--<tr>-->
-											<!--<td colspan="3">-->
-												<!--<br>-->
-												<!--<p>Please note the zygosity options in the dropdown list</p>-->
-											<!--</td>-->
-										<!--</tr>-->
-										<tr>
-											<th>Zygosity*</th>
-											<td>
-												<select id="zygosityList">
-													<option value="Any">
-														Any
-													</option>
-													<option value="Heterozygous">
-														Heterozygous
-													</option>
-													<option value="Homozygous">
-														Homozygous
-													</option>
-													<option value="Unknown">
-														Unknown
-													</option>
-												</select>
-											</td>
-										</tr>
-										<tr>
-											<th>Consequence</th>
-											<td> ? </td>
-										</tr>
-									</table>
-									<!--<center>-->
-										<!--<input type="submit" value="OK" onClick="alert('OKHTML');">-->
-										<!--<input type="submit" value="Cancel" onClick="i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.genePopup.popup.hide();">-->
-									<!--</center>-->
-								</div>
-								<div class="ft"></div>
-							</div>
-							<!-- -->
+								<!--</div>-->
+							<!--</div>-->
+							<!--&lt;!&ndash;  &ndash;&gt;-->
+							<input type="button" onclick="i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.genePopup.show(1);" value="show gene popup"/>
+                            <input type="button" onclick="i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.variantNamePopup.show(1);" value="show variant name popup"/>
 							<h2 class="medcoQryToolTitle">Drop concepts here</h2>
 							<div class="medcoQryToolPanels">
 									<!--<div class="droptrgtlbl">Drop concepts here</div>-->
 									<div id="medcoQryToolPanel1" class="medcoQryToolPanel droptrgt SDX-PRS">
 										<p id="panel1content"> </p>
 									<div id="medcoQryToolPanel2" class="medcoQryToolPanel droptrgt SDX-PRS">
 										<p id="panel2content"> </p>
 									<div id="medcoQryToolPanel3" class="medcoQryToolPanel droptrgt SDX-PRS">
 										<p id="panel3content"> </p>
 									<!--&lt;!&ndash;Show chosen annotations&ndash;&gt;-->
 									<!--<div style="background-color: aliceblue; height: 100%; " class="medcoQryToolPanel">-->
 										<!--<h3>Chosen annotations: </h3>-->
 										<!--<p id="chosen_annotations"> </p>-->
 										<!--<input type="button" value="Clear" onclick="i2b2.MedCo.Clear()">-->
 									<!--&lt;!&ndash;  &ndash;&gt;-->
 								<div style="padding-top: 10px">
 									<div class="MED-Buttons">
 										<div class="runButton"><a href="JavaScript:i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.run()">Run Query</a></div>
 										<div class="resetButton"><a href="JavaScript:i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.clear()">Clear</a></div>
 									<table class="MED-resultTable">
 												<td>Number of patients</td>
 												<td id="MED-plainResult">
 									<!--<div class="statusBox"><a href="JavaScript:i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.queryStatus()">Query Status</a></div>-->
 									<!-- status info goes into lower status div in i2b2 -->
 							<div id="mylog" style="overflow: scroll; width: 100%; height: 100%;">
 					<!-- Genomic Annotations Attributes tab -->
 						<!--<div id="byGene" style="disply:block;">-->
 							<!--<div class="label">Genomic Annotations Search</div>-->
 							<!--<input type="string" name="gene_input" id="gene_input" class="medco-input"/>-->
 						<!--<div id="annotations_display">-->
 							<!--&lt;!&ndash; dynamically inserted annotations text &ndash;&gt;-->
 							<!--&lt;!&ndash; TODO: autocompletion in text bow &ndash;&gt;-->
 					<!-- Clinical Ontology Attributes tab -->
 						<!--<div id="secure_ontology_selector">-->
 							<!--&lt;!&ndash; dynamically inserted ontology query builder &ndash;&gt;-->
 					<!-- Plugin Help tab -->
 						<div class="MedCo-MainContent">
 							<div class="MedCo-MainContentPad">
+                    <!-- gene popup -->
+                    <div id="MedCo_genePopup" style="visibility: collapse;">
+                        <div class="hd">Search by Gene</div>
+                        <div class="bd">
+                            <p>
+                                Use the gene name box to specify the variant for which to search. When you
+                                begin typing in the search box below, the dropdown list will be populated with
+                                some matching options. Regular expressions are accepted.
+                            </p>
+                            <table class="MedCo_popupTable">
+                                <tr>
+                                    <th> Gene Name* </th>
+                                    <td>
+                                        <input type="search" id="searchGeneInputBox">
+                                    </td>
+                                    <td>
+                                        <!-- todo I should update too when the user clicks the already selected option -->
+                                        <select id="geneList" onchange="
+												document.querySelector('#searchGeneInputBox').value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].text;">
+                                        </select>
+                                    </td>
+                                </tr>
+                                <tr>
+                                    <th>Zygosity*</th>
+                                    <td colspan="2">
+                                        <div id="zygosityListGenePopup">
+                                            <label><input type="checkbox" id="heterozygousGenePopup">Heterozygous</label>
+                                            <label><input type="checkbox" id="homozygousGenePopup">Homozygous</label>
+                                            <label><input type="checkbox" id="unknownGenePopup">Unknown</label>
+                                        </div>
+                                    </td>
+                                </tr>
+                            </table>
+                        </div>
+                    </div>
+                    <!-- -->
+                    <!-- variant name popup -->
+                    <div id="MedCo_variantNamePopup" style="visibility: collapse;">
+                        <div class="hd">Search by variant name</div>
+                        <div class="bd">
+                            <p>
+                                Use the variant name box to specify the variant for which to search. When you
+                                begin typing in the search box below, the dropdown list will be populated with
+                                some matching options. Regular expressions are accepted.
+                            </p>
+                            <table class="MedCo_popupTable">
+                                <tr>
+                                    <th> Variant Name* </th>
+                                    <td>
+                                        <input type="search" id="searchVariantNameInputBox">
+                                    </td>
+                                    <td>
+                                        <!-- todo I should update too when the user clicks the already selected option -->
+                                        <select id="variantNameList" onchange="
+												document.querySelector('#searchGeneInputBox').value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].text;">
+                                        </select>
+                                    </td>
+                                </tr>
+                                <tr>
+                                    <th>Zygosity*</th>
+                                    <td colspan="2">
+                                        <div id="zygosityListVariantNamePopup">
+                                            <label><input type="checkbox" id="heterozygousVariantNamePopup">Heterozygous</label>
+                                            <label><input type="checkbox" id="homozygousVariantNamePopup">Homozygous</label>
+                                            <label><input type="checkbox" id="unknownVariantNamePopup">Unknown</label>
+                                        </div>
+                                    </td>
+                                </tr>
+                            </table>
+                        </div>
+                    </div>
+                    <!-- -->
diff --git a/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/assets/vwMedCo.css b/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/assets/vwMedCo.css
index afefd25..3509557 100644
--- a/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/assets/vwMedCo.css
+++ b/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/assets/vwMedCo.css
@@ -1,388 +1,418 @@
 /*** CSS for main plugin wrapper ***/
 DIV#MedCo-mainDiv {
 	padding: 0px;
 /*** CSS for tab background ***/
 DIV#MedCo-TABS DIV.yui-content {
 	background: #FFF;
 DIV#MedCo-TABS DIV.MedCo-Dashboard {
     border:solid #63758C;
     border-width:1px 0;
 DIV#GEN-TABS DIV.GEN-MainContentPad {
     padding:5px 10px;
 DIV#GEN-TABS DIV.GEN-QueryDefinitionPad {
 	padding:0px 20px;
 DIV#GEN-TABS DIV.GEN-VariantDefinition {
 /*** CSS for the Enter Note and View Results tabs ***/
 DIV#GEN-TABS .gen-input {
 	padding: 2px 10px;
 	background: #DEEBEF;
 	margin-top: 17px;
 	margin-bottom: 2px;
 	width: 500px;
 	height: 28px;
 	border: 1px solid #63758C;
 	padding: 8px 0px;
 	float: left;
 	margin: 15px 10px 0px 0px;
 DIV#GEN-TABS DIV.label2 {
 	padding: 2px 0px;
 	float: left;
 	margin: 15px 10px 0px 0px;
 DIV#GEN-TABS DIV.label3 {
 	float: left;
 	padding:0px 20px 5px 0px;
 DIV#GEN-TABS select.gen-select {
 	background: #DEEBEF;
 	margin-top: 15px;
 	border: 1px solid #63758C;
 	padding: 6px 0px;
 	float: left;
 	margin: 15px 0px 0px 0px;
 DIV#GEN-TABS DIV.droptrgt {
 	padding: 5px 10px;
 	background: #DEEBEF;
 	margin-top: 15px;
 	border: 1px solid #63758C;
 DIV#GEN-TABS DIV.dropresult {
 	padding: 5px 10px;
 	background: #DEEBEF;
 	margin-bottom: 15px;
 	border: 1px solid #63758C;
 DIV#GEN-TABS DIV.closeButton {
 	background: url('close.gif');
 	background-size:12px 12px;
 	background-repeat: no-repeat;
 	margin:2px -2px 0px 4px;
 DIV#GEN-TABS DIV.loading {
 	background: url('spin.gif');
 	background-size:16px 16px;
 	background-repeat: no-repeat;
 	margin:0px 5px;
 DIV#GEN-TABS DIV.progress {
 	margin:0px 0px 10px 0px;
 	border:1px solid #667788;
 	float: left;
 	margin:0px 5px 0px 0px;
 DIV#GEN-TABS DIV.resetBox a,
 DIV#GEN-TABS DIV.runBox a {
 DIV#GEN-TABS DIV.resetBox a:hover,
 DIV#GEN-TABS DIV.runBox a:hover {
 /*** CSS for the Plugin Help tab ***/
 	margin:0 0 10px 0;
 	margin:10px 0 10px 0;
-/*Added 11/09/2017*/
+/*!*Added 11/09/2017*!*/
+/*.popupBackground {*/
+	/*display: none;*/
+	/*opacity: .75;*/
+	/*filter: alpha(opacity=75);*/
+	/*-ms-filter: "alpha(opacity=75)";*/
+	/*-khtml-opacity: .75;*/
+	/*-moz-opacity: .75;*/
+	/*background: #B8B8B8;*/
+	/*position: absolute;*/
+	/*left: 0px;*/
+	/*top: 0px;*/
+	/*height: 100%;*/
+	/*width: 100%;*/
+	/*z-index:990*/
-.popupBackground {
-	display: none;
-	opacity: .75;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=75);
-	-ms-filter: "alpha(opacity=75)";
-	-khtml-opacity: .75;
-	-moz-opacity: .75;
-	background: #B8B8B8;
-	position: absolute;
-	left: 0px;
-	top: 0px;
-	height: 100%;
-	width: 100%;
-	z-index:990
-.popupMessage {
-	display: none;
-	position: absolute;
-	left: 50%;
-	top: 50%;
-	/*height: 250px;*/
-	/*width: 550px;*/
-	/*margin-top should be half of the height*/
-	margin-top: -125px;
-	/*margin-left should be half of the width*/
-	margin-left: -275px;
-	background: #BBCCEE;
-	border: 1px solid #ccc;
-	box-shadow: 3px 3px 7px #777;
-	-webkit-box-shadow: 3px 3px 7px #777;
-	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
-	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
-	z-index:999
-.popupMessage h1{
-	text-align:center;
-	background:#6677AA;
-	border:1px solid #314763;
-	color:#FFFFFF !important;
-	font-size:11px;
-	font-weight:bold;
-	height:13px;
-	line-height:12px;
-	padding: 5px;
+/*.popupMessage {*/
+	/*display: none;*/
+	/*position: absolute;*/
+	/*left: 50%;*/
+	/*top: 50%;*/
+	/*!*height: 250px;*!*/
+	/*!*width: 550px;*!*/
+	/*!*margin-top should be half of the height*!*/
+	/*margin-top: -125px;*/
+	/*!*margin-left should be half of the width*!*/
+	/*margin-left: -275px;*/
+	/*background: #BBCCEE;*/
+	/*border: 1px solid #ccc;*/
+	/*box-shadow: 3px 3px 7px #777;*/
+	/*-webkit-box-shadow: 3px 3px 7px #777;*/
+	/*-moz-border-radius: 5px;*/
+	/*-webkit-border-radius: 5px;*/
+	/*z-index:999*/
-.popupMessage input[type="button"]{
-	width: 100px;
-	margin: 5px;
+/*.popupMessage h1{*/
+	/*text-align:center;*/
+	/*background:#6677AA;*/
+	/*border:1px solid #314763;*/
+	/*color:#FFFFFF !important;*/
+	/*font-size:11px;*/
+	/*font-weight:bold;*/
+	/*height:13px;*/
+	/*line-height:12px;*/
+	/*padding: 5px;*/
+/*.popupMessage input[type="button"]{*/
+	/*width: 100px;*/
+	/*margin: 5px;*/
 /*div#selected_annotations label{*/
 	/*display: inline-block;*/
 	/*vertical-align: middle;*/
 /*div#selected_annotations label input{*/
 	/*vertical-align: middle;*/
-/*POPUP 2*/
+/* POPUPS */
 .hd {
 	color: #FFFFFF !important;
 	background: transparent !important;
 	background-image: url(images/top_hive.gif) !important;
 	background-repeat: repeat-x !important;
 	font-size:14px !important;
 	font-weight:bold !important;
 	cursor: move !important;
 .bd {
 	background: #EFEFFF !important;
 	border:solid #63758C;
 	border-width:1px 0;
+    border-spacing: 0px 15px;
+.MedCo_popupTable th{
+    width: auto;
 .MedCo_popupTable tr td {
     width: 400px;
 .MedCo_popupTable tr td *{
     width: 100%;
+    margin: auto;
+    width: auto;
+    vertical-align: middle;
+    float: left;
+    border: 2px solid #d5d5d5;
+#zygosityListGenePopup label,
+#zygosityListVariantNamePopup label{
+    margin-left: 10px;
+    margin-right: 7px;
+    width: auto;
+    float: left;
+#zygosityListGenePopup input,
+#zygosityListVariantNamePopup input{
+    width: auto;
+    vertical-align: middle;
 /*reset and run Buttons*/
 DIV#MedCo-TABS DIV.MED-Buttons {
 DIV#MedCo-TABS DIV.resetButton,
 DIV#MedCo-TABS DIV.runButton {
 	border:1px solid #667788;
 	float: left;
 	margin:0px 5px 0px 0px;
 DIV#MedCo-TABS DIV.resetButton a,
 DIV#MedCo-TABS DIV.runButton a {
 DIV#MedCo-TABS DIV.resetButton a:hover,
 DIV#MedCo-TABS DIV.runButton a:hover {
 DIV#MedCo-TABS table.MED-resultTable{
 	width: 400px;
 	margin-left: auto;
 	margin-right: auto;
 	/*"Number of patient"*/
 DIV#MedCo-TABS table.MED-resultTable tr:first-child td{
 	background-color: #B0C4DE;
 	color: black;
 	text-align: center;
 	vertical-align: middle;
 DIV#MedCo-TABS table.MED-resultTable tr:last-child td{
 	background-color: #B0C4DE;
 	color: darkblue;
 	text-align: center;
 	vertical-align: middle;
 	font-size: 45px;
 /*loading query gif*/
 img#MED-loadingGif {
 	display: none;
 	text-align: center;
 	vertical-align: middle;
 	margin-left: auto;
 	margin-right: auto;
diff --git a/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getAnnotationValues.php b/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getAnnotationValues.php
index a1146ab..d052db4 100644
--- a/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getAnnotationValues.php
+++ b/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getAnnotationValues.php
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
 $conn = pg_connect("host=localhost port=5432 dbname=i2b2 user=postgres password=admin");
 if (!$conn) {
     echo "Error while connecting to the postgres database";
 // get the row which contains all the values of the passed annotation
-$query = "SELECT annotation_values FROM shrine_ont.genomic_annotations_metadata WHERE annotation_id='". htmlspecialchars($_GET["annotation_name"]) . "'";
+$query = "SELECT annotation_values FROM shrine_ont.genomic_annotations_metadata WHERE annotation_id='". $_GET["annotation_name"] . "'";
 $result = pg_query($conn, $query);
 if (!$result) {
     echo "An error occurred.\n";
 // just tell to which annotation these values correspond (in case of concurrent requests there may be inconsistencies)
 echo $_GET["annotation_name"] . "$%$";
 while ($row = pg_fetch_row($result)) {
     echo "$row[0]";
diff --git a/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getGenes.php b/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getGenes.php
index 35f4ee5..4f9f4cc 100644
--- a/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getGenes.php
+++ b/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getGenes.php
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
 // case sensitive % stands for .*
 //select *
 //from shrine_ont.gene_values
 //where gene_value LIKE '%A1%' //
 //LIMIT 20
 // case insensitive with regex
 //select *
 //from shrine_ont.gene_values
 //where gene_value ~* '.*a1.*'
 //LIMIT 20
 $conn = pg_connect("host=localhost port=5432 dbname=i2b2 user=postgres password=admin");
 if (!$conn) {
     echo "Error while connecting to the postgres database";
 // get the row which contains all the values of the passed annotation
 $query =
     "SELECT gene_value 
 FROM shrine_ont.gene_values
-WHERE gene_value ~* '.*" . htmlspecialchars($_GET["gene"]) .".*'
-LIMIT " . htmlspecialchars($_GET["limit"]);
+WHERE gene_value ~* '.*" . $_GET["gene"] .".*'
+LIMIT " . $_GET["limit"];
 $result = pg_query($conn, $query);
 if (!$result) {
     echo "An error occurred.\n";
 // In json format return the list of genes
 $geneList = "";
 while ($row = pg_fetch_row($result)) {
     $geneList .= "\"$row[0]\",";
 // drop the last comma and concatenate in json format
 echo "[" . substr($geneList, 0, -1) . "]";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getGenes.php b/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getVariantNames.php
similarity index 54%
copy from js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getGenes.php
copy to js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getVariantNames.php
index 35f4ee5..a8f9cd9 100644
--- a/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getGenes.php
+++ b/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getVariantNames.php
@@ -1,40 +1,36 @@
-// case sensitive % stands for .*
-//select *
-//from shrine_ont.gene_values
-//where gene_value LIKE '%A1%' //
-//LIMIT 20
 // case insensitive with regex
-//select *
-//from shrine_ont.gene_values
-//where gene_value ~* '.*a1.*'
+//select variant_name
+//from shrine_ont.variant_names
+//where variant_name ~* '.*a1.*'
 //LIMIT 20
 $conn = pg_connect("host=localhost port=5432 dbname=i2b2 user=postgres password=admin");
 if (!$conn) {
     echo "Error while connecting to the postgres database";
+// escape the ? for regex query
+$variant_name = str_replace("?", "\?", $_GET["variant_name"]);
 // get the row which contains all the values of the passed annotation
 $query =
-    "SELECT gene_value 
-FROM shrine_ont.gene_values
-WHERE gene_value ~* '.*" . htmlspecialchars($_GET["gene"]) .".*'
-LIMIT " . htmlspecialchars($_GET["limit"]);
+    "SELECT variant_name 
+FROM shrine_ont.variant_names
+WHERE variant_name ~* '.*" . $variant_name .".*'
+LIMIT " . $_GET["limit"];
 $result = pg_query($conn, $query);
 if (!$result) {
     echo "An error occurred.\n";
 // In json format return the list of genes
-$geneList = "";
+$variantNames = "";
 while ($row = pg_fetch_row($result)) {
-    $geneList .= "\"$row[0]\",";
+    $variantNames .= "\"$row[0]\",";
 // drop the last comma and concatenate in json format
-echo "[" . substr($geneList, 0, -1) . "]";
\ No newline at end of file
+echo "[" . substr($variantNames, 0, -1) . "]";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getVariants.php b/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getVariants.php
index 9e07bc6..caa4f69 100644
--- a/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getVariants.php
+++ b/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getVariants.php
@@ -1,56 +1,75 @@
 // query_type define is we are searching by:
 // - old is the old version that uses the first version of the schema
 // - Gene + Zygosity
 // - ...
 $query = "";
     case "gene_and_zygosity":
+        // case insensitive regex query
         // select variant_id
         // from shrine_ont.genomic_annotations_new
-        // where annotations ~* 'CTBP2P1;Homozygous;'
+        // where annotations ~* '^CTBP2P1;(Homozygous|Unknown);'
+        $zigosity = $_GET["zygosity"]; // array of zygosity options, put them in the query separated by | (or)
         $query =
             "SELECT variant_id " .
             "FROM shrine_ont.genomic_annotations_new " .
-            "WHERE annotations ~* '" . htmlspecialchars($_GET["gene_name"]) . ";" . htmlspecialchars($_GET["zygosyty"]) .";'";;
+            "WHERE annotations ~* '^" . $_GET["gene_name"] .
+            ";(" . join('|', $zigosity) .");'";
+        break;
+    case "variantName_and_zygosity":
+        // case insensitive regex query
+        // select variant_id
+        // from shrine_ont.genomic_annotations_new
+        /* where variant_name='Y:59022489:?>A'*/
+        $zigosity = $_GET["zygosity"];
+        $query = "SELECT variant_id " .
+        "FROM shrine_ont.genomic_annotations_new " .
+        "WHERE variant_name='" . $_GET["variant_name"] ."' AND " .
+        "annotations ~* '" . "(" . join('|', $zigosity) .")'";
     case "old":
         //select variant_id
         //from shrine_ont.genomic_annotations
         //where variant_annotations ->> 'Start_Position' = '5239176'
         $query =
             "SELECT variant_id 
 FROM shrine_ont.genomic_annotations 
-WHERE variant_annotations ->> '". htmlspecialchars($_GET["annotation_name"]) . "' = '" . htmlspecialchars($_GET["annotation_value"]) ."'";
+WHERE variant_annotations ->> '". $_GET["annotation_name"] . "' = '" . $_GET["annotation_value"] ."'";
         echo "Error: query type not recognized";
 $conn = pg_connect("host=localhost port=5432 dbname=i2b2 user=postgres password=admin");
 if (!$conn) {
     echo "Error while connecting to the postgres database";
 $result = pg_query($conn, $query);
 if (!$result) {
     echo "An error occurred.\n";
 // In json format return both the panel number and the list of variants
 echo "{ \"panel_number\" :" . $_GET["panel_number"] . ", \"variants\" : ";
 $variantList = "";
 while ($row = pg_fetch_row($result)) {
     $variantList .= "\"$row[0]\",";
 // drop the last comma
 echo "[" . substr($variantList, 0, -1) . "]}";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/popup_ctrlr.js b/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/popup_ctrlr.js
index 8763fa9..e36bcfa 100644
--- a/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/popup_ctrlr.js
+++ b/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/popup_ctrlr.js
@@ -1,654 +1,938 @@
 i2b2.MedCo.popup = {};
 // check the paths are correct
 i2b2.MedCo.popup.getAnnotationPath = 'js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/getAnnotations.php';
 // in getAnnotationValuesPath append a variable called 'annotation_name' to specify the annotation
 i2b2.MedCo.popup.getAnnotationValuesPath = 'js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/getAnnotationValues.php';
 // in getVariantsPath append two variables 'annotation_name' and 'annotation_value' to respectively specify
 // the name and the value fo the annotation. Moreover, a variable 'panel_number' is needed too so to know
 // to which panel correspond the received response.
 i2b2.MedCo.popup.getVariantsPath = 'js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/getVariants.php';
 i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.genePopup = {
     dialog: null,
     // variable to access easily the popup
     popup: $("MedCo_genePopup"),
     // input box in which the user will write. It is an <input type="search"> element
     geneInputBox: document.querySelector("#searchGeneInputBox"),
     // selection list to display the matching genes. It is a <select> element
     geneList: document.querySelector("#geneList"),
     // selection list with the 4 predefined options
-    zygosityList: document.querySelector("#zygosityList"),
+    zygosityList: {
+        heterozygousCheckbox:null,
+        homozygousCheckbox:null,
+        unknownCheckbox:null
+    },
     // variable used for the popup to know to which panel it is bound
     panelNumber: 0, // todo set this when opening the popup (at the drag)
     // initialize the gene popup
     init: function(){
         var context = i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.genePopup;
         context.popup = $("MedCo_genePopup");
         context.geneInputBox = document.querySelector("#searchGeneInputBox");
         context.geneList = document.querySelector("#geneList");
-        context.zygosityList = document.querySelector("#zygosityList");
+        // the three checkboxes
+        context.zygosityList.heterozygousCheckbox = document.querySelector("#heterozygousGenePopup");
+        context.zygosityList.homozygousCheckbox = document.querySelector("#homozygousGenePopup");
+        context.zygosityList.unknownCheckbox = document.querySelector("#unknownGenePopup");
         // update the scrolldown list every time the user digits chars
             .addEventListener("keyup", context.getGenes.run);
         context.panelNumber = 0;
         context.getGenes.path = 'js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getGenes.php';
         context.getVariants.path = 'js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getVariants.php';
         var handleCancel = function() {
         var handleOk = function() {
             var context = i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.genePopup;
             // validate the fields
             if (context.geneList.options.length < 1){
                 // todo: can the user not put any gene name and just search by zygosity? (most probably too many variants)
                 // if the drop down list is empty then
-                alert("Please, write down a gene name and pick one form the dropdown list.");
+                alert("Please, write down a gene name and pick one choice form the dropdown list.");
+                return;
+            }
+            if (context.zygosityList.heterozygousCheckbox.checked == false &&
+                context.zygosityList.homozygousCheckbox.checked == false &&
+                context.zygosityList.unknownCheckbox.checked == false) {
+                alert("Please, select at least one zygosity option.");
             if (context.geneInputBox.value.toLowerCase() != context.geneList.options[context.geneList.selectedIndex].text.toLowerCase()){
                 // if it is different then the user has still to pick one from the dropdown list
                 alert("Please, pick a gene name from the dropdown list.");
             // run the query to retrieve all the annotations with the specified gene and zygosyty
         context.dialog = new YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog("MedCo_genePopup", {
             draggable: true,
             zindex: 10000,
             width: "500px",
             // height: "200px",
             autofillheight: "body",
             constraintoviewport: true,
             context: ["showbtn", "tl", "bl"],
             fixedcenter: true,
             modal: true,
             buttons: [{
                 text: "OK",
                 handler: handleOk,
                 isDefault: true
             }, {
                 text: "Cancel",
                 handler: handleCancel
     // show the popup
     // panelNumber: specifies with which panel is the popup related
     show: function(panelNumber) {
         var context = i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.genePopup;
         context.panelNumber = panelNumber;
         // context.clear();
     // // hide the popup, not needed (events already registered to the various buttons)
     // hide: function(){
     //     i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.genePopup.popup.hide();
     //     i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.genePopup.dialog.cancel();
     // },
     // clear (empty) all the elements
     clear: function(){
         // i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.genePopup.geneInputBox.value = "";
         // var list = i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.genePopup.geneList;
         // while (list.hasChildNodes()) {
         //     list.removeChild(list.lastChild);
         // }
     //    todo clear fields?
     // get the genes names from the database
     getGenes: {
         // Store some variables I need to efficiently manage the request
         // path for the php request to retrieve the genes
         path: 'js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/getGenes.php',
         // if previousGene (which stores the "old" geneInputBox content) stays the same for a certain period
         // of time then the user stopped writing => I retrieve from the database the matching genes
         previousGene: "",
         // here I store the last executed query so to avoid repeating it
         lastGeneQueried: "",
         // here I store the current timeout (so that I can stop it when I want)
         timeoutGene: null,
         run: function () {
             var context = i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.genePopup.getGenes;
             // (call run until the user stops writing)
             // stop the previous call (every new digits trigger a getGenes() call)
             // take the current value and check if it is equal to the previous one
             var currGene = i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.genePopup.geneInputBox.value.replace(/\s/g, ''); // remove whitespaces
             if (currGene == ""){
                 // if it is empty then just empty the dropdown list
                 var list = i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.genePopup.geneList;
                 while (list.hasChildNodes()) {
+                context.lastGeneQueried = "";
             if (currGene == context.lastGeneQueried) {
-                // if it is equal to the previous query then do nothing
-                context.lastGeneQueried = "";
+                // if it is equal to the previous queried then I already have all the matching ones => do nothing
             if (currGene != context.previousGene) {
                 // if they were different then wait for the user to finish to write
                 context.previousGene = currGene;
                 context.timeoutGene = setTimeout(context.run, 500);
             // If you ended up here then the user stopped writing and we can execute the query
             context.lastGeneQueried = currGene; // store the current query so to avoid repeating it
             var success = function (responseText) {
                 var list = i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.genePopup.geneList;
                 // remove all the previous genes from the dropdown list
                 while (list.hasChildNodes()) {
                 // todo sort the genes
                 var receivedGenes = JSON.parse(responseText);
                 for (var i = 0; i < receivedGenes.length; i++) {
                     var opt = document.createElement("option");
                     opt.value = receivedGenes[i];
                     opt.innerHTML = receivedGenes[i];
                 // if there was only one match the copy that in the text box
                 if (receivedGenes.length == 1) {
                     i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.genePopup.geneInputBox.value = receivedGenes[0];
             var error = function (err) {
                 alert("Error when trying to retrieve the gene values from the database: " + err)
             var phpQuery =
                 context.path +
                 "?gene=" + currGene +
                 "&limit=20";  // todo is it ok 20?
             i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.phpGETRequest(success, error, phpQuery);
     // run the query to retrieve the id of the variants
     getVariants: {
         path: 'js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/getVariants.php',
         run: function () {
             var context = i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.genePopup;
             var geneName = context.geneInputBox.value;
-            var zygosyty = context.zygosityList.options[context.zygosityList.selectedIndex].text;
+            var zygosyty = [];
+            if (context.zygosityList.heterozygousCheckbox.checked == true) {
+                zygosyty.push("Heterozygous")
+            }
+            if (context.zygosityList.homozygousCheckbox.checked == true) {
+                zygosyty.push("Homozygous")
+            }
+            if (context.zygosityList.unknownCheckbox.checked == true) {
+                zygosyty.push("Unknown")
+            }
             var queryType = "gene_and_zygosity"; // used at the server side to know how to build the query
             var success = function (responseText) {
+                alert(responseText)
                 var response = JSON.parse(responseText);
                 for(var i=0; i<response.variants.length; i++)
                 // I received the response so decrease the counter
                 i2b2.MedCo.popup.variantsQueryCounter -= 1;
             var error = function (err) {
-                alert("Error when trying to retrieve the gene values from the database: " + err)
+                alert("Error when trying to retrieve the variants from the database: " + err)
             // increase the number of responses I should wait for
             i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.variantsQueryCounter += 1;
             // better pass the panel number too. It will be returned with the response so that I bind it to a
             // specific panel. (if the query is very slow it could happen that the user starts two queries in parallel
             // which are related to two different panels).
             var phpQuery =
                 context.getVariants.path +
                 "?query_type=" + queryType +
                 "&panel_number=" + context.panelNumber +
                 "&gene_name=" + geneName +
-                "&zygosyty=" + zygosyty;
+                "&zygosity[]=" +  zygosyty.join("&zygosity[]="); // build an array of zygosity options
             i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.phpGETRequest(success, error, phpQuery);
-// Manage the php requests.
-// success:     function that takes as input the response form the server
-// error:       function that takes as input the error code returned by the server
-// phpQuery:    string that contains the path and the parameters of the request
-i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.phpGETRequest = function (success, error, phpQuery) {
-    // create the request object to send the request and manage the response
-    var req = false;
-    try {
-        // most browsers
-        req = new XMLHttpRequest();
-    } catch (e) {
-        // IE
-        try {
-            req = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
-        } catch (e) {
-            // try an older version
-            try {
-                req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
-            } catch (e) {
-                return false;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // if the http request obj has not been created then return
-    if (!req) return false;
+i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.variantNamePopup = {
+    dialog: null,
+    // variable to access easily the popup
+    popup: $("MedCo_variantNamePopup"),
-    // update the request object to act when receiving the response
-    req.onreadystatechange = function () {
-        if (req.readyState == 4) {
-            return req.status === 200 ?
-                success(req.responseText) : error(req.status);
-        }
-    };
+    // input box in which the user will write. It is an <input type="search"> element
+    variantNameInputBox: document.querySelector("#searchVariantNameInputBox"),
-    req.open("GET", phpQuery, true);
-    req.send(null);
-    return req;
+    // selection list to display the matching VARIANT NAMES. It is a <select> element
+    variantNameList: document.querySelector("#variantNameList"),
+    // selection list with the 4 predefined options
+    zygosityList: {
+        heterozygousCheckbox:null,
+        homozygousCheckbox:null,
+        unknownCheckbox:null
+    },
-// initialize the popup: load the names of the annotations and register handlers to manage the automatic completion
-i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.PopupInit = function (){
-    // get the element to register the event handler (auto completion)
-    var searchAnnotationBox = document.querySelector("#searchAnnotationBox");
-    var annotations = document.querySelector("#annotationList"); // this will be loaded with all the annotations
-    var searchAnnotationValueBox = document.querySelector("#searchAnnotationValueBox");
-    var selectedAnnotationValue = document.querySelector("#selectedAnnotationValue");
-    // (inefficient) var annotationValues = document.querySelector("#annotationValueList"); // this will be loaded with all the values an annotation can  assume
-    // load annotations from database (that will be shown when opening the popup)
-    // the annotations name are loaded immediately (they are not too many) while the values of an annotation
-    // are loaded only when that annotation is selected
-    i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.loadAnnotations();
-    // autocompletion function, e is an <input type="search"> object, list is a <select> object
-    function autoCompletionAnnotation (e, list) {
-        var text = e.target.value;
-        var lowerText = text.toLowerCase();
-        var options = list.options;
-        var initialOption = options[list.selectedIndex].text;
-        var goodMatch = false;
-        for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
-            var option = options[i];
-            var optionText = option.text;
-            var regex = new RegExp("^" + text, "i");
-            var match = optionText.match(regex);
-            // best match
-            if (match){ // if it starts the same the select this one
-                option.selected = true;
-                break;
-            }
-            // good match (still looking for a best match)
-            var contains = optionText.indexOf(text) != -1;
-            if(contains) {
-                option.selected = true;
-                goodMatch = true;
-            }
-            if (!goodMatch) { // if no good match was found then try this too
-                // worse match (still looking for a good or best match)
-                var lowerOptionText = optionText.toLowerCase();
-                contains = lowerOptionText.indexOf(lowerText) != -1;
-                if (contains) { // it contains the string select this one but go on with looking for a better match
-                    option.selected = true;
-                }
-            }
-            option.selectedIndex = 0;
-        }
-        // if the selected annotation changed then reload its values
-        var currOption = options[list.selectedIndex].text;
-        if (initialOption != currOption) {
-            // want to reduce the number of "loadAnnotationValues", if after some time the option didn't changed
-            // then I suppose the user stopped typing
-            setTimeout(
-                function(){
-                    if(currOption == list.options[list.selectedIndex].text)
-                        i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.loadAnnotationValues()
-                }, 500);
-        }
-    }
+    // variable used for the popup to know to which panel it is bound
+    panelNumber: 0, // todo set this when opening the popup (at the drag)
-    // showValue is an html object in which we will show the value
-    function autoCompletionAnnotationValue (e, showValue) {
-        var text = e.target.value;
-        var lowerText = text.toLowerCase();
-        var values = i2b2.MedCo.popup.annotationValues; // list of possible values []string
-        var goodMatch = false;
-        for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
-            var valueText = values[i];
-            var regex = new RegExp("^" + text, "i");
-            var match = valueText.match(regex);
-            // best match
-            if (match){ // if it starts the same the select this one
-                showValue.innerHTML = valueText;
-                break;
-            }
-            // good match (still looking for a best match)
-            var contains = valueText.indexOf(text) != -1;
-            if(contains) {
-                showValue.innerHTML = valueText;
-                goodMatch = true;
-            }
-            if (!goodMatch) { // if no good match was found then try this too
-                // worse match (still looking for a good or best match)
-                var lowerValueText = valueText.toLowerCase();
-                contains = lowerValueText.indexOf(lowerText) != -1;
-                if (contains) { // it contains the string select this one but go on with looking for a better match
-                    showValue.innerHTML = valueText;
+    // initialize the variant popup
+    init: function(){
+        var context = i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.variantNamePopup;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
+        context.popup = $("MedCo_variantNamePopup");
+        context.variantNameInputBox = document.querySelector("#searchVariantNameInputBox");
+        context.variantNameList = document.querySelector("#variantNameList");
-    // autocomplete the annotation name when entered
-    searchAnnotationBox.addEventListener("keyup", function (e) {autoCompletionAnnotation(e, annotations)});
+        // the three checkboxes
+        context.zygosityList.heterozygousCheckbox = document.querySelector("#heterozygousVariantNamePopup");
+        context.zygosityList.homozygousCheckbox = document.querySelector("#homozygousVariantNamePopup");
+        context.zygosityList.unknownCheckbox = document.querySelector("#unknownVariantNamePopup");
-    // autocomplete the annotation value when entered
-    searchAnnotationValueBox.addEventListener("keyup", function (e) {autoCompletionAnnotationValue(e, selectedAnnotationValue)});
+        // update the scrolldown list every time the user digits chars
+        context.variantNameInputBox
+            .addEventListener("keyup",
+                context.getVariantNames.run
+            );
+        context.panelNumber = 0;
-    // variable used for the popup to know to which panel it is bound
-    i2b2.MedCo.popup.panelNumber = 0;
-    //variable to know which is the latest pending request sent for annotation values retrieval (the previous ones will be dropped)
-    i2b2.MedCo.popup.latestAnnotationRequest = "";
+        context.getVariantNames.path = 'js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getVariantNames.php';
+        context.getVariants.path = 'js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getVariants.php';
-    // store the current loaded annotation values
-    i2b2.MedCo.popup.annotationValues = [];
+        var handleCancel = function() {
+            this.cancel();
+        };
-    // a counter used to count how many queries the client sent and is still waiting for a response.
-    // while this counter is > 0 the query cannot be built
-    i2b2.MedCo.popup.variantsQueryCounter = 0;
+        var handleOk = function() {
+            var context = i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.variantNamePopup;
-i2b2.MedCo.popupShow = function (panelNumber) {
-    i2b2.MedCo.popup.panelNumber = panelNumber;
-    var messageBox=document.getElementById("annoMessage");
-    // Center the messageBox
-    // alert(messageBox.style.clientWidth)
-    // messageBox.style.marginTop=-messageBox.style.height/2;
-    // messageBox.style.marginLeft=-messageBox.style.width/2;
-    // Show message box (and background)
-    document.getElementById("MedCo_popupBackground").style.display="block";
-    messageBox.style.display="block";
+            // validate the fields
+            if (context.variantNameList.options.length < 1){
+                // if the drop down list is empty then
+                alert("Please, write down a variant name and pick one choice form the dropdown list.");
+                return;
+            }
+            if (context.zygosityList.heterozygousCheckbox.checked == false &&
+                context.zygosityList.homozygousCheckbox.checked == false &&
+                context.zygosityList.unknownCheckbox.checked == false) {
+                alert("Please, select at least one zygosity option.");
+                return;
+            }
+            if (context.variantNameInputBox.value.toLowerCase() !=
+                context.variantNameList.options[context.variantNameList.selectedIndex].text.toLowerCase()){
+                // if it is different then the user has still to pick one from the dropdown list
+                alert("Please, pick a variant name from the dropdown list.");
+                return;
-i2b2.MedCo.popupHide = function (){
-    document.getElementById("MedCo_popupBackground").style.display="none";
-    document.getElementById("annoMessage").style.display="none";
+            }
-// i2b2.MedCo.popupEnterPressed = function (e) {
-//     e = e || window.event;
-//     if (e.keyCode == 13) // if enter is pressed ...
-//     {
-//         i2b2.MedCo.popupOk()
-//     }
-// };
+            // run the query to retrieve all the annotations with the specified variant name and zygosyty
+            i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.variantNamePopup.getVariants.run();
+            this.hide()
+        };
-i2b2.MedCo.popupOk = function(){
-    // chosenAnnotationsElem = document.getElementById("chosen_annotations");
-    // chosenAnnotationsElem.innerHTML = "";
+        context.dialog = new YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog("MedCo_variantNamePopup", {
+            draggable: true,
+            zindex: 10000,
+            width: "500px",
+            // height: "200px",
+            autofillheight: "body",
+            constraintoviewport: true,
+            context: ["showbtn", "tl", "bl"],
+            fixedcenter: true,
+            modal: true,
+            buttons: [{
+                text: "OK",
+                handler: handleOk,
+                isDefault: true
+            }, {
+                text: "Cancel",
+                handler: handleCancel
+            }]
+        });
+    },
-    // var annotations = document.querySelector("#annotationList");
-    // var selectedAnnotation = annotations.options[annotations.selectedIndex].text;
-    //
-    // var selectedAnnotationValue = document.querySelector("#selectedAnnotationValue").innerHTML;
-	// var annotationValues = document.querySelector("#annotationValueList");
-	// var selectedAnnotationValue = annotationValues.options[annotationValues.selectedIndex].text;
+    // show the popup
+    // panelNumber: specifies with which panel is the popup related
+    show: function(panelNumber) {
+        var context = i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.variantNamePopup;
+        context.panelNumber = panelNumber;
+        // context.clear();
+        context.popup.show();
+        context.dialog.render(document.body);
+        context.dialog.show();
+    },
-	// var annoVal = selectedAnnotation+":"+selectedAnnotationValue;
+    // // hide the popup, not needed (events already registered to the various buttons)
+    // hide: function(){
+    //     i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.variantNamePopup.popup.hide();
+    //     i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.variantNamePopup.dialog.cancel();
+    // },
-    // i2b2.MedCo.model.chosenAnnotations[i2b2.MedCo.popup.panelNumber].push(annoVal);
+    // clear (empty) all the elements
+    clear: function(){
+        // i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.variantNamePopup.variantNameInputBox.value = "";
+        // var list = i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.variantNamePopup.variantNameList;
+        // while (list.hasChildNodes()) {
+        //     list.removeChild(list.lastChild);
+        // }
+        //    todo clear fields?
+    },
-    // i2b2.MedCo.view.panels[i2b2.MedCo.popup.panelNumber].innerHTML +=  annoVal + "<br>";
+    // get the variant names from the database
+    getVariantNames: {
+        // Store some variables I need to efficiently manage the request
+        // path for the php request to retrieve the variant names
+        path: 'js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getVariantNames.php',
+        // if previousVariant (which stores the "old" variantNameInputBox content) stays the same for a certain period
+        // of time then the user stopped writing => I retrieve from the database the matching variant names
+        previousVariantName: "",
+        // here I store the last executed query so to avoid repeating it
+        lastVariantQueried: "",
+        // here I store the current timeout (so that I can stop it when I want)
+        timeoutVariant: null,
+        run: function () {
+            var context = i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.variantNamePopup.getVariantNames;
-    i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.loadVariants(); // send php request
-    i2b2.MedCo.popupHide();
+            // (call run until the user stops writing)
+            // stop the previous call (every new digits trigger a getVariantNames() call)
+            clearTimeout(context.timeoutVariant);
+            // take the current value and check if it is equal to the previous one
+            var currVariantName = i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.variantNamePopup.variantNameInputBox.value.replace(/\s/g, ''); // remove whitespaces
+            if (currVariantName == ""){
+                // if it is empty then just empty the dropdown list
+                var list = i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.variantNamePopup.variantNameList;
+                while (list.hasChildNodes()) {
+                    list.removeChild(list.lastChild);
+                }
+                context.lastVariantQueried = "";
+                return;
+            }
+            if (currVariantName == context.lastVariantQueried) {
+                // if it is equal to the previous query then do nothing
+                return;
+            }
+            if (currVariantName != context.previousVariantName) {
+                // if they are different then wait for the user to finish to write
+                context.previousVariantName = currVariantName;
+                context.timeoutVariant = setTimeout(context.run, 500);
+                return;
+            }
+            // If you ended up here then the user stopped writing and we can execute the query
+            context.lastVariantQueried = currVariantName; // store the current query so to avoid repeating it
-// load the annotations from the database (done only when initializing the popup!)
-i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.loadAnnotations = function () {
-    // create the request object to send the request and manage the response
-    var req = false;
-    try{
-        // most browsers
-        req = new XMLHttpRequest();
-    } catch (e){
-        // IE
-        try{
-            req = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
-        } catch(e) {
-            // try an older version
-            try{
-                req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
-            } catch(e) {
-                return false;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // if the http request obj has not been created then return
-    if (!req) return false;
+            var success = function (responseText) {
+                var list = i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.variantNamePopup.variantNameList;
+                // remove all the previous variant names from the dropdown list
+                while (list.hasChildNodes()) {
+                    list.removeChild(list.lastChild);
+                }
+                // todo sort the variant names
+                var receivedVariantNames= JSON.parse(responseText);
+                for (var i = 0; i < receivedVariantNames.length; i++) {
+                    var opt = document.createElement("option");
+                    opt.value = receivedVariantNames[i];
+                    opt.innerHTML = receivedVariantNames[i];
+                    list.appendChild(opt);
+                }
-    // define two functions to manage the result received by the server
-    var success = function (responseText) {
-        // load the popup with the annotation names (you receive a json list of strings)
-        var annotations = document.querySelector("#annotationList");
+                // if there was only one match the copy that in the text box
+                if (receivedVariantNames.length == 1) {
+                    i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.variantNamePopup.variantNameInputBox.value = receivedVariantNames[0];
+                }
+            };
+            var error = function (err) {
+                alert("Error when trying to retrieve the variant names from the database: " + err)
+            };
-        // remove all children
-        while (annotations.hasChildNodes()) {
-            annotations.removeChild(annotations.lastChild);
-        }
-        // todo sort the annotations
-        var receivedAnnotations = JSON.parse(responseText);
-        for(var i=0; i<receivedAnnotations.length; i++)
-        {
-            var opt = document.createElement("option");
-            opt.value = receivedAnnotations[i];
-            opt.innerHTML = receivedAnnotations[i];
-            annotations.appendChild(opt);
+            var phpQuery =
+                context.path +
+                "?variant_name=" + currVariantName +
+                "&limit=20";  // todo is it ok 20?
+            i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.phpGETRequest(success, error, phpQuery);
-        i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.loadAnnotationValues();
-    };
-    var error = function (err) {
-        alert("Error when trying to retrieve the annotations from the database." + err)
-    };
+    },
-    // update the request object to act when receiving the response
-    req.onreadystatechange = function(){
-        if(req.readyState == 4) {
-            return req.status === 200 ?
-                success(req.responseText) : error(req.status);
-        }
-    };
+    // run the query to retrieve the id of the variants
+    getVariants: {
+        path: 'js-i2b2/cells/plugins/MedCo/php/getVariants.php',
-    req.open("GET", i2b2.MedCo.popup.getAnnotationPath, true);
-    req.send(null);
-    return req;
+        run: function () {
+            var context = i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.variantNamePopup;
-i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.loadAnnotationValues = function (){
-    // just reset the two elements relative to the annotation value
-    var selectedAnnotationValue = document.querySelector("#selectedAnnotationValue");
-    selectedAnnotationValue.innerHTML = "";
-    var searchAnnotationValueBox = document.querySelector("#searchAnnotationValueBox");
-    searchAnnotationValueBox.innerHTML = "";
-    // don't use the select anymore
-    // var annotationValues = document.querySelector("#annotationValueList");
-    // // remove all options
-    // while (annotationValues.firstChild) {
-    //     annotationValues.removeChild(annotationValues.firstChild);
-    // }
-    // show that we are loading the values
-    // document.getElementById("MED-loadingValues").innerHTML = "<img id=\"MED-LoadingValuesGif\" width=\"15px\" src=\"assets/images/spin.gif\">";
-    // document.getElementById("MED-LoadingValuesGif").style.display = 'block';
-	// create the request object to send the request and manage the response
-    var req = false;
-    try{
-        // most browsers
-        req = new XMLHttpRequest();
-    } catch (e){
-        // IE
-        try{
-            req = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
-        } catch(e) {
-            // try an older version
-            try{
-                req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
-            } catch(e) {
-                return false;
+            var variantName = context.variantNameInputBox.value;
+            var zygosyty = [];
+            if (context.zygosityList.heterozygousCheckbox.checked == true) {
+                zygosyty.push("Heterozygous")
+            }
+            if (context.zygosityList.homozygousCheckbox.checked == true) {
+                zygosyty.push("Homozygous")
+            }
+            if (context.zygosityList.unknownCheckbox.checked == true) {
+                zygosyty.push("Unknown")
-        }
-    }
-    // if the http request obj has not been created then return
-    if (!req) return false;
-    // define two functions to manage the result received by the server
-    var success = function (responseText) {
-        // $%$ is used as delimeter (AnnotationName$%$[val1,...,valn])
-        var response = responseText.split("$%$");
-        if (response[0] != i2b2.MedCo.popup.latestAnnotationRequest){
-            // if I received an old response just ignore it
-            return
-        }
-        var receivedValues = JSON.parse(response[1].slice(1, -1));
-        // load the annotation values in the popup
-        // var annotationValues = document.querySelector("#annotationValueList"); // don't use anymore the select
-        i2b2.MedCo.popup.annotationValues = [];
-        for(var i = 0; i < receivedValues.length; i++)
-        {
-            i2b2.MedCo.popup.annotationValues.push(receivedValues[i].toString());
-            // var opt = document.createElement("option");
-            // opt.value = receivedValues[i];
-            // opt.innerHTML = receivedValues[i];
-            // annotationValues.appendChild(opt);
-        }
-        // hide the loading gif
-        // document.getElementById("MED-LoadingValuesGif").style.display = 'none';
-    };
-    var error = function (err) {
-        alert("Error when trying to retrieve the values of the annotation from the database."+err)
-    };
+            var queryType = "variantName_and_zygosity"; // used at the server side to know how to build the query
-    // update the request object to act when receiving the response
-    req.onreadystatechange = function(){
-        if(req.readyState == 4) {
-            return req.status === 200 ?
-                success(req.responseText) : error(req.status);
-        }
-    };
+            var success = function (responseText) {
+                alert(responseText); // todo delete
+                var response = JSON.parse(responseText);
+                for(var i=0; i<response.variants.length; i++)
+                {
+                    i2b2.MedCo.model.panels[response.panel_number].push(response.variants[i]);
+                }
+                // I received the response so decrease the counter
+                i2b2.MedCo.popup.variantsQueryCounter -= 1;
+            };
+            var error = function (err) {
+                alert("Error when trying to retrieve the variants from the database: " + err)
+            };
-	// get the selected annotation
-	var annotations = document.querySelector("#annotationList");
-	var selectedAnnotation = annotations.options[annotations.selectedIndex].value;
-	// store it so that I will know if the answer is the most recent
-    i2b2.MedCo.popup.latestAnnotationRequest = selectedAnnotation;
+            // increase the number of responses I should wait for
+            i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.variantsQueryCounter += 1;
-    req.open("GET", i2b2.MedCo.popup.getAnnotationValuesPath + "?annotation_name=" + selectedAnnotation , true);
-    req.send(null);
-    return req;
+            // better pass the panel number too. It will be returned with the response so that I bind it to a
+            // specific panel. (if the query is very slow it could happen that the user starts two queries in parallel
+            // which are related to two different panels).
+            var phpQuery =
+                context.getVariants.path +
+                "?query_type=" + queryType +
+                "&panel_number=" + context.panelNumber +
+                "&variant_name=" + variantName +
+                "&zygosity[]=" +  zygosyty.join("&zygosity[]="); // build an array of zygosity options
+            i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.phpGETRequest(success, error, phpQuery);
+        }
+    }
-i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.loadVariants = function (){
+// Manage the php requests.
+// success:     function that takes as input the response form the server
+// error:       function that takes as input the error code returned by the server
+// phpQuery:    string that contains the path and the parameters of the request
+i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.phpGETRequest = function (success, error, phpQuery) {
     // create the request object to send the request and manage the response
     var req = false;
-    try{
+    try {
         // most browsers
         req = new XMLHttpRequest();
-    } catch (e){
+    } catch (e) {
         // IE
-        try{
+        try {
             req = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
-        } catch(e) {
+        } catch (e) {
             // try an older version
-            try{
+            try {
                 req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
-            } catch(e) {
+            } catch (e) {
                 return false;
     // if the http request obj has not been created then return
     if (!req) return false;
-    // define two functions to manage the result received by the server
-    var success = function (responseText) {
-        var response = JSON.parse(responseText);
-        for(var i=0; i<response.variants.length; i++)
-        {
-            i2b2.MedCo.model.panels[response.panel_number].push(response.variants[i]);
-        }
-        // I received the response so decrease the counter
-        i2b2.MedCo.popup.variantsQueryCounter -= 1;
-    };
-    var error = function (err) {
-        alert("Error when trying to retrieve the variants from the database."+err)
-    };
     // update the request object to act when receiving the response
-    req.onreadystatechange = function(){
-        if(req.readyState == 4) {
+    req.onreadystatechange = function () {
+        if (req.readyState == 4) {
             return req.status === 200 ?
                 success(req.responseText) : error(req.status);
-    // just write down that there is one more response we are waiting for
-    i2b2.MedCo.popup.variantsQueryCounter += 1;
+    req.open("GET", phpQuery, true);
+    req.send(null);
+    return req;
-    var annotations = document.querySelector("#annotationList");
-    var selectedAnnotation = annotations.options[annotations.selectedIndex].value;
-    var selectedValue = document.querySelector("#selectedAnnotationValue").innerHTML;
-    req.open("GET", i2b2.MedCo.popup.getVariantsPath +
-        "?annotation_name=" + selectedAnnotation +
-        "&annotation_value=" + selectedValue +
-        "&panel_number=" + i2b2.MedCo.popup.panelNumber, true);
-    req.send(null);
-    return req;
\ No newline at end of file
+// // initialize the popup: load the names of the annotations and register handlers to manage the automatic completion
+// i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.PopupInit = function (){
+//     // get the element to register the event handler (auto completion)
+//     var searchAnnotationBox = document.querySelector("#searchAnnotationBox");
+//     var annotations = document.querySelector("#annotationList"); // this will be loaded with all the annotations
+//     var searchAnnotationValueBox = document.querySelector("#searchAnnotationValueBox");
+//     var selectedAnnotationValue = document.querySelector("#selectedAnnotationValue");
+//     // (inefficient) var annotationValues = document.querySelector("#annotationValueList"); // this will be loaded with all the values an annotation can  assume
+//     // load annotations from database (that will be shown when opening the popup)
+//     // the annotations name are loaded immediately (they are not too many) while the values of an annotation
+//     // are loaded only when that annotation is selected
+//     i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.loadAnnotations();
+//     // autocompletion function, e is an <input type="search"> object, list is a <select> object
+//     function autoCompletionAnnotation (e, list) {
+//         var text = e.target.value;
+//         var lowerText = text.toLowerCase();
+//         var options = list.options;
+//         var initialOption = options[list.selectedIndex].text;
+//         var goodMatch = false;
+//         for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
+//             var option = options[i];
+//             var optionText = option.text;
+//             var regex = new RegExp("^" + text, "i");
+//             var match = optionText.match(regex);
+//             // best match
+//             if (match){ // if it starts the same the select this one
+//                 option.selected = true;
+//                 break;
+//             }
+//             // good match (still looking for a best match)
+//             var contains = optionText.indexOf(text) != -1;
+//             if(contains) {
+//                 option.selected = true;
+//                 goodMatch = true;
+//             }
+//             if (!goodMatch) { // if no good match was found then try this too
+//                 // worse match (still looking for a good or best match)
+//                 var lowerOptionText = optionText.toLowerCase();
+//                 contains = lowerOptionText.indexOf(lowerText) != -1;
+//                 if (contains) { // it contains the string select this one but go on with looking for a better match
+//                     option.selected = true;
+//                 }
+//             }
+//             option.selectedIndex = 0;
+//         }
+//         // if the selected annotation changed then reload its values
+//         var currOption = options[list.selectedIndex].text;
+//         if (initialOption != currOption) {
+//             // want to reduce the number of "loadAnnotationValues", if after some time the option didn't changed
+//             // then I suppose the user stopped typing
+//             setTimeout(
+//                 function(){
+//                     if(currOption == list.options[list.selectedIndex].text)
+//                         i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.loadAnnotationValues()
+//                 }, 500);
+//         }
+//     }
+//     // showValue is an html object in which we will show the value
+//     function autoCompletionAnnotationValue (e, showValue) {
+//         var text = e.target.value;
+//         var lowerText = text.toLowerCase();
+//         var values = i2b2.MedCo.popup.annotationValues; // list of possible values []string
+//         var goodMatch = false;
+//         for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
+//             var valueText = values[i];
+//             var regex = new RegExp("^" + text, "i");
+//             var match = valueText.match(regex);
+//             // best match
+//             if (match){ // if it starts the same the select this one
+//                 showValue.innerHTML = valueText;
+//                 break;
+//             }
+//             // good match (still looking for a best match)
+//             var contains = valueText.indexOf(text) != -1;
+//             if(contains) {
+//                 showValue.innerHTML = valueText;
+//                 goodMatch = true;
+//             }
+//             if (!goodMatch) { // if no good match was found then try this too
+//                 // worse match (still looking for a good or best match)
+//                 var lowerValueText = valueText.toLowerCase();
+//                 contains = lowerValueText.indexOf(lowerText) != -1;
+//                 if (contains) { // it contains the string select this one but go on with looking for a better match
+//                     showValue.innerHTML = valueText;
+//                 }
+//             }
+//         }
+//     }
+//     // autocomplete the annotation name when entered
+//     searchAnnotationBox.addEventListener("keyup", function (e) {autoCompletionAnnotation(e, annotations)});
+//     // autocomplete the annotation value when entered
+//     searchAnnotationValueBox.addEventListener("keyup", function (e) {autoCompletionAnnotationValue(e, selectedAnnotationValue)});
+//     // variable used for the popup to know to which panel it is bound
+//     i2b2.MedCo.popup.panelNumber = 0;
+//     //variable to know which is the latest pending request sent for annotation values retrieval (the previous ones will be dropped)
+//     i2b2.MedCo.popup.latestAnnotationRequest = "";
+//     // store the current loaded annotation values
+//     i2b2.MedCo.popup.annotationValues = [];
+//     // a counter used to count how many queries the client sent and is still waiting for a response.
+//     // while this counter is > 0 the query cannot be built
+//     i2b2.MedCo.popup.variantsQueryCounter = 0;
+// };
+// i2b2.MedCo.popupShow = function (panelNumber) {
+//     i2b2.MedCo.popup.panelNumber = panelNumber;
+//     var messageBox=document.getElementById("annoMessage");
+//     // Center the messageBox
+//     // alert(messageBox.style.clientWidth)
+//     // messageBox.style.marginTop=-messageBox.style.height/2;
+//     // messageBox.style.marginLeft=-messageBox.style.width/2;
+//     // Show message box (and background)
+//     document.getElementById("MedCo_popupBackground").style.display="block";
+//     messageBox.style.display="block";
+// };
+// i2b2.MedCo.popupHide = function (){
+//     document.getElementById("MedCo_popupBackground").style.display="none";
+//     document.getElementById("annoMessage").style.display="none";
+// };
+// // i2b2.MedCo.popupEnterPressed = function (e) {
+// //     e = e || window.event;
+// //     if (e.keyCode == 13) // if enter is pressed ...
+// //     {
+// //         i2b2.MedCo.popupOk()
+// //     }
+// // };
+// i2b2.MedCo.popupOk = function(){
+//     // chosenAnnotationsElem = document.getElementById("chosen_annotations");
+//     // chosenAnnotationsElem.innerHTML = "";
+//     // var annotations = document.querySelector("#annotationList");
+//     // var selectedAnnotation = annotations.options[annotations.selectedIndex].text;
+//     //
+//     // var selectedAnnotationValue = document.querySelector("#selectedAnnotationValue").innerHTML;
+// 	// var annotationValues = document.querySelector("#annotationValueList");
+// 	// var selectedAnnotationValue = annotationValues.options[annotationValues.selectedIndex].text;
+// 	// var annoVal = selectedAnnotation+":"+selectedAnnotationValue;
+//     // i2b2.MedCo.model.chosenAnnotations[i2b2.MedCo.popup.panelNumber].push(annoVal);
+//     // i2b2.MedCo.view.panels[i2b2.MedCo.popup.panelNumber].innerHTML +=  annoVal + "<br>";
+//     i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.loadVariants(); // send php request
+//     i2b2.MedCo.popupHide();
+// };
+// // load the annotations from the database (done only when initializing the popup!)
+// i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.loadAnnotations = function () {
+//     // create the request object to send the request and manage the response
+//     var req = false;
+//     try{
+//         // most browsers
+//         req = new XMLHttpRequest();
+//     } catch (e){
+//         // IE
+//         try{
+//             req = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
+//         } catch(e) {
+//             // try an older version
+//             try{
+//                 req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
+//             } catch(e) {
+//                 return false;
+//             }
+//         }
+//     }
+//     // if the http request obj has not been created then return
+//     if (!req) return false;
+//     // define two functions to manage the result received by the server
+//     var success = function (responseText) {
+//         // load the popup with the annotation names (you receive a json list of strings)
+//         var annotations = document.querySelector("#annotationList");
+//         // remove all children
+//         while (annotations.hasChildNodes()) {
+//             annotations.removeChild(annotations.lastChild);
+//         }
+//         // todo sort the annotations
+//         var receivedAnnotations = JSON.parse(responseText);
+//         for(var i=0; i<receivedAnnotations.length; i++)
+//         {
+//             var opt = document.createElement("option");
+//             opt.value = receivedAnnotations[i];
+//             opt.innerHTML = receivedAnnotations[i];
+//             annotations.appendChild(opt);
+//         }
+//         i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.loadAnnotationValues();
+//     };
+//     var error = function (err) {
+//         alert("Error when trying to retrieve the annotations from the database." + err)
+//     };
+//     // update the request object to act when receiving the response
+//     req.onreadystatechange = function(){
+//         if(req.readyState == 4) {
+//             return req.status === 200 ?
+//                 success(req.responseText) : error(req.status);
+//         }
+//     };
+//     req.open("GET", i2b2.MedCo.popup.getAnnotationPath, true);
+//     req.send(null);
+//     return req;
+// };
+// i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.loadAnnotationValues = function (){
+//     // just reset the two elements relative to the annotation value
+//     var selectedAnnotationValue = document.querySelector("#selectedAnnotationValue");
+//     selectedAnnotationValue.innerHTML = "";
+//     var searchAnnotationValueBox = document.querySelector("#searchAnnotationValueBox");
+//     searchAnnotationValueBox.innerHTML = "";
+//     // don't use the select anymore
+//     // var annotationValues = document.querySelector("#annotationValueList");
+//     // // remove all options
+//     // while (annotationValues.firstChild) {
+//     //     annotationValues.removeChild(annotationValues.firstChild);
+//     // }
+//     // show that we are loading the values
+//     // document.getElementById("MED-loadingValues").innerHTML = "<img id=\"MED-LoadingValuesGif\" width=\"15px\" src=\"assets/images/spin.gif\">";
+//     // document.getElementById("MED-LoadingValuesGif").style.display = 'block';
+// 	// create the request object to send the request and manage the response
+//     var req = false;
+//     try{
+//         // most browsers
+//         req = new XMLHttpRequest();
+//     } catch (e){
+//         // IE
+//         try{
+//             req = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
+//         } catch(e) {
+//             // try an older version
+//             try{
+//                 req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
+//             } catch(e) {
+//                 return false;
+//             }
+//         }
+//     }
+//     // if the http request obj has not been created then return
+//     if (!req) return false;
+//     // define two functions to manage the result received by the server
+//     var success = function (responseText) {
+//         // $%$ is used as delimeter (AnnotationName$%$[val1,...,valn])
+//         var response = responseText.split("$%$");
+//         if (response[0] != i2b2.MedCo.popup.latestAnnotationRequest){
+//             // if I received an old response just ignore it
+//             return
+//         }
+//         var receivedValues = JSON.parse(response[1].slice(1, -1));
+//         // load the annotation values in the popup
+//         // var annotationValues = document.querySelector("#annotationValueList"); // don't use anymore the select
+//         i2b2.MedCo.popup.annotationValues = [];
+//         for(var i = 0; i < receivedValues.length; i++)
+//         {
+//             i2b2.MedCo.popup.annotationValues.push(receivedValues[i].toString());
+//             // var opt = document.createElement("option");
+//             // opt.value = receivedValues[i];
+//             // opt.innerHTML = receivedValues[i];
+//             // annotationValues.appendChild(opt);
+//         }
+//         // hide the loading gif
+//         // document.getElementById("MED-LoadingValuesGif").style.display = 'none';
+//     };
+//     var error = function (err) {
+//         alert("Error when trying to retrieve the values of the annotation from the database."+err)
+//     };
+//     // update the request object to act when receiving the response
+//     req.onreadystatechange = function(){
+//         if(req.readyState == 4) {
+//             return req.status === 200 ?
+//                 success(req.responseText) : error(req.status);
+//         }
+//     };
+// 	// get the selected annotation
+// 	var annotations = document.querySelector("#annotationList");
+// 	var selectedAnnotation = annotations.options[annotations.selectedIndex].value;
+// 	// store it so that I will know if the answer is the most recent
+//     i2b2.MedCo.popup.latestAnnotationRequest = selectedAnnotation;
+//     req.open("GET", i2b2.MedCo.popup.getAnnotationValuesPath + "?annotation_name=" + selectedAnnotation , true);
+//     req.send(null);
+//     return req;
+// };
+// i2b2.MedCo.ctrlr.loadVariants = function (){
+//     // create the request object to send the request and manage the response
+//     var req = false;
+//     try{
+//         // most browsers
+//         req = new XMLHttpRequest();
+//     } catch (e){
+//         // IE
+//         try{
+//             req = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
+//         } catch(e) {
+//             // try an older version
+//             try{
+//                 req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
+//             } catch(e) {
+//                 return false;
+//             }
+//         }
+//     }
+//     // if the http request obj has not been created then return
+//     if (!req) return false;
+//     // define two functions to manage the result received by the server
+//     var success = function (responseText) {
+//         var response = JSON.parse(responseText);
+//         for(var i=0; i<response.variants.length; i++)
+//         {
+//             i2b2.MedCo.model.panels[response.panel_number].push(response.variants[i]);
+//         }
+//         // I received the response so decrease the counter
+//         i2b2.MedCo.popup.variantsQueryCounter -= 1;
+//     };
+//     var error = function (err) {
+//         alert("Error when trying to retrieve the variants from the database."+err)
+//     };
+//     // update the request object to act when receiving the response
+//     req.onreadystatechange = function(){
+//         if(req.readyState == 4) {
+//             return req.status === 200 ?
+//                 success(req.responseText) : error(req.status);
+//         }
+//     };
+//     // just write down that there is one more response we are waiting for
+//     i2b2.MedCo.popup.variantsQueryCounter += 1;
+//     var annotations = document.querySelector("#annotationList");
+//     var selectedAnnotation = annotations.options[annotations.selectedIndex].value;
+//     var selectedValue = document.querySelector("#selectedAnnotationValue").innerHTML;
+//     req.open("GET", i2b2.MedCo.popup.getVariantsPath +
+//         "?annotation_name=" + selectedAnnotation +
+//         "&annotation_value=" + selectedValue +
+//         "&panel_number=" + i2b2.MedCo.popup.panelNumber, true);
+//     req.send(null);
+//     return req;
+// };
\ No newline at end of file