in this repository you can find some scripts for processing the CitySim output to run CIM. "canopy.dbx" is the executable for CIM and you have to download CitySim. The "" script read the VF and TS file from CitySim and creates a file with surface temperatures for each direction, the roof and the ground. The "" is the same as the surface temperature file but read the ET file instead. The "" uses the output from CIM to create a new CLI file for CitySim. The "" reads the standard CLI file used by CiySim to create a file used as input for CIM. The "" grasshopper script is run with Rhino and Grasshopper to create a file with width of the obstacles present in the scene for every 3m. You should use this output to create a file like the example given in "epfl_geo_char.dat" The "run-vDM.01-ECY" is a bash script that processes all the files and runs all the scripts needed to run a full CIM - CitySim simulation.