diff --git a/CT/dicomCopier_gui.fig b/CT/dicomCopier_gui.fig deleted file mode 100644 index df6de93..0000000 Binary files a/CT/dicomCopier_gui.fig and /dev/null differ diff --git a/CT/dicomCopier_gui.m b/CT/dicomCopier_gui.m deleted file mode 100644 index 52b4519..0000000 --- a/CT/dicomCopier_gui.m +++ /dev/null @@ -1,448 +0,0 @@ -function varargout = dicomCopier_gui(varargin) -% DICOMCOPIER_GUI MATLAB code for dicomCopier_gui.fig -% DICOMCOPIER_GUI, by itself, creates a new DICOMCOPIER_GUI or raises the existing -% singleton*. -% -% H = DICOMCOPIER_GUI returns the handle to a new DICOMCOPIER_GUI or the handle to -% the existing singleton*. -% -% DICOMCOPIER_GUI('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local -% function named CALLBACK in DICOMCOPIER_GUI.M with the given input arguments. -% -% DICOMCOPIER_GUI('Property','Value',...) creates a new DICOMCOPIER_GUI or raises the -% existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are -% applied to the GUI before dicomCopier_gui_OpeningFcn gets called. An -% unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application -% stop. All inputs are passed to dicomCopier_gui_OpeningFcn via varargin. -% -% *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one -% instance to run (singleton)". -% -% See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES - -% Edit the above text to modify the response to help dicomCopier_gui - -% Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 31-Oct-2013 09:01:18 - -% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT -gui_Singleton = 1; -gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... - 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... - 'gui_OpeningFcn', @dicomCopier_gui_OpeningFcn, ... - 'gui_OutputFcn', @dicomCopier_gui_OutputFcn, ... - 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... - 'gui_Callback', []); -if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) - gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); -end - -if nargout - [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); -else - gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); -end -% End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT - - -% --- Executes just before dicomCopier_gui is made visible. -function dicomCopier_gui_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) -% This function has no output args, see OutputFcn. -% hObject handle to figure -% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB -% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) -% varargin command line arguments to dicomCopier_gui (see VARARGIN) - -% Choose default command line output for dicomCopier_gui -handles.output = hObject; - -% Update handles structure -guidata(hObject, handles); - -% UIWAIT makes dicomCopier_gui wait for user response (see UIRESUME) -% uiwait(handles.figure1); -movegui('center') - - -% --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. -function varargout = dicomCopier_gui_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT); -% hObject handle to figure -% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB -% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) - -% Get default command line output from handles structure -varargout{1} = handles.output; - - -% --- Executes on button press in loadbutton. -function loadbutton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% hObject handle to loadbutton (see GCBO) -% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB -% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) - -% make clean -if isfield(handles, 'myinfo'); - handles = rmfield(handles, 'myinfo'); -end - -if isfield(handles, 'mydicom'); - handles = rmfield(handles, 'mydicom'); -end - -%[handles.dicomlist, handles.dicomdir] = uigetfile('D:\DICOM\*.*','Select the images to load','MultiSelect', 'on'); -[handles.dicomlist, handles.dicomdir] = uigetfile('C:\Users\dewarrat\Documents\current projects\Scapula segmentation\raw\Cases 12.2014 n2\*.*','Select the images to load','MultiSelect', 'on'); -if ~handles.dicomdir - return -end -handles.N = length(handles.dicomlist); - -set(handles.slider_slice, 'Max', handles.N) -set(handles.slider_slice, 'Value', int32(handles.N/2)) -set(handles.slider_slice, 'SliderStep',[1/handles.N 10/handles.N]) -set(handles.slider_slice, 'Min', 1) - -set(handles.info_text, 'ForegroundColor', 'black', 'FontWeight', 'normal') - -% Read dicom data -handles.myinfo(1) = dicominfo(sprintf('%s%s', handles.dicomdir, char(handles.dicomlist(1)))); - -set(handles.IPP_text, 'String', sprintf('%s (%s%s)', handles.myinfo(1).PatientID, handles.myinfo(1).PatientName.FamilyName(1), handles.myinfo(1).PatientName.GivenName(1))) -set(handles.resolution_text, 'String', sprintf('%f mm', handles.myinfo(1).PixelSpacing(1))) -set(handles.CTdate_text, 'String', sprintf('%s', handles.myinfo(1).AcquisitionDate)) - - -if isfield(handles.myinfo(1), 'ConvolutionKernel') - if strfind(handles.myinfo(1).ConvolutionKernel, 'BONE') - set(handles.radiobutton0, 'Value', 0) - set(handles.radiobutton1, 'Value', 1) - set(handles.radiobutton2, 'Value', 0) - elseif strfind(handles.myinfo(1).ConvolutionKernel, 'STANDARD') - set(handles.radiobutton0, 'Value', 0) - set(handles.radiobutton1, 'Value', 0) - set(handles.radiobutton2, 'Value', 1) - else - set(handles.radiobutton0, 'Value', 1) - set(handles.radiobutton1, 'Value', 0) - set(handles.radiobutton2, 'Value', 0) - end -else - set(handles.radiobutton0, 'Value', 1) - set(handles.radiobutton1, 'Value', 0) - set(handles.radiobutton2, 'Value', 0) -end - -% pre-allocate ? -% handles.mydicom = zeros(handles.myinfo(1).Height, handles.myinfo(1).Width, handles.N,'int16'); -handles.mydicom(:,:,int32(handles.N/2)) = dicomread(sprintf('%s%s', handles.dicomdir, char(handles.dicomlist(int32(handles.N/2))))); - -handles.slice = int32(handles.N / 2); -handles.CTmin = -200; -handles.CTmax = 2000; - -handles.bigmax = 3000; -handles.bigmin = -2000; - -set(handles.slider_contrast, 'Max', handles.bigmax - handles.bigmin - 1) -set(handles.slider_contrast, 'Min', 0) -set(handles.slider_contrast, 'Value', 900) - -set(handles.slider_brightness, 'Max', handles.bigmax) -set(handles.slider_brightness, 'Min', handles.bigmin) -set(handles.slider_brightness, 'Value', 1100) - -set(handles.slice_num, 'String', handles.slice) -imshow(handles.mydicom(:,:,handles.slice), [handles.CTmin handles.CTmax]) -guidata(hObject,handles) - - -% --- Executes on slider movement. -function slider_slice_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% hObject handle to slider_slice (see GCBO) -% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB -% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) - -% Hints: get(hObject,'Value') returns position of slider -% get(hObject,'Min') and get(hObject,'Max') to determine range of slider - -handles.slice = int32(get(hObject,'Value')); -set(handles.slice_num, 'String', handles.slice) - -handles.mydicom(:,:,handles.slice) = dicomread(sprintf('%s%s', handles.dicomdir, char(handles.dicomlist(handles.slice)))); -imshow(handles.mydicom(:,:,handles.slice), [handles.CTmin handles.CTmax]) - -guidata(hObject,handles) - - -% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. -function slider_slice_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% hObject handle to slider_slice (see GCBO) -% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB -% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called - -% Hint: slider controls usually have a light gray background. -if isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) - set(hObject,'BackgroundColor',[.9 .9 .9]); -end - - - -function patient_num_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% hObject handle to patient_num (see GCBO) -% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB -% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) - -% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of patient_num as text -% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of patient_num as a double - - -% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. -function patient_num_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% hObject handle to patient_num (see GCBO) -% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB -% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called - -% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. -% See ISPC and COMPUTER. -if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) - set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); -end - - - - -% --- Executes on slider movement. -function slider_contrast_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% hObject handle to slider_contrast (see GCBO) -% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB -% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) - -% Hints: get(hObject,'Value') returns position of slider -% get(hObject,'Min') and get(hObject,'Max') to determine range of slider - -if ~isfield(handles, 'mydicom'); - return -end - -handles.CTmax = (get(handles.slider_brightness,'Max') + get(handles.slider_brightness,'Min') - get(handles.slider_brightness,'Value')) + (get(hObject,'Max') - get(hObject,'Value'))/2; -handles.CTmin = (get(handles.slider_brightness,'Max') + get(handles.slider_brightness,'Min') - get(handles.slider_brightness,'Value')) - (get(hObject,'Max') - get(hObject,'Value'))/2; - -if handles.CTmax > handles.bigmax - handles.CTmax = handles.bigmax; -end - -if handles.CTmin < handles.bigmin - handles.CTmin = handles.bigmin; -end - -imshow(handles.mydicom(:,:,handles.slice), [handles.CTmin handles.CTmax]) - -guidata(hObject,handles) - -% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. -function slider_contrast_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% hObject handle to slider_contrast (see GCBO) -% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB -% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called - -% Hint: slider controls usually have a light gray background. -if isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) - set(hObject,'BackgroundColor',[.9 .9 .9]); -end - - - -% --- Executes on slider movement. -function slider_brightness_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% hObject handle to slider_brightness (see GCBO) -% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB -% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) - -% Hints: get(hObject,'Value') returns position of slider -% get(hObject,'Min') and get(hObject,'Max') to determine range of slider - -if ~isfield(handles, 'mydicom'); - return -end - -handles.CTmax = (get(hObject,'Max') + get(hObject,'Min') - get(hObject,'Value')) + (get(handles.slider_contrast,'Max') - get(handles.slider_contrast,'Value'))/2; -handles.CTmin = (get(hObject,'Max') + get(hObject,'Min') - get(hObject,'Value')) - (get(handles.slider_contrast,'Max') - get(handles.slider_contrast,'Value'))/2; - -if handles.CTmax > handles.bigmax - handles.CTmax = handles.bigmax; -end - -if handles.CTmin < handles.bigmin - handles.CTmin = handles.bigmin; -end - -imshow(handles.mydicom(:,:,handles.slice), [handles.CTmin handles.CTmax]) - -guidata(hObject,handles) - - -% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. -function slider_brightness_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% hObject handle to slider_brightness (see GCBO) -% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB -% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called - -% Hint: slider controls usually have a light gray background. -if isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) - set(hObject,'BackgroundColor',[.9 .9 .9]); -end - - -% --- Executes on button press in copy_button. -function copy_button_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% hObject handle to copy_button (see GCBO) -% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB -% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) - -sortPictures = 1; - -if isempty(get(handles.patient_num,'String')) - set(handles.info_text, 'ForegroundColor', 'red', 'FontWeight', 'bold', 'String', 'Please give a patient number') - return -else - patient = get(handles.patient_num,'String'); -end - -if isempty(get(handles.output_dir,'String')) - outputdir = uigetdir; - if outputdir - set(handles.output_dir,'String', outputdir) - end -else - outputdir = get(handles.output_dir,'String'); -end - -if ~outputdir - set(handles.info_text, 'ForegroundColor', 'red', 'FontWeight', 'bold', 'String', 'Please select an output directoy') - return -end - -set(handles.info_text, 'ForegroundColor', 'black', 'FontWeight', 'normal') - -% Create name string -newname = [patient, '-', handles.myinfo(1).PatientID, '_', handles.myinfo(1).PatientName.FamilyName(1), handles.myinfo(1).PatientName.GivenName(1)]; -if get(handles.radiobutton1,'Value') - newname = [newname, '-bone.']; -elseif get(handles.radiobutton2,'Value') - newname = [newname, '-soft.']; -else - newname = [newname, '.']; -end - -% Create output directory -outputdir = [outputdir, '\', patient, '-', handles.myinfo(1).PatientID, '\', 'CT-', patient, '-', handles.myinfo(1).PatientID, '-xxx\dicom\']; -mkdir(outputdir) - -% Sort pictures in correct order -if sortPictures == 1 - for h = 1:handles.N - infoTemp = dicominfo(sprintf('%s%s', handles.dicomdir, char(handles.dicomlist(h)))); - SliceLoc(h,1) = h; - SliceLoc(h,2) = infoTemp.SliceLocation; - end - SliceSorted = sortrows(SliceLoc,2); -end - -% Read all data -for i = 1:handles.N - str = sprintf('Copying dicom...\n%d / %d\n', i, handles.N); - set(handles.info_text, 'String', str) - drawnow - % Anonymous - if sortPictures == 1 - caseID = SliceSorted(i,1); - else - caseID = i; - end - - handles.myinfo(i) = dicominfo(sprintf('%s%s', handles.dicomdir, char(handles.dicomlist(caseID)))); - - if get(handles.radiobutton1,'Value') - handles.myinfo(i).PatientName.GivenName = [handles.myinfo(i).PatientName.FamilyName(1), handles.myinfo(i).PatientName.GivenName(1), '_bone']; - elseif get(handles.radiobutton2,'Value') - handles.myinfo(i).PatientName.GivenName = [handles.myinfo(i).PatientName.FamilyName(1), handles.myinfo(i).PatientName.GivenName(1), '_soft']; - else - handles.myinfo(i).PatientName.GivenName = [handles.myinfo(i).PatientName.FamilyName(1), handles.myinfo(i).PatientName.GivenName(1)]; - end - - handles.myinfo(i).PatientName.FamilyName = [patient, '_', handles.myinfo(1).PatientID]; - - % Read and copy - dicomwrite(dicomread(sprintf('%s%s', handles.dicomdir, char(handles.dicomlist(caseID)))),[outputdir, newname, sprintf('%04d',i), '.dcm'], handles.myinfo(i)); -end - -set(handles.info_text, 'String', 'Copied') - - -function output_dir_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% hObject handle to output_dir (see GCBO) -% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB -% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) - -% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of output_dir as text -% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of output_dir as a double - - -% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. -function output_dir_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% hObject handle to output_dir (see GCBO) -% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB -% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called - -% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. -% See ISPC and COMPUTER. -if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) - set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); -end - - -% --- Executes on button press in radiobutton1. -function radiobutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% hObject handle to radiobutton1 (see GCBO) -% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB -% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) - -% Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of radiobutton1 - -if get(hObject,'Value') - set(handles.radiobutton0,'Value',0) - set(handles.radiobutton2,'Value',0) -else - set(hObject,'Value',1) -end - - -% --- Executes on button press in radiobutton2. -function radiobutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% hObject handle to radiobutton2 (see GCBO) -% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB -% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) - -% Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of radiobutton2 - -if get(hObject,'Value') - set(handles.radiobutton0,'Value',0) - set(handles.radiobutton1,'Value',0) -else - set(hObject,'Value',1) -end - - -% --- Executes on button press in radiobutton0. -function radiobutton0_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% hObject handle to radiobutton0 (see GCBO) -% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB -% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) - -% Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of radiobutton0 - -if get(hObject,'Value') - set(handles.radiobutton1,'Value',0) - set(handles.radiobutton2,'Value',0) -else - set(hObject,'Value',1) -end diff --git a/CT/readme.txt b/CT/readme.txt index 02077e5..fe20383 100755 --- a/CT/readme.txt +++ b/CT/readme.txt @@ -1 +1,11 @@ -The matlab function infoCT in this folder only works with matlab R2015a on a Windows system. +infoCT: + - The matlab function infoCT in this folder only works with matlab R2015a on a Windows system. + + - Must be run from /shoulder/methods/matlab/database including folder CT/ to the path. + +infoCT-->CTdicomInfo: + - CTdicomInfo replaces infoCT to be used in latest Matlab version 2017b + +dicomCopier: + - dicomCopier_v001: working version used before 2018 + - dicomCopier_v002: updated in fev2018 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/XLS_MySQL_DB/patientFromExcel.m b/XLS_MySQL_DB/patientFromExcel.m index 6564400..0699074 100644 --- a/XLS_MySQL_DB/patientFromExcel.m +++ b/XLS_MySQL_DB/patientFromExcel.m @@ -1,106 +1,107 @@ function [patient] = patientFromExcel(rawExcel) %PATIENT builds the structure array patients from % Detailed explanation goes here fprintf('\nGet patient from Excel... '); % define the patient structure array patient = struct(... 'patient_id', [], ... 'IPP', [], ... % to be later move to another table for anonymous constrain 'initials', [], ... % to be later move to another table for anonymous constrain 'anonym_birth_date', [], ... % to be later move to another table for anonymous constrain 'gender', [], ... 'birth_date', [], ... 'height', [], ... 'weight', [],... % should we put weight here since it can vary? 'comment', []... ); % get column of variables header = rawExcel(1,:); sCase_id_col = find(strcmp([header],'sCase.id')); IPP_col = find(strcmp([header],'anonymity.IPP')); initials_col = find(strcmp([header],'anonymity.initials')); anonym_birth_date_col = find(strcmp([header],'anonymity.birth_date')); gender_col = find(strcmp([header],'patient.gender')); birth_date_col = find(strcmp([header],'patient.birth_date')); height_col = find(strcmp([header],'patient.height')); weight_col = find(strcmp([header],'patient.weight')); comment_col = find(strcmp([header],'patient.comment')); % loop over rows of Excel table to build patient structure % patients are not included if caseExcel, IPP, initials, gender, birth_date are not % defined [rowN, ~] = size(rawExcel); patient_id = 0; for row_idx = 2:rowN + row_idx row = rawExcel(row_idx, :); % get the entire row % check that there is a sCase for this row sCase_id = row{sCase_id_col}; % sCase_id from Excel if ~isempty(sCase_id) % check validity of data IPP = row{IPP_col}; initials = row{initials_col}; gender = row{gender_col}; anonym_birth_date = row{anonym_birth_date_col}; anonym_birth_date = datetime(anonym_birth_date,'InputFormat','dd.MM.yyyy','ConvertFrom','excel'); anonym_birth_date.Format = 'yyyy-MM-dd'; birth_date = row{birth_date_col}; birth_date = datetime(birth_date,'InputFormat','dd.MM.yyyy','ConvertFrom','excel'); birth_date.Format = 'yyyy-MM-dd'; % get muscle comment comment = row{comment_col}; if isnan(comment) comment = ''; end if ~isnan(IPP) & ... ~isnan(initials) & ... ~isnan(gender) & ... ~isnat(birth_date) & ... ~isnat(anonym_birth_date) % Check that patient in row sCase is not already in structure % We asume here that IPP uniquely identifies a patient sameIPP = find([patient.IPP] == IPP); if ~isempty(sameIPP) % IPP is allready in patient array, extra-checks to avoid false same patient if birth_date ~= patient(sameIPP).birth_date % not same birthdate fprintf('\nSame IPP (%i) but different birth date in case %s !', IPP, sCase_id); end if gender ~= patient(sameIPP).gender % not same gender fprintf('\nSame IPP (%i) but different gender in case %s !', IPP, sCase_id); end if ~strcmp(initials, patient(sameIPP).initials) % not same initials fprintf('\nSame IPP (%i) but different initials in case %s !', IPP, sCase_id); end else % patient is not in patient structure array, so add it patient_id = patient_id + 1; patient_idx = patient_id; height = row{height_col}; if height == ' ' % to avoid strange behavior of the excel import height = NaN; end weight = row{weight_col}; patient(patient_idx).patient_id = patient_id; patient(patient_idx).IPP = IPP; patient(patient_idx).initials = initials; patient(patient_idx).gender = gender; patient(patient_idx).birth_date = birth_date; patient(patient_idx).height = height; patient(patient_idx).weight = weight; patient(patient_idx).anonym_birth_date = anonym_birth_date; patient(patient_idx).comment = comment; end end end end fprintf('Done\n'); end diff --git a/anatomy/HumeruSphere.m b/anatomy/HumeruSphere.m index 0892dfd..e2aa57c 100644 --- a/anatomy/HumeruSphere.m +++ b/anatomy/HumeruSphere.m @@ -1,118 +1,118 @@ %% Humerusphere % % This script creates a tcl text file named "SphereScript.tcl" to display the humerus sphere in % Amira. % This script is used in the "Anatomical measurements with Amira". % Subject is the patient number % Type is 'normal' or 'pathologic' function HumeruSphere(subject,type) -directory = '../../../data'; % Define directory +directory = '../../../../data'; % Define directory switch type case 'pathologic' type = 'P'; - folder = sprintf('P%03d',subject); % format the patient name to P### + folder = sprintf('P%03d',subject) % format the patient name to P### subjectString = num2str(subject); levelDir1 = str2num(subjectString(1)); levelDir2 = str2num(subjectString(2)); % Loop over the list of patients and extract the complete name of the specific patient - listing = dir(sprintf('%s/%s/%d/%d', directory, type, levelDir1, levelDir2)); + listing = dir(sprintf('%s/%s/%d/%d', directory, type, levelDir1, levelDir2))%; for i = 1:1:numel(listing) name = listing(i).name; t = strfind (name, folder); if t == 1; patientName = listing(i).name; end end % Import HumeralHead landmarks if exist(sprintf('%s/%s/%d/%d/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/newHHLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory, type, levelDir1, levelDir2, patientName,patientName,folder),'file') == 2 newData1 = importdata(sprintf('%s/%s/%d/%d/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/newHHLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory, type, levelDir1, levelDir2, patientName,patientName,folder), ' ', 14); HH = newData1.data; elseif exist(sprintf('%s/%s/%d/%d/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/HHLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory, type, levelDir1, levelDir2, patientName,patientName,folder),'file') == 2 warning('Using old humeral landmarks definition') newData1 = importdata(sprintf('%s/%s/%d/%d/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/HHLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory, type, levelDir1, levelDir2, patientName,patientName,folder), ' ', 14); HH = newData1.data; else error('MATLAB:rmpath:DirNotFound',... - 'Could not find humeral head landmarks file: %s/%s/%d/%d/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/HHLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory, type, levelDir1, levelDir2, patientName,patientName,folder) + 'Could not find humeral head landmarks file: %s/%s/%d/%d/%s/CT-%s-1b/amira/HHLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory, type, levelDir1, levelDir2, patientName,patientName,folder) end case 'normal' type = 'N'; folder = sprintf('N%03d',subject); % format the patient name to N### subjectString = num2str(subject); levelDir1 = str2num(subjectString(1)); levelDir2 = str2num(subjectString(2)); % Loop over the list of patients and extract the complete name of the specific patient listing = dir(sprintf('%s/%s/%d/%d', directory, type, levelDir1, levelDir2)); for i = 1:1:numel(listing) name = listing(i).name; t = strfind (name, folder); if t == 1; patientName = listing(i).name; end end if exist(sprintf('%s/%s/%d/%d/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/newHHLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory, type, levelDir1, levelDir2, patientName,patientName,folder),'file') == 2 newData1 = importdata(sprintf('%s/%s/%d/%d/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/newHHLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory, type, levelDir1, levelDir2, patientName,patientName,folder), ' ', 14); HH = newData1.data; elseif exist(sprintf('%s/%s/%d/%d/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/HHLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory, type, levelDir1, levelDir2, patientName,patientName,folder),'file') == 2 warning('Using old humeral landmarks definition') newData1 = importdata(sprintf('%s/%s/%d/%d/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/HHLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory, type, levelDir1, levelDir2, patientName,patientName,folder), ' ', 14); HH = newData1.data; else error('MATLAB:rmpath:DirNotFound',... - 'Could not find humeral head landmarks file: %s/%s/%d/%d/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/HHLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory, type, levelDir1, levelDir2, patientName,patientName,folder) + 'Could not find humeral head landmarks file: %s/%s/%d/%d/%s/CT-%s-1b/amira/HHLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory, type, levelDir1, levelDir2, patientName,patientName,folder) end otherwise error('Unexpected shoulder type.'); end %% Fit sphere on Humeral Head landmarks % [HC,HHRadius,HHResiduals] = fitSphere(HH); [HC,HHRadius,~, ~] = fitSphere2(HH); mkdir('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts/HumerusSphereScripts') fid = fopen(sprintf('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts\\HumerusSphereScripts\\SphereScript_%s.tcl',folder),'w'); fprintf(fid,'remove CreateSphere%s HumSphere%s.surf SphereView%s Intersect\n', folder, folder, folder); fprintf(fid,'create HxCreateSphere {CreateSphere%s}\n', folder); fprintf(fid,'CreateSphere%s setIconPosition 20 520\n', folder); fprintf(fid,'CreateSphere%s radius setMinMax 0 50\n', folder); fprintf(fid,'CreateSphere%s radius setValue %f\n', folder, HHRadius); fprintf(fid,'CreateSphere%s coords setValue 0 %f\n', folder, HC(1)); fprintf(fid,'CreateSphere%s coords setValue 1 %f\n', folder, HC(2)); fprintf(fid,'CreateSphere%s coords setValue 2 %f\n', folder, HC(3)); fprintf(fid,'CreateSphere%s fire\n', folder); fprintf(fid,'[ {CreateSphere%s} create\n ] setLabel {HumSphere%s.surf}\n', folder, folder); fprintf(fid,'HumSphere%s.surf setIconPosition 200 520\n', folder); fprintf(fid,'HumSphere%s.surf master connect CreateSphere%s\n', folder, folder); fprintf(fid,'HumSphere%s.surf fire\n', folder); fprintf(fid,'create HxDisplaySurface {SphereView%s}\n', folder); fprintf(fid,'SphereView%s setIconPosition 400 520\n', folder); fprintf(fid,'SphereView%s data connect HumSphere%s.surf\n', folder, folder); fprintf(fid,'SphereView%s drawStyle setValue 4\n', folder); fprintf(fid,'SphereView%s fire\n', folder); fprintf(fid,'create HxOverlayGrid Intersect\n'); fprintf(fid,'{Intersect} {data} connect HumSphere%s.surf\n', folder); fprintf(fid,'{Intersect} {module} connect ObliqueSlice4\n'); fprintf(fid,'{Intersect} {lineWidth} setIndex 0 2\n'); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice4 setPlane %f %f %f 1 0 0 0 1 0\n', HC); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice4 fire\n'); fclose(fid); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/anatomy/scapula_addmeasure.m b/anatomy/scapula_addmeasure.m index b9ffeb4..47e2e9f 100644 --- a/anatomy/scapula_addmeasure.m +++ b/anatomy/scapula_addmeasure.m @@ -1,91 +1,93 @@ + %% scapula_measure % % This script returns additional measurements from the Amira files. % 3 differents output are possible: % - 'References' creates a text file in References folder containing coordinates to built in Solidworks 2 Coordinates % Systems. One for Abaqus and one for the scapula. There are two % additional coordinates to built the glenoid centerline. % % - 'density' creates a textfile in CylinderReferences folder containing % an Amira script used in the density measurements protocol. It is needed to adjust the Cylinder at the correct position and with the correct size. % % - 'obliqueSlice' creates a textfile in obliqueSlice folder containing an % Amira script used in Amira to obtain an image of the Friedman plane (2D % glenoid orientation measurement) and an image for muscles measurement. % % - 'display' creates a textfile in "display" folder containing an Amira % script used to display the glenoid sphere and the scapula plane. % Author: EPFL-LBO % Date: 2016-09-05 % %% % Output is 'References' or 'obliqueSlice' 'display' or 'density' % Type is 'normal' or 'pathologic' % Subject is the patient number function scapula_addmeasure(output,type,subject) -directory = '../../../data'; % Define directory +directory = 'Y:/data'; +%'../../../data'; % Define directory switch type case 'pathologic' location = 'P'; CTn = sprintf('P%d',str2num(subject)); % format the patient name to P### levelDir1 = str2num(subject(1)); levelDir2 = str2num(subject(2)); - finalDirectory = sprintf('%s/%s/%d/%d', directory, location, levelDir1, levelDir2); + finalDirectory = sprintf('%s/%s/%d/%d', directory, location, levelDir1, levelDir2) listing = dir(sprintf('%s/%s/%d/%d', directory, location, levelDir1, levelDir2)); for i = 1:1:numel(listing) name = listing(i).name; t = strfind(name, CTn); if t == 1; patientName = listing(i).name; end end case 'normal' location = 'N'; CTn = sprintf('N%03d',subject); % format the patient name to N### patient = num2str(subject); levelDir1 = str2num(patient(1)); levelDir2 = str2num(patient(2)); finalDirectory = sprintf('%s/%s/%d/%d', directory, location, levelDir1, levelDir2); listing = dir(sprintf('%s/%s/%d/%d', directory, location, levelDir1, levelDir2)); for i = 1:1:numel(listing) name = listing(i).name; t = strfind(name, CTn); if t == 1; patientName = listing(i).name; end end end switch output case 'References' output = 'References'; scapula_calculation(patientName, finalDirectory, location, output); case 'obliqueSlice' output = 'obliqueSlice'; scapula_calculation(patientName, finalDirectory, location, output); case 'density' output = 'density'; scapula_calculation(patientName, finalDirectory, location, output); case 'display' output = 'display'; scapula_calculation(patientName, finalDirectory, location, output); end end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/anatomy/scapula_calculation.m b/anatomy/scapula_calculation.m index 444e3fb..a2ae17c 100644 --- a/anatomy/scapula_calculation.m +++ b/anatomy/scapula_calculation.m @@ -1,1155 +1,1152 @@ %% scapula_calculation % % This script makes the anatomic calculation of the glenoid from the Amira files. % It is used by the scripts scapula_measure.m and scapula_addmeasure. % It should normally not be used directly. % Author: EPFL-LBO % Date: 2016-11-18 % %% - -% Subject is the patient number +% INPUTS +% Subject: is the patient number % directory is the location of the datas % location it 'Pathologic' or 'Normal' % output is 'References', 'obliqueSlice', 'density' and 'display' - - - - function [Result] = scapula_calculation(subject, directory, location, output) segmentedScapula = 0; - -CTn = strtok(subject,'-'); -CTn = strtok(CTn, location); -CTn = str2num(CTn); %#ok -CTn = sprintf('%s%03d',location,CTn); +subject +CTn = strtok(subject,'-') +CTn = strtok(CTn, location) +CTn = str2num(CTn) %#ok +CTn = sprintf('%s%03d',location,CTn) % Import Data - +ls % Import Glenoid Surface if exist(sprintf('%s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/ExtractedSurface%s.stl',directory,subject,subject,CTn),'file') == 2 [p,~,~]=importStl(sprintf('%s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/ExtractedSurface%s.stl',directory,subject,subject,CTn),1); else error('MATLAB:rmpath:DirNotFound',... 'Could not find glenoid surface file: %s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/ExtractedSurface%s.stl',directory,subject,subject,CTn) end % Import Scapula Surface if exist(sprintf('%s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/scapula_%s.stl',directory,subject,subject,CTn),'file') == 2 [pscapula,~,~]=importStl(sprintf('%s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/scapula_%s.stl',directory,subject,subject,CTn),1); segmentedScapula = 1; end % Import HumeralHead landmarks if exist(sprintf('%s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/newHHLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory,subject,subject,CTn),'file') == 2 newData1 = importdata(sprintf('%s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/newHHLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory,subject,subject,CTn), ' ', 14); HH = newData1.data; else warning('Using old humeral landmarks definition') if exist(sprintf('%s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/HHLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory,subject,subject,CTn),'file') == 2 newData1 = importdata(sprintf('%s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/HHLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory,subject,subject,CTn), ' ', 14); HH = newData1.data; else error('MATLAB:rmpath:DirNotFound',... 'Could not find humeral head landmarks file: %s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/HHLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory,subject,subject,CTn) end end % Import Scapula landmarks % AI: Angulus Inferior % TS: Trigonum Spinae Scapulae (the midpoint of the triangular surface on the medial border of the scapula in line with the scaoular spine % PC: Processus Coracoideus (most lateral point) % AL: Acromion Lateral (most lateral part on acromion) // Before, it was AC: Acromio-clavicular joint (most lateral part on acromion) % AA: Angulus Acromialis (most laterodorsal point) % AG: Acromion-Glenoid notch if exist(sprintf('%s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/ScapulaLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory,subject,subject,CTn),'file') == 2 newData2 = importdata(sprintf('%s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/ScapulaLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory,subject,subject,CTn), ' ', 14); landmarks = newData2.data; else error('MATLAB:rmpath:DirNotFound',... 'Could not find scapula landmarks file: %s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/ScapulaLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory,subject,subject,CTn) end % Import Scapula Pillar if exist(sprintf('%s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/ScapulaPillarLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory,subject,subject,CTn),'file') == 2 newData3 = importdata(sprintf('%s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/ScapulaPillarLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory,subject,subject,CTn), ' ', 14); SP = newData3.data; %Scapula Pillar points else error('MATLAB:rmpath:DirNotFound',... 'Could not find axillary border landmarks file: %s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/ScapulaPillarLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory,subject,subject,CTn) end % Import Scapula Groove if exist(sprintf('%s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/ScapulaGrooveLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory,subject,subject,CTn),'file') == 2 newData4 = importdata(sprintf('%s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/ScapulaGrooveLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory,subject,subject,CTn), ' ', 14); SG = newData4.data; %Scapula Groove points else error('MATLAB:rmpath:DirNotFound',... 'Could not find supraspinatus fossa landmarks file: %s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/ScapulaGrooveLandmarks%s.landmarkAscii',directory,subject,subject,CTn) end % Define anatomical axes MedLat = landmarks(6,:)-mean(SG); % Z ? AntPos = landmarks(5,:)-landmarks(3,:); % X ? InfSup = landmarks(6,:)-mean(SP); % Y ? % Find scapula side A = cross(MedLat,AntPos); B = vrrotvec(InfSup,A); %Comparing Z-axes if rad2deg(B(4))>90 Side = 0; %Right p(:,1) = -p(:,1); if segmentedScapula == 1 pscapula(:,1) = -pscapula(:,1); end HH(:,1) = -HH(:,1); landmarks(:,1) = -landmarks(:,1); SG(:,1) = -SG(:,1); MedLat = landmarks(6,:)-mean(SG); AntPos = landmarks(5,:)-landmarks(3,:); else Side = 1; %Left end %% Fit plane and axis % Find scapular plane (fit plane to AI and TS and most distal SG) % The 10 next line are used to determine the scapulaPlaneNormal regarding % the 3 most distal points of the scapulagroove. AI = landmarks(1,:); % Angulus inferioris point TS = landmarks(2,:); % Trigonum Spinae point EuclidDistance = zeros(5,1); for i=1:5 % Calculate the distance between the TS point and each of the 5 groove points EuclidDistance(i) = sqrt((landmarks(2,1)-SG(i,1))^2 + (landmarks(2,2)-SG(i,2))^2 + (landmarks(2,3)-SG(i,3))^2); end maxEuclidianDistance = max(EuclidDistance); % Find the largest distance pos = EuclidDistance == maxEuclidianDistance; GRL = SG(pos,:); % set most lateral point of the groove [ScapulaPlaneNormal, PlaneMean, ~, PlaneRMSE, ~] = fitPlane2([AI;TS;GRL]); % Find scapular plane (fit plane to SP and SG) %[ScapulaPlaneNormal, PlaneMean, ~, PlaneRMSE, R2Plane] = fitPlane2([SG;SP]); C = vrrotvec(ScapulaPlaneNormal,AntPos); if rad2deg(C(4))>90 ScapulaPlaneNormal = -ScapulaPlaneNormal; end % First project, then fit SG_proj = project2Plane(SG,ScapulaPlaneNormal',[0 0 0],size(SG,1)); % project SG points on scapular plane [GrooveAxis, GrooveMean, ~, ~, ~] = fitLine2(SG_proj); TransverseAxis = (GrooveAxis/norm(GrooveAxis))'; % TransverseAxis is the norm of the line that was created by the projection of SG points on scapular plane D = vrrotvec(TransverseAxis,MedLat); if rad2deg(D(4))>90 - TransverseAxis = -TransverseAxis; + TransverseAxis = -TransverseAxis end % Project GrooveMean to scapular plane TransverseAxisMean = project2Plane(GrooveMean,ScapulaPlaneNormal',PlaneMean,1); % Project AG to transverseAxis Origin = TransverseAxisMean + dot((landmarks(6,:)-TransverseAxisMean),TransverseAxis)*TransverseAxis; % Scapula axial plane normal AxialPlane = cross(TransverseAxis, ScapulaPlaneNormal); E = vrrotvec(AxialPlane, [0 0 1]); CTorientation = rad2deg(E(4)); if CTorientation > 90 CTorientation = 180 - CTorientation; end % Closest point. GC is the closet point between the mean of the extracted % surface and all the points of the extracted surface. % GC = Glenoid Centre GC = mean(p); vect = zeros(size(p)); distance3D = zeros(size(p,1),1); for i=1:size(p,1) vect(i,:) = p(i,:)-GC; distance3D(i) = norm(vect(i,:)); end ClosestNode = distance3D == min(distance3D); GC = p(ClosestNode,:); % Fit Sphere on Glenoid Surface [GlenoidSphere,GlenoidRadius,GlenoidResiduals, ~] = fitSphere2(p); GlenoidRMSE = norm(GlenoidResiduals)/sqrt(length(GlenoidResiduals)); % Fit sphere on Humeral Head landmarks [HC,HHRadius, ~, ~] = fitSphere2(HH); % Glenoid version 3D GO = GlenoidSphere'-GC; Version3DRot = vrrotvec(TransverseAxis,GO); Version3D = rad2deg(Version3DRot(4)); VersionDirectionRotX = vrrotvec(Version3DRot(1:3),ScapulaPlaneNormal); VersionDirectionRotZ = vrrotvec(Version3DRot(1:3),cross(TransverseAxis,ScapulaPlaneNormal)); if rad2deg(VersionDirectionRotX(4)) > 90 VersionDirection = rad2deg(VersionDirectionRotZ(4)); else VersionDirection = -rad2deg(VersionDirectionRotZ(4)); end if VersionDirection < -180 VersionDirection = VersionDirection + 360; end if VersionDirection > 180 VersionDirection = VersionDirection - 360; end % Maximum wear plane MaxWearPlane = cross(GO, TransverseAxis); F = vrrotvec(MaxWearPlane, [0 0 1]); WearPlaneAngle = rad2deg(F(4)); if WearPlaneAngle > 90 WearPlaneAngle = 180 - WearPlaneAngle; end % Inclination : Angle between GO projected on the scapular plane and the medio-lateral axis proj_GO = GO' - dot(GO', ScapulaPlaneNormal) * ScapulaPlaneNormal; InclinationRot = vrrotvec(TransverseAxis,proj_GO); Inclination = rad2deg(InclinationRot(4)); if dot(InclinationRot(1:3), ScapulaPlaneNormal) > 0 Inclination = -Inclination; end % Version 2D : Angle between GO projected on the scapular AXIAL plane and the medio-lateral axis proj_GO2 = GO' - dot(GO', AxialPlane') * AxialPlane'; Version2DRot = vrrotvec(TransverseAxis,proj_GO2); Version2D = rad2deg(Version2DRot(4)); if dot(Version2DRot(1:3), AxialPlane') > 0 Version2D = -Version2D; end % Scapulo Humeral Subluxation Index HO = HC'-GC; % glenoid center to humeral center SHeccentricity = HO-(dot(HO,TransverseAxis)*TransverseAxis);% vector from HC to transverse axis (perpendicular) SHSI = norm(SHeccentricity) / HHRadius; % Mod. on 04.06.2014 SHSIDirectionRotX = vrrotvec(SHeccentricity,ScapulaPlaneNormal); SHSIDirectionRotZ = vrrotvec(SHeccentricity,cross(TransverseAxis,ScapulaPlaneNormal)); if rad2deg(SHSIDirectionRotZ(4)) < 90 SHSIDirection = rad2deg(SHSIDirectionRotX(4)); else SHSIDirection = -rad2deg(SHSIDirectionRotX(4)); end if SHSIDirection < -180 SHSIDirection = SHSIDirection+360; end SHSPlane = cross(TransverseAxis, HO); G = vrrotvec(SHSPlane, [0 0 1]); SHSPlaneAngle = rad2deg(G(4)); if SHSPlaneAngle > 90 SHSPlaneAngle = 180 - SHSPlaneAngle; end % Gleno Humeral Subluxation Index GHeccentricity = HO-dot(HO,GO/norm(GO))*(GO/norm(GO));%vector from glenoid sphere centre to glenoid centerline (perpendicular) GHSI = norm(GHeccentricity) / HHRadius; % Mod. on 04.06.2014 ScapulaPlaneNormal2Glenoid = project2Plane(ScapulaPlaneNormal',GO,[0 0 0],1);% project y axis on glenoid plane GHSIDirectionRotX = vrrotvec(GHeccentricity,ScapulaPlaneNormal2Glenoid); GHSIDirectionRotZ = vrrotvec(GHeccentricity,cross(GO,ScapulaPlaneNormal2Glenoid)); if rad2deg(GHSIDirectionRotZ(4)) < 90 GHSIDirection = rad2deg(GHSIDirectionRotX(4)); else GHSIDirection = -rad2deg(GHSIDirectionRotX(4)); end if GHSIDirection < -180 GHSIDirection = GHSIDirection+360; end GHSPlane = cross(GO, HO); H = vrrotvec(GHSPlane, [0 0 1]); GHSPlaneAngle = rad2deg(H(4)); if GHSPlaneAngle > 90 GHSPlaneAngle = 180 - GHSPlaneAngle; end % Height of the glenoid cap % Project the points of the surface on the centerline p_proj = zeros(size(p)); for i = 1:size(p,1) p_proj(i,:) = GC + (dot(GO,(p(i,:)-GC)) / dot(GO,GO)) * GO; distance3D(i) = norm(GC-p_proj(i,:)); end CapHeight = max(distance3D); % Glenoid height and width % Scapula coordinate system in CT frame ScapulaCSYS(1,:) = TransverseAxis; % X ScapulaCSYS(2,:) = ScapulaPlaneNormal; % Y ScapulaCSYS(3,:) = AxialPlane; % Z ScapulaCSYS(4,:) = Origin; ScapulaCSYS(5,:) = Origin + 10*ScapulaCSYS(1,:); ScapulaCSYS(6,:) = Origin + 10*ScapulaCSYS(2,:); ScapulaCSYS(7,:) = Origin + 10*ScapulaCSYS(3,:); % Contruction of transformation matrix from CT frame to Scapula % frame Osc = ScapulaCSYS(4,:); Oscx = Origin + ScapulaCSYS(1,:); Oscy = Origin + ScapulaCSYS(2,:); Oscz = Origin + ScapulaCSYS(3,:); O = [0,0,0]; Ox = [1,0,0]; Oy = [0,1,0]; Oz = [0,0,1]; A = [Osc(1),Osc(2),Osc(3),1; Oscx(1),Oscx(2),Oscx(3),1; Oscy(1),Oscy(2),Oscy(3),1; Oscz(1),Oscz(2),Oscz(3),1]; bx = [O(1); Ox(1); Oy(1); Oz(1)]; by = [O(2); Ox(2); Oy(2); Oz(2)]; bz = [O(3); Ox(3); Oy(3); Oz(3)]; B = [bx,by,bz]; X = A\B; T = [X';0,0,0,1]; % Transformation matrix from CT frame to scapula frame psc = zeros(size(p,1),4); for i = 1:size(p,1) psc(i,:) = T*[p(i,:),1]'; end psc_y = psc(:,2); psc_z = psc(:,3); % Difference of extremal values i_y_max=1; for i = 2:1:size(psc_y) if psc_y(i) > psc_y(i_y_max) i_y_max = i; end end i_y_min=1; for i = 2:1:size(psc_y) if psc_y(i) < psc_y(i_y_min) i_y_min = i; end end i_z_max=1; for i = 2:1:size(psc_z) if psc_z(i) > psc_z(i_z_max) i_z_max = i; end end i_z_min=1; for i = 2:1:size(psc_z) if psc_z(i) < psc_z(i_z_min) i_z_min = i; end end scapulaWidth = norm(p(i_y_max,:)-p(i_y_min,:)); scapulaHeight = norm(p(i_z_max,:)-p(i_z_min,:)); % Acromion Index (AI) % AI = GA/GH, where: % GA: GlenoAcromial distance in scapula plane = distance from AL to glenoid principal axis % GH: GlenoHumeral distance = 2*HHRadius, humeral head diameter (radius*2) %Calculate the correct AL landmarks if the scapula is segmented if segmentedScapula == 1 % Transform scapula, glenoid and acromion points to Scapula Coordinate System ex = [1;0;0]; ey = [0;1;0]; ez = [0;0;1]; ev = AxialPlane'; % Y ew = TransverseAxis'; %Z eu = cross(ev, ew); % X R = eu * ex' + ev * ey' + ew * ez'; % Transform scapula point to Scapula Coordinate System ScapulaPtsinScapulaCSYS = pscapula*R; % Take the most lateral point (assumption: The most lateral point of the scaplua is always on the acromion [~,ALpositionInScapula] = max(ScapulaPtsinScapulaCSYS(:,3)); AL = pscapula(ALpositionInScapula,:);% AL: Acromion lateral (most lateral part on acromion) else AL = landmarks(4,:); % AL: Acromion lateral (most lateral part on acromion) end % Project AL, glenoid points and GC in scapula plane ALinScapulaPlane = project2Plane(AL,ScapulaPlaneNormal',PlaneMean,size(AL,1)); GlenoidPtsinScapulaPlane = project2Plane(p,ScapulaPlaneNormal',PlaneMean,size(p,1)); GCinScapulaPlane = project2Plane(GC,ScapulaPlaneNormal',PlaneMean,size(GC,1)); if segmentedScapula == 1 ScapulaPtsinScapulaPlane = project2Plane(pscapula,ScapulaPlaneNormal',PlaneMean,size(pscapula,1)); end +% CSA calculation (work done by Bharath +[radCSA, degCSA] = computeCSA(GlenoidPtsinScapulaPlane, ALinScapulaPlane); + % Figure in 3D to show position of scapula plane, glenoid points and AC figure; d = PlaneMean*ScapulaPlaneNormal; if segmentedScapula == 1 [xx,yy]=ndgrid(min(pscapula(:,1)):max(pscapula(:,1)),min(pscapula(:,2)):max(pscapula(:,2))); else [xx,yy]=ndgrid((min(p(:,1))-50):(max(p(:,1))+50),(min(p(:,2))-50):(max(p(:,2))+50)); end zz=(d-ScapulaPlaneNormal(1)*xx-ScapulaPlaneNormal(2)*yy)/ScapulaPlaneNormal(3); hold on surf(xx,yy,zz,'FaceColor','r','FaceAlpha',0.5, 'EdgeColor', 'none') if segmentedScapula == 1 scatter3(ScapulaPtsinScapulaPlane(:,1),ScapulaPtsinScapulaPlane(:,2),ScapulaPtsinScapulaPlane(:,3),200,[0.5 0.5 0.5],'Marker','.','MarkerFaceAlpha',0.5,'MarkerEdgeAlpha',0.5) hold on; end scatter3(ALinScapulaPlane(:,1),ALinScapulaPlane(:,2),ALinScapulaPlane(:,3),[],[0 0 1],'filled') hold on scatter3(GlenoidPtsinScapulaPlane(:,1),GlenoidPtsinScapulaPlane(:,2),GlenoidPtsinScapulaPlane(:,3),200,[0 0 1],'Marker','.') hold on scatter3(GCinScapulaPlane(:,1),GCinScapulaPlane(:,2),GCinScapulaPlane(:,3),[],'r','filled') hold on daspect([1 1 1]) xlabel('X (Scapula CSYS)') ylabel('Y (Scapula CSYS)') zlabel('Z (Scapula CSYS)') daspect([1 1 1]) if segmentedScapula == 1 savefig(sprintf('%s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/Projection2ScapulaPlaneWithSegmentedScapula_%s',directory,subject,subject,CTn)) else savefig(sprintf('%s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/Projection2ScapulaPlane_%s',directory,subject,subject,CTn)) end % Transform scapula, glenoid and acromion points to Scapula Coordinate System ex = [1;0;0]; ey = [0;1;0]; ez = [0;0;1]; ev = AxialPlane'; % Y ew = TransverseAxis'; %Z eu = cross(ev, ew); % X R = eu * ex' + ev * ey' + ew * ez'; % Create rotation matrix to transform points to Scapula Coordinate System ALinScapulaCSYS = AL*R; GlenoidPtsinScapulaCSYS = p*R; GCinScapulaCSYS = GC*R; TrinScapulaCSYS = TransverseAxis*R; ScapulaPlaneNormalinScapulaCSYS = ScapulaPlaneNormal'*R; PlaneMeaninScapulaCSYS = PlaneMean*R; if segmentedScapula == 1 ScapulaPtsinScapulaCSYS = pscapula*R; end % Figure in 3D to show position of scapula plane, glenoid points and AC figure; if segmentedScapula == 1 scatter3(ScapulaPtsinScapulaCSYS(:,1),ScapulaPtsinScapulaCSYS(:,2),ScapulaPtsinScapulaCSYS(:,3),200,[0.5 0.5 0.5],'Marker','.','MarkerFaceAlpha',0.5,'MarkerEdgeAlpha',0.5) hold on; end scatter3(ALinScapulaCSYS(:,1),ALinScapulaCSYS(:,2),ALinScapulaCSYS(:,3),[],[0 0 1],'filled') hold on scatter3(GlenoidPtsinScapulaCSYS(:,1),GlenoidPtsinScapulaCSYS(:,2),GlenoidPtsinScapulaCSYS(:,3),200,[0 0 1],'Marker','.') hold on scatter3(GCinScapulaCSYS(:,1),GCinScapulaCSYS(:,2),GCinScapulaCSYS(:,3),[],'r','filled') hold on x=eu*linspace(0,50); plot3(x(:,1)',x(:,2)',x(:,3)','r') hold on y=ev*linspace(0,50); plot3(y(:,1)',y(:,2)',y(:,3)','g') hold on z=ew*linspace(0,50); plot3(z(:,1)',z(:,2)',z(:,3)','b') daspect([1 1 1]) d= ScapulaPlaneNormalinScapulaCSYS*PlaneMeaninScapulaCSYS'; if segmentedScapula == 1 [yy,zz]=ndgrid(min(ScapulaPtsinScapulaCSYS(:,2)):max(ScapulaPtsinScapulaCSYS(:,2)),min(ScapulaPtsinScapulaCSYS(:,3)):max(ScapulaPtsinScapulaCSYS(:,3))); else [yy,zz]=ndgrid((min(GlenoidPtsinScapulaCSYS(:,2))-50):(max(GlenoidPtsinScapulaCSYS(:,2))+50),(min(GlenoidPtsinScapulaCSYS(:,3))-50):(max(GlenoidPtsinScapulaCSYS(:,3))+50)); end xx = zeros(size(yy)); xx(:,:) = d/ScapulaPlaneNormalinScapulaCSYS(1); %assuming normal(3)==0 and normal(2)==0 hold on surf(xx,yy,zz,'FaceColor','r','FaceAlpha',0.5, 'EdgeColor', 'none'); xlabel('X (Scapula CSYS)') ylabel('Y (Scapula CSYS)') zlabel('Z (Scapula CSYS)') daspect([1 1 1]) if segmentedScapula == 1 savefig(sprintf('%s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/Transform2ScapulaCSYSwithScapulaSegmented_%s',directory,subject,subject,CTn)) else savefig(sprintf('%s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/Transform2ScapulaCSYS_%s',directory,subject,subject,CTn)) end % Project scapula, glenoid, AC, GC and scapula axis to scapula plane in the % Scapula Coordinate System ALinScapulaPlane = project2Plane(ALinScapulaCSYS,ScapulaPlaneNormalinScapulaCSYS,PlaneMeaninScapulaCSYS,size(ALinScapulaCSYS,1)); GlenoidPtsinScapulaPlane = project2Plane(GlenoidPtsinScapulaCSYS,ScapulaPlaneNormalinScapulaCSYS,PlaneMeaninScapulaCSYS,size(GlenoidPtsinScapulaCSYS,1)); GCinScapulaPlane = project2Plane(GCinScapulaCSYS,ScapulaPlaneNormalinScapulaCSYS,PlaneMeaninScapulaCSYS,size(GCinScapulaCSYS,1)); TrinScapulaPlane = project2Plane(TrinScapulaCSYS,ScapulaPlaneNormalinScapulaCSYS,PlaneMeaninScapulaCSYS,size(TrinScapulaCSYS,1)); if segmentedScapula == 1 ScapulaPtsinScapulaPlane = project2Plane(ScapulaPtsinScapulaCSYS,ScapulaPlaneNormalinScapulaCSYS,PlaneMeaninScapulaCSYS,size(ScapulaPtsinScapulaCSYS,1)); end % Find glenoid principal axis (most superior and most inferior projected % glenoid points) GlenoidPrincipalAxis = [GlenoidPtsinScapulaPlane(GlenoidPtsinScapulaPlane(:,2) == min(GlenoidPtsinScapulaPlane(:,2)),:) ;GlenoidPtsinScapulaPlane(GlenoidPtsinScapulaPlane(:,2) == max(GlenoidPtsinScapulaPlane(:,2)),:)]; % Compute GA (distance from AL to glenoid principal axis) - GA = norm(cross(GlenoidPrincipalAxis(2,:)-GlenoidPrincipalAxis(1,:),ALinScapulaPlane-GlenoidPrincipalAxis(1,:)))/norm(GlenoidPrincipalAxis(2,:)-GlenoidPrincipalAxis(1,:)); -% Compute GH (Humeral head diameter) +% Compute GH (Humeral head diameter) GH = 2*HHRadius; % Compute AI - AI = GA/GH; % Figure in 2D showing projected glenoid points, glenoid principal axis and % AC point - figure; daspect([1 1 1]) if segmentedScapula == 1 scatter(ScapulaPtsinScapulaPlane(:,3),ScapulaPtsinScapulaPlane(:,2),200,[0.8 0.8 0.8],'Marker','.','MarkerFaceAlpha',0.5,'MarkerEdgeAlpha',0.5) hold on end scatter(ALinScapulaPlane(:,3),ALinScapulaPlane(:,2),[],[0 0 1],'filled') hold on scatter(GlenoidPtsinScapulaPlane(:,3),GlenoidPtsinScapulaPlane(:,2),200,[0 0 1],'Marker','.','MarkerFaceAlpha',0.5,'MarkerEdgeAlpha',0.5) hold on scatter(GlenoidPrincipalAxis(:,3),GlenoidPrincipalAxis(:,2),[],'w','filled','MarkerEdgeColor','k') hold on scatter(GCinScapulaPlane(:,3),GCinScapulaPlane(:,2),[],'r','filled') hold on a=TrinScapulaPlane(:,2)/TrinScapulaPlane(:,3); b=GCinScapulaPlane(:,2)-a*GCinScapulaPlane(:,3); if segmentedScapula == 1 x=linspace(min(ScapulaPtsinScapulaPlane(:,3)),max(ScapulaPtsinScapulaPlane(:,3))); else x=linspace((min(GlenoidPtsinScapulaPlane(:,3))-50),(max(GlenoidPtsinScapulaPlane(:,3)))+50); end y=a*x+b; hold on plot(x,y,'--r') hold on a1=(GlenoidPrincipalAxis(2,2)-GlenoidPrincipalAxis(1,2))/(GlenoidPrincipalAxis(2,3)-GlenoidPrincipalAxis(1,3)); b1=GlenoidPrincipalAxis(1,2)-a1*GlenoidPrincipalAxis(1,3); x=linspace(min(GlenoidPrincipalAxis(:,3))-5,max(GlenoidPrincipalAxis(:,3))+5); y1=a1*x+b1; plot(x,y1,'--b') daspect([1 1 1]) xlabel('Z (Scapula CSYS)') ylabel('Y (Scapula CSYS)') title(['Acromion Index = ' num2str(AI) ' (GA = ' num2str(GA) ' GH = ' num2str(GH) ')']) if segmentedScapula == 1 saveas(gcf,sprintf('%s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/AIwithSegmentedScapula_%s.png',directory,subject,subject,CTn)) else saveas(gcf,sprintf('%s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/AI_%s.png',directory,subject,subject,CTn)) end close all % Output CTtoXYZ = [TransverseAxis' ScapulaPlaneNormal cross(TransverseAxis, ScapulaPlaneNormal)']; Cxyz = (GC - Origin) * CTtoXYZ; % Scapula coordinate system in CT frame ScapulaCSYS(3,:) = TransverseAxis; % Z ScapulaCSYS(1,:) = ScapulaPlaneNormal; % X ScapulaCSYS(2,:) = cross(TransverseAxis,ScapulaPlaneNormal); % Y ScapulaCSYS(4,:) = Origin; Result.sCase_id = strtok(subject,'-');%1 Result.glenoid_Radius = GlenoidRadius;%2 Result.glenoid_radiusRMSE = GlenoidRMSE;%3 -%Result.glenoidSpehricity = ' '; +%Result.glenoidSphericity = ' '; %Result.glenoid_biconcave = ' '; Result.glenoid_depth = CapHeight; %4 Result.glenoid_width = scapulaWidth;%5 Result.glenoid_height = scapulaHeight;%6 Result.glenoid_center_PA = -Cxyz(2); %7 Result.glenoid_center_IS = Cxyz(3); %8 Result.glenoid_center_ML = Cxyz(1); %9 Result.glenoid_version_ampl = Version3D;%10 Result.glenoid_version_orient = VersionDirection;%11 Result.glenoid_Version = Version2D; % 12 Result.glenoid_Inclination = Inclination; %13 % Result.glenoid_version2D = ' '; % Result.glenoid_walch_class = ' '; Result.humerus_joint_radius = ' '; %14 Result.humeral_head_radius = HHRadius;%15 % Result.humerus_GHsublux_2D = ' '; % Result.humerus_SHsublux_2D = ' '; Result.humerus_GHsubluxation_ampl = GHSI;%16 Result.humerus_GHsubluxation_orient = GHSIDirection;%17 Result.humerus_SHsubluxation_ampl = SHSI;%18 Result.humerus_SHsubluxation_orient = SHSIDirection;%19 -% Result.scapula_CSA = ' '; +Result.scapula_CSA = degCSA % radCSA; Result.scapula_CTangle = CTorientation; %20 Result.scapula_CTangleVersion = WearPlaneAngle; %21 Result.scapula_CTangleSHS = SHSPlaneAngle; % 22 Result.scapula_CTangleGHS = GHSPlaneAngle; % 23 Result.scapula_PlaneRMSE = PlaneRMSE;%24 Result.scapula_AI = AI; +Result %% Additional output if exist('output','var') == 1 % Scapula coordinate system in CT frame ScapulaCSYS(1,:) = TransverseAxis; % X ScapulaCSYS(2,:) = ScapulaPlaneNormal; % Y ScapulaCSYS(3,:) = AxialPlane; % Z ScapulaCSYS(4,:) = Origin; ScapulaCSYS(5,:) = Origin + 10*ScapulaCSYS(1,:); ScapulaCSYS(6,:) = Origin + 10*ScapulaCSYS(2,:); ScapulaCSYS(7,:) = Origin + 10*ScapulaCSYS(3,:); %% ISB coordinate system in CT frame Xisb = (landmarks(4,:)-landmarks(2,:))/norm(landmarks(4,:)-landmarks(2,:)); %Med-Lat Yisb = cross(Xisb,landmarks(1,:)-landmarks(2,:))/norm(cross(Xisb,landmarks(1,:)-landmarks(2,:)));%Ant-Pos Zisb = cross(Xisb,Yisb);%Inf-Sup %% Locate abq coordinate system in CT frame Act2isb = [Xisb' Yisb' Zisb']; Act2lbo = ScapulaCSYS(1:3,:)'; Albo2isb = Act2isb/Act2lbo; - Athx2abq = SpinCalc('EA321toDCM',[40 0 0]);% scapular plane is 40� anterior to frontal plane + Athx2abq = SpinCalc('EA321toDCM',[40 0 0]);% scapular plane is 40? anterior to frontal plane Aisb2thx = SpinCalc('EA321toDCM',[-35.6 -17.8 -2.5]);% initial position McClure et al. 2001 Act2abq = Athx2abq*Aisb2thx*Albo2isb*Act2lbo; %% Output initial position of scapula for abaqus simulation in CT coordinates % scaleFactor = 24/HHRadius; % =24mm / Humerus radius ScapulaABQ(1,:) = HC; % Humerus center ScapulaABQ(2,:) = 10*Act2abq(:,1)'+ScapulaABQ(1,:); ScapulaABQ(3,:) = 10*Act2abq(:,2)'+ScapulaABQ(1,:); ScapulaABQ(4,:) = 10*Act2abq(:,3)'+ScapulaABQ(1,:); % ScapulaABQ(5,1) = scaleFactor; %% Output coordinates for obliqueSlice % The ObliqueSlice can be defined as point + (normal OR u-vector and % v-vector) FriedmanPlane = [GC 1 0 0 0 1 0]; obliqueSlice = [landmarks(6,:) ScapulaCSYS(2,:) -ScapulaCSYS(3,:)]; % Plane for muscle measurement obliqueSlice2 = [GC ScapulaCSYS(3,:)]; % Scapula axial plane obliqueSlice3 = [GC ScapulaCSYS(1,:) GO]; % Max wear plane obliqueSlice4 = [GC ScapulaCSYS(2,:)]; % Scapular plane obliqueSlice5 = [GC HO/norm(HO) GHeccentricity/norm(GHeccentricity)]; % Plane for GHS obliqueSlice6 = [GC HO/norm(HO) SHeccentricity/norm(SHeccentricity)]; % Plane for SHS if Side == 0 FriedmanPlane(1) = -FriedmanPlane(1); obliqueSlice(1:3:end) = - obliqueSlice(1:3:end); obliqueSlice2(1:3:end) = -obliqueSlice2(1:3:end); obliqueSlice3(1:3:end) = -obliqueSlice3(1:3:end); obliqueSlice4(1:3:end) = -obliqueSlice4(1:3:end); obliqueSlice5(1:3:end) = -obliqueSlice5(1:3:end); obliqueSlice6(1:3:end) = -obliqueSlice6(1:3:end); end switch output case 'density' %% Data for the calculations of the density in amira % Needed variables are : % - CylO: cylinder origin % - CylA: cylinder alignment point % - CylR_factor: scale factor for cylinder radius % - Glenoid_sphere_center % - Glenoid radius % - CylO_shift5mm : cylinder origin shifted 5 mm behind % glenoid surface center - % - CylA2 : cylinder alignment point n�2 + % - CylA2 : cylinder alignment point n?2 % - CylO_shift15mmfront: cylinder origin shifted 15 mm % frontwards - % - CylA3 : cylinder alignemnt point n�2 + % - CylA3 : cylinder alignemnt point n?2 % - startcylpoint : origin of the new cylinder starting from % the AG point % - endcylpoint: end of cylinder, 40 mm from the startcylpoint % in the scapula axis CylO = GC; Glenoid_sphere_center = GlenoidSphere'; Glenoid_radius = GlenoidRadius; %% CylA - second point to form a line with glenoid surface % center point which is parallel to scapula axis CylA = CylO - 40 * TransverseAxis/norm(TransverseAxis); %% CylR - distance from glenoid surface center to most % eccentric point of glenoid surface %Projection of surface points onto the same plane PlanePoint = CylO; PlaneNormal = (CylO-CylA)/norm(CylO-CylA); ProjectedPoints = zeros(size(p)); DistanceToCylO = zeros(size(p,1),1); for i = 1:size(p,1) ProjectedPoints(i,:) = p(i,:) - dot(p(i,:) - PlanePoint, PlaneNormal) * PlaneNormal; DistanceToCylO(i) = norm(ProjectedPoints(i,:) - CylO); end %Selection of the most eccentric point -> radius of cylinder CylR = max(DistanceToCylO); %Scale factor of the cylinder OriginalCylR = 5; CylR_factor = CylR/OriginalCylR; % Coordinates of start and end point of the D10 mm cylinder Deepness = 5; %behind glenoid surface smallCylR = 5; CylO_shift5mm = GC - Deepness * TransverseAxis/norm(TransverseAxis); CylA2 = CylO_shift5mm - smallCylR * TransverseAxis; % To place big cylinder (finer seleciton, exclusion of distant % bones) CylO_shift15mmfront = GC + 15 * TransverseAxis/norm(TransverseAxis); CylA3 = CylO_shift15mmfront - 40 * TransverseAxis/norm(TransverseAxis); %%Projection of AG on scapula axis AG = landmarks(6,:); p1 = CylA3; p2 = CylO_shift15mmfront; v1 = p2-p1; v2 = AG-p1; E1 = v1; E2 = cross(v1,v2); E3 = cross(E1,E2); e1 = E1/norm(E1); e2 = E2/norm(E2); e3 = E3/norm(E3); Oc = p1; Ocx = p1 + e1; Ocy = p1 + e2; Ocz = p1 + e3; O = [0,0,0]; Ox = [1,0,0]; Oy = [0,1,0]; Oz = [0,0,1]; A = [Oc(1),Oc(2),Oc(3),1; Ocx(1),Ocx(2),Ocx(3),1; Ocy(1),Ocy(2),Ocy(3),1; Ocz(1),Ocz(2),Ocz(3),1]; bx = [O(1); Ox(1); Oy(1); Oz(1)]; by = [O(2); Ox(2); Oy(2); Oz(2)]; bz = [O(3); Ox(3); Oy(3); Oz(3)]; B = [bx,by,bz]; X = A\B; T = [X'; 0,0,0,1]; det(T); AG2 = [AG,1]; AG3=AG2'; diff = T*AG3; projAGcyl=[diff(1),0,0,1]; startcylpoint=T\projAGcyl'; startcylpoint = [startcylpoint(1),startcylpoint(2),startcylpoint(3)]; endcylpoint = startcylpoint + 40 * TransverseAxis/norm(TransverseAxis); %% Write data if Side == 0 CylO(1) = -CylO(1); CylA(1) = -CylA(1); Glenoid_sphere_center(1) = -Glenoid_sphere_center(1); CylO_shift5mm(1) = -CylO_shift5mm(1); CylA2(1) = -CylA2(1); CylO_shift15mmfront(1) = -CylO_shift15mmfront(1); CylA3(1) = -CylA3(1); startcylpoint(1) = -startcylpoint(1); endcylpoint(1) = -endcylpoint(1); end mkdir('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts/CylinderReferences') fid = fopen(sprintf('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts\\CylinderReferences\\CylinderReferences_%s.dat',CTn),'w'); dlmwrite(sprintf('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts\\CylinderReferences\\CylinderReferences_%s.dat',CTn),CylO, '-append','precision',10); dlmwrite(sprintf('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts\\CylinderReferences\\CylinderReferences_%s.dat',CTn),CylA, '-append','precision',10); dlmwrite(sprintf('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts\\CylinderReferences\\CylinderReferences_%s.dat',CTn),CylR_factor, '-append','precision',10); dlmwrite(sprintf('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts\\CylinderReferences\\CylinderReferences_%s.dat',CTn),Glenoid_sphere_center, '-append','precision',10); dlmwrite(sprintf('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts\\CylinderReferences\\CylinderReferences_%s.dat',CTn),Glenoid_radius, '-append','precision',10); dlmwrite(sprintf('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts\\CylinderReferences\\CylinderReferences_%s.dat',CTn),CylO_shift5mm, '-append','precision',10); dlmwrite(sprintf('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts\\CylinderReferences\\CylinderReferences_%s.dat',CTn),CylA2, '-append','precision',10); dlmwrite(sprintf('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts\\CylinderReferences\\CylinderReferences_%s.dat',CTn),CylO_shift15mmfront, '-append','precision',10); dlmwrite(sprintf('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts\\CylinderReferences\\CylinderReferences_%s.dat',CTn),CylA3, '-append','precision',10); fclose(fid); fid = fopen(sprintf('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts\\CylinderReferences\\CylinderReferences_%s_AmiraCode.dat',CTn),'w'); fprintf(fid,'set lineset1 [create HxLineSet]\n'); fprintf(fid,'set p1 [$lineset1 addPoint %f %f %f]\n',CylO_shift5mm); fprintf(fid,'set p2 [$lineset1 addPoint %f %f %f]\n',CylA2); fprintf(fid,'$lineset1 addLine $p1 $p2\n'); fprintf(fid,'{Line-Set} setIconPosition 20 10\n'); fprintf(fid,'Line-Set fire\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'set lineset2 [create HxLineSet]\n'); fprintf(fid,'set p1 [$lineset2 addPoint 0 0 0]\n'); fprintf(fid,'set p2 [$lineset2 addPoint 5 0 0]\n'); fprintf(fid,'$lineset2 addLine $p1 $p2\n'); fprintf(fid,'{Line-Set2} setIconPosition 20 30\n'); fprintf(fid,'Line-Set2 fire\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'set hideNewModules 0\n'); fprintf(fid,'create {HxCreateSphere} {GlenoidSphereFit}\n'); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} setIconPosition 20 330\n'); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} fire\n'); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} {type} setValue 0\n'); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} {radius} setMinMax 0 100\n'); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} {radius} setButtons 0\n'); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} {radius} setIncrement 0.666667\n'); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} {radius} setValue %f\n',Glenoid_radius); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} {radius} setSubMinMax 0 100\n'); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} {coords} setMinMax 0 -3.40282346638529e+038 3.40282346638529e+038\n'); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} {coords} setValue 0 %f\n',Glenoid_sphere_center(1)); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} {coords} setMinMax 1 -3.40282346638529e+038 3.40282346638529e+038\n'); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} {coords} setValue 1 %f\n',Glenoid_sphere_center(2)); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} {coords} setMinMax 2 -3.40282346638529e+038 3.40282346638529e+038\n'); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} {coords} setValue 2 %f\n',Glenoid_sphere_center(3)); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} {edgeLength} setMinMax 0.00999999977648258 5\n'); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} {edgeLength} setButtons 0\n'); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} {edgeLength} setIncrement 0.332667\n'); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} {edgeLength} setValue 1.07457\n'); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} {edgeLength} setSubMinMax 0.00999999977648258 5\n'); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} {nopPerUnit2} setMinMax 0.100000001490116 20\n'); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} {nopPerUnit2} setButtons 0\n'); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} {nopPerUnit2} setIncrement 1.32667\n'); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} {nopPerUnit2} setValue 1\n'); fprintf(fid,'{GlenoidSphereFit} {nopPerUnit2} setSubMinMax 0.100000001490116 20\n'); fprintf(fid,'GlenoidSphereFit fire\n'); fprintf(fid,'GlenoidSphereFit setViewerMask 16383\n'); fprintf(fid,'GlenoidSphereFit setPickable 1\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'set hideNewModules 0\n'); fprintf(fid,'create {HxCreateSphere} {CorticalSphereFit}\n'); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} setIconPosition 20 350\n'); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} fire\n'); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} {type} setValue 0\n'); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} {radius} setMinMax 0 100\n'); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} {radius} setButtons 0\n'); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} {radius} setIncrement 0.666667\n'); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} {radius} setValue %f\n',Glenoid_radius+3); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} {radius} setSubMinMax 0 100\n'); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} {coords} setMinMax 0 -3.40282346638529e+038 3.40282346638529e+038\n'); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} {coords} setValue 0 %f\n',Glenoid_sphere_center(1)); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} {coords} setMinMax 1 -3.40282346638529e+038 3.40282346638529e+038\n'); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} {coords} setValue 1 %f\n',Glenoid_sphere_center(2)); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} {coords} setMinMax 2 -3.40282346638529e+038 3.40282346638529e+038\n'); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} {coords} setValue 2 %f\n',Glenoid_sphere_center(3)); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} {edgeLength} setMinMax 0.00999999977648258 5\n'); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} {edgeLength} setButtons 0\n'); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} {edgeLength} setIncrement 0.332667\n'); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} {edgeLength} setValue 1.07457\n'); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} {edgeLength} setSubMinMax 0.00999999977648258 5\n'); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} {nopPerUnit2} setMinMax 0.100000001490116 20\n'); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} {nopPerUnit2} setButtons 0\n'); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} {nopPerUnit2} setIncrement 1.32667\n'); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} {nopPerUnit2} setValue 1\n'); fprintf(fid,'{CorticalSphereFit} {nopPerUnit2} setSubMinMax 0.100000001490116 20\n'); fprintf(fid,'CorticalSphereFit fire\n'); fprintf(fid,'CorticalSphereFit setViewerMask 16383\n'); fprintf(fid,'CorticalSphereFit setPickable 1\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'set lineset3 [create HxLineSet]\n'); fprintf(fid,'set p1 [$lineset3 addPoint %f %f %f]\n',startcylpoint); fprintf(fid,'set p2 [$lineset3 addPoint %f %f %f]\n',endcylpoint); fprintf(fid,'$lineset3 addLine $p1 $p2\n'); fprintf(fid,'{Line-Set3} setIconPosition 20 520\n'); fprintf(fid,'Line-Set3 fire\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'set lineset4 [create HxLineSet]\n'); fprintf(fid,'set p1 [$lineset4 addPoint 0 0 0]\n'); fprintf(fid,'set p2 [$lineset4 addPoint 40 0 0]\n'); fprintf(fid,'$lineset4 addLine $p1 $p2\n'); fprintf(fid,'{Line-Set4} setIconPosition 20 540\n'); fprintf(fid,'Line-Set4 fire\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'{Cylinder2.STL} setScaleFactor 1 %f %f\n',CylR_factor,CylR_factor); fprintf(fid,'{Cylinder2.STL} applyTransform\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'saveProject\n'); fprintf(fid,'clear\n'); fprintf(fid,'echo "Complete center coordinates of ReamingSphere"\n\n'); %fprintf(fid,' fclose(fid); case 'References' mkdir('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts/References') % References data for a study case fid = fopen(sprintf('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts\\References\\References_%s.dat',CTn),'w'); fprintf(fid,'# Scapula coordinate system\n\n'); dlmwrite(sprintf('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts\\References\\References_%s.dat',CTn),ScapulaCSYS(4:7,:), '-append','precision',10); fclose(fid); fid = fopen(sprintf('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts\\References\\References_%s.dat',CTn),'a'); fprintf(fid,'\n\n# Abaqus reference\n\n'); dlmwrite(sprintf('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts\\References\\References_%s.dat',CTn),ScapulaABQ, '-append','precision',10); fclose(fid); fid = fopen(sprintf('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts\\References\\References_%s.dat',CTn),'a'); fprintf(fid,'\n\n# Glenoid centerline\n\n'); dlmwrite(sprintf('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts\\References\\References_%s.dat',CTn),GC, '-append','precision',10); dlmwrite(sprintf('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts\\References\\References_%s.dat',CTn),GlenoidSphere', '-append','precision',10); fclose(fid); case 'obliqueSlice' [token, remain] = strtok(directory,'../../..'); directory = ['Z:/' token remain]; pictureName = [CTn '_new']; mkdir('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts/obliqueSlice') fid = fopen(sprintf('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts\\obliqueslice\\obliqueSlice_%s.tcl',CTn),'w'); fprintf(fid,'# Create an ObliqueSlice with Friedman plane #\n'); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice orientation hit 0\n'); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice setPlane %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n',FriedmanPlane); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice sampling setState item 0 3 item 1 0 item 2 1 item 3 0 item 4 0\n'); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice fire\n'); fprintf(fid,'set planepos [ObliqueSlice translate getValue]\n'); fprintf(fid,'set maxvalue [ObliqueSlice translate getMaxValue]\n'); fprintf(fid,'set planepos [expr {$maxvalue - int($planepos)}]\n'); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice createImage %s_$planepos\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'create HxCastField {CastField}\n'); fprintf(fid,'CastField data connect %s_$planepos\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'CastField fire\n'); fprintf(fid,'CastField scaling setValue 0 0.21\n'); fprintf(fid,'CastField scaling setValue 1 200\n'); fprintf(fid,'CastField fire\n'); fprintf(fid,'[ {CastField} create ] setLabel %s_$planepos.jpeg\n', CTn); if strcmp(location, 'P') fprintf(fid,'%s_$planepos.jpeg exportData "JPEG" %s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/%s_$planepos.jpeg\n\n', CTn, directory, subject, subject, CTn ); else fprintf(fid,'%s_$planepos.jpeg exportData "JPEG" Z:/data/%s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/%s_$planepos.jpeg\n\n', CTn, directory, subject, subject, CTn ); end fprintf(fid,'# Get image for muscle measurement #\n'); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice orientation hit 0\n'); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice setPlane %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\nObliqueSlice fire\n', obliqueSlice); % Muscle evaluation, through notch fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice sampling setState item 0 3 item 1 1 item 2 1 item 3 0 item 4 0\n'); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice createImage {%s}\n', pictureName); if strcmp(location, 'pathologic') fprintf(fid,'%s exportData "2D Tiff" %s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/%s.tif\n', pictureName, directory, subject, subject, pictureName ); else fprintf(fid,'%s exportData "2D Tiff" %s/%s/CT-%s-1/amira/%s.tif\n', pictureName, directory, subject, subject, pictureName ); end fprintf(fid,'saveProject\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice2 setPlane %f %f %f %f %f %f\nObliqueSlice2 fire\n', obliqueSlice2); % Scapular axial plane fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice2 options setValue 0 1\n'); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice2 sampling setState item 0 3 item 1 1 item 2 1 item 3 0 item 4 0\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice3 setPlane %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\nObliqueSlice3 fire\n', obliqueSlice3); % Max wear plane fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice3 options setValue 0 1\n'); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice3 sampling setState item 0 3 item 1 1 item 2 1 item 3 0 item 4 0\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice4 setPlane %f %f %f %f %f %f\nObliqueSlice4 fire\n', obliqueSlice4); % Scapula plane fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice4 options setValue 0 1\n'); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice4 sampling setState item 0 3 item 1 1 item 2 1 item 3 0 item 4 0\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice5 setPlane %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\nObliqueSlice5 fire\n', obliqueSlice5); % Scapula plane fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice5 options setValue 0 1\n'); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice5 sampling setState item 0 3 item 1 1 item 2 1 item 3 0 item 4 0\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice6 setPlane %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\nObliqueSlice6 fire\n', obliqueSlice6); % Scapula plane fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice6 options setValue 0 1\n'); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice6 sampling setState item 0 3 item 1 1 item 2 1 item 3 0 item 4 0\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'remove CreateSphere%s HumSphere%s.surf SphereView%s Intersection\n', CTn, CTn, CTn); fprintf(fid,'remove CreateSphere%s_2 GlenoidSphere%s.surf SphereView%s_2 Intersection2\n', CTn, CTn, CTn); fprintf(fid,'create HxCreateSphere {CreateSphere%s}\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'CreateSphere%s setIconPosition 20 500\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'CreateSphere%s radius setMinMax 0 50\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'CreateSphere%s radius setValue %f\n', CTn, HHRadius); if Side == 0 fprintf(fid,'CreateSphere%s coords setValue 0 %f\n', CTn, -HC(1)); else fprintf(fid,'CreateSphere%s coords setValue 0 %f\n', CTn, HC(1)); end fprintf(fid,'CreateSphere%s coords setValue 1 %f\n', CTn, HC(2)); fprintf(fid,'CreateSphere%s coords setValue 2 %f\n', CTn, HC(3)); fprintf(fid,'CreateSphere%s fire\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'[ {CreateSphere%s} create\n ] setLabel {HumSphere%s.surf}\n', CTn, CTn); fprintf(fid,'HumSphere%s.surf setIconPosition 200 500\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'HumSphere%s.surf master connect CreateSphere%s\n', CTn, CTn); fprintf(fid,'HumSphere%s.surf fire\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'create HxDisplaySurface {SphereView%s}\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'SphereView%s setIconPosition 400 500\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'SphereView%s data connect HumSphere%s.surf\n', CTn, CTn); fprintf(fid,'SphereView%s drawStyle setValue 4\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'SphereView%s fire\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'create HxOverlayGrid {Intersection}\n'); fprintf(fid,'Intersection module connect ObliqueSlice4\n'); fprintf(fid,'Intersection data connect HumSphere%s.surf\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'Intersection lineWidth setValue 2\n'); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice4 setViewerMask 16383\n'); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice4 setPlane %f %f %f 1 0 0 0 1 0\n', HC); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice4 fire\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'create HxCreateSphere {CreateSphere%s_2}\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'CreateSphere%s_2 setIconPosition 20 520\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'CreateSphere%s_2 radius setMinMax 0 50\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'CreateSphere%s_2 radius setValue %f\n', CTn, GlenoidRadius); if Side == 0 fprintf(fid,'CreateSphere%s_2 coords setValue 0 %f\n', CTn, -GlenoidSphere(1)); else fprintf(fid,'CreateSphere%s_2 coords setValue 0 %f\n', CTn, GlenoidSphere(1)); end fprintf(fid,'CreateSphere%s_2 coords setValue 1 %f\n', CTn, GlenoidSphere(2)); fprintf(fid,'CreateSphere%s_2 coords setValue 2 %f\n', CTn, GlenoidSphere(3)); fprintf(fid,'CreateSphere%s_2 fire\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'[ {CreateSphere%s_2} create\n ] setLabel {GlenoidSphere%s.surf}\n', CTn, CTn); fprintf(fid,'GlenoidSphere%s.surf setIconPosition 200 520\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'GlenoidSphere%s.surf master connect CreateSphere%s_2\n', CTn, CTn); fprintf(fid,'GlenoidSphere%s.surf fire\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'create HxDisplaySurface {SphereView%s_2}\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'SphereView%s_2 setIconPosition 400 520\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'SphereView%s_2 data connect GlenoidSphere%s.surf\n', CTn, CTn); fprintf(fid,'SphereView%s_2 drawStyle setValue 4\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'SphereView%s_2 fire\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'create HxOverlayGrid {Intersection2}\n'); fprintf(fid,'Intersection2 module connect ObliqueSlice5\n'); fprintf(fid,'Intersection2 data connect GlenoidSphere%s.surf\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'Intersection2 lineWidth setValue 2\n'); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice5 setViewerMask 16383\n'); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice5 setPlane %f %f %f 1 0 0 0 1 0\n', GlenoidSphere); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice5 fire\n'); fclose(fid); case 'display' mkdir('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts/display'); fid = fopen(sprintf('Generated_Amira_TCL_Scripts\\display\\display_%s.tcl',CTn),'w'); % if Side == 0; % PlaneMean(1) = -PlaneMean(1); % end obliqueSlice7 = [PlaneMean ScapulaCSYS(2,:)]; if Side == 0 obliqueSlice7(1:3:end) = -obliqueSlice7(1:3:end); GlenoidSphere(1) = -GlenoidSphere(1); end fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice setPlane %f %f %f %f %f %f \nObliqueSlice fire\n', obliqueSlice7); % Muscle evaluation, through notch fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice sampling setState item 0 3 item 1 1 item 2 1 item 3 0 item 4 0\n'); fprintf(fid,'ObliqueSlice fire\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'create HxCreateSphere {GlenoidSphere%s}\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'GlenoidSphere%s setIconPosition 20 550\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'GlenoidSphere%s radius setMinMax 0 50\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'GlenoidSphere%s radius setValue %f\n', CTn, GlenoidRadius); fprintf(fid,'GlenoidSphere%s coords setValue 0 %f\n', CTn, GlenoidSphere(1)); fprintf(fid,'GlenoidSphere%s coords setValue 1 %f\n', CTn, GlenoidSphere(2)); fprintf(fid,'GlenoidSphere%s coords setValue 2 %f\n', CTn, GlenoidSphere(3)); fprintf(fid,'GlenoidSphere%s fire\n\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'[ {GlenoidSphere%s} create ] setLabel {HumSphereGlenoid%s.surf}\n', CTn, CTn); fprintf(fid,'HumSphereGlenoid%s.surf setIconPosition 200 550\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'HumSphereGlenoid%s.surf master connect GlenoidSphere%s\n', CTn, CTn); fprintf(fid,'HumSphereGlenoid%s.surf fire\n\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'create HxDisplaySurface {GlenoidSphereView%s}\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'GlenoidSphereView%s setIconPosition 400 550\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'GlenoidSphereView%s data connect HumSphereGlenoid%s.surf\n', CTn, CTn); fprintf(fid,'GlenoidSphereView%s drawStyle setValue 4\n', CTn); fprintf(fid,'GlenoidSphereView%s fire\n', CTn); fclose(fid); otherwise disp('unknown output request') end end diff --git a/anatomy/scapula_measure.m b/anatomy/scapula_measure.m index a0be7f6..1188452 100644 --- a/anatomy/scapula_measure.m +++ b/anatomy/scapula_measure.m @@ -1,133 +1,140 @@ function scapula_measure(caseID) %%SCAPULA_MEASURE fills the Shoulder database with scapula anatomical data % % This function fills the Shoulder database with the scapula anatomical % data of the case given as input. The anatomical measurements are stored % simultaneously in a XLS file and in the MySQL database. % % USE: scapula_measure(caseID) % % INPUT caseID: Case IDs for which you want to compute scapula anatomical % data. Cell array that stores the case IDs as a char in the form 'P###' or % 'N###' (starts with "P" or "N" followed by 1 to 3 digits). % % REMARKS The anatomical data are saved in the ScapulaAnatomicalData.xls % file. % % created with MATLAB ver.: (R2015b) on Windows 7 % Author: EPFL-LBO-VMC % Date: 20-Apr-2017 % +DBaccess=0; % Variable for database access deactivation due to driver problems CTDatabaseLocation = '../../../data'; % Location of the CT database XLSShoulderDatabaseLocation = '../../../data/Excel/'; % Location of the XLS ShoulderDatabase % Check validity of input argument (cell array) validateattributes(caseID,{'cell'},{'nonempty'}); % Check that imput case IDs are unique [caseIDNames,~,uniqueCaseID] = unique(caseID); countOfCaseID = hist(uniqueCaseID,unique(uniqueCaseID))'; freqCaseIDs = struct('name',caseIDNames,'freq',num2cell(countOfCaseID)); repeatedValues = find([freqCaseIDs.freq] > 1); if(~isempty(repeatedValues)) warning('Input contains repeated Case ID: %s. Repeated occurences of that Case ID will be omitted. \n', freqCaseIDs(repeatedValues).name) caseID = caseIDNames; end % open mySQL connection - conn = openSQL(); - + if DBaccess + conn = openSQL(); + end % Get the list of exisiting cases in XLS database + exist([XLSShoulderDatabaseLocation 'xlsFromMatlab/anatomy.xls']) % add by JSM for debbuging [~,~,currDatabase] = xlsread([XLSShoulderDatabaseLocation 'xlsFromMatlab/anatomy.xls']); currDatabaseCaseIDlist = currDatabase(2:end,1); % --Get CT directory adress from CT database location and case ID-- % Compute scapula anatomical data and fill database for i = 1:length(caseID) % Check validity of input arguments (char and format 'P###' or 'N###') validateattributes(caseID{i},{'char'},{'nonempty'}); if (numel(regexp(caseID{i},'^[PN]\d{1,3}$')) == 0) error(['Invalid format of CaseID: ' caseID{i} '. CaseID must start with "P" or "N" and be followed by 1 to 3 digits.']); end levelDir1 = caseID{i}(1); if (length(caseID{i}(2:end)) < 2) levelDir2 = '0'; levelDir3 = '0'; elseif (length(caseID{i}(2:end)) < 3) levelDir2 = '0'; levelDir3 = caseID{i}(2); else levelDir2 = caseID{i}(2); levelDir3 = caseID{i}(3); end - - FindCaseCTFolder = dir([CTDatabaseLocation '/' levelDir1 '/' levelDir2 '/' levelDir3 '/' caseID{i} '*']); + +% [CTDatabaseLocation '/' levelDir1 '/' levelDir2 '/' levelDir3 '/' caseID{i} '*'] + FindCaseCTFolder = dir([CTDatabaseLocation '/' levelDir1 '/' levelDir2 '/' levelDir3 '/' caseID{i} '*']) if (isempty(FindCaseCTFolder)) error(['Missing CT directory for CaseID: ' caseID{i}]); end CaseID_IPP = FindCaseCTFolder.name; CaseCTFolder = [CTDatabaseLocation '/' levelDir1 '/' levelDir2 '/' levelDir3 '/' CaseID_IPP]; % Compute scapula measurements and store in the XLS database if exist([CaseCTFolder '/CT-' CaseID_IPP '-1/amira'],'dir') == 7 %if a folder "amira" exist, the patient name is added to the "measured" column - finalDirectory = [CTDatabaseLocation '/' levelDir1 '/' levelDir2 '/' levelDir3] ; anatomy = scapula_calculation(CaseID_IPP, finalDirectory, levelDir1); % Function that calculates the anatomical data % Write to XLS file % Replace line if already existing or append if(any(strcmp(currDatabaseCaseIDlist, caseID{i}))) xlswrite([XLSShoulderDatabaseLocation 'xlsFromMatlab/anatomy.xls'],struct2cell(anatomy)','Feuil1',['A' int2str(find(strcmp(currDatabaseCaseIDlist, caseID{i}))+1)]); else xlswrite([XLSShoulderDatabaseLocation 'xlsFromMatlab/anatomy.xls'],struct2cell(anatomy)','Feuil1',['A' int2str(length(currDatabaseCaseIDlist)+1+i)]); end + struct2cell(anatomy)' % Write to MySQL database % Replace line if already existing or issue warning message - sqlquery = ['SELECT CT_id FROM CT WHERE shoulder_id IN (SELECT shoulder_id FROM sCase WHERE folder_name = "' caseID{i} '")']; - curs = exec(conn,sqlquery); - if ~isempty(curs.Message) - fprintf('\nMessage: %s\n', curs.Message); - end - - curs=fetch(curs); - sqlresult = curs.Data; - - if isnumeric(sqlresult{1}) - - % Update data in table 'glenoid' - data = {sqlresult{1} anatomy.glenoid_Radius anatomy.glenoid_Radius/anatomy.glenoid_radiusRMSE '' anatomy.glenoid_depth anatomy.glenoid_width anatomy.glenoid_height anatomy.glenoid_version_ampl anatomy.glenoid_version_orient anatomy.glenoid_center_PA anatomy.glenoid_center_IS anatomy.glenoid_center_ML anatomy.glenoid_Version anatomy.glenoid_Inclination 1 ''}; - fieldNames = {'CT_id','radius','sphericity','biconcave','depth','width','height','version_ampl','version_orient','center_PA','center_IS','center_ML','version', 'inclination', 'version_2D', 'walch_class'}; - upsert(conn, 'glenoid', fieldNames, [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0], data); - - % Update data in table 'humerus' - data = {sqlresult{1} 0.0 anatomy.humeral_head_radius anatomy.humerus_SHsubluxation_ampl anatomy.humerus_SHsubluxation_orient anatomy.humerus_GHsubluxation_ampl anatomy.humerus_GHsubluxation_orient 0.0 0.0}; - fieldNames = {'CT_id','joint_radius','head_radius','SHsublux_ampl','SHsublux_orient','GHsublux_ampl','GHsublux_orient','SHsublux_2D','GHsublux_2D'}; - upsert(conn, 'humerus', fieldNames, [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0], data); - - % Update data in table 'scapula' - data = {sqlresult{1} anatomy.scapula_CTangle anatomy.scapula_AI}; - fieldNames = {'CT_id','CT_angle','AI'}; - upsert(conn, 'scapula', fieldNames, [1 0 0], data); - - else - error(['No entry for caseID ' caseID{i} ' was found in the ' conn.Instance ' MySQL database.']); + if DBaccess + sqlquery = ['SELECT CT_id FROM CT WHERE shoulder_id IN (SELECT shoulder_id FROM sCase WHERE folder_name = "' caseID{i} '")']; + curs = exec(conn,sqlquery); + if ~isempty(curs.Message) + fprintf('\nMessage: %s\n', curs.Message); + end + + curs=fetch(curs); + sqlresult = curs.Data; + + if isnumeric(sqlresult{1}) + + % Update data in table 'glenoid' + data = {sqlresult{1} anatomy.glenoid_Radius anatomy.glenoid_Radius/anatomy.glenoid_radiusRMSE '' anatomy.glenoid_depth anatomy.glenoid_width anatomy.glenoid_height anatomy.glenoid_version_ampl anatomy.glenoid_version_orient anatomy.glenoid_center_PA anatomy.glenoid_center_IS anatomy.glenoid_center_ML anatomy.glenoid_Version anatomy.glenoid_Inclination 1 ''}; + fieldNames = {'CT_id','radius','sphericity','biconcave','depth','width','height','version_ampl','version_orient','center_PA','center_IS','center_ML','version', 'inclination', 'version_2D', 'walch_class'}; + upsert(conn, 'glenoid', fieldNames, [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0], data); + + % Update data in table 'humerus' + data = {sqlresult{1} 0.0 anatomy.humeral_head_radius anatomy.humerus_SHsubluxation_ampl anatomy.humerus_SHsubluxation_orient anatomy.humerus_GHsubluxation_ampl anatomy.humerus_GHsubluxation_orient 0.0 0.0}; + fieldNames = {'CT_id','joint_radius','head_radius','SHsublux_ampl','SHsublux_orient','GHsublux_ampl','GHsublux_orient','SHsublux_2D','GHsublux_2D'}; + upsert(conn, 'humerus', fieldNames, [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0], data); + + % Update data in table 'scapula' + data = {sqlresult{1} anatomy.scapula_CTangle anatomy.scapula_AI}; + fieldNames = {'CT_id','CT_angle','AI'}; + upsert(conn, 'scapula', fieldNames, [1 0 0], data); + + else + error(['No entry for caseID ' caseID{i} ' was found in the ' conn.Instance ' MySQL database.']); + end end - else error(['Amira files missing for CaseID: ' caseID{i}]); end end % Close mySQL database - closeSQL(conn); + if DBaccess + closeSQL(conn); + end end diff --git a/listSCase.m b/listSCase.m new file mode 100755 index 0000000..bbcf5f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/listSCase.m @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +function SCaseList = listSCase(varargin) +%LISTSCASE output list of sCases (id and path), accordind to inputList and filter +%arguments. Each sCase directory should at least contain at directory with a +%name staring with 'CT' and ending with '1', containing a 'dicom' +%subdirectory. +% +% The optional input argument inputList if an array of sCases. If empty, sCaseList +% will search for all sCases. The optional input argument filter can restrict le list. + +% Syntax: sCaseList = listsCase(varargin) +% +% Input: +% inputArg: can be nothing (=all), 'N', 'P', or a sCaseId +% +% Output: +% outputArg: 1 if ok and 0 otherwise +% +% Example: listSCase, listSCase('P315') +% Other M-files required: +% Subfunctions: +% See also: +% +% Author: Alexandre Terrier +% EPFL-LBO +% Creation date: 2018-07-01 +% Revision date: 2018-08-09 +% +% TO DO: +% When varargin = a sCaseId + + +%% Initialisation of paths +% Should be replaced by a function +dataDir = '../../../data'; % location of data +logDir = 'log'; % log file in xls folder + +%% Open log file + +logFile = [logDir '/listSCase.log']; +logFileId = fopen(logFile, 'w'); +fprintf(logFileId, 'listSCase log file'); +fprintf(logFileId, '\nDate: '); +fprintf(logFileId, datestr(datetime)); +fprintf(logFileId, '\nGet list of all SCase with a valid dicom folder'); + +%% +% Struct contains id and associated directory +SCaseList = struct(... + 'id' ,[],... + 'dir' ,[],... + 'comment' ,[]... % Might be used later + ); +sCaseListIdx = 0; + +%% Loop over all cases + +% At the root of dataDir, two directories should be considered: +% N (normal) and P (pathological). +dirL0Array = ['N';'P']; +if strcmp(varargin,'N') + dirL0Array = 'N'; +elseif strcmp(varargin,'P') + dirL0Array = 'P'; +end + +for dirL0idx = 1:length(dirL0Array) % N or P + for dirL1idx = 0:9 % Hunderts + for dirL2idx = 0:9 % Tens + dirL0Str = dirL0Array(dirL0idx); + dirL1Str = num2str(dirL1idx); + dirL2Str = num2str(dirL2idx); + dirTens = [dataDir '/' dirL0Str '/' dirL1Str '/' dirL2Str]; + dirTensList = dir(dirTens); % List all directories in tens directory + dirTensList = dirTensList(~ismember({dirTensList.name},{'.','..'})); % Remove . and .. + % We might add here a filter (only diretories, {N/P} followed + % by digits + for dirL3idx = 1:numel(dirTensList) + sCaseDirName = dirTensList(dirL3idx).name; % Root directory of this case + sCaseDirPath = dirTensList(dirL3idx).folder; + % Check that this sCase directory contains a directory with the + % name [CT?*-1] and with a dicom directory in it. + sCaseID = strtok(sCaseDirName, '-'); % Get chars before '-' + % Listing of (CT) folders in sCaseDirPath staring with CT + % and ending with '-1' + CTdir = dir([sCaseDirPath '/' sCaseDirName '/CT*-1']); + if ~isempty(CTdir) + CTdirPath = [CTdir.folder '/' CTdir.name]; + dicomDirName = [CTdirPath '/dicom']; + if exist(dicomDirName, 'dir') + sCaseListIdx = sCaseListIdx + 1; + SCaseList(sCaseListIdx).id = sCaseID; + SCaseList(sCaseListIdx).dir = CTdirPath; + % We might get here the readme.txt if present + else + fprintf(logFileId, ['\n', sCaseID, ' has no valid dicom directory']); + end + else + fprintf(logFileId, ['\n', sCaseID, ' has no CT*-1 directory']); + end + end + end + end +end +fprintf(logFileId, ['\nNumber of SCase: ' num2str(length(SCaseList))]); +end + diff --git a/muscles/degenerationAll.m b/muscles/degenerationAll.m index 3dccfb7..033bf2d 100644 --- a/muscles/degenerationAll.m +++ b/muscles/degenerationAll.m @@ -1,158 +1,166 @@ function muscles_results = degenerationAll(caseID, musclesList) %%DEGENERATIONALL returns a structure array containing muscle % measurements for each case ID entered as input and fills the Shoulder % database with muscle degeneration measurements % % This function fills the Shoulder database with the muscle degeneration % values of the case given as input. The measurements are stored in a XLS % file and in the MySQL database. % % USE: degenerationAll(caseID, musclesList) % % INPUT caseID: Case IDs for which you want to compute muscle degeneration. % Cell array that stores the case IDs as a char in the form 'P###' or % 'N###' (starts with "P" or "N" followed by 1 to 3 digits). % % musclesList: List of muscles which you want to compute muscle % degeneration. Cell array that stores each msucle name as a char. % % OUTPUT muscles_results: structure array containing fields 'Case_ID', % and fields "muscle name" with muscle measurements for the -% current patient: 'Stot', 'Satrophy', 'Sinfiltration', -% 'Sosteochondroma' and 'Sdegeneration', 'atrophy', +% current patient: areas : 'Stot', 'Satrophy', 'Sinfiltration', +% 'Sosteochondroma' and 'Sdegeneration', and ratios: 'atrophy', % 'infiltration', 'osteochondroma' and 'degeneration' % % REMARKS The muscle values (ratios) are saved in the muscles.xls file % and in the shoulder MySQL database. % % created with MATLAB ver.: (R2017a) on Windows 7 % Author: EPFL-LBO-VMC % Date: 27-Jun-2017 % CTDatabaseLocation = '../../../data'; % Location of the CT database XLSShoulderDatabaseLocation = '../../../data/Excel/'; % Location of the XLS ShoulderDatabase HUThresholdMuscle = 0; %#ok HUThresholdFat = 30; %#ok HUThresholdOsteochondroma = 166; %#ok % Check validity of input argument (cell array) validateattributes(caseID,{'cell'},{'nonempty'}); % Check that imput case IDs are unique [caseIDNames,~,uniqueCaseID] = unique(caseID); countOfCaseID = hist(uniqueCaseID,unique(uniqueCaseID))'; freqCaseIDs = struct('name',caseIDNames,'freq',num2cell(countOfCaseID)); repeatedValues = find([freqCaseIDs.freq] > 1); if(~isempty(repeatedValues)) warning('Input contains repeated Case ID: %s. Repeated occurences of that Case ID will be omitted. \n', freqCaseIDs(repeatedValues).name) caseID = caseIDNames'; end % open mySQL connection conn = openSQL(); % Get the list of exisiting cases in XLS database [~,~,currDatabase] = xlsread([XLSShoulderDatabaseLocation 'xlsFromMatlab/muscles.xls']); currDatabaseCaseIDlist = currDatabase(2:end,1); %Initialize structure array for results muscles_results = []; muscles_results = setfield(muscles_results,{length(caseID),1},'Case_ID',[]); % Compute muscle degeneration values and fill database for i = 1:length(caseID) % Check validity of input arguments (char and format 'P###' or 'N###') validateattributes(caseID{i},{'char'},{'nonempty'}); if (numel(regexp(caseID{i},'^[PN]\d{1,3}$')) == 0) error(['Invalid format of CaseID: ' caseID{i} '. CaseID must start with "P" or "N" and be followed by 1 to 3 digits.']); end % Find CT folder for the given Case ID levelDir1 = caseID{i}(1); if (length(caseID{i}(2:end)) < 2) levelDir2 = '0'; levelDir3 = '0'; elseif (length(caseID{i}(2:end)) < 3) levelDir2 = '0'; levelDir3 = caseID{i}(2); else levelDir2 = caseID{i}(2); levelDir3 = caseID{i}(3); end FindCaseCTFolder = dir([CTDatabaseLocation '/' levelDir1 '/' levelDir2 '/' levelDir3 '/' caseID{i} '*']); if (isempty(FindCaseCTFolder)) error(['Missing CT directory for CaseID: ' caseID{i}]); end CaseID_IPP = FindCaseCTFolder.name; CaseCTFolder = [CTDatabaseLocation '/' levelDir1 '/' levelDir2 '/' levelDir3 '/' CaseID_IPP]; % Compute musle degeneration values and store in the XLS database if exist([CaseCTFolder '/CT-' CaseID_IPP '-1/muscles'],'dir') == 7 %if a folder "muscles" exist, the patient name is added to the "measured" column muscleDirectory = [CaseCTFolder '/CT-' CaseID_IPP '-1/muscles']; %#ok muscles_results(i).Case_ID = caseID{i}; for j=1:length(musclesList) disp(caseID{i}); % Compute muscle degeneration values eval([musclesList{j} '= muscleDegeneration(caseID{i}, musclesList{j},HUThresholdMuscle,HUThresholdFat,HUThresholdOsteochondroma,muscleDirectory);']); eval(['muscles_results = setfield(muscles_results,{i,1}, musclesList{j}, ' musclesList{j} ');']); end muscles = cellstr(muscles_results(i).Case_ID)'; for j = 1:length(musclesList) eval(['muscles = horzcat(muscles, transpose(struct2cell(muscles_results(i).' musclesList{j} ')));']); end % Write to XLS file % Replace line if already existing or append if(any(strcmp(currDatabaseCaseIDlist, caseID{i}))) - xlswrite([XLSShoulderDatabaseLocation 'xlsFromMatlab/muscles.xls'],muscles(:,[1,7:10,16:19,25:28,34:37]),'Feuil1',['A' int2str(find(strcmp(currDatabaseCaseIDlist, caseID{i}))+1)]); + xlswrite([XLSShoulderDatabaseLocation 'xlsFromMatlab/muscles.xls'],muscles(:,[1,8:11,18:21,28:31,38:41]),'Feuil1',['A' int2str(find(strcmp(currDatabaseCaseIDlist, caseID{i}))+1)]); else - xlswrite([XLSShoulderDatabaseLocation 'xlsFromMatlab/muscles.xls'],muscles(:,[1,7:10,16:19,25:28,34:37]),'Feuil1',['A' int2str(length(currDatabaseCaseIDlist)+1+i)]); + xlswrite([XLSShoulderDatabaseLocation 'xlsFromMatlab/muscles.xls'],muscles(:,[1,8:11,18:21,28:31,38:41]),'Feuil1',['A' int2str(length(currDatabaseCaseIDlist)+1+i)]); end + + %ORIGINAL but weird results coz shifted - correction by Yasmine in Aug2018 +% if(any(strcmp(currDatabaseCaseIDlist, caseID{i}))) +% xlswrite([XLSShoulderDatabaseLocation 'xlsFromMatlab/muscles_test.xls'],muscles(:,[1,7:10,16:19,25:28,34:37]),'Feuil1',['A' int2str(find(strcmp(currDatabaseCaseIDlist, caseID{i}))+1)]); +% else +% xlswrite([XLSShoulderDatabaseLocation 'xlsFromMatlab/muscles_test.xls'],muscles(:,[1,7:10,16:19,25:28,34:37]),'Feuil1',['A' int2str(length(currDatabaseCaseIDlist)+1+i)]); +% end + % Write to MySQL database % Replace line if already existing or issue warning message sqlquery = ['SELECT CT_id FROM CT WHERE shoulder_id IN (SELECT shoulder_id FROM sCase WHERE folder_name = "' caseID{i} '")']; curs = exec(conn,sqlquery); if ~isempty(curs.Message) fprintf('\nMessage: %s\n', curs.Message); end curs=fetch(curs); sqlresult = curs.Data; if isnumeric(sqlresult{1}) % Update data in table 'muscle' data = {sqlresult{1} ... muscles_results(i).SS.atrophy muscles_results(i).SS.infiltration muscles_results(i).SS.osteochondroma muscles_results(i).SS.degeneration ... muscles_results(i).IS.atrophy muscles_results(i).IS.infiltration muscles_results(i).IS.osteochondroma muscles_results(i).IS.degeneration ... muscles_results(i).SC.atrophy muscles_results(i).SC.infiltration muscles_results(i).SC.osteochondroma muscles_results(i).SC.degeneration ... muscles_results(i).TM.atrophy muscles_results(i).TM.infiltration muscles_results(i).TM.osteochondroma muscles_results(i).TM.degeneration}; fieldNames = {'CT_id','SSA','SSI','SSO','SSD','ISA','ISI','ISO','ISD','SCA','SCI','SCO','SCD', 'TMA', 'TMI', 'TMO', 'TMD'}; upsert(conn, 'muscle', fieldNames, [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0], data); else error(['No entry for caseID ' caseID{i} ' was found in the ' conn.Instance ' MySQL database.']); end else error(['"muscles" folder missing for CaseID: ' caseID{i}]); end end end diff --git a/muscles/degenerationAll3D.m b/muscles/degenerationAll3D.m index 3bc8704..a849f8f 100644 --- a/muscles/degenerationAll3D.m +++ b/muscles/degenerationAll3D.m @@ -1,192 +1,193 @@ function muscles_results = degenerationAll3D(caseID, musclesList) %%DEGENERATIONALL3D returns a structure array containing muscle % measurements for each case ID entered as input and fills the Shoulder % database with muscle degeneration measurements % % This function fills the Shoulder database with the muscle degeneration % values of the case given as input, for all CT slices available. % The measurements are stored in a XLS file and in the MySQL database. % % USE: degenerationAll3D(caseID, musclesList) % % INPUT caseID: Case IDs for which you want to compute muscle degeneration. % Cell array that stores the case IDs as a char in the form 'P###' or % 'N###' (starts with "P" or "N" followed by 1 to 3 digits). % % musclesList: List of muscles which you want to compute muscle % degeneration. Cell array that stores each msucle name as a char. % % OUTPUT muscles_results: structure array containing fields 'Case_ID', % and structure array field "muscle name" with muscle % measurements for each slice for the current patient: 'Stot', % 'Satrophy', 'Sinfiltration', 'Sosteochondroma' and % 'Sdegeneration', 'atrophy', 'infiltration', 'osteochondroma' % and 'degeneration' % % REMARKS The muscle values (ratios) for all available CT slices are % saved in the muscles.xls file and in the shoulder MySQL % database. % % created with MATLAB ver.: (R2017a) on Windows 7 % Author: EPFL-LBO-VMC % Date: 29-kun-2017 % CTDatabaseLocation = '../../../data'; % Location of the CT database -% XLSShoulderDatabaseLocation = 'C:/Users/vmalfroy/Dropbox/shoulderDatabase/'; % Location of the XLS ShoulderDatabase + + % XLSShoulderDatabaseLocation = 'C:/Users/vmalfroy/Dropbox/shoulderDatabase/'; % Location of the XLS ShoulderDatabase XLSShoulderDatabaseLocation = '../../../data/Excel/'; % Location of the XLS ShoulderDatabase HUThresholdMuscle = 0; %#ok HUThresholdFat = 30; %#ok HUThresholdOsteochondroma = 166; %#ok % Check validity of input argument (cell array) validateattributes(caseID,{'cell'},{'nonempty'}); % Check that imput case IDs are unique [caseIDNames,~,uniqueCaseID] = unique(caseID); countOfCaseID = hist(uniqueCaseID,unique(uniqueCaseID))'; freqCaseIDs = struct('name',caseIDNames,'freq',num2cell(countOfCaseID)); repeatedValues = find([freqCaseIDs.freq] > 1); if(~isempty(repeatedValues)) warning('Input contains repeated Case ID: %s. Repeated occurences of that Case ID will be omitted. \n', freqCaseIDs(repeatedValues).name) caseID = caseIDNames'; end % open mySQL connection conn = openSQL(); % Get the list of exisiting cases in XLS database [~,~,currDatabase] = xlsread([XLSShoulderDatabaseLocation 'xlsFromMatlab/muscles.xls']); currDatabaseCaseIDlist = currDatabase(2:end,1); %Initialize structure array for results muscles_results = []; muscles_results = setfield(muscles_results,{length(caseID),1},'Case_ID',[]); % Compute muscle degeneration values and fill database for i = 1:length(caseID) % Check validity of input arguments (char and format 'P###' or 'N###') validateattributes(caseID{i},{'char'},{'nonempty'}); if (numel(regexp(caseID{i},'^[PN]\d{1,3}$')) == 0) error(['Invalid format of CaseID: ' caseID{i} '. CaseID must start with "P" or "N" and be followed by 1 to 3 digits.']); end % Find CT folder for the given Case ID levelDir1 = caseID{i}(1); if (length(caseID{i}(2:end)) < 2) levelDir2 = '0'; levelDir3 = '0'; elseif (length(caseID{i}(2:end)) < 3) levelDir2 = '0'; levelDir3 = caseID{i}(2); else levelDir2 = caseID{i}(2); levelDir3 = caseID{i}(3); end FindCaseCTFolder = dir([CTDatabaseLocation '/' levelDir1 '/' levelDir2 '/' levelDir3 '/' caseID{i} '*']); if (isempty(FindCaseCTFolder)) error(['Missing CT directory for CaseID: ' caseID{i}]); end CaseID_IPP = FindCaseCTFolder.name; CaseCTFolder = [CTDatabaseLocation '/' levelDir1 '/' levelDir2 '/' levelDir3 '/' CaseID_IPP]; % Compute musle degeneration values and store in the XLS database if exist([CaseCTFolder '/CT-' CaseID_IPP '-1/muscles'],'dir') == 7 %if a folder "muscles" exist, the patient name is added to the "measured" column muscleDirectory = [CaseCTFolder '/CT-' CaseID_IPP '-1/muscles']; slicesList = dir(muscleDirectory); slicesList = slicesList(3:end); muscles_results(i).Case_ID = caseID{i}; field2sort = 'SliceNumber'; %#ok for j=1:length(slicesList) for k=1:length(musclesList) disp(caseID{i}); % Compute muscle degeneration values eval([musclesList{k} '= muscleDegeneration3D(caseID{i}, musclesList{k},HUThresholdMuscle,HUThresholdFat,HUThresholdOsteochondroma,muscleDirectory);']); eval(['muscles_results = setfield(muscles_results,{i,1}, musclesList{k}, ' musclesList{k} ');']); % Sort muscle field by slice number eval(['[~,I] = sort(arrayfun (@(x) x.(field2sort), muscles_results(i,1).' musclesList{k} '));']); eval(['muscles_results(i,1).' musclesList{k} ' = muscles_results(i,1).' musclesList{k} '(I);']); end end muscles = cellstr(muscles_results(i).CT_id)'; for k = 1:length(musclesList) eval(['muscles = horzcat(muscles, transpose(struct2cell(muscles_results.' musclesList{k} ')));']); end % Write to XLS file % Replace line if already existing or append if(any(strcmp(currDatabaseCaseIDlist, caseID{i}))) xlswrite([XLSShoulderDatabaseLocation 'xlsFromMatlab/muscles.xls'],muscles,'Feuil1',['A' int2str(find(strcmp(currDatabaseCaseIDlist, caseID{i}))+1)]); else xlswrite([XLSShoulderDatabaseLocation 'xlsFromMatlab/muscles.xls'],muscles,'Feuil1',['A' int2str(length(currDatabaseCaseIDlist)+1+i)]); end % Write to MySQL database % Replace line if already existing or issue warning message sqlquery = ['SELECT CT_id FROM CT WHERE shoulder_id IN (SELECT shoulder_id FROM sCase WHERE folder_name = "' caseID{i} '")']; curs = exec(conn,sqlquery); if ~isempty(curs.Message) fprintf('\nMessage: %s\n', curs.Message); end curs=fetch(curs); sqlresult = curs.Data; if isnumeric(sqlresult{1}) SS_atrophy = sum([muscles_results(i).SS(:).Satrophy])/sum([muscles_results(i).SS(:).Stot]); SS_infiltration = sum([muscles_results(i).SS(:).Sinfiltration])/sum([muscles_results(i).SS(:).Stot]); SS_osteochondroma = sum([muscles_results(i).SS(:).Sosteochondroma])/sum([muscles_results(i).SS(:).Stot]); SS_degeneration = (sum([muscles_results(i).SS(:).Stot]) - sum([muscles_results(i).SS(:).Sdegeneration]))/sum([muscles_results(i).SS(:).Stot]); IS_atrophy = sum([muscles_results(i).IS(:).Satrophy])/sum([muscles_results(i).IS(:).Stot]); IS_infiltration = sum([muscles_results(i).IS(:).Sinfiltration])/sum([muscles_results(i).IS(:).Stot]); IS_osteochondroma = sum([muscles_results(i).IS(:).Sosteochondroma])/sum([muscles_results(i).IS(:).Stot]); IS_degeneration = (sum([muscles_results(i).IS(:).Stot]) - sum([muscles_results(i).IS(:).Sdegeneration]))/sum([muscles_results(i).IS(:).Stot]); SC_atrophy = sum([muscles_results(i).SC(:).Satrophy])/sum([muscles_results(i).SC(:).Stot]); SC_infiltration = sum([muscles_results(i).SC(:).Sinfiltration])/sum([muscles_results(i).SC(:).Stot]); SC_osteochondroma = sum([muscles_results(i).SC(:).Sosteochondroma])/sum([muscles_results(i).SC(:).Stot]); SC_degeneration = (sum([muscles_results(i).SC(:).Stot]) - sum([muscles_results(i).SC(:).Sdegeneration]))/sum([muscles_results(i).SC(:).Stot]); TM_atrophy = sum([muscles_results(i).TM(:).Satrophy])/sum([muscles_results(i).TM(:).Stot]); TM_infiltration = sum([muscles_results(i).TM(:).Sinfiltration])/sum([muscles_results(i).TM(:).Stot]); TM_osteochondroma = sum([muscles_results(i).TM(:).Sosteochondroma])/sum([muscles_results(i).TM(:).Stot]); TM_degeneration = (sum([muscles_results(i).TM(:).Stot]) - sum([muscles_results(i).TM(:).Sdegeneration]))/sum([muscles_results(i).TM(:).Stot]); % Update data in table 'muscle' data = {sqlresult{1} SS_atrophy SS_infiltration SS_osteochondroma SS_degeneration IS_atrophy IS_infiltration IS_osteochondroma IS_degeneration SC_atrophy SC_infiltration SC_osteochondroma SC_degeneration TM_atrophy TM_infiltration TM_osteochondroma TM_degeneration}; fieldNames = {'CT_id','SSA','SSI','SSO','SSD','ISA','ISI','ISO','ISD','SCA','SCI','SCO','SCD', 'TMA', 'TMI', 'TMO', 'TMD'}; upsert(conn, 'muscle', fieldNames, [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0], data); else error(['No entry for caseID ' caseID{i} ' was found in the ' conn.Instance ' MySQL database.']); end else error(['"muscles" folder missing for CaseID: ' caseID{i}]); end end end diff --git a/muscles/muscleContours.m b/muscles/muscleContours.m index 0e4fdcd..e4e18f8 100644 --- a/muscles/muscleContours.m +++ b/muscles/muscleContours.m @@ -1,148 +1,148 @@ %% muscleContours % This script allows to select the contours on Tiff images of the four % cuff rotator muscles: Supraspinatus (SS), Infraspinatus (IS), Subscapularis (SC) % and Teres Minor (TM). % % INPUT: % subject: ### subject number % type: 'normal' or 'pathologic' % Author: EPFL-LBO % Date: 2016-09-05 %% function [] = muscleContours(subject,type) directory = '../../../data'; % Location of the CT database location = 'P'; -CTn = sprintf('P%03d',subject); +CTn = sprintf('P%03d',subject) -listDirInCurrDir = dir([directory '/' CTn(1) '/' CTn(2) '/' CTn(3)]); +listDirInCurrDir = dir([directory '/' CTn(1) '/' CTn(2) '/' CTn(3)]) listDirInCurrDir = listDirInCurrDir(3:end); for i=1:length(listDirInCurrDir) if ~isempty(regexp(listDirInCurrDir(i).name,['^[PN]\d{0,2}[' CTn(4) '][-]\w*'], 'once')) listDirInCaseFolder = dir([listDirInCurrDir(i).folder '\' listDirInCurrDir(i).name]); listDirInCaseFolder = listDirInCaseFolder(3:end); % In all CT folders in the current Case Folder, find CT #1 for j=1:length(listDirInCaseFolder) if ~isempty(regexp(listDirInCaseFolder(j).name,'^[C][T][-][PN]\d{1,3}[-]\d*[-][1]', 'once')) outputPath = [listDirInCaseFolder(j).folder '\' listDirInCaseFolder(j).name]; end end end end pathologic_list = dir(sprintf('%s/%s/P*', directory, location)); %Create the case list for i = 1:1:numel(pathologic_list) % Loop over the list of patients and extract the complete name of the specific patient name = pathologic_list(i).name; t = strfind(name,CTn); if t == 1; patient_name = name; end end finaldirectory = [outputPath '\amira\*tif']; muscleName = cellstr(['SS';'IS';'SC';'TM']); close all; % Close all figure windows except those created by imtool. imtool close all; % Close all figure windows created by imtool. workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing. fontSize = 16; imageWindow = [-100 200]; % Choose file [inputFile, inputPath] = uigetfile(finaldirectory,'Select the image for muscle atrophy measurement'); whereisp = strfind(inputFile, 'P'); if isempty(whereisp) whereisp = strfind(inputFile, 'N'); if isempty(whereisp) return end end subject = inputFile(whereisp:whereisp+3); % Read gray scale image. inputImage = imread(sprintf('%s%s',inputPath,inputFile)); if size(inputImage,3) == 3 % Calculate the monochrome luminance by combining the RGB values according to the NTSC standard inputImage = 0.2989*inputImage(:,:,1)... +0.5870*inputImage(:,:,2)... +0.1140*inputImage(:,:,3); end for i=1:4; finished = 'Redo'; while strcmp('Redo',finished) msg = 0; % 0 = no message % clc; % Clear command window. close all; % Close all figure windows except those created by imtool. imtool close all; % Close all figure windows created by imtool. imshow(inputImage,imageWindow); imagetitle = sprintf('Select %s ideal section', char(muscleName(i))); title(imagetitle, 'FontSize', fontSize); set(gcf, 'Position', get(0,'Screensize')); % Maximize figure. if msg == 1 message = sprintf('Select the ideal section of your muscle in the image. \nLeft click to place points and draw a polygon. Click again on the first point to close the shape.\nYou can move the points once the line is closed. Double-click or right-click and "Create Mask" to finish.'); msg = 0; uiwait(msgbox(message)); end binaryImage1 = roipoly(); if isempty(binaryImage1) error('Invalid selection or interface closed') end binaryImage1 = bwmorph(binaryImage1,'majority'); % Get coordinates of the boundary of the polygonal drawn region. structBoundaries1 = bwboundaries(binaryImage1); xy1 = structBoundaries1{1}; % Get n by 2 array of x,y coordinates. x1 = xy1(:, 2); % Columns. y1 = xy1(:, 1); % Rows. hold on plot(x1, y1, 'color','green'); % check contours finished = questdlg('Please verify the contours. Press "Save" if they are satisfactory or "Redo" if you would like to redo the selection. ',... 'Contour verification','Save','Redo','Save'); end %% Report results % mkdir('./results',subject); if exist([outputPath '\muscles'],'dir') == 0 mkdir(outputPath,'muscles'); end outputPath2 = [outputPath '\muscles\' char(muscleName(i)) '\']; mkdir(outputPath2); outputFile = sprintf('ssContours%s',subject); % Check for overwriting overwrite = exist(sprintf('%s%s.mat',outputPath2,outputFile), 'file'); switch overwrite case 2 isoverwrite = questdlg('Overwrite existing file ?', 'Warning', 'No', 'Yes', 'No'); switch isoverwrite case 'Yes' save(sprintf('%s%s.mat',outputPath2,outputFile), 'inputImage','binaryImage1') saveas(gcf,sprintf('%s%s.tif',outputPath2,outputFile)) fprintf('%s%s.mat\n%s%s.tif\n',outputPath2,outputFile,outputPath2,outputFile); end case 0 save(sprintf('%s%s.mat',outputPath2,outputFile), 'inputImage','binaryImage1') saveas(gcf,sprintf('%s%s.tif',outputPath2,outputFile)) fprintf('%s%s.mat\n%s%s.tif\n',outputPath2,outputFile,outputPath2,outputFile); end end close all; end \ No newline at end of file