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This is a BlackDynamite project (Using Renku). The documentation for the philosophy of BlackDynamite can be found here.
Starting the project
The project description can be found in the file [bd.yaml](./bd.yaml). You certainly want to adapt it to your needs.
To help you get started a simple parametric space has been described (open [bd.yaml](./bd.yaml) to see it).
The study is attached with two scripts
- [launch.sh](./launch.sh) : an entry point
- [doIt.py](./doIt.py) : a real script that could be whatever you want
Creating the database and populate with jobs and runs
To create the database and populate for jobs (parametric space), you can do the following in a terminal:
sh createDB --truerun createJobs --truerun
To populate for runs you can do
sh createRuns.py --truerun --machine_name lsmspc35 --nproc 1 --run_name 1
Then you can observe the generated runs
sh getRunInfos
You can claim for information over the parametric space:
sh getRunInfo.py --infos param1,param2
Launching the execution of runs
To execute all runs in state CREATED you can do:
sh launchRuns --truerun
Then you can check for the completion of your jobs
sh getRunInfo.py
Postprocessing the data
This is usually done in python scripts such as [./notebooks/post_treatment.ipynb](./notebooks/post_treatment.ipynb)