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Co-activation pattern (CAP) analysis is a frame-wise analytical approach that disentangles the different functional brain networks that interact with a user-defined seed region. While fruitful applications in various clinical settings have been demonstrated, there is not yet any centralised, publicly accessible resource to facilitate the deployment of the technique. Here, we release a working version of a toolbox for CAP analysis, which includes all steps of the analytical pipeline, introduces new methodological developments that build on already existing concepts, and enables a facilitated inspection of CAPs and resulting metrics of brain dynamics. Our toolbox can be downloaded at \url{https://c4science.ch/source/CAP_Toolbox.git}. In addition, to illustrate the usefulness of our pipeline, we describe an application to the study of human cognition. CAPs are constructed from a right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex seed, and in a separate subject population with matched fMRI volumes, we successfully (R=0.59) predict a behavioural measure of continuous attentional performance from metrics characterising CAP dynamics. \end{abstract} \begin{keyword} dynamic functional connectivity \sep frame-wise analysis \sep co-activation pattern analysis \sep task-positive network \sep attention \sep continuous performance \sep toolbox \end{keyword} \end{frontmatter} %%%% Introduction \section{Introduction} Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has enabled to track temporal changes in activity levels at the whole-brain scale by means of the blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) contrast, a proxy for neural activation~\citep{Logothetis2001}. In addition to more traditional task-based studies in which BOLD changes are mapped to a paradigm of interest~\citep{Friston1994}, the characterisation of statistical interdependence between remote brain locations (termed \textit{functional connectivity}~\citep{Friston1994b}) in the resting-state, and the concomitant definition of large-scale \textit{resting-state brain networks} (RSNs), has been a popular endeavour~\citep{Biswal1995,Fox2005,Damoiseaux2006,Power2011}, with great benefits for the understanding of cognition and disease~\citep{VanDenHeuvel2010,Greicius2008,Fox2010}. Over the past years, it has become increasingly appreciated that cross-regional relationships do not remain static over the course of a full scanning session~\citep{Chang2010}: instead, a given area rearranges its interactions along time, in ways that have been addressed with very diverse analytical tools (see~\citet{Preti2017} for an exhaustive review of the \textit{dynamic functional connectivity} field). In one family of approaches that has been developed, it is assumed that only few salient time points contain the information of interest that shapes whole-brain correlational relationships; selecting only these frames, by means of a seed-based thresholding process, already enables to derive accurate RSN maps, even if as little as 10\% of data points is retained~\citep{Tagliazucchi2012b}. The analysis then moves from a second-order correlation-based characterisation to a first-order activation viewpoint, and reduces computational load, a desirable feat in light of the numerous large-scale acquisition initiatives embraced by the fMRI community~\citep{VanEssen2013,Nooner2012,Holmes2015}. Building on this point-process analysis concept, and inspired by the dynamic viewpoint on resting-state brain function,~\citet{Liu2013} hypothesised that at different moments in time, the seed region of interest would display distinct interactions with the rest of the brain. A k-means clustering step was thus appended to frame selection, so that fMRI volumes with a large enough seed activity would be partitioned into a limited set of \textit{co-activation patterns} (CAPs). Since then, co-activation pattern analysis has started to gain momentum as a potent tool to reveal functional brain dynamics subtleties: analyses taking the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) as a seed revealed alterations of spatial intensity level and occurrence in specific CAPs~\cite{Amico2014,DiPerri2018}, while in adolescent depression,~\citet{Kaiser2019} showed that the time spent in a specific frontoinsular-default network CAP positively correlated with symptoms severity. CAP analysis also enabled to track the renormalisation of CAP occurrences in patients with essential tremor following surgical intervention~\citep{Tuleasca2019}. In parallel to clinical applications, the technical details of the approach have also been addressed, in terms of retaining activation versus deactivation time points~\citep{Di2013}, extending the approach to the whole brain~\citep{Liu2013b}, designing novel metrics of interest~\citep{Chen2015}, or constraining the extent of spatial overlap across CAPs~\citep{Zhuang2018}. For more details, the reader is pointed at the recent review of~\citet{Liu2018}. Here, we wish to further foster the development of CAP analysis by releasing a dedicated toolbox, which enables to easily navigate through the steps of the analytical pipeline through a graphical user interface, and also offers additional technical developments regarding frame selection and metrics computation. While the mathematical underpinnings of CAP analysis are relatively straightforward, we hope that providing such a resource will encourage practitioners to embrace the method. Further, to exemplify the use of our toolbox, we also describe an application of CAP analysis in the yet unaddressed setting of predicting cognitive skills: in a battery of healthy individuals, we show that continuous performance in a visual attention and vigilance task correlates with the expression profile of task-positive network (TPN) CAPs. %%%% Materials and Methods \section{Materials and Methods} \subsection{Co-activation pattern analysis theory} Let us consider the data matrix $\mathbf{X_s}\in \mathbb{R}^{V \times T}$ for subject $s$, where $V$ is the number of voxels to consider in the analysis and $T$ the number of time points. Each voxel-wise time course is temporally z-scored, so that $\mu_i=\frac{\sum_{t=1}^{T}X_{s}(i,t)}{T}=0$ and $\sigma_i=\sqrt{\frac{\sum_{t=1}^{T}(X_{s}(i,t)-\mu_i)^2}{T-1}}=1$ for all $i=1,2,\cdots,V$. Co-activation pattern analysis requires the definition of a seed region, whose interactions with the rest of the brain will be probed. Formally, a set of voxels $\mathcal{S}$ that one wishes to consider is specified, and a time point $t$ of the seed activation time course is then given by: \begin{equation*} S_{s}(t) = \frac{\sum_i\in\mathcal{S} X_{s}(i,t)}{|\mathcal{S}|}\quad\text{for all}\quad t\in 1,2,\cdots,T. \end{equation*} Only time points when the seed time course takes sufficiently extreme values (denoting significant seed (de)activation) are considered. Let the activation threshold $T$; we then construct the set $\mathcal{T}_s$ of time points that satisfy $S_{s}(t)>T$ (if we wish to consider solely activation moments) or $S_{s}(t)