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Thu, Nov 14, 12:18
12 KB
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Sat, Nov 16, 12:18 (2 d)
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R1448 Lenstool-HPC
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* @Author Christoph Schaefer, EPFL (, Gilles Fourestey (
* @date July 2017
* @version 0,1
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
//#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <immintrin.h>
#include "structure_hpc.hpp"
#include "simd_math_avx512f.h"
#include "gradient.hpp"
//#include "iacaMarks.h"
#ifdef __AVX_512F__
struct point module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_8_SOA_AVX512(const struct point *pImage, const struct Potential_SOA *lens, const int nhalos)
struct point grad, clumpgrad;
grad.x = 0;
grad.y = 0;
// smearing the image coordinates on registers
__m512d image_x = _mm512_set1_pd(pImage->x);
__m512d image_y = _mm512_set1_pd(pImage->y);
__m512d __grad_x = _mm512_set1_pd(0.);
__m512d __grad_y = _mm512_set1_pd(0.);
int i;
#pragma unroll
for(i = 0; i < nhalos - nhalos%8; i = i + 8)
__m512d two = _mm512_set1_pd( 2. );
__m512d one = _mm512_set1_pd( 1. );
__m512d zero = _mm512_set1_pd( 0. );
__m512d half = _mm512_set1_pd( 0.5);
__m512d mhalf = _mm512_set1_pd(-0.5);
// 2 loads
__m512d true_coord_x = SUB(image_x, _mm512_loadu_pd(&lens->position_x[i]));
__m512d true_coord_y = SUB(image_y, _mm512_loadu_pd(&lens->position_y[i]));
// 2 loafs
__m512d rc = _mm512_loadu_pd(&lens->rcore[i]);
__m512d b0 = _mm512_loadu_pd(&lens->b0[i]);
// 2 loads
__m512d eps = _mm512_loadu_pd(&lens->ellipticity_potential[i]);
__m512d one_minus_eps = SUB(one, eps);
__m512d one_plus_eps = ADD(one, eps);
__m512d one_plus_eps_rcp = __INV(one_plus_eps);
// 1 load
__m512d theta = _mm512_loadu_pd(&lens->ellipticity_angle[i]);
/*positionning at the potential center*/
__m512d cos_theta = _mm512_cos_pd(theta);
__m512d sin_theta = _mm512_sin_pd(theta);
// rotation: 6 ops
__m512d x = ADD(_mm512_mul_pd(true_coord_x, cos_theta), _mm512_mul_pd(true_coord_y, sin_theta));
__m512d y = SUB(_mm512_mul_pd(true_coord_y, cos_theta), _mm512_mul_pd(true_coord_x, sin_theta));
__m512d sqe = __SQRT(eps);
__m512d cx1 = _mm512_mul_pd(one_minus_eps, one_plus_eps_rcp); // (1. - eps)/(1. + eps); 3 ops
//__m512d cx1 = one_minus_eps*one_plus_eps_rcp; // (1. - eps)/(1. + eps); 3 ops
__m512d cxro = MUL(one_plus_eps, one_plus_eps); // (1. + eps)*(1. + eps); 3 ops
__m512d cyro = MUL(one_minus_eps, one_minus_eps); // (1. - eps)*(1. - eps); 3 ops
__m512d rem2 = ADD(MUL(MUL(x,x),__INV(cxro)), MUL(MUL(y,y),__INV(cyro))); // x*x/(cxro) + y*y/(cyro); ~5 ops
__m512d zci_re = zero;
__m512d zci_im = MUL(mhalf, MUL(SUB(one, MUL(eps, eps)), __INV(sqe))); // ~4 ops
// 2.*sqe*sqrt(rc*rc + rem2) - y/cx1, 7 ops
__m512d znum_re = MUL(cx1,x);
//__m512d znum_im = two*sqe*__SQRT(rc*rc + rem2) - y*__INV(cx1); // ~4 ops
__m512d znum_im = SUB(MUL(two, MUL(sqe,__SQRT(ADD(MUL(rc,rc), rem2)))), MUL(y, __INV(cx1))); // ~4 ops
__m512d zden_re = x;
__m512d zden_im = _mm512_mul_pd(_mm512_set1_pd(2.), _mm512_mul_pd(rc, sqe));
zden_im = _mm512_sub_pd(zden_im, y);
//norm = (* +*; 3 ops
__m512d norm = ADD(MUL(zden_re, zden_re), MUL(zden_im, zden_im));
__m512d zis_re = MUL(ADD(MUL(znum_re, zden_re), MUL(znum_im, zden_im)), __INV(norm)); // 3 ops
__m512d zis_im = MUL(SUB(MUL(znum_im, zden_re), MUL(znum_re, zden_im)), __INV(norm)); // 3 ops
norm = zis_re;
zis_re = _mm512_log_pd(__SQRT(ADD(MUL(norm, norm), MUL(zis_im, zis_im)))); // 3 ops// ln(zis) = ln(|zis|)+i.Arg(zis)
zis_im = _mm512_atan2_pd(zis_im, norm); //
__m512d zres_re = SUB(MUL(zci_re, zis_re), MUL(zci_im, zis_im)); // Re( zci*ln(zis) ) 3 ops
__m512d zres_im = ADD(MUL(zci_im, zis_re), MUL(zis_im, zci_re)); // Im( zci*ln(zis) ) 3 ops
zis_re = MUL(b0, zres_re);
zis_im = MUL(b0, zres_im);
cos_theta = _mm512_cos_pd(SUB(zero, theta));
sin_theta = _mm512_sin_pd(SUB(zero, theta));
// rotation: 6 ops
__grad_x = ADD(__grad_x, _mm512_add_pd(_mm512_mul_pd(zis_re, cos_theta), _mm512_mul_pd(zis_im, sin_theta)));
__grad_y = ADD(__grad_y, _mm512_sub_pd(_mm512_mul_pd(zis_im, cos_theta), _mm512_mul_pd(zis_re, sin_theta)));
grad.x = ((double*) &__grad_x)[0];
grad.x += ((double*) &__grad_x)[1];
grad.x += ((double*) &__grad_x)[2];
grad.x += ((double*) &__grad_x)[3];
grad.x += ((double*) &__grad_x)[4];
grad.x += ((double*) &__grad_x)[5];
grad.x += ((double*) &__grad_x)[6];
grad.x += ((double*) &__grad_x)[7];
grad.y = ((double*) &__grad_y)[0];
grad.y += ((double*) &__grad_y)[1];
grad.y += ((double*) &__grad_y)[2];
grad.y += ((double*) &__grad_y)[3];
grad.y += ((double*) &__grad_y)[4];
grad.y += ((double*) &__grad_y)[5];
grad.y += ((double*) &__grad_y)[6];
grad.y += ((double*) &__grad_y)[7];
// end of peeling
if (nhalos%8 > 0)
struct point grad_peel;
grad_peel = module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_8_SOA(pImage, lens, i, nhalos%8);
grad.x += grad_peel.x;
grad.y += grad_peel.y;
struct point module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_81_SOA_AVX512(const struct point *pImage, const struct Potential_SOA *lens, const int nhalos)
struct point grad, clumpgrad;
grad.x = 0;
grad.y = 0;
// smearing the image coordinates on registers
__m512d image_x = _mm512_set1_pd(pImage->x);
__m512d image_y = _mm512_set1_pd(pImage->y);
__m512d __grad_x = _mm512_set1_pd(0.);
__m512d __grad_y = _mm512_set1_pd(0.);
int i;
#pragma unroll
for(i = 0; i < nhalos - nhalos%8; i = i + 8)
__m512d two = _mm512_set1_pd( 2. );
__m512d one = _mm512_set1_pd( 1. );
__m512d zero = _mm512_set1_pd( 0. );
__m512d half = _mm512_set1_pd( 0.5);
__m512d mhalf = _mm512_set1_pd(-0.5);
// 2 loads
__m512d true_coord_x = _mm512_sub_pd(image_x, _mm512_loadu_pd(&lens->position_x[i]));
__m512d true_coord_y = _mm512_sub_pd(image_y, _mm512_loadu_pd(&lens->position_y[i]));
// 3 loads
__m512d rc = _mm512_loadu_pd(&lens->rcore[i]);
__m512d rcut = _mm512_loadu_pd(&lens->rcut[i]);
__m512d b0 = _mm512_loadu_pd(&lens->b0[i]);
__m512d t05 = MUL(MUL(b0,rcut),__INV(SUB(rcut, rc)));
// 1 loads
__m512d eps = _mm512_loadu_pd(&lens->ellipticity_potential[i]);
__m512d one_minus_eps = _mm512_sub_pd(one, eps);
__m512d one_plus_eps = _mm512_add_pd(one, eps);
__m512d one_plus_eps_rcp = __INV(one_plus_eps);
// 1 load
__m512d theta = _mm512_loadu_pd(&lens->ellipticity_angle[i]);
/*positionning at the potential center*/
//__m512d cos_theta = _mm512_cos_pd(theta);
//__m512d sin_theta = _mm512_sin_pd(theta);
__m512d cos_theta;
__m512d sin_theta = _mm512_sincos_pd(&cos_theta, theta);
// rotation: 6 ops
__m512d x = _mm512_add_pd(_mm512_mul_pd(true_coord_x, cos_theta), _mm512_mul_pd(true_coord_y, sin_theta));
__m512d y = _mm512_sub_pd(_mm512_mul_pd(true_coord_y, cos_theta), _mm512_mul_pd(true_coord_x, sin_theta));
__m512d sqe = __SQRT(eps);
__m512d cx1 = _mm512_mul_pd(one_minus_eps,one_plus_eps_rcp); // (1. - eps)/(1. + eps); 3 ops
//__m512d cx1 = one_minus_eps*one_plus_eps_rcp; // (1. - eps)/(1. + eps); 3 ops
__m512d cxro = MUL(one_plus_eps, one_plus_eps); // (1. + eps)*(1. + eps); 3 ops
__m512d cyro = MUL(one_minus_eps, one_minus_eps); // (1. - eps)*(1. - eps); 3 ops
__m512d rem2 = ADD(MUL(x, MUL(x, __INV(cxro))), MUL(y, MUL(y, __INV(cyro)))); // x*x/(cxro) + y*y/(cyro); ~5 ops
__m512d zci_re = zero;
__m512d zci_im = MUL(mhalf, MUL(SUB(one, MUL(eps, eps)), __INV(sqe))); // ~4 ops
// 2.*sqe*sqrt(rc*rc + rem2) - y/cx1, 7 ops
__m512d znum_re = zero, znum_im = zero;
__m512d zden_re = zero, zden_im = zero;
__m512d norm;
__m512d zis_re = zero, zis_im = zero;
__m512d zres_rc_re = zero, zres_rc_im = zero;
__m512d zres_rcut_re = zero, zres_rcut_im = zero;
// part 1
znum_re = MUL(cx1, x);
znum_im = SUB(MUL(two, MUL(sqe,__SQRT(ADD(MUL(rc, rc), rem2)))), MUL(y,__INV(cx1))); // ~4 ops
zden_re = x;
zden_im = _mm512_mul_pd(_mm512_set1_pd(2.), _mm512_mul_pd(rc, sqe));
zden_im = _mm512_sub_pd(zden_im, y);
//norm = (* +*; 3 ops
norm = ADD(MUL(zden_re, zden_re), MUL(zden_im, zden_im));
zis_re = MUL(ADD(MUL(znum_re, zden_re), MUL(znum_im, zden_im)), __INV(norm)); // 3 ops
zis_im = MUL(SUB(MUL(znum_im, zden_re), MUL(znum_re, zden_im)), __INV(norm)); // 3 ops
norm = zis_re;
zis_re = _mm512_log_pd(__SQRT(ADD(MUL(norm, norm), MUL(zis_im, zis_im)))); // 3 ops// ln(zis) = ln(|zis|)+i.Arg(zis)
zis_im = _mm512_atan2_pd(zis_im, norm); //
zres_rc_re = SUB(MUL(zci_re,zis_re), MUL(zci_im,zis_im)); // Re( zci*ln(zis) ) 3 ops
zres_rc_im = ADD(MUL(zci_im,zis_re), MUL(zis_im,zci_re)); // Im( zci*ln(zis) ) 3 ops
// part 2
znum_re = MUL(cx1, x);
znum_im = SUB(MUL(two, MUL(sqe,__SQRT(ADD(MUL(rcut, rcut), rem2)))), MUL(y,__INV(cx1))); // ~4 ops
zden_re = x;
zden_im = _mm512_mul_pd(_mm512_set1_pd(2.), _mm512_mul_pd(rcut, sqe));
zden_im = _mm512_sub_pd(zden_im, y);
//norm = (* +*; 3 ops
//norm = (zden_re*zden_re + zden_im*zden_im);
norm = ADD(MUL(zden_re, zden_re), MUL(zden_im, zden_im));
zis_re = MUL(ADD(MUL(znum_re, zden_re), MUL(znum_im, zden_im)), __INV(norm)); // 3 ops
zis_im = MUL(SUB(MUL(znum_im, zden_re), MUL(znum_re, zden_im)), __INV(norm)); // 3 ops
//zis_re = (znum_re*zden_re + znum_im*zden_im)*__INV(norm); // 3 ops
//zis_im = (znum_im*zden_re - znum_re*zden_im)*__INV(norm); // 3 ops
norm = zis_re;
//zis_re = _mm512_log_pd(__SQRT(norm*norm + zis_im*zis_im)); // 3 ops// ln(zis) = ln(|zis|)+i.Arg(zis)
zis_re = _mm512_log_pd(__SQRT(ADD(MUL(norm, norm), MUL(zis_im, zis_im)))); // 3 ops// ln(zis) = ln(|zis|)+i.Arg(zis)
zis_im = _mm512_atan2_pd(zis_im, norm); //
//zres_rcut_re = (zci_re*zis_re - zci_im*zis_im); // Re( zci*ln(zis) ) 3 ops
//zres_rcut_im = (zci_im*zis_re + zis_im*zci_re); // Im( zci*ln(zis) ) 3 ops
zres_rcut_re = SUB(MUL(zci_re,zis_re), MUL(zci_im,zis_im)); // Re( zci*ln(zis) ) 3 ops
zres_rcut_im = ADD(MUL(zci_im,zis_re), MUL(zis_im,zci_re)); // Im( zci*ln(zis) ) 3 ops
zis_re = MUL(t05, SUB(zres_rc_re, zres_rcut_re));
zis_im = MUL(t05, SUB(zres_rc_im, zres_rcut_im));
//cos_theta = _mm512_cos_pd(zero - theta);
//sin_theta = _mm512_sin_pd(zero - theta);
sin_theta = _mm512_sincos_pd(&cos_theta, SUB(zero, theta));
// rotation: 6 ops
__grad_x = ADD(__grad_x, _mm512_add_pd(_mm512_mul_pd(zis_re, cos_theta), _mm512_mul_pd(zis_im, sin_theta)));
__grad_y = ADD(__grad_y, _mm512_sub_pd(_mm512_mul_pd(zis_im, cos_theta), _mm512_mul_pd(zis_re, sin_theta)));
grad.x = ((double*) &__grad_x)[0];
grad.x += ((double*) &__grad_x)[1];
grad.x += ((double*) &__grad_x)[2];
grad.x += ((double*) &__grad_x)[3];
grad.x += ((double*) &__grad_x)[4];
grad.x += ((double*) &__grad_x)[5];
grad.x += ((double*) &__grad_x)[6];
grad.x += ((double*) &__grad_x)[7];
grad.y = ((double*) &__grad_y)[0];
grad.y += ((double*) &__grad_y)[1];
grad.y += ((double*) &__grad_y)[2];
grad.y += ((double*) &__grad_y)[3];
grad.y += ((double*) &__grad_y)[4];
grad.y += ((double*) &__grad_y)[5];
grad.y += ((double*) &__grad_y)[6];
grad.y += ((double*) &__grad_y)[7];
// end of peeling
for (; i < nhalos; ++i)
struct point true_coord;
true_coord.x = pImage->x - lens->position_x[i];
true_coord.y = pImage->y - lens->position_y[i];
//printf("x, y = %f, %f\n", lens->position.x, lens->position.y);
struct point true_coord_rot = rotateCoordinateSystem(true_coord, lens->ellipticity_angle[i]);
complex zis, zis_cut;
double t05 = lens->b0[i]*lens->rcut[i]/(lens->rcut[i] - lens->rcore[i]);
zis = piemd_1derivatives_ci05(true_coord_rot.x, true_coord_rot.y, lens->ellipticity_potential[i], lens->rcore[i]);
zis_cut = piemd_1derivatives_ci05(true_coord_rot.x, true_coord_rot.y, lens->ellipticity_potential[i], lens->rcut[i]);
struct point clumpgrad;
clumpgrad.x = t05*( -;
clumpgrad.y = t05*( -;
clumpgrad = rotateCoordinateSystem(clumpgrad, -lens->ellipticity_angle[i]);
grad.x += clumpgrad.x;
grad.y += clumpgrad.y;
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