diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index c949802..4f8ed0c 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,369 +1,389 @@ Genocrunch ========== A web-based platform for the analysis of metagenomic and metataxonomic data **Official web server:** ## Rights - **Copyright:** All rights reserved. ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Laboratory of Intestinal Immunology, 2016-2018 - **License:** GNU AGPL 3 (See LICENSE.txt for details) - **Authors:** AR Rapin, FPA David, C Pattaroni, J Rougemont, BJ Marsland and NL Harris ## Resources - **Git clone URL:** - **Documentation:** - **License:** - **Dockerfile:** - **Docker image** ## Framework Genocrunch uses the ruby on Rails framework with a PostgreSQL database. ## Supported platforms - **Linux** (tested on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and CentOS 7) - **macOS** (tested on 10.12 Sierra) ## Browser support - **Mozilla Firefox** tested on version 60.0.1 Quantum (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS/Windows 10/macOS 10.13) - **Microsoft Edge** tested on version 42.17134 (Windows 10) - **Google Chrome** tested on version 67.0.3396.79 (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS/Windows 10) - **Opera** tested on version 53.0 (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS/Windows 10) - **Safari** tested on version 11.1 (macOS 10.13) ## Requirements - **Ruby version 2.3.1** - **Rails version 5.0.0** - **Python version >=2.7.0 <3.0.0** - **R** (tested with version 3.4.0) ## Installation (Debian Linux and macOS) ### Ruby, Rails and PostgreSQL **Debian Linux** Uninstall possible pre-installed versions of ruby: ``` $ sudo apt-get purge ruby ``` (Re-)install ruby and Rails using rbenv (see [here](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-ruby-on-rails-with-rbenv-on-ubuntu-16-04#prerequisites)). Install PostgreSQL and start PostgreSQL server: ``` $ sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev $ sudo service postgresql start ``` **macOS** Install ruby and Rails using homebrew and rbenv (see [here](https://www.gorails.com/setup/osx/10.12-sierra)). Install PostgreSQL and start PostgreSQL server with homebrew: ``` $ brew install postgresql $ brew services start postgresql ``` ### Python **Debian Linux** ``` $ sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev python-pip $ pip install numpy ``` Check that python version is between 2.7.0 and 3.0.0: ``` $ python -V ``` **macOS** If not done yet, install Homebrew: ``` $ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" ``` Install python 2.7 with Homebrew: ``` $ brew install python ``` Check that python version is between 2.7.0 and 3.0.0: ``` $ python -V ``` ### R **Debian Linux** Add the R repository to /etc/apt/sources.list: ``` #/etc/apt/sources.list ... deb http://cran.rstudio.com/bin/linux/ubuntu xenial/ ... ``` ``` $ sudo apt-get install r-base-core libnlopt-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev ``` Open the R environment and check the R version: ``` $ R > R.version.string ``` **macOS** Update XQuartz and Xcode if needed. Download the R binary from CRAN at . Click on the downloaded .pkg file and follow the instructions. ### R dependencies Install required R packages from CRAN and bioconductor: ``` $ sudo R > install.packages(c("ineq", "rjson", "fpc", "multcomp", "FactoMineR", "colorspace", "vegan", "optparse", "gplots", "fossil", "coin", "SNFtool", "devtools")) > source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") > biocLite("sva") > library(devtools) > install_github("igraph/rigraph") > q() ``` ### Genocrunch web application Create a new rails project and add the Genocrunch files: ``` $ rails new genocrunch -d postgresql -B $ git clone https://git@c4science.ch/source/genocrunch-2.1.git /tmp/genocrunch -$ rsync -r /tmp/genocrunch/ /genocrunch +$ rsync -r /tmp/genocrunch/ ./genocrunch $ sudo rm -r /tmp/genocrunch $ cd genocrunch \ && cp gitignore.keep .gitignore \ && cp config/config.yml.keep config/config.yml \ && cp config/database.yml.keep config/database.yml \ && cp config/initializers/devise.rb.keep config/initializers/devise.rb \ && cp config/environments/development.rb.keep config/environments/development.rb \ + && cp config/environment_variables.rb.keep config/environment_variables.rb \ && cp db/seeds.rb.keep db/seeds.rb \ && cp public/app/TERMS_OF_SERVICE.txt.keep public/app/TERMS_OF_SERVICE.txt ``` Run the `install.sh` script (this is not essential for the application): ``` $ chmod 755 install.sh $ ./install.sh -$ source .bashrc # or .bash_profile for macOS +$ source ~/.bashrc # or .bash_profile for macOS ``` -The Genocrunch web app will store data files in `users/`. To store data in another location, use a simlink: - +The Genocrunch web app will store data files in `users/`: +``` +$ mkdir users +``` +Or, to store data in another location, use a simlink: ``` -$ rmdir users && ln -s /path/to/your/custom/storage/location users +$ mkdir /path/to/your/custom/storage/location +$ ln -s /path/to/your/custom/storage/location users ``` ### Ruby libraries (gems) Use the Gemefile to install required gems: ``` $ bundle install ``` ### Set application configuration variables Set the application configuration variables in the `config/config.yml` file to fit the current installation needs. All variables are documented in the development section of the file. +Edit the devise secret key in `config/environment_variables.rb`. + ### Set genocrunch emails Set the email details that will be used by Genocrunch to send information such as registration confirmation link or password recovery link to users. The following example would set Genocrunch to use an hypothetical gmail address (`app_email@gmail.com`) in development. ``` #config/initializers/devise.rb Devise.setup do |config| ... config.mailer_sender = "app_email@gmail.com" ... ``` ``` #config/environments/development.rb Rails.application.configure do ... config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => 'localhost:3000' } config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = { :address => "smtp.gmail.com", :port => 587, :domain => "mail.google.com", :user_name => "app_email@gmail.com", :password => "app_email_password", :authentication => :plain, :enable_starttls_auto => true } ... ``` ### Setup the PostgreSQL server Create a new role and a new database (you can create different users and databases for development, test and/or production): ``` $ sudo su postgres # for macOS, replace postgres by _postgres $ psql postgres=# CREATE ROLE myusername WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'mypassword'; postgres=# CREATE DATABASE my_application_db_name OWNER myusername; postgres=# \q $ exit ``` Set the `config/database.yml` file: In development, test and/or production sections, set the `database`, `username` and `password` to fit the corresponding PostgreSQL database. Also make sure to uncomment `host: localhost`: ``` #config/database.yml ... database: my_application_db_name ... username: myusername ... password: mypassword ... host: localhost ... ``` +Finally, ensure the md5 identification is set in `/etc/postgresql/9.?/main/pg_hba.conf`: +``` +#/etc/postgresql/9.?/main/pg_hba.conf +... +host all all md5 +... +``` + +Restart the PostgreSQL service: +``` +$ sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart +``` + ### Initialize the database Two default users will be created: guest and admin. The guest user is required to use the application without registering/signing-in. The admin user is optional. Setting the guest and admin passwords and emails can be done prior to seeding the database, by editing the `db/seeds.rb` file: ``` #db/seeds.rb User.create!([{username: 'guest', role: 'guest', storage_quota: 0, # In bytes (0=illimited) email: 'guest@guestmailbox.com', # <- HERE confirmed_at: '2017-01-01 00:00:00.000000', password: 'guest_account_password'}, # <- HERE {username: 'admin', role: 'admin', storage_quota: 0, # In bytes (0=illimited) email: 'admin@adminmailbox.com', # <- HERE confirmed_at: '2017-01-01 00:00:00.000000', password: 'admin_account_password'}]) # <- AND THERE ... ``` Run the following commands to create and seed the database. Caution: This will erase previous database tables. Use it for installation, not update. For updates, use migrations or SQL queries. ``` $ rake db:schema:load $ rake db:seed ``` ### Run the Rails server ``` $ rails server ``` You can now access the application in your browser at on your machine and `your.ip.address:3000` on your network. **By default, the server runs in development mode.** ### Start workers * Prefered way: ``` $ RAILS_ENV=development bin/delayed_job -n 2 start ``` OR ``` $ RAILS_ENV=development bin/delayed_job -n 2 restart ``` * Alternative way (not recommanded): ``` $ rake jobs:work ``` You can now create new jobs (run analysis). Read the documentation () for details. ### Create a new version Versions of installed R packages can be referenced in the version page (). For this, run the `get_version.py` script: ``` $ get_version.py ``` This will create a .json file in the working directory with a name looking like `version_2017-12-18_18:03:08.898906.json`. Sign in as admin and navigate to Infos>Versions Click on the **New Version** button and fill the form. In the JSON field, copy the json string contained in the .json file previously created using the `get_version.py` script. Finally, click on the **Create Version** button. ### Terms of service Terms of service can be edited in `public/app/TERMS_OF_SERVICE.txt`. ## Usage See **Infos>Doc** in the application web page (). ## Cleaning up data storage Old jobs can be deleted using the `rake cleanup` task as following. The maximum age allowed for analyses is defined in the `config/config.yml` file uder the fields `max_sandbox_job_age`, for general analyses and `max_job_age` for analyses created by logged in users. ``` $ rake cleanup ``` This can be added as a periodic cron task to automate the cleanup process. Note that Examples will not be deleted by this process. ## Running on Docker See [here](https://github.com/genocrunch/genocrunch_docker). diff --git a/gitignore.keep b/gitignore.keep index 0d2be1e..0adef54 100644 --- a/gitignore.keep +++ b/gitignore.keep @@ -1,47 +1,49 @@ # Backups files *~ *.rbc *.orig *.bak *.bkp # Temporary files *.tmp /tmp/* /tmp/storage/* !/tmp/storage/.gitkeep # log files *.log /log/ # Storage directory /users/* !/users/.gitkeep # Python compiled files *.pyc # Config config/config.yml config/environments/* !config/environments/*.keep +config/environment_variables.rb config/initializers/devise.rb .env + # Version version_[0-9-:.]*.json # Terms of service /public/app/TERMS_OF_SERVICE.txt # Database /db/seeds.rb config/database.yml # Secrets config/initializers/secret_token.rb config/secrets.yml # Precompiled assets /public/assets/ diff --git a/lib/genocrunch_console/etc/genocrunchlib.json b/lib/genocrunch_console/etc/genocrunchlib.json index eca5ad3..6a4e5b4 100644 --- a/lib/genocrunch_console/etc/genocrunchlib.json +++ b/lib/genocrunch_console/etc/genocrunchlib.json @@ -1,467 +1,467 @@ { "choices":{ "statistics":[ {"value":"anova", "label":"ANOVA"}, {"value":"ttest", "label":"t-test"}, {"value":"ttest_paired", "label":"Paired t-test"}, {"value":"kruskal", "label":"Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test"}, {"value":"friedman", "label":"Friedman test"}, {"value":"wilcox", "label":"Wilcoxon rank sum test"}, {"value":"wilcox_paired", "label":"Wilcoxon signed rank test"} ], "binning":[ {"value":"sum", "label":"Sum values within categories"}, {"value":"mean", "label":"Average values within categories"} ], "transformation":[ {"value":"none", "label":"No transformation"}, {"value":"log2cpm", "label":"log2 of count per million"}, {"value":"log2", "label":"Log2"}, {"value":"percent", "label":"Percent"} ], "batch_effect":[ {"value":"none", "label":"None"}, {"value":"combat", "label":"ComBat"} ], "diversity":[ {"value":"richness", "label":"Richness", "pkg":""}, {"value":"shannon", "label":"Shannon Diversity Index", "pkg":"vegan"}, {"value":"simpson", "label":"Simpson Diversity Index", "pkg":"vegan"}, {"value":"invsimpson", "label":"inverse Simpson Diversity Index", "pkg":"vegan"}, {"value":"Gini", "label":"Gini coefficient", "pkg":"ineq"}, {"value":"chao1", "label":"chao1 estimator", "pkg":"fossil"}, {"value":"RS", "label":"Ricci-Schutz coefficient", "pkg":"ineq"}, {"value":"Atkinson", "label":"Atkinson measure", "pkg":"ineq"}, {"value":"Theil", "label":"Theil entropy measure", "pkg":"ineq"}, {"value":"Kolm", "label":"Kolm measure", "pkg":"ineq"}, {"value":"var", "label":"Coefficient of variation", "pkg":"ineq"} ], "correlation":[ {"value":"spearman", "label":"Spearman Correlation Coefficient", "pkg":""}, {"value":"pearson", "label":"Pearson Correlation Coefficient", "pkg":""} ], "distance":[ {"value":"jaccard", "label":"Jaccard Index", "pkg":"vegan"}, {"value":"bray", "label":"Bray-Curtis Distance", "pkg":"vegan"}, {"value":"euclidean", "label":"Euclidean Distance", "pkg":"vegan"}, {"value":"manhattan", "label":"Manhattan Distance", "pkg":"vegan"}, {"value":"spearman", "label":"Spearman Correlation Coefficient", "pkg":""}, {"value":"pearson", "label":"Pearson Correlation Coefficient", "pkg":""}, {"value":"canberra", "label":"Canberra Distance", "pkg":"vegan"}, {"value":"kulczynski", "label":"Kulczynski Similarity Measure", "pkg":"vegan"}, {"value":"gower", "label":"Gower Similarity Coefficient", "pkg":"vegan"}, {"value":"morisita", "label":"Morisita Overlap Index", "pkg":"vegan"}, {"value":"horn", "label":"Horn-Morisita Index", "pkg":"vegan"}, {"value":"mountford", "label":"Mountford Index", "pkg":"vegan"}, {"value":"raup", "label":"Raup-Crick dissimilarity", "pkg":"vegan"}, {"value":"binomial", "label":"Binomial distance", "pkg":"vegan"}, {"value":"chao", "label":"Chao Index", "pkg":"vegan"} ], "clustering":[ {"value":"pam", "label":"k-medoids algorithm", "pkg":"fpc"}, {"value":"pam-bray", "label":"k-medoids algorithm run on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity", "pkg":"fpc"}, {"value":"pam-jaccard", "label":"k-medoids algorithm run on Jaccard distance", "pkg":"fpc"}, {"value":"kmeans", "label":"k-means algorithm", "pkg":"fpc"} ], "graph_clustering":[ {"value":"none", "label":"", "pkg":""}, {"value":"walktrap", "label":"Short random walks algorithm", "pkg":"igraph"}, {"value":"fastgreedy", "label":"Greedy optimization of modularity algorithm", "pkg":"igraph"}, {"value":"louvain", "label":"Multi-level optimization of modularity algorithm", "pkg":"igraph"}, {"value":"labelpropagation", "label":"Label propagation method of Raghavan et al.", "pkg":"igraph"} ] }, "fields":{ "Inputs":[ {"id":"name", "scope":"form_only", "help":"This will be the name of the new job. Choose something relevent and avoid special characters. Ex: Exp01_Seq01.", "type":"text", "optional":false, "placeholder":"New job name" }, {"id":"description", "scope":"form_only", "help":"This will be the description of the new job. Give enough details for your analysis to be understood by someone else (if you want to share).", "type":"textarea", "optional":true, "placeholder":"Some details" }, {"id":"primary_dataset", "help":"Data file. Format must be tab-delimited text with one column per sample and one row per OTU/gene. Last column must be 'taxonomy' and contain ';'-delimited categories. No row or column names duplicate are allowed. First row must include samples names. Comments can be included at the beginning of the file and start with '#'. [File format]", "type":"file", "optional":false }, {"id":"category_column", "help":"This must be the name of the column in your input file that contains the category (i.e. taxonomy, pathways, etc.). The selected column will be used in categorical binning.", "type":"select", "placeholder":"Select Primary dataset first", "increment":"3", "optional":true }, {"id":"map", "help":"Mapping file. It describes the experimental design. Columns represent factors (ex: treatment,sex,etc.) and rows indicates samples. Format must be tab-delimited text. First row must contain column names. At least one column must contain the sample names,matching the first row of data file (Input). [File format]", "type":"file", "optional":false }, {"id":"secondary_dataset", "help":"Optional metadata file. It can include related data from a different type of analysis that was performed on the same samples. Format must be the same as data file (Input). Column names must match column names in data file (Input) in spelling and order. [File format]", "type":"file" } ], "Pre-processing":[ {"id":"abundance_threshold_type", "type":"threshold_type", "default":"percent", "hidden_field":1 }, {"id":"abundance_threshold", "help":"Abundance threshold for filtering.", "type":"threshold", "default_type":"integer", "default_integer":"1", "default_percent":"0.03", "placeholder_integer":"An integer over 0", "placeholder_percent":"0-100" }, {"id":"presence_threshold_type", "type":"threshold_type", "default":"int", "hidden_field":1 }, {"id":"presence_threshold", - "help":"Presence threshold for filtering.", + "help":"Presence (prevalence) threshold for filtering.", "type":"threshold", "default_type":"integer", "default_integer":"1", "default_percent":"10", "placeholder_integer":"An integer over 0", "placeholder_percent":"0-100" }, {"id":"bin_levels", "label":"Category binning levels", - "help":"The level(s) at which the categories will be binned.", + "help":"Chose the category level(s) at which the data will be binned.", "type":"select", "placeholder":"Select Primary dataset first", "multiple":true }, {"id":"bin_fun", "label":"Category binning function", "help":"Function to apply for category binning.", "type":"select", "increment":"3", "values":"binning", "default":"sum" } ], "Transformations":[ {"id":"prim_rarefaction", "label":"Rarefaction (Primary dataset)", - "help":"Sub-sampling (random drawings without replacement).", + "help":"Perform a rarefaction (sub-sampling) step (random drawings without replacement).", "type":"check_box", "db_field":"prim_rarefaction", "trigger":"drop_down", "default":false }, {"id":"prim_sampling_depth", "label":"Sampling depth", - "help":"Number of elements (counts) to draw in each sample. Must be a positive integer. The value cannot exceed the minimum count per sample in the data set (it will be corrected automatically if needed).", + "help":"Number of elements (counts) to draw in each sample. Must be a positive integer. The value cannot exceed the minimum count per sample in the data set (it will be set automatically if needed).", "belongs_to":"prim_rarefaction", "type":"integer", "default":"500000", "placeholder":">0" }, {"id":"prim_nsampling", "label":"N samplings", - "help":"Number of repeated rarefactions to perform (the result will be an average of these rarefactions).", + "help":"Number of repeated rarefactions to perform (the result will be the average across repeated rarefactions).", "belongs_to":"prim_rarefaction", "type":"integer", "default":"1", "placeholder":">0" }, {"id":"prim_trans_method", "label":"Transformation (Primary dataset)", "help":"Choose a data transformation method.", "type":"select", "values":"transformation", "default":"none" }, {"id":"prim_batch_effect_suppression", "scope":"cli_only", "label":"Batch effect suppression (Primary dataset)", "help":"Batch effect(s) can be suppressed to facilitate statistical tests. Example: In an experiment where 20 samples from experimental group A and 20 samples from experimental group B where distributed into two batches for processing,the batch-effect can be supressed. Make sure it is consitent with Model,in the Experimental design section.", "placeholder":"Select Map first", "type":"select" }, {"id":"prim_batch_effect_suppression_fun", "scope":"cli_only", "label":"Batch effect suppression method (Primary dataset)", "help":"Method to apply to suppress batch-effect in primary dataset.", "type":"select", "values":"batch_effect", "increment":"3", "default":"none" }, {"id":"sec_rarefaction", "label":"Rarefaction (Secondary dataset)", - "help":"Sub-sampling (random drawings without replacement).", + "help":"Perform a rarefaction (sub-sampling) step (random drawings without replacement).", "type":"check_box", "db_field":"sec_rarefaction", "trigger":"drop_down", "default":false }, {"id":"sec_sampling_depth", "label":"Sampling depth", - "help":"Number of elements (counts) to draw in each sample. Must be a positive integer. The value cannot exceed the minimum count per sample in the data set (it will be corrected automatically if needed).", + "help":"Number of elements (counts) to draw in each sample. Must be a positive integer. The value cannot exceed the minimum count per sample in the data set (it will be set automatically if needed).", "belongs_to":"sec_rarefaction", "type":"integer", "default":"500000", "placeholder":">0" }, {"id":"sec_nsampling", "label":"N samplings", - "help":"Number of repeated rarefactions to perform (the result will be an average of these rarefactions).", + "help":"Number of repeated rarefactions to perform (the result will be the average across repeated rarefactions).", "belongs_to":"sec_rarefaction", "type":"integer", "default":"1", "placeholder":">0" }, {"id":"sec_trans_method", "label":"Transformation (Secondary dataset)", "help":"Choose a data transformation method.", "type":"select", "values":"transformation", "default":"none" }, {"id":"sec_batch_effect_suppression", "scope":"cli_only", "label":"Batch effect suppression (Secondary dataset)", "help":"Batch effect(s) can be suppressed to facilitate statistical tests. Example: In an experiment where 20 samples from experimental group A and 20 samples from experimental group B where distributed into two batches for processing,the batch-effect can be supressed. Make sure it is consitent with Model,in the Experimental design section.", "placeholder":"Select Map first", "type":"select" }, {"id":"sec_batch_effect_suppression_fun", "scope":"cli_only", "label":"Batch effect suppression method (Secondary dataset)", "help":"Method to apply to suppress batch-effect in secondary dataset.", "type":"select", "increment":"3", "values":"batch_effect", "default":"none" } ], "Analysis":[ {"id":"model_type", "label":"Experimental design", "help":"Choose a basic or advanced model.", "type":"model_type", "default":"basic" }, {"id":"basic_model", "label":"Model", - "help":"This will define the statistical model to use for the analysis. An Anova will be used to compare groups.", + "help":"Define which groups should be compared. Mith the basic model option, an Anova is used to compare groups by default.", "type":"select", "placeholder":"Select Map first", "belongs_to":"model_type_basic" }, {"id":"advanced_stats", "label":"Statistics", - "help":"Define which statistics will be used to compare groups. You need to make sure that the syntax of the Model formula fits the statistics requirements.", + "help":"Define which groups should be compared and the statistics to use. Make sure that the syntax of the Model formula fits the statistics requirements (See Doc for help).", "type":"select", "belongs_to":"model_type_advanced", "values":"statistics", "default":"anova" }, {"id":"advanced_model", "label":"Model", - "help":"This will define the statistical model to use for the analysis. It should be a formula with terms refering to columns in the mapping file. Simple example: In an experiment where column A defines the subjects genders and column B defines subjects diets,a model testing both the effect of gender and diet and their interactions could be writen A*B. Example with nested variables: In an experiment where column A defines individuals and column B defines replicated sampling within each individuals,a model testing the effect of B could be writen A/B.", + "help":"This will define the statistical model to use for the analysis. It should be a formula with terms refering to columns in the mapping file. Simple example: In an experiment where column A defines the subjects genders and column B defines subjects diets,a model testing both the effect of gender and diet and their interactions could be writen A*B. Example with nested variables: In an experiment where column A defines individuals and column B defines replicated sampling within each individuals,a model testing the effect of B could be writen A/B. See Doc for help.", "type":"text", "placeholder":"ex:ExperimentalGroup*Gender", "belongs_to":"model_type_advanced" }, {"id":"proportions", "scope":"form_only", "label":"Proportions", "help":"Display proportions in a stacked bar-chart.", "type":"check_box", "db_field":"analysis", "default":true }, {"id":"diversity", "scope":"form_only", "help":"This will assess the diversity within each sample. It will generate rarefaction curves for each selected diversity metric that will allow you to compare diversity between samples and between the groups defined in your model.", "type":"check_box", "color":"tomato", "db_field":"analysis", "trigger":"drop_down", "default":false }, {"id":"diversity_metric", "label":"Metric", "belongs_to":"diversity", - "help":"Choose metric(s).", + "help":"Choose the diversity metric(s) to use. Richness and Shannon deiversity index are particularly adapted to metataxonomic studies. See the Doc for help.", "type":"select", "multiple":true, "values":"diversity", "default":"richness" }, {"id":"compare_diversity", "label":"Compare groups", "belongs_to":"diversity", - "help":"Compare experimental groups using model and statistical test?", + "help":"Compare the diversity between experimental groups using the specified Model and statistical test?", "type":"bool", "default":false }, {"id":"adonis", "scope":"form_only", "label":"perMANOVA", "help":"This will perform a Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance using a distance matrix (Adonis method). It will show how your model explains differences based on a similarity matrix that is computed using the chosen similarity metric.", "type":"check_box", "db_field":"analysis", "trigger":"drop_down", "default":false }, {"id":"adonis_distfun", "label":"Distance metric", "belongs_to":"adonis", - "help":"Distance metric.", + "help":"Distance metric tu use. The Jaccard index and Bray-Curtis distances are particularly adapted to metataxonomic studies. See the Doc for help.", "type":"select", "multiple":false, "values":"distance", "default":"jaccard" }, {"id":"adonis_model", "label":"Model", "belongs_to":"adonis", - "help":"Model for Adonis.", + "help":"Model for Adonis. See the Doc for help.", "type":"text", "placeholder":"ex:ExperimentalGroup*Gender" }, {"id":"adonis_strata", "label":"Strata", "belongs_to":"adonis", - "help":"Adonis strata parameter.", + "help":"Adonis strata parameter. See the Doc for help.", "type":"text", "placeholder":"ex:Subject" }, {"id":"pca", "scope":"form_only", "label":"PCA", - "help":"Principal component analysis (PCA).", + "help":"Principal component analysis (PCA). A simple method of dimensionality reduction.", "type":"check_box", "db_field":"analysis", "default":false }, {"id":"pcoa", "scope":"form_only", "label":"PCoA", - "help":"Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA).", + "help":"Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA). A simple method of dimensionality reduction based on a distance matrix.", "type":"check_box", "db_field":"analysis", "trigger":"drop_down", "default":false }, {"id":"pcoa_distfun", "label":"Distance metric", "belongs_to":"pcoa", - "help":"Distance metric.", + "help":"Distance metric to use. The Jaccard index and Bray-Curtis distances are particularly adapted to metataxonomic studies. See the Doc for help.", "type":"select", "multiple":false, "values":"distance", "default":"jaccard" }, {"id":"heatmap", "scope":"form_only", "label":"Heatmap", "help":"Abundance heatmap.", "type":"check_box", "db_field":"analysis", "default":false }, {"id":"change", "scope":"form_only", "label":"Changes", "help":"Differential analysis including fold-change and visualization with MA/volcano plots.", "type":"check_box", "db_field":"analysis", "default":false }, {"id":"correlation_network", "scope":"form_only", "label":"Correlation network", "help":"Correlation network.", "type":"check_box", "db_field":"analysis", "trigger":"drop_down", "default":false }, {"id":"correlation_network_fun", "label":"Correlation method", "belongs_to":"correlation_network", "help":"Correlation method.", "type":"select", "values":"correlation", "default":"spearman" }, {"id":"clustering", "scope":"form_only", "label":"Clustering", "help":"Perform categorical clustering on the primary dataset.", "type":"check_box", "db_field":"analysis", "trigger":"drop_down", "default":false }, {"id":"clustering_fun", "label":"Algorithm", "belongs_to":"clustering", "help":"Choose clustering algorithm(s).", "type":"select", "multiple":false, "values":"clustering", "default":"pam" }, {"id":"similarity_network", "scope":"form_only", "label":"Similarity network", "help":"Similarity network, graph-based clustering and similarity network fusion (SNF).", "type":"check_box", "db_field":"analysis", "trigger":"drop_down", "default":false }, {"id":"similarity_network_fun1", "label":"Metric for primary dataset", "belongs_to":"similarity_network", "help":"Similarity metric for primary dataset.", "type":"select", "values":"distance", "default":"jaccard" }, {"id":"similarity_network_fun2", "label":"Metric for secondary dataset", "belongs_to":"similarity_network", "help":"Similarity metric for secondary dataset.", "type":"select", "values":"distance", "default":"manhattan" }, {"id":"similarity_network_clust", "label":"Clustering algorithm", "belongs_to":"similarity_network", "help":"Graph-based clustering algorithm.", "type":"select", "values":"graph_clustering", "default":"walktrap" } ] } } diff --git a/lib/genocrunch_console/lib/genocrunchlib.R b/lib/genocrunch_console/lib/genocrunchlib.R index 15271fe..3898a99 100755 --- a/lib/genocrunch_console/lib/genocrunchlib.R +++ b/lib/genocrunch_console/lib/genocrunchlib.R @@ -1,2938 +1,2953 @@ #genocrunchlib.R ################ # Print message in a formatted way so it can be decomposed into categories of # logs. Can also be used to issue errors # Args: # (1) label (character) A label for the message (ex: title, log, warning...) # (2) text (character) Message to print # (3) verbose (character) A statement: 'TRUE' or same value as 'label':print # to stdout; 'FALSE':don't print; # Prints to stdout: # Tab-separated: Path to executed script, date and time, 'label' and 'text' ################ log_fp <- NULL PrintMsg <- function(text='default message', verbose=TRUE, stop=FALSE, log=log_fp) { if (!is.null(log)) { f <- file(log, open="at") sink(file=f, append=TRUE) sink(type="message") } if (as.logical(verbose) == TRUE) { cat(text) } if (!is.null(log)) { sink() sink(type="message") close(f) } if (as.logical(stop) == TRUE) { stop(text) } } ################ # Write a table to an output location, with the option of having indented # columns name if 'name'=''. # Args: # (1) table Table object # (2) output.fp Path to the output file # (3) name Name of first column # (4) sep Separator character # (5) na na # (6) dec dec # (7) quote quote # Outputs: # Writes 'table' to 'output.fp', starting first line with an indentation ('\t') ################ WriteTable <- function(table=NULL, output.fp='', name='name', sep='\t', na='', dec='.', quote=FALSE) { write.table(t(c(name, names(table))), file=output.fp, append=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, sep=sep, na=na, dec=dec, quote=quote) write.table(table, file=output.fp, append=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, col.names=FALSE, sep=sep, na=na, dec=dec, quote=quote) } ################ # Reads the "Rfunctions" section of a json file as a json string # Args: # (1) json Path to the json file # Outputs: # A json string as found in the "Rfunctions" section of the json file ################ ReadJson <- function(file='/../etc/genocrunchlib.json', rel=TRUE) { suppressMessages(library('rjson')) if (rel) { # Consider file as a relative path with respect to this library args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=FALSE) dir <- dirname(sub('--file=', '', args[grep('--file=', args)])) file <- normalizePath(paste(dir, file, sep=''), mustWork=TRUE) } if (!file.exists(file)) { PrintMsg(paste('"error":"File not found: ', file, '."', sep=''), verbose=TRUE, stop=TRUE) } json_str <- fromJSON(file=file) return (toJSON(json_str$choices)) } ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # MANIPULATION ################################################################# # MANIPULATION ################################################################# # MANIPULATION ################################################################# # MANIPULATION ################################################################# ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################ # Convert a data frame of factors to a numeric data frame. Unlike data.matrix, # it will force characters to numeric. # Args: # (1) x A data frame # Returns: # A numeric version of 'x' ################ ForceNumericDataFrame <- function(x) { x <- as.matrix(x) for (i in 1:ncol(x)) { x[, i] <- as.numeric(as.vector(unlist(x[, i]))) } return (as.data.frame(x)) } ################ # Convert values of a numeric vector to percents of its sum # Args: # (1) x A numeric vector # Returns: # A percent version of 'x' ################ Numeric2Percent <- function(x){ return (100*x/sum(x)) } ################ # Scale a numeric vector on a range of values # Args: # (1) x A numeric vector # (2) range A numeric vector containing 2 elements # (3) force A logical indicating wheter infinite values should be forced into # 'range' # Returns: # A scaled version of 'x', within 'range' ################ RangeScale <- function(x=NULL, range=c(0, 1), force=TRUE) { scaled <- range[1]*(1-((x-min(x, na.rm=TRUE))/(max(x, na.rm=TRUE)-min(x, na.rm=TRUE))))+range[2]*((x-min(x, na.rm=TRUE))/(max(x, na.rm=TRUE)-min(x, na.rm=TRUE))) if (force == TRUE) { scaled[scaled == -Inf] <- min(range) scaled[scaled == Inf] <- max(range) } return (scaled) } ################ # Scale by standard deviation and center on mean # Args: # (1) x A numeric vector # Returns: # A scaled version of 'x' ################ cScale <- function(x=NULL) { sd <- sd(x, na.rm=TRUE) mean <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) if (is.na(sd)) { sd <- 1 } else if (sd == 0) { sd <- 1 } if (is.na(mean)) { mean <- 0 } return (x/sd-mean) } ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # JSON HANDELING ############################################################### # JSON HANDELING ############################################################### # JSON HANDELING ############################################################### # JSON HANDELING ############################################################### ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################ # Build a json string to store figure data # Args: # (1) data (data-frame) # (2) xmetadata (data-frame) With nrow=ncol(data) # Returns: # A json string ################ Dataframe2DataJson <- function(data=NULL, xmetadata=NULL){ # Rules: # colname(data) -> [{'name'}] # rowname(data) and data -> [{'data':['rowname(data)':'data']}] # xmetadata -> [{'rowname(xmetadata)'}] json <- c(1:ncol(data)) for (i in 1:ncol(data)) { xmetadata.json <- NULL if (!is.null(xmetadata)) { xmetadata.json <- c(1:ncol(xmetadata)) for (j in 1:ncol(xmetadata)) { xmetadata.json[j] <- paste('"', names(xmetadata)[j], '":"', xmetadata[i, j], '"', sep='') } xmetadata.json <- paste(xmetadata.json, collapse=',') } data.json.el <- c(1:nrow(data)) for (j in 1:nrow(data)) { data.json.el[j] <- paste('"', row.names(data)[j], '":"', data[j, i], '"', sep='') } data.json <- paste('{', paste(data.json.el, collapse=','), '}',sep='') json[i] <- paste('{', paste(c(paste('"name":"', names(data)[i], '"', sep=''), xmetadata.json, paste('"data":', data.json, sep='')), collapse=','), '}', sep='') } return (paste('[', paste(json, collapse=','), ']', sep='')) } ################ # Build a json string to store diversity values # Args: # (1) diversity (list) # (2) p.value (list) # (3) map (matrix) # Returns: # A json string ################ diversity2json <- function(diversity=NULL, p.value=NULL, map=NULL){ rar <- row.names(diversity) nsample <- ncol(diversity) sample <- c(1:nsample) for (j in 1:nsample) { ndata <- nrow(diversity) data <- c(1:ndata) for (k in 1:ndata) { data[k] <- paste('"', rar[k], '":', diversity[k, j], sep='') } metadata <- c(1:ncol(map)) for (k in 1:ncol(map)) { metadata[k] <- paste('"', names(map[k]), '":"', map[j, k], '"', sep='') } sample[j] <- paste('{"name":"', row.names(map)[j], '",', paste(metadata, collapse=','), ',"data":{', paste(data, collapse=','), '}}', sep='') } if (!is.null(p.value)) { stat <- c(1:length(p.value)) for (j in 1:length(p.value)) { s <- c(1:length(p.value[[j]])) for (k in 1:length(p.value[[j]])) { s[k] <- paste('{"name":"', names(p.value[[j]])[k], '", "p-value":"', p.value[[j]][1, k], '"}', sep='') } stat[j] <- paste(s, collapse=',') } json <- paste('{"data":[', paste(sample, collapse=','), '],"stat":[', paste(stat, collapse=','), ']}', sep='') } else { json <- paste('{"data":[', paste(sample, collapse=','), ']}', sep='') } return (json) } ################ # Build a json tree from dendrogram # Args: # (1) dendrogram (list) A dendrogram (nested lists) # Returns: # A json string ################ dendrogram2json <- function(dendrogram=NULL, json=NULL, it=0) { start <- FALSE if (is.null(json)) { start <- TRUE json <- paste('{"name":"node', it, '", "children":[', sep='') } json.vect <- c(1:length(dendrogram)) for (i in 1:length(dendrogram)) { if (length(dendrogram[[i]]) > 1) { it <- it+1 json.vect[i] <- paste('{"name":"node', it, '", "children":[', sep='') dendrogram2json.out <- dendrogram2json(dendrogram[[i]], json.vect[i], it) json.vect[i] <- dendrogram2json.out[[1]] it <- dendrogram2json.out[[2]] json.vect[i] <- paste(json.vect[i], ']}', sep='') } else { json.vect[i] <- paste('{"name":"', dendrogram[[i]], '"}', sep='') } } if (start) { json <- paste(json, paste(json.vect, collapse=','), ']}', sep='') } else { json <- paste(json, paste(json.vect, collapse=','), sep='') } out <- list() out[1] <- json out[2] <- it return (out) } ################ # Build a json network from similarity matrix # Args: # (1) mat list of numeric matrix # Returns: # A json string ################ buildFusionNetworkJson <- function(mat=NULL, map=NULL){ names <- colnames(mat[[1]]) ncol <- ncol(mat[[1]]) if (!is.null(map)) { ncol.map <- ncol(map) } nodes <- c(1:ncol) for (i in 1:ncol){ if (!is.null(map)) { map.row <- c(1:ncol.map) for (j in 1:ncol.map) { map.row[j] <- paste('"', names(map)[j], '":"', map[i, j], '"', sep='') } } else { map.row <- '"none":"none"' } nodes[i] <- paste('{"id":', i-1, ',"name":"', names[i], '",', paste(map.row, collapse=','), '}', sep='') } links <- c(1:(ncol*(ncol/2-1))) k <- 1 for (i in 1:(ncol-1)) { for (j in (i+1):ncol) { weights <- c(1:length(mat)) for (l in 1:length(mat)) { weights[l] <- mat[[l]][i,j] } links[k] <- paste('{"source":', i-1, ',"target":', j-1, ',"weight":[', paste(weights,collapse = ","), ']}', sep='') k <- k+1 } } return(paste('{"nodes":[', paste(nodes, collapse = ","),'],"links":[', paste(links, collapse = ","), ']}', sep='')) } ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # MODIFICATION ################################################################# # MODIFICATION ################################################################# # MODIFICATION ################################################################# # MODIFICATION ################################################################# ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################ # Sort a data-frame columns according to a column of another # Args: # (1) table (matrix-like object) Table to be sorted # (2) map (matrix-like object) Map to extract the sorting column from # (3) column (numeric) Index of the column in map to use for sorting # (4) verbose (bool) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # Returns: # A sorted version of table # Print to stdout: # A description ################ SortTable <- function(table=NULL, map=NULL, verbose=TRUE) { # print(row.names(map)) # print(map) # print(map[, column]) PrintMsg('"description":"The table columns were sorted according to the map."', verbose) return(as.data.frame(table[, as.vector(row.names(map))])) } ################ # Transpose a data frame (or a matrix-like object) # Args: # (1) x (matrix-like object) # Returns: # A transposed version of 'x' (numeric dataframe) ################ Transpose <- function(x=NULL) { if (is.data.frame(x)) { names <- names(x) row.names <- row.names(x) x <- as.data.frame(t(x)) names(x) <- row.names row.names(x) <- names } else { x <- t(x) } return (x) } ################ # Filter numeric table (with category-specific options for OTU-type tables) # Args: # (1) table (numeric dataframe) Count table # (2) category (character) Name of the (optional) category column # (3) abundance_threshold (numeric) Min % abundance per column [0,100] # (4) presence_threshold (numeric) Min % presence per row [0,100] # (5) rm_unassigned (logical) Remove unassigned category ? # (6) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # Returns: # An filtered version of 'table' (numeric dataframe) # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ FilterTable <- function(table=NULL, category='taxonomy', abundance_threshold=0.03, abundance_threshold_type='percent', presence_threshold=1, presence_threshold_type='int', verbose=TRUE) { nrow.init <- nrow(table) # First filter based on minimal abundance msg <- paste('"description":"Removed rows not exceeding ', abundance_threshold, sep='') filter <- table[, names(table) != category] minmax.a <- paste(min(filter), max(filter), sep='-') if (abundance_threshold_type == 'percent') { filter <- as.data.frame(apply(filter, 2, Numeric2Percent)) msg <- paste(msg, '%', sep='') minmax.a <- paste(min(filter), '-', max(filter), '%', sep='') } max.abundance <- apply(filter, 1, max) table.filtered <- table[max.abundance >= abundance_threshold, ] nrow.filtered.a <- nrow(table.filtered) msg <- paste(msg, ' in at least one column: ', nrow.init-nrow.filtered.a, ' rows were removed out of ', nrow.init, '. Then, removed rows with presence (number of values not equal to zero) lower than ', presence_threshold, sep='') # Then filter based on minimal presence filter <- table.filtered[, names(table.filtered) != category] presence <- rowSums(filter != 0) minmax.p <- paste(min(presence), max(presence), sep='-') if (presence_threshold_type == 'percent') { presence <- Numeric2Percent(presence) msg <- paste(msg, '%', sep='') minmax.p <- paste(min(presence), '-', max(presence), '%', sep='') } table.filtered <- table.filtered[presence >= presence_threshold, ] nrow.filtered.p <- nrow(table.filtered) nstop <- nrow(table.filtered) ab.min <- round(min(filter), digits=4) ab.max <- round(max.abundance, digits=4) msg <- paste(msg, ': ', nrow.filtered.a-nrow.filtered.p, ' rows were removed out of ', nrow.filtered.a, ' (final number of rows = ', nrow.filtered.p, '). Min-max abundance found was ', minmax.a, '. Min-max presence found was ', minmax.p, '."', sep='') PrintMsg(msg, verbose) if (nrow.filtered.p == 0) { PrintMsg(paste('"error":"All the rows were filtered out. Please chose an abundance threshold within ', minmax.a, ' and a presence threshold within ', minmax.p, '."', sep=''), verbose, TRUE) } return (table.filtered) } ################ # Bin numeric table by category # Args: # (1) table (numeric dataframe) Count table # (2) aggr.col (character) Name of the column in 'table' to consider for data # aggregation # (3) fun (character) Function to use for data aggregation. Valid # choices: 'mean', 'sum' # (4) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # Returns: # An aggregated version of 'table' (numeric dataframe) # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ BinTableByCategory <- function(table=NULL, category_col='taxonomy', fun='sum', level='NA', verbose=TRUE, vstyle=1) { if ((category_col == '') || !(category_col %in% names(table)) ) { category_col <- "row names" category <- row.names(table) } else { category <- paste(table[, names(table) == category_col], '; (', row.names(table), ')', sep='') table <- table[, names(table) != category_col] } category <- strsplit(category, ';') if (vstyle == 1) { PrintMsg(paste('"description":"Observations were binned by categories (category column:', category_col, ', function:', fun, ', level:', level, ')."', sep=''), verbose) } else if (vstyle == 2) { PrintMsg(paste('"description":"Observations were binned by categories (category column:', category_col, ', function:', fun, '):"', sep=''), verbose) } if (vstyle > 1) { PrintMsg(paste('"description-item":"Category level ', level, '"', sep=''), verbose) } for (i in 1:length(category)) { category[[i]] <- gsub('^ *.__ *$', '', category[[i]]) category[[i]] <- gsub('^ *', '', category[[i]]) category[[i]] <- gsub(' *$', '', category[[i]]) category[[i]] <- category[[i]][! category[[i]] %in% c('', ' ')] if (length(category[[i]]) >= level) { category[[i]] <- paste(category[[i]][1:level], collapse='; ') } else { category[[i]] <- paste(category[[i]], collapse='; ') } } category <- list(unlist(category)) name <- 'category' while (name %in% names(table)) { name <- paste(name,paste(sample(c(0:9, letters, LETTERS), 3), collapse=''),sep='_') } names(category) <- name table.binned <- aggregate(table, by=category, FUN=fun) row.names(table.binned) <- table.binned[, name] table.binned <- table.binned[, names(table.binned) != name] return(table.binned) } ################ # Divide a data frame (or a matrix-like object) by a vector # Args: # (1) table (numeric dataframe) Count table # (2) vect (vector) Vector to divide 'table' # (3) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # Returns: # A divided (per row) version of 'table' (numeric dataframe) # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ DivTable <- function(table=NULL, vect=NULL, verbose='TRUE') { PrintMsg('log', 'Divide tables rows by a vector.', verbose=verbose) return (as.matrix(table) / unlist(vect)) } ################ # Transform to log2 count per milion # Args: # (1) table (numeric dataframe) Count table # (2) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # Returns: # A transformed version of 'table' (numeric dataframe) # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ ApplyLog2Cpm <- function(table=NULL, verbose='TRUE') { if (length(table[table < 0]) > 0) { PrintMsg('"error":"The log2cpm transformation was not applied because negative values were detected."', verbose, TRUE) return () } if (length(table[table%%1 > 0]) > 0) { PrintMsg('"warning":"Non-integer values were detected."', verbose) table <- round(table, digits=0) } PrintMsg('"description":"Values were converted into per-million per column and a log-transformation was applied (log2(x+1))."', verbose) transformed.table <- as.data.frame(log2(1+(apply(as.matrix(table), 2, Numeric2Percent))*10000)) names(transformed.table) <- names(table) row.names(transformed.table) <- row.names(table) return (transformed.table) } ################ # Transform to log2 # Args: # (1) table (numeric dataframe) Count table # (2) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # Returns: # A transformed version of 'table' (numeric dataframe) # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ ApplyLog2 <- function(table=NULL, verbose=TRUE) { if (length(table[table < 0]) > 0) { PrintMsg('"error":"log2(x+1) was not applied because negative values were detected."', verbose, TRUE) return () } PrintMsg('"description":"A log-transformation was applied (log2(x+1))."', verbose) transformed.table <- as.data.frame(log2(1+(as.matrix(table)))) names(transformed.table) <- names(table) row.names(transformed.table) <- row.names(table) return (transformed.table) } ################ # Transform to percent (per column) # Args: # (1) table (numeric dataframe) Count table # (2) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # Returns: # A transformed version of 'table' (numeric dataframe) # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ ApplyCount2Percent <- function(table, verbose=TRUE) { PrintMsg('"description":"Values were converted into percentages per column."', verbose=verbose) transformed.table <- as.data.frame(apply(as.matrix(table), 2, Numeric2Percent)) names(transformed.table) <- names(table) row.names(transformed.table) <- row.names(table) return (transformed.table) } ################ # Apply rarefaction # Args: # (1) table (numeric dataframe) Count table # (2) sample (positive integer or 'max') Sampling depth # (3) nsampling (positive integer) Number of repeated sampling to performe # (4) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # Returns: # A rarefied version of 'table' (a numeric dataframe) # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ RarefyTable <- function(table=NULL, sample='max', nsampling=1, verbose=TRUE) { suppressMessages(library('vegan')) # Round counts if not integers if (length(table[table < 0]) > 0) { PrintMsg('"error":"Rarefaction is not applicable because negative values were detected."', verbose, TRUE) return () } if (length(table[table%%1 > 0]) > 0) { PrintMsg('"warning":"Non-integer values were detected. In order to permit rarefaction, these values were rounded to the nearest integer."', verbose) table <- round(table, digits=0) } # Define/check rarefaction depth min.sample <- min(colSums(table)) if (sample == 'max' || as.numeric(sample) > min.sample) { sample <- min.sample } if (sample < 100) { PrintMsg(paste('"warning":"Very low counts detected in the following sample(s): ', paste(names(table)[which(colSums(table) < 100)], collapse=','), '."', sep=''), verbose) } else if (sample < 1000) { PrintMsg(paste('"warning":"Low counts detected in the following sample(s): ', paste(names(table)[which(colSums(table) < 1000)], collapse=','), '."', sep=''), verbose) } # Apply rarefaction table <- t(table) table.list <- list() for (i in 1:as.numeric(nsampling)) { table.list[[i]] <- rrarefy(table, sample=sample) } rarefied.table <- apply(simplify2array(table.list), c(1, 2), mean) # element-wise mean across rarefied tables PrintMsg(paste('"description":"The number of observations per samples were equalized using the rarefaction method with a sampling depth of ', sample, ' (random sampling without replacement) (R package vegan). The rarefied values were calculated as the means of ', nsampling, ' independent samplings that were rounded to the nearest integer."', sep=''), verbose=verbose) return (data.frame(t(round(rarefied.table, digits=0)))) } ################ # Args: # (1) table (numeric dataframe) Count table # (2) map (dataframe) Design # (3) effect (character) comma-delimited list of random effects to # suppress. Elements must be names of columns in mapping file # (4) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # Returns: # A adjusted version of 'table' (a numeric dataframe) # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ SuppressBatchEffect <- function(table=NULL, map=NULL, effect=NULL, fun='combat', verbose=TRUE) { method <- list(combat='ComBat', mean_centering='mean centering') PrintMsg(paste('"description":"Batch effect suppression on ', effect, ' using', method[[fun]], '"'), verbose) effect <- unlist(strsplit(effect, split=',')) if (fun == 'mean_centering') { table <- t(table) for (i in 1:length(effect)) { fact <- map[effect[i]] fact.name <- as.vector(unique(unlist(fact))) nfact <- length(fact.name) for (j in 1:ncol(table)) { data <- data.frame(d=table[, j], fact=fact) means <- NULL for (k in 1:nfact) { means <- append(means, mean(data[fact == fact.name[k], 'd'])) } for (k in 1:nfact) { adj <- max(means)-means[k] data[fact == fact.name[k], 'd'] <- data[fact == fact.name[k], 'd']+adj } table[, j] <- data$d } } table <- t(table) } else if (fun == 'combat') { suppressMessages(library('sva')) table <- ComBat(table, map[, effect]) } return (table) } ################ # Filter mapping file to keep only terms in model # Args: # (1) map (dataframe) # (2) model (formula vector) # Returns: # A filtered map ################ FilterMap <- function(map=NULL, model=NULL) { # keep only columns of map that are used in the model if (!is.null(model)) { term <- list() for (i in 1:length(model)) { term[[i]] <-as.vector(unique(unlist(strsplit(model[i], split=c('[^A-Za-z0-9_]'))))) term[[i]] <- term[[i]][! term[[i]] %in% c("", " ", "1", "Error")] } term <- as.vector(unlist(term)) row.names <- row.names(map) if (length(term) > 1) { map <- as.data.frame(map[, names(map) %in% term]) } else { map <- as.data.frame(map[, names(map) == term]) names(map) <- term } if (ncol(map) < length(unique(term))) { PrintMsg(paste('"error":"Some terms in model ', model, ' were not found in the map. Please make sure that all model terms refer to columns headers in the map."', sep=''), verbose=TRUE, TRUE) } } return (map) } ################ # Remove constant rows from table # Args: # (1) table (dataframe) # Returns: # A filtered table ################ RemoveConstantRows <- function(table=NULL, verbose=TRUE) { filter <- rep(TRUE, nrow(table)) for (i in 1:nrow(table)) { if (length(as.vector(unique(unlist(table[i, ])))) < 2) { filter[i] <- FALSE PrintMsg(paste('"warning":"Row ', i, ' (', row.names(table)[i], ') contained essentially constant data and was removed."', sep=''), verbose=verbose) } } return (table[filter == TRUE, ]) } ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # ANALYSIS ##################################################################### # ANALYSIS ##################################################################### # ANALYSIS ##################################################################### # ANALYSIS ##################################################################### ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################ # Apply a clustering algorithm # Args: # (1) table (numeric dataframe) Count table # (2) fun (character) Clustering function (algorithme) # (3) json (character) Json string specifying packages # (4) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # (5) graphical (logical) Generate graphics? # Returns: # A table of clusters # Output to device: # Depending on 'fun', a figure # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ PerformClustering <- function(table=NULL, fun=c('kmeans', 'pam', 'pam-bray', 'pam-jaccard'), json=libJson, verbose=TRUE, graphical=TRUE) { if (ncol(table) < 10 || nrow(table) < 3) { PrintMsg('"warning":"Not enough data to perform clustering (min 10 column and 3 rows)."', verbose) return (NULL) } else if (ncol(table) > 65536) { PrintMsg('"warning":"Sorry, the dataset is too large for clustering algorithms (max 65536 columns)."', verbose) return (NULL) } spec <- as.data.frame(do.call('rbind', json$clustering)) spec <- spec[spec$value == fun, ] package <- '' pkg <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(unlist(spec$pkg)), split=',')) if (length(pkg) > 0) { for (i in 1:length(pkg)) { suppressMessages(library(pkg[i], character.only=TRUE)) } package <- paste(' (R package {', unlist(spec$pkg), '})', sep='') } PrintMsg(paste('"description":"Clusters were determined using the ', spec$label, package, '."', sep=''), verbose) table <- t(table) if (fun == 'kmeans') { if (graphical == TRUE) { kmean.out <- kmeansruns(table, criterion='asw', plot=F)$cluster # figure margins too large issue... } else { kmean.out <- kmeansruns(table, criterion='asw')$cluster } cluster <- paste('kmean', kmean.out, sep ='') } else if (fun == 'pam') { pam.out <- pamk(table, usepam=TRUE) if (graphical == TRUE) { plot(pam.out$pamobject, which.plots=2) } cluster <- paste('pam', pam.out$pamobject$cluster, sep ='') } else if (fun == 'pam-bray') { dist.data <- ComputeDistance(table=table, fun='bray', json=json, verbose=verbose) pam.out <- pamk(dist.data, usepam=TRUE) if (graphical == TRUE) { plot(pam.out$pamobject, which.plots=2) } cluster <- paste('pam', pam.out$pamobject$cluster, sep ='') } else if (fun == 'pam-jaccard') { dist.data <- ComputeDistance(table=table, fun='jaccard', json=json, verbose=verbose) pam.out <- pamk(dist.data, usepam=TRUE) if (graphical == TRUE) { plot(pam.out$pamobject, which.plots=2) } cluster <- paste('pam', pam.out$pamobject$cluster, sep ='') } else { return(NULL) } cluster <- as.data.frame(cluster) row.names(cluster) <- row.names(table) names(cluster) <- 'Clustering' PrintMsg(paste('"description":"Clusters: ', paste(paste(row.names(cluster), unlist(cluster), sep=':'), collapse=', '), '."', sep=''), verbose) return (cluster) } ################ # Build a relative abundance stacked barplot # Args: # (1) table (numeric dataframe) Count table # (2) threshold (numeric) Abundance cutoff for display in percent [0;100] # (3) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # (4) graphical (logical) Generate graphics? # Returns: # Figure data as a json string # Output to device: # A figure # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ AnalyseProportions <- function(table=NULL, map=NULL, verbose=TRUE, graphical=TRUE) { # Convert to relative abundances per column PrintMsg('"description":"Data was converted to proportions (%) per sample."', verbose) if (min(table) < 0) { PrintMsg('"warning":"Negative values were found! Negative values are not supported by this analysis."', verbose) table <- as.data.frame(abs(table)) } table <- as.data.frame(apply(table, 2, Numeric2Percent)) # Order by decreasing values table <- as.data.frame(table[order(rowMeans(table), decreasing=TRUE), ]) out <- list() out[['txt']] <- table out[['json']] <- Dataframe2DataJson(data=table, xmetadata=map) # Build stacked barchart if (as.logical(graphical) == TRUE) { col <- rainbow(nrow(table)) par(mar=c(4, 4, 2, 4), xpd=TRUE) barplot(as.matrix(table), ylim=c(0, max(colSums(table))), space=0, border=NA, names.arg=names(table), ylab='%', col=col, las=2, bty="n", cex.names=1.84906*ncol(table)^-0.2898) # Build legend in a separate figure plot.new() legend("topleft", row.names(table), cex=0.8, fill=col, horiz=FALSE) } return (out) } ################ # Calculate diversity per column # Args: # (1) table (numeric dataframe) Count table # (2) fun (character) The diversity function to use # (3) json (character) Json string specifying packages # (4) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # Returns: # A vector of length=ncol(table) # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ ComputeDiversity <- function(table=NULL, fun='shannon', json=libJson, verbose=TRUE) { spec <- as.data.frame(do.call('rbind', json$diversity)) spec <- spec[spec$value == fun, ] package <- '' pkg <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(unlist(spec$pkg)), split=',')) if (length(pkg) > 0) { for (i in 1:length(pkg)) { suppressMessages(library(pkg[i], character.only=TRUE)) } package <- paste(' (R package {', unlist(spec$pkg), '})', sep='') } else { pkg <- '' } PrintMsg(paste('"description":"The ', spec$label, package, ' was calculated for each sample."', sep=''), verbose) diversity <- NULL if (pkg == 'vegan') { for (i in 1:ncol(table)) { diversity <- append(diversity, diversity(table[, i], index=fun, MARGIN=0, base=2), after=length(diversity)) } } else if (pkg == 'ineq') { for (i in 1:ncol(table)) { diversity <- append(diversity, ineq(table[, i], parameter=NULL, type=fun, na.rm=TRUE), after=length(diversity)) } } else if (fun == 'richness') { for (i in 1:ncol(table)) { diversity <- append(diversity, sum(table[, i] != 0), after=length(diversity)) } } else if (fun == 'chao1') { diversity <- chao1(table, taxa.row = TRUE) } else { PrintMsg(paste('"error":"Unknown argument to fun (2):', fun, '"', sep=' '), verbose, TRUE) } return (diversity) } ################ # Compute correlations # Args: # (1) table (numeric dataframe) Count table # (2) fun (character) The correlation methode to use # (3) json (character) Json string specifying packages # (4) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # Returns: # A vector of length=ncol(table) # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ ComputeCorrelation <- function(table=NULL, fun='pearson', test=FALSE, json=libJson, verbose=TRUE) { spec <- as.data.frame(do.call('rbind', json$correlation)) spec <- spec[spec$value == fun, ] package <- '' pkg <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(unlist(spec$pkg)), split=',')) if (length(pkg) > 0) { for (i in 1:length(pkg)) { suppressMessages(library(pkg[i], character.only=TRUE)) } package <- paste(' (R package {', unlist(spec$pkg), '})', sep='') } PrintMsg(paste('"description":"Calculated ', spec$label, package, '."', sep=''), verbose=verbose) if (as.logical(test) == TRUE) { cor.output <- list() cor.output[['estimate']] <- matrix(ncol=nrow(table), nrow=nrow(table)) cor.output[['p.value']] <- matrix(ncol=nrow(table), nrow=nrow(table)) for (i in 2:nrow(table)) { for (j in 1:(i-1)) { out <- cor.test(unlist(table[i, ]), unlist(table[j, ]), method=fun) cor.output[['estimate']][i, j] <- out$estimate cor.output[['p.value']][i, j] <- out$p.value } } cor.output[['estimate']][upper.tri(cor.output[['estimate']])] <- t(cor.output[['estimate']])[upper.tri(cor.output[['estimate']])] diag(cor.output[['estimate']]) <- 1 cor.output[['p.value']][upper.tri(cor.output[['p.value']])] <- t(cor.output[['p.value']])[upper.tri(cor.output[['p.value']])] diag(cor.output[['p.value']]) <- 0 return (cor.output) } if (fun == 'pearson') { return (cor(t(table), method=fun, use='pairwise.complete.obs')) } else { return (cor(t(table), method=fun, use='na.or.complete')) } } ################ # Compute distances # Args: # (1) table (numeric dataframe) Count table # (2) fun (character) The distance function to use # (3) json (character) Json string specifying packages # (4) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # Returns: # A vector of length=ncol(table) # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ ComputeDistance <- function(table=NULL, fun='bray', json=libJson, verbose=TRUE) { spec <- as.data.frame(do.call('rbind', json$distance)) spec <- spec[spec$value == fun, ] package <- '' pkg <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(unlist(spec$pkg)), split=',')) if (length(pkg) > 0) { for (i in 1:length(pkg)) { suppressMessages(library(pkg[i], character.only=TRUE)) } package <- paste(' (R package {', unlist(spec$pkg), '})', sep='') } if (fun %in% c('pearson', 'spearman')) { PrintMsg(paste('"description":"A distance matrix was calculated based on ', spec$label, package, '."', sep=''), verbose=verbose) return (as.dist(as.matrix(ComputeCorrelation(table, fun=fun, json=json, verbose=FALSE)))) } else { # Correct for negative entries by adding a scalar (Caillez correction method) if (min(table) < 0) { table <- table+abs(min(table)) PrintMsg(paste('"description":"A Caillez correction was applied and a distance matrix was calculated based on ', spec$label, package, '."', sep=''), verbose=verbose) } else { PrintMsg(paste('"description":"A distance matrix was calculated based on ', spec$label, package, '."', sep=''), verbose=verbose) } if ('vegan' %in% pkg) { return (vegdist(table, method=fun, binary=FALSE, diag=TRUE, upper=TRUE)) } } } ################ # Test if model is balanced # Args: # (1) map (data-frame) Experimental design table # (2) model (character) A formula representing the model for stats. Terms # must refer to names(map) # (3) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # Returns: # A bool indicating whether the design is balanced or not ################ ModelIsBalanced <- function(map=NULL, model=NULL, verbose='TRUE') { # keep only columns of map that are used in the model map <- FilterMap(map=map, model=model) for (i in 1:ncol(map)) { fact <- as.vector(unique(unlist(map[, i]))) n <- length(map[map[, i] == fact[1], i]) if (length(fact) > 1) { for (j in 2:length(fact)) { if (length(map[map[, i] == fact[j], i]) != n) { PrintMsg('log', paste('Model ',model , ' is not balanced.', sep=''), verbose=verbose) return (FALSE) } } } } PrintMsg('note', paste('Model ',model , ' is balanced.', sep=''), verbose=verbose) return (TRUE) } ################ # Test if model's variables could be nested # Args: # (1) map (data-frame) Experimental design table # (2) model (character) A formula representing the model for stats. Terms # must refer to names(map) # (3) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # Returns: # A list of nested variables ################ ModelIsNested <- function(map=NULL, model=NULL, verbose='TRUE') { # keep only columns of map that are used in the model map <- FilterMap(map=map, model=model) if (ncol(map) < 2) { return (NULL) } out <- list() out.txt <- NULL for (i in 1:ncol(map)) { fact <- as.vector(unique(unlist(map[, i]))) test <- as.data.frame(map[, -i]) names(test) <- names(map)[-i] out[[names(map)[i]]] <- NULL for (j in 1:ncol(test)) { group1 <- as.vector(test[map[, i] == fact[1], j]) nested <- TRUE if (length(as.vector(unique(map[, i]))) >= length(as.vector(unique(test[, j])))) { nested <- FALSE } else if (length(as.vector(unique(group1))) != length(group1)) { nested <- FALSE } else { for (k in 2:length(fact)) { if (!identical(group1, as.vector(test[map[, i] == fact[k], j]))) { nested <- FALSE break } } } if (nested == TRUE) { out[[names(map)[i]]] <- append(out[[names(map)[i]]], names(test)[j], after=length(out[[names(map)[i]]])) out.txt <- append(out.txt, paste(names(test)[i], names(map)[j], sep='/'), after=length(out.txt)) } } } if (length(out) == 0) { return (NULL) } PrintMsg('log', paste('The following nesting was detected in model ', model, ': ', paste(out.txt, collapse=', '), ' Please control that the model is the one you want.', sep=''), verbose=verbose) return (out) } ################ # Compute statistics # Args: # (1) response (numeric vector) # (2) map (data-frame) Experimental design table with # nrow=length(response) # (3) method (character) Statistics to use # (4) model (character) A formula representing the model for stats. Terms # must refer to names(map) # (5) pairwise (bool) Perform pairwise comparision? # (6) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # Returns: # A data-frame # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ ComputeStats <- function(response=NULL, map=NULL, method='anova', model=NULL, pairwise=TRUE, verbose=TRUE) { if (is.null(method)) { method <- 'anova' PrintMsg('"warning":"The statistical method was not specified. An ANOVA will be performed by default."', verbose) } # If no model is specified, assume all columns in map are fixed variables if (is.null(model)) { model <- paste(names(map), collapse='+') PrintMsg(paste('"warning":"No model was specified. Based on the map, the following model will be used by default: ', model, '."', sep=''), verbose) } # Test that each factor has >= 2 levels term <- as.vector(unique(unlist(strsplit(model, split=c('[^A-Za-z0-9_]'))))) term <- term[! term %in% c("", " ", "1", "Error")] for (i in 1:length(term)) { if (!term[i] %in% names(map)) { PrintMsg(paste('"error":"The following model factor was not found in map: ', term[i], '. Please correct the model or correct the map."', sep=''), verbose=TRUE, stop=TRUE) } levels <- as.vector(unique(unlist(map[, term[i]]))) if (length(levels) < 2) { PrintMsg(paste('"error":"The following model factor has less than 2 levels: ', term[i], '. Please correct the model or correct the map."', sep=''), verbose=TRUE, stop=TRUE) } for (j in 1:length(levels)) { if (length(map[map[, term[i]] == levels[j], ]) == 1) { PrintMsg(paste('"warning":"The following group contains only one element (variance is null): ', levels[j], '. This will impact on statistics."', sep=''), TRUE) } } } response.name <- 'response' while (response.name %in% names(map)) { response.name <- paste('response', paste(sample(c(letters, LETTERS, c(0:9)), 4), collapse=''), sep='') } names(response) <- response.name formula <- paste(response.name, ' ~ ', model, sep='') # Build the dataframe data <- map data <- cbind(map, response) pairwise.output <- NULL if (method == 'anova' || is.null(method)) { # PARAMETRIC, ACCEPTS MODELS WITH >2 FACTORS, MULTIPLE FIXED VARIABLES AND NESTING # MODEL CAN BE OF THE FORM "a*b+c" PrintMsg(paste('"description":"An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed using the model: ', model, '."', sep=''), verbose) aov.output <- aov(formula=as.formula(formula), data=data) if (pairwise == TRUE) { pairwise.output <- TukeyHSD(aov.output) } summary <- as.data.frame(summary(aov.output)[[1]]) if ('Pr(>F)' %in% names(summary)) { p.value <- summary[, 'Pr(>F)'] } else { PrintMsg(paste('"warning":"Impossible to calculate a p-value. Please make sure that the model ', model, ' is not saturated."', sep=''), verbose) p.value <- rep('NA', nrow(summary)) } summary <- data.frame(row.names=gsub('[[:space:]]', '', row.names(summary)), p.value=p.value) #explained=summary[, 'Sum Sq']/sum(summary[, 'Sum Sq'])) } else if (method == 'friedman') { # NON-PARAMETRIC, ACCEPTS MODELS WITH >2 FACTORS BUT REQUIRES EXACTLY 2 NESTED VARIABLE # MODEL HAS TO BE OF THE FORM "a | b" friedman.terms <- unlist(strsplit(model, split=' ')) if (length(friedman.terms) != 3 || friedman.terms[2] != '|') { PrintMsg(paste('"error":"The model must be of the form a | b when using Friedman test. Please provide an appropriate model. The current model is: ', model, '."', sep=''), verbose, TRUE) } friedman.output <- friedman.test.with.post.hoc(formula=as.formula(formula), data=data) PrintMsg(paste('"description":"A Friedman test was performed using the model: ', model, '."', sep=''), verbose) if (pairwise == TRUE) { pairwise.output <- list() pairwise.output[[term[1]]] <- data.frame(row.names=paste(unique(unlist(map[, term[1]])), collapse='-'), p=friedman.output$PostHoc.Test) PrintMsg('"description":"A post-hoc test with correction for multiple comparisions was performed."', verbose) } summary <- data.frame(row.names=term[1], p.value=friedman.output$Friedman.Test) } else if (method == 'kruskal') { # NON-PARAMETRIC, ACCEPTS MODELS WITH >2 FACTORS BUT ONLY 1 FIXED VARIABLE # MODEL CAN BE OF THE FORM "a" if (length(term) > 1) { PrintMsg(paste('"error":"The model cannot include more than 1 variable when using Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test. Please provide an appropriate model. The current model is: ', model, ' (', length(term), ' variables)."', sep=''), verbose, TRUE) } suppressMessages(library('dunn.test')) dunn.output <- dunn.test(data[, response.name], g=map[, term[1]], kw=FALSE, table=FALSE, list=FALSE) PrintMsg(paste('"description":"A Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test was performed using the model: ', model, '."', sep=''), verbose) if (pairwise == TRUE) { pairwise.output <- list() pairwise.output[[term[1]]] <- data.frame(row.names=paste(unique(unlist(map[, term[1]])), collapse='-'), p=dunn.output$P) PrintMsg('"description":"A post-hoc test with correction for multiple comparisions (R library {dunn.test}) was performed."', verbose) } summary <- data.frame(row.names=term[1], p.value=pchisq(dunn.output$chi2, nrow(data)-1, lower.tail=FALSE)) } else if (method == 'wilcox') { # NON-PARAMETRIC, ACCEPTS MODELS WITH 2 FACTORS ONLY AND ONE FIXED VARIABLES # MODEL HAS TO BE OF THE FORM "a" if (length(term) > 1) { PrintMsg(paste('"error":"The model cannot include more than 1 variable when using Wilcoxon rank sum test. Please provide an appropriate model. The current model is: ', model, ' (', length(term), ' variables)."', sep=''), verbose, TRUE) } samples <- unique(unlist(data[, model])) if (length(samples) != 2) { PrintMsg(paste('"error":"The Wilcoxon rank sum test can only perform two samples comparison. Please provide an appropriate model. The current model includes the following samples: ', sample, '."', sep=''), verbose, TRUE) } wilcox.output <- wilcox.test(formula=as.formula(formula), data=data) PrintMsg(paste('"description":"A Wilcoxon rank sum test was performed using the model: ', model, '."', sep=''), verbose) # summary <- data.frame(row.names=paste(samples, collapse='-'), summary <- data.frame(row.names=model, p.value=wilcox.output$p.value) pairwise.output <- list() pairwise.output[[model]] <- as.data.frame(wilcox.output$p.value) names(pairwise.output[[model]]) <- model row.names(pairwise.output[[model]]) <-paste(samples, collapse='-') } else if (method == 'wilcox_paired') { # NON-PARAMETRIC, ACCEPTS MODELS WITH 2 FACTORS ONLY AND ONE FIXED VARIABLES. NESTING IS ASSUMED FROM THE ORDER OF THE DATA! # MODEL HAS TO BE OF THE FORM "a" if (length(term) > 1) { PrintMsg(paste('"error":"The model cannot include more than 1 variable when using Wilcoxon signed rank test. Please provide an appropriate model. The current model is: ', model, ' (', length(term), ' variables)."', sep=''), verbose, TRUE) } samples <- unique(unlist(data[, model])) if (length(samples) != 2) { PrintMsg(paste('"error":"The Wilcoxon signed rank test can only perform two samples paired comparison. Please provide an appropriate model. the current model includes the following samples: ', paste(samples, collapse=', '), '."', sep=''), verbose, TRUE) } x <- data[data[, model] == samples[1], model] y <- data[data[, model] == samples[2], model] if (length(x) != length(y)) { PrintMsg(paste('"error":"A paired comparison in Wilcoxon signed rank test is possible only if samples have same size. Please provide an appropriate model, correct the map or use different statistics. Current samples are: ', samples[1], '(n=', length(x), '), ', samples[2], '(n=', length(y), ')."', sep=''), verbose, TRUE) } wilcox.output <- wilcox.test(formula=as.formula(formula), data=data, paired=TRUE) PrintMsg(paste('"description":"A Wilcoxon signed rank test was performed using the model: ', model, '. Paires: ', paste(paste(row.names(data)[data[, model] == samples[1]], row.names(data)[data[, model] == samples[2]], sep='-'), collapse=', '), '."', sep=''), verbose) # summary <- data.frame(row.names=paste(samples, collapse='-'), summary <- data.frame(row.names=model, p.value=wilcox.output$p.value) pairwise.output <- list() pairwise.output[[model]] <- as.data.frame(wilcox.output$p.value) names(pairwise.output[[model]]) <- model row.names(pairwise.output[[model]]) <-paste(samples, collapse='-') } else if (method == 'ttest') { # PARAMETRIC, ACCEPTS MODELS WITH 2 FACTORS ONLY AND ONE FIXED VARIABLES. # MODEL HAS TO BE OF THE FORM "a" if (length(term) > 1) { PrintMsg(paste('"error":"The model cannot include more than 1 variable when using t-test. Please provide an appropriate model. The current model is: ', model, ' (', length(term), ' variables)."', sep=''), verbose, TRUE) } samples <- unique(unlist(data[, model])) if (length(samples) != 2) { PrintMsg(paste('"error":"A t-test can only perform two samples comparison. Please provide an appropriate model. The current model includes the following samples: ', paste(samples, collapse=', '), '."', sep=''), verbose, TRUE) } ttest.output <- t.test(formula=as.formula(formula), data=data) PrintMsg(paste('"description":"A paired t-test was performed using the model: ', model, '."', sep=''), verbose) # summary <- data.frame(row.names=paste(samples, collapse='-'), summary <- data.frame(row.names=model, p.value=ttest.output$p.value) pairwise.output <- list() pairwise.output[[model]] <- as.data.frame(ttest.output$p.value) names(pairwise.output[[model]]) <- model row.names(pairwise.output[[model]]) <-paste(samples, collapse='-') } else if (method == 'ttest_paired') { # PARAMETRIC, ACCEPTS MODELS WITH 2 FACTORS ONLY AND ONE FIXED VARIABLES. NESTING IS ASSUMED FROM THE ORDER OF THE DATA! # MODEL HAS TO BE OF THE FORM "a" if (length(term) > 1) { PrintMsg(paste('"error":"A model cannot include more than 1 variable when using t-test. Please provide an appropriate model. The current model is: ', model, ' (', length(term), ' variables)."', sep=''), verbose, TRUE) } samples <- unique(unlist(data[, model])) if (length(samples) != 2) { PrintMsg(paste('"error":"A paired t-test can only perform two samples comparison. Please provide an appropriate model. The current model includes the following samples: ', paste(samples, collapse=', '), '."', sep=''), verbose, TRUE) } x <- data[data[, model] == samples[1], model] y <- data[data[, model] == samples[2], model] if (length(x) != length(y)) { PrintMsg(paste('"error":"A paired comparison in t-test is possible only if samples have same size. Please provide an appropriate model, correct the map or use different statistics. The current samples are: ', samples[1], '(n=', length(x), '), ', samples[2], '(n=', length(y), ')."', sep=''), verbose, TRUE) } ttest.output <- t.test(formula=as.formula(formula), data=data, paired=TRUE) PrintMsg(paste('"description":"A paired t-test was performed using the model: ', model, '. Paires: ', paste(paste(row.names(data)[data[, model] == samples[1]], row.names(data)[data[, model] == samples[2]], sep='-'), collapse=', '), '."', sep=''), verbose) # summary <- data.frame(row.names=paste(samples, collapse='-'), summary <- data.frame(row.names=model, p.value=ttest.output$p.value) pairwise.output <- list() pairwise.output[[model]] <- as.data.frame(ttest.output$p.value) names(pairwise.output[[model]]) <- model row.names(pairwise.output[[model]]) <-paste(samples, collapse='-') } stat <- list(summary=summary, pairwise=pairwise.output) return (stat) } ################ # Plot rarefaction curves # Args: # (1) data (numeric matrix) rarefaction table # Output to device: # A figure ################ PlotRarefactionCurves <- function(data=NULL, xlab='Rarefaction depth', ylab='') { color.palette <- rainbow(ncol(data)) plot(x=row.names(data), y=c(1:nrow(data)), type="n", ylim=c(min(data), max(data)), xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab) for (i in 1:ncol(data)) { lines(x=row.names(data), y=data[, i], col=color.palette[i]) } return () } ################ # Perform a diversity analysis # Args: # (1) table (numeric dataframe) Count table # (2) map (data-frame) Experimental design table with nrow=ncol(table) # (3) fun (character) The diversity function to use # (4) model (formula vector) A formula representing the model for stats. Terms # must refer to names(map) # (5) json (character) Json string specifying packages # (6) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # (7) graphical (logical) Generate graphics? # Returns: # Figure data as a json string # Output to device: # A figure # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ AnalyseDiversity <- function(table=NULL, map=NULL, fun=c('richness', 'shannon'), nrar=20, compare_diversity=FALSE, stats=NULL, model=NULL, json=libJson, verbose=TRUE, graphical=TRUE) { if (is.null(fun)) { fun <- 'richness' } suppressMessages(library('vegan')) fun <- fun[fun != ''] # Round counts if not integers if (length(table[table < 0]) > 0) { PrintMsg('"error":"Rarefaction is not applicable because negative values were detected."', verbose, TRUE) return () } if (length(table[table%%1 > 0]) > 0) { PrintMsg('"warning":"Non-integer values were detected. In order to permit rarefaction, these values were rounded to the nearest integer."', verbose) table <- round(table, digits=0) } # Compute rarefaction curves for diversity colsums <- colSums(table) min.colsum <- floor(min(colsums)) ncol <- ncol(table) sample <- matrix(rep(floor(seq(from=0, to=min.colsum, length.out=nrar)), ncol), ncol=ncol, byrow=FALSE) diversity <- list() map <- FilterMap(map=map, model=model) rarefied.table <- list() for (i in 1:nrar) { rarefied.table[[i]] <- rrarefy(t(table), sample=apply(rbind(sample[i, ], colsums), 2, min)) } PrintMsg('"description":"This is a diversity analysis."', verbose) PrintMsg(paste('"description":"The dataset was rarefied until ', min.colsum, ' counts per sample."', sep=''), verbose) out <- list() out[['txt']] <- as.data.frame(matrix(ncol=length(fun), nrow=ncol)) names(out[['txt']]) <- fun row.names(out[['txt']]) <- names(table) data.json <- c(1:length(fun)) for (i in 1:length(fun)) { div <- matrix(ncol=ncol, nrow=nrar) v <- TRUE for (j in 1:nrar) { div[j, ] <- ComputeDiversity(table=t(rarefied.table[[j]]), fun=fun[i], json=json, verbose=v) v <- FALSE } colnames(div) <- colnames(table) row.names(div) <- sample[, 1] diversity[[i]] <- as.matrix(div) out[['txt']][, i] <- div[nrar, ] # Build figures if (graphical == TRUE) { PlotRarefactionCurves(div, ylab=fun[i]) } # Calculate statistics if (compare_diversity == TRUE) { p.value <- list() for (j in 1:length(model)) { if (length(stats) == length(model)) { method <- stats[j] } else { method <- stats[1] } stat <- ComputeStats(response=div[nrar, ], map=map, method=method, model=model[j], pairwise=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)$summary p <- as.data.frame(t(as.matrix(stat$p.value))) names(p) <- row.names(stat) p <- as.data.frame(p[, names(p) != 'Residuals']) # the following is usefull in case model contains only one element names(p) <- row.names(stat)[row.names(stat) != 'Residuals'] row.names(p) <- fun[i] p.value[[j]] <- p } PrintMsg(paste('"description":"The statistics were performed at a rarefaction depth of ', min.colsum, ' counts per sample."', sep=''), verbose) } else { p.value <- NULL } data.json[i] <- paste('"', fun[i], '":', diversity2json(diversity[[i]], p.value, map), sep='') } out[['json']] <- paste('{', paste(data.json, collapse=','), '}', sep='') return (out) } ################ # Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance Using Distance Matrices # Args: # (1) model (character) # (2) map (data-frame) Experimental design table with nrow=ncol(table) # (3) fun (character) The distance function to use # (4) graphical (logical) Generate graphics? # Returns: # A summary (data-frame) # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ Adonis <- function(table=NULL, model=NULL, strata=NULL, map=NULL, fun='bray', graphical=TRUE) { if (!is.null(model)) { formula <- paste('table ~ ', model, sep='') } else { formula <- paste('table ~ ', paste(names(map), collapse='*'), sep='')} if (!is.null(strata)) { if (strata == '') { strata == NULL } else { #formula <- paste(formula, strata, sep=' / ') strata <- map[, strata] } } adonis.output <- adonis(formula=as.formula(formula), data=as.data.frame(map), strata=strata, method=fun, permutations=1000) summary <- data.frame(row.names=row.names(adonis.output$aov.tab)) summary <- data.frame(row.names=gsub('[[:space:]]', '', row.names(adonis.output$aov.tab)), p.value=adonis.output$aov.tab[, 'Pr(>F)'], explained=adonis.output$aov.tab[, 'R2']) summary <- summary[row.names(summary) != 'Total', ] # Build the figure if (graphical == TRUE) { pie(summary$explained, labels=row.names(summary), col=rainbow(length(summary$explained)), init.angle=0, radius=0.7, cex=0.7, xpd=TRUE) legend(x=-1, y=-1, xjust=1, yjust=0.5, title='p-value', legend=round(summary$p.value, digits=4), fill=rainbow(nrow(summary)), cex=0.7, xpd=TRUE) } return (summary) } ################ # Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance Using Distance Matrices # Args: # (1) table (numeric dataframe) Count table # (2) map (data-frame) Experimental design table with nrow=ncol(table) # (3) fun (character) The distance function to use # (4) model (character vector) A formula representing the model for stats. Terms # must refer to names(map) # must refer to names(map) # (5) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # (6) graphical (logical) Generate graphics? # Returns: # Figure data as a json string # Output to device: # A figure # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ PerformAdonis <- function(table=NULL, map=NULL, fun='bray', model=NULL, strata=NULL, json=libJson, verbose=TRUE, graphical=TRUE) { suppressMessages(library('vegan')) #out.json <- c(1:length(fun)) #for (k in 1:length(fun)) { spec <- as.data.frame(do.call('rbind', json$distance)) spec <- spec[spec$value == fun, ] package <- '' pkg <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(unlist(spec$pkg)), split=',')) if (length(pkg) > 0) { package <- paste(' (R package {', unlist(spec$pkg), '})', sep='') } PrintMsg(paste('"description":"This is a permutational multivariate analysis of variance using the Adonis method (R package {vegan}) based on the ', spec$label, package, '."', sep=''), verbose) + if ((nrow(table) < 4) || (ncol(table) < 4)) { + PrintMsg('"error":"Not enough data to perform statistics."', TRUE, TRUE) + } + # Correct for negative entries by adding a scalar (Caillez correction method) if (min(table) < 0) { c <- abs(min(table)) table <- table+c PrintMsg(paste('"description":"Negative values were corrected using a Caillez correction (', c, ' added to all values)."', sep=''), verbose) } if (is.null(strata) || strata == '') { strata <- rep(NULL, length(model)) } if (!is.null(strata) && length(strata) != length(model)) { PrintMsg(paste('"warning":"Number of strata (', length(strata), ') differs from number of models(', length(model), '). No strata will be used."', sep=''), verbose) strata <- rep(NULL, length(model)) } # Perform perMANOVA #map <- FilterMap(map=map, model=model) data.json <- c(1:length(model)) for (i in 1:length(model)) { stat <- Adonis(table=t(table), model=model[i], strata=strata[i], map=map, fun=fun, graphical=graphical) stat.json <- c(1:nrow(stat)) for (j in 1:nrow(stat)) { stat.json[j] <- paste('{"name":"', row.names(stat)[j], '","p-value":"', stat$p.value[j], '","explained":"', stat$explained[j], '"}', sep='') } data.json[i] <- paste('"', model[i], '":[', paste(stat.json, collapse=','), ']', sep='') } #out.json[k] <- paste('"', # fun[k], # '":"{', # paste(data.json, collapse=','), # '}', # sep='') #} #return (paste('{',paste(out.json, collapse=','), '}', sep='')) return (paste('{',paste(data.json, collapse=','), '}', sep='')) } ################ # Principal Component Analysis (PCA) # Args: # (1) table (numeric dataframe) Count table # (2) map (data-frame) Experimental design table with nrow=ncol(table) # (3) model (character vector) A formula representing the model for stats. Terms # must refer to names(map) # (4) col (character) Name of a column in map to use to define colors # (5) biplot (numeric) Show n=biplot factors with biggest norms on the # biplot # (6) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # (7) graphical (logical) Generate graphics? # Returns: # Figure data as a json string # Output to device: # A figure # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ PerformPCA <- function(table=NULL, map=NULL, biplot=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, graphical=TRUE) { + + PrintMsg('"description":"This is a principal component analysis (PCA) (R package {FactoMineR})."', + verbose) + + if ((nrow(table) < 2) || (ncol(table) < 2)) { + PrintMsg('"error":"Not enough dimensions to perform dimmensional reduction."', TRUE, TRUE) + } + suppressMessages(library('FactoMineR')) ncp <- min(max(2, ncol(table)), 5) pca.output <- PCA(t(table), ncp=ncp, scale.unit=FALSE, graph=FALSE) if (graphical == TRUE) { plot(pca.output, new.plot=FALSE) } # Pack data into a json string data.ind <- as.data.frame(t(as.data.frame(pca.output$ind$coord))) row.names(data.ind) <- gsub('Dim.', 'PC', row.names(data.ind)) out <- list() out[['txt']] <- as.data.frame(t(data.ind)) out[['json']] <- Dataframe2DataJson(data=data.ind, xmetadata=map) eig.json <- c(1:ncp) for (i in 1:ncp) { eig.json[i] <- paste('"PC', i, '":"', pca.output$eig[i, 2], '"', sep='') } if (biplot == TRUE) { data.var <- as.data.frame(t(as.data.frame(pca.output$var$coord))) row.names(data.var) <- gsub('Dim.', 'PC', row.names(data.var)) out[['txt']] <- rbind(out[['txt']], as.data.frame(t(data.var))) out[['json']] <- paste('{"ind":', out[['json']], ',"var":', Dataframe2DataJson(data=data.var), ',"eig":{', paste(eig.json, collapse=','), '}}', sep='') } else { out[['json']] <- paste('{"data":', out[['json']], ',"eig":{', paste(eig.json, collapse=','), '}}', sep='') } - PrintMsg('"description":"This is a principal component analysis (PCA) (R package {FactoMineR})."', - verbose) - return (out) } ################ # Correspondence Analysis (CA) # Args: # (1) table (numeric dataframe) Count table # (2) map (data-frame) Experimental design table with nrow=ncol(table) # (3) model (character vector) A formula representing the model for stats. Terms # must refer to names(map) # (4) col (character) Name of a column in map to use to define colors # (5) biplot (numeric) Show n=biplot factors with biggest norms on the # biplot # (6) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # (7) graphical (logical) Generate graphics? # Returns: # Figure data as a json string # Output to device: # A figure # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ PerformCA <- function(table=NULL, map=NULL, verbose=TRUE, graphical=TRUE) { suppressMessages(library('FactoMineR')) ncp <- min(max(2, ncol(table)), 5) ca.output <- CA(table, ncp=ncp, graph=FALSE) if (graphical == TRUE) { plot(ca.output, new.plot=FALSE) } # Pack data into a json string data.ind <- as.data.frame(t(as.data.frame(ca.output$col$coord))) data.json <- Dataframe2DataJson(data=data.ind, xmetadata=map) eig.json <- c(1:ncp) for (i in 1:ncp) { eig.json[i] <- paste('"Dim', i, '":"', ca.output$eig[i, 2], '"', sep='') } data.var <- t(as.data.frame(ca.output$row$coord)) data.json <- paste('{"ind":', data.json, ',"var":', Dataframe2DataJson(data=data.var), ',"eig":{', paste(eig.json, collapse=','), '}}', sep='') PrintMsg('"description":"This is a correspondence analysis (CA) (R package {FactoMineR})."', verbose) return (data.json) } ################ # Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) # Args: # (1) table (numeric dataframe) Count table # (2) map (data-frame) Experimental design table with nrow=ncol(table) # (3) fun (character) The distance function to use # (4) model (character vector) A formula representing the model for stats. Terms # must refer to names(map) # (5) col (character) Name of a column in map to use to define colors # (6) json (character) Json string specifying packages # (7) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # (8) graphical (logical) Generate graphics? # Returns: # Figure data as a json string # Output to device: # A figure # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ PerformPCoA <- function(table=NULL, map=NULL, fun='bray', json=libJson, verbose=TRUE, graphical=TRUE) { spec <- as.data.frame(do.call('rbind', json$distance)) spec <- spec[spec$value == fun, ] package <- '' pkg <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(unlist(spec$pkg)), split=',')) if (length(pkg) > 0) { for (i in 1:length(pkg)) { suppressMessages(library(pkg[i], character.only=TRUE)) } package <- paste(' (R package {', unlist(spec$pkg), '})', sep='') } dist <- as.matrix(ComputeDistance(table=Transpose(table), fun=fun, json=json, verbose=FALSE)) row.names(dist) <- names(table) out <- PerformPCA(table=dist, map=map, biplot=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, graphical=graphical) PrintMsg(paste('"description":"This is a principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) (R package {FactoMineR}) based on ', spec$label, package, '."', sep=''), verbose) return (out) } ################ # Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) # Args: # (1) table (numeric dataframe) Count table # (2) map (data-frame) Experimental design table with nrow=ncol(table) # (3) model (character vector) A formula representing the model for stats. Terms # must refer to names(map) # (4) col (character) Name of a column in map to use to define colors # (5) biplot (numeric) Show n=biplot factors with biggest norms on the # biplot # (6) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # (7) graphical (logical) Generate graphics? # Returns: # Figure data as a json string # Output to device: # A figure # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ PerformCCA <- function(table=NULL, map=NULL, column=NULL, verbose=TRUE, graphical=TRUE) { suppressMessages(library('vegan')) table <- as.data.frame(t(table)) names <- unlist(strsplit(column, split=',')) categs <- as.data.frame(map[, names]) names(categs) <- names row.names(categs) <- row.names(map) cca.output <- cca(table ~ ., data=categs) if (graphical == TRUE) { plot(cca.output) } # Pack data into a json string data.ind <- as.data.frame(t(cca.output$CCA$u)) data.var <- as.data.frame(t(cca.output$CCA$v)) data.biplot <- as.data.frame(t(cca.output$CCA$biplot)) data.json <- paste('{"ind":', Dataframe2DataJson(data=data.ind, xmetadata=map), ',"var":', Dataframe2DataJson(data=data.var), ',"biplot":', Dataframe2DataJson(data=data.biplot), '}', sep='') PrintMsg(paste('"description":"This is a canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) (R package {vegan}) with the following constraining variable(s):', column, '."', sep=''), verbose) return (data.json) } ################ # Compute fold-change # Args: # (1) response (numeric vector) Data # (2) factor (vector) Experimental design vector with # nrow=length(response) # (3) by (dataframe) A nested variable to use for calculating # fold-changes # (4) balanced (bool) assume that model balanced? If NULL, balance will be tested # (5) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # Returns: # A data-frame containing fold-changes for each variable in model # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ ComputeFoldChange <- function(group1=NULL, group2=NULL, names=NULL, verbose=TRUE) { out <- list() out[['logfc']] <- log2(mean(group2))-log2(mean(group1)) out[['ab']] <- mean(c(group2, group1)) PrintMsg(paste('"description":"Fold-change is calculated as log2(mean(', names[2], '))-log2(mean(', names[1], ')) and abundance is calculated as (mean(', names[1], ')+mean(', names[2], '))/2."', sep=''), verbose) return(out) } ################ # Extract group of samples from map # Args: # (1) map (data-frame) Experimental design table with nrow=ncol(table) # Returns: # Prints to stdout: ################ ExtractGroupFromMap <- function(map=NULL, column=NULL, group=NULL, verbose) { map <- as.data.frame(FilterMap(map=map, model=column)) group <- unlist(strsplit(group, split=':')) if (ncol(map) != length(column)) { PrintMsg('"error":"Unable to determine groups for fold-change analysis. Make sure no - or : character is present in the mapping file."' , verbose) } keep <- 1 for (i in 1:ncol(map)) { keep <- keep*(map[, i] == group[i]) } return(keep) } ################ # Analyse changes (fold-changes, p-values etc.) # Args: # (1) table (numeric dataframe) Count table # (2) map (data-frame) Experimental design table with nrow=ncol(table) # (3) model (character vector) A formula representing the model for stats. Terms # must refer to names(map) # (4) json (character) Json string specifying packages # (5) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # Returns: # Figure data as a json string # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ AnalyseChange <- function(table=NULL, map=NULL, stats=NULL, model=NULL, json=libJson, verbose=TRUE, graphical=FALSE) { PrintMsg('"description":"This is a differential analysis (fold-changes and statistical tests)."', verbose) # Calculate statistics if (is.null(model)) { model <- paste(names(map), sep='+') } nmodel <- length(model) data.json <- c(1:nmodel) out <- list() for (i in 1:nmodel) { if (length(stats) != length(model)) { method = stats[1] } else { method = stats[i] } nrow <- nrow(table) effect.json <- list() v <- verbose graphic.data <- list() for (j in 1:nrow) { stat <- ComputeStats(response=as.vector(unlist(table[j, ])), map=map, method=method, model=model[i], pairwise=TRUE, verbose=v)$pairwise effect.names <- names(stat) neffect <- length(effect.names) for (k in 1:neffect) { if (j == 1 && k == 1) { graphic.data[[effect.names[k]]] <- list() } p <- unlist(stat[[k]][, ncol(stat[[k]])]) if (length(effect.json) == 0) { effect.json[[effect.names[k]]] <- list() } comp.names <- row.names(stat[[k]]) ncomp <- length(comp.names) for (l in 1:ncomp) { if (j == 1 && l == 1) { graphic.data[[effect.names[k]]][[comp.names[l]]] <- data.frame(logfc=c(1:nrow), ab=c(1:nrow)) row.names(graphic.data[[effect.names[k]]][[comp.names[l]]]) <- row.names(table) } if (length(effect.json[[effect.names[k]]]) == 0) { effect.json[[effect.names[k]]][[comp.names[l]]] <- list() effect.json[[effect.names[k]]][[comp.names[l]]] <- c(1:nrow) } group.names <- unlist(strsplit(row.names(stat[[k]])[l], split='-')) if (length(group.names) != 2) { PrintMsg('"error":"Unable to determine groups for fold-change analysis. Make sure no - or : character is present in the mapping file."', verbose) } group1 <- ExtractGroupFromMap(map=map, column=names(stat)[k], group=group.names[1], verbose) group2 <- ExtractGroupFromMap(map=map, column=names(stat)[k], group=group.names[2], verbose) fc <- ComputeFoldChange(as.vector(unlist(table[j, group1 == 1])), as.vector(unlist(table[j, group2 == 1])), names=group.names, verbose=v) effect.json[[effect.names[k]]][[comp.names[l]]][j] <- paste('{"mean abundance":"', fc$ab, '","log2(fold-change)":"', fc$logfc, '","-log2(p-value)":"', -log2(p[l]), '"}', sep='') graphic.data[[effect.names[k]]][[comp.names[l]]]$logfc[j] <- fc$logfc graphic.data[[effect.names[k]]][[comp.names[l]]]$ab[j] <- fc$ab } } v <- FALSE } for (k in 1:length(effect.json)) { for (l in 1:length(effect.json[[k]])) { effect.json[[k]][[l]] <- paste('"', names(effect.json[[k]])[l], '":[', paste(effect.json[[k]][[l]], collapse=','), ']', sep='') if (graphical == TRUE) { plot(graphic.data[[k]][[l]]$ab, graphic.data[[k]][[l]]$logfc, main=names(effect.json[[k]])[l], xlab='mean abundance', ylab='log2(fold-change)') } } effect.json[[k]] <- paste('"', names(effect.json)[k], '":{', paste(effect.json[[k]], collapse=','), '}', sep='') } data.json[i] <- paste('"', model[i], '":{', paste(effect.json, collapse=','), '}', sep='') } out[['json']] <- paste('{"data":{', paste(data.json, collapse=','), '},"names":["', paste(row.names(table), collapse='","'), '"]}', sep='') return(out) } ################ # Build a heatmap of abundances # Args: # (1) table (numeric dataframe) Count table # (2) map (data-frame) Experimental design table with nrow=ncol(table) # (3) model (character vector) A formula representing the model for stats. Terms # must refer to names(map) # (4) metadata (numeric dataframe) Metadata table # (5) fun (character) Function to use in hierarchical clustering # (6) json (character) Json string specifying packages # (7) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # (8) graphical (logical) Generate graphics? # Returns: # Figure data as a json string # Output to device: # A figure # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ BuildHeatMap <- function(table=NULL, map=NULL, stats='anova', model=NULL, secondary=NULL, fun='spearman', json=libJson, verbose=TRUE, graphical=TRUE) { suppressMessages(library('gplots')) PrintMsg('"description":"This is a heat-map of abundances."', verbose=verbose) # Check that there is no constant data RemoveConstantRows(table=table, verbose=TRUE) if ((nrow(table) < 3) || (ncol(table) < 3)) { PrintMsg('"error":"Not enough data to draw a heatmap (min 3 rows and 3 columns)."', TRUE, TRUE) } # Center/scale by row data <- as.data.frame(Transpose(apply(table, 1, cScale))) names(data) <- names(table) row.names(data) <- row.names(table) PrintMsg('"description":"Abundances are scaled on standard deviation and centered on mean per row."', verbose=verbose) # keep only columns of map that are used in the model map <- FilterMap(map=map, model=model) # Set function for hierarchical clustering DistFun <- function(x) { return (ComputeDistance(table=x, fun=fun, json=json, verbose=FALSE)) } if (graphical == FALSE) { pdf(file = NULL) } # Set the color palette col <- colorRampPalette(c("navy", "seashell", "red2"))(n=51) heatmap.out <- heatmap.2(as.matrix(data), scale='row', na.rm=TRUE, Rowv=TRUE, Colv=TRUE, dendrogram='both', #distfun=DistFun, col=col, symm=FALSE, symkey=FALSE, key=TRUE, keysize=1.5, density.info='density', trace='none', labCol=names(data), labRow=row.names(data), cexCol=0.2+1/log10(ncol(data)), mar=c(5, 10)) if (graphical == FALSE) { dev.off() } # Order data according to dendrogram data <- data[heatmap.out$rowInd, ] data <- data[, heatmap.out$colInd] names <- names(map) map <- as.data.frame(map[heatmap.out$colInd, ]) names(map) <- names if (!is.null(secondary)) { secondary <- secondary[, heatmap.out$colInd] } # Store heatmap data into a json string ncol <- ncol(data) heatmap.json <- c(1:ncol) data.names <- names(data) for (i in 1:ncol) { heatmap.json[i] <- paste('{"name":"', data.names[i], '","value":["', paste(data[, i], collapse='","'), '"]}', sep='') } # Add categories to topbar topbar.json <- list() ncateg <- ncol(map) category.json <- c(1:ncateg) categ.names <- names(map) for (i in 1:ncateg) { category.json[i] <- paste('{"name":"', categ.names[i], '","value":["', paste(map[, i], collapse='","'), '"]}', sep='') } topbar.json[['category']] <- paste('"category":[', paste(category.json, collapse=','), ']', sep='') # Add p-values to sidebar sidebar.json <- list() if (is.null(model)) { model <- paste(names(map), sep='+') } nmodel <- length(model) stat.json <- c(1:nmodel) for (i in 1:nmodel) { if (length(stats) != length(model)) { method = stats[1] } else { method = stats[i] } nrow <- nrow(data) v <- verbose p.value <- list() for (j in 1:nrow) { stat <- ComputeStats(response=as.vector(unlist(data[j, ])), map=map, method=method, model=model[i], pairwise=FALSE, verbose=v)$summary stat.rownames <- row.names(stat)[row.names(stat) != 'Residuals'] stat <- as.data.frame(stat[row.names(stat) != 'Residuals', ]) nstat <- nrow(stat) for (k in 1:nstat) { if (is.null(p.value[[stat.rownames[k]]])) { p.value[[stat.rownames[k]]] <- c(1:nrow) } p.value[[stat.rownames[k]]][j] <- stat[k, ] } v <- FALSE } for (j in 1:length(p.value)) { p.value[[j]] <- paste('{"name":"', names(p.value)[j], '","value":["', paste(p.value[[j]], collapse='","'), '"]}', sep='') } stat.json[i] <- paste('"', model[i], '":[', paste(p.value, collapse=','), ']', sep='') } sidebar.json[['p-values']] <- paste('"p-values":{', paste(stat.json, collapse=','), '}', sep='') # Add correlations with secondary dataset to sidebar if (! is.null(secondary)) { PrintMsg('"description":"The correlations between the primary and secondary datasets were calculated using the Spearman rank correlation."', verbose=verbose) correlation <- as.data.frame(cor(x=t(data), y=t(secondary), use='na.or.complete', method ="spearman")) ncor <- ncol(correlation) cor.json <- c(1:ncor) for (i in 1:ncor) { cor.json[i] <- paste('{"name":"', names(correlation)[i], '","value":["', paste(correlation[, i], collapse='","'), '"]}', sep='') } sidebar.json[['correlations']] <- paste('"correlations":[', paste(cor.json, collapse=','), ']', sep='') } out <- list() out[['txt']] <- as.data.frame(data) out[['json']] <- paste('{"heatmap":[', paste(heatmap.json, collapse=','), '],"colnames":["', paste(names(data), collapse='","'), '"],"rownames":["', paste(row.names(data), collapse='","'), '"],"topbar":{', paste(topbar.json, collapse=','), '},"sidebar":{', paste(sidebar.json, collapse=','), '},"colDendrogram":', dendrogram2json(heatmap.out$colDendrogram)[[1]], ',"rowDendrogram":', dendrogram2json(heatmap.out$rowDendrogram)[[1]], '}', sep='') return (out) } ################ # Get the groups with the highest mean # Args: # (1) data (numeric vector) The data # (2) map (data-frame) Experimental design table with nrow=length(data) # (3) model (character) A formula representing the model for stats. Terms # must refer to names(map) # (4) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # Returns: # A character vector with length=numer of terms in model # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ getGroupWithHighestMean <- function(data=NULL, map=NULL, column=NULL, verbose=TRUE) { PrintMsg('"description":"Determined group with highest mean abundance."', verbose=verbose) map <- as.data.frame(map[, unlist(strsplit(column, split=':'))]) if (ncol(map) == 1) { names(map) <- column } group <- as.data.frame(unique(map)) if (ncol(group) == 1) { names(group) <- column } mean <- c(1:nrow(group)) for (i in 1:nrow(group)) { keep <- 1 for (j in 1:ncol(map)) { keep <- keep*(map[, j] %in% group[i, names(map)[j]]) } mean[i] <- mean(unlist(data[as.logical(keep)])) } out <- list() out$value <- max(mean) out$id <- paste(unlist(group[which(mean == max(mean)), ]), collapse=':') out$group <- apply(group, 1, paste, collapse=':') return (out) } ################ # Build a network of correlations for variables # Args: # (1) table (numeric dataframe) Count table # (2) map (data-frame) Experimental design table with nrow=ncol(table) # (3) model (character) A formula representing the model for stats. Terms # must refer to names(map) # (4) metadata (numeric dataframe) Metadata table # (5) fun (character) Distance, correlation or similarity function # (6) json (character) Json string specifying packages # (7) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # Returns: # Figure data as a json string # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ BuildCorrelationNetwork <- function(table=NULL, map=NULL, stats='anova', model=NULL, secondary=NULL, fun='spearman', json=libJson, verbose=TRUE) { spec <- as.data.frame(do.call('rbind', json$correlation)) spec <- spec[spec$value == fun, ] pkg <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(unlist(spec$pkg)), split=',')) package <- '' if (length(pkg) > 0) { for (i in 1:length(pkg)) { suppressMessages(library(pkg[i], character.only=TRUE)) } package <- paste(' (R package {', unlist(spec$pkg), '})', sep='') } PrintMsg(paste('"description":"This is a correlation network. It was built using ', spec$label, package, '."', sep=''), verbose=verbose) suppressMessages(library(igraph)) # keep only columns of map that are used in the model #map <- FilterMap(map=map, model=model) # Combine with secondary dataset data <- rbind(table, secondary) data.type <- rep('primary dataset', nrow(data)) if (!is.null(secondary)) { data.type[(nrow(table)+1):nrow(data)] <- "secondary dataset" } # Check that there is no constant data RemoveConstantRows(table=data, verbose=TRUE) - if ((nrow(data) < 3) || (ncol(data) < 3)) { - PrintMsg('"error":"Not enough data to compute a network (min 3 rows and 3 columns)."', TRUE, TRUE) + if ((nrow(data) < 2) || (ncol(data) < 3)) { + PrintMsg('"error":"Not enough data to compute a network (min 2 rows and 3 columns)."', TRUE, TRUE) } # Calculate the correlation matrix weight <- ComputeCorrelation(table=data, fun=fun, test=TRUE, json=json, verbose=FALSE) nmodel <- length(model) nnodes <- nrow(data) node.json <- c(1:nnodes) link.json <- c(1:(nnodes*(nnodes/2-1))) l <- 1 legend.json <- list() for (i in 1:nnodes) { model.json <- c(1:nmodel) for (j in 1:nmodel) { if (length(stats) != length(model)) { method = stats[1] } else { method = stats[j] } stat <- ComputeStats(response=as.vector(unlist(data[i, ])), map=map, method=method, model=model[j], pairwise=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)$summary neffect <- length(row.names(stat)[row.names(stat) != 'Residuals']) effect.json <- c(1:neffect) if (length(legend.json[[model[j]]]) == 0) { legend.json[[model[j]]] <- c(1:neffect) } for (k in 1:neffect) { gwhm <- getGroupWithHighestMean(data=data[i, ], map=map, column=row.names(stat)[k], verbose=FALSE) effect.json[k] <- paste('"', row.names(stat)[k], '":{"p-value":"', stat[k, ], '","highest-mean":"', gwhm$id, '"}', sep='') if (i == 1) { legend.json[[model[j]]][k] <- paste('"', row.names(stat)[k], '":["', paste(gwhm$group, collapse='","'), '"]', sep='') } } model.json[j] <- paste('"', model[j], '":{', paste(effect.json, collapse=','), '}', sep='') if (i == 1) { legend.json[[model[j]]] <- paste('"', model[j], '":{', paste(legend.json[[model[j]]], collapse=','), '}', sep='') } } node.json[i] <- paste('{"id":"', i-1, '","name":"', row.names(data)[i], '","data-type":"', data.type[i], '","stat":{', paste(model.json, collapse=','), '},"mean":"', mean(unlist(data[i, ])), '","min":"', min(unlist(data[i, ])), '","max":"', max(unlist(data[i, ])), '"}', sep='') if (i < nnodes) { for (j in (i+1):nnodes) { link.json[l] <- paste('{"source":"', i-1, '","target":"', j-1, '","weight":"', weight$estimate[i, j], '","p-value":"', weight$p.value[i, j], '"}', sep='') l <- l+1 } } } out <- list() out[['txt']] <- as.data.frame(weight$estimate) names(out[['txt']]) <- row.names(data) row.names(out[['txt']]) <- row.names(data) out[['json']] <- paste('{"nodes":[', paste(node.json, collapse=','), '],"links":[', paste(link.json, collapse=','), '],"legend":{', paste(unlist(legend.json), collapse=','), '}}', sep='') return (out) } ################ # Build a network of similarity for samples # Args: # (1) tables (list of numeric dataframes) # (2) map (data-frame) Experimental design table with nrow=ncol(table) # (3) model (character) A formula representing the model for stats. Terms # must refer to names(map) # (4) funs (list of characters) Distance or similarity functions # (5) clust (character) Network clustering algorithm # (6) json (character) Json string specifying packages # (7) verbose (character) Print messages? see PrintMsg() options # (8) lib (character) Path to holynet library # Returns: # List [1] json string (fusion network) [2] data-frame (clusters) # Prints to stdout: # A description of the function ################ BuildSimilarityNetwork <- function(table=NULL, map=NULL, funs=NULL, clust="walktrap", clust.names=NULL, json=libJson, verbose=TRUE, lib='holynetlib.R') { source(lib) spec <- as.data.frame(do.call('rbind', json$distance)) for (i in 1:length(table)) { fun <- funs[1] if ((length(funs) == length(table)) && (length(funs) > 1)) { fun <- funs[i] } spec <- spec[spec$value == fun, ] pkg <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(unlist(spec$pkg)), split=',')) package <- '' if (length(pkg) > 0) { for (j in 1:length(pkg)) { suppressMessages(library(pkg[j], character.only=TRUE)) } package <- paste(' (R package {', unlist(spec$pkg), '})', sep='') } PrintMsg(paste('"description":"This is a similarity network. It was built using ', spec$label, package, '."', sep=''), verbose=verbose) } # Calculate similarity matrices mat <- list() for (i in 1:length(table)) { - fun <- funs[1] - if (length(funs) == length(table)) { - fun <- funs[i] + + if ((nrow(table[[i]]) < 3) || (ncol(table[[i]]) < 3)) { + PrintMsg('"warning":"Not enough data to compute a network (min 3 rows and 3 columns)."', TRUE) + mat[[i]] <- NULL + } else { + fun <- funs[1] + if (length(funs) == length(table)) { + fun <- funs[i] + } + mat[[i]] <- CreateAdjacencyMatrix(CreateSimilarityMatrix(table[[i]], fun)) } - mat[[i]] <- CreateAdjacencyMatrix(CreateSimilarityMatrix(table[[i]], fun)) } # If multiple matrices exist, fuse them if (length(mat) > 1) { fusmat <- FuseMatrices(mat) if (is.null(fusmat)) { PrintMsg('"error":"Trying to fuse matrices but dimensions are not matching."', TRUE, TRUE) } mat[[(length(mat)+1)]] <- fusmat } out <- list() # Compute clustering on similarity matrices if (!is.null(clust) && (clust != 'none')) { spec <- as.data.frame(do.call('rbind', json$graph_clustering)) spec <- spec[spec$value == clust, ] pkg <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(unlist(spec$pkg)), split=',')) package <- '' if (length(pkg) > 0) { for (i in 1:length(pkg)) { suppressMessages(library(pkg[i], character.only=TRUE)) } package <- paste(' (R package {', unlist(spec$pkg), '})', sep='') } PrintMsg(paste('"description":"Clusters were determined using the ', spec$label, package, '."', sep=''), verbose=verbose) clusters <- matrix(ncol=length(mat), nrow=nrow(mat[[1]])) for (i in 1:length(mat)) { clusters[, i] <- paste(clust, as.character(ApplyNetworkClustering(CreateNetwork(mat[[i]]), clust_method=clust)), sep='') } clusters <- as.data.frame(clusters) if (!is.null(clust.names)) { names(clusters) <- clust.names } out[['txt']] <- clusters map <- cbind(map, clusters) } # Pack data into a json string json.data <- buildFusionNetworkJson(mat, map) out[['json']] <- json.data return (out) } ################################# # (\/)(°,,,°)(\/) # ################################# libJson <- ReadJson() diff --git a/public/app/TERMS_OF_SERVICE.txt.keep b/public/app/TERMS_OF_SERVICE.txt.keep index d42818c..dd87e24 100755 --- a/public/app/TERMS_OF_SERVICE.txt.keep +++ b/public/app/TERMS_OF_SERVICE.txt.keep @@ -1,35 +1,31 @@ Genocrunch Terms of Service No warranties 1.This software is provided "as is" and without any warranties, whether express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose and noninfringement. In addition, EPFL expressively does not warrant that: a) The software will function, be free of bug or any defect. b) Any defect will be corrected. c) The software and any of its inputs or outputs will be compatible with any third-party software. d) Any of the software result or output will be reliable. -2.The protection of any data, whether it was uploaded, stored, generated, - downloaded or by any mean used with this web server, is not warrantied - in any way and EPFL expressively does not warrant that: - a) The data will remain confidential or will not be accessible or - disclosed to the public or a third-party. +2.The protection of any data uploaded, stored or generated + on this web server, is not warrantied in any way and EPFL + expressively does not warrant that: + a) The data will remain confidential or will not be accessible + to the public or a third-party. b) The data will not be damaged or unusable. c) Any damaged data will be repaired. d) The data will remain accessible for any period of time or be accessible at all. e) The data or any derivative result will be merchantable. f) The data will be compatible with any third-party software. -3.The protection of privacy, whether it involves user information or any - private, medical or sensitive information found in the data, is not - warrantied. - Usage 1.This software is for research use only and shall not be used in medical diagnosis. 2.The authors and the copyrights owners shall have no liability of any kind for the use of or inability to use the software, the software content, data, or any associated service.