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/* nom: o_print_res */
/* auteur: Jean-Paul Kneib */
/* date: 10/02/92 */
/* place: Toulouse */
/* */
/* Modified : */
/* EJ (01/09/05)--reference in best.par, index of the objects
static void writePotentiel(FILE *best, long int i, int flag);
static void writeLimit(FILE *best, long int i);
void o_print_res(double chi0, double evidence)
extern struct g_mode M;
extern struct g_grille G;
extern struct g_image I;
extern struct g_frame F;
extern struct g_cline CL;
extern struct g_source S;
extern struct g_large L;
extern struct g_observ O;
extern struct g_cosmo C;
extern struct vfield vf;
extern struct g_dyn Dy; //I added this TV
extern struct g_pot P[NPOTFILE];
extern struct pot lens[NLMAX], lmin[], lmax[], prec[];
extern struct pot lmin_s[NLMAX], lmax_s[], prec_s[];
extern struct galaxie smin[NFMAX], smax[NFMAX];
extern struct z_lim zlim[];
extern struct z_lim zalim;
extern struct z_lim zlim_s[];
extern struct cline cl[];
extern struct galaxie multi[NFMAX][NIMAX];
extern struct galaxie source[NFMAX];
extern struct galaxie arclet[NAMAX];
extern struct g_cosmo clmin, clmax;
extern struct vfield vfmin, vfmax;
extern int cblock[NPAMAX];
extern int vfblock[NPAMAX];
extern int block[][NPAMAX];
extern int block_s[][NPAMAX];
extern int sblock[NFMAX][NPAMAX];
extern int nwarn;
extern struct sigposStr sigposAs;
extern double z_dlsds;
extern double chip, chix, chiy, chis, chil, chi_vel,chi_mass; //I added chi_vel and chi_mass TV
extern double **map_p, **map_axx, **map_ayy;
extern struct g_pixel ps, imFrame;
int i, j;
FILE *best, *besto;
char limages[ZMBOUND][IDSIZE];
time_t rawtime;
NPRINTF(stderr, "\n*********************************************************\n");
NPRINTF(stderr, "Chi2:%.3lf\t p:%.3lf s:%.3lf l:%.3lf\n", chi0, chip, chis, chil);
if ( M.inverse == 3 )
NPRINTF( stderr, "log(Evidence) : %.3lf\n", evidence);
if (lens[0].type != 10)
for (i = 0; i < G.no_lens; i++)
NPRINTF(stderr, "%s : c (%.3lf,%.3lf) e (%.3lf,%.3lf) epot %.3lf\n",
lens[i].n, lens[i].C.x, lens[i].C.y, lens[i].emass, lens[i].theta*RTD, lens[i].epot);
if ( lens[i].type == 12 )
NPRINTF(stderr, "c %.2lf rhos %.2leMsol/Mpc3 M200 %.3leMsol\n", lens[i].beta, lens[i].pmass, lens[i].masse);
NPRINTF(stderr, "rs %.2lf\"(%.2lfkpc) s0 %.2lfkm/s alpha %.3lf\n",
lens[i].rc, lens[i].rckpc, lens[i].sigma, lens[i].alpha);
if ( lens[i].rcut != DBL_MAX )
NPRINTF(stderr, "R200 %.2lf\"(%.2lfkpc)\n", lens[i].rcut, lens[i].rcutkpc);
else if ( lens[i].type == 13 )
NPRINTF(stderr, "re %.2lf(%.2lfkpc) sigma_e %.2le Msol/kpc^2 n %.3lf\n",
lens[i].rc, lens[i].rckpc, lens[i].sigma, lens[i].alpha);
else if ( lens[i].type == 16 )
NPRINTF(stderr, "rs %.2lf\"(%.2lfkpc) s0 %.2lfkm/s\n",
lens[i].rc, lens[i].rckpc, lens[i].sigma);
NPRINTF(stderr, "rc %.2lf(%.2lfkpc) s0 %.2lfkm/s alpha %.3lf\n",
lens[i].rc, lens[i].rckpc, lens[i].sigma, lens[i].alpha);
if ( lens[i].rcut != DBL_MAX )
NPRINTF(stderr, "rcut %.2lf(%.2lfkpc)\n", lens[i].rcut, lens[i].rcutkpc);
if (lens[i].type == 6 || lens[i].type == 89 )
NPRINTF(stderr, "beta %.3lf\n", lens[i].beta);
if (lens[i].type == 7)
NPRINTF(stderr, "masse %.3lf 10^12 Msol\n", lens[i].masse);
else /* spline mapping */
sp_set(map_p, G.nx, G.ny, map_axx, map_ayy);
NPRINTF(stderr, "WRITE: absolute potential map ->\n");
wr_pot("", map_p);
NPRINTF(stderr, "WRITE: absolute mass map ->\n");
wr_mass("", map_axx, map_ayy);
// Print the optimized redshifts
for (i = 0; i < I.nzlim; i++)
splitzmlimit(zlim[i].n, limages);
j = 0;
while ( indexCmp( multi[j][0].n, limages[0] ) ) j++;
z_dlsds = multi[j][0].dr;
multi[j][0].z = zero(0.1, 100., fz_dlsds);
NPRINTF(stderr, "#%s z:%.3lf dlsds:%.3lf \n",
zlim[i].n, multi[j][0].z, multi[j][0].dr);
NPRINTF(stderr, "***********************************************************\n");
/* ecriture des resultats dans best.par */
best = fopen("best.par", "w");
time( &rawtime );
fprintf(best, "#%s\n", asctime( localtime ( &rawtime ) ) );
if ( I.forme >= 0 )
fprintf(best, "#Source plane optimization\n");
fprintf(best, "#Image plane optimization\n");
fprintf(best, "#Chi2tot(dof=%d): %.4lf\n", getNConstraints() - getNParameters(), chi0);
fprintf(best, "#Chi2pos: %.3lf\n", chip);
fprintf(best, "#Chi2_vel: %.3lf\n",chi_vel); //THIS IS MINE
fprintf(best, "#Chi2_mass: %.3lf\n",chi_mass); //THIS IS MINE
fprintf(best, "#Chi2formex: %.3lf\n", chix);
fprintf(best, "#Chi2formey: %.3lf\n", chiy);
fprintf(best, "#Chi2l: %.3lf\n", chil);
if ( M.inverse == 3 )
fprintf( best, "#log(Evidence) : %.3lf\n", evidence);
for (i = 0; i < I.nzlim; i++)
splitzmlimit( zlim[i].n, limages);
j = 0;
while ( indexCmp( multi[j][0].n, limages[0] ) ) j++;
fprintf(best, "#%s z:%.3lf dlsds:%.3lf \n",
zlim[i].n, multi[j][0].z, multi[j][0].dr);
fprintf(best, "#n_Warning: %d\n", nwarn);
fprintf(best, "runmode\n");
fprintf(best, "\treference %d %lf %lf\n", M.iref, M.ref_ra, M.ref_dec);
fprintf(best, "\timage %d %s\n", M.image, M.imafile);
fprintf(best, "\tsource %d %s\n", M.source, M.sourfile);
if (
fprintf(best, "\tstudy %d %s\n",, M.studyfile);
if (M.seeing)
fprintf(best, "\timseeing %.3lf\n", M.seeing);
if (M.imass)
fprintf(best, "\tmass %d %d %.3lf %s\n", M.imass, M.nmass, M.zmass, M.massfile);
if (M.iampli)
fprintf(best, "\tampli %d %d %.3lf %s\n", M.iampli, M.nampli, M.zampli, M.amplifile);
if (M.ishear)
fprintf(best, "\tshear %d %d %.3lf %s\n", M.ishear, M.nshear, M.zshear, M.shearfile);
if (M.ishearf)
fprintf(best, "\tshearfield %d %.3lf %s %d\n", M.ishearf, M.zshearf, M.shearffile, M.nshearf);
if (M.grille)
fprintf(best, "\tgrille %d %d %lf\n", M.grille, M.ngrille, M.zgrille);
if (M.pixel)
fprintf(best, "\tpixel %d %d %s\n", M.pixel, M.npixel, M.pixelfile);
fprintf(best, "\tend\n");
fprintf(best, "grille\n");
fprintf(best, "\tnombre %d\n", G.ngrid);
fprintf(best, "\tpolaire %d\n", 0);
fprintf(best, "\tnlentille %ld\n", G.nlens);
if ( strcmp(CL.algorithm, "MARCHINGSQUARES") )
fprintf(best, "\tnlens_crit %ld\n", G.nlens_crit);
if ( sigposAs.bk != 0 )
for ( i = 0; i < I.n_mult; i++)
for ( j = 0; j < I.mult[i]; j++)
fprintf( best, "\tsigposAs %s %lf\n", multi[i][0].n, I.sig2pos[i][j]);
fprintf(best, "\tend\n");
if (M.image != 0 || M.source != 0)
fprintf(best, "source\n");
fprintf(best, "\tz_source %.3lf\n", S.zs);
fprintf(best, "\tend\n");
if (I.nzlim != 0 || I.zarclet > 0)
fprintf(best, "image\n");
for( i = 0; i < I.nzlim; i++ )
splitzmlimit( zlim[i].n, limages);
j = 0; while ( indexCmp( multi[j][0].n, limages[0] ) ) j++;
fprintf(best, "\tz_m_limit %d %s %d %.3lf %.3lf %.4lf \n", 1, zlim[i].n, 0, multi[j][0].z, 0., 0.);
if( I.zarclet > 0 )
fprintf(best, "\tz_arclet %lf\n", I.zarclet);
fprintf(best, "\tend\n");
if (M.iclean != 0)
fprintf(best, "cleanlens\n");
fprintf(best, "\tcleanset %d %f\n", M.iclean, M.zclean);
if(strcmp(imFrame.pixfile, ""))
fprintf(best, "\timframe %d %s\n", imFrame.format, imFrame.pixfile);
if(strcmp(ps.pixfile, ""))
fprintf(best, "\tsframe %s\n", ps.pixfile);
if(strcmp(M.centerfile, ""))
fprintf(best, "\tc_image %s\n", M.centerfile);
if(imFrame.ncont > 0)
fprintf(best, "\tncont %d %s\n", imFrame.ncont, imFrame.outfile);
for(i = 0; i < imFrame.ncont; i++)
fprintf(best, "\tcontour\t%d %s\n", i+1, imFrame.contfile[i]);
if( imFrame.column != 1 )
fprintf(best, "\tcolumn %d\n", imFrame.column);
fprintf(best, "\techant\t%d\n", imFrame.ech);
fprintf(best, "\ts_echant\t%d\n", ps.ech);
fprintf(best, "\ts_n\t%d\n", ps.nx);
if( imFrame.header != 0 )
fprintf(best, "\theader\t%d\n", imFrame.header);
fprintf(best, "\tpixelx\t%lf\n", imFrame.pixelx);
fprintf(best, "\tpixely\t%lf\n", imFrame.pixely);
fprintf(best, "\txmin\t%lf\n", imFrame.xmin);
fprintf(best, "\tymin\t%lf\n", imFrame.ymin);
fprintf(best, "\ts_xmin\t%lf\n", ps.xmin);
fprintf(best, "\ts_ymin\t%lf\n", ps.ymin);
fprintf(best, "\ts_xmax\t%lf\n", ps.xmax);
fprintf(best, "\ts_ymax\t%lf\n", ps.ymax);
fprintf(best, "\tend\n");
// Write all the potentials with arcsec and kpc values
for (i = 0; i < G.nlens; i++)
writePotentiel(best, i, 3);
fprintf(best, "cline\n");
fprintf(best, "\tnplan %d", CL.nplan);
for (i = 0; i < CL.nplan; i++)
fprintf(best, " %.3lf ",[i]);
fprintf(best, "\n");
fprintf(best, "\tdmax %.3lf\n", CL.dmax);
fprintf(best, "\talgorithm %s\n", CL.algorithm);
if ( !strcmp(CL.algorithm, "MARCHINGSQUARES") )
fprintf(best, "\tlimitHigh %.1lf\n", CL.limitHigh);
fprintf(best, "\tlimitLow %.3lf\n", CL.cpas);
fprintf(best, "\tpas %.3lf\n", CL.cpas);
fprintf(best, "\tend\n");
if ( Dy.dyntype != 0 )
fprintf(best,"\tdyntype %d\n",Dy.dyntype);
fprintf(best,"\tdynnumber %d\n",Dy.dynnumber);
fprintf(best,"\tvelocity %lf \n",Dy.dynvel);
fprintf(best,"\te_velocity %lf \n",Dy.dynevel);
fprintf(best,"\tindependent mass %.3le \n",Dy.indmass);
fprintf(best,"\tindependent e_mass %.3le \n",Dy.indemass);
fprintf(best,"\treference radius kpc %lf \n",Dy.refradius);
fprintf(best, "grande\n");
fprintf(best, "\tiso %d %d %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n", L.iso, L.nmaxiso, L.scale, L.zonex, L.zoney);
fprintf(best, "\tname best\n");
fprintf(best, "\tprofil %d %d\n", L.profil,;
fprintf(best, "\tcontour %d %d\n", L.ncourbe,;
fprintf(best, "\tlarge_dist %.3lf\n", L.dlarge);
fprintf(best, "\tend\n");
if (M.pixel || M.iclean)
fprintf(best, "observation\n");
if( O.setseeing == 1 )
fprintf(best, "\tseeing %d %lf\n", O.setseeing, O.seeing);
else if( O.setseeing == 2)
fprintf(best, "\tseeing_e %d %lf %lf %lf\n", O.setseeing, O.seeing_a, O.seeing_b, O.seeing_angle);
else if( O.setseeing == 3)
fprintf(best, "\tpsf %d %s\n", O.setseeing, O.psffile);
fprintf(best, "\tbinning %d %d\n", O.setbin, O.bin);
fprintf(best, "\tbruit %d\n", O.bruit);
fprintf(best, "\tSKY %.3lf\n", O.SKY);
if( O.gain > 0 )
fprintf(best, "\tdispersion %.3lf\n", sqrt(O.SKY / O.gain));
fprintf(best, "\tidum %d\n", O.idum);
fprintf(best, "\tend\n");
if(M.cube || (M.iclean==3))
fprintf(best, "vfield\n");
fprintf(best, "\tprofile %d\n", vf.profile);
fprintf(best, "\tx_centre %.3lf\n", vf.C.x);
fprintf(best, "\ty_centre %.3lf\n", vf.C.x);
fprintf(best, "\tvt %.3lf\n", vf.vt);
fprintf(best, "\trt %.3lf\n", vf.rt);
fprintf(best, "\ti %.3lf\n", vf.i);
fprintf(best, "\ttheta %.3lf\n", vf.theta);
fprintf(best, "\tlcent %.3lf\n", vf.lcent);
fprintf(best, "\tsigma %.3lf\n", vf.sigma);
fprintf(best, "\tend\n");
fprintf(best, "cosmologie\n");
fprintf(best,"\tmodel %d\n",C.model);
fprintf(best, "\tH0 %.3lf\n", C.H0);
fprintf(best, "\tomegaM %.3lf\n", C.omegaM);
fprintf(best, "\tomegaX %.3lf\n", C.omegaX);
if ( C.kcourb == 0. ) fprintf(best, "\tomegaK 0.\n");
fprintf(best, "\twX %.3lf\n", C.wX);
fprintf(best, "\twa %.3lf\n", C.wa);
fprintf(best, "\tend\n");
fprintf(best, "champ\n");
fprintf(best, "\txmin %.3lf\n", F.xmin);
fprintf(best, "\txmax %.3lf\n", F.xmax);
fprintf(best, "\tymin %.3lf\n", F.ymin);
fprintf(best, "\tymax %.3lf\n", F.ymax);
fprintf(best, "\tlmin %.3lf\n", F.lmin);
fprintf(best, "\tlmax %.3lf\n", F.lmax);
fprintf(best, "\tend\n");
fprintf(best, "fini\n");
* Write the bestopt.par file
if ( M.inverse < 3 )
for (i = 0; i < G.no_lens; i++)
lmin[i] = lmin_s[i];
lmax[i] = lmax_s[i];
prec[i] = prec_s[i];
for (j = 0; j < NPAMAX; j++)
block[i][j] = block_s[i][j];
for (i = 0; i < I.nzlim; i++)
zlim_s[i] = zlim[i];
besto = fopen("bestopt.par", "w");
fprintf(besto, "#Chi2tot: %.3lf\n", chi0);
fprintf(besto, "#Chi2pos: %.3lf\n", chip);
fprintf(besto, "#Chi2_vel: %.3lf\n",chi_vel); //THIS IS MINE TV
fprintf(besto, "#Chi2_mass: %.3lf\n",chi_mass); //THIS IS MINE TV
fprintf(besto, "#Chi2formex: %.3lf\n", chix);
fprintf(besto, "#Chi2formey: %.3lf\n", chiy);
fprintf(besto, "#Chi2l: %.3lf\n", chil);
if ( M.inverse == 3 )
fprintf( besto, "#log(Evidence) : %.3lf\n", evidence);
fprintf(besto, "runmode\n");
fprintf(besto, "\treference %d %lf %lf\n", M.iref, M.ref_ra, M.ref_dec);
fprintf(besto, "\timage %d %s\n", M.image, M.imafile);
if( strcmp(M.sourfile, "") )
fprintf(besto, "\tsource %d %s\n", M.source, M.sourfile);
if (
fprintf(besto, "\tstudy %d %s\n",, M.studyfile);
if (M.seeing)
fprintf(besto, "\timseeing %.3lf\n", M.seeing);
if ( M.inverse < 3 )
fprintf(besto, "\tinverse %d %d\n", M.inverse, M.itmax);
fprintf(besto, "\tinverse %d %lf %d\n", M.inverse, M.rate, M.itmax );
if (M.imass)
fprintf(besto, "\tmass %d %d %.3lf %s\n", M.imass, M.nmass, M.zmass, M.massfile);
if (M.iampli)
fprintf(besto, "\tampli %d %d %.3lf %s\n", M.iampli, M.nampli, M.zampli, M.amplifile);
if (M.ishear)
fprintf(besto, "\tshear %d %d %.3lf %s\n", M.ishear, M.nshear, M.zshear, M.shearfile);
if (M.ishearf)
fprintf(besto, "\tshearfield %d %.3lf %s %d\n", M.ishearf, M.zshearf, M.shearffile, M.nshearf);
if (M.grille)
fprintf(besto, "\tgrille %d %d %lf\n", M.grille, M.ngrille, M.zgrille);
if (M.pixel)
fprintf(besto, "\tpixel %d %d %s\n", M.pixel, M.npixel, M.pixelfile);
fprintf(besto, "\tend\n");
fprintf(besto, "image\n");
fprintf(besto, "\tmultfile %d %s\n", I.n_mult, I.multfile);
fprintf(besto, "\tforme %d\n", I.forme);
if (I.stat > 0)
fprintf(besto, "\tarcletstat %d %d %s\n", I.stat, I.statmode, I.arclet);
if (I.srcfit > 0)
fprintf(besto, "\tsourcefit %d %s %s\n", I.srcfit, I.srcfitFile, I.srcfitMethod);
if (I.npcl > 0)
for (i = 0; i < I.npcl; i++)
fprintf(besto, "\tcritic %d %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n",
cl[i].n, cl[i].C.x, cl[i].C.y, cl[i].phi / DTR, cl[i].dl, cl[i].z);
if (I.nzlim > 0)
for (i = 0; i < I.nzlim; i++)
fprintf(besto, "\tz_m_limit %d %s %d %.3lf %.3lf %.4lf \n", i + 1,
zlim[i].n, zlim[i].bk, zlim[i].min, zlim[i].max, zlim[i].dderr);
if (I.zarclet > 0)
fprintf(besto, "\tz_arclet %lf\n", I.zarclet);
if (zalim.bk > 0)
fprintf(besto, "\tz_a_limit %d %lf %lf\n", zalim.bk, zalim.min, zalim.max);
if (I.mult_abs > 0)
fprintf(besto, "\tmult_wcs %d\n", I.mult_abs);
if ( sigposAs.bk == 0 )
fprintf(besto, "\tsigposArcsec %lf\n", sigposAs.min);
fprintf(besto, "\tsigposArcsec %d %lf %lf\n", sigposAs.bk, sigposAs.min, sigposAs.max);
fprintf(besto, "\tend\n");
fprintf(besto, "grille\n");
fprintf(besto, "\tnombre %d\n", G.ngrid);
fprintf(besto, "\tpolaire %d\n", 0);
fprintf(besto, "\tnlentille %ld\n", G.nlens);
if ( strcmp(CL.algorithm, "MARCHINGSQUARES") )
fprintf(besto, "\tnlens_crit %ld\n", G.nlens_crit);
fprintf(besto, "\tnlens_opt %ld\n", G.no_lens);
fprintf(besto, "\tend\n");
if (M.image != 0 || M.source != 0)
fprintf(besto, "source\n");
fprintf(besto, "\tz_source %.3lf\n", S.zs);
fprintf(besto, "\tend\n");
if (M.iclean != 0)
fprintf(besto, "cleanlens\n");
fprintf(besto, "\tcleanset %d %f\n", M.iclean, M.zclean);
if(strcmp(imFrame.pixfile, ""))
fprintf(besto, "\timFrame %d %s\n", imFrame.format, imFrame.pixfile);
if(strcmp(ps.pixfile, ""))
fprintf(besto, "\tsframe %s\n", ps.pixfile);
if(strcmp(M.centerfile, ""))
fprintf(besto, "\tc_image %s\n", M.centerfile);
if(imFrame.ncont > 0)
fprintf(besto, "\tncont %d %s\n", imFrame.ncont, imFrame.outfile);
for(i = 0; i < imFrame.ncont; i++)
fprintf(besto, "\tcontour\t%d %s\n", i+1, imFrame.contfile[i]);
if( imFrame.column != 1 )
fprintf(besto, "\tcolumn %d\n", imFrame.column);
fprintf(besto, "\techant\t%d\n", imFrame.ech);
fprintf(besto, "\ts_echant\t%d\n", ps.ech);
fprintf(besto, "\ts_n\t%d\n", ps.nx);
if( imFrame.header != 0 )
fprintf(besto, "\theader\t%d\n", imFrame.header);
fprintf(besto, "\tpixelx\t%lf\n", imFrame.pixelx);
fprintf(besto, "\tpixely\t%lf\n", imFrame.pixely);
fprintf(besto, "\txmin\t%lf\n", imFrame.xmin);
fprintf(besto, "\tymin\t%lf\n", imFrame.ymin);
fprintf(besto, "\ts_xmin\t%lf\n", ps.xmin);
fprintf(besto, "\ts_ymin\t%lf\n", ps.ymin);
fprintf(besto, "\ts_xmax\t%lf\n", ps.xmax);
fprintf(besto, "\ts_ymax\t%lf\n", ps.ymax);
fprintf(besto, "\tend\n");
if ( M.iclean == 2 )
for( i = 0; i < S.ns; i++ )
fprintf(besto, "shapemodel\n");
fprintf(besto, "\tid %s\n", source[i].n);
fprintf(besto, "\ts_center_x %.3lf\n", source[i].C.x);
fprintf(besto, "\ts_center_y %.3lf\n", source[i].C.y);
fprintf(besto, "\ts_angle %.3lf\n", source[i].E.theta * RTD);
fprintf(besto, "\ts_sigx %.3lf\n", source[i].E.a);
fprintf(besto, "\ts_sigy %.3lf\n", source[i].E.b);
fprintf(besto, "\tmag %.3lf\n", source[i].mag);
fprintf(besto, "\tend\n");
fprintf(besto, "shapelimit\n");
if( sblock[i][SCX] )
fprintf(besto, "\ts_center_x %d %.3lf %.3lf\n", sblock[i][SCX], smin[i].C.x, smax[i].C.x);
if( sblock[i][SCY] )
fprintf(besto, "\ts_center_y %d %.3lf %.3lf\n", sblock[i][SCY], smin[i].C.y, smax[i].C.y);
if( sblock[i][STHETA] )
fprintf(besto, "\ts_angle %d %.3lf %.3lf\n", sblock[i][STHETA], smin[i].E.theta * RTD, smax[i].E.theta * RTD);
if( sblock[i][SA] )
fprintf(besto, "\ts_sigx %d %.3lf %.3lf\n", sblock[i][SA], smin[i].E.a, smax[i].E.a);
if( sblock[i][SB] )
fprintf(besto, "\ts_sigy %d %.3lf %.3lf\n", sblock[i][SB], smin[i].E.b, smax[i].E.b);
if( sblock[i][SFLUX] )
fprintf(besto, "\tmag %d %.3lf %.3lf\n", sblock[i][SFLUX], smin[i].mag, smax[i].mag);
fprintf(besto, "\tend\n");
// Write the optimized potentials and limits
for ( i = 0 ; i < G.nplens[0] ; i++ )
writePotentiel(besto, i, 2);
writeLimit(besto, i);
for( i = 0; i < G.npot; i++ )
if ( P[i].ftype != 0)
fprintf(besto, "potfile%d\n", i);
fprintf(besto, "\tfilein %d %s\n", P[i].ftype, P[i].potfile );
fprintf(besto, "\tzlens %lf\n", P[i].zlens );
fprintf(besto, "\ttype %d\n", P[i].type );
if ( P[i].corekpc != -1 )
fprintf(besto, "\tcorekpc %lf\n", P[i].corekpc );
fprintf(besto, "\tcore %lf\n", P[i].core );
fprintf(besto, "\tmag0 %lf\n", P[i].mag0 );
fprintf(besto, "\tsigma %d %lf %lf\n", P[i].isigma, P[i].sigma1, P[i].sigma2 );
if ( P[i].cutkpc1 != DBL_MAX )
fprintf(besto, "\tcutkpc %d %lf %lf\n", P[i].ircut, P[i].cutkpc1, P[i].cutkpc2 );
fprintf(besto, "\tcut %d %lf %lf\n", P[i].ircut, P[i].cut1, P[i].cut2 );
if ( P[i].ftype == 62 )
fprintf(besto, "\tm200slope %d %lf %lf\n", P[i].islope, P[i].slope1, P[i].slope2 );
fprintf(besto, "\tc200slope %d %lf %lf\n", P[i].ivdslope, P[i].vdslope1, P[i].vdslope2 );
fprintf(besto, "\tm200 %d %lf %lf\n", P[i].ia, P[i].a1, P[i].a2 );
fprintf(besto, "\tc200 %d %lf %lf\n", P[i].ib, P[i].b1, P[i].b2 );
fprintf(besto, "\tslope %d %lf %lf\n", P[i].islope, P[i].slope1, P[i].slope2 );
fprintf(besto, "\tvdslope %d %lf %lf\n", P[i].ivdslope, P[i].vdslope1, P[i].vdslope2 );
fprintf(besto, "\tvdscatter %d %lf %lf\n", P[i].ivdscat, P[i].vdscat1, P[i].vdscat2 );
fprintf(besto, "\trcutscatter %d %lf %lf\n", P[i].ircutscat, P[i].rcutscat1, P[i].rcutscat2 );
fprintf(besto, "\tend\n");
// Write the grid potentials
for( i = G.nmsgrid; i < G.nlens; i++ )
writePotentiel(besto, i, 2);
// writeLimit(besto, i);
fprintf(besto, "cline\n");
fprintf(besto, "\tnplan %d", CL.nplan);
for (i = 0; i < CL.nplan; i++)
fprintf(besto, " %.3lf ",[i]);
fprintf(besto, "\n");
fprintf(besto, "\tdmax %.3lf\n", CL.dmax);
fprintf(besto, "\talgorithm %s\n", CL.algorithm);
if ( !strcmp(CL.algorithm, "MARCHINGSQUARES") )
fprintf(besto, "\tlimitHigh %.1lf\n", CL.limitHigh);
fprintf(besto, "\tlimitLow %.3lf\n", CL.cpas);
fprintf(besto, "\tpas %.3lf\n", CL.cpas);
fprintf(besto, "\tend\n");
if ( Dy.dyntype != 0 )
fprintf(besto,"\tdyntype %d\n",Dy.dyntype);
fprintf(besto,"\tdynnumber %d\n",Dy.dynnumber);
fprintf(besto,"\tvelocity %lf \n",Dy.dynvel);
fprintf(besto,"\te_velocity %lf \n",Dy.dynevel);
fprintf(besto,"\tindependent mass %.3le \n",Dy.indmass);
fprintf(besto,"\tindependent e_mass %.3le \n",Dy.indemass);
fprintf(besto,"\treference radius kpc %lf \n",Dy.refradius);
fprintf(besto, "grande\n");
fprintf(besto, "\tiso %d %d %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n", L.iso, L.nmaxiso, L.scale, L.zonex, L.zoney);
fprintf(besto, "\tname best\n");
fprintf(besto, "\tprofil %d %d\n", L.profil,;
fprintf(besto, "\tcontour %d %d\n", L.ncourbe,;
fprintf(besto, "\tlarge_dist %.3lf\n", L.dlarge);
fprintf(besto, "\tend\n");
if (M.pixel || M.iclean)
fprintf(besto, "observation\n");
if( O.setseeing == 1 )
fprintf(besto, "\tseeing %d %lf\n", O.setseeing, O.seeing);
else if( O.setseeing == 2)
fprintf(besto, "\tseeing_e %d %lf %lf %lf\n", O.setseeing, O.seeing_a, O.seeing_b, O.seeing_angle);
else if( O.setseeing == 3)
fprintf(besto, "\tpsf %d %s\n", O.setseeing, O.psffile);
fprintf(besto, "\tbinning %d %d\n", O.setbin, O.bin);
fprintf(besto, "\tbruit %d\n", O.bruit);
fprintf(besto, "\tSKY %.3lf\n", O.SKY);
if( O.gain > 0 )
fprintf(besto, "\tdispersion %.3lf\n", sqrt(O.SKY / O.gain));
fprintf(besto, "\tidum %d\n", O.idum);
fprintf(besto, "\tend\n");
if(M.cube || (M.iclean==3))
fprintf(besto, "vfield\n");
fprintf(besto, "\tprofile %d\n", vf.profile);
fprintf(besto, "\tx_centre %.3lf\n", vf.C.x);
fprintf(besto, "\ty_centre %.3lf\n", vf.C.x);
fprintf(besto, "\tvt %.3lf\n", vf.vt);
fprintf(besto, "\trt %.3lf\n", vf.rt);
fprintf(besto, "\ti %.3lf\n", vf.i*RTD);
fprintf(besto, "\ttheta %.3lf\n", vf.theta*RTD);
fprintf(besto, "\tlcent %.3lf\n", vf.lcent);
fprintf(besto, "\tsigma %.3lf\n", vf.sigma);
fprintf(besto, "\tend\n");
fprintf(besto, "vfieldlimit\n");
fprintf(besto, "\tx_centre %d %.3lf %.3lf\n", vfblock[VFCX],vfmin.C.x,vfmax.C.x);
fprintf(besto, "\ty_centre %d %.3lf %.3lf\n", vfblock[VFCY],vfmin.C.y,vfmax.C.y);
fprintf(besto, "\tvt %d %.3lf %.3lf\n", vfblock[VFVT],vfmin.vt,vfmax.vt);
fprintf(besto, "\trt %d %.3lf %.3lf\n", vfblock[VFRT],vfmin.rt,vfmax.rt);
fprintf(besto, "\ti %d %.3lf %.3lf\n", vfblock[VFI],vfmin.i*RTD,vfmax.i*RTD);
fprintf(besto, "\ttheta %d %.3lf %.3lf\n", vfblock[VFTHETA],vfmin.theta*RTD,vfmax.theta*RTD);
fprintf(besto, "\tlcent %d %.3lf %.3lf\n", vfblock[VFLCENT],vfmin.lcent,vfmax.lcent);
fprintf(besto, "\tsigma %d %.3lf %.3lf\n", vfblock[VFSIGMA],vfmin.sigma,vfmax.sigma);
fprintf(besto, "\tend\n");
fprintf(besto, "cosmologie\n");
fprintf(besto,"\tmodel %d\n",C.model);
fprintf(besto, "\tH0 %.3lf\n", C.H0);
fprintf(besto, "\tomegaM %.3lf\n", C.omegaM);
fprintf(besto, "\tomegaX %.3lf\n", C.omegaX);
if ( C.kcourb == 0. ) fprintf(besto, "\tomegaK 0.\n");
fprintf(besto, "\twX %.3lf\n", C.wX);
fprintf(besto, "\twa %.3lf\n", C.wa);
fprintf(besto, "\tend\n");
fprintf(besto, "cosmolimit\n");
fprintf(besto, "\tomegaM %d %.3lf %.3lf\n",
cblock[OMEGAM], clmin.omegaM, clmax.omegaM);
fprintf(besto, "\tomegaX %d %.3lf %.3lf\n",
cblock[OMEGAX], clmin.omegaX, clmax.omegaX);
fprintf(besto, "\twX %d %.3lf %.3lf\n",
cblock[WX], clmin.wX, clmax.wX);
fprintf(besto, "\twa %d %.3lf %.3lf\n",
cblock[WA], clmin.wa, clmax.wa);
fprintf(besto, "\tend\n");
fprintf(besto, "champ\n");
fprintf(besto, "\txmin %.3lf\n", F.xmin);
fprintf(besto, "\txmax %.3lf\n", F.xmax);
fprintf(besto, "\tymin %.3lf\n", F.ymin);
fprintf(besto, "\tymax %.3lf\n", F.ymax);
fprintf(besto, "\tend\n");
fprintf(besto, "\tlmin %.3lf\n", F.lmin);
fprintf(besto, "\tlmax %.3lf\n", F.lmax);
fprintf(besto, "\tend\n");
fprintf(besto, "fini\n");
// Write the file
if (I.stat == 1)
for (i = 0; i < S.ns; i++)
z_dlsds = arclet[i].dr;
arclet[i].z = zero(lens[0].z, 100., fz_dlsds);
ecrire_r(0, S.ns, arclet, "", 1);
/* Write a potentiel section in best file
* flag = 1 : print values in arcsec
* flag = 2 : print values in kpc
* flag = 3 : print values in arcsec and kpc
static void writePotentiel(FILE *best, long int i, int flag)
extern struct pot lens[];
fprintf(best, "potentiel %s\n", lens[i].n);
fprintf(best, "\tprofil %d\n", lens[i].type);
if (lens[i].type == 9 )
fprintf(best, "\trhos %.4lf\n", lens[i].pmass);
fprintf(best, "\tz_lens %.4lf\n", lens[i].z);
fprintf(best, "\tend\n");
if (lens[i].type == 14 )
fprintf(best, "\tgamma %.4lf\n", lens[i].emass);
fprintf(best, "\tangle_pos %.4lf\n", lens[i].theta*RTD);
fprintf(best, "\tz_lens %.4lf\n", lens[i].z);
fprintf(best, "\tend\n");
fprintf(best, "\tx_centre %.3lf\n", lens[i].C.x);
fprintf(best, "\ty_centre %.3lf\n", lens[i].C.y);
if (lens[i].type != 0 && lens[i].type != 2 && lens[i].type != 7)
fprintf(best, "\tellipticite %.3lf\n", lens[i].emass);
if ( lens[i].type == 121 )
fprintf(best,"\ttheta %.3lf\n",lens[i].theta*RTD); // triaxial NFW
fprintf(best,"\tphi %.3lf\n",lens[i].phi*RTD);
fprintf(best,"\tangle_pos %.3lf\n",lens[i].theta*RTD);
if ( lens[i].type == 12 )
if( flag & 1 ) fprintf(best, "\tscale_radius %.3lf\n", lens[i].rc);
if( flag & 2 ) fprintf(best, "\tscale_radius_kpc %.3lf\n", lens[i].rckpc);
if ( lens[i].rcut != DBL_MAX )
if( flag & 1 ) fprintf(best, "\tr200 %.3lf\n", lens[i].rcut);
if( flag & 2 ) fprintf(best, "\tr200_kpc %.3lf\n", lens[i].rcutkpc);
fprintf(best, "\tv_disp %.3lf\n", lens[i].sigma);
fprintf(best, "\tconcentration %.3lf\n", lens[i].beta);
fprintf(best, "\tm200 %.3le\n", lens[i].masse);
fprintf(best, "\trhos %.3le\n", lens[i].pmass);
fprintf(best, "\trc_slope %.3lf\n", lens[i].rcslope);/////////////////
fprintf(best, "\talpha %.3lf\n", lens[i].alpha);
else if( lens[i].type == 16 )
if( flag & 1 ) fprintf(best, "\tscale_radius %.3lf\n", lens[i].rc);
if( flag & 2 ) fprintf(best, "\tscale_radius_kpc %.3lf\n", lens[i].rckpc);
fprintf(best, "\tv_disp %.3lf\n", lens[i].sigma);
if (lens[i].type != 0 && fabs(lens[i].type) != 1 && lens[i].type != 7)
if( flag & 1 ) fprintf(best, "\tcore_radius %.3lf\n", lens[i].rc);
if( flag & 2 ) fprintf(best, "\tcore_radius_kpc %.3lf\n", lens[i].rckpc );
if ( lens[i].rcut != DBL_MAX )
if( flag & 1 ) fprintf(best, "\tcut_radius %.3lf\n", lens[i].rcut);
if( flag & 2 ) fprintf(best, "\tcut_radius_kpc %.3lf\n", lens[i].rcutkpc );
if ( lens[i].type == 13 )
fprintf(best, "\tsigma_e %.3le\n", lens[i].sigma);
fprintf(best, "\tn %.3lf\n", lens[i].alpha);
fprintf(best, "\tv_disp %.3lf\n", lens[i].sigma);
if ( lens[i].type == 3 || lens[i].type == 6 || lens[i].type == 84 ||
lens[i].type == 87 || lens[i].type == 88 )
fprintf(best, "\talpha %.3lf\n", lens[i].alpha);
if (lens[i].type == 6 || lens[i].type == 89 )
fprintf(best, "\tbeta %.3lf\n", lens[i].beta);
fprintf(best, "\trc_slope %.3lf\n", lens[i].rcslope);
if (lens[i].type == 7)
fprintf(best, "\tmasse %.3lf\n", lens[i].masse);
if (lens[i].mag != 0)
fprintf(best, "\tmag %.3lf\n", lens[i].mag);
fprintf(best, "\tz_lens %.4lf\n", lens[i].z);
fprintf(best, "\tend\n");
/* Write a Limit section */
static void writeLimit(FILE *best, long int i)
extern struct g_grille G;
extern int block[][NPAMAX];
extern struct pot lens[], lmin[], lmax[], prec[];
fprintf(best, "limit %s\n", lens[i].n);
if ( block[i][CX] != 0 )
fprintf(best, "\tx_centre %d %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n", block[i][CX],
lmin[i].C.x, lmax[i].C.x, prec[i].C.x);
if ( block[i][CY] != 0 )
fprintf(best, "\ty_centre %d %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n", block[i][CY],
lmin[i].C.y, lmax[i].C.y, prec[i].C.y);
if (lens[i].type != 0 && lens[i].type != 2 && lens[i].type != 7)
if ( block[i][EPOT] != 0 )
fprintf(best, "\tellip_pot %d %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n", block[i][EPOT], lmin[i].epot, lmax[i].epot, prec[i].epot);
if ( block[i][EMASS] != 0 )
fprintf(best, "\tellipticite %d %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n", block[i][EMASS],
lmin[i].emass, lmax[i].emass, prec[i].epot);
if ( block[i][THETA] != 0 )
fprintf(best, "\tangle_pos %d %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n", block[i][THETA],
lmin[i].theta*RTD, lmax[i].theta*RTD, prec[i].theta*RTD);
if ( block[i][PHI] != 0 )
fprintf(best, "\tphi %d %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n", block[i][PHI],
lmin[i].phi*RTD, lmax[i].phi*RTD, prec[i].phi*RTD);
if ( lens[i].type == 12 || lens[i].type == 16 )
if ( block[i][RC] != 0 )
fprintf(best, "\tscale_radius_kpc %d %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n",
block[i][RC], lmin[i].rckpc, lmax[i].rckpc, prec[i].rckpc);
if ( lens[i].rcut != DBL_MAX && block[i][RCUT] != 0 )
fprintf(best, "\tvirial_radius_kpc %d %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n",
block[i][RCUT], lmin[i].rcutkpc, lmax[i].rcutkpc, prec[i].rcutkpc );
if ( block[i][BETA] != 0 )
fprintf(best, "\tconcentration %d %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n",
block[i][BETA], lmin[i].beta, lmax[i].beta, prec[i].beta);
if ( block[i][MASSE] != 0 )
fprintf(best, "\tvirial_mass %d %.3le %.3le %.3le\n",
block[i][MASSE], lmin[i].masse, lmax[i].masse, prec[i].masse);
if ( block[i][PMASS] != 0 )
fprintf(best, "\trhos %d %.3le %.3le %.3le\n",
block[i][PMASS], lmin[i].pmass, lmax[i].pmass, prec[i].pmass);
if ( block[i][RCSLOPE] != 0 )
fprintf(best, "\trc_slope %d %.3le %.3le %.3le\n",
block[i][RCSLOPE], lmin[i].rcslope, lmax[i].rcslope, prec[i].rcslope); ////
if ( block[i][RC] != 0 )
fprintf(best, "\tcore_radius_kpc %d %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n",
block[i][RC], lmin[i].rckpc, lmax[i].rckpc, prec[i].rckpc);
if ( lens[i].rcut != DBL_MAX && block[i][RCUT] != 0 )
fprintf(best, "\tcut_radius_kpc %d %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n",
block[i][RCUT], lmin[i].rcutkpc, lmax[i].rcutkpc, prec[i].rcutkpc );
if (lens[i].type == 6 || lens[i].type == 89 )
if ( block[i][BETA] != 0 )
fprintf(best, "\tbeta %d %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n", block[i][BETA],
lmin[i].beta, lmax[i].beta, prec[i].beta);
if (lens[i].type == 7 )
if ( block[i][MASSE] != 0 )
fprintf(best, "\tmasse %d %.3le %.3le %.3le\n", block[i][MASSE],
lmin[i].masse, lmax[i].masse, prec[i].masse);
if ( block[i][B0] != 0 )
if ( lens[i].type == 13 )
fprintf(best, "\tsigma_e %d %.3le %.3le %.3le\n",
block[i][B0], lmin[i].sigma, lmax[i].sigma, prec[i].sigma);
fprintf(best, "\tv_disp %d %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n",
block[i][B0], lmin[i].sigma, lmax[i].sigma, prec[i].sigma);
if ( i >= G.nmsgrid )
if ( block[i][B0] != 0 )
fprintf(best, "\tv_disp %d %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n",
block[i][B0], lmin[i].sigma, lmax[i].sigma, prec[i].sigma);
fprintf(best, "\trhos %d %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n",
block[i][PMASS], lmin[i].pmass, lmax[i].pmass, prec[i].pmass);
if ( block[i][ALPHA] != 0 )
fprintf(best, "\talpha %d %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n",
block[i][ALPHA], lmin[i].alpha, lmax[i].alpha, prec[i].alpha);
if ( block[i][ZLENS] != 0 )
fprintf(best, "\tz_lens %d %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n",
block[i][ZLENS], lmin[i].z, lmax[i].z, prec[i].z);
if ( block[i][PMASS] != 0 && lens[i].type == 9 )
fprintf(best, "\trhos %d %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n",
block[i][PMASS], lmin[i].pmass, lmax[i].pmass, prec[i].pmass);
fprintf(best, "\tend\n");

Event Timeline