diff --git a/ShoulderCase/@MusclesContainer/createRotatorCuffSlices.m b/ShoulderCase/@MusclesContainer/createRotatorCuffSlicesMatthieu.m similarity index 74% rename from ShoulderCase/@MusclesContainer/createRotatorCuffSlices.m rename to ShoulderCase/@MusclesContainer/createRotatorCuffSlicesMatthieu.m index c070d43..45fc3b0 100644 --- a/ShoulderCase/@MusclesContainer/createRotatorCuffSlices.m +++ b/ShoulderCase/@MusclesContainer/createRotatorCuffSlicesMatthieu.m @@ -1,73 +1,87 @@ -function createRotatorCuffSlices(obj,sliceName) +function createRotatorCuffSlicesMatthieu(obj,sliceName) + % This function and its results might be reffered as + % Matthieu algorithm and Matthieu slices in some studies. + % + % This method has been written to simplify, improve, and make reusable + % the Nathan's slicing algorithm written in createRotatorCuffSlicesNathan(). + % This means: + % - taking advantage of the MATLAB obliqueslice() method wich wasn't available + % when Nathan's algorithm has been written. + % - encapsulating the slicing data and methods in a DicomVolumeSlicer object. + % - being able to orient a slice according to dicom points coordinates. + % - being able to crop the slice according to dicom points coordinates + % and cropping dimensions given in the dicom set units. + % % Images and pixel spacings are saved at: % shoulder/dataDev/*/*/*/SCase-IPP/CT-SCase-IPP/matlab/shoulder/muscles/oblique_slice/ + assert(not(obj.shoulder.scapula.coordSys.isEmpty),'Scapula coordinate system not measured.'); [imageForSegmentation,imageForMeasurements,imagesPixelSpacings] = getSlices(obj); saveImages(obj,imageForSegmentation,imageForMeasurements,sliceName); saveImagesPixelSpacings(obj,imagesPixelSpacings,sliceName); end function [slice8Bit,slice16Bit,slicesPixelSpacings] = getSlices(obj) SCase = obj.shoulder.SCase; scapula = obj.shoulder.scapula; path = SCase.dataDicomPath; try rotatorCuffSlicer = DicomVolumeSlicer(SCase.getSmoothDicomPath); catch rotatorCuffSlicer = DicomVolumeSlicer(SCase.dataDicomPath); end % The 3D volume must be normalised for the slices not to be distorted rotatorCuffSlicer.setMinimalResolutionDividedBy(2); rotatorCuffSlicer.normaliseVolume; rotatorCuffSlicer.slice(scapula.coordSys.origin,scapula.coordSys.ML); % The following lines set the slice to display a 300x300 mm area around the % scapula with the "Y" shape of the scapula oriented up rotatorCuffSlicer.orientSliceUpwardVector(scapula.coordSys.origin,scapula.coordSys.IS); rotatorCuffSlicer.crop(scapula.coordSys.origin-100*scapula.coordSys.IS,300,300); % Rotator cuff segmentation code requires 1024x1024 pixels images if size(rotatorCuffSlicer.sliced,1) > size(rotatorCuffSlicer.sliced,2) rotatorCuffSlicer.resize([1024 nan]); else rotatorCuffSlicer.resize([nan 1024]); end rotatorCuffSlicer.addEmptyBackgroundToSlice(1024,1024); rawSlice = rotatorCuffSlicer.sliced; rotatorCuffSlicer.rescaleSliceToUint8; slice8Bit = rotatorCuffSlicer.sliced; rotatorCuffSlicer.sliced = rawSlice; rotatorCuffSlicer.rescaleSliceToInt16; slice16Bit = rotatorCuffSlicer.sliced; % Flip the slices for right and left shoulders to give similar slices if obj.shoulder.side=='L' slice8Bit=rot90(flipud(slice8Bit),2); slice16Bit=rot90(flipud(slice16Bit),2); end slicesPixelSpacings = rotatorCuffSlicer.slicedPixelSpacings; end function saveImages(obj,imageForSegmentation,imageForMeasurements,sliceName) imwrite(imageForSegmentation,... fullfile(obj.slicesDataPath,[sliceName '_ForSegmentation.png'])); save(fullfile(obj.slicesDataPath,[sliceName '_ForMeasurements.mat']),... 'imageForMeasurements'); end function saveImagesPixelSpacings(obj,imagesPixelSpacings,sliceName) save(fullfile(obj.slicesDataPath,[sliceName '_PixelSpacings.mat']),... 'imagesPixelSpacings'); end diff --git a/ShoulderCase/@MusclesContainer/createRotatorCuffSlicesOld.m b/ShoulderCase/@MusclesContainer/createRotatorCuffSlicesNathan.m similarity index 96% rename from ShoulderCase/@MusclesContainer/createRotatorCuffSlicesOld.m rename to ShoulderCase/@MusclesContainer/createRotatorCuffSlicesNathan.m index 11d95fb..f760886 100644 --- a/ShoulderCase/@MusclesContainer/createRotatorCuffSlicesOld.m +++ b/ShoulderCase/@MusclesContainer/createRotatorCuffSlicesNathan.m @@ -1,372 +1,373 @@ -function createRotatorCuffSlicesOld(obj,sliceName) - %METHOD1 - +function createRotatorCuffSlicesNathan(obj,sliceName) + % This function and its results might be reffered as + % Nathan algorithm and Nathan slices in some studies. + % %One needs to create two empty files in the current directory : %data_degenerescence.mat (a table) and Didnotwork.mat (a %string) - + % % This script calculates the degeneration of the 4 muscles % of the rotator cuff : SS, SC, IS, TM. It is composed of four % different steps : % - Load CT images (DICOM files) in order to create a 3D matrix % consituted with HU (Hounsfield unit) values % - Create a slice of this 3D matrix along a patient-specific % plane. Do image processing and set saving format usable by % automatic segmentation code (Python's code from ARTORG team % (UNIBE)) % - Execute automatic segmentation code on the new created % images % - Apply degeneration code (from Laboratoire de biom�canique % orthop�dique (EPFL)) on new images with automatic % segmentation and on image with manual segmentation (from CHUV % radiologist). Save degeneration values under the "muscles" % properties of each case in the LBO database - + % % Some "try-catch" are present in order to catch the errors % while keeping running the script on the rest of the database. % They are summarized underneath : % (DicomReadVolume) : do not manage to load the dicoms % Nothing : Automatic segmentation does not work (generally for TM) % * : slice function does not work % ** : does not want to crop image % *** : black image, don't want to save png % Main code starts here ! %% Load dicom SCase = obj.shoulder.SCase; dataCTPath = SCase.dataCTPath; % Create "muscles" folder (and its 4 subfolders) if it does not exist folder_muscle=[dataCTPath '/muscles']; if isfolder(folder_muscle) else mkdir(dataCTPath,'muscles'); mkdir(folder_muscle,'IS'); mkdir(folder_muscle,'SS'); mkdir(folder_muscle,'SC'); mkdir(folder_muscle,'TM'); end % Use folder "CT-2" (smoothed kernel) if it exists dataCTPath2=dataCTPath; dataCTPath2(1,end)='2'; if isfolder(dataCTPath2) dataCTPath0=dataCTPath2; else dataCTPath0=dataCTPath; end dicomFolder = [dataCTPath0 '/dicom']; %Extract the images as a 4D matrix where spatial is the %positions of the Pixels in the CT coordinate system % Return the case's number if it does not manage to load the DICOM files try [V,spatial,dim] = dicomreadVolume(dicomFolder); catch outputArg=1; fprintf(logFileID, '\n| ERROR: dicomreadVolume()'); return; end %V needs to be 3D matrix containing the value in HU of the %corresponding voxel V = squeeze(V) ; %Read the information from the middle dicom image (all image %informations are the same for all dicom files) to avoid a problem %if other files are located at the beginning or end of the %folder dicomList = dir(dicomFolder) ; size_list = size(dicomList) ; dicom_information = dicominfo([dicomFolder '/' dicomList(round(size_list(1)/2)).name]); %Take into account that the data will need to be linearly transformed %from stored space to memory to come back to true HU units afterwards: Rescale_slope = dicom_information.RescaleSlope; Rescale_intercept = dicom_information.RescaleIntercept; %Convert to double type to be able to multiply it with a int64 %matrix afterwards V = double(V); % To filter hard kernel images % if isfolder(dataCTPath2) % else % V = imgaussfilt3(V,1) ; % end size_V = size(V); %Extract position of each first pixel of each image (upper left corner) PatientPositions = spatial.PatientPositions ; %Get the distance between each pixel in neighboring rows and %columns PixelSpacings = spatial.PixelSpacings; % Get local coordinate system from parent scapula object(glenoid center) origin = obj.shoulder.scapula.coordSys.origin; % do not mix up with origin_image, "origin" is the origin of the Scapula Coordinate System xAxis = obj.shoulder.scapula.coordSys.PA; yAxis = obj.shoulder.scapula.coordSys.IS; zAxis = obj.shoulder.scapula.coordSys.ML; %% Slice from the CT data set %Get the position of the upper left pixel of the first image %and calculate the position of each pixel in the x,y %and z direction starting from the "origin" pixel origin_image = PatientPositions(1,:); % coordinates of the first pixel x_max = origin_image(1)+PixelSpacings(1,1)*(size_V(1)-1); y_max = origin_image(2)+PixelSpacings(1,2)*(size_V(2)-1); z_max = PatientPositions(end,3); %Calculate the coefficient of the linear transformation (CT-scan %coordinate system (x,y,z) to images coordinates system (i,j,k)) coefficients_i = polyfit([1 size_V(1)],[origin_image(1) , x_max],1); a_i = coefficients_i(1); b_i = coefficients_i(2); coefficients_j = polyfit([1 size_V(2)],[origin_image(2) , y_max],1); a_j = coefficients_j(1); b_j = coefficients_j(2); coefficients_k = polyfit([1 size_V(3)],[origin_image(3) , z_max],1); a_k = coefficients_k(1); b_k = coefficients_k(2); Pixel_pos_x=(1:size_V(1))*a_i+b_i; % Create the position vector along x-axis Pixel_pos_y=(1:size_V(2))*a_j+b_j; Pixel_pos_z=(1:size_V(3))*a_k+b_k; PixSize_z=(z_max-origin_image(3))/(size_V(3)-1); % Space between 2 slices % The oblique slice to be created is perpendicular to the z % axis of the scapula CS and passes through the origin point. % We will apply the matlab function "slice", to create the % oblique slice. One must first create a slice parallel to 2 % system's axis. Here we take a plane parallel to the (x,y) % plane, passing through the point "origin". Then, we need to % rotate this plane so that it becomes normal to the zAxis. V1 % is the vector normal to the horizontal slice and v2 the % vector normal to the final oblique slice, parallel to the % zAxis. We need to rotate around a vector v3 and from an angle % given by "vrrotvec(v1,v2)". v1=[0,0,1]; v2=zAxis/norm(zAxis); rotation_info=vrrotvec(v1,v2); v3=rotation_info(1:3); theta=rotation_info(4)/pi*180; % Convert it in degrees % Create the plane to be rotated [x,y,z] = meshgrid(Pixel_pos_x,Pixel_pos_y,Pixel_pos_z); s=1000; % Extension factor of the slice in order to cut the whole matrix.Set arbitrarily but sufficiently big so that it works for every patient Pixel_pos_x_enlarged=[origin_image(1)+(-PixelSpacings(1,1)*s:PixelSpacings(1,1):-PixelSpacings(1,1)) Pixel_pos_x x_max+(PixelSpacings(1,1):PixelSpacings(1,1):PixelSpacings(1,1)*s)]; % Create the position vector along x-axis, long enough to fill the diagonal Pixel_pos_y_enlarged=[origin_image(2)+(-PixelSpacings(1,2)*s:PixelSpacings(1,2):-PixelSpacings(1,2)) Pixel_pos_y y_max+(PixelSpacings(1,2):PixelSpacings(1,2):PixelSpacings(1,2)*s)]; figure('visible','off'); hsp = surf(Pixel_pos_x_enlarged,Pixel_pos_y_enlarged,origin(3)*ones(length(Pixel_pos_y_enlarged),length((Pixel_pos_x_enlarged)))); rotate(hsp,v3,theta,origin); xd_0 = hsp.XData; % x-coordinates of the plane's points yd_0 = hsp.YData; % y-coordinates of the plane's points zd_0 = hsp.ZData; % z-coordinates of the plane's points % Slice the 3D matrix of CT-scan try % Return case's number in case slice does not work figure('visible','off'); hss=slice(x,y,z,V,xd_0,yd_0,zd_0,'Linear'); % Linear interpolation by default. 'Cubic' or 'Nearest' catch outputArg=2; fprintf(logFileID,'\n| ERROR: slice()'); return end HU_0 = get(hss,'CData'); % HU values at each point of the plane NaNplaces_0=find(isnan(HU_0)); HU_1=HU_0*Rescale_slope+Rescale_intercept; % getting true HU values p_0=10e6; % value outside 3D matrix, set to a high distinguishable number HU_1(NaNplaces_0)=p_0; % If it's a right shoulder or left one, has to be turned in a % particular way if obj.shoulder.side=='R' HU_1=flipud(HU_1'); else HU_1=HU_1'; end % Find the new pixel's sizes necessary to obtain a 1024*1024 % shoulder slice. The largest diagonal's length is set to 1024 % pixels [left_1,left_2]=find(HU_1~=p_0,1); left_r=left_1; left_c=left_2; [right_1,right_2]=find(rot90(HU_1,2)~=p_0,1); right_r=right_1; right_c=size(HU_1,2)-right_2+1; [up_1,up_2]=find(rot90(HU_1)~=p_0,1); up_c=size(HU_1)-up_1+1; up_r=up_2; [down_1,down_2]=find(rot90(HU_1,3)~=p_0,1); down_r=size(HU_1,1)-down_2+1; down_c=down_1; % In case the slice does not cut the whole matrix (which % normally never happens), ask to double "s" parameter if or(or(right_c==size(HU_1,2),left_c==1),or(up_r==1,down_r==size(HU_1,1))) fprintf(logFileID,'\n| ERROR: the slice doesn''t cut throughout the 3D CT-matrix'); outputArg = 3; return end % Find which diagonal of the matrix' effective slice is the largest w=right_c-left_c; % width h=down_r-up_r; % height if h>w % Set the largest diagonal at 1024 pixels l=h; else l=w; end % Define new pixel's size NewPixSize_x=PixelSpacings(1,1)*l/1023; NewPixSize_y=PixelSpacings(1,2)*l/1023; % New plane with the new pixel's sizes Pixel_pos_x_enlarged_2=[origin_image(1)+(-NewPixSize_x*s:NewPixSize_x:-NewPixSize_x) origin_image(1):NewPixSize_x:x_max x_max+(NewPixSize_x:NewPixSize_x:NewPixSize_x*s)]; % Create the position vector along x-axis, long enough to fill the diagonal Pixel_pos_y_enlarged_2=[origin_image(2)+(-NewPixSize_y*s:NewPixSize_y:-NewPixSize_y) origin_image(2):NewPixSize_y:y_max y_max+(NewPixSize_y:NewPixSize_y:NewPixSize_y*s)]; figure('visible','off'); hsp2 = surf(Pixel_pos_x_enlarged_2,Pixel_pos_y_enlarged_2,origin(3)*ones(length(Pixel_pos_y_enlarged_2),length((Pixel_pos_x_enlarged_2)))); rotate(hsp2,v3,theta,origin); xd = hsp2.XData; % x-coordinates of the rotated plane's points. yd = hsp2.YData; % y-coordinates of the rotated plane's points. zd = hsp2.ZData; % z-coordinates of the rotated plane's points. % New slice with the good resolution (1024*1024) figure('visible','off'); hss=slice(x,y,z,V,xd,yd,zd,'Linear'); % Linear interpolation by default. 'Cubic' or 'Nearest' HU_2 = get(hss,'CData'); % HU values at each point of the plane NaNplaces=find(isnan(HU_2)); HU_slice=HU_2*Rescale_slope+Rescale_intercept; HU_slice_8_bit=HU_slice; p_tif=0; % value outside 3D matrix, for the tif image p_png=85; % for the png image HU_slice(NaNplaces)=p_tif; % Scaling to fit the training set (for the png only, grayscale) HU_interval_png=[-100 160]; lin_coef=[HU_interval_png(1) 1 ; HU_interval_png(2) 1]^(-1)*[0 255]'; HU_slice_8_bit=lin_coef(1)*HU_slice_8_bit+lin_coef(2); HU_slice_8_bit(NaNplaces)=p_png; % If it a right shoulder or left one, has to be turned in a % particular way if obj.shoulder.side=='R' HU_slice=flipud(HU_slice'); HU_slice_8_bit=flipud(HU_slice_8_bit'); else HU_slice=HU_slice'; HU_slice_8_bit=HU_slice_8_bit'; end % Determine the location of the 4 corners of the slice [left_1,left_2]=find(HU_slice~=p_tif,1); left_r=left_1; left_c=left_2; [right_1,right_2]=find(rot90(HU_slice,2)~=p_tif,1); right_r=right_1; right_c=size(HU_slice,2)-right_2+1; [up_1,up_2]=find(rot90(HU_slice)~=p_tif,1); up_c=size(HU_slice,2)-up_1+1; up_r=up_2; [down_1,down_2]=find(rot90(HU_slice,3)~=p_tif,1); down_r=size(HU_slice,1)-down_2+1; down_c=down_1; Folder=[dataCTPath '/matlab']; % Crop the image try % If cropping does not work, return case's number HU_slice=HU_slice(up_r:up_r+1023,left_c:left_c+1023); HU_slice_8_bit=HU_slice_8_bit(up_r:up_r+1023,left_c:left_c+1023); HU_slice=int16(HU_slice); % convert into 16-bit catch fprintf(logFileID,'\n| ERROR: crop'); outputArg=4; return end % Create '.tif' file file_name_tif=[SCase.id '.tif']; t = Tiff(fullfile(Folder,file_name_tif),'w'); setTag(t,'Photometric',Tiff.Photometric.MinIsBlack); setTag(t,'Compression',Tiff.Compression.None); setTag(t,'BitsPerSample',16); setTag(t,'SamplesPerPixel',1); setTag(t,'ImageLength',1024); setTag(t,'ImageWidth',1024); setTag(t,'PlanarConfiguration',Tiff.PlanarConfiguration.Chunky); setTag(t,'SampleFormat',Tiff.SampleFormat.Int); write(t,HU_slice); close(t); % Create 8 bit '.png' file and save it at the right places % (matlab folder and python's input folder) file_name_png=[SCase.id '.png']; HU_slice_8_bit=uint8(HU_slice_8_bit); figure('visible','off'); image(HU_slice_8_bit); colormap(gray(256)); try % return case's number if does not manage to write png in the "matlab" folder because it is a black image imwrite(HU_slice_8_bit,[Folder '/' file_name_png]); catch fprintf(logFileID,'\n| ERROR: black image'); outputArg=5; return end pythonDir = ConfigFileExtractor.getVariable('pythonDir'); Folder_input_py= [pythonDir '/input']; imwrite(HU_slice_8_bit,[Folder_input_py '/' file_name_png]); % write png file in the python input folder % imwrite(HU_slice_8_bit,['./rcseg/' file_name_png]); % write png file in local /rceg folder % Create .txt file with pixel dimensions file_name_info=[SCase.id '.info']; text1='# Amira Stacked Slices' ; text2=['pixelsize ', num2str(NewPixSize_x),' ',num2str(NewPixSize_y)]; fileID = fopen([Folder '/' file_name_info],'w'); fprintf(fileID,'%s\r\n\r\n',text1); fprintf(fileID,'%s\n',text2); fclose(fileID); close all; imwrite(HU_slice_8_bit,fullfile(obj.slicesDataPath,[sliceName '_ForSegmentation.png'])); imageForMeasurements = HU_slice; save(fullfile(obj.slicesDataPath,[sliceName '_ForMeasurements.mat']),'imageForMeasurements'); imagesPixelSpacings = [NewPixSize_x NewPixSize_y]; save(fullfile(obj.slicesDataPath,[sliceName '_PixelSpacings.mat']),'imagesPixelSpacings'); end