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//#include <cmath>
//#include <iostream.h>
#include "lt.h"
#include <gsl/gsl_sf_gamma.h>
#include "gsl/gsl_integration.h"
//#include <gsl/gsl_sf_result.h>
/* nom: dyn_mass */
/* auteur: TV */
/* date: 2011-2013 */
/* place: */
static double FFF(double rr1, double rr2);
//static double MMM(double rr1, double rr2);
static double MMM(double rr1, double rr2, double rr3);
static double MNA(double x, double y,double yy);
static double Int2(double z1, double z2, double z3);
static double Intz_gsl(double z, void* param1);
static double integral_Intz_ab(double a, double b, double rrr);
static double Int22(double z1, double z2, double z3, double z4);
static double Intz2_gsl(double z, void* param1);
static double integral_Intz2_ab(double a, double b, double rrr, double rrrbetta);
static double Int23(double z1, double z2, double z3, double z4);
static double Intz3_gsl(double z, void* param1);
static double integral_Intz3_ab(double a, double b, double rrr, double rrrbetta);
static double Int24(double z1, double z2, double z3, double z4);
static double Intz4_gsl(double z, void* param1);
static double integral_Intz4_ab(double a, double b, double rrr, double rrrbetta);
struct f_params { double Ref; double Bet; };
double mass2d_NFW(double velocity_disp,double reference_rad, double scale_rad)
*This function calculate de 2D mass for a NFW profile
double m2d_nfw;
double velocity_cuad;
reference_rad /= 1000.; //in Mpc
scale_rad /= 1000.; //in Mpc
velocity_cuad = velocity_disp*velocity_disp;
m2d_nfw = (3.0*PI*INVG)*scale_rad*velocity_cuad*FFF(reference_rad,scale_rad);
*See below
double GG1(double x)
double yy;
double yyy;
yy = 1./( x*x - 1. );
yyy = yy*(1. - sqrt(-1.*yy)*acosh(1./x) );
* See below
double GG2(double x)
double yy;
double yyy;
yy = 1./( x*x - 1. );
yyy = yy*(1. - sqrt(yy)*acos(1./x) );
* Return the function F, Eq. A4, Verdugo et al. 2011
* There is an error in the paper. In the first factor of both integrands is necesary to eliminate the square root.
* The integration using three_eighths is precise enough for these calculations. If we compare with other
*methods like the Gauss-Kronrod rule our result is precise up to the third decimal. The error in the measured
*mass is considerable greater than the error propagated by the use of this integration method. In addition,
*is more easy to implement the three_eights than the Gauus-Kronrond method in the code.
static double FFF(double rr1,double rr2)
double rrr;
double FFFs;
rrr = rr1/rr2;
FFFs = three_eighths(0.0,0.9999,100000,GG1) + three_eighths(1.0001,rrr,100000,GG2);
double mass3d_NFW(double velocity_disp,double reference_rad, double scale_rad)
*This function calculate de 3D mass for a NFW profile
double m3d_nfw;
double velocity_cuad;
double zz;
double hhh;
reference_rad /= 1000.; //in Mpc
scale_rad /= 1000.; //in Mpc
zz = reference_rad/scale_rad;
velocity_cuad = velocity_disp*velocity_disp;
hhh = log(1. + zz) - (zz/(1.+zz));
m3d_nfw = (3.0*PI*INVG)*scale_rad*velocity_cuad*hhh/2.0;

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