diff --git a/LICENCE.txt b/LICENSE.txt similarity index 100% rename from LICENCE.txt rename to LICENSE.txt diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 90c6f06..8b10224 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,173 +1,173 @@ Genocrunch in Docker ==================== A Dockerfile to run Genocrunch web application on Docker. ## Resources - **Git clone URL:** - **Documentation:** - **Genocrunch documentation:** - **Genocrunch official web server:** ## Rights - **Copyright:** All rights reserved. ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Laboratory of Intestinal Immunology, 2018 -- **Licence:** MIT (See LICENCE.txt for details) +- **License:** MIT (See LICENSE.txt for details) - **Author:** A Rapin ## Requirements - **Docker version 17.12.0-ce** ## Installation (on Debian linux) Note: you may have to use `sudo` with docker commands if docker is not configured to be used as a non-root user. ### Set the Docker container external resources The Genocrunch web application will need to store some data files and to use a database. To avoid data loses when updating a container, you can set both data storage location and database on the host (as opposed to on the docker container itself). First, create a new data storage directory on the host side. This directory will be used by the Genocrunch web app running on the docker container: ``` $ mkdir /path/to/genocrunch/storage ``` Also create a PostgreSQL database on the host side. This database will be used by the Genocrunch web app running on the docker container: ``` $ sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib $ sudo su postgres $ psql postgres=# create role genocrunch_user with login password 'genocrunch_db_password'; postgres=# create database genocrunch owner genocrunch_user; postgres=# \q $ exit ``` Then, allow the docker container to be listened from the database by modifying the `/etc/postgresql/9.?/main/postgresql.conf` file as following: ``` #/etc/postgresql/9.?/main/postgresql.conf ... listen_addresses = '*' ... ``` Also add the following line to `/etc/postgresql/9.?/main/pg_hba.conf`: ``` #/etc/postgresql/9.?/main/pg_hba.conf ... host all all md5 ... ``` Finally, restart the PostgreSQL service: ``` $ sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart ``` ### Build the docker image First, download the Dockerfile from its git repository: ``` $ git clone https://c4science.ch/source/genocrunch_docker.git ``` Before building a docker image using the Dockerfile, you may want to edit the Dockerfile in order to customize the installation of the Genocrunch web app. For this, open `genocrunch_docker/Dockerfile` with your favorite editor and follow the following instructions: Edit this line to define any custom link to be included in the info menu of the Genocrunch web app topbar: ``` #Dockerfile ... # config/config.yml ... RUN sed -i 's/info_links:.*$/info_links: [{name: "link_name", href: "link_url", target: "_blank"}]/g' config/config.yml ``` Edit this line to define whether new users will be asked to confirm their email address via a confirmation link or not: ``` #Dockerfile ... # config/config.yml ... RUN sed -i 's/user_confirmable:.*$/user_confirmable: false/g' config/config.yml ``` Edit these lines to set the email address to be used by the web app: ``` #Dockerfile ... # config/initializers/devise.rb ... RUN sed -i 's/config.mailer_sender =.*$/config.mailer_sender = "app_email@gmail.com"/g' config/initializers/devise.rb # config/environments/development.rb ... RUN sed -i 's/config.action_mailer.default_url_options =.*$/config.action_mailer.default_url_options = {:host => "localhost:3000"}/g' config/environments/development.rb RUN sed -i 's/:address =>.*$/:address => "smtp.gmail.com",/g' config/environments/development.rb RUN sed -i 's/:port =>.*$/:port => 587,/g' config/environments/development.rb RUN sed -i 's/:domain =>.*$/:domain => "mail.google.com",/g' config/environments/development.rb RUN sed -i 's/:user_name =>.*$/:user_name => "app_email@gmail.com",/g' config/environments/development.rb RUN sed -i 's/:password =>.*$/:password => "app_email_password",/g' config/environments/development.rb RUN sed -i 's/:authentication =>.*$/:authentication => :plain,/g' config/environments/development.rb RUN sed -i 's/:enable_starttls_auto =>.*$/:enable_starttls_auto => true/g' config/environments/development.rb ... ``` Edit these lines to fit the database name, user and password set previously: ``` #Dockerfile ... # config/database.yml ... RUN sed -i 's/^.*username:.*$/ username: genocrunch_user/g' config/database.yml RUN sed -i 's/database:.*$/database: genocrunch/g' config/database.yml RUN sed -i 's/^.*password:.*$/ password: genocrunch_db_password/g' config/database.yml ... ``` Finally, build the docker image: ``` $ docker build --rm -t genocrunch . ``` ### Database initialization Complete the installation of the Genocrunch web app by initializing its database from within a docker container using rails schema (`db/schema.rb`) and seeds (`db/seeds.rb`). Caution: this will overwrite the database and should be applied only for initialization/re-initialization, not updates. For updates, use migrations or SQL queries. ``` $ docker run -v /path/to/genocrunch/storage:/home/genocrunch_user/genocrunch/users -p 3000:3000 --add-host=hostaddress:host.ip.address -it genocrunch bash $ rails db:schema:load # To change default guest and admin passwords and emails, edit the `User.create` query in the db/seeds.rb file with nano: $ nano db/seeds.rb # Finally, seed the database: $ rails db:seed $ exit ``` ### Run a docker container Run a docker container using the command below. Make sure to replace `/path/to/genocrunch/storage` with the appropriate path (see the `Set the Docker container external resources` section above) and replace `host.ip.address` by the host ip address. This will automatically start the Genocrunch web server which will be accessible in a web browser at on the host and `host.ip.address:3000` on your network. ``` $ docker run -v /path/to/genocrunch/storage:/home/genocrunch_user/genocrunch/users -p 3000:3000 --add-host=hostaddress:host.ip.address -it genocrunch ```