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Mon, Feb 24, 05:25


library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;
entity aead_controller is
port (clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
core_done : in std_logic;
last_block : in std_logic;
empty_ad : in std_logic;
empty_msg : in std_logic;
incomplete : in std_logic;
domain : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
core_reset : out std_logic;
lfsr : out std_logic_vector(55 downto 0);
tag_sel : out std_logic;
rho_sel : out std_logic;
tweak_sel : out std_logic;
state_sel : out std_logic;
tag_clk_en : out std_logic;
read_block : out std_logic;
cipher_ready : out std_logic;
tag_ready : out std_logic;
aead_done : out std_logic
architecture behaviour of aead_controller is
constant LFSR_ZERO : std_logic_vector(55 downto 0) := X"00000000000001";
constant LFSR_ONE : std_logic_vector(55 downto 0) := X"00000000000002";
signal lfsr_p, lfsr_plus_one, lfsr_n : std_logic_vector(55 downto 0);
signal first_block_p, first_block_n : boolean;
signal core_reset_n : std_logic;
signal state_p, state_n : FSM_State;
lfsr <= lfsr_p;
domain(0) <= '1' when (incomplete = '1' or empty_msg = '1') and state_p = MSG_NONCE else '0';
domain(1) <= '1' when (incomplete = '1' or empty_ad = '1') and state_p = NONCE else '0';
domain(2) <= '1' when state_p = MSG or state_p = MSG_NONCE or state_p = TAG else '0';
domain(3) <= '1' when state_p = AD_ODD or state_p = AD_EVEN or state_p = NONCE else '0';
domain(4) <= '1' when state_p = NONCE or (state_p = MSG_NONCE and last_block = '1') else '0';
tag_sel <= '0' when state_p = AD_ODD or state_p = MSG else '1';
rho_sel <= '1' when state_p = TAG else '0';
tweak_sel <= '1' when state_p = AD_ODD or state_p = AD_EVEN else '0';
state_sel <= '0' when first_block_p else '1';
tag_clk_en <= '0' when state_p = AD_ODD or state_p = MSG or (core_done = '1' and (state_p = AD_EVEN or state_p = NONCE or state_p = MSG_NONCE)) else '1';
tag_ready <= '1' when state_p = TAG else '0';
cipher_ready <= '1' when state_p = MSG else '0';
read_block <= '1' when (state_p = INIT and empty_ad = '0') or (state_p = AD_ODD and last_block = '0') or (core_done = '1' and ((state_p = MSG_NONCE and last_block = '0') or (state_p = AD_EVEN and last_block = '0') or (state_p = NONCE and empty_msg ='0'))) else '0';
-- check again
aead_done <= '1' when state_p = TAG else '0';
lfsr_0 : entity WORK.lfsr56 port map(lfsr_p, lfsr_plus_one);
state_reg : process(clk, reset)
if reset = '0' then
state_p <= INIT;
core_reset <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
state_p <= state_n;
lfsr_p <= lfsr_n;
core_reset <= core_reset_n;
first_block_p <= first_block_n;
end if;
end process;
fsm : process(state_p, core_done, last_block, empty_ad, empty_msg, lfsr_p, lfsr_plus_one, first_block_p)
-- default
state_n <= state_p;
lfsr_n <= lfsr_p;
core_reset_n <= '1';
first_block_n <= first_block_p;
case state_p is
when INIT =>
first_block_n <= true;
lfsr_n <= LFSR_ZERO;
core_reset_n <= '0';
if empty_ad = '1' then
lfsr_n <= LFSR_ONE;
state_n <= NONCE;
state_n <= AD_ODD;
end if;
when AD_ODD =>
core_reset_n <= '0';
lfsr_n <= lfsr_plus_one;
state_n <= AD_EVEN;
first_block_n <= false;
if last_block = '1' then
state_n <= NONCE;
end if;
when AD_EVEN =>
if core_done = '1' then
lfsr_n <= lfsr_plus_one;
state_n <= AD_ODD;
if last_block = '1' then
core_reset_n <= '0';
state_n <= NONCE;
end if;
end if;
when NONCE =>
if core_done = '1' then
first_block_n <= false;
lfsr_n <= LFSR_ONE;
if empty_msg = '1' then
state_n <= MSG_NONCE;
core_reset_n <= '0';
state_n <= MSG;
end if;
end if;
when MSG =>
state_n <= MSG_NONCE;
core_reset_n <= '0';
when MSG_NONCE =>
if core_done = '1' then
lfsr_n <= lfsr_plus_one;
if last_block = '1' then
state_n <= TAG;
state_n <= MSG;
end if;
end if;
when TAG =>
state_n <= DONE;
when others => -- including DONE
state_n <= DONE;
end case;
end process;

Event Timeline