diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6792e6c --- /dev/null +++ b/Dockerfile @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +FROM ubuntu:16.04 + +MAINTAINER Diego Villamaina version: 0.2 + +## Update repo list and install required packages #### +RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y \ + software-properties-common \ + git-core \ + apt-transport-https \ + wget \ + unzip \ + build-essential \ + time \ + libfindbin-libs-perl \ + libz-dev \ + libbz2-dev \ + liblzma-dev \ + zlib1g-dev \ + libncurses5-dev \ + libncursesw5-dev \ + libcurl4-openssl-dev \ + libxml2-dev \ + gfortran \ + g++ \ + libreadline6-dev \ + libx11-dev \ + libxt-dev \ + tk-dev \ + libpng12-dev \ + libjpeg-dev \ + libcairo2-dev \ + libarmadillo-dev \ + libarmadillo6 \ + libffi-dev \ + libssl-dev \ + docker.io \ + python-dev \ + python3-pip \ + python2.7-dev \ + python-pip \ + python-numpy \ + python-matplotlib \ + python-pysam \ + sortmerna \ + trimmomatic \ + bedtools + +## Install snakemake (Require python >= 3.5) +RUN pip3 install snakemake + +## Grna app +COPY Snakefile grna.py /grna/ + +## Cannot run pip install gives: ImportError: cannot import name main +RUN pip install --upgrade pip && \ + python -m pip install htseq && \ + python -m pip install multiqc && \ + python -m pip install virtualenv + +### Install gc3pie ### + +#RUN wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/uzh/gc3pie/master/install.py && \ +COPY install.py /root/ +RUN python /root/install.py --develop -y + +## Install packages within gc3pie virtualenv +RUN . /root/gc3pie/bin/activate && \ + pip install os-client-config \ + python-novaclient \ + python-neutronclient \ + python-openstackclient + +# Add gc3pie.conf file (my own conf for demo) +COPY gc3pie.conf /root/.gc3/ + +# Add SC auth file +COPY enhancer.ch-openrc.sh run_grna.sh / + +## Install FASTQC ### +WORKDIR /opt +RUN wget http://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/fastqc_v0.11.8.zip && \ + unzip fastqc_v0.11.8.zip && \ + chmod 755 /opt/FastQC/fastqc && \ + rm /opt/fastqc_v0.11.8.zip + +### Install R ### +#WORKDIR /opt +#ENV R_VERS=R-3.4.1 + +#RUN wget https://cran.r-project.org/src/base/R-3/$R_VERS.tar.gz && \ +# tar -xzf $R_VERS.tar.gz && \ +# cd /opt/$R_VERS && \ +# ./configure && make && make install && \ +# rm /opt/$R_VERS.tar.gz + +## Install DESeq2 ### +#RUN Rscript -e 'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R");library(BiocInstaller); biocLite("DESeq2", dep = TRUE)' + + +############## STAR 2.6.0 ############### +WORKDIR /opt +RUN wget https://github.com/alexdobin/STAR/archive/2.6.0a.tar.gz && \ + tar -xzf 2.6.0a.tar.gz && \ + cd /opt/STAR-2.6.0a/source && \ + make STAR && \ + rm /opt/2.6.0a.tar.gz + +################ #Samtools 1.3.1# ######### +WORKDIR /opt +RUN wget https://github.com/samtools/samtools/releases/download/1.2/samtools-1.2.tar.bz2 && \ + tar --bzip2 -xf samtools-1.2.tar.bz2 && \ + cd samtools-1.2 && \ + make && \ + make install && \ + rm /opt/samtools-1.2.tar.bz2 + +###### Add tools PATHS to $PATH ######### +ENV PATH="/opt/STAR-2.6.0a/source/:/opt/FastQC/:${PATH}" + +######## sortmerna: Download the database and index it ##### +WORKDIR /usr/bin +RUN /usr/share/sortmerna/rRNA_databases/scripts/fetch_rrna_data.sh && \ + mkdir -p /usr/share/sortmerna/rRNA_databases/index && \ + ./indexdb_rna --ref /usr/share/sortmerna/rRNA_databases/silva-arc-16s-id95.fasta,/usr/share/sortmerna/rRNA_databases/index/silva-arc-16s-id95 && \ + ./indexdb_rna --ref /usr/share/sortmerna/rRNA_databases/silva-arc-23s-id98.fasta,/usr/share/sortmerna/rRNA_databases/index/silva-arc-23s-id98 && \ + ./indexdb_rna --ref /usr/share/sortmerna/rRNA_databases/silva-bac-16s-id90.fasta,/usr/share/sortmerna/rRNA_databases/index/silva-bac-16s-id90 && \ + ./indexdb_rna --ref /usr/share/sortmerna/rRNA_databases/silva-bac-23s-id98.fasta,/usr/share/sortmerna/rRNA_databases/index/silva-bac-23s-id98 && \ + ./indexdb_rna --ref /usr/share/sortmerna/rRNA_databases/silva-euk-18s-id95.fasta,/usr/share/sortmerna/rRNA_databases/index/silva-euk-18s-id95 && \ + ./indexdb_rna --ref /usr/share/sortmerna/rRNA_databases/silva-euk-28s-id98.fasta,/usr/share/sortmerna/rRNA_databases/index/silva-euk-28s-id98 && \ + ./indexdb_rna --ref /usr/share/sortmerna/rRNA_databases/rfam-5.8s-database-id98.fasta,/usr/share/sortmerna/rRNA_databases/index/rfam-5.8s-database-id98 && \ + ./indexdb_rna --ref /usr/share/sortmerna/rRNA_databases/rfam-5s-database-id98.fasta,/usr/share/sortmerna/rRNA_databases/index/rfam-5s-database-id98 + +ENTRYPOINT ["/run_grna.sh"] diff --git a/Snakefile b/Snakefile index ce132e8..abdbc2c 100644 --- a/Snakefile +++ b/Snakefile @@ -1,179 +1,179 @@ from snakemake.remote.HTTP import RemoteProvider as HTTPRemoteProvider HTTP = HTTPRemoteProvider() SAMPLES = ['DATASET_NAME'] for smp in SAMPLES: print("Sample " + smp + " will be processed") rule final: input: directory('/tmp/MOUSE_GRCm38.p6'), expand('/output/{sample}_R1_fastqc.html', sample=SAMPLES), expand('/output/{sample}_R2_fastqc.html', sample=SAMPLES), expand('/output/{sample}_merged.fq', sample=SAMPLES), expand('/output/{sample}_merged_sorted.fq', sample=SAMPLES), expand('/output/{sample}_merged_sorted_mRNA.fq', sample=SAMPLES), expand('/output/{sample}_unmerged_R1.fq', sample=SAMPLES), expand('/output/{sample}_unmerged_R2.fq', sample=SAMPLES), expand('/output/{sample}_trimmed_R1.fq', sample=SAMPLES), expand('/output/{sample}_trimmed_R2.fq', sample=SAMPLES), expand('/output/{sample}_trimmed_R1_fastqc.zip', sample=SAMPLES), expand('/output/{sample}_trimmed_R2_fastqc.zip', sample=SAMPLES), expand('/output/{sample}.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam',sample=SAMPLES), expand('/output/{sample}.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam.bai',sample=SAMPLES), -# expand('/output/{sample}.txt',sample=SAMPLES), + expand('/output/{sample}.txt',sample=SAMPLES), rule get_genome: input: HTTP.remote("cloud.s3it.uzh.ch:8080/v1/AUTH_576f87a2a18948bdb2da11fdcad29ae2/RNA-genome/GENOME.zip", keep_local=True) output: directory('/tmp/MOUSE_GRCm38.p6') priority:1 run: outputName = os.path.join('/tmp',os.path.basename(input[0])) shell("mv {input} {outputName} && unzip {outputName} -d /tmp && rm {outputName}") rule perform_qc: input: R1='/input/{sample}_R1.fq', R2='/input/{sample}_R2.fq', params: out_dir = '/output/' output: '/output/{sample}_R1_fastqc.html', '/output/{sample}_R1_fastqc.zip', '/output/{sample}_R2_fastqc.html', '/output/{sample}_R2_fastqc.zip', shell: r''' fastqc -o {params.out_dir} -f fastq {input.R1} {input.R2} ''' rule merging_files: input: R_1='/input/{sample}_R1.fq', R_2='/input/{sample}_R2.fq', output: '/output/{sample}_merged.fq', message: """---MERGING----""" shell: ''' /usr/share/sortmerna/scripts/merge-paired-reads.sh {input.R_1} {input.R_2} {output} ''' rule sortmerna: input: '/output/{sample}_merged.fq', params: out_prefix='/output/{sample}_merged_sorted', out_prefix_mRNA='/output/{sample}_merged_sorted_mRNA', output: merged_file='/output/{sample}_merged_sorted_mRNA.fq', merged_sorted='/output/{sample}_merged_sorted.fq', message: """---SORTING---""" shell: ''' sortmerna --ref /usr/share/sortmerna/rRNA_databases/silva-bac-23s-id98.fasta,/usr/share/sortmerna/rRNA_databases/index/silva-bac-23s-id98: --reads {input} --paired_in -a 16 --log --fastx --aligned {params.out_prefix_mRNA} --other {params.out_prefix} ''' rule unmerging_files: input: '/output/{sample}_merged.fq', output: R1='/output/{sample}_unmerged_R1.fq', R2='/output/{sample}_unmerged_R2.fq', message: """---MERGING----""" shell: ''' /usr/share/sortmerna/scripts/unmerge-paired-reads.sh {input} {output.R1} {output.R2} ''' rule trimmometic_run: input: R1_read='/output/{sample}_unmerged_R1.fq', R2_read='/output/{sample}_unmerged_R2.fq', output: R1_trimmed='/output/{sample}_trimmed_R1.fq', R2_trimmed='/output/{sample}_trimmed_R2.fq', R1_unpaired='/output/{sample}_trimmed_upaired_R1.fq', R2_unpaired='/output/{sample}_trimmed_upaired_R2.fq', message: """---TRIMMOMATIC---""" shell: ''' java -jar /usr/share/java/trimmomatic-0.35.jar PE -phred33 {input.R1_read} {input.R2_read} {output.R1_trimmed} {output.R1_unpaired} {output.R2_trimmed} {output.R2_unpaired} ILLUMINACLIP:TruSeq3-PE.fa:2:30:10 LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15 MINLEN:30 ''' rule perform_qc_timmed: input: R1_trimmed_qc='/output/{sample}_trimmed_R1.fq', R2_trimmed_qc='/output/{sample}_trimmed_R2.fq', params: out_dir = '/output/' output: '/output/{sample}_trimmed_R1_fastqc.zip', '/output/{sample}_trimmed_R2_fastqc.zip', message: """---QC trimmed Data---""" shell: r''' fastqc -outdir {params.out_dir} -f fastq {input.R1_trimmed_qc} {input.R2_trimmed_qc} ''' rule star_alignment: input: R1_trimmed='/output/{sample}_trimmed_R1.fq', R2_trimmed='/output/{sample}_trimmed_R2.fq', # params: # BAM_file_name ='STAR/', output: BAM_file='/output/{sample}.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam', message: """---STAR ALIGNMENT---""" shell: ''' STAR --runThreadN 8 --runMode alignReads --genomeDir /tmp/MOUSE_GRCm38.p6/star_indices_overhang100/ --readFilesIn {input.R1_trimmed} {input.R2_trimmed} --outFileNamePrefix /output/{wildcards.sample}. --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate ''' # to index the sorted bam file rule samtools_index: input: bam_2='/output/{sample}.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam', output: bam_indexed='/output/{sample}.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam.bai', message: """---SAMTOOLS_BAM_INDEX----""" shell: ''' samtools index {input.bam_2} ''' # to convert BAM to BIGWIG rule bamTObigwig: input: 'STAR/{sample}.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam', output: 'bigwig/{sample}_aligned_sorted.bw', message: """---CONVERT_BAM_TO_BIGWIG---""" shell: ''' bamCoverage --bam {input} -o {output} --outFileFormat bigwig --binSize 10 --normalizeUsing RPGC --effectiveGenomeSize 2150570000 ''' # to count the read with HTSeq rule HTSeq_count: input: '/output/{sample}.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam', output: '/output/{sample}.txt', message: """---HTSeq Count---""" shell: ''' - htseq-count -s no -i gene_name {input} /tmp/MOUSE_GRCm38.p6/annotation/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.93.gtf > {output} + htseq-count -f bam -r pos -s no -i gene_name {input} /tmp/MOUSE_GRCm38.p6/annotation/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.93.gtf > {output} ''' diff --git a/enhancer.ch-openrc.sh b/enhancer.ch-openrc.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b290f4b --- /dev/null +++ b/enhancer.ch-openrc.sh @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash + +# To use an OpenStack cloud you need to authenticate against the Identity +# service named keystone, which returns a **Token** and **Service Catalog**. +# The catalog contains the endpoints for all services the user/tenant has +# access to - such as Compute, Image Service, Identity, Object Storage, Block +# Storage, and Networking (code-named nova, glance, keystone, swift, +# cinder, and neutron). +# +# *NOTE*: Using the 2.0 *Identity API* does not necessarily mean any other +# OpenStack API is version 2.0. For example, your cloud provider may implement +# Image API v1.1, Block Storage API v2, and Compute API v2.0. OS_AUTH_URL is +# only for the Identity API served through keystone. +export OS_AUTH_URL=https://cloud.s3it.uzh.ch:5000/v2.0 + +# With the addition of Keystone we have standardized on the term **tenant** +# as the entity that owns the resources. +#export OS_TENANT_ID=576f87a2a18948bdb2da11fdcad29ae2 +#export OS_TENANT_NAME="enhancer.ch" + +# unsetting v3 items in case set +unset OS_PROJECT_ID +unset OS_PROJECT_NAME +unset OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME + +# Enter your Openstack Tennant name +echo "Please enter your OpenStack Tenant name: " +read -r OS_TENANTNAME_INPUT +export OS_TENANT_NAME=$OS_TENANTNAME_INPUT + +# In addition to the owning entity (tenant), OpenStack stores the entity +# performing the action as the **user**. +echo "Please enter your OpenStack Username: " +read -r OS_USERNAME_INPUT +export OS_USERNAME=$OS_USERNAME_INPUT + +# With Keystone you pass the keystone password. +echo "Please enter your OpenStack Password: " +read -sr OS_PASSWORD_INPUT +export OS_PASSWORD=$OS_PASSWORD_INPUT + +# If your configuration has multiple regions, we set that information here. +# OS_REGION_NAME is optional and only valid in certain environments. +export OS_REGION_NAME="RegionOne" +# Don't leave a blank variable, unset it if it was empty +if [ -z "$OS_REGION_NAME" ]; then unset OS_REGION_NAME; fi diff --git a/gc3pie.conf b/gc3pie.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6bcea3 --- /dev/null +++ b/gc3pie.conf @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +# The `DEFAULT` section is entirely optional; if present, its values can +# be used to interpolate values in other sections, using the `%(name)s` syntax. +# See documentation of the `SafeConfigParser` object at: +# http://docs.python.org/library/configparser.html + + +[auth/noauth] +type=none + +[resource/localhost] +enabled=yes +type=shellcmd +transport=local +auth=noauth +max_cores=16 +max_cores_per_job=16 +max_memory_per_core=2 GB +max_walltime=24 hours +architecture=x64_64 +override=True + +[auth/sciencecloud] +type = openstack + +[auth/ssh_user_ubuntu] +type = ssh + +username = ubuntu +keyfile = /root/.ssh/id_rsa + +[resource/sciencecloud] +enabled=yes +type = openstack+shellcmd + +max_cores_per_job = 32 +max_memory_per_core = 4 GB +max_walltime = 24 hours +max_cores = 32 +architecture = x86_64 + +auth = sciencecloud + +keypair_name=grna + +instance_type = 1cpu-4ram-hpc + +#grna_instance_type = 8cpu-16ram-hpc + +image_id = 702acd0c-2045-43f3-90a3-de35fe7b0eab + +network_ids = c86b320c-9542-4032-a951-c8a068894cc2 + +vm_auth = ssh_user_ubuntu + +public_key = /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub + +security_group_rules=tcp:22:22:,icmp:-1:-1: + + +############################################################################## +##### !! Please do not comment/edit the gbids_user_data variable content !! ## +grna_user_data = #!/bin/bash + apt-get update +# echo '{"insecure-registries" : [""]}' > /etc/docker/daemon.json +# service docker restart + apt-get install -y nfs-common + mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/mnt/ + mount -t nfs /home/ubuntu/mnt/ + chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu /home/ubuntu/mnt/ + +############################################################################### +############################################################################### + +# Override `user_data` to use for application with name ``: +# +#_user_data = + +# The EC2 backend also supports setting security groups, see the +# example in the "OpenStack" section. diff --git a/install.py b/install.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73c940a --- /dev/null +++ b/install.py @@ -0,0 +1,1045 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# +# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 University of Zurich. +# +# +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the +# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +# option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +# General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program. If not, see . +# +__version__ = '2.0.3' +__author__ = ''' +Antonio Messina +Riccardo Murri +''' + +## first, check that we're running a compatible version of Python + +import sys + +# since we do not (yet) know what version of Python this script is +# running on, we can only use a very restricted subset of Python, in +# order to stay comaptible with the broadest range of version: +# +# - use `sys.hexversion` since it's there since 1.5.2 +# - use `sys.stdout.write()` instead of `print()` since it did not +# change syntax during the 2 to 3 transition +# - do not use `in` and `not in` operators +# - do not rely on `os` for the `EX_*` error exit codes +# - no use of the `True` and `False` constants + +major = (sys.hexversion >> 24) +minor = (sys.hexversion >> 16) & 0xff +release = (sys.hexversion >> 8) & 0xff + +if major < 2 or (major == 2 and minor < 6) or major >= 3: + sys.stderr.write(""" +GC3Pie requires Python version 2.6 or 2.7. +Unfortunately, the Python interpreter '%s' +is running version %d.%d.%d of the language. + +If a version of Python suitable for using GC3Pie is present in some +non-standard location, then please run this script again through +the correct 'python' binary. For example: + + /usr/local/bin/python26 %s +""" % (sys.executable, major, minor, release, sys.argv[0])) + sys.exit(70) # os.EX_UNAVAILABLE + + +## now we know we're running Py 2.6+, do the rest of the setup + +import logging + +# see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/377017/test-if-executable-exists-in-python +from distutils.spawn import find_executable + +# for use in `ask`, see: http://stackoverflow.com/a/14274466/459543 +from distutils.util import strtobool + +# for use in `download_from_pypi` +from distutils.version import LooseVersion + +from fnmatch import fnmatch + +import os +from os import path + +import re + +import shutil +import tarfile + +from subprocess import call, check_call, CalledProcessError +try: + from subprocess import check_output +except: + from subprocess import PIPE, Popen + # Possibly running python 2.6 + def check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs): + if 'stdout' in kwargs: + raise ValueError('stdout argument not allowed, it will be overridden.') + process = Popen(stdout=PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs) + output, unused_err = process.communicate() + retcode = process.poll() + if retcode: + cmd = kwargs.get("args") + if cmd is None: + cmd = popenargs[0] + raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd, output=output) + return output + + + +from urllib2 import urlopen +import json + + +## defaults and constants + +PROG="GC3Pie install" + +class default: + BASE_PIP_URL="https://pypi.python.org/pypi" + GC3PIE_REPO_URL="https://github.com/uzh/gc3pie.git" + TARGET = path.expandvars('$HOME/gc3pie') + UNRELEASED = False + WITH_APPS = True + + +# by default, ask for confirmation +DO_NOT_ASK_AND_ASSUME_YES = False + +paths_to_cleanup = [] + +def cleanup(paths=paths_to_cleanup): + if isinstance(paths, (str, basestring)): + paths = [paths] + + for path in paths: + path = os.path.abspath(path) + typ = 'directory' if os.path.isdir(path) else 'file' + if ask("Do you want to delete %s '%s'?" % (typ, path)): + logging.info("Deleting %s '%s' as requested...", typ, path) + if os.path.isdir(path): + shutil.rmtree(path) + else: + os.remove(path) + + +def cleanup_defer(paths): + if isinstance(paths, (str, basestring)): + paths = [paths] + paths_to_cleanup.extend([os.path.abspath(path) for path in paths]) + + +## main + +logging.basicConfig( + level=logging.DEBUG, + stream=sys.stderr, + format=('<{me}> %(levelname)8s: %(message)s'.format(me=PROG)), +) +try: + logging.captureWarnings(True) +except AttributeError: + # Possibly running on python 2.6. Ignore. + pass + +def main(): + options = parse_command_line_options() + if options.unreleased: + options.version_info = '*development version*' + else: + options.version_info = '*latest stable version*' + + # compatibility check + if 'openstack' in options.features and (major, minor) == (2, 6): + abort(70, """OpenStack support requires Python 2.7+ + +Python interpreter '{exe}' is running version +{major}.{minor}.{release} of the language. + +If a version of Python suitable for using GC3Pie is present in some +non-standard location, then please run this script again through +the correct 'python' binary. For example: + + /usr/local/bin/python2.7 {me} + """.format(exe=sys.executable, + major=major, minor=minor, release=release, + me=__file__)) + + print_intro_and_options(options) + + require_sw_prerequisites() + + check_target_directory(options.target, options.overwrite) + + create_virtualenv(options.target, options.python) + + if options.unreleased: + logging.info("Installing GC3Pie master source tree from GitHub ...") + install_gc3pie_from_github(options.target, options.features) + else: + logging.info("Installing GC3Pie released code from PyPI ...") + install_gc3pie_from_pypi(options.target, options.features) + + print(""" +=============================== +Installation of GC3Pie is done! +=============================== + +In order to work with GC3Pie you have to enable the virtual +environment with the command (yes, it starts with a dot+space): + + . {target}/bin/activate + +You need to run the above command on every new shell you open before +using GC3Pie commands, but just once per session. + +If the shell's prompt starts with '(gc3pie)' it means that the virtual +environment has been enabled. + + """.format(target=options.target)) + + cleanup() + sys.exit(os.EX_OK) + + +## auxiliary functions +# +# Functions are defined in *alphabetical order* +# to make them simpler to find; Python's runtime does +# not care about definition order. +# + +def abort(rc, msg=None): + """ + Print error message `msg` (if any) and abort program with exit code `rc`. + """ + if msg: + sys.stderr.write("{me}: FATAL: {msg}".format(me=PROG, msg=msg)) + sys.stderr.write('\n') + sys.exit(rc) + + +def ask(question, default="yes"): + """ + Ask a yes/no question via raw_input() and return the answer. + + `question` is a string that the user is prompted with. + + `default` is the presumed answer if the user just hits . + It must be "yes" (the default), "no" or None (meaning an answer is + required of the user). + + Return ``True`` for a "yes" reply, or ``False`` for "no". + + See for the original + sources. + """ + assert default in [None, 'yes', 'no'] + + if DO_NOT_ASK_AND_ASSUME_YES: + print(question + " (Assuming a 'yes' reply because of `--yes` command-line option.)") + return True + + if default is None: + prompt = " [y/n] " + elif default == "yes": + prompt = " [Y/n] " + elif default == "no": + prompt = " [y/N] " + + while True: + sys.stdout.write(question + prompt) + choice = raw_input().lower() + if default is not None and choice == '': + choice = default + try: + return strtobool(choice) + except ValueError: + sys.stdout.write("Please respond with 'yes' or 'no'.\n") + + +def bool_to_yn(val): + """Return ``yes`` or ``no`` depending on the truth value of `val`.""" + return ('yes' if val else 'no') + + +def check_ok_to_continue_or_abort(msg): + """ + Print a warning message and ask user for confirmation to continue. + Abort execution if user does not want to proceed. + """ + print(""" +WARNING +======= + +{msg} + + """.format(**locals())) + proceed = ask("Do you still want to proceed?") + if not proceed: + logging.fatal("Aborting installation as requested.") + sys.exit(os.EX_TEMPFAIL) + return True + + +def check_target_directory(target, overwrite=None): + """ + Ensure that `target` directory does *not* exist. + + Second argument `overwrite` can have three values: + + - ``None``: if target exists, ask user permission to remove it; + - ``False``: do not remove target if it exists; + - ``True``: wipe target away if exists, without warning. + """ + if path.exists(target): + if overwrite is None: + print(""" +Destination directory '{target}' already exists. +I can wipe it out in order to make a new installation, +but this means any files in that directory, and the ones +underneath it will be deleted. + + """.format(**locals())) + wipe = ask( + "Do you want to wipe the installation directory '{target}' ?" + .format(** locals())) + if wipe: + overwrite = True + else: + overwrite = False + + # if directory exists and cannot be overwritten, abort + if not overwrite: + die(os.EX_CANTCREAT, + "Unable to create virtualenv: target directory already exists", + """ +The script was unable to create a virtual environment in "{target}" +because the directory already exists. + +In order to proceed, you must take one of the following action: + +* delete the directory, or + +* run this script again adding '--overwrite' option, which will + overwrite the {target} directory, or + +* specify a different path by running this script again adding the + option "--target" followed by a non-existent directory. + """.format(**locals())) + + # else remove the entire directory tree + else: + logging.info("Deleting directory '%s' as requested ...", target) + shutil.rmtree(target) + + +def create_virtualenv(destdir, python=sys.executable): + """ + Create a Python virtual environment into `destdir`. + """ + + # cannot run if already inside a virtenv + if os.environ.get('VIRTUAL_ENV'): + die(os.EX_SOFTWARE, + "A virtual environment is already active", + """ +A Python virtual environment seems to be already *active*. This +will cause this script to FAIL. + +Please run 'deactivate', then run this script again. + """) + + # Anaconda Python needs special treatment because of the relative + # RPATH, see Issue 479 + if 'Anaconda' in sys.version: + python_is_anaconda = True + anaconda_root_dir = fix_virtualenv_issue_with_anaconda(python, destdir) + else: + python_is_anaconda = False + + # check for conditions that require us to skip site packages: + # - GC3Pie already installed + # - `pip` or `easy_install` already in the system path (cannot upgrade setuptools and friends) + if (have_command('gc3utils') + or have_command('easy_install') + or have_command('pip')): + # Ananconda Python ships setuptools so we have to explicitly exclude them + if python_is_anaconda: + with_site_packages = ['--system-site-packages', '--no-setuptools'] + check_ok_to_continue_or_abort(""" +Anaconda Python detected! I'm creating the virtual environment with a +'--system-site-packages' option, to let GC3Pie programs use all the +libraries that come bundled with Anaconda. If this leads to errors +related to 'setuptools', 'distribute' or 'pip', then please report a +bug to the GC3Pie mailing list gc3pie@googlegroups.com +""") + else: + # XXX: could this be replaced by `--no-setuptools` simply? + with_site_packages = ['--no-site-packages'] + else: + # no issue in allowing access to system site packages + with_site_packages = ['--system-site-packages'] + + # Check condition that requires us to skip download virtualenv: + # virtualenv already installed + if have_command('virtualenv'): + # run command + logging.info('Using system virtualenv... ') + cmd = [find_executable("virtualenv")] + with_site_packages + ['-p', python, destdir] + else: + # get virtualenv package + tarball = download_from_pypi('virtualenv', keep=False) + + tar = tarfile.open(tarball) + tar.extractall() + venvsourcedir = tar.getnames()[0] + cleanup_defer(venvsourcedir) + + venvpath = os.path.join(venvsourcedir, 'virtualenv.py') + cmd = [python, venvpath] + with_site_packages + ['-p', python, destdir] + + # run: python virtualenv.py --[no,system]-site-packages $DESTDIR + try: + check_call(cmd) + # check_call( + # [python, venvpath] + # + with_site_packages + # + ['-p', python, destdir]) + logging.info("Created Python virtual environment in '%s'", destdir) + except CalledProcessError as err: + rc = err.returncode + die(os.EX_SOFTWARE, + "Cannot create virtual environment", + """ +The command:: + + {python} virtualenv.py {with_site_packages} -p {python} {destdir} + +exited with failure code {rc} and did not create a Python virtual environment. + +Please get in touch with the GC3Pie developers at the email address +gc3pie@googlegroups.com to get help with this error. + """.format(**locals())) + + if python_is_anaconda: + # since we created the virtenv with `--no-setuptools`, the + # `pip` executable has not been created; copy the one shipped + # with Anaconda now + run( + "sed -e '1s^{anaconda_root_dir}/bin/python^{destdir}/bin/python^'" + " < '{anaconda_root_dir}/bin/pip' > '{destdir}/bin/pip'" + .format(**locals())) + run("chmod -v +x '{destdir}/bin/pip'".format(**locals())) + logging.info("Installed Anaconda's version of `pip` into the virtual env") + + # sometimes virtualenv installs pip as pip-X.Y, try to patch this + bindir = '{destdir}/bin/'.format(**locals()) + if not path.isfile('{bindir}/pip'.format(**locals())): + # find `pip` version that matches current Python + target = ('%d.%d' % sys.version_info[:2]) + pips = [entry for entry in os.listdir(bindir) + if entry.startswith('pip-')] + for pip in pips: + _, pip_version = pip.split('-') + if pip_version == target: + os.symlink('{bindir}/{pip}'.format(**locals()), + '{bindir}/pip'.format(**locals())) + logging.info("Using `%s` as default `pip` tool", pip) + break + else: + # no `pip-X.Y` matched + die(os.EX_UNAVAILABLE, "No `pip` executable found", + """ +No `pip` executable was installed in the Python virtual environment. + +Installation cannot continue; please get in touch with the GC3Pie +developers at the email address gc3pie@googlegroups.com to get help +with this error. + +Please include the following information in your issue report: + +>>> sys.executable = {python} +>>> sys.version = {version} +>>> bindir = {bindir} +>>> pips = {pips} + """.format(version=sys.version, **locals())) + + # Recent versions of `pip` insist that setuptools>=0.8 is + # installed, because they try to use the "wheel" format for any + # kind of package. So we need to update setuptools --without + # using `pip`!--, or `pip` will error out:: + # + # Wheel installs require setuptools >= 0.8 for dist-info support. + # + if run_in_virtualenv( + destdir, + "pip wheel --help 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null", + abort_on_nonzero_exit=False) == 0: + logging.info("Trying to install or upgrade setuptools ...") + # NOTE: setuptools 2.x requires Python >= 2.6; since GC3Pie 2.1+ + # dropped support for Python <2.6, we assume the Python version + # has already been checked when the code gets here and do not test + # it again ... + try: + if path.exists(path.join(destdir, 'bin/easy_install')): + logging.info("`easy_install` is available, using it to upgrade setuptools") + run_in_virtualenv(destdir, "easy_install -U setuptools") + else: + tfile = download_from_pypi('setuptools', keep=False) + logging.info("Downloaded %s from PyPI; now installing it ...", + path.basename(tfile)) + run("tar -xzf {tfile}".format(**locals())) + run_in_virtualenv( + destdir, + "cd setuptools-* && {python} setup.py install".format(**locals())) + except CalledProcessError as err: + die(os.EX_SOFTWARE, + "Failed to install the latest version of Python 'setuptools'", + """ +The required Python package 'setuptools' could not be installed. + +Please get in touch with the GC3Pie developers at the email address +gc3pie@googlegroups.com to get help with this error. + """) + + +def die(rc, header, msg): + """ + Print error message `msg` preceded by the given `header`, then + abort program with exit code `rc`. + """ + sys.stderr.write(""" +==================================================== + {me}: ERROR: {header} +==================================================== + +{msg} + +If the above does not help you solve the issue, please contact the +GC3Pie team by sending an email to gc3pie@googlegroups.com +(mailing-list subscription required). Include the full output of this +script to help us identifying the problem. + +Aborting installation! + """.format(me=PROG, header=header, msg=msg)) + sys.exit(rc) + + +def download(url, to_file=None, keep=True): + """ + Download contents of `url` to a local file. + Return name of the local file. + + The local file name is derived from `url` by taking the segment + after the last `/`, but can be overridden by explicitly passing a + `to_file` argument. + """ + if to_file is None: + to_file = path.basename(url) + src = urlopen(url) + dst = open(to_file, 'w') + dst.write(src.read()) + if not keep: + cleanup_defer(to_file) + return to_file + + +def download_from_pypi(pkgname, pip_url=default.BASE_PIP_URL, version=None, keep=False): + """ + Download the given package from PyPI into a local file. + Return path to the downloaded file. + + The local file name is derived from the package source URL; see + `download`:func: for details. + + If there are multiple versions of the same package available, the + one actually downloaded is the one which comes first in Python + string sorting order. + """ + base_url = (pip_url + '/' + pkgname + '/json') + try: + data = urlopen(base_url).read() + except: + die(os.EX_PROTOCOL, + ("Package '{pkgname}' not found on PyPI!".format(**locals())), + """ +Unable to download package {pkgname} from PyPI. +""".format(**locals())) + + try: + jdata = json.loads(data) + except ValueError: + raise ValueError( + "While downloading from %s, we received an invalid JSON" + " data." % base_url) + + if not version: + version = jdata['info']['version'] + try: + releases = jdata['releases'][version] + except KeyError: + raise ValueError( + "Unable to find version '%s' of PyPI package '%s'." + " Available versions are: %s" % ( + version, pkgname, sorted(jdata['releases'].keys()))) + + sources = [r for r in releases if r['packagetype'] == 'sdist'] + if not sources: + raise ValueError( + "Unable to find source package for version %s of package %s on PyPI" % ( + version, pkgname)) + src = sources[-1] + url = src['url'] + return download(url, keep=keep) + + +def fix_virtualenv_issue_with_anaconda(python, destdir): + """ + Apply a workaround for Anaconda Python's incompativility with virtualenvs. + + The issue is that Anaconda Python ships an executable built with a + relative RPATH; if the executable is located in Ananconda's + distribution directory, then the correct `libpython.so` is found + and loaded. Otherwise, Linux' `ld.so` falls back to searching for + `libpython.so` in the standard library search path, which ends up + finding the system Python `libpython.so` (or none at all) and + breaks things in subtle ways. (For instance, Anaconda-shipped + packages are no longer found...) Since Python's `virtualenv.py` + *copies* the executable into the virtualenv (don't ask me why), + this breakage is certain. + + The workaround is simply to create a `lib/` directory in the virtualenv + directory and symlink the Anaconda Python libraries from there. + + See GC3Pie issue 495 for more information and the sources for this + workaround. + """ + anaconda_root_dir = path.realpath(path.join(path.dirname(python), '..')) + anaconda_lib_dir = path.join(anaconda_root_dir, 'lib') + if not path.isdir(anaconda_lib_dir): + die(os.EX_SOFTWARE, "Unexpected Anaconda directory layout", + """ +Anaconda Python detected, but I expected to find a 'lib/' directory +under the root directory '{anaconda_root_dir}', and there is none. +Cannot proceed; please report this issue to the GC3Pie developers +at gc3pie@googlegroups.com. + +Please include the following information in your issue report: + +>>> sys.executable = {python} +>>> sys.version = {version} + """.format(version=sys.version, **locals())) + + # list `libpython*.so*` files + libs = os.listdir(anaconda_lib_dir) + libpython_files = [filename for filename in libs + if (fnmatch(filename, 'libpython*.so*') + or fnmatch(filename, 'libpython*.dylib'))] + if not libpython_files: + die(os.EX_SOFTWARE, "Unexpected Anaconda directory layout", + """ +Anaconda Python detected, but I expected to find a a libpython.so +file under directory '${anaconda_root_dir}/lib', and there is none. +Cannot proceed; please report this issue to the GC3Pie developers +at gc3pie@googlegroups.com. + +Please include the following information in your issue report: + +>>> sys.executable = {python} +>>> sys.version = {version} + +$ ls -l {anaconda_root_dir}/lib/ +{libs} + """.format(version=sys.version, **locals())) + + # actually do the patching + logging.info( + "Applying workaround for Anaconda Python's" + " incompatibility with virtualenv ...") + dest_lib_dir = path.join(destdir, 'lib') + os.makedirs(dest_lib_dir) + for filename in libpython_files: + src= path.join(anaconda_lib_dir, filename) + dst = path.join(dest_lib_dir, filename) + os.symlink(src, dst) + logging.info("%s -> %s", src, dst) + + return anaconda_root_dir + + +__have_command_cache = {} + +def have_command(cmd): + """ + Return ``True`` if `cmd` can be found on the executable search path. + """ + if cmd not in __have_command_cache: + __have_command_cache[cmd] = find_executable(cmd) + return (__have_command_cache[cmd] is not None) + + +def have_sw_package(pkg): + """ + Return ``True`` if `pkg` is installed on the system. + """ + # instead of guessing which distribution this is, we check for the + # package manager name as it basically identifies the distro + if have_command('dpkg'): + # Example output: + # + # $ dpkg -l gcc + # Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold + # | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend + # |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad) + # ||/ Name Version Architecture Description + # +++-=====================================-=======================-=======================-=============================================================================== + # ii gcc 4:4.9.2-2ubuntu2 amd64 GNU C compiler + # + try: + lines = check_output(['dpkg', '-l', pkg]).split('\n') + except CalledProcessError: + return False + found = lines[-2].startswith('ii ' + pkg) + return found + elif have_command('rpm'): + # `rpm -q` exists with non-zero status if the package is not installed + try: + check_call(['rpm', '-q', pkg]) + return True + except CalledProcessError: + return False + + +def install_gc3pie_from_github(venv_dir, features, + repo=default.GC3PIE_REPO_URL): + require_cc() + require_git() + + logging.info( + "Downloading GC3Pie from GitHub repository '%s' ...", repo) + # cloning the entire repo is awfully slow! so simulate `svn` + # behavior by checking out only the last revision of the sources; + # people interested in development should be able to check out the + # full repo on their own, anyway... + run("git clone --single-branch --depth 1 {repo} '{venv_dir}/src'" + .format(**locals())) + + # fix for a stupid boto/pbr dependency issue + if 'openstack' in features: + run_in_virtualenv(venv_dir, "pip install pbr") + + if features: + features_for_pip = '[' + str.join(',', features) + ']' + else: + features_for_pip = '' + # see https://bitbucket.org/tarek/distribute/issue/130 as to why + # `pip install -e .` is a better `python setup.py develop` + run_in_virtualenv( + venv_dir, + "cd {venv_dir}/src && pip install -e '.{FEATURES}'" + .format(FEATURES=features_for_pip, **locals())) + + bindir = path.join(venv_dir, 'bin') + logging.info("Installing extra applications into '%s' ...", bindir) + apps = [ + "gc3.uzh.ch/gridrun.py", + "zods/gzods.py", + "geotop/ggeotop.py", + "geotop/ggeotop_utils.py", + "rosetta/gdocking.py", + "rosetta/grosetta.py", + "codeml/gcodeml.py", + "gamess/ggamess.py", + ] + gc3apps_dir = path.join(venv_dir, 'src/gc3apps') + if path.isdir(gc3apps_dir): + for app in apps: + src = path.join(gc3apps_dir, app) + dst = path.join(bindir, path.basename(app)) + logging.info(' %s -> %s', src, dst) + os.symlink(src, dst) + + +def install_gc3pie_from_pypi(venv_dir, features): + logging.info( + "Installing GC3Pie from PyPI package with '%s/bin/pip' ...", venv_dir) + run_in_virtualenv( + venv_dir, + "pip install 'gc3pie{features_for_pip}'" + .format(features_for_pip=str.join(' ', features), **locals())) + + bindir = path.join(venv_dir, 'bin') + logging.info("Installing extra applications into '%s' ...", bindir) + gc3apps_dir = path.join(venv_dir, 'gc3apps') + if path.isdir(gc3apps_dir): + apps = [path.join(gc3apps_dir, entry) + for entry in os.listdir(gc3apps_dir) + if entry.endswith('.py')] + for app in apps: + dst = path.join(bindir, path.basename(app)) + logging.info(' %s -> %s', app, dst) + os.symlink(app, dst) + # setup.py installs package_data without the 'x' permission + os.chmod(app, os.stat(app).st_mode|0755) + + +def parse_command_line_options(): + import optparse + + cmdline = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options]", + version=(PROG +' '+ __version__)) + cmdline.add_option("-a", "--feature", + action="store", + dest="features", + default='none', + help=( + "Install these optional features (comma-separated list)." + " Currently defined features are:" + " - openstack: support running jobs in VMs on OpenStack clouds" + " - ec2: support running jobs in VMs on OpenStack clouds" + " - optimizer: install math libraries needed by the optimizer library" + " For instance, to install all features use '-a openstack,ec2,optimizer'." + " To install no optional feature, use '-a none' (default)." + )) + cmdline.add_option("-d", "--target", + action="store", # optional because action defaults to "store" + dest="target", + default=default.TARGET, + help=("Install GC3Pie virtual environment into this path.")) + cmdline.add_option("-f", "--overwrite", "--remove-target-dir", + action="store_true", + dest='overwrite', + default=None, + help=("Remove target directory if it already exists.")) + cmdline.add_option("-y", "--yes", + action="store_true", + dest='assume_yes', + default=False, + help=("Do not ask for confirmation: assume a 'yes' reply to every question")) + cmdline.add_option("-D", "--unreleased", "--development", + action="store_true", + dest='unreleased', + default=False, + help=("Install development version.")) + cmdline.add_option("-N", "--no-gc3apps", + action="store_false", + dest="with_apps", + default=True, + help=("Do not install example applications, like `gcodeml`, `grosetta`, or `ggames`.")) + (options, args) = cmdline.parse_args() + + if args: + cmdline.error("No positional arguments allowed!") + sys.exit(os.EX_USAGE) + + if options.features.lower() == 'none': + options.features = [] + else: + options.features = options.features.split(',') + + global DO_NOT_ASK_AND_ASSUME_YES + DO_NOT_ASK_AND_ASSUME_YES = options.assume_yes + + options.python = sys.executable + + return options + + +def print_intro_and_options(options): + print(""" +========================== +GC3Pie installation script +========================== + +This script installs {version_info} of GC3Pie in '{target}'. + +If you encounter any problem running this script, please contact +the GC3Pie team by sending an email to gc3pie@googlegroups.com. + +Remember to attach the full output of the script, in order to help us +to identify the problem. + +Installation info: + + Destination directory: {target} + Overwrite existing dir: {OVERWRITEDIR} + Python executable: {python} + Ask for confirmation: {ASK_FOR_CONFIRMATION} + Install unreleased code: {UNRELEASED} + Install gc3apps: {WITH_APPS} + Optional features: {FEATURES} + Installer script version: {VERSION} + + """.format( + ASK_FOR_CONFIRMATION=yes_or_no(not DO_NOT_ASK_AND_ASSUME_YES), + UNRELEASED=yes_or_no(options.unreleased), + FEATURES=(options.features if options.features else "NONE"), + OVERWRITEDIR=('ask' if options.overwrite is None else yes_or_no(options.overwrite)), + VERSION=__version__, + WITH_APPS=yes_or_no(options.with_apps), + python=options.python, + target=options.target, + version_info=options.version_info, + )) + + proceed = ask("Are you ready to continue?") + if not proceed: + abort(os.EX_TEMPFAIL, "Aborting installation as requested.") + + +def require_cc(): + """ + Require that a C compiler is runnable. + """ + found = False + if 'CC' in os.environ: + found = have_command(os.environ['CC']) + if not found: + found = have_command('cc') + if not found: + die(os.EX_UNAVAILABLE, """ +To install the GC3Pie development version, a C language compiler +is needed. + +Please, install one using the software manager of your distribution. +If this computer already has a C compiler, set the environment variable +CC to the full path to the C compiler command. + """) + + +def require_command(cmd): + """ + Abort execution if command `cmd` cannot be found. + """ + if not have_command(cmd): + abort(os.EX_USAGE, + "Could not find required command '{cmd}' in system PATH." + " Aborting." + .format(cmd=cmd)) + + +def require_git(): + if not have_command('git'): + die(os.EX_UNAVAILABLE, """ +To install the GC3Pie development version, +the Git ('git') command is needed. + +Please install it using the software manager of your distribution, +or download it from http://git-scm.org/ + """) + + +def require_sw_prerequisites(): + """Ensure that software prerequisites are installed.""" + # instead of guessing which distribution this is, check for the + # package manager name as it basically identifies the distro! + if have_command('dpkg'): + # Debian/Ubuntu + required = ['git', 'python-dev', 'gcc', 'g++', 'libffi-dev', 'libssl-dev'] + install_cmd = 'sudo apt-get install' + elif have_command('yum'): + install_cmd = 'sudo yum install' + required = ['git', 'python-devel', 'gcc', 'gcc-c++', 'libffi-devel', 'openssl-devel'] + elif have_command('zypper'): + # SuSE + logging.warning( + "Cannot check if requisite software is installed:" + " SuSE and compatible Linux distributions are not yet supported." + " I'm proceeding anyway, but you may run into errors later." + " Please write to gc3pie@googlegroups.com asking for information.") + return + else: + # MacOSX maybe? + logging.warning( + "Cannot determine what package manager this Linux distribution has," + " so I cannot check if requisite software is installed." + " I'm proceeding anyway, but you may run into errors later." + " Please write to gc3pie@googlegroups.com to get help.") + return + + missing = which_missing_packages(required) + if missing: + print (""" +The following software packages need to be installed +in order for GC3Pie to work: {missing} + +There is a small chance that the required software is actually +installed though we failed to detect it, so you may choose to proceed +with GC3Pie installation anyway. Be warned however, that continuing +is very likely to fail! + +""".format(install_cmd=install_cmd, missing=str.join(', ', missing))) + proceed = ask("Proceed with installation anyway?") + if proceed: + logging.warning("Proceeding with installation at your request... keep fingers crossed!") + else: + die(os.EX_UNAVAILABLE, "missing software prerequisites", + """ +Please ask your system administrator to install the missing packages, +or, if you have root access, you can do that by running the following +command from the 'root' account: + + {install_cmd} {missing} + + """.format(install_cmd=install_cmd, + missing=str.join(' ', missing))) + + +def run(cmd): + """ + Run `cmd` through the shell. + This is just a short-cut for `subprocess.check_call` + """ + check_call(cmd, shell=True) + + +def run_in_virtualenv(ve_dir, cmd, abort_on_nonzero_exit=True): + """ +Run `cmd` like `check_call` does, but activate Python virtualenv in `ve_dir` first. + """ + if isinstance(cmd, list): + cmd = ['.', path.join(ve_dir, 'bin/activate'), ';'] + cmd + else: + cmd = ('. {ve_dir}/bin/activate; {cmd}'.format(**locals())) + try: + check_call(cmd, shell=True) + return 0 + except CalledProcessError as err: + if abort_on_nonzero_exit: + raise + else: + return err.returncode + + +def which_missing_packages(pkgs): + """ + Return list of packages (from list `pkgs`) that are not installed + on the system. + """ + missing = [] + for pkg in pkgs: + if not have_sw_package(pkg): + missing.append(pkg) + return missing + + +def yes_or_no(value): + return ('yes' if value else 'no') + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + main() diff --git a/run_grna.sh b/run_grna.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..8312d1b --- /dev/null +++ b/run_grna.sh @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +# Run pipeline +source /root/gc3pie/bin/activate && source /enhancer.ch-openrc.sh && cd /grna && python grna.py /input /output -r sciencecloud -C 20 -N -F -c 8