diff --git a/couchbase2/src/main/java/com/yahoo/ycsb/db/couchbase2/Couchbase2Client.java b/couchbase2/src/main/java/com/yahoo/ycsb/db/couchbase2/Couchbase2Client.java index be38888f..dc600011 100644 --- a/couchbase2/src/main/java/com/yahoo/ycsb/db/couchbase2/Couchbase2Client.java +++ b/couchbase2/src/main/java/com/yahoo/ycsb/db/couchbase2/Couchbase2Client.java @@ -1,936 +1,936 @@ /** * Copyright (c) 2016 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. *

* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at *

* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 *

* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. See accompanying * LICENSE file. */ package com.yahoo.ycsb.db.couchbase2; import com.couchbase.client.core.env.DefaultCoreEnvironment; import com.couchbase.client.core.env.resources.IoPoolShutdownHook; import com.couchbase.client.core.logging.CouchbaseLogger; import com.couchbase.client.core.logging.CouchbaseLoggerFactory; import com.couchbase.client.core.metrics.DefaultLatencyMetricsCollectorConfig; import com.couchbase.client.core.metrics.DefaultMetricsCollectorConfig; import com.couchbase.client.core.metrics.LatencyMetricsCollectorConfig; import com.couchbase.client.core.metrics.MetricsCollectorConfig; import com.couchbase.client.deps.com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory; import com.couchbase.client.deps.com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator; import com.couchbase.client.deps.com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.couchbase.client.deps.com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import com.couchbase.client.deps.io.netty.channel.DefaultSelectStrategyFactory; import com.couchbase.client.deps.io.netty.channel.EventLoopGroup; import com.couchbase.client.deps.io.netty.channel.SelectStrategy; import com.couchbase.client.deps.io.netty.channel.SelectStrategyFactory; import com.couchbase.client.deps.io.netty.channel.epoll.EpollEventLoopGroup; import com.couchbase.client.deps.io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoopGroup; import com.couchbase.client.deps.io.netty.util.IntSupplier; import com.couchbase.client.deps.io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory; import com.couchbase.client.java.Bucket; import com.couchbase.client.java.Cluster; import com.couchbase.client.java.CouchbaseCluster; import com.couchbase.client.java.PersistTo; import com.couchbase.client.java.ReplicateTo; import com.couchbase.client.java.document.Document; import com.couchbase.client.java.document.RawJsonDocument; import com.couchbase.client.java.document.json.JsonArray; import com.couchbase.client.java.document.json.JsonObject; import com.couchbase.client.java.env.CouchbaseEnvironment; import com.couchbase.client.java.env.DefaultCouchbaseEnvironment; import com.couchbase.client.java.error.TemporaryFailureException; import com.couchbase.client.java.query.*; import com.couchbase.client.java.transcoder.JacksonTransformers; import com.couchbase.client.java.util.Blocking; import com.yahoo.ycsb.ByteIterator; import com.yahoo.ycsb.DB; import com.yahoo.ycsb.DBException; import com.yahoo.ycsb.Status; import com.yahoo.ycsb.StringByteIterator; import rx.Observable; import rx.Subscriber; import rx.functions.Action1; import rx.functions.Func1; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.io.Writer; import java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport; /** * A class that wraps the 2.x Couchbase SDK to be used with YCSB. * *

The following options can be passed when using this database client to override the defaults. * *

*/ public class Couchbase2Client extends DB { static { // No need to send the full encoded_plan for this benchmark workload, less network overhead! System.setProperty("com.couchbase.query.encodedPlanEnabled", "false"); } private static final String SEPARATOR = ":"; private static final CouchbaseLogger LOGGER = CouchbaseLoggerFactory.getInstance(Couchbase2Client.class); private static final Object INIT_COORDINATOR = new Object(); private static volatile CouchbaseEnvironment env = null; private Cluster cluster; private Bucket bucket; private String bucketName; private boolean upsert; private PersistTo persistTo; private ReplicateTo replicateTo; private boolean syncMutResponse; private boolean epoll; private long kvTimeout; private boolean adhoc; private boolean kv; private int maxParallelism; private String host; private int kvEndpoints; private int queryEndpoints; private int boost; private int networkMetricsInterval; private int runtimeMetricsInterval; private String scanAllQuery; @Override public void init() throws DBException { Properties props = getProperties(); host = props.getProperty("couchbase.host", ""); bucketName = props.getProperty("couchbase.bucket", "default"); String bucketPassword = props.getProperty("couchbase.password", ""); upsert = props.getProperty("couchbase.upsert", "false").equals("true"); persistTo = parsePersistTo(props.getProperty("couchbase.persistTo", "0")); replicateTo = parseReplicateTo(props.getProperty("couchbase.replicateTo", "0")); syncMutResponse = props.getProperty("couchbase.syncMutationResponse", "true").equals("true"); adhoc = props.getProperty("couchbase.adhoc", "false").equals("true"); kv = props.getProperty("couchbase.kv", "true").equals("true"); maxParallelism = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("couchbase.maxParallelism", "1")); kvEndpoints = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("couchbase.kvEndpoints", "1")); queryEndpoints = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("couchbase.queryEndpoints", "1")); epoll = props.getProperty("couchbase.epoll", "false").equals("true"); boost = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("couchbase.boost", "3")); networkMetricsInterval = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("couchbase.networkMetricsInterval", "0")); runtimeMetricsInterval = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("couchbase.runtimeMetricsInterval", "0")); scanAllQuery = "SELECT RAW meta().id FROM `" + bucketName + "` WHERE meta().id >= '$1' ORDER BY meta().id LIMIT $2"; try { synchronized (INIT_COORDINATOR) { if (env == null) { LatencyMetricsCollectorConfig latencyConfig = networkMetricsInterval <= 0 ? DefaultLatencyMetricsCollectorConfig.disabled() : DefaultLatencyMetricsCollectorConfig .builder() .emitFrequency(networkMetricsInterval) .emitFrequencyUnit(TimeUnit.SECONDS) .build(); MetricsCollectorConfig runtimeConfig = runtimeMetricsInterval <= 0 ? DefaultMetricsCollectorConfig.disabled() : DefaultMetricsCollectorConfig.create(runtimeMetricsInterval, TimeUnit.SECONDS); DefaultCouchbaseEnvironment.Builder builder = DefaultCouchbaseEnvironment .builder() .queryEndpoints(queryEndpoints) .callbacksOnIoPool(true) .runtimeMetricsCollectorConfig(runtimeConfig) .networkLatencyMetricsCollectorConfig(latencyConfig) .socketConnectTimeout(10000) // 10 secs socket connect timeout .connectTimeout(30000) // 30 secs overall bucket open timeout .kvTimeout(10000) // 10 instead of 2.5s for KV ops .kvEndpoints(kvEndpoints); // Tune boosting and epoll based on settings SelectStrategyFactory factory = boost > 0 ? new BackoffSelectStrategyFactory() : DefaultSelectStrategyFactory.INSTANCE; int poolSize = boost > 0 ? boost : Integer.parseInt( System.getProperty("com.couchbase.ioPoolSize", Integer.toString(DefaultCoreEnvironment.IO_POOL_SIZE)) ); ThreadFactory threadFactory = new DefaultThreadFactory("cb-io", true); EventLoopGroup group = epoll ? new EpollEventLoopGroup(poolSize, threadFactory, factory) : new NioEventLoopGroup(poolSize, threadFactory, SelectorProvider.provider(), factory); builder.ioPool(group, new IoPoolShutdownHook(group)); env = builder.build(); logParams(); } } cluster = CouchbaseCluster.create(env, host); bucket = cluster.openBucket(bucketName, bucketPassword); kvTimeout = env.kvTimeout(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DBException("Could not connect to Couchbase Bucket.", ex); } if (!kv && !syncMutResponse) { throw new DBException("Not waiting for N1QL responses on mutations not yet implemented."); } } /** * Helper method to log the CLI params so that on the command line debugging is easier. */ private void logParams() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("host=").append(host); sb.append(", bucket=").append(bucketName); sb.append(", upsert=").append(upsert); sb.append(", persistTo=").append(persistTo); sb.append(", replicateTo=").append(replicateTo); sb.append(", syncMutResponse=").append(syncMutResponse); sb.append(", adhoc=").append(adhoc); sb.append(", kv=").append(kv); sb.append(", maxParallelism=").append(maxParallelism); sb.append(", queryEndpoints=").append(queryEndpoints); sb.append(", kvEndpoints=").append(kvEndpoints); sb.append(", queryEndpoints=").append(queryEndpoints); sb.append(", epoll=").append(epoll); sb.append(", boost=").append(boost); sb.append(", networkMetricsInterval=").append(networkMetricsInterval); sb.append(", runtimeMetricsInterval=").append(runtimeMetricsInterval); LOGGER.info("===> Using Params: " + sb.toString()); } @Override public Status read(final String table, final String key, Set fields, final HashMap result) { try { String docId = formatId(table, key); if (kv) { return readKv(docId, fields, result); } else { return readN1ql(docId, fields, result); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return Status.ERROR; } } /** * Performs the {@link #read(String, String, Set, HashMap)} operation via Key/Value ("get"). * * @param docId the document ID * @param fields the fields to be loaded * @param result the result map where the doc needs to be converted into * @return The result of the operation. */ private Status readKv(final String docId, final Set fields, final HashMap result) throws Exception { RawJsonDocument loaded = bucket.get(docId, RawJsonDocument.class); if (loaded == null) { return Status.NOT_FOUND; } decode(loaded.content(), fields, result); return Status.OK; } /** * Performs the {@link #read(String, String, Set, HashMap)} operation via N1QL ("SELECT"). * * If this option should be used, the "-p couchbase.kv=false" property must be set. * * @param docId the document ID * @param fields the fields to be loaded * @param result the result map where the doc needs to be converted into * @return The result of the operation. */ private Status readN1ql(final String docId, Set fields, final HashMap result) throws Exception { String readQuery = "SELECT " + joinFields(fields) + " FROM `" + bucketName + "` USE KEYS [$1]"; N1qlQueryResult queryResult = bucket.query(N1qlQuery.parameterized( readQuery, JsonArray.from(docId), N1qlParams.build().adhoc(adhoc).maxParallelism(maxParallelism) )); if (!queryResult.parseSuccess() || !queryResult.finalSuccess()) { throw new DBException("Error while parsing N1QL Result. Query: " + readQuery + ", Errors: " + queryResult.errors()); } N1qlQueryRow row; try { row = queryResult.rows().next(); } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) { return Status.NOT_FOUND; } JsonObject content = row.value(); if (fields == null) { content = content.getObject(bucketName); // n1ql result set scoped under *.bucketName fields = content.getNames(); } for (String field : fields) { Object value = content.get(field); result.put(field, new StringByteIterator(value != null ? value.toString() : "")); } return Status.OK; } @Override public Status update(final String table, final String key, final HashMap values) { if (upsert) { return upsert(table, key, values); } try { String docId = formatId(table, key); if (kv) { return updateKv(docId, values); } else { return updateN1ql(docId, values); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return Status.ERROR; } } /** * Performs the {@link #update(String, String, HashMap)} operation via Key/Value ("replace"). * * @param docId the document ID * @param values the values to update the document with. * @return The result of the operation. */ private Status updateKv(final String docId, final HashMap values) { waitForMutationResponse(bucket.async().replace( RawJsonDocument.create(docId, encode(values)), persistTo, replicateTo )); return Status.OK; } /** * Performs the {@link #update(String, String, HashMap)} operation via N1QL ("UPDATE"). * * If this option should be used, the "-p couchbase.kv=false" property must be set. * * @param docId the document ID * @param values the values to update the document with. * @return The result of the operation. */ private Status updateN1ql(final String docId, final HashMap values) throws Exception { String fields = encodeN1qlFields(values); String updateQuery = "UPDATE `" + bucketName + "` USE KEYS [$1] SET " + fields; N1qlQueryResult queryResult = bucket.query(N1qlQuery.parameterized( updateQuery, JsonArray.from(docId), N1qlParams.build().adhoc(adhoc).maxParallelism(maxParallelism) )); if (!queryResult.parseSuccess() || !queryResult.finalSuccess()) { throw new DBException("Error while parsing N1QL Result. Query: " + updateQuery + ", Errors: " + queryResult.errors()); } return Status.OK; } @Override public Status insert(final String table, final String key, final HashMap values) { if (upsert) { return upsert(table, key, values); } try { String docId = formatId(table, key); if (kv) { return insertKv(docId, values); } else { return insertN1ql(docId, values); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return Status.ERROR; } } /** * Performs the {@link #insert(String, String, HashMap)} operation via Key/Value ("INSERT"). * * Note that during the "load" phase it makes sense to retry TMPFAILS (so that even if the server is * overloaded temporarily the ops will succeed eventually). The current code will retry TMPFAILs * for maximum of one minute and then bubble up the error. * * @param docId the document ID * @param values the values to update the document with. * @return The result of the operation. */ private Status insertKv(final String docId, final HashMap values) { int tries = 60; // roughly 60 seconds with the 1 second sleep, not 100% accurate. for(int i = 0; i < tries; i++) { try { waitForMutationResponse(bucket.async().insert( RawJsonDocument.create(docId, encode(values)), persistTo, replicateTo )); return Status.OK; } catch (TemporaryFailureException ex) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Interrupted while sleeping on TMPFAIL backoff.", ex); } } } throw new RuntimeException("Still receiving TMPFAIL from the server after trying " + tries + " times. " + "Check your server."); } /** * Performs the {@link #insert(String, String, HashMap)} operation via N1QL ("INSERT"). * * If this option should be used, the "-p couchbase.kv=false" property must be set. * * @param docId the document ID * @param values the values to update the document with. * @return The result of the operation. */ private Status insertN1ql(final String docId, final HashMap values) throws Exception { String insertQuery = "INSERT INTO `" + bucketName + "`(KEY,VALUE) VALUES ($1,$2)"; N1qlQueryResult queryResult = bucket.query(N1qlQuery.parameterized( insertQuery, JsonArray.from(docId, valuesToJsonObject(values)), N1qlParams.build().adhoc(adhoc).maxParallelism(maxParallelism) )); if (!queryResult.parseSuccess() || !queryResult.finalSuccess()) { throw new DBException("Error while parsing N1QL Result. Query: " + insertQuery + ", Errors: " + queryResult.errors()); } return Status.OK; } /** * Performs an upsert instead of insert or update using either Key/Value or N1QL. * * If this option should be used, the "-p couchbase.upsert=true" property must be set. * * @param table The name of the table * @param key The record key of the record to insert. * @param values A HashMap of field/value pairs to insert in the record * @return The result of the operation. */ private Status upsert(final String table, final String key, final HashMap values) { try { String docId = formatId(table, key); if (kv) { return upsertKv(docId, values); } else { return upsertN1ql(docId, values); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return Status.ERROR; } } /** * Performs the {@link #upsert(String, String, HashMap)} operation via Key/Value ("upsert"). * * If this option should be used, the "-p couchbase.upsert=true" property must be set. * * @param docId the document ID * @param values the values to update the document with. * @return The result of the operation. */ private Status upsertKv(final String docId, final HashMap values) { waitForMutationResponse(bucket.async().upsert( RawJsonDocument.create(docId, encode(values)), persistTo, replicateTo )); return Status.OK; } /** * Performs the {@link #upsert(String, String, HashMap)} operation via N1QL ("UPSERT"). * * If this option should be used, the "-p couchbase.upsert=true -p couchbase.kv=false" properties must be set. * * @param docId the document ID * @param values the values to update the document with. * @return The result of the operation. */ private Status upsertN1ql(final String docId, final HashMap values) throws Exception { String upsertQuery = "UPSERT INTO `" + bucketName + "`(KEY,VALUE) VALUES ($1,$2)"; N1qlQueryResult queryResult = bucket.query(N1qlQuery.parameterized( upsertQuery, JsonArray.from(docId, valuesToJsonObject(values)), N1qlParams.build().adhoc(adhoc).maxParallelism(maxParallelism) )); if (!queryResult.parseSuccess() || !queryResult.finalSuccess()) { throw new DBException("Error while parsing N1QL Result. Query: " + upsertQuery + ", Errors: " + queryResult.errors()); } return Status.OK; } @Override public Status delete(final String table, final String key) { try { String docId = formatId(table, key); if (kv) { return deleteKv(docId); } else { return deleteN1ql(docId); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return Status.ERROR; } } /** * Performs the {@link #delete(String, String)} (String, String)} operation via Key/Value ("remove"). * * @param docId the document ID. * @return The result of the operation. */ private Status deleteKv(final String docId) { waitForMutationResponse(bucket.async().remove( docId, persistTo, replicateTo )); return Status.OK; } /** * Performs the {@link #delete(String, String)} (String, String)} operation via N1QL ("DELETE"). * * If this option should be used, the "-p couchbase.kv=false" property must be set. * * @param docId the document ID. * @return The result of the operation. */ private Status deleteN1ql(final String docId) throws Exception { String deleteQuery = "DELETE FROM `" + bucketName + "` USE KEYS [$1]"; N1qlQueryResult queryResult = bucket.query(N1qlQuery.parameterized( deleteQuery, JsonArray.from(docId), N1qlParams.build().adhoc(adhoc).maxParallelism(maxParallelism) )); if (!queryResult.parseSuccess() || !queryResult.finalSuccess()) { throw new DBException("Error while parsing N1QL Result. Query: " + deleteQuery + ", Errors: " + queryResult.errors()); } return Status.OK; } @Override public Status scan(final String table, final String startkey, final int recordcount, final Set fields, final Vector> result) { try { if (fields == null || fields.isEmpty()) { return scanAllFields(table, startkey, recordcount, result); } else { return scanSpecificFields(table, startkey, recordcount, fields, result); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return Status.ERROR; } } /** * Performs the {@link #scan(String, String, int, Set, Vector)} operation, optimized for all fields. * * Since the full document bodies need to be loaded anyways, it makes sense to just grab the document IDs * from N1QL and then perform the bulk loading via KV for better performance. This is a usual pattern with * Couchbase and shows the benefits of using both N1QL and KV together. * * @param table The name of the table * @param startkey The record key of the first record to read. * @param recordcount The number of records to read * @param result A Vector of HashMaps, where each HashMap is a set field/value pairs for one record * @return The result of the operation. */ private Status scanAllFields(final String table, final String startkey, final int recordcount, final Vector> result) { final List> data = new ArrayList>(recordcount); - bucket.async() .query(N1qlQuery.parameterized( scanAllQuery, JsonArray.from(formatId(table, startkey), recordcount), N1qlParams.build().adhoc(adhoc).maxParallelism(maxParallelism) )) .doOnNext(new Action1() { @Override public void call(AsyncN1qlQueryResult result) { if (!result.parseSuccess()) { throw new RuntimeException("Error while parsing N1QL Result. Query: " + scanAllQuery + ", Errors: " + result.errors()); } } }) .flatMap(new Func1>() { @Override public Observable call(AsyncN1qlQueryResult result) { return result.rows(); } }) .flatMap(new Func1>() { @Override public Observable call(AsyncN1qlQueryRow row) { - return bucket.async().get(new String(row.byteValue()), RawJsonDocument.class); + String id = new String(row.byteValue()).trim(); + return bucket.async().get(id.substring(1, id.length()-1), RawJsonDocument.class); } }) .map(new Func1>() { @Override public HashMap call(RawJsonDocument document) { HashMap tuple = new HashMap(); decode(document.content(), null, tuple); return tuple; } }) .toBlocking() .forEach(new Action1>() { @Override public void call(HashMap tuple) { data.add(tuple); } }); result.addAll(data); return Status.OK; } /** * Performs the {@link #scan(String, String, int, Set, Vector)} operation N1Ql only for a subset of the fields. * * @param table The name of the table * @param startkey The record key of the first record to read. * @param recordcount The number of records to read * @param fields The list of fields to read, or null for all of them * @param result A Vector of HashMaps, where each HashMap is a set field/value pairs for one record * @return The result of the operation. */ private Status scanSpecificFields(final String table, final String startkey, final int recordcount, final Set fields, final Vector> result) { String scanSpecQuery = "SELECT " + joinFields(fields) + " FROM `" + bucketName + "` WHERE meta().id >= '$1' LIMIT $2"; N1qlQueryResult queryResult = bucket.query(N1qlQuery.parameterized( scanSpecQuery, JsonArray.from(formatId(table, startkey), recordcount), N1qlParams.build().adhoc(adhoc).maxParallelism(maxParallelism) )); if (!queryResult.parseSuccess() || !queryResult.finalSuccess()) { throw new RuntimeException("Error while parsing N1QL Result. Query: " + scanSpecQuery + ", Errors: " + queryResult.errors()); } boolean allFields = fields == null || fields.isEmpty(); result.ensureCapacity(recordcount); for (N1qlQueryRow row : queryResult) { JsonObject value = row.value(); if (fields == null) { value = value.getObject(bucketName); } Set f = allFields ? value.getNames() : fields; HashMap tuple = new HashMap(f.size()); for (String field : f) { tuple.put(field, new StringByteIterator(value.getString(field))); } result.add(tuple); } return Status.OK; } /** * Helper method to block on the response, depending on the property set. * * By default, since YCSB is sync the code will always wait for the operation to complete. In some * cases it can be useful to just "drive load" and disable the waiting. Note that when the * "-p couchbase.syncMutationResponse=false" option is used, the measured results by YCSB can basically * be thrown away. Still helpful sometimes during load phases to speed them up :) * * @param input the async input observable. */ private void waitForMutationResponse(final Observable> input) { if (!syncMutResponse) { input.subscribe(new Subscriber>() { @Override public void onCompleted() { } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { } @Override public void onNext(Document document) { } }); } else { Blocking.blockForSingle(input, kvTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } } /** * Helper method to turn the values into a String, used with {@link #upsertN1ql(String, HashMap)}. * * @param values the values to encode. * @return the encoded string. */ private static String encodeN1qlFields(final HashMap values) { if (values.isEmpty()) { return ""; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry entry : values.entrySet()) { String raw = entry.getValue().toString(); String escaped = raw.replace("\"", "\\\"").replace("\'", "\\\'"); sb.append(entry.getKey()).append("=\"").append(escaped).append("\" "); } String toReturn = sb.toString(); return toReturn.substring(0, toReturn.length() - 1); } /** * Helper method to turn the map of values into a {@link JsonObject} for further use. * * @param values the values to transform. * @return the created json object. */ private static JsonObject valuesToJsonObject(final HashMap values) { JsonObject result = JsonObject.create(); for (Map.Entry entry : values.entrySet()) { result.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toString()); } return result; } /** * Helper method to join the set of fields into a String suitable for N1QL. * * @param fields the fields to join. * @return the joined fields as a String. */ private static String joinFields(final Set fields) { if (fields == null || fields.isEmpty()) { return "*"; } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (String f : fields) { builder.append("`").append(f).append("`").append(","); } String toReturn = builder.toString(); return toReturn.substring(0, toReturn.length() - 1); } /** * Helper method to turn the prefix and key into a proper document ID. * * @param prefix the prefix (table). * @param key the key itself. * @return a document ID that can be used with Couchbase. */ private static String formatId(final String prefix, final String key) { return prefix + SEPARATOR + key; } /** * Helper method to parse the "ReplicateTo" property on startup. * * @param property the proeprty to parse. * @return the parsed setting. */ private static ReplicateTo parseReplicateTo(final String property) throws DBException { int value = Integer.parseInt(property); switch (value) { case 0: return ReplicateTo.NONE; case 1: return ReplicateTo.ONE; case 2: return ReplicateTo.TWO; case 3: return ReplicateTo.THREE; default: throw new DBException("\"couchbase.replicateTo\" must be between 0 and 3"); } } /** * Helper method to parse the "PersistTo" property on startup. * * @param property the proeprty to parse. * @return the parsed setting. */ private static PersistTo parsePersistTo(final String property) throws DBException { int value = Integer.parseInt(property); switch (value) { case 0: return PersistTo.NONE; case 1: return PersistTo.ONE; case 2: return PersistTo.TWO; case 3: return PersistTo.THREE; case 4: return PersistTo.FOUR; default: throw new DBException("\"couchbase.persistTo\" must be between 0 and 4"); } } /** * Decode the String from server and pass it into the decoded destination. * * @param source the loaded object. * @param fields the fields to check. * @param dest the result passed back to YCSB. */ private void decode(final String source, final Set fields, final HashMap dest) { try { JsonNode json = JacksonTransformers.MAPPER.readTree(source); boolean checkFields = fields != null && !fields.isEmpty(); for (Iterator> jsonFields = json.fields(); jsonFields.hasNext();) { Map.Entry jsonField = jsonFields.next(); String name = jsonField.getKey(); if (!(checkFields && fields.contains(name))) { continue; } JsonNode jsonValue = jsonField.getValue(); if (jsonValue != null && !jsonValue.isNull()) { dest.put(name, new StringByteIterator(jsonValue.asText())); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not decode JSON"); } } /** * Encode the source into a String for storage. * * @param source the source value. * @return the encoded string. */ private String encode(final HashMap source) { HashMap stringMap = StringByteIterator.getStringMap(source); ObjectNode node = JacksonTransformers.MAPPER.createObjectNode(); for (Map.Entry pair : stringMap.entrySet()) { node.put(pair.getKey(), pair.getValue()); } JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JsonFactory(); Writer writer = new StringWriter(); try { JsonGenerator jsonGenerator = jsonFactory.createGenerator(writer); JacksonTransformers.MAPPER.writeTree(jsonGenerator, node); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not encode JSON value"); } return writer.toString(); } } /** * Factory for the {@link BackoffSelectStrategy} to be used with boosting. */ class BackoffSelectStrategyFactory implements SelectStrategyFactory { @Override public SelectStrategy newSelectStrategy() { return new BackoffSelectStrategy(); } } /** * Custom IO select strategy which trades CPU for throughput, used with the boost setting. */ class BackoffSelectStrategy implements SelectStrategy { private int counter = 0; @Override public int calculateStrategy(final IntSupplier supplier, final boolean hasTasks) throws Exception { int selectNowResult = supplier.get(); if (hasTasks || selectNowResult != 0) { counter = 0; return selectNowResult; } counter++; if (counter > 2000) { LockSupport.parkNanos(1); } else if (counter > 3000) { Thread.yield(); } else if (counter > 4000) { LockSupport.parkNanos(1000); } else if (counter > 5000) { // defer to blocking select counter = 0; return SelectStrategy.SELECT; } return SelectStrategy.CONTINUE; } }