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% Template for Degree Programme in Computer Science and Engineering Diploma Thesis v1.3.2019
% Authors: Mika Korhonen (original author), Pekka Pietikäinen, Christian Wieser, Teemu Tokola, Juha Kylmänen, Tuomas Holmberg and Tuomas Varanka.
% If you have any issues or you have improvement ideas to this template, please contact
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, titlepage]{dithesis}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SET YOUR INFORMATION HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\title{Data extration on out-of-sample databases using semantic information from labels}
%Finnish title, not required for foreign students
\otsikko{Diplomityön teko-ohjeet}
\firstname{Nicolà Andreas}
\thesis{Master} % {Bachelor | Master}
\thesislanguage{english} % {finnish | english}
%Names of other authors can be added here
\infonametwo{Thesis supervisor at University of Oulu}
\infonamethree{Thesis supervisor from EPFL}
%Do not remove or comment the extra names if you do not need them, leave them empty instead
%\headertitlecap automatically creates headers with TitleCaps (Capitalizes the First Letter in Each Word) for H0, H2, and H3. Words not to be capitalized can be changed in di.sty
\maketitlepage %Create the title page
%If you are writing your thesis in Finnish you can change the order of abstract/tiivistelmä
%If you are a foreign student you can remove the Finnish abstract (tiivistelmä)
\contents %Insert table of contents
\chapter{Related work}
1) What datafiles are used
2) Data harmonization - "Rule based" mappings
3) Data harmonization - "Machine learning" approaches
- "pattern based" approaches (DNN, ...)
- "field specific" approaches
- Natural language understanding
4) Generation of generative databases
- Web crawl
5) Limitation - "static networks"
- online learning
- concept drift
\chapter{Setup and Experiments}

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