FEM-DEM coupling
Getting started
In this repository you will find the scripts and data referring to the paper "FEM-DEM bridging coupling for the modeling of gouge" (put doi once available).
This repository is composed of two main folders:
- The data folder, which is composed of:
- The elastic_properties folder, in which you will find the scripts and the data used to obtain the results presented in the section 3 of the paper.
- The coupling folder, in which you will find the scripts and the data used to obtain the results presented in the sections 4 and 5 of the paper.
Each sub folder contains its own README.md file.
- The notebook folder, in which you will find the main.ipynb file which allow the user to reproduce the plots of the paper.
The user will need python, lammps, paraview, and libmultiscale to properly launch all the scripts.
The version of libmultiscale used in the paper to launch the simulations is : fde0d490b83e9ff4c613322841408b733affa8a2
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