diff --git a/app/client/views/users/users.coffee b/app/client/views/users/users.coffee index 425b00a..30978fd 100644 --- a/app/client/views/users/users.coffee +++ b/app/client/views/users/users.coffee @@ -1,96 +1,99 @@ Template.users.helpers users: -> Meteor.users.find( ) usersReactiveTableSettings: -> useFontAwesome: true, rowsPerPage: 15, showFilter: true, fields: [ { key: 'profile.name', label: 'name' } 'username', { key: 'emails', label: 'eMail', fn: (v,o) -> o.emails[0].address } { key: 'emails', label: 'mongoDB username', fn: (v,o) -> if Roles.userIsInRole(o, "mongoRead") then __getMongodbUsername(o) else "" } { key: 'roles', label: 'roles', fn: (v,o) -> if v? then v.sort().join(', ') else "" } { key: 'status', label: 'online', tmpl: Template.userStatusTableCell } { key: 'buttons', label: '', tmpl: Template.usersTableButtons } ] Template.usersTableButtons.helpers systemRoles: -> __systemRoles isInRole: (_id, role) -> Roles.userIsInRole(_id, role) isCurrentUser: (_id) -> _id is Meteor.userId() + canRemoveFromAdminRole: (_id, role) -> + _id is Meteor.userId() and role is 'admin' + Template.usersTableButtons.events "click .addToRole": (evt)-> id = $(evt.target).closest("button").data().id role = $(evt.target).closest("button").data().role if role is "mongoRead" swal { title: 'Password' text: """Please provide a password for mongoDB access. Because you might type it into script files, it has to be different from your user password.""" type: 'input' showCancelButton: true confirmButtonText: 'Yes' inputPlaceholder: "Please provide a password, (min: 8 characters)." closeOnConfirm: false }, (confirmedWithPassword)-> if confirmedWithPassword is false #cancel swal.close() else if !confirmedWithPassword? or confirmedWithPassword.length is 0 or confirmedWithPassword.length < 8 swal.showInputError "Please provide a password, (min: 8 characters)." else Meteor.call "addUserToRole", id, role, confirmedWithPassword, (error) -> if error? throwError error else swal.close() return else Meteor.call "addUserToRole", id, role, (error) -> throwError error if error? return "click .removeFromRole": (evt)-> evt.stopImmediatePropagation() id = $(evt.target).closest("button").data().id role = $(evt.target).closest("button").data().role swal { title: 'Are you sure?' text: 'Do you want to remove the user from the role?' type: 'warning' showCancelButton: true confirmButtonText: 'Yes' }, -> Meteor.call "removeUserFromRole", id, role, (error) -> throwError error if error "click button.removeUser": (evt) -> evt.stopImmediatePropagation() id = $(evt.target).closest("button").data().id if id is Meteor.userId() return false swal { title: 'Are you sure?' text: 'Do you really want to delete this user?' type: 'warning' showCancelButton: true confirmButtonText: 'Yes' closeOnConfirm: false }, -> swal.close() Meteor.call "removeUser", id, (error) -> if error? throwError error else swal.close() return true return false diff --git a/app/client/views/users/users.html b/app/client/views/users/users.html index 7f516f6..9d3e87f 100644 --- a/app/client/views/users/users.html +++ b/app/client/views/users/users.html @@ -1,41 +1,42 @@