# {{ name }} {% if __project_description__ %} {{ __project_description__ }} {% endif %} ## Introduction This is a Renku project with support for **Julia** - basically a git repository with some bells and whistles. You'll find we have already created some useful things like `data` and `notebooks` directories and a `Dockerfile`. ## Working with the project The simplest way to start your project is right from the Renku platform - just click on the `Sessions` tab and start a new session. This will start an interactive environment right in your browser. To work with the project anywhere outside the Renku platform, click the `Settings` tab where you will find the git repo URLs - use `git` to clone the project on whichever machine you want. ### Changing interactive environment dependencies Initially we install a very minimal set of packages to keep the images small. However, you can add Julia packages as you normally would: for example, you can start a Julia REPL on the Terminal and use the `pkg` mode, or you can use the `Pkg` API from within a Jupyter Notebook or Console. If a Julia package has python dependencies, you can add them by modifying `requirements.txt` or `environment.yml` (conda) If you need more fine-grained control over your environment, please see [the documentation](https://renku.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user/advanced_interfaces.html#dockerfile-modifications). ## Project configuration Project options can be found in `.renku/renku.ini`. In this project there is currently only one option, which specifies the default type of environment to open, in this case `/lab` for JupyterLab. You may also choose `/tree` to get to the "classic" Jupyter interface. ## Moving forward Once you feel at home with your project, we recommend that you replace this README file with your own project documentation! Happy data wrangling!