get_tpm_local <- function(countTable, org='hg19', exonic_lengths_path=NULL, redownload_exons=FALSE) { ## Description: computes TPM from a count table ## Para: -countTable: table with ensembl gene IDs as row names, sample IDs as columns #- org: organism (defaults to 'hg19') #- exonic_lengths_path: path to where computed exonic lengths are stored, to avoid recomputing them everytime #- redownload_exons: forces the download and computation of exon lengths from scratch # Defensive programming stopifnot(is.matrix(countTable)) if(is.null(exonic_lengths_path)) { exonic_lengths_path = paste0('../data/temp/', org, '_exon_lengths.RDS') } # checking for the existence of a previously generated exon_length vector if(!dir.exists(dirname(exonic_lengths_path))){ dir.create(dirname(exonic_lengths_path), showWarnings = FALSE) } exonic_lengths = NULL if(!file.exists(exonic_lengths_path) | redownload_exons) { file.remove(exonic_lengths_path, showWarnings = FALSE) exonic_lengths = get_exonic_lengths(org) saveRDS(exonic_lengths, exonic_lengths_path) } else { exonic_lengths = readRDS(exonic_lengths_path) } # normalizing to TPM # filtering of genes present in the countTable is done at this stage, therefore the full table should be stored somewhere. exonic_lengths_filtered <- exonic_lengths[rownames(countTable)] print(head(exonic_lengths_filtered)) # normalizing for gene length length_norm <- countTable / exonic_lengths_filtered # normalizing for library size ans <- t(t(length_norm)/colSums(length_norm)) * 1e6 # see return(ans) }